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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. mischievous B. shift C. trick D. decisive

2. A. missed B. walked C. phoned D. jumped

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

3. A. supportive B. household C. obedient D. close-knit

4. A. obedience B. mischievous C. biologist D. decision

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

5. Nowadays students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their parents and
A. happiness B. emotion C. anxiety D. relaxation
6. He was always obedient to his father's wishes.
A. willing to obey B. ready to look after
C. refusing to do D. happy to change

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

7. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
A. happen B. encounter C. disappear D. clean
8. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
A. work together B. manage
C. prepare D. work separately
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
9. In my family, everybody have to do their share of the household chores.
10.John decided to join the Star Sports Club in French and he was there ever since.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
11. Computers ……… to forecast the weather or control robots.
A. can be used B. have used C. are using D. will use
12. By the end of next year we ………. $ 250,000.
A. will have been saved B. will be saving C. will have D. will have saved
13. His eel soup is the best soup I ..............……… .
A. ate B. have ever eaten C. had ever eaten D. ever will eat
14. The woman asked ______ get lunch at school.
A. can the children· B. whether the children could
C. if the children can D. could the children
15. I asked him whose car _________ the previous day.
A. he had borrowed B. had he borrowed C. did he borrowed D. he would borrow
16. One of Vietnamese traditions is a belief in___families and in preserving their cultures.
A. wealthy B. secure C. safe D. close-knit
17. He is not willing _______ the risk of losing his money.
A. afforded B. afford C. to afford D. affording
18. In the middle of the night, I _____ on the sofa when someone ______ at the door.
A. had slept – was knocking B. was sleeping – knocked
C. slept – was knocking D. was sleeping – had knocked
19. By the time my brother _____to the airport, he _____ some new books for his study.
A. went – have bought B. had gone – bought
C. went – had bought D. was going – was buying
20. _______ the eldest child, you should be setting a good example to your younger brother.
A. Be B. Is C. To Be D. Being
21. Many people are ready to ______ to improve health care around the world.
A. gather heads B. consider legs C. open hearts D. join hands
22. His roof needs __________.
A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing D. fixed
23. I’m going to have my emails_______.
A. delivered B. to deliver C. deliver D. delivering
24. When my mother is busy preparing dinner, my father often gives a hand _______ tidying the living
A. on B. with C. for D. about
25. At this time next week , Jenny___ her work.
A. will finish B. will have finished C. will be finishing D. is finishing
26. He loves parties. He is always the first ……….. and the last to leave.
A. coming B. to come C. come D. came
27. Do you think doing the household chores is the __________of the women only?
A. responsibly B. responsible C. responsibility D. responsive
28. Many of the pictures _____ from outer space are presently on display in the public library.
A. sent B. sending C. having sent D. that sent
29. I am under a lot of _______________
A. physical attractiveness B. economic depression
C. special dishes D. study pressure

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.

30. – Daisy: “ What a lovely house you have ! ”

– Mary: “______________.”
A. Lovely, I think so B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in
C. Of course not, it’s not costly D. No problem
31. – Stephanie: “ Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours ? ”
– Scott: “__________________”
A. No, thanks. B. No, not at all! C. Yes, I do too. D. Yes, sure!
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.
32. The last time when I saw her was three years ago.
A. I have often seen her for the last three years.
B. About three years ago, I used to meet her.
C. I have not seen her for three years.
D. I saw her three years ago and will never meet her again.
33. Did the teacher give us some exercises?
A. Were we gave some exercises by the teacher?
B. Did we give some exercises by the teacher?
C. Was I given some exercises by the teacher?
D. Were we given some exercises by the teacher?

Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best fits each space in the following text.

Manuel Gonzalez comes from Spain. He usually lives in Madrid and works (34)________a
journalist for a Spanish newspaper, but two years ago he decided to take a year (35)________work to
live in different countries in Europe and write a book about Europeans. He spent the first two months
in Scandinavia (36)________information and then moved to Germany for a month. At present he is
staying in Paris, where he is renting a flat for five weeks. Four years ago he wrote a
(37)________travel guide to Spain and now he is working hard to have the same (38)________with his
book about Europeans.
34. A. in B. for C. by D. as
35. A. off B. to C. away D. from
36. A. collected B. to collect C. collecting D. collection
37. A. best-sell B. best-sold C. best-selling D. best-to- sell
38. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
Belonging to a family is one bond almost everyone in the world shares, but family patterns vary
from country to country. The United States has many different types of families. While most American
families are traditional, comprising a father, mother and one or more children, 22.5 percent of all
American families in 1983 were headed by one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in the
United States, there are no children. These childless couples may believe that they would not make
good parents; they may want freedom from the responsibilities of child-rearing; or, perhaps they are
not physically able to have children. Other families in the United States have one adult who is a
stepparent. A stepmother or stepfather is a person who joins a family by marrying a father or mother.
Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States, people have
the right to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what type of family
group they must belong to. They respect each other’s choices regarding family groups.
Families are very important to Americans. One sign that this is true is that Americans show great
concern about the family as an institution. Many Americans believe there are too many divorces. They
worry that teenagers are not obeying their parents. They are concerned about whether working women
can properly care for their children.
Families give Americans a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition. Families give Americans
strength and purpose.
Families serve many functions. They provide a setting in which children can be born and reared.
Families help educate their members. Parents teach their children values - what they think is important.
They teach their children daily skills, such as how to ride a bicycle. They also teach them common
practices and customs, such as respect for elders and celebrating holidays. The most important job for a
family is to give emotional support and security.
39. How many types of families exist there in the USA?
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five
40. What is the attitude of Americans to the types of family groups?
A. permissive B. disagreeable C. careless D. reckless
41. Why is a family important to Americans?
A. Because marriage is not easy in America.
B. Because family is the best place for them to live in.
C. Because only women in families are able to care for their children well.
D. Because family gives them strength and purpose.
42. Why do some couples prefer to be childless?
A. They accept that they would not make good parents.
B. They don’t want to have responsibilities for childcare.
C. They are not physically able to have children.
D. All of the above
43. What sense do families give to Americans?
A. a sense of freedom and a sense of jewellery. B. a sense of belonging and a sense of tradition.
C. a sense of belonging and a sense of wonder. D. a sense of humour and a sense of tradition.
44. What functions do families serve?
A. habitat and food B. money and life skills
C. emotional support and security D. joyfulness and daily supplies
45. The word “privacy” in the second paragraph means most nearly the same as______.
  A. freedom from disturbance                              B. good behaviour
  C. quick acceptance             D. constant choice 
Rewriting the following sentences

46. Mr John began visiting France in 1990.

 Mr John has ………………………………………..
47. He didn’t do his homework. He gets bad marks now.
 If...........................................................................
48. The scientists has just solved the mystery clearly.
 The mystery ………………..
49. “Don’t make noise until I return, Nam”
 Sally told………………………………….
50. This is the most interesting novel I have ever read.
 I have never……………………………


