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Waves Interference Remote Lab

(This lesson is designed for a student working remotely.)

A. Wave Introduction
This lab uses the Waves Interference simulation from PhET Interactive Simulations at
University of Colorado Boulder, under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

Learning Goals: Students will be able to:

1. Make waves with water, sound, and light and see how they are related.
2. Discuss wave properties using common vocabulary.
3. Explain how changing the frequency and amplitude affects the characteristics of the
4. Design an experiment to measure the speed of the wave.

Develop your understanding: Open the Waves screen, then explore to make water waves and
ways to observe and measure the waves.

Explain your understanding of water waves:

1. Use your own words and captured images from the simulation to show you can measure:
a. Wavelength of longest wave possible – we can measure the longest wave possible by
adjusting its frequency and amplitude. Low frequency and high amplitude can produce
long waves.

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b. Wavelength of shortest wave possible - we can measure the shortest wave possible by
adjusting its frequency and amplitude. High frequency can produce short waves.

c. Height of tallest wave possible - we can measure the height of waves by adjusting its
frequency and amplitude. High amplitude can produce tall waves.

2. Describe your experiments to make waves of different wavelengths and heights including which
views and tools were needed and why. Support your explanation with images from the

In the simulation, the water from the faucet helps to produce water waves. The wavelength varies on the
frequency and amplitude. The high frequency and low amplitude can produce long waves. While short
waves are product of high frequency and moderate amplitude. We can also measure the height of waves
by adjusting the amplitude. The higher the amplitude, the taller the waves.

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3. Use your own words and captured images from the simulation to show you can or cannot
a. Period of longest wave possible – using the simulation we can be able to measure
the period of the longest wave by using the timer and putting it on the waves. It
will tell us how many seconds can the longest wave last.

b. Period of shortest wave possible – we can also measure the period of the shortest wave by
using the timer as well. The time is proportion with the length of the waves.

c. Period of tallest wave possible – it also possible to measure how tall and short are the
waves. In the simulation, we use the measuring tape to measure how tall the waves.

4. Describe your experiments to measure period including which views and tools were needed and
why. Support your explanation with images from the simulation.

There are various tools that we can use in the simulation. The period of waves is the measurement
of time each wave occurs. We use the timer to measure the period of waves; and to measure how
long and short the waves we use the measuring tape. The unit of measurement in period of waves
used is seconds while the height used centimeter.

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5. Use your own words and captured images from the simulation to show you can or cannot
a. Speed of longest wave possible - we can measure the speed of waves in the simulation by
using the timer and measuring tape. We take distance of wave and the period of the
waves to get the speed of the longest waves.

b. Speed of shortest wave possible – likewise on how we can measure the longest waves we
also used the timer and measuring tape. We take distance of wave and the period of the
waves to get the speed of the shortest waves.

c. Speed of tallest wave possible – as well as the speed of the tallest wave we also used the
timer and measuring tape. We take distance of wave and the period of the waves to get
the speed of the tallest waves

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6. Describe your experiments to measure speed including which views and tools were needed and
why. Support your explanation with images from the simulation.

In this point we verify if we can able to measure the speed using the simulation. We also used
different kind of tools. To measure speed, we take the distance, and time. In order to measure the
distance, we used the measuring tape while for the time we used the timer.

7. Summarize your understanding of wave characteristics and behaviors by comparing the longest,
shortest, and tallest waves. Use these vocabulary words: Frequency, Amplitude, Wave Speed, and

In the simulation we can conclude that different properties can affect how the waves produce. In the first
part involves the wavelength, frequency and amplitude. Based on my observations, the distance between
one point on a wave and the nearest point moving the same speed and direction is the wavelength. On the
simulation, we produce wavelengths by dropping a water from the faucet. Frequency of a wave is the
number of wavelengths that pass by a point each second. It is also the factor that affects how long and
short are the waves. Low frequency produces long waves; high frequency produces short waves. Next is
the amplitude, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body
or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is also one of the factors that affects how tall and short
the waves. The higher the amplitude the taller the waves. We also observe the wave speed in the
simulation. The speed of a wave depends on a medium in which the wave travels. The faster waves travel,
the more crests or compassions pass by each second. A wave can be described by its wavelength,
frequency, and amplitude.

Develop your understanding of sound and light waves: Use the buttons to make
sound and light waves of varying wavelengths.

