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accelerometer, 45, 53 Bloom, Benjamin, 55 Ciconia Ciconia (White Stork,

ACM SIGCHI Conference, 230 Bluetooth, 45 Huseinovic), 128 349
activity, classes of, 107–115 Broadcast Era, 208 Classmate PC, 198–207, 227,
Advanced Micro Devices, 323 Budikote, India, 102 230
Africa, 308–326 Build Back Better, 322 Click Clack Moo, 190
mobile service adaption in, Butterfly Net, 14–15 ClickStart, 51
311 clutter bowl, 112
Agatstein, Wilton, 197 Camp Rock, 257 collaboration
alphabetic principle, 270 Campagna Center, 253–255 configurations for, 139–141
Amazon Kindle, 130 carbon monoxide, measuring, 3 mobile, 137–139
Ambient Wood, 12–13, 17 Casy system, 287 semantic, 139–141
America Online, 45 cell phones, see also mobile phones, supported by mobile game play,
Anderson, M., 90 24, 51, 85–94, 108, 153, 25–26
Android SDK, 53, 344 169, 246, 253 Collaborative Era, 208–209
Apogee, 54 Battery life, 313 Collage, The, 292–295
Apple II, 45 in developing countries, 30 Combining Words, 273
Art Center College of Design in India, 66–68 commitment, 295
(California), 320 limitations of, as support for Common Gateway Interface (CGI),
assessing performance, 174 learning activities, 153 159
ASTRA system, 287 smart phones, 152 Common Sense Media, 32
Asus eeePC, 52, 54, 230 Center on Media and Child Health, communication
asynchronous interaction, 285–303, 24 and family interaction,
313–315 CGI. See Common Gateway 285–303
Interface (CGI) self-expression, and identity,
Balakrishnan, R., 337 chemical spillage and remediation, 113–115
batteries, 45 10 supported by mobile game play,
biodiversity, 5 childhood 26
Black Ear…Blonde Ear (Jumm’a), quality of, predicting the future competition, 75
126–127 of, 56 connected natives, 46
350 Index

Connecting Classrooms, earthquake, 7 Future Imperfect (Friedman, D. D.),

319–320 eBay, 45 343
connectivity, cultural, 125–141, Eco Sensor, 113
331–334 educational gaming platforms, 52 Game Boy, 246
constructed meaning, 126 eKISS, 295–297 Gardner, Howard, 55
constructivism, 5 ELAs. See educational gaming gatekeepers, 344
content platforms gateway skills, 25
creation, 14–15 e-learning, 205–206, 209–223 GE. See Google Earth (GE)
splitting, 139–141 Electric Company, The (TEC), 270 genetic inheritance, 8
Cooperative Inquiry, 131 electronic book readers, 52 geobrowser, 156. See also Google
Cooties, 94 electronic learning aids (ELAs), 52. Earth (GE)
Crammer, 52, 177 See also educational georeferencing, 147–166
Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 87 gaming platforms GeoSafari, 52
Cuban, Larry, 85, 94 Elmo Learning Letters, 29–30, global and cultural awareness, 27
266–269 global literacy, 27
Davis, H., 291 Elmo Live, 52, 56 global positioning system (GPS),
Dell Inspiron Mini 9, 230 embedded naturally occurring 10, 102, 148
dental hygiene, 8 phenomena, 9 Global System for Mobile
design embodiment, 5–6 Communications (GSM),
children’s roles in, 337–345 empowerment, 334–335 75
codesign, 134, 141 eMutts, 297–299 globalization, 73–79
for connectivity, 341–342 engagement, 173–174 Globetrotter, 299–302
for developmental stages, enhancing activity patterns, 174 Glofish M700, 158–160
285–303 enV(2), 43 Gods Must Be Crazy, The, 73
for the future, 329–345 environment Good, Roland H., 270
interaction, 101–119 enabling, 309 Goodchild, M., 154
learning, 172–173, 180–182 engaging, 310 Goodnight Moon, 172
for leisure, 342–343 spatial and sensory dimensions Google, 45
mobile interaction, 115–117 of, projects exploring, 150 Book Search project, 129
user-centered, 103 Environmental Detectives, 9, 26 Earth (GE), 148, 156–157
Design that Matters, 78 EnVision Math, 58 Entry Scan, 57
Dewey, John, 55 epidemiology, 7, 8 gPhone, 53–54
DfES/Becta PDA Project, 29 Ethopia, 311–314 GSM. See Global System for Mobile
Diamond, 258 expressiveness, 290, 295 Communications (GSM)
DIBELS. See Dynamic Indicators of eXtended Markup Language (XML), Guitar Hero, 256
Basic Early Literacy Skills 157 Gupta, Sumitra, 318, 325
(DIBELS) EyeClops
Didj, 52, 177, 188 BiobiCam, 56 handheld computers, 109, 152.
digital books, 125–141 T V Microscope, 52 See also personal digital
digital cameras, 52 assistants (PDAs)
digital divide, 84–85, 319–320 Facebook, 14–15 HCI. See Human-Computer
Digital Doorway, 318 field trips and visits, 11 Interaction (HCI)
digital equality, 28–31 Fitzpatrick, G., 338 HCI 2020, 103–104
Digital Family Portrait, 287–288 Five Big Ideas of Early Reading, 270 Heath, Shirley Brice, 55
digital immigrant, 44 Flicker, 14–15 Here Comes Everybody (Shirky), 313
digital native, 44 Floor Math, 6 Hermes@Home, 287
digital necklace, 4, 44 fluency with connected text, 270 Hersman, Erik, 320–321
digital pen, 338 FLY Pentop Computer, 52, 56, 174, Hill, Benjamin Mako, 324
digital probes, 3 177 Hole in the Wall, 318, 323, 325
disturbance, 76 FlyTech Bladestar, 56 Human-Computer Interaction
Dr. Maths, 315 formative assessment, 186, 270 (HCI), 83–96, 230
Dynabook, 46 Fridge Phonics, 52 Human-Computer Interaction Lab
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Friedman, Thomas L., 208 (U. Maryland), 131–132,
Literacy Skills (DIBELS), Fun Toolkit, 338 316
270–272 future, assessing, 57 Hunting of the Snark, The, 11
Index 351

