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2, JUNE 2010

Design and Control Strategies of an

Induction-Machine-Based Flywheel Energy
Storage System Associated to a Variable-Speed
Wind Generator
Gabriel Cimuca, Stefan Breban, Member, IEEE, Mircea M. Radulescu, Senior Member, IEEE,
Christophe Saudemont, and Benoit Robyns, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Flywheel energy storage systems (FESSs) improve the The actual decentralized electricity sources cannot partici-
quality of the electric power delivered by wind generators, and help pate in the ancillary services of the power grid (voltage and
these generators contributing to the ancillary services. Presently, frequency control, black start, and islanding operation). From
FESSs containing a flux-oriented controlled induction machine
(IM) are mainly considered for this kind of application. The paper the viewpoint of the power grid, these sources are like nega-
proposes the direct torque control (DTC) for an IM-based FESS tive charges, i.e., they do not consume the electric energy but
associated to a variable-speed wind generator, and proves through generate it, without participating in the ancillary services. The
simulation and experimental results that it could be a better al- mains voltage and frequency control is always reported to the
ternative. This DTC application entails two specific aspects: 1) the classical generators. Hence, the penetration rate (i.e., the ratio
IM must operate in the flux-weakening region, and 2) it must shift
quickly and repeatedly between motoring and generating opera- of the generated power to the consumed power) of the decen-
tion modes. DTC improvement for increasing the FESS efficiency, tralized electricity production is restricted in order to keep the
when it operates at small power values, is discussed. Some aspects power grid’s stability. This is particularly right for the renewable
concerning the flywheel design and the choice of the filter used in energy sources, whose primary energy source is very fluctuant
the FESS supervisor are also addressed. and unpredictable. The wind generators belong to this category
Index Terms—DC-link voltage regulation, direct torque control of energy sources, and to give them the possibility to partic-
(DTC), flywheel energy storage, flux-oriented controlled (FOC), ipate in the ancillary services, a generating system, which is
induction machine (IM), power flow supervision, variable-speed able to feed isolated loads or to be integrated in the network,
wind generator (VSWG).
has to be considered. In order to reach these objectives, an en-
ergy buffer is needed for controlling the power flow between
I. INTRODUCTION the wind generator and the power grid [2]–[9]. In this paper, the
energy buffer is represented by a flywheel energy storage system
HE LIBERALIZATION of the European electricity mar-
T ket and the development of the decentralized electricity
production reveal new scientific and technical problems related
During the past decade, FESSs have been rediscovered by
the industry due to their advantages in comparison with other
to the new type of electricity sources, as well as to the structure energy storage systems. FESSs have thus found a specific appli-
and control of power grids [1]. cation in enhancing the electric power quality, as far as voltage
and frequency are kept within preset limits. By virtue of their
high dynamics, long lifetime, and good efficiency, FESSs are
well suited for short-term storage systems, which are generally
Manuscript received April 18, 2007; revised December 7, 2007; accepted sufficient to improve the electric power quality [10]–[12].
October 22, 2008. Date of current version May 21, 2010. This work was sup-
ported in part by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. The test In this paper, a low-speed FESS coupled to a variable-speed
bench development was supported by the Regional Council Nord-Pas de Calais, wind generator (VSWG) is investigated. Fig. 1 provides a block
by the European Regional Development Fund, by the Technological Research diagram of the VSWG–FESS assembly under study. By means
National Center, Lille, by the Forclum Ingénierie Verquin, Innovelect, and by
the Ecole des Hautes Etudes d’Ingénieur. Paper no. TEC-00121-2007. of power electronic converters, the energy generation and stor-
G. Cimuca is with the Powertrain Control Group, Renault Technologie age systems can be coupled via a dc-link circuit. In such a con-
Roumanie, Bucharest 077190, Romania (e-mail: figuration, the FESS ensures the dc-link voltage control [3], [4],
S. Breban and M. M. Radulescu are with the Department of Electric Ma-
chines and Special Electric Machines and Light Electric Traction Group, thus contributing to the generation/consumption balance of en-
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca 400020, Romania (e-mail: ergy. The power converter connected to the network can then; be concerned with the mains voltage and frequency control, and
C. Saudemont and B. Robyns are with the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique
et d’Electronique de Puissance de Lille, Ecole des Hautes Etudes the wind generator can contribute to the ancillary services.
d’Ingénieur, Lille Cédex 59046, France (e-mail:; The FESS contains an induction machine (IM) for which the direct torque control (DTC) is proposed as an alternative
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at to the flux-oriented control (FOC) reported in [3]–[9]. Besides,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2010.2045925 experimental results with an FESS coupled to a VSWG and
0885-8969/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 1. VSWG–FESS assembly under study.

