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DATE : MAY 22, 2020


These are the guidelines we will be implementing in line with the requirements of the
government in the re-opening of workplaces under the New Normal phase of Works.
All employees must follow these procedures in order to prevent the spread of the
virus. Thus, tentative returning date will be on June 1, 2020, in case there will be no
second wave we need to prepare for this;


1) All staff and Workers must have Barangay Certification that they were complied
with the ECQ requirements.
2) COVID-19 Rapid Testing is not mandatory, it may vary depending on Clients and
General Contractor’s Compliances.
3) All staff and Workers MUST secure Medical Clearance (Basic 5) that includes;
Physical Exam, Chest X-Ray, CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis and Drug Test. Make sure
that result is FIT TO WORK. There will be NO WORK if there is NO MEDICAL RESULTS.
Our accredited clinic will be Mayon Clinical Laboratory and Patient First. For those
employees have Intellicare may proceed to Aventus Clinic.
4) All staff and Workers who stayed at the barracks and staff house during the
enhance community quarantine may resume work immediately with the
approval and certification issued by Project Safety Officer assigned on the
barracks from which the employee has stayed during the period of quarantine
(with complete Return To Work requirements).
5) All staff and Workers that passed the above mentioned requirements will be given
Temporary ID by the SAFETY OFFICERS at SITES indicating that they complied for
the company requirements.
6) All staff and Workers who are Fifty (55) years old and above and those who have
pre-existing medical conditions are classified by WHO / DOH as vulnerable and
high risk groups, we encourage that group will be separated from barracks.
7) All staff and Workers are required to submit a fully accomplished and signed
“COVID-19 Screening Tool Form to their Project Safety Officer on the first day of
8) General Contractors will provide Barracks at site, Employees and workers will not
be allowed to go out at project site based on their project compliances.
9) Only employees who submitted the valid Return to Work requirements shall be
allowed to enter the company premises.
10) All staff and Workers experiencing the symptoms of Covid-19 will not be allowed
to work and will be sent home immediately.
11) Wearing of face masks will be strictly implemented. No Masks, No Entry Policy!
Wearing of face mask is required at all times inside our work premises. The face
Mask shall be provided by the company on the first and second issuance for all
employees, succeeding issuances are subject for assessment by the Safety
Officer. Every employee is required to monitor each of his/her fellow employee to
make sure that this is complied with.
12) All employees shall present themselves to mandatory body temperature
monitoring. For any personnel that will record a body temperature of >37.5
degrees Celsius, he/she shall be instructed to rest for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes,
his/ her body temperature shall be checked again. If the employee even after
resting for 5 minutes still recorded a body temperature of >37.5 degrees Celsius
he/ she shall not be allowed to enter the Project/company premises and shall be
advised to go home.
13) Employees showing any of the following symptoms: Fever and/or Cough, Colds,
Sore Throat, Muscle and Joint Pains, Fatigue, Difficulty of Breathing, Shortness of
Breath and Diarrhea “must not report” to work and notify their SAFETY OFFICER.
14) Employees are required to disinfect their hands prior the usage of the biometrics
scanner. The biometric scanner shall be cleaned after each use by the employee
/ workers. In the absence of handwashing facility, 70% alcohol shall be utilized.
15) All staff and Workers are reminded to practice proper hand hygiene before
entering Site premises, Barracks, Head Office and other company facilities.
16) Buddy system may be allowed, but still must be practice physical distancing.
17) Company Drivers at site are also instructed to minimize their passengers going to
work and other official business related matters to adhere the social distancing
measures. Company Driver may fabricate some boxes, plastics etc. for the
separations of passengers.
18) Company Drivers are also advice to disinfect their vehicle before and after usage.
19) Safety Officers are advice to have their everyday toolbox meeting related to
Covid-19. Display posters promoting respiratory and proper hygiene.
20) Company Meetings will be scheduled via Conference video call on ZOOM and
21) Submission of all documents including Payrolls, Requests, etc. must be send via
Courier Company and will be disinfected at the head office.
22) Head Office will not entertain workers for job applications, project site must
coordinate with the HR Dept. prior for the deployment of workers.
23) Head Office will be temporarily not accepting any transactions inside the
premises; all deliveries, collections, billings, requests etc. will be entertained
outside the office.
24) There will be no OVERTIME WORKS for the Head Office and Project site.
25) Operations Department are also advice to have their SAFETY PROTOCOL
PROCEDURE to practice social distancing, Please coordinate with our Operations


