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SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA: QT / 07 / 2020 TAJUK SEBUTHARGA: KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA JABATAN / BAHAGIAN / DAERAH: JABATAN PERANCANGAN (Perlawaan Sebutharga dikeluarkan oleh) BAHAGIAN PEROLEHAN & KONTRAK SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD, LOT 897, TINGKAT 7, WISMAAIR, JALAN HANG TUAH, 75300 MELAKA. 4. Sila berikan sebutharga untuk bekalan barang-barang yang disenaraikan dibawah, tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan. 2. Syarat-syarat sebutharga: a) Pemborong hendaklah melengkapkan jadual kadar harga dan memindahkan harga tersebut ke borang sebutharga, b) Jika berlaku sebarang perselisinan harga di antara jadual kadar harga dan borang sebutharga, maka harga di borang sebutharga akan diambil kira. ©) Sebutharga yang lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat yang bermetri dengan menandakan “Tajuk dan No. Rujukan Sebutharga : QT/07/2020" di sebelah kiri alas sampul surat tersebut. 4) Sampul surat yang telah dilakri hendaklah dihantar ke Bahagian Perolehan & Kontrak, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad, Lot 897, Tingkat 7, Wisma Air, Jalan Hang Tuah, 75300 Melaka. e) Sebuthar, heywilieh sampai ke Peti Sebutharga sebelum atau pada tarikh eh aa User 2020) jam 12.00 tengahar f) Mana-mana sebutharga yang diterima selepas tarikh tutup yang ditetapkan akan ditolak atau dikembalikan semula kepada pemborong. 9) Sila _lampirkansalinan — SPKK, LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA, LPIPM (CIDB) minima G1 Pengkhususan CE21 & CE21 Dan SPAN Permit IPA Jenis C4 (Bekalan Air) yang masin sah dan dibenarkan untuk membuat sebutharga buat masa ini h) Satu Set Dokumen Sebutharga boleh dimuat turun di laman sesawang Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (, Pemborong hendaklah mengemukakan bayaran melalui Pindahan Wang ke akaun Bank Islam 0401501066948 (Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad) sebanyak RM 30.00, Wang ini tidak akan dikembalikan. Jika terdapat sebarang pertanyaan sila berhubung terus pihak kami di talian 06-2921747 ARAN DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA Penender diwajibkan menghantar dokumen di bawah untuk tujuan penilaian oleh pihak Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB). Kegagalan pihak tuan/puan menghantar dokumen berikut boleh menyebabkan tawaran tuan/puan tidak akan dipertimbangkan. Bil " 12 13 14 Dokumen PENILAIAN KOMERSIAL / KEWANGAN Salinan bukti pembayaran pembelian dokumen sebutharga Keseluruhan Dokumen Asal Sebutharga Dikembalikan Harga dan Tempoh Kerja Dicatatkan Dalam Borang Sebutharga Borang Sebutharga Ditandatangan Oleh Pemilik Syarikat Salinan Pendaftaran Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) Lengkap Beserta Maklumat Korporat Bagi Syarikat Enterprise / Salinan Borang 9, Borang 24 dan Borang 49 Bagi Syarikat Sdn Bhd Penyata Bank 3 Bulan Yang Terkini / Penyata Kewangan Satu (1) Tahun Semua Senarai Kuantiti Dihargakan PENILAIAN TEKNIKAL Profil Syarikat Salinan Sijil Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) yang masin sah (Jika Berkaitan) Salinan Sijil Perolehan Kerja Kerajaan (SPKK) yang masih sah (Jika Berkaitan) Salinan Pendaftaran Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (LPIPM/CIDB) yang masih sah (Jika Berkaitan) Salinan Pendaftaran Kementerian Kewangan & Sijil Taraf Bumiputera yang masih sah (Jika Berkaitan) Salinan Pendaftaran Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KON) yang masih sah (Jika Berkaitan) ‘Semakan (Sila Tandakan ¥ Jika Berkaitan) ‘Semakan Oleh SAMB 15 16 7 18 19 20 a 22 Pengalaman Kerja (sila sertakan surat tawaran) Senarai Kenderaan dan Peralatan Kerja Senarai Nama Pekerja Borang Teknikal (Jika Berkaitan) Katalog Produk (Jika Berkaitan) Jadual Perancangan Kerja Dan Tempoh Siap Kerja Yang Munasabah (Jika Berkaitan) Sijil IKRAM / SIRIM / Akreditasi Makmal (SAMM) yang masih sah (Jika Berkaitan) Lain-lain sijl yang berkaitan:- Disediakan oleh Penender Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Cop Syarikat: Disemak oleh SAMB: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD BORANG SEBUTHARGA KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA Kepada KETUA PEGAWAI EKSEKUTIF SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD TUAN, 1. Jumiah amaun Sebutharga ini ialah jumlah wang pukal sebanyak Ringgit Malaysia : jaitu, RM. 2. Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini bersetuju menyiapkan kerja dalam masa minggu dari tarikh Inden / LO diserahkan kepada pihak tuan. 3. Bahawasanya adalah diketahui bahawa Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad sentiasa berhak menyetujuterima atau menolak Sebutharga ini, samada ianya lebih rendah atau lebih tinggi daripada sebutharga-sebutharga yang lain atau sama amaunnya, 4, Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini bersetuju yang sebutharga ini akan berterusan sah dan tidak akan ditarik balik dalam tempoh enam puluh (60) hari dari tarikh akhir yang ditetapkan bagi penyerahan sebutharga. Bertarikh pada haribulan 1 20. Tandatangan Pemborong "Tandatangan Saksi Nama Penuh Nama Penuh Alas Sifat No. My Kad : Materi atau Gop Pemborong SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA. YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA RINGKASAN SEBUTHARGA. No KETERANGAN Banacian| Mun MM 1 |GENERAL AND PRELIMINARIES A 1 2. [GENERAL AND PRELIMINARIES A 2 3 PIPELINES 8 10 4 |MISCELLANEOUS WORKS c 4 5. [PROVISIONAL SUM D 1 40,000.00 JUMLAH KESELURUHAN DIBAWA KE BORANG SEBUTHAR( (HARGA TERMASUK SST) Nota = i) Tempoh Siap Kerja = __minggu (Tandatangan Pemborong) (Tandatangan Saksi) Nama Nama : Nowe Nowe Tarikh Tarikh Materi atau cop Pemborong : SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA, YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN A - GENERAL AND PRELIMINARIES HARGA] _ JUMLAH TEM KETERANGAN unr [RM ‘RM 1 | Provide Performance Bond. Lump | Sum A2_ | Provide Insurance of the works and public liability Lump | Sum A3_ | Provide Workmen's Compensation insurance. Lump | Sum ‘A4_ | Allow cost for SOCSO. Lump | Sum ‘AS _| Mobilisation and demobilisation of plant and workmen. Lump | Sum A6_ | Provide temporary suitable areas to be used as pipe dumps Lump | Sum close to the pipeline route AT | Provide and maintain all apparatus and flagmen required for | Lump | Sum adequate traffic control including warning signs signals, barricades, road barriers and blinking lamps as specified and to the approval JKR Specifications For Occupational Safety ‘And Health (OSHA) For Engineering Construction Works and ‘temporary road diversion and maintenance to relevant authorities. A8_ | Allow for clearing up sites during the progress and upon Lump | Sum completion of the works. ‘A9_ | Allow for all necessary precautions and provide all necessary | Lump | Sum protection, so as not damage any existing utilities and services and to carry out temporary relocation works including reinstatement work, if required. ‘A10 | Allow for cleaning of public roads including traces of Lump | Sum constructional plants, tractors, etc. with pressurised water hose. ‘A11 | Allow for cost incurred to provide steel plate of suitable Lump | Sum thickness to cover all in filled trenches on road after working hours daily 12 | Provide, install and dismantle approved project sign boards. Nos 1 Harga Dibawa Ke ingkasan Sebutharga Muka Surat 7 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO, RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN A- GENERAL AND PRELIMINARIES ITEM KETERANGAN ee ad Allow cost for complying with Lembaga Pembangunan Lump | Sum A183 Industri Pembinaan Malaysia(CIDB) Act 1994 and The Construction Industry (Levy Collection) Regulations 1996 at 0.125% of the contract value. Not [Application and implementation of the requirement to lcomply with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) and the regulations and the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 and the regulations and the Act relating to the scope of work. (If related) Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga Muka Surat 2 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT/ 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SER! KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN uNiT| aTy HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) Bt B2 B3 B4 BS Be All Quantities In Bills Of Quantities For All Items Are Provisional Quantities PIPELINE AND ASSOCIATED WORKS NOTES:- This notes shall be read together with specification and other requirement in this contract and the rates that indicated herein shall be complied and completed accordingly and shall be bound with the method of measurement for the interim payment unless otherwise stated TRENCH EXCAVATION la. Excavate in all materials in tracks, footpaths, road verges,road and drain reserves, roads, plantations, swamps, wastelands,earth bunds, rains and water courses including refiling of trenches, compaction as specified, disposal of surplus material. b. All trench excavation shall be measured once only to the full depth of trench, Jc. The rate for trench excavation shall include for al ploting and prospecting for existing pipes and services as specified For 200mm nominal diameter spigot and socket mild stee! pipes. For 150mm nominal diameter plain ended mild steel pipes. For 100mm nominal diameter plain ended mild steel pipes. Extra over trench excavation in metalled road inclusive of welding pits.Rate to include cutting of metalled road using pavementidiamond cutter as specified. ‘Additional excavation outside and below normal