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Like for Like Policy


1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022

Issue: 3.2
Date: 1 October 2021

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1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3

2 APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................... 3

3 GO-TO-MARKET AND SERVICE DELIVERY ....................................... 3

3.1 Avaya-Managed .................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Reseller-Managed ............................................................................................. 3


5 POLICY ................................................................................................................ 4


6.1 Submitting a Like for Like exception review request ........................ 5

6.2 Approval Review and Terms ........................................................................ 5

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND CONTACTS .................................... 6

APPENDIX C: DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ...................................... 6

Like for Like Policy

1 Introduction
The Avaya Like for Like Policy (L4L) lays out the permissible options for any changes to the go-to-
market (GTM) delivery model of recurring revenue contracts (support services, managed services,
subscription, or cloud).

The policy aims to protect customers’ contracted services levels from being diminished and to
encourage adding value so that Avaya and its Resellers can better compete in the communications
marketplace. It discourages Resellers and Avaya from proactively soliciting end customers to shift
existing engagement models, which undermines the foundation of the Avaya/Reseller relationship.

2 Applicability
This policy applies to all Avaya associates, Reseller associates, Resellers, and Distributors globally.

3 Go-to-Market and Service Delivery

Avaya does not support the pursuit of product and/or services sales opportunities into accounts that
result in a change to the GTM arrangement. If a customer requests a change to Avaya or a Reseller’s
participation in an opportunity where there is existing Avaya support / solutions, the customer’s Avaya
Direct and Reseller Account teams must meet to:

• Understand the customer’s needs

• Formulate the engagement strategy and especially the services strategy

• Ensure compliance with the Sales Engagement Principles and Support Services Policies,
including the Fragmented Maintenance Policy.

3.1 Avaya-Managed
Recurring revenue orders sold and serviced by Avaya directly are considered Avaya-managed
agreements. Avaya is responsible for the customer management, support contract renewal, and recast
of all such agreements.

3.2 Reseller-Managed
Retail, Direct Agent, Master Agent, Wholesale, Co-Delivery and xCaaS contracts are considered
Reseller-managed agreements. Resellers are responsible for renewing the contract and upselling
services. Day 2 delivery of Support Services for Retail, Direct Agent, and Wholesale offers are provided
by Avaya. Co-Delivery support is provided jointly between the Reseller and Avaya Support Services

4 Determining Customer’s Existing Go-to-Market

Prior to pursuing a recurring revenue opportunity, Resellers should determine the current coverage
on the account and collaborate with Avaya to create a strategy that aligns with this policy. This can
be done by contacting the Reseller’s Channel Sales representative, their Channel Account Manager
(CAM), and/or the Avaya Direct Account Team supporting that customer account.

October 1, 2021 - Version 3.2 3

Like for Like Policy

5 Policy
This policy does not apply when the system has a lapse in coverage that exceeds 12 months. The Like
for Like policy looks to preserve the support level and type of service delivery. Coverage levels for
existing end user customers should remain similar or improved if possible.

• Changes in coverage that result in increased coverage for the customer (i.e. greater hours
covered or a higher level of entitlement, such as Support Advantage Essential to Support
Advantage Preferred) are considered higher levels of coverage and are encouraged.

• Reductions in coverage levels or reduction in term lengths are strongly discouraged though
permissible if requested by end customer after fulfilling contractual obligations of the original
term. All reductions in coverage levels must be approved by Avaya and follow the exception
process set forth below.

The table below reads by starting in the left side column and finding the current GTM offer type of the
existing recurring revenue contract. Next, following that row across to the right whilst looking at the
top row to see the possible target GTM offer types.

Permissible new Go-to-Market

Recurring Revenue Retail,
Go-to-Market Direct Direct Agent, Wholesale Co-Delivery
Master Agent
Direct OK Review Review Review Review
Retail, Direct Agent,
Review OK Review Review Review
Master Agent
Wholesale Review OK OK Review Review

Co-Delivery Review OK OK OK Review

xCaaS, Powered-By Review OK OK OK OK

No review or approval Review

OK Review and approval needed

On Upgrade, Renewal or Recast

Any cells with the value of OK (in green) are permittable and do not require any L4L review or
approval. Any cell with the value of Review (in orange) requires a L4L exception review request to be
submitted, reviewed and approved by Avaya and or the Reseller. This should take place before any
conversation with the end customer about a possible shift.

