Krishna-Java Developer

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Krishna M

Java Full Stack Developer
Ph: (857)302-5889
● Around 9 years of experience in developing and designing Web Based Internet/Intranet, Client- Server and
Multi-tier distributed applications using latest J2EE technologies and various open source technologies.
● Experienced in Design and Development of various web and enterprise applications using J2EE technologies
like Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, JPA, JMS, JSF, SOA, XML, JAXB, JAX-WS, JAX-RS,AJAX, ANT,
WebServices, Spring Framework, Struts, Servlets, XML, DOJO, JavaScript, JQuery, Multi-threading.
● Strong experience in Web Development using technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS,
● Experienced in working with scripting languages like JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, Bootstrap and Angular.js.
● Extensive experience in Core Java concepts that includes Multi-threading, Synchronization, Concurrency,
Collections framework, JavaBeans.
● Having experience with Java8 features like Stream, Lambda expressions and Filters. 
● Experience in working with Spring framework including Spring IoC, Spring DAO support, Spring ORM,
Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring DI and Spring Batch.
● Experience in using design pattern like Session factory and data access objects, MVC, Singleton. 
● Exposure to implementing WebServices (WSDL using SOAP protocol).
● Proficient in programming by using the IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, TOAD and WSAD. 
● Hands-on experience using Groovy for creating applications using CLI to make development faster. 
● EJB Session Beans were used to process requests from the user interface and entity beans were used to
interact with the persistence layer.
● Experience in continuous integration using Jenkins for timely builds, code coverage, running test.
● Experience on ORM frameworks like Hibernate/JPA used for mapping Java classes with relational database.
● Experienced in Configuration Management, Cloud Infrastructure, and Automation utilizing Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, SVN, Git, GitHub, Clear Case and Tomcat.
● Expertise in writing database programming with oracle in SQL developer. 
● Worked with SVN, CVS and IBM clearcase for version control. 
● Expertise in IMPLEMENTATION of web applications using frameworks such as Struts, Spring, Spring webflow,
JPA and Persistence Framework like Hibernate ORM (ObjectRelationalMapping) in a typical n-tier architecture.
● Deployed into Application servers like JBoss, IBM WebSphere, WebLogic and web servers like ApacheTomcat. 
● Experience working in Databases like Oracle 9i/8i/10g (SQL, PL/SQL), MSSQL Server 2000, MySQL.
● Hands in experience in source control tools such as CVS and SVN.
● Experienced in ApacheSolr search platform and LuceneJava Library.
● Knowledge on Amazon Web services (EC2S3).
● Experience in preparing project related documents using Microsoft Office suite like MS- Office, MS-Excel. MS-
PowerPoint and MS-Visio.
● Extensive experience in using Junit for unit testing and development and deployment of applications done
using tools ANT and Maven& debugging through Log4j.
● Experience in working both Agile and Waterfall methodologies. 
● Ability to learn and use new systems and paradigms in considerably less time.
● Excellent interpersonal communication, technical, strong problem solving, decision making skills and ability to
work independently as well as in a group.

Technical Skills:

Languages JAVA/J2EE, PL/SQL, T-SQL

Core Java (JDK 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9), J2EE, JSP, Servlets,
JAVA Technologies
JDBC, Java Mail, EJB 2.0, Web Services
HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, JQuery, AWS,
Web Technologies AngularJS, Groovy, Microservices, Angular2. JSON, CSS,
XSLT, AJAX, Bootstrap and Shell Script,
Distributed Technologies RMI, EJB, JMS
Middleware Technologies Web Services(SOAP and Restful)
Application Server/Web Server WebSphere, WebLogic , JBoss andTomcat
Modelling Tools Microsoft Visio
Integration Server Jenkins
Database Oracle ( version -11g, 10g), SQL Server 2008 R2
Frameworks Struts 1.1/1.2/1.3/2.0, Spring MVC 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5, JSF
ORM Hibernate 2.0/3.0/3.5
Other Tools Log4J, JUnit, Power Mocks, Ant, Maven, Apache Camel
Operating Systems Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7
IDE Eclipse 3.x, My Eclipse
Version Control Tools SVN, VSS
SQL Tools TOAD, SQL Developer, SQL Management Studio


Bachelor of Technology, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, 2012.

