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Self Learning Material: Course, Author(s), Year of Publication, Source and Reference
Course Code

Prepared by

Prepared in

Updated in

Edited by

Semester 1
DCS11 Computer Anil Kumar N V Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)Carpinelli, Computer System Organization &
Architecture journals, Architecture
reports 2)M. Morris Mano - Computer System
and other Architecture PHI
online 3)Hennessy, J. L. and Patterson, D. A.,
materials “Computer Architecture”, 4th Ed. Morgan
4)Introduction to Parallel Computing 2/e
Ananth Grama, George Karypis and Vipin
Kumar, Anshul Gupta
5) Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer
Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability,
Programmability”, McGrawHill International
6)M. Sasikumar,, "Introduction to Parallel
Processing", PHI, New Delhi
DCS12 Data Structures and Anila Thankappan Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)Horowitz, Sahni, Rajasekaran; Computer
Algorithms journals, algorithms - Galgotia
reports 2) Cormen, Thomas H; Leiserson, Charles E;
and other Rivest, Ronald L, Introduction to Algorithms. -
online Prentice Hall of India.
materials 3)Samanta D., Classic Data Structures,
Prentice Hall of India.
4)evitin, Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms
5)G.L. Heileman, Data Structutes, Algorithms
and Object Oriented Programming6) Horwitz
,E and Sahni, Sartaj, Fundamentals of Data
structures.- Galgotia

DCS13 Mathematical Krishna.S.S Najma Abdul 2017 2017 Books, 1)Bernard Kolman c,Busby & Sharon Ross,
Foundations of Kalam journals, Discrete Mathematical Structures [PHI]
Computer Science reports 2)J.P. Tremblay & R. Manohar, Discrete
and other Mathematical Structures with Application to
online computer science [Tata McGraw –Hill]
materials 3) C.J. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics,
4) Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics,
Pearson Education.
5)Grassmann, Logic and Discrete Mathematics:
A Computer Science Perspective, Pearson
DCS14 Programming Ashitha.S Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)R. Sebesta, Concepts of Programming
Paradigms journals, Languages, Addison Wesley
reports 2) Debashish Jana, Java and Object-Oriented
and other Programming Paradigm, Prentice Hall.
online 3) Van Roy, Haridi, Concepts, Techniques and
materials Models of Computer Programming, MIT Press
4) Robert Lafore, Object-Oriented
Programming with C++
5) Bruce Eckel , Thinking in Java
6) J. Reynolds, Theories of Programming
Languages, Cambridge University Press.
7) Wang P.S., Dynamic Web Programming and
HTML5, CRC Press
8) Duckett Jon, Beginning Web Programming
with HTML, XHTML and CSS, Wrox.
DCS15 Computer Chithira Rekshmi Swapna Jamal 2017 2017 Books, 1)Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications
Networks journals, and Networking, McGraw- Hill
reports 2)Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communication”,
and other Pearson Education, Delhi
online 3) Brijendra Singh, Data Communication and
materials Computer Networks, PHI.
4) Tanenbaum Andrew S., Computer
Networks, TMH.
5)Kurose, James F., Ross Keith W., Computer
Networking: A top-down approach featuring
the internet, Addison-Wesley.
6) Comer, Computer Networks and Internet
with Internet Applications, PHI
7) Stallings William, Data and Computer
Communication, Pearson

Semester 2
DCS21 Modern Operating Swapna Jamal Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1) Silberschartz A and Galvin P, Operating
Systems journals, system Concepts, 6/e Addison Wesley.
reports 2) William Stallings, Operating System, ,
and other Prentice Hall Second Edition.
online 3) Christopher Negus, Linux Bible, Wiley-
materials DreamTech.
4) Dietel & Dietel, Operating Systems, PHI
5) Tenenbaum, Modern Operating Systems,
6) Prasad B., Operating Systems & System
Software, SciTech.
7) NIIT, Operating System Linux, PHI.
8) EVInEMETH, Snyder, KHein Trent, Linux
Administration Handbook, Pearson.
DCS22 Advances in Renetha J B Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)Connolly, Begg, Database Systems: A
Database journals, practitioners approach to design,
Management reports implementation and management, Pearson
and other 2) M. Tamer Ozsu and PatrickValduriez,
online Principles of Distributed Database Systems;
materials Pearson Education
3) Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S.
Sudarshan, „Database System Concepts‟,
McGraw Hill International Edition.
4) Philip J. Pratt, Joseph J Adamski, „Database
Management Systems‟, Cengage Learning
5) Rameez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe,
„Fundamentals of Database Sytems‟, 5th Ed.,
Pearson Education.
6) Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke,
„Database Management Systems‟, McGraw
Hill International Edition
7) Leon & Leon, Database Management
Systems, VIkas Publishing House
DCS23 Object Oriented Krishna.S.S Liji I H 2017 2017 Books, 1)Ambler,Scott W., The Object primer: the
Analysis and journals, application developer‟s guide to object
Design reports orientation and UML. 2 rev ed. - Cambridge
and other University Press.
online 2) Bahrami, A., Object Oriented System
materials Development using the Unified Modeling
Language, McGraw-Hill.
3) Jawadekar, Waman S.,Software
engineering:principles and practice. - TMH .
4) Jacobson, Ivar.,Object-oriented software
engineering:b a use case driven approach. -
England, Addison-wesley.
5) Booch, Grady; Rumbaugh, James; Jacobson,
Ivar., The Unified Modeling Languageuser
guide. - Pearson Education Asia
6) Bahrami, A., Object Oriented System
Development using the Unified Modeling
Language, McGraw-Hill.
7) Page-Johns, Meilir., Fundamentals of Object
oriented Design in UML, Pearson Education
8) Bennet,McRobb and Farmer, Object
Oriented System Analysis and Design using
UML, McGraw-Hill.
9) Rumbaugh, Jacobson and Booch,The
Unified Modeling Language Reference
Manual, Pearson Education Asia
DCS24 Graphics & Ashitha.S Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)Hearn, Donald; Baker, Pauline, M.,
Multimedia journals, Computer graphics: C version . - Pearson.
Systems reports 2) Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data
and other Compression, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
online 3)Nelson, The Data Compression Book, MGH.
materials 4)Ralf Steinmetz KlaraNahrstedt, Multimedia
Applications, Springer International Edition
5)Judith Jeffcoate, Multimedia in Practice:
Technology & Applications, PHI

