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Biology investigatory project



NAME : Mainak Mukherjee

SESSION: 2019-2020



[In partial fulfillment of AISSCE 2020]
NAME : Mainak Mukherjee
SESSION: 2019-2020

i Acknowledgement
ii Introduction
iii Aim
iv Materials Required
v Procedure
vi Uses of a Herbarium Sheet
vii Sample of a Herbarium Sheet

01 Neem – Azadirachta indica

02 Basil – Ocimum sanctum
03 Periwinkle – Catharanthus roseus
04 Indian Pennywort – Centella asiatica
05 Water Spinach – Ipomoea aquatica
06 Aloe – Aloe vera
07 Calotrope – Calotropis procera
08 Green Chiretta – Andrographis paniculata
09 Marigold – Tagetes erectus
10 Water Hyssop – Bacopa monnieri
11 Star Thorn – Hygrophila spinosa
12 Thorn Apple – Datura stramonium
13 Java Plum – Synzygium cumini
14 Turmeric – Curcuma longa
15 Ginger – Zingiber officinale
16 Pudina – Mentha piperita


1) Principal-Miss. Anindita Home Chowdhury Ma’am

2)Vice Principal-Mr. Shankar Bardhan Sir
3) Subject Teacher-Mrs. Paromita Roy Ma’am
4) Lab Assistant- Mr. Amalesh Manna Sir


Since ancient times, India has been the home to countless spices and
the home of Ayurveda. The age old practice of using plants and herbs
as a remedy to various diseases and disorders clicked in the inquisitive
minds of our very own sages like Sage Patanjali, Acharya Charak and
Sage Shushruta. Upbringing their valuable research, it is my humble
effort to bring forth some of the often neglected but extremely useful
medicinal herbs found exclusively in India. I have tried my best to put
in front of you a herbarium consisting of what I think are the most
important of these medicinal herbs.

Thank you.

A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens and

associated data used for scientific study. The term can also refer to the
building or room where the specimens are housed, or to the scientific
institute that not only stores but uses them for research. The specimens
may be whole plants or plant parts; these will usually be in dried form
mounted on a sheet of paper, but depending upon the material, may
also be stored in boxes or kept in alcohol or other preservative. The
specimens in a herbarium are often used as reference material in
describing plant taxa. The same term is used in mycology to describe an
equivalent collection of preserved fungi, otherwise known as
fungarium. A xylarium is a herbarium specialising in specimens of wood.
The term hortorium (as in the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium) has
occasionally been applied to a herbarium specialising in preserving
material of horticulture origin.

To create herbarium sheets of various plants of
different species along with their taxonomical
hierarchy, description and economical importance.


• Samples of various leaves

• Old newspapers
• Herbarium sheet
• Gum
• Photos


To prepare a perfect herbarium sheet one needs to

follow some specific processes to complete this
• First, collection of the plant specimen.
• Second, drying of plant specimen.
• Third, pressing of the dried plant specimen into the
herbarium sheet.
• Fourth, mounting of the dried plant specimen into
the herbarium sheet.
• Fifth, sticking of the dried specimen into the
• Sixth, labelling of the dried specimen along with its
• Seventh, ultimately the herbarium sheet is
completed for deposition.

Herbarium collections can have great significance and
value to science and have a large number of uses.
Herbaria are essential for the study of plant taxonomy,
the study of geographic distributions, and the stabilizing
of nomenclature. Specimens housed in herbaria may be
used to catalogue or identify the flora of an area. A large
collection from a single area is used in writing a field
guide or manual to aid in the identification of plants that
grow there. With more specimens available, the author
of the guide will better understand the variability of form
in the plants and the natural distribution over which the
plants grow. In some cases plants become extinct in one
area or may become extinct altogether. In such cases
specimens preserved in a herbarium can represent the
only record of the plants original distribution. Herbaria
have often proven very useful as sources of plant DNA for
use in taxonomy and molecular systematics.


Collection Number: 01

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Neem

Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica

Family: Meliaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Monocotyledonous

Flower colour: White

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Remarks: Also known a “cure for all ailments” - Sarva Roga Nirvani(Sanskrit)

Medicinal Properties: Neem elaborates a vast array of biologically active compounds that
are chemically diverse and structurally complex. More than 140 compounds have been isolated
from different parts of neem. All parts of the neem tree- leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots and
bark have been used traditionally for the treatment of inflammation, infections, fever, skin
diseases and dental disorders. The medicinal utilities have been described especially for neem
leaf. Neem leaf and its constituents have been demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-
inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral,
antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties

Collection Number: 02

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Tulsi, Holy Basil

Scientific Name: Ocimum sanctum

Family: Lamiaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: Purple or Reddish

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Remarks: Divine plant according to Hindu Mythology

Medicinal Properties: Tulsi has anti inflammatory properties as it reduces vata. Tulsi
helps in many skin disorders. It is effective in skin rashes, insect bites and itching. Leaves
of this plant are effectively used in ring worm infections and lucoderma.Tulsi leaves act as
nervine tonic and help to sharpen memory. Tulsi is beneficial in indigestion, intestinal
parasites and constipation. Crushed leaves of tulsi are very effective in fever, cough,
bronchitis and other diseases of lungs. It helps in expectoration of excess mucous
secretion. Tulsi acts as a cardiac tonic and purifies blood.

