Water and Electrocyte

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Name: Sheron Ang

Block: A2 Nutrition

Water and Electrocyte Balance:


It is the next to oxygen in importance for the maintenance of life? Here’s why.

Water constitutes about 60% to 70% of the total body weight. A deprivation of water by as much as
10% will cause illness and a 20% body loss of body water may cause death.

Water found in normal adult: 45 liters

• Two thirds of this (30 liters) is found inside or within the cell.
• While the other one third (15 liters) is found outside the cell.


• Water is the universal solvent

• Many chemical reactions require water. It serves as a catalyst in many biological
reactions especially those that involves digestion, absorption and circulation.
• It is a vital component of tissues, muscles, glycogen and others and is essential for
• Water acts as a lubricant of the joints and the viscera in abdominal cavities.
• It is also a regulator of body temperature through it’s ability to conduct heat.


The amount of water needed by the body may be met by a direct intake of water, water ingested as
such, or from water bound with foods and from metabolic water, which is a result of oxidation of
foodstuffs in the body.

Water produced as an end product of metabolism amounts to approximately 14g/ 100 cal. For ex:
100 grams of fats, carbohydrates and proteins when oxidized will yield 107ml, 60ml, and 41 ml of
water respectively.


Water leaves the body via several channels such as:

• Through the skin as an insensible perspiration.

• Through the lungs as water vapored in through the expired air.
• Through the gastrointestinal tract as feces.
• Through the kidneys as urine.

• Tears
• Stomach suction
• Breathing
• Vomiting
• Bleeding
• Perspiration
• Drainage from burns
• Discharge from ulcer
• Skin disease
• Injured or burned areas



When large amount of water are lost in the body usually caused by high environmental temperature
temperature, sodium is also lost.

This phenomenon cause the brain brain to signal a need for increased water. If the water intake is
increased without the corresponding increase in the sodium intake, water intoxication results.

Workers exposed to high environmental temperatures and travelers to tropical countries not
accustomed to to heat may become victims of this condition:

• Experience muscle cramps

• Weakness
• Drop in blood pressure

This is relieved by providing sodium in every small amounts with the intake of solids.


This may also arise if too much much fluid is given intravenously. If the intake water exceeds the
maximum rate of urine flow, the cells and tissues become water- logged and diluted that may cause:

• Anorexia
• Vomiting
• Convulsions
• Coma
• Death


This condition becomes serious if the loss is about 10% of the total body water and fatal loss from
20% to 22%. It is especially critical in babies. Electrocytes are lost with the water in this condition,
and the skin becomes loose and inelastic.

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