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F.5A Maths Test for Ch.

10 & 11 Measures of Dispersion I and II (Solutions)

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D
8. (a) Mean = 17.3 (or 17.325)
Median = 17
Mode = 17
(b) Range = 20 – 15 = 5
16  17
Interquartile range =18   1.5
Standard deviation  1.29

9. (a) 80  72
 0.8

  10
(b) Standard score of Joey in the calligraphy competition
75  60

 1.25  0.8
 Joey performed better in the calligraphy competition.

10. Class mark 24,27,30,33

Mean  27.15 ; Standard deviation  3.21

11. (a) Range  (40  x)  18  (22  x) kg

(20  x)  (20  x)
Q1   (20  x) kg
35  36
Q3   35.5 kg
 Inter-quartile range  35.5  (20  x)  15.5  x
22  x  2(15.5  x)
(b) Mean  29.1 kg ; Standard deviation  7.50 kg
(c) Let y kg be the weight of the child.
 29.1  20  y  (29.1  0.1)  21
y  27
New standard deviation  7.335 5 kg
 Change in the standard deviation
 7.335 5  7.502 7
  0.167 kg

5A Maths Test Soluton for 5B10 & 11 Measures of Dispersion I & II – P.1
12. (a) Lower Upper
Minimum Maximum
quartile Median (cm) quartile
height (cm) height (cm)
(cm) (cm)
Group A 149 152 159 163 170
Group B 152 156 158 162 167

Group A

Group B

148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172
Height (cm)

(c) For group A,

Range  170  149  21 cm
Inter-quartile range  163  152  11 cm
For group B,
Range  167  152  15 cm
Inter-quartile range  162  156  6 cm
Since the inter-quartile range (range) of the group B is smaller than that of
group A, the heights of the students in group B are more consistent.
Cindy’s claim is disagreed.

13. (a)  x  3  324 ................ (1)

 x  2  284 ................ (2)
(1) - (2),
( x  3 )  ( x  2 )  324  284
5  40
 8
From (1)
x  3  8   324
x  300
(b) x    292g and x  2  316g
The required percentage
 34%  47.5%
 81.5%

5A Maths Test Soluton for 5B10 & 11 Measures of Dispersion I & II – P.2
14. (a)
 1  x  5, y  5 and range  7

 y 1  7
 x 1  1

y 8

(b) New range  8  1  7

New inter-quartile range
1 2
 5  5  1.5
 3.5  original inter-quartile range
 The distribution of the numbers of visits is not less dispersed after
adding the new data.

5A Maths Test Soluton for 5B10 & 11 Measures of Dispersion I & II – P.3

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