Collection Number: 03

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Periwinkle, Nayan-tara

Scientific Name: Chatharanthus roseus

Family: Apocynaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White to Dark Pink

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Remarks: Also Used as ornamental house or garden plant

Medicinal Properties: It decreases blood pressure and reduces excitement..

It is also proved anti-diabetic. Catharanthus roseus is used as an anticancer agent. It is most
effective for the treatment of lung cancer. It is used for the treatment of Leukaemia. It has
antibacterial and antiviral property. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature. The medicine
prepared from the alkaloid of this Catharanthus roseus plant is used for the treatment of
Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children. The flower petals and seeds have antioxidant property. It cures
various skin diseases such as acne, eczema and dermatitis. It is also useful for the treatment of
nose bleeding, gum bleeding as well as treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids. The extract of the
plant is also useful for an eye infection and irritation of the eyes. Catharanthus roseus is also
useful for the treatment of Asthma. It also stops bleeding from the wound directly.

Indian Pennywort
Collection Number: 04

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Indian Pennywort, Thankuni

Scientific Name: Centella asiatica

Family: Apiaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: DIcotyledonous

Flower colour: Pinkish-red

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: It helps in enhancing memory and clarity. Centella asiatica allows
blood flow smoothly in the body, increases the count of white blood cell and purifies the blood.
Because of its diuretic nature, it is used for the treatment of dysuria. Because of it tranquilizing
nature, it is used for the treatment of hysteria, agitation, insomnia and epilepsy. It is also used
against elephantiasis. It is also useful for urinary tract disorder. Centella asiatica cures skin
infection and diseases, swelling, and chronic ulcers. Centella asiatica cures cold,
cough, asthma and hoarseness of voice. It is also useful for the treatment of cancer. It is also
found beneficial for healing the wounds. It is used to reduce high blood pressure. It also cures
arthritis and joint pain. It cures burn, removes the scar of injury or chicken pox. Gotu kola is
helpful in the treatment of liver and kidney. The plant is useful for the treatment of
gastrointestinal problems. It is also used for the treatment of Jaundice. The plant can be used
for any kind of bleeding disorder.

Water Spinach
Collection Number: 05

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Water Spinach, Kolmi Saag

Scientific Name: Ipomoea aquatica

Family: Convolvulaceae

Habitat: Aquatic

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: The dried juice has reported to be a purgative , while the leaves
and stems possess cooling action. Moreover, it is also traditionally used in the treatment
of nervous and general debility, piles, worm infections, leucoderma, leprosy, jaundice and
liver complaints. Very few studies have been done in this plant.

Collection Number: 06

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Aloe

Scientific Name: Aloe vera

Family: Aloaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Monocotyledonous

Flower colour: Yellow, Orange or Red

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Remarks: Succulent and evergreen perennial

Medicinal Properties: Aloe vera, can help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can
cause infections in humans. A review of 4 experimental studies found that Aloe vera could
reduce the healing time of burns by around 9 days compared to conventional medication.
The evidence for Aloe vera helping to heal other types of wounds is inconclusive. Aloe vera
acts as a mouthwash by killing the plaque-producing bacterium Streptococcus mutans in
the mouth, as well as the yeast Candida albicans. Studies have convincingly shown that
Aloe vera treatment can accelerate the healing of mouth ulcers. Aloe vera has often be
used to treat constipation.

Collection Number: 07

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Calotrope, Akondo

Scientific Name: Calotropis procera

Family: Apocynaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: Purple

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: Calotropis is used for digestive

disorders including diarrhea, constipation and stomach ulcers; for painful conditions
including toothache, cramps, and joint pain; and for parasitic infections
including elephantiasis and worms. Some people use calotropis for syphilis, boils,
inflammation (swelling), epilepsy, hysteria, fever, muscular spasm,
warts, leprosy, gout, snakebites, and cancer.In inhalation therapy, smoke from the
bark is inhaled for coughs, asthma, and to cause sweating.Calotropis contains
chemicals that might help thin mucous and make it easier to cough up. In studies in
animals, calotropis has shown some activity against pain, inflammation, bacteria,
fever, and ulcers caused by alcohol and medications such
as aspirin, indomethacin (Indocin), and others.

