Tea Party Toolbox

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Three useful tools for citizens serious about finding ways

to restore limited, representative government.
By Ken Braun AND Jack Mchugh

Tool 1: Tea Party 2. Tea Party activists don’t

Activists Have Attitude presume virtue in party labels.
Samuel Adams, widely believed to be the in- Political parties are extensions of the politi-
stigator of the Boston Tea Party, once said cians that they elect. They are mere instru-
that it didn’t take an activist majority to pre- ments to gain power, not virtuous machines
vail, “but rather an irate, tireless minority that exercise that power in noble ways.
keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” Example: During the term of President Bill
Setting brushfires requires attitude, espe- Clinton the budget actually had a brief sur-
cially during a time described by Adams, plus, while spending soared under President
“when vain and aspiring men shall possess George W. Bush. Likewise, while Michigan
the highest seats in Government, (and) our Republican lawmakers boasted of their col-
country will stand in need of its experienced lective resistance to the $1.4 billion income
patriots to prevent its ruin.” and business tax hikes passed in 2007, most
The following describes an attitude that, if of them voted for most of the increased
widespread, would vastly improve the incen- spending it funded.
tives of lawmakers to honor the principles of There are countless other examples. An
limited government. experienced patriot treats the promises of
politicians and political parties with equal
1. Tea Party activists aren’t impressed (and substantial) skepticism. Use political
that their politician is a “nice guy.” parties only as tools toward your ends, not
Being likeable isn’t needed for a person to theirs. Your loyalty is too valuable to sell so
succeed in America. An insufferable jerk cheaply.
can build a billion-dollar corporation from
scratch, employ thousands, save the whales 3. Tea Party activists really know their
and cure cancer. own lawmakers’ voting records.
What he can’t do is win an election. To gain If the “nice guys” aren’t a reliable source for
votes in a democracy a candidate must be a full and accurate picture of their records,
likeable. The reason political campaigns and the party label doesn’t do it either, then
feature photos of the candidate’s family and experienced patriots need to find this infor-
pets is not because they want voters to as- mation on their own.
sume that he or she has a responsible record At the state level, two free tools make
on taxes and spending. this much easier in Michigan. The first is
Therefore, the last thing that should ever im- MichiganVotes.org, which provides a plain-
press a Tea Party activist is a politician who’s English description for every vote cast by
a “nice guy.” Simply put: They’re all nice guys, every member of the Michigan Legislature
so get over it and ignore it. Hold them ac- since 2001. The second is Michigan Capitol
countable for their deeds rather than their Confidential, a periodical that gives more
smile. The Tea Parties were a reaction against details on votes involving concerns regard-
a lot of very nice guys doing very bad things. ing limited government.
An experienced patriot should use both of who gets elected. When a politician loses
these tools, and compare how his or her for “doing the wrong thing” the incentives
lawmaker measures up by asking these criti- change for all of them.
cal questions:
• Does the lawmaker always vote with
6. Tea party activists don’t “repress their
their party, no matter what? feelings” regarding fiscal malpractice.
• If there are a handful of dissenting votes Having discovered the real records of elected
for or against the limited government officials in their own area and elsewhere (see
side of an issue, which side does he or Items No. 3 and 4), Tea Party activists share
she tend to fall on? this knowledge widely with friends, family,
colleagues, internet contacts, etc., letting all
• Do most of the bills he or she introduces and sundry know how their lawmakers are
expand the size of government, or re- behaving, and sharing their feelings regard-
duce it? ing the ones who are misbehaving.
4. Tea Party activists follow the money. 7. Tea Party activists focus on what
Is your lawmaker getting financial support unites them, not things that may
from those whose values do not match up divide. Those uniting things are:
with your own? It’s not hard to find out. For
most past and current Michigan legislators, • Grievance: The chronic, unsustainable
go to the “Search Voting Record” tab on fiscal irresponsibility of the welfare/
the MichiganVotes.org homepage, choose a regulatory state.
representative or senator and click “search.” • Target: A self-serving, self-perpetuat-
A link to a list of the legislator’s campaign ing, inbred and bipartisan class of po-
contributors appears below his or her photo. litical careerists who have taken control
For members of Congress find this informa- of the government and do not represent
tion at OpenSecrets.org. (Go to “Politicians the will of the people.
and Elections,” “Donor Lookup.”) • Goal: Restore genuine representative
government by changing the incen-
5. Tea Party activists know they don’t
tives that make those political careerists
have to get elected to change the world. serve the system rather than the people.
They understand that electing a handful of
virtuous lawmakers won’t solve the problem
either, because what needs to change are the
incentives operating on the entire political
establishment. Here’s how Milton Friedman Tool 2: Ten-Minute
described it: Tea Party Activist
“I do not believe that the solution to our Ten things you can do to keep the
problem is simply to elect the right people. Tea Party movement moving ahead
The important thing is to establish a political
climate of opinion which will make it politi- 1. Subscribe to the Mackinac Center’s free
cally profitable for the wrong people to do Michigan Capitol Confidential. It reveals
the right thing. Unless it is politically prof- which legislators are upholding limited gov-
itable for the wrong people to do the right ernment principles in Lansing — rather than
thing, the right people will not do the right just giving them lip-service at home.
thing either, or if they try, they will shortly 2. Create an account on MichiganVotes.org
be out of office.” and sign up for free e-mail notices of action
More often than not the most important ef- on legislation in “watchlist” categories of in-
fect of an election is who gets defeated, not terest to you (starting with “taxes”).
3. Call, write or e-mail your state repre- 10. Network with others in your commu-
sentative and senator when they vote or nity to keep an eye on local government and
introduce a bill contrary to limited govern- school district activities. When they propose
ment principles (which you can discover on anti-taxpayer measures like tax or spending
MichiganVotes.org and in Capitol Confiden- hikes, organize with your neighbors and pro-
tial). State lawmakers actually get very little test. When they propose positive measures
feedback from “real people,” so just a few calls like spending cuts or privatization, do the
on a bill or vote can impact their behavior. same — except protest against the special-
(Note: When you call or write, state your interest defenders of the status quo.
name, address, the bill number and your po-
sition. Be brief, be polite, and don’t debate,
harangue, condemn or argue.)
4. Maximize your electoral clout by always
voting in August primary elections. Most Tool 3: Candidate
legislative and congressional districts are Questionnaire for
gerrymandered one-party districts, so in Tea Party Activists
Michigan the real election happens in Au-
gust, not November. To lawmakers, August Hard-to-dodge questions that
primary voters are distinctly “more equal suggest whether a candidate for
than others.” the Michigan Legislature actually
(Note: Never vote for a candidate you have supports limited government
not researched. If you’re not sure, just don’t
vote that race — those “none of the above” Part 1 — These specific measures
undervotes also send a message.) received votes in the Michigan
5. If your local newspaper, radio and tele- Legislature. How do you think
vision news reporters and editors aren’t you would you have voted?
reporting important issues or giving the
1. Bills to provide substantial tax breaks for
full story, call and let them know. Let them
ethanol and biodiesel producers. _­ ______
know when they do good work, too.
2. Bills that would increase unemployment
6. If you are concerned about government
insurance assessments (taxes) on employers
encroachment on the right to own proper-
by $70 million annually in order to get
ty, subscribe to the Mackinac Center’s free
property rights newsletter, The Refuge. $139 million in one-time federal “stimulus”
money. ______
7. Talk to your own children and grand-
children. Make certain they understand the 3. An amendment adding $9.5 million
principles of personal responsibility, free for low-income youth dental programs in
markets and limited government. Wayne County. _______