limits of trench excavation for valve and thrust blocks, welding pits, sand bedding and valves chamber. Extra over trench excavation in items for pipes in rocks. Rate to include for over break, m | 800 M | 300 ws | 50 ws | 2 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 7 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA. BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN uniT| aTy HARGA (RM) ‘JUMLAH (RM) PIPE LAYING WORKS NOTES:- a, The rates for pipe laying works shall include of loading and unloading of pipes to Contractors store/pipe dumps or on site of pipes, specials, joints and fittings and laying in position PIPEWORK LAYING UNDERGROUND, Mild Stee! Pipe Unless otherwise stated:- la. Rate only for contractor to lay and install the pipe including welding works for jointing. b. Rate also include collecting and transporting the pipe from SAMB store/ pipe dumps site to Contractor's store or dumps on site including maintaining and transporting the surplus and wastage. c. Rate to include for modification works to the existing pipeworks system as instructed by the S.O. 4. All mild stee! pipes and specials will be coated and wrapped externally at pipe joints for with denso petrolatum tapes and as approved by S.O. for laying underground and painted with two coates of zinc chromate at the place of manufacture for laying above ground. le. All mild steel pipes and specials shall be concrete ined internally and bitumen coated externally. |. All flange shall be suitable to a rating of 16 bars in accordance with details as shown in the Drawings lg. The thickness of stee! shells and concrete lining shall be as stated in the Specification. [h. All spigot and socket ended mild steel pipes with 650mm ND and below shall be suitable for externally welded slips joints. i. The thickness of the collar shall be 1.5mm more than the thickness of the two adjoining pipes or specials. j. All plain ended pipes and specials with 650mm ND and below shall be suitable for externally welded collar joints mechanical coupling and fiange joints. Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 2 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO, RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA. BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN unit] aTy HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) 87 88 89 B10 k. Rate to include supply of jointing materials such as nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets, etc. I. All rubber ring/gasket shall be EPDM material. Im.Mechanical couplings, stepped couplings and flange adaptors supplied shall be in conformation with the Specification which include:- i). end rings and center sleeve shall be ductile iron and internally and externally coated with fusion bonded epoxy powder coating. n. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot dipped galvanised / Stainless steel. lo. Rate for installation shall include pipe cutting! chamfering/ welding lp. For laying underground straight pipes, for the purpose of payments, the length of standard length pipes or cut length pipes shall be the effective length as laid” measured along the crown of the pipes of each line a. The rate for laying pipes, fitings and specials shall include the cost for successful pressure testing Ir. Collecting from the SAMB store and pipe dumps on site as shown and informed by the S.O. transporting, stringing, hauling, handling, repairing linings and sheathing where required and laying in position ready for jointing and/or building in all work for pipe and painting as specified steel pipes, specials, joints and fitings. Stoo! Pipe For 200mm nominal diameter spigot and socket, mild steel pipes. For 150mm nominal diameter plain ended mild steel pipes For 100mm nominal diameter plain ended mild steel pipes. SPECIALS AND FITTINGS Stee! bends 200mm nominal diameter x over than 45 degrees and up to 90 degrees plain ended bend. M | 800 Nos} 1 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 3 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO, RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES HARGA | JUMLAH AN ITEM KETERANGAN unit | ary | "eM (RM) B11 | 200mm nominal diameter x over than 30 degrees and Nos | 8 Up to 45 degrees plain ended bend. B12 | 150mm nominal diameter x over than 45 degrees and Nos} 2 Up to 90 degrees plain ended bend. 813 | 150mm nominal diameter x over than 30 degrees and Nos} 4 up to 45 degrees plain ended bend. B14 | 100mm nominal diameter x over than 45 degrees and Nos | 4 Up to 90 degrees plain ended bend. B15 | 100mm nominal diameter x over than 30 degrees and Nos | 4 up to 45 degrees plain ended bend. Steel Tees B16 | 300mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 200mm Nos | 1 nominal diameter all flange tee. B17 | 300mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 150mm. Nos | 1 nominal diameter al flange tee. B18 | 300mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 100mm Nos | 4 nominal diameter all lange tee B19 | 200mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 200mm Nos | 4 nominal diameter plain ended barrel flange branch. B20 | 150mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 150mm Nos | 1 ‘nominal diameter plain ended barrel flange branch. B21 | 100mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 100mm Nos | 4 nominal diameter plain ended barrel flange branch. Washout Tee 822 | 200mm nominal diameter x 100mm nominal diameter Nos | 3 level invert flanged branch. Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 4 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA, BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES HARGA | JUMLAH ITEM KETERANGAN unit} ary | fem) (RM) Air Valve Tee B23 | 200mm nominal diameter x 50mm nominal diameter Nos | 1 plain ended barrel flange branch. Taper B24 | 300mm nominal diameter x 200mm nominal diameter Nos | 1 PIPEWORK LAYING ABOVE GROUND Mild Stee! Pipe Unless otherwise stated a. Steel plate thickness of all pipeworks shall be as stated in the Specfication. b. The following items refer to specified portion of the work including crossing over streams, drains, culverts, rivers,swampy grounds and valleys as detailed in the Drawings . The notes on PIPE WORK, VALVES, CUTTING PIPES AND JOINTING PIPEWORK mentioned elsewhere in section of the Bill of Quantities shall apply. 4, Uniess otherwise specified all pipes and specials will not be externally coated and wrapped. The rate for unwrapped and specials shall include painting with zinc phosphate prime as specified at the place of manufacture. B25 | 200mm nominal diameter straight pipes in standard M | 18 and cut length uncoated but painted 26 | 200mm nominal diameter plain ended barrel x 50mm Nos | 2 nominal diameter plain ended barrel flange branch uncoated but painted. B27 | 200mm nominal diameter x over than 30 degrees and Nos | 4 up to 45 degrees plain ended steel bend uncoated but painted Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Baha, Muka Surat 6 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN UNIT| QTY HARGA (RM) JOMLAH (RM) B28 B29 B30 JOINTING AND CUTTING PIPE WORK la. The contract rates shall include for preparing pipe ends of cut pipe or specials suitable for making flange adaptor and mechanical coupling joints or welded collar joints and making good external coating and internal lining. b. The contract rates for making all joints shall also include for taking over, handling, transporting and placing in Position mechanical couplings, flange adaptors, all jointing materials complete and collars from factory or from making good and for completing the external and internal protection of pipes and joints as specified in specification. Jc. Making a welded slip joint shall include one external circumferential weld for pipes 650mm dia. and below, ‘one external and one internal weld with air testing of annular space so formed for pipes 650 mm dia. and above. ld. Making a welded collar joint for pipes 650 mm dia. and above shall include two internal and two external circumferential and one longitudinal welds with air testing ofthe two annular spaces so formed. le. All joints shall unless otherwise stated be externally wrapped and internally protected and painted pipes shall include for painting after installation as specified. f. The rates for joints on unwrapped and painted pipes shall include for painting after installation as specified. 9. All jointing and cutting works shall include fixing of bolts, nuts, washers, rubber rings, etc. and all necessary jointing materials. Welded Joints Making welded slip-joint on 200mm nominal diameter spigot and socket pipes and specials. Making welded collar-joint on 200mm nominal diameter steel plain ended pipes and specials inclusive of cutting and making good for preparation Making welded collar-joint on 150mm nominal diameter steel plain ended pipes and specials inclusive of cutting and making good for preparation. Nos | 133 Nos | 34 Nos] 5 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 6 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA. YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN B- PIPELINES Tem KETERANGAN unrt | aTy oe ow 831 | Making welded collarjoint on 100mm nominal diameter | Nos | 20 steel plain ended pipes and specials inclusive of cutting and making good for preparation. Flange Adaptor 832 | 200mm nominal diameter. Nos | 3 833 | 150mm nominal diameter. Nos | 3 1834 | 100mm nominal diameter. Nos | 10 Blank Flange 835 | 200mm nominal diameter. Nos} 1 836 | 150mm nominal diameter. Nos | 1 837 | 100mm nominal diameter. Nos | 4 Mechanical Coupling Joints 838 | 200mm nominal diameter. Nos | 3 839 | 