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INTRODUCTION The famous Templar is accused of committing grand trea-

son and possibly conspiring with the forces of darkness,
due to ties to a series of controversial events.
Time of Judgement is the first official adventure taking place
in the world of Fyera. The same man recently returned to Nalda as the sole sur-
vivor of a team of select and experienced adventurers.
The adventure was created for the purposes of the Open His many skills and contributions to the cause of light
Beta Testing of the world setting Soulmist: A Journey from throughout the years cannot be understated. And yet, his
Darkness to Light and is available for free to the global involvement in a recent series of strange, recurring events
community. – in which he played a key role – has called into question
his faith and dedication to the fight against the darkness.
Time of Judgement consists of four (4) limited-duration
adventures (one shots) which can either take place inde- Thus, the man finds himself on the stand of the most
pendently or sequentially. In other words, they were cre- powerful tribunal of Fyera, trying to assert his innocence
ated to be flexible, and can be played in any of the follow- before the Grand Judge of the Light against a staggering
ing ways: charge sheet which connects all these recurring “coinci-
a) Independently, by choosing any one of the 4 stories of
your choice. The case is highly unusual and convoluted. There is a lot
more at stake than the life of an officer of the Legislative
b) Sequentially, by starting from the first story and pro-
Order: the very reputation and integrity of the entire Lu-
gressing towards the fourth.
men society in the eyes of the other nations hangs in the
c) In tandem, where four (4) groups of players can each balance. Alhough there is ample evidence on both sides,
select one story and explore it. neither has enough to build a definitive case that con-
demns or exonerates Lieutenant Quinlan. And so, caught
In closing, we would like to inform players that the story in a stalemate, the Grand Judge reaches an unprecedented
contains interactive elements. Players who participate in verdict.
the Open Beta will have the option of “voting” on the di-
rection of the story upon finishing the adventure. He… summons some of the Lumen nobles observing the
trial to sit as jurors, and decide the fate of the Lieutenant
And so, our characters will journey through the eyes of
In the city of Nalda, capital of the Lumen and metropo-
the jurors, along a series of important and controversial
lis of the Lands of the Old Days, a very important trial is
points in time. They will live through what really hap-
pened, put the pieces of the puzzle together, and reach
The entirety of the Court of Justice is astir; the trial of the the final verdict that determines the innocence or guilt of
Templar and Third Lieutenant Quinlan Narmer continues the accused.
for a third consecutive turn of the hourglass.

The players will have the option to choose one of the avail-
able premade characters included in the bundle and play
as the companions of Quinlan, from Nalda all the way to
the Darklands, where their quest will take them.
Each group of players will choose one of the four avail- Every living being in Fyera carries a flame within it. The
able stories, and upon completing it, will discuss among actions of each individual determine the intensity of that
themselves and decide how the juror who witnessed that flame. Those who choose a shallow, inoffensive life have
particular “moment” will vote. a small, simmering fire within. Conversely, those whose
actions have a significant impact on the story possess a
This vote can be submitted on the game’s website, on the mighty, raging flame.
link and the re-
sults of the vote at the end of the Kickstarter campaign At the same time, if these actions lean towards good, that
will decide the fate of Quinlan and the outcome of the sto- flame sparkles with a brilliant gold-white lustre. How-
ry, which will, in turn, influence major events in the world ever, in those whose thoughts and deeds spread misery,
of Fyera. pain or death, their flame grows darker, until it turns pitch

THE WORLD The gauge of this dark influence – the measurement of

how much the dark has left its fingerprints on a soul, in
The game takes place in a fantastical world called Fyera. other words – is called Erebos.

Fyera was once an enviable planet with seas, rivers, trop- As they depart from life, these flames abandon the mortal
ical forests, mountains and evergreen plains. Its various shell they were encased in, to join with an invisible nebula
societies and civilizations lived in relative peace until a referred to as the Nebula of Souls, or alternatively, Soul-
catastrophic upheaval befell the land, which the inhabi- mist. The sum of these souls, these Soulsparks, determines
tants dubbed Ruination. the balance of the world in a very real way. If Soulmist fills
up with dark Soulsparks, things will not bode well for the
The earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions and mis- following years. If, on the other hand, the souls of those
cellaneous natural disasters that ensued lasted for months. who lived a good life are more plentiful, good things can
When, at last, things simmered down, nothing was as it be expected to come.
had once been, least of all Fyera herself. The rate of its or-
bit shifted, becoming slower; so much so that it synced up In this way, the world of Fyera is a place where both the
with the Sun. This resulted in one side of the planet being players and the peoples that inhabit it determine their
constantly cast in light, while the other side was shrouded own fates, rather than being beholden to cryptic, divine
in eternal darkness… entities beyond our understanding.

But that darkness did not come alone. Beings and crea-
tures, beyond anyone’s imagination or worst nightmares, EREBOS
emerged in the dark corners of Fyera. To this day, these
creatures seek to assert supremacy, while the old peoples Erebos reflects the influence of the Darkness and its con-
of the world struggle to contain them, understand them, sequences on Fyera. After all, nothing remained utterly
and eliminate them. unaffected by the appearance and spread of the Darkness:
neither the world with its many diverse landscapes, nor
The territories which remained in the light are called the souls of mortal folk.
Lands of the Old Days, but they are nothing like what
they once used to be. Seas, rivers and lakes either reced- Erebos does not depict how good or evil a character is
ed or outright evaporated; the majority of the flora was (as good and evil are very relative concepts in Fyera). It
wiped out by the drought and constant sunlight; and only reflects how much their soul, heart and mind have been
a few places remaining unchanged, mostly near whatever marked by the influence of the Darkness.
waters remained, while the surviving plant life preserves
itself through a magical variant of photosynthesis. Good people happen to do bad deeds and vice versa. The
world around you will experience these deeds, and treat
The realms between these lands of constant light and the you accordingly. But only Erebos can describe what hap-
part of the world that is in utter darkness are called Pen- pens inside the Soulspark of a person.
umbra. Penumbra is draped in eternal twilight, which gets
brighter the further west one travels, and dimmer if you A character with high Erebos is not necessarily a monster,
travel east. These regions are covered by jungles, tropical but they have certainly lived through so many harsh and
forests or expansive mountain ranges, depending on how difficult experiences, so much darkness and death, that
far north or south you happen to be. their imprints are indelibly left on the flame of their soul.
Conversely, a character with a low Erebos may well be
Finally, the lands covered in darkness are aptly named “evil” but they certainly have been exposed to actions and
Darklands – a name that they earn to the fullest. results that will carry around like weights until the end of
their life.
This game is essentially about the continuous and unend-
ing struggle of old civilizations for survival, the clash of
two worlds, and the journey from the light into the heart
of darkness!

Erebos Effects
What does ‘gaining an Erebos level’ mean for
Erebos Description Effect
someone? Do they become corrupted? Do they die? Level
Your soulspark is pure and untouched No effect
The answer is no. As we have mentioned earlier, 1 by the darkness. You have lived a peace-
ful and quiet life.
the Darkness affects everything around it. This,
however, doesn’t necessarily mean that it has cor- You haven’t seen much, but still who No effect
2 doesn’t have at least one horrible
rupted it completely. Gaining the first Erebos lev- memory.
els means that your prolonged or intense contact
Well, life is good and all that, but some No effect
with the Darkness has left its mark upon your soul times it has a way of distorting even her
– dark blotches that have stained the gold-and- most beutiful faces.
white flame of your soul, but have not managed You still try to have a positive outlook No effect
to snuff it or turn it black. 4 on the world, but damn, some days its
getting realy hard.
However, the more a character continues to ex-
pose themselves to the Darkness, or the more You have seen a lot. An essential part of Separation,
your soul has darkened and the world Panic, Insomnia,
their actions link to it, things change. At Erebos 5
around you isn’t the same anymore. Nightmares
levels 5 and 6, a character affected by the darkness
instinctively and unconsciously begins to mutate There is a place inside your heart that No effect
continues to shine light, but you are not
and embrace the dark aspect of his flame. What 6
sure why.
follows is delusions, voices in the head, inexplica-
ble rage, depression and despair. Maybe you feel like drowning or maybe Shock, Depres-
7 you try not feel at all. But one thing you sion, Identity
On the 10th Erebos level the character has almost fell for certain. Cold lonely darkness.
completely succumbed to the darkness. The voices
inside their head and the delusions start becoming Most of the times you fear that the Mania, Illusions
more real, and so vivid and intimidating that they 8 darkness will swallow you whole. You
know you should try to get away, but…
can issue commands to the character, which are you maybe kind of like it?
hard to resist. Very few have ever returned from
this path, while most have permanently passed One step away. Every living moment is Delirium,
over to the side of Darkness. 9 a nightmare. You want to stop the pain. Madness
Maybe if you take the step it will stop.
On the table below you will find a detailed anal-
ysis of the effects of each Erebos level on living No one can say that has come thus far
organisms. 10 and came back to tell the tale. I bet you ?
wanna know how it feels, right?

Conditions Separation: You feel an intense longing for company espe-

As you progress in Erebos levels, you gain conditions re- cially for the people close to you. Whenever you are alone,
flecting your state of mind. The higher the Erebos level, without the company of a party member or a friend, tre-
the higher the toll the events you have witnessed or com- mendous fear overcomes your body. If you spend a Fate
mitted have taken on your soul. Some of these afflictions point, you can resist that fear for 1 hour, otherwise you
might even be permanent and should always relate to the must search and find your companions. While in this state
way your character has been broken. of fear you cannot add your proficiency bonus to any roll,
until you reunite with your party or a close friend.
Work with your GM, and ask the other players too, when
choosing this condition, as all ought be comfortable and Panic: Sometimes some situations are very difficult to
considerate with one another. These conditions are intro- handle. When you face very emotional situations, your
duced to offer more drama in the story and try to ground mind becomes enveloped in panic. You cannot breath
it with real consequences, but the priority is to enjoy your- properly, you are disoriented and you want to leave im-
selves. mediately. While in this state your first priority is to run
away, and until you do you cannot add your proficiency
At any time this system comes in the way having fun, talk bonus to any roll. You can spend a fate point to negate the
to the rest of the table and make the necessary changes effects for 10 minutes.
without any hesitation.
Insomnia: You want sleep but its very difficult for you to
relax. Whenever you sleep make a d20 roll, if the result is
lower than your Erebos level, for the next five days your
insomnia takes hold. While in this state you cannot rest
properly, and you need a long rest to enjoy the benefits of
a short rest. A short rest does not occur any benefits.

Nightmares: You are mind is troubled and your dreams At every Erebos level increase, the GM might, as well as
even more. Whenever you sleep make a d20 roll, if the re- giving these permanent conditions to the players, also
sult is lower than your Erebos level, for the next five days give some of them for a short period of time. If the GM
nightmares trouble your dreams. While in this state you thinks that a particular act was especially traumatizing,
permanently have at least one exhaustion level and every they should give one of the conditions above for a few
social interaction is penalized by your Erebos level. days.
Shock: The horrible memories of the past always seem to This short period of time should be adjusted according
haunt you. Whenever you make a Trauma roll, regardless to the needs of your campaign, but usually occurs for 5
of the result, flashes of the past surface your mind. When to 10 days. For example, if a player, with Erebos level 2,
this happens you recluse to yourself, and you are unable witnesses a village getting massacred and they receive an
to make any actions for the next 10 minutes. You can post- Erebos level because of it, the GM might also give you the
pone the effects for 5 minutes by spending a Fate point. Shock condition for a few days.
Depression: The slow departure from this world. Every These non-permanent conditions shouldn’t be abused,
time you awaken from sleep make a d20 roll, if the result and mostly be given to players with low Erebos level,
is lower than your Erebos level, you sink on a state of de- when they experience an extraordinary situation. The
pression for the next 5 days. This state is characterized by purpose of this rule is to drive the punch of a very brutal
low self-esteem, self-neglect and disinterest in any activi- event, not to encumber the players with conditions.
ty previously thought to be pleasurable. While you are in
this state, all social roles and any Wisdom saving throws
are penalized by your Erebos level. Trauma
Identity: Your consciousness has split in two distinct per- Whenever a character performs an act or find themselves
sonalities. When you take this condition choose three new in a situation that could negatively mark their flame, they
backgrounds for your second personality and talk with will be called upon to roll a Trauma Roll, whose difficulty
your GM to define it more precisely. Whenever any other will be determined by the importance of that act/circum-
condition you might have takes effect, you may opt to ne- stance.
glect their effects and instead let your second personality
take hold for 1 hour. Your second personality should have There are three categories, divided into Minor (DC 8),
very distinct goals and preferably goals in opposition to Moderate (DC 13) and Major (DC18). Add the character’s
your standard personality. Erebos level to this roll. For example, if a character aban-
dons her companions to certain death in the Darklands, in
Mania: At the edge of yourself there is always an almost a moment of fear and despair, this is considered a Major
primal sense of survival. Whenever any other condition Act, and the player should be asked to roll a trauma roll
you might have takes effect, you may opt to neglect their DC18 [1d20 + 4 (where 4 is the character’s existing Erebos
effects and instead let your self into a manic rage for 10 Level)]. If the player succeeds on this roll they do not gain
minutes. While in this state you attack any creature in an Erebos Level, though this does not of course mean that
your vicinity in the most brutal way possible. the event went unnoticed.

Illusions: Your eyes might trick you, or the darkness Conversely, if the roll is a failure, the event will forever
might play with you, or maybe only know you see the scar the character’s soul, darkening her flame and weigh-
world as it is. Two times per long rest you witness horri- ing on her consciousness for a long time; in short, she
fying audio-visual illusions. You can spend a Fate point to gains an Erebos Level. Whenever an act’s severity is re-
recognize there are unreal, but otherwise you must act as duced bellow Minor, the roll is an automatic success.
if they were real.
Delirium: Some believe that an evil spirit has taken hold
of you, others believe you are becoming one yourself. Scars can be found in two places, in bodies and in car-
Whenever any other conditions you might have take ef- casses. Not much can be said about the carcasses, the only
fect, instead of the normal effects, you fall into a trance- thing they can be useful for is in pointing out how their
like state unable to move or make any action. While in host died. In bodies, however, scars have a lot to offer.
this state, everything in your vicinity starts to shake, and They begin as wounds and always hurt upon their cre-
through your mouth unknown words start to form. You ation. Some stop quickly, while others take their time. But
remain in that state for 1 minute, and after it you have whatever the case, the scar is what remains after the pain
no memory of the event. Anyone witnessing you becomes has subsided, a token of the memories and the experience
immediately terrified and must make a DC 18 Wisdom it holds within. The Warlords, fighters of the Yildrasyr,
saving throw to take any action. measure a warrior’s skill by the scars on their body. But
what about the scars on their soul?
Madness: Nothing is the same anymore and you might
not even notice that. You are at a constant state of mad- Soulscars are the wounds of the soul that have been healed
ness, your mind has lost almost all its lucidity. Otherwise, and have left their scars as both a memento and a lesson to
you are unable to act in the appropriate way in any situa- their host. Soulscars carry, not only the individual experi-
tion. If you must be silent you sing, if you must fight you ence, but also the collective experience of a tribe, a dynas-
dance, if you must be courteous you insult. ty, or even an entire culture. It is the lesson learned and
experienced by someone else before us, so that we don’t
By spending a Fate point you can act appropriately in a have to go through it.
situation, but still you are far from normal. When you re-
ceive this condition, you simultaneously lose any other
conditions you might have.

