Stratigraphy and Structure Across The Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont in Central Virginia

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Stratigraphy and Stmcture

Across the Blue Ridge and Inner

Piedmont in Central Virginia

Culpeper to Charlottesville, Virginia

July 15-16, 1989

Field Trip Guidebook T207

Leader: James F. Conley

American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.

Published 1989 by American Geophysical Union

2000 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009

ISBN: 0-81590-579-X

Printed in the United States of America

COVER View from west limb of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium
looking east across the structure from the top of Afton
Mountain, west of Charlottesville. The mountains that can be
observed in the background in the extreme upper left-hand
corner of the photograph are underlain by metabasalts of the
Catoctin Formation, which dip to the southeast off the south-
eastern limb of the anticlinorium. The Rockfish Valley fault
is located in the snow-covered valley just east of the low
hills in the foreground.

James F. Conley
Virginia Division of Mineral Resources
Alderman & McCormick Rds.
Box 3667
Charlottesville, VA 22903

James F. Conley
Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Charlottesville

nrrRODUCTION histories and are separated from each other

by the Rockfish Valley ductile deformation
This field t r i p is based on zone (Bartholomew and others, 1981). The
reconnaissance geologic mapping in the Rockfish Valley is a major right-lateral
0 0
Charlottesville 1 X 2 quadrangle as part shear zone that developed under greenschist-
of a new edition of the Geologic Map of grade conditions and is of probable Taconic
Virginia (Figure 1). The first day of the ·age. Both the Grenville-age core rocks and
field trip will be spent examining high-rank younger cover rocks have been subjected to
Grenville-age basement rocks that make up greenschist grade metamorphism that probably
the core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium. occurred during this same Taconic orogenic
The second day will be spent examining event.
greenschist facies Precambrian and Early The Grenville and younger-age rocks in
Paleozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic the core of the anticlinorium are
cover rocks that unconformably overlie the unconformably overlain by low-rank
Grenville basement and dip to the southeast, metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of
off the southeastern limb of the Late Precambrian to Early Cambrian age that
anticlinorium. dip to the northwest and to the southeast
off the limbs of the structure. The
southeastern limb of the fold also contains
five elongate belts of low-rank
illIIIIII] AREA OF STUDY metasedimentary cover rocks (rocks of the
Lynchburg Group) that have been either
infolded or tectonically emplaced into the
rocks that make up the core of the
structure. Fault zones occur on one or both
sides of these belts, but are not traceable
continuously along the borders of these
belts. The most persistent of these
FIGURE 1 Index map of Virginia showing metasedimentary belts is named the Mechums
location of the study, area. River Formation and can be traced for over
sixty miles in a southwesterly direction
from the northeastern part of the study
ROCKS IN THE CORE OF THE BLUE RIDGE area, to its termination, just south of the
ARI'ICLINORIOM southern boundary of the Charlottesville lOX
2 quadrangle. The Rockfish Valley ductile
In the area of this field trip possibly deformation zone occurs along the western
pre-Grenville, high-rank banded gneisses and boundary of the Mechums River Formation
Grenville-age metaigneous rocks form the throughout part of its trace and Nelson
core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium (Figure (1962) interprets the Mechums River belt to
2) . These ancient core rocks have been be a graben. It is debateable whether these
intruded by Late Precambrian and younger belts containing low-rank metasedimentary
granitic, basaltic, and gabbroic plutons and rocks represent true grabens in which the
by felsic and mafic dikes of latest metasedimentary rocks were originally
Precambrian to Early Paleozoic age and deposited, or these rocks were part of the
diabase dikes of Late Triassic-Early overlying metasedimentary cover and were
Jurassic age. The Grenville core is later downfau1ted into the core of the
subdivided into a northwestern (granulite) structure. Certainly many of the faults
terrane and a southeastern (retrograded) that now border these belts are younger than
terrane that may also contain relict the metasedimentary rocks found in the
granulite facies rocks. These two terranes belts.
seem to have had different geologic

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TRIASSIC {R Sedimentary rocks
EG Ellisville Granodiorite
GG Green Springs granite
GA Green Springs gabbro
CH Chopawamsic Formation
PALEOZOIC Candler Formation
CB Back arc basin deposits
ES Esmont slate
EC Esmont slate, lower clastic unit
PZ Paleo~oic rocks, Valley 8c Ridge
C Catoctin Formation GB Gabbro
S Swift Run Formation
Charlottesville Formation
LU Upper Unit, meta-arkose
L L Lower Unit
LJ Johnson Mill Formation LYNCHBURG
LW Metagraywacke GROUP
Fauquier Formation
LE Metasiltstone
LA Meta-arkose
PRECAMBRIAN LO Outliers, Lynchburg Group
LM Mechums River rocks
R Robertson River Formation
B Biotite metamonzonite
A Biotite augen gneiss
L Leucogranite gneiss
CK Charnockite
CG Coarse ortho (1) granulite
G Granulite gneiss F Flint Hill Gneiss

U ~ FAULT: U, upthrown side;
D D downthrown sIde; T, upper sheet; arrows
i~dicate direction of relative movement

10 ,

0 10 15
i ]


FIGURE 2 Geologic map of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont parts of the
Charlottesville 1 0 X 2 quadrangle. Units below the Robertson River
Formation are Grenville and pre-Grenville.

Northwestern Terrane by charnockite plutons. The chamockites,

in turn, have been intruded by leucogranites
The northwestern terrane, which lies to (leucogranite gneiss) that are
the northwest of the Rockfish Valley ductile indistinguishable from leucogranites
deformation zone, is composed of contained in the Old Rag and Crozet plutons.
compositionally layered orthopyroxene
granulite gneisses that have been intruded Layered granulite gneisses. The oldest

T207: 2
rocks of the northwestern terrane are part of the area. In most areas, the
compositionally l~yered gneisses that have charnockites are unconformably overlain by
reached pyroxene granulite grade during the folded, Late Precambrian-Early Cambrian
Grenville orogeny. The layered granulite cover rocks that dip to the northwest, off
gneisses (Stop 9, Figure 3) are medium the northwestern limb of the anticlinorium.
greenish gray and range from medium to The charnockites are coarse grained (2-6
coarse grained. The layered granulite cm), xenomorphic-granular, mesocratic to
gneisses are generally equigranular- melanocratic plutonic rocks that contain
granoblastic, and show a slight to strong xenoliths of layered rock (altered granulite
gneissic banding that is produced by gneiss?) and a massive, fine-grained biotite
oriented, slightly elongated feldspars and gneiss. A few samples of charnockite do not
amphiboles. In addition, the layered show retrograde metamorphism as seen in thin
granulite gneisses may show compositional section. Foliation is absent, except in
banding produced by alternating quartz- areas cut by post-Grenville-age shear zones
feldspar layers and layers rich in amphibole that have produced a shear foliation and
and pyroxene. deformed large feldspars to produce an augen
The compositional layers are highly gneiss. The rock ranges from dark greenish
variable in thickness and range from a gray to greenish black and contains grayish-
locally non-banded rock on outcrop scale to green potassic feldspars. These feldspars
a rock that shows alternating bands that are contain barium and have a greasy appearance.
less than an inch (2.5 cm) in thickness. On weathering the feldspars lose their green
Although previous authors (Bartholomew and color, have a bleached appearance, and the
others, 1981; Sinha and Bartholomew, 1984) rock loses its dark color. Disintegration
have given formational names to these rocks, of the rock produces a coarse quartz-
based on variations in textures, they have feldspar scree that in the past has been
not been subdivided in the present study. mistakenly mapped as Crozet Granite
An exception is a coarse-grained , banded, (referred to in this report as leucogranite
and banded-augen gneiss, thought to be an gneiss).
orthogranulite, that has been mapped as a The charnockites are composed of about
seperate unit (Figure 2). These high-rank 50% plagioclase, 18% brown pargasite, 12%
gneisses border between monzonite and quartz orthopyroxene (on which kelephitic rims of
diorite and are composed of perthite, ura1ite and chlorite may be developed), 10%
plagioclase (An 30), garnet (locally perthite, 5-7% quartz, and 3% opaque
present), blue and smoky-blue quartz, minerals. Vermicular intergrowths of quartz
ilmenite, apatite, and hypersthene (much of embays perthite. Reddish-brown, titanium-
which may be altered to uralite). The rich biotite is locally present; a pale-
alteration minerals chlorite, epidote, green biotite may also be present. The
sericite, ane uralitic amphibole were formed pargasite is embayed by plagioclase and
in a later, post-Grenville metamorphic event appears to be of primary origin. The
( Taconic orogeny?). The segregation presence of the primary hydrous minerals
banding is produced by a slight increase of occurring with orthopyroxene suggests that
orthopyroxene in the darker bands, and in these rocks formed under high water pressure
many cases has been accentuated by and high total pressure, suggesting in the
alteration of pyroxene to uralitic order of 30 km of burial.
amphiobole and chlorite during a later The charnockites in this study have not
greenschist retrograde event. Compositional been dated using radiometeric methods;
variability produces the banding; however, however, stratigraphic relationships show
overall composition is quite uniform if one that they contain xenoliths of layered
takes into account the composition of the granulite gneiss and are, in turn, intruded
rock as a whole, and not just the by cross-cutting dikes of leucogranite
variability between light and dark bands. gneiss.