150mm nominal diameter. Nos} 3 840 | 100mm nominal diameter. Nos | 8 Loose Flange 841 | 200mm nominal diameter (including of welding) Nos | 2 842 | 150mm nominal diameter (including of welding) Nos | 2 843 | 100mm nominal diameter (including of welding) Nos | 8 HDPE FITTINGS 844 | 365mm Tiger Fitt joint Nos | 12 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Baha: Muka Surat 7 ‘SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO, RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA, BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN unit | Qty HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) B45 B46 Bas. Bag B50 B51 B52 VALVES AND FITTINGS. To collect from store/pipe dumps, loading and unloading, transporting, handling, laying and fixing in position ready for jointing and making joints. Rate to include excavation, backfilling, jointing (bolt & nut) painting after installation Valves and fittings supply by contractor measured separately. 200mm nominal diameter double flange sluice valve 150mm nominal diameter double flange sluice valve 100mm nominal diameter double flange sluice valve 50mm nominal diameter double flange air valve cw isolating sluice valve To install 150mm PRV complete with 100mm by pass system and all accessories. Rate to include fixing and setting all necessary work. Refer detail drawing no, SAMB 4/2017 To install 100mm PRV complete with 100mm by pass system and all accessories. Rate to include fixing and setting all necessary work. Refer detail drawing no. ‘SAMB 4/2017 |CONNECTION WORKS Connection from existing water main 355mm HDPE pipes to existing water main 155mm UPVC pipes and to istall new 150mm PRV at simpang Kg. Kelubi. ( Detail “A") Connection from existing water main 365mm HDPE pipes to existing water main 100mm UPVC pipes and to istal new 100mm PRV at Simpang Pusat Rawatan Darul Sifa (Detail “B") Nos | 2 Nos | 1 Nos | 7 Nos | 3 Set | 1 set | 2 Nos | 1 Nos | 1 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 8 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT/ 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN B - PIPELINES ITEM KETERANGAN UNIT ary HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) B53 B54 B55 B56 Connection from existing water main 365mm HDPE pipes to existing water main 100mm MS. at Sek. Men. Tek. Datuk Md. Zin (Detail "C*) Connection from existing water main 355mm HDPE pipes to existing water main 100mm MS. at Kuaters Guru Sek. Men. Tek. Datuk Md. Zin (Detail "D") Connection from existing water main 355mm HDPE pipes to existing water main 100mm A.C pipes and to istall new 100mm PRV at Simpang Estate Kg. Kemendore (Detail "E") Connection from existing water main 355mm HDPE pipes to new water main 200mm M.S. at starting laying new water. (Detail "F*) Nos. Nos Nos. Nos Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian ‘Moka Surat 9 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA. YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUB! KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA. RINGKASAN BAHAGIAN JUMLAH ITEM MUKA SURAT (RM) IMuka Surat 4 IMuka Surat 2 IMuka Surat 3 IMuka Surat 4 IMuka Surat 5 Muka Surat 6 |Muka Surat 7 |Muka Surat 8 IMuka Surat 9 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga Muka Surat 10 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN C - MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. HARGA | JUMLAH ITEM KETERANGAN unit| ary | "ein ‘em MISCELLANEOUS Concrete Works. C1 | Mass concrete in Grade 20 for thrust and anchor blocks, | M3 | 10 concrete surround for pipes and valves. support. Rate to include all necessary strutting, cutting of formwork to suit and building in pipework. Chamber Supply, haul, handle and lay precast concrete sections, for valve chamber and indicators. Rate to include fixing of cast iron cover, mild steel chequered plate or heavy duly and associated steel works, excavation, backiil, compaction and painting as specified. Refer drawing no. i). SAMB/STD.DWG/29/13. il). SAMB/STD.DWG/29A/13. €2_|Top precast concrete panel Nos | 14 C3_ |Middte precast concrete pane! Nos | 22 C4 [Bottom precast concrete panel Nos | 11 Precast Concrete Marker Post ‘Supply and install precast concrete marker post grade 20 The rate to include excavation, backfill and painting after installation C5 Pipe marker Nos | 3 C6 [Sluice valve marker Nos | 9 C7 |Scour valve marker Nos | 3 C8 |Air valve marker Nos | 1 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 7 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT/ 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA BAHAGIAN C - MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. ITEM KETERANGAN uNiT| aTy HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) {Testing And Commissioning C9 | Allow for pressure and leakage testing ofall pipelines as