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> 5 3 s 5 at > | £ = 3 Oo OXFORD ‘ford University Press isa department ofthe University of Oxon [efurthers the Univers s objective of excellence tn esearch scholarship. and education by publishing worlwide in ‘Avedand Cape Town Dares Salam Hong Kong Karachi XKnalaLampur Madrid Metbourne Mexico Cty Nall [New Dei Shanghal Taipel Toronto Argentina Auseis Bran Chile Caech Republic France Greece Goatemala Hongary aly pan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore switzertand Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietamn coxrorD: vcs are registred trade marks of ‘Orford Unversity Press inthe UK ain eran oer coustses Oxford University Pres 195 ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database sight Oxford Univerty Pres (maker) Fist published 996 30-29 28 27 26 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Allights reserved, No part ofthis publication maybe reproduce, Stored in yetseval system, oF ranemited in any fre y any Ineans, withou the prior permission in writing of Onord University Pres. ora expres permite bylaw oF under terms agreed with the appropriate rprographics right onganiation "Enguiies concerning reproduction ouside the scope ofthe sone shouldbe seat tothe ELT Rights Departinent, Oxford University Press atthe address above You must not create this Book in anyother binding or cove and you must impose this sme condition oa any acquirer ‘Any websites referred on thi publication ate inthe public ‘oman and their adresses are provide by Onl University Press. for information only. Oxford University Pes disclaims any sponsiity forehe content Designed and typeset by Oxprint Design Oxford Printed in China a @ Listen and say 1 Te] [a @ Listen and say [= @ Make and say What's your name? —_g—____ @ Listen and sing [= What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Adam. What’s your name? What’s your name? Tm Helen. What’s your name? What’s your name? I'm Bix. Hello, Adam. Hello, Helen. Hello, Bix! What’s your name? What’s your name? Tm Adam. What’s your name? What’s your name? I'm Helen. What’s your name? What’s your name? Tm Bix. Goodbye, Adam. Goodbye, Helen. Goodbye, Bix! —_____} @ Ask and answer about you Hello. I'm Lily. What’s your name? Hello. I’m Jane. @ Read and a f = , apen a A aruler arubber abag a pencil case BL Your game My Point and say Listen and say [= No, Bix! Stop! It’s a__ eS on ° @ Ask and answer Geto, fe: -_- AK a, D aoe game — ce eo. ! , a 8 i ul Pe oh: Oe: Workbook @ Listen and sing A red balloon, A green balloon, A black balloon too. A yellow balloon, A white balloon, Here’s a blue balloon for you! A red balloon, A green balloon, A black balloon, see! A yellow balloon, A white balloon, Here’s a blue balloon for me! Workbook page 10 —— @ Listen and say [= Itsa What’s this, yellow balloon, Helen? Look, Helen. It's ared @ Point and say a @ Read and say 2 @ Listen and sing [= What’s in my bag? What’s in my bag? Come and look, come and look. Aruler, a rubber, a pen, a pencil, And a book! What’s in my class? What’s in my class? Come and look, come and look. A chair, a table, a bin, a board, And a book! a @ Listen and say [= and an apple. And a cake! Mmmm! @ Read and say ECE an apple an egg @ Listen and say Look in your box. What’s for lunch? Here’s a cake and an apple to crunch. A sandwich for me, a sandwich for you. A banana, an egg and an orange too! Workbook @ Listen and read [= Read and say CPE two monkeys three monkeys —__@ @ Listen and say Ree y 3) PREIS 2 eke ee Poa Se sie oe pZa y/ LY Sipe eb hee Look! How soup One, two. monkeys? EA Two monkeys. Emer a @ Listen and sing = Five big, four big elephants. Three big, two big elephants. Goodbye, elephants! Workbook — Page 25 | | nF @ Listen and sing [= Lions and cats, lions and cats. } Lions and cats and a kangaroo. All the animals in the zoo. Parrots and bats, parrots and bats. Parrots and bats and a kangaroo. All the animals in the zoo. Elephants, elephants. Elephants and a kangaroo. All the animals in the zoo. @ Listen and say [=] e % One snake, two snakes, three snakes, four. iE Five snakes, six snakes, seven snakes, more. =p Vij, Bight snakes, nine snakes, and then ten. Now say it all again. ge @ Read and say 2 HR @ Listen and say = a ______ @ Listen and sing [=] I’ve got a little robot. My robot’s red and blue. \ i, I’ve got a little robot, And I