Client: Verizon, Tampa, FL. Aug 2018 – Till Date
Position: Java full stack developer

● Involved in developing user interface components using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, AngularJS and Ajax.
● Wrote application presentation layer, which is based on MVC framework, involves Servlets, JSP, Java Spring,
AngularJS, JQuery, Bootstrap, and CSS. 
• Involved in injecting dependencies into code using Spring IOC module. 
• Developed SpringBeans and configured spring using ApplicationContext.xml.
• Used Bootstrap and Angular.JS for effective design of Web pages.
• Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI)
or Inversion of Control (IOC).
• Validating user actions on the client side and providing responsive feedback by using Angular2. 
• Moved existing AngularJS controllers and services to Angular2 components for more responsive and less
• Worked in designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS,
Bootstrap, and React.JS.
• Involved in designing in web pages using HTML 5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, React-Bootstrap,
Node.js, express.js, Mongo DB.
• Designed and developed UI screens with XSLT and JSF (MVC) to provide interactive screens to display data. 
• Used AngularJS and Node.JS to structure JavaScript code in an MVC (Model, View, and
Controller).Developed Java classes for XML processing and used XSLT for XML parsing
• Used Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and
ApacheKafka message brokers. 
• Was involved and responsible for managing more than 75 NoSql clusters .
• Experience in managing large-scale, geographically-distributed database systems, including relational (Oracle,
SQL server) and NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra) systems.
• Extensive experience in Application developing and Data Migration from RDBMS databases to NoSQL database
• Created HTML5 applications using jQuery, jQuery-mobile, Sencha touch, backbone.js, require.js
• Designed and built the reporting application that uses the Spark SQL to fetch and generate reports on HBase
table data.
• Closely worked with Kafka Admin team to set up Kafka cluster setup on the QA and Production environments.
• Had knowledge on Kibana and Elastic search to identify the Kafka message failure scenarios.
• Implemented to reprocess the failure messages in Kafka using offset id.
• Good understanding Driver, Executor Spark web UI.
• Provide technical support, troubleshooting, and resolution for issues with the above systems. Frameworks
include .NET, C , SSIS, SQL Objects, Python Script, HTML, and Java Script.
• Modified Cassandra.yaml and files to set the configuration properties like node addresses,
Memtables size and flush times etc.
• Involved in the development of front end of the application using Python 2.7, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JSON and
• Involved in Developing a Restful API'S service using Python Flask framework.
• Hands on experience with Apache Spark using Scala . Implemented spark solution to enable real time report
from Cassandra data.
• Installed Apache Solr cloud on cluster and configured it with Zookeeper.
• Fetching the records for SOAP and Restful requests from Oracle DB using SOLR search.
• Worked on Apache SolrCloud to index documents using hive- solr storage handler to import different
datasets including XML and JSON .
• Manage MySQL replication, lag monitoring, failover, slave promotion, backup and recovery.
• Collaborate with development team on MySQL data sharding, query optimize, memcached setup.
• Execution of SQL queries to extract data from DB2 tables for running test scripts.
• Managed online transaction abends CICS/IDMS/DB2 and tracking them.
• Improved performance of the tables through load testing using Cassandra stress tool.
• Involved with the admin team to setup, configure, troubleshoot and scaling the hardware on a Cassandra cluster
• Full software development life cycle (SDLC) experience, involving requirement analysis, design, development,
testing, debugging and technical & production support.
• Experience in Micro services development using spring boot and deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
• Developed, and implemented architectural solutions involving multiple Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) foundations
on VMware virtual infrastructure
• Deployed the Services onto the OpenShift PODS and tested end-to-end application
• Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development.
• Implemented the application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring Security.
• Used Micro service architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and
Apache Kafka message brokers and also worked with Kafka Cluster using ZooKeeper
• Implemented react JS code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in Mozella, IE 7, 8, 9, Safari and FF.
• Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application
• Designed and Developed the UI Framework using Spring MVC and AngularJS.
• Designed and developed asynchronous RESTful Microservices using Spring boot
• Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
• Utilized SOAP UI to generate request XML's from WSDL to test the responses.  
• Integrated JPA persistence using Hibernate in order to save the current state of using the Spring Framework
• Customized Lucene (Solr, Elasticsearch) Indexing Engine to support our needed custom searching capacity. 
• Used ApacheSolr platform for high scale indexing and to achieve search functionality.
• Developed web services using REST using JAX-RS using Jersey which helped communicating through different
modules of the application. 
• Followed the UML based methods to create: Use Cases and Activity Diagrams
• Used Java8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, creating resource classes, fetching
documents from database.
• Developed GUI of the website using HTML5, CSS3, Typescript, Angular.JS, Bootstrap and JSON.
