CSC Iseries HWMA SWMA Technical Compliance.v1

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STMKB CSC Systems Hardware and Software Maintenance and Support Technical Compliance

Vendor Company Name:

Vendor to Reply (elaborate your

No. Description Compliance (Yes/No)

1 IBM iSeries Hardware Maintenance for Power iSeries 720 servers, HMC, Rack and Tape Libraries:

The above IBM iSeries hardware maintenance must be included Full Parts, Onsite Replacement, Labour by Certified
IBM Engineer only.

ii. The above IBM iSeries hardware parts must be Parts from IBM direct only with IBM confirmation letter

iii. The above IBM iSeries hardware Parts replacement must be by IBM Engineer only

Need to have minimum 3 local in own staff certified IBM Engineers to support Production, DR, DEV systems. Please
provide Resume and IBM certifications.

vi. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support (2 hour response time for tier 1 critical support).

vii. Does vendor have adequate own Part Center to provide prompt replacement part? Where is the location?

viii. To provide iSeries Hardware Firmware update by certified IBM Engineer only included iSeries 720+ servers.

Vendor must configure Call Home service for the Power iSeries 720 Servers and HMC Console to alert on any noticed
hardware problem or warning message.

Vendor must able to escalate critical support issues to IBM Level 2 and Level 3 Support, till IBM Rochester team (if
issues can't solve by local team).

Vendor must get Letter of Authorization from IBM Malaysia to participate this iSeries Hardware and Software
Maintenance RFP (please provide written document from IBM Malaysia, not distributor).

Vendor must provide supporting document from IBM Malaysia to proof that vendor purchase back to back iSeries
hardware maintenance and support from IBM Malaysia after vendor won the deal.

2 IBM iSeries Software Licenses Maintenance & Onsite Support:

Vendor must provide IBM iSeries Software Licenses Maintenance which cover all IBM I OS V7R3, iSeries DB2, DB2
i. SMP, Power VM, Query, PT1, SQL 400, WDS & Compilers, Client Access, BRMS, HA Journal Performance, Media &
Storage Extension, PSF Anyspeed, HMC software.

Vendor must be able to provide evident (Email from IBM) to warrant and guarantee that STMKB entitle to get IBM i OS
New Releases and License Programs with valid Licenses Keys.
Vendor must be able immediately to provide the critical and latest PTF or Fixes for the above IBM iSeries software

iv. Vendor must be able provide Phone, Email and Onsite Support.

v. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support (2 hour response time for tier 1 critical support).
vi. The above IBM iSeries software maintenance onsite support must be performed by certified IBM iSeries engineer.

Need to have minimum 3 local own staff certified IBM Engineers to support Production, DR, DEV systems. Please
provide Resume and IBM certifications.

viii. To provide access to IBM Software Knowledgebase database to help customer to identify problem & resolution.

Vendor must be able to escalate critical support issues to IBM Level 2 and Level 3 Support, till IBM Rochester team (if
can't solve by local team).

Vendor must get Letter of Authorization from IBM Malaysia to participate this Maintenance RFP (please provide written
document from IBM Malaysia, not distributor).

Vendor must provide supporting document from IBM Malaysia to proof that vendor purchase back to back iSeries
software maintenance and onsite support from IBM Malaysia after vendor won the deal.

3 Professional Support Services:

i. To provide iSeries System Hardware Health Check (twice per year).

ii. To provide iSeries Consultancy and Advice by experience iSeries specialist.

iii. Vendor must be able to provide iSeries technical assistance.

iv. Vendor must be able to provide support during CSC DR tests (if required).

v. Vendor must have experience to provide iSeries Sofware Usage, Sub Capacity and Compliance advice.

vi. Vendor must be able to provide connectivity support for all hardware related to CSC project (when required)

vii. Vendor must be able to provide iSeries Security advice for CSC systems (when required)

viii. Vendor must be able to provide local support.

ix. Vendor must be able to perform iSeries Server Firmware updates with principal

xi. Vendor must be able to perform iSeries Software PTF updates with principal

4 Lenovo xSeries Servers Hardware Maintenance

To provide xSeries hardware maintenance must be included Full Parts, Onsite Replacement, Labour by Certified
Lenovo Engineer only.

ii. Parts from Lenovo direct only

iii. Parts replacement by certified Lenovo engineer

iv. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support

Vendor must provide supporting document from principal to proof that vendor purchase back to back hardware
maintenance from principal after vendor won the deal.
5 MIMIX Solution Maintenance and Onsite Support:

i. Entitle for new MIMIX software version, software upgrade, latest patches and fixes.

ii. Vendor must be able to provide Phone, Email, Remote and Onsite Support.

iii. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support (2 hour response time for tier 1 critical support).

iv. Vendor must be able to trouble shooting, problem fixing, apply fixes, escalation to principal for advance support

v. To provide MIMIX Remote and Onsite Support during CSC DR tests.

vi. Vendor must have experience to provide Sofware Usage, Sub Capacity and Compliance advice.

