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Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

Variations in organic geochemistry and lithology of a

carbonate sequence deposited in a backplatform basin
(Triassic, Hungary)
Magdolna Hetényia,*, Alice Brukner-Weinb, Csanád Sajgóc, János Haasd,
Mária Hámor-Vidób, Zsuzsanna Szántóe, Mária Tóthc
University of Szeged, H-6701 Szeged, PO Box 651, Hungary
Geological Institute of Hungary, H-1 142 Budapest, PO Box 106, Hungary
Laboratory for Geochemical Research, H-1502 Budapest, PO Box 132, Hungary
Academic Research Group, Dept of Geology, Eötvös Lóránd University, H-1088 Budapest Múzeum krt. 4/a, Hungary
Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-4001 Debrecen, PO Box 51, Hungary

The variations in the organic matter quantity and quality were studied with respect to the mineral composition of the
carbonate sequences accumulated on a gentle slope (Zl-1 well) and at the toe of the slope (Rzt-1 well) located between a
Late Triassic carbonate platform and a backplatform basin. Parallel variations observed in mineral composition and
organic geochemical features of the successions appeared to be controlled by the change in climate and by sea-level
fluctuations. The repetitive sea-level changes resulted in a variation in the carbonate-rich basin facies and in the
mineralogically heterogenous slope and toe-of-slope ones. According to Rock Eval pyrolysis, organic petrography and
carbon isotope ratios, the immature organic matter is of predominantly marine origin and composed of mainly lipti-
nites in both of the studied boreholes. The results of the GC and GC/MS analyses of the saturated hydrocarbon frac-
tions of bitumens together with the composition of kerogen pyrolysates reveal a predominant algal input with a minor
variable bacterial and subordinate terrestrial contribution for the Rzt-1 borehole. In the Zl-1 borehole a significantly
higher proportion of the bacterial biomass contributed to the organic precursors. The d13C values and the composition
of the kerogen pyrolysates together with the results of the maceral analysis and GC data suggest a relatively higher, but
moderate, higher plant derived contribution in the slope facies and at the top of the toe-of-slope facies. The elementary
composition of kerogens and Rock Eval data display type II-S kerogen in the basin and the slope facies, and type I-II-S
one in the toe-of-slope facies. Variations in the hydrogen content of the organic matter mainly reflect variations in the
preservation conditions and in primary productivity. The presence of the 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane and the
extremely low pristane/phytane ratios indicate a relatively high methanogenic bacterial activity and strongly anoxic
depositional conditions in the Rzt-1 well, especially in two most organic-rich toe-of-slope facies.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Triassic carbonate platform of the Alps–Appenines

domain due to the incipient rifting of the Ligurian–
During the Triassic, oil-source sedimentary rocks Penninic ocean, which led to the disintegration of the
accumulated in shallow depressions at the southern previously existing large carbonate platform. The basins
passive margin of the Tethys. An extensional basin sys- were filled up by fine terrigenous siliciclastics and plat-
tem formed in the onshore marginal belt of the late form-derived carbonate mud during the Late Norian to
Middle Rhaetian interval. Black shales accumulated in
the restricted backplatform basins are the source for
* Corresponding author. Fax: +36-62-426479. economic oil-accumulations in the Po Valley (Italy)
E-mail address: (M. Hetényi). (Mattiavelli and Novelly, 1990; Stefani and Burchell,
0146-6380/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0146-6380(02)00188-2
1572 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

1993) and the shaley-calcaerous sequence in the western platform. They provide suitable raw material for study-
part of the Kössen basin (Hungary) is considered to be ing the organic geochemical features of the backplat-
the source rock of the heavy sulfur-rich oil of the adja- form basin succession.
cent oil field. Organic geochemistry of sediments filling in small
The Kössen basin developed in the south-western special basins formed by disintegration of the carbonate
part of the Transdanubian Range structural unit platform near the end of the Hauptdolomit Formation
(Fig. 1) which was located between the South Alpine (Triassic, Norian) of the Northern Calcerous Alps has
and North Alpine realms in the Triassic. It was the been described by Köster et al. (1988). Bulk organic
part of the northward-moving Triassic Pangea (Kli- characteristics of Hungarian Kössen Formation (Bru-
metz, 1983; Ziegler et al., 1983; Parrish, 1993), which kner-Wein and Vetó´ , 1986; Hetényi, 1989; Vetó´ et al.,
moved eastward to its present position during the 2000), as well as an evaluation for the production and
Paleogene (Kázmér and Kovács, 1985; Balla, 1988; preservation of the organic matter (Vetó´ et al., 2000)
Haas et al., 1990). In the first stage of the basin-evolu- have recently been reported. However, the organic geo-
tion, the sea-level rise and the drowning of the pre- chemistry of Rezi Dolomite Formation and of the tran-
viously existing platform led to the formation of platey sitional sequence, as well as detailed examination of
dolomites (Rezi Dolomite Formation). After a platform bitumen and kerogen from Kössen beds, have not yet
progradation episode, a new transgression started in the been published.
latest Norian which resulted in deposition of clayey The aim of this work was to examine variations in the
limestones and marlstones (Kössen Formation). A mineral composition and organic matter of the Rezi
relatively thin transitional sequence (Rezi-Kössen Dolomite Fm. and Kössen Fm., as well as those of
Fm.) between the Rezi Dolomite Fm. and Kössen transitional sequence with respect to the change in
Fm. comprises mainly dolomite and limestone. Dur- paleoenvironmental conditions. Core samples were col-
ing the Miocene the black shales filling in the inner part lected from two wells (Fig. 2): well Zl-l penetrated about
of the 100–150 m deep basin were buried at 2500–3000 50 m of the Rezi-Kössen transitional strata underlying
m depth and they entered the oil window, generating the upper part of Rezi Dolomite Fm. and overlying the
heavy sulfur-rich oil (Clayton and Koncz, 1994). Ther- latest Norian section of Kössen Fm.; well Rzt-1 pene-
mally immature sediments at shallow depth can be trated a 240 m section of the Kössen Fm. The studied
found at the gentle slope between the basin and the sequences were deposited on the slope (well Zl-1) and at

Fig. 1. Present-day setting of the topmost Norian-Rhaetian facies zones in the Alpine - North Pannonian realm (after Haas et al.,
1995). Legend: 1, Kössen facies; 2, Dolomite; 3, Dachstein Limestone; NKW, Northern Karawanks; SKW, Southern Karawanks.
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1573

Fig. 2. Stratigraphic chart showing South-western units of the Triassic carbonate platform, Transdanubian Range, Hungary (a).
Sketch map of the location of the Kössen basin in Hungary (b) and that of the studied boreholes in the depositional basin (c). Legend:
CAR, Camian; NOR, Norian; RHT, Rhaetian; HET, Hettangian.

