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INTRODUCTION..........................................................2 VILLAGE EVENTS......................................................8
SETTLEMENT SIZE...............................................................2 TOWN EVENTS.........................................................13
OUTSIDE THE GATES..........................................................2
CITY EVENTS............................................................18
AN ADVENTURE!.................................................................2
PET DOG EVENT SUB-TABLE................................24
OUTSIDE THE GATES EVENTS................................3


This supplement is filled with appropriate events when Warriors are visiting Settlements in the Warhammer World and is designed to replace the
Settlement Events in the Warhammer Quest Roleplay Book (pages 26-28). These new tables provide a much needed expansion to Settlement
Events since gamers will most likely exhaust all of the original ones after just a few Adventures. These new events will not only offer more
variety, but can add some depth and plot hooks for Gamemasters! All of the original Settlement Events appear in this supplement, some with minor
changes in order to flow with the theme and essence of this work. The beauty of a digital expansion such as this one is the ability to alter, revise
and expand upon it in the future.
Some of the Settlement Events are my ideas exclusively, while others were adapted from various resources. I have carefully crafted these
events to be well-suited to the Warhammer World. Some of the rules and events from the wonderfully written Citadel Journal Down Town
article by Andrew Meredith were modified and incorporated into this collection.

One of the exciting aspects of travelling to a Settlement in Warhammer Quest is deciding whether to journey to a Village, Town or City.
Ideally, of course, a City is always a Warrior’s first choice as there is so much more available to them in regards to the stock at traders as well
as successfully finding Special Locations. This supplement has gone a step further and been designed so that your Warrior can have different
experiences depending on what size Settlement they are visiting. Larger Settlements have more activity and it is less likely that a Warrior will have
an Uneventful Day. Larger Settlements have opportunities to earn more gold but are also rife with more crime. Larger Settlements are also more
likely to be more welcoming to strangers and are less superstitious than smaller communities. Of course the longer your Warrior stays the
more likely something bad will eventually happen to them no matter what size the Settlement is!
From now on, depending upon what size Settlement your Warrior is visiting, they should roll on the corresponding Events Table. For
example: if they are in a City, they should roll on the City Events Table. If they are in a Town, they should roll on the Town Events Table.
And so on. Settlement Events in this work are divided into the sections listed above in the Contents. Unless any rules specify otherwise, you
should follow all of the other normal rules for visiting a Settlement and rolling for Settlement Events.


Special Events have been included for the time when your Warrior is waiting for their companions outside of the Settlement. The original
concept by a WHQ fan (author unknown) was presented as “The Sticks.” I have taken that concept and tried to improve upon it by filtering
and editing some of the original ideas while also creating new ones. Some of the events are fairly mysterious while others are downright nasty!
Warriors be warned: avoid being Outside the Gates at all costs!

Up until now, your Warriors have arrogantly just assumed that a new Adventure was waiting for them when they were finished visiting a
Settlement. With these new rules, that is no longer the case. This supplement provides the possibility that a Warrior will roll on a Settlement Event
titled “An Adventure!” This indicates that the Warrior has dubiously come across someone or something that leads to an adventure in a dungeon
somewhere. This event can occur more than once and each time it does the Warrior who rolled it should consult the Ultimate Adventure Book
to see exactly what type of exploit the Warriors could participate in next. The Warrior need not do anything else for the day.
All of the new material which the Ultimate Adventure Book introduces, such as Adventures, Board Sections, Treasure Cards, Special Cards,
Counters and the Themed Event Decks, can be found on Littlemonk’s Custom Board at:



There may come a time when your Warrior is penniless and unable to afford a meagre meal or the comfort of a bed in a Settlement. Perhaps
there was an incident and your Warrior was asked to leave (or they were forcibly removed). Since they cannot reside in the Settlement any
longer, they must wait for their companions Outside the Gates. It’s also possible that your Warrior feels that they have accomplished
everything they have set out to do in the Settlement and visited all the locations they had wished to. They decide to wait Outside the Gates,
paying no living expenses as they live off the land. This would be ill-advised as being Outside the Gates will likely cost your Warrior more
than just a few gold pieces. Outside the Gates is the last place a budding hero wishes to be. Any person left outside of the settlement walls
are at the mercy of the elements, enemies, wild animals and who knows what else!
Just outside the safe confines of every Settlement are where an unhealthy mixture of the desperate and the destitute gather. They are
peasants and paupers, vagrants and vagabonds, thieves and thugs. Laws scarcely exist and murder is a form of local currency. One who finds
himself in such a lowly place as Outside the Gates will most likely spend their days in squalor and boredom if they’re lucky.
For each day that your Warrior is Outside the City Gates you must roll D66 below:

The City Watch is responding to citizen reports of particularly aggressive Argil Fendlepetter, a dishevelled travelling purveyor of salves and
vagrants and brazen pickpockets outside the Settlement gates. Your unguents, has set up shop here for the day. Your Warrior may purchase
Warrior is among those who are detained by the angry (and extremely Argil’s wares by following all of the normal rules of visiting a Trader in the
corrupt) guards. One Treasure Item or piece of Equipment is confiscated as Settlement.
a “stolen” article (determined at random) and your Warrior is brutally
flogged and must deduct 1D3 from their Starting Wounds permanently. Cost
ITEM Stock Buy Description
Liniment 5 25g Heals 1D3 Wounds.
Tonic 6 50g Heals 1D6 Wounds.
Balm 9 100g Restores 1 point to any Statistic that
has previously been reduced for any
Home Brew 10 150g Heals Warrior to full.
Quicksilver 11 175g Gives your Warrior double
Attacks for 1 turn.
In an act of revenge for the loss of one of their leaders, a group of
When using any of Argil’s items roll 1D6. If the score is 1 your
vicious bandits emerge from the hills on horseback, raiding and looting the
Warrior loses 1 Wound permanently and the item has no effect. If the score
helpless peasants outside the Settlement. Your Warrior must roll 1D6 on the
is a 2 or 3 your Warrior loses 1 Wound permanently but the item works
table below:
as stated. On a score of 4, 5 or 6 the item works as stated with no side effects.
1 Your Warrior is soon targeted by the bandits who overpower
them by sheer numbers. They steal all of their gold and 1D3 items
of Treasure (your choice) before the Settlement soldiers are able
to drive them back into the hills.
The attack catches everyone by surprise and, despite the Warrior’s
2-3 best efforts to defend their belongings, the bandits make off with Your Warrior cannot hide their heroic stature and dozens of peasants
one item of Treasure (your choice). soon surround them begging for money and food. When the finally
Your Warrior hides behind the makeshift tents, quietly slashing breaks free of the groping vagabonds they find that half of all the
bandits as they ride by. When the Settlement soldiers arrive, they Provisions they were carrying are gone (rounded down) and they are 1D6x20
4-5 reward your Warrior with 1D6x25 gold for helping to defend the gold lighter!
Settlement inhabitants.
With a dramatic leap off a thatched roof, your Warrior attacks the
largest, most powerful bandit in the group, killing him outright. The
leaderless attackers are easily routed by the Settlement soldiers. The
Settlement leaders reward your Warrior with 1D6x50 gold for their
role in the fight and they are allowed entry into the Settlement.

See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
might participate in next!


A colourfully-dressed minstrel who is heading toward the Settlement gates There is an outbreak of Tyrant’s Fever and your Warrior quickly becomes
notices your Warrior. With a look of recognition he excitedly bed-ridden, their face becomes red and painfully swollen. They must roll
approaches your Warrior, loudly strumming his instrument and singing a 1D6 at the beginning of each day on the following table adding +1 to the
ballad all about your Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6 below: score each subsequent time (remembering the Rule of 1 and 6).

1-2 While the lyrical poet relates all of the interesting exploits of your 1 The fever has taken a turn for the worse and your Warrior can only
Warrior, a small crowd gathers around, excitedly. A young lout moan in pain, unable to leave their bed. Your Warrior is -1 to
suddenly lashes out, stabbing your Warrior with a poisonous Strength or Toughness (your choice) for the next Adventure. If
dagger! He happens to be the offspring of a criminal who your their Strength or Toughness ever reaches zero, they are dead.
Warrior once brought to justice. The young scamp is quickly The fever runs high and your Warrior is bedridden in their
subdued by the other peasants and your hero is rushed to a wise man 2-5 makeshift hovel. Whilst laid up, your Warrior does not need to roll
who manages to remove much of the venom. Your Warrior’s life is for Outside the Gates Events.
saved but must deduct -1 Wound from their Starting Wounds score
permanently. The fever breaks and your Warrior returns to normal by the end
6 of the day.
The bard’s music focuses on all of your Warrior’s good deeds and
heroics! Soon your Warrior is mobbed by the many pitiful masses
3-6 Outside the Gates and they spend the rest of the day giving blessings
and allowing the wretched to kiss their boots and touch their sweat-
soaked handkerchief.
While your Warrior is busy relieving himself in a make-shift latrine, a
horse thief makes off with their mount. If your Warrior has a horse, mark it
off your Adventure Record Sheet along with anything that was attached it,
such as a cart. If your Warrior has no mounts, treat it as an Uneventful
Day instead.

Your Warrior sees a wagon filled with hay enter through the Settlement
gates, presumably to feed the various animals inside. A second hay wagon
can be seen approaching from a distance and your Warrior has the crazy
idea that they could possibly steal away inside the wagon in order to get
back into the Settlement. If your Warrior chooses to do so, roll 1D6 on the Stoked by the words of a few malcontents the lowly inhabitants who
table below: dwell outside of the Settlement have had enough of their impoverished
situation. A small gathering has erupted into a dangerous riot pitting the
peasants against the local Watch. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
1 Injured! As the wagon reaches the Settlement Gate, it is stopped by
the guards who begin stabbing their swords randomly into the hay
pile. As one of the sword thrusts penetrates your Warrior’s stomach, 1 Your Warrior is arrested and charged with inciting a riot They (or
they let out a blood-curdling cry! Roll another 1D6 and if the score their companions) must pay 1D6x200 gold in fines and bribes to
is a 1, your Warrior expires on the spot and is removed from the clear up the matter. If they cannot pay they are hanged in the
game. On any other score they survive although they must deduct -1 center of the Settlement in 1D6 days as a warning to the other
Wound permanently from their Starting Wounds score. Your vagabonds Outside the Gates.
Warrior spend the next 1D6 days in jail, is fined 100 gold and is Your Warrior is beaten terribly by the Watch and thrown into jail.
thrown back out of the Settlement. 2-3 They must pay 1D6x100 gold. If they cannot pay they must spend
Caught! An observant gate guard sees your Warrior’s foot sticking the next 1D6 days in jail before they are thrown back Outside the
partially out of the hay. Your Warrior is wrenched from the wagon Gates.
2-3 and thrown into a jail cell for 1D3 days. They are fined 100 gold Joining the rioters, your Warrior strides steadfastly into the
before being thrown back outside the gates. 4-5 Settlement where the angry mob demands ample sustenance, clean
Unnoticed! The hay wagon passes through the gates with your water and access to medical treatment. The Settlement officials
Warrior hidden in the hay and no one is the wiser! A few moments eventually agree to a compromise and each peasant, including your
after it stops, your Warrior hops out unobserved. Your Warrior may Warrior, is given 1D3 Provisions, 1D3 Bandages and 1D6x5 gold.
now follow all the normal rules for staying in a Settlement. Organizing the rioters, your Warrior marches the pack of peasants
Spotted! Your Warrior hides in the hay wagon and enters the into the Settlement demanding to meet with high officials. The
Settlement unnoticed. When they feel it is safe, they leave their 6 terrified authorities quickly meet the demands of your Warrior and
hidden spot only to discover that the wagon is parked in front of the the peasants are given access to food, clean water and medical
6 jail! Standing next to your Warrior is the captain of the watch who facilities. The peasants and your Warrior are each given 1D6
eyes them suspiciously. “No time for napping!” he snorts. “This Provisions and 1D6 Bandages. Your Warrior also receives 1D6x50
hay needs to get delivered to the animal pens.” The captain hands gold in payment as a negotiator and for keeping the peasants from
your Warrior 1D6x10 gold coins and sends them on their way! using violence to solve the matter.
Your Warrior may now follow all the normal rules for staying in a


A masked criminal, the Black Tiger, sneaks into your Warrior’s makeshift A pack of hungry, wild animals rampage Outside the Gates attacking the
camp in the middle of the night. He steals from the rich and gives to the peasants. Your Warrior must roll 2D6. This is the number of animals
poor. If your Warrior has more than 100 gold, the outlaw steals half. If your attacking them. Roll another 1D6 and add your Warrior’s Battle-level, the
Warrior has less than 100 gold, the outlaw does nothing. If your Warrior score being the amount of wild animals your Warrior kills. If any animals
has no gold at all, the Black Tiger slips 100 gold pieces into your remain, your Warrior injures their hand in the skirmish and is -1 Weapon
Warrior’s purse. In any case, the outlaw leaves a piece of parchment Skill for the next Adventure.
with a tiger’s paw print on your Warrior’s chest which they find in the
morning upon waking.
Note: if the Bounty Hunter rolls this Event, immediately roll up a new
Outlaw following all the normal rules. This Outlaw also has the Vanish 5+
Ability in addition to any others. (See the Bounty Hunter Revision by

Your Warrior continually glimpses a black cat prowling about near them.
Others in the vicinity also notice and swear it is a bad omen. Your Warrior
is so perturbed by the situation that they are -1 to their Willpower from
now until the end of the next Adventure.

Late at night your Warrior witnesses a thin, frail man being assaulted by
a group of hoodlums. Rushing to his aid your Warrior fends off the
attackers who scatter into the night. The man gasps for breath as blood
pours from an open wound on his head. By the look of his clothes and
belongings the young man appears to be an apprenticing wizard. Far too
injured to be healed by bandages, your Warrior can only save him if they
give the man a healing potion. The smell of urine and excrement is particularly overwhelming Outside the
Gates today. If your Warrior rolls this result a second time during their
If your Warrior does so, the apprentice repays your Warrior by casting a
stay at this Settlement, then they are so sickened by the smell that they are -1
powerful spell that permanently increases one of your Warrior’s
Strength for the next Adventure.
Characteristics. Roll 1D6 to see which Characteristic is affected:

1 Initiative 4 Weapon Skill

2 Willpower 5 Strength
3 Luck 6 Toughness Your Warrior must eat a provision or other food they are carrying to
maintain their health and strength. If they have no food, your Warrior is -1
If your Warrior has no healing potion, the young apprentice expires… Strength in the next Adventure.

In the middle of the night a wall collapses upon your Warrior’s make-shift
As they wander around Outside the Gates, your Warrior steps into a patch camp. Your Warrior’s leg is severely injured and they are unable to
of dead weeds and flowers adjacent to a crude dwelling. An old crone travel for 1D3 days and must remain outside the gates of the Settlement.
immediately emerges yelling and screaming that your Warrior has In addition they are -1 Movement in the next Adventure. Whilst injured,
destroyed her perfect lilies. She levels her finger at your Warrior and your Warrior does not have to roll for Outside the Gates Events.
curses them malevolently before returning to her abode. Your Warrior must
immediately deduct -1 Luck point permanently!

The spirit of a druid appears in front of your Warrior late at night and
accuses them of destroying sacred foliage during their recent journey to
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors the Settlement. He demands that your Warrior make amends by planting a
might participate in next! tree or bush in a shady grove. Your Warrior is -1 to their Luck until they do
so. It takes 1D3 days to make amends and your Warrior must roll for
Outside the Gates Events as normal.


An influential noble and his entourage are galloping through toward the See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
Settlement gates and soon a small crowd has blocked their way to beg for might participate in next!
food and coin. The noble inexplicably spots your Warrior amongst the
crowd and points a finger at them. Roll 1D6 one the following table:

1 The noble is extremely irritated that the crowd has stopped him. It
Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around everywhere,
is obvious to him that your Warrior, being stout and strong
skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes on and then emerging
compared to the frail beggars, is the one in charge. He directs his
after the adventure is completed to shower its new master with
guards to surround your Warrior aggressively and they drag them adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which
in front of the noble for a severe beating. Your Warrior must type of canine has attached itself to you.
deduct -1 Wound permanently from their Starting Wounds score.
Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a cruel and
The greedy noble eyes one of your Warrior’s Treasure Items heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold to pay for a decent burial
(determined at random) and sends his lackeys to obtain it. Upon for the hound!
2 pain of death, your Warrior reluctantly hands over the item.
If your Warrior already has a pet dog, roll on this table again. If
The noble is suspicious of your Warrior and calls for the Watch to not, name it and note it down on your Warrior's Adventure Record Sheet.
apprehend and interrogate them. For 1D3 days your Warrior is
grilled and beaten until eventually being fined 1D6x10 gold for
3 loitering (your Warrior must sell items or equipment if necessary).
They are then thrown Outside the Gates once again.
Among all of the wretched beggars the compassionate noble has
chosen you as the recipient of 1D6x10 gold.
The noble keenly observes that your Warrior may be of some use Lepers begging for food accost your Warrior. The lepers will approach
4 for a particularly important task. He offers to hire them for the day, your Warrior each day until your Warrior gives them food, until your
paying them 1D6x20 gold to watch his horse while in the Warrior departs for the next Adventure, or until your Warrior contracts
5 Settlement. In addition, your Warrior may visit any Location not their horrid affliction.
previously visited during this stay in the Settlement and must pay Each day the lepers approach to beg for food, your Warrior must roll
Living Expenses as normal. Your Warrior returns Outside the Gates 2D6. If both dice come up the same number your Warrior has contracted
at the end of the day. their foul disease and they are -1 Movement from now until the end of the
The noble calls out your name and beckons you over. Familiar with next Adventure.
your recent heroic undertakings he wishes to donate 1D6x100 gold
to your cause. If your Warrior was not allowed into the Settlement
for any reason, he berates the watch commander and Settlement
6 officials who immediately apologize to your Warrior for any
misunderstandings and allow them re- entry. You may treat this as A deranged lunatic approaches your Warrior and lunges forward with a
a new visit to the Settlement and your Warrior may visit Traders knife! Your Warrior deals him a fatal blow in a clear act of self-defense.
and Special Locations even they had done so previously in this Rummaging through the deceased man’s belongings your Warrior realizes
Settlement. that the man’s necklace bears the crest of Duke Hilderwhelm. Months
ago, the Duke’s nephew was rumoured to be missing and this must be him!
Roll 1D6 to see the result of your Warrior’s actions:

1 The authorities are furious and accuse your Warrior of murder!

They are thrown into jail and scheduled to be executed in 10 days.
At the end of each day that passes, including this one, roll 1D6. If
the result is a 6, it means that a witness to the incident has come
forward to exonerate your Warrior. Your Warrior is then
immediately escorted outside the Settlement gates. If no witness
comes forward by the end of the tenth day, your Warrior is
Mischievous wild animals sneak into your Warrior’s camp and pilfer some
beheaded in the center of the Settlement before a large, jeering
of your Warrior’s possessions. Roll 1D6 to see what they have taken:
In order to avoid any public embarrassment about his deceased
1 An item of Treasure (determined at random). A Potion 2-3 nephew’s state of mind, Duke Hilderwhelm has your Warrior
2 (determined at random). arrested on trumped up charges. He will only drop the charges if
3 A Rope. your Warrior agrees to pay a fine and keep quiet about the entire
incident. These negotiations take 1D6 days and cost your Warrior
4 A Bandage. A 1D6x50 gold. If your Warrior does not have the amount (after
5 Provision. selling any equipment or treasure to cover the cost) then the Duke
6 Nothing. takes whatever gold they have and drops the charges.
The influential Duke Hilderwhelm has your Warrior arrested
If the Warrior has such as item they must discard it. If they don’t have it, claiming that your Warrior killed his nephew during a duel. Your
they does nothing. In any case, roll again. If you roll lower than your first 4-5 Warrior spends 3 days in jail while authorities determine if the
score to see what the animal stole, the animal also stole the second item duel was proper.
too, and so on. As soon as you roll the same number again or higher, stop Duke Hilderwhelm, well aware of his nephew’s deteriorated mental
rolling. state, pays your Warrior 1D6x100 gold to keep silent about the
6 entire incident.


A healer is passing through the makeshift camps outside the Settlements

offering to cure any maladies at no charge. Roll 1D6 and if the score is a 5
or 6, the healer really does have the power to heal and restores 1 point to one
Characteristic (your choice) that has been previously reduced for any reason
(such as Tomb Rot, Poison, etc.). On any other score, the healer blesses
In the dark of night a priest with a covered wagon pulled by a frail-looking
your Warrior by licking his thumb and then rubbing it across your Warriors
horse is offering comfort and solace to some of the more wretched
forehead before moving on.
inhabitants – or so it seems. As the wagon approaches your Warrior, roll 1D6
on the table below:
1 Upon command from the priest a nightmarish creature bursts from
the wagon and assaults your Warrior who manages to dispatch it,
but only after it claws them repeatedly. The priest vanishes during
the struggle and your Warrior immediately begins to feel ill, the A heavy rainfall bombards the Settlement. With no place to seek refuge
victim of a strange disease that the creature carried. They must from the constant downpour, your Warrior develops a terrible, hacking
spend the next 1D3 days in bed doing nothing and must deduct cough. During the next Dungeon, your Warrior is -1 To Hit until they drink a
-1D6 Wounds from his Starting Wounds score permanently. Healing Potion.
The priest convinces your Warrior to trade one of his weapons for
one the priest claims is a holy artefact that will protect them from
2-3 harm. If your Warrior is the Warrior Priest or a Bretonnian Knight,
they sense evil and corruption and decline the offer steadfastly. Any
other Warrior must roll 1D6 and add their Willpower. If the total is Your Warrior catches a young urchin trying to steal their purse. The boy
8 or more they refuse. If the total is less than 8 they readily agree to claims that he’s an orphan supporting himself and his sister and begs for
the trade and must discard a weapon of their choice. The weapon mercy. If your Warrior frees him, roll 1D6:
traded for is the same type as the one given but it carries a terrible
1-2 The contemptuous young lad promises to NEVER, EVER steal
In the next Adventure, each time a natural 1 is rolled in the again and darts away. Your Warrior’s fears are confirmed when
Power Phase, your Warrior must draw and use the cursed weapon. they reach into their pack and discovers that one item is missing
The weapon only hits on a natural 6 and does Damage as normal. (determined randomly).
However, if his To Hit is a natural 1, your Warrior uncontrollably
lashes out and attacks the nearest Warrior instead. The boy falls to his knees in overwhelming thanks. Before
3-6 departing he gives your Warrior a piece of parchment that he
At the next Settlement, your Warrior may rid himself of the lifted off of a merchant in the Settlement, explaining that he can’t
weapon and the curse by visiting a Temple and paying 1D6x100 read anyway. On it is the location of a secret cache of gold worth
gold. 1D6x100 gold. If the Warriors defeat all of the Monsters in the
The priest turns out to be a simple clergyman on his way to a Objective Room during the next Adventure, your Warrior may
nearby monastery. claim this treasure.
The priest is carrying food for the less fortunate and upon seeing
the sorry state of your Warrior’s tattered gear and items he offers to
4 trade food in exchange for any item your Warrior is carrying. For
If your Warrior delivers him in to the Watch roll 1D6:
each item of Equipment or Treasure that they give up, your Warrior
5 is given 1D6 Provisions. 1-3 The poor lad cannot withstand the severe beating receives from the
The priest tells your Warrior that he has seen them in a vision and authorities and dies, leaving his sister to care for herself. According
that they will become a ‘star of the heavens’. He places something in to local laws and customs your Warrior is now responsible for the
your Warrior’s hand and then leads his horse and wagon away into girl’s welfare. From now on, each time your Warrior reaches a
the darkness. Settlement, they must send 1D6x50 gold for her living expenses.
The item placed in his hand is a polished stone with a strange The impudent child has been a huge menace and the Watch has
rune. Once per Adventure your Warrior may utilise the power been trying to apprehend the young whelp for the past month. Your
4-6 Warrior is given 1D6x25 gold for catching the troublesome urchin.
within the stone which allows them to add an extra 1D6 to his
Strength for one Combat.

See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
might participate in next!

In order to address the grumbling of the lower classes, the mayor of the
Settlement has declared that a small handful of peasants will be allowed to
enter. If your Warrior was restricted from entering the Settlement for any
reason, they are one of the lucky few selected. They may re-enter the
Settlement immediately if they so choose, paying Living Expenses and
rolling on the Settlement Events Table for this day.


Villages in the Old World tend to be places governed by superstition and a healthy distrust of strangers. Word travels quickly in these close-
knit communities and unusual events rarely stay secret for long. What little wealth may be in a village is seldom flaunted and opportunities
for work are few and far between…

Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the Settlement Your Warrior is accused of witchcraft, and is chased through the streets by
authorities and there are thrown out of town. They must wait outside the an angry mob. Roll 1D6 on the following table (the Witch Hunter may add
Settlement gates for the other Warriors. See the Outside the Gates rules (page
+1 to his score):
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced by the gate 1-3 Your Warrior escapes by jumping over the Settlement wall and into
guards as they are thrown out and have all their gold stolen! the filthy water of the moat. Pelted with eggs and rotten fruit, they
stagger out onto the far side, and out into the sticks. See the Outside
the Gates rules (page 3).
Your Warrior ducks down a side alley and escapes, but from now
4-5 on must wear a disguise when out in public!
Your Warrior turns angrily on the mob, demanding an
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors 6 explanation. Shouting down the leader of the mob, they establish
might participate in next! their authority over the crowd, who sheepishly return to their
hovels, pausing only to give your Warrior 100 gold as way of

Your Warrior is invited by a group of locals to go on a nocturnal

Meeting them just before sunset, they are informed that tonight's prey
is the great Quarg - a beast of fearsome temper and foul disposition. Your As your Warrior retires for the evening they fall into a deep slumber.
Warrior’s task in the group is to take the hunting tools – a net, a small They begin to dream that they are fighting a terrifying gorgon; her hair
pole with a bell on it and a bag full of garlic - and wait in the middle of the composed of vicious snakes and a gaze which can turn a person to
woods while the rest of the hunters spread out into the forest and drive the stone. With a horrendous scream the gorgon attacks! Roll 1D6 to see
Quarg towards them. As the sun rises the next morning, and the owls how the dream ends:
return to their nests, there is still no sign of the Quarg, your Warrior
begins to wonder if someone is being made a fool of... 1 No matter how many times or how hard your Warrior strikes the
creature with their weapon, the beast seems invulnerable. With a
terrifying scream the gorgon shoots an arrow directly into your
Warrior’s heart!
When your Warrior wakes, they find that they have permanently
lost 1 Wound! If your Warrior’s Starting Wounds is ever reduced
to zero because of this dream, they are dead.
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must roll on this
table again. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet to
remind you.
The battle is brutal and neither your Warrior nor the creature
seems to get the upper hand. Your Warrior wakes in a cold
2-5 sweat.
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must roll on this
table again! Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet to
remind you.
Your Warrior courageously stands their ground and strikes the
6 wretched beast down! A sense of relief fills your Warrior and they
sleep better than they have in a long time.
When your Warrior awakens they discover that they are +1 to his
Starting Wounds! The nightmare ends and they do not have to roll
on this table again (unless they encounter this Settlement Event

If your Warrior leaves the Settlement before the dream concludes, the
nightmare temporarily ends. At the next Settlement, however, it returns
to haunt the Warrior again. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet.


Strolling alongside a dilapidated old house your Warrior spies an old, stone An item of Treasure that your Warrior is carrying (determined randomly) is
well. Your Warrior casually tosses in 1 gold coin. Roll 1D6 on the table identified by a wealthy, influential member of the local citizenry as his
below: family heirloom, stolen last year by wanton burglars. The local Watch
confiscates the item and you must discard it immediately. If your Warrior
1 A creepy, guttural moan echoes upward in an unknown tongue. A has no Treasure items, the wealthy local accuses your Warrior of hiding it
terrible sense of dread overwhelms your Warrior and they are -1 and demands 1D6x50 gold in restitution instead. If they cannot pay,
Luck for the next Adventure. then your Warrior is thrown Outside the Gates.
Nothing happens and your Warrior is now carrying one less gold
2-5 piece.
A high-pitched squeal and soft giggling can be heard at the bottom
6 of the well. Your Warrior gains +1 Luck for next Adventure!
While walking along the main street, your Warrior hears a disturbance
just around the corner. A moment later a huge runaway bull charges
down the street, wrecking market stalls and causing panic. Your Warrior can
let it pass by hiding down a side alley, or try to stop the enraged animal. If
your Warrior hides down the alley and lets the bull pass, roll 1D6 on the
following table:

1-3 Your Warrior skulks in the shadows, waiting for the action to die
down. As they peep round the corner, a mugger's metal bar hits
them over the head. When they regain consciousness, your
Warrior’s purse is 100 gold coins lighter.
After waiting nervously in the dark for a few minutes, your
As your Warrior strolls through the village centre it is abuzz with the 4-6 Warrior sees the bull roar past and career off down a side street.
preparations for tomorrow’s festival. Roll 1D6 to see what festival is being The danger is passed and your Warrior may carry on about their
celebrated and another 1D6 to see what effect it has on ALL of your Warriors. business.

1D6 Festival If your Warrior tries to stop the bull, roll 1D6 on the following
1 A Beer festival A table:
2 Food festival 1-2 Your Warrior waves the passers-by aside and leaps out in front of
3 A festival for the Deceased A the bull, sword drawn. The bull hesitates for half a second or so,
and then tramples them into the dirt before carrying on its way. The
4 Religious festival
crowd then stomps all over your Warrior in the rush to follow the
5 A Music festival bull, leaving them to nurse their injuries alone in an empty street.
6 A Cultural festival A single sword thrust stops the bull dead in its tracks literally. As
its carcass twitches spasmodically, the crowd roars in approval
1D6 Effect 3-4 and showers your Warrior with 100 gold. Then the bull's enraged
owner arrives, and relieves them of 150 gold – it was his prize
1 In recognition of the festival, all locations will be closed for the
stud, and he wanted it stopped, not slaughtered!
next 1D6 days. Warriors who are training will find their
instruction interrupted during the period and they must add on Your Warrior gives the bull a hard stare and it skids to a halt,
those extra days to their training time. snorting and pawing the ground. Putting a rope around its neck,
they lead it back to its stall. The crowd cheers and showers them
In recognition of the festival, all traders will close up shop for 5-6
2 with 150 gold.
the next 1D3 days.
The population of the Village will double as it welcomes visitors
3 from the surrounding region. For the next1D3 days all Warriors
must roll on the Town Events Table instead of the Village Events
Table. In addition, Warriors may make all stock rolls as if in a
Town (2D6).
Vendors, merchants and traders will make their way to the Village
tomorrow and any Warrior may visit the Peddler, who is treated A terrible illness strikes the Settlement, and your Warrior falls prey to it.
4 They must spend the next two days in bed, paying
exactly as the Peddler from the Roleplay Book (page 15) or the
new, expanded Travelling Hazards by Littlemonk (page 8). Visiting 10 gold per day for medication as well as the normal Living Expenses.
the Peddler takes an entire day during which a Warrior may do While your Warrior is in bed, you do not have to roll for Settlement Events.
nothing else except roll for Settlement Events.
In celebration (but mostly to lure in new customers) all locations
will offer one item in stock at 50%. This sale is offered
5 tomorrow only.
In celebration (but mostly to lure in customers) all locations will See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
offer 10% off all items in stock. This sale is offered tomorrow might participate in next!
6 only!

If any Warrior rolls this Settlement Event again during this stay, re-roll
this result.


Much taken with the teachings of the local priest, your Warrior pledges As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main street, a
1D6x50 gold to his cause, selling equipment if necessary to meet the beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into them. She carefully peels them off
cost of the donation. The next time your Warrior is in a fight and fails the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes them to the infirmary to be patched
to hit their opponent, the sect's deity shines on them and they may re-roll up. Your Warrior cannot buy anything or visit any Special Locations for
the attack. They may only do this once for each donation they make (i.e., 1D6 days while they recover. While they are recovering you do not have to
each time they roll this result on this table). roll for Settlement Events.