Vendor must have minimum 3 certified own staff MIMIX Engineers and provide Resume and certifications to support
Production and DR systems.

Vendor must get Letter of Authorization from principal to participate this Maintenance RFP (please provide written
document from principal, not distributor).

Vendor must provide supporting document from principal to proof that vendor purchase back to back MIMIX software
maintenance and support from principal after vendor won the deal (email from principal).

6 MIMIX Anywhere/Share Solution Maintenance and Onsite Support:

i. Entitle for new MIMIX Anywhere/Share software version, software upgrade, latest patches and fixes.

ii. Vendor must be able to provide Phone, Email, Remote and Onsite Support.

iii. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support (2 hour response time for tier 1 critical support).

iv. Vendor must be able to trouble shooting, problem fixing, apply fixes, escalation to principal for advance support

v. Vendor must have experience to provide Sofware Usage, Sub Capacity and Compliance advice.

Vendor must have minimum 3 in house MIMIX Anywhere/Share Engineers and provide Resume to support Production
and DR systems.

Vendor must get Letter of Authorization from principal to participate this Maintenance RFP (please provide written
document from principal, not distributor).

Vendor must provide supporting document from principal to proof that vendor purchase back to back MIMIX
Anywhere/Share software maintenance and support from principal after vendor won the deal (email from principal).

5 Other System Software Maintenance and Onsite Support:

i. Vendor must provide software maintenance and onsite support for SKLM, Snapshot and SMF.

iii. Vendor must be able to provide Phone, Email, Remote and Onsite Support.

iv. To provide 365, 24x7, 4 hour response time for support

v. Vendor must have experience to provide Sofware Usage, Sub Capacity and Compliance advice.

Vendor must provide supporting document from principal to proof that vendor purchase back to back maintenance and
support from principal after vendor won the deal.
Vendor Experience, Certification, Customer Reference Compliance for STMKB CSC Systems Hardware and Software Maintenance RFP

Vendor Company Name:

No. Description Compliance (Yes/No) Vendor to Reply (elaborate your answer)
Number of years as IBM Malaysia iSeries partner? (vendor must get Letter of Authorization from IBM
1 Min 5 years
Malaysia to participate this iSeries Maintenance RFP)

Number of years as MIMIX solutions partner? (vendor must get Letter of Authorization from principle
2 Min 5 years
to participate this MIMIX Maintenance RFP)

3 Number of years of selling and suppport iSERIES servers? Min 5 years

4 Number of years of selling and suppport MIMIX solutions? Min 5 years

5 Provide list of Market Recognition/Award for IBM iSERIES and MIMIX from your organisation. Yes or No

Provide list of the IBM Power System Skillset Competency level (recognition from IBM) from your None, Specialist or
organisation. Expert

Min 3 with Min 5

7 Provide list of the iSERIES Power Certified Sales Specialist from your organisation.
years experience

Min 3 with Min 5

8 Provide list of iSERIES Power Certified Technical Specialist from your organisation.
years experience

Min 3, Min 5 years

9 Provide list of MIMIX iSERIES Certified Technical Specialist from your organisation.

10 Min 3, Min 3 years

Provide list of MIMIX Anywhere/Share Certified Technical Specialist from your organisation.

11 Provide all your Local Own Staff Resume and Technical Certification that involved in iSERIES, Min 3, Min 5 years
MIMIX ISERIES and MIMIX Anywhere/Share support on CSC TIG and P&C systems. experience

Does vendor have experience and knowledge to advice customer for IBM iSERIES, IBM software
Yes or No
and MIMIX software usage, sub capacity, compliance and audit? Pls elaborate your experience.

13 Company Paid Up Capital Min RM500,000

14 Company Authorised Capital Min RM500,000

15 i. Number of iSeries Active Maintenance Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 iSERIES Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

16 i. Number of MIMIX iSERIES Active Maintenance Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 MIMIX iSERIES Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

17 i. Number of MIMIX Anywhere/Share Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 MIMIX Anywhere/Share Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

18 i. Number of SKLM Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 SKLM Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

19 i. Number of BRMS Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 BRMS Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
20 i. Number of SnapShot Customers? Min 3
ii. Pls provide 3 SnapShot Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

21 i. Number of SMF Customers? Min 3

ii. Pls provide 3 SMF Customer Reference:
Reference No 1 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 2 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)
Reference No 3 (Company Name)
(Contact Person)
(Contact Number)

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