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. developed B. trusted C. recorded D. acted
2. A. determined B. sacrificed C. supposed D. viewed
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
3. A. believe B. marriage C. response D. maintain
4. A. attractiveness B. traditional C. contractual D. partnership
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word for each of the blanks from 36 to 40.
Traditionally, Americans and Asians have very different ideas about love and marriage. Americans believe in
“romantic” marriage – a boy and a girl _______5_______ each other, fall in love, and decide to marry each
other. Asians, on the other hand, believe in “contractual” marriage – the parents of the bride and the groom
decide on the marriage; and love – if it ever develops – is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it.
To show the differences, a survey was conducted among American, Chinese and Indian students to determine
their ______6______ toward love and marriage. Below is a summary of each group’s responses to the four key
Physical attractiveness: The Americans are much more concerned than the Indians and the Chinese with
physical attractiveness _______7______ choosing a wife or a husband.
Confiding: Few Asian students agree with the American students’ view that wives and husbands share all
thoughts. ______8_______ the Indians and the Chinese think it is better and wiser for a couple not to share
certain thoughts.
Partnership of equals: The majority of Asian students reject the American view that marriage is a partnership of
equals. Many Indian students agree that a woman has to sacrifice _______9________ in a marriage than a man.
Trust built on love: Significantly, more Asian students than American students agree that a husband is obliged
to tell his wife where he has been if he comes home late. The American wife trusts her husband to do the right
thing just out of his love not duty.
5. A. attracts B. is attracted from C. attract with D. are attracted to
6. A. attitudes B. importance C. meanings D. understanding
7. A. after B. before C. when D. until
8. A. However B. In contrast C. In fact D. Nevertheless
9. A. fewer B. farther C. less D. more
Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
Marriage is one of the oldest human institutions and this is as true in Indian culture as anywhere else. In India
marriage, called “Kanyadana" or “donating a virgin”, is thought of as the greatest sacrifice that a father can
make and for the groom as an obligation to perpetuate his bloodline. Many people believe that a marriage is still
binding after death.
In early times girls were thought to be ready for marriage after puberty and later even children could be
married. Divorce and remarriage were not always possible. By Medieval times Marriage was compulsory for
girls, who very often married between the ages of eight and nine. Among those able to afford it, polygamy was
common and rulers would often have one wife from their own region and other minor wives from other areas.
Now, divorce and remarriage is possible and non-Muslim Indian men can only have one wife.
Although are many regional variations, some features of the Indian wedding ceremony are similar throughout
the country. In general weddings are very complicated events and involve long negotiations about dowry
payments prior to the event. After this has been decided a day is chosen by asking an astrologer to find a lucky
day. Preparations begin early because a marriage is not only one of the highlights a person’s life, but a large and
complex social gathering to organize.
The night before, the bride, her friends and female relatives gather together for a party called a “mehendi”,
where they paint each other’s hands and feet with Henna and dance and listen to music. Her guests often give
the bride advice about married life and tease her about her future husband. Weddings are traditionally held at
the bride’s home or in a temple, but parks, hotels and marriage halls are becoming increasingly popular. On the
day, a wedding altar or “mandapa” is built and covered in flowers. All of the wedding ceremony will be held in
the altar.
The clothing a couple wear on their wedding day varies between regions and ethnic groups. Women most
commonly wear a sari. The bride wears a lot of jewelry as this symbolizes the prosperity she will bring to her
new family. In the South wearing flowers is common. The groom wears traditional costume or a suit. Turbans
are also popular headgear.
The ceremony begins with a mixture of turmeric, sandalwood paste and oils being applied to the couples face
and arms. In the past this was done to the whole body, but now it is only symbolic, with only a little being
rubbed on. Then they are showered in flowers. After this they perform the rituals that will make them man and
wife. First they garland each other and then take seven symbolic steps together representing seven gifts and
seven promises.
Finally they say the vows and then they are legally married. The bride’s father or guardian takes her hands and
puts them in her husband’s giving her to him. Now she is no longer a member of her father’s family, but a
member of her husband’s. They then touch the feet of their elders for luck.
After the wedding ceremony, the couple go to the groom’s house. The bride should be careful to enter the house
right foot first for luck. In the evening and late into the night the families and their guests celebrate with
dancing, music and food.
10. What is the best title for this passage?
A. Marriages in India. C. Indian contractual marriages.
B. Divorce and remarriage in India. D. Indian brides.
11. Divorce and remarriage ______.
A. are only possible for non-Muslims B. were sometimes not possible in the past
C. have always been possible D. have only become possible in modern times
12. The wedding ceremony is conducted in a special _______.
A. temple B. hotels and marriage halls C. park or pagoda D. wedding altar or
13. The gold and jewels the bride wears represent _______.
A. tradition B. popularity C. prosperity C. poverty
14. Which is NOT mention as clothing a couple wear on their wedding day?
A. a sari B. traditional costume C. turbans D. dress
15. These days the materials applied prior to the ceremony are only ______.
A. invaluable B. specific C. particular D. symbolic

16. According the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUE about Indian marriage?
A. All features of the Indian wedding ceremony are similar throughout the country.
B. In the past, weddings were held at the bride’s home, temples, parks, hotels and marriage halls.
C. When going to the groom’s house, the bride should be careful to enter the house left foot first.
D. Weddings in India are the highlights a person’s life, and complex social gathering to organize.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. In contractual marriage, love - if it ever develops - is not supposed to precede a marriage.
A. come before something B. happen before something
C. follow something D. happen in parallel with something
18. The majority of Asian students reject the American view that marriage is a partnership of equals. 
A. say no to B. agree with C. disagree with D. refused
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world.
A. variety B. changes C. conservation D. number
20. More Asian students than American students agree that a husband is obliged to tell his wife where he has
been if he comes home late. 
A. optional B. forced C. determined D. supposed
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a
close meaning to the original one.
21. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.
A. diverse B. diversity C. diversify D. diversification
22. John cannot make a _______ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house and a car.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
23. Some researchers have just _______ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual marriage.
A. sent B. directed C. managed D. conducted
24. Many young people have objected to _______ marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and
A. agreed B. shared C. contractual D. sacrificed
25. It is not easy to ________ our beauty when we get older and older.
A. develop B. maintain C. gain D. collect
26. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and marriage have
dramatically changed.
A. for B. with C. through D. towards
27. Sometimes she does not agree _______ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the solutions.
A. for B. on C. with D. of
28. I think that everything ______ ready for the project procedure by the end of next month.
A. will have been B. has been C. had been D. is
29. We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago.
A. lost / have left B. have lost / leave C. have lost / left D. were losing / had left
30. My mother is the only one that I can absolutely confide _______.
A. in B. for C. with D. on
31. Most of us would maintain that physical ______ does not plays major part in how we react to the people we
A. attract B. attractive C. attractiveness D. attractively
32. I believe that he was concerned ______ all those matters which his wife mentioned.
A. with B. over C. upon D. above
33. The library when I there.
A. had closed/ got B. closed/ got C. closed/ had got D. has closed/ got
34. At this time next week, all of the students __________for their examinations.
A. will be sat B. have been sitting C. have sat D. will be sitting
35. He __________for that company for five months when it went bankrupt.
A. has been worked B. has worked C. had been working D. was working
36. I____________ the book by the time you come tonight.
A. will be finishing B. finished C. had finished D. will have finished

