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Madyson Marquette Her News, [Dec 1, 2021 at 07:56]

You will learn how to take back your Sovereignty and how to take DOMINION over the
three Jurisdictions of LAW, While gaining a clear understanding of what LAW
actually stands for.

Learn how the Judicial System quickly deems you insane,  and incompetent to handle
your affairs and that is why you need an attorney to represent you... or the proper
meaning of the word...  "Re-Present You" to the Court and Judge since the Birth
Certificate Process has deemed you Dead At Sea and Property or Chattle!

You will learn about the fraud that was committed against us all by the Elite
Banking Class and how you do not even own your home, even if you have paid all your
mortgage payments!
Learn why the County always holds your "Title/Warranty Deed" which deems you a
financial interest in your property yet the Title/Warranty Deed does not Grant You
 You are considered "A Joint (or single) Tenant in Common"...  You are considered
"A Renter" of your home and that the State actually owns your home!

You will learn how the Elite Banking Class used Commercial Banking Terms to tax
your "Private Property" by calling it Residential, and how to turn it back into
Private Property and eliminate your property taxes and all this is Lawful under the
UCC Codes which is the actual LAW.

Learn and understand the "Chain of Title" and how to perfect the ownership of your
home through perfecting your "Land Patent" and how no one can place a "Lein" on
your home once you complete the Land Patent Process, which is all backed by settled
law through Superior Title of the Land Patent! Even if you owe on your mortgage you
can still perfect the Land Patent and have Superior Title over the Mortgage
Companies claim of Warranty Deed. You now become the factual OWNER OF YOUR HOME!

You will learn how to protect your family, property and assets through creating

You will learn how to protect your children and self from the Corporations through
the use of Trademarking your names.

You will also learn how all schools are not teaching us true history, yet
indoctrination is their goal and our children are their target!

You will gain a clear understanding of your Rights, Freedoms and Liberties and how
to take them Back as was intended by our Founding Fathers to live in peace and
harmony with our fellow man!

Reserve your spot so you can learn how to remedy all of these injustices!

There are no refunds for the event.

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