A soulscar represents a specific action that under normal Fate Pool
circumstances would cause the character to roll for Trau-
ma. In this particular action, the character with a soulscar FP Calculation
is so “familiar” with the situation, that the act itself no Area lvl Example White FP Black FP
longer affects them as much as it would affect anyone else
performing it. In effect, a soulscar reduces the trauma cat- 1 City in LoOD, full of 2 X Players +2 CPEL -2
egory by a step. platinum soulsparks,
untouched by the
For example, if a Red Scarab Assassin with a soulscar in
assassination, kills a target under a contract, the act is re- 2 Distant Area in LoOD, 2 X Players +1 CPEL - 1
duced from moderate to minor, making it quite difficult sunny desert or
to gain an erebos level from such activities. But if he steals wasteland
the only food from a beggar and subsequently the begar 3 Eldrasyr Forests/ 2 X Players +1 CPEL - 1
loses his life from starvation then he will definitely roll Primus Western
for moderate or major act without any favor from his scar. Borders, Penumbra’s
Each player upon character creation starts with 2 Soul- 4 Eldrasyr Forests/ 2 X Players CPEL + 0
cars and chooses one more for every 2 Erebos levels they Primus Western
acquire. The Soulscars should be created based upon Borders/ Penumbra’s
the backround of a character and their experiences and Monuments
should reflect specific instances that the character ap- 5 Darklands Outskirts/ 2 X Players CPEL+ 1/Player
proaches with a relative apathy. Always consult with Lands before the
your GM before making these decisions and help each Cressets
other explore the ways the character has evolved, and the 6 Deep Darklands / 1 X Players CPEL+ 1/Player
ways she could continue to evolve. You should use only a Ancient Underground
few words to describe a character’s Soulscar, but always Unexplored areas of
keep in mind the broader environment in which they ex- Fyera
ist. A Soulspark in violence, for example, is a very broad
term to be eligible, but a specific type of violence is.
Calculating & Using Fate Points According
Destiny to Area Erebos Level
Every person has a purpose in the world. Or so they think. When players interact with an area, whether by simply
Whatever the case, people believe in greater powers or visiting a city to rest, or even when they’ve engaged in
roles that they must support or fulfil. And this believe, combat, the StoryTeller creates the Fate Pool of this scene,
this extraordinary determination to “do the right thing”, which is determined by 3 factors: The Area Erebos Level,
leads many people to extreme lengths to achieve their
missions or duties. the number of players, and the total sum of Erebos Level
of the group.
In the road to fulfilling her destiny a character may stum-
ble upon terrible circumstances or be forced to commit
terrible acts, but the knowledge that things happened for The Fate Pool is always created at the start of the scene,
a greater purpose, is a soothing drug and makes many before any action, and has the following characteristics.
people sleep better at night. • It is shared: Every player, NPC, even the encounters
themselves have access to it.
Whenever a Trauma roll occurs in the pursuit of a charac-
ters Destiny, the severity of the act is reduced by one step. • It has colorations: The Fate Pool is made up of black
and white Fate Points. Each player has access to the
Erebos and Areas colorations that aligns with their Soulspark (player
characters have access to white, encounters have ac-
The Erebos Level of each area is determined by the cor- cess to black).
relations of “colors” of the Soulmist in the area, but also
by the duration of these correlations. • It grants abilities and boons: By spending Fate
Points, players activate important abilities of their
Areas located in the light, cities, villages, and generally characters. The same, of course, applies to the Story-
places which contain large numbers of “pure” souls have Teller and the encounters.
lower Erebor Levels, while areas in Penumbra, ancient
and mysterious locations, unexplored trails and even ter- Spending Fate Points:
ritories which have fallen under the sway of the Darkness 1. Activate an ability or feat with a Fate Point re-
have average or even high Erebos Levels. quirement.
The Darklands constitute categories of their own as they 2. Reroll any die once, except while rolling for Ere-
belong to the highest Levels, five and six. bos.
3. Add or subtract 1 from any die (decide after the
roll, but before the outcome of the action)
4. Negate the effects of a single condition for 1 turn.

MAGIC Prohibited spells are forgotten by Fyera herself, so learn-
ing one is not as simple as selecting it as your new spell
when leveling up or when first creating your character.
Each culture is affected by Soulmist, but also by the flame You must research each prohibited spell to gather the nec-
within itself, differently. Exposure to Soulmist has, for ex- essary information to look for it in the world. Prohibited
ample, granted Lumens the ability to see across time, into spells can be awarded to spell-casting player characters as
the past or future, and has bestowed immortality upon the quest rewards or favors from powerful NPCs instead of
Primus. There are, however, certain special individuals magical items or currency.
within each culture who use their Soulsparks to actively Most of them are still hidden in tombs, dungeons and lairs
influence Soulmist. These are the mages. of dangerous creatures, but a few have also found them-
Mages, given time and enough practice and research, selves to civilized society. Researching prohibited spells
learn, not only how to keep their flame lit, but how to requires an intelligence (erebos lore) check against a DC
channel it into their bodies, giving them the ability to see of 15 + the spell’s level. Success on this check means that
and even touch Soulmist. By touching Soulmist, a mage the player character is aware of the spell’s existence and
what little and scarce information there is on how to begin
can absorb a part of it, like cotton candy wrapped around
looking for it.
a wooden stick, with one and only restriction. Each per-
son’s Soulspark can only touch and “magnetize” the part Of course, another spell-caster can teach a prohibited spell
of Soulmist that shares the same color. they know to the player character as well. Most of them
Thus, a mage with a pure flame can only draw and handle keep their occult knowledge to themselves, but witch doc-
tors especially pass their dark secrets to the next genera-
the gold-and-white portions of Soulmist, while a creature tion as a black lantern to wield in war against the Dark-
of Darkness that utilizes magic, touches only the black lands.
repositories of Soulmist. In fact, scholars and academics
of the darkness believe that the creatures of Darkness are When a spell-caster learns a prohibited spell, their soul-
born dead and unmoving, and it is only by being imbued spark blackens as their very understanding of the natural
with dark Soulsparks that they come alive again. word is expanded and light is shed on the darkest corners
of Fyera and revealing her deepest secrets.
Therefore, by utilizing the reservoir that they collect by
drawing upon Soulmist, mages call forth the pertinent in- Learning a prohibited spell triggers a moderate or ma-
vocations and rituals to convert it into “spells”. In other jor trauma roll and you add the prohibited spell’s level
words, they shape it according to the need of each situa- to the DC. The invokers of prohibited magic must trade
light for darkness, by spending a white fate point every
tion. The stronger the mage, the greater amounts of Soul- time they cast a prohibited spell. Dark acolytes willingly
mist they can handle. But of course, nothing in this world open their minds to the erebos, welcoming its whispers
is without its price, and this especially applies to magic. as omens of power. If a spell-caster uses prohibited magic
Soulmist is finite. without spending white fate points, they suffer the Taint-
It is only refreshed by the influx of new soulsparks, the ed condition. While a character is Tainted, they do not
flow of which is never regular. In addition, as has been need to spend white fate points in order to use prohibited
magic. Finally, the erebos level of the character must be
mentioned before, the proportions of colors in the Soul-
equal to or higher than the prohibited spell’s level.
mist have various effects on the entire world.
If one “side” abuses its magic, then not only is the amount Tainted
of available magic for that side lessened, but also, until Whereas mist weavers and spiritualists look to the Nebu-
that magic is replenished, the composition of the Nebula la of Souls in order to invoke their magic, a dark acolyte
is going to change, as the other side will claim a greater peers deep within themselves looking for pieces to sacri-
proportion of Soulmist – which, of course, will also have fice in exchange for power.
various consequences on the world at large. They willingly blacken their soulsparks in order to chan-
nel the power of erebos itself against the world. While a
character is tainted and suffers a trauma roll, increase its
PROHIBITED SPELLS severity by 1 step.
Deep in the shadows of Fyera, there exist sorcerers and Every single prohibited spell the dark acolyte invokes, is
witches who dabble in the secrets of the occult and the just another inch closer to being completely taken over by
forbidden. They channel the blackness of their soul and the erebos.
the souls around them to release terrible magic unto the Finally, when you cast prohibited spells, the white fate
world. These spell-casters, also known as black acolytes point you spent to cast the spell turns into a black fate
or dark petitioners, defilers and darklings, do not only point, instead of just vanishing. The condition is lost if the
possess knowledge of prohibited magic from ages past, Tainted character spends a full day without using prohib-
but also how to sacrifice their own life force, or that of ited spells.
their enemies, in order to invoke this magic.
Prohibited spells can be learned by both mist weavers and
spiritualists, but witch doctors especially can make good
use of them in their quest to use the powers of their ene-
mies against them. What does the darkness fear if not that
which lurks within it?

Many Lumen youths have succumbed to

Lumen temptation, ending up wasting valuable

years of their lives for trivial things that
they considered important (first loves,
various tests, careers, etc).
“Come forward, stranger. You can- Lumens had to learn the hard way how
not hide from the light. I know you
did not steal that cow, specifically. to moderate the use of their power. For
I see it. As for the one hiding behind this reason, they tend to recognize and
the fence, that day.. Our Templars respect those who spend their years for
will ensure that justice will be
served.” the greater good, rather than indulg-
ing personal goals.
- Elazatar, Judge of Light

Lumens love order, and fear any-

On the surface, Lumens resemble ordi- thing that they cannot foresee. For
nary humans. However, they are not. Lu- this reason, they have created a rig-
mens are special thanks to their ability id hierarchical society. Their profit
to “glimpse” into the past and future. By comes primarily from divination,
knowing exactly where and when they as well as the exercise of their judi-
want to look, their mind can travel ciary system, which they offer as a
through time to witness what hap- paid service, with customers from
pened, or what will happen. every corner of Fyera. All
of the above means that
Of course, this incredibly the Lumen population is
potent ability does not come with- either very young or very aged.
out an equally hefty price.
The vast majority of Lumens live in Nalda, which they re-
As they travel across time, their bodies follow their minds, gard as the de facto capital of Fyera. Their territory covers
undergoing the same temporal journey. In other words… the entire northern portion of the Lands of the Old Days.
they age. As powerful as their gift may appear, it has fre- Their relations with the Primus, their neighbours, are
quently proven fatal. tense, to say the least.

Avernians The Avernians were a very proud
race, whose significance in main-
“Fang, Beak, Tail or Claw, you do taining equilibrium in the world
not choose. The spirit chooses you, was crucial. Their exploits and
and when it does, your journey
deeds adorn the brightest pag-
to ascension begins. Decide wisely
when you will chant and when es in the history books of Fyera.
you will growl, but when you do, However, a dreadful event that
do it loudly” happened 60 years ago cost
-General Grayskin the Mammoth, them the most talented and
The last commander of the Royal powerful members of their soci-
ety. Although the memory of this
tragic event remains, the Averni-
Avernians are more than simply people ans as a people are in decline.
who can transform into animals.
The spirits of powerful animals
When an Avernian turns 6, a local sha- are growing exceedingly rare, and
man of his community will perform a cities and harbors are rife with crime
ritual, invoking the spirit animals. The young and anarchy. It is in the more rural,
Avernian’s mind, vigor, willpower, cunning – as agrarian areas that a relative normalcy is
well as other individual qualities – will attract the maintained, and the Avernians’ identity as
animal that will seek to link with them. From that a people is preserved.
moment on, a spiritual bond is formed, which de-
velops in both ways – beast and man alike – with Their demesne, which consists of a num-
the goal of achieving spiritual unity. This oneness ber of cities and villages, stretches along
of the soul is the raison d’etre of each Avernian. the southern part of the Lands of the Old
Days. As a people, Avernians tend to get
Their kinship with their animal spirits imbues them along with all others, although in recent
with abilities and skills which allow them to develop years they are being regarded somewhat
in multifarious ways, ranging from mighty war- unfavorably.
riors (bears, tigers, etc), dexterous trackers
and thieves (rats, hawks etc) to talented en-
gineers (foxes, squirrels etc).

Those who advocated for a more passive stance
DraesyR remained in the brighter half of Penumbra.
They were named Eldrasyr (“free under the
For the Draesyrs, nature is the High Chieftain’s roof”), while the tribes that
Alpha and the Omega. moved to the borders of the Darklands to do
battle against the darkness were named Yil-
In this context, nature refers to drasyr (“free under the starry sky”).
more than verdant woods and
wild animals. The Draesyrs re-
spect nature regardless of what
form it takes; they are a part of it,
and are connected to it, in all its
forms. EldrasyR
“You do not need to seek for the
As a people, the Draesyrs are Truth. Open your ears, listen to
diverse. Druids traversing sun- the wind and the moving leaves,
pick up a rock and look under it,
kissed meadows and plains. follow the sand waves. Mother
Respectable healers, tending to Fyera gives the answers at every
the wounded and the ill in their step”.
huts. Rangers, witches and prac-
titioners, enclosed in forests that -Malef Sandborn
predate time itself, or else, in hid-
den caverns by the mountaintops.
Scouts, warriors and fanatics, who For the Eldrasyrs, things are simple and
confront the darkness by embracing clear. Nature is the highest being, and
it. determines the lives of all. They know
Shortly after the advent of the that all changes in the natural world are
Darkness, there was a schism in the violent and subversive.
Draesyr society. The many tribes Thunderstorms can be terrifying
that comprise it disagreed on wheth- and unbearable at times, but they
er – and how – they should confront are necessary all the same.
the Darkness. Eventually, the tribes
were forced to split.

Only by weathering and The ‘bright’ siblings of the Yildrasyrs
defeating these storms treat them as the black sheep of their
can you enjoy the fruit people. In reality, they could rather
of the harvest that will be said to resemble black stallions,
be yielded by the rain. considering how much effort it takes
The Eldrasyrs approach to rear and tame them.
their struggle with the
Darkness in the same The schism had a profound effect on
way. It is the transito- the life of the Yildrasyrs and the tribes
ry decision of nature’s that comprise them. Many of them
design, which they can- had to abandon their earth and move
not fully comprehend, to strange, unfamiliar and at times bar-
but must weather all ren lands.
the same. They must
endure, not seek to de- The burden of defending these territo-
stroy. ries, the daily contact with the creatures
of the Darklands, and their prolonged
For the time being, stay in the dark and twilight, have had
history has vindicated such a profound effect on their souls,
their stance. Their life- that you can recognize a Yildrasyrs at
style is mostly tribal, but first glance.
they also have one major
city inside the jungle. Their commerce relies mostly on
rare ingredients that grow solely
They primarily trade in herbs, seeds and medical in their lands, as well as the sale
mixtures. of “trophies” from the creatures
they confront.
Other nations treat them with
great reluctance, as many believe they are close to be-

Yildrasyr coming indistinguishable from the thing they are fighting

“Nature always had its way of healing itself.
At first we thought that way was the Cata- In truth, they have paid a dear price – paid in blood – to
clysm. But then, we realized that it was us.” defend these borders, and things would have been very
different were it not for their contribution.
-Grand Sepherd of the Mountain Peak

Primus At the same time, they
have instilled a culture
and mindset in humans
based on reward. “Do
“We were deprived the light what you know, and do
and our homeland. Our immor- it well, whether you are
tality is being wasted. We live a warrior, a blacksmith
in darkness to make sure that
darkness does not prevail. Stand or a steward; and if you
next to us willingly or I’ll see do, the Primus Lords will
to it that you serve for an eter- recognize your efforts,
nity.” and reward you with
eternal life.”
-Jarvis II, Awakened among the
Eternals Thus, the humans who
live in these lands be-
lieve that their life may
No one can say with certainty whether the continue even after
Primus were always like this, or whether death, assuming
they evolved to what they are today. their life is worthy
of it.
They are what we would call ‘Vampires’ in
our world, with the difference that the Prim-
us do not hide, nor do they lurk in the shad-
ows. On the contrary, they are the masters
and overlords of their domain. The Primus act as the defenders of the northern borders
of the Darklands, fending off every assault of the forces
Undying and ageless, they sustain themselves by drinking of Darkness at a great cost. At the same time, they carry
blood, which bestows them various abilities. They only out raids of their own into the Darklands, seeking to fa-
make up 10% of the population of the north, and have a miliarize themselves with the enemy, seize territories and,
symbiotic sort of relationship with humans. ultimately, find the source of this evil.