37. This is the first time we _________ a sewing machine.
A. are using B. use C. used D. have used
38. Our teacher came in when we____________ noisily.
A. have been talking B. were talking C. are talking D. had talked
39. John began playing the piano 10 years ago.
A. John played the piano 10 years ago. C. John has played the piano for 10 years.
B. John used to play the piano 10 years ago. D. John doesn't play the piano anymore
40. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years. B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago.
C. I haven’t seen Rose since three years. D. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
41. John: “You look great in this new dress.” Mary : “- ________.”
A. With pleasure B. Not at all C. I am glad you like it D. Do not say anything about it
42. Ken: " Where is your studying group going to meet next weekend?
    Tom: "____________."
A. We are too busy on week days            C. The library could be best
B. Why don't you look at the atlas           D. Studying in a group is great fun!
Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English and correct it.
43. My friend didn’t drink any beer since we came to live here.
44. After Mrs. Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner.
Rewrite these sentences with words given
45. The last time I went swimming was three years ago.
→ I haven’t................................................................................................................................................................
46. It’s 20 years since my father saw his brother.
→ My father hasn’t ..................................................................................................................................................
47. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
→ This is the first......................................................................................................................................................
48. Mr. John hasn’t visited France since 1990.
→ Mr John last..........................................................................................................................................................
49. We started working here in 2000.
→ We have ...............................................................................................................................................................
50. Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed.
→After Mike ............................................................................................................................................................
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1.A. verbal B. suppose C. even D. either
2.A. situation B. appropriate C. informality D. entertainment
3. A. stressful B. pressure C. prepare D. future
4. A. division B. typical C. favorite D. organize
Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each unfinished sentence.
5.You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.
A. make B. get C. set D. pay
6.Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. tongue D. oral
7.Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."
A. Rise B. Lift C. Raise D. Heighten
8.Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
9.The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to questions.
A. attention B. attentively C. attentive D. attentiveness
10.He is one of the most _______ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not only me
but also others in the staff.
A. thoughtful B. impolite C. attentive D. communicative
11.In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _______ their head.
A. turning B. raising C. pointing D. nodding
12.If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees _______.
A. appropriate B. appropriately C. appropriation D. appropriating
13.Mrs. Pike was so angry that she made a _______ gesture at the driver.
A. rude B. rudeness C. rudely D. rudest
14.The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to _____her attention.
A. attract B. pull C. follow D. tempt
15.If something _______ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.
A. pays B. allow C. catches D. wave
16.I have never seen such a beautiful dress _______ you before.
A. of B. on C. for D. in
17.Small children are often told that it is rude to point _______ other people.
A. on B. to C. at D. for
18.- What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment D. I don't like your sayings
19.The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
20.She said she _______ collect it for me after work.
A. would B. did C. must D. had
21.She said I _______ an angel.
A. am B. was C. were D. have been
22.Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.
A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day
23.John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports.
A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was
24.John asked me _______ that film the night before.
A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if I had seen D. if had I seen
25. "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me.
A. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
B. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. ,
C. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.
D. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.
26. Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one
“I am sorry I forgot to post your letter,” Phong said to me,
A. Phong said that he is sorry he forgot to post my letter.
B. Phong apologized me to forget to post my letter.
C. Phong apologized for forgetting to post my letter.
D. Phong was sorry that he forgot posting my letter.
27. Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one
John Smith is a farmer. I bought his land.
A. John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer.
B. John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer.
C. John Smith, who is a farmer, whose land I bought
D. John Smith, who is a farmer, bought his land.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
28.I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct B. right C. suitable D. exact
29.This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
A. matter B. attention C. place D. situation.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

30. The twin girls are so identical that I can't distinguish one from the other.
A.changeable B. similar C. alike D. different
31. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their parents and
A. nervousness B. emotion C. relaxation D. stress
Error Identification.
32. Are you sure Tereshkova was the first woman traveling in space ?
33. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
Read the passage below. Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word from the list:
We can communicate not only through words but also through body language. Body language ….
( 34)… our posture, facial expressions, and gestures.Because body language is so important, you’ll
want to know what yours is saying and ……(35)… interpret other people’s, too. Here are some
examples of body language and ……..(36)…..meaning.If your posture is ……(37)…. And your head
is down, this could mean that you are sad or you lack confidence.If your posture is straight but
relaxed, you are expreesing confidence and …..(38)…….
34. A. includes B. include C. included D. including
35. A. what B. when C. how D. which
36. A. its B. their C. them
37. A. slumping B. slumped C. slump D. to slump
38. A. friend B. friendly C. unfriendly D. friendliness
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Movements and gestures by the hands, arms, legs, and other parts' of the body and faces are the
most pervasive types of nonverbal messages and the most difficult to control. 'It is estimated that there
are over 200.000 physical signs capable of stimulating meaning in another person. For example, there
are 23 distinct eyebrow movements, each capable of stimulating a different meaning.
Humans express attitudes toward themselves and vividly through body movements and postures.
Body movements express true messages about feelings that cannot be masked. Because such avenues
of communication are visual, they travel much farther than spoken words and are unaffected by the
presence of noise that interrupts, or cancels out speech.
People communicate by the way they walk, stand, and sit. We tend to be more relaxed with friends
or when addressing those of lower status. Body orientation also indicates status or liking of the other
individual. More direct orientation is related to a more positive attitude.
Body movements and postures alone have no exact meaning, but they can greatly support or reject
the spoken word. If these two means of communication are dichotomized and contradict each other,
some result will be a disordered image and most often the nonverbal will dominate.
39. How many are there physical signs capable of stimulating meaning in another person.
A. over 200 million B. about 200 thousand
C. over 200 thousand D. about 200 million
40.Which part of body is not used to send body message?
A. faces B. legs C. hands D. stomachs
41.Face gestures ________.
A. can help us control our feelings B. are the most difficult to control
C. cannot express our feelings D. do not include eye brow moments
42.Body communication is ________.
A. visual B. verbal C. very few D. uncommon
43.According to the text, body movements cannot express ________.
A. feelings B. status C. attitudes D. desires
44.Nonverbal communication ________.
A. may be interrupted by noise
B. has no relation to verbal communication
C. dominates words
D. is less common than verbal communication
45. The word "disordered" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. confused B. logical C.connected D.jointed
46 “Never leave your motorbike unlocked in this area.” My friend said to me
→My friend warned……………………………….
47.“I’m terribly sorry that I have broken your glasses.” Tom said
→Tom apologized……………………..
48.“It’s you who stole the fruit in my garden yesterday.” the woman said to two boys
→The woman accused…………………….
49. John said ,“ I’ll give it to him tomorrow,”
 John promised………………………………………………………………
50. He said to me: “don’t come back before one o’clock”.
He told ………………………………………………………


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following
1.A. curriculum B. universal C. uniform D. university
2.A. primary B. kindergarten C. childhood D. light
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. certificate B. compulsory C. academic D. curriculum
4. A. parallel B. dependent C. educate D. primary
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
5.Tommy left high school _______ the age _______ seventeen.
A. at / of B. in / for C. on / with D. of / in
6.The academic year in Vietnam is over _______ the end _______ May.
A. from / in B. for / on C. on / in D. at / of
7.As an _______, Mr. Pike is very worried about the increasing of juvenile delinquency.
A. educate B. education C. educator D. educative
8.Reagan _______ an actor years ago.
A. is said to be B. was said being C. was said have been D. is said to have been
9.The trees _______.
A. were grown by John yesterday in the backyard
B. were grown in the backyard by John yesterday
C. were grown in the backyard yesterday by John
D. in the backyard were grown yesterday by John
10.Fee-paying schools, often called "independent schools", "private schools" or “_______ schools"
A. college B. primary C. secondary D. public
11.This car _______.
A. was manufactured in Japan by Toyota last year
B. was manufactured by Toyota last year in Japan
C. was manufactured last year in Japan by Toyota
D. last year was manufactured by Toyota in Japan
12.In England schooling is compulsory _______ all children from the age of 5 to 16.
A. with B. for C. to D. over
13.In Vietnam a school year lasts for nine months and is divided _______ two terms.
A. into B. to C. from D. on
14.He was so ill that he could not _______ his final examination and cancelled it to the next year.
A. make B. do C. take D. gain
15._____ education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as
vocational education and training.
A. Primary B. Tertiary C. Secondary D. Intermediate
16.The students got the librarian books for them. B. to buy C. bought D. buying
17.I have not had the film yet.
A.developed B. to develop C. developing D. doing
18.The school year normally has three ___________, with exams at the end of the year.
A. seminars B. terms C. courses D. systems
19.In Vietnamese schools, English, mathematics, and literature are three _______ subjects, which are
compulsory in many important national examinations.
A. core B. part C. center D. middle
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

20.In England, school is classified  into two parrallel school systems.