Charnockite. Charnockites (Stop 21, Southeastern Terrane

Figure 3) (orthopyroxene quartz
monzodiorites) have intruded the layered The southeastern terrane is composed of
granulite gneiss along the northwestern limb the Flint Hill Gneiss (Lukert and others,
of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium. Locally 1977), a migmatitic banded biotite gneiss
these rocks occur in a fairly wide belt that is intruded by leucogranite gneiss,
along this northwestern limb of the biotite augen gneiss, biotite quartz
anticlinorium in the central and monzonite, and the Robertson River
southwestern parts of the study area; but Formation. The Flint Hill is thought by
are almost totally absent in the northern the writer to be a pre-Grenville country

T207: 3


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rock that is equivalent to the layered Grenville age plutons. The Flint Hill is
granulite gneiss northwest of the ductile similar in mineralogy and appearance to the
deformation zone. Stage Road Layered Gneiss described by Sinha
Judging from cross-cutting relationships and Bartholomew (1984) in central Virginia,
and xenoliths contained in the plutons that that seems to hold a similar stratigraphic
invade the layered granulite gneisses and position to the Flint Hill. Unlike the
the Flint Hill Gneiss, this writer must layered granulite gneiss, which contains
conclude, (1) that the layered granulite orthopyroxene in its darker segregation
gneiss of the northwestern terrane, situated bands, the darker segregation bands in the
northwest of the Rockfish Valley ductile Flint Hill ~re composed of biotite-rich
deformation zone, has been intruded by layers that alternate with quartz-feldspar
charnokite plutons that do not intrude the layers. The Flint Hill contains
s ou t he a s t ern t err an e; and (2 ) the considerably more melt zones than the
southeastern terrane has been invaded by a layered granulite gneiss and is locally
sequence of plutons that do not intrude the migmatitic, suggesting that it formed either
northwestern (granulite gneiss) terrane, under lower pressure or higher temperature
namely the biotite augen gneiss and biotite conditions than the layered granulite
quartz monzonite of Grenville age and the gneiss, which allowed more melt rock to
granites of the Robertson River Formation of develop during the peak of Grenville
Late Precambrian-post- Grenville age. Both metamorphism. Smoky quartz and blue quartz
terranes have been intruded by the veins have also intruded the Flint Hill.
leucogranite gneiss; therefore it can be The average composition of the Flint Hill
used as a stratigraphic reference. In the is 30% quartz, 40% microc1ine, 20%
northwestern terrane, the leucogranite oligoclase (Clarke, 1984) and 10% accessory
gneiss intrudes both the layered granulite minerals. Light-colored bands of the Flint
gneisses and the charnockites. In the Hill are composed of microc1ine, plagioclase
southeastern terrane, the 1eucocratic gneiss (oligoclase), perthite, and garnet; the dark
intrudes the Flint Hill Gneiss, but is bands contain reddish-brown, titanium-rich
older than the biotite augen gneiss and biotite. Accessory minerals are rutile,
biotite quartz monzonite plutons that also ilmenite, magnetite, zircon, apatite and
intrude the Flint Hill. This is shown by alteration minerals are green biotite,
the fact that the biotite augen gneiss chlorite, sphene, and epidote. The gneiss
contains xenoliths of 1eucocratic gneiss and is also cut by a spaced slip cleavage at an
the biotite quartz monzonite contains acute angle to compositional layering
xenoliths of of biotite augen gneiss. In that deforms the rock into sigmoidal-shaped
contrast, James W. Clarke (personal masses. A penetrative cleavage that appears
communication) has found xenoliths of to be parallel to this slip cleavage is
biotite augen gneiss in 1eucocratic gneiss observed in mafic dikes, altered by
in the Marshall (granite) pluton located potassium metasomatism (minettes), that
east of the present study area. This cross-cut the Flint Hill. However, Late
contradictory evidence might suggest a Precambrian metadiabase dikes (thought to be
younger age for the Marshall pluton. feeder dikes for the overlying Catoctin
The southeastern terrane has been metabasalt lava flows) do not show
intruded by the Robertson River Formation, a development of this secondary cleavage. The
suite of Late Precambrian, post-Grenville Flint Hill had developed its segregation
pera1ka1ine granitic plutons that are banding prior to the peak of Grenville
correlated with the Crossnore p1utonic- matamorphism as shown by partial melting of
volcanic group (Rankin, 1975). 1eucocratic bands and development of
migmatite bands, and the emplacement of
Flint Hill Gneiss. The Flint Hill Gneiss cross-cutting granite and pegmatite dikes
(Stop 4, Figure 3) is a light to medium- and blue quartz veins across this banding.
gray, compositionally layered biotite gneiss Lukert and others (1977) state that a date
of quartz monzonite composition that is the of 1081 m.y. has been obtained from the
oldest rock recognized in the southeastern Flint Hill, which (to them) suggests that
terrane. It, like the layered granulite either the Flint Hill is of Grenville age or
gneiss, is a segregation-banded rock and the uranium-thorium clocks were reset during
could have been produced from the same the Grenville and the Flint Hill is actually
parent rock as the layered granulite gneiss. older than Grenville. Sinha and Bartholomew
The writer believes that both the layered (1984) have found that the correlative ?
granulite gneiss and the Flint Hill are part Stage Road layered gneiss contains two
of an older sequence of country rocks that zircon populations; an older detrital
have been intruded by Grenville and post- population that gives a pre-Grenville

T207: 6
207 206 larger plutons are limited to the
Pb /Pb age of 1420 m.y. and a younger, northwestern terrane, whereas the
euhiB7a1 ~8gu1ation that gives a southeastern terrane contains only small
Pb /Pb concordant age of 915 m.y. intrusive bodies of leucogranite gneiss.
Lukert and others (1977) cite the The mineralogic composition of the
relative homogeniety and granitic migmatite bands found in both the layered
composition of the Flint Hill to indicate granulite gneiss and the Flint Hill Gneiss
that it was an igneous rock. Sinha and are similar to that of the leucogranite
Bartholomew (1984) find a bimodal Si0 gneiss, indicating that the leucogranite
content and a calc-alkaline composition for gneiss may have been derived from partial
the layered granulite gneiss and a similar melting of older country rock. Lukert and
composition for the Stage Road layered others (1977) equate the granite and
gneiss. In addition, Herz and Force (1987) pegmatites that intrude the Flint Hill with
propose that the layered granulite gneiss the Old Rag Granite of Furcron (1934)
was derived from mixed volcanic and (leucogranite gneiss of this report).
sedimentary protoliths as indicated by the The leucogranite gneiss is an
presence of garnet and graphite and by use inequigranu1ar to porphyritic rock that has
of discrimipation functions developed by a xenomorphic-granu1ar groundmass. Grain
Shaw (1972) involving major elements. The size in these various meta-granite plutons
banding found in these rocks could have been is variable; but, in general it is coarse to
inherited from a mixed metasedimentary and very coarse grained. The main components of
metavolcanic proto1ith; however, one might the rock are white feldspar and blue quartz,
expect that metamorphic rocks of mixed which produce a striking appearance in hand
sedimentary and volcanic origin would show specimens. Blue quartz masses and veins may
more pronounced compositional differences cut the metagranite bodies. In thin
and contain high-alumina layers. It is section, quartz grains are strained, show
suspec ted, but not proven, that some of the undulatory extinction and some occur as
segregation banding was produced by shearing aggregates of polygonal grains.
and total recrystallization of the rock at The leucogranite gneiss is composed of
the peak of the Grenville metamorphic event. about 38% perthite, 25% quartz, 10%
Unfortunately, metamorphism has erased all plagioclase, 10% biotite, 8% muscovite
vestages of primary structures that might (including sericite), 5% sphene, 2% opaque
have given clues to the genesis of the rock. minerals, and 2% epidote. Biotite is very
common around the periphery of the plutons
Leucogranite gneiss. Plutonic bodies of and may be almost absent near the center of
leucogranite, now metamorphosed to a larger intrusive bodies and in cross-cutting
leucogranite gneiss (Stop 10, Figure 3), are dikes. This suggests that contamination
ubiqutous in the Grenville core of the Blue occurred around the perimeters of the bodies
Ridge anticlinorium and there are a number from the country rock that they intruded.
of leucogranite gneiss plutons that intrude Feldspars are partially altered to sericite
layered granulite gneisses and charnockites and p1agioc1ases are partially altered to
northwest of the Rockfish Valley ductile epidote. Sphene occurs as alteration rims
deformation zone and the Flint Hill layered on opaque minerals (ilmenite 7). Fine-
biotite gneiss southeast of this zone. grained, pale-green biotite is also a
These leucogranite gneiss plutons are the product of metamorphism. The rock has a
only intrusive rocks that have been gneissic foliation, produced by flattening
recognized in both the northwestern and of feldspar and quartz grains.
southeastern terranes and, for this reason,
can be used to estimate the the time of Espenshade (1986) reports a
emplacement of plutons on either side of the age of 1010 m.y. for the Marshall Granite
Rockfish Valley ductile deformation zone. (pluton) and notes that lead-uranium dates
Intrusive bodies composed of 1eucocratic from this unit were slightly discordant.
gneiss have been referred to by various Lukert and others (1977) report a zircon age
names including 1eucogneiss, Marshall of 1140 m.y. for the Old Rag Granite
Granite (Jonas, 1928), Old Rag Granite (pluton). Herz and Force (1987) equate the
(Furcron, 1934), and Crozet Granite (Nelson, Lovingston quartz monzonite and pegmatite of
1962). The leucogranite gneiss occurs as Davis (1974) with the Crozet and Old Rag
small dikes and sills that range from less granites. Davis has dated the quartz
than a meter to several meters across, as monzonite and pegmatite at 1080 m.y. This
well as large irregular shaped bodies such variation in age dates from various plutons
as the Old Rag and Crozet plutons, which are that seem to have the same composition and
up to 10 km long and 7 km across. The staratigraphic relationships suggests either