• Experienced in Angular2 Templates, directives, Routing and navigation, Components, Services and Data Binding.
• Developed SPA(single page application) project using Angular 2 and Typescript for frontend, Node.JS and
Postgres for backend
• Wrote Python code embedded with JSON and XML to produce HTTP GET request, parsing HTML data from
• Developed and tested many features for dashboard using Python, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery.
• Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
• Method references are used provided in Java8 to make use of methods already named.
• Experience in Build Automation tools like ANT, Maven and Make.
• Involved in writing and editing the existing ANT Build.XML files in case of errors or changes in the project
• Install, configure, upgrade, optimize MySQL databases to support Yahoo ads system, targeting, profiling,
calendar services.
• Developed and maintained UNIX/ Perl/ Ant scripts for build and release tasks.
• Design and scripting of xml build files for J2EE build with ant compiler and providing technical support to
development team for compilation problems.
• Having experience to use the spark UI toolkit in IBM BPM to customize the coach view controllers.
• Developed the crucial process like: CPD, Streamers and Snaps for data extraction and streaming where in used
collections, multi-threading I/O a great deal.
• Designed and Developed the UI Framework using Spring MVC and AngularJS.
• Involved in writing Spring MVC controllers and writing custom validations. 
• Evaluate and identify best practices for implementing Angular 7.
• Consumed the data from Kafka using Apache spark.
• Instructed teams on best practices around PCF and Spring Boot
• Created solutions for service-to-service security in PCF
• Created standards and patterns for deploying a spring boot data micro-service architecture to PCF
• Implement user authorities' management with Spring Security.
• Implemented filters for user authentication and user authorization by Spring Security.
• Spring Security is used to provide comprehensive and extensible support for Authentication and Authorization.
• Used Spring Security framework to setup authentication and authorization for the application using firm wide
single sign on.
• Develop the front-end components using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, and Angular 7.
• Core java development for different components. Developed the application using Core Java, Multi-Threading,
Spring Core, Beans, JDBC, Transaction and Batch , ORACLE, Maven.
• Implemented microservices using Spring boot, and enabled discovery using Netflix eureka server .
• AWS Kinesis Streams, AWS Step Functions (Serverless) Pipelines, AWS Kinesis Streams, Google TensorFlow, AWS
Step Functions (Serverless) Pipelines, AWS Kinesis Streams, AWS Kinesis Streams Data Analytics Streaming SQL
(AWS EKS) Pipelines.
• Involved in implementing service side validations using JSF. 
• Led three agile teams through a transition into one new delivery team, as Scrum Master and LEAN/Agile Coach.
• Developed various test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit. 
• Worked on Dockers for building rest services and deploying to EC2 instance (AWS).
• Developed server-side software modules and client-side user interface components deployed entirely in
Compute Cloud of Amazon Web Services (AWS).
• Developed micro apps with latest Angular 8. Micro apps are easy maintainable and highly reusable.
• Used Jenkins to run chef on VMs created in AWS cloud.
• Installation, integration and configuration of Jenkins CI/CD, including installation of Jenkins plugins.
• Lead in Installation, integration and configuration of Jenkins CI/CD, including installation of Jenkins plugins.
• Wrote various types of Business rules in the .drl (drools file) using Drools rule engine for business decision
making; injecting beans into the rules engine and invoking using Rule Base Stateful Session.
• Defined a message store architecture necessary to support drools rule engine input processing, scalability and
• Designed and developed Service layer using Struts framework.
• Involved in designing and implementation of MVC design pattern using Struts framework for Web-tier.
• Developed presentation layer using struts tag libraries like logic, html, bean, etc in JSP pages.
• Implemented web page layout using struts tiles libraries, and performed struts validations using Struts
validation framework.
• Extensive experience with AWS (Storage, Application Services, Deployment and Management) and managed
servers on AWS platform instances using Puppet, Chef Configuration management.
• Installed, Configured and upgraded DB2 server software and related products on Mainfrrame environment.
• Supported C++ testing framework to improve automated testing.
• Involved in performing code reviews in C++, Python and Shell scripting languages for moving into development
on various UNIX, LINUX operating systems.
• Design and software coding using C, C++, multi-threading, and data structures.
• Build and maintain code repositories and code migrations using CI/CD strategies (GIT, SVN, CSV, Jenkins).
• System design involving Regions PDX Serialization Spring Data Gemfire configurations to support transactions in
• Involved in writing Spring MVC controllers and writing custom validations. 
• Experience in code deployment, Orchestration and Scheduling using tools such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm,
Apache Mesos, CoreOS Fleet, Cloud Foundry’s Diego, CloudFormation, and automation validation using Test
Kitchen, Vagrant, Ansible and Terraform.
• Experience in Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containers with multiple name
spaced versions and good understanding of Open Shift Platform in managing Docker Containers and Kubernetes
• Experience in analyzing elaborate fraud prevention business rules
• Experience testing applications secured through fraud-prevention analytic tools such as Actimize

