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Toxic Socialization

Working Paper

Mike Sosteric and Gina R.

Version 1.10


We live in a surprisingly violent world. We experience physical assault,

emotional and psychological attack, and even the intellectual violence of
manipulation and indoctrination. Psychology is becoming increasingly aware
not only of the prevalent violence, but also of the profoundly deleterious
impact of said violence on the human mind and body; however, sociology lags
behind. Socialization, or our experiences at the hands of agents of
socialization, is a key concept in sociology. Every introductory sociology text
that is printed devotes and entire chapter to a discussion of socialization and
related concepts. However rarely, if at all, is there any indication that
sociologists are aware of the profoundly deleterious impact of toxicity
(violence, neglect, etc.) in the socialization process. This research note seeks to
alleviate this lacuna by providing a concept, toxic socialization, by which
sociologists and others (e.g., psychologists, parents, teachers, and anybody
involved in the socialization of human beings) can more readily discuss the
problem of a violence and neglect in our socialization processes.

Cite: Sosteric, Mike (2016). Toxic Socialization.


1.10 (July 14, 2018) – added 2018, 2017 research links

As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school

They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years

Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

John Lennon


We live in a surprisingly violent world. It used to be that we entered violently, with Western
doctors slapping a child on the backside as soon as it passed out of the womb. That is not done
anymore, but other forms of violence are still prevalent. We experience physical assault,
emotional and psychological attack, and even the intellectual violence of manipulation and
indoctrination. For most people, it doesn’t stop until we die.

As we’ll see in the main body of this research note, psychology is becoming increasingly aware
not only of the prevalent violence, but also of the profoundly deleterious impact of said violence
on the human mind and body. It is not a case of what doesn’t kill you leaves you stronger, it is a
case of what doesn’t kill you leaves you hurt, diminished, and sick. Sociology has been a bit
slow on the uptake, however. Socialization, or our experiences at the hands of agents of
socialization, is a key concept in sociology. Every introductory sociology text that is printed
devotes and entire chapter to a discussion of socialization and related concepts, like nature-
nurture, biological determinism, primary and secondary socialization, agents of socialization,

looking-glass self, family, peer groups, school, mass media, and so on (Steckley & Letts, 2013).
However rarely, if at all, is there any indication that sociologists are aware of the significance of
interpersonal violence in the socialization and child/adolescent developmental processes. This
research note seeks to alleviate this lacuna by providing a concept, toxic socialization, by which
sociologists and all others involved in the socialization and child/adolescent/human development
processes can more readily discuss the problem of a violent socialization process.

Toxic Socialization

Toxic Socialization is a violent socialization process. Toxic socialization fractures attachments,

undermines self-esteem, destroys ego boundaries, and disables the body's ability to function
physically, emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually. Toxic socialization is characterized
by active violence and abuse, and/or passive neglect and disregard.

1. Violence and abuse. Violence and abuse may be defined simply as any unwanted assault
or boundary violation of personal space. Violence and abuse includes physical,
psychological, emotional, and spiritual violence. Examples of each are provided below.
o physical abuse: hitting, biting, corporal punishment, prenatal exposure to drugs.
sexual abuse: sexual contact or non-contact, sexual interference (Behl,
Conyngham, & May, 2003)
o psychological abuse: abuse that impairs the mental life of the individual,
including impairment of intelligence, memory, perception, attention, imagination,
and moral development (O'Hagan, 1995).
o emotional abuse: abuse that impairs/damages the emotional life of the individual,
including their ability to properly regulate emotions, and to take responsibility, be
confident, be open to others when appropriate, maintain appropriate boundaries,
and trust. Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse, excessive demands, excessively
harsh judgments, and other abuse patterns that impact the child’s ability to feel
happy and healthy in their own skin (O'Hagan, 1995).
2. Neglect
o child neglect, failure to meet nutritional needs, inadequate food, shelter,
o emotional neglect, abandonment, failure to provide supervision

o medical neglect/psychological neglect/educational neglect (Behl et al., 2003)

We say toxic socialization and not simply abuse or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to
emphasize the fact that in almost most human cultures, assault and neglect of children is formally
and informally sanctioned. We push our kids away from us early, into peer groups incapable of
meeting even basic psychological needs. We threaten, assault (i.e., spank and hit), shame, and
call names all in the name of discipline. When I was a child, my mother justified her physical,
psychological, and emotional assaults by quoting Proverbs 13:24. And it is not just religious
folk. Left to right, high or low, we all hear the excuses. "What doesn't kill you makes you
stronger!" "Boys will be boys."