1. Be advised that some of Gen Con will provide barracks and staff house inside
the project site, this will be strictly implemented and must be follow of all Staff
and workers prior for the compliance of guidelines by our Clients.
2. As much as possible, all employees actively working should stay at the
barracks. This will limit their interaction with the community. Thus, decreasing
the possibility of them being infected by covid-19
3. If the barracks is outside the site premises, PIC and SO shall ensure that
company service vehicles will be provided, with physical distancing observed
and strictly implemented by the company driver, for the workers in travelling to
site from the quarters, and vice versa.
4. Segregation of (RED TAG & GREEN TAG) returning occupants of the barracks
from the workers who originally stayed in the barracks during the Enhanced
Community Quarantine Period shall be implemented.
5. We will reduce our manpower to 50% based on the guidelines of government,
PIC must have look ahead schedule and evaluation prior for the construction
of your respective project. This is case to case basis and we will still rely based
on the schedule of needs by our clients.
6. Review and reallocation of the total manpower, shifting, staggered and
rotation of manpower is recommended to provide sufficient working space
and implement the physical distancing measures.
7. All project site staff are advised to maximize their time on site to prevent
physical crowding at site office.
8. Overtime works are superseded.
9. Project Site Offices must modify their work stations, WE WILL still implementing
social distancing by maintaining distance from each other (approx. 6 feet to 2
meters) from other work stations.
10. Hand washing facility shall be provided in all project sites. Workers shall be
required to wash hands before and after work.
11. Daily housekeeping in every working area must be implemented, cleanliness
must be properly maintained on all working area.
12. Computers, Appliances, tools and equipment must be clean and disinfect
regularly before and after operation.
13. PIC and SO must designated 1 disinfection marshal/aide for the housekeeping,
disinfection, cleanliness and orderliness of our project site office, warehouse
and barracks including staff house.
14. Warehouse Supervisor / Personnel must clean and disinfect all power tools,
hand tools and other electrical equipment’s before and after issuance.
15. All staff and workers will be disinfected (MISTING) by the designated
disinfection marshal/aide before entering site office, warehouse, barracks and
staff house, Safety Officer will designate its location for the prevention of the
16. PIC may request the Fabrication Works at CWH coordinated by the Operations
Manager for the preparation, installation, welding works etc. (case to case
basis by the client’s needs).
17. The company will provide PPE to all Staff and workers including Face mask and
Face shield.
18. Tool Box Meetings are recommended to be conducted in batches (small
groups) with a maximum of 15 participants and or as long as 1-meter radius
distance to the next person is maintained. All of the participants shall keep a
1-meter distance to the next person, physical distancing must be followed all
throughout the meeting
19. Information campaign covering COVID-19 transmission, precautionary and
preventive measures and how to boost the immune system must be always
priority topic on TBM.
20. PIC are advised to separate the manpower that includes Green Tag and Red
Tag, do not mix them for the construction works. This will be supersede until 14
days of quarantined and further evaluation of medical condition.


1. To reiterate, wearing of face mask is required at all times. If you don’t want to
follow, you may leave the office. No excuses!
2. Tables and chairs shall be re-arranged and modify to facilitate the
implementation of physical distancing measures in all departments.
3. Foot Bath disinfection shall be installed in all entrances / access to disinfect
shoe soles that may carry the virus.
4. Alcohol dispensers and/or hand sanitizers shall be placed by the Safety Officer
in strategic locations such as, but not limited to, entrance of premises, doors,
toilets, and lavatories. This shall be maintained and refilled regularly by the
designated utility.
5. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched and accessed
areas including tables, doorknobs, computers, light switches, handles, desks,
toilets, faucets and sinks shall be carried out by the Utility on an hourly basis.
6. All frequently handled objects shall be cleaned and disinfected regularly, at
least once every 2 hours.
7. All are encouraged to frequently hand sanitize whenever they touched any
hard copies of documents most especially if transmitted by other departments
or from project sites.
8. Official business to be conducted outside the project site and head office shall
be in minimum and must be extremely important matter only.
9. General cleaning and disinfection shall be implemented daily after office
hours for frequently visited by others.
10. Make a staggered schedule on signing of documents for all departments.
11. Ensure regular cleaning of biometric scanners and shall be carried out based
on the shift schedule. Employees are strictly wash their hands after usage of
12. Employees that don’t have their own vehicle are strictly to use our Staff House
located at Penthouse.
13. If employees going to work that don’t have their own vehicle, employees are
required to change their clothes before going to the workstations and pack it
on your sealed bags.
14. Head office will mandate that bring your own foods, once you entered the
premises there will be no going outside the building premises. We will provide
to cook our meals every day in the same manner that will be deducted to our
payday. This will be strictly implemented, unless otherwise not to undermine the
right of everyone to livelihood and due process is by outright dismissal /
15. Eating meals at workstation during break will be temporarily allowed.
16. Provide your own Utensils and wash it on your own.
17. WFH arrangement will be disclosed by the management.
18. Shifting of hours / days will be implemented each of employees at the head
office, this will be scheduled by each Departmental Heads depends on clients
and company needs.
19. Overtime works are superseded.


1. All delivery vehicles shall undergo security procedures related to COVID19
precautionary requirements.
2. Wearing of face masks will be strictly implemented. No Masks, No Entry Policy!
All delivery personnel must wear face mask.
3. Drivers if accompanied by a helper/helpers are not allowed to go outside the
delivery vehicle and not allowed to loiter inside company premises.
4. All deliveries must be properly scheduled by warehouseman and properly
coordinated to the security personnel.
5. Warehouseman will assign designated warehouse aides with complete PPE
that will unload delivery materials. The practice of physical distancing must
always be observed during hauling and unloading of deliveries.
6. Avoid overcrowding during the unloading, provide just enough manpower for
7. Warehouse personnel must clean or disinfect all deliveries before placing them
on the storage ware of the Warehouse.
8. After the unloading and hauling of materials, all warehouse personnel must
wash their hands with soap and water and change their clothes.


1. All visitors and guests including Applicants and Suppliers shall not be allowed
to enter the project site and head office. The use of phone calls, video
conferencing and other similar technologies are highly encouraged.
2. However, if the visit / appointment is of utmost importance, the Visitor / Guest
/ Applicant shall seek clearance from Safety Officer in Charged and shall fill-
up/ accomplish the “COVID-19 Screening Tool” prior to entry.
3. The Visitor / Guest / Applicant shall be required to wear and provide their own
PPEs on the day of visit / meeting. NO PPE, NO ENTRY.

Project in Charge and department heads may add any provision to the
aforementioned guidelines which they seem necessary in their own
projects/departments. These additional guidelines however should not in any way be
in conflict to any of the stipulations in this general policy.




the instructions and directions from the Government, We continue to monitor and
manage the COVID-19 situation in order to respond as necessary.


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