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2949319403710 9

Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

... Under HCtlon 501(c), 527, or 4947(1)(1) of th• lnttmal Rav.nue Code (11:cept ptlvate foundallont) ~@17
,,, " Do not enter social security numbers on this form as It may be made publl
• Go to www./rs. /Form9901or Instructions and the latest Information.
A For the 2017 calendar ur or tax ear andendln
8 Chedc II applicable: C Name of o,ganu.ooon D Employe, ldentlllutJon numw
D Addle.a change 1-~0olJl(J--'-bU'sl-l"l!_s..,..•_as_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- r - - - - - - - t
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0 tnnlBI relum 1---C.-ty_or_town-------------s-,o-tll_ ___._ZI_P_codtl _
_ _ _ _-11
Telephone numbef

F m ~ ..B_R_O_O_K_L_Y_N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N_Y_ _ _ _ 18 372 5159

11_2_2_4_ _ __f..;...;.;;"'--;.;;;..;;;...;..;;.~-------
D Forcign countty name fo,e~ piovinCAlielllte/counr, Fotc,gn J)(ll\1111 code
D Amended reu.rn G GrO!la, s 954 890
0 Appltc3t,on pendang, F Name and eddJc9a o1 pnnc,pal offur: HI•> ts 11ws a r,oup reun t o , ~
_ _ _ _ _ _.._D~l:::,C=K_Z'""IG"""U"""N-=12::::08:-'-S-U'-R-F_A_V_E_N_U_E""'--'-B-R_O_O_K__
L_Y-=N~NY=---1-12_2_4_,:::::,1,,..,,._,:--1 H(bl Ale au Mlllord'IMles induded?
I Ta•~•emputatua, []] 501(cl(3)D SOl{t) ( ) 4 (insertno) D 4947(al(1)o, "'No,"1111.achalsl,(&eeinstrucoonal

J Website:• CONEYISLANDUSACOM tlon t'lJtllbel' ..

K Fo,m or 0tg.iruza110n· [Kl Corporation D Trust D Assoclatlon D Other •

1 Briefly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities· DEFEND THE HONOR OF AMERICAN POPULAR

I 2
Check this box • D
if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of mo,e than 25% of its net assets.
Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line 1a) 3 9
4 Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, hne 1b) 4 8
Total number lndlviduals employed in calendar year 2017 (Part V, Hne 2a) . .
Total number volunteers (esUrnate if necessary). . . .

C 7a Total unrelated business revenue from Part VIII, column (C). ne 1·2 ~ REC EI VE.D .·
7a O
b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T lin :::0 7b 0
JUL O2 H+-l-'+---'-+1'"'1-1-..,----t--cunenc--Y-•ar_____
Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h). . . . . . .
8 186 889 181 608
9 Program sen,ice revenue (Part VIII, line 2g). . 795 855 724 006
10 Investment income (Part VIII. column (A). lines 3, 4, and 7d) 40 0
11 Other revenue (Part VIII. column (A), hnes 5, 6d, Be, 9c, 10c, a 23 669 34 543
12 Total revenu&-add lines 8 throu h 11 must ual Part VIII column A 1006453 940 157

o= 13
Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3)
Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A). line 4) . .
Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX. column (A). hnes 5-10) . .
16a Professional fundraisfng fees (Part IX, column (A). line 11e). . •
b Total fundraislng expenses (Part IX, column (D). line 25) • •• ____________ 35~927 ~.·t,t~;~~~·.
413 876

17 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A). hnes 11a-11d, 11f-24e). . . . . 806.735 689 424
18 Total expenses. Add lines 1:l-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25). 1220611 1,175 463
Revenue less e enses Subtract llne 18 from line 12 -214 158 -235 306

6453 805 6 205,418

573 047 559 966
5 880758 5 645452

ymg schedule1111nd abdemenla, and to lho best ol my Mowtedge

is baaed on all ln!orma1Jon ol wnich er has an

Sign Date
Here 06/10/2019
Type o, pnnl name ii/Id bile
P1oparcr'll llglll)lure Date PTIN
ChOck D~
Pauhne Tate Pauline Tate 11/15/2018 &el!-emplllycd P00305926
Use Only Ftm1'11 name • YEBOA & LAWRENCE, CPAs LLP Fllln'a EIN .. 13-4023186
Ftnn'aaddrou • 629 FIFTH AVENUE, PELHAM, NY 10803 Phone no, 914-712-0312
May the IRS discuss this retum wrth the preparer shown above? (see instructions) . 0 Yes []] No
For Pape,wo,tl Reduction Ad Noetce, llff the separate Instructions. Fonn 990 (2017)
Fonn 990 (2017)....__...... __ D._U
__S_A.;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....;.;13:;..-,;;;;32_,1_5_6_45
....._ __;P..;;a.e:;..2;;;.
Statement of Program Service Accomplishments
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any hne in this Part Ill
1 Briefly describe the organization's m1ss1on
2 Did the organization undertake any s1gnif1cant program services during the year which were not listed on
the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ? Yes No D [Kl
If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule 0
3 Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes 1n how 1t conducts, any program
services? D
Yes [K]No
If "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule 0
4 Describe the organization's program service accomplishments for each of its three largest program services, as measured by
expenses Section 501 (c)(3) and 501 (c)(4) organizations are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others,
the total expenses, and revenue, 1f any, for each program service reported

4a (Code _______________ ) (Expenses$ _________1?_1_}_Q~_ including grants of$ ________ _!9_R.,9_Q9_ ) (Revenue$ __________ 479,046 )

4b (Code _______________ ) (Expenses$ ________ _!?§..~~~- including grants of$ ________________ g_ ) (Revenue$ ____________11}?9_~ )

4c (Code --------------- ) (Expenses$ ________ _!?_~.§.1~- including grants of$ ________________ g_ ) (Revenue$ ____________1~,~9X. )
AND EXCITING STORIES USING THE_ OBJECTS IN THE COLLECTION AS A MEDIUM _______________________________________________ _

4d Other program services (Describe 1n Schedule O )

(Expenses $ 286,909 including grants of $ 105,208 ) (Revenue $ 193,868 ) r'
4e Total program service expenses • 11012 1852
Fonn 990 (2017)
Fo rm 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND US A 13-3215645 Pace 3
l:F.r.•n• Checklist of Reauired Schedules
Yes No
1 Is the organization described m section 501 (c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule A 1 X
2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contnbutors (see 1nstruct1ons)? 2 X
3 D1d the organization engage 1n direct or indirect political campaign act1v1t1es on behalf of or 1n oppos1t1on to
candidates for public office? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I 3 X
4 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Did the organization engage m lobbying act1v1t1es, or have a section 501 (h)
election m effect during the tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part II 4 X
5 Is the organization a section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organization that receives membership dues,
assessments, or s1m1lar amounts as defined m Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," complete Schedule C,
Part Ill 5 X
6 D1d the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which donors
have the right to provide advice on the d1stribut1on or investment of amounts m such funds or accounts? If
"Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I 6 X
7 D1d the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space,
the environment, historic land areas, or historic structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part II 7 X
8 Did the organization ma1nta1n collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule D, Part Ill 8 X
9 D1d the organization report an amount 1n Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account liability, serve as a
custodian for amounts not listed m Part X, or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt
negot1at1on services? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IV

9 X
10 D1d the organization, directly or through a related organization, hold assets m temporarily restricted
endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part V 10 X
11 If the organization's answer to any of the following questions 1s "Yes," then complete Schedule D, Parts VI,
VII, VIII, IX, or X as applicable
a D1d the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment 1n Part X, line 10? If "Yes," complete
Schedule D, Part VI 11a X
b D1d the organization report an amount for investments-other securities 1n Part X, line 12 that 1s 5% or more
of its total assets reported 1n Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VII 11b X
C D1d the organization report an amount for investments-program related m Part X, line 13 that 1s 5% or more
of its total assets reported 1n Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VIII 11c X
d Did the organization report an amount for other assets m Part X, line 15 that 1s 5% or more of its total assets
reported 1n Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IX 11d X
e D1d the organization report an amount for other liab11it1es 1n Part X, line 25? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X 11e X
f D1d the organization's separate or consolidated financial statements for the tax year include a footnote that addresses
the organ1zat1on's liab,ltty for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X 11f X
12a D1d the organization obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If "Yes," complete
Schedule D, Parts XI and XII 12a X
b Was the organization included 1n consolidated, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If "Yes,"
and if the organization answered "No" to /me 12a, then completing Schedule D, Parts XI and XII is optional 12b X
13 Is the organization a school described 1n section 170(b)(1 )(A)(11)? If "Yes," complete Schedule E 13 X
14a D1d the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the United States? 14a X
b D1d the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmak1ng,
fundra1smg, business, investment, and program service act1v1t1es outside the United States, or aggregate
foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV 14b X
15 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or
for any foreign organization? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV 15 X
16 D1d the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other
assistance to or for foreign md1v1duals? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts Ill and IV 16 X
17 D1d the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundra1s1ng services
on Part IX, column (A), Imes 6 and 11e? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I (see instructions) 17 X
18 D1d the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundra1smg event gross income and contributions on
Part VIII, lines 1c and Sa? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part II 18 X
19 Did the organization report more than $15,000 of gross income from gaming act1v1t1es on Part VIII, line 9a?
If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part Ill 19 X
Form 990 (2017)
1J_ _ _ _C_O_N_E_Y...I_S_LA.....,N_D...._U_S....,A_________________________________
Form sso..(2.0_1... .........
13-3215645 Pae 4
Checklist of Re uired Schedules continued
Yes No
20a D1d the organization operate one or more hospital fac11it1es? If "Yes," complete Schedule H 20a X
b If "Yes" to lme 20a, did the organization attach a copy of its audited financial statements to this return? 20b
21 D1d the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic organization or
domestic government on Part IX, column (A), line 1? If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and II 21 X
22 D1d the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic md1v1duals on
Part IX, column (A), line 2? If "Yes," complete Schedule /, Parts I and Ill 22 X
23 D1d the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the
organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated
employees? If "Yes," complete Schedule J 23 X
24a D1d the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than
$100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 2002? If "Yes," answer Imes
24b through 24d and complete Schedule K If "No," go to /me 25a 24a X
b D1d the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? 24b
c D1d the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year
to defease any tax-exempt bonds? 24c
d D1d the organization act as an "on behalf of' issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? 24d
25a Section 501(c)(3), 501{c)(4), and 501{c)(29) organizations. D1d the organization engage man excess benefit
transaction with a d1squalif1ed person during the year? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I 25a X
b Is the organization aware that 1t engaged 1n an excess benefit transaction with a d1squalif1ed person 1n a
prior year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms 990 or
990-EZ? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I 25b X
26 D1d the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6, or 22 for receivables from or payables to any
current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or
d1squalif1ed persons? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part II 26 X
27 D1d the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee,
substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled
entity or family member of any of these persons? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part Ill 27 X
28 Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties (see Schedule L,
Part IV instructions for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions)
a A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV 28a X
b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete
Schedule L, Part IV 28b X
c An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof)
was an officer, director, trustee, or direct or 1nd1rect owner? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV 28c X
29 D1d the organization receive more than $25,000 1n non-cash contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 29 X
30 D1d the organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets, or qualified
conservation contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 30 X
31 D1d the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes," complete Schedule N,
Part I 31 X
32 D1d the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets?
If "Yes, "complete Schedule N, Part II 32 X
33 D1d the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations
sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part I 33 X
34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part II,
Ill, or IV, and Part V, /me 1 34 X
35a D1d the organization have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? 35a
b If "Yes" to line 35a, did the organization receive any payment from or engage 1n any transaction with a controlled
entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, !me 2 35b
36 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. D1d the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related
organization? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, /me 2 36 X
37 D1d the organization conduct more than 5% of ,ts act1v1ties through an entity that 1s not a related organization
and that 1s treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part
VI 37 X
38 D1d the organization complete Schedule O and provide explanations m Schedule O for Part VI, Imes 11b and
19? Note. All Form 990 filers are re uired to com lete Schedule 0 38 X
Form 990 (2017)
CONEY ISLAND U S A 13-3215645 Pae 5
Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any hne in this Part V