T207: 7
contamination of zircon populations by this biotite quartz monzonite has intruded
zircons derived from older country rock, or the biotite augen gneiss in an area just
that these seemingly identical metagranites west of the City of Charlottesville. This
were emplaced over a long period of time. rock is more resistant to erosion than the
biotite augen gneiss and underlies the
Biotite augen gneiss. Plutons of Ragged Mountains, which are located west and
metaigneous rock of monzonite composition southwest of Charlottesville.
that are now altered to a biotite augen The quartz metamonzonite is a
gneiss (Stop 8. Figure 3) have intruded the 1eucocratic. coarse grained. xenomorphic-
Flint Hill Gneiss. These plutons make up inequigranu1ar. foliated rock that, in hand
the major lithologic unit exposed in the specimen, shows large (1-2 cm) microc1ine
southeastern terrane and have been and quartz grains in a subordinate. finer-
previously called the Lovingston Formation grained. plagioclase-biotite matrix. A
(Jonas. 1928; Bloomer and Werner 1955). In distinguishing feature of the rock is its
central Virginia a similar unit. called the spotted appearance produced by fine grained
Roses Mill pluton. is described as an aggregates of biotite and actinolite
ilmenite-apatite bearing ferrodiorite (Herz produced from alteration of a mafic mineral.
and Force.1987). In northeastern Virginia, possibly orthopyroxene.
this unit has been called augen-bearing The biotite quartz metamonzonite is a
gneiss (Lukert and Nuckols. 1976). two-mica rock. It is composed of about 30%
This mesocratic to me1anocratic rock quartz. 40% microcline, 11% andesine-
contains as major minerals. white feldspar oligoclase. 9% biotite, 6% muscovite. 4%
blasts in a dark quartz-biotite matrix. epidote. and trace amounts of rutile.
Foliation is produced by oriented biotite in actinolite. hornblende. and zircon. Relict
the matrix. Some feldspars are euhedra1 orthopyroxene occurs in the unit along its
relict phenocrysts but most of the feldspars western boundary. suggesting that it too is
are deformed by shearing into augen. These a metacharnockite. This rock has not been
rocks weather to a very characteristic dark dated. but its foliated character, presence
reddish-brown B soil horizon (subsoil) of blue quartz. and stratigraphic position
produced by the breakdown of biotite. In strongly indicate that it is a Grenville-age
addition to the previously noted xenoliths pluton.
of 1eucocratic gneiss, the biotite augen Robertson River Formation. The Robertson
gneiss contains xenoliths of Flint Hill River Formation (Stop 12, Figure 3) was
Gneiss and an unidentified. massive. medium.- named by Allen (1963) for exposures of
grained biotite gneiss. It locally contains granite along the Robinson River northeast
xenoliths of leucogranite gneiss. which of Madison. Virginia. The Robertson River
shows that the biotite augen gneiss intruded Formation is composed of several post-
the Flint Hill terrane after the intrusion Grenville age plutons that include biotite
of leucogranite gneiss. granites, hornblende granites, syenites.
In thin secti.on. the biotite augen gneiss quartz syenites. and sub-volcanic fe1sites.
is composed of about 30% microc1ine. 27% These plutons have intruded Grenville age
quartz, 20% oligoclase. 19% biotite, ~1% rocks of the southeastern terrane, southeast
apatite, 2% opaque minerals, and 1% zircon. of the Rockfish Valley ductile deformation
Retrograde alteration minerals, generally in zone. In the present study. no post-
amounts that are less than 1% are epidote. Grenville-age rocks have been observed that
muscovite and sphene. Herz and Force (1987) intrude granulite gneisses and charnokites
have found relict orthopyroxene in the rocks of the northwestern terrane. The Robertson
of the Roses Mill pluton to the southwest River can be traced as a continuous band in
and conclude that the Roses Mill is a a southwesterly direction for about 80 miles
metacharnockite. No relict pyroxene was (130 km), from near Upperville, Loudoun
reported in the augen-bearing gneiss by County (Lukert and Banks, 1984) to just
Lukert and Nuckols (1976). Lukert and north of Charlottesville, where it is
Halladay (1980), nor has any been found by covered by the Late Precambrian
this author to the northeast of the Roses metasedimentary rocks of the Lynchburg Group
Mill pluton in the present area of study. on the southeastern limb of the Blue Ridge
Biotite quartz metamonzonite. The The Robertson River is intrusive into
youngest of the Grenville-age intrusive rocks of the Grenville basement. namely the
rocks recognized in the present study area Flint Hill Gneiss and the biotite augen
is a gneissic biotite quartz metamonzonite gneiss and contains xenoliths of these
that has intruded the rocks of the rocks. Although the Robertson River may be
southeastern terrane. A pluton composed of sheared. especially around its borders. it

T207: 8
is a non-foliated rock and has not developed and the remaining 20% of the rock is
the gneissic foliation that is ubiquitous to composed of quartz, carbonate, magnetite,
Grenville-age rocks. Grain size is biotite, and epidote. The felsite is
extremely variable and ranges from composed of quartz, perthite, and
porphyritic fe1sites with a fine grained plagioclase with accessory amounts of
matrix to medium to coarse xenomorphic magnetite and zircon (Lukert and Halladay,
equigranu1ar to porphyritic granites. The 1980). Alteration minerals are epidote and
coarsest rocks observed are quartz syenite sericite.
dikes that cut the biotite augen gneiss on Rankin (1975, 1976) recognized that an
the northwestern edge of the Robertson River aegirine-riebeckite-biotite granite
outcrop belt. These dikes contain perthite containing flourite (Robertson River
crystals that are 4-6 em across. Formation) crops out west of Warrenton,
Plutons of riebeckite syenite, quartz Virginia. He noted that it is similar to
syenite, and hornblende-aegirine granites the Late Precambrian bimodal granites of the
make up a pera1ka1ine suite that may contain Crossnore plutonic-volcanic group, which are
f10urite as a late-stage mineral that occurs of peralkaline affinity. Because bimodal
on fracture surfaces and locally has peralkaline felsic rocks are characteristic
replaced the granitoid matrix. In contrast of tensional environments, Rankin equates
to blue quartz-bearing Grenville-age their generation with the opening of the
metaigneous rocks, the Robertson River Iapetus Ocean. Tollo and Arav (1987) show
contains smoky quartz. Some of the biotite that the Robertson River is composed of at
granites show a strong magnetic intensity on least two plutonic sequences that were
aeromagnetic maps and contain aggregates of emplaced as multiple injections.
magnetite. Clarke (1984) notes that some of A radiometeric age of 570 ~ 15 m.y. has
these aggregates appear to be pseudomorphus been obtained from the Robertson River by
after pyroxene and proposes that the rock use of the Rb-Sr whole rock method (Mose and
was originally a pyroxene granite in which Nagel, 1984). A discordant U-Pb age of 730
the pyroxene was deuterically altered to m.y. also has been obtained from this unit
magnetite plus quartz under conditions of ~bufert ~B% Banks, 1984). In addition, a
high oxygen fugasity. Pb/ Pb age of 650 m.y. has been
In the Massies Corner quadrangle in obtained from the formation (Rankin, 1975).
north-central Virginia , peralkaline granite Other Crossnore plutons in North Carolina
has been intruded by fine-grained have been dated by the Rb-Sr method and
hyperabyssal felsite (Lukert and Halladay, yield ages of about 680 m.y. (Odom and
1980). It is suggested that the granite Ful1agar (1971). These data, combined with
intruded and cryatallized under plutonic the findings of Tollo and Arav (1987) that
conditions before being unroofed by erosion. the Robertson River is composed of more than
The granite was then intruded by the felsite one mutip1e-injection pluton, indicate that
at a shallow depth where the felsite magma igneous activity occurred over a period of
froze, producing a fine-grained rock. An as much as 150 million years in Late
attempt was made to age date this felsite Precambrian to Early Cambrian time.
with inconclusive results. It could be much
younger than the coarse-grained Robertson
River plutons and even be associated with COVER ROCKS ON THE SOUTHEASTERN LIMB OF THE
the sequence of felsite dikes that have BLUE RIDGE ANTICLINORIUM
intruded the Lynchburg Group. The coarse
grained granites of the Robertson River were Lynchburg Group
exposed at the surface at the time of
deposition of the rocks of the Lynchburg The rocks of the Lynchburg Group were
Group, because these metasedimentary rocks deposited in a Late Precambrian ocean basin
contain lithic cobbles derived from the that can be traced from northern Virginia
Robertson River (Lukert and Clarke, 1981). southwestward across North Carolina, South
The hornblende granite is composed of 20- Carolina, and Georgia. In the present study
25% perthite, 25% quartz, 15-30% hornblende, area, rocks of the Lynchburg Group dip to
20% plagioclase, 10-20% microcline, and the southeast off the southeastern limb of
trace amounts of aegirine, biotite, apatite, the Blue Ridge anticlinorium. Contacts
and zircon. Retrograde alteration minerals between stratigraphic units in the Lynchburg
are epidote with allanite cores and sphene have a trend that is more easterly than the
from opaque minerals (ilmenite?). Syenites trend of the outcrop belt. As a result,
and quartz syenites are medium to coarse stratigraphic units are truncated against
hypidiomorphic granular rocks. A typical the northwestern margin of the outcrop belt.
syenite is composed of up to 80% perthite The rocks that make up the Lynchburg