Fig. 2. Flywheel geometry.

controlled by both techniques (FOC and DTC) are presented

further in this paper, emphasizing the advantages of the DTC. or, more accurately, as follows:
In the proposed IM control strategy, the flux reference is 
determined as a function of the IM electromagnetic torque. By 4σadm 1−µ 2
ro m ax = − r (3)
accounting for torque variations due to wind power fluctuations, 2
(3 + µ)ρΩfly 3+µ i
the flux reference enables to reduce IM iron losses, and thus,
increase the efficiency. It is to be noted that the DTC is achieved where σadm is the admissible stress of the flywheel material, ρ
under flux weakening, and the IM continuously shifts between is the flywheel density, and µ is the Poisson coefficient.
motor and generator operation modes. The inertia of the flywheel of Fig. 2 is expressed by
The experimental results were obtained with a 3-kW labo- ρπh  4 
ratory test bench for an IM-based FESS built at the Ecole des J= ro − ri4 . (4)
Hautes Etudes d’Ingénieur (HEI) Lille, France. The test bench
The thickness h of the flywheel is chosen as a function of the
emulates an FESS associated to a VSWG and generates electric
maximum energy Em ax , which must be stored in it, and can be
power into the laboratory power grid. It is fully described in [12]
calculated as follows:
and [15].
The next two sections deal with the flywheel design and the 4Em ax
h= . (5)
control of the FESS. In Section IV, the choice of the filter con- ρπΩ2m ax (ro4 − ri4 )
stant for the FESS supervisor is addressed. Section V presents Other different approaches to flywheel design aspects are
the IM DTC and FOC strategies. A method to increase the IM given in [17]–[19].
efficiency is also discussed. Comparative simulation and exper-
imental results are then reported. Finally, Section VI makes a
comparison between energy-efficiency performances of FOC
and DTC. The wind generators are considered as negative charges for
the power grid, since they do not consume, but generate the
II. FLYWHEEL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS electric energy, without participating in the ancillary services.
The drawback of such generators is due to their primary energy
The mechanical part of the FESS is represented by the fly- source: the wind. As well known, the wind speed is very fluc-
wheel itself. When designing a flywheel for an FESS, two con- tuant, and therefore, the wind generator will deliver a variable
straints must be taken into account: 1) the maximum revolution electric power. To overcome this drawback, following two main
speed and 2) the energy-storage capacity. alternatives are available: 1) acting on the mechanical system or
Fig. 2 presents an ordinary flywheel with its geometrical pa- 2) acting on the electric system. The first one is largely used in
rameters. The flywheel design must begin by choosing the inner the actual wind farm, and provides satisfactory results when the
radius ri . It depends on the mechanical shaft, which must sup- wind generators are supplying a very strong grid. Nevertheless,
port the flywheel weight, ensure the coupling between the fly- for a weak grid or an isolated load, this type of control is no
wheel and the electric machine, and bear the maximum torque more useful. In such cases, a faster and better control must be
of the electric machine. implemented on the wind systems.
The highest revolution speed of the flywheel Ωfly is propor- This is the reason for choosing the second alternative for
tional to the maximum speed of the electric machine Ωm ax by a the power regulation. An energy buffer is needed in order to
safety coefficient k (greater than unity) achieve a good power regulation [2]–[9]. Fig. 3 gives a graphical
explanation of the control strategy. The FESS has to accomplish
Ωfly = kΩm ax . (1)
the following control tasks: 1) to regulate the dc-link voltage
The outer radius ro of the flywheel can take any value from and 2) to regulate the power flow on the grid or on an isolated
the interval ri < ro ≤ rom ax with rom ax calculated as follows: load.
 For dc-link voltage regulation, a proportional-integral (PI)
1 σadm voltage controller is used, and gives the value of the power ∆P
ro m ax = (2)
Ωfly ρ necessary to keep this voltage at its reference value Vdc ref . If

speed Ωm ax , while the electric machine operates at rated power

Prat . For this case, the following expression can be written:
J Ω2m ax − Ω2b
τ Prat = (8)
where τ is the filter constant.
From (8), two expressions can be derived for the filter constant
and the flywheel inertia, respectively, which are as follows:
J Ω2m ax − Ω2b
τ= (9)

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of the FESS’ control strategy. 2τ Pnom

J= . (10)
(Ω2m ax − Ω2b )
It is obvious that the filter constant depends on the flywheel
inertia. Moreover, the rated power of the FESS must be related
to the filter constant. Greater the filter constant, larger Pref vari-
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the supervisor. ations are, thus more powerful electric machine is needed.