the toe (well Rzt-l) of the gentle slope located between GC–MS was performed using a HP5971A Mass
the carbonate platform and the basin. Selective Detector (MSD) equipped with a 30 m0.25
mm-i.d. fused silica capillary column coated with Rtx-
5MS (0.25 mm film thickness of crossbonded 5% diphe-
2. Experimental nyl–95% dimethyl polysiloxane) stationary phase, a
HP7673 Auto sampler and a split/splitless injector. The
Based on earlier Rock Eval data from more than 100 gas chromatograph was programmed from 70 to 170  C
samples from Rzt-l well (Vetó´ et al., 2000) and those at 40  C/min and from 170 to 330  C at 6  C/min (car-
from 35 samples from Zl-1 well determined in this work, rier gas: helium 35 cm/s, scanning mass range: 50–550
two sets of samples were selected for further organic m/z). The relative abundance of the compounds was
petrographical, geochemical and mineralogical studies. calculated from the total ion chromatograms or from
The two sets represent the Rezi Dolomite Fm., Rezi- different extracted ion chromatograms by the HP soft-
Kössen Transitional sequence and Kössen Fm. ware.
Mineral composition of the rock samples was deter- Kerogen was concentrated with repeated HC1 and
mined by chemical and XRD methods. Organic petro- HF treatments and then extracted with chloroform.
graphic observations were carried out on polished Kerogen concentrates from the Rzt-1 borehole were
sections of crushed bulk rocks with reflected light pyrolysed in a Quantum device MSSV pyrolyzer ther-
microscopy (Leica DM-RX) in oil immersion. Both mal analysis port interfaced to a Fisons 8000 GC
normal and fluorescence light (UV and blue excitation, (Horsfield et al., 1989). 1-2 mg kerogen was sealed in
420–490 nm, barrier fitter 515 nm) were used. glass capillary tubes, after a reactor pre-cleaning cycle
Rock Eval pyrolysis was performed on whole rock the tubes were cracked open, then heated from 300 to
samples with a Delsi Oil Show Analyzer using standard 530  C at 25  C/min and held 2 min, and the products
pyrolysis procedures (Espitalié et al., 1986; Bordenave were swept into a cryofocussed trap. After a ballistic
et al., 1993). Soluble organic matter was extracted in a heating of the trap, GC-analyses were performed using
Soxhlet extractor with chloroform; ashphaltene was 60 m0.25 mm fused silica non-polar bonded phase
precipitated with light petroleum. The petroleum-solu- column and flame ionization detection. The oven was pro-
ble fraction was fractionated by successive elution from grammed from 35 to 310  C at 4  C/min and held 45 min.
a chromatographic column filled with silica gel using Following Larter (1984) the products of such pyrolysis
light petroleum (saturated HC), benzene (aromatic HC) (according to the heating rate) are comparable to the
and 1:1 benzene:methanol mixture (NSO compounds). products of flash pyrolysis. Elemental composition of
The saturated HC fraction was analyzed using an HP kerogens was determined using a NA 1500 NCS analy-
5890A gas chromatograph fitted with a 25 m0.2 mm- ser (Fisons Instruments) at 1010  C. Carbon isotopic
i.d. WCOT fused-silica capillary column coated with analyses of kerogens, mixed with CuO, were performed
OV-1, using hydrogen as carrier gas and flame ioni- by combustion at 850  C for 15 mm and measurement
zation detection (FID). The oven was programmed of the CO2 in a Finnigan Mat Delta S type mass-spec-
from 110 to 170  C at 25  C/min and from 170 to 320  C trometer. The results are given relative to the Pee Dee
at 5  C/min. Samples were injected in a 20:1 split mode. Belemnite standard.
1574 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

3. Results Fm. consists of nearly pure dolomite (more than 90%).

The amount of dolomite displays some scatter and an
Samples taken from well Zl-1 are predominantly upward decreasing trend throughout the transitional
composed of carbonates (Table 1). The Rezi Dolomite sequence and the Kössen Fm. (Fig. 3). Vitrinite reflec-

Table 1
Mineral composition (%) of the studied samples

Formation Depth (m) Quartz Clay min. Aragonite Calcite Dolomite Pyrite Others

Kössen (Rhaetian) 82.5 4 8 12 59 17 – –
95.2 15 33 – 45 3 2 2
105.2 13 48 – 32 3 2 2
113.5 15 32 2 41 8 2 –
132.3 18 54 1 21 3 3 –
139.2 9 16 10 61 3 1 3
144.3 9 16 26 29 16 1 –
151.5 18 51 7 18 3 3 –
168.0 28 20 14 34 2 2 –
170.0 15 24 3 54 2 2 –
178.8 6 14 1 68 10 1 –
185.9 12 27 10 38 11 2 –

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 11 8 2 70 8 – 1

224.9 7 11 3 75 – 2 2
236.0 11 23 3 55 4 3 1
241.0 11 22 3 58 3 3 –

Zl-1 well
Kössen (Norian) 304.9 5 1 – 71 20 2 1
307.0 7 – – 64 25 2 2
312.6 2 1 – 68 30 – –
313.3 8 1 – 51 34 3 3

Transitional 314.3 8 1 – 55 90 1 –
317.4 9 – – 53 34 2 –
318.4 12 2 2 33 23 2 –
318.7 6 – – 1 59 – –
319.0 9 – 1 – 85 1 4
319.3 5 – – 5 93 – 1
320.2 4 – – – 91 – –
321.5 32 – – 1 68 – –
340.7 25 1 – – 72 1 1
341.5 8 – – – 92 – –
347.6 11 3 – – 84 1 1
347.9 28 1 – – 70 1 –
348.7 3 – – – 96 – 1
352.0 9 – – – 89 2 –
354.8 11 2 – 1 82 3 2
360.0 6 2 – 1 89 2 –
363.0 13 1 – – 85 – 1

Rezi Dolomite 373.5 5 1 – – 94 – –

373.9 9 – – – 90 1 –
374.3 3 – – 1 96 – –
378.5 8 – – 1 90 1 –
381.4 8 – – 1 91 – –
383.0 7 – – 1 90 2 –
386.0 6 – – – 94 – –
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591
Fig. 3. Vertical profile of dolomite content, organic carbon content and hydrogen index measured on whole rock samples, as well as carbon isotope and S/C ratios measured on
kerogens in well Zl-1.

1576 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

tance ranging between 0.32 and 0.35% R0 shows imma- II kerogen; Tmax ranges from 410 to 420  C for all but
ture organic matter in all the studied rocks. The liptinite one sample (Table 3). TOC content and HI values range
content of the organic matter varies between 50 and from 0.23 to 4.12% and from 419 to 827 mg HC/g TOC,
95% and it exceeds 70% for most of the samples. Vitri- respectively (Table 3, Fig. 3). The elementary composi-
nite and inertinite are subordinate to liptinite through- tion of kerogens shows sulphur-rich organic matter and
out the studied sequence, indicating the low S/C values exceed 0.04 throughout the studied sequence
contribution of higher plant derived material. Liptinites (Table 4). More negative carbon isotope ratios were
are composed of laminated alginite, solitary planktonic measured on the samples taken from the upper and
algae and colonies of tubular algae. Preservation of the lower parts of the sequence than on samples represent-
organic matter is generally good. The amount of amor- ing the middle section (from 352 m to 319 m depth)
phinite formed by the decomposition of the observed (Table 4). A similar trend appears in bitumen ratios and
liptinites (solitary algae and laminated alginite) varies asphaltene contents of the extracts, the smallest values of
between 0 and 35% (Table 2). Rock Eval pyrolysis which are found in the middle section of the succession
reveals that the entire sequence contains immature type (Table 5, Fig. 5). Extracts contain a high proportion of

Table 2
Maceral composition (%) of the selected samples

Formation Depth (m) Maceral classes Liptinite composition

Vitr. Inert. Lipt. Amor. Lam.a. Sol.a. Tub.a.