T207: 9
represent non-marine, shallow marine, and conglomerate formation and the Lynchburg
submarine fan deposits that accumulated gneiss formation (restricted). Nelson notes
along the passive margin of a major ocean that no distinct boundary can be drawn
basin near the close of the Precambrian between the Lynchburg gneiss and the
(Brown, 1973; Conley, 1978; and Wehr, 1983). Rockfish conglomerate. This writer
This basin evolved from shallow to deep considers both of these units to be lateral
water early in its existence and from deep equivalents of each other and to be deposits
to shallow water toward the end of its layed down simultaneously by turbidity
existence, which occurred before the vast currents as they built up a sequence of
outpouring of the Catoctin continental coalescing submarine fans. Much of the
basalts at the beginning of the opening metagraywacke deposits show graded bedding.
Iapetus Ocean in Late Precambrian-Early Also present are cut and fill structures at
Cambrian time. The Lynchburg can be the base of graded sequences and incomplete
subdivided into two major sequences of Bouma cycles produced by turbidity current
rocks: (1) a lower sequence composed of non- erosion of previously deposited sediments.
marine deposits that grade into shallow- Present at different horizons within the
marine and into deep-marine deposits: and turbidite deposits are lenses of coarse
(2) an upper sequence composed of laminated conglomerate (Rockfish conglomerate) that
metasandstones and siltstones that grade are thought to have been deposited in
upward into shallow-water, cross-bedded submarine distributary channels developed on
meta-arkoses (offshore bar deposits?). a submarine fan. In addition, fine-grained
sediments were also being deposited as over-
Fauquier Formation. In the study area, bank deposits. Bouma cycles are separated
the lowest stratigraphic unit in the by fine-grained carbon-rich schists that are
Lynchburg Group is the Fauquier Formation, thought to be organic-rich sediments
which rests unconformably on the Grenville deposited during times of quiescence between
basement and Robertson River Formation along periods of turbid flow.
the northwestern boundary of the Lynchburg
outcrop belt. The Fauquier Formation occurs Johnson Mill Formation. The
only in the extreme northeastern part of the metagraywacke rocks are overlain by carbon-
Charlottesville quadrangle and is absent to rich phyllites, and fine-grained quartzites
the southwest along strike, where it is of the Johnson Mill Formation. The Johnson
replaced as the basal unit by a sequence of Mill can be traced as a narrow band to the
metagraywacke turbidite deposits. Along southwest to Charlottesville where it
strike to the northeast the Fauquier abruptly ends. Whether this termina tion is
apparently expands upward and becomes the caused by a change in environment of
sole representative of the Lynchburg Group. deposition or by tectonism has not been
The lower part of the Fauquier Formation is determined. Mapping by the author in the
0 0
composed of cross-bedded meta-arkoses and Roanoke 1 x 2 quadrangle, directly south
meta-arkose conglomerates (Stop 2, Figure 3) of the Charlottesville quadrangle, indicates
that contain blue quartz grains derived from that this unit is present to the southwest
the Grenville basement and smoky quartz and continues in a southwesterly direction
grains derived from the Robertson River to the southwesterly limit of mapping in the
Formation. These meta-arkoses and meta- Roanoke quadrangle. The Johnson Mill
arkose conglomerates are overlain by probably represents a slow accumulation of
laminated metasiltstones (Stop 1, Figure 3), organic-rich sediments in a restricted
which are replaced near the top of the anaerobic basin. This basin probably existed
formation by meta-rhythmites, dolomitic in deep water in front of the submarine
marbles, meta-arkoses, and dolomitic meta- fans.
arkoses (Espenshade, 1986).
These non-marine deposits of the Fauquier Charlottesville Formation. Above the
were probably deposited in the initial graphitic rocks of the Johnson Mill
stages of rifting and built outward into a Formation is a section composed of fine-
narrow graben-like basin. These deposits grained micaceous metasiltstones and
were replaced to the southwest by deep quartzites named the Charlottesville
marine deposits as the basin deepened and Formation by Nelson (1962). The lower part
widened in that direction (Conley, 1978). of the Charlottesville Formation is composed
of thin-layered beds of fine grained meta-
Metagraywacke The unit that, in this arkose. This lower part of the
report is called metagraywacke (Stop 3 and Charlottesville Formation is more finely
Stop 13, Figure 3) combines the two units laminated and lighter colored than the
that Nelson (1962) called the Rockfish metagraywacke deposits that are located

T207: 10
below the Johnson Mill Formation. These coarse arkosic metaconglomerate (Stop 5,
rocks also contain more quartz and mica and Figure 3) that contains fine-grained
less feldspar than the underlying quartzite pebbles. These pebbles contain
metagraywackes. Wehr (1983) has proposed compositional layers that are interpreted to
that the Charlottesville Formation is medial be bedding planes. Granules of blue quartz-
to distal turbidites and there is a zone of derived from the Grenville basement, and
detachment located in the Johnson Mill smoky quartz, derived from the Robertson
Formation that would have transported these River Formation. are also present in this
more distal deposits westward and into meta-arkosic conglomerate. indicating a
juxtaposition with the proximal turbidites local source of these metasediments. In
to the northwest. this basin the metasedimentary rocks become
The upper part of the Charlottesville finer grained to the southeast and the meta-
Formation is composed of massive muscovite- arkosic conglomerate is replaced by meta-
sericite schist with interbedded thin meta- arkose in that direction. Further to the
arkose layers. The top of the southeast in the basin. the meta-arkose is
Charlottesville is composed of coarse- replaced by finely laminated gray phyllites
grained, cross-bedded meta-arkose and that show graded bedding.
arkosi·c quartzite that suggest that the unit The Mechums River outlier is both the
might represent offshore barrier bars, or largest and the most westerly of the
sediments of non-marine origin similar to outliers. The Mechums River rocks occur in
the Fauquier Formation. No faults have been a northeastern-trending belt that can be
discovered that could have repeated the traced for a distance of about 60 miles (96)
Fauquier at this horizon. km). This belt ranges from 0.6 mile (0.97)
to 1.5 miles (2.4 km) wide. The rocks in
Outliers of the Lynchburg Group northwest this belt are cross-bedded arkosic
of the Lynchburg basin. Outliers of the metaconglomerate. feldspathic quartzite, and
Lynchburg Group are found in four fau1t- finely laminated phyllite.
bounded basins that are contained in the The rocks of the Mechums River have
southeastern terrane. These outliers are been correlated previously with rocks of the
all located just west of the main body of Lynchburg (Gooch, 1958; Nelson, 1962; Brown,
rocks that comprise the Lynchburg Group and 1973) and Espenshade and Clarke (1976) have
east of the Rockfis~ Valley ductile noted the similarity between the Mechums
deformation zone. The largest of these River and the Fauquier Formation of the
basins, the Mechums River basin, has been Lynchburg Group. This would seem a logical
mapped by Gooch (1958). The other conclusion because the basal parts of both
three outliers were discovered by the author the Fauquier and the Mechums River are
during the present investigation in the composed of cross-bedded arkoses,
0 0
Charlottesville 1 x 2 quadrangle. The subarkoses. and quartz pebble conglomerates
metasedimentary rocks in these outliers are that are derived from either Grenville-age
very similar to those found in the adjacent basement rocks (shown by the presence of
Lynchburg Group, which leaves little doubt blue quartz grains) or from the Robertsom
that they are more-westerly facies of River Formation (shown by the presence of
Lynchburg rocks. However, these small smoky quartz grains). This indicates the
westerly basins also contain lithologies sediments that compose these rocks were
that are not found in rocks of the Lynchburg locally derived. The basal units in both
Group. the Fauquier and the Mechums River are
The smaller outliers may be composed of a overlain by a sequence of metamorphosed
single lithology, massive-to coarse-bedded subarkoses and metagraywackes that may show
conglomeratic meta-arkose that is identical graded bedding. These metasedimentary rocks
to meta-arkose found in the basal part of are overlain by fine-grained metapelites.
the Fauquier Formation. A fairly large Gooch (1954) concludes that the Mechums
outlier that is about 2.3 miles (3.8 km) River is a euogeosync1ina1 deposit because
long and about 0.4 mile (0.6 km) wide, is of the presence of metagr~wackes and rocks
located along State Road 615, 1.5 miles (1.9 that show graded bedding. On the 0 the r
km) due south of Castleton. This outlier is hand, Schwab (1974) proposes that the
bounded on the northwest by a mylonite zone formation is of fluvial origin because of
that can be traced for at least 3 miles (5.1 the presence of cross bedding, preserved
km) to the southwest and over 5 miles (8.5 channel deposits, and the fining-upward of
km) to the northeast to beyond the eastern the sequence. The writer would like to
0 0
boundary of the Charlottesville 1 x 2 suggest that, rather than the Mechums River
quadrangle. The rocks along this being either all non-marine or all deep
northwestern fault boundary are composed of marine in origin, that it might represent a