Green Chiretta
Collection Number: 08

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Green Chiretta, Kalmegh

Scientific Name: Andrographis paniculata

Family: Akanthaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White to purple

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Remarks: Also known a “cure for all ailments” - Sarva Roga Nirvani(Sanskrit)

Medicinal Properties: The aerial parts, roots and whole plant of A. paniculata have been used
for centuries in Asia as traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments. It has been used by
traditional medical practitioners for stomachaches, inflammation, pyrexia, and intermittent fevers.
The whole plant has been used for several applications such as anti-dote for snake-bite and poisonous
stings of some insects, and to treat dyspepsia, influenza, dysentery, malaria and respiratory infections.
The leaf extract is a traditional remedy for the treatment of infectious disease, fever-causing diseases,
colic pain, loss of appetite, irregular stools and diarrhea[10]. In Malaysia, a decoction of the aerial
parts is used to treat common cold, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, malaria and snakebite. It is an
important constituent of at least 26 Ayurvedic formulas in Indian pharmacopoeia

Collection Number: 09

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Marigold, Gyanda

Scientific Name: Tagetes erectus

Family: Asteraceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: Yellow to Orange

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: The whole herb is anthelmintic, aromatic, digestive, diuretic,

emmenagogue, sedative and stomachic. It is used internally in the treatment of indigestion,
colic, severe constipation, coughs and dysentery. Externally, it is used to treat sores, ulcers,
eczema. Sore eyes and rheumatism. The leaves are harvested as required for immediate use
during the growing season, whilst the flowering plant can be dried and stored for later use. A
paste of the leaves is applied externally to treat boils, carbuncles and earaches. The flowers
are carminative, diuretic and vermifuge. A decoction is used to treat colds, and mumps. It is
applied externally to treat skin diseases, conjunctivitis and sore eyes. The root is laxative.

Water Hyssop
Collection Number: 10

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Water Hyssop, Brahmi Saag

Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri

Family: Plantaginaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: Bacopa monnieri contains powerful compounds that may have antioxidant
effects. Bacosides, the main active compounds in Bacopa monnieri, have been shown to neutralize free
radicals and prevent fat molecules from reacting with free radicals. What’s more, in animal
studies, Bacopa monnieri had anti-inflammatory effects comparable to those of diclofenac and
indomethacin — two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs commonly used to treat inflammation.
Research suggests that Bacopa monnieri may help enhance brain function. One study in mice showed
that supplementing with Bacopa monnieri improved their spatial learning and ability to retain
information.. Interestingly, research has shown that Bacopa monnieri may help reduce ADHD symptoms.
Research suggests that Bacopa monnieri helps reduce stress and anxiety by elevating your mood and
reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone that is closely linked to stress levels.

Star Thorn
Collection Number: 11

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Star Thorn, Kule Khara

Scientific Name: Hygrophila spinosa

Family: Acanthaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: Violet

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: There are lot of medicinal uses that hygrophila can be used for that
include the treatment of diseases, mainly of the blood, and enhancing sexual performance
among other conditions. The plant has been used for a long time for controlling, preventing,
treating, and improving a whole host of diseases. Extensive research on the medicinal uses of
the plant has revealed that it can also improve the patient’s condition, by reducing
testosterone production. It also disrupts the regular working mechanisms of hypothalamic
pituitary gonadal axis. Due to the fact that hygrophila has been used primarily in Ayurvedic
medicine, the medicinal uses generally include information relating to Ayurvedic treatments

Thorn Apple
Collection Number: 12

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Thorn Apple, Datura, Dhuttra

Scientific Name: Datura stramonium

Family: Solanaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: Purple

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: The leaves of D. stromonium L. are used for the relief of headache and
vapours of leaf infusion is used to relive the pain of rheumatism and gout. The smoke from the burning
leaf is inhaled for the relief of asthma and bronchitis. European remedy of D. stromonium for
haemorrhoid is to steam the part over boiling water containing leaf. The fruit juice is applied to the
scalp for the treatment of falling hair and dandruff. It is also applied to smooth painful wounds and
sores. Seeds and leaves of D. stromonium were used to sedate hysterical and psychotic patients, also
to treat insomnia. D. stromonium was used as hallucinogenic drug. It is also used to relax the smooth
muscles of the bronchial tube and asthmatic bronchial spasm. It was reported that D. stromonium was
used internally to treat madness, epilepsy and depression. Externally it forms the basis of ointment for
burns and rheumatism. It is also used in the treatment of parkinsonism and hemorrhoids

Java Plum
Collection Number: 13

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Java Plum, Jaam

Scientific Name: Synzygium cumini

Family: Myrtaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties:

• Diabetes
• Asthma.
• Constipation.
• Diarrhea.
• Gas (flatulence).
• Skin ulcers, when applied to the skin.
• Sore mouth and throat, when used as a gargle.
• Swelling (inflammation) of the main airways in the lung (bronchitis).
• Swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
• Swelling (inflammation) of the stomach (gastritis).

