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2 Which of the following is true about the use of id() function in python? (a) Idreturns the identity of the object (b) Every object doesn't have a unique id (c) All of the mentioned (d) None of the mentioned What will be the output of the following code print type(type(int)) (a) type ‘int’ (b) type ‘type’ (c) Error (d) null What is the output of the function len({"hello”,2,4,6]) (a) 4 (b) 3 () Error (6 What will be the output of the following code? import math abs (math. sqrt(25)) (@ 5 (c) error (6) 5.0 (d) No output What is the output of the functions shown below? min(max(False, -13,~4),2,7) (a) -13 (6) 4 (0) Tre (A) False |. What is a variable defined outside a function referred to as? (@ Asiatic variable (b) A global variable (©) A local variable (d) An auto variable 12, What is a variable defined inside a function referred to as? (a) A global variable (b) A static variable (c) A local variable (d) None of the mentioned Ifa function doesn't have a return statement, which of the following values does the function will return? (a) int (6) null (c) None (d) An exception is thrown without the return statement Which keyword is used to denote the exit of a function block? (a) def (b) exit (c) return (d) finally Which of the following functions accepts only strings as arguments? (a) ord() (6) chr) (c) min() (d) max) What is the output of the function: def sum() calculate() def calculate(): x = int(14.5) y = float (24.6) sexty print("%d" %s)_ sum() (a) 38.1 (6) 38.0 (© 37 (@ 38 Predict the output of the followin; def addition(j): if (j >= 4): Jeeia' a) else: Computer Science with Python 65 deny 2 return j deh a = add(i) print("8d” %a) @ 16 (8) 8.0 4 @ 16.0 13, Give the output of the following program: def function(b) : xb*D return x for i in range(1, 6): a = function(i) print("td" %a, end=" “) (@) 144 (6) 120 (o) 25 @ 36 14, Write the output of the following code: def area(a): return (a * a) def areai(1, b): return (1 * b) al = area(4) print ("%d"%a1) a2 = areal(5,6) print ("%d"%a2) (a) 16 (b) 4 30 30 (0 5 (d) None of these 6 15. Predict the output: i= 100 def abc(): i= 10 print ("first = %d" %i) def main( ): i-2 abc() print("Second = %d" %i) main() (a) first=10 (6) first-100 second=100 second=2 © first=10 @ first=100 second=2 second=100 16. Tell the output of the fo} fragment: a=3 lowing def fun1_demo(x, y, 2) as3 azas+ (x+y) zeary Yeas bes funt_demo(a, a, b) print("Xd %d 2d" X(a, a, )) @794 O225 G35 @753 17. Choose the correct answer for code snippet “ne def max(x, y, z): if(x > y and y > 2): yeyea eect return x else if (y > x): return y else return 2 a, b, c= 10, 13, 8 a = max(a, b, c) Print ("td d 2d" &(a, b = max(a, b, c) print ("td %d Rd" %(a+1, bel, ced)) ¢ = max(a, b, c) print("%d d Xd" %(a-1, b-2, ¢-1)) c)) @B3 B 8 @®0 Bs 149 9 149 9 12.7 ae 12: Fim (©) 13 10 8 — (d) None of these 14 11 10 13458 a9 6 — agcoher eced® Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 18. Write the output of the following program : def Cale (U): if (U%2 == 0): return U + 10 else: return U* 2, def Pattern (M, B = 2) ; for CNT in range(0, 8) print( M * (Calc(cNT))) Pattern(*A", 2) (@ AAAAA AA (6) AAAAAAAAAA AA (c) AAAAAAAAAA AAAA (d) None of these 19. What will be the output of the following: def cubic(x) return x*x*x print (cubic(5) (a) 120 (b) 128 (c) 136 (@) An error is displayed 20. Predict the output, ifn! = 50, n2= 10 def add(mi, m2): return(il - m2) nd=int (i Enter the number ni: *)) n2=int(input("Enter the number n2 + *)) result = add(n1,n2) print("%d" % result) (a) 60 (6) 40 © 30 (@ 20 21. What will be the output of the following def func(x, y=10): return x,y a,b, c=11,12,13 print (func(11,12)) @ (1 12) (c) (0 11) (&) (10 12) (@ none of these 22. State the output of the following code snippet: x=20 def func(): global x x=25 func() x5 print (a) 20 (5 (®) 25 (d) None of these 23, Which of the following keyword is the correct way to define the function test(): ? (a) def test() (6) pass test() (0) define test (d) while test() 24, Ifa function is defined as: def check(a,b,c) and function call is check(2,a,b) check(a,2,a) check(2,a,2) Then this way of argument specification is called (@) positional argument () default argument (©) named argument (@ none of these 25, Write the output of the following: def Max(a, b) if a>b: print(a, ‘is maximun’) elif a = print(a, else: is equal to’, b) print(b, ‘is maximum’) Max(4, 4) (a) 4is equal to4 (6) 4=4 (©) 4s maximum (d) none of these Computer Science with Python 67 26. Write the output of the following: def func(mesg, num=1): print (mesg*nun) func ("welcome") fune(*wel”,3) (@ welcome welwelwel () welcome (© welcome wel (@ None of the above 27, Tell the output of the following: myvar = § def printvar() : print (myvar) printvar() (a) 01245 (8) 12345 ©s (@ 1234 28. What is printvar in the following statements? myvar = 5 def printvar() : print (type(nyvar)) printvar() (a) Alist (6) Astring (©) Aninteger (a) A function 29, What will be the output after the following statements? myvar = 8 def printvar() : print (myvar, end =") printvar() printvar() @ 8 (5) 88 8 (d) None of these 30. What will be the output after the following statements? def call(var) print(var, end ='') call (45) (@ 35 (45 © 45 @ var G8 Pagechex aed? Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 3. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. ‘What will be the output ater the statements? def call(vart, var2) ; print(varl + var2, eng ¢+, call (10, 40) (@ 10 (6) 50 (©) 40 @ 10+49 Write the output of the following def call(varl, var2, vara) ; print (vari var2 var3, eng return value. (©) Using from statement, a specific (0) Function with no argument and with function is imported from a module areturn Valle (@ Whatever times a module is imported, (©) Python Function with argument and it is loaded only once. no return value. Options are (@ Function with argument and return value. (i only (@) iy Band (©) 80. Predict the output of the following: (ii) only (6) and (c aot Maree) (iti) all the three (a), (b) and (c) wae (iv) All of the above print (a, ‘is maximum’) ae int? elif a 16. ing code will print? fa else: print(b, ‘is maximum’) : Max (13, 24) ee p (@) 13 (6) 24 is maximum 16, y-prod(2,3,6) (©) 24 (d) Noneoftheabove icy) 81. Which of the following is the use of id() (@ 47 36 funetion in python? : ‘47 (a) Id returns the identity of the object NeeesG (b) Every object doesn't have a unique id (© 36 (0) All of the mentioned (d) None of the above (@) None of the mentioned Computer Science with Python 73 82. What will be the output ofthe following code : print type(type(int)) (a) type ‘int’ (6) type ‘type’ (©) Error (@ null ‘83. What is the output of the function: Jen(["*hello",2,4,6]) @4 (6) 3 (©) Error @6 84. What will be the output of the following code? import math abs(math. sqrt (25) ) @ 5 (b) 5.0 (©) error (@ No output 85. What is the output of the functions shown below? min(max(False, -3,-4),2,7) (a) 3 () 4 (©) True (d) False Assertion-Reasoning Type MCQs Directions: The following questions consist of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Assertion (A)’ and the other as “Reason (RY’. You are to examine these wo statements carefully and select the answers using the code given below: (@) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A () Both A and R are individually true but Ris not the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true but R is false (@) Ais false but R is true 89. Assertion (A): Function red length. luces the code 74 86. 87. 88. 90. a. Tagethecr with? Competency Based and Objective Type Questions—12 What is a variable defined referred to as? (a) A static variable (6) A global variable (©) A local variable Outside a fy (@) An auto variable What is a variable defined inside referred to as? (@) A global variable (6) A static variable (©) A local variable (@) An auto variable Ifa function doesn't have a return sta which of the following does the fi return? (a) int (© null (c) None (@ An exception is thrown without retum statement Reason (R): Advantage of function is thay same code is not required to multiple places in a program. Assertion ( be written at 'A): Function can be defined asa named group of instructions that accomplish 4 specific task when it is invoked, Reason (R): Once defined, a function cannot be called repeatedly from different placesof the