T207: 11
sequence that began as deposits of fluvial the southeast of the Rockfish Valley ductile
sediments that were superseded in time by deformation zone, are almost totally absent
deeper marine sediments as the Lynchburg to the northwest of this zone. These
depositional basin widened and deepened. altered dikes are dark brown and now are
composed almost entirely of biotite and
Intrusive rocks into the Lynchburg Group. chlorite, although they may also contain
Intrusive rocks into the Lynchburg Group skeletal remnants of pyroxene phenocrysts
include ultramafic and coarse metagabbro and rare feldspar phenocrysts. The altered
sills and fine-grained metabasalt lava flows dikes have developed a pronounced
and dikes, sub-volcanic rhyodacite to schistosity in which all of the biotite
trondiemite dikes and minette (altered grains are aligned.
1amprophyre) dikes. The Charlottesville Northeast-trending, 1eucocratic,
Formation in particular contains porphyritic, aphanitic rhyodacite and/or
inter1ayered sill-like bodies of altered trondjemite dikes have intruded the
ultramafic rocks, metagabbros, and thin Grenville basement rocks, the Robertson
metabasalt (subaqueous?) flows. The River Formation, and the rocks of the
metagabbro and ultramafic bodies are Lynchburg Group. There seems to be two ages
elongate and have a northeast trend. of these dikes, one which shows a spaced
Gabbros cut not only the Lynchburg but also cleavage and another that is massive and has
the underlying rocks of the Grenville developed no cleavage. The massive dike
basement. The apparent conformity of the rocks that show no development of cleavage
contacts between the Lynchburg and these are by far the most common. The massive
gabbro and ultrabmafic bodies is probably dike rocks contain pseudomorphous
enhanced by transposition and flattening phenocrysts of alpha quartz after beta
during later folding. The ultramafic layers quartz. The rock has generally weathered to
generally are capped by a thin layer of kaolin and is rarely found in the
metagabbro and probably were produced by unweathered state.
crystal settling and later squeezing off of
mafic magma to supply basaltic lava flows of Swift Run Formation
the overlying Catoctin Formation.
The gabbros are dark-green, coarse- The Swift Run Formation is considered to
grained rocks that are composed of be of Late Precambrian age and rests
actinolite, chlorite, albite, epidote and unconformably on rocks of the Grenville-age
opaque minerals. Large (1-2 cm) augite basement on the northwestern limb of the
crystals are common and are partially to Blue Ridge anticlinorium (Gathright, 1976).
almost totally altered to ura1ite. The The Swift Run is generally absent on the
ultramafic rocks are dark-greenish-black and southeastern limb of the anticlinorium. An
are altered to talc and chlorite. Relict exception might be a small area near Stony
augite crystals are found sporadically Point, where interlayered subarkosic
through the rock. conglomerates and felsic pyroclastic rocks
In the northern and northwestern parts of overlie rocks of the Charlottesville
the Blue Ridge anticlinorium in the study Formation. The Swift Run apparently is
area, the rocks of the Lynchburg Group are overlain conformably by rocks of the
intruded by a large number of metadiabase Catoctin Formation and the upper contact of
dikes. In contrast, metadiabase dikes are the Swift Run is placed at the bottom of the
relatively rare (almost non-exist ant) in the lowest massive greenstone (King, 1950).
southeastern part of the study area, The Swift Run is not of uniform thickness
especially southeast of the Rockfish Valley and is not evetywhere present, even on the
ductile deformation zone. The dikes are northwestern limb of the Blue Ridge
probably feeder dikes for the Catoctin anticlinorium. Gathright (1976) estimates
metabasa1ts. Espenshade (1986) has found that the average thickness of the Swift Run
that a dike similar to these metadiabase in the Shenandoah National Park is in the
dikes cuts a Catoctin metabasalt lava flow. order of 200 feet. The Swift Run is
The metadiabases are dark-green, fine- considered to represent stream sediments and
grained rocks composed of albite, epidote, valley fills that were deposited on an
and clots of chlorite and amphibole that erosional surface developed on rocks that
might have formed from alteration of directly underlie the formation (Bloomer and
pyroxene. Bloomer, 1947; Reed, 1955; Gathright, 1976).
Although few metadiabase dikes occur in The deposition of the Swift Run on this
the southeastern part of the Blue Ridge erosional surface occurred just prior to the
anticlinorium, altered mafic or lamprophyre outpouring of the Catoctin metabasalts.
dikes (minettes) are common in the area to Some of the Swift Run might be preserved as

T207: 12
sediments deposited during early development massive to schistose. The tops of many
of rift valleys; Bowring and Spencer (1987) flows were vessicu1ar and now may contain
have proposed that the overlying Catoctin on either collapsed vessic1es or amygdu1es
the northwestern limb of the Blue Ridge filled with epidote ~ calcite and quartz.
anticlinorium was deposited in a developing Epidosite lenses occur throughout the
rift valley. formation and Reed and Morgan (1971) suggest
The major lithology found in the Swift that they are the product of hydrothermal
Run is a quartz pebble metaconglomerate; the (fumero1ic activity) soon after the lava
matrix of which is composed of quartz and flows poured out on the surface.
mica. Coarse meta-arkose layers are also The writer has found pillows in the
present. Purple phyllite layers (probably metabasa1ts on the northwest limb of the
tuffaceous metasedimentary rocks), felsic Blue Ridge anticlinorium, on a hill
tuffs and thin metabasalt layers make up the northwest of the offices of the U. S.
remainder of the formation. Department of Agriculture Research Center on
U. S. Highway 522, 2 miles (3.22 km)
Catoctin Formation southeast of Front Royal, Virginia. Bowring
and Spencer (1987) also report the
The Catoctin Formation (Stops 14 and 20, occurrence of pillows in the metabasa1ts in
Figure 3) is a sequence of subaerial (Reed the most southernmost part of the outcrop
and Morgan, 1971) and subaqueous (Kline and belt of Catoctin on the northwest limb of
others, 1987) basaltic lava flows with the anticlinorium. The upper part of the
interbedded arkosic and graywacke quartzite Catoctin Formation on the southeastern limb
and tuffaceous purple phyllite. The of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium is marked by
formation has been interpreted to be a a zone of pillow metabasa1ts with
sequence of continental plateau basalts interstices filled with hya10c1astite. This
(Reed, 1955) deposited in a developing rift zone can be traced from the southern part of
valley (Bowring and Spencer, 1987) early in the Charlottesville quadrangle to northeast
the development of the Iapetus Ocean in Late of Gordonsville, Virginia, (Stops 15 and 20,
Precambrian-Early Cambrian time (Rankin, Figure 3) and probably continues to the
1975). Zircons from the Catoctin rhyolites northeast as far north as Fauquier County,
in southern Pennsylvania yield an isotopic Virginia (Kline and others, 1987). Directly
age of 820 m. y. (Rankin and others, 1969). above this zone, the Catoctin is overlain by
This date is surprisingly old for the marine metasedimentary rocks of the Candler
stratigraphic relationships and a more Formation, indicating that the upper part of
recent Rb/Sr date of 570 + 36 m.y. has been the Catoctin on the southeastern limb of the
obtained (Badger and Sinha-:-1988) that would Blue Ridge anticlinorium was deposited in a
be in harmony with the Early Cambrian submarine environment in an advancing marine
sedimentary rocks which directly overlie the sea before vulcanism had ceased.
unit. The Catoctin occurs on both limbs of
the Blue Ridge anticlinorium and can be Candler Formation
traced around the nose of the structure in
northern Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. Rocks that are generally assigned to the
The Catoctin is estimated to be from 2,000 Candler Formation are considered to lie
feet (610 m) to 2,200 feet (671 m) thick in between the Catoctin and the Chopawamsic
central Virginia (Gathright, 1976; Lukert formations (Brown, 1958; Conley, 1978).
and Nuckols, 1976) and thins both to the During the present research the writer
northest and to the southwest along strike. recognized that the Mountain Run fault
Along the Potomac River in northern (Pavlides and others, 1983) extended through
Virginia, it ranges from 0 to 50 feet (15 m) this area and separated slates to the
(Nickelson, 1956) and to the southwest it northwest from po1ydeformed metagraywackes
disappears completely in the area just and phyllites to the southeast. This fault
northeast of Lynchburg. Individual separates clastic and carbonate rocks
metabasalt flows range in thickness from 150 deposited on the continental shelf from
feet (45 m) to 400 feet (125 m) (Reed and volcanic and volcanic derived clastic rocks
Morgan, 1971). deposited in a back arc basin behind a
Rocks of the Catoctin Formation are at volcanic island are, now represented by the
greenschist facies and the mineral Chopawamsic Formation. Brown and Sunderman
assemblage of a1bite-ch10rite-epidote- (1954) considered both the continental shelf
actinolite-magnetite is typical of the unit. deposits and the back arc basin deposits to
Relict clinopyroxene is locally present be parts of the Candler Formation. The
(Badger and Sinha, 1988). The metabasa1ts shelf deposits (here referred to as the
are dark green, fine-grained and range from Esmont slate and defined as being between