Rzt-1 well
Kössen (Rhaetian) 95.2 1.0 10.0 84.0 5.0 47.8 32.0 0.0
105.2 1.0 6.0 88.0 5.0 52.3 34.8 0.0
113.5 1.0 6.0 84.0 9.0 8.4 75.6 0.0
132.3 1.0 2.0 87.0 10.0 34.8 52.2 0.0
139.2 3.0 4.0 78.0 15.0 66.2 11.8 0.0
144.3 0.0 2.9 97.0 0.1 3.8 90.3 0.0
151.5 45.0 5.0 40.0 10.0 2.0 18.0 20.0
168.0 3.9 1.0 95.0 0.1 85.5 9.5 0.0
170.0 0.1 1.0 97.0 1.9 90.2 6.8 0.0
178.8 2.0 1.0 85.0 12.0 34.0 51.0 0.0
185.9 0.1 1.0 97.0 1.9 1.0 96.0 0.0

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 12.0 3.0 83.0 2.0 16.6 58.1 8.3
224.9 2.0 2.0 94.0 2.0 4.7 32.9 56.4
236.0 2.0 7.0 87.0 4.0 8.7 69.6 8.7
241.0 2.0 1.0 75.0 22.0 41.2 26.3 7.5

Zl-1 well
Kössen (Norian) 307.0 1.0 2.0 89.0 8.0 82.7 6.3 0.0
313.3 15.0 10.0 67.0 8.0 40.2 26.8 0.0

Transitional 314.3 0.0 5.0 94.5 0.5 86.0 8.5 0.0

317.4 0.0 8.0 82.0 10.0 24.6 57.4 0.0
318.7 2.0 8.0 86.0 4.0 8.6 77.4 0.0
321.5 0.0 4.0 95.0 1.0 0.0 28.5 66.5
340.7 0.0 1.0 84.0 15.0 79.8 0.0 4.2
347.9 1.0 5.0 59.0 35.0 47.2 11.8 0.0
352.0 10.0 28.0 50.0 5.0 5.0 45.0 0.0
360.0 4.0 10.0 71.0 2.0 2.1 22.7 46.2
363.0 2.0 5.0 87.0 1.0 0.0 87.0 0.0

Rezi Dolomite 378.5 0.0 10.0 85.0 2.0 1.7 83.3 0.0
381.4 0.0 5.0 88.0 0.0 70.4 17.6 0.0
383.0 0.0 1.0 76.0 15.0 15.2 7.6 53.2
386.0 0.0 10.0 87.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 0.0

Samples below 352.0 m contain also 3–13% migrabitumen. Liptinites composed of laminated alginites (Lam.a.), solitary alginites
(Sol.a.) and tubular alginites (Tub.a.). Samples from 95.2, 105.2 and 144.3 contain 4.2, 0.9 and 2.9% sporinite, respectively.
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1577

Table 3
Some bulk Rock Eval data measured on whole rock samples

Formation Depth (m) TOC (%) Tmax ( C) SI S2 HC-pot. P1 HI

Rzt-1 well
Kössen (Rhaetian) 82.5 0.9 422 0.04 2.20 2.24 0.02 244
95.2 1.4 421 0.11 3.47 3.58 0.03 248
105.2 2.7 421 0.22 11.04 11.26 0.02 409
113.5 1.9 421 0.11 4.83 4.94 0.02 254
132.3 3.8 417 1.75 17.17 18.92 0.09 452
139.2 3.1 418 0.55 19.75 20.30 0.03 637
144.3 2.5 420 0.95 12.81 13.76 0.07 512
151.5 7.3 411 2.68 46.36 49.04 0.05 635
168.0 14.6 403 5.58 110.66 116.24 0.05 758
170.0 6.1 410 1.37 44.56 45.93 0.03 731
178.8 2.3 407 0.38 11.76 12.14 0.03 511
185.9 1.6 419 0.13 4.40 4.53 0.03 275

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 4.6 402 2.49 38.34 40.83 0.06 833
224.9 6.2 402 4.99 49.46 54.45 0.09 798
236.0 5.1 391 1.72 35.05 36.77 0.05 687
241.0 6.8 393 6.49 50.73 57.22 0.11 746

Zl-1 well
Kössen (Norian)
304.9 0.95 403 0.32 6.47 6.79 0.05 681
307.0 2.79 416 1.34 18.35 19.69 0.07 657
312.6 0.66 418 0.27 5.03 5.30 0.05 762
313.3 2.33 417 0.68 13.59 14.27 0.05 583
313.9 1.36 412 0.20 8.52 8.72 0.02 626

Transitional 314.3 0.23 410 0.14 1.10 1.24 0.11 478

317.4 2.07 415 0.91 17.12 18.03 0.05 827
318.4 4.12 416 1.62 21.79 23.41 0.07 528
318.7 0.83 412 0.20 4.48 4.68 0.04 540
319.0 2.76 419 0.83 20.26 21.09 0.04 734
319.3 1.10 420 0.29 6.38 6.67 0.04 580
320.2 1.53 420 0.39 9.64 10.03 0.04 630
321.5 0.28 416 0.23 1.53 1.76 0.13 546
340.7 1.41 418 0.24 6.88 7.12 0.03 487
341.5 0.24 412 0.20 1.58 1.78 0.11 658
347.6 2.11 410 0.41 12.59 13.00 0.03 596
347.9 2.66 418 0.50 13.59 14.09 0.04 510
348.7 0.61 414 0.11 3.11 3.22 0.03 509
352.0 2.00 410 0.43 10.04 10.47 0.04 502
354.8 2.11 411 0.45 8.86 9.31 0.05 419
360.0 1.98 417 0.65 12.63 13.28 0.05 537
363.0 2.06 418 0.50 10.83 11.33 0.04 525

Rezi Dolomite 373.5 1.56 411 0.28 8.63 8.91 0.03 553
373.9 4.01 411 0.93 24.44 25.37 0.04 609
374.3 1.07 410 0.40 6.17 6.57 0.06 577
378.5 2.09 415 0.58 10.65 11.23 0.05 510
381.4 2.98 414 0.40 15.02 15.42 0.02 504
383.0 2.45 415 0.67 11.98 12.65 0.05 489
386.0 0.72 413 0.10 3.27 3.37 0.02 454

Parameter dimensions are SI, S2 and HC-pot. (mg HC/g rock), HI (mg HC/g TOC). TOC and HI values for Rzt-1 well have been
published by Vetć´ et al. (2000).
1578 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

Table 4
H/C, S/C atomic and carbon isotope ratios of kerogens. Carbon Preference Index (CPI), pristane/phytane, n-C22/n-C23+ and pen-
tamethyleicosane/n-docosane (i-C26/n-C22) ratios calculated from GC analysis of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction of bitumen

Formation Depth (m) d13C (per mil) H/C S/C CPI Pr/Ph n-C22 i-C26
n-C23þ n-C22

Rzt-1 well
Kössen (Rhaetian) 82.5 29.32 1.20 0.06 1.58 0.18 0.81 2.24
95.2 28.88 1.18 0.08 1.75 0.16 0.76 0.45
105.2 30.29 1.22 0.02 1.94 0.21 0.53 0.77
113.5 29.63 1.28 0.10 1.98 0.24 1.10 1.12
132.3 30.10 1.29 0.09 1.34 0.41 6.00 0.41
139.2 29.82 1.25 0.11 1.96 0.31 1.48 0.35
144.3 30.89 1.32 0.05 1.44 0.46 3.82 0.21
151.5 28.35 1.35 0.05 2.87 0.20 0.53 2.19
168.0 28.97 1.37 0.05 1.91 0.22 0.20 0.87
170.0 28.86 1.36 0.06 1.93 0.23 0.33 0.79
178.8 29.38 1.32 0.07 1.88 0.17 0.38 1.09
185.9 29.18 1.27 0.07 2.06 0.30 0.56 0.71

