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subject to the same national taxation rules.” Commission beyond competition law is also unpaid taxes, it is arguable that US taxpayers
In its press release the Commission identifies implicit in the Commission’s announcement could ultimately foot the bill. Should Apple
this selective advantage as being a profit of its decision where it effectively invites repatriate its profits back to the US, the tax

allocation that does not reflect economic other countries to claim some of the paid in Ireland may be available as a foreign
reality and is not in line with the “arm’s unpaid taxes for themselves. The apparent tax credit in the US to offset Apple’s US
length principle”. (At the time of writing tax bill. Many blame the tax practices of
the full text of the Commission decision multinationals on the US tax rules which
The European Commission’s decision that Ireland granted undue tax benefits of up to EUR13 is not publicly available and it could be “No changes are required permit US multinationals to defer US taxes on
several months before a redacted version is offshore income. However, the Commission’s
billion (US$14.5 billion), plus interest, to Apple has sent shockwaves across the Atlantic and dealt released.) to Ireland’s tax regime and decision may provide the impetus for
a significant blow to EU/US economic relations. Ireland is caught in the middle of the cross-fire. US politicians to reach consensus on US
However, the approach of the Commission Ireland’s attractiveness as a tax reform and reduce the tax on profits
is regarded by some as novel and out of
BACKGROUND are only subject to corporation tax on the income step with State Aid jurisprudence. In a competitive, low corporate repatriated to the US.

The decision is the conclusion of a two-year attributable to their activities in Ireland. Ireland’s White Paper released in advance of the Despite the headlines, there are some
approach in agreeing the tax rulings was to tax Apple Commission’s decision, the US Treasury
tax and business-friendly positives for Ireland. The Commission has
investigation by the EU Commission into the corporate
tax affairs of Apple in Ireland. An EU competition law under the applicable Irish rules which required that the asserted that the Commission has collapsed jurisdiction should remain.” expressly stated that the decision “does
case, the decision centres on two tax rulings issued two Apple companies be taxed in Ireland on the basis the distinct requirements of “advantage” not call into question Ireland’s general tax
by Ireland to Apple in 1991 and 2007, which the of the income generated by their Irish branches only. and “selectivity” into a single requirement system or its corporate tax rate.” No fine or
Commission has concluded amount to illegal State As the remainder of the income of those companies of whether the measures confer a “selective contradiction in the Commission requiring penalty is imposed on Ireland. No changes
Aid. The effect is that Ireland is now required by the was not generated by their Irish branches, it was not advantage” without separately examining Ireland to tax the total sales profits of the are required to Ireland’s tax regime and
Commission to recover unpaid taxes from Apple going subject to tax in Ireland. the selective character of the advantage. As two Apple companies, while acknowledging Ireland’s attractiveness as a competitive,
JONATHAN SHEEHAN back 10 years of up to EUR13 billion, plus interest. Both a result, the Commission’s new approach is that the sums may in fact be taxable in other low corporate tax and business-friendly
PARTNER Transfer pricing rules and the “arm’s length principle” as
Apple and Ireland intend to appeal. to reduce a State Aid inquiry into whether it jurisdictions (including the US), is not lost jurisdiction should remain. Ireland’s
WALKERS set out in the OECD’s Transfer Pricing Guidelines were
believes that a transfer pricing ruling satisfies on Ireland. The concept that Ireland would intention to appeal the decision and defend
Under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European introduced in Ireland in 2010, almost two decades after
“its view of the arm’s length principle”. This, not be judged to have granted illegal State the integrity of the Irish tax system will be
Union, “any aid granted by a Member State or through the 1991 ruling, and three years after the 2007 ruling.
the US Treasury claims, is a departure from Aid if another jurisdiction had exercised welcomed by the international business
State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts Ireland also unilaterally amended its corporate tax
the 65 previous State Aid cases involing tax taxing rights over the same profits is, community. The Irish Government’s position
or threatens to distort competition by favouring residence rules in October 2013 to address a mismatch
rulings cited by Commissioner Vestager according to the Irish Government, “difficult is clear: “Ireland did not give favourable tax
certain undertakings … shall, in so far as it affects between the tax rules in Ireland and other jurisdictions
as having been concluded since 1991 to understand”. treatment to Apple. Ireland does not do
trade between Member States, be incompatible with (principally the US) which had resulted in so-called
and appears to expand the role of the deals with taxpayers”.
the internal market”. The Commission has concluded “stateless” companies. However, the Commission’s
Commission’s Directorate-General (DG) for
decision is effectively forcing Ireland to levy back taxes BEYOND THE HEADLINES A lengthy appeals process lies ahead which
that the tax rulings granted by Ireland to two Apple Competition into that of a “supra-national”
on the basis of current rules which were not in force in Unfortunately, few will see beyond the could take up to a decade to conclude.
companies conferred a selective advantage over tax authority that reviews Member State’s
Ireland at the time that the arrangements in question damaging headlines to Ireland’s reputation.
other businesses that are subject to the same national transfer pricing determinations.
were in place. The retroactive nature of the decision However, the case is one of a series of State ABOUT THE AUTHOR
taxation rules. In other words, in the Commission’s
will be a key ground of any appeal. Aid investigations by the Commission since Jonathan Sheehan heads the Tax Group
opinion Ireland granted Apple a ‘sweetheart’ deal on
COMMISSION OVERREACH? 2014 into perceived aggressive tax practices
its Irish tax affairs. at Walkers and advises corporates, financial
Direct taxation remains within the by a number of (mostly US headquartered)
EU STATE AID – A SHIFT IN APPROACH? institutions and private equity providers
The advance opinions issued by Ireland (Ireland does competence of EU Member States. Member multinationals. In October 2015 the
While less emotive than retroactivity, much of the doing business in Ireland. Walkers is a
not technically issue binding tax rulings) related to States retain sovereignty over their direct Commission concluded that Luxembourg and
legal argument of any appeal is likely to focus on the pre-eminent financial services law firm.
the manner in which profits were internally allocated tax affairs as regards the manner and extent the Netherlands had granted selective tax
more nuanced interpretation of what constitutes State
within the two Apple companies to their Irish branches. to which companies are taxed, subject to advantages to Fiat and Starbucks, respectively.
Aid and whether the Commission has departed from
According to the Commission, the rulings endorse a compliance with the EU’s fundamental Investigations into tax rulings granted by
prior EU case law and Commission decisions. A key
profit allocation that was not in line with the “arm’s freedoms and State Aid law. However, Luxembourg to Amazon and McDonald’s are
criterion of State Aid is that the advantage conferred
length principle” and the worldwide sales profits of in seeking to re-write Ireland’s tax rules ongoing. The US sees these investigations
by a Member State is selective, i.e. it favours certain
both companies should have been taxed in Ireland. and override its transfer pricing rulings, as unfairly targetting US companies and the
undertakings or the production of certain goods.
it is contended that the Commission is sheer quantum of the tax assessment in this
According to the Commission, the profit allocation
encroaching into the sovereign Member decision significantly ups the ante.
THE IRISH POSITION method endorsed in the tax rulings amounted to
State competence of taxation.
While Ireland taxes Irish resident companies on their selective tax treatment “because it gives Apple a While the decision requires Ireland to assess
worldwide profits, non-Irish resident companies significant advantage over other businesses that are Support for encroachment by the Apple for up to EUR13 billion, plus interest, of

110SS October 2016 | The American Lawyer The American Lawyer | October 2016 111SS

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