CHUYÊN ĐỀ bị động - full

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I. Tenses

Tense (Thì) Tense (Thì) Active (Chủ động)

Simple Present
Present Continuous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
Model Verbs
Nơi chốn + BY + Thời gian
Ex: Mr. Xuan built this house in Ca Mau in 2000.
→ __________________________________________________________________
Nếu có trạng từ chỉ thể cách thì để nó đứng giữa BE và P2 hoặc đứng sau P2
Ex: Scientists studied the problem carefully.
→ __________________________________________________________________
Nếu có "No" đầu câu chủ động thì câu bị động ở thể phủ định
Ex: Nobody visited Lan.
→ __________________________________________________________________
Câu CHỦ động có dạng PHỦ ĐỊNH + ANYTHING/ ANYBODY/ ANYONE làm Tân ngữ

=> câu bị động sẽ chuyển về NOTHING/ NOBODY/ NO ONE làm Chủ ngữ.
- We can’t do anything now
→ __________________________________________________________________
1. My father waters this flower every morning.
→ __________________________________________________________________
2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
→ __________________________________________________________________
3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
→ __________________________________________________________________
4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
→ __________________________________________________________________
5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
→ __________________________________________________________________
6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
→ __________________________________________________________________
7. Tom will visit his parents next month.
→ __________________________________________________________________
8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
→ __________________________________________________________________
9. Some people will interview the new president on TV.
→ __________________________________________________________________
10. I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room.
→ __________________________________________________________________
11. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.
→ __________________________________________________________________
12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day.
→ __________________________________________________________________
13. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema.
→ __________________________________________________________________
14. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.
→ __________________________________________________________________
15. Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week.
→ __________________________________________________________________
II. Questions
1. YES/NO Questions
Bước 1: Chuyển từ câu hỏi sang câu khẳng định.
Ex: Does she prepare a big meal?
→ She prepares a big meal.
Bước 2: Chuyển câu khẳng định sang câu bị động.
Ex: A big meal is prepared by her.
Bước 3: Chuyển câu bị động trên về dạng câu hỏi.
Ex: Is a big meal prepared by her?
2. WH-Questions
a. Where/ when/why/ How
1. Why can Nam defeat you?
→ __________________________________________________________________
2. How did people cook this dish?
→ __________________________________________________________________
b. What, who, which
* WHAT/ WHO/ WHICH là chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động
what/ who/ which + dạng câu hỏi yes/ no + by?
Who made this mistake?
→ __________________________________________________________________
Who build this house?
Who….. by = by whom

* what/ who/ which là tân ngữ trong câu chủ động

what/ who/ which + dạng câu hỏi yes/ no (+by + o)?
What have you given to him?
→ __________________________________________________________________
What did you eat yesterday?
→ __________________________________________________________________
1. Where did you leave your bike?
=> _________________________________
2. Who defeated the champion?
=> _________________________________
3. What will they repair this year?
=> _________________________________
4. How do they cook crab soup?
5. When will you buy a new car?
=> _________________________________

III. Các dạng đặc biệt của câu bị động

1. Bị động kép (Double passive)
a. Bị động kép nằm trong cùng một mệnh đề.
* Trường hợp có 2 tân ngữ sau động từ: S + V1 + O1 + O2.
Một số Động từ thường đi với dạng này:
 give (đưa, tặng): _________________________________
 send (gửi): _________________________________
 show (chỉ cho): _________________________________
 tell (kể, nói cho): _________________________________
 pay (trả): _________________________________
 bring (mang lại): _________________________________
 lend (cho mượn): _________________________________
 buy (mua): _________________________________
 offer (mời, đề nghị): _________________________________
 borrow (mượn)
They showed me the way to the zoo yesterday.
=> _________________________________
* Trường hợp có 2 động từ, sau mỗi động từ có 1 tân ngữ.: S + V1 + O1 and V2 + O2.
- They opened the door and stole some pictures.
=> _________________________________
b. Bị động kép xuất hiện ở các mệnh đề trong câu.
Ex: I can assure you that I will arrange everything in time.
=> _________________________________
1. He sent the girl a letter.
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
2. She is showing her friends the new computer.
3. Her mother often tells the girl tale stories.
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
4. They will pay you $500.
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
5. They said to me that they would buy some food to prepare for the party.
=> _________________________________
6. We have cooked some food and bought some flowers.
=> _________________________________

2. Câu bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm, ý kiến

Các động từ chỉ quan điểm, ý kiến là: say/ think/ believe/ report/ consider...
Chủ động People/ they + say/think/believe... + (that) + S + V
Cách 1: _________________________________
Bị động ________________________
Cách 2: ______________________________
Ex: - People said that he was nice to his friends.
Cách 1: _________________________________
Cách 2: _________________________________

- People said that he had been nice to his friends.