specified. Rate to include supply of clean water and proper disposal to waterway after testing, C10 | Allow for sterilising and flushing of all pipelines as specified. Rate to include supply of treated water, chemical used and proper disposal to waterways after neutralization where required by the S.0. All necessary cost for final flushing of the pipe is deemed to be included. RESTORATION OF METALLED ROAD Notes: Contractor shall immediately carry out the road restoration ‘works at the area which has been affected due to pipe laying works as per existing condition comprising of ‘rimming, compacting road formation level to gradient, rolled, premix and all necessary works including disposed surplus excavated matarial as specified (Rate to include the use of paver and all equipment as specified by JKR’s Arahan Teknik) C11 | Supply, fill and compact approved sand to pipe trench, welding pits and pipe surround as directed by S.O. Rate to include all necessary stop ends.(quarry dust is not allowed) C12 | Supply, spread and compact 375mm thick approved crusher run granite not exceeding 75mm size. Rate to include all necessary stop end and application of bituminous prime coat. C13 | Supply, spread and compact pipe trench with asphaltic concrete binder course to original thickness or a minimum, of 60mm or to the requirement by the authorities. Rate to include prime coat and all necessary stop ends and. compliance with the requirements of local authorities. Lump} Sum. Lump} Sum ms | 300 m2 | 200 M2 | 300 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 2 ‘SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA. BAHAGIAN C - MISCELLANEOUS WORKS ITEM KETERANGAN UNIT ary HARGA (RM) JUMLAH (RM) 14 | Supply, spread and compact pipe trench with asphaltic ‘concrete wearing course to original thickness or a minimum ‘of 40mm or to the requirement by the authorities. Rate to include tack coat, all necessary stop ends and compliance with the requirements of local authorities. Road milling C15 | Milling off the top 50mm thick of pavement surfaces of the road along side of the pipe trenching route including disposal of waste material C16 | Lay 50mm thick ACWC 14 asphaltic concrete wearing ‘course inclusive of tack coating and. compaction. Rate to include reinstatement of road marking (ie zebra crossing, road line, edge line, reflective devices, etc) and taking samples by carrying out road coring to a thickness of not less than 100mm for every 500 square metre, as directed by S.0. Turin C17 | Supply and spread top soil on level slope ground to a thickness of 50mm. €18 | Spot turfing on level ground, M2 M2 m2 1000 1500 1500 50 50 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Bahagian Muka Surat 3 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT / 07/2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA, RINGKASAN BAHAGIAN JUMLAH ITEM MUKA SURAT (RM) Muka Surat 1 Muka Surat 2 Muka Surat 3 Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga Muka Surat 4 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD NO. RUJUKAN SEBUTHARGA : QT/ 07 / 2020 KERJA-KERJA MEMASANG 200MM DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELULI LEMBUT SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELUBI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, DAERAH JASIN, BAHAGIAN D - PROVISIONAL SUM HARGA | JUMLAH ITEM KETERANGAN 7 (RM) (RM) D1 | Provide the Provisional Sum to be expended at the S.0's 10,000.00 direction for contigencies. Harga Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 8,000.00 BORANG ~ A. BORANG A - MAKLUMAT AM LATARBELAKANG PEMBORONG 4, Nama 2. Alamat No. Telefon No. Fax : 3. Pendaftaran dengan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB) / Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. (Sertakan Salinan Pendaftaran) ())_ No. Pendaftaran (ii) Tempoh Berkuatkuasa : (ii) Gred, Pengkhususan / Kod Bidang : (iv) Taraf (Bumiputera/Bukan Bumiputera) : (v) Jika Bumiputera, tempoh sah taraf —: Dari Hingga 4. Pendaftaran dengan pihak Kastam DiRaja Malaysia untuk Akta Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan 2014 (Akta GST 2014), (i) No. Pendaftaran GST 5. Bagi Syarikat Sdn. Bhd nyatakan : (i) Modal Dibenarkan : RM (li) Modal Dibayar RM 6. Periagaan Utama lain, jika ada : (a) sejak tahun (b) sejak tahun 7. Ahl-ahli Lembaga Pengarah Syarikat: “Nama Jawatan ‘Saham Modal Dipegang ueyevesip Yepfepusy UeyreseUasIp BueK eliey denos IGeq eliay deig ueyesabued / ueMeI8g UEUIES ueysninjip Suek esew ue;n{ue} ynseUO} YEpIepUaY YeNIUOY Yoda! ,, od yeuaqes | yenuoy | yede, (we) «ebay uewfey yewery | exayrunryesenbuog >it .2/equoy | qeme[6un6Gueveg jenuoy doxg uep Yolorg 1" Uep BUEN vemeBag desu, ] UM, | Todwor' | “opuoioa enn | (ors wep seloid | a wewery uep ewen g- ONVEOS (sedoj unyey g welep uexdeisip Buek elroy enwes jereues) rua