Huseinovic, Andrea Petrlik, 128 iREAD. See Interactive Reading Learning Path, 178–180
Hyper Dash, 52 Experience with Adaptive liquid crystal display (LCD), 45
Delivery (iREAD) literacy
IBM PC, 45 ISP. See Internet service provider early intervention for, 265–281
ICDL. See International Children’s (ISP) expanding the definition of,
Digital Library iSprout, 46 57–58
ICT. See information and ITU. See International and socioeconomics, 265–267
communication Telecommunication lithium ion batteries, 45
technologies (ICT) Union (ITU) Little Engine That Could, The, 182
ICTD. See International Conference iTunes, 27 Little Wild Flower and Elarhu the
on Information and Clown (Morote),
Communication Jakks Pacific, 46 125–126
Technologies and Joan Cooney Center at Sesame Living Books, The, 45
Development (ICTD) Workshop, 24, 32 local area network (LAN), 77
idea elaboration, 132–133 “joined-up thinking,” 16 LOGO, 45
imaginary worlds, 11–12 Jumm’a, Khaled, 126–127 low-tech prototyping, 132
India, educational system in,
64–68 Kahol, K., 7 MacBook, 52
information and communication Kaiser Family Foundation, 128 magical place, 7
technologies (ICT), 149 Kajeet, 247 Making Playful Learning Viable, 30
Innovator’s Dilemna, The Kam, M., 230 Marble Maria, 7
(Christensen), 87, 108 Karaoke Revolution, 56 Marcus, A., 107
Insight Research Group, 32 Kay, Alan, 46, 53, 329, 344–345 Mario Kart, 254, 260
InSTEDD, 313 Keyhole Markup Language (KML), Mark-My-Time Digital Notebook,
instruction versus construction, 159 54
199–203 Kid Art Studio, 52 Marsden, Gary, 116, 119
Intel platform definition centers, KidPad, 130 Math Blaster, 45
196–223 Kid-Tough digital camera, 52 mCLASS:DIBELS, 270
Intel World Ahead Program, 196 Kidtzoom, 52 mDialog, 320
Intel-powered Classmate PC. See KML. See Keyhole Markup Language Mediatech Foundation, 58
Classmate PC (KML) Mediating Intimacy project, 288
Interactive Reading Experience with knowledge divide, 228 Mediawiki, 318–319
Adaptive Delivery Krajcik, J., 94 Meraka Institute (South Africa), 323
(iREAD), 272–276 Metcalf, C., 288
interests, hobbies, and causes, LAN. See local area network (LAN) Microsoft Surface, 56
110–113 laptop computers, 51–52 MILLEE project (U Cal Berkeley), 27
intergenerational mobile reading, Laurel, Brenda, 150 Milrad, M., 6
126, 134 LCD. See liquid crystal display Mindstorms, 46
Inter-Living Project, 287 (LCD) Mini-note PC, 230
International Children’s Digital LeapFrog Core Curriculum, 178–180 MIO A701, 157–159
Library (ICDL), 125–126, LeapFrog Enterprises, 46, 171–192 MIT Entrepreneurial Programming
134–136 LeapPad, 52, 173 and Research on Mobiles
International Conference on Leapster, 46, 52, 174, 176, 188 Project, 119
Information and Leapster, 2, 177 MIT Teacher Education Program
Communication LeapTrack, 174–176 and the Education Arcade,
Technologies and Learn and Groove Musical Table, 26
Development (ICTD), 230 174–175 mobile learning
International Telecommunication learning. See also e-learning; and e-learning, 29, 32–33
Union (ITU), 308 mobile learning; theory of, 33
Internet service provider (ISP), 77 play and learning; MMS. See multimedia messaging
Internet@EB1, 149 seamless learning. system (MMS)
interspaces, 103 children’s, theories of, 55 MOBI Project (South Africa), 31
intimacy, themes of, 295 design MOBILE. See Mobile-Based
iPhone, 5, 53–54, 102, 276–279 defined, 172–173 Interactive Learning
iPod, 24, 152, 272–276 key principles of, 180–192 Environment (MOBILE)
352 Index