Cách 1: _________________________________
Cách 2: _________________________________
1. People believe that this new teaching method is more effective than the old one
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
2. People expect that some solutions will be made
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
3. People think that climbing is a dangerous sport
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
4. They rumoured that the towers were built very long ago
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
5. People say that the cat likes catching big mice
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
6. Someone say that the soldiers surrendered to the enemy.
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________
7. People know that the man put up with his wife too much.
=> _________________________________
=> _________________________________

3. Câu bị động với các động từ tri giác (see, hear, notice, feel...)
- Sau động từ chỉ tri giác là động từ nguyên thể: S + ĐTTG + O + V
 _________________________________
Ex: We heard him go out last night.
=> ________________________________
- Sau động từ chỉ tri giác là động từ nguyên thể: S + ĐTTG + O + Ving
 _________________________________
Ex: I saw him playing football.
=> _________________________________
1. Many people watched some eagles flying in the sky.
=> _________________________________
2. Jack noticed his father leave home.
=> _________________________________
3. She saw two children stealing the bike.
=> _________________________________
4. The guy felt danger approaching him.
=> _________________________________
4. Câu bị động với động từ "Let"
Chủ động : S + let O + V
Bị động: _________________________________
Ex: The teacher let Bill go home early.
=> _________________________________
Khi động từ nguyên mẫu sau "LET" có thêm một tân ngữ và cùng đối tượng với chủ ngữ, thành phần
"CHỦ NGỮ + LET" vẫn giữ nguyên, chỉ chuyển đổi phần sau.
Ex: - He let her cheat him.
→ He let himself be cheated.
- Don’t let the others see you.
→ Don’t let yourself be seen.
My parents let me go out tonight.
=> _________________________________
They let me borrow some more books.
=> _________________________________
They let her contact them.
=> _________________________________
Don’t let them cheat you.
=> _________________________________
5. Câu mệnh lệnh
Mệnh lệnh khẳng định: _________________________________
Mệnh lệnh phủ định: _________________________________
Write your name here.
→ _________________________________
Don’t insult the weak.
→ _________________________________
1. Open the door, please!
→ _________________________________
2. Close your books.
→ _________________________________
3. Turn down the volume.
→ _________________________________
4. Don’t touch the remote
→ _________________________________
5. Don’t press the button.
→ _________________________________
6. Câu bị động với cấu trúc: S + V + O + V_ing
Trong đó, động từ chính (V) thường là: Keep, remember, find, spend,…
- She kept me waiting.
→ _________________________________
- They spend 3 hours doing this homework.
→ _________________________________
7. Câu bị động với thể nhờ bảo have/get
S + have + sb + V_inf + sth
Câu chủ động
S + get + sb + to_V + sth
Câu bị động _________________________________
Ví dụ:
- I will have the mechanic fix my car.
→ I _________________________________
- My mother gets me to wash the dishes.
→ _________________________________
1. She is having her uncle fix the fan.
=> _________________________________
2. I had someone break into my flat yesterday.
=> _________________________________
3. We will have some painters paint the wall.
=> _________________________________
4. They have the laundry keep all their clothes.
=> _________________________________
5. He had her housemaid scratch his gem.
=> ________________________________
8. Câu bị động với NEED
S + need + to + V + O.
=> ________________________________
=> ________________________________
I need to water the garden.
=> ________________________________
=> ________________________________
Chú ý: NEED là 1 Động từ khuyết thiếu với dạng Phủ định NEEDN’T
=> khi đó bị động sẽ là: NEEDN’T BE + Vp2.
- We needn’t cook the meal.
=> The meal needn’t be cooked.
9. S + advise, suggest, recommend... + Ving + O
=> S + advise, suggest, recommend that S should be + P2.
They advised employing part time workers
=> ________________________________
10. Câu bị động với cấu trúc: It's one's duty to V_inf (Đó là nhiệm vụ của ai để làm gì)
Câu chủ động It’s one’s duty to_V
Câu bị động S + be + supposed + to_V

It's your duty to do this work.