Your Warrior overhears that the local fisherman are Seeing them armed and battle-hardened, a pacifist approaches your Warrior,
complaining of a giant aquatic monster that has been attempting to convert them to the ways of non- violence. The young lady is
terrorising them down by the river. Upon investigation your Warrior passionate and convincing and you must roll 1D6 and add your Warrior’s
discovers a massive creature that has somehow Willpower. Look up the result on the table below to see what effect her words
managed to find its way inland. After a few patient hours your Warrior spots have on your Warrior.
the beast and a small battle for water rights ensues. Roll 1D6 on the table
below: 2-4 Your Warrior takes the words of the woman to heart and they
1 The strange creature is too much for your Warrior. Razor-sharp vow to relinquish one of their weapons (your choice). Discard it
teeth and a piercing snout tear at your Warrior and soon they immediately.
are running from the river at top speed, much to the chagrin of 5-6 Your Warrior is thoroughly convinced by the words of the young
the locals. Your bested Warrior is -1 Toughness for the next woman and in the next Adventure they promise that, aside from
Adventure. their regular Attacks, they will not use any special skills or
The mighty fish tosses your Warrior about and leaves them on the abilities that cause Damage.
2-3 bank in a heap. Their hand is badly injured in the struggle and they Your Warrior deeply considers the words of the young woman
are -1 Weapon Skill for the next Adventure. 7-8 and in the next Dungeon they refuse to make an Attack in the
Your Warrior thrashes about in the water as the creature snaps first Warriors’ Phase of each combat.
and stabs at them with its long duck- like bill. Eventually your Your Warrior is unaffected by the words of the young lady.
4-5 Warrior drives the creature away and returns to the applauding
fishermen who thank them with 1D6x25 gold. 9 or
As the giant fish leaps out of the water, your Warrior fells it with
one swift and accurate blow. The fishermen are ecstatic as they haul
the beast out of the water. They regard your Warrior as a hero and
give them 1D6x50 gold. In addition, they use the creature to
prepare 1D6 Provisions for your Warrior. Treat them like normal
Provisions from the General Store. As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, their money pouch is stolen.
Your Warrior loses 1D6x20 gold.

As your Warrior passes by a potter’s store, a woman comes running out

hollering about a poisonous snake that has slipped in. She immediately hires
your Warrior to rid her shop of the snake, but she warns them not to
break any of her pottery which is on display throughout the shop. Roll 1D6
1 The snake is much harder to catch or kill than anticipated and your
Warrior practically tears the shop apart before finally corralling the
reptile. Angrily, the shop owner demands 1D6x50 gold for her
2-3 Just as your Warrior slips the snag into a burlap sack, they stumble
backward into a rare and expensive pot which falls to the ground
with a loud crash. After deducting their pay for catching the snake,
your Warrior owes the potter 1D6x10 gold for the damage.
Stepping into the potter’s shop your Warrior spies the cold-blooded
4-5 creature coiled up in the rafters. They manage to bring it down along
with a few cups hanging on the wall. The potter is elated and, after
deducting for damage, pays your Warrior 1D6x10 gold.
Due to a mistake in identity, your Warrior finds himself surrounded by a
No sooner than your Warrior enters the shop do they pounce upon
gang of angry young men who insist that they are betrothed to marry
the terrifying reptile, snatching it with their bare hands. When they
6 their sister. Your Warrior agrees, albeit at knife point, and pledges their
bring the beastie back out, the potter is elated that nothing was
troth to a farmer's daughter of ample charms.
damaged. She pays your Warrior 1D6x25 gold for their services.
The marriage is arranged for tomorrow, so your Warrior must either
leave the Settlement immediately, or get married...


As your Warrior heads back to the inn for a bit of relaxation, they Your Warrior visits a local inn and gets involved in a dubious game of
encounter a villager who welcomes them to the Settlement heartily and dice. Roll 1D6 on the following table:
insists on taking them to the nearest tavern for a drink. Roll 1D6 on the
following tables: 1 Your Warrior loses badly, and must forfeit one item of Treasure of
your choice.
1D6 The person is the Village… 2 Your Warrior loses 1D6x20 gold.
1 Idiot 3-4 Your Warrior comes out of the game even. Your
2 Drunk 5 Warrior wins 1D6x10 gold.
3 Loudmouth 6 Your Warrior wins 3D6x10 gold.
4 Bard
5 Gate Guard
6 Elder
Now roll another 1D6 and add the number rolled above. Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the sadness of
Look up the result on the table below: their plight, gives each of the 1D6 pitiful wretches
5 gold. If your Warrior cannot pay they are a beggar themselves,
Total Result and you must roll 1D6 on the following table:
2-3 Upon entering the tavern, your Warrior is immediately
1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see Village
surrounded by ruffians. They find out that the villager owes a
Event 11.
huge debt to the owner of the establishment and he was told not
to return until his debt was paid in full. Before being thrown out 2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x5 gold by begging.
with their new friend, your Warrior is relieved of 1D6x50 gold.
If they do not have that amount, the owner takes one item of
Treasure (determined at random) as compensation.
As your Warrior struts into the tavern with the villager it is
apparent that they are not welcome here. After being roughed up As you wander through the Village your Warrior comes upon some bare-
4-5 and thrown out, your Warrior finds out that one of the enforcers knuckle pugilists competing with one another. Catching sight of your
made off with one item of Equipment (determined at random). Warrior’s garb and equipment they immediately hail you to join them in a
Discard it immediately. friendly bout, albeit with much public jeering and taunting. Your Warrior
has no choice but to uphold their reputation by accepting the locals’
Your Warrior spends the next few hours politely listening to
the boring history of the settlement after which the villager
leaves them to foot the bill, which amounts to 1D6x10 gold. Stepping up to meet your Warrior is Bamwig, local champion and
6-8 prize fighter. The protocols for such a bout here are unfamiliar to your
As your Warrior and the villager walk through the door, the
Warrior so they are given a list of rules and regulations that they must
other patrons cheerfully greet them (the villager is apparently
adhere to.
a bit of a celebrity). Your Warrior and the villager are given
free food and drink. Your Warrior does not need to pay for Add your Warrior’s Strength and Toughness together and then factor in
9-10 their Alehouse modifier (see your Warrior’s Rulebook). This is your
living expenses today.
Warrior’s Fight Total. The local champion’s Fight Total is 8.
The villager is well known and well respected. Seeing your
Warrior with him, the villagers in the tavern pay all of the Living Each round you must roll a 1D6 for your Warrior and another 1D6 for
Expenses for the rest of their stay in the Settlement and donate Bamwig. Deduct your Warrior’s score from their Fight Total and then
deduct Bamwig’s roll from his. Keep a running total on a piece of paper
1D6x25 gold toward their next Adventure.
and the first contender whose Fight Total reaches zero (or below) is the
11-12 loser. If both contestants’ score reach zero or below at the same time the
higher score prevails. In case of a tie, continue another round until one of
them is the winner.
If your Warrior wins the match they receive one item of Dungeon
Room Treasure. If they are defeated, the local champion and his cohorts
relieve them of half their gold!

See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit

the Warriors might participate in next!

There is a travelling circus in town, and your Warrior spends the rest of
their day wandering from sideshow to sideshow. Having met the bearded
woman and the two-headed goat, they decide to have their fortune read.
Perhaps the sign above the door to that particular wagon should say 'Have
your fortune stolen', as for a cost of 1D6x10 gold, your Warrior is told
nothing more than that their destiny lies with a tall, dark stranger from


A head villager approaches your Warrior and informs them that a distant A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they pass by. With
relative has just passed away and has left them an inheritance. Roll 1D6 to an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior, loudly strumming his lute
see what the inheritance is: and singing a ballad all about your Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
1 The inheritance is a debt and the head villager has come to collect!
Your Warrior must forfeit 1D6x25 gold selling items and treasure if 1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your Warrior’s
necessary! follies; from their missteps in combat to spilling their drink at the
2-3 The inheritance is actually a pet dog (see Event 63). If your tavern. The bard also sings of the unfortunate encounter with the
Warrior already has a pet dog, treat this as a roll of 1 above. miller’s daughter down by the river which angers some of her close
male relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner, throw a
The inheritance is a small sum of money to the amount of 1D6x25 sack over their head and beat them severely. Your Warrior is -1
4 gold! Strength for the next Adventure.
The inheritance is a small sum of money to the amount of 1D6x50 The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no one seems
5 gold! 3-4 to even notice or care.
The inheritance is an item of Dungeon Room Treasure! The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds and heroics
6 5-6 to such degree that even your Warrior is impressed with himself. A
large group quickly gathers and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s
inner spirit is bolstered and they are +1 Strength for the next

Your Warrior must discard any one purchase they have made in this
Settlement, as it was a fake and is worth nothing! If your Warrior has
not yet made any purchases in this Settlement, treat this as an Uneventful

Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around everywhere,

skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes on and then emerging
after the adventure is completed to shower its new master with
Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so long out in the adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which
wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries by 30 gold. type of canine has attached itself to you.
Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a cruel and
heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold to pay for a decent burial
for the hound!
If your Warrior already has a pet dog, ignore this result and roll again on
the Village Events table. If not, name it and note it down on your Warrior's
Adventure Record Sheet.

Your Warrior is accused of murder and thrown in jail. The matter is

sorted out eventually, but only after your Warrior's companions have
bailed them out. Each Warrior in the party except the accused must pay
1D6x5 gold to the authorities.
If their companions do not have the money, your Warrior must spend
1D6 days in jail. While in jail they don't have to pay Living Expenses or roll
for Settlement Events.

Your Warrior is employed by a local farmer to carry bales of cotton to the

riverside area for the day. This task earns them 20 gold. Your Warrior is carrying an item of magical Treasure (determined randomly)
that the villagers perceive as unlucky, unholy or taboo. The local Watch
is immediately summoned and your Warrior must either leave the Settlement
immediately or surrender the item to the authorities (after which it is properly
destroyed in a ceremony involving a bonfire, a catapult, a ten pound
hammer and a large squash).
As your Warrior passes by a small house they see smoke seeping out
from under the front door. Rushing inside they drag out the unconscious
inhabitants. Almost the entire village turns out to fight the blaze and the
house is saved with no casualties. Your Warrior is being congratulated as a
hero, especially from the surviving family who make a gift of 1D6x20
gold in thanks.


Towns contain a greater diversity of people: craftsman, artisans, traders and such. Unfortunately, that also means they contain more grifters,
frauds and criminals. Larger and more spread out than villages, many more things can happen in a town and so Warriors can expect a greater
spread of events and encounters. However, townsfolk can still be a little superstitious so visitors would be wise to watch their step and not
upset the locals…

Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the Settlement See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
authorities and there are thrown out of town. They must wait outside the might participate in next!
Settlement gates for the other Warriors. See the Outside the Gates rules (page
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced by the gate
guards as they are thrown out and have all their gold stolen!
As your Warrior passes by a small house they see smoke seeping out
from under the front door. Rushing inside they drag out the unconscious
inhabitants. Almost the entire village turns out to fight the blaze and the
house is saved with no casualties. Your Warrior is being congratulated as a
hero, especially from the surviving family who make a gift of 1D6x50
Strolling alongside a dilapidated old house your Warrior spies an old, stone gold in thanks.
well. Your Warrior casually tosses in 1 gold coin. Roll 1D6 on the table
1 A creepy, guttural moan echoes upward in an unknown tongue. A
terrible sense of dread overwhelms your Warrior and they are -1
Luck for the next Adventure.
Nothing happens and your Warrior is now carrying one less gold
2-5 piece.
A high-pitched squeal and soft giggling can be heard at the bottom
6 of the well. Your Warrior is +1 Luck for the next Adventure!

A debt collector catches up with your Warrior, demanding payment for

money borrowed years ago. The sum your Warrior borrowed was not
substantial, but the interest rates are astronomical. The outstanding balance is
1D6x20 gold, and if your Warrior cannot pay in full immediately the debt
collector takes all their gold plus one piece of Equipment or Treasure
(determined randomly).
Your Warrior argues with a burly street trader who has tried to charge
them far too much for some cheap, shoddy items. The argument escalates
to a brawl very quickly as the trader calls in his guards. Roll 1D6 on the
following table:
1 Your Warrior is soundly thrashed and loses 200 gold.
In one of the wharfside bars, your Warrior meets a young entrepreneur
2 Your Warrior is bested after a hard struggle against the trader
with great ideas for establishing a trading empire to cover the known world.
and his cronies and loses 100 gold.
He talks your Warrior into investing 1D6x50 gold, giving them a
certificate of partnership. From now on, at the end of each Dungeon, 3 Your Warrior walks away with a bloody nose and 50 gold worse
whenever your Warrior reaches civilisation, they may visit the local off, but leaves the trader badly bruised.
Merchants' Guild and show them their deed of partnership. Consulting 4 After a fierce struggle, your Warrior knocks the impudent trader
their records, they can tell your Warrior how the company is doing. Roll to the ground, where he stays to collect his teeth. While he is
1D6 on the following table: busy, your Warrior takes 100 gold from his stall as compensation.
Your Warrior quickly disarms the trader. With a sword at his
1 The company has gone bust, and your Warrior's investment is worth 5 throat, the lout has no choice but to apologise and offer your
nothing. In addition, they must pay the merchants 1D6x50 gold in Warrior 200 gold as compensation.
outstanding debts.
A dozen evil-looking thugs - the trader's bodyguards leap out
2-5 Your Warrior's investment is performing fairly well, and the 6
from the shadows, attacking your Warrior with knives, coshes
merchant forwards them 1D6x10 gold as their share of the profits. and cudgels. Unperturbed, they coolly dispatch them with a few
Business is booming! After consulting the ledger, the merchant well placed sword strokes, empties their purses, and ends up 300
6 confirms that he can forward your Warrior 1D6x50 gold. gold better off.


As your Warrior retires for the evening they fall into a deep slumber.
They begin to dream that they are fighting a terrifying gorgon; her hair
composed of vicious snakes and a gaze which can turn a person to
stone. With a horrendous scream the gorgon attacks! Roll 1D6 to see
how the dream ends:

1 No matter how many times or how hard your Warrior strikes the
creature with their weapon, the beast seems invulnerable. With a
terrifying scream the gorgon shoots an arrow directly into their
When your Warrior wakes, they find that they have permanently
lost 1 Wound! If your Warrior’s Starting Wounds is ever reduced
to zero because of this dream, they are dead.
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must roll on this
table again. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet to
remind you.
An item of Treasure that your Warrior is carrying (determined randomly) is
The battle is brutal and neither your Warrior nor the creature identified by a wealthy, influential member of the local citizenry as his
2-5 seems to get the upper hand. Your Warrior wakes in a cold family heirloom, stolen last year by wanton burglars. The local Watch
sweat. confiscates the item and you must discard it immediately. If your Warrior
Tomorrow night the nightmare returns and they must roll on this has no Treasure items, the wealthy local accuses your Warrior of hiding it
table again! Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet to and demands 1D6x50 gold in restitution instead. If they cannot pay,
remind you. then your Warrior is thrown Outside the Gates.

6 Your Warrior courageously stands their ground and strikes the

wretched beast down! A sense of relief fills your Warrior and they
sleep better than they have in a long time.
When your Warrior awakens they discover that they are +1 to his
Starting Wounds! The nightmare ends and they do not have to roll As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main street, a
on this table again (unless they encounter this Settlement Event beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into them. She carefully peels them off
again)! the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes them to the infirmary to be patched
up. Your Warrior cannot buy anything or visit any Special Locations for
1D6 days while they recover. While they are recovering you do not have to
If your Warrior leaves the Settlement before the dream concludes, the roll for Settlement Events.
nightmare temporarily ends. At the next Settlement, however, it returns
to haunt the Warrior again. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet.

Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so long out in the
wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries by 50 gold.

There is a travelling circus in town, and your Warrior spends the rest of
their day wandering from sideshow to sideshow. Having met the bearded
woman and the two-headed goat, they decide to have their fortune read.
Perhaps the sign above the door to that particular wagon should say 'Have
your fortune stolen', as for a cost of 2D6x10 gold, your Warrior is told
nothing more than that their destiny lies with a tall, dark stranger from

Visiting a local hostelry in a rather seedy area, your Warrior partakes of

a curious drink offered them by the bartender. After one swig, they feel
the effects of the liquid take hold – they have been drugged! Roll 1D6 on
the following table:
1-3 Your Warrior has been poisoned and is at -1 Toughness for the Your Warrior is accused of murder and thrown in jail. The matter is
duration of the next Adventure. sorted out eventually, but only after your Warrior's companions have
bailed them out. Each Warrior in the party except the accused must pay
4-6 The liquid in question is simply very strong ale, and your 1D6x10 gold to the authorities.
Warrior quickly gets a taste for it. The only ill effect is a
pounding head next morning. If their companions do not have the money, your Warrior must spend
1D6 days in jail. While in jail they don't have to pay Living Expenses or roll
for Settlement Events.


As your Warrior passes by a potter’s store, a woman comes running out Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around everywhere,
hollering about a poisonous snake that has slipped in. She immediately hires skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes on and then emerging
your Warrior to rid her shop of the snake, but she warns them not to after the adventure is completed to shower its new master with
break any of her pottery which is on display throughout the shop. Roll 1D6 adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which
below: type of canine has attached itself to you.
1 The snake is much harder to catch or kill than anticipated and your Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a cruel and
Warrior practically tears the shop apart before finally corralling the heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold to pay for a decent burial
reptile. Angrily, the shop owner demands 1D6x50 gold for her for the hound!
loses. If your Warrior already has a pet dog, ignore this event and roll on the
2-3 Just as your Warrior slips the snag into a burlap sack, they stumble Town Events table again. If not, name it and note it down on your Warrior's
backward into a rare and expensive pot which falls to the ground Adventure Record Sheet.
with a loud crash. After deducting their pay for catching the snake,
your Warrior owes the potter 1D6x10 gold for the damage.
Stepping into the potter’s shop your Warrior spies the cold-blooded
4-5 creature coiled up in the rafters. They manage to bring it down along
with a few cups hanging on the wall. The potter is elated and, after
Your Warrior must discard any one purchase they have made in this
deducting for damage, pays your Warrior 1D6x10 gold.
Settlement, as it was a fake and is worth nothing! If
No sooner than your Warrior enters the shop do they pounce upon your Warrior has not yet made any purchases Settlement, in this
the terrifying reptile, snatching it with their bare hands. When they treat this as an Uneventful Day.
bring the beastie back out, the potter is elated that nothing was
damaged. She pays your Warrior 1D6x25 gold for their services.

Your Warrior is accused of witchcraft, and is chased through the streets by

an angry mob. Roll 1D6 on the following table (the Witch Hunter may add
+1 to their score):
1-3 Your Warrior escapes by jumping over the Settlement wall and into
the filthy water of the moat. Pelted with eggs and rotten fruit, they
stagger out onto the far side, and out into the sticks. See the Outside
the Gates rules (page 3).
Your Warrior ducks down a side alley and escapes, but from now
4-5 on must wear a disguise when out in public!
Your Warrior turns angrily on the mob, demanding an
6 explanation. Shouting down the leader of the mob, they establish
their authority over the crowd, who sheepishly return to their
hovels, pausing only to give your Warrior 100 gold as way of

A head villager approaches your Warrior and informs them that a distant
relative has just passed away and has left them an inheritance. Roll 1D6 to
see what the inheritance is:
1 The inheritance is a debt and the head villager has come to collect!
Your Warrior must forfeit 1D6x50 gold selling items and treasure if
2-3 The inheritance is actually a pet dog (see Event 36). If your Warrior
already has a pet dog, treat this as a 1.
4 The inheritance is a small sum of money to the amount of 1D6x50
5 The inheritance is an item of Dungeon Room Treasure! The
6 inheritance is an item of Objective Room Treasure!

See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
might participate in next!


Your Warrior spends the rest of their day in the heady atmosphere of a Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the sadness of
steam bath, sweating off the after effects of last night's sojourn at the their plight, gives each of the 1D6+4 pitiful wretches 5 gold. If your
tavern. They emerge feeling far healthier than they have for a good while, Warrior cannot pay they are a beggar themselves, and you must roll 1D6 on
and they may add the following table:
+1 Wound to their Starting Wounds score permanently.
1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see Town
Event 11.
2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x10 gold by begging.

Your Warrior hears a loud cry from for help from around the corner and
when they go to investigate they see that a wagon cart has turned over and is
crushing a local boy. Your Warrior runs over to try and push the cart off the
young lad. Roll 1D6 and add your Warrior’s Strength then look up the result A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they pass by. With
below: an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior, loudly strumming his lute
and singing a ballad all about your Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
6 or As your Warrior lifts the cart up they lose their grip! The cart falls
less back on to the boy, maiming him! The boy’s family demands
restitution for the accident and your Warrior must give up half their 1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your Warrior’s
gold or be sent to prison for 1D6 weeks! If your Warrior has no follies; from his missteps in combat to spilling his drink at the
gold, they must give the family 1D3 Treasure Items (your choice) tavern. The bard also sings of the unfortunate encounter with the
instead. miller’s daughter down by the river which angers some of her close
Your Warrior manages to move the cart, but the boy is injured in male relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner, throw a
7 the process. Your Warrior feels so terrible about the situation that sack over his head and beat them severely.
they give 1D6x50 gold to cover the cost of medical treatment. Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.
Your Warrior shifts the heavy cart enough for someone to pull The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no one seems
3-4 to even notice or care.
the boy out, thus saving his life. His father, a local merchant, is
8-9 so grateful that he gives your Warrior 1D6x50 gold. The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds and heroics
5-6 to such degree that even your Warrior is impressed with himself. A
In a heroic feat, your Warrior hauls the massive cart off the boy
and he escapes unscathed. The onlookers cheer buoyantly and the large group quickly gathers and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s
boy’s family, who are rich nobles, gives your Warrior 1D6x100 inner spirit is bolstered and is +1 Strength for the next Adventure.
gold and an Item of Dungeon Room Treasure in gratitude!

Your Warrior is employed by a local apothecary to unload

supplies at his shop for the day. This task earns them 35 gold.

Strolling passed a bazaar your Warrior notices a young woman who is selling
a grand looking sword. The woman claims that the sword is a family
treasure, handed down from generation to generation. She explains that she
is impoverished and must sell it. An interested buyer is hovering over Your Warrior bumps into a thief who has just robbed the jeweller’s
your Warrior’s shoulder and he tells the young woman that he will purchase store. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
it if your Warrior doesn’t.
1 The culprit escapes as the shop owner emerges and accuses your
The price the woman is asking is 1D6x100 gold and your Warrior Warrior of the theft! He immediately summons the Watch who
may buy the weapon if they wish by paying the gold and then rolling on throw your Warrior in jail for 1D3 days and fine them 1D6x100
the table below: gold!
2-3 The robber throws some jewels at your Warrior, yelling “Thief!
1 The sword functions as a regular sword from the Weaponsmith,
Thief!” and then escapes down a dark alley.
but it is so poorly constructed that the first time the Warrior rolls a
Townsfolk come running out of the surroundings buildings and
1 To Hit in combat, the blade shatters and must be discarded.
surround your Warrior, screaming for the Watch. After repeated
The sword functions as a regular sword from the pleas of innocence, your Warrior is fined 1D6x50 gold for failing to
2 Weaponsmith, but is a bit heavier and not as well balanced. stop the crime.
Thus, the wielder is -1 Initiative when wielding this sword in 4-5 Your Warrior instinctively knocks the culprit down, forcing him to
drop all of his loot. The nimble thief manages to regain his feet
The sword is actually the Bronze Sigil Sword and gives the and climb over a wall and out of sight. A local who witnessed
3 wielder +2 Initiative. everything corroborates your story to the shopkeeper and the
The sword is actually the Sword of Might and gives the wielder +1 Watch when they arrive. The owner rewards your Warrior with
4 Strength. 1D6x25 gold for saving his merchandise.
The sword is actually the Blade of Leaping Copper and gives the 6 Your Warrior grabs the thief, slams him to the floor and sits on him
5 until the Watch arrive. The shopkeeper lauds your Warrior as a hero
wielder +1 Attacks.
and rewards them with 1D6x50 gold! In addition, they are given a
The sword is actually the Heartseeker Sword and once per turn
6 bronze pendant with an ancient rune of fortune inscribed upon it.
your Warrior may re-roll any one of their Attacks that misses. Each time your Warrior visits a Settlement the pendant allows you
to re-roll one Settlement Event.
You must accept the result of the second roll.


Unbeknownst to them, your Warrior is being watched and followed by a

young man. The stranger is a failed adventurer and he longs for the fame
and glory that your Warrior seems to have obtained. He jealously decides
to sabotage your Warrior’s achievements.
Your Warrior is invited by a group of locals to go on a nocturnal In the next Dungeon it becomes clear that someone has alerted the
hunt. denizens to the Warriors’ coming. Each time an Unexpected Event occurs
Meeting them just before sunset, they are informed that tonight's prey that reveals Monsters, you must roll 1D6. On a score of 1-3 you must roll
is the great Quarg - a beast of fearsome temper and foul disposition. Your twice on the Monster Table with the minimum amount of Monsters
Warrior’s task in the group is to take the hunting tools – a net, a small arriving. On a score of 4-6 you roll only once on the Monster Table as
pole with a bell on it and a bag full of garlic - and wait in the middle of the normal, but the maximum number of Monsters arrive.
woods while the rest of the hunters spread out into the forest and drive the
Quarg towards them. As the sun rises the next morning, and the owls
return to their nests, there is still no sign of the Quarg, your Warrior
begins to wonder if someone is being made a fool of...

The Captain of the Watch marks your Warrior as a useful looking

recruit and, as he is short on manpower, press gangs them for a week.
Your Warrior can either try to escape the Watch by making a donation to
their funds of 2D6x10 gold, or join up.
As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, their money pouch is stolen. If your Warrior joins up they do not have to pay Living Expenses
Your Warrior loses 1D6x30 gold. for the week and earns 20 gold in wages. However, while in the Watch they
have no time to visit any traders or Special Locations.

While walking along the main street, your Warrior hears a disturbance
just around the corner. A moment later a huge runaway bull charges
down the street, wrecking market stalls and causing panic. Your Warrior can A salesman has set up shop just outside an inn selling Holy Water. He
let it pass by hiding down a side alley, or try to stop the enraged animal. If offers it to your Warrior claiming that it will protect them from evil spirits
your Warrior hides down the alley and lets the bull pass, roll 1D6 on the and can even destroy the undead.
following table: You may buy up to 1D6 Holy Water vials at the cost of 1D6x50
gold each. After purchasing the vials, the salesman takes down his wares
1-3 Your Warrior skulks in the shadows, waiting for the action to die and disappears into the inn. Now roll for each holy water vial purchased. On a
down. As they peep round the corner, a mugger's metal bar hits score of 1 or 2, the vial is filled with simple drinking water and is useless.
them over the head. When they regain consciousness, your
Warrior’s purse is 100 gold coins lighter. On any other score, the vial actually does contain a magical holy water,
4-6 After waiting nervously in the dark for a few minutes, your purified and blessed by a priest. If drunk, the imbiber is protected by a
Warrior sees the bull roar past and career off down a side street. magical aura which lasts for one turn and all attacks against the drinker made
The danger is passed and your Warrior may carry on about their by Undead Monsters do half the normal Damage (rounded down). If
business. thrown at an Undead Monster roll on your Ballistic Skill, each successful
hit causing 1D6 Wounds with no deductions for anything.

If your Warrior tries to stop the bull, roll 1D6 on following the
1-2 Your Warrior waves the passers-by aside and leaps out in front of
the bull, sword drawn. The bull hesitates for half a second or so,
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
and then tramples them into the dirt before carrying on its way. The
crowd then stomps all over your Warrior in the rush to follow the might participate in next!
bull, leaving them to nurse their injuries alone in an empty street.
A single sword thrust stops the bull dead in its tracks literally. As
its carcass twitches spasmodically, the crowd roars in approval
3-4 and showers your Warrior with 100 gold. Then the bull's enraged
owner arrives, and relieves them of 150 gold – it was his prize
stud, and he wanted it stopped, not slaughtered!
Your Warrior gives the bull a hard stare and it skids to a halt,
snorting and pawing the ground. Putting a rope around its neck,
they lead it back to its stall. The crowd cheers and showers them
with 150 gold.


A City is bustling with excitement and your Warriors will find a whole array of things to do! There will be more commerce, more trade
but also more crime. There will be more chances of something great happening but also more opportunities to get into trouble. There will be
more entertainment and more people to meet. A crowded city will also mean that your Warriors will need to watch their backs a bit more…

Your Warrior's wild behaviour attracts the attention of the Settlement As your Warrior rushes through the busy streets, their money pouch is stolen.
authorities and there are thrown out of town. They must wait outside the Your Warrior loses 1D6x50 gold.
Settlement gates for the other Warriors. See the Outside the Gates rules (page
In addition, roll 1D6. On a score of 1 your Warrior is fleeced by the gate
guards as they are thrown out and have all their gold stolen!

Your Warrior spends the rest of their day in the heady atmosphere of a
steam bath, sweating off the after effects of last night's sojourn at the
tavern. They emerge feeling far healthier than they have for a good while,
and they may add
+1 Wound to their Starting Wounds score permanently. In addition, they
are +1 Initiative for the next Adventure.

In one of the wharfside bars, your Warrior meets a young entrepreneur

with great ideas for establishing a trading empire to cover the Known World.
He talks your Warrior into investing 1D6x50 gold per Battlle-level, giving See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
them a certificate of purchase. might participate in next!
From now on, at the end of the Dungeon, whenever your Warrior
reaches civilisation, they may visit the local Merchant’s Guild and show them
their deed of partnership (this takes one day). Consulting their records, they
can tell your Warrior how the company is doing. Roll 1D6 on the following
table: Your Warrior encounters a nervous looking merchant who is in a bit of a
bind and asks for help. Some of his workers have failed to show up for
1 The company has gone bust, and your Warrior’s investment is work and he has a lot of crates that need to be transported to the warehouse
worth nothing. In addition, they must pay the merchants district. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
1D6x50 gold per Battle-level in outstanding debts.
Your Warrior’s investment is performing fairly well and the 1 The crates contain stolen goods and the Watch has had the merchant
2-5 merchant forward them 1D6x10 gold per Battle- level as their share under suspicion for some time. The entire group, including your
of the profits. Warrior, is arrested. Your Warrior must spend the next 2 days in jail
Business is booming! After consulting the ledger, the merchant during which they are cleared of any wrong doing. Unfortunately,
6 confirms that he can forward your Warrior 1D6x50 gold per they fail to get paid.
Battle-level. Your Warrior does not realise that the crates are filled with illegal
2-3 substances and is surprised when the Watch arrives to arrest the
merchant. Obviously, your Warrior receives no pay.
Your Warrior works diligently and is paid 50 gold for a hard day’s
Your Warrior is adopted by a small dog. It follows them around everywhere, Your Warrior’s efforts are exemplary and the task earns them
skulking in the shadows while the fighting goes on and then emerging 100 gold.
after the adventure is completed to shower its new master with
adoration. Roll on the Pet Dog Event Table (page 24) to see exactly which
type of canine has attached itself to you.
Your Warrior can kill the dog if you want, but it would be a cruel and
heartless thing to do and it will cost them 1,000 gold to pay for a decent burial
for the hound!
Taken with the joys of hot food and a comfortable bed after so long out in the
If your Warrior already has a pet dog, ignore this event and roll again on wild, your Warrior overspends on such luxuries by 50 gold.
the City Events table. If not, name it and note it down on your Warrior's
Adventure Record Sheet.


Your Warrior is invited by a group of locals to go on a nocturnal Studying the weapons on display in the local smithy, your Warrior feels a
hunt. steel gauntleted hand upon their shoulder. It is the Marshal of the Watch
Meeting them just before sunset, they are informed that tonight's prey and your Warrior is accused of a crime they did not commit!
is the great Quarg - a beast of fearsome temper and foul disposition. Your Your Warrior is arrested and thrown upon the mercy of the courts. Your
Warrior’s task in the group is to take the hunting tools – a net, a small Warrior must roll once on each table below to see what crime they are
pole with a bell on it and a bag full of garlic - and wait in the middle of the accused of and what their sentence is.
woods while the rest of the hunters spread out into the forest and drive the
Quarg towards them. As the sun rises the next morning, and the owls 1D6 Crime
return to their nests, there is still no sign of the Quarg, your Warrior
begins to wonder if someone is being made a fool of... 1 Troublemaking
2 Robbery Forgery
3 Arson
4 Treachery
5 Murder
Your Warrior is captivated by a particular brilliant team of street artists,
who are performing their own rendition of a popular and contemporary
play. 1D6 Sentence
The play your Warrior is watching is called (roll once on each of the tables 1 Innocent
below): 2 A stern warning!
1D6 Result 3 1000 gold fine
1 Death of… 4 Lose a limb*
2 The Lost Love of… 5 10 years in jail**
3 A Return To… 6 Death by (roll on the Execution Method Table)
4 No Solace For…
5 Cursed Be… 1D6 Execution Method
6 Drunken As… 1 Burning
2 Beheading
1D6 Result 3 Impalement
1 …the Emperor. 4 Drowning
2 …a Love Struck Wastrel! 5 Torture Firing
3 …Solitude. 6 Squad
4 …the Creeping Dead.
5 …the Sylvanian Counts. *Lose a Limb
6 …the Ever-hungry Halfling! The authorities decide to chop off one of your Warrior’s limbs as
punishment. You may choose which. If they lose a leg, your Warrior’s
Roll another 1D6 to see how good the actors were: Movement is halved and their Escape from Pinning roll is always a 6+. If
they ever lose another leg they may not move at all. If they lose a hand,
1 Appalling! Your Warrior has never seen such rubbish in their life then they are -2 on all To Hit rolls and they may never use missile weapons
and pelts the unfortunate actors with rotten vegetables! or cast spells. If they ever lose another hand they may not fight at all.
Entertaining! Your Warrior gives the actors 10 gold x the total of
2-5 the numbers rolled on the tables above.
Splendid! Your Warrior is captivated and showers the actors with **10 Years in Jail
6 well-earned praise and a lot of gold too! This effectively means your Warrior is out of the game (as indeed does
Your Warrior gives the actors 50 gold x the numbers rolled on ‘sentenced to death by…’). However, at the start of every Adventure from
the tables above. now on, roll 1D6. On a score of 5 or 6 your Warrior escapes, together with
all their gear, and may rejoin their fellow Warriors.

