Management of Concurrent Patellar Luxation and Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Using Modifi Ed Tibial Plateau Levelling

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Management of concurrent patellar

luxation and cranial cruciate ligament
rupture using modified tibial plateau
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a novel surgery aimed at managing concur- and Langley-Hobbs 2006). Surgical man-
agement options for dogs with clinical
rent medial patellar luxation (MPL) and cranial cruciate ligament MPL disease include soft tissue proce-
(CCL) ruptures in dogs weighing more than 30 kg. dures, including lateral imbrication of the
fascia lata, stifle joint derotational sutures,
METHODS: Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) and femoral cranial sartorius muscle release and hard
trochleopasty were performed. The principal tibial fragment was tissue procedures, such as wedge or block
trochleoplasty, and tibial crest transposition
laterally translated by 3 to 6 mm and was externally and abaxially (Roy and others 1992, Johnson and others
rotated to create a wedge measuring 1·5 to 2·5 mm at the medial 2001, Johnson and others 2002, Arthurs
and Langley-Hobbs, 2006). Several of
and cranial aspect and 1 to 3 mm at the medial and distal aspect these procedures are routinely combined to
of the tibial plateau fragment. The fragments were stabilised with a address MPL in dogs. Trochleoplasty and
tibial crest transposition have been recom-
narrow TPLO plate. mended in large breed dogs to reduce the
RESULTS: Thirteen surgeries were performed in 12 dogs with a mean likelihood of recurrence of MPL (Gibbons
and others 2006). However, complication
weight of 39·8 kg. The mean postoperative tibial plateau slope rates of 18% to 29% have been reported
was 8·1°. Additional surgery was required in two cases, one due in large breed dogs (Arthurs and Langley-
Hobbs 2006, Gibbons and others 2006).
to failure of fixation and another due to screw breakage. The mean Osteotomies of the femur or tibia have
lameness score was 3·5 (out of 5) before surgery, 0·7 after 8 to 12 been advocated to manage angular and
rotational deformities of the femur and
weeks, and 0·3 at final follow-up. Median follow-up was 1115 days tibia, including varus deformities of the
(range, 270 to 2040 days). No patella luxated after surgery. femur and internal rotation of the tibia
(Swiderski and Palmer 2007, Roch and
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: MPL and CCL ruptures may be successfully Gemmill 2008). CCL ruptures occur in
managed by performing a TPLO and simultaneously altering the rela- dogs of all sizes. They are managed with
intracapsular or extracapsular stabiliza-
tionship of the principal and tibial plateau fragments during surgery. tion techniques. Surgical alterations of the
tibial plateau, such as tibial plateau level-
ling osteotomy (TPLO), are now popular
and giant dog breeds (Slocum and Slo-
Journal of Small Animal Practice (2010) Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) ruptures cum 1993, Kim and others 2008). When
51, 97–103 and medial patellar luxations (MPL) are MPL and CCL ruptures occur concur-
DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2009.00854.x common causes of hind limb lameness in rently, both conditions must be addressed
Accepted: 1 September 2009; Published dogs and may occur concurrently (DeAn- to regain normal stifle joint function. This
online: 11 January 2010
gelis and Hohn 1970, Hayes and others may be achieved using staged surgical pro-
1994, Aragon and Budsberg 2005, Pow- cedures (that is, TPLO followed by MPL
ers and others 2005). MPL is considered a management several weeks later) or by
predisposing factor for CCL rupture (Wil- combining several surgical procedures in
Veterinary Surgical Center, Vienna, VA 22180, USA
lauer and Vasseur 1987). MPL is primarily a single event. During the TPLO proce-
*Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Vet- found in small and toy breeds (dogs weigh- dure, the curved cut of the tibial plateau
erinary Medicine, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 27606, USA ing <20 kg) but large breeds (weighing preserves the tibial crest. If a tibial crest
>20 kg) represent 9% to 35% of all MPL transposition is required, an additional
Presented in part at the ACVS Symposium,
Chicago, IL (October 2007) and the ECVS Annual patients (Prister 1972, Remedios and oth- osteotomy is necessary which requires
Scientific meeting, Basel, Switzerland (July 2008). ers 1992, Johnson and others 2002, Arthurs additional fixation and may decrease

Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 51 • February 2010 • © 2010 British Small Animal Veterinary Association 97
A. Langenbach & D. J. Marcellin-Little

the stability of the proximal portion of Radiographic evaluation and remnants of the CCL were removed.
the tibia and lead to tibial crest avulsion Mediolateral stifle radiographs were pro- In cases where a meniscal tear was pres-
(Priddy and others 2003, Kergosien and duced with the stifle and hock held at 90° ent the torn portions were removed, while
others 2004). To reduce patient morbidity allowing for both joints in the radiographic in cases where the meniscus was intact a
and accelerate postoperative recuperation, projection. The radiographic beam was meniscal release was performed. A wedge
it would be advantageous to combine the centred on the stifle. A craniocaudal pro- resection trochleoplasty and a cranial sar-
management of MPL and CCL ruptures jection was produced also, including hock torius muscle release were performed. The
without increasing the invasiveness of the and stifle in the exposure. The beam was TPLO procedure followed (Slocum and
surgical procedure. We proposed that we centred on the stifle. Slocum 1993). The jig was removed after
could manage CCL ruptures and MPL by Preoperative radiographs were produced completion of the curved cut. The surgeon
displacing the osteotomised tibial plateau immediately before surgery, postopera- and an assistant levelled the tibial plateau
in relation to the principal tibial fragment tive radiographs immediately following. to the desired level and aligned the quad-
during TPLO, mimicking a tibial crest These radiographs were produced with riceps mechanism by performing three
transposition and realigning the quad- the patients anaesthetised. Radiographs alignment alterations beyond plateau lev-
riceps mechanism. The purpose of this were produced in the same manner at elling. With the patella reduced and facing
study was to prospectively evaluate the four and eight weeks post surgery and at cranially, the principal tibial fragment was
combined MPL and CCL stabilisation in other reevaluations, but under sedation. externally rotated along its long axis until
large breed dogs. The tibial plateau slope (TPS) was mea- torsion between the patella and the tibial
sured on preoperative and postoperative tubercle was eliminated (first alteration).
radiographs using the method proposed This created a 1·5- to 2·5-mm gap between
MATERIAL AND METHODS by Slocum (Baroni and others 2003). The the medial and cranial aspect of the oste-
orientation of the femoral trochlea in rela- otomised tibial plateau fragment and the
tion to the distal portion of the femoral tibial crest on the principal tibial fragment
Dogs were included in this study if they
shaft as seen on craniocaudal radiographs (Fig 1). Gaps were measured intraopera-
were presented for hind leg lameness, had
was measured. tively using a sterile ruler. The bow-legged
cranial cruciate ligament ruptures and
appearance (genu varum) was addressed
MPL, weighed more than 30 kg, and were
Surgery by aligning the femoral shaft, patella,
seen at the Veterinary Surgical Center in
Inhalation anaesthesia was performed tibial tubercle, tibial shaft and hock. This
Vienna, Virginia (USA) between January