Violence and Abuse

It should be noted without equivocation that violence and abuse in childhood, adolescent, and
adulthood for that matter, have significant deleterious impacts on the mind and body of the
human being. Studies in recent years flag a host of negative emotional, psychological, and
physical outcomes. People who experience various forms of violence develop unhealthy and
risky behaviours (Annerbäck, Sahlqvist, Svedin, Wingren, & Gustafsson, 2012), adolescent
delinquency (Trickett, Negriff, Ji, & Peckins, 2011), depression (Blain, Muench, Morgenstern,
& Parsons, 2012; Christine Heim & Binder, 2012; Hosang et al., 2013; Kendler, Kuhn, &
Prescott, 2004; Liu, Jager-Hyman, Wagner, Alloy, & Gibb, 2012; Merrick et al., 2017) and
maternal depression (Li, Long, Cao, & Cao, 2017), suicidal ideation and suicide attempts
(Choi, DiNitto, Marti, & Segal, 2017; De Sanctis, Nomura, Newcorn, & Halperin, 2012) , late-
life suicide (Behr Gomes Jardim et al., 2018), and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) (Swannell et
al., 2012).

Abuse in childhood contributes to alcohol dependence and abuse (Danielson et al., 2009;
Oberleitner, Smith, Weinberger, Mazure, & McKee, 2015; Shin, Lee, Jeon, & Wills, 2015) and
the development of anxiety disorders (Blain et al., 2012), eating disorders (Burns, Fischer,
Jackson, & Harding, 2012; Hasselle, Howell, Dormois, & Miller-Graff, 2017), personality
disorders (Wingenfeld et al., 2011) including borderline personality disorder (Paris, 2008),
conduct disorders (Docherty, Kubik, Herrera, & Boxer, 2018), risky sexual behaviors
(Thibodeau, Lavoie, Hébert, & Blais, 2017), post-traumatic stress disorders (C Heim &

Nemeroff, 1999; Zanarini et al., 1997), Complex PTSD1 (Bertó et al., 2017), ADHD (Hunt,
Slack, & Berger, 2017), homelessness (Woodhall-Melnik, Dunn, Svenson, Patterson, &
Matheson, 2018), and increased incidence of medically unexplained symptoms (i.e. somatic
symptoms) and toxic trauma (Karatzias et al., 2017).

Abuse is associated with lower grade performance in school (Strøm, Thoresen, Wentzel-
Larsen, & Dyb, 2013) and serious cognitive deficits, i.e. lower IQ (Bee et al., 1982; Bengwasan,
2018; de Oliveira, Scarpari, dos Santos, & Scivoletto, 2012; Hu, Taylor, Li, & Glauert, 2017). It
also impacts an individual’s ability to have healthy relationships, contributing to increased
interpersonal difficulties (Poole, Dobson, & Pusch, 2018) (i.e. dysfunctional personal
relationships), and increased criminality (DiLillo, Lewis, & Loreto-Colgan, 2007).

Abuse is associated with increased incidence of physical disease (Cuijpers et al., 2011; Felitti
et al., 1998; Hager & Runtz, 2012), including heart disease (Fuller-Thomson, Bejan, Hunter,
Grundland, & Brennenstuhl, 2012; Fuller-Thomson, Brennenstuhl, & Frank, 2010; Hosang et al.,
2013), and cancer (Alcalá, 2016; Kelly-Irving et al., 2013), obesity (Danese & Tan, 2014), and
angina (Eslick, Koloski, & Talley, 2011),

Interestingly the deleterious effects of physical violence extend to our experience of spanking
and “softer” forms of violence like teasing (Kerr, Gini, & Capaldi, 2017), which researchers are
now finding causes many of the same types of problems as more violent forms of assault
(Gershoff & Grogan-Kaylor, 2016; Okuzono, Fujiwara, Kato, & Kawachi, 2017).

A cycle of abuse and dysfunction

Notably, people who experience violence in their childhood are “almost three times more likely
than matched controls to perpetrate child abuse” when they become adults (Milaniak & Widom,
2015, p. 252), pointing to intergenerational cycles of abuse.