T207: 13
the top of the Catoctin and the Mountain Run fault. These lenses may be enclosed by
fault zone) are traceable into the Candler highly sheared phyllonites.
Formation at its type locality on Candlers The Everona is a medium-light-gray, fine-
Mountain east of Lynchburg, Virginia, grained, generally finely laminated (1-5 em
southwest of the present study area. In bands) limestone. Locally, it may be highly
this presentation, the name Candler contorted. Recrystallization has not
Formation is retained for both the shelf occurred to any great extent and sedimentary
deposits and the back arc basin deposits, structures, such as cut and fill, are
but recognizing that they are the products preserved. This is in contrast to the
of two different environments of deposition. dolomitic marbles found near the base of the
Esmont slate (Stop 20, Figure 3), which are
Esmont Slate. The name Esmont slate totally recrystallized and contain no
(Stops 15 and 20, Figure 3) was proposed by recognizable primary structures.
Brown and Sunderman (1954) for the band of The Everona is composed predominantly of
slate that is located above the Catoctin calcite, but also contains quartz grains
Formation. The Esmont slate is composed of that constitute up to 25 percent of the rock
a lower sequence of metamorphosed tan (Mack, 1965). Thin slaty layers that
sandstones and an upper sequence of gray and represent original thin sha1ey partings
reddish-gray slates, containing near the occur locally in the unit. Graphite may be
base of the unit a zone of lenticular white present in these slaty layers. Graphite has
and pink dolomitic marbles. The upper slate not been observed by the writer in either
unit has been quarried for roofing slate, the underlying Esmont slates or in the
although no production has occurred in overlying back-arc basin deposits; however,
recent years. The contact between the lower graphite is fairly common within the rocks
part of the Esmont and the underlying that make up the shear zone of the Mountain
Catoctin Formation appears to be gradational Run fault.
over a few tens of feet as the dark-green, The age of the Everona has not been
mafic volcanic-derived rocks at the top of determined. Since it is located
the Catoctin become more quartzose. Quartz stratigraphically within a sequence that is
granules in these quartzose rocks are blue, bracketed by the Late Precambrian-Early
indicating that rocks of the Grenville Cambrian Catoctin Formation (Badger and
basement were their source. Near the Sinha, 1988) and the Chopawamsic Formation,
contact with the Catoctin, the lower unit which is intruded by early Cambrian granite
contains metabasalt pebbles. This would (Fu11agar, 1971; Burland and Glover, 1979),
strongly suggest that part of the Catoctin it must be assumed that the Everona is most
was being eroded at the time of deposition likely Early Cambrian in age. Jonas (1927)
of the basal part of the Esmont slate. The reports the occurrence of trilobite
lower part of the Esmont is variable in fragments from sandy beds near a contact
thickness and ranges from several tens of with the Everona limestone. The fragments
feet to about 200 feet (60 m). Locally it were so poorly preserved that E. o. Ulrich
may contain lenticular interlayers of tan to could not identify them, even to genus.
white quartzite that underlie pronounced
ridges. Back-arc basin deposits. Rocks to the
Above the basal unit, the Esmont is southeast of the Mountain Run fault (Stop
composed of a sequence of slates that 17, Figure 3) are, in general coarser
exhibit a pronounced slaty cleavage that is grained and a more diverse sequence of
crossed by a fine crenulation cleavage. interlayered units than the Esmont slates
These greenschist-facies slates are composed northwest of the fault. The lower contact
of sericite, chlorite, quartz, and opaque of the back-arc basin deposits is the
minerals. Mountain Run fault zone and the upper
contact, with the Chopawamsic Formation, is
Everona Limestone. The Everona Limestone gradational and is placed where metavolcanic
(Stop 19, Figure 3) occurs along the trace rocks and volcanic-derived rocks predominate
of the Mountain Run fault zone that over metasedimentary rocks. From a study of
separates the Esmont slate to the northwest the of the Interstate Highway 1-64 seismic
of the fault zone from the back-arc basin line, Harris and others (1982) interprete
deposits to the southeast of the fault zone. the upper contact of the unit with the
The writer has not been able to determine Chopawamsic to be a thrust fault, although
whether Everona belongs to the northwestern Conley and Johnson (1975) had previously
or the southeastern sequence, but has considered it to be a gradational contact.
observed it as lensoidal masses that are These rocks are interpreted to have been
contained within the shear zone of the laid down in a back-arc basin to the west of

T207: 14
the island arc sequence represented by the proposed the name Ta River Metamorphic Suite
Chopawamsic Formation (Pav1ides, 1981; for these higher rank rocks exposed between
Milici and Conley, 1985). In addition, the Quantico syncline and the Spotsylvania
Pav1ides (1981) proposes that during the fault, a fault that terminates the
destruction of this back-arc basin, older Chopawamsic rocks to the southeast.
sediments and volcanic rocks were elevated The Chopawamsic Formation contains
along westward advancing thrust faults and metasedimentary rocks, primarily
were shed as debris into the western part of metagraywacke sandstone, but metapelite that
the basin, thus forming olistostromal resembles rocks of the back-arc basin part
melange deposits. Rocks of the back-arc of the Candler are also present. Pav1ides
basin are po1ydeformed and may contain as (1981) has recognized that the unit contains
many as five foliations, whereas the Esmont more mafic metavolcanic rocks to the
slates northwest of the Mountain Run fault southeast and more felsic metavolcanic rocks
contain one slaty cleavage and a poorly to the northwest. Felsic crystal tuff,
developed crenu1ation cleavage. These back- bedded felsic tuff, and amygda10ida1
arc basin deposits have been intruded by a metabasalt are the most commonly observed
diapir-1ike body of metagabbro called the metavolcanic rocks. In this central area,
Green Springs pluton. This pluton also massive sulfide deposits and ferruginous
contains small bodies of leucogranite. quartzites, deposits indicative of
The back-arc basin facies of the Candler subaqueous volcanic vents, are also present.
is composed of highly contorted, pink- These metavolcanic-metasedimentary rocks are
weathering, medium-gray and greenish-black intruded by coarse-grained gabbros and
phyllite, schist, micaceous quartzite, and Cambro-Ordovician-age granitoid rocks that
metagraywacke sandstone. The metapelite is range in composition from granite to
composed of sericite, chlorite, and quartz; granodiorite. The two major granitoid
paragonite may also be present in the unit bodies in the area are the Ellisville and
(Smith and others, 1964). At higher Columbia plutons.
metamorphic grade the unit has developed
porphyrob1asts of ch10ritoid, biotite,
magnetite, and garnet. Micaceous quartzite STRUCTURE
occurs as thin beds (1-2 inches; 2.5-5 cm)
between pe1ite layers. Metagraywacke Blue Ridge Anticlinorium
sandstone and siltstone are also present and
are more frequently observed near the top of The Blue Ridge anticlinorium is an
the unit. A few isolated metabasalt layers, asymmetrical allochthonous fold with a
ultramafic pods, and clasts of southeastward-dipping axial surface. This
metasedimenta~ rock are also found in the major fold has been thrust to the northwest
back-arc basin deposits. The presence of in A11eganian time over unmetamorphosed
these exotic rocks supports the hypothesis Pa1eozic rocks of the Valley and Ridge
that this unit is in part an olistostromal Province (Harris and others, 1982). The
melange deposit. structure can be traced across Virginia in a
northeasterly direction and in central
Chopawamsic Formation Virginia is about 35 miles (56 km) across.
The two limbs of the structure verge to the
The Chopawamsic Formation (Stop 18, northeast to an area in northern Maryland
Figure, 3) is interpreted to represent an and southern Pennsylvania, where they join
Early Cambrian (1) volcanic island-arc to form the nose of the fold that plunges
sequence (Pav1ides, 1981) composed of out in southern Pennsylvania. The
inter1ayered felsic and mafic metavolcanic northwestern limb of the structure dips
rocks and metasedimentary rocks that have moderately to steeply to the northwest and
been metamorphosed at greenschist facies. locally may be overturned and dip to the
It is overlain unconformably by Ordovician- southeast at a steep angle. In contrast,
age rocks contained in the Arvonia and the southeastern limb of the structure has a
Quantico sync1inies. Rocks on the monotonous dip to the southeast at angles
southeastern side of these synclines are at ranging from 45-60 degrees.
higher metamorphic rank, locally reaching
sillimanite grade. They have been named the Unconformity on the C~sta1line Basement
Hatcher Complex by Brown (1969). These
higher rank rocks are considered an eastern The crystalline core of the Blue Ridge
facies of the Chopawamsic (Conley and anticlinorium is unconformably overlain by
Johnson, 1975, Marr, 1980). Pav1ides (1980) slightly metamorphosed (greenschist facies)
agrees with this correlation, but, has sedimentary and volcanic cover rocks. It is

T207: 15
possible that the unconformity on the top of shear zone, has lead the writer to conclude
the crystalline rocks on the western limb of that movement on these shear zones was in a
the structure is not as old as the dextral sense. Later brittle shear planes
unconformity on the eastern limb of the cut the rocks that have been deformed in a
anticlinorium. This is indicated by the ductile manner. These later shear planes
fact that the rocks of the Lynchburg Group show a high angle reverse sense of movement.
do not occur on the northwestern limb of the Bartholomew and others (1981) conclude
anticlinorium, west of the Rockfish Valley that the Rockfish Valley zone developed
ductile deformation zone. On the other under greenschist conditions during a middle
hand, the Swift Run and Catoctin Formations Paleozoic metamorphic event. This
occur on both limbs of the structure. conclusion is based on the presence of the
Therefore the Lynchburg was deposited before mineral assemblage quartz, biotite,
the Swift Run and Catoctin were laid down on muscovite, clinozoisite, and sphene +
the rocks of this crystalline core. chlorite and epidote, which occur in th~
rocks of the shear zone. Development of
Faults these greenschist grade minerals is thought
to be coevil with the development of
Rockfish Valley ductile deformation zone. greenschist metamorphism during a middle
The Rockfish Valley ductile deformation zone Paleozoic regional metamorphic event
is the most conspicious zone of movement in (Taconic orogeny). They further state that
the core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium. fault movement along the Rockfish Valley
To the southwest of the study area zone has thrust rocks that were
Bartholomew and others (1981) report that metamorphosed at a lower grade to the
this zone is delineated as a wide valley northwest over rocks that were metamorphosed
along much of its length and has been traced at orthopyroxene granulite grade. They
in a southwesterely direction from the propose that the lower grade rocks to the
present study area to the Grandfather southeast formed at a higher crustal level
Mountain window in North Carolina. In the than the granulite grade rocks to the
present study area to the northeast, it is northwest and that the two groups of rocks
not a single shear zone, but a series of were brought into juxtaposition by thrust
anastomosing shear zones that divide the movement to the northwest along the Rockfish
basement rocks into lens-shaped masses of Valley ductile deformation zone. On the
unsheared rocks surrounded by mylonite zones other hand Evans (1987) points out that the
(Figure 2). Within these anastomosing shear rocks of the southeastern terrane are
zones is a contact between orthopyroxene composed of partially to totally retrograded
granulite grade rocks of the northwestern granulite facies rocks. Thus both terranes
terrane and retrograded rocks of the were once at granulite grade, but the
southeastern terrane. In addition, both the southeastern terrane has been retrograded,
basement rocks and the cover rocks have been whereas the northwestern terrane retains
exposed to greenschist grade metamorphism granulite facies minerals. Therefore, there
during the Taconic orogeny. existed a terrane (now the northwestern
To the northeast, the more westerly terrane after movement on the Rockfish
anastomosing shear zones are cut off by a Valley ductile deformation zone) composed of
more northeasterly-ternding thrust fault of granulite intruded by charnockite and a
probable Alleghanian age that contains rocks terrane (now the southeastern terrane)
of the northwestern terrane in its footwall composed of Flint Hill Gneiss intruded by
and retrograded rocks of the southeastern biotite augen gneiss in turn intruded by
terrane in its hanging wall. In the extreme biotite quartz metamonzonite (charnockite)
northeastern corner of the quadrangle, the and post-Grenville Late Precambrian plutons
shear zones have been displaced to the east of the Robertson River Formation. These
by an east-west trending right lateral fault southeastern rocks were subjected to a later
(Lukert and Nuckols, 1976) (Figure 2). retrograde metamorphic event that did not
The centers of these shear zones are affect the rocks to the northwest. This
generally composed of gray to tan phy1lonite metamorphism was a hydration reaction (as
or banded mylonite. These grade into suggested by Evans, 1987) that ~ccurred by
protomylonites and into unsheared rock away introduction of water prior to the Taconic
from the center of the deformation zones. faulting. The writer would like to suggest
Bartholomew and others (1981) indicate that the possibility that retrograde metamorphism
the Rockfish Valley is a thrust fault. occurred during the intrusion of the
Examination of c and s structures and a Crossnore plutons. The present northwestern
pronounced rodding, which consistently is terrane was not affected by this hydration
oriented down-dip of the foliation of the reaction because it was not intruded by