after endotracheal intubation using iso- was done by laterally translating the tibial
2001 and December 2006. Twenty-five
flurane as an anaesthetic agent. Epidural crest in relation to the osteotomised tibial
dogs undergoing TPLO in our hospital
analgesia was administered preoperatively plateau fragment by 3 to 6 mm (second
were randomly selected as case controls to
in four patients at L7/S1 using a combina- alteration) and by abaxially rotating the
compare the age of patients at the time of
tion of bupivicaine (Marcaine (5 mg/ml), distal portion of the tibia to create a 1- to
surgery in both groups.
Hospira, Inc., Lake Forest, IL) (1 ml/4·5 3-mm wide gap between the medial and
kg) and morphine (Morphine Sulfate distal aspect of the osteotomised tibial pla-
Clinical evaluation (15 mg/ml), Baxter Healthcare Corpora- teau fragment and the principal tibial frag-
All dogs had a physical, orthopaedic, tion, Deerfield, IL) (0·11 mg/kg) deliv- ment (third alteration). There was no gap
and radiographic evaluation. Preopera- ered through a 0·9-mm diameter, 6-cm between the cranial or distal aspect of the
tive complete blood count and chemistry long diamond point spinal needle. The osteotomised tibial plateau fragment and
were performed on all dogs. Lameness remaining nine procedures the patients the principal tibia fragment on the lateral
was graded subjectively as described by received a 3-ml intra-articular injection of aspect of the tibia. The displacement of the
Impellizeri (2000). A numerical rating bupivicaine (5 mg/ml) with epinephrine principal tibial fragment in relation to the
scale (NRS) with 5 levels of lameness (Marcaine with epinephrine (5 mg/ml tibial plateau fragment resulted in a lateral
severity was utilized per the following: and 0·0091 mg/ml), Hospira, Inc., Lake transposition of the tibial crest (Fig 2) and
0 = no detectable lameness at a walk or Forest, IL) (0·0091 mg/ml). All patients realigned the mechanical axis of the pel-
trot, no detectable lateral weight shift at received an intravenous dose of cefazolin vic limb. A stainless steel bar was used to
a stance; 1 = no detectable lameness at a (Cefazolin (reconstituted to 100 mg/ml), confirm the alignment of the femur and
walk or trot and minor lateral weight shift Watson Laboratories, Inc., Corona, CA) tibia. The tibial plateau was secured with a
at a stance; 2 = lameness at a walk or trot (22 mg/kg IV) that was repeated at 90- 1·55-mm-diameter Kirschner wire passed
without hip hike; 3 = lameness at a walk or minute intervals when necessary. The from the proximo-lateral tibial crest to the
trot with hip hike; 4 = non-weight bearing durations of surgery and anaesthesia were caudal central tibial plateau. The patella
at a trot; 5 = non-weight bearing at stance recorded. was checked for stability. Plate contour-
or walk. MPL was graded by Putman’s A craniomedial approach to the stifle ing for this procedure differed from typi-
grading system with grades 1 to 4 (Single- was performed, followed by complete stifle cal TPLO procedures. Bending irons were
ton 1969). Written consent was obtained joint exploratory arthrotomy. A ruptured used to create an approximately 30° angle
from all clients. CCL and MPL were confirmed in all cases between the third and fourth screws and