1a Enter the number reported 1n Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter -0- 1f not applicable i----:1.::a+----....::.::;i
b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included in line 1a Enter -0- 1f not applicable L.....01.::b_.__ _ _ _ _"-4,
c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and reportable
gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners?
2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax
Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this return L..::2::::a_.__ _ _ _....::.;::.+
b If at least one 1s reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employment tax returns? 2b X
Note. If the sum of lines 1a and 2a 1s greater than 250, you may be required to e-f1/e (see 1nstruct1ons) ~ ~~) ~1.&i
3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 3a X
b If "Yes," has 1t filed a Form 990-T for this year? If "No" to /me 3b, provide an explanation m Schedule O 1--3b--t--+--
4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest 1n, or a signature or other authority
over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial
account)? 4a X
b If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ...
See 1nstruct1ons for filing requirements for F1nCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Sa Was the organization a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? Sa X
b Did any taxable party notify the organization that 1t was or 1s a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transaction? Sb X
C If "Yes" to line Sa or Sb, did the organization file Form 8886-T? Sc
Sa Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the
organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions? Sa X
b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solic1tat1on an express statement that such contributions or
gifts were not tax deductible?
7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).
a Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods
and services provided to the payor?
b If "Yes," did the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided?
C Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which 1t was
required to file Form 8282?
d If "Yes," 1nd1cate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year L..:..7.::d....L.------+'"""""''
e Did the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract?
f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or 1nd1rectly, on a personal benefit contract?
g If the organization received a contnbution of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Form 8899 as required?
h If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C? X
8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did a donor advised fund ma1nta1ned by the ~~ 'ji;tN~ .~1;
sponsoring organization have excess business holdings at any time during the year? 8 X
Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.
Did the sponsoring organization make any taxable d1stribut1ons under section 4966? 9a

i;>~M1; ~f- ~,s.';'j
, X
b Did the sponsoring organization make a d1stribut1on to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 9b X
10 Section S01(c)(7) organizations. Enter
a lrnt1at1on fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12 10a
b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club fac11it1es '-1:..;0:..:b:....L.______f
11 Section S01(c)(12) organizations. Enter
a Gross income from members or shareholders 11a
b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources
against amounts due or received from them ) 11b
12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 1n lieu of Form 1041?
b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year .._1_2_b_.__ _ _ _ _-;
13 Section S01(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers.
a Is the organization licensed to issue qualified health plans 1n more than one state?
Note. See the instructions for add1t1onal 1nformat1on the organization must report on Schedule 0
b Enter the amount of reserves the organization 1s required to ma1nta1n by the states 1n which
the organization 1s licensed to issue qualified health plans 13b
C Enter the amount of reserves on hand 13c
14a Did the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during the tax year?
b If "Yes " has 1t filed a Form 720 to re ort these a ments? If "No " rov1de an ex lanat1on m Schedule 0
Form 990 (2017)
Fonn 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND, US A 13-3215645 Page 6
151~1 Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to Imes 2 through lb below, and for a "No"
response to line Ba, Bb, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes m Schedule 0. See mstructtons.
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any hne m this Part VI [Kl

1a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year 1a
If there are material differences 1n voting rights among members of the governing body, or
1f the governing body delegated broad authority to an executive committee or s1m1lar
committee, explain 1n Schedule 0
b Enter the number of voting members included 1n line 1a, above, who are independent L....:.1.::.b_ _ _ _ ___::.i,
2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relat1onsh1p or a business relat1onsh1p with
any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 X
3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct
superv1s1on of officers, directors, or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 3 X
4 D1d the organization make any significant changes to its governing documents since the prior Form 990 was filed? 4 X
5 Did the organization become aware during the year of a significant d1vers1on of the organization's assets? 5 X
6 Did the organization have members or stockholders? 6 X
7a Did the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint
one or more members of the governing body? 7a X
b Are any governance dec1s1ons of the organization reserved to (or subJect to approval by) members,
stockholders, or persons other than the governing body? 7b X
8 Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during
the year by the following
a The governing body? Sa X
b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the governing body? Sb X
9 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached
at the or anizat1on's ma11in address? If "Yes," provide the names and addresses m Schedule O 9 X

Yes No
10a Did the organization have local chapters, branches, or aff1l1ates? 10a X
b If "Yes," did the organization have written policies and procedures governing the act1v1t1es of such chapters,
affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organization's exempt purposes? 10b
11 a Has the organization provided a complete copy of this Form 990 to all members of its governing body before fihng the form? 11a X
b Describe in Schedule O the process, 1f any, used by the organization to review this Form 990 ~:t~$~~ ~~;£ ~ !Y /,/1.

12a Did the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No," go to /me 13 12a X
b Were officers, directors, or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give rise to conflicts? 12b X
c Did the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If "Yes,"
descnbe m Schedule O how this was done 12c X
13 Did the organization have a written wh1stleblower policy? 13 X
14 Did the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy?
15 Did the process for determining compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by
independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and dec1s1on?
a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official
b Other officers or key employees of the organization
If "Yes" to line 15a or 15b, describe the process 1n Schedule O (see 1nstruct1ons)
16a Did the organization invest 1n, contribute assets to, or part1c1pate in a Joint venture or s1m1lar arrangement
with a taxable entity during the year?
b If "Yes," did the organization follow a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its
part1c1pat1on 1n Joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard
the or anizatlon's exem t status with res ect to such arran ements?
Section C. Disclosure
17 List the states with which a copy of this Form 990 1s required to be filed • _tff_____________________________________________________ _
18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Forms 1023 (or 1024 1f applicable), 990, and 990-T (Section 501(c)(3)s only)
available for public inspection Indicate how you made these available Check all tha~ply
D Own website [Kl Another's website [Kl Upon request LJ
Other (exp/am m Schedule 0)
19 Describe in Schedule O whether (and 1f so, how) the organization made its governing documents, conflict of interest policy, and
financial statements available to the public during the tax year
20 State the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organization's books and records •
_----------EXECUTIVE_ DI RECTOR _______________________________________________________ (718)_ 372-5159 ________________ _
Fom, 990 (2017)
Form 990 (201_1>_....;C_O_N;.;.;;;.EY.....;.IS_LA;;;;..;,;N.;.D-i..U
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1;.;:3...-3;;.;2;;.1;.;;5.6_4,;;.5_ _.;.P.;;,a.,;e;..;7:..
Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated
Employees, and Independent Contractors
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line in this Part VII D
Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees
1a Complete this table for all persons required to be listed Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the
organization's tax year
• List all of the organization's current officers, directors, trustees (whether md1v1duals or organizations), regardless of amount
of compensation Enter -0- m columns (D), (E), and (F) 1f no compensation was paid
• List all of the organization's current key employees, 1f any See instructions for defin1t1on of "key employee "
• List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee, or key employee)
who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the
organization and any related organizations
• List all of the organization's former officers, key employees, and highest compensated employees who received more than
$100,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations
• List all of the organization's former directors or trustees that received, m the capacity as a former director or trustee of the
organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations
List persons 1n the following order md1v1dual trustees or directors, mst1tut1onal trustees, officers, key employees, highest
compensated employees, and former such persons
0 Check this box 1f neither the organization nor any related organization compensated any current officer, director, or trustee
(A) (B) {do not check more than one (D) {E) (F)
Name and Title Average box, unless person 1s both an Reportable Reportable Estimated
hours per officer and a director/trustee) com pensallon compensation amount of
week (list any ;,a: CD :C ,, from from related other
; §. 5" 0:!! <CD "O3 (0'=r 0
0 -
hours for the organizations compensation
related - <
CD i5..
n C ~5
~ 3CD < - !!!
3 organization {W-2/1099-MISC) from the
below dotted
~ -Q)

