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Veterinary Medical


Veterinary Surgeon


Anaplasia (ahn-ah-plā-zē-ah) is a change in the structure of cells and their
orientation to each other.

Aplasia (ā-plā-zē-ah) is lack of development of an organ or a tissue or a


Dysplasia (dihs-plā-zē-ah) is abnormal growth or development of an

organ or a tissue or a cell.

Hyperplasia (hī-pər-plā-zē-ah) is an abnormal increase in the number of

normal cells in normal arrangement in an organ or a tissue or a cell.

Hypoplasia (hī-pō-plā-zē-ah) is incomplete or less than normal

development of an organ or a tissue or a cell.

Neoplasia (nē-ō-plā-zē-ah) is any abnormal new growth of tissue in which

multiplication of cells is uncontrolled, more rapid than normal, and
progressive. Neoplasms usually form a distinct mass of tissue called a
tumor (too-mər). Tumors may be benign (beh-nīn), meaning not recurring,
or malignant (mah-lihg-nahnt), meaning tending to spread and be life
threatening. The suffix -oma (ō-mah) means tumor or neoplasm.
Atrophy (ah-tō-fē) is decrease in size or complete wasting of an organ or
tissue or cell.

Dystrophy (dihs-trō-fē) is defective growth in the size of an organ or tissue

or cell.

Hypertrophy (hī-pər-tō-fē) is increase in the size of an organ or tissue or

Ankylosis (ahng-kih-lō-sihs) = loss of joint mobility caused by disease,
injury, or surgery.

Arthralgia (ahr-thrahl-jē-ah) = joint pain.

Arthritis (ahr-thrī-tihs) = inflammatory condition of joints.

Arthrodynia (ahr-thrō-dihn-ē-ah) = joint pain.

Arthropathy (ahr-throhp-ah-thē) = joint disease.

Bursitis (bər-sī-tihs) = inflammation of the bursa.

Chondromalacia (kohn-drō-mah-lā-shē-ah) = abnormal cartilage softening.

Chondropathy (kohn-drohp-ah-thē) = cartilage disease.

Exostosis (ehck-sohs-tō-sihs) = benign growth on the bone surface.
Gouty arthritis (gow-tē ahr-thrī-tihs) or gout = joint inflammation
associated with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint (seen
more commonly in birds).
Hip dysplasia (dihs-plā-zē-ah) = abnormal development of the
pelvic joint causing the head of the femur and the acetabulum not
to be aligned roperly; most commonly seen in large breed dogs.
Intervertebral disc disease (ihn-tər-vər-tē-brahl dihsk dih-zēz) =
rupture or protrusion of the cushioning disc found between the
vertebrae that results in pressure on the spinal cord or spinal nerve
roots; also called herniated disc, ruptured disc, or IVDD.
Kyphosis (kī-fō-sihs) = dorsal curvature of the spine; also called
Legg-calvé-perthes disease (lehg cah-veh pər-thehz dih-zēz) =
idiopathic necrosis of the femoral head and neck of small breed
dogs; also called avascular necrosis of the femoral head and neck.
Lordosis (lōr-dō-sihs) = position in which the vertebral column is
abnormally curved ventrally; seen in cats in heat; commonly called
Luxation (luhck-sā-shuhn) = dislocation or displacement of a bone from
its joint.

myeloma (mī-eh-lō-mah) = tumor composed of cells derived from

hematopoietic tissues of bone marrow.

ostealgia (ohs-tē-ahl-jē-ah) = bone pain.

osteoarthritis (ohs-tē-ō-ahr-thrī-tihs) = degenerative joint disease

commonly associated with aging or wear and tear on the joints; also called
degenerative joint disease, or DJD.

osteochondrosis (ohs-tē-ō-kohn-drō-sihs) = degeneration or necrosis of

bone and cartilage followed by regeneration or recalcification.

osteochondrosis dissecans (ohs-tē-ō-kohn-drō-sihs dehsih- kahns) =

degeneration or necrosis of bone and cartilage followed by regeneration or
recalcification with dissecting flap of articular cartilage and some
inflammatory joint changes; detached pieces of articular cartilage are
called joint mice or osteophytes (ohs-tē-ō-fītz).
Osteomalacia (ohs-tē-ō-mah-lā-shē-ah) = abnormal softening of bone.

Osteomyelitis (ohs-tē-ō-mī-eh-lī-tihs) = inflammation of bone and bone


Osteonecrosis (ohs-tē-ō-neh-krō-sihs) = death of bone tissue.

