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Teaching and Learning Activity Solutions

Module: Workflow Management 3 (HWFM300-1)

Week number (Date): 4 (02 September 2021)
Unit covered: Unit 3

1. You have called a meeting to discuss the software metrics for planning the
development of the application. Summarize notes for the Junior Developers, why
there is a need to determine software Product, Project and Process Metrics.
Provide five possible metrics for both Analysis Information based inputs and
Analysis Information based outputs, which they can use.

The answer should be a summary that include but is not limited to the following
- Establishment of goal measurement enabling better management of project;
feedback on progress of project; and control of the project.
- Useful for measuring quality of software product.
- Identifies problems in the project
- Ensures project performs to expectation of client.
- Management of Workloads
- Reduction of Costs
- Increase on Return of Investment (ROI)

Metrics can include the following but are not restricted to the following. Please
use discretion for creativity:
▪ Information Based Inputs Metrics
This maybe any information being input into the system from an external source.

• A user i.e keyboard, mouse, digital pen, smartphone and student filling in their
competencies, information and CV. Student filling details for an application.
• Transmitted from an application i.e to update logical files for example accepting
input from external job advertising websites, collecting student academic
details. FBPM
▪ Information Based Output Metrics 3, pages

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These maybe any external outputs derived from the application. Examples are
reports, screen outputs, error messages etc. Listing the jobs that match the
students’ competencies. Displaying current competencies profile, Produce
template letters and CV, Submit application for a job, list job advertising
websites for student to browse through.

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