CD 0
0 CD 0
(W-2/1099-MISC) organization
and related
CD 2

_J1L MARK ALHADEFF _______________________________________ f_ 9_Q

DIR O 00 X 0 0 0
_J2L JEFFERY BIRNBAUM ________________________ __________ _?_9_q_
DIR O 00 X 0 0 0
__ (3L KATHRINE_ DALE _____________________________ ___________ f_9_Q
~R 000 X 0 0 0
_J4L JOHN DIDOMENICO------------------------- ___________ 2 00
DIR 000 X 0 0 0
_JSL HARRIS_FALK ________________________________ ___________ f_9_Q
DIR O 00 X 0 0 0
_J&L FRED KAHL---------------------------------- ___________ f_9_Q
DIR O 00 X 0 0 0
_J7L STEVE VAROS _______________________________ ___________ f_9_Q
~R 000 X 0 0 0
__ (SL DICK ZIGUN ____________ _________ ____________ _ __________ ~9_9_q_
DIR O 00 X X X 56,800 0 0
_J9L MARIE ROBERTS---------------------------- ___________ f_9_Q
~R 000 X 0 0 0
(10L JAMES_FITSIMMONS ------------------------ __________ 40 00
EXE DIR O 00 X X X 61,446 0 0
(11 l _------------- _-- __ ----- _____ --------- _----- _-- ___ ___ -------- ____ _

t121 _---- ------ -------- ------------ --------- ----------

t131 _- --------------------------- ---------- ------- ----
J14l _________________________________________________ _

Form 990 (2017)

Form 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645 Paqe 8
Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees (continued)
(A) (8) (do not check more than one (D) (E) (F)
Name and title Average box, unless person 1s both an Reportable Reportable Estomated
hours per officer and a director/trustee) compensation compensation amount of
week (hst any 0 - 5" 0 :,;: "'::i:
.,, from from related other
hours for 9-< !!l. :!l '<"' 3 IQ
3 the organizations compensation
aC 2' ~
~ "'3 om
"O ~

!!! organ1zat1on (W-2/1099-MISC) from the

below dotted
~ -
'< -
(W-2/1099-MISC) organization
and related
ro 2
"'"' "O
"' a,ro U>

l15! _________________________________________________ _

l1 &L ___ ---- -- ----- ----- -------- ----------- ---- -------

l17! _------------ --------------- -------- --------------
l18! _________________________________________________ _
l19! _________________________________________________ _
l20l _________________________________________________ _

l21 l _-------------- ---------------------- -------------

l22l _-------------------------------------------------
l23! _________________________________________________ _

l24l _-------------------------------------------------
l25! _________________________________________________ _

1b Sub-total ... 1-----'-1-'-18~24-'-6=+-----,;;;._0+-----~0

c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, Section A ... 1-------0.;;..+-_ _ _ _ _o.;;..+-_ _ _ _ _o"-
d Total (add lines 1b and 1c) ... 118,246 O 0
2 Total number of ind1v1duals (including but not limited to those listed above) who received more than $100,000 of

re ortable com ensat1on from the or anizat1on ... O
Yes No
3 Did the organization list any former officer, director, or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated
employee on line 1a? If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such md1v1dual
4 For any 1nd1v1dual listed on line 1a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from
the organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such

md1v1dua/ 4 X
5 D1d any person listed on line 1a receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization or ind1v1dual
for services rendered to the or anizat1on? If "Yes," com feta Schedule J for such erson 5 X
Section B. Independent Contractors
1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of
compensation from the organization Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization's tax
(A) (B) (C)
Name and business address Description of services Compensation


2 Total number of independent contractors (including but not limited to those listed above) who received
more than 100 000 of com ensat1on from the or anizat1on ... 0
Form 990 (2017)
Form 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND, US A 13-3215645 Page 9
i@ifoil Statement of Revenue
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line 1n this Part VIII
(A) (8) (C) (0)
Total revenue Related or Unrelated Revenue
""'t:.rnpt Lu.;,111c.;,:1
function revenue


E c Fundra1s1ng events 1c
.ief ~
<, -
.; E
. d Related organizations 1d
e Government grants (contnbut1ons) 1e
C -
.2 ~ f All other contnbut1ons, gifts, grants, and
-:::, .,:;;
.Cl -
.:: 0 s1m1lar amounts not included above 1f
c0 ,,C g Noncash contnbut1ons included m Imes 1a-1f $
0 ..
h Total. Add lines 1a-1f
a, Business Code
a, 2a ADMISSIONS 537 458
a, ------ ------ -- ---------------- --- ----- ----- ----
a: b RETAIL SALES 186,548 186 548
u C 0
d 0
E e 0
~ ----------------------------------------------·
f All other program service revenue
Total. Add lines 2a-2f ... 0

3 Investment income (including d1v1dends, interest, and

other s1m1lar amounts) ... 0
... --------------------------
... --------------------------
4 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds
5 Royalties
(1) Real (11) Personal

6a Gross rents 7,320

b Less rental expenses
C Rental income or (loss) 7 320 0
d Net rental income or (loss) ...
7a Gross amount from sales of (1) Securities (11) Other
assets other than inventory 0 0
b Less cost or other basis
and sales expenses 0 0
Gain or (loss) 0 0
d Net gain or (loss) ...
:, Ba Gross income from fundra1s1ng
CII events (not including$ _________________ 0
CII of contributions reported on line 1c)
See Part IV, line 18 a
.c b Less direct expenses b 14 733
0 c Net income or (loss) from fundra1sing events ...
9a Gross income from gaming act1v1t1es
See Part IV, line 19 a
b Less direct expenses b
c Net income or (loss) from gaming act1v1t1es ...
10a Gross sales of inventory, less
returns and allowances a
b Less cost of goods sold b
c Net income or loss from sales of 1nvento ... 0
Business Code
11a 0
b 0
C 0
d All other revenue 0
e Total.Add lines 11a-11d ...
12 Total revenue. See instructions ... 940 157 0 0 724 006
Form 990 (2017)
Form 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 10
•Uffili!i Statement of Functional Expenses
Section 501 (c)(3) and 501 (c)(4) orgamzat,ons must complete all columns All other orgamzat,ons must complete column (A)
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line in this Part IX
(A) (8)
Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, Tb, Total expenses Program service
Bb, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII. ex enses
1 Grants and other assistance to domestic organizations
domestic governments See Part IV, line 21 0
2 Grants and other assistance to domestic
1nd1v1duals See Part IV, line 22 0
3 Grants and other assistance to foreign
organizations, foreign governments, and foreign
1nd1v1duals See Part IV, Imes 15 and 16 0
4 Benefits paid to or for members 0
5 Compensation of current officers, directors,
trustees, and key employees 118 246 88 137 20 277 ,' I 9 832
6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified
persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1 )) and
persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(8) 0
7 Other salaries and wages 285,643 244,402 32,981 8,260
8 Pension plan accruals and contributions (include
section 401 (k) and 403(b) employer contributions) 0
9 Other employee benefits 0
10 Payroll taxes 82,150 67,638 10,832 3,680
11 Fees for services (non-employees)
a Management 0
b Legal 0
c Accounting 0
d Lobbying 0
e Professional fundra1s1ng services See Part IV, line 17
f Investment management fees 0
g Other (If line 11 g amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column
(A) amount, hst line 11g expenses on Schedule O) 0 0
12 Advert1s1ng and promotion 600 600 0 0
13 Office expenses 24,057 3 987 19,020 1 050
14 Information technology 0
15 Royalties 0
16 Occupancy 0
17 Travel 10,208 9,984 224
18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses
for any federal, state, or local public officials 0
19 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 0
20 Interest 21,655 16,330 5,325 0
21 Payments to affiliates 0
22 Deprec1at1on, depletion, and amort1zat1on 11,617
23 Insurance
24 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered
above (List miscellaneous expenses in line 24e If
line 24e amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column
(A) amount, list line 24e expenses on Schedule O )
b LICENSES AND PERMITS 1 539 1 539 0 0
C UTILITIES 39198 36 904 1 110 1 184
--- -- -- -------- ---- -- -- ---- ------- ------------ - -- -- -- ---- - -
d PROCESSING FEES 7 652 6,150 1 502 0
----------------------------------------------------------- 206 400 190 936 15 160 304
e All other expenses SEE ATTACHED
------------------------------------ 35,927
25 Total functional ex enses. Add lines 1 throu h 24e 1,175,463 1,012,852 126,684
26 Joint costs. Complete this line only 1f the
organization reported in column (8) J01nt costs
from a combined educational campaign and
fundra1s1ng sohc1tat1on Check here .,. D If ,{.( -
, !