tell him what to do. Stand up, robot. Stand up. Sit down, robot. Sit down. Stand up. Sit down. I tell him what to do. T’'ve got a little robot. \ ‘ Z My robot’s red and blue. \ T’ve got a little robot, And I tell him what to do. Say ‘hello’, robot. Say ‘hello’. Say ‘goodbye’, robot. Say ‘goodbye’. Say ‘hello’. Say ‘goodbye’. I tell him what to do. Py a PLY My a — a @ Listen and sing [= Let’s sing the a, b, c. Z Sing the letters, sing with me. 0G a,b,c, d, e,f,g, 7 hij k . | xX |, m,n, 0, p, ar, J t, u,v, w, x, y and z. V Let’s sing the a, b, c. } Sing the letters, sing with me. Werkbook _ page 39 Look ok for the —— a book? Bs letter b. su \ @ Read ITS IS f purple orange brown, BJ Your game Mi BJ Your game Mi h kia f dmuic x je @ Read and say @ Listen and sing Where, oh where, Is my little bear? Is it in the bed? Is it on the chair? Where, oh where, Is my little bear? Is it in the bed? Where, oh where, Is my little bear? Where, oh where, Is my bear? es °° ae @ Listen and say Where’s my \\] bear? Is it on IX the table? al | a mt F IN Is it in the bin?, Oh, here’s Wey 4 my bear! It’s Y@ 4 under Tabby! 23s It’s under the table. Point, ask and answer Where’s the balloon?, Where’s the al Your game a." Ly @ Listen and sing = T’ve got a ball, And a bear and a clown. T’ve got a little cat, And my cat’s brown. Tabby is my cat, And my cat’s brown. I’ve got a ball, ) And a book and a kite. ) I’ve got a robot, And my robot’s blue and white. Bix is my robot, And my robot’s blue and white. Read and say a @ Listen and say [= Here’s your ball, Adam. This is your ball is blue. My ball is red. My kite is purple.» 2 Is it box 2? S OQ), ss i v Read and say aT Sb Ka? Si ~ atrain aplane — % car Point and say a @ Point and say —______- == Lok at the tous, Took at the toys! Adam’s bike goes ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring. Adam’s bike goes ring, ring, ring. ~ f Listen to the noise! ¢ ; X\ \ e® Look at the toys, look at the toys! \ : Helen’s boat goes chug, chug, chug. a = Chug, chug, chug. Chug, chug, chug. = Helen’s boat goes chug, chug, chug. ca Listen to the noise! \ <4 Look at the toys, look at the toys! Helen’s bear goes grr, grr. Grr, grr. Grr, grr. ‘ Helen’s bear goes grr, grr. | Listen to the noise! @ Point and say Bill’s boat is red. Jill's boat is blue. Cl t_____ @ Listen and say [= RN How old are you, Helen? Tw we Happy birthday, Helen. Here’s a present. Wa Workbook |" i page Or 59 —_______-- @ Read and say How old are you? How old are you? @ Make and say @ Listen and sing [= It’s Helen’s birthday. It’s Helen’s birthday. Happy birthday, Helen. How old is she? She’s seven today. Happy birthday, Helen. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. She’s seven today! Happy birthday, Helen! It’s Simon’s birthday. It’s Simon’s birthday. Happy birthday, Simon. . Cc How old is he? He’s six today. Happy birthday, Simon. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. He’s six today! Happy birthday, Simon! Workbook |" page él How old is he? @ Point, ask and answer How old is she?, oO @ Listen and say == a > { My friend Fluffy is very big./ )\ gt agate a aD ) Pa WA se 2) eA. F ae © ° ] Q My friend Tiny is very small’ She’s a small of My friend Blackie is very fat. | He’s a fat cat. —_______-- @ Read and say ae pan iS (Y 2+ wa & uy \ (A @Pi9 elephants [Sy ag « small elepholh @ Listen and sing [=I Asari Aifiy One fat cat, dancing, dancing. Look at the animals dancing to the music. ray * Writ PHsdee ° Two big elephants and one fat cat, dancing, dancing. Look at the animals dancing to the music. Z Des Aer ami Three small bats, two big elephants, And one fat cat, dancing, dancing. Look at the animals dancing to the music. P(GRIINSA, HT Four long snakes, three small bats, Two big elephants and one fat cat, dancing, deneng Look at the animals dancing to the music. , iPM e est Five thin bears, four long snakes, three small bats, Two big elephants and one fat cat, dancing, dancing. ), Look at the animals dancing to the music. Pd == bee @ Ask and answer low many thin Cow many tin eats Glow many big elephant many Glow many big elephant elephants? Nee a Workbook 66 —<——$ @ Listen and say & T’ve got ie green eyes and T’ve got green’ eyes, too! Tve got, 5 blue eyes and < orange eyes and no hair! @ Read and say finger an @ Listen and do Touch your head. Touch your nose. Workbook page @ Listen and sing = Touch your hair, touch