Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10 English

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Pula, Joshua Rey L.


Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 10 English

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:

a. Identify modals of verbs used in expressing different functions;

b. Construct sentences using modals verbs following its functions; and
c. Cite the importance of using these modal verbs in everyday living, especially in written
and spoken communication of ideas.

Subject Matter:

Topic: Modals of Verbs

Reference: Teacher’s guide, MELCs pp 138, Grade English Textbooks
Materials: Laptop, Power Point presentation,


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activity

Opening Prayer:

“Everybody, please stand and Junel, please (Everybody stand)

lead the prayer.”
“Dear Lord, Bless us all


“Alright, good morning students?” “Good morning sir”

“How have you been doing?” “We are fine sir.”

Checking of attendance:
“Class Beadle kindly submit the attendance to after “Yes sir.”
the lesson.”


“Okay now let us recall, what was our topic last meeting?”

“about Verb sir”

(Jovani answered)
“Yes, Jovani”

“Very Good, our topic last meeting is all about Verbs”

“Now who can tell what’s the meaning of the word verb is?”
(the students are listening

“Yes, john”

“ a verb is an action word or a

state of being” (John
“very good, a verb is an action word or a state of a being”

(students raises up their hand)

“Now, who can give an example of a verb?”

“walking”(Divine answered)
“Yes, Divine, very good”

“ walking” “what else?” swimming and many more”

Motivations: (the students are listening)

“Now, I’m going to show you a video and what you are
going to do is to listen to the song and I’m going to ask you a
few questions”

(presenting a video to the class) ( The students are paying


“ok this time, I’m going to ask you about the song”

“Sad sir.”
“What did you feel after you watched and listen to the song?”

(Question 1)

“You feel sad? It is because of our current situation today”

(Question 2)

“For you, what is the message of the song?” “Yes, Yna?”

“the message of the song is an
“Excellent answer, the message of the song is an awareness awareness for us about the
for us about the covid-19” covid-19” (Yna answered)
(Question 3)

“What are the lines that are dominant in the song Covid -19

“everybody must take alert”

“everybody must take action”

“Yes, everybody must take alert, everybody must take action
and everybody must take charge” “excellent answer
everyone” “everybody must take charge”

(student answer in chorus)

“What does it denotes? everybody must take alert, take action

and take charge” “it is an obligation, very good class”
(Students are paying attention)

“What type of verbs does it express an obligation?”

“Yes Micah, very good, it is Modals of verbs”

“Modals of verb sir” (Micah
“So our topic this morning is all about Modals Of Verbs”

(Students are paying attention)

Lesson Proper:

● Reading of Objectives

“Everyone kindly read our objectives for today.”

“Ok thank you.” (Students are reading the

objectives in chorus)

● Discussions:

I will use Direct Instructions Method to discuss the

lesson. The students will interact attentively.

“Alright students, our topic for today is all about Modals

of Verbs.”

“John , please read the first definition.”

Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or

necessity. Because they’re a type of auxiliary verb
(helper verb), they’re used together with the main
verb of the sentence. Common examples include
can, should, and must.

“Ok thank you John, next definition kindly read James .”

“John is reading the

Modal verbs can be tricky, especially when it

comes to using them in a sentence. The good news
is that they’re simple once you learn how they

Example of Modal Verbs

Can, Might, Must, Ought to, Would, Should,

Could, Shall, Need, Have to, Will Be
“James is reading the
Able to, Will Have to, Allowed, Would have, Dare definition.”

“Thank you James.”

(I would discuss further the definitions and the students are


“Does the definitions are clear to everybody?”

“Alright then, let’s move to our next discussions, the When
are modal verbs used?”
“yes sir.”

“There are six situations to when we are going to use the

Modals of verbs, May I have Grace to read it”

When are Modal of Verbs used?

1. Possibility
2. Ability
3. Asking Permission
4. Request
5. Obligation “Yes sir.”
6. Command

“Thank you Grace, now let us dive in deeper on our topic”

“Grace is reading on when to

use the modals of verbs”
This time, the teacher is explaining about when to use the
modals of verbs.

“Did you all understand clearly class?”

“Very good!”
“Students are listening to the
teacher attentively”


For this part of discussions the students will answer a

question asked by the teacher. “ Yes sir”

“Directions: Choose the correct modal verb in each sentence


“Did you all understand clearly class?”

“Very good!” “Now lets start”

Question 1

1. In California, you (must, has to) ___ have a

driver's license to drive a car.

P4(students are listening to the

instruction given)
“very good, next question”

Question 2
2. While you are driving, you (must not, “yes, sir”
don’t have to) ___ listen to the radio. It's
not necessary.

“correct, I need a hand to answer the next question” (the students are

Question 3

(answers in chorus)
3. If you plan to take a long trip in the car, you
(should, don’t have to) ___ get a full tank of gas, or
you might run out of gas!

“Yes, Jovani”

“Brilliant answer, Another for question 4?

“don’t have to” (answers in

Question 4

4. When you are putting gasoline in your gas tank,

you (don’t have to, must not) ___ smoke! It is

“May I have John”

“Very Good answer”

“now lastly, I want everyone to answer the question”

Question 5
5. It's not a good idea to talk on a cell phone and drive “Should, sir’ (Jovani answer)
at the same time. Drivers (shouldn’t, have to)___
do that.

“excellent class”

(the students are


“let’s give them a rainbow clap.” “yes sir, my answer is “must

not” (John answer)

(Giving points with the use of rubrics)

“Yes sir.”
“Alright, everybody did a great job, let’s give ourselves
fireworks claps.”

Generalization “Shouldn’t” (everyone answer

in chorus)
“now class I will ask you some question about what you
have learned today”

Question 1. What was our topic all about?

“yes, Yna” Very Good, Our topic is all about Modals of (Students are participating)

Question 2. Can you give some examples of Modals?

(students are participating)

“Yes dear, very good, the examples of Modals are can, may,
must and so on and so forth.”

Question 3. What is the importance of using modals in our daily


“Yes sir.”
“Yes, the importance of modals in our life is that we could
fully express what we wanted to say like command, request,
possibility and etc.”

“our topic is all about modals

of verb” Yna answer

“can, may, should, must” Kurt


“The importance of modals in

our life is that we could fully
express what we wanted to say
like command.” Ben answer

Direction: Click the link and choose the correct answer.


Research and study in advance about the figures of speech.


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