follow1n SOP 98-2 ASC 958-720 ;r,

Form 990 (2017/~'
Form 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND. U S A 13-3215645 Page 11
l#IM Balance Sheet
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any hne m this Part X D
(A) (B)
Beginning of year End of year
1 Cash-non-interest-bearing 24,808 1 74,478
2 . Savings and temporary cash investments 0 2
3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 75,000 3 0
4 Accounts receivable, net • 0 4 0
5 Loans and other receivables from current and former officers, directors,
trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees
Compl~te Part II of Schedule L
6 Loans and receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section
4958(f)(1 )), persons described msection 4958(c)(3)(B), and contributing employers and
sponsonng organizations of section 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' beneficiary
organizations (see instructions) Complete Part II of Schedule L
7 Notes and loans receivable, net
8 Inventories for sale or use
9 . Prepaid expenses and deferred charges
10a ~and, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment cost or
other basis Complete Part VI of Schedule D i--.:.1..::.0a::.....+----....:.7.i;2::.;0:;..;:5;...6.=..4..;.;0,_I'
b Less accumulated deprec1at1on ~1_0b~-----1~,2_4_9~,8_2_3..,..._ _ _ _ _6~,1_8_0~2_6_2..,..._1O_c--t------5~9_4_7~,9_2_5
11 Investments-publicly traded securities O 11 0
12 lnvestments.....'.other securities See Part IV, hne 11 0 12 0
13 Investments-program-related See Part IV, hne 11 95 464 13 95,464
14 Intangible assets ' 0 14 0
15 Other assets See Part IV, hne 11 1,028 15 1,028
16 Total assets. Add lines 1 throu h 15 must e ual lme 34 6,453,805 16 6,205,418
17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 68,547 17 55,466
18 Grants payable O 18
19 Deferred revenue 0 19
20 Tax-exempt bond hab1ht1es
21 Escrow or custodial account hab1hty Complete Part IV of Schedule D
:l 22 Loans and other payablE;S to current and former officers, directors,
~ trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, and
:aIll d1squahf1ed persons Complete Part II of Schedule L 0 22
:::; 23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties 499,500 23 499,500
24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties 5,000 24 5,000
25 Other hab1l1t1es (including federal income tax, payables to related third
parties, and other hab1ht1es not included on Imes 17-24) Complete
Part X of Schedule D
26 Total liabilities. Add Imes 17 throu h 25
Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here • 0 and
:u complete lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34.
; 27 Unrestricted net assets
&j 28 Temporarily restricted net assets
"g 29 Permanently restricted net assets
u.. Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC958), check here • Oand
...0 complete lines 3_0 through 34.
30 Capital stock or trust principal, or current funds 0 30
~ 31 Pa1d-11i or capital surplus, or land, building, or equipment fund 0 31
t 32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 0 32
z 33' Total net assets or furid balances 5,880,758 33 5,645,452
34 Total hab1ht1es and net assets/fund balances 6 453 805 34 6 205 418
Form 990 (2017)

Form 990 (2017) CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 12
•Ulfiiil Reconciliation of Net Assets
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line in this Part XI D
1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 1 940 157
2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 2 1,175,463
3 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 -235,306
4 Net assets or fund balances at beg:nn:ng of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (A)) 4 5 880,758
5 Net unrealized ga:ns (losses) ;on investments 5
6 Donated services and use of facrlitres 6
7 Investment expenses 7
8 Prror perrod adiustments 8
9 Other changes :n net assets or fund balances (explain :n Schedule 0) 9
10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combine l:nes 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, l:ne 33, I'

column (B)) 10 5 645 452

•:r.n•:• Financial Statements and Reporting
Check 1f Schedule O contains a response or note to any line in this Part XII

1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 D ·cash 0 Accrual D Other
If the organrzatron changed rts method of accountrng fr?m a prror year or checked "Other," explain :n
Schedule 0
2a Were the organrzatron's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant?
If "Yes," check a box below to rndrcate whether the financial statements for the year were compiled or
reviewed on a separate basrs, consolidated basrs, or both
D Separate basrs D Consolidated basrs D Both consolidated and separate ~asrs
b Were the organrzatron's financial statements audited by an independent accountant?
If "Yes," check a box below to :ndrcate whether the financial statements for the year were audited on a
separate basrs, consolidated basrs, or both
0 Separate basrs D Consolidated basrs D Both consolidated and separate basrs
c If "Yes" to lrne 2a or 2b, does the organrzatron have a committee that assumes responsrbrlity for oversight of
the audrt, revrew, or comprlatron of rts f:nancral statements and selection of an independent accountant?
If the organrzatron changed erther rts oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain rn
Schedule 0
3a As a result of a federal award, was the organrzatron required to undergo an audrt or audrts as set forth rn
the Srngle Audrt Act and 0MB Circular A-133? 3a X
b If "Yes," drd the organrzatron undergo the required audrt or audrts? If the organrzatron drd not undergo the
re urred audrt or audrts, ex larn wh rn Schedule O and describe an ste s taken to under o such audrts 3b
Form 990 (2017)
SCHEDULE A 0MB No 1545-0047
(Form 990 or 990-EZ) Public Charity Status and Public Support
Complete If the organization Is a section 501(c)(3} organization or a section 4947(a}(1} nonexempt charitable trust ~@17
Department of the Treasury
• Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Open to Public
Internal Revenue Service • Go to www.irs. ov/Form990 for instructions and the latest information. Inspection
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1f1cat1on number
CONEY ISLAND U S A 13-3215645

Reason for Public Chari See instructions
The o~nizat1on 1s not a private foundation because 1t 1s (For Imes 1 through 12, check only one box)
1 LJ A church, convention of churches, or assoc1at1on of churches described m section 170(b)(1)(A)(i).
2 DA school described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ))
3 D A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described m section 170(b)(1 )(A)(iii).
4 DA medical research organization operated m coniunct1on with a hospital described 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the
hospital's name, city, and state
5 D An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described m
section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Complete Part II)
6 DA federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(v).
7 ~ An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public
described 1n section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Complete Part II)
8 DA community trust described m section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Complete Part II)
9 D An agricultural research organization described m section 170(b)(1)(A)(ix) operated 1n coniunct1on with a land-grant college
or university or a non-land-grant college of agriculture (see instructions) Enter the name, city, and state of the college or
10 D An organizat10-~that~cir~ii"11y·r~-ce1-v""es-(1·)-~o~e-tha~-33"1"13o;;o"t"1ts·s~pportf~o~-co~t~1b~t10-~s.-~~-~be~sh;p·f~es~-a~clg~os·s·--------
rece1pts from act1v1t1es related to its exempt funct1ons-subJect to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/3% of its
support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses
acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part Ill )
11 D An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety See section 509(a)(4).
12 D An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes
of one or more publicly supported organizations described 1n section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). See section 509(a)(3).
Check the box m lines 12a through 12d that describes the type of supporting organization and complete Imes 12e, 12f, and 12g
a D Type I. A supporting organization operated, supervised, or controlled by its supported organizat1on(s), typically by giving
the supported organiza!lon(s) the power to regularly appoint or elect a maiority of the directors or trustees of the supporting
organization You must complete Part IV, Sections A and B.
b D Type II. A supporting organization supervised or controlled in connection with its supported organizat1on(s), by having
control or management of the supporting organization vested 1n the same persons that control or manage the supported
organizat1on(s) You must complete Part IV, Sections A and C.
c D Type Ill functionally integrated. A supporting organization operated 1n connection with, and functionally integrated with,
its supported organizat1on(s) (see 1nstruct1ons) You must complete Part IV, Sections A, D, and E.
d D Type Ill non-functionally integrated. A supporting organization operated 1n connection with its supported organizat1on(s)
that 1s not functionally integrated The organization generally must satisfy a d1stribut1on requirement and an attentiveness
requirement (see 1nstruct1ons) You must complete Part IV, Sections A and D, and Part V.
e D Check this box 1f the organization received a written determ1nat1on from the IRS that 1t 1s a Type I, Type II, Type Ill
functionally integrated, or Type Ill non-functionally integrated supporting organization
f Enter the number of supported organizations o!
Provide the follow1n 1nformat1on about the su
(1) Name of supported organization (n)EIN (111) Type of organization (1v) Is the organization (v) Amount of monetary (v1) Amount of
{described on Imes 1-10 listed ,n your governing support {see other support {see
above {see instructions)) document? instructions) ,nstruct,ons)

Yes No





Total 0 0
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
Schedule A (Form 990 or990-EZ) 2011 CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 2
lilfiiil Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(b)(1 )(A)(iv) and 170(b)(1 )(A)(vi)
(Complete only 1f you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or 1f the organization failed to qualify under
Part Ill If the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part Ill )
Section A. Public Su ort
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ... a 2013 b 2014 C 2015 d 2016 e 2017 Total
,1 Gifts, grants. contnbut1ons, and
membership fees received (Do not
include any "unusual grants ") 268 923 263 748 156,744 157 007 208 831 1055253
2 Tax revenues levied for the organization's
benefit and either paid to or expended on
its behalf 0
3 The value of services or fac1l1t1es
furnished by a governmental unit to the
organization without charge 0
4 Total. Add lines 1 through 3 1,055,253
5 The portion of total contnbut1ons by
each person (other than a
governmental unit or publicly
supported organization) included on
line 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount
shown on line 11, column (f)
6 Public su ort Subtract line 5 from line 4 1,055,253
5 ect1on BTota 15 UPPOrt
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ... (al 2013 (bl 2014 (cl 2015 ldl 2016 (el 2017 (f) Total
7 Amounts from line 4 268,923 263,748 156,744 157,007 208,831 .1,055,253
8 ' Gross income from interest. d1v1dends,
payments received on securities loans,
rents, royalties. and income from
s1m1lar sources 355 233 184 7,320
• 8,092
9 Net income from unrelated business
act1v1t1es. whether or not the business 1s
regularly earned on . 0
10 Other income Do not include gain or
loss from the sale of capital assets
(Explain in Part VI ) 716,441 757,262 783 201 487,722 724 006 3,468 632
11 Total support. Add lines 7 through 10 ~~Wri6~~ fu~lffl!~ij\~~ JL~~,.~-~ il,~~N~if£ ftti~4'~~~1;{;~~ 4 531 977
- 12 I
12 Gross receipts from related act1v1t1es, etc (see instructions)
13 First five years. If the Form 990 1s for the organization's first. second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501 (c)(3)
organization. check this box and stop here

Section C. Com utation of Public Su ort Percenta e

14 Pubhc support percentage for 2017 (line 6, column (f) d1v1ded by line 11, column (f)) 14 2328%
15 Pubhc support percentage from 2016 Schedule A. Part II, line 14 15 2346%
16a 33 1/3% support test-2017. If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 1s 33 1/3% or more, check this box
and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization
b 33 1/3% support test-2016. If the organization d•d not check a box on hne 13 or 16a.'and line 15 1s 33 1/3% or more. check this
box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization
17a 10%-facts-and-circumstances test-2017. If the organization did not check a box on hne 13, 16a, or 16b, and line 14
1s 10% or more. and 1f the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. check this box and stop here. Explain ,n
Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test The organization qualifies as a publicly supported
b 10%-facts-and-circumstances test-2016. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b,' or 17a, and line
15 1s 10% or more. and 1f the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. check this box and stop here.
Explain ,n Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test The organization qualifies as a publicly
supported organization

18 Private foundation. If the organization did not check a box on line 13. 16a, 16b, 17a, or 17b, check this box and see
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

- -~- - _------- - . - . - - ~ ~ ...