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8. Compare the representations of water, sound, and light waves. Describe the similarities and
differences with images from the simulation to support your ideas. – based from the simulation,
these three have a common wave form. They produce wave when they are release. The difference
of these wave is its distribution. The light wave has the greatest distribution of waves among the

9. Experiment to measure the wavelength, height, period, and speed of sound waves. How do your
ideas from measuring water waves compare? Describe the similarities and differences with
images from the simulation to support your ideas. - I use the same ideas from measuring water
waves to sound waves. I adjust the frequency and amplitude in measuring the wavelength and
height; for the period and speed, I used the graph, timer, and measuring tape.

10. Experiment to measure the wavelength, height, period, and speed of light waves. How do your
ideas from measuring water and sound waves compare? Describe the similarities and differences
with images from the simulation to support your ideas. – In measuring the wavelength, height,
period and speed of light waves, the same method was also used. However, in light waves only
the amplitude can be adjusted. I used the timer and graph to measure the wavelength, height,
period and speed.

11. Summarize key ideas that you want to remember about the relationships between water, sound
and light waves.

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Using the simulation, I realize the ideas of each waves on how they travel. Sound waves travel
through air and allow us to hear sound. Water waves move on top of water. Light waves move in
straight lines through space.

B. Interference

This lab uses the Waves Interference simulation from PhET Interactive Simulations at University of
Colorado Boulder, under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

Learning Goals: Students will be able to:

A. Create an interference pattern with two sources and determine the ways to change the pattern.
B. Find points of constructive and destructive interference by eye and by using the detectors.
C. Put up a barrier to see how the waves move through one or two slits. What sort of pattern do the
slits create? How can you change this pattern?

Develop your understanding: Open the Interference screen, then explore to make water waves with
varying patterns.

Explain your understanding:

1. Consider these three patterns of water waves:

a. Describe the similarities and differences of the three patterns of water waves. – the
similarities of these pattern are they are water waves produce from the faucet; they are
also in the same amplitude. The difference of the 1st and 3rd pattern is the distance of the
water dripping from the faucet. The difference also of these 2 patterns from the 2nd
pattern is the frequency.

b. Experiment to make similar patterns, then explain how you can use the simulation to
make each. – to make the pattern A, we simply open the faucet without adjusting the

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frequency and amplitude; pattern B can produce by high frequency and high amplitude;
lastly, patter C can be made by adjusting the separation to 1 or 1.5 cm.

c. Why do the directions say “similar patterns”? – in order for us to reproduce the same
pattern on the simulator.

2. Experiment to make waves of different interference patterns with water, sound, and light.
Use your own words and captured images from the simulation to show you can meet
learning goal A: “Create an interference pattern with two sources, and determine the ways to
change the pattern.”

- We can change the different inference patterns by adjusting its frequency, amplitude,
and distance.

3. Use the Water Level tool to understand what is happening in the

water tank:

a. Measure the dark and light areas of waves made with only one faucet. Insert a screen
image to help explain your answer. – The dark and light areas of the waves are
inversely proportion to each other. The dark areas get low frequency while light areas
get the high frequency.

b. Make waves using both faucets and measure the dark, light and fuzzy spots. Insert a
screen image to help explain your answer. – opening both faucets produced waves.

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The dark area reflects low frequency; light areas reflects high frequency; and fuzzy
spots reflects moderate frequency based on the water level tool

c. What do you think constructive and destructive interference means based on your
measurements? – based on my observation, constructive inference can produce other
waves when two waves occur while the destructive waves produce non-waves when
two waves occur.

d. Verify your understanding using your text or online references. (cite references)

Constructive interference is when two waves superimpose and the resulting wave has a higher
amplitude than the previous waves. Destructive interference is when two waves superimpose
and cancel each other out, leading to a lower amplitude. (Source:

4. Consider the light pattern on the right:

a. Describe where the points of constructive and destructive
interference are in the image on the right. – the constructive inference
are the light areas while the destructive inference are dark areas.

b. Create a similar wave pattern and use the detectors to find points of
constructive and destructive interference.

c. Explain how you made the waves and used the detector. Insert an
image of the entire screen for evidence. – The waves were produced
by the water drip from the faucet and adjusting the frequency and
amplitude to its greatest value.

5. These three patterns were made with sound waves by varying only one thing.


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a. What do you think was varied? – by patterns are varied by its form.

b. Test your idea by making similar patterns.

c. Is there more than one way to make these three patterns by varying only one thing? Test your
ideas and provide evidence for support.- Yes, it is because the wave has a different property other
than the frequency.

d. Try to make similar patterns with light. Describe your observations and ideas. - I try to make a
similar pattern by adjusting the amplitude and the distance of the light.