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 28.75 1.39 0.09 2.10 0.31 0.24 1.59
224.9 29.63 1.39 0.09 1.50 0.23 0.04 1.08
236.0 31.27 1.39 0.11 1.69 0.38 0.11 0.37
241.0 30.31 1.45 0.09 1.60 0.21 0.31 1.27

Zl-1 well
Kössen (Norian) 304.9 30.71 1.35 0.09 n.d. n.d. 0.30 n.d.
307.0 30.09 1.43 0.12 1.55 0.51 0.36 0.57
312.6 29.08 1.24 0.08 n.d. n.d. 0.33 n.d.
313.3 31.11 1.29 0.10 1.22 0.70 0.31 0.48

Transitional 314.3 28.76 1.10 0.19 1.30 0.09 0.84 0.44

317.4 30.35 1.42 0.07 1.72 0.42 0.32 0.62
318.7 29.58 1.22 0.11 1.01 0.30 0.49 0.50
319.0 29.70 1.36 0.08 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
321.5 28.52 1.12 0.05 1.23 0.10 0.80 0.56
340.7 27.87 1.17 0.08 1.08 0.30 0.58 0.67
341.5 28.52 1.15 0.09 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
347.9 28.96 1.10 0.07 1.14 0.65 0.50 0.54
352.0 28.05 1.21 0.08 0.96 0.23 1.32 0.23
360.0 29.17 1.30 0.08 0.97 0.25 1.25 0.35
363.0 28.83 1.14 0.07 1.34 0.22 0.98 0.45

Rezi Dolomite 373.9 29.75 1.35 0.07 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
378.5 30.00 1.20 0.10 1.13 0.37 1.52 0.31
381.4 29.31 1.22 0.08 1.07 0.28 1.42 0.30
383.0 28.67 1.14 0.08 1.17 0.49 2.15 0.30
386.0 29.82 1.24 0.08 1.05 0.25 0.80 0.47

n.d.=not determined.

heteroatomic compounds; NSO values are higher than docosane is low ( <0.7) for the entire succesion (Table 4).
82.0% for all of the studied samples. The ratio of the Results of GC/MS analysis of saturated hydrocarbon
saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons varies in a 0.28- fractions of bitumens are summarized in Table 8.
2.81 range (Table 5). The gas chromatograms of the Rocks taken from well Rzt-1 are mineralogically
saturated hydrocarbon fractions show an odd-over-even more heterogenous than rocks taken from well Zl-1.
predominance in n-alkane distribution. The pristane/ Not only dolomite but calcite and aragonite also con-
phytane ratios are low, ranging between 0.09 and 0.86. tribute to carbonate minerals. The samples contain less
The ratio of 2,6,10,15,19-pentametileicosane (an irre- than 17% dolomite and the amount of calcite and ara-
gular tail-to-tail linked acyclic C25 isoprenoid) to n- gonite ranges from 18 to 75% and from 1 to 26%,
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1579

Table 5
Ratio and composition of bitumen

Formation Depth (m) Bitumen (mg/gTOC) A (%) R (%) NSO (%) HCsat (%) HCar (%) SHC

Rzt-1 well 82.5 64 5.9 71.2 77.1 17.8 5.1 0.30

Kössen (Rhaetian) 95.2 65 7.6 72.9 80.5 13.5 6.0 0.24
105.2 45 15.7 67.8 83.5 10.7 5.8 0.20
113.5 42 11.4 63.3 74.7 18.0 7.3 0.34
132.3 131 6.2 47.9 54.1 38.2 7.7 0.85
139.2 41 14.2 49.3 63.5 27.6 8.9 0.58
144.3 74 5.8 39.6 45.4 47.6 7.0 1.20
151.5 93 6.3 54.0 60.3 27.7 12.0 0.66
168.0 132 16.7 53.3 70.0 14.1 15.9 0.43
170.0 67 9.2 57.3 66.5 20.6 12.9 0.50
178.8 73 9.7 63.3 73.0 16.4 10.6 0.37
185.9 51 14.6 60.9 75.5 17.7 6.8 0.32

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 189 29.4 53.0 82.4 8.7 8.9 0.21
224.9 214 24.5 55.0 79.5 10.1 10.4 0.26
236.0 121 18.0 54.9 72.9 8.4 18.7 0.37
241.0 205 23.9 51.9 75.8 8.2 16.0 0.32

Zl-1 well
Kössen (Norian) 304.9 140 27.2 55.5 82.7 5.9 11.4 0.21
307.0 125 27.7 61.0 88.7 6.8 4.5 0.13
312.6 121 54.6 34.6 89.2 2.4 8.4 0.12
313.3 118 41.5 49.7 91.2 3.7 5.1 0.10

Transitional 314.3 78 30.5 55.8 86.3 10.1 3.6 0.16

317.4 186 40.1 49.4 89.5 2.6 7.9 0.12
318.7 62 33.9 48.7 82.6 9.7 7.7 0.21
321.5 64 19.8 66.6 86.4 7.6 6.0 0.16
340.7 55 31.5 57.9 89.4 5.8 4.8 0.12
347.9 64 35.6 52.9 88.5 2.5 9.0 0.13
352.0 64 41.6 52.3 93.9 2.7 3.4 0.06
360.0 124 51.0 45.4 96.4 1.5 2.1 0.04
363.0 53 41.9 53.1 95.0 2.6 2.4 0.05

Rezi Dolomite 378.5 91 49.6 45.7 95.3 2.7 2.0 0.05

381.4 105 55.3 41.5 96.8 1.0 2.2 0.03
383.0 112 51.4 44.8 96.2 1.8 2.0 0.04
386.0 71 50.5 41.1 91.6 6.1 2.3 0.09

A, asphaltene; R, resin.

respectively. They also contain quartz of 4–28%. More- samples, varying from 391 to 422  C (Table 3) also cor-
over, besides carbonates and quartz, clay minerals are respond to the stage of diagenesis. Rock Eval data and
also present in essential amount ranging between 8 and the elementary composition of kerogens display more
54% (Table 1). Organic matter is dominated by liptinite variations in the organic matter in well Rzt-1, than in
(Table 2). Except for one sample (151.5 m depth), lipti- well Zl-1. TOC and HI values range from 0.9 to 14.6%
nite content ranges from 75 to 97% and it exceeds 80% and from 244 to 833 mg HC/g TOC, respectively
for most of the samples. The amount of vitrinite is low, (Table 3, Fig. 4). H/C ratios vary from 1.18 to 1.45 and
less than 4.0% in all but two samples. A small amount S/C ratios ranging between 0.05 and 0.11 for all but
of sporinite, indicating land-derived organic matter, was one sample (Table 4) show the presence of type I-II-S
observed only in some samples (185.9, 168.0, 139.2 m and type II-S kerogen as defined by Orr (1986) and di
depth) of the Rhaetian Kössen Fm. Vitrinite reflectance Primio and Horsfield (1996). Carbon isotope ratios of
ranging between 0.30 and 0.36% Ro indicates immature kerogens vary between 31.27 and 28.35 per mil.
organic matter. Tmax values, measured on whole rock Bitumen ratios range over a wide interval between 41 and
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591
Fig. 4. Vertical profile of the amount of carbonate minerals, organic carbon content and hydrogen index measured on whole rock samples, as well as carbon isotope and S/C ratios
measured on kerogens in well Rzt- 1.
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1581

Table 6  of the two formations (Rezi Dolomite Fm. and

Py-GC-indices of kerogens isolated from the samples of Rzt-1 Kössen Fm.),
well  of the two boreholes (Zl-1 and Rzt-1) located at
different positions on the slope,
Formation Depth o/x phenol tol/mthio Tpr/t17
 for basin, slope and toe-of-slope facies.