A.   recorded       B.   shined         C.   categorized             D. diversified
21.They tried to persuade him to change the job and in the end he changed his mind.
A.At the end B. gradually C. eventually D. luckily

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

22. Primary education in the United States is compulsory

A. obliged B. optional C. free of charge D. required
23. All children can attend without paying fees at state schools.
A. high schools B. primary schools C. independent schools D. secondary schools

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.

24.“ I have just passed my English proficiency test.” “____________”

A. Congratulations ! B. It’s nice of you to say so!
C. That’s a good idea! D. Ok! I’m enjoying in it!
25.Peter : " Would you like to have dinner with me?" -Ann : "______________."
A. Yes, it is B. That's a good idea C. Yes, I'd love to D. Yes, so do I

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
Schools in the United States have not always had a large number of libraries. As (26)______ as 1958
about half of the public schools in the United States had no libraries at all. The (27)______ of public
school libraries increased dramatically when the federal government passed the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, (28)______ provided funds (29) _____ school districts to improve
their education programs and facilities, including their libraries. Nevertheless, many educators claim
that since the legislation was passed federal spending has not increased sufficiently to meet the rising
(30)______ of new library technologies such as computer databases and Internet access.
26. A. frequently B. recently C. freshly D. newly
27. A. digit B. amount C. number D. numeral
28. A. that B. who C. which D. this
29. A. from B. with C. on D. for
30. A. fine B. fee C. cost D. sum

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 46 to 50.

If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a
disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes
which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect,
and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children.
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially if the parents are
very supportive of their child.
Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking
him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50
kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little about music, but his
father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful
musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they
are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not
win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and
31. One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ______.
A. push their child into trying too much B. help their child to become a genius
C. make their child become a musician D. neglect their child’s education
32. Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?
A. Successful musicians. B. Unrealistic parents.
C. Their children. D. Educational psychologists.
33. Michael Collins is fortunate in that ______.
A. his father is a musician B. his parents are quite rich
C. his mother knows little about music D. his parents help him in a sensible way
34. The phrase "crazy about" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "surprised at" B. "extremely interested in"
C. "completely unaware of" D. "confused about"
35. Winston’s parents push their son so much and he ______.
A. has won a lot of piano competitions B. cannot learn much music from them
C. has become a good musician D. is afraid to disappoint them
36. The word "They" in the passage refers to ______.
A. concerts B. violin lessons C. parents in general D. Michael’s parents
37. All of the following people are musical EXCEPT _____.
A. Winston’s father B. Winston’s mother C. Michael’s father D. Michael’s mother


38.. Some buidings are still burning. They were hit by bombs.
 Some buidings __________________________________________________________
39. I can’t translate this because I don’t speak Korean.
 If_____________________________________________________________________
40.“I didn’t break the vase of flowers,” the boy said.
The boy denied ________________________________________.
41. Smith will supply our company with furniture tomorrow .
 Our company ...............................................................................................................................
42.No one has used that door for 20 years.
 That door ......................................................................................................................................
43.Mary started learning English 3 years ago
 Mary has ..............................................................................
44. It is said that he escaped in a stolen car.
 He is……………………………………………………

45. “Sorry, I’m late.” said the boy to the teacher.

 The boy apologised …………………………………………….
46. Mike has never been to the capital before.
 This is the first time…………………………………
Each of the following sentences contains one error. Identify and correct the error.
47. We all know that we have to work hardly to earn a living ourselves and support the family.
48.A new school for disabled children will be build here next month.
49. I’m afraid I can’t come with you on tomorrow.
50. She must have her reasons where she doesn’t want to tell.
Choose the word whose main stress syllable is put differently.
1. A. average B. candidate C. severely D. applicant
2. A. insurance B. reference C. consider D. available
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
3. A. choice B. achieve C. each D. chemistry
4. A. final B. applicant C. high D. decide
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
5. If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it_________.
A. hardly B. hard C. completely D. scarcely
6. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _________it.
A. would never have believed B. don't believe
C. hadn't believed D. can't believe
7. -"I have a headache." -" _________you take an aspirin?"
A. Why don't B. Why should C. What should D. What must
8. Without _________it, he hindered us instead of _________us.
A. realize - help B. realizing - helping C. to realize - to help D. realizing - to help
9. If I _________my passport, I'll be in trouble.
A. lose B. ’ll lose C. lost D. would lose
10. She has been promoted three times_________she started working here.
A. when B. for C. as D. since
11. The questions on the test were too long and difficult. I found it_________to finish them on time.
A. possible B. impossible C. possibility D. possibly
12. Burning garbage pollutes the air with_________ordours.
A. pleasant B. unpleasant C. pleasure D. pleasing
13. It was very kind _________us to your party.
A. of you to invite B. of you invited C. for you to invite D. to you that invited
14. Intelligent boys like to study something if it really ______ them.
A. challenges B. changes C. daunts D. scares
15. It is _______ to fail a job interview, but try again.
A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointedly D. disappointment
16. That is the most __________ story I’ve ever heard.
A. amazed B. amazing C. amazement D. amaze
17. If I _______ a typewriter now, I _______ this contract by myself.
A. have/ would type B. have/ will type C. had / would type D. had had / would have typed
18.Either you or your friend _______ on charge today.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
19.If she _______ the train last night, she here now.
A. took / were B. were taking / is
C. had taken / would have been D. had taken / would be
20._______ if a war happened?
A. What you would do B. What would you do
C. What will you do D. What will you do
21.Many parents do not let their children make a decision _______ their future career.
A. in B. about C. on D. out
22.Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends.
A. prefer B. preference C. preferential D. preferable
23.Many people have objected to the use of animals in _____ experiments.
A. science B. scientist C. scientific D. scientifically
24._______ that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the speech.
A. If we had had B. If had we had
C. Unless we had had D. Provided that we had had
25.By next week, they ____________ resurfacing the road.
A. will have finished B. will finish C. will be finishing D. finish
26. Mary didn’t wear the rain coat, so she got a cold.
A. If Mary wore the rain coat, she wouldn’t get a cold.
B. If Mary had worn the rain coat, she didn’t get a cold.
C. If Mary had worn the rain coat, she wouldn’t have got a cold.
D. If Mary has worn the rain coat, she won’t have got a cold.
27. Today isn’t Sunday, so the pupils can’t go swimming.
A. If today were Sunday, the pupils could go swimming.
B. If today is Sunday, the pupils could go swimming.
C. The pupils could go swimming unless today is Sunday.
D.The pupils couldn’t go swimming if today isn’t Sunday.

Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.