program without writing all the codes of that function e Assertion (A): There are broadly 196 Categories of functions Reason (R): The programmer can defineas many functions as desired while writing the code, Assertion (A): Bulky avoided using functions, Reason (R): Programs can using functions, Programs can be only be written 93. Assertion (A) User defined functions can where without defini Reason (R): No need to defi library functions, Assertion (A): To find maxim ofa list max() is used. be invoked any es ine standard um element Reason (R): max() calculates the maximum. : 98, element in a sequence, 95. Assertion (A): User defined functions always returns a value Reason (R): Default return value of a function is None. Assertion (A): Functions in Python can Teturn multiple values. Reason (R); Broadly, in Python there are ‘Wo types of functions. Assertion (A): Functions helps to break our Program into smaller and modular chunks. Reason (R): Python avoids repetition and makes the code reusable. Assertion (A): In Python, there are 68 built- in functions, Reason (R ): Functions are an essential part of the Python programming language. Case-Based MCQs 1, The ABC School Management has Promotion rule/salary increment. He wrote the fo code, answer the following question. def show(P,£) if P.upper() if E>=30: GT Print("No further upgradation as Teacher") elif E>=20 : Print ("one more seniority grade elif E>=10: print("One seniority Grade ") else : print("You will get normal increment") Given a task to Mr. Amit Anand to write the code for the lowing code using function. On the basis of # Statement 1 # Statement 2 # Statement 3 # Statement 4 elif P.upper()=="T6 if +20 print("Salary is upgraded to PGT Level”) # Statement 5 elif f>=10 print ("One seniority Grade and eligible as PGT ") # Statement 6 else : print("You will get normal increment”) # Statement 7 else : print("Please enter correct data") # Statement 8 Computer Science with Python = 75 Post = input("Your post as PGT/TGT ") Experience = int(input("No of years : *)) shou(Post, Experience) (a) Which statement will be executed if Post = “Pgt” and experience = 157 : ( Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2 (ii) Statement 3 (iv) Statement g (®) Which statement will be executed if Post = “Vice Principal” and experience ~ 159 (@ Statement 2 (ii) Statement 4 (iii) Statement 6 (iv) Statement g (c) Which statement will be executed if Post = “tgt” and experience = 5? ( Statement 5 (ii) Statement 6 (iii) Statement 7 _(iv) Statement g (@) Which statement will be executed if Post = “tgt” and experience = 22? (H Statement 5 (i) Statement 6 (iii) Statement 7__(iv) Statement g (€) Which statement will be executed if Post = “Pet” and experience = 15? (H Statement 1 (i) Statement 2 (iii) Statement 3 (iv) Statement 4 2, Indian Law Organization is planning to computerized their application form. For regi organization has setup the rules imposed by Indian Law. Citizen can check their eligibility by providing Nationality, Gender and Age. def show(N,G,A): if N.upper() in “INDIAN, INDIA’ if G in "MALE,M" + if A>=21: print ("You are eligible for Marriage °) else = print("You are underage ") elif G in “FEMALE ,F*: if #18: print(*You are eligible for Marriage ") * Statement 3) else : # Statenent ® Statenent. print("You are underage ") else : print ("Please follow your own country rules. *) Nationality = input("Nationality : “) Gender = input("Gender (H/F): *) Age = int(input("Age : *)) show (Nationality, Gender, Age) On the basis of above code, choose the best appropriate option. (a) Which statement will be executed if Nationality is Indian, Gender is Male and Age is 19. (@ Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2___(iii) Statement 3 _(iv) Statement 4 (6) Which Statement will be executed, if Nationality is American, Gender is Female and Ageis 27. (O Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2 (iii) Statement 4 (iv) Statement 5 (©) Which Statement is executed, if Nationality is Indian, Age is 25 and Gender if Female. (@ Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2 (iii) Statement 3 _(iv) Statement 4 Fegecher wach? Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 (@ Which Statement is executed, if Nationality is Indian, Age is 17 and Gender is Female, (@ Statement 1 (i) Statement 2 (iii) Statement 3. _(iv) Statement 4 (©) Which statement will be executed if Nationality is Indian, Gender is Male and Age is 29. (@ Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2 (iii) Statement 3 (iv) Statement 4 3. ABC School offered Stream to their students on the basis of following criteria. Programmer wrote the following code. 0 Medical >=15 >=85 5 Non-Medical >=75 >=60 5 Commerce with Maths >=60 >=60 0 ‘Commerce without Maths >=50 >=45 >=50 Humanities Stream Otherwise Vocational Stream def Check(M,S,A) if M>=80 and S>=90 and A>=90 : print("Eligible for Medical Stream ") # Statement 2 elif M>=75 and S>=85 and A>=85 : print("Eligible for Non-Medical Stream") # Statement 2 elif M>=75 and S>=60 and A>=75 print("Eligible for Commerce with Mathematics Stream") # Statement 3 elif M>=60 and S>=60 and A>=60 : print("Eligible for Commerce without Mathematics Stream") # Statement 4 elif M>=50 and S>=45 and A>=50 : print("Eligible for Humanities Strean*) & Statement 5 else : print("Eligible for Vocational Stream") # Statement 6 Math = int(input("Enter Mathematics Marks :")) Sci = int(input("Enter Science Marks :")) Avg = int(input("Enter Average Marks :")) Check(Math, Sci, Avg) Choose the correct possible option on the basis of following code. (a) Which Statement will be executed, If a Student scored marks as Maths = 75, Science = 80 and Average = 89. () Statement 1 (ii) Statement 2 (tif) Statement 3 (iv) Statement 4 (6) When a Student is Eligible for Humanities Stream? ( Student scored marks as Maths less than 65, Science = 80 and Average = 89. (ii) Student scored marks as Maths = 75, Science = 80 and Average = 89. (iii) Ifa Student scored marks as Maths = 55, Science = 47 and Average = 55. (iv) Ifa Student scored marks as Maths = 75, Science = 80 and Average = 89. Computer Science with Python 77 (©) Which Statement will be executed, If a Student scored marks as Average = 65, and Maths = 80. ( Statement 3 (i) Statement 4 (iii) Statement Sv) Statement g (@) Which Statement will be executed, if a Student Scored marks in Science = 35, yy. and Average = 41. (i) Statement 3 (ii) Statement 4 (ii) Statement 5 (€) Which Statement Average = 65. (H Statement 4 (ii) Statement $__ (iii) Statement 3 (iv) Statement g Mohan is a programmer, he has written the following program to calculate the cost of different shapes of bags. #Program to calculate the cost of different bags #function definition def cyl(h,r): area_cyl = 2°3.14*rth #Area of cylindrical part return(area_cyl) function definition def con(1,r): ‘area_con = 3.14*r*l #Area of conical part xeturn(area_con) #line 1 ‘function definition def post_tax price(cost): #compute payable amount for the tent tax = 0.48 * cost; net_price = cost + tax return(net_price) Line 2 print("Enter values of cylindrical part of the bag h = float(input("Height: ")) x = float(input("Radius: ")) csa_cyl = cyl(hyx) sfunction call 1 = float(input("Enter slant height of the conical bag in csa_con = con(1,r) Line 3 SCalculatethe area of the canvas used for making the canvas_area = csa_cyl + csa_con print("Area of canvas = “,canvas_area,” m°2") #Calculate the cost of canvas unit_price = float(input("Enter cost of 1 m2 canvas in 1 total_cost = unit_price * canvas_area print(*Total cost of canvas before tax = ",total_cost print(*Net amount payable (including tax) = ",post_tax_price(total_cost)) (a) Mohan’s friend, Madan saw the code and he is bit unclear on the use of return statement function definition. Help him in understanding (1) It shows the end of the execution of a function (I) returns control to the calling function. (iv) Statement 5 — ill be excouted, Ifa Student Scored Science = 66 , Maths ~ gy (QI) A retum statement can retum a value to the calling function “Jegether coteh® Competency Based and Objective Type uestions—12 5. (IV) python function will always have a retum value Tell him which of the above statement is true. © (1) only (ii) (1) and (11) only (iii) ®, (II) and (111) (iv) All the four statements are true (b) The default return value for a function in python is: (i) integer (ii) float (iii) Complex (iv) None (c)_ What is the return datatype of the function post tax price() in #Line 1? (i) integer (ii) float (iii) Complex (iv) None @ ps! as return data type of the function con(I,r) ,if | and r are both integer types in ine (i) integer (ii) float (iii) Complex (iv) None (e) Madan changed the code in Line number 3 to as shown below: csa_con con(1=10,r) #Line 3 Will there any change in the function ? (i) no change (ii) function result be affected (iv) None of the mentioned Shreya has written a calculator program for her assignment. # Program to make a simple calculator (ili) Syntax error will be displayed # This function adds two numbers def add(x, y) return x + y # This function subtracts two numbers def subtract(x, y): return x - y # This function multiplies two nunbers def multiply(x, y): return x * y # This function divides two numbers def divide(x, y) return x * y print("Select operation.") print ("1.Add" print("2.Subtract") print ("3.Multiply") print("4.Divide”) while True: # Take input from the user Computer Science with Python = 79 choice = input(“Enter choice(1/2/3/4): *) # Check if choice is one of the four options if choice in (‘1', ‘2’, °3’, 4’): mud = float(input("Enter first number: “)) nun2 = float(input("Enter second nunber: *)) if choice =: print (num, ", add(numd, nue2)) elif choice = print (num, 2", subtract(numl, num2)) elif choice print(numl, "*", "=", multiply(nund, m 5 elif choice print(numi, break else: print ("Invalid Input”) (@) Mridula, Sriya’s friend did not undetstand the concept of function parameter and arguments. Help her in understanding the code. She spoke the following statements Parameters and arguments I. Function parameters are the named lists in the function's defi inction fivide(nunt, nun2)) inition. IL Function arguments are the real values passed to IIL, Parameters are initialized to the values of the a IY. Parameters in the function call are called as f Which of the above statement is correct? ( only I true (i) only I and Il are true (iii) statement I, II and III are correct (iv) All the four statements are correct (6) Further, Mridula changed the function call in the statement, add(numl, mu aded(num!=10,num2) Will the program run? (@ yes (iit) can't say () Again, she changed the function call statement add(num = 10, num?) to add(num!=10; Will the program run? nts supplied rameters (ii) Error will be occurred (iv) None of the above (ii) Error will be occurred @ yes (iii) can’t say (iv) None of the above (d) What are the type of arguments used in the python function? @1 (i 2 (iii) 3 (4 80 —Fagecher with” Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 in python functi (formal paraménters Function? (iii) positional arguments iB Rs Parameters ject i is fri ‘eyword arguments & Manet is codes, his fend Ramesh told him 4 write a user defined function trafficLight( ) that accepts input from the use ; t poe these three colour. ‘message, if the user enters anything other (@) Tell which of the following fun, (O det traftictight() *, displays an error ction code is correct? colors= ("RE YELLOW", "GREEN") if (signal not in colors): Print(( "Please enter a valid Traffic Light colour in CAPITALS") signal1 = input(*Enter th trafficLight(signal1) (ii) define _traffictight (signal); Colors=(*RED", "YELLOW", “GREEN") if (signal not in colors) © colour of the traffic light: ) Print("Please enter a valid Traff signall = input("Enter the trafficlight(signal1) (iii) det traftictight(signal) colors=("RED", "YELLOW" "GREEN") if (signal not in colors): Print("Please enter a valid Traffic Light colour in CAPITALS") trafficlight (signal1) (iv) def trafficLight (signal) colors=("RED", "YELLOW", "GREEN") if (signal not in colors) print("Please enter a valid Traffic Light colour in CAPITALS") signal1 = input("Enter the colour of the traffic light: ") trafficlight(signal1) (6) Further Ramesh told him to write a user defined function light) that aecepts a string as input and returns 0 when the input is RED.Also print the return vahie %49 Which of the following code definition is correct in this e6nitéxe#!! 