Schedule A (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 3
1=Zffl1jj1 Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 509(a)(2)
(Complete only 1f you checked the box on lme 1O of Part I or 1f the organization failed to qualify under Part 11
If the or arnzat1on fails to uali under the tests listed below lease com lete Part II

Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ... 1---1.:a=2c.::.0..;,.13:;__--+-...1.b::.L..:2::..:0:...;1c..;4'---+->.:cCL..::2c.::.O..:c15:...._-+-...1.d=-c2;;..;0c...1..::c6_-+--LC..L..~-'--+-,r-=-..c;;;..;;::;__

1 Gifts. grants, contributions, and membership fees
received (Do not include any "unusual grants ") 0
2 Gross receipts from adm1ss1ons, merchandise
sold or services perfonned, or fac1lrt1es
furnished in any act1vrty that 1s related to the
organization's tax-exempt purpose 0
3 Gross receipts from act,v,t,es that are not an
unrelated trade or business under section 513 / 0
4 Tax revenues levied for the organization's
benefit and either paid to or expended on
,ts behalf I 0
5 The value of services or facilities
furnished by a governmental unit to the
organization without charge 0
6 Total. Add Imes 1 through 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
7a Amounts included on Imes 1, 2, and 3
received from disqualified persons
b Amounts included on Imes 2 and 3
I 0

received from other than disqualified

persons that exceed the greater of $5,000
or 1% of the amount on hne 13 for the year 0
c Add Imes 7a and 7b 0 0 0 0
8 Public support (Subtract line 7c from
line 6) 0
ecf10n BTtlS
oa UDDO rt
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) ... (a) 2013 (b) 2014 I
(c) 2015 (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (f) Total
9 Amounts from line 6 0 lo 0 0 0 0

10a Gross income from interest, d1v1dends,
payments received on securrt,es loans, rents,
royatt,es, and income from s1m1lar sources 0

b Unrelated business taxable income (less
section 511 taxes) from businesses
acquired after June 30, 1975 0
c Add Imes 1Oa and 1Ob of 0 0 0 0 0

11 Net income from unrelated business
act1v1t1es not included in line 10b, whether
or not the business 1s regularly earned on 0

12 Other income Do not include gain or
loss from the sale of capital assets
(Explain in Part VI ) 0

Total support. (Add Imes 9, 1Oc, 11,
and 12) I 0 0
First five years. If the Form 990 1s for the orgafuzat1on's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501 (c)(3)
0 0 0 0

organization. check this box and stop here /

Section C. Com utation of Public Su' ort Percenta e
15 Public support percentage for 2017 (lme;5. column (f) d1v1ded by line 13, column (f)) 15 0 00%
16 Public su ort ercenta e from 2016 Schedule A, Part 111, line 15 16 000%
Section D. Com utation of Investment Income Percenta e
17 Investment income percentage for 2017 (line 10c, column (f} d1v1ded by line 13, column (f)) 17 0 00%
18 Investment income percentage f~pm 2016 Schedule A, Part 111, line 17 L-1c...8;;.._L-_ _ _ _ _ _ ___;;.0_;0_;0""0!.-'--o
19a 33 1/3% support tests-2017 /If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 1s more than 33 1/3%, and line 17 1s
not more than 33 1/3%, checkfth1s box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization
b 33 1/3% support tests-2016. If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and line 16 1s more than 33 1/3%, and
line 18 1s not more than 33'113%, check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization
20 Private foundation. 1qtfu organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a, or 19b, check this box and see instructions
/ Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND. U SA 13-3215645 Page 4
U#Mlftl Supporting Organizations
(Complete only 1f you checked a box in line 12 on Part I If you checked 12a of Part I, complete Sections A
and B If you checked 12b of Part I, complete Sections A and C If you checked 12c of Part I, complete
Sections A, D, and E If you checked 12d of Part I, complete Sections A and D, and complete Part V)

1 Are all of the organization's supported organizations listed by name •n the organization's governing
documents? If "No," descnbe m Part VI how the supported organizations are designated If designated by
class or purpose, descnbe the designation If h1stonc and contmumg relationship, exp/am
2 D1d the organization have any supported organization that does not have an IRS determination of status
under section 509(a)(1) or (2)? If "Yes," exp/am m Part VI how the organization determined that the supported
organization was descnbed m section 509(a)(1) or (2)
3a D1d the organization have a supported organization described 1n section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6)? lf"Yes," answer
(b) and (c) below
b D1d the organization confirm that each supported organization qualified under section 501 (c)(4), (5), or (6) and
sat1sf1ed the public support tests under section 509(a)(2)? lf"Yes," descnbe m Part VI when and how the
organization made the determmat,on
c D1d the organization ensure that all support to such organizations was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)
(B) purposes? /f"Yes," exp/am m Part VI what controls the organization put m place to ensure such use
4a Was any supported organization not organized in the United States ("foreign supported organization")? If
"Yes," and tf you checked 12a or 12b m Part I, answer (b) and (c) below
b D1d the organization have ultimate control and d1scret1on 1n deciding whether to make grants to the foreign
supported organization? lf"Yes," descnbe m Part VI how the organization had such control and discretion
despite bemg controlled or supervised by or m connection with ,ts supported organizations
c D1d the organization support any foreign supported organization that does not have an IRS determ1nat1on
under sections 501 (c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)? If "Yes," exp/am m Part VI what controls the organization used
to ensure that all support to the foreign supported organization was used exclus,vely for section 170(c)(2)(B)
Sa D1d the organization add, substitute, or remove any supported organizations during the tax year? lf"Yes,"
answer (b) and (c) below (tf appltcable) Also, provide detail m Part VI, mcludmg (1) the names and EIN
numbers of the supported organizations added, substituted, or removed, (11) the reasons for each such action,
(111) the authonty under the organization's organizing document authonzmg such action, and (tv) how the action
was accompltshed (such as by amendment to the organizing document)
b Type I or Type II only. Was any added or substituted supported organization part of a class already
designated in the organization's organizing document?
c Substitutions only. Was the subst1tut1on the result of an event beyond the organization's control?
6 D1d the organization provide support (whether in the form of grants or the prov1s1on of services or fac1ht1es) to
anyone other than (1) its supported organizations, (11) 1nd1v1duals that are part of the charitable class benefited
by one or more of •ts supported organizations, or (111) other supporting organizations that also support or
benefit one or more of the filing organization's supported organizations? If "Yes," provide detail m Part VI.
7 D1d the organization provide a grant, loan, compensation, or other s1m1lar payment to a substantial contributor
(defined in section 4958(c)(3)(C)), a family member of a substantial contributor, or a 35% controlled entity with
regard _to a substantial contributor? If "Yes, "complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ)
8 D1d the organization make a loan to a disqualified person (as defined in section 4958) not described 1n line 7?
If "Yes," complete Part I of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ)
9a Was the organization controlled directly or indirectly at any time during the tax year by one or more
d1squalif1ed persons as defined 1n section 4946 (other than foundation managers and organizations described
in section 509(a)(1) or (2))? lf"Yes," provide deta,l m Part VI.,
b D1d one or more disqualified persons (as defined 1n line 9a) hold a controlling interest 1n any entity in which
the supporting organization had an interest? If" Yes," provide detail m Part VI.
c D1d a d1squalif1ed person (as defined in line 9a) have an ownership interest 1n, or derive any personal benefit
from, assets in which the supporting organization also had an interest? /f"Yes," provide deta,l m Part VI.
10a Was the organization subJect to the excess business holdings rules of section 4943 because of section
4943(f) (regarding certain Type II supporting organizations, and all Type Ill non-functionally integrated
supporting organizations)? If "Yes," answer 10b below 10a
b D1d the organization have any excess business holdings in the tax.year? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to
determine whether the or, anizat,on had excess business holdm s
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645 Pa e5
anizations continued

11 Has the organization accepted a gift or contribution from any of the following persons?
a A person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described 1n (b) and (c)
below, the governing body of a supported organization?

above? If "Yes" to a b or c rov,de detail m Part VI.