28.If my father hasn't encouraged me to take the exam, I wouldn't have done it.
29.Some of the pictures he painted them were sold for millions of dollars.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

30. Many people feel nervous when they first make a speech in public.
A. impressed B. fearful C. confident D. upset
31. “That is a well-behaved boy whose behaviour has nothing to complain about”
A. good behavior B. behaving improperly
C. behaving nice D. behaving cleverly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
32. The film is not worth seeing. The plot is too dull.
A. simple B. complicated C. boring D. slow
33. Everything was in a thorough mess.
A. utter B. full C. complete D. appalling
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Here's some advice for trying to find the university that works for you.
You need to examine (34) _____ and your reasons for going to university before you start your
search. Why are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses?
What do you want out of life? Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm, familial (35)
_____? Talk with your family, friends and high-school counselors as you ask these questions. The
people (36) _____ know you best can help you the most with these important issues.
Very few high-school students have enough information or (37) _____ to choose a major. You need
to be well (38) _____ to determine your interest and aptitude. Many students change their minds
two or three times before they settle on a major.
34.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
35.A. support B. bringing C. feeding D. growth
36.A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
37.A. expenditure B. experience C. experiment D. expert
38.A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparative

Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentences.
Last week I went to visit Atlantic College, an excellent private college in Wales. Unusually, it
gives people much needed experience of life outside the classroom, as well as the opportunity to study
for their exams. The students, who are aged between 16 and 18 and come from all over the world,
spend the morning studying. In the afternoon they go out and do a really useful activity, such as
helping on the farm, looking after people with learning difficulties, or checking for pollution in rivers.
One of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different
social backgrounds and countries. As few can afford the fees of £20,000 over two years, grants are
A quarter of students are British, and many of those can only attend because they receive
government help.
“I really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young
people", as Barbara Molenkamp, a student from the Netherlands, said. ''You learn to live with people
and respect them, even the ones you don't like. During the summer holidays my mother couldn't
believe how much less I argued with my sister."
To sum up, Atlantic College gives its students an excellent education, using methods which
really seem to work.
39.What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. give an opinion about a particular student
B. give an opinion about a special type of education
C. describe the activities the students do in their free time
D. describe his own experience of education
40.What can a reader find out from this text?
A. how to become a student at Atlantic College
B. what kind of programme Atlantic College offers
C. what the British education system is like
D. how to get along better with other people
41.What is the writer's opinion of Atlantic College?
A. It doesn't allow students enough study time.
B. Its students are taught to like each other.
C. It doesn’t give good value for money.
D. Its way of teaching is successful.
42.How has Barbara changed since being at Atlantic College?
A. She knows a lot about other countries.
B. She is more confident than her sister now.
C. She finds it easier to get on with other people.
D. She prefers her new friends to her family.
43. Which of these sentences is NOT true about Atlantic College?
A. Its students are from all over the world.
B. Many British students attend Atlantic College with the help from the government.
C. Its students take part into useful activities in the afternoon.
D. Its students are not taught needed experience of life outside the classroom.
44.The word "argued" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. quarreled B. respected C. admired D. regarded
45. How does the writer’s attitude toward Atlantic college?
A. argumentative B. arrogant C.bad-tempered D. admirable
46. Dick causes accidents because he drives carelessly.
 If _______________________________________
47. I can’t apply for that job because I don’t know English.
 If _______________________________________
48. Susan is overweight because she eats too much chocolate.
 If _______________________________________
49. He didn't study his lessons carefully, so he gets bad m arks now.
 If _______________________________________
50. If he doesn’t study hard , he’ll fail the exam.
 Unless _______________________________________


Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1. A. employment B. remember C. concentrate D. position
2. A. experience B. certificate C. interviewer D. enthusiasm
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
3. A. character B. teacher C. chemist D. technical
4. A. worker B. whom C. interview D. answer
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first interview. Below are
some pieces of advice that can help you reduce the feeling of pressure and create a good impression on your
You should find out as much as possible about the job and the vacancy. Before the interview, you have to send
a letter of application and your résumés to the company to express your interest in the job and to show that you
might be the most suitable candidate for the position.
When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your school certificates and letters of
recommendation from your teachers or your previous employers. In addition, you may jot down your
qualifications and experience that can relate to the job and prepare for the questions that are often asked during
the interview.
Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few minutes early. Don’t
forget to dress neatly and formally.

You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the
interviewer asks. Be clear, polite and honest. If you do not know something about the more technical aspects of
the job, admit it and stress that you are willing to learn. Show enthusiasm when the job is explained to you.
Always show your best side, your keenness to work and your sense of responsibility.
Don’t forget to say goodbye to the interviewer before leaving the office.
If you are offered the position, congratulations! If you do not get the job, try not to be too disappointed. Think
about the interviewer’s comments because they may help you prepare better when you are called for the next
job interview. Good luck!
5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Preparing for a job interview B. Advice on interviewing employees
C. Author’s memories of an interview D. Experience in finding jobs
6. Which one is the word “vacancy” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to?
A. a part of a newspaper B. a job that is available
C. a seat that is available D. a vacation awaiting
7. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Try to reduce the feeling of pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer.
B. Find out as much information as you can about the job and the vacancy.
C. Bring with you a letter of application and your resumes to the interview.
D. Take your certificates that can relate and letters of recommendation with you.
8. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Remember to be punctual or a bit earlier and dress well.
B. You should be clear, polite and honest.
C. Tell the interviewer about your shortcomings.
D. Remember to say goodbye to the interviewer before leaving the interview.
9. Which of the statements is TRUE?
A. The author is not interested if you are offered the job.
B. Don’t be too upset if you are offered the opportunity.
C. The interviewer’s comments may teach you for the future opportunity.
D. If you fail, there will be no more hope at all ever after.
10. The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to____________.
A. the interviewers B. the interviewer’s comments C. the positions D. the interviews
11. Which one is the word “candidate” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to?
A. applicant B. employee C. employer D. application
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
There are several things to remember if you are applying for a new job. Most companies advertise their
____12___ in the newspapers, and there are normally a lot of ____13___ for each position. Therefore, a good
letter of application is very important. You should enclose with it your curriculum vitae so that the employer
knows about your ___14____ and experience. If you are applying ___15____ a large company, address your
letter to the personnel manager, who deals with appointing new staff. If you are invited to an interview, make
_____16__ you are suitably dressed and on time. You may ask about promotion prospects as well as further
training, the salary and holiday arrangements.
12. A. seats B. products C. vacancies D. employees
13. A. appliance B. applicants C. application D. applying
14. A. qualifications B. schools C. licenses D. forms
15. A. in B. to C. for D. with
16. A. sure B. good C. clear D. right
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.
A. be related to B. be interested in C. pay no attention to D. express interest to
18. Don’t tell the interviewer your shortcomings.
A. strengths B. weaknesses C. enthusiasm D. keenness
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. You may jot down your qualifications and experience.
A. mention B. note down C. type D. find out
20. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumé to the company.
A. experience B. reference C. curriculum vitae D. photograph
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a
close meaning to the original one.
21. A letter of _______ is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview.
A. recommend B. recommended C. recommender D. recommendation
22. Her job was so _______ that she decided to quit it.
A. interesting B. satisfactory C. stressful D. wonderful
23. Not all teenagers are well _______ for their future job when they are at high school.
A. interested B. satisfied C. concerned D. prepared
24. I have just been called _______ a job interview. I am so nervous.
A. for B. in C. over D. with
25. You should show the interviewer that you are really keen _______ the job you have applied.
A. in B. for C. on D. over
26. Nobody seemed to be interested in the news. It was greeted with a lack of_________.
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiasm C. enthusiastically D. enthusiast
27. Good preparations _______ your job interview is a must.
A. with B. upon C. in D. for
28. She dressed very well in order to ___________a good impression on the interviewer.
A. get B. work C. create D. do
29. Qualifications and _______ are two most important factors that help you get a good job.
A. politeness B. experience C. attention D. impression
30. Tom was one of the ____________ who were offered the job.
A. appliance B. application C. applicants D. applying
31. We visited the church _____________ in the 18th century.
A. was built B. which built C. building D. built
32. All of us are waiting for the man ___________ son was lost.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
33. The girl ______ is our neighbor.
A. talks to the lady over there C. was talking to the lady over there
B. is talking to the lady over there D. talking to the lady over there
34. The girl ________me this gift is my best friend.
A. presented B. was presenting C. presenting D. be presenting
35. The girls and the flowers _____he painted were vivid.
A. who B. which C. whose D. that
36. Taj Mahal, _____ by Shah Jannah for his wife, is thought to be one of the great architectural wonders of the
A. being built B. was built C. which was built D. been built
37. The man ______ was in charge of the management didn't seem friendly to us at all.
A. who B. whom C. where D. when
38. We go to school regularly,__________________ .
A. that makes our teacher happy B. which makes our teacher happily
C. it makes our teacher happy D. which makes our teacher happy
39. He likes the dress. Huong is wearing it
A. He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it C. He likes the dress who Huong is wearing
B. He likes the dress Huong is wearing it D. He
likes the dress Huong is wearing
40. Most of the classmates couldn't come. They were invited to the birthday party
A. Most of the classmates invited to the birthday party couldn't come.
B. Most of the classmates were invited to the birthday party couldn't come.
C. Most of the classmates who invited them to the birthday party couldn't come.
D. Most of the classmates be invited to the birthday party couldn't come.
41. Tom : “How well you are playing!” Nick: “___________”.
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words B. I think so. I am proud of myself

