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4.1 Assignment
Daily Caloric Needs

Directions: For this assignment you will be calculating and analyzing your basal
metabolic rate and approximate daily caloric needs. Be sure you have viewed the
multimedia lessons before completing this assignment.

Part A: Basic Information

In order to perform the necessary calculations for this assignment, you must first
accurately measure your height & weight.

1. What is your current age? (1 pt)


2. What is your current height? (1 pt)


3. What is your current weight? (1 pt)


Part B: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) & Daily Calorie Expenditure

Figure out your BMR as well as your approximate daily caloric needs by answering the
questions below. Keep in mind that these are approximate numbers. Be sure to show
your work.

1. Use the formula below to calculate your approximate basal metabolic rate
(BMR)? Show your work. (3 pts)

For Females: body weight in pounds X 10

For Males: body weight in pounds X 11

BMR formula & calculation:

2. What is current your activity level? Low, Moderate, or Very Active (1 pt)

Activity level:

3. Using the formula based on your activity level, what amount of calories do you
expend through activity? (3 pts)

Inactive: BMR X 0.30

Moderately Active: BMR X 0.50
Extremely Active: BMR X 0.75

Activity calories formula & calculation:

4. According to the formula below, what is the amount of calories you burn in order
to digest food? Show your work. (3 pts)
© Carone Fitness 1

Digestion Calories = (BMR Calories + Activity Calories) X 0.1

Food digestion formula & calculation:

5. According to the formula below, what is the total amount of calories you need on
a daily basis in order to maintain your current weight? (3 pts)

Total Caloric Intake = BMR + Activity Calories + Digestion Calories

Daily calories formula & calculation:

6. How many calories would you need to eliminate from your diet per day if you
wanted to lose one pound per week? (1 pts)

Calories per day:

7. Your good friend Margaret is currently within appropriate ranges for height and
weight and body fat percentage, yet she thinks she is fat. Margaret is always
talking negatively about herself. She exercises vigorously at least an hour
everyday, and sometimes twice a day. Sometimes she skips meals.

What concerns do you have about Margaret? What could you say or do to help
her? Write at least one paragraph. (4 pts)

8. You’ve noticed that your dad has been really stressed out at work. When he’s
stressed he tends to eat more. Lately, he seems to be snacking all the time—
and usually on sweets or fatty foods. When he gets home from work, he says
he’s too tired to exercise, and usually just grabs some more snacks to eat in front
of the TV. The doctor has warned him that his blood pressure and cholesterol are
at dangerous levels and he is at high risk for a heart attack.

What could you do to help your dad change his lifestyle habits? Write at least
one paragraph. (4 pts)

© Carone Fitness 2

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