Buying Your Freedom

As your Warrior attempts to buy some equipment, the trader points out If the sentence is a 4, 5 or 6, the arrested Warrior (and other Warriors) can
their gold is counterfeit and refuses to take it. Looking through their stash, bribe the guards and the court officials in order to avoid harm. The cost
your Warrior discovers that 1D6x10 of their gold is indeed worthless. of this will be found by adding
Discard it and cross it off your Adventure Record Sheet. together all of the dice rolls from the
Crime/Sentence/Execution Method tables and multiplying the
If your Warrior does not have that much gold left, and has already spent result by 100. That is how much gold it will cost for your Warrior to
some in the Settlement, they must leave for the next Dungeon immediately walk free, unharmed.
before anyone catches on.


“The Slammer” has come to town and he is taking on all challengers in A colourfully-dressed minstrel notices your Warrior as they pass by. With
a ‘friendly’ wrestling match! Boasting a perfect record, the Norseman an exasperated laugh he follows your Warrior, loudly strumming his lute
wagers 500 gold pieces to anyone in the crowd who defeats him in unarmed and singing a ballad all about your Warrior’s exploits. Roll 1D6:
combat. At the urging of the crowd your Warrior accepts the challenge,
roll 2D6 and apply their Alehouse modifier (see your Warrior’s
1-2 The raucous tune is an insulting account of all of your Warrior’s
Rulebook). Look up the result on the table below:
follies; from his missteps in combat to spilling his drink at the
tavern. The bard also sings of the unfortunate encounter with the
2-3 In the first few seconds, The Slammer picks your Warrior up and miller’s daughter down by the river which angers some of her close
promptly smashes them to the ground. The sickening thud of your male relatives. They wait for your Warrior around a corner, throw a
Warrior hitting the ground sends a shudder through the crowd. sack over his head and beat them severely.
Moments later your Warrior is carted off on a wooden plank. Not Your Warrior is -1 Strength for the next Adventure.
only is your Warrior 500 gold pieces lighter, but The Slammer
The ballad is all about your Warrior’s exploits but no one seems
helps himself to one item of Treasure (determined at random) your 3-4 to even notice or care.
Warrior was carrying.
The bard embellishes all of your Warrior’s good deeds and heroics
After a nifty maneuver, The Slammer grabs your Warrior in a bear 5-6
4-5 to such degree that even your Warrior is impressed with himself. A
hug that feels like they’re being squeezed by… well, a bear. With large group quickly gathers and gives three cheers! Your Warrior’s
eyes bulging your Warrior gives up just prior to slipping into inner spirit is bolstered and is +1 Strength for the next Adventure.
unconsciousness. With terribly bruised ribs and an even more
bruised ego your Warrior forfeits 500 gold.
After a grueling 15 minutes of dirt-eating exchanges between The
Slammer and your Warrior, the match is called a draw. Your
Warrior gains nothing but the knowledge that they lasted longer
than most and has lost nothing more than a few teeth…
With all the focused fury of a hungry Halfling in a pie shop your As your Warrior strolls about the civic district they are approached by a
Warrior meets The Slammer head on. After several minutes of city employee who demands payment for the new ‘Adventurer’s Tax’ which
intense combat your Warrior takes the measure of his foe and slams amounts to 10 gold per Treasure item that they are carrying. Your Warrior
9+ must either
the Norseman to the ground! Standing triumphant amidst a cheering
pay or the local Watch will remove them from the City
crowd, your Warrior dusts off their clothing before marching off
immediately (see the rules for Outside the Gates).
with 500 more gold pieces in their pocket.

Your Warrior bumps into a thief who has just robbed the
jeweller’s store. Roll 1D6 on the table below:
1 The culprit escapes as the shop owner emerges and accuses your
Warrior of the theft! He immediately summons the Watch who
throw your Warrior in jail for 1D3 days and fine them 1D6x100
2-3 The robber throws some jewels at your Warrior, yelling “Thief!
Thief!” and then escapes down a dark alley.
Townsfolk come running out of the surroundings buildings and
surround your Warrior, screaming for the Watch. After repeated
pleas of innocence, your Warrior is fined 1D6x50 gold for failing to
stop the crime.
4-5 Your Warrior instinctively knocks the culprit down, forcing him to
drop all of his loot. They nimble thief manages to regain his feet and
climb over a wall and out of sight. A local who witnessed everything
corroborates your story to the shopkeeper and the Watch when they
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
arrive. The owner rewards your Warrior with 1D6x25 gold for
might participate in next!
saving his merchandise.
6 Your Warrior grabs the thief, slamming him to the floor and sits on
him until the Watch arrive. The shopkeeper lauds your Warrior as a
hero and rewards them with 1D6x50 gold! In addition, they are
given a bronze pendant with an ancient rune of fortune inscribed
upon it. Each time your Warrior visits a Settlement the pendant Mungo and his Amazing Monkeys are performing in the street and your
allows you to re-roll one Settlement Event. Warrior laughs heartily as the creatures leap onto their back and scurry
You must accept the result of the second roll. around their legs. Flipping a gold coin to the trainer your Warrior leaves the
area. About an hour later your Warrior realizes that they are missing one
item of Treasure (determined at random)!


An old woman bumps into your Warrior on the city street. She explodes in
excitement at the sight of their face and claims they are her distant
relative. Before they can say a word, the excited lady drags your Warrior
home with her where they are welcomed by all the family members and fed
to their heart’s content. Your Warrior graciously accepts their hospitality,
which includes a package of food upon their departure.
Your Warrior does not have to pay living expenses for this day and you
may add 1D3 Provisions to your Adventure Record Sheet.

Your Warrior is minding their own business when a criminal in custody of

the Watch passes by. The prisoner gives a nod and a smile to your Warrior
and the captain of the guards notices. Roll 1D6 on the table below:

1-3 You are arrested for complicity. Your Warrior spends the next
1D3 days in the local jail during which they are interrogated by
the authorities. They are finally released with a fine of 1D6x5
gold for loitering.
4-6 One of the guards stops your Warrior for questioning as the other
guards look on. The criminal takes the opportunity to try and
break free. Roll another 1D6.
1-3 The criminal manages to elude the authorities and
they are convinced that you were purposely trying to
Someone across the street shouts out your Warrior’s name. It is a long lost distract the guards. You spend the next 1D3 days in
friend and fellow Warrior who insists on taking your Warrior to every inn jail until you’re finally released due to lack of
and alehouse he knows in the vicinity. evidence.
Your Warrior must roll on the Alehouse Events Table (if using the As the prisoner makes a break for it, your Warrior
New Alehouse Events Table, the Sophistication Value is a 2) 1D6 times, 4-6 frees himself from the bewildered guard, leaps over a
deducting a cumulative -1 from the score each successive visit, as they vegetable stand, and apprehends the criminal.
become more and more inebriated. Dragging him back to the Watch commander your
At the end of the merry-making, your Warrior goes their separate Warrior collects 1D6x25 gold as a reward. The
way, leaving their old friend unconscious in a wharfside bar of ill repute. prisoner glares at your Warrior as they are marched

Leaving most of their gold carefully stashed away in his hotel, your Warrior
goes out on the town, taking 1D6x20 gold with them. As they cross the
street, they spot an old crone in an upstairs window shouting that robbers
have broken into her attic room and are stealing her few possessions.
Happy to assist the helpless, your Warrior bounds up the rickety stairs to
her room three at a time. As they enter her dimly lit room, a black bag is
placed over their head, swiftly followed by a heavy iron bar. They awaken in
the gutter several hours later, nursing a sore head. Not surprisingly, the gold
they wer carrying is all gone.

Your Warrior is accosted by beggars and, overwhelmed by the sadness of

their plight, gives each of the 2D6+2 pitiful wretches 5 gold. If your
Warrior cannot pay they are a beggar themselves, and you must roll 1D6 on
the following table:
1 Your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement – see City Event 11.
2-6 Your Warrior gains 1D6x15 gold by begging.


An extremely persuasive salesman is making a pitch to a large crowd. Roll

1D6 and add your Warrior’s Willpower:
2-4 Your Warrior pays 1D6x100 gold for a pair of boots that will
“never tear, never wear out and never make your feet smell…”
Your Warrior purchases a one year subscription to Adventurer’s
5-7 Monthly for 1D6x50 gold. This manuscript contains everything one
needs to know about slaying monsters and keeping their gear in
pristine condition! The manuscript will be delivered every 30 days
directly to your Warrior’s doorstep!
Your Warrior resists the great temptation to buy Super Belt, the all-
purpose survival kit that will hold the most important items one
8+ should carry in the wild including coins, a beer mug, a rope, rations,
a knife, a large sack and a Quarg horn.

A large procession of citizens is marching down the avenue encouraging

all onlookers to join them. Feeling in a jovial mood, your Warrior decides
to join the parade. Roll 1D6 below on the table below:
Your Warrior is challenged to a duel by a professional duelist whom they
1-2 The procession is a political activist group that is protesting the insulted in a tavern. The duel is scheduled to take place at dawn tomorrow.
local authorities. All of the demonstrators, including your Warrior, Your Warrior can either leave town immediately or take up the
are arrested by the Watch. They spend the next 1D3 days in jail and challenge.
must pay 1D6x20 gold in fines. If your Warrior takes part in the duel, roll 1D6 on the following
The procession is a victory march celebrating the most recent defeat table:
3-4 of Orcs & Goblins in the area. The group marches to the city centre
where a decorated commander gives a triumphant speech. Your 1 With a single, well-placed sword thrust your Warrior's heart is
Warrior may add +1 to their Willpower for the next Adventure! speared and they fall to the ground, quite dead.
The citizens are worshippers of the new temple who are trying to The two duelists fight for hour after hour, each inflicting many light
recruit members. The procession makes its way to the temple 2-4 wounds on the other. Eventually the sun goes down and the fight is
5-6 where all of the worshippers, including your Warrior, are blessed declared a draw. The duelist congratulates your Warrior on their
by the head priest. Your Warrior is +1 Luck for the next swordsmanship, and offers them a fine supper and the best wine at
Adventure! the most expensive hotel in the Settlement.
After a few minutes, your Warrior realizes that they have the
better of the duelist and dispatches him. On his body they find
jewels worth 2D6x50 gold and a single item of Dungeon Room
5-6 Treasure.

As your Warrior helps an old crone to cross the busy main street, a
beer wagon unexpectedly crashes into them. She carefully peels them off
the heavy, iron-shed wheel, and takes them to the infirmary to be patched
up. Your Warrior cannot buy anything or visit any Special Locations for
1D6 days while they recover. While they are recovering you do not have to
roll for Settlement Events.

Your Warrior is accosted by the City Watch who has been warned that
a Warrior bearing powerful and destructive magic items is on the prowl.
Your Warrior must roll 1D6 for each item of Treasure they are carrying.
On a score 1 the Watch confiscate and it must be discarded immediately.

Your Warrior is approached by a street urchin who offers to guard their

mount for 10 gold pieces a day. If your Warrior pays the urchin, you
may roll two dice instead of one when determining if your Warrior’s
horse has been stolen and may choose the higher one. If your Warrior
does not have that amount or decides not to pay the urchin, then treat this
as an Uneventful Day.


Your Warrior sees a poster warning that a well known murderer is reputed
to be in the area, and offers a reward for his capture. The criminal in
question is described as very tall, wearing a black cloak and hat, and having
an Erengrad accent. Upon reading this, your Warrior realises that the
description exactly fits a character they bumped into earlier, and rushing
back, manages to apprehend the villain just as he drags a gagged
merchant into a dark alley. Roll 1D6 on the following table:

1 The murderer laughs, slits the merchant's throat, throws the knife
at your Warrior's feet and flees, shouting “Help, murder!” Soon
your Warrior is surrounded by an angry mob, and only their best
efforts (and 1D6x50) gold coins persuade them that they are
Your Warrior saves the merchant's life, for which he gives them
2-5 20 gold, but the murderer slips away into the gloom.
Your Warrior frees the merchant and captures the murderer, for
which they are proclaimed a hero and given 100 gold reward.

As your Warrior passes by an alleyway they catch sight of a figure

lurking in the darkness. They instinctively draw their weapon just as the
figure pounces on them! Roll 1D6 and add your Warrior’s Initiative:
See the Ultimate Adventure Book to determine what exploit the Warriors
might participate in next! 2-4 Your Warrior is severely wounded! Roll 1D6 and if the result is a
1, your Warrior cannot be saved and perishes. On any other score
your Warrior is found by a passerby who rushes them to the
infirmary where they are treated for their grievous wounds. They
spend the next 1D6 days in bed and must deduct -1 Wound
permanently from their Starting Wounds score.
The lowly inhabitants outside the Settlement are fed up with their
impoverished situation. A small gathering has erupted into a dangerous Your Warrior suffers a serious wound as they fend off the
riot pitting the peasants against the local Watch. Your Warrior chooses to attacker, who quickly disappears down the alleyway. Your
5-7 Warrior must spend the next 1D3 days in the infirmary, paying
help restrain the peasants and must roll 2D6 on the table below:
1D6x20 gold for treatment as well as Living Expenses.
2 An angry horde of peasants overpowers your Warrior and they Your Warrior defends himself against the assailant but the
beat them into a bloody pulp. They are dead and must be removed attacker manages to escape.
from game. 8-10 Your Warrior deals a prompt and fatal blow to the villain. Upon
3-5 Your Warrior is overrun by vagabonds who beat them senseless. searching the Assassin’s body your Warrior finds one Item of
They spend the next 1D6 days in the hospital and must pay Dungeon Room Treasure on his person, but no clue as to who he
1D6x50 gold for treatment. was or why he was trying to kill your Warrior.
6-9 Your Warrior helps the Watch beat back the miscreants
and is paid 1D6x25 gold in wages.
10+ Your Warrior helps crush the riot quickly and efficiently. A high
official is extremely impressed and pleased by your Warrior’s
actions. He pays them 1D6x50 gold and gives them one item of
Dungeon Room Treasure!

A shrewd trader convinces your Warrior to swap an item of Treasure

(determined at random) for one of his. Make one roll on the Dungeon
Room Treasure Table to see what item the trader is giving you in
exchange. If the gold value of the trader’s item is more than the gold value of
the Warrior’s item, the Trader is not happy. Roll another 1D6 and if the
result is a 1, the Trader declares that you were being deceptive in the
trade and summons the Watch who declare that both items must be
returned to their original owners.


· Pet Dog Settlement Event Sub-

Table ·
If you roll the ‘Pet Dog Event’ in a Settlement, roll 2D6 on the Table below to determine exactly what kind of dog has adopted your Warrior:

“I’m gonna claim this spot right here…”

This nightmare pooch has the uncanny ability to find the most
expensive and irreplaceable carpet in a room and label it their very own
with a steaming pile of its excrement! Whenever a Warrior with a Pooper
rolls an Uneventful Day at the Settlement, it is indeed an uneventful day…
until a townsperson arrives with the authorities to accuse your hound of
defecating on their most prized Tilean rug! The Warrior must pay 1D6x100
per Battle-level gold in compensation, selling items and treasure if need be! If
they cannot pay, they give up the gold they have and they and their dog are
thrown out of the Settlement!

“You don’t give me enough attention…”

This demon of a dog shreds everything in sight! Each day in the
Settlement is just another opportunity for the mangy mutt to destroy a piece
of your adventuring equipment! Whenever a Warrior with a Ripper rolls an
Uneventful Day at the Settlement, roll another 1D6 to see what trouble this
bad boy
has gotten into to. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 completely your dog has
destroyed a random piece of equipment or clothing. the Warrior’s
Discard it immediately. “They wouldn’t give me a biscuit.”
In addition, each time the Warrior enters a location, roll 2D6. On any roll This little horror loves to snuggle right up to anyone for a good petting
of doubles, the dog has destroyed something and the Warrior must pay – and then bites the unsuspecting stranger on the hand, usually drawing
1D6x50 gold per Battle-level to replace blood and a good yelp! Each day, before rolling for Settlement Events, roll
it, selling items and treasure if necessary to cover the bill. they cannot If 1D6. On a 1, the little bugger has drawn blood from some poor
pay, your Warrior is thrown out of the location! inhabitant of the Settlement and the Warrior must pay 3D6x10 gold per
Battle- level in restitution, selling treasure or equipment if necessary. If
they cannot pay, your Warrior is thrown out of the Settlement.

“Hey! Hey! Look at me!”

This yappy canine is a huge nuisance to everyone in the Settlement,
but especially to the Warrior! Whenever the Warrior rolls on a sub-table of
a Settlement Event, the barking dog is so distracting, that the Warrior must
deduct 1 from the roll. Remember a roll of 6 is always a 6 and a roll of 1 is
always a 1!

“Now where did I bury that toy?”

This bad, little pup likes to dig and bury many exciting things!
Unfortunately for the Warrior, there is a chance that one of their pieces of
treasure may end up buried in some unmarked spot in the Settlement.
Before leaving a Settlement, roll 1D6. On a score of ‘1’, the little pest ran off
with a piece of treasure throughout the night. Randomly decide which
Treasure Item has gone off to the little Digger’s Graveyard and then cross it
off your Adventure Record Sheet immediately.


“Hey, look what I found!”

This fantastic pet loves to fetch all kinds of great items for its master!
Before leaving the Settlement, a Warrior with a fetcher may roll 1D6.
On a roll of 5 or 6, the little guy has brought a small present for its
master! Roll on the Table below to see what gift the pooch has brought:

1 Yuck! A pair of old trousers.

2-3 Good dog! 1D3 Bandages from the General Store!
4-5 ‘Atta boy! A Healing Potion from the local
apothecary that cures 1D6 Wounds!
6 I love this dog! A Dungeon Room Treasure from Sigmar
knows where!! Roll once on the Dungeon Room Treasure

Now roll another 1D6. On a score of 1, the owner is trailing close behind
the little thief and retrieves the item while scolding the mutt and the
Warrior! On any other score, no one shows up to claim your buddy’s gift and
it is yours to keep!

“Something stinks real bad… follow me.”

“You call that a meal?!” This canine has quite an exceptional honker! With the uncanny (and
spooky) ability to sniff out a particular place, a Warrior may add +1 to
This creature cannot be a dog. It is more likely a particular hairy pig or their dice roll when trying to find a Special Location, but only if that
perhaps a miniature horse because its appetite for food is seemingly Special Location would have existed without the bonus. For example, a
insatiable! This dog’s constant quest for food means that the Warrior Warrior may never find the Wizard’s Guild in a Village on a 1D6 roll of 6
must pay 3x the normal living expenses whilst at a Settlement! since it normally requires a natural 7. However, in a Village the Pit
Fighter with a ‘Sniffer’ can add +1 to his dice roll when looking for a Pit
Fighting School since it can normally be found in a Village on a natural
6. So a dice roll of 5 and a Sniffer Bonus of 1 = 6!

“Hey, beg for your own dinner!”

This lovable little pooch is so cute and adorable! It has mastered the art
of begging so well that shop owners and passer-bys alike cannot help but
to give it food and drink. The little canine brings in so much fare that
there is enough for both dog and Warrior! While the Warrior has this
little angel, their Living Expenses are reduced by -1 gold!

*Note: the Imperial Noble absolutely REFUSES to eat any food given to a
dog, much less food that has touched a dog’s lips. He gladly pays Living
Expenses as normal!

“Wish my owner was as tough as me!”

This intimidating sidekick guards its master like a dragon guards its
treasure. The Warrior may add +1 to any roll on a Settlement Event or
Tavelling Hazard sub-table which involves any physical engagement.
Remember that a roll of 1 is always a 1 and a roll of 6 is always a 6.

“Time to turn on the charm!”

This happy-go-lucky dog is the biggest hit in town! Whenever the
Warrior enters a Location in a Settlement, the owner is so taken with the
warmth and friendliness of the canine that he not only gives the dog a
treat, but also offers the Warrior 10% off any 1 item in stock!


Rulebook Revision 1.10
Formatting has been corrected.

PAGE 18:
For the Adventure 23-24 Servant of Slaanesh, the green text indicating the Den of Desires Board Section has been changed to
black to indicate the Board is now available.

PAGE 18:
For the Adventure 51-52 Gifts of Chaos, the green text indicating the Shifting Sanctum Board Section has been changed to black to
indicate the Board is now available.

PAGE 22:
For the Adventure 45-46 The New Cult In Town, the green text indicating the Den of Desires Board Section has been changed to
black to indicate the Board is now available.

PAGES 22-26:
Spacing and formatting has been corrected.

PAGE 36:
For the Adventure 65-66 Cult Versus Cult, the green text indicating the Den of Desires Board Section has been changed to black to
indicate the Board is now available.

PAGE 36:
For the Adventure 15-16 Masquerade, the green text indicating the Den of Desires Board Section has been changed to black to
indicate the Board is now available.

PAGE 44:
The Adventure 53-54 A Keep Worth Keeping, in the Special Rules paragraph the word “successful” has been corrected to

PAGE 92:
The diagram for the Gorgon’s Grotto rules has been updated to reflect the updated Board Section.

This supplement is dedicated to all the Warhammer Quest fans, whose burning passion for this
game keeps the Lantern lit for future generations.

* Once again to the Goddess; my partner, my love – who puts up with my obsession with this game.
* To Alberto ‘El Mago de Madrid’ who has been my biggest inspiration and my biggest supporter.
* To Sebastian for the INCREDIBLE Board Sections that he has made for this book.
* To Frag Up (who never cares if he’s in the credits) for all the follow-up editing of my adventures.
* To Rick H., the second biggest fan of Warhammer Quest.
*To all of the Warhammer Quest fans who submitted photos of their pro-painted miniatures that they either
painted themselves (amazing!) or simply own (lucky!).
*To everyone who keeps reading and using these crazy projects for their Warhammer Quest games!
* And, finally, to Warhammer Quest creator Andy Jones for masterminding this wonderful game that continues to give so
many of us countless hours of happiness, excitement and enjoyment!

The Wizard, Barbarian, Dwarf and Elf as they appeared

in White Dwarf Magazine Issue #184.

This Supplement is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

The Warhammer Quest logo, Citadel, 'Eavy Metal, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Warhammer symbols,
White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, Old World history, adventures from the Warhammer Quest Adventure Book, Lair
of the Orc Lord, Catacombs of Terror, White Dwarf
and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer
world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1995- 2017, variably registered in the UK and other countries
around the world.

Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended.

Littlemonk adventures and content are © Copyright 2004-2018 and may be distributed but not sold.

All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

INTRODUCTION..........................................................4 S· 3 AN ELITE TASK FORCE.........................................37
11-12 MASTER OF TOXINS..............................................................37
ADVENTURES IN THIS BOOK............................................4
13-14 DESTROY THE TOMB.............................................................37
STARTING A NEW ADVENTURE.......................................5 15-16 MASQUERADE.........................................................................38
ACRONYMS.................................................................6 21-22 PRESERVE THE FIRES............................................................38
23-24 FREE THE PRISONERS...........................................................39
ADVENTURE CATEGORY TABLE............................6 25-26 A GREAT UNLEASHING........................................................39
31-32 MAP FOR SALE........................................................................40
0 IMMEDIATE ADVENTURES...................................7 33-34 THE WIZARD’S APPRENTICE...............................................40
11-13 TALE OF A DRAGON................................................................7 35-36 DEATH IN THE NIGHT...........................................................42
14-16 A THIRST FOR ADVENTURE..................................................8 41-42 FIRE AND WARPSTONE!........................................................42
21-23 DEATH DREAMS.......................................................................8 43-44 A HOUND FOR A HOUND......................................................43
24-26 MAUSOLEUM MYSTERY.........................................................9 45-46 THE GOLDEN PILLARS..........................................................43
31-33 CONSCRIPTION.......................................................................10 51-52 SNEAKIN’ AROUND...............................................................44
34-36 THE ORACLE............................................................................10 53-54 A KEEP WORTH KEEPING.....................................................44
41-43 SEALED!....................................................................................10 55-56 BANISH THE DAEMON..........................................................44
44-46 SAVAGES!................................................................................11 61-62 HELL’S GATE...........................................................................45
51-53 SKAVEN INVASION................................................................12 63-64 STRANGE GOINGS ON...........................................................45
54-56 WHERE ARE WE? WHO ARE WE?........................................14 64-66 FOREST LIGHTS......................................................................46
61-63 MANEATER..............................................................................15 4 A DUTIFUL UNDERTAKING.................................47
64-66 DEATH BY DUNGEON...........................................................15
11-12 THE SWORD OF THE TRUE KINGSHIP...............................47
1 A HASTY EXPEDITION..........................................16 13-14 LIFE IS A BED OF ROSES.......................................................47
11-12 DESTROY THE WARPSTONE ICON.....................................16 15-16 THE ROLLING BONES............................................................48
13-14 FOUR LORDS OF AVERLAND...............................................16 21-22 MAD OR MYSTIC?...................................................................48
15-16 THE SWORD OF THE DEATHKING......................................17 23-24 SWORD OF THE ELECTORS..................................................49
21-22 PROTEST...................................................................................18 25-26 DEATHHAMMER DEVICE.....................................................49
23-24 SERVANT OF SLAANESH......................................................18 31-32 THE FINAL CONFLICT...........................................................50
25-26 RETRIEVE THE GRIMOIRE....................................................19 33-34 ON THE LOOSE........................................................................51
31-32 CAVERNS OF DREAD.............................................................19 35-36 VAMPIRE SLAYERS................................................................52
33-34 SKAVEN CURSE!.....................................................................20 41-42 THERE WOLF, THERE KEEP.................................................53
35-36 THE FAITHFUL INN MYSTERY............................................20 43-44 MERCHANT OF MAGRITTA..................................................54
41-42 MISTY MOUNTAIN.................................................................21 45-46 IMPOSSIBLE!............................................................................54
43-44 GRAVE SONG...........................................................................22 51-52 BLOOD DEBT...........................................................................55
45-46 NEW CULT IN TOWN..............................................................22 53-54 FINAL PAYMENT....................................................................55
51-52 GIFTS OF CHAOS.....................................................................23 55-56 ROYAL PAIN............................................................................56
53-54 SACRIFICE?..............................................................................23 61-62 ATONEMENT...........................................................................56
55-56 BANISH THE SPIRIT...............................................................24 63-64 RESCUE REVOLT....................................................................57
61-62 FORBIDDEN LOVE..................................................................24 64-66 THE STATUE............................................................................58
63-64 EXORCISM................................................................................25 5 A TERRIBLE TRIAL................................................59
64-66 CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE.....................................................26 11-12 ESCAPE FROM THE DEPTHS................................................59
2 A DANGEROUS SEARCH......................................27 13-14 THE WARLOCK OF MOUSILLON.........................................59
11-12 CHAMBERS OF HORROR.......................................................27 15-16 NURGLE’S ROT........................................................................62
13-14 PERMANENT CURE................................................................27 21-22 RETURN THE STAFF...............................................................62
15-16 THE WATER OF FATE............................................................28 23-24 CURSED!...................................................................................62
21-22 STOLEN GOODS......................................................................28 25-26 CONFIDENTIAL.......................................................................63
23-24 IDENTIFY..................................................................................29 31-32 GOLDEN MUSHROOMS.........................................................64
25-26 THE MAGNIFICENT FOUR.....................................................29 33-34 CLEANSING FLAME...............................................................64
31-32 RETURN THE CROWN............................................................30 35-36 GOBLET AGREEMENT...........................................................65
33-34 AN UGLY TRUTH....................................................................30 41-42 FREEDOM BARGAIN..............................................................66
35-36 HOLY MISSION........................................................................31 43-44 BLOODY RETRIBUTION........................................................66
41-42 A KNIFE IN THE DARK..........................................................31 45-46 FOUNTAIN OF LOST SOULS.................................................67
43-44 PLAGUE OF SALSBURG.........................................................31 51-52 NIGHTMARES..........................................................................67
45-46 FIND THE ORB OF CHALCIDAR...........................................32 53-54 SEWER SABOTAGE.................................................................67
51-52 THREE ANCIENT TOMES.......................................................33 55-56 HEXED.......................................................................................68
53-54 TROUBLE AT THE OLD MILL...............................................33 61-62 THE BEAST...............................................................................69
55-56 MAGIC BONES.........................................................................34 63-64 DESTROY THE BRIDGE.........................................................69
61-62 DESECRATION.........................................................................35 65-66 PURSUIT!..................................................................................70
63-64 REST IN PIECES.......................................................................35 6 WARRIOR QUESTS................................................71
64-66 CULT VERSES CULT..............................................................36
SPECIAL RULES........................................................72 THE SPIDER’S NEST.............................................................................96
THE TAVERN.........................................................................................97
THE TEMPLE OF KHAINE....................................................................97
BLOCKED ROUTES.............................................................73 THE VAMPIRE’S LAIR..........................................................................98
FEARLESS.............................................................................73 CORRIDORS & DUNGEON ROOMS..................................99
LEAVING THE DUNGEON.................................................73 THE ANIVL CHAMBER........................................................................99
RETRACING THEIR STEPS................................................73 THE BOTTOMLESS PIT........................................................................99
THE BRIDGE OF DESPAIR...................................................................99
EXTRA RULES & SCENARIOS.................................74 THE CHASM OF DESPAIR....................................................................99
THE CROSSROADS OF DOOM............................................................99
BURIED TREASURE............................................................74
THE CRYPT OF MAJEEM...................................................................100
THE DEATHTRAP................................................................74 THE CYSTAL CAVE............................................................................100
DARK SECRETS...................................................................74 THE DEAD END...................................................................................100
THE FLAMES OF KHAZLA................................................................100
HIDDEN PASSAGES............................................................74 THE GAOL............................................................................................100
IN AT THE DEEP END.........................................................75 THE HALL OF DEATH........................................................................101
THE SEWER..........................................................................................101
THE LABYRINTH................................................................75
THE SHAMAN’S DEN..........................................................................102
NEVER ENOUGH ROPE......................................................75 SINJIN’S STATUE................................................................................102
SPECIAL QUESTS................................................................75 THE SPIDER’S NEST...........................................................................102
THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE...................................................................103
#1 THE FLAMES OF KHAZLA.............................................................76
THE TOXIC PITS..................................................................................104
#2 THE GAOL.........................................................................................78
THE WATER CAVE.............................................................................104
#3 THE ANVIL CHAMBER....................................................................80
#4 SINJIN’S STATUE.............................................................................82
BASIC MONSTER TABLES.....................................105
#5 THE CRYPT OF MAJEEM................................................................83 CHAOS CARNIVAL...........................................................105
#6 PITS & TRAPS...................................................................................85
CHAOS DWARFS...............................................................106
BOARD SECTION RULES.........................................88
CHAOS KHORNE...............................................................107
MULTI-LEVEL ROOMS.......................................................88
CHAOS NURGLE................................................................108
OBJECTIVE ROOMS............................................................89
CHAOS SLAANESH...........................................................109
THE ALTAR OF KHORNE.....................................................................89
THE ARENA (unavaible).........................................................................89 CHAOS TZEENTCH...........................................................110
THE DEN OF DESIRES..........................................................................90 DARK ELVES......................................................................111
THE DREAD KING’S THRONE ROOM...............................................90
THE FIGHTING PIT................................................................................91
THE FIRECHASM...................................................................................91 HAUNTED...........................................................................113
THE GOBLIN KING’S CAVE (unavaible).............................................92
ORCS & GOBLINS..............................................................114
THE GORGON’S GROTTO....................................................................92
GORGUT’S LAIR....................................................................................93 SAVAGE ORCS...................................................................115
THE PIT OF REVULSION......................................................................94 SKAVEN..............................................................................116
QUIRRIK’S LABORATORY..................................................................94
THE SHIFTING SANCTUM...................................................................95
THE SORCERER’S FORGE...................................................................96 VAMPIRE............................................................................118

The Ultimate Adventure Book


The Ultimate Adventure Book is N both a·compilation and an expansion for Warhammer Quest; a living tome which
will grow larger with each passing year. It will eventually contain a total of 234 Adventures! Also included are new
rules for finding these Adventures as well as rules for a new Special Location.