your toes. Touch your eye, touch your nose. Clap your hands, one, two, three. Sing this song with me. Aint maprs mt 9 Touch your mouth, touch your leg. Touch your ear, touch your head. Clap your hands, one, two, three. Sing this song with me. ===! Workbook 72 @ Listen and read [= SD) r2 < i _—J)\p This is Happy. He’s a sy clown. He’s got green a hair and a green mouth. He’s got blue eyes and a yellow nose. p This is Susie. She’s a clown. She’s got red hair and a pink nose. She’s got a purple mouth and purple eyes. And she’s got orange toes! @ Listen and sing [= Ze & AN a” ve D/ . at Happy the clown’s got green hair, He’s got green hair, he’s got green hair. Happy the clown’s got green hair, And a yellow nose. as . & = .< =e Susie the clown’s got red hair, She’s got red hair, she’s got red hair. Susie the clown’s got red hair, And orange toes! Workbook page 74 fg —______. ) Your game Mua Ciie's got green hair. Ge’ got green hair. green hair. rye No, it isn’t. He’s [Sener ate a Cia) nose. Gane) rho 5 Zo ® Sy, @ Draw and say ‘He’s got red hair, He’s got an orange nose. Touch your head, please. Touch your ear, please. $$ @ Listen and say 3 by” Bill, this is my mother, tallV/| “No, it isn’t a cat! | s Adam’s little iz I~ brother! ) page ¢ | ro > @ Listen and say z . It’s my it’s my sister,) ad a ie mn It’s my Who's this?) ( grandmother. S So) lf f tS) 2 This is my sister, And my brother. = This is my father. And my mother. This is my grandfather, § And my grandmother. This is my family! @ Point and say My sister’s got a white mouth. She’s got green __. This is my family. My father’s got a blue ()S mouth. He’s got green 3 hair. He’s got red legs. My brother's got___. @ Listen and sing I « > Yum, yum, yum. There are four sweets in my hand, Four sweets in my hand, be a P| There are five sweets in my hand, Five sweets in my hand, There are five sweets in my hand, a There are four sweets in my hand, Yum, yum, yum. There are three sweets in my hand ... a3 are two sweets in my hand ... There’s one sweet in my hand ... = Look — no sweets! $$ @ Read and say 2 3 one 5 ae & 7 four 8 q five six seven eight 4 “to il 12 [ 3 ten eleven twelve thirteen l & 5 l 6 \ 7 fourteen fifteen sixteen twenty seventeen eighteen nineteen a @ Listen and read [= fi There are eleven balloons. There are fifteen sandwiches. (3 aero There’s one cake. There are six candles. @ Sse8 See 23077 8. 0% ff <3 eas os wases APES “° q Se eo ee Yeo Ne Listen and say = lemonade, I don’t like lemonade. I like aa oy E— SAN” One milk, one EAP lemonade and two Dy cakes, please. = aed bananas @ Ask and answer about you a a T like chocolate. A | Workoox page 90 Kf —g—_____ I like milk. I like cheese. I like ice cream. Ice cream, please! @ Listen and sing I like oranges. I like cheese. But I don’t like eggs. ~———' No eggs, please! —____@- @ Listen and say Perr /Tiike pizza. Ilike bananas. like chocolate, / —_—_#- @ Listen and sing [=] oo oy I like Helen and I like Adams P . SY But it’s time to say goodbye. i A Goodbye Helen, goodbye Adam. © ~_| It’s time to say goodbye. el nn I like Tabby and I like Bix, ~ _ But it’s time to say goodbye. ae “ft ~ Goodbye Tabby, goodbye Bdge SEY : Co It’s time to say goodbye. SYLLABUS Language item Hello. Goodbye. Tm (Flea) What's your name? Yes. No, 5-8 What's this? classroom Ie a (rubber) 9-12 164 0 (yellow) (balloon) colours 13-16 Isita(chaie? Yee. No 17-20 (banana) an (ape) food Iva tbananavn (9) 21-24 numbers 1-6 coins plural «one (monkep) two (monkeys) How many (monkey)? How many (sue) (pencil)? 25-28 aati ‘imal 29-32 orminnds robot 33-36 pe aa Tait (purple) (pene? Yes, iti. No, tis’. prepositions of place Where's the/my (bear)? Is it(on) the (table? Pages Language item 41-46 ve goto (bal). so This is my/your (al. My ball sre. 45-48 possessive « oye ‘This ie (Helens) (boat (Bills) (bo) re. 49-52 How od are you? ges Tim (even) How old is hefshe? Hehe’ (sx. 53-56 aajetives of size ‘imate Putty i i. family (big) at 57-60 ve go (green) (eyes 61-64 Hohe’ got (green) (hair. the body 65-68 This is my (mother) family Who's this? Tes my (sister _My (father’s) got (0) (blue) (mouth) 69-72 ‘numbers 1-20 porty ‘There's one (red) (sweet ‘There are (sixteen) (yellow) (balloons) 73-76 1 ike/l don't lke demonode) food ike (cake) too. 77-78 revision 1S@N 978-0-19-435050-1 Enalish | 9) NNN www.oup.comjelt

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