T201: 16
Robertson River plutons, which in the area Paleozoic time. These rocks, like those
of study are absent from this northwestern found in the Rockfish Valley ductile
terrane. These two terranes were deformation zone, show a change from early
subsequently brought togother by right- ductile deformation at chlorite grade to
lateral movement along the Rockfish Valley late brittle deformation. In addition,
shear zones during a later greenschist silicified mylonites, typical of mylonites
event, the Taconic orogeny, which affected found along Triassic border faults are found
the core and cover rocks in both terranes. in two areas along the trace of the fault to
the northeast. The fault shows an early
Mountain Run fault. Pavlides and others lateral component, followed by development
(1983) describe a fault near Everona in of shear planes that have a northwestward
north-central Virginia that has thrust thrust component, a history typical of major
metamorphic rocks over alluvial and faults in the Southern Blue Ridge and
colluvial gravels. During geologic macfpin Piedmont (Edelman and others, 1987). The
in the Charlottesville and Roanoke 1 X 2
e fact that the fault apparently extends under
quadrangles the writer has been able to the Scottsville Triassic rift basin suggests
trace this fault southwestward to the a later stage development of gravity
northeastern end of the Scottsville faulting possibly due to a post-
Triassic basin. To the southeast of the compressional relaxation and a change to a
Scottsville basin, a fault that is on strike tensional stress field during the initial
with the Mountain Run fault can be traced in phase of opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
a southwesterly direction into the Bowens This has been followed by a later period of
Creek fault, which is a fault of the Brevard compression, during which, back-are-basin
system of faults. deposits were thrust northwestward over the
The Mountain Run fault is a Esmont slate.
southeastward-dipping shear zone that is up
to 700 feet (200 m) across. It is marked by
a pronounced lineament along the floodplain TRIP LOG
of Mountain Run and adjacent streams to the
southwest along strike. The rocks observed Participants should assemble at the
in the fault zone are gray and green Washington Convention Center. The trip
phyllonites, button schists, and relatively route follows U. S. Highway 29 South for a
undeformed lenses of Everona limestone. The distance of about 40 miles to Culpeper,
Esmont slate in the footwall of the fault is Virginia, where the field trip begins.
much less deformed than the back-arc basin
deposits that comprise the hanging wall of Junction with U. S. Highway 29 Business.
the fault. The Esmontsla te adjacent to Turn right on 29 Business and proceed
the fault retains its primary bedding northward through Culpeper; junction with
structures that dip to the southeast at State Highway 229 at the northern city limit
about 45 • The bedding is cut by a slaty of Culpeper. Stay straight on State Highway
cleavage that dips to the southeast at about 229 and proceed north on 229 for 6 miles
55 and locally this slaty cleavage is cut (9.6 km). Turn left on State Road 640 and
by a younger sub-horizontal crenulation proceed for 2.8 miles (4.5 km); T-
cleavage. In contrast, the phyllites on the intersection with State Road 628. Cross
hanging wall rarely contain preserved intersection and park.
primary bedding, except for infrequent
compositional layers. These rocks have a Stop 1. Metasiltstone facies of the
well-developed schistosity that has been Fauquier Formation. Exposures along Hazel
deformed by as many as four crenulation River on west side of State Road 640 are of
cleavages. Both the metamorphic grade and the upper facies of the Fauquier Formation
structural complexity increase across the which, in this area, is the lowest formation
fault zone, which indicates that the fault of the Lynchburg Group. Rocks in this
has telescoped both metamorphic and exposure show climbing ripples in two
structural gradients. Thus, higher-grade, opposing directions indicating an
more deformed rocks to the southeast have oscillating current direction, such as found
been brought into juxtaposition with lower in a tidal channel. The unit also contains
grade, less deformed rocks to the northwest inter1ayered thin lamenites. The rock has
of the fault zone. been metamorphosed at greenschist facies.
Rocks contained in the Mountain Run fault Proceed northwestward on State Road 628 for
zone record a long history of movement and 1.0 mile (1.7 km). Turn left on State Road
Pavlides and others (1983) have suggested 629 and continue for 0.6 mile (0.97 km).
that it has been active since Early

T207: 17
Stop. 2 Basal meta-arkose of the Fauquier Stop 6. Fine-grained siliceous
Formation. Lynchburg Group. Exposed in aetasediment. Park on the left side of the
p ower line right-of-way is the lower meta- road. Exposed in the yard on the left side
arkose member of the Fauquier Formation. In of the road is a very-fine-grained rock
this area. the meta-arkose unconformably composed of quartz. lesser amounts of
overlies Grenville-age core rocks of the feldspar and lithic fragments. This outcrop
Blue Ridge anticlinorium. The meta-arkose is located along the fault-bounded western
shows cross bedding and is thought to have margin of the outlier seen in Stop 5.
been deposited in a fluvial-deltaic Continue on State Road 615 for 0.4 mile
environment at the beginning of development (0.64 km) to'T-intersection with State Road
of the Lynchburg basin. The arkose contains 617. Turn left on 617 and continue on for
blue and smoky quartz. indicating that the 0.6 mile (0.97 km). T-intersection with
source material was the rocks of the State Road 616 at Castleton. Turn left on
Grenville basement and the Robertson River 616 and continue on for 1.5 miles (2.4 km).
Formation. Continue on State Road 629 for
3.1 miles (4.99 km) to Y-intersection with Stop. 7 Cross bedded meta-arkose in the
729. Turn left on State Road 629-729 for Mechuas River outlier. Park on the right
0.1 mile (0.16 km). State Road 629 turns side of road and examine exposure in road
right and State Road 729 continues straight cut on left side of road. The rock exposed
ahead; turn right and continue on State Road in this outcrop is similar to meta-arkose
629 for 3 miles (4.83 km). seen in the rocks of the Fauquier Formation
at Stop 2. Resume route by turning to the
Stop 3. Metagraywacke facies of the left on State Road 626 and continue on for
Lynchburg Group. Park on right shoulder of 1.7 miles (2.7 kIn) to T-intersection with U.
the road and cross road to examine exposure. S. Highway 522 at Scrabble. Turn right on
Rocks in this exposure contain primary 522 and continue on for 1.9 miles (3.06 km).
sedimentary features such as graded bedding.
fine laminae. cross beds. and cut and fill Stop 8. At Woodville. Biotite augen gneiss
structures that are typical of Bouma cycles containing xenoliths of Flint Hill Gneiss.
in graywacke turbidite deposits. Continue Park on right side of road and examine
on State Road 629 for 0.2 mile (0.32 km); exposures on the right side of road in
turn right on U. S. Highway 522 at T- private driveway adjacent to Church. Note:
intersection. and continue northward for 2.5 Do not break rocks or deface the exposure in
miles (4.0 km). theF~ ~wayl. there are rocks that
can be broken and collected around the
Stop 4. Flint Hill Gneiss intruded by corner. Continue on U. S. Highway 522 for
minette dikes Park on left side of road and 4.6 miles to Sperryville. T-intersection
cross road to examine exposures. The Flint with U. S. Highway 211 at Sperryville. Turn
Hill gneiss in this exposure shows gneissic left on 211 and continue up the eastern face
banding and development of melt zones of the Blue Ridge escarpment for 7.3 miles
parallel to gneissosity. It is cut by a (11.8 km) and turn left into Panorama.
spaced cleavage that is parallel to a
penetrative cleavage found in the minette Scenic Stop at the crest of the Blue Ridge
dikes. Continue on U. S. Highway 522 for mountain range. Turn around and head back
1.8 miles (2.9 km) to Boston. Turn right on down Blue Ridge escarpment; continue for 1.8
State Road 650. and continue for 1 mile (1.6 miles (2.9 km).
km) to Y-intersection with State Road 615;
bear right on 615 and continue on for 3 Stop 9. Granulite Gneiss. Note: This stop
miles (4.83 kIn). is located in the Shenandoah National Park.
Leave hammer;-in bus. do not break rocks or
Stop 5. Meta-fanglomerate. This stop is COllect any speci~s•-Persons doing so are
located in an outlier of Lynchburg Group subject to arrest and finel Continue down
rocks west of the main outcrop belt of the mountain for 5.5 miles (8.9 km) to
Lyncburg rocks and east of the Mechums River Sperryville. T-intersection with U. S.
outlier. Park on left side of road and walk Highway 522 at Sperryville; turn right on
down into stream valley on the right. The 522 and continue for 0.8 mile (1.29 km) to
fanglomerate is composed of angular to junction with State Highway 231 and turn
slightly rounded pebbles and cobbles of right on 231. Continue for 9.3 miles (14.96
quartzite and Robertson River granite. some km) to junction with State Road 646. Turn
of which contains flourite in its matrix. right on 646 and continue for 1.4 miles
Continue on State Road 615 for 0.7 mile (2.25 km).
(1.13 kIn).