ADVENTURES IN THIS BOOK There are some Adventures that list Objective Rooms that are in the process
of being created. They will be released when they are available. For now,
The Ultimate Adventure Book (UAB) presently contains a total of 102 any Objective Room Board Section that is not available is coded in green text.
Adventures. They consist of 12 Immediate Adventures and 90 “core” Until a Board Section is available, use an appropriate substitute instead.
Adventures. 41 of the “core” Adventures are comprised of 25 of the 30
original Warhammer Quest Adventures, 5 of the 6 the Lair of the Orc Lord
Adventures, 5 of the 6 Catacombs of Terror Adventures and all 10
Adventures that appeared in White Dwarf Magazine issues. For convenience, Event Cards Monster Theme
all of the rules from previously published Adventures are included in this This indicates which Monster Race the Warriors will be battling against in
book. Some of the Adventures have been slightly modified to standardise this the Dungeon and the corresponding Event Deck should be used. If
manual. “ANY” is indicated, you may either roll on the Monster Generation Table
below or simply pick which foul
creatures are present for this Adventure and use corresponding the
The 12 Immediate Adventures and the other 45 “core” Adventures were Event Deck:
created by Littlemonk (some of which have been published before, such
as the 6 from Hall of the Hag Queen Dark Elf Expansion). In effect, this
has more than doubled the amount of Adventures that were available from
official Warhammer Quest sources! MONSTER GENERATION TABLE
D66 Monster Theme
As with the original Warhammer Quest Adventures and the two official
11 Chaos Carnival
expansions, these new Adventures are designed for Level 1 Warriors
beginning their first quest. And like the originals, you can easily adjust 12 Haunted
them for various levels with just a few simple modifications and by using the 13-16 Chaos Dwarfs
advanced Monster Tables in the Roleplay Book. (Look for the release of the
21-22 Chaos Khorne
Ultimate Monster Tables Book in the future!)
23-24 Chaos Nurgle
25 Chaos Slaanesh
The Adventures have been divided into seven sections (0-6). This book 26 Chaos Tzeentch
also includes Special Quests, Special Rules, Board Section rules and Basic
31-36 Dark Elves
Monster Tables.
41 Goblins
Under the title of each Adventure in this book is a reference to the origin of 42-45 Orcs & Goblins
where the Adventure comes from, which Board Section should be the 46 Savage Orcs
final Objective Room and what Event Card Monster Theme Deck you 51-56 Skaven
should draw from. The format and a brief summary are below:
61-64 Undead
65-66 Vampire
EVENT CARDS MONSTER THEME: CHAOS KHORNE Of course you will need miniatures to represent all of the new Monsters and
Villains in the UAB. So before you begin an Adventure, be sure to read
through the entire thing to see which Monsters and how many of each you
Origin may possibly encounter.
It is assumed that you have access to the original Warhammer Quest game,
all of its Official Expansions, White Dwarf Magazines articles and
Deathblow Magazines, as well as all of There are some monster-themed Event Cards that are currently in the
the Littlemonk Expansions. You should use any counters, Board cards, process of being created. They will be released as soon as they are available.
Sections, etc. that were featured expansion, for the Adventure in the Alternatively, you may use the Basic Monster Tables in this book for ‘M’
listed. Events. For ‘E’ Events, you can assemble an appropriate assortment from any
Event Cards that are currently available to you.
Objective Room
This tells you what Objective Room Board Section should be used when For the Orcs & Goblins theme use the Lair of the Orc Lord Adventure
preparing the Dungeon Deck. Any other rules will be listed at the beginning Pack for now. For the Undead theme use the Catacombs of Terror
of the Adventure, so be sure to read the rule descriptions before preparing Adventure Pack. For the Dark Elves theme use the Hall of the Haq
the Dungeon Deck. It is assumed that you know how to prepare the basic Queen Adventure Pack. Use all the rules & contents when playing with these
Dungeon Deck as listed in the Main Rulebook. Expansion Packs unless the Adventure rules state otherwise.


Special Characters probably roll more than one. Once they have finished all of their
business in the Settlement and are ready to depart, the party leader for the
Some of the Adventures in this book use special characters (i.e. a next Adventure chooses one of the possible Adventures as the one the
dastardly villain or evil protagonist) that are central to the plot. They are group will participate in next. If the Warriors have not rolled a Settlement
usually a Champion, Necromancer, Boss, etc. and if there is an Event Card Event that indicates “An Adventure!” they must stay in the Settlement
that accompanies such a special character, then you should use it to replace until they do so, rolling on the Catastrophic Events Table if applicable!
the similar card in the Event Deck. For example, if you were playing the They may also try to find an Adventure at a new Special Location: the Inn.
Immediate Adventure 11-13 Tale of a Dragon, you would replace the
standard Khorne Chaos Champion Event Card with Godwin Taro instead.
(See below for where to find these special character Event Cards.)

The Inn
Warhammer Quest players have probably noticed that on the new
Settlement Boards (by Littlemonk and Alberto “El Mago” de Madrid), in
Littlemonk Custom Content addition to all the locations that can be visited by each Warrior, there is also
New material has the origin “LITTLEMONK” and the rules for the the Inn.
Adventure can be found in the Adventure’s description.
The Inn is the place where the Warriors stay each and every night they are
If you see a “Littlemonk” icon (see below) next to an Adventure title, it in a Settlement and is what makes up most of their Living Expenses. They
means that there are Special Cards, Event Cards, Treasure Cards and/or haven’t been paying 3 gold in a City, 2 gold in a Town or 1 gold in a
Special Counters that go along with the Adventure. There is an Village each day to sleep in the stables! They are paying for a semi-
accompanying UAB Cards PDF file that contains all of these supplements. comfortable bed and three square meals at the least. There is no need to roll
dice to find an Inn – every Settlement has one near the Settlement Gates
so can’t miss it.

The Inn is an important place in the community where people meet to

socialize and talk about matters. Inn keepers are often one of most rich and
influential members of a Settlement, usually involved in trade and
commerce, perhaps even acting as a broker for merchants trying to secure a
deal. The Inn is not like an Alehouse (tavern), the latter being a very busy
All of the new material which the Ultimate Adventure Book introduces, and loud place. People in taverns tend to participate in mammoth drinking
such as Board Sections, Treasure Cards, Special Cards, Counters and the sessions, wager and hold contests, cry and whine (about losing a wager
Themed Event Decks, can be found on Littlemonk’s Custom Board at: no doubt), sing and participate in other brazen displays of bravado. The Inn
on the other hand, is where Warriors are able to hold serious conversations
about important matters. Although a quest usually focuses on the exciting
details about what the Warriors are about to embark upon, the Inn is where
most adventures actually start; usually in some private room with a
Any material which is not currently available will be uploaded to messenger or representative who has called upon the heroes for help.
Littlemonk’s Custom Board once it is ready for release.

In addition to the new material for the Ultimate Adventure Book, this is
also the home of all of the other Littlemonk Warhammer Quest
projects including revised and expanded Warrior Packs, expanded If the Warriors have not discovered a new Adventure by the time they
Settlement Events Tables, the complete Hall of the Hag Queen Dark Elf wish to leave the Settlement, they can contact the Innkeeper to try and
Expansion and much more! generate a deal. Every Warrior who hasn’t been thrown out of the
Settlement must spend a full day at the Inn, doing nothing else except
paying living expenses and rolling for Settlement Events – and for
Catastrophic Events if applicable. They may no longer visit any other
locations in the Settlement for the rest of their stay.
Up until now, your Warriors have arrogantly just assumed that a new
Adventure was waiting for them when they were finished visiting a To see if the Innkeeper has succeeded in brokering a deal, every
Settlement. With these new rules, that is no longer the case. Warrior in the game must roll 1D6. If any of the dice comes up a ‘6’
then the Innkeeper has found the Warriors “An Adventure!” The Party Leader
must roll on the Adventure Category Table on page 6 (re-roll a 6 result)
The Adventure Category Table and the group must embark immediately. However, if any of the dice
comes up a ‘1’ then, no matter how many sixes are also rolled, no
During their stay at a Settlement, the Warriors roll for Settlement Events opportunity for an Adventure has presented itself just yet. They must try
each day. You may have noticed, however, that Littlemonk’s expanded again tomorrow.
Settlement Events provides the possibility that a Warrior will roll on a
Settlement Event titled “An Adventure!” This indicates that the Warrior has
dubiously come across someone or something that leads to an adventure in a
dungeon somewhere. This event can occur more than once and each time it Immediate Adventures
does the Warrior should roll on the Adventure Category Table on page 6 Sometimes Travelling Hazards or Catastrophic Events instruct the Warriors
to see what type of exploit the Warriors could participate in next. They to “proceed directly to the next Adventure.” It is also possible that all of
should then roll a D66 and look up the exact Adventure under that category the Warriors get “Thrown Out” of a Settlement. If they have already been
heading to see all of the grisly details. Remember that the Contents on Page presented with one or more quests, they must choose one and depart
2 are an easy and quick reference to finding the Adventurers. immediately. But if a new quest has not been made available to the Warriors
at this point, then they must make one roll (D66) on the Immediate
Adventure Table on page 7. The Adventure begins immediately. The
Warriors may find these Adventures the least rewarding and/or the most
dangerous, but the Warriors have no alternative!
It would be wise to remember all of the Adventure possibilities by recording
them on a piece of paper as the Warriors will


AB Adventure Book (Main Game)
CJ Citadel Journal (Publication)
COT Catacombs of Terror (Official Undead Expansion)
DB Deathblow Magazine (Publication)
HOTHQ Hall of the Hag Queen (Littlemonk’s Unofficial Dark Elves Expansion)
LM Littlemonk (“The Scribe of Everything Warhammer Quest!”) Lair of the
LOTOL Orc Lord (Official Orcs & Goblins Expansion) Rulebook (Main Game)
RB RPB Roleplay Book (Main Game)
UAB The Ultimate Adventure Book (You’re reading it!)
WD White Dwarf Magazine (Publication)
WHQ Warhammer Quest (The best dungeon game of all-time!)


There is no delay for the heroes. This Adventure needs to be completed promptly, efficiently interruption. Roll D66 and without
on the A Hasty Expedition section below.


The Warriors must keep their eyes open. This Adventure involves a pursuit of a creature, a hunt for an object, or an investigation for
information. Roll D66 on the A Dangerous Search section below.


The Warriors were born for this mission. The goal of this Adventure can only be achieved by a small, brave and skilful team: a rescue,
espionage, sabotage or other similar task. Roll D66 on the An Elite Task Force Table section.


It would be an honour. This Adventure involves loyalty, a promise or a duty to one’s deity, master or another significant person –
perhaps even the Emperor himself! Roll D66 on the A Dutiful Undertaking section below.


The path forward will be filled with incredible hardship. This Adventure involves a test or ordeal to gain admittance into somewhere, to
receive an item of great importance, or to escape pursuers. It could also mean that something is plaguing the Warriors and only completing this
Adventure will cure them. Roll D66 on the A Terrible Trial section below.


This Adventure is where one of the heroes becomes the main focus of the story and background. The objective of the quest is something that
the Warrior has a personal interest in or that requires the Warrior’s specific expertise. The Adventure may include revenge, mistaken identity,
a love interest or a dark secret. Find your Warrior on the A Warrior Quest Table (pages 3-4 – currently unavailable) and roll D66 to see what
Adventure lies ahead. Your Warrior may immediately take the lantern and become the party leader, even if it wasn’t their turn to do so, and
superseding any other rules that say otherwise. If more than one Warrior encounters a Warrior Quest during a single stay at the Settlement, then
the one that was rolled first takes precedence.


ADVENTURES · are the Monsters that killed the first group of Adventurers. If the Warriors
can defeat the Monsters, they receive Treasure as normal. Additionally, each
OBJECTIVE ROOM: ALTAR OF KHORNE Warrior finds one item of Dungeon Room Treasure on the dead

A t a roadside tavern the Warriors encounter Cappron

Englestar, a retired adventurer turned tavern owner. His
battle-scarred body and the hideous monster head trophy mounted on the
The Altar of Khorne Objective Room
When the Warriors reach the Altar of Khorne, in addition to rolling on
the Chaos Khorne Objective Room Monster Table to see who occupies the
wall tell of a heroic past.
room, Godwin Taro will also be present. Place him next to the Warrior who
ended their movement closest to the Altar.
The Warriors find themselves part of a captivated crowd who listen to
Cappron share several of his adventuring exploits – mostly of the ones
that went awry. The final tale is the one which really catches the Warriors’ Finishing the Adventure
When the Warriors defeat all the Monsters in the Objective Room they
may search the area for the treasure horde Cappron spoke of by rolling 1D6
A decade ago, Cappron and his band discovered a large tree hollow in a below:
dense forest. Inside, through a labyrinth of tunnels, was a large chamber filled
with riches. Before he and his party could fill their packs with treasure, they
were assaulted by a ferocious Dragon. Cappron says that he was the only one
1 There is no trace of a treasure hoard to be found.
lucky enough to escape with his life. He planned to return to the
dragon’s den, seek revenge and claim the treasure for himself, but was never The Warriors find a small opening behind the altar.
able to find the tree hollow again. 2-5 After constant digging they are able to squeeze through
into a large chamber beyond. If there was treasure here
at one point, someone beat the Warriors to it. Each
The Warriors notice that they are not the only ones extremely interested in Warrior digs around to see if they turn up anything by
Cappron’s final tale. A brutish band of adventurer-types sitting at the next rolling 1D6 on the table below:
table depart immediately upon the completion of Cappron’s story, hungry
looks in their eyes. As the Warriors begin to retire to their room for the
evening, one of them (determined randomly) recollects passing one of the 1 The Warrior finds nothing.
elusive landmarks in Cappron’s story! 2-3 The Warrior finds 1D6x10 gold. The
4-6 Warrior finds 1D6x25 gold.

The Warriors are nervous that the other group of Adventurers may beat them 6 The Warriors locate a hidden lever. When pulled, a
to the treasure and so they decide to embark upon their quest without delay. huge section of wall slides open revealing a treasure
After a few days journey, the Warriors are standing at the tree hollow chamber beyond! Each Warrior finds 1D6x100 gold
entrance Cappron spoke of. The smouldering remains of a camp fire and one piece of Objective Room Treasure!
suggest their revials may have already ventured within.

Unbeknownst to the Warriors, the dragon Cappron encountered has long At the back of the chamber is a tunnel which leads back out into the dense
since departed and the labyrinth is currently occupied by Godwin Taro, forest. The Warriors may continue to the next Settlement.
Chaos Champion of Khorne. The screams of his sacrificial victims echo
throughout the tunnels.

Include the Monster’s Lair when preparing the Dungeon Deck.

Shuffle the Godwin Taro Champion of Khorne Event Card into the Event
Deck. If the Warriors encounter and defeat Godwin Taro before they reach
the Objective Room, they do not kill him; before the fatal blow is struck,
he manages to flee the battle. The Warriors still receive the listed gold
for defeating him and Godwin will appear one final time in the Altar of
Khorne Objective Room.

Special Rules
The Monster’s Lair
If the Warriors find the Monster’s Lair before they reach the Objective
Room, they find the recently killed bodies of the


Finishing the Adventure

The Warriors spy a concealed door which leads out of the dungeon and
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK back up to the surface. They report back to the local officials who reward
OBJECTIVE ROOM: FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT the Warriors with 1D6x25 gold each. The drought has affected the area and
the entire Settlement has been nearly abandoned so the Warriors leave
immediately in search of another Settlement.

A severe water shortage has struck the region – which is

quite impossible since the aquifers underground are
replenished by a magical fountain installed by a mage long ago. The local
officials are afraid that it might have something to do with a recent sighting
of Chaos Dwarfs in the nearby mountains. Desperate and thirsty the
Warriors immediately set out for the mountains to investigate. ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK

This Adventure uses the Water Cave Dungeon Card from the
very day for the past three weeks, the Warriors have all
Hall of the Hag Queen Adventure Pack.
experienced the exact same dream: travelling on the road
the Warriors meet a minstrel who offers to play them a heroic ballad. The
Prepare a 12 card Dungeon Deck as normal making sure the Water Cave
inspiring tune begins but swiftly turns to gibberish. The minstrel stops
Dungeon Card is one of the top six cards. Then shuffle the Fountain of
abruptly with eyes full of fear and he suddenly departs. The dream
Light into the bottom 6 cards to make the bottom half of the Dungeon Deck.
continues with storms of booming thunder and flashing lightning sweeping
over the land, forcing the Warriors to take shelter in a dilapidated hovel on
the side of the road. The vision shifts once more and the Warriors are
Special Rules hunted through the darkness by Chaos Dwarfs under the direction of an
Because the Warriors suffer from extreme thirst, each time the Power evil Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer whose name lodges in their minds: Zzuktarr
Phase roll is a 1, each Warrior must roll another 1D6. If the result is also Sundor! Each time the dream ends the same way – with the Warriors
a 1 the Warrior must subtract -1 from his Strength, Toughness or Movement perishing whilst the cruel laughter of Zzuktarr echoes in their dying ears.
(his choice). If any of those Characteristics should reach zero the Warrior
drops dead from exhaustion, cannot be resurrected by any means and is
removed from the game.
In the first of the past three weeks, the Warriors did indeed meet the
travelling minstrel and, just as in the dream, his ballad rose to such a
The Water Cave fury, as if the bard were momentarily possessed by a demon. Unfinished,
When the Warriors enter the Water Cave Board Section draw an Event he packed his lute and hurried away with fear in his eyes.
Card as normal. Once there are no Monsters on the Board Section the
Warriors desperately dunk their heads into the water to quench their thirst.
Each Warrior must roll 1D6 on the table below: In the second week, the lightning did indeed flash and thunder did indeed
shake the ground. True to the vision, the Warriors were forced to take
shelter in a small hut by the roadside until the storm abated.

1 Sick! The Warrior loses -1 Wound

permanently! At the onset of the third week the Warriors are determined to set out and
2 Nauseous. The Warrior suffers -1D3 Wounds with no find this Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer who has entered their subconscious and
modifiers for anythng. alter the outcome of their collective dream. Following landmarks in the
3-5 Energized! The Warrior regains +1D6 Wounds. dream, the Warriors locate the entrance to a cave system in the World’s Edge
6 Refreshed! The Warrior regains +2D6 Wounds and may
add +1 to their Starting Wounds score permanently!
The Sorcerer’s Forge Objective Room
It is quite possible that Zzuktarr Sundor is unaware that the Warriors are
coming and so there is a chance that he will be unprepared for their arrival.
After a Warrior rolls on the table above, their thirst is This means that they may add +2 to their dice roll when rolling on the
quenched. Any Characteristics that had reduced due to thirst are restored Objective Room Monster Table. But remember that a 1 is always a 1,
to normal. The Warriors no longer suffer from extreme thirst any no which indicates that Zzuktarr actually was prepared for the Warriors.
longer need make an extra roll if the
Power Phase is a 1.
The Fountain of Light Objective Room Remove the Zzuktarr Sundor Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Event Card from the
If the Warriors reach the Fountain of Light Objective Room they roll on Event Deck. The Warriors must find the Objective Room if they are to
the Chaos Dwarf Objective Room Monster Table to see what Monsters lie encounter and defeat him.
within. In addition, a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer is present. The deviant has
stopped the flow of the fountain by placing a dark spell upon it, which will
remain until he is killed. SPECIAL RULES
The Dream Becoming a Reality
If the Warriors manage to kill the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, the spell will be Each time the Warriors roll a 1 in the Power Phase, it is possible that it is
broken and water will flow again. If the Board is clear of Monsters, the another segment of the death dream manifesting. Roll another 1D6 and if
Warriors can drink heartily from the fountain which restores any losses to the result is a 4, 5 or 6, then it is another part of the dream and the
their Characteristics due to lack of water during the Adventure. Warriors know exactly what is about to transpire. If the Event reveals
Monsters, then the Warriors receive an immediate Ambush


Attack against them, and then get to attack again as normal in the Warriors’ Special Rules
Phase. If the Event is an ‘E’ Event, then the Warriors may add +1 to any
Ignore any rules or references to Van Damneg the Dread King as he does
rolls related to the Event.
not appear in this Adventure. Ignore any rules for the Grimoire Necris as it
does not exist in this Adventure.
Setting the Adventure aside
If the Warriors decide not to take on this Adventure (opting for another The Tomb Chamber Objective Room
Adventure instead), then roll 1D6. On a score of 4, 5 or 6 the dream was When the Warriors reach the Tomb Chamber Objective Room, do not roll
just a dream and nothing befalls the Warriors. on the Objective Room Monster Table as usual. Instead, the Warriors
find the Tomb Chamber empty, except for the coffin in the middle of the
room. If all of the Warriors are standing next to the coffin, they can attempt
But if the result is a 1, 2 or 3 the dream comes true and the Warriors are to open the lid by rolling 1D6 each and adding their Strength. If the total
ambushed in the darkness by the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer and his minions for the entire group is 28 or more, then they successfully open the coffin.
who chase them down and kill them. The entire group has perished! They may attempt this once per turn, rolling a Power Phase as usual. When
the lid is open, roll 1D6 on the table below to see if the creature is inside or

Fleeing or leaving the Dungeon

If the Warriors flee or leave the Dungeon, before they roll on the Escape
Table, they must roll 1D6. On a score of 4, 5 or 6 the dream was just a 1-2 A Skeleton King is inside and it is awake! The
dream and nothing befalls the Warriors. 3-4 coffin is empty.
5-6 A Skeleton King is resting inside.
But if the result is a 1, 2 or 3 the dream comes true and the Warriors are
pursued through the Dungeon by the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer and his minions
who catch up to them and kill the entire group! Once the status of the Skeleton King it is determined, roll on the Objective
Room Monster Table to see what Monsters suddenly arrive at the Tomb
Chamber. If the Skeleton King is present, place the model on one of the
‘coffin’ squares.

If the Skeleton King is inside and awake, it joins the final battle against the
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK Warriors. Draw a Warrior counter to determine who the Skeleton King
will attack in the Monsters’ Phase.
If the Skeleton King is resting, the Warriors have 1D6 turns until it
awakes and joins the battle against the Warriors, attacking the Warrior with
T he Warriors happen upon a town in immediate need of
help. Each of the past four nights, one of the townsfolk
has mysteriously died in their sleep. A local farmer insists he saw a
the holy vial.

skeletal figure emerge from the graveyard last night and move in the direction If the coffin is empty, the Skeleton King arrives the next time there is a ‘1’
of the victim’s house. is rolled in the Power Phase. Do not draw an Event Card as normal.

The captain of the Watch is disinterested as there was no sign of foul play,
the victims were all of advanced age and he believes the local habitants to If the Warriors ever reduce the Skeleton King to zero Wounds by any
be a superstitious lot. The clergy on the other hand are concerned that a means during combat, lay the Skeleton King model in the space it was in.
sinister creature might exist, indeed, be responsible for draining the life The Warriors have 1D6+2 turns to sprinkle the holy water on him before it
forces of its victims, in an attempt to return to the land of the living. reanimates in the next Monsters’ Phase with 2D6 Wounds.

Such a creature probably would stalk only at night and rest during the day Putting the Skeleton King to Rest
and so the clergy have prepared a special vial of holy water with which to put If there are no Monsters on the Board and the Skeleton King is resting or on
the creature to rest for all eternity. They caution that the holy water will not zero Wounds, the Warrior with the holy vial may attempt to put the creature
work if the creature is active. to rest. The Warrior must be standing adjacent to the Skeleton King and
may do nothing else except sprinkle the holy water on the creature. It takes
a total of two turns to sprinkle enough holy water and the Warriors must roll
To pacify the locals (and to put their fears to rest) the captain of the Watch a Power Phase each turn as normal. If a ‘1’ is rolled and Monsters appear,
hires the Warriors to investigate. The Warriors begin their search at the or if the Skeleton King reanimates, the Board must be cleared again
local cemetery where they find the mausoleum of Lord Jaufrey Chorn before the Warrior with the holy vial can continue.
recently desecrated. The opening, once long sealed, is now smashed open
and faint but spine-tingling sounds can be heard from deep inside which
gives credence to the farmer’s claim.
If the Warriors defeat the Skeleton King, they return to the captain of the
SETTING UP Watch and the clergy who reward each of them with 2D6x25 gold. The
clergy will also resurrect any fallen Warrior from the Adventure, but they
Put the Flames of Khazla, the Hall of Death and the Chasm of Despair from
lose any of the treasure or gold they have earned in the Adventure thus far.
the Catacombs of Terror Adventure Pack to one side for the moment.
Shuffle all the other Dungeon Cards, deal out nine, and put the rest back in
the box. Now take the Hall of Death, the Flames of Khazla and the Chasm
of Despair and shuffle them in with these nine cards to give you a deck The entire town enters a period of mourning to honour the lives lost
of twelve Dungeon Cards. Then shuffle the Tomb Chamber into the during this nightmarish episode. Therefore, the Warriors respectfully decide
bottom 6 cards as usual. to move on to the next Settlement.


Shuffle the Toxic Pits and five other cards to make the top half of the
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK OBJECTIVE Dungeon Deck. Put the Circle of Power off to the side for now. Prepare the
ROOM: FIGHTING PIT rest of the Dungeon Deck as normal.
Special Rules

O ne of the Emperor’s emissaries drafts the Warriors into

service as his personal bodyguards – departing
immediately to the Dwarf Stronghold of Karaz-a-Karak to deliver an
The Pit of Revulsion Objective Room
When the Warriors discover the Objective Room, place a doorway at the
opposite end of the Pit of Revulsion. Beyond it is the Circle of Power where
important letter to the Dwarf King who has recently cleared the area of foul the Oracle is located. The Warriors must roll once on the Chaos Nurgle
creatures. The Warriors have no choice but to accompany him through the Objective Room Monster Table. After all of the Monsters have been
Dwarf tunnels and reach the Fighting Pit. Beyond the great doorway it is defeated, they can explore the Doorway that leads to the Circle of Power.
only a short distance to Karaz-a-Karak.

When the Warriors enter the Circle of Power Board Section, they do not
On route the group is ambushed by Greenskins. After a vicious battle, the need to draw an Event Card. All of the Warriors must be inside the Circle
Warriors are able to successfully drive off them off. The Warriors’ of Power in order to ask the Oracle to reveal the mystery of the evil. When
subsequent interrogation of a dying goblin reveals that Karaz-a-Karak is they do, the oracle tells them telepathically that each of them carries an item
currently under siege. (determined randomly, not including any Starting Equipment) which carries
a terrible curse and must be destroyed. To do so, a Warrior must stand on a
The Warriors must make their way through the underground passageways space next to the Acid Pit in the Objective Room and throw the item into
and reach the Fighting Pit where the Greenskins are trying to breach the great it. The curse will be lifted and the area of Middenland will return to normal.

SETTING UP There is no reward for this Adventure – in fact, the Warriors might not
Shuffle the Dead End Board Section from White Dwarf #192 into the want to disclose that they were carrying cursed weapons around which
Dungeon Deck. Prepare the rest of the Dungeon Deck as normal. paralysed an entire countryside. The punishment would be a terrible
flogging at the least (each Warrior would lose 1D3 Wounds permanently
from their Starting Wounds), or death by slow torture at the worst!
Collapsed Passage
Monsters use the Collapsed Passageway to set up ambushes which means
that while any Warrior is on the Board Section an Unexpected Event occurs
on a Power Phase roll of 1 or 6.

The Fighting Pit Objective Room

When the Warriors reach the Fighting Pit they do not roll on the Orcs &
Goblins Objective Room Monster Table as usual. Because there will be
hordes of Greenskin trying to break through the great doorway, use the
result of 1 on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table as the
occupants of the room. If the Warriors clear the Board of Monsters, they
may continue on to Karaz-a-Karak where the emissary of the Emperor
relates the heroics of the Warriors to the Dwarf King. The Warriors are
each rewarded with 1D6x100 gold and a piece of Objective Room


omething evil is slowly sweeping through the area that the Warriors are
presently in. Trees show symptoms of
disease, water is becoming polluted and soil is turning infertile.
The Empire is at a loss to understand where this dark energy is coming
from. Rumours of Ratmen and Nurgle magic have abounded but the
T he Warriors are travelling upon a road when a fierce storm
forces them to take refuge in a nearby cavern. As the
storm abates and they prepare to leave, a thunderous rockslide seals the
healers, druids and wizards haven’t been able to determine a source. Even opening, leaving them with only one way out: through the tunnels that wind
the Warriors have inexplicably begun to feel sluggish and lethargic. deep through the mountain
– and through a lair of Dark Elves…

A mystic in Middenland alleges that there is an ancient oracle in the SETTING UP

Howling Hills that can reveal the answer to the current troubles. The mystic Shuffle the Collapsed Passageway and five other cards to make the top
leads the Warriors to a decaying tower in the Howling Hills but reaching the half of the Dungeon Deck. Shuffle the Flames of Khazla card and the
Oracle inside will not be easy since a Chaos Cult of Nurgle have recently Spider’s Nest in with five other cards to make the bottom half of the
made the crumbling edifice their home. Dungeon Deck for a total of 13 cards. Put the Bottomless Pit aside for now.


Special Rules Doorways

Use all of the Cards, Board Sections and rules from Hall of the Hag Queen Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
Dark Elf Adventure Pack with the following exception: the following table to see how many doorways it contains:
 Raith Darkfoot does not have a vendetta against one of the Warriors

1-3 The Forest Path is normal.

4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
The Spider’s Nest Objective Room
6 Path has two additional doorways.
When the Warriors enter the Spider’s Nest, place an extra Doorway on
the wall with the giant spider web. The Warriors do not roll on the Dark
Elves Objective Room Monster Table. Instead they are attacked by a
Gigantic Spider and 2D6 Giant Spiders. If they defeat the Monsters, each Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
Warrior may plunder the chest and receive one item of Dungeon Room dividing the deck if appropriate.
Treasure. In addition, they may take the Bow (Strength 3) and Quiver lying
on the ground. There are enough arrows in the quiver to last one
Adventure). Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path Board
Section and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction
Board Section.
Finishing the Adventure…
Attach the Bottomless Pit Board Section to the extra Doorway in the Treasure
Spider’s Nest. If the Warriors succeed in crossing the Bottomless Pit, they Whenever the Warriors would receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for
can exit from the other side which leads out of the mountain and to safety. any reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 they receive a Dungeon Room
They can now carry on to the next Settlement. Treasure as normal. If the score is a 5 or 6, draw one of the new Treasure
Cards that accompany this Adventure instead.

Munk the Savage Orc Shaman

If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by his
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK (REALM OF SAVAGES) minions. See the Munk’s Minions & Rules Special Card to see who they
OBJECTIVE ROOM: MUNK’S DWELLING are. Munk will cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Munk’s
Savage Orc Magic Special Card to see which spell he casts.

D eep inside a dense forest, the Warriors stumble upon an

Elven settlement which has been the recent site of a
bloody battle. Dead bodies of Elves are strewn about and the entire hamlet
Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room
When the Warriors enter Munk’s Dwelling, put the Savage Orc Shaman on
is now occupied by Savage Orcs which are being led by Munk, a vicious the throne, even if the Warriors had encountered and defeated him in an
Shaman. As long as the Savage Orcs live, they are a threat to the entire area. Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled him
to survive even the most grievous wounds.

SETTING UP Roll on the Savage Orcs Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
Sections. These exquisite boards were created by Sebastian Stuart the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.
( and have been modified
especially for this scenario.
Finishing the Adventure
Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed
When the Warriors defeat Munk and his minions, any remaining Savage
especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic
Orcs in the village flee in terror. The Warriors liberate the stolen treasures
and Minions.
which the Savage Orcs had accumulated from various opponents which
mean that each Warrior finds 1D3 items of Dungeon Room Treasure and
Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now. 1D6x50 gold.

Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room draw an
Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’ Events back into
the deck. Likewise, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in
the Orc Residence it will always be Monsters that appear. Follow the same
rules for drawing an Event Card as listed above. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will
only occur on the forest Board Sections.


Dungeon Rooms & Ambushes

If the Warriors enter a new Dungeon Room, they may attempt to set up an
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK ambush during the Warriors’ Phase on the turn they enter. If the Warriors
OBJECTIVE ROOM: STAIRWAY were successful in setting a trap or concealing themselves, it is resolved
immediately when the Skaven pursuers enter the Dungeon Room as
described below.

A messenger runs past shouting, “The Ratmen are

approaching! The Ratmen are approaching!” Within
minutes hundreds of Skaven come pouring through the area – and the
Placing Monsters
When the Warriors are done setting their ambush (whether successful or
Warriors are directly in their path! not) the Skaven pursuers will enter the Dungeon Room in the Monsters’
Phase. Draw an Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’
Events back into the deck.
With lightning speed the Skaven army rampages through the Settlement,
killing men, women and children while the Warriors do their best to protect
themselves and the locals. The Warriors know that victory is unattainable,
but they cannot, in good conscience, leave the innocent to such a terrible Anytime Monsters would appear on the Board, the maximum number will
fate. They must somehow hold out until help arrives. arrive. They will always appear from the direction of the entrance and will
“move” into the room like a Warrior usually does, filling in any empty
spaces, jumping over or squirming passed any models if necessary
(including the Warriors). Moving past a model does not count as part of a
Passing through the General Store, each Warrior snatches up a Rope as well
Monster’s total Movement.
as 1D6 Provisions and 1D6 Bandages (see page
31 of the RPB). Physically and verbally taunting the Skaven leaders, the
Warriors hope to draw the assault away from the fleeing locals. The strategy
seems to work as the Skaven leaders redirect their forces toward the Warriors. (Note: if the Warriors enter a new Dungeon Room while there are currently
Monsters on the Board, the Warriors have no
time to prepare an ambush. The Monsters’ Phase begins
immediately and new Monsters are placed as described
In a full defensive retreat, the Warriors withdraw to an abandoned above.)
dungeon complex nearby where they can try to hold off the chittering
hordes. With only moments to prepare for the coming onslaught, the
Warriors had best have their wits about them!

This Adventure uses the Stairway Dungeon Card as the Objective Room
which leads back up to the surface. Put one of the Passageway Dungeon
Cards aside for now and then prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal.

Special Rules
Entrance, Exits and Doorways
Lay down the Passageway you initially put aside to represent the first Board
Section in the dungeon complex. Place the Warriors anywhere on the Board
Section as usual.

The following rules apply to this Adventure:

 It is impossible to exit this Dungeon via the entrance as it
is blocked by masses of frenzied, screaming Skaven.
Do not divide the Dungeon Deck in this Adventure for any
 reason. Each Board Section has only one entrance and one
If any Dungeon Event indicates another exit, assume it is
 also blocked by Skaven and ignore it. The only exit out of
this Dungeon is through the Stairway.
If the Cave-In Event occurs, ignore it and draw another
Event Card.

The large numbers of pursuers means that Monsters will
 automatically break down any doors that are spiked,
making it completely useless to try to do so.

In this Adventure, any Monsters with the Ambush Ability (e.g. Gutter
Runners) are not able to implement those abilities against the Warriors. Setting Ambush Traps
(This is the heroes’ opportunity to turn the tables on their enemies.) The doorway entrance to a Dungeon Room is the ideal “killing zone” and
therefore this is the only place where ambushes can occur. Ambushes may be
performed by setting a well-laid trap and/or staying out of view of the
dungeon room entrance.


Each Warrior may attempt to lay one trap during their first turn whilst in Holding a fully drawn bow loaded with multiple arrows requires a tremendous
a Dungeon Room. There are four potential types of traps that the Warrior may amount of Strength and so a Warrior must fire the volley by the end of the
choose and are described below. turn.

4. Concealed Strike
A Concealed Strike may be performed by a Warrior immediately after a
1) Trip Rope (must have a rope) Stone Monster moves through the doorway and after any traps in those squares
2) Block (must have a rope) have been resolved.
3) Volley of Arrows (must have a bow and arrows) Concealed
A Warrior standing to the left or right of the doorway is assumed to be
4) Strike temporarily concealed and gains one immediate Attack against any one
Monster which passes into the adjacent doorway square, even if the
Monster has not finished moving (see diagram below). Whether the Attack
hits or misses, if the Monster is still alive it continues its movement. Of
1. Trip Rope course if the Monster is prone due to a successful trip rope, the Warrior is
This first trap involves tying a rope at ankle height across the entrance to a +2 To Hit the creature and it may not move further, although other
doorway where is will act as a tripwire. Monsters may move over and passed them.

This requires a rope and a Warrior must roll 1D6 and add his Initiative. If
the total is 7 or more, he is successful.

Only one trip rope may be placed on a single doorway at one time. Roll
1D6 for each Monster that enters the room. On a score of 4, 5 or 6 the
Monster trips on the rope, and falls prone. Place the model on the closest
square just beyond the doorway inside the room. A prone Monster is +2 to be
Hit until the next Monsters’ Phase where it fights as normal.

W = Warrior
A trip rope can be retrieved at the end of the combat but roll as normal to M = Monster
see if the rope broke when it was used.

2. Stone Block
This second trap involves a Warrior tying a rope around a large rock or loose
flagstone, hoisting it high in the air (using an overhanging beam or rock
outcropping as a sort of pulley) and then releasing it onto of an unsuspecting
opponent when they are directly beneath it. Because the cave system the
Warriors are in contains unlimited amounts of large stones, there will be no
short supply of this material. This is considered an Attack and Monsters
who are not prone may use any sidestepping, dodging or similar abilities to Once it is no longer possible for the Monsters to move and all ambushes
avoid the trap as appropriate. and traps have been resolved, the turn ends and a new Power Phase begins.
Remember that prone Monsters remain so until the next Monsters’ Phase
during which the Warriors are +2 to Hit them.
This trap requires a rope and a Warrior must roll 1D6 and add their Strength.
If the score is 7 or more, the trap is successfully prepared. The Warrior must
designate which square the stone block will fall on when setting the trap
Once there are no more Monsters on the Board, the Warriors must continue
and when a Monster steps into that square, the Warrior may announce that
their retreat into the Dungeon where they may attempt to lay another
he is releasing it.
ambush as they search for an exit. They may never move back onto any
previous Board Section
Any Monster who is hit by a stone block takes 3D6 Wounds with no
modifiers for Armour. In addition, the Monster may not move any further this The Stairway Objective Room
turn. If the Warriors can find the Stairway they may ascend the steps which
lead to the surface. This means that they have succeeded in holding off the
The stone block is extremely heavy and a Warrior can only hold it until the Skaven horde and that relief forces have arrived to contend with the enemy!
end of the turn he lifted it. The block will then fall, possibly hitting whoever
is beneath it.
3. Volley of Arrows If the Warriors manage to reach the surface by way of the Stairway they
This third trap involves a Warrior loading multiple arrows into a bow and are each paid 1D6x25 gold by the Commander of the relief force. In
firing them into a group of opponents. Only a Warrior who can wield the addition, the appreciative locals have collected 1D6x100 gold to be
bow can load and fire it. The Warrior may target a 2x2 area within his line divided equally among the Warriors.
of sight.

Roll 1D6 and add the Warrior’s Strength. If the result is 7 or more, he is The Settlement has suffered terrible loses. Houses and buildings have
able to simultaneously load 2D3 arrows into his bow. When the Skaven been razed to the ground and bodies are being prepared for burial. The
Monsters arrive, Roll To Hit for each arrow (using Ballistic Skill at -1 To Warriors decide to leave the devastated area immediately.
Hit) to see if it finds a target (determined). Only models in the targeted 2x2
square are are eligible targets.


Once the Objective Room is revealed in the Exploration Phase, the Warriors
remember their objective. Roll another 1D6 on the table below to see what it
T he Warriors awaken from a deep slumber to find
themselves lying on a cold stone floor in utter darkness.
The leader lights the lantern and the group takes in their surroundings: a
The Warriors were hired to slay a Monster of 300
gold value or more. Once the Warriors clear the
cold, dank cell in some misbegotten dungeon. Objective Room of Monsters, they may return to
their employer. Any Warrior who brought down a
Monster worth at least 300 gold pieces during the
How the Warriors came to be here is a mystery. In fact, they’re having trouble
Adventure receives one item of Dungeon Room
remembering many things – including their own name! They are fully
Treasure as a reward.
equipped and all of their gold is accounted for. The Warriors can hear the
sounds of Monsters drawing near… The Warriors were hired to find a Magic Weapon.
Once the Warriors clear the Objective Room of
Monsters, they may return to their employer. Any
SETTING UP Warrior who has found a Magic Weapon from this
Adventure must exchange one such item (if they
Prepare a Dungeon Deck as normal using any Objective Room card as the
still have it!) for a random item of Dungeon Room
Objective Room for now, although the actual room may change later.
The Warriors were hired to find a piece of Magic
The Warriors begin in the Gaol Board Section. Follow all the rules for Armour. Once the Warriors clear the Objective
escaping the Gaol, but do not roll for a Special Quest. The Warriors will not Room of Monsters, they may return to their
remember what their objective is for this Adventure until they reach the employer. Any Warrior who has found a Magic
Objective Room. Armour from this Adventure must exchange one
such item (if they still have it!) for a random item of
Dungeon Room Treasure.
Special Rules
WHERE and WHO? The Warriors were hired to find a Magic Item. Once
the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters,
In this Adventure, the Warriors have no recollection of WHERE they are or
they may return to their employer. Any Warrior who
WHO they are! And although they know there is an objective, the Warriors
has found a Magic Item from this Adventure must
just can’t seem to remember what it is!
exchange one such item (if they still have it!) for a
random item of Dungeon Room Treasure.
Mix up all of the Warrior counters and, starting with the party leader, have
each player draw one out. This is the Warrior that the player is playing as The Warriors were hired to save someone who is in
until they reach the next Dungeon Room. If the Warrior picks their own the Objective Room. They have 2D6 turns to clear
counter, then they have remembered who they are. Each time the Warriors the Board of Monsters before the captive is killed.
find a new Dungeon Room, a Warrior who has not remembered who they Once the Warriors clear the Objective Room of
are must once again put their Warrior counter into the mix and draw one at Monsters, they may return to their employer with
random. A Warrior who has not picked their own counter by the time they the captive. Each Warrior receives 1D6x50 gold as
reach the Objective Room, will automatically remember who they are at that a reward.
time. Until then, a player controls the Warrior of the counter that they’ve
picked. (It might be easiest if the players simply switch chairs instead of The Warriors were hired as emissaries during a cease-
trying to move cards and Adventure Record Sheets across the table!) fire agreement between two opposing factions. It
would appear that the violently aggressive Warriors
have broken the armistice and are now fleeing for
their lives! When they clear the Objective Room of
Monsters, a stone slides open revealing daylight. The
Monster Gold Warriors may exit to the surface and return to their
employers who are none too happy that the truce has
Each Warrior should keep track of the amount of gold he
been ruined. The Warrior who has collected the least
receives for killing Monsters in this Adventure. Also make note
of anytime a Warrior delivers the last blow to a Monster of 300 gold value or amount of gold for killing Monsters is the only
more. Warrior rewarded in the failed mission, receiving
1D6x100 gold for using restraint during the mission.
Every other Warrior is fined 1D6x100 gold (selling
The Objective Room treasure and items if necessary) for their part in the
When the Warriors reach the Objective Room, roll 1D6 on the table below debacle.
to see which one it is:

1-2 Firechasm Idol
3 Chamber
4 Tomb Chamber
After they remember their objective, the Warriors must roll on the
5 Fighting Pit Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster-theme being used
6 Fountain of Light to see what resides within.


Special Rules
Fleeing the Dungeon
ORIGIN: (AB) FIGHTING PIT #5 The Warriors cannot flee this Dungeon as there is nowhere to go!
The Guard Room
I n the Drakwald Forest of the Empire there are rumours
circulating of a man-eating monster that is raiding nearby
villages and eating the inhabitants. According to the story, the monster is a
The Guard Room is magically trapped. At the end of each turn that a
Warrior is in the Guard Room, roll 1D6 and consult the table below to see
what happens:
great Minotaur, but no-one has actually seen the beast and lived to tell the
tale. The villagers are so worried that they are staying indoors and doing no
work. The local sheriffs, therefore, have intervened to solve the problem 1 Every Warrior on the Board Section takes 1D3 Wounds
once and for all. They have located the entrance to a cave system, deep in with no modifiers for anything.
the gloomy forest, and have employed the Warriors to kill the beast that
lives within. 2-3 Any Warrior on a white square takes 1D3 Wounds
with no modifiers for anything.
4-5 Any Warrior on a black square takes 1D3 Wounds
However, it isn’t certain that the monster is a Minotaur at all, as the with no modifiers for anything
villagers are renowned for scaremongering... 6 Nothing happens.

The Fighting Pit Objective Room

When the Warriors reach the Fighting Pit, roll on the Objective Room
The Circle of Power
Monster Table for the Monster-theme being used, subtracting 1 from the
dice roll, to determine the nature of the beast and its pack (a roll of 1 still This room pulses with magical waves of energy, acting as a channel for
counts as a 1, of course). A roll of 1 will always include a Minotaur, in the mad Wizard’s power. Any Warrior who is a Wizard can easily tap
addition to whatever else appears. into the power in this room and may therefore add +2 to the Power Phase,
even if the Power Phase is a 1.

If the beast turns out to be a Minotaur, the Warriors must kill it and return its
head to the village. If they are successful, they will be rewarded with all The Objective Rooms
the villagers’ wealth. Unfortunately, this amounts to no more than 10 gold Each time the Warriors find an Objective Room, make one roll on the
each as it is a very poor village. If the beast isn’t a Minotaur, the Warriors Objective Room Monster Table to see who inhabits the room. Once the
are scorned by the villagers, who don’t believe them, and go unrewarded. Warriors clear the Board of Monsters, they may destroy the object in
the room (ie. the fountain in the Fountain of Light, the idol in the Idol
Chamber, the dragon statue in the Firechasm). To do this, a Warrior must
be standing adjacent to the object and attack it in hand-to-hand combat.
Each object has 20 Wounds and a Toughness of 3.

ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK Once the object is destroyed, each Warrior should roll 1D6 to see if it was
OBJECTIVE ROOM: VARIOUS the source of the Wizard’s power. If any of the dice come up a 6, then
MONSTER THEME: CHAOS TZEENTCH the object was indeed the Wizard’s
power source and the Warriors have escaped from the

T he Warriors unknowingly cross into the private domain of

an extremely powerful Wizard. The eccentric (and quite
mad) mage captures the group, accuses them of trespassing and even goes
Wziard’s condemnation.

If any of the dice come up

so far as to hold a mock trial where he presides as both judge and jury. a 1, regardless if any 6’s
Unsurprisingly, the Warriors are found guilty by the Wizard who were was rolled, then the
pronounces his verdict: Death by Dungeon! object is not
the source of the
Wizards power and the
The condemned Warriors are immediately teleported to a holding cell in Warriors have set off a
some unknown dungeon where they will be eventually overrun by trap. They each suffer 1D6
monstrosities. Upon arrival they find a grievously injured Kislevite Wounds with no modifiers for
Shaman, also found guilty of the same crime, who reveals to them that he anything.
has learned that the Wizard’s power source is derived from a large object
in the Dungeon. If they can find and destroy the source of the Wizard’s When the Warriors
power, the Warriors will have a chance to escape their fate. With that, destroy the last object,
the Shaman perishes. there is no need to roll to
see if it is the Wizard’s
power source, as it
SETTING UP automatically will be.
Shuffle the Fountain of Light, the Idol Chamber and the Firechasm into the
bottom 10 cards to make the bottom portion of the Dungeon Deck.
Randomly select 3 more cards and place them on top to complete the 13 card Finishing the Adventure
deck. When the Warriors destroy the source of the Wizard’s power, the entire
dungeon around them begins to shimmer and fade. Slowly the outside
The Warriors begin in the Gaol Board Section . There is no need to roll to world takes its place: the entire scenario was a powerful illusion and the
escape the Gaol as the gate is already open. Do not roll for a Special Quest Warriors now find themselves in a small clearing on a mountainside just
in this Adventure. minutes from a main road. The nearest City is only 5 weeks travel, the
nearest Town is 3 weeks and the closest Village is only 1 week.


ORIGIN: (AB) FIRECHASM #1 will ensure this year’s victory.
MONSTER THEME: CHAOS DWARFS Lord Maldwin has a masterful plan to avoid any obstacles the others will
present to him. He instructs the Warriors to transport the Snotling in a

small cage through a network of tunnels just south of Colmfähre, which
umours abound of a powerful long-lost Skaven artefact
extend to the edge of Hochsleben. The underground tunnels were used in
that has been rediscovered in the Worlds Edge Mountains.
battles long ago to secretly send reinforcements from one town to the next.
The artefact is a skull-shaped icon made from raw warpstone, and its
Others in Lord Maldwin’s group will be in charge of making sure to dealy
mutating powers are said to be beyond imagination. The icon must be
the retinues of the other Lords so that they do not reach Hochsleben before
destroyed at all costs to stop the Skaven reclaiming it. Unfortunately, the
the Warriors do.
only way to destroy the icon is to hurl it into the cleansing flames of the
Firechasm, which is located in a volcanic area of the World’s Edge
Mountains which is besieged by Chaos Dwarfs. As fate would have it, the tunnels the Warriors will be using are not
unoccupied. The Black Mountains Orc Boss, Hookscar, was quite angry after
learning that his Snotling attendant was kidnapped by the humans of
Special Rules Averland. His outrage peaked when he heard that his assistant was being
The first Dungeon Room that the Warriors enter contains a sturdy iron used in a barbaric source of amusement. Having just discovered the old
casket holding the icon. When the Warriors have completed the room’s tunnels, he is using them to lead the Snotling rescue mission. As luck
event, take the Sturdy Iron Casket Equipment Card to remind yourself the would have it for the Orc Boss, the Warriors are heading right for him with
Warriors have the casket. Snotling in hand…

The Firechasm Objective Room Special Rules

When the Warriors reach the Firechasm, they must overcome the defenders Carrying the Snotling
of the chamber and hurl the warpstone icon into the flames. It will be impossible for the Leader with the Lantern to carry the small
cage that contains the Snotling, so another Warrior must do so. Draw a
Warrior Counter to determine who is carrying the Snotling. That Warrior
To determine the Monsters that are guarding the Firechasm, roll once on should take the Caged Snotling Special Card and keep it in front of them as
the Chaos Dwarf Objective Room Monster Table. a reminder. The Warrior carrying the Snotling is constantly being picked at
and poked through the cage by the little bugger. This means that the Warrior’s
attacks are -1 To Hit during combat.
If the icon is thrown into the chasm it is instantly consumed with a roar of
lurid green flames. The room begins to collapse, and the Warriors must get
out straight away or be crushed. To escape, the Warriors must cross the chasm Passing Off the Snotling
and exit through a secret door that opens in the far wall, behind the stone
At the beginning of the Warriors’ Phase, the Warrior who is carrying the
dragon. The Warriors must escape within 2 turns of killing all the Monsters
Snotling may attempt to pass it off to another Warrior of his choice (but
and hurting the icon into the chasm. After this point, the whole room caves
not the Leader). If the other Warrior is unwilling, then the two Warriors
in, killing any Warriors still inside.
each roll 1D6 and the one who rolls closest to the Power Phase this turn is
the winner. In case of a tie, the Warrior may not pass off the Snotling. The
loser must carry the Snotling (take the Snotling Special Card). In the event
Each Warrior who escapes the Dungeon 1D6x100 is rewarded with of a tie, the Warrior who currently has the Snotling is the winner and may pass
gold for his part in the Adventure. him off to the new carrier.

‘M’ Event Cards

The Orcs and Goblins in this Adventure represent the advanced scouts that
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK OBJECTIVE Hookscar has sent out to explore the tunnels. These scouts travel in great
number, therefore, when rolling to see how many Monsters arrive, add +1 to
ROOM: FIGHTING PIT the total for every D6, but no more than the maximum stated on the card.
MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS For example, if the card states “1D6” then add +1 to the roll (2 through 6
will arrive). If the card states “2D6” then add +2 (3 through 12 will arrive).

T he Four Lords of Averland are set to hold their private,

annual Snotling Race. This bizarre, long-distance affair
spans over the course of 3 or 4 days, where a Snotling is poked,
prodded and urged onward by each Lord and his entourage from Colmfähre The Fighting Pit Objective Room
all the way to Hochsleben. At least that’s how it’s supposed to happen. The When the Warriors reach the Fighting Pit, they find that Hookscar and his
Four Lords have long abandoned the original rules of the race and openly minions have just entered the tunnels through the large wooden door.
cheat as creatively as they can. Winning by any means necessary is not only
encouraged but appreciated as it is all in good fun (until someone gets
hurt). The Orc Boss Hookscar issues an immediate challenge to the Warrior
carrying the Snotling and the Warrior has the option to


fight him in a single combat. Hookscar has the profile of Gorgut (LOTOL
Adventure Pack) but without the Magic Ring. He carries a Dead ’Ard
Weapon (page 19 of LOTOL Adventure Pack). If the Warrior loses, the ORIGIN: (AB) TOMB CHAMBER #2
Snotling is taken from them. If the Warrior wins, he receives the Dead ’Ard
If any of the other Warriors intervene, or if the Warrior uses magic of any
kind, then the horde of Greenskins behind the Orc Boss will jump into the
battle. Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table to see which Greenskins
charge in. In that case, the Dead’Ard weapon is broken during the battle.
T he Fortress of Vorag lies beyond the Badlands, on the Plain of
Bone. It was from this proud, cruel citadel that
Ashkral Deathking, a follower of the all-powerful Necromancer
Nagash, ruled many centuries ago. Endless legions of the dead strode to battle
at his command, and the living fell before their unearthly might.
If the Warrior defeats Hookscar or if all of the Monsters on the Board are
killed, the Warrior can search for the exit. If there are still cards left in
the Dungeon Deck, the Warriors must continue through the wooden door When Ashkral was overthrown by the Orc Warlord Morak Bloodcrusher, the
in the Fighting Pit, turning over the next card in the Dungeon Deck. The dying Necromancer swore that he would one day return. His shattered body
last card in the deck will lead out of the dungeon and up to the surface. was taken by his acolytes to a secret place deep beneath Cripple Peak, on
the shores of the Sour Sea.

Finishing the Adventure

If the Warriors lose to Hookscar or flee the Dungeon, Snotling gets the However, the Deathking was not truly dead; he was merely in a state of
free. The Warriors would be wise to leave area immediately as Lord the limbo between this life and the next. The only weapon said to be truly able
Maldwin hates to lose. to kill the Deathking was the sword he himself had wielded. This was to
be buried with him so that it could not fulfill its destiny, and so that he could
wield the powerful blade when he arose from beyond the grave.
If they successfully exit the last Board Section, the Warriors make haste
to Hochsleben with the Snotling and must roll 1D6 on the following table to
see the outcome of the race:
Unfortunately, on the way to his tomb, the acolytes carrying the sword
were ambushed and killed. With his last burst of energy, before he passed
over to meet his master, the head acolyte hurled the sword into the Sour
1 The Warriors have lost track of time, spending months in the Sea, screaming that it would never be seen again until the Deathking
tunnels and the contest has long been over. Additionally, they stirred once more.
learn that Lord Maldwin passed away suddenly a few weeks
ago. The Warriors receive nothing for their trouble.
The contest was over almost as soon as it began: One of the Since then, there have been great upheavals in the land, both politically and
2 other lords brilliantly employed a Dwarf Gyrocopter to physically. The nearby volcano, Karag Haraz, has erupted many times in the
transport his Snotling. It’s been weeks since the race was lost years since the Deathking’s defeat, spewing lava and magma across the
and Lord Maldwin doesn’t even remember the Warriors’ region and causing the earth to tremble and shift. Over the years the citadel
names much less an agreement to compensate them for their has been reduced to rubble and the Deathking’s story has passed into
trouble. He gives the Warriors 1D6x10 gold each and sends the legend.
“beggars” away.
The Warriors proudly barge into the victory hall with Snotling in
hand to claim victory for Lord Maldwin. The clerk and acting However, after the most recent eruption an ancient sword was thrown up onto
referee informs the Warriors that one of the other lords claimed the surface, and the entrance to a long sealed dungeon revealed. The myth
victory just a day ago. He gives the Warriors a small satchel left of the Deathking, so long regarded as nothing more than a story, looked to
for them by Lord Maldwin. In it is 1D6x50 gold for the Warriors be possible!
to distribute evenly.
The Warriors finish the race just hours behind one of the other The Warriors have been summoned to take the sword and enter the
teams. Lord Maldwin appears unaffected by the loss since such newly-opened dungeon, there to find and slay the Deathking once and for
4 a strong showing has maintained his honour. He rewards each all before he rises from his grave.
Warrior with 150 gold.
Neck and neck with another team, one of the Warriors
(determined randomly) points to the bushes and yells out
Special Rules
“Look! A Quarg!” The momentary hesitation by the other Nominate one of the Warriors to carry the sword and have them take
5 team is all the Warriors need as they cross the finish line first! the Sword of the Deathking Equipment Card. If used in combat the
Lord Maldwin is ecstatic to hear of such a clever victory. He blade causes +1D6 Wounds on a successful attack but automatically strikes
rewards each Warrior with 1D6x100 gold. In addition, the an adjacent Warrior if the To Hit roll is an unmodified 1.
Warrior who carried out the deception receives an Objective
Room Treasure!
The Warriors arrive hours before any of the others. Lord The Tomb Chamber Objective Room
Maldwin is delighted to have his fourth victory in as many Roll on the Undead Objective Room Monster Table to determine
years – a feat that no other Lord has ever managed to what Monsters the tomb chamber contains.
accomplish! He will forever be remembered in the annals of
6 Averland Snotling Racing history. He bestows upon them the Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may lift the lid of the tomb
title of “Champion Handlers” (no one need know that the and slay the Deathking. Although he is still weak, he will try to stop
Warriors acquired it by transporting a Snotling…) and rewards them. His willpower crackles in the air, rooting the Warriors to the spot.
each of them with 300 gold and an item of Objective Room His voice echoes in the darkness, challenging the puny mortals who have
Treasure! come to slay him to a battle of wills to determine the victor.

Before they can kill him, the Warriors must overcome this powerful
magic. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior taking part in the


battle. If the combined score is 13 or more, the curse is broken and the SETTING UP
Deathking can be slain. If the total is less than 13, the Warriors’ minds are
Take the Torture Chamber Dungeon Room card and shuffle it into the top
broken by the power of the Necromancer, and they become mindless thralls
half of the Dungeon Deck. Shuffle the Temple of Khaine card into the
of the Deathking, the first to swell the ranks of his army.
bottom half of the Dungeon Deck for a total of 14 cards. Play proceeds as
In the tomb is 1D6x100 gold, to be shared equally amongst the Warriors.
Once the dungeon is finished, the Warriors may Remove the Execution Event Card from the deck for this Adventure.
safely make their way to freedom, having slain all the
Monsters in the Dungeon.
Special Rules
The Torture Chamber
Instead of drawing an Event Card when the Warriors enter the Torture
Chamber, the Warriors encounter Executioner Husk Bawn. In addition,
ORIGIN: HALL OF THE HAG QUEEN #2 draw and Event Card until it reveals Monsters (reshuffling any ‘E’ Events
OBJECTIVE ROOM: TEMPLE OF KHAINE back into the deck) to see who accompanies him. If they manage to clear
MONSTER THEME: DARK ELVES the Board of Monsters, each Warrior receives one item of Dungeon Room
Treasure instead of just a single one for the group.

T he town of St. Leu is refusing to pay taxes because they

do not feel their monies are at work protecting them after
the third Dark Elf raid on the town in a month, the last of which Finishing the Adventure
occurred just before the Warriors arrived. The townsfolk are furious and have If the Warriors find the Temple of Khaine Objective Room and defeat all
begun to steer travelers and merchants away from the area in protest. In a the Monsters, they discover a false panel in the wall that leads out of the
desperate effort to quell the fears of the citizens, the Burgermeister hires the Dungeon and back to the surface. They can return to St. Leu where they are
Warriors as mercenaries to pursue the Dark Elf raiders. paid 1D6x100 gold each by the Burgermeister. In addition, the Townsfolk
are so relieved that the Dark Elf raids have been stopped that some of the
houses donate a family ‘heirloom’ (an item of Dungeon Room Treasure) to
The Warriors track the Dark Elves to a cavern system on the coast which each Warrior!
they bravely enter.


G erard Monroe, a priest of Myrmidia in the city of

Talabheim has been exhibiting lewd and inappropriate
behaviour for the past few months and has now locked himself away in his
quarters at the Temple. Pleas for him to return to the congregation are only
met with angry retorts and refusal.

Some followers of Myrmidia, the Knights of the Verdant Field, have hired
the Warriors as mediators to compel Monroe, through force if necessary, to
end the embarrassing episode. The Warriors break into the priest’s
quarters but find them empty. A search of the room turns up a journal as
well as a secret panel that opens into a maze of tunnels.

Upon reading the journal, the Warriors discover that for the past few
months the dark god Slaanesh has been seductively manipulating Monroe.
The Warriors must find him before he is completely consumed by the forces
of Chaos.

Special Rules
The Den of Desires Objective Room
When the Warriors reach the Den of Desires Objective Room, they will
find Monroe sitting dazed and confused upon the Slaanesh couch. The
Warriors have 1D6+1 turns in which to clear the Board of Monsters before
Monroe is completely consumed by the forces of Slaanesh. Once consumed,
Monroe will be able to cast one Slaanesh Chaos Magic Spell at the
beginning of each Monsters’ Phase (see Chaos Slaanesh Magic Special card).
The only way to stop Monroe from casting spells is to kill him. A Warrior
can attack and kill Monroe simply by rolling To Hit as normal. They are
successful on any roll other than a 1. The Warriors receive no gold for
killing Monroe.


If the Warriors clear the Board of Monsters in time to save the Priest, they are
blessed by Myrmidia and each of them receives one temporary Luck Point
which may be used only once.

Regardless of whether the Warriors save Monroe or kill him, the Knights
of the Verdant Field reward each Warrior with
1D6x50 gold and the group receives an Objective Treasure to Room
be distributed as normal.
Special Rules
Take the Necromancer Event Card out of the Event deck. When you roll on
the Objective Room Monster Table, replace the Dread King with Gunther
Laranscheld. Laranscheld's minions are represented by the other Monsters in
ORIGIN: CATACOMBS OF TERROR #4 the Objective Room. Laranscheld should be placed at the far end of the
OBJECTIVE ROOM: DREAD KING’S THRONE ROOM room, next to the throne, where he is performing his ritual. His Grimoire
MONSTER THEME: UNDEAD Necris should be placed in the space before the throne.

I t appears that once again Gunther Laranscheld has cheated

death. Thwarted before by brave Warriors, and left for dead
on the sun-drenched deserts of the Lands of the Dead, his iron will alone
The Warriors must retrieve the Grimoire Necris before Laranscheld can
complete the summoning. They have 2D6 turns to kill Laranscheld, starting
kept him alive. Now he seeks vengeance! He has crept back into the from the first turn after they enter the Objective Room. If the 2D6 turns
forbidden libraries of the Empire and stolen a most terrible evil book – the pass before the Warriors have killed the Necromancer, Laranscheld
dreaded Grimoire Necris. completes the ceremony. Place Van Damneg on his throne at the start of the
next Power Phase. Van Damneg can cast spells and attack as normal on the
It is obvious that Laranscheld hopes to use the Grimoire to restore the turn he appears.
Dread King to his former glory, bringing about a new era of death and
despair to all mortal folk. The Warriors must quest into the dungeons of
Laranscheld's old tower and kill him before he succeeds in joining his Once they have prevented the summoning, or destroyed Van Damneg once
power to his patron, the Dread King of Twisted Spire. and for all, they can return to the wizards of the Empire, where they will each
receive a piece of Dungeon Room Treasure and 150 gold as a reward.



T he famous Witch Hunter, Duke von Steafen, has tracked

down an abominable Necromancer and discovered his plan
to awaken an ancient evil. Deep within the Kingdoms of the Dead, in the
tomb-city known as the Twisted Spire, lies the inert form of a powerful
Liche - van Damneg the Dread King. The Warriors must delve into the
Twisted Spire and foil the evil Necromancer's scheme. The Necromancer
that the Warriors have been pursuing is none other than Gunther
Larenscheld, one of the Empire's most deadly enemies. He is performing a
rite to free the immensely powerful Dread King from his age- long
imprisonment within the Twisted Spire.

