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Section: PEM SEC-1


Subject: Managerial Skills Workshop-II

Submitted to – Mr.Girish Dharap

Submitted by: - Harsh patel

Roll number: - PP20041


Essential qualities and habits are essential to success in today's fast-paced work. In this
management skills training course, you will discover management and leadership skills
relevant to today's scenarios. Learn how to inspire and provide vision, foster effective
communication, and clearly delegate power to people and teams. Develop a proactive,
customer-centric approach, increase emotional intelligence as a leader, and shape a
management vision for success.

In those 20 MSW sessions, we basically learned how to:

Apply core management behaviors and techniques to deliver results;

 Improve leadership ability by developing emotional intelligence;

 Communicate with, motivate, and empower your team;
 Delegate work to individuals and teams; and Develop a management vision for success.

We basically went through 9 different types of management, such as:

 Time Management
 Team and people Management
 Stress management
 Listening Skills
 Learning and self-Development
 Leadership Development
 Lateral thinking and problem solving
 High Impact presentation
 Change management

1. Time Management:-

The most important thing to remember from this lesson is how to make the most of your time.
Find a balance between important responsibilities and make the most of your time. How to
solve problems and overcome obstacles? Goals must be recorded (on paper) to be acceptable
and achievable. Create a daily list of tasks you need to complete to reach your goals.
Prioritization based on Responsibilities that do the most important tasks first, the less
important tasks first, and provide some buffer time in the event of an incident. Make this
schedule every day, at least for the most important tasks

2. Team and People Management: -

Working as part of a team should follow the 'Whale Done' technique, which argues that trust
should be created, the positive should be stressed, and when a mistake occurs, thinking should
be redirected. Praising team members right away and reminding them that what they did was
proper or almost accurate. Encourage them to keep up the good work and, if they make a
mistake, altering their minds and maybe educating them why it happened, allowing them to
spot the primary problem so it does not happen again.

3. Stress Management:
If we are under any kind of stress, we must first recognize the type of stress and develop
coping strategies so that the stress does not overwhelm us. Look for signs of stress (if any). A
magic tool with 6 rules allows you to start, stop, stop, swipe, adjust and operate. Then there are
four "A"s. That is: Accept - Accept the situation. Avoidance - Avoid unpleasant situations.
Adapting to the environment and accepting the conditions are two different things. Self-care
behaviors such as exercising, relaxing your body, and focusing on the present will create a
better mood

4. Listening Skills: -

The capacity to listen is one of the most important skills to have in both personal and
professional life. There is a distinction to be made between hearing and listening. Listening
necessitates concentration and energy. Being a good listener takes practise. Appreciative
listening, which is more casual, and discriminative hearing, which involves paying great
attention to body language, expressions, and other factors, are two types of listening abilities.
Extensive listening with the goal of absorbing and remembering knowledge. Listening that is
both critical and evaluative and in which the listener demonstrates trust in the speaker
Connected thinking is a sort of empathy listening. These forms of listening must be shifted and
practiced in response to the circumstance, as well as adjusted as necessary.

5. Learning and Self-Development

Personal development is closely related to self-awareness. This provides opportunities to

honestly look at areas of your life that need improvement. Through this process, you will
receive pieces of information about who you are, what your true values are, and where you
want to go in life.

6. Leadership Development:

A specific area that needs improvement in order to achieve a goal, achieve a career goal, or
improve a specific component of the job. Personal development goals may be to improve
certain skills or behaviors, or to expand knowledge in a particular subject.
And this will lead to Educate future leaders of companies with management styles that increase
employee morale and retention, increase productivity, encourage better decision-making, build
better teams, and create a happy workplace.

7. Lateral thinking and problem solving:

This skill set is all about imagination and creativity, which is how we deal with situations on
the go and how we may solve problems more effectively by thinking outside the box.

8. High Impact Presentation:

We master the art of presentation to make it enjoyable for the audience by using appropriate
body language and establishing impact, as well as controlling available time for successful
delivery and overcoming fear and speaking confidently.

9. Change Management:

Change management refers to any method of preparing, supporting and assisting people, teams
and organizations to implement organizational change. We specifically learn about the 7 basic
principles of change management.
1. Who initiated the change?
2. What is the reason for the change?
3. What return is required for changes?
4. What are the risks associated with the change?
5. What resources do I need to make changes?

6. Who is responsible for “creating, testing, and implementing” the changes?

For example, we talked about the Ramayana and the teaching "Who Moved My Cheese?"
Change management relies heavily on the way we see things. There are two sides to everything,
but we cannot recognize and comment on the other side. Before seeing these lectures and
examples, I was not satisfied with every little aspect of my life, but I was satisfied with what I
have now. I stopped comparing myself to others. In my opinion, the end result was great.


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