8. Engage in on-line activism. Register on 4. A bill allowing local convention and tour-
Facebook and become a “fan” of Facebook ism bureaus to levy a 2 percent hotel and
pages like the Mackinac Center, Capitol motel room tax to support regional market-
Confidential, and other pro-limited govern- ing and promotion programs. _­ ______
ment Michigan groups. 5. “Revenue enhancment” bills to extend
9. Consider starting a blog that focuses ex- for another six years “temporary” increases
clusively on local government and school passed by the previous Legislature in
district issues. Several people can collabo- business incorporation fees, investment
rate on this. Become the place where people advisor license fees, etc. _­ ______
go to discover what tax, spend and over-reg- 6. A bill to spend $60 million raised by borrow-
ulation issues may be brewing right in your ing against future tobacco lawsuit proceeds for
back yard. Become the media. tourism industry promotion. ­_______
7. A bill to allow local school districts to 17. A bill to hand out millions of dollars of
levy a “sinking fund” property tax millage cash subsidies to Hollywood producers who
that could be used for certain operational shoot films in Michigan. _______
expenses (2008 vote and 2009 vote). _______
8. A bill to allow teacher union locals to bar-
Part 2 — General Candidate Preferences
gain over a school district privatizing non- 1. Would you support repealing a 22 percent
instructional services. ­_______ Michigan Business Tax surcharge passed in
9. A bill to require unions to annually seek 2007, and replacing the $700 million it raises
written permission from each individual each year with budget cuts? _­ ______
worker before using that worker’s union 2. Will you sign a “no new taxes” pledge?
dues for political purposes. _­ ______ _______
10. A bill to require MESSA (the MEA 3. Would you support replacing some
teacher union’s insurance affiliate) to release Michigan prisons with privately managed
individual school district claims history prisons? _______
data. ­_______
4. Would you support “voucherizing” higher
11. A bill to impose renewable energy education funding so the money follows the
mandates on electric utilities. _­ ______ students rather than the university? _______
12. A bill to scale back Michigan’s electricity 5. Would you support shifting Michigan
competition law. ­_______ State Police road patrols to county sheriff
13. A bill to prohibit drilling for oil and gas deputies if this would save money? (This is
underneath the Great Lakes (slant drilling). strongly opposed by the MSP.) _______
_______ 6. Would you support placing all new school
14. Bills to allow local government borrow- employees in defined-contribution pension
ing (bonding) to cover the cost of govern- systems? _______
ment retiree health care benefits (2006 vote
7. Would you support repealing the
and 2009 vote). ______
“prevailing wage” law that requires union-
15. A bill making state government em- scale wages to be paid on school and other
ployee post-retirement health benefits an state construction projects? _______
enforceable obligation on the state. _______
8. Would you support making Michigan a
16. Bills voted on in the House and Senate right-to-work state? _______
that let local school districts increase prop-
erty taxes by up to 1 mill to operate swim- 9. Can you name three state government
ming pools, recreation centers, auditoriums, programs that you would introduce a bill to
conference centers, etc. as a “recreation au- eliminate? ____________________________
thority.” _______ ___________________________________

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is dedicated to improving the understanding of economic and
political principles among residents, public officials, policymakers and opinion leaders. The Center
has emerged as one of the largest and most prolific of the more than 50 state-based free-market
“think tanks” in America. More information about the Mackinac Center and its publications can be
found at www.mackinac.org.
140 West Main Street • P.O. Box 568 • Midland, Michigan 48640
989-631-0900 • Fax 989-631-0964 • www.mackinac.org • mcpp@mackinac.org

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