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Groovy, JQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Node.JS, scala, Spring,
Microservices, Hibernate, MVC,  Cassandra 1.2.5,Web Services, MAVEN, Drools, Web Sphere, RAD, JUnit, JMS, log4j,
MongoDB, Active MQ, UNIX, REST Client, Swagger, AWS, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Jenkins, JIRA, GIT.

Client: US FOODS, LA, CA Apr 2016 to July 2018

Position: Sr Java developer

● Designed application modules, base classes and utility classes using core java and implemented web
services(WSDL) andeffectively worked with SOAP, XML, XSLT.
● Designed used cases, class diagrams and state diagrams using UML.
● Designed and developed UI using spring view component HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJS and JSP.
● Designed and Implemented Layouts for the existing JSP files.
● Responsible for front end development using React, Mobx, CSS, Ant design and various node modules.
● Strong focus on React-Native, React, Electron, iOS, ES6, CSS, MobX, Webpack, and Node.js
● Evaluated and extensively tested React, ExtReact, Redux and MobX.
● Developing Single Pages Application using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React Async Await, Nextjs, GraphQl,
Expressjs, NodeJS, Socket, LESS.
● Developed an internal application using ReactJS, Nextjs, Express and NodeJS for Relationship Mangers.
● Used Spring Model View Controller (MVC) 2 architecture. Used JSPs in front end, spring frame work in
business layer and Hibernate in persistence layer.
● Used a Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through REST
● Build REST web service by building Node.js Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-
● Successfully setup database replication system from Oracle to Oracle, MySQL to Oracle to fit business
● Bind the server DB2 utilities to the databases
● Experience in migrating data from Oracle database using Spring JDBC to Apache Cassandra (Datastax)
NoSQL Database.
● Worked with NoSQL database to store JSON like dynamic connections data.
● Used NoSQL databases like AWS Dynamo db. and S3 for data persistence.
● Worked with NoSQL Cassandra to store, retrieve, and update and manage all the details for Ethernet
provisioning and customer order tracking.
● Design and developed web pages HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap and Client-side scripting using JavaScript, Ajax,
jQuery and Angular 7.
● Involved in designing subscriber and network inventory solution for Confidential & Confidential ANT Tool
● Analyzed the Node.JS server structure in legacy project, then mimicked the REST service by using Java JAX-
WS API, and did the corresponding configurations.
● Used Bootstrap and AngularJS, React.js and Node.js in effective web design.
● Developed user interface using JSP with JavaBeans, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries, JS, CSS, JQuery,
Node.js, AngularJs, and HTML to speed the application.
● Designed and developed asynchronous RESTful Microservices using Spring boot
● Developed Restful Microservices using Flask and Django and deployed on AWS servers using EBS and EC2
● Developing Web applications/Micro - Services as Java Developer using Java/J2EE technologies including
Core Java 1.8, Spring Boot 2.1, Spring 5.0, Struts 2, Hibernate 4.2, Servlets 4.0, JSP 2.3.
● Utilized Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections
which would increase the performance of the Application.
● Used React JS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single
Page Application (SPA).
● Responsible for implementing UI mockups, integrating third party REACT libraries, and handling/creating
Redux store data.
● Developed SpringIOC to communicate with the persistence layer.
● Implemented Spring remoting with JMS using ApacheCamel.
● Developed SpringAOP framework for security transactions, reusability logging purpose.
● Used various bootstrap components like accordion, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons, modal and also