T207: 18
Stop 10. Leucogranite gneiss in the Old Rag city limits of Charlottesville.
pluton. Go through gate on the right and
pull into field. Rocks in the exposures in Stop 13. Coarse turbidite deposits at the
the field to the right are much richer in base of the Lynchburg Group containing
biotite than the typical leucogranite gneiss predominantly a-horizion Bouma cycles in
found in the Old Rag pluton. This exposure proximal turbidites. Many of the Bouma
is on the southeastern edge of the pluton cycles begin with an unsorted basal zone.
and it is believed that this rock has been above which may be seen graded bedding.
contaminated by country rock. thus making it Laminar beds. cross beds. and cut-and-fi1l
richer in biotite. Turn around and proceed structures are also present. Return to U.
east on State Road 646. back to the S. Highway 29 South and continue for 0.7
intersection with State Highway 231. Turn mile (1.13 km) to intersection with U. S.
right on 231 and continue for 0.7 mile (1.13 Interstate Highway 64 and turn east on 64.
km) to Etlan. Turn right at Etlan onto Continue for 3.7 miles (5.96 km) to off ramp
State Road 643 and continue for 3.3 miles of State Highway 20.
(5.31 km).
Stop 14. Amygdaloidal metabasalt of the
Stop 11. Rockfish Valley ductile Catoctin Formation. Park on the right
deformation zone. Park on right side of road shoulder of off ramp and examine exposures
at crest of hill and walk southward (down on both sides of road. The rock is at
the hill) along the road to exposures on the greenschist facies and is now a greenstone.
right. The exposures are composed of The rock appears to be right side up and the
protomy10nite derived from the biotite augen tops of flows contains numerous quartz-
gneiss unit and shows a well developed down- filled amygdu1es. Continue south on State
dip lineation that plunges to the southeast. Highway 20 for 0.6 mile (0.97 km) to
This outcrop is located on the eastern edge intersection with State Highway 53: turn
of the fault zone and the the major left on 53 and continue for 3.3 miles (5.31
deformation zone is located in the valley to km) to intersection with State Road 795.
the west. Continue southward on State Road Turn right on 795 and continue for 1.2 miles
643 for 1.1 miles (1.77 km) to T- (1.93 km).
intersection with State Road 670 at Syria.
Turn left on 670 and continue for 3.7 miles Stop 15. Pillow structures in the Catoctin
(5.96 km) to T-intersection with State Formation. Park on the right-hand side of
Highway 231. Turn right on 231 and continue the road and examine exposures in stream bed
for 0.6 mile (0.97 km). Turn left on State to the right. Continue on State Road 795
Road 609 and continue for 2.4 miles (3.86 for 1.4 miles (2.25 km) and turn left on
km). Turn left on State Road 606 and State Road 620; continue on State Road 620
continue for 0.8 mile (1.29 km). for 0.8 mile (1.29 km) to intersection with
State Road 795. Turn right on 795 and
Stop 12. Robertson River Granite. The rock continue for 0.6 mile (0.97 km).
at this exposure is a biotite granite. It
contains mesoscopic aggregates of magnetite Stop 16. Esmont slate. Park on the right
that could be derived from the break down of and examine exposures of slate in small
pyroxene (see discussion in text). abandoned quarry and along the road.
Weathering of this granite produces large Primary bedding, slaty c1aeavage. and a
rounded exposures (e1epahant backs) covered spaced crenu1ation cleavage can all be
by thin soil horizons. Proceed on State readily observed. Cleavage-bedding
Road 606 for 1.6 miles (2.6 km). Turn right relationship indicates that the beds are
on State Road 604 for 1.4 miles (2.2 km); right side up. Continue on State Road 795
junction with U. S. Highway 29: turn right for 3.2 miles (5.15 km) to intersection with
and proceed to Charlottesville. State Road 727: continue to the left on
State Road 795. Continue on 795 for 0.1 mile
END OF FIRST DAY OF FIELD TRIP. (0.16 km) to Blenheim. At Blenheim turn
left on State Road 708 and proceed for 3.2
miles (5.15 km) to Woodridge. At Woodridge.
SECOND DAY OF FIELD TRIP turn left on State Road 618 and continue on
618 for 5.2 miles (8.37 km) to intersection
The second day of the field trip will with State Highway 53. Turn right on 53 and
begin at 8:00 A. M. and will proceed by city continue for 0.4 mile (0.64 km) and turn
streets to the off ramp of the U. S. Highway left and continue on State Road 618 for 4
29 Bypass at the intersection of Bypass 29 miles (6.44 km) to intersection with State
and U. S. Highway 29 Business at the western Road 600. Turn left on 600 and continue for

T207: 19
0.4 mile (0.64 km). Stop 20. Contact between Catoctin Formation
and the Esmont slate. Contact between the
Stop 17. Back-arc basin deposits of the Catoctin Formation and the Esmont slate is
Candler Formation. Park on the right side exposed in quarry on left side of the road.
of road and examine rocks exposed in the The contact zone appears to be gradational
road cut on the left side of the road. The and consists of metabasalts that are
rocks are metagraywacke sandstones and overlain by mafic metatuffs that grade into
siltstones thought to be derived from a tuffaceous slates. The upper part of
volcanic island arc that lay to the east and Catoctin contains pillow lavas in a matrix
now represented by the Chopawamsic of hyaloclastite. These pillow metabasalts
Formation. Continue on State Road 600 for are underlain by alternating metabasaltic
1.4 miles (2.25 km) to the intersection with and metasedimentary layers that are exposed
State Road 616; turn right on 616 and in the quarry to the west. The quarry to
continue for 2.4 miles (3.86 km) to the the east, on the right side of the road
intersection with U. S. Highway 15. Turn contains dark gray slates with an interlayer
left on 15 and continue for 4.3 miles (6.92 of pink and white dolomitic marble.
km) to the intersection with U. S. Continue on State Road 647 for 3.65 miles
Interstate Highway 64; turn right on 64 and (5.88 km) to intersection with U. S. Highway
continue for approximately 12 miles (19.3 15, just south of Orange. Turn right on 15
km) to Shannon Hill exit. Exit and turn and proceed for 4.2 miles (6.76 km) through
left onto State Road 605 and continue on for the town of Orange to intersection with
4.3 miles (6.92 km) to the intersection with State Highway 230. Turn left on 230 and
State Road 646. Turn left on 646 and proceed 9.0 miles (14.48 km) to intersection
continue on for 1.1 miles (1.77 km). with U. S. Highway 29. Turn left on 29 and
proceed for 0.5 mile (0.80 km) to where 230
Stop 18. Felsic metavolcanic rocks of the turns right off 29. Turn right and follow
Chopawamsic Formation. Garnetiferous 230 for 10.7 miles (17.22 km) to its
layered felsic rocks are exposed on the intersection with U. S. Highway 33 at
right side of the road. Rocks appear to be Stanardsville. Turn right on 33 and proceed
fragmental but these apparent fragments for 4.4 miles (7.08 km) to its intersection
might be in part a product of transposition with State Road 634. Turn left on 634 and
of bedding by cleavage. Continue on State proceed for 0.8 mile (1.29 km).
Road 646 for 3.8 miles (6.12 km) to
intersection with State Road 604; bear to Stop 21. Grenville-age charnockite
the right and continue on 646 for 1.7 miles intrusive into layered granulite gneiss.
(2.74 km) to the intersection with State Park on right side of road and examine
Road 659. Turn right on 659 and continue exposure in road cut on left side of road.
for 1.1 miles (1.77 km) to intersection with This exposure is in the northwestern terrane
U. S. Highway 33 at Louisa. Turn left on 33 and consists of coarse equigranular dark
and continue for 12.9 miles (20.76 km) to greenish-gray non-foliated charnockite.
intersection with U. S. Highway 15 south of This rock contains primary bronze-colored
Gordonsville. Turn right on 15 and continue orthopyroxene, brown pargasite (hornblende),
for 4.0 miles (6.44 km) through and dark reddish-brown biotite. The rock is
Gordonsville. Turn right on State Road 643 massive and does not show a metamorphic
and continue on for 0.75 mile (1.21 km). foliation and only minor alteration by
greenschist-grade metamorphism. This rock
Stop 19. Everona Limestone and sheared has not been dated and is so undeformed that
phyllites in the Mountain Run fault zone. one might speculate that it could be younger
Cross railroad tracks and park on right-hand than Grenville. Feldspars contains barium,
side of road and observe exposures of finely which is characteristic of the Grenville-age
laminated, medium-gray limestone exposed in charnokites that are intrusive into the
bottom of stream on the left. Walk along layered granulite gneiss of the northwestern
the road to top of hill and observe sheared terrane; most of which show some development
phyllites and button schists of the fault of foliation. Turn around and proceed back
zone of the Mountain Run fault exposed in to U. S. Highway 33; turn right on 33 and
road cuts at the top of the hill. Turn return to Stanardsville. At Stanardsville
around and return to U. S. Highway 15, turn turn left on State Highway 230 and retrace
right and proceed for 4.0 miles (6.44 km); the route back to U. S. Highway 29. Turn
turn right on State Road 639 and proceed for left on 29 and return to Washington, D. C.
0.3 mile (0.48 km) to intersection with
State Road 647. Turn right on 647 and park
on right side of road. END OF FIELD TRIP

T207: 20
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