Emotional and psychological violence, peer and teacher victimization

Of course, violence and abuse does not have to be physical. Verbal and emotional abuse
(psychological violence) contributes to the same sorts of emotional, psychological, and physical
Complex PTSD is a more form of PTSD experienced by maltreated children that “exceed those relating to
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” (Berto, 2017: 42).

damage as noted above (Wang & Kenny, 2014, p. 917). In fact, the consequences of
psychological violence may be even worse. As one researcher noted, “Psychologically
maltreated youth exhibited equivalent or greater baseline levels of behavioural problems,
symptoms, and disorders compared with physically or sexually abused youth on most indicators”
(Hodgdon et al., 2018; Spinazzola et al., 2014). Also, simply witnessing violence in toxic
households can cause problems. As one author notes, “Witnessing high levels of discord and
conflict increases children's risk for a wide array of psychological problems including
internalizing (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalizing (e.g., aggression, conduct problems)
problems” (Love, 2014). And note, the family is not the only site where toxic socialization
processes impact child and adolescent development and health. Exposure to peer
victimization is also an important stressor (Solberg & Olweus, 2003), as is bullying by teachers,
and even toxic competitive environments (Kohn, 1986 [1992]). Peer victimization and abuse can
be physical (e.g., hitting), verbal (e.g., name-calling), or relational (e.g., social ostracism)
(Buffet, 2012) and encompasses emotional, psychological, and also spiritual abuse. Be aware,
this is not an innocuous part of growing up. It is not just “boys being boys” and “girls being
girls.” Victimization at school (by peers or by teachers) can have adverse effects on multiple
aspects of development (McCracken, 2013, p. 124). Toxic socialization at school exacerbates the
impact of toxic environments at home and is associated with academic maladjustment,
absenteeism, low academic ability, lower scores on standardized tests, school avoidance,
and destruction of self-esteem (ref needed). The risk of witnessing violence and discord should
not be downplayed since the “risk conferred by frequent interparental hostility and discord is
almost twice the size of the risk associated with divorce!” (Love, 2014). Indeed, interparental
aggression and conflict “contributes unique Variance to the prediction of childhood conduct
disorder, personality disorder, inadequacy-immaturity, and clinical levels of problematic child
behaviour…“ (Jouriles, Murphy, & O'Leary, 1989, p. 454).


Actual emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual violence and abuse causes profound damage to
the human body, but simple lack of care and neglect, which is the most prevalent form of child
maltreatment, (Cohen, Menon, Shorey, Le, & Temple, 2017), causes profound damage as well.

When children are neglected, basic needs, like the need for safe housing, food, and rest, are not
met. Lack of safety and the biological stress associated with deprivation undermines the physical
and mental development of the child, but the damaging impact of neglect can arise from lack of
physical contact and love as well. For example, studies all the way back into the 1980s
demonstrate the critical biological and psychological significance of touch, caress, love, and
human contact. Children who get their needs met, including their need for human contact, do
better, They weigh more, are more physically active, have higher IQs (Chisholm, 1998),
demonstrate superior cognitive ability, and had better language function (Bee et al., 1982). By
contrast, children and adults who do not receive sufficient human touch are stunted and
damaged. Goleman (1988), a New York Times reporter summarizing extant research, noted that
“In some of the most dramatic new findings, premature infants who were massaged for 15
minutes three times a day gained weight 47 percent faster than others who were left alone in their
incubators - the usual practice in the past. The massaged infants also showed signs that the
nervous system was maturing more rapidly: they became more active than the other babies and
more responsive to such things as a face or a rattle.”

Lack of appropriate parental contact and neglect also leads to depression (Christ, Kwak, & Lu,
2017), growth impairment and developmental lagging, e.g. reduced height in childhood and
adolescence (Abajobir, Kisely, Williams, Strathearn, & Najman, 2017), reduced head
circumference (Abajobir et al., 2017), risk of metabolic syndrome (Johnson & Gunnar, 2011),
enlarged amygdala2 (Roth, Humphreys, King, & Gotlib, 2018), impaired/altered
neuroendocrine functioning, and altered cortisol responses (stress hormone) levels (Dozier et
al., 2006).