Preg is the power required from the FESS-VSWG assembly, and V. DTC AND FOC FOR THE FESS IM
Pwg is the active power generated by the VSWG, the reference A. DTC Principle
value of the active power exchanged between FESS and dc-link
circuit is determined as follows: In the DTC, IM torque and stator-flux amplitudes are con-
trolled by means of two independent hysteresis controllers (see
Pref = Preg − Pwg − ∆P. (6) Fig. 5), and the feedback signals (T ∗ and Ψ∗ ) are calculated
From (6), the IM reference torque can be computed as follows: from IM stator voltages and currents.

The stator-flux space vector Ψ is obtained from the stator
Pref voltage equation
Tref = + BΩ + Ts (7)
∗ ∗
where Ω is the flywheel speed, B is the viscous friction coeffi- Ψ = (V s − Rs I s )dt (11)
cient, and Ts is the load torque.
The Pref value must be limited at the IM-rated power, other- where Rs is the stator resistance, I s is the stator-current space

wise, the torque reference can exceed the IM torque capability; vector. The stator-voltage space vector V s is computed using
moreover, by using the DTC in generator operation mode and the dc-link voltage Vdc and the inverter switch gating signals
flux-weakening region, the IM flux cannot be regulated and falls Sa , Sb , and Sc
to zero [9].
∗ 2Vdc
The IM used on the test bench has four pole pairs. The fly- Vs = (Sa + e2π j /3 Sb + e4π j /3 Sc ). (12)
wheel speed range is from 800 to 3000 r/min, the high-speed 3
limit being imposed by mechanical constraints. Hence, the IM The stator-current space vector is derived from the measured
must operate in the flux-weakening region over an extended currents ia , ib , and ic
flywheel speed range. 2
A fuzzy-logic-based supervisor imposes the value of the (ia + e2π j /3 ib + e4π j /3 ic )
Is = (13)
power delivered to the power grid, i.e., the value of Preg in
(6). The supervisor prevents the flywheel speed from reaching and the IM electromagnetic torque results from the dot product

its upper limits and, depending on the supervisory method and of I s and Ψ :
the flywheel capacity, the power delivered to the grid is much 3p ∗
more smoothed than the wind-generated power. Fig. 4 shows the T∗ = (I s · jΨ ) (14)
diagram of this supervisor, whose description is given in [12]. where p is the IM pole-pair number.
The power converter can deliver only eight voltage vectors,
IV. CHOICE OF THE FILTER CONSTANT which are selected with reference to the flux sector and the
The aforementioned supervisor uses filtered values of the hysteresis controllers’ outputs. Fig. 6 shows the variations of the
generated power Pwgf as input. The choice of the filter constant stator flux corresponding to the first sector, and Table I provides
is of paramount importance for the FESS design, being related all the possible voltage-vector selections. The principle of the
to the flywheel capacity. This constant can be determined for two hysteresis controllers is presented in Fig. 7, and it can be
the highest charging (or discharging) rate of the FESS, i.e., the seen that the torque controller is a three-level comparator, while
flywheel is accelerated from the base speed Ωb to the maximum the flux controller is a two-level comparator.

Fig. 5. FESS control scheme using DTC for the IM.

Fig. 7. Hysteresis controllers for (a) torque and (b) flux.

Fig. 6. IM stator-flux variations in sector 1.


Fig. 8. Operation of a discrete hysteresis controller.