1 900 (04) (D def Light(colouz): aneM sleomnesl 0 ogbalword off tot oT (ls) if (colour = _ ne return(0); ’ ‘ic Light colour in CAPITALS") colour of the traffic light: ") print (light (colour) ) (ii) def Light (colour): - if (colour == "RFD") print (return(0) S}—-gnoiizaul sqyf svloo(t0 bn see ysComputeeSéienoe.withRython — BB. bi : said Ramesh to write a user defined function light() that accepts ind returns 0 when the input is RED,1 when the input is YELLOW and 2 when 1. The input should be passed as an argument. Ramesh has written the following codes, which of them is correct. ( def light(colour): : if (colour == "RED"): 5 return(0); elif (colour == "YELLOW" return (1) else: return(2) (ii) define Light (colour): 4f (colour =- "RED"): return(0) elif (colour == “YELLOW"): return (1) else: return(2) (iii) def Light(colour): if (colour = “RED"): return(0); elif (colour = "YELLOW"): return (1) else: return(2) (iv) None of the above (@) To test the knowledge of Ramesh,Manject has written the following code nun = 5 def myfunci(): fnum=int (input (“enter number”)) print(“Accessing num =", num) num = 10 Print(“num reassigned =",num) myfunc1() He asked which of the folk te function. SV o™iNG fiction in the given program isnot standard library CR) @ inpuy : i ‘ 7, Sinan is a programmer, she has writen the ee i) myfunel() iv), print() different shapes of leather bags Wing Program to calculate the cost of designing sProgran to calculate the cost o function definition different types of Leather bags. defcyl(h,r) area_cyl = 2*3.16*r+h y return(area_cyl) tea of cylindrical pare sfunction definition def con(1,r): area_con = 3.14*r*] #area return(area_con) #function definition deftaxprice(cost): scompute payable anount for the bag tax = 0.48 * cost; net_price = cost + tax return(net_price) Of conical part Line 1 Line 2 print("Enter values of cylindrical h = float(input(*Height: °)) r = float(input("Radius: *)) esa_cyl = cyl(h,r) #function call 1 = float(input("Enter slant height of the ¢sa_con = con(1,r) #Line 3 scalculate the area of the canvas used for making the bag canvas_area = csa_cyl + csa_con print ("Area of canvas = ",canvas_area,” m2 Calculate the cost of canvas part of the bag in meter: ‘onical bag in meters: unit_price = float(input("Enter cost of 1 m2 canvas in Tupees: ")) total_cost = unit_price * canvas_area print ("Total cost of canvas before tax = *,total_cost) print ("Net anount payable (including tax) = *,tax_price(total_cost)) (@) Simran’s friend, Madan saw the code and he is bit confused on the use of return statement in function definition. To make him understand Simran said the following statements about return statement. 1. It shows the end of the execution of a fun II. returns control to the calling function, III. A return statement can return a value to the cal jing function. IV. python function will always have a return value Tell him which of the above statement is true. (® Lonly (i) Land II only (iii) and Il (iv) All the four statements are true Computer Science with Python = 83. (8) The default return value for a function in MR a oe (h) Nowe @ integer (i) float Uy Come r (©) What is the return datatype of the function tax_price() in #Line nee () integer (ii) float (iii) ere are both integer types? (@_ What is the return data type of the function con(1,r) ,if | and r 8 vd is iif) Complex ( integer (ii) float (iii (©) Madan changed the code in Line number 3 to as shown below: csa_con = con(110,r) Line 3 in the function ? : Ne eee es (ii) function result will be affected i) no chang i d (iii) Syntax error will be displayed (iv) None of the mentione 8. Sneha has written a program to calculate area of different shapes for her assignment, ® Program to calculate area of different shapes # This function calculates area of circle inport math detc_area(x): returnpi*x*x # This function calculates area of rectan. defrect_area(x, y): return x * y # This function area of square defsq_area(x): return x * x # This function area of triangle deftr_area(x, y): return0.5*(x+y) Print("Select operation.") print("") print ("2. rectangle") print("3. square") print("4. triangle") while True: # Take input from the user choice = input("Enter choice(1/2/3/4): “) # Check if choice is one of the four options if choice in ('1', + ae