Osteoporosis (ohs-tē-ō-pō-rō-sihs) = abnormal condition of marked loss

of bone density and an increase in bone porosity.

Osteosclerosis (ohs-tē-ō-skleh-rō-sihs) = abnormal hardening of bone.

Periostitis (pehr-ē-ohs-tī-tihs) = inflammation of the fibrous tissue that

forms the outermost covering of bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis (roo-mah-toyd ahr-thrī-tihs) = autoimmune

disorder of the connective tissues and joints.

Sequestrum (sē-kwehs-truhm) = piece of dead bone that is partially or

fully detached from the adjacent healthy bone .
Spondylitis (spohn-dih-lī-tihs) = inflammation of the vertebrae.

Spondylosis (spohn-dih-lō-sihs) = any degenerative disorder of the


Spondylosis deformans (spohn-dih-lō-sihs dē-fōrmahnz) = chronic

degeneration of the articular processes and the development of bony
outgrowths around the ventral edge of the vertebrae.

Subluxation (suhb-luhck-sā-shuhn) = partial dislocation or displacement

of a bone from its joint.

Synovitis (sihn-ō-vī-tihs) = inflammation of the synovial membrane of

Avulsion (ā-vuhl-shuhn) fracture = broken bone in which the site of
muscle, tendon, or ligament insertion is detached by a forceful pull.

Callus (kahl-uhs) = bulging deposit around the area of a bone fracture that
may eventually become bone.

Closed fracture = broken bone in which there is no open wound in the

skin; also known as a simple fracture.

Comminuted (kohm-ih-noot-ehd) fracture = broken bone that is

splintered or crushed into multiple pieces .

Compression (kohm-prehs-shuhn) fracture = broken bone produced when

the bones are pressed together.

Crepitation (krehp-ih-tā-shuhn) = cracking sensation that is felt and heard

when broken bones move together.

Fracture (frahck-shər) = broken bone.

Greenstick fracture = bone that is broken only on one side and the other
side is bent; also called incomplete fracture.

Immobilization (ihm-mō-bihl-ih-zā-shuhn) = act of holding, suturing, or

fastening a bone in a fixed position, usually with a bandage or cast.

Manipulation (mahn-ihp-yoo-lā-shuhn) = attempted realignment of the

bone involved in a fracture or dislocation; also known as reduction.

Oblique (ō-blēck) fracture = broken bone that has an angular break

diagonal to the long axis.
Open fracture = broken bone in which there is an open wound in the
skin; also known as a compound fracture.

physeal (fī-sē-ahl) fracture = bone that is broken at the epiphyseal line

or growth plate; these fractures are further categorized as Salter-Harris IV
spiral (spī-rahl) fracture = broken bone in which the bone is twisted apart
or spiraled apart.

transverse (trahnz-vərs) fracture = broken bone that is broken at right

angles to its axis or straight across the bone.
Amputation (ahmp-yoo-tā-shuhn) = removal of all or part of a body part.

Arthrodesis (ahr-thrō-dē-sihs) = fusion of a joint or the spinal vertebrae

by surgical means.

Chemonucleolysis (kē-mō-nū-klē-ō-lī-sihs) = process of dissolving part

of the center of an intervertebral disc by injecting a foreign substance.

Craniotomy (krā-nē-oht-ō-mē) = surgical incision or opening into the


Laminectomy (lahm-ih-nehck-tō-mē) = surgical removal of the dorsal

arch of a vertebra.

onychectomy (ohn-ih-kehk-tō-mē) = surgical removal of a claw.

ostectomy (ohs-tehck-tō-mē) = surgical removal of bone.

osteocentesis (ohs-tē-ō-sehn-tē-sihs) = surgical puncture of a bone.

osteodesis (ohs-tē-ō-dē-sihs) = fusion of bones.

osteopexy (ohs-tē-ō-pehck-sē) = surgical fixation of a bone to the body


osteoplasty (ohs-tē-ō-plahs-tē) = surgical repair of bone.

osteostomy (ohs-tē-ohs-tō-mē) = surgical creation of a permanent new

opening in bone.

osteotomy (ohs-tē-oht-ō-mē) = surgical incision or sectioning of bone.

trephination (treh-fih-nā-shuhn) = process of cutting a hole into a bone

using a trephine (trē-fīn) (circular sawlike instrument used to remove bone
or tissue).

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