As one author notes, neglect is so serious that children who are not provided with physical
contact may even die as a result of their neglect. “About 1/3 of babies placed in the barest
orphanages can die as a result” (Perry & Szalavitz, 2010; Szalavitz, 2010). Even if death is not
the result, people experience a lifetime of struggle and increased challenges into their old age. As
Gregory E. Miller, Edit Chen, and Karen J. Parker (2011, p. 959) note, those who are exposed to
major psychological stressors in early life suffer “elevated rates of morbidity and mortality from
chronic diseases of ageing.” As they note, “The most compelling data come from studies of

An enlarged amygdala is associated with greater levels of anxiety.

children raised in poverty or maltreated by their parents, who show heightened vulnerability to
vascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and premature mortality.”

Fascist personality architecture

The most notable, and frightening, negative impact of neglect and abuse (refs needed) is the
impact on human empathy, attachment, and social functioning that arises. As Dozier et al. (2006,
p. 195) note, “Low cortisol levels have been associated with conduct disorder among children,
emerging antisocial behaviors among adolescents, and psychopathy among adults…. Thus, our
results suggest the possibility that conditions associated with foster care may foster a
neurobiology that predisposes to conduct disorder and psychopathy.” This is particularly
disturbing since neglect is also associated with an increase in an individual’s suggestibility
(Benedan, Powell, Zajac, Lum, & Snow, 2018), perhaps, as the authors suggest, because children
learn to get the attention they need by complying with adults. One study found that key
neurobiological mechanisms of empathy, emotion, attachment, and social functioning were
damaged by lack of physical contact in early infanthood (Fries, Ziegler, Kurian, Jacoris, &
Pollak, 2005). In other words, lack of appropriate and copious parental contact leads to
problems empathizing, attaching, and connecting with others, accompanied by increased
suggestibility. Speaking as a sociologist, we can easily suggest that profound neglect may be at
the root of sociopathy and even, I would go so far as to suggest, the capitalist economic order,
for surely lack of empathy for others is a core feature of business that exploits workers. Only an
individual devoid of empathy for others can sign off on the exploitation of child labour in Asian
sweatshop factories.


Researchers are still working to determine neurological and biological pathways between abuse,
violence, neglect, and emotional, physical and psychological damage. However, one of the
pathways that is rapidly being established is a stress/hormonal pathway. Stressful and abusive
environments lead to what researchers call allostatic load. Allostatic load is essentially the wear
and tear on the body’s biological systems that results when the body is exposed to chronic and
repeated stress. Allostatic load thus represents the physiological, psychological, and emotional

consequences of amplified neuroendocrine responses resulting from toxic socialization. Chronic
stress caused by abuse, assault, insecure environments, insecure attachments, unmet needs, and
so on leads to allostatic load which in turn leads to damaging alterations in the hormone system
of the physical body, for example causing dysregulated patterns of cortisol output (Gregory E.
Miller, Edith Chen, & Karen J. Parker, 2011). Cortisol is a hormone important in some areas of
biological function, including the body’s response to stress and risk. Cortisol is implicated in the
body’s “fight or flight” mechanisms and acute release of cortisol in response to stress is short-
term positive. Cortisol helps maintain mental alertness and make energy available in the
bloodstream for use in stressful situations (Conradt et al., 2014). However, chronic activation of
the body’s endocrine systems causes wear and tear, and increases the likelihood of disease
(Conradt et al., 2014) metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance and weight
gain (Weber-Hamann et al., 2002), suppressed immune function, and gastrointestinal
problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Aronson, 2009), and other physical dysfunctions. As
one author notes, the physical consequences of allostatic load are severe: “Allostatic load leads
to impaired immunity, atherosclerosis, obesity, bone demineralization, and atrophy of nerve cells
in brain. Allostatic load is seen in major depressive illness and may also be expressed in other
chronic anxiety disorders such as PTSD and should be documented” (McEwen, 2003).

Notably, it is not the just the physical body that is harmed by the stress and violence of toxic
socialization. Brain damage occurs as well. When experimenters stress rodents by restraining
them for six-hour periods, rat brains change. Neurogenesis (i.e. the building of new brain cells) is
suppressed and the number of neurons in dentate gyrus declines (McEwan, 2003). Besides
suppressing neurogenesis, daily stress reduces branching and length of dendrites and neurons in
the brain (McEwan (Lupien, McEwen, Gunnar, & Heim, 2009), 2003). Stress thus causes
structural changes (i.e. damage) to the human brain, and these structural changes have many
behavioural, psychological, emotional, and physical effects (Sousa, Lukoyanov, Madeira,
Almeida, & Paula-Barbosa, 2000, p. 253). As McEwen (2006) notes: “Allostatic overload
resulting from chronic stress in animal models causes atrophy of neurons in the hippocampus and
prefrontal cortex, brain regions involved in memory, selective attention, and executive function,
and causes hypertrophy of neurons in the amygdala, a brain region involved in fear and anxiety,
as well as aggression. Thus, the ability to learn and remember and make decisions may be
compromised by chronic stress, and may be accompanied by increased levels of anxiety and