The analog hysteresis controllers have the well-known dis- by the stator direct-axis current id and the quadrature-axis cur-
advantage of a variable switching frequency. However, it can rent iq , respectively (see Fig. 9).
be avoided by using discrete hysteresis controllers; in con- The q-axis stator-current reference is computed from the
trast with its analog counterpart, the discrete controller oper- torque reference as follows:
ates at fixed sampling time Ts , involving a constant switching
frequency [19]. Fig. 8 shows the operation mode of the discrete- Tref L∗r
iq ref = (15)
hysteresis torque controller. pM ∗ Ψref

where M ∗ and L∗r are the estimated mutual and rotor induc-
B. FOC Principle
tances, respectively, and Ψref is the rotor-flux reference value.
In the FOC, the d–q reference frame is locked to the rotor-flux The d-axis stator-current reference id ref is obtained using a
vector. Hence, the flux and torque can be separately controlled flux controller (see Fig. 9), and the rotor-flux position results

Fig. 9. FESS control scheme using FOC for the IM.

from the rotor speed ωm and slip frequency ωsl where Tp.u. is the IM reference torque and Ψp.u. is the IM’s
 stator flux, both expressed in p.u. It should be noted that the
θr = (ωm + ωsl ) dt (16) stator-flux reference has a lower limit at 0.3 Wb; this is due to
the fact that when the IM flux is too small, the IM operation
and becomes unstable.
M ∗ Rr∗ iq ref Simulation and experimental results clearly showed that us-
ωsl = (17)
L∗r Ψref ing (19) for the stator-flux reference computation, a notable
improvement of the energy efficiency is obtained when the IM’s
where Rr∗ is the estimated rotor resistance.
load is much smaller than the rated load; however, if the IM’s
As readily seen, the aforementioned equations refer to a par-
load is closer to the rated load, the classical method of the flux
ticularly case of the FOC, i.e., the rotor flux-oriented control.
reference computation leads to better IM efficiency. By com-
bining the advantages of both methods, a real-time dynamic
C. Flux Reference Determination for the DTC
selection of the stator-flux reference was adopted
From (7), the torque reference of the IM is a function of
FESS’ reference power and flywheel speed. Ψref = kΨref 1 + (1 − k)Ψref 2 (20)
In the case of the classical DTC, the stator-flux reference is
computed as follows: where k = Tref Ω/PIM and PIM is the IM-rated power. Further
 in the paper, the DTC using (20) will be called “energy-efficient
Ψrat , if |Ω| ≤ Ωb
Ψref1 = Ωb (18) DTC” to distinguish it from the “classical DTC,” which uses
Ψrat , if |Ω| > Ωb (18).
Simulations were performed in MATLAB/Simulink environ-
where Ωb is the IM base speed and Ψrat is the IM-rated stator ment to validate the proposed method for computing the IM flux
flux. This strategy offers good results when the IM’s load is close reference. As the rated power of the IM is 3 kW, the simula-
to the rated load. However, as it can be seen from Fig. 3, the tions were performed for 11 different power values from 500 W
IM’s load is steadily changing, and the IM frequently operates to 3 kW, with a step of 250 W. Therefore, the IM operates
below its rated load. at constant power and accelerates the flywheel from 1500 to
If the IM is under-load, a smaller flux is sufficient for its 3000 r/min (charging mode). After reaching the speed of
operation; moreover, a smaller flux yields less core losses in 3000 r/min, the flywheel decelerates to 1500 r/min (discharging
the IM. Based on this observation, the following method for mode).
determining the stator-flux reference is proposed: In order to evaluate the FESS efficiency, simulations were
 Tp.u. performed for a charge/discharge cycle (CDC). By measuring

 Ψrat , if |Ω| ≤ Ωb
Ψp.u. the input/output energy, the FESS efficiency can be determined
Ψref2 = (19)

 Ψrat Ωb Tp.u. , if |Ω| > Ωb
for each CDC [8]. The FESS efficiency results obtained from
|Ω| Ψp.u. simulations are given in Fig. 10 and Table II.

Fig. 10. Simulation results of FESS efficiency for one CDC with IM operating Fig. 12. Experimental results of FESS efficiency for one CDC with IM oper-
at constant power in flux-weakening region. ating at constant power in flux-weakening region.