98 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 51 • February 2010 • © 2010 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Modified tibial plateau levelling

tablet), Novartis Animal Health US, Inc.,

Greensboro, NC) (1 to 2 mg/kg PO q
24 hours), two patients were admin-
istered tramadol hydrochloride (Tra-
madol Hydrochloride (50 mg tablet),
Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd.,
Detroit, MI) (2 mg/kg PO q 12 hours) in
addition to deracoxib, and two separate
patients were administered Acepromazine
Maleate (25 mg tablet, Boehringer Ingel-
heim Vetmedica, Inc., St. Joseph, MO) (1
to 2 mg/kg PO q 12 hours) for sedation.
Patients were discharged to owners the day
after surgery.

Follow-up evaluation
Patients’ follow-up included a 7- to 10-day
reevaluation and suture removal, 4- and
8- to 12-week reevaluation with radiog-
raphy of the stifle. An additional reevalu-
ation with radiographs was performed in
12 of 13 patients more than six months
after surgery and a phone interview was
conducted with the owner and referring
veterinarian of the remaining patient.
Outcome was considered excellent if no
lameness was present, good if grade 1 or
FIG 1. Front view of the stifle joint of a dog with MPL and CCL rupture before (A) and after realign-
2, fair if grade 3 and poor if grade 4 or 5
ment (B). Genu varum is initially present. The tibial plateau fragment is tilted forward to decrease lameness was present at final reevaluation.
the TPS (arrow). The alignment of the quadriceps is improved by rotating the principal tibial frag-
ment externally (in relation to the osteotomised tibial plateau fragment), by laterally translating
the principal tibial fragment and by displacing its distal portion abaxially (arrow). This displacement
creates an open wedge on the medial aspect of the tibia between the cranial aspect of the osteot- RESULTS
omised tibial plateau and the tibial crest and between the distal aspect of the osteotomised tibial
plateau and the tibial shaft
Twelve consecutive client-owned dogs:
three Labrador retrievers, three Labrador
medially twisting the cranial aspect of IVX Animal Health, Inc., St. Joseph, MO) retriever mixed, two golden retrievers, two
the proximal portion of the plate (Fig 3). (0·02 mg/kg) given ½ intramuscularly and greater Swiss mountain dogs, one Dalma-
The contoured TPLO plate was applied ½ intravenously and in four, a constant tian and one husky mixed were included
and secured with six screws: three distal rate infusion of morphine (3 ml/kg/hour in this study. One dog was operated bilat-
cortical and three proximal cancellous IV for 8 hours) was administered. The erally with staged procedures. These pro-
screws. The Kirschner wire was removed. CRIs were reduced sequentially by 50% cedures were considered as independent
The stifle was checked for patella stabil- at each of 8, 12 and 16 hours. Oral anti- procedures in this report. The mean age
ity, quadriceps alignment and absence of biotics and analgesics were provided the at surgery was 3·6 years (median age, 2
cranial tibial thrust. The area was lavaged morning following surgery. Nine patients years; range, 1 to 10 years). By compari-
followed by a multi-layer closure using were administered cephalexin (Cephalexin son, the mean age of control dogs under-
monofilament absorbable (PDS, Ethicon, (250 mg and 500 mg capsules), Ranbaxy going TPLO in our hospital was 5·5 years.
Inc., Somerville, NJ) and non-absorbable Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Jacksonville, FL) There were nine male neutered dogs and
(Ethilon, Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ) (22 mg/kg PO q 12 hours) and four three female spayed dogs in the study. The
sutures. The stifle joint was iced following patients were administered cefpodox- mean weight was 39·8 kg (range, 30·3 to
surgery and then bandaged with a modi- ime proxetil (Simplicef (200 mg tablet), 49 kg). The mean preoperative lameness
fied Robert Jones bandage. The bandage Pharmacia & Upjohn Company division grade was 3·5 out of 5 (range, 2 to 5). The
was removed the following morning and of Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY) (5 mg/kg mean preoperative TPS was 26° (range, 20
the stifle was iced again. Analgesia was PO q 24 hours) for a seven-day antibiotic to 34°). The mean orientation of the fem-
provided in eight patients with morphine course. Ten patients were administered oral trochlea in relation to the distal por-
(0·44 mg/kg) combined with aceproma- the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug tion of the femoral shaft was 9° of varus
zine (Acepromazine Maleate (10 mg/ml), (NSAID) deracoxib (Deramaxx (100 mg (range, 5 to 12° of varus).

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A. Langenbach & D. J. Marcellin-Little