Kössen (Rhaetian) 82.5 1.11 30 1.48 0.57 Mineral and organic composition of the studied suc-
95.2 0.84 37 1.47 0.50 cessions are compared on the basis of data measured on
105.2 1.07 39 1.34 0.57 individual samples (Tables 1–6 and 8, Figs. 3–7) and on
113.5 1.04 27 1.51 0.31 the basis of average values of data (Table 7) calculated
132.3 1.30 25 1.27 0.44 for selected samples (see Table 5).
139.2 0.65 9 1.11 0.77
144.3 0.82 7 1.15 0.43
151.5 0.63 12 1.10 0.90
4.1. Comparison of the two formations (well Zl-1).
168.0 0.50 13 0.49 1.34
170.0 1.06 20 0.79 0.86 The high amount of carbonate minerals (more than
178.8 1.02 11 0.77 0.84 90% on average, Table 7) reveals the predominance of
185.9 1.07 9 0.96 0.70 platform-derived input in both of the Kössen Fm. and
the Rezi Dolomite Fm. penetrated by well Zl-1. The
Kössen (Norian) 207.5 0.40 29 0.46 1.63 essentially smaller proportion of dolomite (less than one
224.9 0.63 15 0.33 1.55 third of carbonate minerals) indicates an incomplete
236.0 0.78 20 0.42 1.05 dolomitization of the Kössen Fm. Based on the results
241.0 0.47 12 0.33 1.37
of previous work, the observed change in the miner-
o/x: n-octene/(m+p)xylene; phenol: normalised on the basis of alogy of the sequence is interpreted as a response to
n-octene+(meta- and para-)xylenes+phenol contents in pyr- change of climate (Schmalz, 1969; Hans, 1998; Balog et
olysate; tol/mthio: toluene/2-methylthiophene; Tpr/T17: al., 1999). The semi-arid climate existing during the for-
prist-1-ene+prist-2-ene+pristane/n-heptadecane+n-hepta- mation of the Rezi Dolomite sequence, deposited in a
decene. deep basin environment, was favourable for early
diagenetic dolomitization of carbonate sediments.
Throughout the period of a permanent evaporation,
214 mg/g TOC. They are higher than 120 mglg TOC for chemical reactions occurring in the water column and at
the Norian Kössen sequence and lower than 93 mg/g the basin floor increase the ratio of Mg2+/Ca2+ result-
TOC for most of the Rhaetian Kössen samples. Pyr- ing in the dolomitization of carbonate minerals
olysates of kerogen concentrates are dominated by an (Schmalz, 1969; Haas, 1998). The more limited dolomi-
alkene and alkane homologous series ranging from C2 tization of the Kössen carbonate minerals reflects a
to C29 with a varying unresolved ‘‘naphtenic hump’’ in cooler and humid climate. It is supported by d18O sig-
the diterpenoid range. Pyrochromatograms show abun- natures, determined by Balog et al. (1999), which reflect
dant C1–C2 alkylated benzenes and thiophenes. A lower the influence of meteoric water and less evaporation
abundance of phenols, naphtalene and methylnaphta- during the latest Norian-Rhaetian deposition. The
lenes is also observed. Isoprenoid hydrocarbons are cooler and humid climate led to more intensive weath-
represented dominantly by prist-1-ene and a relatively ering, which increased the platform-derived input, and
lower proportion of norpristane, prist-2-ene, pristane and led to the inhibition of a pervasive dolomitization.
phytane. The ratios calculated from the relative abun- The change in the paleoenvironmental conditions can
dance of various compounds in kerogen pyrolysates be recognized not only in the mineralogical but in the
(Table 6) display cyclic variations as a function of depth. organic geochemical data, too. The low pristane/phy-
The distributions of steranes (m/z 217 mass chromato- tane ratios ( < 1, Table 7) are consistent with the con-
grams) are shown in Fig. 7. tinuous existence of anoxic conditions and/or high
salinity during the deposition of the sequence (Brooks et
al., 1969; Didyk et al., 1978; Chappe et al., 1980; Bor-
4. Discussion denave, 1993). Low values of this ratio may reflect sali-
nity-dependent growth rate of halophilic bacteria
According to Rock Eval pyrolysis, organic petrography containing phytanyl lipids, which are a source for phy-
and carbon isotope ratios, the organic matter is imma- tane (Goossens et al., 1984). Different average values of
ture and of predominantly marine origin throughout this ratio (0.34 and 0.60 for the Rezi Dolomite and the
both the Zl-1 and Rzt-1 boreholes. Variations are observed Kössen Fm., respectively) can be attributed to a slightly
in the mineral composition and in the organic geochemical more saline environment during the deposition of the
features Rezi Dolomite Fm. than during that of Kössen Fm. The
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591
Fig. 5. Vertical profile of dolomite content and bitumen composition [asphaltene content, the ratio of hydrocarbons relative to heteroatomic compounds (HC/NSO), the ratio of
saturated hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons (HCsat/HCar) and the proportion of lighter n-alkanes to heavier ones (n-C22-/n-C23+)] in well Zl-1.
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591
Fig. 6. Vertical profile of the amount of carbonate minerals and bitumen composition [asphaltene content, the ratio of hydrocarbons relative to heteroatomic compounds (HC/
NSO), the ratio of saturated hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons (HCsat/HCar) and the proportion of lighter n-alkanes to heavier ones (n-C22-/n-C23+)] in well Rzt-1.

1584 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

Fig. 7. Partial mass chromatograms (m/z 217) of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of bitumens from selected samples of the Rzt-1
well. A: 132.3 m, B: 178.8 m, C: 241.0 m. The carbon numbers and isomers at C-20 of 5a,14a,17a(H) steranes are denoted.

lack of vitrinite reveals that higher plant-derived organic by GC and GC/MS analyses of the saturated hydro-
matter is scarce in the Rezi Dolomite Fm. The presence carbon fractions of bitumens. The smaller proportion of
of vitrinite displays a minor land-derived contribution the short-chain n-alkanes to the long-chain ones and a
for samples taken from the Kössen Fm. This observa- slightly higher odd-over-even carbon predominance
tion is confirmed by the composition of the extracts and (calculated according to Bray and Evans, 1961, in the
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1585

Table 7
Average values of mineral and organic data calculated for samples selected for detailed examination
SHC HCsat n-C22btl
Formation Depth (m) CO3 D Q Clay TOC HI d13C H/C S/C Bit. A R NSO SNSO HCar n-C23þ Pr/Ph CPI

