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BIOETHICS ● Nurses employed in an agency,

institution or hospital are

LEGAL ASPECTS AND THE NURSE directly responsible to their
immediate supervisors.
I. Introduction ● Private duty nurses, being
● As nurses begin their professional independent practitioners are
obligations, their legal held to a standard of conduct that
responsibilities begin as well. is expected of reasonably prudent
Their license to practice attests nurses.
that they are qualified under the ● Standards serve as benchmark
law to practice their profession. against which to plan, implement
● The Philippine nursing act of and assess quality of services and
2002 is the best guide the nurse to show that nursing is
can utilize as it defines the scope accountable to society, to
of nursing practice. consumers of nursing services
● There are also standards of care and two governments as well as
that may be used as criteria in to the profession of nursing itself
evaluating their work. Nurses are and individual members.
enjoined to be familiar with the
Philippine nursing law, the III. Definition of Legal Terminologies
standards of nursing care, and 1. Nursing Jurisprudence
other loss which affect nursing ● Comprises all laws, rules,
practice and their code of ethics doctrines, and principles, legal
nurses need to be afraid of laws. opinions, and decisions of
This should be understood so that competent authority regarding
their scope and limitations may governance and regulation of the
be defined and identified. When practice of nursing.
these are clarified, performance 2. Nursing legislation
of daily tasks are assumed with ● Is the act or process of making
more confidence and safety. laws affecting the science, art,
and practice of nursing.
II. Responsibility and Accountability 3. Due process of law
for the Practice of Professional ● Refers to the general law of the
Nursing land, a law which hears before it
● When nurses undertake to condemns, which proceeds upon
practice their profession, they are inquiry and renders judgment
held responsible and accountable only after trial.
for the quality of performance of 4. Defendant
their duties. ● The accused person in a criminal
5. Plaintiff government, which poses a substantial
● The party who institutes legal threat of personal injury,
proceedings. notwithstanding that by reason of age,
6. Subpoena insanity, intoxication or otherwise the
● An order that requires a person person engaging in the act, omission or
to be present at a specific time at possession was legally incapable of
a specific place to testify as a committing a crime.
7. Subpoena Duces Tecum b.) Criminal intent - generally this
● A subpoena that requires a means that you acted in ‘’mens rea’’ or
witness to bring guilty mind. The burden on proving
documents/papers in his/her mens rea is placed on the prosecution to
possession. show that you acted in a state which you
8. Summon intended to do criminal activity.
● A writ commanding an authorized (Planning, tools for criminal behavior,
person to notify a party to appear past behavior, etc)
in court to answer a complaint
made against him/her. VI. Classification of persons who are
criminally liable
IV. Legal Liabilities in Nursing Practice 1. Principals
A. Criminal Aspects ● Are those who take a direct
● Crimes - are acts contrary to law, participation in the execution of
statute; wrongs committed the act, or those who directly
against the state, punishable by force or induce others to commit
the state and usually demonstrate the act.
that intent was present. ● A person who participates in a
● Criminal Actions - is one crime through any of the
instituted and prosecuted before following actions:
the courts for the punishment of a.) by direct participation in the
a crime. In the courts, offenders execution of the crime doer of the act.
will have to answer for any b.) by inducement or by directly forcing
criminal liability incurred. or paying another person to commit the
V. Person in an Criminal Act c.) By cooperation or participation in the
Criminal Conspiracy - occurs when 2 or offense, by an act which the crime would
more persons agree to commit a crime. have not been accomplished.
Elements of Crime: 2. Accomplices
a.) Criminal Act- any crime, including an ● Are those who, not being
act, omission, or possession under the principals by direct participation,
laws a state or unit of general local inducement or cooperation
through another act essential to indifference to the injury that
the consummation of the crime, might result in personal injury or
cooperate in the execution of the death.
offence by a previous or
simultaneous acts. They are also VIII. Crimes related to nursing practice
known as the accessories before Misdemeanor
the fact. ● Is a term used to express every
a.) Accessories - are those who offence inferior to felony and
have knowledge of the punishable by indictment.
commission of the crime without ● Is actually a term applied to all
having participated therein either those crimes and offenses for
as principals or accomplices, take which the law has not provided a
part subsequent to its particular name.
commission in any of the ● Felonies - are acts or omissions
following manner: punishable by law which may be
1.) By profiting themselves or committed not only by means of
assisting the offenders to deceit (dolo) but also by means of
profit by the effects of the fault (culpa).
crime. ● There is deceit when the act is
2.) By concealing or performed with deliberate intent.
destroying the body of the Deliberate intent includes 2
crime, or the effects or elements without which there
instruments thereof, in can be no crime arising from a
order to prevent its criminal act or omission.
discovery. a.) freedom - a person who acts without