In fact, it is considered ‘proper’ for the Primus to feed off Their economic activities mostly draw on the trade of pre-
of them. In essence, they live among humans as gods, en- cious stones and metals from the mines that exist in the
suring the survival and safety of their mortal flock in ex- area, which is exceedingly profitable indeed, thanks to the
change for their servitude. remarkably cheap labour of this nation…

PRELUDE FOR ALL ACTS On the other hand, the coincidences were indeed too
many; too many questions demanding an answer, too
many blurry points; and the High Inquisitor’s rhetoric
The court room is jam-packed with people. In an effort was so artful, so inflamed, that it really made one think
to combat overcrowding, the authorities have instated a Quinlan is the source of all evil and the cause for all our
ticket for those who wished to attend the trial. Despite this woes. Everyone in the hall showed their exhaustion and
forbidding fee, the grandiose hall is filled up to the brim uncertainty clear on their face – all, except for one…
with Lumen nobles, powerful merchants and curious
scandalmongers and gossips with coin to throw around. Grand Judge Eartha Leece sat at the center of the judg-
es’ bench – silent, haughty, and intimidating. Her pris-
Thick white marble tiles, inlaid with yellow-and-gold wa- tine ebon skin glistened in the distance, creating a strong
ter that resembles flowing veins of gold, adorn the entire contrast with the golden jewellery adorning her body.
hall. The harmony of this radiant stream is disturbed by Her silken attire, though barely visible behind the desk,
the statues of various ancient legislators, positioned along betrayed an exceeding opulence, and the metallic ring em-
the walls to the side, and four golden pillars located at the bracing her neck put the finishing touch on her remark-
center of the hall, symbolizing the four powers of Lumen able figure. When she faintly lifted her left hand, everyone
society. in the court room fell silent.
The main part of the court room is covered by series of “We have all devoted a valuable portion of our time to shed light
carved wooden seats for the audience. The less “for- on this unique case. The facts have been set forth, the pertinent
tunate” observers get to stand around those seated in a opinions have been heard. And yet, we are still in the dark. We
throng that winds all the way to the exit. At the depths of cannot seem to reach a final verdict that affirms the events of
the hall, on an elevated platform, sits the judges’ bench. the past, and decrees decisively what must happen in the future.
Built out of red granite and adorned with the golden scale
and piercing sunrays, it is a symbol of the authority of the The gift of sight will not give us the answer we need, for we
judicial branch of the Lumens. The Grand Judge, the the cannot know for a certainty what the time juncture that will
public prosecutor and the rest of the judges sit behind it. exonerate or condemn the accused is.
The trial has been going on for days. Today is the day that Taking these facts into account, and with the authority vested
the public prosecutor will make his case. The High Inquis- in me by my position, I shall make use of the ancient institution
itor who has taken up this task is relentless. He hammers of the jury, as was legislated in the year 146 and written in
the accused, Lieutenant Quinlan, with an endless barrage paragraphs ‘64 & ‘65 of Volume 7 of the Constitution of the
of questions and accusations – a condemnation of the Legislative Branch.
Lieutenant for the blame he holds over the events that
happened. The Lieutenant himself is standing, expres- Therefore, based on this list of attendees and selected through
sionless and direct, answering every question in a low random process, I call upon (players’ names) to step forward
voice and ignoring the insults, ironic remarks and overall and be seated on the desk to the side.
According to the other jurors’ and my judgement, there are four
Everyone in the court room is starting to get uncomfort- critical junctures in time that both can and need to be clari-
able. The heat is unbearable, the process labyrinthine and fied. I therefore call upon these jurors to each select a point in
meandering, and public sentiment is mixed. Everyone time that they desire, use their gift of sight to glimpse into these
knew Quinlan. He was well-liked and respectable by most moments… and when done, to address the court room and rec-
Lumens of the city, especially those who had worked with ommend a verdict that eill condemn or exonerate Lieutenant
him. Quinlan Narmer.”
Templar Quinlan Narmer – (Lumen)
Third Lieutenant of the Legislative Order

Quinlan was born and raised in Nalda. His family was not
particularly well-to-do; his mother worked as a cleaning
maid at various merchant stalls of the outer ring’s mar-
ketplace, while his father was a soldier in the regular gar-
In the final few clashes following the 2nd War of Shame,
Quinlan was orphaned of his father, who died in the
northwest border in an engagement with the Primus.
The government then took up the affair of Quinlan’s ad-
mission into the regular army, where the youth quickly
distinguished himself with his skills and gift in leader-
ship. Some years later, he won a scholarship in the Tem-
plar academies, and thus began a brilliant career as a war-
rior of the executive pillar.
It was in his first few missions in the borders of the Dark-
lands that Quinlan met his companions (and the protago-
Lieutenant Quinlan is a middle-aged man of medium nists of our adventure). They became an inseparable team
height, with long, shoulder-length white hair and a white of travelling adventurers. Quinlan feels a great deal of
beard. His green-blue eyes have a piercing, intimidating respect and camaraderie towards his companions, which
quality. His face, parched and wrinkled, betrays the bur- he expresses without restraint when in private. In pub-
den of dozens of battles, along with the composed and lic, however, when in the “outside” world and especially
moderate usage of the Lumen gift of sight. When he isn’t around his subordinate soldiers, he projects intense grit
clad in his heavy silvered armor and the trademark shield and a grim severity, as his position demands, and com-
of his Order, he wears plain leather trousers and loose mands respect.
When interacting with others he is never ironic and
doesn’t ramble unnecessarily. He tries to be curt in con-
versation, and composed even when under the most com-
plicated situations.

Scout Silas Hadesh Saginash – (Primus)

Scouts’ Rising Star – Darklands Cartographer

Silas Saginash is one of the young up-and-coming stars of

his dynasty and a valuable tool for the scouts’ caste.
He is thin, with pale greyish skin and almost always
on alert. The countless hours he’s spent in the hostile
realms of the Darklands have caused him to walk oddly,
with knees bent and torso leaning forward. He is always
dressed in dark outfits, and drapes himself in a cloak that
covers him from head to toe, making him stand out like
a sore thumb in the city of Nalda; but he blends in seam-
lessly in the dark and shady corners of Fyera, where he is
used to spending his days.
For the last 45 years of his life – ever since he gained the
title of Scout – he has clocked in twice as many hours map-
ping and charting the unexplored corners of the Dark-
lands than the average Scout (excepting the more expe-
rienced veterans who venture out in larger expeditions).
The results of his work have made him quite well-known
considering his youth… but they also seem to have left an
unexpected mark on the political chessboard of the dy-
nasties, something that has displeased the Caestian and
Felin Scouts.
When the Lumens came asking for a Scout, his superi-
ors, eager to see him stumble and fall, wasted no time in
thrusting the task onto him. Thus, Silas found himself in
a precarious position, taking on a mission to the lands of
daylight, which are out of his comfort zone – and indeed,
a place he has never even visited in his life.
Silas will never insult someone unless he has a very good
And yet, whatever qualms he may have, Silas is loyal – reason, and is willing to give way in any dispute, provided
and ambitious. He knows that to succeed would be a great it does not cross the limits of his disposition as a Primus.
boost to his prestige, and foster good will with a nation
whose relations with the Primus are fraught, to say the
He devotes himself to his mission without allowing for His build is rather bulkier than most Lumens. His sun-
distractions to get in the way, but when it comes to social burnt skin, beefy muscles and deliberately unshaved face,
situations he tends to be aloof and terse – unless, of course, make him look like the bouncer at some cheap hostel. He’s
it relates to his mission, which is none other than tracking gotten rid of his armor, but a keen observer would be able
the Shadows which stole the Quill of a Thousand Paths. to tell that the middle layers of fabric of his clothing are
those of the outfit of a Lumen soldier.
Soldier Bolivar Jickens – (Lumen) He tries to appear at ease with his surroundings, but
Lumen Soldier – Deserter again, an insightful individual could observe the exact op-
posite based on his demeanor.
Soldier Bolivar was
there that day. The In stressful situations, where his identity, past and mo-
day that the Shadows tives are at risk of being exposed, Bolivar is likely to be
attacked the Hall of very agitated and behave in a crude and strange manner.
the Order of the Loom He will look to escape such situations at the earliest op-
and stole the mysteri- portunity, even if doing so would put his very life in dan-
ous item. To be pre- ger.
cise, he was one of
the few who survived
the brief but brutal Lord Volante Caestus Dastimus (Primus)
slaughter despite Blood Prince – Viceroy of Routh Anem
the fact that his shift
placed him in the line
of danger.
Bolivar knew that,
sooner or later, the In-
quisitors would sum-
mon him for an inter-
rogation. He knew he
couldn’t stay in the
capital any longer. So,
he set off on less trodden paths, to realms where Lumens
rarely venture to…

Viceroy Volante is one of the most influential figures of

Fyera. Despite his appearance hinting at a young adult, in
truth his ‘life” spans over 210 years.
He is tall, slightly built, and in excellent shape, with a
well-sculpted body like an ancient statue, draped in care-
fully selected garb that enhances the haughtiness of his
mien. His attire consists of heavy silks laced with gems
of precious stones and gold embroidery. Despite this, the
outfit has been designed in such a way as not to restrict
his movement. His sleek, silvery white hair reaches to his
waist, where a pair of long, thin blades hang from his belt.
There is an impish twinkle to his gaze, as though he is
cooking up some mischief, and is always eager to prove
his superiority to anyone who regards him with anything
but utmost submissiveness.
His unparalleled ability in the art of the blade, combined
with the primacy of his bloodline – which is the largest
and most powerful caste of the Primus – have created an
explosive mixture of megalomania and narcissism. For
anybody else, this mixture would have been catastrophic
– but not for Lord Volante. The man appears more than
capable of meeting the high demands of the political game
of the society of the Primus.

Anyone who crosses the line will be put in their place,
whether through public humiliation, or other means, as-
suming cooler heads do not intervene to de-escalate…

Yejida Furaha – (Yildrasyr)

Witch Doctor – Outpost Chieftain

Lord Volante’s day-to-day is very linear (and has been for

decades). Whether that involves confronting the forces
of darkness or dancing the intricate political dance that
a man of his bloodline ought to, it has become his life.
As such, anything but that seems alien and irritating. He
struggles to interact with other races, as well as anybody
he deems his ‘inferior’. This difficulty is not owed solely to
his individual character, but also to the color of his inner
flame – the flame of his Soulspark – which has started to
darken considerably.
Volante tries to rationalize to himself that harshness and
severity are necessary traits of any leader – but conve-
niently ignores that they are also trademark signs of suc-
cumbing to the influence of the darkness…
At any rate, Lord Volante will have no issue keeping up
appearances, as is expected of his status as Viceroy, but
will brook no insult whatsoever.
Yejide is a weary Yildrasyr of the Black Feather tribe. Her The finishing blow came when the new chief of the tribe
parents, both of them warriors dedicated to the battle judged that she would no longer be allowed to raid into
against the Darkness, would often rush into the Dark- the Darklands, as she was too unstable and could prove
lands to confront the creatures within. dangerous for her own team. Being rather old by now,
and way too proud to bear such a stigma in her homeland,
She lost her parents in such a battle, while she herself, a she left. She traveled halfway across the world and ended
mere child, was strapped to her mother’s back (a tradi- up in the northernmost outpost of the lands of the Primus,
tional way for Yildrasyr parents to carry their young). a place that felt more familiar than home itself. There, she
Before she even properly knew how to walk, she had to offers her services to those who would need them.
crawl and stumble her way out of the Darklands and to
the safety of the borders, where she was picked up by the Appearance-wise, she looks like an 85-year old woman
border guards. – though she is not a day older than 50. Her ebon skin
is weathered, worn and wrinkled, and she is so thin that
The young girl’s impressive achievement did not go un- she resembles a skeleton. The tattered rags that she has for
noticed. The chief of the tribe itself took Yejide under his clothes fail to hide the dozens of stigmata she has all over
wing and raised her as his own child. When she got older, her body. The darkwood staff she holds in her right hand,
she was educated in the affairs of the soul and became a adorned with strange fetishes, betrays her identity, while
revered Witch Doctor. Every time she is asked how she her hair is long and black.
managed to escape, she claims her ancestors guided her
steps from up high. In reality, she was a babe who read the Yejide has trouble interacting with simple folk. Usually,
stars and saw Soulmist. For as long as she can remember, one has to rack their brain to put together the words that
Yejide never stopped going back into the Darklands. she spews as sentences. True to the old ways of the Yil-
drasyrs, she is remarkably hard to hold a lengthy conver-
Twice she has been taken captive and managed to escape sation with.
both times, returning to her village – while sending as
many souls back to the Soulmist as she could. On a sufficiently high Insight roll one can sense that the
few scattered words she speaks are, not only anything but
Draesyr bards and storytellers claim she even faced off nonsensical, but contain profound ideas and valuable in-
against a Dark Saint and lived to tell the tale. However, formation for those who know how to interpret them.
nothing is without its cost…
All these battles and hardships have not left Yejide’s soul
and mind unaffected. The torturous ordeals she under-
went, the horrors and death that have surrounded her
since she was a child, have left indelible marks on her
Soulspark. First came the living nightmares; later, hallu-
cinations, catatonia and isolation. Her bright siblings of
the Eldrasyrs tried to alleviate her burdens, but were un-