Collection Number: 14

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Turmeric, Haldi

Scientific Name: Curcuma longa

Family: Zingiberaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Monocotyledonous

Flower colour: Yellow - White

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: Turmeric is considered as a digestive bitter and a carminative. It can be added into
foods including rice and bean dishes to improve digestion, reduce gas and bloating. It is a cholagogue, stimulating bile
production in the liver and encouraging excretion of bile via the gallbladder. This improves the body's ability to digest fats.
For chronic digestive weakness and/or congestion turmeric is recommended. It can be taken as a single extract or in the
form of digestive bitters, which combine turmeric with other bitter and carminative herbs. Turmeric is beneficial for people
who feel tired after consuming meals or who experience gas and bloating. Whatever way turmeric is consumed it is
beneficial to both the digestive system and the liver. Turmeric shares similar liver protectant compounds that milk thistle
and artichoke leaves contain. It is said to shrink engorged hepatic ducts, so it can be useful to treat liver conditions such
as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. Recent scientific research confirm that turmeric can cure host of diseases, also they
found that turmeric restrain the growth of various types of cancer. Turmeric is used for the treatment of skin cancer or
pre-cancerous skin conditions. Both topical and internal uses are beneficial. Turmeric may helpful in preventing the
blockage of arteries that can gradually cause a heart attack or stroke in one of two ways.

Collection Number: 15

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Ginger, Aada

Scientific Name: Zingiber officinale

Family: Zingiberaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Monocotyledonous

Flower colour: Yellow

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: The phenolic compounds in ginger are known to help relieve
gastrointestinal (GI) irritation, stimulate saliva and bile production, and suppress gastric contractions
as food and fluids move through the GI tract. At the same time, ginger also appears to have beneficial
effects on the enzymes trypsin and pancreatic lipase, and to increase motility through the digestive
tract. This suggests ginger could help prevent colon cancer and constipation. Chewing raw ginger or
drinking ginger tea is a common home remedy for nausea during cancer treatment. Taking ginger for
motion sickness seems to reduce feelings of nausea, but it does not appear to prevent vomiting. Ginger
is safe to use during pregnancy, to relieve nausea. It is available in the form of ginger lozenges or
candies. Ginger has also been found to be "modestly efficacious and reasonably safe" for treating
inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. Other possible uses include reducing cholesterol, lowering
the risk of blood clotting, and helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. More research is needed,
but if proven, ginger could become part of a treatment for heart disease and diabetes.

Collection Number: 16

Date of Collection:

Common Name: Pudina, Mint

Scientific Name: Mentha piperita

Family: Meliaceae

Habitat: Terrestial

Nature: Dicotyledonous

Flower colour: White to purple

Locality: A-Zone, Durgapur

Collector: Mainak Mukherjee

Identified By: Mainak Mukherjee

Medicinal Properties: Aids in digestion: Mint soothes the stomach instantly and works wonders
when it comes to treating tummy troubles. It is rich in antioxidants, phytonurients and menthol, which
helps the enzymes to digest food. According to The Health Site, "Pudina is also known to calm stomach
cramps and helps beat acidity and flatulence. It is also very beneficial for patients suffering from IBS
(Irritable Bowel Syndrome). In fact, mint extracts have been used to coat tablets meant to relieve
symptoms of IBS. It helps muscles in the stomach relax and promotes overall digestion. Drink a cup of
pudina tea after every meal by either boiling the leaves along with a few green tea leaves or on their
own for maximum benefits." Menthol-rich mint tea, which will help relieve a sore throat and act as a
decongestant. When applied topically in oil, ointment or lotion, mint has the effect of calming and cooling
the skin affected by insect bites, a rash or other reactions." Mint is also used in a number of beauty
products like cleansers, toners and balms as it has anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties,
which is good for acne prone skin. Mint not only helps in digestion and weight loss, but also flushes out
all the toxins from the body. Relieves menstrual cramps: Since mint leaves have been known to purify
blood, the anti-spasmodic properties in it soothes the muscles and relieves pain. Sipping a hot cup of
mint tea during menstruation will give some relief from cramps.


From this project, I have concluded everything about

what a project originally means and what are the
purpose for doing a project. A herbarium is prepared to
show some specified plant specimens in future. But all
of us did not know what some other uses of herbarium
is. Besides that, after doing the project now I am able to
know about the classifications, descriptions and uses of
the plant specimens of which I have prepared my
herbarium sheet. I will be very much happy, if our
teacher would assign us such project in future also.

• Wikipedia.
• Calcutta University, Botany department.
• Encyclopedia of life.


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