C. Thank you too much D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment
42. Alice: “What shall we do this evening?”
Carol: “_______________.”
A. Let’s go out for dinner B. No problem C. Thank you D. Not at all
Choose the underlined words that need correcting.
43. Today, the number of people enjoy winter sports is double that of 20 years ago.
44. The man for who the police are looking robbed the bank yesterday.
Rewrite these sentences with words given.
45. This is the house. We often stay in this house in summer.
→ This is the house in ................................................................................................................................................
46. I see a woman and her cat. They are walking along the park.
→ I see.........................................................................................................................................................................
47. The daughter failed her final exam. This makes her family worry a lot.
→ The daughter...........................................................................................................................................................
48. The lady lives next to my house. Her dog was killed.
→The lady. ………………………………………………………….........................................................................
49. This doctor is famous. You visited him yesterday.
→ This doctor …………………………………….....................................................................................................
50. The students will be awarded the present. That’s good news.
→ The students............................................................................................................................................................


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

3. A. threaten B. earth C. healthy D. breathe

4. A. wipe B. allow C. powerful D. answer

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

3. A. experience B. domestic C. depression D. pessimism

4. A. contribute B. achieve C. influence D. security
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

5. Thanks to better health care, there are more and more centenarians nowadays.
A. children whose parents can't afford their schooling
B. children who die at birth
C. people who live 100 years or more
D. people who suffer from fatal diseases
6. Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives.
A. depression B. technique C. expectation D. impact

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

7. Most of our students achieved five ‘A’ grades in their exams.

A. became B. expected C. gave D. attained
8. In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements.
A. something to suffer B. something enjoyable
C. something depressing D. something to improve

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

9.The Lake District,which was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourist every year.
10. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and depressed when being asked about their future.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
11. By 2015, it will be widely accepted that schools and pre-schools have _______ extremely
important role to play in______ future of our world.
A. an / a B. an / the C. the / the D. Ø / Ø
12. On _______ Internet and with cable television, we can select information from _______ wide
variety of sources.
A. the / a B. an / the C. the / Ø D. Ø / the
13. He usually travels to _______ Philadelphia by _______ train.
A. Ø / Ø B. the / a C. the / the D. Ø / a
14. You frequently see this kind of violence on _______ television.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
15. Someone who is _________ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.
A. optimist B. optimistic C. pessimist D. pessimistic
16. Who’s the girl standing _________ Alice and Mary?
A. next B. between C. among D. by
17. A: “Can you lend me your notebook _________ Friday?”
B. “ Sorry, I can’t. I’ll have to finish my report _________ the end of the week”
A. on/at B. on/in C. in/at D. in/in
18.Thanks to the inventions of labour-saving ______, domestic chores will no longer be a burden.
A. tools B. facilities C. equipment D. devices
19. What will the relationship between computing and _________ bring us over the next 15 years?
A. science B. scientific C. scientifically D. scientist
20. Why are you so rude _________ your sisters? Can’t you be nice _________ them?
A. with/with B. at/ to C. to/to D. on/ with
21. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _________.
A. expected B. unexpected C. expectedly D. unexpectedly
22. I _________ TV at 8.30 last night.
A. watched B. has watched C. had watched D. was watching
23. The superstar, _____ by the other members of the band, ___ going to visit our school next week.
A. accompanied/is B. accompanying/are C. accompany /are D.
24. Harry Potter books, ___was written by J.K. Rowling, are very popular with children around the world.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
25. She wrote her essay carefully to avoid ______ mistakes.
A. make B. making C. being made D. to make
26. My students promised that they would hand in their assignments ______.
A. the previous day B. yesterday C. the following day D. tomorrow
27. According to ___ people, most animal and plant species on earth will soon die out.
A. optimists B. pessimistic C. pessimists D. optimistic
28. Peter was asked to _______ to a newspaper article making predictions for technological progress in
10 years.
A. expect B. invent C. develop D. contribute
29. Be sure to follow the instructions ___________.
A. given at the top of the page B. that gives at the top of the page
C. which gave at the top of the page D. where were given at the top of the page

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.

30. John: “Can you show me the way to the nearest post office, please?” - Passer-by: “_____”
A. Not way, sorry. B. Just round the corner over there.
C. Look it up in a dictionary! D. There’s no traffic near here.
31. . Lora has just bought a new skirt that she likes very much.
Jane: “ You look great in that red skirt, Lora!” - Lora: _____”
A. No, I don’t think so B. Oh, you don’t like it, do you?
C. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s D. Thanks, my mum bought it.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.
32. People say that Mr. Goldman gave nearly a million pounds to charity last year.
A. Mr. Goldman is said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year.
B. Mr. Goldman was said to have given nearly a million pounds to charity last year.
C. Nearly a million pounds was said to have been given to charity by Mr. Goldman last year.
D. Nearly a million pounds is said to be given to charity by Mr. Goldman last year.
33. He was successful in his career thanks to his parents' support.
A. Had it not been for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.
B. If his parents hadn't supported him, he wouldn't have been successful in his career.
C. But for his parents' support, he wouldn't be successful in his career.
D. Without his parents' support, he would have been successful in his career.
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Many environmental experts are pessimistic about the future of our _____(34)____. They say
that the next few years harmful chemicals will further damage the_____(35)____layer., there will be
more losses of irreplaceable tropical rainforests, and serious air pollution will cause the climate itself to
change. They also warn us that the developing countries will continue to suffer ecological disasters,
while the _____(36)____countries consume the vast majority of the world’s fuels. Animals are also
at_____(37)____.It’s fear that some endangered species may soon die out, as their
natural_____(38)____are destroyed.
34. A. country B. planet C. society D. life
35. A. oxygen B. dioxide C. carbon D. ozone
36. A. poor B. developing C. European D. rich
37. A. risk B. danger C. accidents D. unfortunate
38. A. environment B. habitats C. resources D. disasters