mobile computing devices, factors Naismith, L., 152 Papert, Seymour, 5, 45, 58–59,
driving the adaption of, Namioka, A., 132 340
88–89 narrative creation, 14–15 participatory stimulations, 7
mobile digital libraries, 125–142 Naruto, 259 Partnership for 21st Century Skills,
mobile learning National Council of Teachers of 25
accommodating student needs, English, 25 Patrimonio@Viseu, 149
28 Neal, Daniel, 247, 255 Pawar, U. S., 230
accommodating teaching Negroponte, Nicholas, 54, 59 pedometer sensor, 297
methods, 28 Nelson, Marc, 58 Peek-a-Drawer, 287
activities, types of, 5–6 Net Day, 247 personal digital assistants (PDAs), 9,
advantages of, 4 new economy, challenges of, 11–13, 26. See also
benefits and challenges of, 228 handheld computers
15–16 Nigerian National Council for PetPal, 112
central notion of, 4–5 Nomadic Education, Pew Internet and American Life
challenges and opportunities in, 30–31 Project, 246–247
24–28 Nintendo DS, 24, 52–53, 246, Phonemic Fill-In, 272, 274
compared with personal 254 phonological awareness, 270
computer based learning, Nintendo GameBoy, 46, 130 physical exercise games, 6–7
4, 28 Nintendo Wii, 7, 45, 118–119 Piaget, Jean, 55
design for the zoning for, No Child Left Behind, 84 PictoChat, 53, 260
16–17 Nokia 6630, 30 Pixter Color, 46
designing for, 31–34, 92–96 Nokia Morph, 113 play, 30, 107–108, 290
expanding the classroom, 29 Norris, Cathleen, 330 and learning, 190
learner-centered, 93–96 notebook computers. See laptop PlayStation Portable, 52, 246, 254
and need to reframe cultural computers plug and play toys. See TV toys
norms, 32 NPD Group, 247 Plumpy Nut, 312
and social interaction, 5 Poingo, 52
mobile life, adult, 118–119 Oliver, Parick, 339 Pokemon, 250–251, 258–259, 261
mobile opportunities for youth, OLPC. See One Laptop Per Child PonyCam, 118
requirements for, 315–316 (OLPC) POP. See Post Office Protocol (POP)
mobile phones. See cell phones One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), 77– portability, 262–263
mobile sensory experiences, 78, 119, 227–228, 317, portable computing devices for
148–149 344 children (1971–2008),
MOBIlearn, 29 XO computer, 52, 54, 77–78, 47–50
Mobile-Based Interactive Learning 227, 229, 344 portable gaming consoles, 52,
Environment (MOBILE), XO-B2, 232–241 246–253
27 Open Content Alliance, 129 portable media players, 52, 152
MobiLED, 315, 320 Open Mobile Consortium, 313, Post Office Protocol (POP), 158
Mobilsr, 313 325 Prensky, Marc, 44–45
Modlitba, P. L., 288–289 Open Society Institute, 320 pre-reading and writing skills,
Moodle, 58 Open Source, 324, 344 predicting the future of,
Moore, Gordon, 55–56, 87 Oregon Scientific, 52 56–57
motivation, 186–188 Original San Francisco Toy prime directive, 74
MP3 players, 246 Company, 46 Print Era, 208
mREAD. See Multimedia Reading Oulasvirta, A., 113 privacy, 285–303
Environment with ownership, 300, 302 Project Tomorrow, 247–248
Adaptive Delivery Ozzie and Mac, 172, 181, 183, prosody, 185
(mREAD) 189 Proyecto Ceibel, 231–241
multimedia messaging system Pulse smartpen, 54, 56
(MMS), 114, 149, 292 PacMan, 51
Multimedia Reading Environment Paddington, 182 QueryKids, see also International
with Adaptive Delivery Paddle T V, 51 Children’s Digital Library,
(mREAD), 271–276 Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 130
Muppet Monsters, 24 46 Quintana, C., 94
My FirstLeapPad, 174–175 Panwapa World, 276–279 Quiz Bowl, 52
Index 353

