Stabilitys Full Pocket Method Scazato - CC - vHdx3RkCqbLvMdq

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Stability’s Full Pocket Method

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Hi, thank you for your purchase of "Stability's Full Pocket" method. This method will earn you $30-80 per
day. If you are really devoted you can make more. This method is tested. Anyone with half a brain can
do it. When i first started i was making a $3 daily i then started making $55-60 daily. This was alright
because it was just some spare pocket change for me. This is just a simple method for someone with
spare time to make some money.

Ok I’m just going to cut through the entire story and tell you directly how to start making $$$. They're
two methods to use:

• Associated Content
• iWriter
• Triond

Associated Content -

This is a website that pays their members for content. This is a pretty easy way of making money.

1. Sign up
2. Click "Create Content: Article"
3. Select your article type
4. Write your article (Title, Subtitle, Descriptive Overview, Text Body).
5. Pick three categories
6. Then add the rest
7. Save & Next
8. Here is where you pick your payment type and rights:
• Exclusive, Non-Exclusive, Display Only
9. Preview then "Submit Your Content Now"

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

That is pretty much it with Associated Content.

Next method is by iWriter –

This website is like a market for articles. Others post request of what they want, how many words,
keywords they want, and tone.

1. Sign up
2. Click "Make money by Writing Articles"
3. Look for an article (if you are new, look all the way at the bottom for "Standard Writer"
4. Write the title & body.
5. BE AWARE BEFORE YOU CLICK SUBMIT. This website has copyscape which will scan your
article and make sure it isn't copied from somewhere else. (IT'S REALLY ACCURATE). So
to avoid either write your own article, or if using a copied article rearrange all words.
Also you have 3 attempts every article, the first scan is free and if it detects copied
words again it will charge you five cents for the second and third time. If your account
balance is $0.00 you will just get negative $0.05 cents or $0.10 cents, don't worry it will
just deduct it from the next time you receive payment.
6. Submit your article
7. Wait to see if your article gets accepted. If so your will receive your payment.

Next method is Triond –

This website is like Associated Content (AC). On this you can publish your articles any you might have
and you get paid per view (PPV).

1. Sign up
2. Click on “Submit”
3. Write your title, description, body, category, tags, and a picture.
4. After you submitted it, wait 24hrs and it will either have been approved or denied.
5. Then click on Content > Published > click your article
6. Copy your link and advertise it.

P.S. I would recommend submitting an article 1 every 30mins.

Tips & Tricks

• iWriter
Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy
1. You can reuse your article if the buyer denied it.
2. Get articles and rearrange words to pass copyscape.

• Triond
1. If your article gets rejected you can reuse it.
2. Advertise on web forums that you don’t care about getting banned from.

Were to get your articles from:


*New* A good routine that I just recently found out: *New*

1. Write an article in Triond (just copy and paste from goarticles) then wait 30min
2. While you’re waiting go to Associated Content, submit the same article you just submitted into
3. Submit an article to iWriter since this one takes longer because you have to edit it the 30min will
have passed by then.
4. Repeat

This is maximum efficiency from this method.

Hope you found this as helpful as I did.


Next page is a picture guide for better understanding. If you

understood the method you can go make money if you didn’t keep

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Associated Content – –This is
owned by yahoo so follow along.

Sign up

Click "Create Content: Article"

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Select your article type

Write your article (Title, Subtitle,

Descriptive Overview, Text Body).

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Pick three categories

Then add the rest…

Save & Next

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Here is where you pick your payment type
and rights

^ (Exclusive, Non-Exclusive, Display Only)

Preview then "Submit Your Con ten t Now"

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Triond –
Sign up

Click on “Submit”

Write your title, description, body, category,

tags, and a picture.

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

After you submitted it, wait 24hrs and it will
either have been approved or denied.

Then click on Content > Published > click your


Copy your link and advertise it.

iWriter –

Sign up

Click "Make money by Writing Articles"

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Look for an article (if you are new, look all
the way at the bottom for "Standard Writer"
articles). If you’re new, pick from that line down.

Write the title & body.


This website has copyscape which will scan your article and make sure it isn't
copied from somewhere else. (IT'S REALLY ACCURATE). So to avoid either write
your own article, or if using a copied article rearrange all words. Also you
have 3 attempts every article, the first scan is free and if it detects copied
words again it will charge you five cents for the second and third time. If your
account balance is $0.00 you will just get negative $0.05 cents or $0.10
cents, don't worry it will just deduct it from the next time you receive payment.

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

Submit your article

Wait to see if your article gets accepted. If

so your will receive your payment.

Hope you found this as helpful as I did. - zStabilityy

My Payouts

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

My Payouts

Copyright © 2013 zStabilityy

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