Rzt-1 well
Kössen (Rhaetian) B 82.5 88 17 4 8 0.9 244 29.3 1.20 0.06 64 5.9 71.2 77.1 0.30 3.5 0.8 0.18 1.58
TS 95–139 40 4 15 42 2.5 341 29.7 1.24 0.07 71 10.2 63.0 73.2 0.41 2.9 2.1 0.26 1.75
B 139–145 73 10 9 16 2.8 575 30.4 1.29 0.08 58 10.0 44.5 55.5 0.89 5.0 2.7 0.38 1.70
TS 145–170 46 2 20 32 9.3 708 28.7 1.36 0.05 97 11.0 54.9 65.9 0.53 1.6 0.3 0.21 2.24
B 170–190 69 11 9 21 2.0 393 29.3 1.30 0.07 62 12.2 62.1 74.3 0.35 2.1 0.5 0.24 1.97

Kössen (Norian) TS 190–241 71 4 10 16 5.7 766 30.0 1.40 0.10 182 24.0 53.7 77.7 0.58 0.7 0.2 0.28 1.72

Zl–1 well
Kössen (N.) S 304–314 91 27 6 1 1.7 671 30.2 1.33 0.10 126 37.8 50.2 88.0 0.14 0.8 0.3 0.60 1.39

Transitional S 314–319 91 61 7 – 1.0 615 29.6 1.25 0.12 124 34.8 51.3 86.1 0.16 1.5 0.6 0.48 1.34
B 319–348 70 70 28 1 1.5 514 28.5 1.13 0.07 61 29.0 59.1 88.1 0.14 0.8 0.6 0.35 1.15
B 348–363 88 88 9 1 2.0 521 28.7 1.22 0.08 80 44.8 50.3 95.1 0.05 0.9 1.2 0.23 1.09

Rezi Dol. B 363–386 92 91 8 – 2.5 528 29.5 1.23 0.08 95 51.7 43.3 95.0 0.05 1.4 1.5 0.34 1.10

CO3, D (dolomite), Q (quartz), Clay, TOC, A (asphaltene), R (resin), NSO:%, HI: mg HC/gTOC, d C: %, Bit. (bitumen ratio): mg/g TOC. B:
carbonate-rich basin facies, S: slope facies, TS: toe-of-slope facies.

C22–C32 range) also reveal a slightly higher land-derived The transitional nature of the sequence between 363
contribution in the Kössen Fm. than in the Rezi Dolo- and 314 m depth in well Zl-1 is manifested both in its
mite Fm. (Tables 4 and 7). This is in agreement with the mineral and organic compositions. The measured
distribution of steranes (calculated from their mass organic geochemical data primarily vary as a function of
spectra, m/z 217) displaying the proportion of algal to the mineralogical composition of the rocks (Figs. 3 and
higher plant input (Table 8). The presence of hopanoid 5). The complete dolomitization of carbonate sediments
hydrocarbons ranging from C27 to C35, identified on the throughout most of the transitional sequence (from 319
basis of their mass spectra, is generally considered to to 363 m depth) indicates that no essential change of
show bacterial contribution. However, the ratio of climate occurred during their deposition. As the
hopanes to steranes may reflect the relative contribution appearance of calcite (Table 1) reveals, the climate
of higher plants and bacteria to algae (Peters and Mol- became humid probably at the times of the deposition
dowan, 1993). As a consequence, the somewhat higher of the uppermost transitional section (314–319 m
values of this ratio indicate a slightly lower relative depth), near the border of the Kössen Fm. The upward
proportion of the algal precursor material in the Kössen decrease in the amount of dolomite in the main part of
Fm. The facies ratios (h27/h30 and h29/h30) calculated the transitional sequence (between 319.3 and 348 m
on the basis of mass chromatograms (m/z 191) also depth), in which dolomite is the only carbonate, is
exhibit some differences between the organic facies of compensated by the increasing amount of quartz. Aver-
these sequences (Table 8). Conversely, samples from the age values of H/C ratios (Table 8) for samples taken
Kössen Fm. display lower average TOC and higher from this sequence (H/C: 1.13) are smaller than for
average HI, H/C and S/C values than samples from the samples taken from other sections of the Zl-1 well (H/
Rezi Dolomite Fm. Average HI values and H/C ratios C > 1.2). GC (HC/NSO, n-C22-/n-C23+) and GC/
are 528 mg HC/gTOC and 1.23 for the Rezi Dolomite MS data (distribution of steranes and hopane/sterane
Fm. and 671 mg HC/gTOC and 1.33 for the Kössen ratio) of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of bitu-
Fm. (Table 7). We think that the different hydrogen mens suggest a relatively greater abundance of bacterial
contents is a consequence of the different preservation and higher plant input in this sequence (Tables 7 and
conditions rather than of the minor terrestrial input in 8). In addition, the increased amount of amorphinites
the Kössen Fm. The increased mineral supply due to the (Table 2), which are regarded as derived from bacterial
more intensive weathering decreased the proportion of decomposition of liptinites (Köster et al., 1988), reflects
the organic matter in the sediment. Moreover, due to an increased bacterial activity. On the basis of the
the greater abundance of minerals, the sedimentation pentamethyleicosane/n-docosane ratios, the methano-
rate increased, promoting the better preservation of the genic bacterial activity is moderate in the entire Zl-1
organic matter and resulting in higher hydrogen content borehole and especially moderate in the dolomite-rich
in the Kössen Fm. section.
1586 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

Table 8
Ratios calculated from (m/z 217 and m/z 191) mass chromatograms of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of the bitumen extracted
from selected samples
C27 R C29 S mor: hop30 h27 h29
Formation Depth (m) C30R C29 R C29 SþR hop: stC27 RþS h30 h30

Rzt-1 well
Kössen (Rhaetian) 132.3 6.3 1.05 28 0.26 0.23 0.44 0.18
168.0 11.6 1.52 22 0.28 0.71 0.09 0.04
178.8 11.8 1.08 25 0.19 0.51 0.10 0.08

Kössen (Norian) 207.5 10.0 1.34 25 0.19 0.71 0.16 0.12

241.0 8.4 1.66 27 0.36 0.38 0.66 0.20

Zl-1 well
Kössen (N.) 313.3 11.5 0.78 29 0.16 2.15 0.59 0.62

Transitional 318.7 8.8 0.68 33 0.13 5.03 0.53 0.56

340.7 10.3 0.72 35 0.16 3.14 0.83 1.23

Rezi Dolomite 386.0 3.9 1.24 54 0.17 1.45 0.72 0.94

Distribution and relative proportion of the C27–C30 20R 5a,14a,17a(H) steranes: C30R, C27R/C29R. The configurational isomerization
ratios: moretane/hopane (mor./hop.) and 20S 5a,14a,17a(H) C29-sterane/20S 5a,14a,17a(H) C29 sterane+20R 5a,14a,17a(H) C29
sterane (C29S/C29S+R). Hopanes/steranes (hop30/stC27R+S): C30 17a,21b(H) hopane in m/z 191 chromatograms/C2720R and 20S
5a,14a,17a(H) cholestane in m/z 217 chromatograms. Facies-ratios: C27 17a(H)22,29,30trisnorhopane/C30 17a,21b(H) hopane (h27/
h30) and C29 17a,21b(H) norhopane/C30 17a,21b(H) hopane (h29/h30) in m/z 191 chromatograms.