if choice 84 Pagether wwith® Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 elif choice == °3": uml = float(input(*Enter side : -)) print(sq_area(numi, num2)) elif choice == ‘4*: nul = float(input("Enter base nun2 = float(input("Enter height : print(tr_area(numi, nun2)) break else: print(*Invalid Input") (a) Mohini, Sneha's friend did not undetstand the concept of function. She asked: What are the possible combinations of functions? @1 (2 (wi) 3 4 (6) Which of the following statement is true about functions. |. Functions returning some value are called non-void functions Il. Function not returning any value are called void functions. al i This function is an example of void function with a return statement (@ only I true (i only | and Ul are tue (iii) statement 1, Il and III are correct (i) All the four statements are correct (©) Further, Mohini changed the function call in the statement, area(num|=10,num2) Will the program run? © yes (Emr willbe occured 4@ Agen, she changed the function call statement 17_a7ea/num1=19, ny, eee = 10,num2=23) Will the program run? ©) yes (iii) can’t say (e) Which of the following arguments, is suppo! (i) positional arguments (iii) keyword arguments 9. Manisha has written following code: (ii) Error will be occurred (iv) None of the above ried by python as formal argu (ii) default arguments (iv) all of the above a-8 def demo(x, y, z): as3 print("%d" ta) line 1 a + (x+y) Zz = eye x print("td %d %d" wa, z, y)) sline 2 a-2 bz5 deno(a, a, b) print (md %d 2d" %(a, a, b)) —sline 3 (a) What will be the output in #Line 1? @3 (i) 5 (iii) 8 (iv) None of the aby (6) What will be the output in #Line 2? @794 (W279 (ii) 3-7 9 (225 (c) What will be the output in #Line 3? @794 27.9 (i) 379 2g Za (@) In the program, in which declaration a global variable is declared? @ 3 (i) a8 (iif) a2 (iv) None of the mentioned (e) In the program, in which declaration a local variable is declared @ 3 (i) a8 (iii) a2 (iv) None of the mentioned 10. Mandar is learning python. To test his understanding in Python his friend asked him a #4 questions. He wrote the following code num = 9 def add9() fun = nun + 9 print (num) 2d49() BE Fagecher cocek® Competency Based and Objective Type Questions —12 (ii) global variable (iii) Arguments (i) positional parameters (a) Again he changed the code as written below: runs 26 2609(num) ‘Now he asked about the output of the above program. wos (@) 33 (ii) 19 (iv) None of the mentioned (e) Further he changed the code as written below: nm 9 def ada9(nun rum = nun + 9 print une24 add9(num) Now again he asked about the output of the above program. os w 33 (ii) 19 (iv) None of the mentioned Computer Science with Python 87 CHAPTER 2: Functions Multiple Choice Questions 1, @ 2 ©) 3. (@) 4. () 5. (0) 6. (b) 7. (© 8. (c) 9. (0) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (©) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. 60 21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (6) 31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (d) - 34. (6) 35. (0) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (c) 39. 40. (0) 41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (0) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. () 48. (a) 49. (a) 50. (6) Computer Science with Python 115 5. @ 53. (b) 54. (d) 51. (c) 58. (d) 59. {0 56. (a) ‘s i ae 64. (6) 61. (6) Gh (a) 68. (iv) 69. (c) 66. (6) ee Oy ah) 14. (0) 11. (0) 7s O) et) 79. (a) . s 82. (b) 83. (4) 84. (b) 86. (b) 87. (0) 88. (c) Assertion-Reasoning Type MCQs 4 89. (a) 90. (c) 91. (6) 92. (c) 93. (a) ) 94. (a) 95. (a) 96. (b) 97. (a) 98. (6) Case-Based MCQs 1. (a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (iii) (d) (ii) © ty 2. (a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (iii) (d) (iv) © @ 3. (a) (ii) (8) (iii) (©) (i) (@) (i) 06 4. (a) (») (0) () (c) (ii) (d) (ii) (e) (iii) 5. (a) (iv) (b) (ii) () (i) (yeu © 6. (a) (iv) (6) () (c) (i) (d 7. (a) (iv) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) d aa 8. (a) (iv) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) (ad (i) (a 9. (a) (b) @ (c) (iv) 1) (ii) () @ _ = ONY 5) (Cc): @) 1) (iii) (e) (i)

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