Avaya OneCloud™ Subscription go-to-markets models will be aligned to Wholesale or Retail, Direct
Agent, Master Agent.

Resellers who are not aligned with these business practices or who do not follow the exception process
set forth below will undergo a review of the Avaya Sales Engagement Principles and may face de-
authorization from the Avaya Channel Program and jeopardize the future sale of all Avaya products
and services.

October 1, 2021 - Version 3.2 4

Like for Like Policy

Avaya reserves the right in its sole discretion to change, cancel, suspend, amend,
modify, revoke or terminate this program, in whole or in part, for any reason at
any time. This document contains proprietary information of Avaya Inc. and is
not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements.

6 Like for Like Review and Exception Process

In situations where the customer is requesting a change in their recurring revenue contractual
arrangement please refer to the table in section 5. If the proposed change is showing as “Review”,
the L4L exception review process must be followed. For all like-for-like (L4L) policy exception requests
from an Avaya-managed customer, the customer must register a written request with their Avaya
Direct Account Manager, or if the customer is Reseller-managed, with the Reseller’s Channel Account
Manager to initiate the exception review process. Where possible, the Like for Like exception request
must be received by Avaya at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the existing contract term or the
in-term annual PO expiration date. Avaya cannot guarantee the exception process will be completed
by the expiration date. In this situation, termination or re-instatement fees will apply if the process
extends beyond the expiration date.

6.1 Submitting a Like for Like exception review request

For all requests for Like for Like exception review please complete all sections of the Like for Like
Exception Review Application Form. The request should be submitted by the Avaya account team
using the task functionality. The theater designated approvers can be found listed in
the exception review application form.

6.2 Approval Review and Terms

Upon receipt of the exception request, the Avaya Services and Sales Account team will work to
establish a dialog with both customer and Reseller leadership to ensure that all involved are familiar
with the benefits and risks of the proposed change in GTM Offer. Avaya will provide the exception
application status within 10 business days after the complete request has been submitted.

Whenever a change in Account Leadership or service delivery is requested by the customer, Avaya
Sales Leadership (direct sales and channel sales) will gain details to understand the customer’s needs,
concerns and to review the facts to make a business decision about any such change.

For example, if a customer approaches Avaya requesting to move away from a Reseller to Avaya
directly, the Avaya Account Team must discuss this with the Reseller’s Channel Account Manager, and
their respective leadership. No actions should be taken until Avaya’s Sales leadership is aligned on
next steps. Likewise, before a Reseller engages with a customer that is currently in a direct relationship
with Avaya, the Reseller should have their Avaya Channel Account Manager drive alignment within
Avaya. Such alignment conversations may require further conversations with the customer, which
should involve both Avaya and the Reseller.

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Like for Like Policy

• Approval when granted is valid for a period of six months from the date of authorization unless
otherwise stated in the approval letter. Failure to process customer agreements within this time
frame will result in voiding this authorization.

• If an exception to this L4L policy is approved, all commissions, rebates, and discounts (including
standard Reseller discounts) will be scrutinized by Avaya and paid at Avaya’s discretion.

• Approved exceptions must be communicated to all impacted parties (Avaya and Reseller)

Additional Resources and Contacts

All Avaya Edge documentation can be found on the Avaya Partner
Portal at Partner Portal> Programs> Edge Partner Program.

This document is accurate as of the issue date shown at the

bottom of the page. The current version can be found online at
the Like for Like Policy partner portal page.

For tools and operational processes and policies please see the
Portal> Programs> Policies and Processes> Support Services
Policies section

Should you have questions about this program, please contact

your Avaya Channel Account Manager or raise a case on the
Avaya OneCare Portal at

Appendix C: Document Revision History

Version Date Section Summary

2.0 1 November 2018 All

2.2 17 April 2019 All Updating formatting and language throughout

2.3 1 January 2019

Updating formatting; Updated language
3.0 14 November 2019 All throughout; Expanded to include all recurring
revenue contracts
3.1 1 October 2020 All Updated document format

3.2 1 October 2021 All Updated document format

October 1, 2021 - Version 3.2 6

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