4.2. Variations in the mineral and organic composition carbon fractions supported the heterogenity of the
of the studied successions related to their position on the organic matter. The higher ratios of hydrocarbons rela-
slope tive to heteroatomic compounds, the slightly more aro-
matic compounds and the decreased proportion of
The mineral composition and the organic geochem- lighter n-alkanes to heavier ones display a higher, but
ical characteristics of the two studied successions vary as moderate, higher plant-derived contribution to sedi-
a function of their position on the slope (Fig. 2). The mentary rocks deposited at the lowest part of the ramp.
two time-equivalent sections—namely the Norian Kös- The slightly stronger predominance of the odd-over-
sen sequence of the well Rzt-1 (toe-of-slope facies) and even carbon numbered n-alkanes (CPI: 1.72 and 1.36,
the topmost sequence (between 319 and 304 m depth) of respectively) can reflect a slightly higher terrestrial
the well Zl-1 (slope facies)—are compared. input, with long-chain n-alkanes derived from cuticular
The four times higher organic carbon content waxes of higher plants (Tissot and Welte, 1984). An
(Table 7, Figs. 3 and 4) in the toe-of-slope facies (well algal origin for these alkanes has also been reported.
Rzt-1) can be attributed to the higher organic input and Lichtfouse et al. (1994) pointed out that such a type of
the better preservation of the organic matter here. The n-alkanes can be produced by the diagenetic reduction
presence of clay minerals is probably, at least in part, of Botryococcus braunii alkadienes and alkatrienes.
responsible for the higher amount of the organic matter Based on maceral composition and the composition of
in Rzt-1 well. Adsorption of the organic matter on clay- kerogen pyrolysates, the terrestrial origin seems to be
surfaces and the formation of organo-mineral com- more likely: the highest relative phenol content and the
pounds promoted its preservation during deposition and lowest ratio of n-octene/(m+p)xylene in the kerogen
in recent sediment. pyrolysates (Table 6) in agreement with the highest CPI
Both the mineral composition and the results of value were determined for that sample (207.5 m depth)
the organic geochemical and petrographic analyses which contains the highest amount of vitrinite (Table 1)
reveal a complex mixture of precursors at the toe of in the Norian Kössen sequence penetrated by the Rzt-1
the slope. The appearance of clay minerals (16% on borehole. This observation is confirmed by the dis-
average, Table 7) reflects the relatively increased land- tribution of steranes calculated from the mass spectra
derived contribution. According to the petrographic of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of bitumens.
observations, benthic algae (indicating by the presence The C27R/C29R ratios are 1.34 and 1.66 for samples
of the remnants of tubular algae) also contributed to the whose organic matter contains 12% (207.5 m depth)
organic matter (Table 2). Bitumen composition and the and 2% (241.0 m depth) vitrinite, respectively (Tables 2
gas cbromatoghraphic data of the saturated hydro- and 8).
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1587

Nevertheless, the distribution of steranes reveals a Consequently, another factor played the controlling role
greater abundance of algal-derived contribution in rocks in isomerization.
deposited at the toe of the slope than in those deposited
on the slope. It is consistent with the elementary com- 4.3. Influence of sea-level changes
position of kerogens and HI values indicating type I-II-
S and type II-S kerogens in the toe-of-slope and slope Significant variations were observed both in the
facies, respectively. The varying, but relatively minor, mineral composition and the organic geochemical data
contribution of the higher plant remnants, manifested in of the Kössen Fm., penetrated by the Rzt-1 borehole.
bitumen composition, could not modify the HI values, These variations can be interpreted by fluctuations in
which are determined by the significantly higher pro- sea-level. The studied sequence represents the transgres-
portion of the well-preserved marine organic matter. sive part of a third order cycle. Sedimentological analy-
Previous geochemical studies have described a clear sis reveals that the Late Norian toe-of-slope facies is
correlation between the degree of the organic matter overlain by Rhaetian deeper basin facies (Haas and
preservation and HI values. This dependence is char- Budai, 1995). The bulk organic geochemical data show
acteristic mainly of rocks containing predominantly two organically different intervals below and above
sulphur-rich marine kerogen (Lallier-Verges et al., about 190 m depth, which is considered as the Norian/
1993; Vetó´ et al., 1994). The sedimentation rate was Rhaetian boundary (Oravecz and Scheffer, 1987). Rock
probably the major factor controlling the preservation Eval data (Table 3) together with the elemental compo-
of the organic matter. The lowest part of the ramp is sition of kerogens (Table 4) reveal type I-II-S and type
a favourable place for the rapid deposition of plat- II-S kerogen in the Norian and Rhaetian sequence,
form-derived and land-derived minerals in large respectively.
quantity. Clay minerals are also believed to have an However, varying mineral composition of the succes-
important role in the preservation and diagenesis of sion displays repeatedly varying platform-derived and
organic matter. The more limited dolomitization of land-derived input during deposition. It is attributed to
carbonate minerals in the toe-of-slope facies than slope the high-frequency fourth order cycles (100 ka) which
facies can also be attributed to the higher platform- were superimposed on the third order cycle (Haas,
derived input. 1993). A similar effect of the short-term sea-level fluc-
The strongly anoxic depositional environment is, at tuations was published for the Pliocene of the Bahamas.
least partly, due to the high amount of the organic pre- The sediments at the toe-of-slope of the Bahamas have
cursors accumulated at the lowest part of the ramp. It is been shown to be influenced by the differences in plat-
shown by the extremely low pristane/phytane ratios and form productivity during glacials and intergiacials
by the high pentamethyleicosane to n-docosane ratios. (Droxler and Schlager, 1985; Reijmer et al., 1988;
The significantly higher ratios of pentamethyleicosane Westphal, 1998). The platform-derived input probably
to n-docosane (except one sample) exhibit higher culminated during high-stand phases when a large part
methanogenic bacterial activity in the Norian Kössen of the platform was covered by shallow water and the
sequence of the Rzt-1 borehole than in that of the Zl-l area of the carbonate production extended. The rela-
borehole. The 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosanyl skele- tively higher transport of land-derived material occurred
ton suggests that the alkane in marine sediments may during lowstand phases (Schlager, 1992).
derive from methanogens (Brassell et al., 1980; Chappé Organic matter originated mainly from marine pre-
et al., 1980). The presence of 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethy- cursors throughout the Rzt-1 borehole but geochemical
leicosane in immature sediments is evidence for archae- data measured indicate minor differences in the organic
bacterial origin (Risatti et al., 1984). source material of the basin and toe-of-slope facies.
The configurational isomerization ratios (such as Most of the data reveal that long-term and short-term
moretane/hopane and C29S/C29S+R: isomerization at low-stand phases resulted in similar organic features for
C-20 in 5a,14a,17a(H) C29-steranes) are often con- two toe-of-slope facies (from 190 to 240 and from 140 to
sidered to be maturity-dependent. Variability within 170 m depth). The highest CPI (Table 4) and d13C
these rocks, containing immature organic matter, can be values (Fig. 4) together with the highest vitrinite content
related partly to phenomena such as facies control or (Table 2) reveal the highest land-derived input for the
different rates of isomerization on mineral surfaces. top of these toe-of-slope facies represented by the sam-
Horsfield et al. (1994) suggested that moretane/hopane ples taken from 207.5 and 151.5 m depth. Nevertheless,
epimerisation was controlled by acidic catalytic activity the GC/MS analysis of the saturated hydrocarbon frac-
which was higher in the less saline shale section than in tion of the extracts reveals a great abundance of algal-
that deposited under strongly alkaline conditions (dolo- derived organic matter for the entire succession and
mitized section). We observed the opposite phenom- reflects its highest contribution in the toe-of-slope facies.
enon, the two isomerisations being more complete in the The distributions of steranes (m/z 217 mass chromato-
dolomite rich section than in the less saline section. grams) for samples representing the basin facies (178.8
1588 M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591