Special Rules
If the Gunther Larenscheld Event Card is turned over before the Warriors
reach the Objective room, they have caught Larenscheld in time. If they
manage to defeat him they must still press onwards to ensure that the magic
within the Throne Room keeps the malignant presence of the Dread King at
bay. When they enter the Objective Room generate the Monsters as normal,
but van Damneg will not be present, as he has not managed to shatter
the spells protecting the world from his deadly presence.

If the Warriors do not encounter Larenscheld before they reach the Dread
King's Throne Room, he will be present there, along with van Damneg and
the other Monsters generated by the Catacombs of Terror Monster table.
The Warriors must defeat all the Monsters present in order to be certain of
escaping! As normal, the Grimoire Necris will be placed on the dais,
and Larenscheld should be placed next to it. As you can see, if your Warriors
can stop Larenscheld in time their chances of


surviving will be greatly improved. Regardless of the Monsters they

encounter, the Warriors can escape from the Dread King's Throne Room
once all the Monsters are dead. As they rush from the Throne Room the ORIGIN: TUNNELS OF PESTILENCE #5
walls start to crumble and the Undead around them turn to dust once the
banishment of their master's spirit takes affect. However, no matter how OBJECTIVE ROOM: FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT
long it takes, van Damneg will be back... MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN

If the Warriors manage to defeat van Damneg, or prevent his

summoning, Duke von Steafen rewards each of 2D6x100 them with
T he Warriors are relaxing in their rooms at the Faithful Inn recuperating
from their last adventure. When a knock at
the door bolts them awake, they reach for their cold, hard steel.
gold and a Treasure card. Opening the door reveals the Dwarf innkeeper, Perci
Middlefire. The look on his face tells the Warriors that he’s just been through
a horrifying experience. The Dwarf begs the Warriors to listen to his story.

Perci and his wife, Nadine, were going through their normal routine of
cooking, serving and cleaning when Nadine went to fetch a pail of water
from the well and never returned.

The intrigued Warriors accompany Perci to the well behind the Faithful Inn.
A quick search of the area uncovers vermin hair, a broken talisman of the
Horned Rat, and faint rat tracks leading to and from the old well. The well
bucket is drawn up and inside of it sits a necklace which Perci
confirms belongs to Nadine. Looking into the well the Warriors spy a tunnel
midway down where the Warriors suspect the Skaven emerged from.

Perci mentions that he would lead the search party himself but, between
his failing health and having not touched a weapon in six decades he would
be virtually useless. The old Dwarf pleads with the Warriors to find
Nadine and the group simply cannot refuse.


MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN This Adventure uses the Warpstone Counters from White Dwarf #195. Do
not include the Skamp the Sickly or Rance Throatcutter Event Cards in

T he water supply for the city of Miragliano comes from

many sources. The main supply is from the rivers that run
down from the Vaults, but the most precious comes from an ancient shrine
this Adventure.

hidden in a deep cave system, from which springs a gushing fountain. This
Dungeon Rooms & Warpstone Counters
fountain provides the purest water in Miragliano, and has done so for In this Adventure, the Warriors are fighting against time. Whenever the
countless years. The Skaven of Skavenblight have found the fountain and Warriors enter a new Dungeon Room and after all the Monsters have been
polluted it, filling it with the twisting influence of warpstone. Already a killed or any Events resolved, roll 1D6. If the score is a 6 the Warriors
sickness spreads in Miragliano, and a large reward has been offered to find Nadine, bound and gagged, but she is alive! If the score is 5 or less the
anyone who can find a cure. Warriors must take a Warpstone Counter. If the Warriors accumulate the
sixth Warpstone Counter it means that the Warriors find a tortured and dead
Nadine slumped in the corner of the room.
A far-seeing academic has guessed at the truth, and wishes to find out if the
waters are indeed polluted. He has gathered your band of Warriors
together to seek the source of the waters and, if needs be, cleanse it. Once Nadine has been found (regardless of the state she is in) the Warriors
have two options:

The Fountain of Light Objective Room

Do not roll on the Skaven Objective Room Monster Table to determine OPTION #1
what Monsters the fountain room contains. Instead, it is guarded by 12 Skaven Return to the Surface and deliver
Clanrats. Nadine to Perci at the Faithful Inn
When all the Skaven defending the fountain are killed, the Warriors must
remove the warpstone from the fountain. This is hazardous in the extreme. If the Warriors choose to return to the Surface with Nadine, they must
There is enough warpstone in the fountain for each Warrior to take a heavy retrace their steps, rolling for Unexpected Events as normal. When
load. they reach the surface, the Dungeon is completed and they return
to the Faithful Inn.
To remove the warpstone, your Warrior must be in a square adjacent to
the fountain. Upon removing it, roll 2D6. The Warrior loses that number of
Wounds, with no modifiers for Toughness or armour. This may of course If Nadine is alive… the Dwarf gives each Warrior 1D6x10 gold for
kill the Warrior, but at least the warpstone is removed! Each Warrior must saving her from the clutches of the vile Skaven.
remove one load. No Warrior can try more than once, as the
warpstone’s power will kill them immediately if they try a second time. If Nadine is dead… poor Perci is so stricken with grief that he
Once the fountain is purified, the Warriors may return to Miragliano to clutches his chest and dies on the spot. The Warriors receive no
claim the reward of 1D6x50 gold each. reward for the effort.


Fortunately for the Warriors, one of them (determined randomly) is familiar

with the old legend of the magic waters, although it is not located around
Find the Objective Room and try to Mount Squighorn as the Count suggested. The true legend states that
defeat the Skaven presence “the magical water to cure all ailments” is located in the foggy (and now
plague-infested) caverns of Misty Mountain and so it is there that the
If Nadine is alive… the Warriors send her back to the surface Warriors travel to instead.
and safety as they continue on to search for the Fountain of Light
Objective Room. If the Warriors kill all the Monsters there, they find
a bucket that leads up the well and back into the Settlement. The SETTING UP
Warriors return to Perci who reward each of them with 1D6x100 Be sure to include the Monster’s Lair in the Dungeon Deck. In addition
gold and an Item of Dungeon Room Treasure for saving his wife shuffle the Toxic Pits and five other cards to make the top half of the Dungeon
and bringing the kidnappers to justice. Deck. In all other respects, prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal.

If Nadine is dead… the Warriors leave Nadine’s body and try to find
Special Rules
out who is responsible for her murder. If they find the Objective
Room and defeat all of the Monsters there, they find a bucket that The Monster’s Lair
leads up another well and back into the Settlement. They immediately The Monster’s Lair Board Section is especially dangerous in the Misty
return to the surface where Perci rewards each Warrior with 1D6x100 Mountain as the room is engulfed with a misty smoke that makes it very
gold for avenging his wife’s death. difficult to see. As the Warriors peer through the doorway they can clearly
hear guttural sounds within the Monster’s Lair.

When the Warriors enter the Monsters’ Lair draw an Event Card until it
The Fountain of Light Objective Room
reveals Monsters (reshuffle any ‘E’ Event Cards back into the Deck. The
When the Warriors enter the Objective Room, they must make one roll on Warriors will be -1 To Hit any opponents due to the thick mist as even the
the Skaven Objective Room Monster Table. In addition, Skamp the lantern’s light can barely penetrate it. Movement for Warriors in the
Sickly and Rance Throatcutter are present (see their Special Cards for rules). Monster’s Lair is halved (round fractions down) as the Warriors move
blindly and cautiously through the mist.

If the Warriors find the Fountain of Light Objective Room before they
find Nadine or accrue six Warpstone Counters, she is there and she is alive. If the Warriors defeat the enemies in the Monster’s Lair, they receive 1D3
To save her the Warriors will need to clear the Objective Room of Monsters. Dungeon Room Treasures instead of one.

If the Warriors fail to kill all of the Monsters in the Objective Room but
The Fountain of Light Objective Room
somehow manage to survive the Dungeon, Nadine will perish and the When the Warriors reach the Fountain of Light Objective Room roll on the
Warriors receive nothing. Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table. Once the Monsters are
defeated the Warriors may examine the Fountain by rolling 1D6 and
consulting the following table:

1-2 The fountain is empty! If there was water in the

ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK fountain in the past, it does not flow any longer.
OBJECTIVE ROOM: FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT The fountain barely trickles with water and the Warriors
MONSTER THEME: CHAOS NURGLE 3-6 manage to gather enough water to fill a small vial.

T he Emperor has suffered from an inexplicable nausea and

severe headaches and is convinced by his scheming
advisor, Count Mosius Chevalier, that his illness is the result of a rare
disorder. Drawing upon old legends, the Count has told the Emperor that Reward
his condition can only be cured by magic water from Mount Squighorn. If the Warriors return empty-handed, they discover that the Emperor has
In all actuality, the cunning advisor has been putting small doses of an exotic already been saved by a prominent court official who had successfully
poison in the Emperor’s food in an attempt to kill him and usurp the throne. solved the mystery of the illness and accused Count Chevalier of the
Even all of the royal healers cannot figure out what is wrong with the attempted assassination. The Emperor is currently being nursed back to health
Emperor so they too have agreed with the devious Count Chevalier. and the search parties have been recalled.

If the Warriors return with the vial of water, it is administered to the

The Emperor has decreed that the magic waters be sent for immediately Emperor immediately. Much to the surprise and horror of Count Chevalier,
and brave heroes from all over the land have been called upon to carry out the symptoms disappear immediately. Just then, a prominent court official
the order. Count Chevalier doesn’t actually expect anyone to find the magic steps forward and announces the revelation of a murderous traitor and points
water since it doesn’t really exist! He knows that they’ll spend months a finger at the Count. A thorough search of Chevalier’s personal quarters
searching the area around Mount Squighorn only to return empty-handed. In turns up the poison and incriminating journal. The Count is taken away
the meantime he will have had time to finish his conniving plan against the to be tried and, if convicted, beheaded in the public square.

The Warriors are one of the groups dispatched to search the area around More importantly, the Emperor is extremely grateful to the Warriors and
Mount Squighorn. They must either accept the assignment or it is “off with they are each rewarded with a piece of Objective Room Treasure and
their heads!” 1D6x100 gold for saving his life!




T he local drunk insists that a beautiful song fills the air at

dusk every night toward the edge of town, a claim that is
promptly laughed at by everyone in the Settlement. The Warriors,
W hile the Warriors bask in the salty air of Marienburg
between adventures, a group of uncouth warehouse
workers invite the Warriors, at knifepoint, to join them inside a rough-looking
however, suspect there may be something to the man’s tale. Sure tavern. Inside, a “legitimate businessman” makes the Warriors an offer
enough, one night the Warriors hear it for themselves; a hauntingly fragile which they probably shouldn’t refuse: a deal to remove a local rival.
melody blowing in the wind.

Those locals willing to talk about the song tell the Warriors about the The rival happens to be a low-ranking official whose hedonistic habits are
death of a young noble girl some years ago who was believed to have been getting out of hand. Reports of drug trafficking and increasingly outlandish
kill by a band of ratmen which had terrorized the Settlement at that orgies risk drawing the wrong kind of
time. Whilst it was believed that the ratmen had been driven off by the attention to Marienbrug’s less-reputable businesses,
local militia, the superstitious locals have connected the haunting voice something which would be trouble for all involved. The
with a return of the Skaven menace. Warriors are offered a handsome reward to infiltrate the rival operation and
eradicate it before the authorities, or worse yet the templars, start
investigating matters.
After spending all night traipsing around the Settlement trying to locate the
source of this ethereal tune, the Warriors stand within a private cemetery, The rival operation’s headquarters are to be found in a maze of tunnels and
having discovered a hidden burrow near the crypt of the deceased noble. chambers beneath the city which can be accessed from a not so secret
With the mournful song still fresh in their minds, the Warriors must entrance near the docks.
descend into the maze of tunnels below if the townsfolk, living or dead, are
to sleep well in their beds. The Den of Desires Objective Room
Roll on the Chaos Slaanesh Objective Room Monster Table to determine
what Monsters are in the Den of Deisres. In addition, Elixa Abesheena is
Special Rules also present (see the Elixa Abasheena Special Card for her special rules).
Skaven Assassin
If the Warriors encounter the Skaven Assassin as an Event Card draw a
second Event card until it reveals Monsters (reshuffling any others back Once the Warriors clear the Board of Monsters, they find a secret
into the deck). These Monster accompany the Assassin and they attack the passage that leads back up into one of the warehouses in Marienburg.
Warriors together.

If they defeat the Monsters, the Warriors receive the gold value as normal,
but they do not receive any Treasure Cards as they normally would. Instead, Once the Warriors exit the Dungeon they can return to their employer who
the Warriors find the Assassin’s secret stash of treasure consisting of items rewards each of them with an item of Objective Room Treasure.
that he has stolen and collected. Roll 1D6 to see how many items of
Dungeon Room Treasure there are. This Treasure follows all the normal
rules for distribution. These Objective Room Treasures are of course stolen goods. Each time a
Warrior carrying such an item rolls an ‘Uneventful Day’ in a Settlement,
they must roll a further 1D6. If the result is a 1 or 2, then it means that the
The Pit of Revulsion Objective Room local authorities seize the item (discard it immediately). The Warrior
spends the rest of the day clearing up any misunderstandings about how he
When the Warriors enter the Pit of Revulsion Objective Room, roll on the acquired the pilfered item.
Skaven Objective Room Monster Table to see who
inhabits the room. If the Skaven Assassin has not been
encountered, he will also be there.
Additionally, if a Warrior ever tries to sell such an item at a Settlement,
he must roll 1D6. On a score of 1, the trader is privy to the fact that the
Reward item is stolen and immediately notifies the Watch who confiscate the item as
If the Warriors return to the Settlement after killing the detailed above. On a score of 2, 3, 4 or 5, the trader suspects that the item
Skaven, the Warrior who landed the final blow against the may be stolen and refuses to purchase it. On a score of 6, the trader
Skaven Assassin is given an item of Objective Room Treasure from the purchases the item at full value as normal. (Of course, the Outlaw Warrior
family of the young woman for bringing her killer to justice. can sell such an item on the Black Market where traders have no issue about
such a transaction).

If the Warriors were able to clear the Objective Room, they have
removed the Skaven presence and the Settlement inhabitants reward them
with 1D6x50 gold each.


Gifts of Chaos
While the Warriors search for Harmon van Kraus, he continues to receive
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK Gifts of Chaos. Each time the Warriors enter a new Dungeon Room,
OBJECTIVE ROOM: SHIFTING SANCTUM including the Objective Room, the Warriors must roll 1D6, noting the
number on their Adventure Record Sheet. For example, the Warriors entered
five Dungeon Rooms and the numbers rolled were 2, 1, 5, 3, and 3.

H armon van Kraus, a prominent judge in Nuln, no longer

appears in public. While performing his duties he wears a
long robe that covers most of his face. Well known as a compassionate
It is possible that when the Warriors reach the Objective Room, Harmon van
Kraus will have turned into a Chaos Spawn. (See The Shifting Sanctum
official, he has recently been carrying out executions at an alarming rate. Objective Room below).

These executions have been serving as sacrifices to Harmon’s true master,

The Shifting Sanctum Objective Room
the Chaos God Tzeentch, who has been rewarding the corrupt judge with Once the Warriors enter the Objective Room, they must roll on the the
“gifts”. Legend holds that the gifts of Tzeench come in many forms and Chaos Tzeentch Objective Room Monster Table. In addition, they must
can bestow great strength, incredidble toughness, fantastic intelligence and so roll one last time for Harmon’s Gifts of Chaos, recording the number on
much more upon an individual. However, Tzeentch is a fickle patron and their record sheet.
too many gifts can ultimately turn a follower into a misshapen mass – a sure
reminder that whilst the path of Chaos is tempting indeed, it is not without The Warriors now roll an additional 1D6 and if the number is the same as
risk… any of those rolled previously for Harmon’s Gifts of Chaos, the judge has
succumbed to the warping influence of Chaos. Place the Chaos Spawn on
the Board like any other Monster (see Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch Special
His true allegiances revealed, Harmon has fled to his keep which the Card). If the number is not the same as any of the Gifts of Chaos numbers,
Watch has been unable to breach. The Warriors have been hired to penetrate then Harmon von Kraus is in a deep trance and does not participate in
the stronghold and deliver justice. the battle.

Finishing the Adventure
Remove all of the T-Junctions for this Adventure. This Adventure
uses the following Board Sections: If the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters, they bring
Harmon van Kraus back to the authorities to stand trial for his crimes. If
 Flames of Khazla from the Catacombs of Terror the judge turned into a Chaos Spawn, the Warriors will bring his cloak
Adventure Pack
and gavel as proof of his demise. Either way, the Warriors are each
 Landing from Hall of the Hag Queen Adventure Pack Circle rewarded with a piece of Objective Room Treasure and a Horse from the
 of Power from the Main Set Animal Trader. Before the Warriors leave for the next Settlement, roll to see
 Torture Chamber from the Main Set if any of the horses are stolen.

Shuffle 8 other Dungeon Cards to create the Dungeon Desk, making sure
that the Objective Room is in the bottom six cards as usual.

Special Rules
The interior of the keep is designed to confuse anyone who penetrates it.
Each time the Warriors enter a new Board Section, roll 1D6 to see how many
exits the Board Section has:

1-4 The Board Section is normal. ORIGIN: (AB) IDOL CHAMBER #1

5 The Board Section has one additional OBJECTIVE ROOM: IDOL CHAMBER
6 The Board Section has two additional

Place additional doorways on any unused section of the Board.

O ne of the Warriors’ kinsmen has been captured by Orcs, and even
now he is being tortured in their lair. He is to be
sacrificed to their foul gods unless the Warriors can rescue him.

Of course, Harmon van Kraus has also set traps all throughout the keep. The Special Rules
first Warrior to pass through a new doorway must roll 1D6 on the table Randomly determine the Warrior whose kinsman has been captured using
below: the Warrior Counters.

At the start of each Power Phase, before doing anything else, roll 3D6. If all
1 Kaboom! A ball of fire explodes, engulfing every the dice come up the same number the Warriors are too late - the prisoner
Warrior on this and every adjoining Board Section. has been sacrificed! You hear his agonised screams echoing down the
Each Warrior takes 2D6 + Dungeon Level Wounds dark tunnels. With the exception of the Warrior whose kinsman has just
modified for Toughness and Armour. been sacrificed, the Warriors may choose whether to carry on and avenge
Zap! A lightning bolt shoots out from the shadows the prisoner’s death, or to give up and return to the surface. The Warrior
2 and zaps the Warrior for 2D6 + Dungeon Level whose kinsman has been sacrificed has no choice, and he must go on
Wounds modified for Toughness but not Armour. and avenge the death of his blood relative.
Nothing happens.


The Idol Chamber Objective Room Special Rules

Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table to determine The Fountain of Light Objective Room
what Monsters the idol chamber contains.
The Fountain of Light contains three Event Cards' worth of Monsters
and traps. When the Warriors first enter the Fountain of Light turn over
The Monsters are guarding the prisoner, who is bound in chains in front of a the top three Event Cards to see what is in there.
foul idol of Chaos. The Warrior who is kin to the prisoner is so enraged by
the sight of his relative like this that he goes insane with battle fury. For the
rest of the game, that Warrior is at -1 Weapon Skill and +1 Attacks. The Once the Warriors have killed the Monsters in the room they must fill up
prisoner has a map stashed in his boot which show a secret way out of the their water skins with holy water from the Fountain of Light. This takes
Dungeon that leads past a treasure chamber. From this room, each them a whole turn during which the Warriors must stand next to the
Warrior may take 2D6 x 50 gold to the surface with him. fountain and may do nothing else other than to heal themselves. Once
they have done this they must go to the Dread King's Throne Room.

The Dread King’s Throne Room

When the Warriors enter the Objective Room the Warriors must roll on the
Undead Objective Room Monster Table to see what lies within. Once they
have defeated the foul creatures, the Warriors sprinkle the holy water about
the room, exorcising the spirits of the Undead forever and restoring the
sanctity of the temple.

When they succeed in their quest, the Warriors return to the priests will
give each Warrior 200 gold and an item of Objective Room Treasure.



A rich merchant in the town of Aarnau in Nordland has

summoned the Warriors to find and return his son who
has recently disappeared.

ORIGIN: CATACOMBS OF TERROR #3 Forbidden to be together by their feuding families, the young man and his
OBJECTIVE ROOM: DREAD KING’S THRONE ROOM lover have run off into the nearby woods where they stumbled upon a
MONSTER THEME: UNDEAD vacant old mansion. The two decide to make the old place their new home
but soon after realize that the structure is haunted by its violent and bloody

history. Evil spirits and other wicked creatures now walk the once fine
eroic Warriors have trapped the Dread King in his tomb, halls.
deep within the Lands of the Dead. Although his physical
form can no more stride forth at the head of his Undead legions, the
brooding spirit of the Dread King is strong, and not easily destroyed. Aided
by the twisted Necromancer Gunther Laranscheld, his black spirit is The couple have hidden themselves away in the cellar and the Warriors must
slowly escaping its prison to coalesce in a place carefully prepared by the confront the entities within the mansion to retrieve them. Creaking echoes and
Necromancer. candle-cast shadows make it seem as though the very mansion is alive whilst
the walls are unnaturally hard and the dark windows unbreakable.
On the borders of the Lands of the Dead and Araby stands the city of Ka
Sabaar. Little do the priests of the city know, but their temple is built
upon an older, evil site of magical power. The Dread King seeks to use SETTING UP
this pool of dark magic as a conduit for his evil spirit to escape the This Adventure uses the Hall of Death and the Flames of Khazla
shackles which bind it. Board Sections from the Catacombs of Terror Adventure Pack.

Even now, his evil form coalesces in the dark halls beneath the temple. As the
dark power grows, the priests have been driven out by otherworldly night When you prepare the Dungeon Deck, make sure to shuffle the Guard Room
predators, and have offered the Warriors a substantial reward if they can into the top six cards. The Fighting Pit should be shuffled into the bottom six
destroy the Dread King and sanctify the temple. cards for a 13 card Dungeon Deck.

Special Rules
The Guard Room
Take the Fountain of Light Objective Room card and shuffle it into the top
When the Warriors enter this Board Section, the apparition of a noble appears
half of the Dungeon Deck as well as the other six cards. Shuffle the Dread
against the wall on one side of the room while a firing squad appears on the
King's Throne Room card into the bottom half of the Dungeon Deck as
wall opposite. The spectral soldiers draw their guns and open fire. The grisly
scene plays out over and over again and one of the Warriors feels a bullet
graze his


ear! While a Warrior is in this room, any dice roll of 1 he makes for any
reason means that he is hit by a spectral bullet and suffers 1 Wound with
no modifiers for anything.

The Fighting Pit Objective Room

When the Warriors reach the Fighting Pit Objective Room, they find the
Monsters closing in on the two lovers. Make one roll on the Haunted
Objective Room Monster Table to see who they are. In addition to the
Monsters rolled, Molvar will also be present. If the Warriors have not
already encountered and defeated Vyktrina in an Event, she will also be

Finishing the Adventure

Once the Warriors clear the room of Monsters, they lead the lovers out of
the mansion and back to safety. Roll 1D6 and consult the table below to
see the outcome of this Adventure:

1 The two lovers, forbidden to be together and seeing no

possibility of surviving on their own, take their own
lives. Upon hearing of the tragedy, the rich merchant is
furious with the Warriors and refuses to pay them
anything. ORIGIN: (AB) TOMB CHAMBER #1
2-3 The two foolish lovers sneak off again at the first OBJECTIVE ROOM: TOMB CHAMBER
opportunity, certain that their passion for each other will MONSTER THEME: HAUNTED
prevail over any obstacles that they will encounter. When

the Warriors relay their account to the rich merchant, he
is thankful that his son is alive, but annoyed that the eep below Middenheim there is a maze of tunnels
Warriors allowed him to leave. He pays the Warriors inhabited by all manner of evil creatures. No one ventures
into this dark realm, and the entrances in the city have been sealed for
1D6x50 gold each for their part in finding him.
centuries. Now, however, an evil presence has been detected by the priests of
Although they cannot be together, the Warriors Ulric, the holy leaders of the city.
convince the two lovers to return to their relatives. Both
family houses are grateful to the Warriors and pay them
1D6x100 gold each. The source of this malign power is growing, and resides somewhere in the
ancient catacombs below the city. The priests suspect it may be the spirit of
The Warriors persuade the lovers to rejoin their a long dead Necromancer, returned to wreak havoc once again on the
respective families and the relatives are overjoyed at inhabitants of Middenheim. Like moths to a candle, other malign and
6 their return. The entire ordeal has brought about a twisted creatures are being drawn to the tunnels below Middenheim by this
change of heart for the feuding houses and the lovers are evil presence.
permitted to marry. The Warriors are invited as
honoured guests to the extravagant event which is to be
held immediately. Each Warrior receives 1D6x100 gold
Carrying holy artefacts from the temples of the city, the Warriors must
and a piece of Objective Room Treasure for bringing the
descend into the catacombs to exorcise the evil before its power grows too
two families together!
strong to contain.

Special Rules
Each Warrior has been given a holy symbol of Ulric to take into the dungeon
below Middenheim. These artefacts must be placed on top of the
Necromancer’s tomb to lay him to rest.

The Tomb Chamber Objective Room

Roll on the Haunted Objective Room Monster Table to determine
what Monsters the Tomb Chamber contains.

Once the Monsters are defeated, each Warrior may move to a square
adjacent to the tomb and lay his artefact on the tomb lid, in an attempt to
exorcise the evil that dwells within it.

At the start of the next turn, during the Power Phase, each player must
roll 1D6. If any of the dice score a 1, take another Event Card as the evil
spirit summons vile creatures to its aid.

Once these are killed, the Warriors may try again. This continues until the
Warriors do not roll any 1s, at which point the spirit is destroyed and the
evil lifted. The Warriors may now make their way to the surface to be hailed
as heroes.

While in the tomb, the Warriors find 1D6x50 gold each, plus they get a
further 1D6x50 gold each as reward for their part in the Adventure.


many of the Carnival Creeps. The 1991 Chaos Sorceress “Maalica Iron
Hoof” is a great representation for a Fortune Teller while a 2001 Citadel
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK (CARNIVAL OF CHAOS) Witch Elf will make a good Dancing Girl. A dagger-wielding Halfling from
the Citadel C11 Range will fit the bill for The Homunculus and any Ogre
OBJECTIVE ROOM: IDOL CHAMBER MONSTER from the classical Citadel Range will be exactly what you need for The
THEME: CHAOS CARNIVAL Giant. Of course, you might decide to represent these villains with
miniatures of your own choosing!
hievery, mutilations, disappearances and afflictions have been
reported from every town and village between Praag and Erengrad. Every
one of those settlements confirms that a surreal traveling carnival passed
through at some point, putting on a show of astounding amusement. A
woman who predicts the future and men who can swallow swords or eat
fire are some of the many bizarre performances that have MEET THE CARNIVAL CREEPS
captivated the townsfolk.

The forces of Chaos have been suspected and the Warriors have been
hired to investigate the carnival company before they reach the city of The Ringmaster
Middenheim. The Warriors track the group to the mouth of a cave where This cloaked creature is the mastermind and ringleader of
they have holed up. the group has the ability to drain the life from his victims.

SETTING UP The Fortune Teller

This adventure uses the Carnival of Carnage Event Cards This mystic has the ability to read the future. She knows
included in this document. Use the Idol Chamber Room, Objective what her enemies will do even before they do, which allows
preparing the Dungeon Deck as normal. her to prepare a superlative defence.

Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms
Each time the Warriors enter a Dungeon Room, they do not draw an
Event Card as normal – they will always encounter Monsters. Pick a The Fire Eater
Carnival Creep Counter at random to see who inhabits the room. (See the The red-haired performer stores fire in his belly, ready to
Carnival of Carnage Special Cards for rules and statistics.) Draw an Event spit flames which sear his foes.
Card until it reveals Monsters to see which minions are also present,
The Strongman
The Carnival members have all been horrifically “blessed” with mutations by This performer bulges with unnatural muscles, is stronger
the Chaos gods. While entertaining the locals, the creeps wear masks or hoods, than an Ogre and smashes his foes with both club and shield.
paint their faces or employ other methods to conceal the actual identities.
However, when the Warriors meet up with them, they reveal their true nature!

Once a Carnival Creep Counter has been picked, it is removed from further The Homunculus
play. If the Warriors manage to defeat a Carnival Creep, they will not This malevolent and elusive Halfling is an expert knife-
encounter them ever again. The only exception to this is the Ringmaster. thrower.
If defeated, a swirling, dark cloud will form around the Ringmaster and he
will escape, to be encountered later in the Objective Room. The Giant
This Ogre packs a powerful punch and a powerful stink that
goes along with it. Only the hardiest of Warriors can handle
Note: Some of the Creep Special Abilities are not detailed on their Special his disgusting stench.
Card. In those cases, refer to the RPB.
The Idol Chamber Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Idol Chamber Objective Room, they will The Dancing Girl
encounter the Ringmaster and his minions. Roll on the Carnival of Carnage This agile woman nimblly twists, spins and turns her lithe
Objective Room Monster Table to see who accompanies him. If the body in combat, mesmerising her foes with a dangerously
Fortune Teller has not already been encountered and defeated, she will be seductive dance.
in the Objective Room as well.
The Human Shield
This abomination has a body like iron making him
Finishing the Adventure impervious to all but the most powerful attacks.
When the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters, they find a secret
passage under the giant idol statue which leads back up to the surface. They
travel to Middenheim and report their carnival cleansing to the authorities CREEPS OF TZEENTCH
whereupon each Warrior is rewarded with 1D6x100 gold and a piece of
Dungeon Room Treasure.
The Contortionist
This bizarre creature can change shape into almost anything,
making her extremely hard to strike.
The Sword Swallower
You will need a host of miniatures to represent the various Monsters that
you will encounter. The Marauder Thug Regiment Troopers are perfect for This body of this creep can absorb anything and Warriors
the Thugs with Bows while the 1988 Citadel Realm of Chaos Thugs will are forewarned not to try and punch or kick him…
be perfect for


In addition, draw a Chambers of Horror Mutated Monster of Tzeentch

Card to see what foul creature is also present. Roll 1D6 and if the score
local doctor, Ademaro Ebner, has been acting strangely as of late and is a 4, 5 or 6 the creature has one mutation as normal. But if the score
only leaves his sanatorium during the night. is a 1, 2 or 3 then the creature has two mutations instead (see Mutated
It is soon discovered that Ademaro is a follower of Tzeentch
and is driven out of the area by the local Witch Hunters Guild. A brief Monsters of Tzeentch Special Card). The effects of duplicate mutations are
search of the sanatorium reveals secret passageways, from which spine-
chilling noises can be heard. The town’s Burgermeister suspects that
prisoners are being held in the place while the Captain of the Guard
suspects something more sinister. With the Witch Hunters Guild preoccupied Finishing the Adventure
in the pursuit of Ademaro, the Warriors are hired to discover the source If the Warriors can clear the Board of Monsters, they may search the
of the noises. Idol Chamber Objective Room for treasure by each rolling 1D6:

Shuffle the Chambers of Horror Mutated Monster of Tzeentch Cards and 1 The Warrior finds gold. The Warrior may roll as many
put them aside for now. D6 as he likes, adding up the score and multiplying it by
25 to determine how much gold he finds. However, if
any of the dice score a 1 the Warrior finds nothing at all.
Special Rules In addition to the result above, the Warrior also finds a
The Captain of the Guard’s is right to be suspcious. The noises coming from 2-4 piece of Dungeon Room Treasure.
the secret passageways are not human. Ademaro Ebner had been mutilating
In addition to both results above, the Warrior also finds a
various creatures to honour the Chaos God Tzeentch in exchange for 5-6 piece of Objective Room Treasure.
wealth and power. Once controlled by Ademaro, these wretched beings, now
distorted from their original forms, wander freely through the
passageways. The Warriors must eradicate these mutated monsters before
they escape and cause mayhem in the town.
In their search for treasure, the Warriors find a trap door under the idol that
leads back out to the surface. The Warriors return to the Burgermeister who
can’t believe that the noises were not from prisoners. He accuses the
Each time the Warriors enter a new Dungeon Room, there is no need to
Warriors of abandoning their mission and launches his own search party
draw an Event Card. The room automatically contains one of these wretched
instead. He pays the Warriors nothing.
specimens. Draw a Chambers of Horror Mutated Monster of Tzeentch
Card to see what Monster the Warriors have encountered. Then roll on the
Mutation Table to see what mutation the Monster has (see the Mutation Table
Special Card).