FIG 3. Artist rendering based on left plates used

to perform a standard TPLO procedure (A) and
for the combined management of patellar luxa-
FIG 2. Craniocaudal radiograph of the stifle joint of a 1·5-year-old neutered male Labrador Retriever tion and CCL rupture described in this report
with a grade 3 MPL and CCL injury before (A) and immediately after simultaneous management of (B). The plate used for conventional TPLO is
the stifle joint instability and patellar luxation (B) using a modified tibial plateau levelling procedure. contoured to the surface of the medial aspect
The patella is luxated and the tibial crest is on the medial aspect of the tibia on the preoperative of the proximal portion of the tibia, forming
radiograph. The patella is reduced and the tibial crest is centred on the postoperative radiograph approximately a 20° angle. The plate used to
stabilize the tibia of the dogs in this study has
an increased concavity in its proximal portion,
forming approximately a 30° angle. The cranial
MPL was present in all dogs with six on one stifle but one dog had MPL/TPLO aspect of its proximal portion is medially
grade 2 and seven grade 3 MPL. All stifles surgery on both stifles, nine months apart. twisted
had complete CCL ruptures as deter- Eight dogs had only MPL on the contra-
mined by physical examination and con- lateral leg. Five of these eight patients had Bayer HealthCare LLC, Shawnee Mission,
firmed during stifle surgery. One surgeon standard MPL surgery on the opposite KS) (5 mg/kg PO q 12 hours) and amoxicil-
(AL) performed all surgeries. The mean leg. Three had no surgery on the opposite lin trihydrate/clavulanate postassium (Cla-
(±sd) durations of surgery and anaesthe- leg, despite existing MPL during the study vamox (375 mg tablet), GlaxoSmithKline,
sia were 69 ± 17 minutes and 122 ± 34 period. Three dogs had CCL on the other Research Triangle Park, NC) (12·5 mg/kg
minutes, respectively. All dogs received side and two received a TPLO surgery and PO q 12 hours), as well as septic arthritis
a single narrow 3·5 mm plate from one one a standard extracapsular repair. that was treated with amikacin (Amikacin
of three sources: nine Slocum plates Eleven of 12 dogs were alive at the end sulfate (50 mg/ml), Phoenix Pharmaceu-
(3·5 mm TPLO plate 224TL3.5-R/L of the study period. The mean postopera- tical, Inc., St. Joseph, MO) (10 mg/kg
or 225TL3.5-R/L, Slocum Enterprises, tive lameness score was 0·7 out of 5 (range, IV q 24 hours), ampicillin (Ampicillin
Eugene, OR), three Veterinary Orthope- 0 to 2) 8 to 12 weeks after surgery and was (reconstituted to 250 mg/ml), American
dic Implants plates (3·5 mm TPLO plate, 0·3 out of 5 (range, 0 to 2) at long-term Pharmaceutical Partners, East Schaum-
Veterinary Orthopedic Implants, South reevaluation. There was no recurrence of burg, IL) (10 mg/kg IVq 8 hours) and
Burlington, VT), and one Securos plate MPL. ceftriaxone (Ceftriaxone sodium (recon-
(3·5 mm TPLO plate 9107401010R or One dog weighing 49 kg fell down a stituted to 350 mg/ml), Roche Labora-
91077401011L, Securos, Fiskdale, MA) flight of stairs chasing a cat two weeks after tories, Inc., Nutley, NJ) (25 mg/kg IM q
were used. The mean postoperative TPS surgery. He broke all proximal screws, 24 hours). He recovered and improved his
was 8·1° (range, 2 to 14°). The median fractured his fibular head and reluxated grade 5 lameness to grade 3 at eight weeks
time to follow-up was 1115 days (range, his patella. A second procedure with stabi- and grade 2 at three months post surgery.
270 to 2040 days). The mean TPS at the lisation of the tibial plateau using a TPLO The external fixator was removed 56 days
time of reevaluation was 9·8° (range, 2 to plate and bilateral external fixation device later and plate and screws were removed
15°). was necessary. He developed a postopera- at 251 days post the initial TPLO with
Although all dogs had bilateral stifle tive wound infection that was treated with MPL surgery. He was reevaluated for a
disease, 11 dogs had MPL/TPLO surgery enrofloxacin (136 mg Enrofloxacin tablets, right forelimb lameness and elbow pain at

100 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 51 • February 2010 • © 2010 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Modified tibial plateau levelling

