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12/24/21, 12:58 PM RPT Assessment-1

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Prototyping is * 2 points

Making model of my design

Simulating the mechanical stress for my design in a software

Bringing the intended product into life

Making the original model of a final product to visualize the appearance, test the
function and getting feedback from stakeholders

Choose the right statements. A visual prototype is made for * 3 points

testing the shape, size, color of the product

simulating the form factor of the product through 3D rendering

getting the feedback on user experience

testing the acceptability of the product in the market 1/8
12/24/21, 12:58 PM RPT Assessment-1

Choose True or False for each of the following statements * 5 points

True False

Prototyping is not for my fun,

its for communicating my
product design to my
investor, my customer

We can use virtual prototype

as the replacement of
physical prototype for
communicating a car engine

Visual prototype is the same

as the concept prototype

A 3D printed visual prototype

is a low fidelity prototype

Prototypes are only used in

the early phase of product
development where we
communicate the design
concept to our investors.

As a product designer in a company my stakeholders are * 2 points

My team leader

Director of my company

A Mechanical Engineer and An Electronics Engineer in my department who is involved

in product development

All of the above 2/8
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My friend is a civil engineer. He has some concept of a dam that he wants 2 points

to propose to government. He spoke to a local MLA and he is ready to buy

his concept. He came to me asking for making a scale model of the dam.
Could I call it as a Concept prototype of the dam? Please justify your
answer (Yes/No)with reason. *

True, Since he will be showing the model to the Local MLA this can be a Concept prototype
and MLA can decide the further.

Write down 2 benefits for a product designer when he makes prototypes 2 points

of his product *

Reduced time and costs: Prototyping improves the quality of the specifications and
requirements provided to customers.

Improved and increased user involvement: Most customer want to feel like they are involved
with the intricate details of their project

I want to start a company with clinical devices. I know an investor who is 2 points

interested to invest in medical industry. I want to go and talk to him and

convince him about my new idea on blood testing device with new born
babies. What kind of prototype should i prepare to make him buy my idea?

A visual prototype of the testing device to show how will it look like when it comes as
a product in the market

A working prototype which i make with electronics and show him how does it work

A functional prototype where I demonstrate how the device will be placed on the hand
of the baby and how will it function .

A virtual prototype where I simulate the 3D rendering of the appearance of the product
and also simulate how it will work on the baby. 3/8
12/24/21, 12:58 PM RPT Assessment-1

As a product designer What questions do you ask at the early stage of 3 points

your product development to make prototype?Choose the correct

answers. *

Do users think the product’s design matches its purpose?

Does your target market have a need for this product?

What design will satisfy the purpose of prototyping and method of prototyping?

Can your target market think of another product that does something similar?

What problem does your idea solve?

Would you like to make a prototype of your newly designed product?

My client is a washing machine manufacturer. His company has recently 2 points

launched a new washing machine in the market . Users are not happy with
the front door how it opens to put the clothes inside. He is looking for
improving the front door design so that his customers will have better
experience to use it.I have designed the door. What category of prototype
should he make out of my design? *

Working Prototype

Virtual Prototype

Beta Prototype

User Experience Prototype 4/8
12/24/21, 12:58 PM RPT Assessment-1

You are making 1000 numbers of plastic prototypes before production 2 points

process could be finalized for mass production and you want to decide on
different aspects of manufacturing the final product. Which prototyping
tool will you use at this stage? *

Sheet Metal Fabrication

Laser Cutting Fabrication

Additive Manufacturing process

Inject molding process

How do you shorten the design cycle in your product development 2 points

process?Choose the correct answer. *

You create a design which is close to design for manufacturing of the product and do
all the simulations on the software to make sure that our design pass all the tests at
one go and our design is approved for product?

You make prototype at every stage of your designing, starting from concept. Then you
interact with your stakeholders , get feedback from the prototype and fail fast

You use rapid prototyping tools to prototype quickly

How do you make the process of prototyping rapid? * 2 points

Reduce the time of fabrication of the physical Prototype>> Reduce the design Process >>
Reduce the Tooling time 5/8
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When do you call a prototyping technique as RPT? * 2 points

Only when you are able to fabricate your prototype part in lesser time

Only when you are able to fabricate your part in cost-effective way

When you are able to fabricate your prototype part in lesser time at lowest cost

When you are able to fabricate many designs of your prototype part in lesser time and
you are able to test the form and function of your design at lowest cost.

Choose the right answer for each of the following statements * 5 points

Correct Incorrect

Additive Manufacturing
technique is one of the rapid
prototyping techniques

We should not use CNC

machining and injection
molding proceses as rapid
prototyping techniqe

When I need to prototype a

mold for tooling I choose
CNC machining on
Aluminium as my prototyping

I can print the prototype with

same material as the final
product, when I am using 3D
printing prototyping

When I have large window of

a car to prototype, I prefer to
choose laser cutting of sheet
metal over traditional cutting
method 6/8
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Write down the name of the additive RPT in each of the following cases: 1. 5 points

one which is metal based, 2. one which is jetting based, 3. one which is
heating based, 4. one which is based on solid plastic powder and uses
light, 5. one which uses liquid plastic and light *

Metal Based: 3d printing

Jetting Based: Poly Jet, Binder Jet

Heating Based: Fused deposition modelling

Plastic powder: FDM, SLS

Liquid Plastic: Stereolithography

Here are the five steps in any additive RP process. Arrange them in the 5 points

order in which they are carried out: 1. Creating STL file, 2. Building the part
in machine, 3. Creating the design, 4. Slicing and creating toolpath, 5.
Cleaning and Post processing. (Write down the numbers in the order only)


Which one of the following images of the products are:1. Unique Design, 2. 4 points

Complex Design, 3. Simple Design *

3d printed chair : Unique Design

Enclosure with Living Hinge: Simple

Pencil Stand: Complex

Heat Exchanger: Complex

3D printed Chair 7/8
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Enclosure with living hinge

Pencil Stand

Heat Exchanger

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