1 D1d the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organizations have the power to
regularly appoint or elect at least a maiority of the organization's directors or trustees at all times during the
tax year? If "No," descnbe m Part VI how the supported orgamzat,on(s) effectively operated, supervised, or
controlled the orgamzat,on's act,v,t,es If the orgamzat,on had more than one supported orgamzat,on,
descnbe how the powers to appoint and/or remove directors or trustees were allocated among the supported
orgamzat,ons and what cond1t1ons or restnct,ons, ,f any, applied to such powers dunng the tax year
2 D1d the organization operate for the benefit of any supported organization other· than the supported
organizat1on(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the supporting organization? lf"Yes," exp/am m Part
VI how prov,dmg such benefit earned out the purposes of the supported orgamzat,on(s) that operated,
su erv,sed, or controlled the su ortmg orgamzat,on

1 Were a maiority of the organization's directors or trustees during the tax year also a maiority of the directors
or trustees of each of the organization's supported organizat1on(s)? If "No," descnbe m Part VI how control
or management of the supporting orgamzat,on was vested m the same persons that controlled or managed

1 D1d the organization provide to each of its supported organizations, by the last day of the fifth month of the
organization's tax year, (1) a written notice describing the type and amount of support provided during the prior tax
year, (11) a copy of the Form 990 that was most recently filed as of the date of not1ficat1on, and (111) copies of the
organization's governing documents in effect on the date of not1f1cat1on, to the extent not previously provided?
2 Were any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees either (1) appointed or elected by the supported
organizat1on(s) or (11) serving on the governing body of a supported organization? lf"No," exp/am m Part VI how
the orgamzat,on mamtamed a close and continuous working relat1onsh1p with the supported orgamzat,on(s)
3 By reason of the relat1onsh1p described in (2), did the organization's supported organizations have a
significant voice in the organization's investment policies and 1n directing the use of the organization's
income or assets at all times during the tax year? lf"Yes," descnbe m Part VI the role the orgamzat,on's
su orted organizations fayed m this regard
Section E. Type Ill Functionally Integrated Supporting Organizations
1 Chec/c tho bo)( no)(t to tho mothod that tho orgomzot,on usod to sot,sfy tho lntogrol Port Tost dunng the year (see instructions)
a D The organization sat1sf1ed the Act1v1t1es Test Complete line 2 below
b D The organization 1s the parent of each of its supported organizations Complete line 3 below
c D The organization supported a governmental entity Descnbe m Part VI how you supported a government entity (see mstruct,ons)
2 Act1v1t1es Test Answer (a) and {b) below.
a D1d substantially all of the organization's act1v1t1es during the tax year directly further the exempt purposes of
the supported organizat1on(s) to which the organization was responsive? If "Yes," then m Part VI identify
those supported organizations and explain how these act,v,t,es directly furthered their exempt purposes,
how the orgamzat,on was responsive to those supported orgamzat,ons, and how the orgamzat,on determined
that these act1v1t1es constituted substantially all of ,ts act1v1t1es
b D1d the act1v1t1es described 1n (a) constitute activ1t1es that, but for the organization's involvement, one or more
of the organization's supported organizat1on(s) would have been engaged in? lf"Yes," exp/am m Part VI the
reasons for the orgamzat,on's pos,t,on that ,ts supported orgamzat,on(s) would have engaged m these
act,v,t,es but for the orgamzat,on's involvement
3 Parent of Supported Organizations Answer {a) and (b) below.
a D1d the organization have the power to regularly appoint or elect a maiority of the officers, directors, or
trustees of each of the supported organizations? Provide details m Part VI. 3a
b D(d the organization exercise a substantial degree of d1rect1on over the policies, programs, and act1v1t1es of each
of its su orted or amzat1ons? lf"Yes" descnbe m Part VI the role la ed b the o amzahon m this re ard
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
13-3215645 Pa e6

1 D Check here 1f the organization sat1sf1ed the Integral Part Test as a qualifying trust on Nov 20, 1970 (explain in Part VI) See
instructions. All other T e Ill non-funct1onall 1nte rated su ortin or anizat1ons must com lete Sections A throu h E
(8) Current Year
Section A - Adjusted Net Income (A) Prior Year
o t1onal
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4 0 0
5 5
6 Portion of operating expenses paid or incurred for production or
collection of gross income or for management, conservation, or
maintenance of ro ert held for roduct1on of income see 1nstruct1ons) 6
7 7

Section B '- Minimum Asset Amount
6, and 7 from line 4

1 Aggregate fair market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see

instructions for short tax ear or assets held for art of ear

c Fair market value of other non-exem t-use assets

d Total add lines 1a, 1b, and 1c
e Discount claimed for blockage or other
factors ex lam in detail in Part VI
2 licable to non-exem t-use assets 2
3 3 0 0
4 Cash deemed held for exempt use Enter 1-1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount,
see 1nstruct1ons 4 0 0
5 Net value of non-exem t-use assets subtract line 4 from line 3 5 0 0
6 0 0
7 0 0
8 Minimum Asset Amount add line 7 to line 6 8 0 0

Section C - Distributable Amount Current Year

1 Ad usted net income for nor ear from Section A, line 8, Column A 1 (;:\~~~,~~~\~; 0
2 Enter 85% of line 1 2 rw.•ill!+¥.tl£.t~~~ 0
3 Minimum asset amount for nor ear from Section B line 8 Column A 3 '!Mt~~{,,~,~~,~tit~ 0
4 Enter reater of line 2 or line 3 4 }~~_.,".!;-if:1:;;:~~t:t:ttM 0
6 Distributable Amount. Subtract line 5 from line 4, unless subject to
emer enc tern ora reduction see instructions 6 0
7 D Check here 1f the current year 1s the organization's first as a non-functionally integrated Type Ill supporting organization (see
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

- I.~-
13-3215645 Pae 7
Section D - Distributions Current Year

7 Total annual distributions. Add lines 1 throu h 6 0
8 01stnbut1ons to attentive supported organizations to which the organization 1s responsive
( rov1de details in Part VI See 1nstruct1ons
9 D1stnbutable amount for 2017 from Section C line 6 0
10 Line 8 amount d1v1ded b line 9 amount 0 000
(ii) (iii)
Section E - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) Underdistributions Distributable
Excess Distributions
Pre-2017 Amount for 2017
Distributable amount for 2017 from Section C, line 6 0
Underd1stnbut1ons, 1f any, for years prior to 2017
2 (reasonable cause requ1red--expla1n in Part VI) See

c From 2014 0 ~1,f;~~·~~i.i~,~. ?it.~t~~~}{~~b»~~l iftt~i-<:f~~f~~lit't-;{~~~~

d From 2015 0 jj,\\!:lil:tfJt~s~~"~~ !~~t~~:fAA:S~~ft ~~~~~~~>t~~~e,;

lied to underd1stnbut1ons of nor ears ~"'~'1/;;."fi;f;fffl~i'~~ O ~-f,j~~'i~s~J~l,;~~j4,~~

lied to 2017 d1stnbutable amount
lied see instructions

4 D1stnbut1ons for 2017 from

Section D, line 7 $ 0

c Remainder Subtract lines 4a and 4b from 4

5 Remaining underd1stnbut1ons for years pnor to 2017, 1f
any Subtract Imes 3g and 4a from line 2 For result
realer than zero, ex lam in Part VI See instructions
6 Remaining underd1stnbubons for 2017 Subtract lines 3h
and 4b from line 1 For result greater than zero, explain in
Part VI See 1nstruct1ons
7 Excess distributions carryover to 2018. Add Imes 3J
and 4c
8 Breakdown of line 7
a Excess from 2013
b Excess from 2014
c Excess from 2015
d Excess from 2016
e Excess from 2017
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
Schedule A (Fenn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645 Pa e8
Supplemental Information. Provide the explanations required by Part II, line 10, Part II, line 17a or 17b, Part
Ill, line 12, Part IV, Section A, lines 1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4b, 4c, 5a, 6, 9a, 9b, 9c, 11 a, 11 b, and 11 c, Part IV, Section
B, lines 1 and 2, Part IV, Section C, line 1, Part IV, Section D, lines 2 and 3, Part IV, Section E, Imes 1c, 2a, 2b,
3a, and 3b, Part V, line 1, Part V, Section B, line 1e, Part V, Section D, Imes 5, 6, and 8, and Part V, Section E,
lines 2, 5, and 6 Also complete this part for any add1t1onal information (See instructions )

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 ,-,
SCHEDULED 0MB No 1545-0047
Supplemental Financial Statements
(Form 990)
• Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, ~@17
Part IV, lme 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b.
Open to Public
Department of the Treasury • Attach to Form 990.
Internal Revenue Service Inspection
• Go to www.irs. ov/Form990 for instructions and the latest information.
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1ficat1on number

CONEY ISLAND, US A 13-3215645

Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts.
CompeI te 1f th e orQarnza t 10n answere d "Yes on Form 990 Pa rt IV Ime 6
(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts
1 Total number at end of year
2 Aggregate value of contributions to (during year)
3 Aggregate value of grants from (during year)
4 Aggregate value at end of year
5 Did the organization inform all donors and donor advisors 1n writing that the assets held in donor advised
funds are the organization's property, subject to the organization's exclusive legal control? D Yes D No
6 Did the organization inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors 1n writing that grant funds can be
used only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor, or for any other
purpose conferring 1mperm1ss1ble private benefit? 0 Y e s 0 No
l=tfllil Conservation Easements.
Complete 1f the orgarnzat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 1 Part IV, line 7
1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply)
D Preservation of land for public use (e g , recreation or education) D
Preservation of a historically important land area
D Protection of natural habitat D Preservation of a certified historic structure

D Preservation of open space
2 Complete lines 2a through 2d 1f the organization held a qualified conservation contribution 1n the form of a conservation
easement on the last day of the tax year Held at the End of the Tax Year
a Total number of conservation easements 2a
b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements 2b
c Number of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) 2c
d Number of conservation easements included 1n (c) acquired after 7/25/06, and not on a
historic structure listed in the National Register 2d
3 Number of conservation easements mod1f1ed, transferred, released, ext1ngu1shed, or terminated by the organization during
the tax year • -----------------
4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement 1s located • ------------------
5 Does the organization have a written policy regarding the periodic monitoring, 1nspect1on, handling of
v1olat1ons, and enforcement of the conservation easements 1t holds? D
Yes D No
6 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to morntonng, inspecting, handling of v1olat1ons, and enforcing conservation easements during the year