5. Summarize key ideas that you want to remember about the relationships of interference patterns
of water, sound and light waves. - Using the simulation, I realize the ideas of each waves on how
they travel. Sound waves travel through air and allow us to hear sound. Water waves move on
top of water. Light waves move in straight lines through space.

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Develop your understanding: Open the Slits screen, then explore to make water waves with varying

Explain your understanding:

7. How do waves made by a dripping faucet compare to the waves seen passing through slits?
You may want to have both Interference and Slits open (or open the full simulation Waves
Interference), so that you can easily compare the waves and their patterns.- Based on the
simulation, dripping faucet produce waves in a circular form while the slits produced straight
line waves

8. Do the same concepts apply when you compare the sound and light waves in Interference
and Slits screens? Yes, because we can also see how the waves differ on the slits and we can
also see these waves on the light.

9. Summarize your understanding of waves as they pass through slits. Make sure you
demonstrate meeting learning goal C “Put up a barrier to see how the waves move through one or
two slits. What sort of pattern do the slits create? How can you change this pattern?”
-Based on my observation, the waves create a circular form as they pass through the barrier. The wave
pattern can only be change when we adjust the frequency as well as the amplitude.

C. Diffraction
This lab uses the Waves Interference simulation from PhET Interactive Simulations at University of
Colorado Boulder, under the CC-BY 4.0 license.

Learning Goals: Students will be able to:

A. Compare light wave patterns made by light passing through slits to patterns passing
through holes.
B. Explain how the aperture geometry relates to the diffraction pattern.
C. Predict how changing the wavelength or aperture size affects the diffraction pattern.

Develop your understanding: Open the Diffraction screen, then explore to see what happens to light
waves when they pass through different shaped holes.

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Explain your understanding:

1. Open the full simulation Waves Interference so that you can experiment with both the
Slits and Diffraction screens.
a. Use your ideas from Waves Interference Remote Lab 2 about what happens to waves
passing through slits to help make sense of why light passing through a round
hole makes a pattern. Explain what you think is happening including images for
support. – Based on my observation, the wave distributed on the surface where
the light travel. As the circular pattern it shows, it implies that the waves are

b. Compare patterns of varying slit size to patterns of varying hole size. Include
images for support. – The slit pattern and hole size produced circular waves
pattern however they will differ when the size of the slit and hole size will adjust.

c. Compare patterns of varying frequency through slits to patterns of varying

wavelength through holes. Include images for support. – based on my
observation, the pattern through slits can be adjusted by the frequency, amplitude
and slit width in order to produce waves while the wavelengths through holes
consider the diameter and eccentricity.

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2. Experiment with other shapes of apertures (holes) to find trends that help to meet these

B. Explain how the aperture geometry relates to the diffraction pattern. - Diffraction is the
spreading out of waves as they pass through an aperture or around occurs when the size
of the aperture or obstacle is of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the incident
wave. For every small aperture sizes,the vast majority of the wave is blocked.

C. Predict how changing the wavelength or aperture size affects the diffraction pattern. -
The diffraction pattern of the waves rest on the wavelength of an object and it’s barrier so if the
wavelength changes and the hole are smaller than the wavelength the wavefronts coming out
from obstacles will be circular. In short, the angle of diffraction is directly proportional to
the size of the wavelength.

Write a summary of your understanding and include images for support.

Diffraction of light occurs when a light wave passes by a corner or through an opening or slit
that is physically the approximate size of, or even smaller than that light's wavelength. The
smaller the object the wave interacts with, the more spread there is in the
interference pattern. Therefore, the angle of diffraction is directly proportional to the size of
the wavelength.

6. Summarize key ideas that you want to remember about the relationships of interference
patterns of light waves. - This interference pattern is caused by the superposition of
overlapping light waves originating from the two slits. Destructive interference and
dark fringes are produced when the path difference is a half-integral number of wavelengths.

7. Summarize your understanding of waves as they pass through slits. Make sure you
demonstrate meeting learning goal C “Put up a barrier to see how the waves move through
one or two slits. What sort of pattern do the slits create? How can you change this pattern?” - -
Based on my observation, the waves create a circular form as they pass through the barrier. We
should consider the aperture where the wave will pass through in order to measure the

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