radio frequency identification Silhouette Blends, 272, 274 Uganda, 315

(RFID), 57, 137 Simon, 46 UNESCO, 149
reading comprehension, 270 Single Display Groupware (SDG), UNICEF, 307–309
Ready to Learn Program (U. S. 130 UNIDO, 315
Department of Education), single-display groupware, 230 Unite for Children, 310–313
247 SingStar, 56 unity, 295
reality mining, 116 Skattjakt (Treasure Hunt), 6–7 Uruguay, 231–241
Red Fire, 258 Skinner, B. F., 55 Ushahidi, 313, 320–321
Reignhold, H., 153 Skov, M. B., 291, 295 Uttarakhand, India, 63–68
Reliance InfoComm, 31 Smackdown v Raw, 259
Remix Generation, 88 Smart Bag, 106 Vannoni, M., 7
resiprocity, 290 Smart Cycle, 51 Vaucelle, C., 107–108
RFID. See radio frequency Smart Step, 6 Vavoula, G., 152
identification (RFID) smart toys, 52 Vetere, F., 291
Riley, David, 247 SMS. See Short Message Service Via Technologies, 323
Rock Band 2, 56 (SMS) video storytelling, 109
Rogers, Everett, 87 Sony Reader, 130 videoconferencing, 286–287
Room Quake, 9 Sorting Words, 272, 274 Villa Cardal, 231–241
space sharing, 139–141 Virtual Box, 290–292
Sapphire, 258 Speak and Spell, 52 virtual sports, 111
Savannah, 10 Squeak Etoys, 235–236 virus, 4
SBR. See scientifically based research StoryBank, 114 vocabulary development, 270
(SBR) superconnectors, 313–314 V.Smile Pocket, 51–52
Schafer, R., 150 Suppes, Patrick, 59 VTech, 46
School Empowerment Project VX10000 Voyager, 43
(Kenya), Freedom tablet PCs, 51 Vygotsky, Lev, 5, 55
HIV/AIDS, 31 Tag Reading System, 52, 56,
School in a Box, 316–317 171–192 WAN. See wide area network
SchoolSenses@Internet project, 147, Take Home Note, 106 (WAN)
149, 156, 166 Taylor, J., 152 wide area network (WAN), 77
Schuler, D., 132 telephone, 286 WiFi, 308
scientifically based research (SBR), Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 331 wikis, 58
89 Thinking Tags, 8–9 Winogard, Terry, 103
SDG. See Single Display Groupware Tilt Type phone, 337 Wireless Generation, 270
(SDG) toothbrush, 110 wireless technology (Wi-Fi), 45,
seamless learning. See mobile TOSTAN, 314–315 51
learning Tour Electronic GuitarPower, 56 “Wizard of Oz” methodology,
Selegzi, Noel S., 320 toys 339–340
self-disclosure, 295 predicting the future of, 56 Work Sampling System, 57
Senses@Watch, 149 T V, 51 World Bank, 315
Sensory Ecology, 150 trading, 111–112 World is Flat, The: A Brief History of
separation, 285–303 Trusted Platform Module chip, the Twenty-first Century
Sesame Workshop, 27 202 (Friedman, T.), 208
Sesame Street, 23–24 TWENTY 21st-century skills, 228–
and literacy, 265–281 229, 238, 240 XML. See eXtended Markup
setting, 290 Twitter, 14–15 Language (XML)
Shared Family Calendars, 287 Tyack, D., 85, 94
Short Message Service (SMS), 44, Yarosh, S., 288–289
75, 113–114, 310 ubiquitous learning. See mobile
Silent E, 272, 274 learning ZQM Software Systems, 31

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