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 40
In the future, maybe all cars that run on petrol will be replaced by solar cars, which have been
around for a while, but with recent developments in solar car design and the measurement of
photovoltaic cells becoming smaller, the dream of a truly efficient solar car is more reality than
fantasy. A solar car is a vehicle powered by photovoltaic cells, also called solar cells, which convert
sunlight (light energy) into electrical energy. As a source of energy on earth, there is nothing like
the sun: in a mere one thousandth of one second (.001), the sun emits enough energy to fulfill our
planet's energy needs for the next 5,000 years. It is a staggering fact, and an exciting one. Since the
energy from the sun is responsible for renewable resources such as wind, tides, and heat, solar
energy seems to offer the brightest future for not only cars, but for the entire energy crisis. Despite
the appearance that solar energy may be the least feasible among the current crop of alternative fuel

propositions, new solar powered devices and more specifically solar powered cars are beginning to
be developed. How do Solar. Cars work?
The photo-voltaic cells absorb photons from sunlight. This action generates heat, which the
cells then convert into electrical energy and stores in an on-board battery. This process of
conversion is called the photovoltaic effect. Not surprisingly, such a vehicle has zero emissions, and
is very environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, at the moment photovoltaic cells are extremely
inefficient, yet as time progresses the efficiency of these cells will grow. This will make solar
energy and solar cars the fuel and car of the future-a closer reality.
39. According to the text, .
A. up to now, we have designed some solar cars
B. solar cars have been very popular for many years
C. we have not produced any solar cars yet
D. solar cars are not as much appreciated as other kinds of car
40. A solar car is supplied power from .
A. gas B. petrol C. photovoltaic cells D. electricity
41. Which can not help us to solve the problem of energy crisis?
A. wind B. tide C. the sun D. heat from the moon
42. According to the text,
A. no powered solar devices have been developed so far
B. besides solar car, we have also developed solar powered device
C. solar energy plans are more feasible than wind energy plans
D. tide can supply more energy than the sun
43.The photovoltaic effect is .
A. the process of operating a solar car
B. the process of absorbing photons from the sun
C. the developing of solar cars and solar powered devices
D. the converting of heat from the sun into electricity
44. The word feasible can be replaced by ________
A. teachable B. happy C. attractive D. practicable
45. How does the writer seem to feel about the future of solar cars?
A. Neutral B. uncertain C. optimistic D. pessimistic
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentenceprinted
before it. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
46. She is learning English so as to get a better job. (so that)
→ She is learning………………………………………
47. People think that he is an excellent football player.
→ He …………………………………………………….
48. In spite of the bad weather, they had a wonderful holiday.
→ Although…………………………………
49. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number” said Paula to Susan.
→ Paula apologized ………………………………………..
50. John is fat because he eats so many chips.
→ If…………………………………………………………..

1. If she _______ rich, she would travel around the world.
A. would be B. is C. has been D. were
2. The cat was _______ to wait for the mouse to come out of its hole.

A. patient enough B. so patient C. enough patient D. too patient
3. The equipment in our office needs _______.
A. moderner B. modernizing C. modernized D. modernization
4. If you had taken my advice, you _______ in such difficulties.
A. won't be B. hadn't been C. wouldn't be D. wouldn't have been
5. They will stay there for some days if the weather _______ fine.
A. would be B. was C. is D. will be
6. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ______ in the crash.
A. are injured B. have been injured C. were injured D. was injured
7. While southern California is densely populated, ______ live in the northern part of the state.
A. many people B. a few of people C. few people D. a number people
8. If she ______ sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.
A. hadn’t been B. weren’t C. hasn’t been D. wasn’t
9. The shirt in the window was ______ expensive for me to buy.
A. too B. such C. enough D. so
10. Janet has left home and is ______ of her parents.
A. dependent B. dependently C. independent D. depend
11. When I last ______ Jane, she ______ to find a job.
A. saw/ was trying B. saw/ tried C. have seen/ tried D. see/ is trying
12. The doctor decided to give her a thorough examination ______ he could identify the causes of her
A. after B. so as C. unless D. so that
13. The room needs ______ for the wedding.
A. decorating B. to decorate C. decorate D. be decorated
14. I am considering ______ my job. Can you recommend a good company?
A. to move B. moving C. to change D. changing
15. The old temple is lying……..a lot of new buildings.
A. among B. between C. under D. above
16. They would ______ go by air than travel by train.
A. always B. better C. prefer D. rather
17. He arrived late, ______ was annoying.
A. it B. that C. what D. which
18. Take the number 5 bus and get ______ at Times Square.
A. off B. up C. outside D. down
19. “How many times have I told you ______ football in the street?”
A. not playing B. do not play C. not to play D. not to have played
20. She is very absent-minded: she ______ her cellphone three times!
A. has lost B. loses C. was losing D. had lost
21.He is going to get married ______ the end of this month.
A. on B. in C. to D. at

22. The number of learners not large; a number of headphones available to them in the lab

A.are-is B. is-are C. are-are D. is-is

23.John made me promise him next week B. calling C. to call D. called
24.Only a few of movies on TV are suitable for children
A. showing B. which show C. shown D. are shown
25.I took my umbrella I wouldn’t get wet
A. so that B. in order to C. so as to D. because
26.This is good coffee that I think I’ll have another cup
A. so B. such C. too D. very
27.The music was loud that you could hear it from miles away
A. so B. such C. too D. very
28. People say he won a lot of money on the lottery.
A. He is said that he won a lot of money on the lottery.
B. He won a lot of money on the lottery, it is said.
C. He is said to have won a lot of money on the lottery.
D. He was said to win a lot of money on the lottery.
29.This river isn’t clean to swim in
A. such B. very C. too D. enough
30.He wishes he the driving test last year.
A.passed B. would pass C. could pass D. had passed
31.My teacher said to me, “Have you done this exercise yet?”
A. My teacher asked me have you done the exercise yet.
B. My teacher asked me if I had done that exercise yet.
C. My teacher asked me had I done the exercise yet.
D. My teacher asked me I had done the exercise yet

32.“What a pity you didn’t see that film”

A.I wish you could see that film B.I wish you had seen that film
C.I wish you have seen that film D.I wish you saw that film
33..……………… she agreed, you would have done it.
A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would
34.Haywood is the village _ .
A. where I was born in B. which I was born
C. in which I was born D. which I was born there
35. He agreed to go climbing he hated heights.
A.despite B. in spite of C. so D. although
36. She said she
A.was very tired last night B. was very tired last night before
C. had been very tired last night D. had been very tired the night before
37.Emily said that her teacher to London .
A. will go / tomorrow B. went / tomorrow
C. would go /the next day D. had gone/ the next day
38.She told the boys on the grass. not play B. did not play C. not playing D. not to play
39.She asked .
A.where was her umbrella B. where her umbrella was
C. where were her umbrella D. where her umbrella were

40.Jason asked me me the book the day before.