m depth), as well as the lowest (241.0 m depth) and the (Goossens et al., 1984, 1988), lipids derived from
uppermost (132.3 m depth) toe-of-slope facies are Archaea and methanogens (Chappé et al., 1980; Row-
shown in Fig. 7. The 20R isomers (biological configur- land, 1990), C40 isoprenoid chains (lycopane skeleton)
ation) are predominant. The rearranged- and the of algaenans (Derenne et al., 1990) and methyl-tri-
14b,17b(H)-steranes are missing and the 20S isomers are methyl-tridecyl-chromans formed from chlorophyll and
present in a moderate proportion. The dominance of alkylphenols (Li et al., 1995). The Tpr/t17 ratio may
C27 regular steranes over C29 (+ C28 and C30) indicates reflect the abundance of photosynthetic organisms
the highest algal input in the sample taken from 241.0 m among the precursors. A lycopane origin can be ruled
depth. This observation is consistent with the elemen- out on the basis of the isoprenoid distribution in pyr-
tary composition of kerogens and Rock Eval data which olysates (norpristane and 2,6,10-trimethyldecane are
reveal type I-II-S kerogen in these toe-of-slope sequen- present among regular minor products, other C11–C20
ces. Previous work has described that the increasing isoprenoid alkanes are missing). The relatively great
parallel rates of sedimentation and of organic matter abundance of chlorophyll in photosynthetic organism
deposition led to the better preservation of the organic overprints the amount of other contributors in highly
matter during the deposition of these toe-of-slope sedi- anoxic environment, where a high percentage of bio-
ments than that of basin sediments. Moreover, these synthetised phytol may survive during the early (bio)-
intervals, characterized by the highest preservation, chemical diagenesis.
correspond to times of the highest estimated rate of The role of the short-term cycles is especially con-
planktonic productivity in the Rzt-1 well. The estimated spicious during the early phase of the long-term trans-
rate of primary productivity is about three times higher gression. When the long-term transgression culminates,
for the toe-of-slope facies than for the basin facies (Vetó´ it determines the paleoenvironmental facies and prob-
et al., 2000). The extremely low Tmax values observed on ably obscures the influence of short-term episodes. Fur-
samples taken from the two toe-of-slope facies contain- thermore, in parallel with developing of the third order
ing type I-II-S kerogen (Table 3) are not the sign of an transgression, the basin continously filled up. As a result
extremely immature organic matter but are probably of these processes, organic features observed in the toe-
related to the type of kerogen. Tmax values allow us to of-slope facies up to 170 m depth can not be recognized
distinguish between individual zones of the maturation in the sequence above 139 m depth (Fig. 7).
and to follow the trend of thermal evolution within cat- The determined organic features of carbonate-rich
agenesis and metagenesis. However, it is not an entirely basin facies seem to become more pronounced with
reliable indicator during diagenesis. Mineral matrix development of the third-order transgression (Figs. 4
effect and high amount of NSO-compounds may modify and 6, Table 7). The more negative d13C values mea-
Rock Eval data (Larter, 1984, Espitalié et al., 1985; sured on kerogens, the higher HCsat/HCar ratios and the
Vandenbroucke et al., 1993; Hetényi, 1998). Tmax values dominance of the shorter n-alkanes over the longer
are also affected by the type of kerogens as the thermal ones, in accordance with the lower phenol content of
energy required to break the different type of bonds kerogen pyrolysates, reflect the increased relative
varies. On the basis of the results of kinetic considera- importance of the marine contribution in the upper
tions, di Primio and Horsfield (1996) showed that basin facies (139–144 m depth) compared with the lower
asphaltenes and type I-S kerogens are the most labile one (170–190 m depth). This observation is in agree-
species present in carbonate source rocks with sulphur- ment with the lower clay mineral content measured for
rich organic matter. the upper limestone sequence (Table 7). The
The higher relative proportion of isoprenoid hydro- 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane to n-docosane ratios
carbons in kerogen pyrolysates, considered to be chlor- (i-C26/n-C22: > 0.7 and < 0.4 for the upper and lower
ophyll-derived compounds, was also found in the toe- basin sections, respectively) exhibit an upwardly
of-slope facies. Tpr/T17 ratios (prist-1-ene+prist-2- decreasing methanogenic bacterial activity (Table 4).
ene+pristane/n-heptadecene+n-heptadecane) are The low hopanes/steranes ratios reflect a low propor-
higher and smaller than 0.85 for these samples and for tion of the bacterial biomass to the algal input
basin sediments, respectively (Table 6). Curry and Sim- throughout the succession (Table 8).
pler (1988) applied a similar ratio and found that the
ratio of the abundance of the C19:1 isoprenoids prist-1-
ene and prist-2-ene to the abundance of (n-C17:1+n- 5. Conclusion
C17:0) is significantly lower in the pyrolysates of kero-
gens of similar types and levels of catagenesis from more
oxic organic facies. In addition to the anoxicity, other & The studied boreholes exhibit substantial varia-
factors also control this ratio. Among the precursors of tions in mineral composition, as well as in
C19 isoprenoids are several candidates: chlorophyll organic matter quantity and quality as a func-
(Didyk et al., 1978; Ishiwatari et al., 1991), tocopherols tion of their position on the slope. A higher
M. Hetényi et al. / Organic Geochemistry 33 (2002) 1571–1591 1589

amount of organic matter with higher hydrogen the sequences with different carbonate content
content accumulated at the toe of the slope than are consistent with the variations of primary
on the slope. Petrographic observations, bitu- productivity rates described for the Rzt-1 well
men compositions together with the results of (Vetó´ et al., 2000).
the GC and GC/MS analyses of the saturated & The organic matter is immature and of pre-
hydrocarbon fractions of bitumen reveal that dominantly marine origin throughout both of
these variations are mainly related to different the studied boreholes. The kerogens are classi-
preservation rates and partly to different com- fied as type I-II-S for the most organic-rich toe-
position of the precursor biomass. The ratios of of-slope facies and type II-S for basin and slope
the 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane to n-doc- facies.
osane and those of pristane to phytane contents
reflect a relatively higher methanogenic bacterial
activity and a slightly more anoxic environment Acknowledgements
in the succession deposited at the lowest part of
the ramp than in that deposited on the slope. The authors wish to thank the Hungarian Scientific
& Parallel variations observed in the mineralogy Foundation (OTKA grants No. T 34168) for funding
and the organic geochemical features along the this work. One of us (M. Hámor-Vidó) thanks the
successions can be attributed to the essential Bolyai János Research Fund of the Hungarian Acad-
changes in the paleoenvironmental conditions emy of Sciences for financal support. We kindly thank
occurring during the deposition of the rocks. Zoltán Kárpáti for his help in GC/MS analyses. Excel-
 Compared with the mineralogically nearly lent rewiews and many helpful comments of the two
homogenous Rezi Dolomite Fm., a greater referees are gratefully appreciated: they significantly
abundance of the significant bacterial contribu- improved the paper. Thanks are expressed for helpful
tion and the appearance of a minor higher plant comments by Dr. R. Michels.
derived input are characteristic of the miner-
alogically more heterogenous rocks in the Rezi-
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