=> ________________________________
11. Câu bị động với cấu trúc: It's impossible + to do sth
Câu chủ động It’s impossible (for sb) + to do sth (Không thể làm gì)
Câu bị động S + can’t + be + V3/ed
Ví dụ:
It is impossible for me to repair that machine.
=> ________________________________
12. Câu bị động với các động từ: Crowd, fill, cover
Đối với các động từ crowd, fill, cover thì ta dùng "with" thay cho "by"
Ví dụ:
Clouds cover the sky.
=> ________________________________
13. MAKE
Chủ động: S + make + O + V
Bị động: S + be made + to V
Ví dụ:
They made me go.
→ I was made to go.
=> S + CÁC ĐỘNG TỪ TRÊN + TO BE/ BEING + V-p2 + BY + O.
They continued to drink beer.
=> ________________________________
We will start learning Chinese
=> ________________________________

Exercise 1. Rewrite these sentences in the passive.
1. Someone broke this mirror last night.
2. Someone washes the towels in the hotel every day.
3. Someone built the house ten years ago.
4. They grow this fruit in very hot countries.
5. They pay the office workers weekly.
6. Someone bought all this cheese in France.
7. Someone found Emily's bike in the river.
8. Someone visits most of the prisoners once a week.
9. Someone cleans this car every week.
10. They play a lot of sports on the beach.
11. Someone stole all my best jewelry.
12. They carried the children all the way home.
13. Someone watches the palace twenty-four hours a day.
14. They leave the grapes to dry in the sun.
15. People screw and throw away twenty million paper bags and newspapers every day.
16. They broadcast many interesting programs every night.
17. People can save twelve trees for every ton of recycled newsprint.
18. Someone saw him pick up the gun.
19. Nobody can translate this book into Vietnamese.
20. People had finished this bridge by the end of last year.
21. Hung has just bought his brother a new bicycle.
22. We ought not to speak such thing in public.
23. I’m sure that Na can repair this sewing machine.
24. They are going to build a new school here.
25. Nobody can explain this problem.
26. We should do something for the poor.
27. They are going to repair this old bus station.
28. Airplanes are carrying food and medicine to the flood region.
29. The police ought to put the robbers in prison.
30. They had checked her handbag.
31. Susan’s father has promised her a new watch.
33. You’ll answer all the questions on the paper.
34. We have done a lot of work since the end of the world.
35. I got Peter wash my car yesterday.
Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes
1. The dishes has been washed. ..........................................................
2. The letters are being opened every morning in the office.........................................
3. Your homework must finished by Monday. ..........................................................
4. The woman seen taking the children to school. .........................................................
5. Mike has been tell about the new job. ..........................................................
6. The cars stole from the car park. ..........................................................
7. The house is been decorated recently. ..........................................................
8. Tea was made from the leaves of the tea plant. .......................................................
9. The soil in Mars is red and its surface are covered in volcanoes..............................
10. You are fired if you go on behaving like this. .......................................................
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
A: Who looks after your garden for you?
B: It ........................................ (look after) by my brother.
A: That’s a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it?
B: Actually, it ……………………. (make) for me by my aunt.
A: Have you typed that letter yet, Miss Brown?
B: It …………………….. (type) right now, sir.
A: Did you make the coffee when you got to work this morning?
B: No, it ………………….(already/make) by the time I got there.
A: Are you going to pick up the children today?
B: No, they ……………………(pick up) by Roger. I’ve already arranged it.
A: Where is your watch?
B: I broke it. It …………………………(repair) at the moment.
A: Has the new furniture for my bedroom arrived?
B: No, it ………………………..(not/deliver) yet.
A: They are building a new sports centre in town.
B: I know. It ………………………(open) by the mayor next month.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.
Pompeii (1) ………………. an ancient town in Italy (2) ...C... was destroyed when a volcano (3)
…………………in 79 AD. The lava and ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (4)
………………. the town along with everything and everyone in it. Most of the site (5)
………………. studied by archaeologists (6) …………………have uncovered many objects among
the ruins. The town is now a popular tourist attraction and is visited (7)……………..thousands of
people each year. They (8) …………………… walk along the streets which (9)
………………….once a part of the busy market town and (10) ……………….. an important part of
1 A. is B. was C. were
2 A. where B. who C. which
3 A. erupted B. has erupted C. had erupted
4 A. buried B. was buried C. had buried
5 A. has been B. was being C. had been
6 A. whose B. they C. who
7 A. by B. from C. with
8 A. could B. can C. are able
9 A. was B. have been C. were
10 A. were B. are C. has been
Exercise 5. Fill in the active and passive form of the verbs in the bracket.
Mrs Wilson is a rich young lady. She (1) lived... (live) in a big house on the outskirts of the city with
her husband and her two dogs. Every day, Mrs Wilson (2)…………………(take) into the city centre.
Her car (3) ……………………..(drive) by her chauffeur. She then (4) ……………………………..
(go) shopping in her favourite shops. Her bags (5) ………………………………..(carry) by the
chauffeur. Mrs Wilson (6)…………………………. (buy) lots of things every week. She (7)
……………………………………..(need) lots of clothes because she goes to lots of parties. In fact,
this week she (8) …………………………………(invite) to a big birthday party which (9)
………………………………(hold) in a large mansion in the country. All of her friends will
be there, so Mrs Wilson (10)………………………………..(look forward) to it very much.

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