A.if who gave B. if who has given
C. who had given D. that who had given
41.Robert said that his father to Dallas the year before.
A.gone B. went C. has gone D. had gone
42. The effects of cigarette smoking ______to be extremely harmful so far.
A. is proved B. will be proved C. are proved D. have been proved
43. he walked to the station.
A. Despite being tired B. Although to be tired
C. In spite being tire D. Despite tired
44. it was sunny, it was quite a cold day.
A.And B. Although C. Despite D. In spite of .
45.He started living here three years ago.
A.He lived here three years ago.
B.He has lived here for three years.
C.He had been living here for three years.
D.He had lived here three years ago.
46.When Peter ,I him to your new house.
A. will arrive – take B. arrives – will take
C. has arrived – am taking D. had arrived – had taken
47.What when the fire alarm off?
A.are you doing – will go B. have you done – would go
C. were you doing – went D. will you do – are going
48.He usually travels to Philadelphia by train.
A.Ø / Ø B. the / a C. the / the D. Ø / a
49.You frequently see this kind of violence on television.
A.a B. an C. the D. Ø
50.Lots of houses by the earthquake.
A.are destroying B. destroyed C. were destroying D. were destroyed
51.Reagan an actor years ago. said to be B. was said have been
C. is said to have been D. was said being
52.What was the name of the people car had broken down?
A.which B. who C. whom D. whose
53.The man …………… him a gift is very rich.
A.that give B. gives C. that was given D. giving
54.Do you like the toys …………. from wax?
A.making B. made C. which made D. to be made
55."If I were you, I would take a break," Tom said to Daisy.
A.Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy.
B.Tom advised Daisy to take a break.
C.Tom suggested not taking a break.
D.Tom wanted to take a break, and so did Daisy
56.When Carol last night, I my favorite show on television.
A.was calling, watched B. called, have watched
C. called, was watching D. had called, watched

57.By this time next summer, you your studies.

A.complete B. will complete
C. are completing D. will have completed
58.Let's have our waiter some coffee
A.bring B. to bring C. bringing D. brought
59.She is going to have her wedding dress
A.cutting B. cuts C. cut D. to cut
60.She wrote her essay carefully to avoid________ mistakes.
A. make B. making C. being made D. to make
61.This is the supermarket________ you can buy almost everything.
A. who B. when C. that D. where
62.My children interested in kangaroos lately.
A. become B. have become C. will become D. were becoming
63.Michael water sports when he was younger.
A. is used to playing B. used to playing C. is used to play D. used to play
64.The vegetables in this supermarket are always fresh.
A. which sold B. which sells C. sold D. sells
65. I like reading books this is a good way to get information.
A. in order to B. so that C. because D. because of
66.I am studying hard ______ get a place at a good university.
A. in order to B. so that C. so as D. in order that
67.I must thank the man from ____________ I got the present.
A. who B. whom C. that D. which
68.On Sunday, …………….. was my birthday, we went out for a meal.
A. which B. when C. that D. then
69. There is one person to ……….. I owe more than I can say.
A. who B. which C. that D. whom
70. ……….. managed to do this might marry my sister.
A. Who B. Whichever C. However D. Whoever
71. I met a man ……….. job is collecting garbage.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. of whom
72. I will not be here next week. I am going to be ……….. business in Mexico.
A. at B. in C. on D. for
73. By the time men land on Mars, our space technology ……….. far more progress.
A. will make B. has been making C. had made D. will have made
74. Her work contributes to ……….. this difficult subject.
A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. be able to understand
75. Because of electronic offices, in the future paper ………. completely.
A. disappear B. will disappear C. are disappearing D. may have disappeared
76.Nowadays a large number of young people spend much time ______.
A. with surfing the Internet. B. to surf the Internet
C. surf the Internet D. surfing the Internet
77.Mary didn’t wear the coat, so she got a cold.
A. The coat prevented Mary from getting a cold
B. A cold made Mary unable to wear a coat.
C. Mary wished she hadn’t got a cold, so she could waer a coat.
D. If Mary had worn the coat, she wouldn’t have got a cold.

78.Jack asked his brother ___________________.

A. where you have gone tomorrow
B. where she would go the following day
C. where would she go the following day
D. where you will go tomorrow
79.Nam studies hard order to passing the exam B. so that he will pass the exam
C. in order pass the exam D. so as that he will pass the exam
80..The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A.I have not been to the museum for a year.
B.A year ago, I often went to the museum.
C.My going to the museum lasted a year.
D.At last I went to the museum after a year.
81. He is the person ______.
A. from who I bought this old car B. which I bought this old car from
C. from that I bought this old car D. from whom I bought this old car
82..Tom said, “Why don’t we go out for a walk?”
A.Tom suggested going out for a walk.
B.Tom asked why we went out for a walk.
C.Tom asked us the reason why we don’t go out for a work.
D.Tom told me not to go out for a walk.
83..If I have money, I will lend it to you
A.Unless I have money, I won’t lend it to you.
B.Unless I don’t have money, I won’t lend it to you.
C.Unless I had money, I wouldn’t lend it to you.
D.Unless I have money, I will lend it to you.
84.The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family.
A.The young man lives next door is very kind to my family.
B.The young man who living next door is very kind to my family.
C.The young man living next door is very kind to my family.
D.The young man lived next door is very kind to my family.
85.“Please don’t leave until I come back,” Sarah said.
A. Sarah told us do not leave until she comes back.
B. Sarah asked us do not leave until she came back.
C. Sarah told us not to leave until she came back.
D. Sarah said to us not to leave until she comes back.
86. Sarah hates school because she doesn’t study hard. That is, ……………
A. if Sarah studies hard, she won’t hate school.
B. if Sarah studied hard, she wouldn’t hate school.
C. if Sarah doesn’t study hard, she will hate school.
D. if Sarah didn’t study hard, she would hate school.
87.You won’t have a seat unless you book in advance.
A. You won’t have a seat if you don’t book in advance.

B. You will have a seat if you don’t book in advance.

C. You didn’t have a seat because you didn’t book in advance.

D. You can’t have a seat although you book in advance.

88.She started working as a teacher of English ten years ago.

A. She had worked with a teacher of English for ten years.

B. She has worked with a teacher of English for ten years.

C. She had been working as a teacher of English for ten years.

D. She has been working as a teacher of English for ten years.

89.“If I were you, I would do morning exercise regularly,” said John.

A. John advised me to do morning exercise regularly.
B. John congratulated me on doing morning exercise regularly.
C. John asked me to do morning exercise regularly.
D. John prevented me from doing morning exercise regularly.
90.People say that these villagers are hospitable.
A. These villagers are not hospitable as they say.
B. These villagers are said not to be hospitable.
C. It is said that these villagers are not hospitable.
D. It is said that these villagers are hospitable.
91. I have never eaten this kind of fruit before.
A. I have eaten this kind of fruit for a long time.
B. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of fruit.
C. This is the last time I have eaten this kind of fruit.
D. I last ate this kind of fruit a long time ago.
92.“Would you like to come to my birthday party, Mary?” said Mike.
A. Mike asked Mary if she didn’t like to come to his birthday party.

B. Mike invited Mary to come to his birthday party.

C. Mike didn’t know that Mary had come to his birthday party.

D. Mike was told to come to Mary’s birthday party.

93.…………….more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident yesterday.

A. If had Peter driven B. If Peter driven
C. Had Peter driven D. Unless Peter had driven
94. Jack asked me …………………………………..
A. where I come from B. where did I come from
C. where do I come from D. where I came from
95.The cowboy wounding by an arrow fell off his horse
96. You should find out as many as possible about the job and the vacancy.
97. There are a lot of people in your office want to talk to you.
98.We are working, that means that we are contributing goods and services to our society.
99. Although his family is poor, but he studies very well.
100. John congratulated us to our excellent results although we didn’t know each other very well.


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