NPCs: Nalda – The World’s Capital
First Lieutenant Quinlan “Brightshield” Narmer Nalda is the largest city in Fyera, in both area and
High Inquisitor Heathcliff Umbar population. It is located on the banks of a river that
flows into the Unsalted Sea, in a round fringe of
ground, built in such a way that the river embraces
almost the entire city, filling it with life and offering
INTRODUCTION a degree of natural protection.
The party briefly visits the city of Nalda to rest and resup-
ply for the long journey north, to the borders of the Dark- Four colossal cylindrical towers stand at each of
lands. They decide to visit their old friend and travelling the city’s four sides, with similar foundations but
different design at the tops. Each of the towers
companion, Quinlan, whose ascension in the hierarchy of hosts one of the branches of government, and to-
Nalda – and the responsibilities that came with it – forced gether they represent the four pillars of govern-
him to leave his wandering days behind. mental power that keep Lumen society stable and
firm across time. On the inside of each tower, tens
Before meeting with Quinlan, they are picked up by a Ci- of mirrors are placed from the base all the way to
cerone (freelancers or city-appointed tour guides), who the roof, harmoniously arrayed one after the other.
helps guide them around the city, do a little bit of sight- The same number of mirrors, the same distance be-
seeing and visit some notable landmarks. While strolling tween them, and completely aligned.
through the city, they notice a merchant standing in a back
At the city centre lies the Momentum Palace, a
alley surrounded by three thugs. With a successful Insight square building thousands of square miles across
check (DC 12), they understand through their body lan- that hosts, among other things, the science and
guage that they are harassing the merchant. If they de- research departments of the Lumens, recreation
cide to intervene the thugs will quickly flee, before one halls, bathrooms, shopping centres as well as the
of them threatens the merchant to do what he is told. The residences of many of Nalda’s elite. At the centre
thugs will quickly leave the back alley and disappear in of the palace is a cylindrical void that forms a mar-
the large crowd on the busy streets of Nalda. ble square-skylight, where the statues of the active
leaders of the four pillars stand, as well as the statue
Upon talking with the merchant, whose name is Stelan, of the first Hermit, arranged in a cyclical formation.
the players will learn that the thugs were selling him pro- A gargantuan arched dome looms at the roof of
tection, but now they are demanding an amount of gold the Palace, decorated with metal parts depicting
that he cannot afford unless he sells his shop. He tells astrological symbols, which lead to a large cres-
them that they are aiming to take his shop through this cent-shaped space with a glass interior. A beam
extortion, since the prospective buyer is a man named of light is artfully reflected from the crescent at
Dussan, a cousin of one of the thugs. He will further ex- the highest point of the city to the mirrors of the
plain how the judicial system works, and how he is unable four towers. In this way, the beam of light passes
to pay the Judges. through the city hundreds of times before ending
up at its point of origin, transforming the city into
The players will now be confronted by a choice. They could a giant clock. This is how time is measured in the
world and as long as Nalda exists, so will there be
pay a Judge on the merchant’s behalf, in which case they a way to accurately measure the passage of time.
will be unable to resupply sufficiently for their journey.
Alternatively, they could confront the criminals, which The mechanisms of the multilevel dome of the cen-
carries the risk of getting in trouble with the authorities. tral building are designed to create an artificial pe-
Finally, they could talk to Quinlan about it, who, as they riod of “night-time” for a certain amount of time
know, has become Head of the Guard in Nalda. If there each day, by having the dome be covered by mas-
is an Inquisitor in the party, they will know that Quin- sive metal sheets which block the passage of light.
lan is their best option. In either case, Quinlan reaches out Naturally, such a luxury as “artificial night” is only
and talks to them, either through the Court (if the players afforded to the elites that actually live in the dome;
choose the first option), or through the guards who try to the average citizen is either forced to get used to the
stop them as they attempt to confront the criminals.. light, or has to improvise in various ways in order
to get some respite from it.
Upon learning that his old travelling companions are in
town, Lieutenant Quinlan decides to give them a tour In fact, in an attempt to make these class conflicts
around the Headquarters of the Weaving Order, where even more pronounced, the city authorities have
he is stationed as head of the guard, and also introduces imposed a “shadow tax”, a law which has been in
effect for centuries now. Every permanent canopy
them to a good Judge who may help the merchant with that prevents or limits the constant exposure to
his predicament. (A player can attempt an Academics sunlight – whether that is from metal sheets (for the
or Traditions check with DC 12 to understand this goes elite) or tents or shutters, is subject to a… special
against the proper rules of entry, but since Quinlan is in tax. Thus, merely by taking a stroll around the city
charge, it’s probably not a problem). Initially the party is one can discern the financial status of each house
in the recreation area of the guard’s barracks, where they owner by how many “shadow-havens” they can af-
are welcomed with a feast and drinks. While there, they ford. Those in the lower layers are forced to make
are notified that the Judge will be a little late. do by wearing exceedingly thin clothes and scarves
and creating impermanent settlements out of fab-
. There’s little more to the place besides wooden chairs, a rics and tree branches.
large wooden table, an ice-box for preserving foods and
drinks and some fruit.

In time, the application of this measure brought
about another stereotype. The color of one’s skin has
become an indicator of financial situation and there-
fore, status. Darker skin, therefore, implies a larger
exposure to the sun, and thus a lower financial sta-
tus; pale skin, on the other hand, indicates a certain
financial well-being and the luxuries that this noble
status affords.

Despite all that, as far as non-citizens of Nalda are

concerned, anyone who lives within the city’s walls
is essentially a privileged metropolitan. The layout
and fortifications of the city help reinforce this belief,
as they have gathered a huge number of people in a
single area surrounded by walls.

The walls in question are massive, stonewrought,

and envelop the periphery of the city. Two large,
imposing bridges cross the broad river outside the
city, connecting Nalda with the outside world. Mean-
while, an enormous gate stands at the entrance of the
city by the river bank, which stays open throughout
the passing of seasons, and only closes to commem-
orate the black anniversary. This is the Gate of Light
and Time.

Houses, laboratories, and shops are arrayed through-

out the entire stretch of the city. Its many neighbor-
hoods and districts are densely populated and paved
in an orderly and well-structured manner. Four gar-
dens located at various points in the city break the
monotony of buildings. Notable buildings include
universities, the court house, the aqueduct and the
Hall of Oracles.

At this point, the players can dedicate some time to get

acclimated, exchange a few words, do a little roleplay and
generally develop their characters.
Afterward, they begin the tour of the building. The de-
scriptions of the various rooms are free-form, and can be
aided with the help of the map given below. While the
characters are shown a variety of interesting things, they
also notice a lack of guards in the area, and slowly begin
to realize that something is amiss.
The hall room hosts a number of paintings by famous art-
ists as well as exhibitions of relics belonging to famous
Oracles of the past. To the left of the entrance, there are
two nearly empty cups of water, while whoever succeeds
on an Investigation roll (DC 15) will notice a few drops of
blood in the corner in the same direction.
The door to the left is locked and leads t o a small storage
room, while the door on the far side of the room leads
to the “chamber of the loom”, a rather peculiar building.
That room has a very particular function that the Oracles
of the Weaving Order use it for
It is the room where they try to “glimpse” into selected pe-
riods in time and space in order to find important poten-
tial future events, positive or negative, which might affect
society as a whole, and attempt to either bring them about
faster, or prevent them entirely. The round altar located at
the center of the room is madwhile eight peculiar chairs
are positioned around the altar, with a rearward inclina-

The corpses of two guards can be found in the left cor- QUESTIONS
ner of the room, as if somebody barely had enough time
to hide them. Suddenly, two shadowy creatures emerge When everyone recovers from the mayhem that took place
from the only door that exists in that corner of the room, and the higher-ups in the city are informed, it is already
and approach the party. too late. The Shadows have fled the city and the military
is trying to track them down. High Inquisitor Heathcliff
The very fact that there are Shadows inside the Lands of Umbar, who takes on the case, receives the testimonies of
the Old Days is in itself absurd. It is, to be fair, a dark, Quinlan and the players.
well-shaded place, as it is quite high in the city’s hierarchy
and is under constant guard. The “chamber of the loom”, Quinlan’s initiative to open the exit door is the primary
for example, does not have a single window, as the rites event that has divided opinions and, in turn, created a lot
that take place there demand very high concentration, and of questions. Was he in on it from the start? Why did he
nothing must be allowed to disturb the oracles as they at- go against the rules and regulations and take his old com-
tempt to glimpse into the future. panions on a tour of a highly restricted area? Were they in
on it too? How did the Shadows know where to find the
In the ensuing fight, the players will soon realize there are item that went missing in the attack? What do they want
quite a few Shadows in the building, and the battle will with it?
not be an easy one at all.
Did he open the door to save his companions, or to pro-
An observant player will understand that there is a sort vide an exit path for the Shadows? For some, this simple
of method to the Shadows’ actions; they appear to be try- act might be considered a mere attempt to protect life…
ing to flee the building, and are simply fighting whatever while for others, it might be considered treason.
stands in their way.

Combat and Tactics

A great darkness will appear within the room and
yellow eyes will suddenly lock onto the characters.
The Shadows will divide the party using Darkness,
try to isolate characters towards the shadow and in-
timidate them with telepathy.
They will hide, they will heal and they will fight
The battle continues in every room of that floor, as
Shadows seem to emerge out of every nook and
cranny. The players will have to try their hardest to
keep them at bay, as things turn dire. As all seems
to be lost, Quinlan opens the double doors of the
main entrance in an attempt to usher in some light
and weaken the Shadows enough to hopefully save
our heroes.
The light indeed seems to bother and harm the
Shadows for a few heartbeats, providing respite
for the heroes. The battle continues, away from the
sunlight. Just as the Shadows begin realizing that
perhaps the scales have tipped against them, some-
thing unexpected happens.
All the Shadows dart towards the exit! The first
wave is completely obliterated by the light; those
that follow are singed, and it appears that all of
them have encircled one of the Shadows with their
“bodies”, as if to protect it from the sun.
No matter how hard the players try, they are un-
able to completely eliminate the Shadows, as the
light does not shine beyond the first few steps of the
stairs, and the Shadows manage to escape.

Act No. 2 – The Shadow Hunt Right next to the storehouses there is a wooden structure,
no taller than 2 and a half metres tall. With a quick glance
and a little common sense, one can understand it is meant
to be a rudimentary outpost, designed to serve the need
NPCs for lodging for a pair of sentries.
First Lieutenant Quinlan “Brightshield” Narmer
Scout Silas Hadesh Saginash The characters have the opportunity to chat with the two
Soldier Bolivar Jickens sentries currently on shift at the outpost. One of them, a
Rose Lemer - Lumen Inquisitor young lad, came as a replacement after the unfortunate
Gelwuin Elthen - Eldrasyr Assassin incident, while the other is the man who found the un-
fortunate guard’s corpse. He is open to answering the
Introduction group’s questions and will show them to the back side of
the building, where he found the corpse.
The characters have just survived an attack that took
place in the Headquarters of the Weaving Order, which The place is narrow, caught between the rocks and the
they visited as Lieutenant Quinlan’s guests. The sentries wooden tower, and there is little to see beyond a few
on duty were found dead, while vaguely humanoid crea- empty buckets, brooms, and sundry tools. With a success-
tures made of shadow burst from various rooms of the ful Perception roll (DC 15) the characters can spot a small
building, attacked our heroes, and barely managed to es- tunnel-hole inside the boulder, very close to the earth, and
cape, thanks to a controversial decision taken by Quinlan, with such a diametre as to make it hard to believe an adult
who opened the doors to the main entrance. could fit inside it.
The High Inquisitor who took on the case received testi-
monies from everyone present, literally bombarding them
with questions and asking for clarifications on the tiniest Lumen Oracular Ability
details. Lieutenant Quinlan asks the city authorities to put
together a squad to track, hunt down, and bring the crea- If there is a Lumen inside the party willing to attempt
tures that attacked the Weaving Order to justice. Despite to travel to the estimated time of the murder, he will
the High Inquisitor’s heavy objections and demands that clearly see Shadows emerging from that hole, attacking
Lieutenant Quinlan be dismissed from the case, the au- the guard and killing him, then hurling themselves onto
thorities give Quinlan the opportunity to “fix” the situa- him and sucking a black essence from his body.
tion and restore order, as well as his own name. Shortly afterward, they dive back into the tunnel and
Without wasting any time, Quinlan asks his travelling disappear. With a successful Erebos Lore (DC 17) check,
companions to become a team once more, as the circum- players will learn that Shadows feed on melanin, which
stances warrant it, and aid him in this quest. At the same explains why the corpse was pale as a sheet when it was
time, he uses the central administration of Nalda to re- found.
quest assistance from the Primus in tracking down these
creatures. The Primus respond to the Lumens’ request by
assigning Silas Hadesh Saginash, a talented Scout with
plenty of experience with the Darklands and its denizens,
to the Lieutenant’s service. (If there is anybody who could Somewhere at this point, Scout Silas arrives. After the nec-
track down and hunt Shadows, it would definitely be a essary introductions have been made, Quinlan examines
Primus Scout, and Silas is one of the best). that same spot and informs the group of the incident in
brief detail. He hypothesizes that the Shadows came out
While waiting for Silas to arrive, the players prepare for because they needed to feed, and went back into the tun-
the journey by stocking up on the necessary gear and nel once they had done so, to continue their journey.
provisions. They are interrupted by a report that reaches
the party’s hands, concerning a dead guard found on the The guard informs them that the outpost is equipped with
northeastern borders of Nalda, en route to the borders be- maps outlining all the underground passages of the area,
tween the Lumen and Primus dominions. which are made by the famed Avernian Miners’ Guild.
All the critical junctures are well-fortified, but smaller en-
Our story begins with the players on that spot where the try points such as this are left unattended, as they are too
unfortunate guard was found murdered, a precious few small to pose any real danger.
minutes before the arrival of the Scout Silas.
Upon consultting the maps, the heroes realize that there is
no charted exit point for this small tunnel-hole, aside from
The Hunt Begins the very end, tens of kilometres away, deep into Penum-
Our characters find themselves in a rocky, deserted area, bra, in Primus territory.
covered in red soil, just shy of the Lumen-Primus borders.
Around 500 metres east of the road, a rocky cluster rises, Silas and Quinlan propose the same thing that is crossing
approximately 20 metres high and a kilometre long, like a everyone’s minds in that moment – for the party to hurry
large, upside down ship in the middle of the desert. At the towards that exit point, hoping to catch up with the Shad-
base of the cluster, underneath the shade it creates, there ows before they emerge from the passage. Thus, the party
are two large storehouses. begins its journey towards the lands of the Primus.

One containing grain, and the other salted meat, these

storehouses are mostly used for resupplying purposes by
the border guard. The permanent shade created by the
rocky complex is ideal for preserving provisions.

Penumbra If one of the players also succeeded on the check for the
dead guard in the prior encounter, they will recognize
that the tracks of one of the individuals here correspond
The lands of the Primus are dull, dreary, and quite bar- to those of the Shadows. In order to follow the tracks of
ren. Light has slowly started to abandon this realm, as a the Assassin, they will need to succeed on a Perception
cold, silent twilight waxes. The thickets and groves that lie check (DC 15). If the players choose to trust Rose, she will
scattered across a handful of mountainsides are made up attempt to slow them down in order to reach the inn first.
of tall pine trees, sycamores and firs. It isn’t uncommon If they give her no other choice, she will offer to tag along
for players to encounter old, withered and dead forests in with them on the way there.
their passing. Two days of hiking later, they arrive at an
inn. Its very presence, smoke pouring out of the chimney Rose Lemer - Lumen Inquisitor
and all, helps break the dreary monotony of the landscape
around them. Rose works for Judge Benthin. She has been informed by
the Judge regarding the events at Nalda. The Judge, sus-
The Merchants pecting that Lumen traitors were involved in the theft of
the Quill, has ordered Rose to investigate. She has main-
As the team trudges on along the solitary path deeper tained the persona of a merchant for quite a few years,
and deeper into Penumbra, they encounter a cart, parked and has amassed a significant number of underground
along the side of the road. A thick canvas, fixed to three connections. Using these connections, she spread the ru-
thin steel stilts, covers its rear. The horses are still fastened mor that she is in possession of the Quill, and almost im-
to a nearby tree, but there is no trace of camping gear If mediately, found an interested party reaching out.
they decide to check out the cart, they will find a young
woman named Rose, as well as her husband Jasper, the Curiously, the prospective buyer turned out to be a guard
latter being injured and in a state of torpor. Rose will ex- of the Weaving Order, who is currently waiting for her at
plain that they are merchants headed for the city of Kael the World’s End Inn, far from the prying eyes of the Lu-
Anosh, but they were attacked a few hours prior. mens. Rose, who is quite experienced in Lumen schemes,
knows not to trust anybody and will attempt to hide her
She claims that, while the cart was bounding along the identity at any cost. She recognizes Quinlan, and is suspi-
road, everything suddenly went dark; and for a while af- cious of him.
ter, she could hear nothing but the cries of her husband.
After a few minutes of absolute terror, the dim light of Gelwuin Elthen - Eldrasyr Assassin
Penumbra returned, and she found Jasper next to her, un-
conscious. In the distance, she could barely make out a Rose’s hired bodyguard. He’s hiding in the foliage of a tree
shadowy figure disappearing behind a hill. away from the cart, on Rose’s orders. If she is convinced
that the team is not a threat to her, she will signal him to
With an Insight check (DC 15) the players understand that reveal himself. If the party attempts to use violence, the
Rose is hiding an important piece of information. An In- assassin will attack them.
vestigation check (DC 12) on the cart and perimetre con-
firms that there were signs of struggle in the area. If they
succeed on this check by 5 or more, they can make out the
tracks of four individuals.