aggression.” McEwan continues: “The cognitive impairment is likely to be related to the
structural changes in the hippocampus…whereas the anxiety, fear, and aggression may be due to
changes in the amygdala” (McEwen, 2003). Notably, the greater the stress, greater the effect
(Moss, Vanyukov, Yao, & Kirillova, 1999)

Stress impacts throughout adulthood, but is particularly damaging to children. “Early life
experiences perhaps carry an even greater weight in terms of how an individual reacts to new
situations. Early life physical and sexual abuse imposes a life-long burden of behavioural and
pathophysiological problems. Cold and uncaring families produce long-lasting emotional
problems in children. Some of these effects are seen on brain structure and function, and in the
risk for later depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” (McEwen, 2006).

Toxic environments also impact sleep patterns in a negative way, adding to the allopathic load.
When stressful environments are present in the home, at school (i.e. physical abuse, fighting,
yelling, assault, walking on eggshells, etc.), or at work, sleep problems ensue. Sleep deprivation
increases blood pressure, increases cortisol and insulin levels, increases appetite, and has been
associated with obesity (McEwen, 2006). Sleep deprivation also leads to cognitive impairments
(McEwen, 2006). Sleep deprivation has also been associated with increases in fighting behavior
(de Paula & Hoshino, 2002), impaired physical, psychological, and emotional health, stress,
increased cortisol levels, temporal lobe atrophy (Cho, 2001), chronic disease, elevated mortality
risk (Carroll et al., 2016), senescence, accelerated aging (Carroll et al., 2016), structural changes
to the brain, and cognitive impairment (Rosenberg, Maximov, Reske, Grinberg, & Shah, 2014).


It is difficult to assess the prevalence of toxic environments. One researcher estimates that
between 30% and 60% of children at school experience peer victimization (Buffet, 2012).
Another study in a diver community suggests one in five experience forms of neglect (Cohen et
al., 2017). Nationally representative Canadian data have indicated that 32% (1 in 3) of the adult
population in Canada has experienced child abuse, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and
exposure to Inter-Personal Violence (IPV) (Afifi et al., 2015). Wang and Kenny (2014, p. 918)
note that “nearly half of the mothers and fathers reported that they had directed harsh verbal
discipline at their adolescent children in the past year.” Similarly, “recent findings indicate that

one in eight children in the United States will experience maltreatment severe enough to be
substantiated by CPS between birth and age 18” (Putnam-Hornstein, Simon, Eastman, &
Magruder, 2015, p. 92), but researchers argue that incidence numbers “seriously underestimate
the prevalence of maltreatment” (Swahn et al., 2006, p. 1849). Indeed Swahn et al. (2006, p.
1851) note that “Only 1 in 4 study participants who reported needing medical treatment as a
result of maltreatment also had a court record of such abuse or neglect.” Putnam-Hornstein et al.
(2015, p. 92) go on to indicate that “Available data suggest that the rates of child maltreatment in
the United States may be 2 to 3 times higher than the number of identified victims in any given
year.” Indeed, these are conservative estimates and often these don’t include measures of
emotional and psychological victimization, or neglect, which if included would send the numbers
skyrocketing. Annerbäck et al. (2012) note when definitions of abuse are liberal, just about
everybody on the planet becomes a victim of abuse at some point, a fact which most can
anecdotally confirm simply by examining their family life, school, and work life. This is not a
revelation that should be taken lightly since even single instances of emotional violence
perpetrated by trusted adult figures can have long-term debilitating consequences. My own
daughter suffered a single instance of emotional trauma at the hands of a speech pathologist
when she was four and this event undermined her self-esteem and contributed to debilitating
performance anxiety, both of which threatened not only her school performance but her mental
an emotional wellbeing as well. As a family we have struggled for over a decade to undo the
damage done by a single individual, in a single “therapeutic” session.