If the Warriors are successful in killing the mutated Monster, in addition to ORIGIN: (WD #201) A GREEN AND PUSTULANT LAND #3
the gold value, they receive two items of Dungeon Room Treasure instead OBJECTIVE ROOM: PIT OF REVULSION
of the usual one, to be distributed as normal.

The Cleansing Flame of Sigmar has been used to counteract a mysterious

disease which had been ravaging the southern Empire. The victims are now
well on the road to recovery and, thankful for the Warriors’ help, have
organised a huge banquet in celebration. In the middle of the feast, a
horribly disfigured man stumbles into the great hall where the celebrations
are taking place. The man falls upon the floor in his death-throes, crying
“You promised I would be healed, Master! I have done what you have
asked! Have mercy on me! Master...” Within seconds the man is dead. In
his hand he clutches a decaying scroll.

After it is pried from his fingers the Warriors can read a message: “The Time
of Disease shall return. The next blessing that Lord Nurgle grants to you
will not be curable by your feeble gods. Thus swears Festasmus, the
most favoured of the servants of the Lord of Decay.” Who knows what
sort of calamity Festasmus the Septile will unleash on mankind next?


He must be stopped once and for all, so that the people of the Empire can Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may look into the fountain.
sleep peacefully at night. The magician of Salsburg, a Celestial mage of great While there are Monsters alive in the fountain room a magical aura
skill, uses his powers of divination to scry the location of the lair of prevents the fountain from operating. Each Warrior may look into the
Festasmus. The Warriors must track down Festasmus in his lair and slay him, fountain once and once only, and must be standing in a square adjacent to it
thus ending this threat permanently. to do so. When a Warrior looks into the fountain, roll 1D6. On a 1, 2 or
3, nothing is revealed. On a 4, 5 or 6, the fountain shimmers and shows Orc
and Goblin armies massing in the Worlds Edge Mountains – this is where the
SETTING UP attack will come from!
Shuffle the Affliction of Nurgle Event Card into the Event Deck. This
reflects the risk the Warriors have of being exposed to Festasmus' vile Each Warrior may also drink once from the fountain. Roll 1D6 on the
plagues, and the chance of one (or more) of them contracting some foul
following table:
illness of his creation. In between quests the Warriors may travel to
Settlements as normal (provided that they have not contracted the
Mouldering Pox affliction).
1 The waters burn the Warrior from the inside,
shrivelling his innards to a crisp. With an anguished
shriek he falls down dead!
Special Rules
2-6 The waters heal the Warrior back up to full Wounds
The Pit of Revulsion Objective Room and, if he is the Wizard, restore him to his original
When the Warriors reach the Pit of Revulsion Objective Room, roll on the quota of Power Tokens.
Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table to see what the Warriors
encounter there. In addition, Festasmus the Septile will also be here. See the
Festasmus the Septile Special Card for rules.
The Escape
Finishing the Adventure As soon as the last Warrior who wishes to has looked into the fountain, a
killed all the Monsters, including door creaks open in the far wall. The Warriors must escape through this door
When the Warriors have
Festasmus, they will find a concealed exit on the far side of the chamber and fight their way to freedom.
through which they can escape back out of the
dungeon. Once they have returned to the surface, the Warriors will have all Take another 1D6+2 Dungeon Cards and create a new Dungeon Deck.
their afflictions cured in time for their next quest. Anyone suffering from These are the rooms the Warriors must get through before they reach the
Mouldering Pox may still not enter a settlement until after their next surface.
Adventure as the symptoms take a while to clear after the cure has been
administered. Note, though, that Toughness lost through attacks from Use them just like the normal Dungeon Deck, exploring beyond the new
Festasmus or Plaguebearer cannot be recovered. The Warriors are then doorway in the fountain room just as you would any other, turning over
rewarded with 1D6x100 gold and an item of Dungeon Room Treasure. the top Dungeon Card to see what lies beyond.

When the Warriors reach the final room or corridor, they notice light shining
in from a hole in the roof. With a great deal of effort, they scramble up
and escape through the hole, returning to the Emperor in time to warn him
of the impending attack.
MONSTER THEME: ANY If they discover the source of the impending attack, the Warriors are richly
rewarded upon their return, gaining 2D6x100 gold each. If they don’t, they

get nothing.
he Emperor’s Wizards tell him that the mystical signs warn of an
imminent invasion, but they can see no further than
this, as dark powers cloud their vision. They have no idea if the assault will
come from the Chaos Wastes of the far North,
from the Orcs of the Dark Lands to the East, or from some other
unsuspected quarter. ORIGIN: LAIR OF THE ORC LORD #6
The most aged Wizard Lord of the Celestial college suggests that the MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS
answer lies in a magical pool – the Fountain of Fate which holds the

secrets of all things. While the Empire prepares all its borders for war, a
hile relaxing in a small tavern between adventures the
party of brave Warriors is
gathered to search for the fountain, reputed somewhere to be found Warriors are approached by an anonymous Alchemist
below the Middle Mountains. from Altdorf. The Alchemist wishes to hire the Warriors for a 'simple job'.
Rumour has reached him that an evil sorcerer known as Gradluk the
Deceiver was recently killed in a wizards' duel in Middenheim.
Special Rules
This is a two-part Adventure: the first part is to find the
fountain, the second is to return once more to the surface, and to safety. A few years ago Gradluk stole something from the Alchemist and now he
wants the Warriors to get it back. Apparently Gradluk had a secret
hideaway near Peak Pass which is where the Alchemist's property is probably
The Fountain of Light Objective Room hidden. The hideaway will only be lightly guarded and the Warriors should
have no trouble in retrieving his property, which will be in a green
Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster- theme being
drawstring bag marked with a skull and crossbones. The mysterious
used to determine what Monsters the fountain room contains.
Alchemist tells them the bag contains valuable items that he wants back.
However, he says that there are


also four healing potions in there, which the Warriors are welcome to if they
find the bag. He also gives each Warrior a magical amulet, said to bring
luck. The bag is magically trapped to kill anyone who touches it, but the ORIGIN: (AB) TOMB CHAMBER #6
Alchemist provides the Warriors with a counter spell. Only a Wizard can

What the Alchemist doesn't know is that soon after the death of Gradluk, a
tribe of Orcs called the Black Fangs moved into the caves. Retrieving the
bag will be by no means easy!
T he Warriors have been employed to carry out an apparently
simple task, for which they will be well paid. All
they have to do is solve an inheritance dispute between two
Imperial Lords, by correctly identifying a body buried in a far away tomb
in the Worlds Edge Mountains.
Special Rules
Luck The Tomb Chamber Objective Room
Each Warrior takes one of the 'Luck' tokens from the Roll on the Undead Objective Room Monster Table to determine
Warhammer Quest game, to represent his magic amulet. At what Monsters the Tomb Chamber contains.
any time in the Adventure, a Warrior may declare that he is using his
amulet. This allows him to re-roll a dice roll which has just failed. Once he
has re-rolled, he discards the Luck token, the amulet's power is exhausted, Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may lift back the lid of the
and the Warrior must abide by the second dice roll. tomb and determine who the body belongs to. Roll 1D6 on the following

Gorgut’s Lair Objective Room 1-3 The skeleton has no teeth.

Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table to see what 4-6 The skeleton is missing its left hand.
Monsters are in Gorgut's Lair. The Warriors will notice the green bag at the
back of the room and will also see a pile of bones and skulls in the corner.
Whenever someone upset Gorgut he would make them try and pick up Having identified the body, the Warriors may make their way to the
the bag; the skulls are a mute testimony to the power of the protective spell. surface. As they have killed all the Monsters in the dungeon, the way
out is clear and they may exit without even rolling for Unexpected Events.

When all the Monsters have been killed the Wizard can retrieve the bag from If the skeleton has no teeth, it belongs to the household of Luckstein, an
the back of the Lair. The Wizard must remember to cast the counter spell honourable family who reward the Warriors with 1D6x100 gold each for
before picking up the bag. He must be standing in the same square as the sorting out the inheritance question once and for all.
bag. Roll 1D6, and on anything but a score of a 1, the Wizard picks up the
bag safely
- the spell worked. However, if the roll was a 1, black fire consumes If the skeleton is missing its left hand, it belongs to the household of Bravia,
him and the flesh is flayed off his bones. His charred skeleton collapses onto whose current Lord is a scheming, arrogant individual. When the Warriors
the floor. get back, he proclaims he has discovered the truth himself, denies any deal
with the Warriors, and refuses to pay them a penny!
The Way Out
No matter whether the Warriors get the bag or not, the only way out of
the lair is back the way they came and there are still likely to be some
Monsters around.

The Warriors must move back through the rooms and corridors, but ORIGIN: LAIR OF THE ORC LORD #3
there is not an automatic event if they enter a room. If the Wizard rolls a 1
in the Power Phase he must roll again. If the second dice comes up with
anything but a 1 take an Event Card as normal. However, if the second roll MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS
comes up a 1 the Warriors are attacked by Skabnoze and minions. Skabnoze
is after the bag now that it is free of its spell and may try to steal it
back more than once (depending on the Wizard's dice rolls). The rules
for Skabnoze can be found on page 8 of the LOTOL rulebook.
J ust for once the Warriors find that their arrival in a village is
a cause for celebration rather than disapproval. They are
treated to a feast and entertained in high fashion. Realising that
something must be up the Warriors wait for the villagers to make their
request. Eventually, towards the end of the evening, the village leaders tell
the Warriors that for years they have been harassed by a tribe of Orcs, called
Reward the Black Fangs, who live in the mountains nearby. The killing and
Once the Warriors get out of the Orcs' lair they may go back to see the destruction has been bad enough, but during the last raid the Orcs found
mysterious Alchemist if they have retrieved the bag. When the Warriors and stole a gold statue that the village treasured.
meet up with the Alchemist he checks the bag. Roll 1D6: on a roll of 1
Gorgut has thrown out whatever was in the bag and used it to carry his Rumour now has it that the Orcs have recently been attacked by Dwarfs and
lunch. The bag now contains some well chewed bones and a few will not be expecting a small raiding party. The villagers believe that it
lumps of gristle he was saving for a snack. The should now be possible for the Warriors to attack the Orc lair and not only get
Alchemist throws the bag down in disgust and refuses to their statue back but put paid to the nasty Orcs forever. The leader, holding
pay the Warriors. On any other roll he is more than his hat in his hands, tells the Warriors that they have managed to gather
happy with the return of his property and gives the together some gold and pleads for the Warriors to help them.
Warriors 2D6x100 gold each in addition to the four
Healing Potions from the bag. Eeach Healing Potion
may be used once and cures 2D6 Wounds.
Gorgut’s Lair Objective Room
Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table to see what
Monsters are in Gorgut’s Lair.


Once all the Monsters in the Lair have been killed the Warriors can search
for the statue, which they will find in the open chest at the back of the
Lair. However, just as they lay their hands on the statue Bogoff the ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
Snotling appears and runs off with it! Place Bogoff at the far end of the
Board Section immediately before Gorgut's Lair. See the LOTOL OBJECTIVE ROOM: VAMPIRE’S LAIR
reference sheet for the rules for Bogoff. He will run between Gorgut's MONSTER THEME: VAMPIRE
Lair and the previous Board Section. As with the lantern, the Warriors
must hit Bogoff to make him drop the statue. Note which Warrior hits
Bogoff. S outh of the Empire is a dark, dreadful place where no one
in the their right mind would ever travel to, much less
make it their place of residence. It is said that the haunted lands of
Sylvania are filled with hungry packs of wolves, mutated and deformed
On the Warriors' return to the village the villagers will pay them 1D6 x 50
villagers, flesh-eating ghouls and blood- drinking vampires. Those that have
gold each plus an extra 100 gold to the Warrior who got the statue back from
chosen Sylvania as their home, or who travel there routinely, are viewed with

One such person has drawn the attention of the Witch Hunters Guild in
Stirland. Count Viktor von Bekken has recently constructed a mansion
near the Haunted Hills and the Guild has declared an investigation into the
ORIGIN: (AB) TOMB CHAMBER #3 matter. Count von Bekken is currently away on business (building an
OBJECTIVE ROOM: TOMB CHAMBER army of Zombie guards and Wight sentinels no doubt) and the Warriors have
MONSTER THEME: ANY been hired to gather evidence during his absence that will confirm the
existence of a Vampire presence.

B etween the Dwarf hold of Karak Izor and the Dwarf Sea Fortress of
Barak Varr lies a small realm, a border
principality known as Heldegrad. Normally allied to the cause of the Special Rules
Dwarfs, the rulers of this small state have been thrown into turmoil by the The Vampire Counters
discovery of the ancient and long-lost tomb of their ancestor-Kings, renowned This Adventure uses the Vampire Counters. Each counter represents
to contain the true crown of supportive evidence of a Vampire presence. The Warriors can gather as
the realm. This labyrinthine burial ground lies near Karak Izor, and the
much evidence as they wish and can exit the Dungeon at any time by
king demands that the crown of his forefathers is returned to him by
retracing their steps.
the Dwarfs or he will shut down all the trade routes from Barak Varr to
Karak Izor. Not wishing to plunge the longstanding allies into bloodshed,
and acknowledging the king’s right to the ancient crown, the Dwarf Lord of Each Dungeon Room contains a suspicious sign that a Vampire might be
Karak Izor has allowed the Warriors to descend into the long-forgotten lurking in the mansion. Each time the Warriors enter a Dungeon Room for
tunnels in search of the ancient relic. the first time, and before drawing an Event Card, roll 1D6 on the table
below to see what evidence of a Vampire the Warriors find:

Special Rules 1 Inside a strongbox is a long, black cape.

In the first dungeon room that the Warriors enter there is an ancient chest, 2 On the wall is a portrait of Vlad von Carstein. On a
locked and chained to the ground. Once they have resolved the Event 3 bookshelf is a volume on raising the dead.
Card for this room, the Warriors may examine it. The chest bears the
heraldic crest of Heldegrad on its lid, and obviously contains the crown. 4 Under a trapdoor in the floor is a dead body with
Unfortunately, it cannot be opened or shifted, even using magic. To open it puncture wounds on its neck.
the Warriors must find the key that lies elsewhere in the dungeon and return 5 On a mantle is a drinking goblet which contains blood.
here with it. Put the Dungeon Card for this room to one side to remind Hanging on the wall is a battke standard from the
yourself where the chest is. 6 Vampire Wars.

The Tomb Chamber Objective Room The party leader should take the Vampire Counter with the corresponding
Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster- number as the evidence rolled above and keep it on their Record Sheet. For
theme being used to determine what Monsters the tomb example, if the Warriors rolled a 2 (the portrait of Vlad von Carstein) then
chamber contains. the party leader should take the Vampire Counter with the #2 on it.

Once the Monsters are If the Warriors roll a number of a Vampire Counter that they already have,
defeated, the Warriors may then they do not receive a Vampire Counter for that Dungeon Room.
search the chamber,
whereupon they find a key in a small
alcove in the side of the tomb. This The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room
key will open the If the Warriors reach the Vampire’s Lair Objective Room, they must make
chest in the first dungeon room. The
Warriors must return to the chest, one roll on the Vampire Objective Room Monster Table. If the Warriors
turn by turn, testing for Unexpected can clear the Board of Monsters and find the secret passage, the Warriors
find the most damning evidence yet: a coffin. The Warriors may take all
Events in the Power Phase as usual.
six Vampire Counters. The coffin is empty at this time (fortunately) but the
The chest contains the crown, which
Warriors can be sure that when the Count returns, he will not be happy to
may now be returned to Heldegrad.
find that his mansion has been disturbed.
Once the crown is returned, each
Warrior gets one
piece of Dungeon Room Reward
Treasure as reward for his part in the When the Warriors return to the Witch Hunter’s Guild, they can present any
Adventure. evidence that they have. For each Vampire Counter collected, the Warriors
receive 1D6x50 gold each.


Special Rules
The Warriors are in fact tracking the Skaven Assassin Skreek Deathstrike
ORIGIN: (WD #191) A HORROR AWAKENS #2 after his first abortive foray to the surface. He is looking for another way
OBJECTIVE ROOM: FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT to get above ground so that he can follow his orders to poison the
MONSTER THEME: ANY population of Middenheim. Your Warriors must catch up with the Skaven
Assassin before he can find a more secretive route to Middenheim. To

represent this, every time you draw an event card roll 1D6. If this roll is a 1,
n important Imperial Noble has recently been rescued take one of the Warpstone counters. These counters represent Skreek's
from the clutches of an evil cabal of monsters. He is, in progress through the tunnels. If the Warriors pick up all six counters,
fact, a well known Witch Hunter who was investigating their lair, trying
Skreek has reached the surface and will be poisoning the wells! If Skreek is
to discover the whereabouts of a cruel Necromancer. Before his capture
encountered before this happens, the Warriors can return safely to the
the Witch Hunter, Duke von Steafen, managed to learn of an ancient temple.
surface (assuming that they defeat him of course!). There is no need to go
He has asked the Warriors to fetch some Blessed Water from the ruined to the Objective room, unless the Warriors feel up to it!
shrine, in the hope that it may help him against the foul Necromancer (see
the Blessed Water Treasure Card from White Dwarf #191). Unfortunately,
when the Warriors arrive, they find it guarded by Monsters…

If the Warriors succeed in stopping Skreek they will find the phial of
Special Rules toxin and guess what he planned to do. When the Warriors' heroism is
The Fountain of Light Objective Room brought to the attention of Elector Count Boris Todbringer, he rewards each
When they enter the Fountain of Light, the Warriors must roll on the of them with 1D6x150 gold and gives them the keys to the city.
Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster-theme being used.

If they fail, well it's best that they leave the city as quickly and quietly as
To fill his water skin with Blessed Water a Warrior must spend a whole turn possible (and take lots of bottled water with them).
next to the Fountain of Light, doing nothing. During that turn any
Monster attacking the Warrior in hand-to- hand combat will hit
automatically. Once one of the Warriors has collected some Blessed
Water, he may take the Blessed Water Treasure Card. One of the Warriors
must collect some Blessed Water to complete the Adventure. To escape,
the Warriors must exit off the Board Section where they entered the

If the Warriors manage to escape with the Blessed Water, Duke von
Steafen rewards each of them with two item of Dungeon Room
T he Warriors have arrived at the town of Salsburg near the
Black Mountains, and head for the local tavern to spend
their hard-earned money. The tavern of the town seems strangely deserted,
Treasure. If they manage to escape, but haven't any Blessed Water or have except for a man who approaches the Warriors and offers them a quest.
used it all, he gives them each 1D6x50 gold for trying their best... The man is Johann Mannstein, the mayor of the town. He explains that for
several months now, ever increasing numbers of inhabitants of Salsburg
have fallen ill, and suffered a painful, wasting death. Worse, it seems that
the disease is spreading at an alarming rate. The town healer has been
powerless to stop this strange affliction, and he swears that the disease is
a magical, not natural illness and thus incurable by his talents. The foresters
of Salsburg suspect that the origin of the disease is a great cavern
complex located high in the Black Mountains. They have witnessed many
Giant Rats emerging from the forbidding place, biting animals and men who
later succumb to the disease. Johann pleads with the Warriors to
investigate the caverns and find a way to seal or cleanse them so the disease
can be kept in check. If the Warriors agree to undertake this dangerous
mission, Johann will provide them with a map of the surrounding area,
including the mouth of the cavern that the diseased creatures have been
emerging from.


MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN Shuffle the Affliction of Nurgle Event Card into the Event Deck. This
reflects the risk the Warriors have of being exposed to Festasmus' vile

W hile out carousing one evening, enjoying the sights of

Middenheim, your party happens to stop by the Broken
Knife tavern. Late that evening, as you enjoy the hospitable atmosphere
plagues, and the chance of one (or more) of them contracting some foul
illness of his creation. In between quests the Warriors may travel to
Settlements as normal (provided that they have not contracted the
and share a friendly drink with the locals, you become aware of a Mouldering Pox affliction).
disturbance behind the counter. Upon investigation, you find the body of
the landlord in the beer cellar, stabbed several times in the back. Clawed
footprints in the dank cellar lead you to a secret door, which opens up onto In order to cleanse the caverns of Giant Rats, as well as all the other foul
the tunnels beneath the city. Everybody implores you to find the denizens that inhabit the place, they must be sealed and flooded. The only
barkeeper's murderer and you decide to follow the trail. However, it way to do this is by blocking off the outflow of a spring in the depths of
doesn't take you long to realise that something much more sinister is going the caverns. The Warriors must then find a way to escape.


Before starting you should remove the Stairway Dungeon Card and set it haunt this tomb, who plans to blight the world with death and pain. This evil
aside. Then prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal, being sure to include the lord of the Undead is known only as Van Damneg the Dread King. The
Toxic Pits. wizards of the Empire need time to consider what course of action to take.
While they ponder, the power of the Dread King grows...
Special Rules
The Fountain of Light Objective Room The Warriors are called upon to seek out the ancient Orb of Chalcidar, as
Roll on the Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table to see what foul it may be powerful enough to bind the Dread King forever in his
beasts ar lurking around the spring. After defeating the Monsters, any pyramid tomb, if not destroy him outright. This powerful magical artefact
Warrior may then seal off the spring by spending a turn standing was stolen by Gunther Laranscheld some months ago, and spirited away to
adjacent to the fountain and doing nothing but block the outlet. This will his stronghold Spine Mountain Keep, in the Black Mountains. For the
then start the Dungeon flooding as the spring seeks an alternate outlet. Warriors to stand any chance whatsoever of defeating the Dread King, they
must retrieve this orb from the clutches of Laranscheld. Spine Mountain
Keep is a dark and dangerous place, and the Warriors must have quick wits
The entrance the Warriors came in by will have already been sealed off and brave hearts to survive this deadly challenge.
from the outside by the townsfolk, so they must instead find the stairs
deeper in the Dungeon that lead up to safety, since the flood level will
not get that high. Place a Doorway at the far end of the Fountain of
Light room - the Warriors can leave through this and carry on searching for Special Rules
the Stairway. Roll 1D6, and shuffle this many Dungeon Cards together with Do not include the Dread King Event Card in the Event deck for this
the Stairway card. Adventure, as he is far off in the Lands of the Dead.

Place these cards after the exit from the Fountain of Light. The Warriors must Whenever the Warriors enter a Dungeon Room, they may search it for the
search through this deck to escape. lost orb. They may only do this once any event triggered by the room has
been completed, and so long as there are no Monsters on the board. If
the Warriors want to search the room, it will take a whole turn, during
The flood level will gradually rise as the Warriors race to find the exit. At which time they may do nothing else except heal each other if they have
the end of each exploration phase, roll 1D6. On the first result of 6 the the means.
water has reached the Warriors' knees; subtract 1 from their Movement as
they are forced to wade through the water. On the second result of 6 the
water is up to their waists; subtract a further 1 from their Movement. On the
third result of 6 the water has reached their necks; subtract a further 1 from
their movement. On the fourth result of 6 the Warriors must drop all their To search a room, place all the Catacombs of Terror Counters in a cup. To
equipment and treasure to stop themselves drowning, and they continue find the orb, one of the players rolls a dice, and another takes a counter at
moving with the above penalties. Further sixes have no more effect. Note random from the cup. The number on the counter is added to the score
that the Movement penalties apply to both Warriors and Monsters. Once all rolled on the dice. If the total is 8 or more, then the players have found the
the Warriors have reached the end of the Stairway they can leave the orb.
dungeon safely, the quest is complete.
Remember that whatever they score, a 1 is a 1 and always fails. Each
room can only be searched once per turn, and one dice roll is made per
room (not once per Warrior!). Once a counter is out of the cup, the
Reward Warriors keep it, even if they did not find the orb. When they next search,
On returning to Salsburg after completing this quest, Johann Mannstein they add the totals of all the counters that are out of the cup to the dice roll.
will reward each of the Warriors with 1D6x50 gold and a towel.

As soon as the Skull Counter is picked, their search is over for now. The
room they were searching does NOT have the orb in it, so there is no point
searching further. All the counters go back in the cup, and the Warriors
must take an Event Card immediately - the noise of their searching has
disturbed some evil force within the catacombs. As soon as they find the
orb, each Warrior also takes a Treasure card.

If the Warriors do not find the orb by the time they come to the Objective
Room, then whatever else happens in the room, the orb will be there.

The Dread King’s Throne Room

Use the Dread King's Throne Room, which in this Adventure is the lair of
Laranscheld the Necromancer.

ORIGIN: CATACOMBS OF TERROR #1 Do not roll on the Objective Room Monster Table to see what Monsters
OBJECTIVE ROOM: DREAD KING’S THRONE ROOM lurk inside. The Warriors will face Laranscheld, Luthor, the Grimoire
MONSTER THEME: UNDEAD Necris, 1D3 Tomb Guardians and 2D6 Skeleton bowmen.

R umours have reached the Empire: dark tales of a

brooding evil lurking within the pyramid mountain known
as the Twisted Spire. This cursed peak lies in the far off Lands of the Dead,
If the Warriors find the orb before the Objective Room, they may make
off with it without venturing any further. However, such is the fervour
amongst the shifting sands and bleached bones of Khemri and Quatar. The within the Empire to stop this insidious Undead menace, that the Warriors
Twisted Spire is said to be the time worn remains of an ancient pyramid, have been offered an extra 30 gold for every servant of Undeath that they
the resting place of a once powerful king. It is said that a black soul has destroy, on top of whatever gold value the Monsters are worth anyway.
returned to


Finishing the Adventure

The last card in the Dungeon Deck contains the exit out of the Dungeon. Use
ORIGIN: HALL OF THE HAG QUEEN #6 the second doorway in the Temple of Khaine Objective Room to continue
OBJECTIVE ROOM: TEMPLE OF KHAINE through the rest of the Dungeon Deck if appropriate.

I t is known that the dark caves dotted along the Old World
are numerous and, sometimes, enormous. It is also known
that their uncharted underground waterways extend from the coast of Estalia
The Warriors can then return to Marienburg where they deliver any treasure
of Elven origin they found. As promised, the High Elves pay twice the gold
value of each of those treasures. In addition, for every Tome they bring
to the coast of Kislev, emerging at hundreds of points along the way. The back that discusses the Sea Elf history, the Warriors receive one piece
coastal caverns were used decades ago by pirates, smugglers, and traders to of Objective Room Treasure (re-roll any of Elven origin) to be distributed as
evade and circumvent the authorities. When the ocean levels rose, the normal.
caverns became all but useless. But the water levels have receded once
again and adventurers know that the caves may be ripe with bandit gold and
pirate treasure!

The Warriors have set their sights on the Old Coast Road near Marienburg, ORIGIN: TUNNELS OF PESTILENCE #2
but have come before the High Elves of Marienburg to ask permission, for
the High Elves believe that they are the rightful occupants of Marienburg
and the surrounding area. They insist that it is written in the Three MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN
Ancient Tomes.; ancient historical texts that detail the history of their
ancestors, the Sea Elves, during the time when they reigned supreme.
Unfortunately for them, the texts have been missing for generations. T he Bretonnian Duc Andre Broussard in Carcassonne has
quietly summoned the Warriors to his castle. He reveals to
them that a company of Skaven has been detected at the old mill just south
of the settlement. Some of the farmers’ children have gone missing and the
townsfolk are scared to even leave their houses during the evening. They
The High Elves, impressed with the Warriors’ respect and courtesy have demand the Duc do something to find the missing children. He employs
granted them permission to search for gold and treasure within their the Warriors to investigate the area and remove the Skaven presence.
ancestral home, but with a single condition. The books would be very
valuable to the High Elves as it would divulge some of the missing history of
their kin and may prove the High Elves’ claim to the area. In addition, there
are many ancient Elven artefacts that have yet to be discovered. Any
Elven artefacts the Warriors find in the caves must be returned to them. In Deal ten dungeon cards face down. Shuffle the Collapsed Passageway Board
exchange the High Elves will pay the Warriors double the amount of each Section and the Dead End Board Section in with the ten cards to make a
Elven object’s worth in gold. In addition, if the Warriors find the Tomes, total of twelve. Shuffle the Idol Chamber Objective Room into the bottom
half as normal to make the Dungeon Deck.
they will be rewarded with a great treasure.

Special Rules
The Warriors will soon find that the caverns are swarming with Dark Elves.
Skamp the Sickly, Festid Filthblade and Rance Throatcutter
If the Warriors encounter any of the Skaven villains as an Event (see
The Hag Queen Melusina is using the caves to conceal her Black Ark
their Event Cards), they are merely unconscious and scurry away after the
between raids on Marienburg. Like the High Elves, she also carries out
battle to lick their wounds and eat warpstone to regain their health. They
expeditions into the caverns to search for ancient Elven artefacts.
may appear again in the Objective Room (see rules below).

Special Rules
The Idol Chamber Objective Room
The Tome counters If the Warriors reach the Idol Chamber Objective Room they roll on the
There are Ancient Tomes located in the Bottomless Pit, Water Cave and the Skaven Objective Room Monster Table. If they have not been encountered
Temple of Khaine Board Sections. When there are no Monsters on those as an Event, Skamp, Festid and Rance are all present. If the Warriors met
Board Section, the Warriors may read a tome to see if it is one that they them as an Event and “killed” them, then roll1D6 for each such Skaven
seek. villain. If the score is a 3 or more, the Skaven villain did not die in their
previous meeting and has returned to battle the Warriors once again! Do
The first time the Warriors find a Tome, put the corresponding Tome counter not roll for Skamp – he will always be present in the Objective Room.
into a cup with all three Skull Counters and, without looking, the leader
draws one out. If the Tome counter that is drawn matches the one on the
Board, then it is one of the Three Ancient Tomes the Elves seek! The Once the room is cleared of Monsters they search the area whereupon
second time the Warriors find a Tome, put the corresponding Tome counter they find a secret chamber where the missing children are being held. Roll
into a cup with only two Skull Counters and have the party leader draw one 1D6+1 to determine how many children are found.
out. When the Warriors come across the third Tome, put that Tome counter
in a cup with only one Skull Counter and have the party leader draw one
out. Since the Skaven Monsters in the Objective Room contained the leaders of
the clan, any remaining Skaven flee the Dungeon in defeat. There is no
need to retrace their steps and the Warriors have cleared the dungeon of
The Temple of Khaine Objective Room Monsters. They may return to surface where Duc Andre Broussard
rewards them each with 1D3 pieces of Dungeon Room Treasure and 100 gold
When the Warriors reach the Temple of Khaine Objective for each child found.
Room, roll on the Dark Elves Objective Room Monster Table to see who
attacks the Warriors.


With the Empire falling, the Celestial Wizards mustered all of their power
and managed to hold off the Chaos Dwarf assault. The Chaos Dwarf
Sorcerer and a small retinue retreated to their lair to retrieve their
remaining forces in order to bolster the ranks of their army and complete
OBJECTIVE ROOM: SORCERER’S FORGE their final push into Nuln. They found the stronghold sacked and all the
MONSTER THEME: CHAOS DWARFS inhabitants dead. The Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer, laying his eyes upon the
desecrated forge and seeing his favourite mount slaughtered, went insane

T he Warriors are summoned to a mysterious tower on the

outskirts of the Settlement. The resident is Kylo, a
powerful Wizard, who would like to hire the band of stalwarts to collect
with rage. He declared that no one should move the carcass and
proclaimed the magical forge a shrine before setting out for a final,
suicidal assault on the Empire. Thousands died on both sides iin the
some bones which he needs for a very important spell. Unfortunately, ensuing conflict and the bodies of the dead littered the lans of the Empire.
the bones needed are those of a Lammasu, a powerful mutated beast of It was known as the War of Retribution and it marked one of the lowest
the Chaos Dwarfs! The only way to get Lammasu bones is from a dead points in history for both the Empire and the Chaos Dwarfs alike.
Lammasu which means that the Warriors would need to find one that has Eventually the Chaos Dwarfs were finally beaten when Hogrim’s
expired or kill one themselves! Heroes unexpectedly arrived from the Moot with a new invention –
Halfling Hot Pots!