There are two parties, both eating some soup with boiled
Alternate Options beef near the hearth; a man sitting alone nearby, having
a beer; and two small children, jousting with the inn’s
• 1st Possibility brooms right next to the staircase that leads to the first
The players allow Rose to continue her journey. The floor.
cart will overtake them and reach the inn first.
The place is warm enough, but the players immediate-
• 2nd Possibility ly sense the smell of burning material that pervades the
The players travel with her. The cart has room for two room, that mostly comes from the fireplace, as well as the
people in the front. Rose will attempt to ride at the helm inn’s kitchen, which is located right behind the bar count-
together with Gelwuin. If someone wants to sit along- er. The plump innkeeper, Quora, warmly welcomes the
side her, Gelwuin will reluctantly accept. Everyone else visitors, wiping her hands on her dress if the need for a
will take a seat at the rear. handshake arises.
There they will find a number of sealed wooden boxes
with numbers on them. Upon a successful Investigation As soon as the door closes behind you, Quinlan draws his
check (DC 10) the players realize the box with the num- weapon and walks briskly up to the man sitting alone,
ber 7 is missing. If they decide to comb the place they who freezes up at the sight of the travellers.
will find a box, much smaller than the rest, tucked away
in a corner. With a successful Insight check (DC 15) the players will
recall that this man is not as unfamiliar as it may appear.
If Gelwuin is with them, he will attempt to stop them
from snooping around them, and opening the box after- He is one of the guards stationed at the building of the
ward. Inside the box they find a quill. Weaving Order, and they had even briefly encountered
him in the lounge room when they first met up with Quin-
lan back in Nalda. The man hastily rises, leaving his cloak,
The Inn weapons and sundry belongings behind on the table,
and darts, looking for a way out. Quinlan will give pur-
The World’s End Inn is so named because, for the people suit, shouting after him: “What are you doing here, you
who live in the lands of the Primus, it is the last vestige of knave?” Possibly the players might join in on the chase,
civilization prior to the border. It’s a wooden, two-story which will prove rather easy indeed.
building, though the fireplace and the chimney are made
of stone, and are located in the outer part of the inn, as if As soon as Quinlan or the party gets their hands on the
they were built at a later point. The peculiar grey color of suspect and pacify the tension by giving the appropriate
the wood makes it seem even older than it is, while the explanations, it is time for answers. In truth, there are a
light that pours in through the windows gives an air of number of questions that occur to you which demand an
warmth and coziness in the cold and inhospitable steppe. answer. How did the guard survive? Why did he not re-
port to the authorities? How did he manage to get here so
Silas makes it clear that this is the only place nearby where quickly? Why did he escape Nalda like a fugitive? These,
they can rest and catch a breath. The group will have to and other questions, may present themselves to the party.
decide if they want to stay the night or merely restock on
provisions and continue along its path. The terrified guard answers to these questions with vague
answers and excuses. He tries to avoid being clear and
Upon entering the inn, the characters notice that most of keeps mincing his words.
the tables are empty.

Around this time, the innkeeper heads to the exit and com-
mands the children to head upstairs (to protect them from
anything unsavory that might ensue), while she herself
goes to fetch some firewood for the hearth. A few seconds
later, her screams can be heard from outside, as a Shadow-
hound tears into her flesh. Immediately, two more of the
beasts barge into the inn, growling and baring their fangs,
while a third jumps in through a side-window.
Inside the inn there are a number of civilians, including
two young children who just heard their mother scream-
ing in agony. Appraising the situation, the characters real-
ize they have a responsibility to protect the innocents, pri-
oritizing the children above all (including the suspect). If
they prioritize their own survival, or securing the suspect,
at the cost of the other human lives that cannot defend
themselves, they must give a Wisdom saving throw (DC
15) to avoid taking an Erebos Point.
While the fight rages, the children will cry and call out
for their mothers, while the men who were eating calmly
on their tables will try to protect themselves using those
same tables, or anything else they can reach for – stools,
chairs, the counter, and so forth.
Throughout the battle, Silas throws himself at the Shad-
owhounds, possibly sustaininig serious injuries in the
meantime, while Quinlan protects the innocents and the
guard. At this point, the guard seizes the opportunity to
play his last card. He tries to escape, which plays out in
one of the following ways:
• The guard will grab his sword, if it is still within his
reach on the table, where his stuff was left. Otherwise,
he will grab the shortsword on Quinlan’s belt and attack.
In this scenario, Quinlan will fight back, and the ensuing
struggle will most likely end with the guard dead, with
Quinlan’s sword thrust into his heart or head (as during
the battle, and with the hounds attacking the civilians, it is
hard for one to maintain a level head)
• The guard does not attack Quinlan but manages to flee
through the broken window, the door or in some other
• The guard is torn to pieces by the Shadowhounds, either
inside the inn, or as he attempts to flee. You may notice
a slight delay on Quinlan’s hand in attempting to rescue
the man.
After the battle is finished, the characters realize the inn-
keeper lies dead on the entrance, Silas is heavily wound-
ed, and the guard is gone (one way or the other) without
the characters managing to gain any sort of concrete an-
swer to their questions.
With a rudimentary search on the guard’s belongings or
on the floor, the players will find a plain note with an ad-
dress written on it. If there is a Primus in the party, they
will recognize that it is the address to a place in the capi-
tal of the Prmus, Routh Anem. Otherwise, Silas will give
them that information in a moment of clarity, as he strug-
gles to cope with his pain and wounds.

Did Quinlan play a role in the guard’s death? Was there
something about the incident that never came to light?
Could his messy end have been avoided?

Act No 3 – The Unholy Capital Quinlan invites them to the Headquarters of the Weav-
ing Order, where he has been stationed as captain of the
NPCs guard; he welcomes them, and shows them around the
First Lieutenant Quinlan “Brightshield” Narmer building. Soon they are set upon by a group of dark crea-
Scout Silas Hadesh Saginash tures which, after a fierce fight ensues, nevertheless man-
Lord Volante Caestus Dastinus age to escape the city.
Dark Knight-Seneschal Barca Caestus With the city’s endorsement, the party decides to track
Majordomo Alexandrinus these creatures down. Aided by Lieutenant Quinlan and
a Primus Scout named Silas, the party follows the trail,
Knight-Seneschal Barca Caestus which takes them to Penumbra and the lands of the Pri-
Primus Dark Knight mus. They decide to rest at an inn, but they happen upon
one of the guards who was stationed at the Weaving Or-
Guard-Captain Barca is the quintessential Primus der the day of the attack.
knight, perhaps to a fault. Always armed and armored,
polite and honest, he values his sense of honor greatly. Before they have time to interrogate him, however, they
He would rather tell the truth, even if it makes others are beset by a pack of rabid Shadow Hounds, which burst
uncomfortable, than offer a harmless lie to placate their into the inn and start wreaking havoc. In the ensuing bat-
sentiments. tle, the heroes, who are struggling to protect the civilians
while also fending off the Shadow Hounds, end up losing
He is cold, though cordial, towards Lumens, while he
the guard, and the only piece of evidence they are left with
feels rather fascinated by Yildrasyrs and Avernians,
is a note with an address written on it – an address that
believing that they possess a sense of nobility, albeit a
points to the capital of the Primus, Routh Anem.
barbaric and primitive one. He has an undying devo-
tion to the Primus throne, which is also arguably the With Scout Silas heavily injured, they must decide on the
easiest way to offend him – by insulting or demeaning course of their journey in order to succeed on their mis-
the throne itself. If someone shows a less-than-appro- sion.
rpiate amount of respect and deference to the throne,
Barca will emphatically refuse to offer any kind of aid
to that person. Travelling to Routh Anem
Wrapping up on their brief but eventful break at the
World’s End inn, the players are called to decide whether
they will make a beeline for the exit of the tunnel complex
Majordomo Alexandrinus - Diplomat in hopes of catching up to the Shadows, or whether they
will head for the Primus capital instead.
A trusted agent of the palace, Alexandrinus was born to
a small dynasty, and ascended the hierarchy of the Pri- The Underground Passage
mus through his observant nature and ability to choose
his words carefully. In the event that they choose to try their luck by following
the passage, the characters will need more time to get to
When not at the Red Throne or carrying out orders, he the exit of the tunnel, on account of Silas’ injuries. Howev-
is very polite. He tries not to rule anything out with re- er, thanks to his guidance and with a Survival check (DC
gards to his job and tries to separate personal sentiment 13) they succeed.
from duty. He is particularly cordial towards Lumens,
believing that they are a force which – even if it cannot They arrive at a small, rough ravine, filled with low veg-
be befriended – should at the very least remain an ally, etation and old, isolated trees. They deduce that a river
if they hope to triumph against the dark. flowed by this place once; but no more. This place has
been dry for a long, long time – possibly as far back as the
Unusually short and jovial for a Primus, he is perhaps Ruination.
the least intimidating figure in the palace… however,
that is by the Majordomo’s own design. If he is treated With a successful Investigation check (DC 15) they man-
in a manner befitting to his position, he may be inclined age to find the tunnel exit that they are looking for. Thanks
to help the characters out during their audience with to whatever help the Scout can offer in his condition, the
the Blood Prince. party soon realizes they were too late. There are visible
tracks leading out of the tunnel exit, which quickly be-
come impossible to discern thanks to the peculiarity of the
earth itself, as well as the Shadows’ natural proclivity for
Introduction stealth.
The characters have been embroiled in a very peculiar ad- Unfortunately, the trail has gone cold, and the players
venture, which has led them on the road in an attempt have no choice but to follow the address of the note, in
to solve the case, and exonerate themselves and their old hopes that the two cases will be linked at some point, and
companion Quinlan. that the thread will begin to unravel.
Upon arriving in the Lumen capital of Nalda, the charac- The journey to the capital of the Primus is not a long one.
ters decide to visit their old friend and travelling compan- It has its own challenges, owing partly to their wounded
ion Quinlan, who is currently serving as Lieutenant in the Scout, but at least there will be no unexpected adventures
executive branch. on their path.

Shortly after their departure from the inn, the players can Behind a row of large rocks, the characters can barely
look south to see the Onyx Flower, the fabled tower of make out a few tents and a large bell, probably intend-
the city of Kael Anosh, the de facto capital of sorcery in ed to function as an alarm using the natural echo of the
Fyera. As they leave it behind them, they venture deeper ravine. If the characters attempt to inspect the soldiers, a
into Penumbra, as a deepening darkness descends around successful Perception check (DC 14) will yield that around
them. The journey lasts several turns of the hourglass, and one in four is undead (black lips, not breathing, visible
the party is now walking under a vast, starlit sky. wounds around the neck).
At this point, the steppes have been left behind and re- Before long, the dark capital makes its appearance on the
placed by rocky, mountainous expanses. Suddenly, the gloomy horizon.
main road coils around the base of a mountain and leads
to a spacious crossing between two mountains that flank Before they enter the capital, Silas will secretly ask Quin-
it from the left and right. In the distance, a row of stakes lan if he can feed off him, if he is still injured. With a Per-
can be seen right in front of a small pit, no more than 1 ception check (DC 12) the characters will hear that it is a
metre deep. matter of pride for him not to come back injured when the
mission he was sent on was considered to be danger-free.
Behind this makeshift stockade the characters can discern If the characters intervene, Quinlan will emphatically
figures, lightly geared and armed with halberds. They will shoot down any offer for anyone else to bear this respon-
stop the party, but as soon as Silas is mentioned or joins sibility, as Silas was under his command at the time.
the conversation, they will apologize for their carelessness
and allow them to go about their way without asking for
any further explanation. Routh Anem
In case there is a Primus Dark Knight in the party, the sol- This city has no walls whatsoever! Its houses, shops
diers – who would recognize such an individual on sight and laboratories are scattered around the city’s pe-
riphery, creating an immense complex of buildings
– will pull the stakes from the ground and drop a small
and neighborhoods with a huge range of architectur-
wooden bridge over the pit, before lining themselves up al styles.
and giving the Dark Knight a formal salute. They will
stand perfectly still and silent, and will not answer any The city is built at the far end of a gorge, on a “natural
questions unless asked by Silas or the Dark Knight them- dead end” which concludes on a towering boulder
selves. that curves along its base. It is on this massive curve
that the castle of the dark capital is built, its imposing
If questioned by anyone else they will silently glance at black walls rising as high as the eye can see.
the Primus nearest to them, as if waiting for permission to
address the questioner.