NVWWIVONAd GOMaY ONVAOS: LEGEND _| water vaLve sysrem ww son ates sew RESERVOR, 1D Peon Borin Pane de LOT 897, WISMAAIR, JALAN HANG TUAH 75300 MELAKA, ‘Tel, 06 292 1758 No, Fax 06 283 6749 TANDATANGAN 1c Hh JAMALIAH BINT ALL KETUA JABATAN PERANCANGAN 1r-ZAINAL ABIDIN BINAB, RAHMAN KETUA PEGAWAI OPERAS! TAIUKPROIEK CADANGAN MEMASANG 200mm, DIAMETER PAIP JENIS KELUL! LEMBUT ‘SERTA LAIN-LAIN KERJA YANG BERKAITAN DARI SIMPANG KELULI KE SIMPANG KAMPUNG SERI KESANG, ‘MUKIM KESANG DAERAH JASIN, MELAKA FiAs0K LOKIGAN -PLAN - DETAIL, ‘SAMB.AT/0712020, IUKUR OLEH ST MOHD ZULKEFLY BIN AZIS ‘JT MOHD ZULKEFLY BIN AZIS: DLUKIS OLEH HASLINA BINTI MUSTAFA 19.0608 2020, SAMB.05/2020 4 =. “ . i a PENGAWAL | =TCys ] JALAN Les PEMBINAAN | Lue JENTERA | Lis PE { BENDERA | =Cis ag DI HADAPAN =e DI HADAPAN = | aa = SELORONG ees Jee | | eee Jee | ce Be vz LL wie] T 7 Ee . oh = L _ so ee 4 \ —— ae | 38 es, |e | [eon =e | [ rawaswy [8 a Cxorenr =; fl Bq ofan = | DI HADAPAN fe 38 we 4 i " ~ r = =F aL [uRANGKaN La = msg are ti oom cn) (ie [|p F i || AWAS [7 ' ~—|= 11 feng 22 ib sm [Se | Lod La q FRI Eu 10! —- ete CAL TRAFEE_ [nen t aap ae]. paps [i ] cS | ee tot [x ox |x 7 *E HAND SIGNAL CONTROL be Te ee a" Y © oe maRCAnE TPE = I PR BREOE WS OMIOE A WE CLLR REBUN SES, Ee 2 FRA See coca yn. care oF We sms TOE We Sh SHER sus 1b ounce Lee We ws Bis WORST ones ater 2 rom ruse, ALS To Me PTR ~~ STANDARD DRAWING TEMPORARY ROAD SIGNS SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD SAMB/STD. DWG SAMB wos FOR OAT, AL kT BE FLCTORSED, . 2 ones oS HAH, z 5: AL gue a RS yameaa! . rar ee we ea co ae 8, po ogy or eT Sree He wo UR w INTER: © em STANDARD DRAWING SAMB/STD. DWG/24A/13 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD TEMPORARY ROAD SIGNS TION, FFIC_CONTR( ICAL, APPLICATION MAIN ERATION OF. HIGHWAY WHERE ONE LANE i ED_NEAR = WAY_OF CU IN_CONTROL_DEVICES_ot LOADWAY DA LANE ROAL ENT 1. MMF LS, AL 30H TD ROUEN 2 AL RRC OF CE HE * aener aa ‘rue cs vere Jk cnony, SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD Po sve oun wo oc i ie B Sea ee £2) ) SECT 2-8 jd menn nn seo oe Te SE. SER Same CTs Pa SE [to co [om | loo, SS Hwan erence {tester w/e EB cases ; eee iT a Baar wot t DOUBLE ORIFICE AIR VALVE BRICKWALL CHAMBER WITH MS PIPE ARRANGEMENT prcoock: DOUBLE ORIFICE AIR VALVE BRICKWALL R_WITH Di PIPE ARRANGEM! Pun DOUBLE ORIFICE AIR VALVE BRICKWA CHAUBER WITH uPVC & AB~3P PIPE ARRANGEMENT SYARIKAT AIR =LAKA BERHAD SAMB/ST WELDED COLLAR JOINT (FOR PIPES 660.4 FID AND BELOW) DWG/27/13 *aBve FR MECHANICAL, COUPLING to, Fo, 0, A eR haa vac fe 02 | eB | | ob | ote an ee pe parte] we Lm | wef [eee = pm] ws| mp pm | | mee Lh “ ros 4 4 ce wi | ame |: at as | tone . Mit x 105 ele leita |epenl.) la { x0 ase | sso] 40 ms | toKe . wre 105 “hone Mo mos | mae] #0 ap | woxe wie x 218 MECHANICAL JUPLING FLANGE ADAPTOR — = p=>=>e [= pee|. |e wile pele >= bes, . | HEMISPHERICAL WELDED SLIP JOIN] = | (FOR PIPES 660.4 FIO AND BELOW) als om [ee | ej mee “we weal oe ae Powe | [eee | TEE FOR TEN SERA PT GaEeuas ree weeny [otto | atk | om (ren) 28. “MecHUNHOAL, COUPLING “wa cour . rr & oem] eT |= | Pe ‘as meee pe = em ite uauns at mene} = |? | 4 re on = a 70 s + ray = ee = = 24 rae ate tare AOR EPO eee INT. Ti Is ‘TABLE FOR FLANGE ADAPTOR (PN16) Ea a eee = lelelololel= Eee S| ES 25] 2a eta] a] eo] | [EE & ais [what eTrpape tite ee tm [isle tae pep ee be Cap ba Shebebetepatete te [ete reer sefmterts [it ete tart ae be Lorena sentete eLetters Ss olete terete terete eta wa enews fas ese Der op ow Sleieisieretstet a thar we mune wn come 8 abate betetetes beter 1 annem pss rene some wale) [elm |= pes|™ [we fm | sre ie a ek RES oe xan, gre 3 8s St cD SURE RST Rca ce aa aE SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD gt "HBLE FOR CONGRETE THRUST BLOGK FOR TEE Piette) dy | oe Sea DETAILS OF THRUST BLOCK FOR TEE TABLE FOR THRUST BLOGK FOR BLANK FUNGE oman ae & |e | & = nA SE PRT RET jt —azeemeu™ ota 7 oem te] de | de [oe SOL | BAD s, FE ~ | = wo | om { Care| as t [oar DETAILS OF ANCHOR BLOCK a [sere —| om | xo | xo THBLE FOR AVOHOR BLOOK Ese | = | > aos [aes ‘TAL thee ve YE Seats | icion stock [oer | eo | oo ‘Se RMR! BAR Te aie = ls cnence once Te BER SO PPE Se. = AUOWBLE BENING PRESSURE 7 WA/m2 1a — Here “pumas pains ease = 950 * SRE MELT BA SS ‘FEL EUS SE 1 ewer eco 2 iow ones a ~ STANDARD DRAWING SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD SAMB/STD. DWG/28/13 ANDARD DRAWING TAELE FOR CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK FOR TRON BSS eae 2 a ewe Te ew wae ie wo eo ere ee a ee 5 ae a a a me ara Seas tet [ae [oe Lt ae [9 So es ee Barat 0 Pa ae ee oe Soe ae feo eo [a ee fe ef ee ee ee ee [GLE FOR CONGRETE THRUST BLOCK FOR VERTICAL BOWS (OTNO HOUND] eae i 20 a wae owned BRS fee) a a eee oe = Se ee ee ee Se aL ae ee Sse a aero She eae ee pa eee feet ae tebe Lato sap eb FABLE