react-bootstrap components.
● Involved in production support, assigning production issues and enhancements
● Developed java modules implementing business rules and workflows using Spring Boot
● Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot
● Worked in Angular2, Angular 7 for developing apps, custom components, services, directives and routing,
testing which meet the requirements of business s model.
● Experience creating Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST APIs using Component
based architecture provided by Angular2, Angular 7.
● of concept.
● Kafka integration with Spark using Spark Streaming API.
● Developed Data Ingestion application to bring data from source system to HBase using Spark Streaming,
Kafka. Experience in integrating Jenkins with Docker container using Cloud bees Docker, Kubernetes
pipeline plugin and provisioned the EC2 instance using Amazon EC2 plugin.
● Implemented solutions using Hadoop, Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, HBase and Scala
● Developed Data Ingestion application to bring data from source system to HBase using Spark Streaming,
Apache Kafka.
● Developed real time tracking of class schedules using Node.JS ( based on socket technology,
Express JS framework).
● Increased database performance by utilizing MySQL config changes, multiple instances and by upgrading
● Developed the requirements further in the form of use case diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence
diagrams using UML.
● Worked extensively on Angular 2/ Typescript SPA domains.
● such as locking, transactions, indexes, sharding, replication and schema design.
● Experience in creating JavaScript for using DML operation with MongoDB.
● Used JMS for sending and receiving Message through application server. 
● Used XMLSAX to parse the simulated xml file that has simulated test data. 
● Used Maven and Jenkins tools for automatic building and deploying the Web applications.
● Used JDBC for database connectivity and used connection pooling to optimize database connections
Source Version Control CVS.
● Debug the application to traverse the documents and manipulated the nodes using DOM and DOM
● Performed db2 redirected restores as and when needed to copy data.
● Automated Data Import Script using shell scripting, PHP, MySQL and regular expressions.
● Built Azure environments by deploying Azure IaaS Virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS)
● Developed Rest Api to processes the data from DB to another Rest Service.
● Developed stored procedures and triggers with PL/SQL. Developed Rest Api in Node.JS using express
● Used Oracle11g as the backend database storage
● Used JIRA tool for tracking stories progress and follow agile methodology and sprint planning.
● Collaborate with BPM Analysts, Technical Architects and other subject matter experts to understand
requirements, design, define, and implement java based solutions related to the organization.
● Implemented AngularJS, Bootstrap, LESS, Karma, Mocha, and many jQuery plugins wrapped in AngularJS
● Developed the application using MEAN stack: Mongo DB, Angular 5.0, ExpressJS, and Node.js.
● Used Angular 5 as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) and created various components.
● Used Continuousdelivery/ ContinuousIntegration tool Jenkins to deploy this application.
● Used Log4j for logging and debugging.
● Developed and prepared test cases for unit testing with Junit.
● Suggested Hybris implementation for inventory and software products.

Environment: J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, HTML5, JDK 1.6, UML, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Eclipse, Spring boot, React.JS,
Oracle, CSS3, WebLogic Application Server 10.3, UNIX, Drools, JSP 2.0,  Cassandra 1.2.5, SOAP,Groovy, Microservices,
SOA, Spring 3.0, Spring MVC, AWS, Hibernate, RESTful, XML, CSS, HTML, Junit 4.4, SVN, Log4j, MongoDB,
BackboneJs, Oracle10g, Jenkins, UNIX, Ant 1.8, Maven.