Amount of expenses incurred in monitoring, inspecting, handling of v1olat1ons. and enforcing conservation easements during the year
• $
8 Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 170(h)(4)(8)(1)
and section 170(h)(4)(8)(11)? D
Yes D No
9 In Part XIII, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement, and
balance sheet, and include, 1f applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's f1nanc1al statements that describes
the or anizat1on's account,n for conservation easements
Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets.
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 8
1a If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report in ,ts revenue statement and balance sheet
works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance
of public service, provide, 1n Part XIII, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items
b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report 1n ,ts revenue statement and balance sheet
works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research 1n furtherance
of public service, provide the following amounts relating to these items
(i) Revenue included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 • $ ------------------------
(ii)Assets included 1n Form 990, Part X • $ ------------------------
2 If the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets for financial gain, provide the
following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relating to these items
a Revenue included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 1
• $ ------------------------
b Assets included in Form 990 Part X • $
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schedule D (Form 990) 2017
ScheduleD(Form990)2017 CONEY ISLAND USA 13-3215645 Pae 2
Or anizations Maintainin Collections of Art Historical Treasures or Other Similar Assets continued
3 Using the organization's acqu1s1t1on, accession, and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its
collection items (check all that apply)
a 0 Public exh1b1t1on doLoan or exchange programs
b 0 Scholarly research eD Other
c 0 Preservation for future generations
4 Provide a description of the organization's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose 1n Part
5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar
assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collection? D Yes D No
UiflUi Escrow and Custodial Arrangements.
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form
990 Part X line 21
1a Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other intermediary for contributions or other assets not
included on Form 990, Part X? D Yes D No
b If "Yes," explain the arrangement 1n Part XIII and complete the following table
c Beginning balance 1c 0
d Add1t1ons during the year 1d
e D1stribut1ons during the year 1e
f Ending balance 1f 0
2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account l1ab11ity? D Yes 0 No
b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIII Check here 1f the explanation has been provided on Part XIII D
1:2ffi#j Endowment Funds.
Complete 1fthe oraarnzat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV line 10
(a) Current year (b) Pnor year (c) Two years back (d) Three years back (e) Four years back
1a Beginning of year balance 3 454 007 3 454 007 3 547 050 3 585 694 3 692 621
b Contributions 0 54,112 10,500
C Net investment earnings, gains,
and losses
d Grants or scholarships
e Other expenditures for fac11it1es
and programs 232,337 232,337 93,043 92,756 109,630
f Adm1nistrat1ve expenses 7,797
g End of year balance 3,221,670 3,221,670 3,454,007 3,547,050 3,585,694
2 Provide the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (line 1g, column (a)) held as
a Board designated or quasi-endowment ... --------------~-
b Permanent endowment ... %
c Temporarily restricted endowment ... ______________ .'.',:'.o_
The percentages on Imes 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100%
3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the
organization by Yes No
(i) unrelated organizations Ja(i) X
(ii) related organizations Ja(ii) X
b If "Yes" on line 3a(11), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? 3b
4 Describe 1n Part XIII the intended uses of the or amzat1on's endowment funds
Land, Buildings, and Equipment.
Complete 1f the oraarnzat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV line 11a see Form 990 Part XI me 10
Description of property (a) Cost or other bas,s (b) Cost or other (c) Accumulated (d) Book value
(investment) bas,s (other) deprec1at1on

1a Land 0 1 164 995 1 164,995

b Buildings 0 3 455,855 806 905 2 648 950
C Leasehold improvements 0 39,113 28,176 10,937
d Equipment 0 47 328 21,032 26,296
e Other 0 22,310 22,310 0
Total. Add lines 1a throuah 1e (Column (d) must eaual Form 990 Part X column (BJ, /me 10c J ... 3 851 178
Schedule D (Form 990) 2017
Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 CONEY ISLAND. U SA 13-3215645 Page 3
•4ffii•JjM Investments-Other Securities.
Complete 1f the oraarnzat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV hne 11b See Form 990, Part X hne 12
(a) Descnpt·on of securrty or category (bl Book value (c) Method of valuation
(including name of securrty) Cost or end-of-year market value

(1) Financial denvat1ves 0

(2) Closely-held equity interests 0
(3) Other ______ , --------------------------------------+---------+---------------------
--- lA) --------------------------------------------------+----------+-----------------
--- (!3) ----------------·---------------------------------+----------+-----------------
___ JC)--------------------------------------------------+----------+-----------------
___ JD) __________________________________________________ + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - _lE) ______ - -- - ----- - -------- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
___ (f) _----- - --- - --- - - ------- - -- --- - - -- - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
___ iG) __________________________________________________ +----------+-----------------
Total. Column (bJ must eaual Form 990, Part X, col (BJ /me 12 J ..
Investments-Program Related.
Como Iete If t he oraarnzat1on answered ''Y es on Form 99 0 p art IV hne 11 c See Form 990 Part X, hne 13
(a) Description of investment (b) Book value (c) Method of valuation
Cost or end-of-year market value

Total. (Column (b) must equal Form 990, Part X, col (B) /me 13) .. 0 it•fuf~f\'.l~!#~~~!K.~~~M'~~~~i4
Other Assets.
·::6ffii··· C omo ete If t he organization answered " y es on Form 990, p art IV, hne 11d See Form 990, Part X, hne 15
(a) Descnpt•on (b) Book value

171 .
Total. (Column (b) must eaual Form 990, Part X, col (B) /me 15)
• _,,Tli_
. 0
Other Liabilities .
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, hne 11e or 11f See Form 990, Part X,
hne 25
(a) Description of hab•lrty (b) Book value

Federal income taxes 0


Total. (Column (b) must equal Form 990, Part X, col (B) /me 25) .. 0
2. L1ab1llty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons In Part XIII, provide the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that reports the
orgarnzat1on's hab1hty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740) Check here 1f the text of the footnote has been provided ,n Part XIII D
Schedule D (Fonn 990) 2017
Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 CONEY ISLAND US A 13-3215645 Pae 4
Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return.
Com lete 1fthe or anizat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV line 12a
1 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements 940 157
2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12
a Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 2a
b Donated services and use of fac1ht1es 2b
c Recoveries of prior year grants 2c
d Other (Describe 1n Part XIII) 2d
e Add Imes 2a through 2d 0
3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 940,157
4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1
a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a
b Other (Describe in Part XIII ) 4b
c Add lines 4a and 4b 0
5 Total revenue Add lines3 and 4c. This must e ual Form 990, Part I, /me 12 940,157
Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return.
Com lete 1fthe or anizat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 Part IV line 12a
1 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements 1,175,463
2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25
a Donated services and use of fac11it1es 2a
b Prior year adJustments 2b
c Other losses 2c
d Other (Describe in Part XIII) 2d
e Add Imes 2a through 2d 0
3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 1 175 463
4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1
a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b 4a
b Other (Describe 1n Part XIII) 4b
c Add Imes 4a and 4b 0
Total ex enses Add Imes 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, Part I, /me 18) 1,175,463
Su lemental Information.
Provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part Ill, lines 1a and 4, Part IV, lines 1band 2b, Part V, line 4, Part X, line
2, Part XI, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XII, Imes 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide any additional information

Schedule D (Fenn 990) 2017

Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645 Pae 5
lemental Information continued

Schedule D (Form 990) 2017

Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities 0MB No 1545-0047
(Form 990 or 990-EZ) Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, hne 17, 18, or 19, or 1f the
organization entered more than $15,000 on Form 990-EZ, hne 6a ~®17
Department of the Treasury • Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ Open to Public
Internal Revenue Service • Go to www.,rs. ov/Form990 for the latest instructions Inspection
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1ficat1on number

CONEY ISLAND, US A 13-3215645

Fund raising Activities. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 17
Form 990-EZ filers are not required to complete this part
1 Indicate whether the organization raised funds through a,!!Y, of the following activ1t1es Check all that apply
a [RJ Mail solic1tat1ons e ~ Solic1tat1on of non-government grants
b [RJ Internet and email solic1tat1ons f [RJ Solic1tat1on of government grants
c [RJ Phone solic1tat1ons g [RJ Special fundra1s1ng events
d [RJ In-person sol1c1tations
2a D1d the organization have a written or oral agreement with any ind1v1dual (including officers, directors, trustees,
key employees listed 1n Form 990, Part VII) or entity 1n connection with professional fundra1sing services? D Yes [RJ No
b If "Yes," list the 10 highest paid 1nd1v1duals or entities (fund raisers) pursuant to agreements under which the fundra1ser 1s
to be compensated at least $5,000 by the organization

(v) Amount paid to

(111) Did fundra,ser have (v1) Amount paid to
(1) Name and address of 1nd1v1dual (1v) Gross receipts (or retained by)
(11) Act1v1ty custody or control of (or retained by)
or entrty (fundra,ser) from act,vrty fundra,ser listed ,n
contnbut,ons? organization
col (1)

Yes No
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Total ... 0 0 0
3 List all states 1n which the organization 1s registered or licensed to solicit contributions or has been not1f1ed 1t 1s exempt from
reg1strat1on or licensing

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645 Pa e 2
Fundraising Events. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, hne 18, or reported
more than $15,000 of fundra1smg event contributions and gross income on Form 990-EZ, Imes 1 and 6b List
events wit h aross rece1ots areater t han $5, 000
(a) Event #1 (b) Event #2 (c) Other events
(d) Total events
SPRING GALA NONE (add col (a) through
col (cl)
(event type) (event type) (total number)
Q) 1 Gross receipts 41,956 0 41,956
2 Less Contributions 0 0
3 Gross income (line 1
minus line 2) 41,956 0 41,956

4 Cash prizes 0 0

5 Noncash prizes 0 0
en 6 RenUfac11ity costs 0 0
w 7 Food and beverages 3 555 0 3 555
i:5 8 Entertainment 1,467 0 1,467

9 Other direct expenses 9,711 0 9,711

Direct expense summary Add lines 4 through 9 1n column (d)
Net income summarv Subtract line 10 from line 3, column (d)
•• ( 14,733)
•::.. 11•11• Gaming. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 19, or reported more
than $15 000 on Form 990-EZ hne 6a
Q) (bl Pull tabshnstant (d) Total gaming (add
:, (a) Bingo (c) Other gaming
C bingo/progressive bingo col (a) through col (cl)

a:: 1 Gross revenue 0

en 0
Q) 2 Cash prizes
X 3 Noncash prizes 0
ti 0
~ 4 RenUfac11ity costs
5 Other direct ex enses
0Yes % 0Yes -----------
% 0Yes %
6 Volunteer labor 0No 0No 0No

7 Direct expense summary Add lines 2 through 5 1n column (d)

8 Net am1n income summa Subtract line 7 from line 1, column d
• 0

9 Enter the state(s) in which the organization conducts gaming act1v1!1es

a Is the organization licensed to conduct gaming act1v1t1es in each of these states? Yes D
No D
b If "No," explain _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

10a Were any of the organization's gaming licenses revoked, suspended, or terminated during the tax year? Yes DNo D
b If "Yes," explain _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND. US A 13-3215645 Page 3
11 Does the organization conduct gaming act1v1t1es with nonmembers? Oves D No
12 Is the organization a granter, benef1c1ary or trustee of a trust, or a member of a partnership or other entity
formed to administer charitable gaming? Oves D No
13 Indicate the percentage of gaming act1v1ty conducted 1n
a The organization's facility %
b An outside facility %
14 Enter the name and address of the person who prepares the organization's gam1ng/spec1al events books
and records


Address .,.