They must therefore prepare accordingly for this occa-
sion, and choose their words very carefully, as Primus are
The black metal of the Primus that serves as the foun- notorious for their arrogance.
dation of the castle is made up of various sharp, an-
gular vertices, protruding towers and various works After entering the building, you encounter several Pri-
of art in Gothic rhythm. The monotony of black is mus in the lobby, mainly warriors who look like they’ve
broken by oversized gems and precious stones, art- come here for a reason. If the players approach the war-
fully positioned at strategic locations along the walls, riors (who, admittedly, do not look too keen to socialize
as well as large, impressive works of stained glass. with strangers) they may roll a Persuasion check (DC 14;
The city may lack walls, but it certainly does not lack
Primus characters roll with advantage). If they succeed,
a city watch. Before the first buildings appear on the they learn that a few turns of the hourglass ago, a band of
horizon, the watch forms a natural line of defense. twelve Primus returned from the Darklands, where they
Teams of patrolling watchmen plug the holes in this had spent quite a long time. Most of the warriors present
line along its diametre. had come to honor this band of twelve, as well as learn
about their condition and the situation of the members of
Inside the city, the characters can make out inhabi- their Houses.
tants of three categories. The majority of the citizens
are humans (a bit paler than average, perhaps, but Among these warriors, one stands out – a massive, and
humans nonetheless), while the undead form the oth-
er major category. Fallen citizens who won the right
quite hefty for a Primus individual, fully clad in iron mail,
and privilege of resurrection, these individuals were and barefaced, which makes him even more terrifying
brought back by the Primus Necromancers in order to behold. His name is Barca and he is the leader of the
to offer their services even after death. Crimson Guard, as well as the Viceroy’s right hand. Par-
adoxically, he is courteous and friendly when interacting
The third, smallest, but most important category are with strangers, although he does maintain a formal tone
the Primus. Vampires, the undisputed nobility that towards Lumens, which may betray his feelings towards
lords over this land, they stand at the very top of the them. He is willing to answer whatever question the char-
hierarchical pyramid.
acters may have, even those relating to the fall of the old
city and the “new” dark capital. He himself considers it
only a matter of time – and sacrifice – before the old city
is reclaimed. He will attempt to keep the characters preoc-
The party, Quinlan and Silas talks to the city watch. It is cupied for as long as possible, having noticed that Major-
quickly made clear that anyone who is injured must seek domo Alexandrinus is observing them, and intending to
the care of the city’s healers, while the rest will be granted give the man as much time as he needs.
audience with the Viceroy.
If there is a Dark Knight in the party, he will eye them up
When the city watch notices the party, the thumping of a and down before greeting them, trying to figure out who
drum is heard; the sound is followed by the thunderous they are. After quite a bit of murmuring, where he rules
gallop of a heavy horse. The characters find themselves in out various candidates, he will finally figure it out, and
front of one of the city’s gatekeepers. For although Routh thus greet the Dark Knight by name, saluting him with his
Anem lacks walls (and thus, gates), the title remains as a right hand forming a fist over his heart.
relic from the time the old capital.
(If the Dark Knight is using the ‘Summer Child’ back-
Dark Knight Gregorius approaches and introduces him- ground, then the other Primus will look down on them,
self (mounted on his steed if there is no Dark Knight in and the whispers that surround them will become increas-
the party; dismounted and addressing him if there is). ingly insulting, especially if the Dark Knight attempts to
He tactfully asks the party for the purpose of their visit. partake in the political scene of the night. If they oversteps
If there is a Dark Knight in the party, he appoints him or some invisible boundary they will be rebuked, and may
her in charge of the party until they present themselves to face comments such as “it is best for a ‘sun-bathed’ not to
Majordomo Alexinus. Otherwise, he appoints two of his speak of matters of the Darklands).
guards to guide the party to the Majordomo, reassuring
them that they are not being detained, but simply escorted If Silas is injured, Barca will command him to report to the
to their destination. healers immediately, and, upon sniffing the air, will turn
to observe the characters one by one. He will turn to Silas
Before reaching the gate of the peculiar stronghold, the and ask him if he fed off Quinlan. After Silas reluctantly
party arrives at the city square, which is surrounded by admits to the fact, Barca sternly advises Quinlan to follow
the manors and manses of various Primus nobles. The Silas in seeking out the healers, obviously offended by Si-
sounds of running water fill the air as you traverse the las’ action.
square, finding mostly Primus aristocrats, warriors and
necromancers, as well as their undead attendants. The at- If any of the characters inspects their surroundings for any
mosphere is light enough, but anyone who is not a Primus reason, with a successful Perception check (DC 14) they
can’t help but feel uneasy with so many Primus and un- will notice an unarmed Primus not far from where they
dead servants all around them. are, dressed in opulent silks and observing them.
It is a singular event for someone, especially a non-Prim- The Primus will approach them with excessive cordiality
us, to stand before the Red Throne. The players know they and ask them their names and their reasons for being in
will encounter some very important Primus nobles, per- the city. He will evade any questions and requests the
haps even a Primus Lord, creatures that have lived many characters may have, stating that he is unable to give any
decades, perhaps even centuries, and which likely possess conclusive answer this day, due to the imminent audience
quite a few eccentricities and idiosyncrasies. with the Blood Prince.

Following this, he will taketake them aside, to a chamber mus character who eats it to enjoy the benefits of the Pri-
with drinkable water for them to sate their thirst, as well mus. Until your next long rest, you gain a +1 bonus to two
as four undead stewards to groom them into a present- attributes of your choice, one mental and one physical.
able state before they appear before the court. The char- Furthermore, during your next long rest, you need only
acters will have their hair, armor and boots attended to sleep half the normal amount for a character of your race.
with supreme care, enhanced by decades of experience While the effects of the fruit are active, your character can
in grooming. In the end, a youthful-looking undead will sustain themselves on the blood of mortals. Each time you
inform them that the time has come, and lead them to the feed, replenish 1 hit die worth of HP.
throne room.
However, feeding just once is enough to instill an addic-
The most important decision the characters must make tion in you, suffering the drawbacks of being a Primus.
will pertain the note they found at the World’s End inn. While these effects persist, the mere sight of blood forces
They may choose to inform the city authorities regarding a Will saving throw (DC 12 +2 for each time you have al-
the address written on the note, as well as the urgency ready drunk blood) or your character feels compelled to
of investigating that address. After all, if a party of for- sate themselves with blood.
eign travellers were to break into the house of a citizen of
Routh Anem without his invitation, it might spell a lot of The Red Throne
trouble – and not just for them, either. A scenario like this
could easily unravel into a serious diplomatic incident. The players enter the “Castle” of the city and are led to
the Chamber of the Red Throne. As they approach it, they
On the other hand, informing the authorities and asking are able to fully experience the sumptuous, sorcerous and
for a formal permit to investigate is a gamble in itself. sinister allure of a Primus Powerbase.
There is no way of knowing how that situation would
unfold. At any rate, it is a decision that will decide the The throne room is round and sheltered by walls of dark,
outcome of the adventure, and the characters will need to intricately carved stone, which is etched with various lux-
decide on the path they will choose during the audience. uriant engravings. The banners of the extant and still ac-
tive dynasties hang languidly from the walls, whose sizes
There are 2 Primus NPCs who could prove helpful in one and quality of fabrics serve as hints as to the power and
way or another, provided the players manage to approach prestige of each dynasty.
and make a strong impression on them.
The centre of the room is not domed by a ceiling on the
The first is a captain of the city watch by the name of Ad- first floor. The circular corridor that is formed on the first
amari Angelicus, who ranks directly below the command- floor is supported by columns of black granite which are
er of the royal guard. He will give them a letter meant for positioned at regular intervals. Each column is graven
a lieutenant Scout by the border, which instructs the Scout with the likeness of a Primus Eternal – the ancient progen-
to give the players a special map of the area. itors of this mysterious race.

The second is an elegant and stylish aristocrat named Car- The throne itself stands at the centre of the room. An
milla Gloria II, who seems to have her eye on them in the oversized behemoth made of metal, it has a solid founda-
aftermath of the audience, while at the same time social- tion that is built into the ground itself, while the corners
izing with various high-ranking officials of the city watch. of its high back are sharp, like downcast canines. A deep
During the audience, there was an undercurrent of dislike crimson ruby is embedded at the centre of the back of the
by Viceroy Volante towards her person when she tried to Throne, with the emblem of the Primus carved around it.
speak up at a particular moment (Empathy DC 13). If they
approach her, she tells them that she has a personal in- The seven steps that lead to the first floor stop abruptly at
terest in the area, and if they agreed to tell her what they the midway point between the floor and the throne. There
found there before leaving the city, she will arrange for is one single step that connects this midway point with
them to take a Primus soldier with them who will provide the Throne, perhaps as a symbol of how impossible it is
assistance. for those at the base of the steps to reach it. On each of
these steps there is a pair of armed Primus warriors posi-
In truth, she owns some estates in the area and is curious tioned along the left and right flank. These warriors wear
to see what really happened. If they show they are trust- the red cloaks of the Crimson Guard, the royal guard led
worthy, she will tell them that if they come to her first by Barca.
when they find out what happened down there, her re-
ward will include a little extra something. Polygonal platforms stick out from the ring of the first
floor. Some of these pulpits are already occupied by what
The reward is a peculiar purple seed, lined with bulbous the characters can reasonably assume are influential Pri-
veins, which beats like a heart every few seconds. She ex- mus nobles. Their cold, piercing gaze washes over those
plains that it is a very particular seed, which even Herbal- below them, creating a sense of inferiority on those who
ists don’t know how to reproduce. Just a piece of the seed are on the receiving end of this silent, implicit judgement.
is enough for a mortal to experience – for a few fleeting
moments – the splendid grandeur of being a Primus. There are two Primus at the very centre of the room, at
the feet of the throne itself. They look visibly weathered,
[Bloodvein Pear] clad in armour worn by countless cracks and dents, and
armed with weapons and shields, which they have placed
This peculiar fruit grows in specially cultivated brusheries at their feet before them. They are both kneeling before the
in the great city of the Onyx Flower. In fact, Primus bota- throne, heads tilted back and eyes set on Viceroy Volante.
nologists do not have full control over growing this fruit, They are both silent, utterly transfixed by his speech and
since it is a somewhat rare mutation that happens with at the mercy of his will, as gladiators forced to make peace
a particular type of shrub, which withers and dies after with the death-blow of the blade.
producing this fruit. The Bloodvein Pear allows a non-Pri-
Audience Initially, Alexandrinus will speak on behalf of the throne,
and will firmly stress the characters’ place in the city. He
In order for this character to be conveyed appropriately, will act as a mediator, attempting to aid the adventur-
we advise that his background (presented above) is read ers, especially if he has garnered a positive impression of
carefully. The characters enter the throne room in the them.
middle of Volante’s speech. His words carry as if they are
coming from every corner of the room, and echo clearly, If Silas entered the city injured, Alexandrinus will briefly
like a bell in a temple made of marble. The room is perfect- mention it, as he believes it improper for the Primus to
ly still and hangs on his every word. His speech is steady send a Scout to the aid of the Lumens, and for him to come
and leaves no space between his words. back bearing wounds. He considers it their job to ensure
the Scout’s well-being, as every proper group does.
“There is no dishonour on you, or your companions. The road to
Victory over the enemy is long, and paved with the sacrifices of Moving forward, he will ask the adventurers how they
heroes. The knowledge of the terrain you brought us today adds ended up here, and to tell the court more on the matter of
yet another piece to the puzzle of our success. A piece caked in the attack. If the players are honest, it will count in their
blood, as all others have been so far. Our dead will be exalted as favour to the end of gaining the Lord’s permission to stay
befits them. The members of their Houses will bear the right to in the city.
wear the crimson in Routh Anem, from this moment until the
end of time. If the characters willingly and respectfully offer to share
the details of their mission, Lord Volante will raise his
As for you, brave Primus warriors – stand upright! It does not hand, which will be followed by the sound of the Ma-
behoove you to kneel this day. Go forth! You have won your rest jordomo’s staff stamping against the floor; the latter will
a thousandfold. Knight-Seneschal Barca has charged himself then call for the room to be cleared, save for the nobles
with your care, as well as the crimson tears that shall henceforth on the pulpits. This will surprise the attendants and cause
adorn your breasts.” quite a bit of chatter, but in the end, they will acquiesce to
the Lord’s demands.
With these words, the two warriors rise, and though
slightly confused, extend their blades towards Volante, With an air of smug haughtiness, Lord Volante congrat-
which draws a wave of applause from the pulpits. This ulates the party on being wise enough to understand
applause is, in turn, immediately drowned out by the they need his unique knowledge. His monologue initial-
clangor of weapons on shields and the rhythmic stomping ly seems almost delirious, as he talks about what a great
of spears against the ground. This exaltation of arms is weapon it is in the hands of the Enemy, and how much it
joined by cries of praise in the harsh tongue of the Primus, could change the balance of the world. Despite whatev-
which do not cease even after the two warriors salute and er confusion his ramblings may cause, the party quickly
turn around to march out of the room. catches on to the meaning of his words. Lord Volante ex-
presses his fear that the Darkness has aligned itself with
Only the intervention of Majordomo Alexandrinus man- a Lumen whose oracular talent is quite singular; or else,
ages to allay the commotion. Slamming his caduceus staff that it has managed to find a way to emulate the prophet-
against the marble floor, he challenges the honour of at- ic powers of the Lumen race. Using the Quill, they may
tendants with cries of “Remember where you are! Behave have access to all the Lumen prophecies that have been
in accordance with your blood, if you are worthy of it! recorded to date.
Silence! You stand before the Red Throne!” After absolute
silence has prevailed, he will take his place at the foot of Then, he will ask if the party knows why the Shadows
the throne and proclaim: “The next subject of the day. have stolen the Quill of a Thousand Paths from the Weav-
These individuals present themselves before Lord Volan- ing Order. From the ensuing discussion – and assuming
te, and humbly ask his permission to remain in the city the party succeeds at a Persuasion check (DC 16) the play-
under his protection.” He calls out the characters’ names ers find out that according to the Primus’ information, the
one by one, starting with the names of the Primus and Yil- Shadows stole the Quill with which the Oracles wrote all
drasyrs, and then moving to the Avernians, Eldrasyrs and the important moments prophesized in the future.
Lumens, accompanying each name with the appropriate
titles. He leaves the two absentees for last, citing force ma- If the group chooses to bring up the note with the ad-
jeure, and Knight-Seneschal Barca’s orders to justify their dress and asks for permission to investigate (depending
absence. on the party’s honesty on the above question), Volante’s
answer will depend on a few things. In one case, he may
Each character has the option to either kneel before the give them permission to investigate, thinking that it will
Red Throne, or find some other way to honour him by alleviate any suspicion that there is a Primus citizen who
performing a Persuasion check (DC 12). A description consorts with the Darkness. In the other scenario, he will
of the character’s actions that shows complete respect is only allow them to enter if accompanied by members of
treated as a successful roll, and if they ask for the Major- the city watch.
domo’s help, he will whisper corrections, offering advan-
tage to their rolls. His instructions are aimed at displaying In the event that the players act rashly, such as by insult-
the highest respect possible to the Viceroy. Each success- ing or provoking his wrath, then he will grant them per-
ful roll predisposes Volante more positively towards the mission to stay in the city for no more than 24 hours. If
group, while each unsuccessful roll is treated as an insult they stick around for even a moment longer, they will be
to his name. thrown into the dungeons.
Lord Volante himself will remain silent, but his body lan- The audience concludes with the Viceroy ordering his ser-
guage will clearly show his displeasure, if he deems their vants to provide the party with shelter and food as befits
gestures insufficient, or alternatively his satisfaction if he any guest (unless they behaved in a disrespectful manner,
is given the respect he deserves. as described above).

Dorgo’s Street Safehouse If someone else insists on going in first, Quinlan will nev-
ertheless still attempt to enter the trapdoor, invoking the
The house whose address is written on the note is located need to rescue the girl and unravel the thread that has been
on the eastern side of the city, by the commoners’ district woven. Inside, the passage is absolutely dark. Occasional-
near the rocks on the right side of the ravine. ly you happen upon narrow side-passages connecting to
the main one. Before they’ve gotten any further than a few
If the players have gotten the Viceroy’s permission they
metres in, the sound of battle coming from where Quin-
can enter undisturbed. Alternatively, they will have to
lan is rouses the group to action. Before they have time to
concoct a plan to get inside without being seen. The house
respond and deflect the barrage of small arrows that falls
is stone-wrought and low-ceilinged. Aside from two firm-
upon them, Quinlan has disappeared into the darkness.
ly shut windows on the front, and a small chimney of rot-
ten wood on the roof, there is little else for the characters If the players attempt to follow Quinlan or stay in the pas-
to see from the outside. Inside the house lives a family of sage, they will be attacked by Dark Zealots. The tunnel
locals, who treat our characters with excessive servility, will collapse and they will have to fight to the death, as
unless they break into the place, in which case they will there is no chance of escape. If any of the Dark Zealots
demand explanations. is taken hostage, they will confess that the Darkness has
infiltrated everything, and that they were commanded to
The family consists of a man and a woman, dressed in
guard the place for anyone who might want to cross from
plain, frugal everyday clothes. They look almost pathet-
the Darklands into the world of light. The only other thing
ic as they stand before our heroes. Based on the things
they will reveal is where the tunnel ultimately leads.
found around the house, but also off a possible conversa-
tion they might strike with the residents, the players find In case that none of them Dark Zealots are left alive, the
that the family is in the leatherworking business. There is characters can gather information to help them with the
also a child’s bed, but no sign of a child. With an Investi- case from various expects around the city who are famil-
gation check (DC 13) the players find stoneworking tools iar with the Darklands. These experts will be able to de-
(a chisel, a hammer, a pickaxe, etc) , which are of course duce where the tunnel leads based on the clothing and
completely unrelated to their profession, while a roll of 16 emblems found on the Dark Zealots.
or higher will reveal a trapdoor hidden under the ashes of
the fireplace.
If the characters try other methods (Intimidation or Per- What happened to Quinlan? Was he abducted? Did he
suasion DC 15), the couple will reveal the trapdoor, and die? Or was this whole thing staged so that he could cross
admit – with quivering lips – that a man appeared at to the other side of the tunnel?
their doorstep, telling them that their child had been kid-
napped. If they wanted to get their daughter back, they
were to allow the man’s associates to finish construction
of a tunnel that would lead to their house, and to never tell
anybody about it. Quinlan immediately rushes to inspect
the trapdoor. The passage is narrow and barely enough
to fit an erect human, especially someone in heavy armor.