Fig. 13. FESS measured energies when IM power is 500 W.

powers, the FESS efficiency obtained through simulations is

greater than that resulting from experiments; this is due to the
simplifications adopted in the simulation model (e.g., core losses
were disregarded, albeit they increase with the stator-flux level).
Lastly, it should be noted that the IM always operates in
Fig. 11. FESS simulated energies when IM power is 500 W. the flux-weakening region, at a speed ranging from 1500 to
3000 r/min.
In the FOC case, the rotor-flux reference was computed from
the IM power equation as follows:
PIM ≈ Tem IM ΩIM = p Ψr d isq ΩIM (21)

Simulation results in Fig. 11 reveal 18% efficiency improve- where PIM is the IM output power, Tem IM is the IM electro-
ment in the case of energy-efficient DTC, for the IM power magnetic torque, ΩIM is the IM mechanical speed, p is the
operated at 500 W. pole-pair number, M is the mutual inductance, Lr is the rotor
Experiments were carried out on the test bench in order to inductance, and Ψr d is the d-axis rotor-flux component. From
check the simulation results. The same conditions were set, but (21), the rotor-flux reference value can be calculated as follows:
for IM power values ranging from 500 to 1750 W; this is because PIM rat L∗r 1
Ψref (ΩIM ) = ∗
the IM encounters a power step twice of reference power, when pM isq m ax ΩIM m es
the FESS is changing its operation modes, for example, if the
where PIM rat is the IM rated power and ΩIM m es is the IM
IM operates at 1750 W and the FESS shifts from the charging
measured speed. In (22), the IM parameters marked with asterisk
mode to the discharging one, the IM power suddenly drops to
define the estimated parameters. The experimental results have
−1750 W; therefore, the IM must bear a 3.5-kW power shock,
proven that PIM rat value has a notable influence on the FESS
which will cause notable dc-link voltage variations.
efficiency [8].
Table III and Fig. 12 provide experimental results for FESS
efficiency during one CDC, and Fig. 13 displays the measured
FESS energy outcome for IM operating at 500 W.
By comparing Figs. 10 and 12, it can be observed that 18% Fig. 14 provides the wind speed, which was measured in the
efficiency improvement at 500 W is gained in both simulation northern part of France, where a wind farm was installed. These
and experiment, thus validating the energy-efficient method for wind speed values were used to control a wind turbine emulator
stator-flux reference computation. Nevertheless, for higher IM (WTE) that drives the VSWG [12].

Fig. 14. Wind speed.

Fig. 18. Flywheel speed for the FOC case.

Fig. 15. Speed of the wind generator, without FESS.

Fig. 19. (Continuous curve) Generated power and (pointed curve) delivered
power for the DTC case.

Fig. 16. Power delivered into the power grid, without FESS.

Fig. 20. Flywheel speed for the DTC case.

Fig. 17. (Continuous curve) Generated power and (pointed curve) delivered
power for the FOC case.

Fig. 15 provides the speed of the VSWG, which is similar to

Fig. 21. DC-link voltage for the FOC.
the WTE speed, and Fig. 16 shows the power delivered by the
VSWG to the power grid. It can be seen from Fig. 16, that the
power grid receives a variable power. The aim of the FESS is to Fig. 23 clearly emphasizes that, in the DTC case, more power
smooth this power. is delivered to the network, thus proving again that DTC could
Figs. 17–22 present some experimental results obtained with be a better choice for controlling the IM of the FESS.
the two IM control methods. By comparing the powers delivered Moreover, the DTC needs a sample time of 125 µs when
to the grid (see Figs. 17 and 19) as well as the flywheel speeds using dSPACE control card, while the FOC needs 250 µs. The
(see Figs. 18 and 20), better efficiency in the case of the DTC can difference is due to the fact that FOC method, being more com-
be observed; this can be partly attributed to the flux-reference plex, needs additional time to make all the computations during
improved computation by means of (20). a sampling period, in contrast with the simpler DTC method

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by using discrete hysteresis controllers [9] and [13]. For the ogy for space applications,” in Proc. 37th Intersoc. Energy Convers. Eng.
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[18] M. Poloujadoff, C. Rioux, and M. M. Radulescu, “On the flywheel design
Simulation and experimental results for an IM-based FESS for energy storage systems,” Electromotion, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 271–275,
associated to a VSWG have been presented. Two IM control 2006.
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inverter-fed AC motors—A survey,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51,
been emphasized that the DTC is a better choice for this kind no. 4, pp. 744–757, Aug. 2004.
of application. An energy-efficient method to compute the IM
stator-flux reference value has been incorporated in the DTC,
and its effectiveness has been validated through simulations and

