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Course: Teaching of Islamic Studies (EDU512)

Semester: Fall, 2021

Assignment No: 1
Total Marks: 20
Lecture: 1-12 (Topics 1-76)


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.

 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work

done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from

different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.

 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.

 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be

preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

 Marks will be deducted for the incorrect format.


Q1: Prepare a lesson plan on “Birth and Early days of the Prophet (S.A.W)” keeping in view
discussion method. (Lesson Plan Format is attached below) Marks (10)

Q2: How preaching of Islam started? Reflect on the role of following personalities in preaching
of Islam. Marks (2 × 5 =10)

Hazrat Khadija (R.A)

Hazrat Ali (R.A)
Hazrat Zaid (R.A)
Hazrat Abubakar (R.A)

Lesson Plan format

Here are the brief contents of the lesson plan; you may please prepare your lesson accordingly.
1. Subject
2. Grade level/ Class
3. Text Book
4. Topic & Sub Topic
5. Time duration
6. General Objectives

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives (what do I as a teacher intend to teach students about a

8. Student Learning Outcomes (what do I as teacher expect the student to learn/understand
after teaching this lesson)
9. Resources/Materials A.V aids (resources that will be used in the lesson)
10. Procedure
a. Introduction (something to get the students' attention)
b. Teaching Procedures (methods you will use in the classroom & black/whiteboard
c. Student Participation (how will you get the students’ participation)
d. Formative check (check students’ understanding during the lesson)
e. Closure/summarizing (how will you end the lesson)

11. Classroom Management Strategies will be based on the activities you have planned in the
classroom to ensure effective learning
12. Assignment or Homework (relevant to the specific objective of the lesson)
13. Assessment of Student Learning (Propose the questions for this lesson e.g. objective &

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