3.) By harboring or assisting freedom cannot act with deliberation.
the escape of the principal b.) intelligence - without intelligence a
of the crime, they are also person is incapable of distinguishing
known as the accessories what act is good or bad and what is right
after the fact. or wrong. That is why the law exempts
from criminal liability an imbecile, an
VII. Negligence insane person, unless the latter acted
● In a legal sense, it is typically during lucid intervals and a child over 9
considered to be a failure to act in years of age but under 15, unless he has
accordance with or an action that acted with discernment, revealing
is in opposition to what a insight and understanding.
reasonable person would do.
● Criminal Negligence - a flagrant
and reckless disregard for the
safety of others or wilful
Felonies according to style of execution: omission for which the offender must
a.) Consummated - when all the c.) There is the nexus of cause and effect
elements necessary for its between such fault or negligence and the
accomplishments are present. damage.
b.) Frustrated - when the offender
performs all acts of execution which Damages done to an offended party
would produce the felony as a
consequence but which would, 1.) Actual or compensatory damages
nevertheless, not produce it by reasons - the value of the actual loss and
not independent of the will of the the profits which were not
perpetrator. obtained.
c.) Attempted - where there is an 2.) Moral damages - physical
attempt to start the offense but it was suffering, mental anguish, serious
thwarted. anxiety, besmirched reputation,
wounded feelings, social
CIVIL ASPECT humiliation, etc.
1.) Torts 3.) Nominal damages - vindications
● Is a legal wrong, committed or recognition of the right of the
against a person or property plaintiff which has been violated
independent of a contract which by the defendant and not for the
renders the person who commits purpose of indemnifying the loss
it liable for damages in a civil suffered by the plaintiff.
action. 4.) Temperate or moderate damages
● The person who has been - more than the nominal but less
wronged seeks compensation for than compensatory damages.
the injury or wrong he has
suffered from the wrongdoer. Professional Negligence
Examples: ● Refers to the failure of a nurse to
a.) Assault and battery behave or act as a reasonable
b.) false imprisonment or illegal prudent nurse who is charged
detention with a duty to use standard of due
c.) invasion of right to privacy care, and to foresee harm that
d.) Defamation may result from failure to meet
such standard which may be
Elements: proximate cause of injury to
a.) There must be damage to the another person or his property.
offended party. The burden is on the patient to
b.) there is a legal wrong or fault, or prove negligence by the nurse.
negligence arising from an act or
● Negligence - refers to the object left in a patient's abdomen in the
commission or omission of an act, course of a surgical procedure.
pursuant to a duty that a d.) Careless execution of doctor’s orders
reasonably prudent person in the e.) Administering medicine without the
same or similar circumstances doctor’s order
would or would not do and acting f.) failing to report case history and
or the non-acting of which is the observations about the patient to the
proximate cause of injury to attending physician
another person or his property. g.) carelessness in caring for clients
The elements of professional negligence belongings. Ex: Dentures, clothing,
are: valuables, wallets, watches etc.
1.) Existence of a duty on the part of h.) Ignoring complaints of chest pains,
the person charged to use due to causing the death of the patient.
care under circumstances. i.) mistaken identity
2.) Failure to meet the standard of j.) failure to report observations to
due care. attending physicians
3.) The foreseeability of harm k.) Failure to exercise the degree of
resulting from failure to meet the diligence which the circumstances of the
standard. particular case demands.
4.) The fact that the breach of this l.) wrong medicine, wrong
standard resulted in an injury to concentration, wrong route, wrong dose
the plaintiff. m.) defects in the equipment such as
● Failure to foresee harm to the stretchers and wheelchairs may lead to
person injured, following from falls thus injuring the patients.
ignorance of the admonition born n.) Errors due to family assistance
of the provisions, constitutes in o.) Administration of medicine without a
fact a negligence. doctor’s prescription
● Article 19 of the civil code states
that one shall act with justice, Doctrine of ‘’res ipsa loquitor’’
give every man his due, observe ● The thing speaks for itself when a
honesty and good faith. thing which has caused an injury
is shown to be under the
Common acts of negligence for which a management of the party charged
nurse may be held liable: with negligence, and the accident
a.) Injury to a delirious patient under the is such that in the ordinary
care of a nurse. course of things it will not
b.) burns as a result of the negligent happen if those who have such
administration of how water bags, heat arrangement use proper care
lamps, vaporizers, or sitz baths.c.) any then the accident itself affords
reasonable evidence in the
absence of explanation by the Malpractice
parties charged that it arose from ● Refers to any professional
lack of proper care. misconduct, or a bad, unskillful
3 conditions are required to establish a practice or any practice contrary
defendant’s negligence without proving to law or established rules and
specific conduct. These are: regulations whereby the health of
1.) That the injury was of such a person is injured.
nature that it would not normally ● Medical malpractice is
