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Memory verse: And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power

to get wealth that he may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this

day. Deut 8:18.

Introduction: God wants us to prosper financially and do well in life, even more than we

want to! Many Christian have never entered into the dimension of prosperity that God intended

for them, and one reason they haven't is a lack of understanding in this area. You’ve got to do the

perfect will of God and this requires honoring and obeying God and acting on His Word. These

has to do with the way we think, talk, and act in line with God's Word concerning prosperity.

Success in God doesn't come overnight. And if you're not prospering in life right now,

your prosperity in God won't appear overnight either. But if you'll continually honor and obey

God and His Word, it will come.


A. Why do you need Financial Prosperity?

1. God has pleasure in our prosperity; Psa 35:27, Psa 68:6

2. Money gives you a voice; Eccl 9:15.

3. Poverty is curse; Deut 28:15, Gen 3:16.

4. To meet our needs; Phil 4:19

5. For the work of the Ministry

 To help the less Privilege
 Kingdom Advancement
 Financing church project.
B. The Ways to Receive Prosperity

1. Prosperity is by obedient; Deut 28:1 Job 36:11 Isa 1:14.

2. Prosperity is by choice; Isa 1:19

3. Receiving the Prophetic agenda for Prosperity

4. Your mentality determines your Prosperity;

5. By asking for it; Deut 8:18, Matt 7:7

6. Covenant Connection; Heb 6:18.

7. Giving; Luke 6;38

C. Covenant Practitioners

 Abraham; Gen 12:1-3, Gen 13:2 – Abraham became very rich

 Isaac; Gen 26:1-2, Gen 26;12-14 – Isaac sow in that land, and reaped in the same

year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him.

 Jacob; Gen 32

 Joseph; Gen 39:2

 Me; Gal 3;13-14, 2Cor 8:9

D. Misconception about Wealth; why do we have misconception? because of ignorance

 Money is the root of all evil (the love of money is the root of all evil - 1Tim 6:10)

 Money corrupt holiness (money does not corrupt righteousness)

 Money is worldly (Money is Godly not worldly)

E. What to do to connect with the Blessing.

 Sowing Seed; Gal 6:7, Phil 4:15-19

 Pay your Tithe; Gen 14:20, Lev 27:30.

 Why must I pay my Tithe

 It is a Commandment, Mal 3:10

 So as not to rob God; Mal 3:8

 So as not to cheat God; Mal 3:8

 To avoid the curse; Mal 3:9

 That there may be food in God’s house; Mal 3:10.

 God will open the windows of heaven; Mal 3:10.

 God will pour out a blessing; Mal 3:10.

 God will rebuke devourer for your sakes; Mal 3:11

 Your vine will not fail to bear fruit; Mal 3:11.

 What should we Tithe.

 Ten percent (10%) of your income.

 All your increase; Deut 14:22, Lev 27: 31

 Material things can be converted to money and pay its Tithe

 Who Pays Tithe; Every believers in Christ Jesus; Num 18:25-26

 Where and whom to pay tithe to

 To God; Lev 27:30

 Pay to any church you are being taught the word of God Mal 3:8-


 Free will Offering; You should not give offering below your standard

 Why should we give offering

i. It is a commandment; Deut 8:18.

ii. It must be done willingly from your heart, with a joyful heart
iii. It must be done honourably.

 Prophet Offering; Phil 4:15.

 Connect to Spiritual Laws

 Godliness is Profitable; 1Tim 4:8

 Project Offering;

 Cooperate With God's Laws and Prosper.

 Kingdom Service; Exo 23:25-26

 Sacrificial Offering; Psa 126:5-6, Gen 8:20-22.

 Obedience; Isa 1:19.

 Hard work; 2Tim 2:6

F. Relational Responsibility for Financial Prosperity

i. Family Relationship; 1Pet 3:7

ii. Your Parents: Eph 6:1-3.

iii. Your Employees: You must be good to your employees; Rom 13:7

iv. Your Employers: You must be loyal and faithful to your employer; Rom 13:7

E. Exercise your authority in the area of Financial Prosperity.

The reason we have right to claim our needs met is, Jesus came to the earth and defeated Satan.

We're in the world but we're not of the world (John 15:19), yet we still have to live in this world.

So we must use our God-given authority to enforce Satan's defeat and enjoy the blessings of God

that we have in Christ, including financial prosperity. Col 1:13, 1Jn 4:4

Jesus Defeated the Works of the Devil — Including Poverty and Lack; Col 2:15
 To Exercise Financial Authority.

 You must be Born again; Jn 1;12, 1Jn 4:4, Col 1:27

 Positive Confession; Rom 12:12.

 Have Faith; Mark 11:23.

 Command the Angels; Heb 1:14

 What you say defects you or put you over.

 Honor God by esteeming, honoring, and obeying His Word.

 Give Thanks; Phil 4:6


God desires that His children prosper and succeed in life. And He has provided us biblical

principles — scriptural laws — to put into practice that will positively change our circumstances.

As we are faithful to walk in the light of God's Word, we can expect Him to bless us in every

area of life, including the area of finances.

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