[1] M. Crappe, Commande et Régulation des Réseaux Électriques. Paris:
Hermès Science, 2003. Gabriel Cimuca received the M.S. degree from the
[2] F. Hardan, J. A. M. Bleijs, R. Jones, and P. Bromley, “Bi-directional Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
power control for flywheel energy storage system with vector-controlled Romania, in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree jointly from
induction machine drive,” in Proc. IEE Conf. Publ., 1998, pp. 456–477. the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the
[3] R. Cardenas, R. Pena, G. Asher, and J. Clare, “Control strategies for Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers de Lille,
enhanced power smoothing in wind energy systems using a flywheel driven Lille, France, in 2005, both in electrical engineering.
by a vector-controlled induction machine,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Between March 2006 and April 2007, he was
vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 625–635, Jun. 2001. in the Powertrain Department, Siemens VDO Auto-
[4] R. Cardenas, R. Pena, G. Asher, J. Clare, and R. Blasco-Giménez, “Control motive, Timisoara, Romania. Since April 2007, he
strategies for power smoothing using a flywheel driven by a sensorless has been with the Powertrain Control Group, Renault
vector-controlled induction machine operating in a wide speed range,” Technologie Roumanie, Bucharest, Romania. He is
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 603–614, Jun. 2004. author or coauthor of more than 15 technical papers and reports.

Stefan Breban (M’09) received the M.S. degree Christophe Saudemont received the Ph.D. degree
from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj- in electrical engineering from the Université des Sci-
Napoca, Romania, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree ences et Technologies de Lille, Lille, France, in 1999.
jointly from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Since 2001, he has been in the Electrical En-
and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers gineering Department, Ecole des Hautes Etudes
de Lille, Lille, France, in 2008, both in electrical en- d’Ingenieur, Lille. Since 2002, he has also been a
gineering. Researcher with the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique
He is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the De- et d’Electronique de Puissance de Lille, Lille. His
partment of Electric Machines, Technical University current research interests include the renewable en-
of Cluj-Napoca, where he is also a Researcher in the ergies, decentralized electric energy production, and
Special Electric Machines and Light Electric Trac- integration of dispersed renewable energy sources.
tion Group. Dr. Saudemont is a member of the Société Française des Electriciens et des

Mircea M. Radulescu (M’94–SM’99) received the

Dipl.Ing. (with Hons.) degree from the Technical Uni- Benoit Robyns (M’96) received the Ingénieur Civil
versity of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in Electricien and Docteur en Sciences Appliquées
1978, and the Ph.D. degree from the Polytechnic Uni- degrees from the Université Catholique de Lou-
versity of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, in 1993, vain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 1987 and 1993,
both in electrical engineering. respectively, and the Habilitation à Diriger des
Since 1983, he has been with the Faculty of Recherches degree from the Université des Sciences
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj- et Technologies de Lille, Lille, France, in 2000.
Napoca, where he is currently a Full Professor in the From 1988 to 1995, he was an Assistant in the Lab-
Department of Electric Machines and also the Head oratory of Electrotechnics and Instrumentation, Fac-
of the Special Electric Machines and Light Electric ulty of Applied Sciences, Université Catholique de
Traction Group. He was an Invited Professor at Helsinki University of Technol- Louvain. Since 1995, he has been with the Ecole des
ogy, Espoo, Finland, in 1997, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Hautes Etudes d’Ingénieur, Lille, where he is currently the Director of Research.
Aachen, Aachen, Germany, in 1999, University of Akron, Akron, OH, in 1999 Since 1998, he has been a Researcher in the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et
and 2001, the Université “Pierre et Marie Curie” (Paris VI), Paris, France, in d’Electronique de Puissance de Lille, Lille, and is currently the Head of the
2002, Université de Picardie “Jules Verne” Amiens, France, in 2003, and Ecole Electrical Networks and Power Systems research team. He is the author or
Centrale de Lille, Lille, France, in 2006, 2007, and 2008. He is an Associate Ed- coauthor of more than 150 papers and one book in the fields of digital control
itor of the international scientific quarterly Electromotion. He is author or coau- of electric machines, renewable energies, and distributed generation.
thor of more than 100 published scientific papers in refereed technical journals Prof. Robyns is a member of the Société Française des Electriciens et des
and international conference and symposium proceedings. His research interests Electroniciens, the Société Royale Belge des Electriciens, and the European
include computer-aided design of electromechanical devices, field analysis of Power Electronics Association.
electromagnetic structures, design and control of small electric motors, actua-
tors and mechatronic drives, light electric traction systems.
Prof. Radulescu is a member of the International Steering Committee of sev-
eral conferences and symposia in the field of electric motor drives and electric
traction. His biography is listed in several editions of “Who’s Who in the World”
and “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.”

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