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Week 1

1: Deep Breathing and Imagery

Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Music from Bayadère Ballet Class – Gange steady tempo


This valuable exercise is excellent to include as a warm-up at the beginning

of both the senior and advanced level classes to warm up the body and set
the focus of the mind by using a different goal to bring into their ballet
class for the week. Take care for the student to keep their pelvis stable
throughout this activation. When the student activates the external
activation check their hips remain square towards the ceiling. Deep
breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is essential

2: Deep Rotation
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Velo steady tempo 4/4.


The student should feel the top of the head reaching away while
lengthening their neck. They should relax and open their shoulders.
Encourage them to release their ribcage and deepen the abdominals to the
spine. They should feel like they are doing up a zipper from the pubic bone
to the bellybutton. They should activate their gluteus muscles and feel like
they are lifting up under the bottom and out of the hips.

Their inner thighs should activate as they continue to feel the energy reach
out through their legs and toes like they are trying to touch the opposite
wall. They should try to feel the top of the legs isolate and rotate inside the
hip socket.

3: Abdominal Activation
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Ombre 108% 4/4 – 67BPM

The student should feel the top of their head reaching away while lengthen
they lengthen their neck as they relax and open shoulders. Encourage them
to release their ribcage and deepen the bellybutton to the spine. They
should feel their legs reaching away as they lower or extend. Make sure
they deepen their abdominals to the mat as they activate their inner thighs.
They should feel as though it’s abdominals that are bringing your legs back
into tabletop rather than the top of the legs. In the chest lift position they
should feel the rib cage up and over the hips as they should deepen their

The students eye-line is through your knees to avoid neck tension and keep
reaching fingertips to the opposite wall. If they are straining their neck
they can give support with their hands. Breathe in through the nose slowly
and exhale through the mouth slowly.

4: Adductor Core Activation

Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Ombre 108% – 67BPM 4/4


The student should deepen the feeling of the abdominal wall as they reach
and activate their legs. On scissor twist, they should maintain the legs in
parallel and continuously reach their toes to the ceiling. They should
lengthen and reach arms and toes away when first bringing fit the ball and
head and chest up. Breathe in the nose and out through the mouth slowly
with the music. Maintain the legs parallel for the deep activation.

5: Développé Activation
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Profumo – steady tempo 3/4

The students should feel the top of their head reaching away as they
lengthen their neck. They should release their rib cage as they open
shoulders. Encourage them to deepen their abdominals to their spine. They
should activate their gluteus muscles feeling like they are lifting up under
the gluteus and out of the hips. During every développé activation take
notice to check their hips are square and they are maintaining the
engagement of their abdominals as well as both gluteus muscles.

They must continue to fire though their supporting leg as they strive to
reach their toes away from the hip while trying to touch the opposite wall
as the leg lowers back to the fit ball. Carefully watch to check they
maintain their hip alignment or loose pelvic stability.

6: Circular Port de bras

Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Tempio steady tempo 4/4


The student should feel the lift through their abdominals with a firmly
planted supporting foot. The should maintain their hip alignment square
throughout. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth to
avoid any tension. If the fit ball is moving they aren’t not yet stable in their

7: Engagement &Mobility
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Anima steady tempo 3/4


At the beginning this is best to train the students against the wall. They
commence with an exhale through the mouth and slowly inhale as you roll
through the upper thoracic. They should lift well out of their abdominals so
as not to crunch into the lumbar spine. Exhale again before lengthening
through the crown and inhale through the nose as the students activates
their upper back. The head should always be turned to one side and check
that their shoulders remain square as they extend backwards. They
shouldn’t extend beyond their capability by crunching into the lower spine.
The legs remain together against the wall. Reverse the breathing on the
return movement. When the student is using épaulement check that they
are keeping their hip alignment square.

If later you choose to take the option with a partner, they would require
being approximately the same height. Press against your partner’s feet for

8: Arabesque Training
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Lacrima steady tempo 3/4


As the student rolls forward on the centre of their fit ball, they press their
hands onto their mat the width of the fit ball and check their elbows are not
locked. They should lift out of the shoulders and activate their abdominals.
They should feel the lengthening through the crown of their head as they
stretch their legs and toes away while engaging their adductor and gluteal
muscles. During their extension check they simply don’t just lift but reach
and lift. Check they don’t compromise the height over the alignment and
their leg which should be directly behind their spine. They should breathe
in through the nose as the leg reaches and lengthens and inhale through
the mouth during the enveloppé.

9: Cool Down
Music suggestion, Using Ballet Class app - Bayadère Ballet Class – Smeraldo steady tempo 4/4


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