suture removal, 261 days post surgery. No interfragmentary compression (Hulse and All dogs in this study had mild to mod-
pelvic limb lameness was present at that Hyman 1991, Prayson and others 2001, erate varus angulation of their femoral
time. He was euthanatised 605 days post Marcellin-Little and others 2008). Few trochlea in relation to the femoral shaft
surgery after acute onset tetraparesis, neck reports have compared the complication (genu varum), as seen on their craniocau-
pain, and anorexia. rate after fixation of bone fragments with dal radiographs and from their bow-legged
Another dog had plate and screws buttress or compressive fixation. In one stance. Because the mean (±sd) femoral
removed at day 293 because of a mild randomised study of unstable trochanteric varus angulation of the dogs in this report
pain response to palpation. All but a por- fractures in 233 people, failure of fixation (9 ± 2°) was similar to the angulation
tion of the broken most proximal screw occurred after 9% of buttress fixations measured in nine mixed breed dogs free of
were removed. That screw fragment was and after 19% of compressive fixations orthopaedic problems in a previous report
removed 591 days after surgery because (Buciuto and others 1998). The acute (9 ± 2°)(Dudley and others 2006), it is not
of potential interference with the lateral failure of fixation and screw breakage seen possible to ascertain whether the dogs in
collateral ligament. Two patients had inci- in the two cases in this report may have this report had true deformities of the dis-
sional complications and healing occurred resulted from the fact that buttress fixa- tal portion of the femur and whether these
uneventfully. tion was used. However, the low incidence potential femoral deformities impacted
of mechanical failures for the patients and the development of patellar luxations and
the absence of tibial plateau fragment “roll CCL ruptures. None of the dogs managed
DISCUSSION back” in this report suggest that the stabil- during the study period had grade 4 MPL.
ity of buttress fixation is acceptable. Even While the surgical procedure described in
Our results show that MPL and CCL rup- though all patients in this report received this report could possibly be performed
ture correction using a modified TPLO a single narrow plate, a broad plate or sec- in dogs with grade 4 MPL, the presence
procedure and trochlear wedge resection ond plate could be added to the fixation to of more severe angular and rotational
may be performed successfully in large lower the likelihood of mechanical failure. femoral and tibial deformities may require
dogs with grade 2 or grade 3 MPL. The Three different narrow plates were used in additional corrective procedures, such as a
outcome assessment methods in this study this report. The first nine cases received distal femoral osteotomy (Swiderski and
were limited to joint palpation and visual original TPLO plates (3·5 mm TPLO Palmer 2007, Roch and Gemmill 2008).
assessment of lameness. Lameness was plate 224TL3.5-R/L or 225TL3.5-R/L, The patients in this report had a mean
addressed with a subjective numerical Slocum Enterprises, Eugene, Oregon). age of 3·6 years. They represented approxi-
scale. The use of a force plate would have Because of concerns regarding the material mately 3% of TPLO patients in our hospi-
increased the objectivity of our outcome properties of these plates (Boudrieau and tal. They were in average two years younger
assessments (Waxman and others 2008), others 2006), plates from two other man- than the control dogs undergoing TPLO.
but was unavailable in our practice. Sub- ufacturers were used in four cases. While They were also younger than dogs undergo-
jectively, this procedure is not more tech- we felt that the overall alignment of the ing TPLO in other reports, who had a mean
nically challenging than either procedure operated limb was improved in all cases, age of 4·7, 5·0 and 6·2 years (Pacchiana
alone and may be performed without we did not objectively evaluate the impact and others 2003, Priddy and others 2003,
major technical difficulty. This proce- of the surgical procedure on the shape of Stauffer and others 2006). The younger
dure appears technically simpler than the the pelvic limb when dogs were stand- age of the dogs in our report may be due
combination of a TPLO with a transpo- ing or using goniometry, radiography or to the fact MPL is a developmental con-
sition of the tibial crest and it does not computed tomography. Such assessments dition likely to affect young patients and,
require two osteotomies and the creation would be necessary to assess the impact of if MPL predisposes dogs to CCL rupture,
of a small crest fragment that could avulse this procedure on the mechanical axis of then such rupture is more likely to occur
in the postoperative period. The proce- the pelvic limb. in a younger population of dogs than that
dure requires simultaneous alignment of Mean postoperative TPS (8°) was suffering from CCL rupture alone.
the quadriceps mechanism and rotation slightly larger that the proposed TPS of 5° The 12 patients in this report had bilat-
of the tibial plateau. This is achieved by (Slocum and Slocum 1993). One patient eral stifle disease. Eight patients (67%) had
moving the principal tibial fragment later- in this report was undercorrected (14°) bilateral MPL. The reported rate of bilat-
ally and abaxially while rotating it exter- because of the perceived difficulties and eral MPL is approximately 50% (Alam
nally. The successful realignment of the risk of fibular fracture during correction. and others 2007). Our rate was higher,
tibia leaves an open wedge, medially. As This patient was free of lameness at reeval- possibly because of the long-term pro-
a consequence, the plate used to stabilise uation. In vitro studies demonstrate that spective nature of this study. Four patients
the proximal portion of the tibia is used cranial tibial thrust is neutralised at 6·5° (33%) had bilateral CCL rupture. This
in buttress fashion. The specific mechani- (Warzee and others 2001, Reif and others is in agreement with the reported rate of
cal consequences of this form of fixation 2002). In one report, good outcomes after bilateral CCL rupture (Doverspike and
have not been assessed experimentally. TPLO were present in dogs with postop- others 1993).
Buttress fixation of bone fragments is less erative TPS ranging from 0 to 14° (Robin- A jig is used to prevent malalignment in
stable than fragment apposition using son and others 2006). normal hind legs during TPLO procedure