Client: Career Education Corporation, Chicago, IL

May 2015 to March 2016
Position: Java Developer

● Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering,
modeling, analysis, design, development, testing, and monitoring.
● Developed Batch jobs using Spring Batch and Selenium test cases for automated testing.
● Work involved extensive usage of HTML, DHTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript and Ajax for client side
development and validations.
● Implemented REST API using Node.js, Express.js.
● Used node.js as a proxy to interact with RESTful services and interacting with PostgreSQL Database.
● Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features svmlike Spring Dependency injection,
Spring Beans, Spring data, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring JDBC, Spring boot, Spring Web flow using
● Industry experience with AWS Cloud services (EC2, S3, RDS, Redshift, CFT, Athena, Spectrum, Glue) and data
migration to cloud.
● Hands-on experience with Redshift Spectrum and AWS Athena query services for reading the data from S3.
● Worked with Amazon Athena query service to analyze data from S3.
● Implemented AWS EMR, AWS Glue, Athena, CFT, S3 Event, SNS, KMS and Lambda function, Roles, IAM and
● Implemented Hibernate Lazy default fetch plan for generating proxies and collection wrappers and also
created fetching strategies for minimizing the number of SQL statements. 
● Extensively used Java best practices and implemented several Core design patterns like Singleton, Data
Access Object (DAO).
● Inocemplemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable
● Configured Oracle database and Agents on high availability environments like VCS.
● Used React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage Added Excel-Builder to
download the Tabular data in Excel format using react.
● Developed user interface by using the React JS, Redux for SPA development.
● Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served
to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React JS.
● Integrating React's Redux framework to scale and maintain the application better while handling large
amounts of data.
● Managed Azure Infrastructure Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, VM Role, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure
AD Licenses, Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault using Azure PowerShell
and Azure Portal.
● Written Templates for Azure Infrastructure as code using Terraform to build staging and production
environments. Integrated Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for monitoring the log files, store them and
track metrics and used Terraform as a tool, Managed different infrastructure resources Cloud, VMware, and
Docker containers.
● Worked on OpenShift for container orchestration with Kubernetes container storage, automation to
enhance container platform multi-tenancy also worked on with Kubernetes architecture and design
troubleshooting issues and multi-regional deployment models and patterns for large-scale applications.
● Deploying windows Kubernetes (K8s) cluster with Azure Container Service (ACS) from Azure CLI and Utilized
Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test and Octopus Deploy.
● Developed REST APIs using Scala, Play framework.
● Created application using responsive web design, Angular4, HTML5 and Bootstrap4.
● Optimized the performance of application using Angular4 new features and packages
● Developed application using concepts of Single page application using Angular 4, Angular CLI commands.
● Designed and built the reporting application that uses the Spark SQL to fetch and generate reports on HBase
table data.
● Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDDs and micr.
● Used WebSphere Application Developer (WSAD) to develop and deploy the application.  
● Used Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) for better and faster interactive Front-End. 
● Responsible for configuring and deploying the builds on WebSphere App Server. 
● Used Maven for dependency management and for building the application. 
● Developed Spring AOP aspects to address cross cutting concerns.
● Used EJB Session beans and entity beans to develop business services and the persistence. 
● Developed middleware components using Spring Data and Hibernate. 
● Used GIT for source control and Jenkins for continuous integration. 
● Worked on Java Beans and other business components for the application and implemented new
functionalities for the application.
● Wrote REST APIs in java 7 to support internalization, and apps to help our buyer team visualize and set
portfolio performance targets.
● Implemented Presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, and AngularJS.
● Develop various screens for the front end using AngularJS and used various predefined components from
NPM (Node Package Manager).
● Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such
as payment status report. Administered and deployed applications into JBoss Server.  
● Developed JUNIT test cases with Power mock to test the applications 
● IBMWebSphere Application Server was used to deploy the application, and IBMRAD (Rational
Application Developer) was used as the IDE for development of the application. 
● Log4j framework was used to debug and trace the application and participating in code reusing. 