Act No 4 – Into the Darklands Finally, they have been reassured that those in charge at
the borderlands will definitely recognize the emblems and
other paraphernalia they picked up off the Dark Zealots,
NPCs as well as where they likely reside.
First Lieutenant Quinlan “Brightshield” Narmer
Yejide Furaha, Outpost Chieftain And so, our characters depart Routh Anem. Their desti-
Astorian Caestus Eleth, Primus Dark Knight nation is a small outpost to the northeast, which also hap-
pens to be the closest border to the accursed land.
Introduction If one had never been to these parts before, they would
The characters have been embroiled in a very peculiar ad- surely think that these must be the Darklands; however,
venture, which has led them on the road in an attempt our characters are experienced fighters and it is not their
to solve the case, and exonerate themselves and their old first time approaching the dark realm. The Darkness is
companion Quinlan. thick and all-encompassing, while the only source of light
comes from the hundreds of stars that litter the dark sky.
Upon arriving in the Lumen capital of Nalda, the charac- Gradually, the cold intensifies, piercing the body like dag-
ters decide to visit their old friend and travelling compan- gers, and white clouds begin taking form from the breaths
ion Quinlan, who is currently serving as Lieutenant in the of those who breathe. They cross savage, mountainous
executive branch. Quinlan invites them to the Headquar- landscapes, following a narrow trail across an increasing-
ters of the Weaving Order, where he has been stationed as ly inhospitable realm.
captain of the guard; he welcomes them, and shows them
around the building. Soon they are set upon by a group of Two turns of the hourglass later, the outpost begins to
dark creatures which, after a fierce fight ensues, neverthe- emerge at the end of a hill, causing a few hopeful notes to
less manage to escape the city. disrupt the suffocating bleakness of the journey.

With the city’s endorsement, the party decides to track Route A: To Camp Vidal
these creatures down. Aided by Lieutenant Quinlan and
a Primus Scout named Silas, the party follows the trail, The group travels from Routh Anem to Camp Vidal, one
which takes them to Penumbra and the lands of the Pri- of the biggest Primus military outposts at the border. [Tra-
mus. They decide to rest at an inn, but they happen upon ditions or History (DC 13): Vidal was an old Primus gen-
one of the guards who was stationed at the Weaving Or- eral who died in the battle for their old capital city. Thanks
der the day of the attack. to his efforts, many Primus were able to live that day. One
of the most famous Blood Princes of all time, it is said that
Before they have time to interrogate him, however, they he was unparalleled with the sword, able to cut his foes
are beset by a pack of rabid Shadow Hounds, which burst from afar. The DC for this check is reduced by 5 for Prim-
into the inn and start wreaking havoc. In the ensuing bat- us characters. If a player beats the DC by 5 or more, they
tle, the heroes, who are struggling to protect the civilians also know that his body was never recovered. Survivors
while also fending off the Shadow Hounds, end up losing of the battle spoke about a whirlwind of shadows and
the guard, and the only piece of evidence they are left with blood that overtook the city before they fled. Could it be
is a note with an address written on it – an address that true that he embraced the darkness to protect his people?]
points to the capital of the Primus, Routh Anem.
While travelling to the farthest reaches of northern Pen-
The characters follow the trail and travel to the Primus umbra, it is as if the world stands still. Not a sound can
capital, where they are granted an audience with the lead- be heard except from that made by the party themselves.
ership of the city. Afterward, they end up in the house Animals start growing scarcer and scarcer; the trees and
whose address was written on the note and discover that flowers have a grotesque look about them, as trees turn
the inhabitants were maintaining a tunnel under the or- black and their leaves seem to be made of ash. The tall
ders of a group of Dark Zealots who had kidnapped their grass is destroyed as the party moves through, leaving
daughter. The heroes enter the tunnel, where a struggle only dust behind. However, fungi have started appearing
occurs, resulting in the tunnel’s collapse and Quinlan’s much more frequently in these lands, untouched by dark-
disappearance. ness.

The players will have to make the grim choice to travel Their presence allows some animals to stay in these en-
to the Darklands, to the place where they guess the Dark vironment. There is a battle going on in these lands, a
Zealots used to dwell. Their objective is to find answers battle for the natural world that Fyera herself is fighting.
regarding the Shadows, the missing child, as well as [Nature (DC 15): Wildlife is significantly reduced be-
Quinlan’s mysterious disappearance. cause most herbivores cannot sustain themselves on the
corrupted flora, which means that they have left for an
environment that suits them better, and so the carnivores
The Beginning of the End have followed them. However, over a small span of time
The characters have left behind the unpleasant events of a few herbivores – mainly rodent types – have been able
Dorgo’s Street and are now heading to the borders be- to adapt their diet to sustain themselves purely on fungi,
tween the civilized world and the Darklands. without any apparent side effects.]
The authorities of Routh Anem have supplied the party The party can push forward to Camp Vidal, which they
with the necessary paperwork that will grant them access can reach if they exert themselves for a few hours. If they
to the Darklands. The party has also been given an abun- decide to rest here instead, they can find a fungal grove
dance of tips, suggestions and advice, as well as ample with a DC 12 Survival check. If they bring out their food
provisions for the journey. and start eating, a swarm of rodents begins circling them
for the food.

They are not harmful to the party, but they are a bit dis-
ruptive to their rest. If they do nothing, the characters
wake up with a level of exhaustion from the constant
struggle of having to keep the rodents away from their
food and other supplies. [Nature (DC 20): If they examine
a dead rodent, they will find that small fungi are growing
inside their head. It appears that the rodents who started
eating the fungi developed some sort of symbiotic bond
with them and have developed a hive mind of sorts. Who
or what controls them is another matter entirely. A sin-
gle properly cooked rodent of this kind provides enough
nourishment for a whole day.]
If they investigate around the grove (Investigation DC 12)
the party finds themselves upon a very grotesque scene:
tens of dead rodents, whose skin and fur is completely
drained of all color. Their corpses form a trail that breaks
away from their path towards Camp Vidal.
[DC 15 Erebos: This is the signature feeding style of the
Shadows they have been chasing. Could it mean that they
came this way? If you beat the DC by 5, you also real-
ize that there are between 6 to 8 Shadows travelling here,
based on the amount of corpses drained.]
[DC 12 Survival: The path formed by the drained corpses
leads deep into the mountains above Camp Vidal. Follow-
ing them might earn the party some time, but it is much
more dangerous. If you beat the DC by 5, you also find
tracks le
Route B: To the Underpass
The party keeps close to the trail they found in the grove,
and find themselves north of the camp, on the foothills of
a mountain range. There are much fewer animal corpses
in the vicinity, but a Nature check (DC 13) reveals that
the melanin has been drained from the plant life instead.
Following the drained plants once again leads the party
into the entrance of a cave that goes into the mountains. It
is a cold and humid place with numerous interconnected
Utilizing the sounds of the cave, ,as well as the flow of
water wherever they are lucky to see it, they can make a
Survival check (DC 13) to find an exit. In the middle of tra-
versing through the cave, they find a perfect place to rest.
If they begin to make camp, they soon realize it might not
be so perfect. Adventuring gear, along with the bones and
other body parts of dead explorers, can be seen once some
light is cast, or a character with darkvision makes some
sort of skill check to determine the safety of the area (such
as an Investigation or Perception check, with DC 12). 50
ft of rope, two grappling hooks and two potions of un-
known effect can be pillaged from the party of long-dead
If the party spends a short rest, they move on safely. If
they spend a long rest, they are ambushed during their
rest. The last watch needs to make a Perception check
(contested by the stealth of their enemies) to determine
their awareness.

After their battle with the Cimmerian Sentry Spiders, the They would be wise to visit her regardless, as she will
party [Perception DC 17] begins hearing rattling and skit- “perform the necessary rites that will allow them to begin
tering sounds from the depths below as the other dark their journey.”
creatures of these caves have been notified of their pres-
ence, so they must make a run for it. If they throw a light The lower-ranking officers eventually take the party to
source, they can see tens of Flesh Hunters as well as a few Yejide’s dwelling. It is a cave, almost hidden at the base of
Sentry Spiders making their way to their location. The a hill to the west, it has no door or anything of the sort to
Sentry Spiders feast on some Flesh Hunters while climb- cover it. Only a makeshift curtain made of animal leather
ing. While attempting to escape, the party must quickly that is stiched together falls over the entrance.
decide what to take from their camp (if they laid any stuff
down) and what path to take. When you enter, a warm breeze suddenly blows on your
face, filling your nostrils with a strange scent. It is the
A natural-made bridge extends to the east into a vast tun- scent of… the old, the primitive. The smell of soil, and
nel, otherwise they can follow one of the many smaller Mother Fyera. These rocks have never been touched by
tunnels to the north. The bridge takes them very close to a pickaxe. At some points, the stone was sharp, made so
the Broodmother, however it also allows them to sneak by the touch of time. Runes adorned the dark grey shell,
past the Centurions – and what’s more, the Flesh Hunters runes and scattered ideograms.
dare not approach this area. The braver Flesh Hunters are
instantly devoured by the Centurions. The passive Per- What little light exists in the cave comes from the over-
ception of the Centurions is 16. The smaller tunnels divide sized skulls of some birds, the scalps of which have been
the horde that is after them, but they may have to battle cut off, while a small lit fuse floats in fish oil.
some other Flesh Hunters or an additional sentry spider
before finding the exit. Route A: Camp Vidal
They make it past the Centurions and the hordes of dark Makeshift settlements and trenches, erected with max-
creatures and follow brooks of shimmering water [Intelli- imum efficiency make up the border outposts. Signs of
gence check (DC 12) or Nature check (DC 15) to remember light and civilization, however sparse, are there. A con-
the vein of Fyera they found in a previous cave. This is the stant struggle to maintain their position, despite countless
same one.] which finally leads to an exit. The party find casualties and a general sense of gloom and despair, aptly
themselves in a very tight and asphyxiating gorge. The describes these settlements and the soldiers posted there.
path itself is 10-ft in width and extends for about 3 miles What breaks the strange silence and sadness of the place
in both directions. If they go south, they find themselves is the presence and influence of adventurers.
in a forest which leads to Camp Vidal (Survival DC 14). People of all races and lands that delve into the Dark-
If they go north, they find the carcass of a Sentry Spider, lands, not out of duty – though not necessarily without it
drained of its melanin, and are eventually led to a valley, either – but out of nostalgia for a better place, out of hope
slowly leaving the mountain behind them. At the end of for a better future, and a deep burning desire to make a
the valley, atop a small hill there is a mighty fortress. change. Adventurers are those whose Soulsparks burn
brightly into the dark of night. Although their being there
The Last Border is disruptive, they have an effect around them that even
the faintest Soulspark among the soldiers can feel.
The outpost is quite unremarkable relative to the signifi- Of course, while the soldiers love adventuring stories,
cance of its purpose. To be accurate, it is little more than a their superiors seldom do. People of just as bright sparks,
two-story wooden building that functions as a headquar- who chose responsibility and duty over inconsequential
ters; the dormitories, which extend to the west; a tiny inn heroism. The borderlands are wild, they are untamed,
where the soldiers likely pass the time; and a cluster of they are struggling. In Fyera’s darkest hours, all band to-
makeshift wooden fences, which provides some rudimen- gether.
tary protection.
The overwhelming majority of the unit is made up of Places of Interest
mortal Primus and undead. The Avernians come second, The Central Outpost – The soldiers sleep on the sec-
which seem to be a cohesive unit, with a few specific indi- ond floor of this wooden building, while the main floor
viduals standing out with the trademark aura of a veter- is used for storage and an office space for the scouts to
an. The Draesyr present can be counted in one hand, while make their famous maps. Head Scout Adrian, the Captain
none of the people you meet seems to be a Lumen. of the Second Order of the Border Guard, can be found
here, working deep into the night, tweaking and fixing his
The travelers are welcomed by Astorian Caestus Eleth, an maps based on what newest information was brought in
imposing Primus Dark Knight clad in sturdy plate mail, by scouting parties and adventurers. It is obvious he lacks
who towers like a giant above the rest of the host. He de- energy and enthusiasm when the party encounters him,
mands an explanation for their presence there, but once but he does not hesitate to offer what aid he can. He will
he sees the paperwork he welcomes them to the outpost. find a map to fit their needs, clear them for a few days’
After a brief tour of the place, the Dark Knight allows worth of supplies as well as standard issue black lanterns.
them to prepare for their upcoming journey. If the players The outpost has a back door leading to a makeshift clinic,
ask his help regarding the Zealot markings and the place where a single Eldrasyr doctor can be found, tending to
they are looking for, he will refer them to Yejide Furaha, a tens of bodies alone. Most of the patients are young ad-
Yildrasyr Witch Doctor who is quite knowledgeable about venturers who doubtless thought they could brave the
the followers of the Darkness. Darklands with sword and mettle alone.