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A. Langenbach & D. J. Marcellin-Little

(Slocum and Slocum 1993). It also acts as nal surgery, it is likely that the MPL was BUCIUTO, R., UHLIN, B., HAMMERBY, S. & HAMMER, R.
(1998) RAB-plate vs Richards CHS plate for un-
a guide during TPLO performed on dogs developmental and did not result from stable trochanteric hip fractures. A randomized
with CCL rupture and internal torsion of the extracapsular stabilisation because of study of 233 patients with 1-year follow-up. Acta
Orthopaedica Scandinavica 69, 25-28
the tibia, varus or valgus tibial deformities. the distal portion of the femur had a varus DEANGELIS, M. & HOHN, R. B. (1970) Evaluation of sur-
In our study, we felt that complete quad- angulation and because the wound closure gical correction of canine patellar luxation in 142
cases. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
riceps alignment was not possible with the of the fascia lata was intact when evaluated Association 156, 587-594
jig in place and we decided to perform during the second surgery. It is possible, DOVERSPIKE, M., VASSEUR, P. B., HARB, M. F. & WALLS, C.
M. (1993) Contralateral cranial cruciate ligament
the correction without the jig. While the however, that MPL was secondary to the rupture: Incidence in 114 dogs. Journal of the
absence of a jig could lead to iatrogenic CCL stabilisation in that dog. MPL has American Animal Hospital Association 29, 167-170
axial or rotational malalignment, the very been reported to result from CCL stabili- (2006) Radiographic and computed tomographic de-
focus of this procedure was on realigning sation (Arthurs and Langley-Hobbs 2007). termination of femoral varus and torsion in the dog.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 47, 546-552
the tibia. We felt that the good long-term In that report including 32 patients, MPL GIBBONS, S. E., MACIAS, C., TONZING, M. A., PINCHBECK, G.
clinical outcome supported our realign- after CCL stabilisation was considered L. & MCKEE, W. M. (2006) Patellar luxation in 70
large breed dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice
ment method. Using preoperative CT challenging and a variety of management 47, 3-9
planning or intraoperative fluoroscopic methods were used. The reluxation rates HAYES, A. G., BOUDRIEAU, R. J. & HUNGERFORD, L. L.
(1994) Frequency and distribution of medial and
image intensification could increase ranged from 35% to 100% and were lower lateral patellar luxation in dogs: 124 cases (1982–
the precision of this tibial realignment with tibial crest transposition, sulcoplasty 1992). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association 205, 716-720
method. TPLO performed without a jig and tibial realignment. The overall suc- HULSE, D. & HYMAN, B. (1991) Biomechanics of frac-
did not appear to lead to axial or rota- cess rate was 79%. We cannot conclude ture fixation failure. Veterinary Clinics of North
America: Small Animal Practice 21, 647-667
tional malalignment in two recent reports whether the procedure evaluated in this IMPELLIZERI, J. A., TETRICK, M. A. & MUIR, P. (2000) ef-
(Bell and Ness 2007, Schmerbach and report would be appropriate to manage fect of weight reduction on clinical signs of lame-
ness in dogs with hup osteoarthritis, Journal of
others 2007). patients with failed CCL stabilisation and the American Veterinary Medical Association 216,
The reported complication rate of MPL. 1089-1091
TPLO has ranged from 19% to 28% We conclude from this report that MPL D. S., HAUPTMAN, J. G., WEAVER, B. T. & KERN, T. L.
(Pacchiana and others 2003, Priddy and and CCL ruptures may be simultaneously (2001) Comparison of trochlear block recession
and trochlear wedge recession for canine patellar
others 2003, Stauffer and others 2006). managed in large dogs by externally rotat- luxation using a cadaver model. Veterinary Surgery
The reported complication rate after ing, by laterally translating and by abaxi- 30, 140-150
MPL surgery in large breed dogs has been ally displacing the principal portion of D. S., HAUPTMAN, J. G. & KERN, T. L. (2002) Vertical
reported to be 29%, with 10% of patients the tibia during the TPLO procedure. position of the patella in the stifle joint of clinically
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