And note, we need to take this seriously not just because of the personal and familial damage it
causes, but because of the cost involved. Toxic socialization that leads to physical,
psychological, and emotional debility and dysfunction costs society huge money. Regarding lost
productivity, it costs governments in higher than necessary medical costs, and it costs society in
lost creativity. For the United States alone the estimates are dramatic. As Fang, Brown, Florence,
and Mercy (2012, p. 156) note:

The estimated average lifetime cost per victim of nonfatal child maltreatment
is $210,012 in 2010 dollars, including $32,648 in childhood health care costs;
$10,530 in adult medical costs; $144,360 in productivity losses; $7,728 in
child welfare costs; $6,747 in criminal justice costs; and $7,999 in special
education costs. The estimated average lifetime cost per death is $1,272,900,
including $14,100 in medical costs and $1,258,800 in productivity losses. The
total lifetime economic burden resulting from new cases of fatal and nonfatal
child maltreatment in the United States in 2008 is approximately $124 billion.
In sensitivity analysis, the total burden is estimated to be as large as $585

There is a problem with liberal definitions of toxicity. Liberal definitions make research difficult.
How do you do grouped statistical analysis, for example, when you have one group, the abused.
Narrow definitions however do not reflect the seriousness of the issue since even “moderately”
toxic environments can lead to long-term damage and debility. Nevertheless, resistance to more
liberal definitions can be anticipated. Open definitions are politically and economically
explosive. For example, when one provides a liberal definition, even the experience of poverty
may be included as abuse! Liberal definitions of toxicity may also personally damming, for
example, as an inexperienced parent with my own mental issues emerging from my own toxic
childhood, I am guilty of abusing my first child. No doubt there are many sociologists out there
who, in moments of honesty and clarity, would have to admit the same. Given the guilt,
sociologists may be reluctant to talk about it, or they may even actively work to suppress it, as
psychoanalysts did with Freud (Masson, 2003). As Masson notes, Freud originally argued that
females were being sexually abused at very high rates in his button-down Viennese society. This
original revelation fits with what we now know to be the truth about child sexual assault.
However, this revelation likely made his colleagues (some of whom, given the high rates of
sexual assault, must have been involved in the crime) uncomfortable. As a result of professional
resistance, and perhaps to preserve his career path, Freud eventually revised his theories to
arguing that children’s recollections of sexual abuse were oedipal and electoral fantasies and
nothing more (Masson, 2003)! Thus the very core of psychoanalysis is corrupt!

To avoid the type of unprofessional suppression that damaged the core of psychoanalysis, we
should avoid personal and professional judgment (don’t point fingers at others), and we
shouldn’t shy away from the truth. I will admit that I, perpetuating patterns of violence that I
experienced in my own childhood, was abusive to my first child. The ugly truth is, most (if not
all) of us have been abused, and we’ve all gone on to be abusers. Those that have escaped the
cycle have done so by acts of will and healing, but there escape does not obviate the desperate
need to focus sociological attention on this issue.
What does this mean for Sociology?

To some sociologists, it might seem odd to be discussing a toxic and violent socialization
process, but it shouldn’t be. Sociology has a long, if somewhat subterranean, engagement with
violence. Founding father Karl Marx is famous for inciting global revolution (Marx & Engels,
2008). While modern sociology does not actively promote violence, neither does it have
anything to say against it. Feminism, of course, has a lot to say about the deleterious effect of
violence, so we know that discussing the deleterious impact of toxic socialization is important;
but their focus is exclusively on male-perpetrated violence against women; feminists have little
to say about female perpetrated violence which, according to some, is as pervasive as male
perpetrated violence (Graham-Kevan, 2007; Sosteric, 2015; M. A. Straus, 2007; M. A. P. Straus,
2010). Given the personal, social, and medical costs of violence, this is a terrible lacuna.

Introducing the concept of toxic socialization in this paper is an attempt to address this lacuna by
providing sociologists with a way to conceptualize and discuss our violent and destructive
socialization process. The concept highlights the fact that toxic socialization exists, allows us to
identify negative consequences, helps us organize our thinking surrounding the topic, creates
multidisciplinary linkages with psychology and neuroscience, and even provides space for
thinking about what a healthy socialization process might be. Notably, the concept also de-
genders the discussion and moves sociology towards a more balanced understanding of
interpersonal violence. Given the high personal, social, and economic costs associated with toxic
socialization, in the long run this can only be a good thing.


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