occur unless there was a professional negligence by act or
negligence act on the part of omission by a healthcare provider
someone; in which care provided deviates
2.) That the injury was caused by an from accepted standards of
agency within control of the practice in the medical
defendant and, community and causes injury or
3.) That the plaintiff himself did not death to the patient, with most
engage in any manner that would cases involving medical error.
tend to bring about the injury.
Common Acts of malpractice in Nursing
Doctrine of respondeat superior a.) neglect of a nurse to use the required
● ‘’Let the superior answer’’ for the skill and knowledge in the treatment of
acts of his agent. This doctrine a patient.
applies only when the relation of b.) ignorance, negligence or
master and servant is shown to unskillfulness resulting in some injury
exist between the wrongdoer and to the patient.
the person sought to be charged c.) omissions of duty to a patient which
for the result of some neglect or makes the nurse either civilly or
wrong at the time and in respect criminally liable; and
to the very transaction out of d.) failure to perform properly the duty
which the injury arose. It does which devolves upon his/her
not apply when the injury occurs professional relation to the patient and
while the servant is acting which results in some injury to the
outside the legitimate scope of patient.
his authority. 1.) Duty - the duty of a nurse to
employ his/her training and skill
Doctrine of Force Majeure in the care of the patient
● Means ‘’irresistible or superior commences at the time his/her
force’’ this refers to facts or employment is engaged by the
accidents which human prudence patient.
can neither foresee nor prevent. 2.) Breach - of these professional
● E.g: earthquakes, storms duties, of skill and care, or their
improper performance by the that they perform only those
nurse resulting to damage; which they have been taught to
3.) Injury - to the body or health of do and those which they are
the patient constitutes an capable of doing.
actionable nursing malpractice. ● Liability for the work of Nursing
4.) Proximate cause - in nursing can Students
be divided into 2 inquiries: ● Under the Philippine Nursing Act
a.) whether the nurses action, in fact of 2002 R.A 9173, nursing students
causes harm to the patient and; do not perform professional
b.) whether these are proximate causes nursing duties. They are to be
of the patient’s injury. supervised by their clinical
instructors in order that errors
Incompetence - is the lack of ability or committed by nursing students
legal qualifications and being unfit to will be avoided and/or
discharge the required duty. minimized, the following
● Although a nurse is registered, if measures should be taken:
in the performance over duty she 1.) Nursing students should
manifests incompetency, there is always be under the
ground for revocation or supervision of their
suspension over certificate or clinical instructor.
registration. 2.) They should be given
assignments that are at
● Liability of nurses for the work of their level of training,
nursing aides experience, and
● Nursing aides perform selected competency.
nursing activities under the 3.) They should be advised to
direct supervision of nurses. seek guidance especially if
● Their responsibilities usually they are performing a
pertain to the routine care of procedure for the first
chronically ill patients. They are time.
therefore responsible for their 4.) They should be oriented to
own actions. the policies of the nursing
● Nurses should not delegate their unit where they are
functions to nursing aids since assigned.
the Philippines nursing Act 5.) Their performance should
specifies the scope of nursing be assessed frequently to
practice of the professional determine their strengths
nurses. and weaknesses.
● Nurses are enjoined to supervise 6.) Frequent conferences with
their subordinates and see to it the students will reveal
their problems which they injury; the patient cannot bring
may want to bring to the suit against the nurse.
attention of their ● On the other hand, the nurse has
instructors or vice versa. expressly given advanced consent
Discussions of these in performing a duty that involves
problems will iron out risk, such as caring for a
doubts and possible psychiatric patient or a patient
solutions may be provided. with communicable disease, the
● It must be emphasized that nurse cannot bring suit against
although nursing students are the patient if she gets hurt or
not employees of the hospital, contracts the disease since upon
they are entrusted with the accepting the case, the nurse
responsibility of providing agreed to assume the risk of harm
supervised nursing care to the or infection thereby relieving the
patients. patient or his relatives from legal
● The patients can expect that the obligations. This is termed as
care given by these students will ‘’assumption of risk’’.
be in a manner consistent with ● Nurses therefore shall exercise
that which a reasonably prudent their sound judgement and utilize
person will give. standards of care in order to
● Both the clinical instructor and prevent lawsuits or harm to
the staff nurse in the clinical area themselves.
where nursing students are
assigned should coordinate in
assessing the competence of
nursing students before they are
allowed to give care to patients so
that the risk of injury to the same
will be avoided.

Legal defense in Negligence

● The most common defense in a
negligent action is when nurses
know and attain that standard of
care in giving service and that
they have documented the care
they give in a concise and
accurate manner.
● However, if the patient’s careless
conduct contributes to his own

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