DCS25 Optimization Manju V N Dr.G.Suresh Singh 2017 2017 Books, 1)Kanthi Swaroop, P.K Guptha, ManMohan,
Techniques journals, Operations Research
reports 2) P. K. Gupta and D. S. Hira, “Operations
and other Research”, S. Chand & Co.
online 3) Sharma J.K., Mathematical models in
materials operations research, TMH.
4)Thaha H.A., Operations Research, Pearson.
5)Winston, Operations Research Applications
and Algorithms, Cengage.
6)L. R Potti, Operations Research

Semester 3
DCS31 Data Mining & Renetha J B Krishna.S.S 2017 2017 Books, 1)Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques , 3rd
Ware Housing journals, ed., J Han, M Kember, J Pei, Morgan Kaufman
reports 2) Zaki Mohammed J., Meira Wagner, Data
and other mining and analysis, Cabridge University
online Presss, 2014.
materials 3) Liu Bing, Web Data Mining, Springer, 2011.
4) Leskovek, Rajaraman, Ullman, Mining of
Massive Datasets, Cambridge University Press,
5) Yazdani Sima, Wong, Shirley, Data
Warehousing with Oracle, Addison Wesley.

DCS32 Distributed Krishna.S.S Ashitha S 2017 2017 Books, 1)George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim
Systems and Cloud journals, Kindberg, Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Computing reports Design - Pearson Education
and other 2)Andrew S Tanenbaum and Marten Van
online Steen, Distributed Systems: Principles and
materials paradigms – Pearson Education
3)Venkatakrishna&etal, Principles of Grid
Computing – Concepts And Applications, Ane
4)Kris Jamsa, Cloud Computing, Jones
&Bartlett Learning.
5)Rahul Deva &GarimaKulshreshtha, Soft
Computing, Shrof Publishers & Distributors
6)RajkumarBuya and etal, Cloud Computing –
Principles And Paradigms, Wiley Publishers.
DCS33 Information Manu V Kumar Anil Kumar N V 2017 2017 Books, 1)Mark Stamp‟s Information Security:
Security journals, Principles and Practice by Deven N Shah,
reports Wiley Publishers.
and other 2)William Stallings Cryptography and Network
online Security: Principles& Practice, Pearson
materials Education.
3)Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike
Speciner, Network Security- Private
Communication in a Public World, Pearson
4)Atul Kahate, Cryptography & Network
Security, TMH 5)Paar Christof, Pelzl Jan,
Understanding Cryptography, Springer
DCS34 Compiler Design Athira Ram Anila Thankappan 2017 2017 Books, 1)Beck, Leland L, System Software: An
journals, introduction to system programming.3ed
reports Addison Wesley 2)Aho, Alfred V; Ullman,
and other Jeffrey D., Principles of compiler design. -
online Narosa
materials 3)Donovan, John J., System Programming. -
4)Holub, Allen., Compiler design in C. - PHI
DCS35B Digital Image Anila Thankappan Philomina Simon 2017 2017 Books, 1)Rafael. C. Gonzalez & Richard E.Woods.-
Processing journals, Digital Image Processing, 2/e Pearson
reports Education
and other 2) W.K.Pratt.-Digital Image Processing ,3/e
online Edn., John Wiley & sons
materials 3) M. Sonka Image Processing, Analysis
and Machine Vision, 2/e, Thomson, Learning,
India Edition
4)Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Image
Processing, Pearson
5) Kennet Castleman, Digital Image
Processing, Pearson.
Semester 4
DCS41 Research & Dr.T.Mahalakshmi Krishna.S.S 2018 2018 Books, 1)Kottwiz, LaTEX for Beginners.
Technical Writing journals, 2) Kopka, A guide to Latex.
reports 3) Beazley, D. M. Python essential reference.
and other Addison-Wesley Professional.
online 4)Barry, P.. Head First Python. " O'Reilly
materials Media, Inc.".
5)Punch, W. F., & Enbody, R. The practice of
computing using python. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
6)Mark, S. Programming in Python 3. Pearson
Education India.
7)Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology:
Methods and Techniques. New Age
International. Publishers
DCS42C Neural Networks & Dr.T.Mahalakshmi Krishna.S.S 2018 2018 Books, 1)B. Yegnanarayana , Artificial Neural
Fuzzy Systems journals, Networks - PHI
reports 2)Beale. R and Jackson. T, “Neural Computing
and other – An Introduction” , Adam Hilger.
online 3)Philip D. Wasserman, “Neural Computing –
materials Theory and Practice”, Van Nostrand and
4)Sivanandan, Deepa, Principles of soft
computing, Wiley India.
5)Sathish Kumar, Neural Networks: A
classroom approach, MGH.
6)Ross, Fuzzy logic with engineering
applications, Wiley India

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