FOR CONCRETE THRUST BLOGK FOR VERTICAL BENDS (ACTING UPWARD) eos i Eo hid Tes ee eS ye Ty ope tats co [rae = Ear #o— er | wat | 9 Ba [ease om treo vee Hoth Bo Fame | ae anf 0a epee or eer 7 es eos | eo | 2-200 ai {ACTING UPWARD) (ACTING DOWNWARD) DETAILS OF THRUST BLOCK PRBSES, ELAN SECTION EE 0 PILE I SAMB “ABLE FOR CONCRETE THRUST BLOOK WITH RC PILE FOR OVERCROSSING mo (erly fo | os ne | ce Sem [owe | ae tanta |e som 5. panes of get nose 8 Mate BERS ELAS aes ee Sans vee. pum op mer on 70 ge GPRS F ERS Sed ie 1. MONTROSE ACE 28, mas ese oO 18 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD cue se) Bipot coro 240 FL Ein SLICE VALVE PRECAST CHAMBER WITH TL py pons rr WS PIPE ARRANGEMENT featses fe Bay R COVER AT (WOT SUTAELE IN CARRAGEWAY)| Comets e/e 19-0 x30 wo ovo a et sui ICE VALVE PRECA CHAMBER WITH. Dl PIPE ARRANGEWENT i ares ot ne S30 he (BER_WTH SWUICE” VALVE PRE UPVC PIPE ARRANGEMENT, coon ast: Sos ct recipes fe ——_| Teme fe SEX | SECTION OF INTERMEDIATE UNIT ert ee =, 7 ar ee ee ON Y- we «tele fel] 1 = SOS: + rerasucewoconen| ws | se | os | so | a | oo | 159-20 | 1 st uogme mem wmert no wes pom wremvoconer | ne | ro | eso | sto | 700 | ew | 150— soo |” AEM HIRE WALES rise suttD A 2 RL RERFEROEDCORERTE TOE CBOE 30 “ee 3. REREORESUOG. Ta coupe BS 49 A Bayley Tint @ 2 av ETAL OF TRANGLE HANDLE ‘oT FoR SUE VRE AMEE. FRE" FOR AR VALVE AMEE “STANDARD DRAWING || Tt * SAMB/STD. DWG/29/13 PROLEK TITLE SLUICE VALVE PRE iBT ABBOT RAHMAN BING SYARIKAT AIR Sxe_| MELAKA BERHAD === F 0. 3 50 woe ape, a ry see Buy DOUBLE ORIFICE AR VALVE wT} ECAST CHAMBER FOR NS MAIN PRECAS Fe su9 coma To coms ‘secnoy 9-9 el a cova m0 PL TITLE “ STANDARD DRAWING THT “ SAMB/STD. DWG/29A/13 PUN BAN De ORIFICE _AIR_V/ WH DOUBLE ORFICE AIR V/ TH RECA R FOR DI MAIN oT R FOR uPVC/AB—SP_MAlt AR VANE PRECAST CHAUBER ‘aR VALE PRECAST CHANBER 5/21 8 wwrewuu oa.) aeRO OM nave | poeon om : DAEEN Ok | WTEDL OM nave | Orem oo, 9/0) Hofer) WE Gn) v2 (rn) Sze Gam) ‘SUE (on) WE NOC) Wt (re) 2 Geen) Ste (wn) S2E (nn) 150-300 640, ‘S560 50 840x760, 100-300 640 560 50 840x760 mm “mua tars ag PROJEK TITLE: DETAIL OF AIR VALVE PRECAST CHAMBER © RRA KS Sah ovens 2. da, nenroneem oan 1 0 cE (peyton suo 49 Fant > Seles DATE: GOS 2013, DRWN BY: SELAMAT SARIE APPROVED BY: IR-A_ ABDUL RAHMAN SIN MOHAMAD SAID SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD SAMB SOAR VSNE i ‘SiaetvRD DEALS OF feaigass yet Ue nate Brom = 5 si, aggre 7m the crusher run aompocied sand ! ma sl oe lad peat sh ey nd aa SETAIL FOR PIPE CROSSING VADER NOAL . COREE WUE json Vis Welding ASIA” ME. Ie veeiding jot Tek: DBYAIL OF PIPE TRENCHING & BEDDING, MARKER FOST AND ROAD “Tingket 10, Bengunan Gree Ml | Jalan Graha his, 75300 Mita | ~~ Osh | ‘No. Loken SAMB. STD/9/ 2009 Perareangen MELAKA BERHAD sme Ki SYARIKAT AIR 7 sp enue 200 Tsk DETAIL OF MILD STEEL PIPES AND TEES Tingkat 10. Bangunan Jalen Gia ine Mae 8 Oe [Bigemak Oleh No. Lubsan : se SAMB. STD / 13/2009 Gai alu, 75300 Ni SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERFAD “Tingkat 10 Bengunen Greta Maje & UP 9 to He TELE FOR t Phibi ii 2° sua 2008 ‘ni Perencengan DDisemak Oleh : Tee’ OE TAIL OF MILD STEEL GUSSETED BENDS AND TAPERS No, Lukigan + SAME, STD / 14/2009 PUNTYPE C CULVERT CROSS SYARIKAT AIR _ so amt MELAKA BERHAD Mette _ Dlukis Oren Disemak Oleh No, Lukisan Tingkat 10, Bangunan Graha Miu SAMB “ates Grane Maly, 75300 Melek ene ae SiS. Unit Perancangan SAMB. STD / 18/2009 Tak: TYPICAL DETAIL OF PIPE CROSSING e000 6 SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD { Sm thik aluminium pate oh Dark Bue pain. PROJEK 1000: 4000- PEGAWAIPENGUASA ; _KETUA PEGAWAIEKSEKUTIE KONTRAKTOR TARIKH MILIK TAPAK TARIKH SIAP Simm thick M.S hollow section SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD LOT 97, WiSMA AIR, JALAN HANG TUAH 75300 UELAKA, SAMB 1082021759 iS No, Fax. : 06 283 6749 Tora J & 8 8 Ao zane 1900 9855 ma Kea A eS ae aser PAPAN TANDA PROJEK BO Tog 1 couaiew BURR OLEH DSEIAROTER sor pvae 3 Pee seuwar [KK sor zo * SECTION VIEW * i ” 300 x 600 concrete stump NO CUKIBAN; CARID On pana 70 BE DESIDE ON sitet SCHEDULE OF INSTALLATION PIPE SIZE BY PASS PPE SZE 700 DA 450 018 600 DA 400 01 -—— 450 0A 300 DA, 300 0 200 01K 8 250 01. 150 014 200 DA 150.04 z 180 08 1000 a 100 01 100 1. ¥ ON £ uw a RIGMAT AN AA HARAD e Loren, staan, z o ‘ku asa 6 SHO MELARA w ja somes 3 w a 8 "BN A A 8 Pu, KETIA PEGA OPES. SAE (C0) — CE © TAK USA: LEGEND INSTALLATION OF 8 ' 1 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE == [== =| SYMBOL Berenin (PRV) WITH BY PASS : H, 7 oO PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 8 oe a be | : 7 - t+ ® SLICE VALVE aA a CASS) 11 opm wie ai ‘a F(a u [ens ¢ ! © SEOURTY WS BOK VALVE TS OH J cover SONAL 3 SAF _ = © Ms Post BSBA CB BR BR FLOW IN TORRE SAMB 4/2017

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