1Sa Does the organization have a contract with a third party from whom the organization receives gaming
revenue? Oves D No
b er
If "Yes," enter the amount of gaming revenue received by the organization .,. $ _______________ and the
amount of gaming revenue retained by the third party .,. $ _______________q
c If "Yes," enter name and address of the third party


Address .,.

16 Gaming manager 1nformat1on


Gaming manager compensation ... $ 0

Description of services provided ...

D Director/officer D Employee D lnde~endent contractor
17 Mandatory d1stribut1ons
a Is the organization required under state law to make charitable d1stribut1ons from the gaming proceeds to
retain the state gaming license? 0Yes D No
b Enter the amount of d1stribut1ons reqwred under state law to be distributed to other exempt organizations
ent in the or anizat1on's own exem t act1v1ties dunn the tax ear .,. $ 0
Supplemental Information. Provide the explanations required by Part I, line 2b, columns (111) and (v), and
Part 111, Imes 9, 9b, 10b, 15b, 15c, 16, and 17b, as applicable Also provide any add1t1onal mformat1on-
See instructions

Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

SCHEDULE J Compensation Information 0MB No 1545-0047

(Form 990)
For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest
Compensated Employees ~@17
"' Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 23.
Department of the Treasury "'Attach to Form 990. Open to Public
Internal Revenue Service "' Go to www irs. ov!Form990 for instructions and the latest information. Inspection
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1f1cat1on number

CONEY ISLAND, US A 13-3215645

Questions Re

1a Check the appropriate box(es) 1f the organization provided any of the following to or for a person listed on Form
990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a Complete Part Ill to pro_v1de any relevant information regarding these items
D First-class or charter travel D Housing allowance or residence for personal use
D Travel for companions D Payments for business use of personal residence
D Tax indemnification and gross-up payments D Health or social club dues or 1nit1at1on fees
D D1scret1onary spending account D Personal services (such~s. maid, chauffeur, chef)

b If any of the boxes on line 1a are checked, did the organization follow a written policy regarding payment
or reimbursement or prov1s1on of all of the expenses described above? If "No," complete Part Ill to
explain r

2 Did the organization require substant1at1on prior to re1mburs1ng or allowing expenses incurred by all
directors, trustees, and officers, 1nclud1ng the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked on line
1a? •

3 Indicate which, 1f any, of the following the filing organization used to establish the compensation of the
organization's CEO/Executive Director Check all that apply Do not check any boxes for methods used by a
related organization to establish compensation of the CEO/Executive Director, but explain 1n Part Ill
D Compensation committee D Written employment contract
D Independent compensation consultant D Compensation survey or study
D Form 990 of other organizations D Approval by the board or compensation committee
4 During the year, did any person listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, with respect to the f1l1ng
organization or a related organization
a Receive a severance payment or change-of-control payment?
b Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, a supplemental nonqualified retirement plan?
c Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement?
If "Yes" to any of Imes 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part Ill

Only section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations must complete lines 5-9.
5 For persons listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, did the organization pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the revenues of
a The organization?
b Any related organization?
If "Yes" on line 5a or 5b, describe in Part Ill

6 For persons listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, did the organization pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the net earnings of
a The organization?
b · Any related organization?
If "Yes" on line 6a or 6b, describe in Part Ill

7 For persons listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, did the organization provide any nonf1xed
payments not described on lines 5 and 6? If "Yes," describe 1n Part Ill 7 X
8 Were any amounts reported on Form 990, Part VII, paid or accrued pursuant to a contract that was
subJect to the"1nit1al contract exception described in Regulat1~>ns section 53 4958-4(a)(3)? If "Yes," describe
1n Part Ill

9 If "Yes" on line 8, did the organization also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure described 1n
Re ulat1ons section 53 4958-6 c ? 9
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schedule J (Form 990) 2017
Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 2
Officers, Directors. Trustees, Ke 1es 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed
For each 1nd1v1dual whose compensation must be reported on Schedule J, report compensation from the organization on row (1) and from related orgamzat1ons, described m the
instructions, on row (11) Do not list any md1v1duals that aren't listed on Form 990, Part VII
for each listed md1v1dual must equal the total amount of Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, applicable column (D) and (E) amounts for that md1v1dual
(B) Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1099-MISC compensation
(Cl Retirement and (Dl Nontaxable (El Total of columns (F) Compensation
(A) Name and Tille (1111 Other other deferred benefrts (B)(1HD) incolumn (Bl reported
(1) Base (111 Bonus & 1ncent1ve compensation as deferred on prior
compensation compensation Form 990








Schedule J (Form 9901 2017
Schedule J (Fonn 990) 2011 CONEY ISLAND£ U S A 13-3215645 Pa,ae 3
14Mjjj1 Supplemental Information
Provide the information, explanation, or descnpt1ons required for Part I, lines 1a, 1b, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8, and for Part II Also complete this part
for any add1t1onal information

Schedule J (Form 990) 2017

SCHEDULE L Transactions With Interested Persons 0MB No 1545-0047

(Form 990 or 990-EZ) • Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a, 25b, 26, 27,
28a, 28b, or 28c, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a or 40b.
Department of the Treasury • Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. Open To Public
Internal Revenue Service • Go to www.1rs. ov/Form990 for instructions and the latest information. Inspection
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1ficat1on number

CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645

Excess Benefit Transactions (section 501 (c)(3), section 501 (c)(4), and 501 (c)(29) organizations only)
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 25a or 25b, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 40b
(b) Relat1onsh1p between disqualified person and (d) Corrected?
1 (a) Name of disqualified person organization (c) Descnpt,on of transaction
Yes No

2 Enter the amount of tax incurred by the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year
under section 4958 .. $ _ _ _ __
3 Enter the amount of tax, 1f any, on line 2, above, reimbursed by the organization .. $
lifliil Loans to and/or From Interested Persons.
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 38a or Form 990, Part IV, line 26, or 1f the
organization reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 5, 6, or 22

(a) Name of interested person (b) Relat1onsh1p (c) Purpose (d) Loan to or (e) Original (f) Balance due (g) In default? (h) Approved (1) Written
with organization of loan from the principal amount by board or agreement?
organ1zat1on? committee?

To From Yes No Yes No Yes No

. Grants or Assistance Benefiting Interested Persons .
. $ 0 ,, ,'.J<. ;,.,, '\ .,:- l;:)~·;s,,t,;', i:tt:i- r~ ~G::;_1; \~, ~,~
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 27
(a) Name of interested person (b) Relat1onsh1p between interested (c) Amount of assistance (d) Type of assistance (e) Purpose of assistance
person and the organization

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 CONEY ISLAND, U SA 13-3215645 Page 2
1ifli(j Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons.
Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 28a, 28b, or 28c
(a) Name of interested person (bl Relat1onsh1p between (c) Amount of (d) Descr1pt1on of transaction (e) Shanng of
interested person and the transaction organization's
organization revenues?

Yes No
•=.1 ••,. Supplemental Information
Provide add1t1onal 1nformat1on for responses to questions on Schedule L (see ,nstructions)

Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

SCHEDULE 0 Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ 0MB No 1545-0047
(Form 990 or 990-EZ) Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on
Form 990 or 990-EZ or to provide any additional information. ~@17
"" Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ. Open to Public
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service "" Go to for the latest information. Inspection
Name of the organization Employer 1dent1ficat1on number

CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645

_Form _990,_ Part Ill, Lane 4d __ Pro_g_ram Serv1ce_ ExFenses_ 42,503,_ Grants and allocations _________________________ ------------------------



_Form_990, Part Ill, Lane 4d __ Pro.9.ram Service_Ex_penses_ 244,406, Grants_and allocations 0, --------------------------------------------

_Revenue_ 193,868 _PROGRAM_ RELATED SALES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_Form _990,_ Part VI, Sect1on_ b, Lane 11 b _COPIES OF THE FORM 990 IS CIRCULATED TO_ALL_BOARD _______________________________ _

_Form_990,_Part VI, Sect1on_b, Lane 12c AT THE ANNUAL_BOARD MEETING, THE ISSUE OF CONFLICT OF _________________________ _


Form_990, Part VI, Section b, Lane 15b _COMPENSATION OF TOP MANAGEMANT IS RESEARCHED BY ____________________________ _

_LOOKING AT SIMILAR TAX_ EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_Form _990,_ Part VI, Sect1on_ c, Lane 19 _PUBLIC ENQUIRIES ARE REFERRED TO_GUIDESTAR WEBSITE_ IN ________________________ _


For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017)
Schedule O (Fom, 990 or 990-EZ) (2017) Pae 2
Name of the orgamzat,on Employer 1dent1ficat1on number

CONEY ISLAND U SA 13-3215645

Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017)

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