Environment: AngularJS, HTML, Maven, UNIX, Bootstrap, Groovy, Microservices, Jenkins, J2EE, CSS, JSP, Junit,
Jquery, web services, AJAX, JavaScripts.

Client: Talent HR Networks Pvt Ltd, India. MaY 2013 to March 2015
Position: Java Developer

● Involved in client requirement gathering, analysis & application design.
● Involved in the implementation of design using vital phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) that
includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance Support in WATER FALL methodology.
● Developed the UI layer with JSP, HTML, CSS and Java Script.
● Used Java Script to perform client side validations
● Developed server side presentation layer using Struts MVC Framework
● Worked on Azure Active Directory
● Cloud Migrations: Perform Service migrations like lift and push on On-Perm and Azure servers reducing server
and maintenance cost
● Developed Action classes, Action Forms and Struts Configuration file to handle required UI actions and JSPs for
● Designed and developed solutions using C, C++, Multi-Threaded, Shell Scripting.
● Designed and developed Training and Development System for HR team using Core Java, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat
and Oracle database.
● Developed batch job using EJB scheduling and leveraged container managed transactions for highly
● Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs, Garbage
collections for dynamic memory allocation to implement various features and enhancements.
● Used JPA and JDBC in the persistence layer to persist the data to the DB2 database.
● Created and written SQL queries, tables, triggers, views and PL/SQL procedures to retrieve and persist the data
to the database.
● Performance Tuning and Optimization with Java Performance Analysis Tool
● Implemented JUnit test cases for Struts/Spring components.
● JUnit is used to perform the Unit Test Cases.
● Used Eclipse and worked on installing and configuring JBOSS.
● Made use of CVS for checkout and check in operations
● Worked with production support team in debugging and fixing various production issues.

Environment: J2EE, JSF, XHTML, JSON, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Oracle, Spring framework, Spring IOC,java
multi-threading, Prime faces, Spring Batch,jax WS, soap services, stored procedures in sql server, Drools, Spring
AOP, IBATIS, Hibernate, MySQL, PL/SQL, XML, WSDL, SOAP, SOAP UI, IBM WebSphere JUnit, Web sphere
Application Server, Tomcat. 

Client: Han Digital Solution (P) Ltd, India. Oct 2012 to April 2013
Position: Java Developer

● Developed all the User Interfaces using JSP and spring MVC
● Writing Client Side validations using JavaScript.
● Extensively used jQuery for developing interactive web pages.
● Developed the DAO Layer using the hibernate and for real time performance used the caching system for
● Maintained the existing code base developed in the Struts,HTML, spring, AngularJS, Bootstrap and Hibernate
framework by incorporating new features and doing bug fixes.
● Testing Single Page Application using React, Redux, Node.JS, CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Material UI
● Web Services interface for provisioning the Subscriber configuration and inventory configuration.
● Mainly multi-threading is used to perform time consuming tasks in the background but UI is still active and
available for the users.
● Involved in developing applications using Angular.JS like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and Button etc.
● Used Angular 2's HTTP Client to Interact with Servers/backend and modularized the Application with Ng-Module.
● Leveraged Angular resources for all data access, encapsulating URLs with Uri JS and standardizing data access
● Used multi-threading on UI as well as on backend side.
● Designed class and sequence diagrams for Modify and Add modules.
● Followed Spring MVC Framework for the development of the project.
● Experience in working with Spring MVC using AOP, DI/IOC and JDBC template.
● Hands on experience with data persistency using Hibernate and Spring Framework.
● Developed many Java Interfaces to integrate the Web Services with the database transaction tables.
● Used Security Framework with ACL in declarative manner. 
● Experience in developing web services for production systems using SOAP and WSDL.
● Developed ANT Scripts to do compilation, packaging and deployment in the Web Sphere server
● Involved in configuring web.xml and struts-config.xml for workflow
● Wrote SQL queries and Stored Procedures for interacting with the Oracle database.

Environnent : Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSP, Servlets, XML, Spring,
Hibernate, JDBC, PL/SQL, ANT, Eclipse, MySQL, Web Logic.

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