The Clinic – Kiarra, the resident healer of Camp Vidal, Yansa (Avernian Pack Alpha) puts down a strange contrap-
does not seem to pay any attention to the party as they en- tion, a flare. [Academics (DC 15) to know that once lit, it cre-
ter her clinic, as she is busy tending to some very particu- ates an immense burst of light that can drive even some of
lar wounds on a Lumen novice. Small golem-like creatures the scarier monsters roaming the Darklands. The flare lasts
made of vines and leaves can be seen moving around the for 10 rounds.]
clinic, providing some aid to the patients and bringing her
whatever she needs at any moment. Baku (Yildrasyr Warlord) puts down a bone dagger with a
black tip. Anyone wielding it suffers a -2 penalty on attack
As for the Lumen, his whole thorax has burst out of his rolls, but it deals 2d4+2 points of damage and successful
chest and is gnawing at him, and her healing spells seem attacks bleed an enemy for an additional 1d4 damage.
to only work temporarily. In desperation she screams at the
party to go look for a certain flower, just beyond the gate to Providence (Lumen Engineer) puts down a mechanical de-
the Darklands, which ironically grows near corpses. [Sur- vice that has some metallic wire spring-loaded and can be
vival or Nature (DC 15) to find this flower. If a Herbalist is used to create a perimeter around the sleeping party, so that
in the party, that Dc is 8.] when somebody crosses the perimeter and fails their Reflex
save, they trip the wire, triggering the mechanism of the de-
If they help her, she brews a concoction that puts the poor vice. The device makes a lot of noise and rapidly pulls back
Lumen to sleep and then approaches them. She is a very the wire, causing the triggering creature to take 3d6 points
timid middle-aged woman, with black hair and eyes that of slashing damage and fall prone.
show a profound sadness. The amount of people she has
lost to the forces of Darkness cannot be understated, and While talking with this party of veterans, the characters are
it shows on her very Soulspark, which is a dull grey. She is given some general advice on how to survive in the Dark-
willing to accept help from anyone offering (Medicine DC lands, and they find out a bit of their backstory. They came
15 to provide meaningful help. If you use spell slots or con- back from a trip in the Darklands with a bunch of newbies,
sumables to aid the patients then she warms up to you.) To but at the last moment they were ambushed by Shadows;
anyone who went to look for the flower, she gives a potion and while an experienced adventurer knows when the
of healing (2d8+4 hp). darkness is baiting them, a new one does not. They urged
the two Lumens and the Avernian to immediately head for
To anyone who helped with the patients, she gives 1d4+2 the camp, but they did not listen. The Avernian, and one
dried berries. Each berry restores a number of hit points as of the Lumens, fell to the corrupting touch of the Shadows,
if you had spent one of your Hit Dice to heal when resting. while the other Lumen was violently beaten up and is now
If they already met the adventurers at the Makeshift Tavern, fighting for his life at the clinic. Yansa wishes the party good
they recognize the Lumen that she must put to sleep with luck and tells them they should get some rest and seek the
the flower they found for her is the one from the adventur- Witch of the Cave the next day, so they can get marked and
ers’ story. If they come back later, the Lumen is awake, but finally leave.
delirious. He warns them that the food is full of worms, that
the beds are made of iron spikes and that the walls are filled The Avernian Tent – To the left of the central building, there
with eyes and fangs and claws ready to devour them. RUN! is a humongous circus-like tent that is filled with Avernians
of various types and looks. In direct contrast with the sad
The Makeshift Tavern – A sad tune can be heard coming tunes of the tavern, here only happy song and dance can
from the tavern, which is essentially a big tent filled with ta- be heard and seen. If the party joins in, the Avernians glad-
bles and chairs. One of the undead soldiers is singing about ly welcome them. Spending the night here allows a player
bygone times, homes that are far away, and broken hearts. character to lose 1 Erebos point. Also, these Avernians all
Nostalgia and melancholy fill the room, but the patrons have wares to sell.
seem to be enjoying themselves.
Additionally, if there’s a Pyromancer in the party and he is
Among the undead and living soldiers enjoying a break friendly with them, they will give him some free explosive
from their duties is an adventuring company, which can be devices: 1 x Mine, 2 x Flash Bombs and 4 x Vials of Adhesive
found at one of the tables. A towering Warlord whose bone Goo.
armor is as grotesque as it is exotic, with his gigantic black-
ened bone axe resting beside him. The only Lumen that can The Witch’s Cave – A curtain covers the entrance, made of
be found in this camp, an Engineer, is sitting next to the animal leather that is stiched together. Within the cave is a
Warlord. And finally, as the party enters the tavern, so does green flame that gives off a faint, dim light. If the players en-
a veritable beast of a man – an Avernian with thick, grey ter, they find the old Witch carving some talismans made of
skin and a pair of horns coming out of his elongated, rhi- bone and leathers. The cave is surrounded by shelves filled
no-like face. It is truly a rare sight to see an Avernian whose with strange and occult ingredients (Erebos DC 20: They are
spirit animal is so majestic and powerful. The very presence used in prohibited magic. This DC is 10 for Witch Doctors
of the adventurers inspires others to shoot for greatness. He or other casters who can use prohibited magic). If an Inquis-
sits with the Warlord and the Engineer, who are playing itor attempts to detect her Erebos level, all light in the cave
some sort of game of chance using dice made of bones. is suddenly snuffed out and deep darkness surrounds him
for a moment. She knows that the darkness is coming to
If the players approach these adventurers, they are offered get her, but she will do anything in her power to help those
to gamble. Each player stakes something of value, and the who opposite it until her very last moment.
winning party takes all. (Each character rolls a flat d20, and
the highest roll wins. A player can choose to roll Sleight of If the party has Yildrasyr characters, or if they have made
Hand against a DC of 15 to gain advantage on the flat roll. an impression on her, she will offer the party protective tal-
Other characters can contest with Insight and if the player is ismans that mask their smell for two days from the various
caught, they suffer disadvantage on the flat roll.) dark monsters that rely on smell instead of sight.

Yejide Furaha The characters can also learn this piece of informa-
tion by asking the Witch, who adds that they would
Despite her odd manners, Witch Doctor Yejide is
be well advised to try to remain unseen as much as
otherwise hospitable and friendly. Her aura, the
they can, and to avoid any and all battles if possi-
way she speeks and her manners hint at something
dark and otherworldly, yet at the same time she
treats the travellers as a mother would her child on With these words of advice, the players depart her
its first day at school. cave, and are ready to cross the walls that lead to
the Darklands, and the place they are looking for.
She will answer all the characters’ questions in her
own way, after learning their names and mission

Based on the emblems they show her and their

descriptions of the Zealots, she responds with con-
fidence as to the path they must follow. They be- Requiem
long to a team of renegades, men and women who
embraced their dark side and found themselves Leaving Camp Vidal behind them, the party slowly be-
under the sway of the darkness. They were forced gins to make their way into the Darklands. Moving past
to move to the Darklands as there was no place
for them behind the borders, and it was there that
the corpse-filled trenches, those with a brighter outlook
they fully lost themselves, in service of the Dark on life might find their willpower sapping away as they
Apostles. Their headquarters was right over the must walk on corpses to even begin their journey. Crushed
mountains (which explains the tunnels) in an old bones, flayed skin, and desecrated bodies of all races litter
abandoned Primus building which, four hundred this mass grave.
years ago (when it was built) used to serve as the
primary facility that “cared” for those who had lost Following the map given to them by the Lieutenant Scout,
their minds. they find themselves awfully close to a swamp that reeks
of sulfur. Bellowing roars from deep within might deter
Nevertheless, she is perplexed, as these places
the party from moving closer. To their right, they can see a
had been cleared by expeditions that she herself
had participated in a few years ago. As far as she forest in the distance, the trees of which have no leaves and
knows, only a handful of Yormoths (Flesh Hunters) have trunks in the shape of crucified bodies. Their branch-
now wander those parts, but it is something worth es moving in the wind, they have face-like hollows that
investigating all the same. scream deep into the night.
Thankfully, the place is quite close, situated before If the party moves closer to investigate, they find the bod-
the Cressets of Vigil, and therefore the odds of sur- ies of adventurers hanging from the tree branches, put up
vival are quite high. as warnings and reminders of where they are. The grass
She asks them to give some of their blood so that
below the trees has turned into a deep crimson colour due
the necessary spells can be cast. This is something to the blood that was drained from the corpses. An Inves-
that everyone who seeks to cross the borderlands tigation check (DC 14) reveals to the party a few corpses
goes through. In case the players wonder what whose melanin has been drained. Following these corpses
this blood tribute is about, she informs them that a leads to the foothills of a mountain. They can go through
small portion of that blood goes to the Blood Mages, the mountain by entering the gorge that precedes it, or fur-
which allows them to verify that it is indeed them ther investigate the swamp on their left.
upon their return. Another portion of the blood is
used by Yejide herself, allowing her to sense if your Circling the Mountain: This is the path of least resistance.
life-thread is cut while beyond the borders. Yejide A few Flesh Hunters gang up on the party before they can
casts the necessary spells, mixing the characters’
blood with various other ingredients in a stone
see the Fortress of Gor’akk with their own eyes, but other-
bowl, and marks your foreheads with her bloodied wise nothing of note happens.
Through the Gorge: This is the quickest path to the for-
If the players are cooperative and friendly towards tress. However, they are attacked from above by two Cim-
her, and assuming there is at least one Draesyr merian Sentry Spiders (look below for statistics). They first
present, Yejide will grab a handful of soil from the use their umbral webbing to pull one or two enemies to
earth, plunge it in some entrails of unknown origin their side before engaging the rest of the party. They can
that are hanging somewhere nearby and blow it off find Flesh Hunter remains further ahead, probably the din-
her palm in frotn of each one of the characters.
ner of the Sentry Spiders.
If the players let her, they will see the soil fly off
her hand as if it were dust, and stick to their bodies The Mysterious Swamp: The most dangerous and least
through some magical means. They gain a “crust of effective path. A sentient, carnivorous plant lives at the
skin” made of mud. centre of the swamp and its influence and reach extend
throughout its entirety. The party can constantly see vines
With a successful Erebos Lore check (DC 15) the and roots moving about where they shouldn’t, shadows
players know that this spell masks their scent and slithering in the corner of their eye.
acts as a means of warding off the Flesh Hunters
who dwell in the area, since they have no eyes, but To reach the island at the centre of the swamp, they must
rather use scent and hearing to track down their go through the boggy water. Doing this without some sort
of boat or shaft is borderline suicidal.

The Fortress of Gor’Akk the Ravenous
In the distance, the party can see for the first time in hours
or days the lanterns of their allies. The fortress before
them was built by a very famous Warlord, who wished
not only to tame the Darklands, but indeed to conquer
them. For a very short time, he had dark creatures enlist-
ed in his warbands, before they inevitably betrayed him
and feasted upon his body [Traditions of History (DC 14)].
His tribe was either completely annihilated, or perhaps a
worse fate befell them.
Nearing the fortress, the party can see silhouettes by the
door as well as windows. In total, 8 undead guards are
keeping watch for the night. If the guards are approached
peacefully, they will inquire about the party’s business,
but will not put up much resistance in their requests for
shelter or information. If the party attacks, then it becomes
a combat encounter.
They are invited into the fortress and are shown to a vast
dining room filled with food. They are left to their own
devices to eat and discuss. After a while, Chief Herbalist
Nyela appears in the room and explains how they came
upon this fortress and why it is important to occupy it. She
explains that she is part of a scouting expedition meant
to update maps as well as create lines of communication
with Camp Vidal and the rest of the border settlements,
as well as between adventuring parties. It is a huge oper-
ation whose ultimate goal is to create the conditions that
will allow them to push the Cressets even further into the
[She shows them where the soldiers would sleep if they
were alive, and leaves them to rest. If they decide to sleep
with no watch, during the night they are restrained and
taken to the underground jail. An opposed Perception
check at disadvantage is required to notice the attempt
to imprison them, and a Constitution save (DC 14) is re-
quired to avoid the effects of the poison they are hit with.]
If they decide not to rest, they are not ambushed, but
they may make the same Perception check to notice the
attempt to ambush and poison them as they release some
spores in the room that release poisonous gases. Moving
out from the room, they encounter four guards (two melee
and two ranged) who begin to show their true forms to
the party. As their forms begin to shift to faceless cloaked
figures, the state of the fortress itself begins to rapidly de-
grade. The floor begins to crack, the stairs break apart and
debris falls from the ceiling. A Reflex save (DC 14) negates
2d8 bludgeoning damage every 1d4 rounds. The Harvest-
ers move to attack the party, and within their shadowy
cloaks, the party can see the tortured faces of their previ-
ous victims. After they defeat them and move to the base
floor, 2 more guards await along with the supposed Chief
Herbalist Nyela. She creates one Necrotic Cystflower to
delay the party and moves into her study. Following her to the study, they find an open passage to
an underground lair filled with prison cells that are so
Velvet Cystflower: This red seed blossoms into a medi- tight that the prisoners cannot freely move, but their flesh
um-sized flower in a square adjacent to you, whose petals and bones are rubbed against the old stone walls, rend-
have various velvet undertones and constantly seem to ing them in the process. This agonizing procedure does
be dripping a crimson liquid. At the end of each of your not allow them to sleep, nor is it painful enough to fully
turns, this flower can make a ranged attack against a crea- stay awake. They drift between consciousness and uncon-
ture with an attack bonus of +6. If successful, it spits a sciousness. Attempting to communicate with one of them
velvety acid at your enemies, melting their skin. The at- riles them up, as more and more prisoners scream and
tack deals 3d4 points of necrotic damage and a creature beg for the quick release of death. There are 12 prisoners
covered by the acid takes 3 additional damage at the end in total, of which the 8 scream for a merciful death from
of the Herbalist’s turn. It takes an action and a Medicine the party. Three of them are undead guards in disguise
check (DC 15) to wipe it off your skin. and the last one is Quinlan. The Herbalist is nowhere to
be seen.
Quinlan is standing proudly, parts of his armor being The Fortress itself is but a remnant of what it was while
crushed into his body due to the lack of space in the cell. the illusion persisted, casting a dark shadow on the valley
Barely able to speak, he decides that the party is an illu- before it. Every light source is extinguished and the valley
sion and spits at them, hurling insults their way. The par- itself gathers a poisonous and gaseous wind. It becomes
ty must find a way to prove to Quinlan that they are here hard to breathe. A stable next to the Fortress has 1d4 sick-
to save him. That said, if they just break open the door and ly undead horses that can be ridden with a successful Ere-
carry him outside, Quinlan does not have the strength to bos Lore check followed by a Nature check (both DC 13).
resist. If they give him healing items such as dried berries,
he requires about 40 hit points to reach his maximum, but Once the party begins to make their escape, with Quinlan
if 20 hit points are healed he is able to walk and run with behind them, they can hear the sounds of a chariot mov-
no penalty. ing closer and closer. As they make their way towards the
mountain, their horses, one by one, begin to fall apart into
[If the party was kidnapped, they find themselves in the pieces. Those left behind can slowly see the chariot, with
cells and are still able to communicate with Quinlan. It is a hooded figure atop it. The creatures moving the char-
almost impossible to break open a cell door due to the po- iots are humanoids, previous adventurers now turned
sition of their bodies. Every hour trapped this way deals into slaves of the dark forces. As Quinlan’s horse also be-
1d4 points of piercing damage. Every day spent there gins to fall in the distance, the party holds their ground
causes one exhaustion level. However, while brute force as Quinlan slowly fades from sight. The Saint of Deceit
from the inside of the cell is not effective, finesse and mag- commends them on their bravery, as everything turns to
ic is the way to go. Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics followed pitch black darkness.
by an attack or a magic spell should be enough to break
open the cell with a DC of 15 to 18, depending on your The Lumen Jury that were witnessing these events are
desired difficulty.] forcefully ejected from the vision. A sinister whisper is all
that lingers on their mind: “Thank you for your service,
Once they make their way to the base level of the Fortress soldiers of the light.”
again, the whole place is twisted and turned into a ruinous
relic of the past. The walls are broken apart, the furniture Questions
has rotten away and the Harvesters that were defeated are
slowly rising back to “life”. The party can attempt to stop Was that indeed Quinlan, or was he just a trick of the
this procedure (Erebos Lore DC 16: Their cloak must be mind, along with the other prisoners?
burnt away and their weapons somehow destroyed).
Did he die fighting in the tunnel, or was he an ally of the
Outside the fortress, the entire area is much more sinister Darkness from the start?
than before. The wind seems to carry some dark and ma-
levolent whispers with it. Once they are out the door, the Did he lead his companions through this entire journey
Herbalist appears once again as her form begins to shift with the intent to kill them, or was he simply never even
as well, and as her illusion wears off, so does the illusion there, and it was a dark, malevolent being instead, pulling
surrounding the castle. strings as it lured these unfortunate adventurers to their

Author : Little Mike

Co - Authors :
Dimokritos Saloustros
John Rodis
George Kanatelias

Contributors :
Nikos Kastrinakis
Andreas Vourdoumpas

Soulmist: Time of Judgement is a Quickstart Reference & a free to play Open Beta Adventure.
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