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Geriatics 314 lec notes 10/19/21

Nursing care of the adults in chronic illness

 Chronic illness
- More than 6months – 1 year


1. Explain the importance of sensory for adults w/  Visual & hearing impairments impairments w/
cataracts , glaucoma , macular degeneration , communication , social
diabetes retinopathy & hearing impairment  Olfactory , gustatory & tactile deprivation may
lead to nutritional problems & safety hazards .

A. Disturbances in sensory perception

1. Sensory impairment
a. Visual impairment
- Ability to see clearly that is an important part of
 The sense connect the human body to the performing activities of daily living (ADL)
environment .they allow individuals to be aware of  Changes w/ aging
& interpret various stimuli , thus enabling - Lens increase in density &
interaction w/ environment .

 It is important to understand the sensory changes

associated w/ aging to help older adults adapt &
function independently as possible .

DISTURBANCE IN SENSORY PERCEPTION  Opthalmoscopic examination of the retina

1. Blood vessel have narrowed & straightened
The sensory deficits can reduced ability to protect 2. Arteries seem opaquae & gray drusen
oneself from hazards 3. Localized arears of hyaline degeneration
1. Falls from unseen obstacle may be noted as gray or yellow spots near
2. Missed alarms & warnings the canula
3. Ingestion of hazardous substances form not  Older w/ visual impairment
recognizing bad tastes a. Loss of independence
4. Inability to detect the odor of smoke or gas

 Disturbances in senspry perception

 Visual & hearing impairment
 Signs of difficulty with vision
1. Squinting or tilting head to see
2. Changes in ability to drive , read , watch
television , or write
3. Holding objects closer to the face
4. Difficulty

 Common complains : floaters & flashes

1. Floaters appear as dots , wiggly lines or clouds
that a person may see moving on the field of
- Occure more often after age 50 as tiny clumps
of gel or cellular

- Associated w/ brain tumor or cortical ischema

2. Ligh flashes Ligh flashes
3. Visual hallucinations


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