Fortunately for the Warriors, Kylo imparts the following tale:

Kylo tells the Warriors that the Chaos Dwarf shrine and the bones of the
Long ago, an ambitious (and quite mad) Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer descended Lammasu remain to this day and that he knows its whereabouts. It is lightly
upon an Empire Knight, Magno Theodoric, and his valiant regiment guarded and quite unimportant except to Chaos Dwarfs who honour the
ambushing and massacring them as a pre- invasion tactic. Magno’s corpse old history once a year by making a pilgrimage to spend time in ancient
was impaled on a tall pole at the outskirts of his hometown for all to see as worship. The entrance is guarded by a magical ward that keeps out
the sorcerer’s army marched unobstructed towards the city of Nuln. intruders, but the Wizard says he will give the Warriors a magical scroll that
will open it. The underground tunnels are still guarded by Chaos Dwarfs,
although Kylo insists that the mighty Warriors should have no problems
in the lightly guarded shrine.

What the Warriors are unaware of is that the shrine is actually populated with
a well-armed group of Chaos Dwarfs who are using the holy shrine as their
base of operations. The shrine is intact and the bones of the Lammasu (as
well as other various monstrous offerings) are scattered upon the forge
and the surrounding floor.

Special Rules
The Sorcerer’s Forge Objective Room
When the Warriors reach the Objective Room, roll on the Chaos Dwarf
Objective Room Monster Table. The great Lammasu may be dead but
its skeleton still sits upon the ancient and magical forge. Elements of the
raw magic that once coursed through its body, coupled with the power
emanating from the ancient forge, create a magical aura reminiscent of
the Sorcerous Exhalation ability it once possessed. All magical weapons
carried by the Warriors, therefore, are -1 To Hit while they are in this room.

Finishing the Adventure

Once the room is clear of Monsters, the Warrior may take some of the
bones from the shrine. As they do, the entire chamber begins to crumble
and gigantic boulders fall around them. The Warriors manage to escape
through a small tunnel in the back of the chamber before the ceiling
crashes down, sealing off the chamber forever.

If the Warriors return to Kylo with the bones from the shrine, roll 1D6:

Magno’s only surviving son, Oswin, upon seeing his father’s body, led a 1 The Warriors have returned with bones that are not of
surprise attack directly into the Chaos Dwarfs’ stronghold and routed the Lammasu but from some other creature instead! The
the resrve forces which included a hideous Lammasu. The awesome, Wizard spits in disgust and gives the Warriors nothing!
mutated beast fell at the hands of Oswin himself after a fierce and bloody These are indeed bones of a Lammasu and the
battle. In an act of revenge, Oswin placed the Lammasu upon the magical 2-6 Wizard gleefully rewards the Warriors with an item
Chaos Dwarf forge – for all to see. Unbeknownst to Oswin, his vengeful
of Objective Room Treasure!
attack upon the Chaos Dwarf stronghold would actually save the




D eep in the ruined cities of the Dwarfs, now occupied by

Orcs, Goblins and even worse creatures, many of the
once noble temples and shrines have been defiled. In their place are
For the past seven nights, the Warriors have been awakened by the ghostly
figure of a wounded lady. The phantom woman was part of a doomed
expedition that ventured into ruins northwest of the Stretto Pass which
crude altars set up by these evil creatures, dedicated to all manner of foul divides eastern Tilea and the Border Princes. Once a valiant adventurer, the
Gods. Apart from the obvious pleasure of killing the invaders of their woman says that she cannot rest until her adventuring gear, which was lost in
ancestral homes, and hopefully recovering some of the long-lost a dungeon, is returned to her heirs.
treasures, the Dwarf Kings also pay a rich reward for every evil temple
Each visit, the tormented spirit asks the Warriors for help in recovering
The Warriors have been charged with the task of locating one of these her sword, helmet and shield. The sleep-deprived Warriors eventually
temples that is reputed to lie deep below the ground in the ruins of Karak agree in exchange that she stop the nightly calls!
Azgal. Kargun Skalfson, deposed Lord of Karak Azgal, has allowed the
Warriors into the ruins to search for the temple, and has waived his right
to a share of any treasure they discover on the way - as long as they bring
back evidence of the destruction of the temple. The apparition leads the Warriors to some abandoned ruins
where they find the entrance to an devoted underground temple
to the Chaos God of Tzeentch.
Secretly, Skalfson does not believe there is a temple, and therefore hopes to
persuade the Warriors to venture into the most dangerous regions of Karak
Azgal in search of it. If they survive these hazardous, long-unexplored
regions, they will surely find a great deal of treasure - and as there is no
temple, he will gain his share of the treasure as usual.

The Idol Chamber Objective Room

In actual fact, Skalfson is wrong and there is a temple in the ruins,
dedicated to Khorne, the blood god. Roll on the Chaos Khorne Objective
Room Monster Table to determine what Monsters the Idol Chamber
contains. Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may destroy the
temple by overturning the idol and thus desecrating it. They may then cut off
its head as proof that they have successfully completed their mission.

To overturn the idol, all the Warriors must be standing in squares adjacent to
it. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior and add their Strengths. If the total is equal to
24 or over, the idol topples to the ground with a crash, and the head rolls
free. If the total is less than 24, the idol remains standing. The Warriors
may attempt to destroy the idol once per turn, during the Warriors’ Phase, as
long as they do nothing else. For each turn that the idol remains standing, the
Wizard deducts 2 from his Power roll in the Power Phase. If the modified
result is 1 or less, an Unexpected Event occurs. The Unexpected Event
must be resolved before the Warriors can try to smash the idol again.
Special Rules
When the idol is smashed, a hideous scream echoes through the dungeon, Be sure to include the Hall of Death, the Well of Doom and the Monster’s
causing all the Monsters for miles around to flee in terror. This means that Lair when preparing the Event Deck.
the Warriors can find their way back to the surface quite safely. At the end of
the Adventure, because there was an idol, Skalfson is obliged to let them keep
all the treasure they found! The Apparition in Combat
Use a model to represent the Apparition. She accompanies the Warriors
taking up a space on the Board as normal although she does not interact
with any Events or Monsters. She always remains on the same Board
Section as the Party Leader if possible and no other model may move
into her space. She moves 4 spaces per turn.

If the Warriors encounter Monsters, the Apparition will be attacked in the first
round of Combat just as if she were one of the Warriors, following the One-
on-One rule. Monsters will target her first. At the end of the round, the
Monsters realise that she is not corporeal and will turn their attention to
the Warriors and you should remove the Apparition from the Board. When
the Combat is over, the Apparition appears on any unoccupied space on
the same Board Section as the Leader with the Lantern.


Dungeon Rooms
When the Warriors explore a new doorway in this Adventure, the
Apparition can tell the Warriors what lies beyond. When the Warriors ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
discover a new Dungeon Room, they may look at the top of the Event OBJECTIVE ROOM: DEN OF DESIRES
Deck to see what awaits them should they enter the room. MONSTER THEME: CHAOS SLAANESH

The Shifting Sanctum Objective Room

In this Adventure, the first Board Section of the Dungeon is the Shifting
T he Warriors arrive in Ubersreik just in time for the annual
Boat Festival. The streets are crowded with visitors from
all around the Empire. As the Warriors stroll about looking at the shops,
Sanctum Objective Room. Place it on the table and attach a Doorway on Valquist Denhart, a prominent official is attacked in broad daylight. The
all four wall sections. The Warriors begin the Adventure outside one of the Warriors intervene to save the day, killing all the attackers but one in a
Doorways. Divide the Dungeon Deck into three piles, placing one at each of bloody street battle.
the other Doorways.
The lone attacker who escapes has made off with important official
documents and Denhart immediately hires the capable Warriors to bring the
On the first turn, roll a Power Phase as normal, but no Unexpected Event papers back and bring the would-be assassin to justice. The dead attackers
occurs if the result is a ‘1’. The Warriors must then move from outside all bear a tattoo of a finger dripping with blood which Valquist says
the Doorway and onto the Shifting Sanctum of Tzeentch Board Section with implicates a cult of Slaanesh.
their normal movement after which they must roll on the Chaos Tzeentch
Objective Room Monster Table.
The Warriors quickly set off in pursuit of the assassin, tracking him to an old
temple in the foothills of the Grey Mountains. The structure is in ruins but the
Warriors discover fresh footprints on steps leading downward into darkness.

Special Rules
The Den of Desires Objective Room
Roll on the Chaos Slaanesh Objective Room Monster Table to determine
what Monsters the Den of Desires contains. Once the Monsters are
defeated, the Warriors find the documents by breaking open the chest on
the third level. The cult has been eradicated and the Warriors can retrace
their steps out of the Dungeon without having to roll for Unexpected Events.

The Hall of Death

The Apparition’s sword lies in this Dungeon Room. As long as there are no Reward
Monsters on the Board Section, a Warrior standing on the space where When the Warriors return to Ubersreik they find that Valquist Denhart has
the sword is may retrieve it. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet. disappeared. They deliver the important documents to the Town Council
instead who are shocked at its content. The documents reveal that Valquist
Denhart is a member of a cult of Tzeentch in a long-standing feud with the
Slaanesh sect and the two groups have been vying for control of the area.
The Well of Doom The paper lists members of both groups, all of them prominent citizens
The Apparition’s helmet is in this Dungeon Room. After the Warriors and officials from Ubersreik, Bögenhafen and even Altdorf. Roll 1D6 on
resolve the Event in this room, and as long as there are no Monsters on the the table below to see how many people were implicated and how much
Board Section, a Warrior standing on the space where the helmet is may reward the Warriors receive because of it:
retrieve it. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet.

The Monster’s Lair 1 The papers list 2 corrupt citizens and each Warrior
The Apparition’s shield is in this Dungeon Room. After the Warriors is rewarded with 100 gold.
resolve the Event in this room, and as long as there are no Monsters on the 2 The papers list 3 corrupt citizens and each Warrior
Board Section, a Warrior standing on the space where the shield is may is rewarded with 1D3x100 gold.
retrieve it. Make a note on your Adventure Record Sheet.
3 The papers list 5 corrupt citizens and each Warrior
is rewarded with 1D6x100 gold.
4 The papers list 7 corrupt citizens and each Warrior
Finishing the Adventure is rewarded with 1D6x150 gold.
When the Warriors find all three pieces of the Apparition’s adventuring 5 The papers list 8 corrupt citizens and each Warrior is
equipment, they must retrace their steps out of the Dungeon, rolling for
rewarded with 1D6x100 gold and a piece of Dungeon
Unexpected Events along the way.
Room Treasure.
6 The papers list 10 corrupt citizens and each Warrior is
Once out of the Dungeon, the Apparition leads the Warriors back to her
rewarded with 1D6x150 gold and a piece of Objective
heirs where they deliver her recovered belongings. The stunned and
Room Treasure.
appreciative family members reward the Warriors with 1D6x100 gold for
each item they retrieved, to share amongst themselves.

If the Warriors recover at least two pieces of her equipment, then the
Apparition is put to rest. If they do not, the Warriors will have to endure
many sleepless nights!


removed from the game.
Finishing the Adventure

T here are reports of Chaos creatures in the Pale Sisters mountains in If the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters, they discover a
the Kingdom of Bretonnia. Alarmed at the secret door in the back of the chamber that leads out to the surface.
news, the Duke of Gisoreux has hailed for able-bodied
adventurers with a thirst for gold and glory to which the Warriors have
eagerly responded. In addition to any riches they recover in the undertaking, If any of the Warriors’ Characteristics were reduced due to poison,
the Duke has promised a grand reward for successfully eliminating this disease or any other malady, they may revisit the Shallya shrine to pray for
threat. healing. Roll 1D6 and if the score is a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, the Goddess Shallya
cures them of all afflictions. On a score of 1, however, the Goddess merely
The Duke is right to be worried for the Pale Sisters mountains are only a offers peace and forgiveness and therefore the reduction is permanent.
day’s travel from Gisoreaux and is now home to Ungwie the Noxious, a
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle and his followers. Master of toxins and poison,
Ungwie is brewing a concoction that he will release in to the waterway Reward
that flows into the River Gismerie. The entire river from Gisoreux to Athel If the Warriors thwart the evil plans of Ungwei the Noxious, the Warriors
Loren could be in jeopardy. can return to the Duke of Gisoreux, who rewards each of them with a piece of
Objective Room Treasure!

As they make their departure, the local peasants lead the Warriors to a
shrine of Shallya where they bestow a blessing and give each of them a
pedant to protect them from the suffering that they will likely endure in
their mission.
Make sure to shuffle the Toxic Pits in with five other cards to make the top MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS
half of the Dungeon Deck. Prepare the rest of the Dungeon Deck as normal.

T he Dwarf Lords of Karak Azul have recently deciphered an

ancient Dwarf scroll written in runes so old that even the
Dwarfs have taken many years to identify their true meaning. Early on, the
Special Rules Dwarfs realised that it described a shrine of great magical power located
Ungwie the Noxious Event Card somewhere in the Worlds Edge Mountains, beneath the tomb of a mighty
If the Warriors encounter Ungwie as an Event, do not place him on the Warrior. The Dwarfs knew that to find the shrine would put them in control
Board. Drawing the Event Card only means that Ungwie is now aware of of the most powerful forces they could possibly unleash upon their foes.
the Warriors’ presence in the Dungeon and he will be prepared for them in The exact location was a mystery until recently when, after many years of
the Objective Room (see below). Keep the card off to the side as a painstaking work, it was finally pinpointed. To the Dwarfs’ horror, they
reminder and draw another Event Card in its place. realised that the shrine was directly below the Orc Fortress of Iron Rock.

The Pit of Revulsion Objective Room

The Dwarfs decided that the shrine had to be destroyed to prevent it
When the Warriors enter the Pit of Revulsion Objective Room, Ungwie will falling into Orc hands. If the Orcs should find it, who knows what they
appear at the back of the room behind his cauldron where he prepares his would do? An attack by a large force would raise the Orcs’ suspicions
deadly poisons. about the Dwarfs’ motives, so the Dwarfs have asked the Warriors to
sneak into the Orc stronghold to destroy the shrine.
If the Warriors had not encountered Ungiwe as an Event Card, make a roll on
the Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table to see what minions
accompany him. If the group has already encountered Ungwie, he will be The Tomb Chamber Objective Room
prepared for the Warriors and the minions accompanying him will be the
#1 result on the Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table. The shrine is in the tomb chamber, directly beneath the tomb itself.

Cauldron of Poison Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table to determine
what Monsters the tomb chamber contains.
In this Adventure the cauldron is where the Chaos Sorcerer is preparing his
toxic concoction. The bubbling liquid in the cauldron spews forth a cloud of
noxious vapours which makes eyes water and causes skin to blister. Any Once the Monsters are defeated, the Dwarf may attempt to destroy the
Warrior standing adjacent to Ungwie’s cauldron at the beginning of the tomb. Only the Dwarf may damage the tomb, as he is the only one
turn must subtract their Strength from the Power Phase roll. The result is bearing a Dwarf axe. None of the other Warriors can damage the tomb.
the number of Wounds they take with no modifiers for As long as the Dwarf is


standing in a square adjacent to the tomb he automatically hits it. The tomb receives the gold value for doing so. The party leader should change
has a Toughness of 3 and has 12 Wounds. number of Lonzo copies to ‘4’. Reshuffle Lonzo Moreau back into the Event
Deck as he may appear again in the Adventure.
At the start of each turn in which the tomb remains intact and while there are
no Monsters on the Board, take an Event Card. Before the tomb can be hit
again, the Event Card must be resolved. The Den of Desires Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Den of Desires Objective Room, they must
make one roll on the Chaos Slaanesh Objective Room Monster Table.
Once the Warriors have destroyed the tomb, and the shrine with it, a In addition to the Monsters, Lonzo will be present. As mentioned above,
gaping hole is revealed in the rubble, leading down into blackness. This there will be 5 copies of Lonzo along with the original (4 if the Warriors
tunnel eventually leads out of the Dungeon and back to Karak Azul. had encountered and defeated the Chaos Sorcerer as an Event). The Warriors
must fight Lonzo illusion at a time.

Once they reach the Dwarf Citadel, each Warrior is rewarded with a piece
of Dungeon Room Treasure. Each time one of the Warriors reduces one of the illusions to 0 Wounds
reduce the number of Lonzo copies by 1. Next, roll 1D6 to determine if
the Warrior has killed the real Lonzo or one of the illusions.

ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK Number of Score needed

OBJECTIVE ROOM: DEN OF DESIRES copies remaining on 1D6
3 5+
A n older noble in Brionne, Dombert Freiburger, is not happy
with a rival who has tried to seduce his young wife. He
hires the Warriors to investigate him, suggesting that his rival is a member
of the Cult of Slaanesh. 0 Automatic

Though motivated by jealously, Dombert is actually correct. His rival, Lonzo

Moreau, is a rich noble in Brionne and also a Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh. In If the score is equal to or greater than the number listed, the Warriors have
a pact with the dark forces of Chaos, Lonzo lives lavishly in a beautiful defeated the Chaos Sorcerer. With their master gone, the rest of the Chaos
castle, enjoying all the finer things in life. He routinely seduces young creatures in the castle flee in terror. The Warriors may retrace their steps
women who he soon tires of and sacrifices in tribute to his dark gods. The out of the dungeon without having to roll for Unexpected Events.
ladies’ disappearances haven’t gone unnoticed by the officials of Brionne,
who fearing for their careers, do little to nothing instead of investigating the
influential noble. Reward
After they successfully destroy Lonzo Moreau, the Warriors report back
to Dombert Freiburger who rewards each of them with 1D6x100 gold pieces.
Dombert Feiburger has plotted his revenge. Lonzo will be holding his
As the noble’s young wife flashes a seductive gaze at one of the Warriors
famous masquerade ball celebration in just a few days. Dombert has an
(determined randomly). Dombert ushers them coldly out of his residence.
invitation and wants the Warriors to join his entourage. Since everyone will
be dressed in various costumes, the Warriors will pass without suspicion.

Lonzo is known as the Master of Illusion and performs an amazing

“trick” at each masquerade ball. Such performances in the past have
included the sudden appearance of a dragon flying overhead in the vaulted ORIGIN: (AB) FIRECHASM #6
room, a fully functioning twenty- foot fountain appearing in the middle of the OBJECTIVE ROOM: FIRECHASM
chamber as well as a forest of blossoming vines which grew along the walls
and ceiling. All of these illusions have lasted just a few minutes and

astonished the crowd each time. During this years’ display, the Warriors are
he magical flames of the Dwarf temple, the Firechasm, are
able to slip away unnoticed and begin their exploration. Deep within the
in danger of being extinguished by the foul Skaven who
castle they discover the secret entrance to a dark and mysterious dungeon. now occupy the ancient Dwarf city of Karak Azgal. They plan to fill the
entire chasm with debris, hoping to stem the magma flow and cause a
pressure build up deep underground. Even now, their engineers are
channeling tunnels to send the diverted magma spurting into the areas of the
Special Rules city occupied by Orcs and other creatures, as well as hopefully burying the
Lonzo Moreau, Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh Dwarf fortress occupied by Kargun Skalfson that sits at the entrance to
Lonzo is a master of illusion and when he faces the Warriors, he will Karak Azgal.
conjure five copies of himself. These five extra illusiory copies huddle
around the real Lonzo so there is no need to represent them with any
other models. The party leader should keep track of how many copies the If the Skaven succeed, there is a good chance that the ancient Dwarf citadel
Warriors are facing throughout the Adventure beginning with the number ‘5’. will be sealed off forever, leaving them free to search for the lost Dwarf
Each time the Chaos Sorcerer is dropped to 0 Wounds, subtract one from the treasure hoards rumoured to lie in its deepest halls.

Spies have reported this fiendish plan to the Emperor and his Dwarf allies,
If the Warriors encounter and defeat Lonzo Moreau as an Event, the Chaos who are now mounting a frontal assault on Karak Azgal. In reality though,
Sorcerer disappears in a puff of smoke at it was merely an illusory copy! this is simply a cover. They know that the only hope of thwarting the
The Warrior who “killed” him still Skaven’s plan lies with small


bands of brave Warriors who must steal unseen into the heart of the Skaven
area of the city, and kill the engineers who are setting the plot in motion.
Other bands of Warriors will attempt to block the tunnels created by the MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN
Skaven to channel the magma. Your band of

Warriors has been chosen to stop the damming of the
uring a recent raid on Miragliano, the Skaven took around
firechasm itself.
twenty wealthy and influential citizens as captives, and
have been making all manner of unreasonable and outrageous threats ever
Special Rules since.
The Firechasm Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Firechasm, do not roll on the The Skaven know full well that their unconditional demands to hand over all
Skaven Objective Room Monster Table. Instead, the Firechasm room is the wealth, women and children of the city will never be agreed to, but it
guarded by 1D6+6 Skaven Clanrats. Phlem the Skaven gives them a good excuse to send back portions of their victims as proof
Head Engineer is also present and should be placed on the far side of the that they mean business.
chasm, next to the dragon statue (see Phlem the Skaven Engineer Special
Card). He is the mastermind of the foul plot.
The Warriors have been employed to enter the Blighted Marshes and
rescue the prisoners from the dungeons of the Chaos ratmen.
As soon as the Warriors enter the Firechasm, roll 2D6. The Warriors
have this number of turns in which to get across the chasm and kill Phlem.
The Fighting Pit Objective Room
The prisoners are being kept below the Fighting Pit, in a network of cells
If the Warriors fail to kill the Skaven Head Engineer in time, roll 1D6 on the and guard rooms. Roll on the Skaven Objective Room Monster Table to
following table: determine the guardians of these cells, reading any Goblins as Skaven.

1-2 Phlem operates a steel lever, and tons of debris plunges

When the guardians are dead, each player rolls a dice. The number
into the magma pool. Such is the force of the resulting
rolled is the number of prisoners that Warrior finds alive. Every prisoner
explosion that all the Warriors and Skaven are killed. The
a Warrior finds gives him 1D6x20 gold for freeing them.
Warriors have failed! The future of Karak Azgal now lies
in the hands of the other teams of Warriors. Let’s hope
they fare better!
At the bottom of the cell complex, there is a secret door that leads to the
Tons of debris crashes into the Firechasm, blocking it
3-4 marshes above and to safety. In their weakened state the prisoners have
completely. Phlem squeaks out his triumph, and the
not been able to open it, but the Warriors have no trouble. They soon
Warriors realise that they have failed utterly. Making good
smash it down and take the captives to freedom.
their escape, the Warriors rapidly withdraw through a small
passageway to the outside world, from where they can put
as much distance between themselves and the imminent
Phlem operates the lever to drop tons of debris into the
5-6 chasm, and it snaps off in his paws! The Warriors have
another 1D6 turns in which to kill him as he fixes the lever. ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
If he is not dead by then, roll on this table again. OBJECTIVE ROOM: SORCERER’S FORGE

T he fortress town of Grenzstadt near the Black Fire Pass
has a large population of Dwarfs. The settlement has a
heroic past – but a potentially grim future as news has reached Grenzstadt that
Fire Mountain is now home to Chaos Dwarfs who are planning an attack. In
If the Warriors succeed, they may escape through a secret tunnel at the
order to ensure that their information is not part of a Chaos Dwarf ruse, the
back of the chamber, and are rewarded with 1D6x50 gold each.
town has hired the Warriors for a reconnaissance mission of the
mountain area.

It is true that Fire Mountain is inhabited Chaos Dwarfs – led by an evil

Sorcerer, Zzuktarr Sundor. The Chaos Dwarfs dwell in a maze of tunnels
beneath the volcanic mountain where they build their devastating weapons.
More importantly, the mountain is rich in an ore that is the main
component for a summoning spell which the Sorcerer seeks to cast. This
dark spell will summon a Great Taurus which Zzuktarr plans to use to
utterly destroy Grenzstadt.

Special Rules
Zzuktarr Sundor Event Card
If the Warriors encounter and defeat Zzhuktarr as an Event Card, he is
able to cast a spell and disappear in a dark cloud of ash. He will appear again
in the Objective Room. If he is defeated in the Objective Room, he is killed


Dafahl the Cruel Event Card If no one bids on an item the Halfling will put the item away refusing to
If the Warriors encounter and defeat Dafahl the Cruel as an Event Card, bring it back out again – the Warriors have missed their chance at purchasing
he appears dead to the Warriors. However, after they have left the Board it. Repeat this process for any other items of Dungeon Room Treasure
Section, Dafahl quaffs a potion and will appear again in the Objective before doing the same for the Objective Room Treasure.
Room, although he will be at only half his normal Wounds. If he is defeated
in the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.
The Halfling auctioneer will accept gold or any Treasure Item as payment.
The only exception to this is that he will not
purchase any of the Treasure Items that bidding the Warriors are
The Sorcerer’s Forge Board Section
When the Warriors enter the Sorcerer’s Forge they will
encounter Zzuktarr Sundor and his champion, Dafahl the Cruel. In addition,
roll on the Chaos Dwarf Objective Room Monster A Warrior will not give any of these
Table to see who is in the room with them. items to another Warrior, although they
may sell them in a Settlement as usual.
When the Warriors defeat all of the Monsters in the Objective Room, they If the Warriors attack the Halfling, she
return to the people of Grenzstadt who are extremely grateful for the quaffs an Invisibilty Potion and
Warriors intervention. They reward each of the Warriors with 2D6x150 disappears with all of the
gold and a piece of Dungeon Room Treasure. treasure.

Once their business is completed, the

Halfling slips out through a hidden door
in the wall that leads out of the Dungeon
which the Warriors can use to return to

A young stranger has a map from an adventuring group that recently went
missing. He claims that the map shows the location of a vault which contains
a chest full of valuable treasures. Being unskilled in the ways of adventuring ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
himself, he offers to sell the map to the Warriors for 1D6x100 gold – a OBJECTIVE ROOM: SHIFTING SANCTUM
paltry amount, he claims, compared to the riches contained within the MONSTER THEME: CHAOS TZEENTCH

The map indicates that the vault is located within a cave near the Silver
T he favorite apprentice of a Wizard at the Celestial College
of Magic has gone missing. During a recent trip to Kislev
the apprentice was abducted by one Danzig Moon, a Chaos Sorcerer of
Road in the World’s Edge Mountains, an which has seen much Chaos Tzeentch. Years ago, Danzig was one the Wizard’s students at the Celestial
Dwarf activity of late… College but was expelled after a series of inappropriate incidents. It seems
that Danzig arranged the recent kidnapping as part of his revenge upon his
The Spider’s Nest Objective Room mentor.
When the Warriors reach the Objective Room, do not roll o nthe Chaos
Dwarf Objective Room Monster Table. Instead, the Warriors encounter 1
Gigantic Spider and 2D6 Giant Spiders. The Wizard has used his magic to discover that the apprentice is being held
prisoner in Danzig’s tower. Retrieving the apprentice will take a
Stolen Treasure! specialized group of individuals and so the Wizard has hired the Warriors to
find and bring him back.
Once the Objective Room is cleared of Monsters, the Warriors open the
chest to find that it has already been plundered. Suddenly, out of the
darkness emerges a nimble Halfling who opens her pack to display some SETTING UP
items of treasure she just so happens to be carrying… Shuffle the Dungeon Cell in with five other random cards to make the
top half of the Dungeon Deck. Shuffle the Shifting Sanctum Objective
Room in with six other random cards to make the bottom half of the
Keeping them facing down, draw 1D3 items of Dungeon Room Treasure and Dungeon Deck.
1 item of Objective Room Treasure and place them on the table. These
are the items that the Halfling offers to the Warriors. The Wizard at the Celestial College gives the Warriors a magical wand as
well as a scroll to aid them in their mission. The Warriors must decide
who carries these items make a note of it on their Adventure Record Sheets.
The Halfing offers to sell these items of treasure to the Warriors. Turn over If a Warrior who is carrying one or both of these objects dies, another
one of the Dungeon Room Treasure cards. Beginning at half the value of the Warrior may pick them it up and carry on with the Adventure.
item, the Warriors may individually bid to purchase the item with the
highest bidder being the winner.
Special Rules
The Magical Wand
The Halfling auctioneer will accept gold and/or items of treasure of the
required value as payment. The only exception to this is that she will not The magical wand is the Wand of Light and is a light source that acts
accept items which she may have just sold to the Warriors. A Warrior exactly like the lantern. The light power of the wand lasts for one Adventure
may only bid up to what they can afford to pay and may not borrow items after which it stops working. The magical light it radiates creates an aura
or gold from another Warrior. of protection which gives +1 Toughness to whoever carries it. If a Warrior


the Wand of Light dies, another Warrior may pick up it up and carry on with Finishing the Adventure
the Adventure. Once the Warriors have carried the apprentice out of the Dungeon Cell, the
young man will awaken and the Warriors can give him the Journey Home
The Scroll Scroll which he immediately casts. All Warriors on the Board are transported
The scroll is the Journey Home Scroll. To ensure that there are no acts of back to the Celestial College in Nuln. Remember that any Warrior left in
cowardice upon the part of the Warriors, the Wizard has made sure that the the Dungeon Cell will not get teleported and will be left to his own fate in
Journey Home Scroll can only be read by the apprentice. Once cast, it will the Dungeon.
transport the Warriors out of the Dungeon.

Separating The Warriors are each rewarded with 2D6x100 gold for saving the
apprentice. If the Warriors manage to defeat the Chaos Sorcerer in the
To complete this Adventure, the Warriors will have to separate at some Objective Room, they are each rewarded with an item of Objective Room
point. One group will have to activate a lever in the Shifting Sanctum Treasure!
Objective Room while the other group will need to carry the apprentice
out of the Dungeon Cell. This is due to the fact that lever will only open
the door for 3 turns before it closes again. Warriors who activate the lever
will not have enough time to enter the Dungeon Cell to the retriever the
Wizard, and if they did, the door would most likely close while they were
inside. Such Warriors would be trapped forever! Therefore, at least one
Warrior will need to be in the Shifting Sanctum to operate the lever as
needed. See rules below.

The Dungeon Cell

The door to the Dungeon Cell is magically locked. It can only be opened with
the lever in the Shifting Sanctum Objective Room.

The Dungeon Cell has a special ward placed inside of it which means that
no spells may be cast by any model while on that Board Section, nor do
spells affect any square inside the Board Section. The Warriors will
therefore need to carry the apprentice outside the Dungeon Cell if they are
to escape the Dungeon via the Journey Home Scroll.

When the Warriors enter the Dungeon Cell Board Section they draw an
Event Card as normal. There is only one doorway in this room – the one
that the Warriors entered through. The apprentice will be unconscious in
one of the spaces in the far corner opposite of where the Warriors enter. The
apprentice is wiry and thin, so any Warrior with a Strength of 4 or more can
carry the apprentice out of the cell without any penalty to Movement. A
Warrior with a Strength of 3 can carry the apprentice but suffers -1 to the
Movement while a Warrior with a Strength of 2 will suffer -2 to their
Movement. (A Warrior with a Strength of 1 will not be able to lift the
apprentice at all.) It takes an entire Warriors’ Phase to pick up the apprentice
during which time the Warrior may do nothing else.

The Shifting Sanctum Objective Room

When the Warriors enter the Shifting Sanctum they roll on the Chaos
Tzeentch Objective Room Monster Table as usual. In addition to the
Monsters rolled, place Danzig Moon on the blue Level 3 square as listed in
the Shifting Sanctum Objective Room rules. See the Danzig Moon Special
Card for the Chaos Sorcerer’s special rules.

The lever that opens door to the Dungeon Cell is located on one of the
altars in the Shifting Sanctum Sanctum Objective Room (it happens to
be the first altar space that the first Warrior stands in). To pull the lever,
a Warrior must be standing on one of the altar squares and may do nothing
else for the rest of the Warriors’ Phase.

As mentioned, once the lever is activated the cell door will remain open
for 3 turns after which it closes again. Any Warriors still inside will have
to wait until the Warrior in the Objective Room activates the lever again.



T he Warriors are staying in the small town of Kaltzburg,

near the World's Edge Mountains. After spending their
hard earned cash your party settles down for the night in a well-stocked
H aving assessed the threat posed by the Skaven beneath
his city, Boris Todbringer has ordered his troops to sweep
through the warren of caverns and corridors that riddle the rock of
tavern. As the night draws in, a well dressed young woman approaches Middenheim. However, before this attack can begin, the Warpfire
your Warriors, begging for their help. She is the Marchesa Claudia von Generator must be eliminated, and the Warriors have been given the task.
Steafen and her brother, a famous Witch Hunter, has been kidnapped by The wizards and scientists of Todbringer's court can only think of one
unknown assailants. She believes him to be held in a deep and dangerous way to do this and ensure it can never be repaired. The Warriors must
dungeon not far from the town. The Warriors must explore the den of foul overload the machine so that it blows itself to smithereens! As you
creatures and stop anything terrible happening to the Marchesa's brother. might guess, this is not without risk, but the Warriors have been
promised vast sums of gold and treasure if they can pull it off...

Special Rules
The main problem lies in gathering enough warpstone to overcharge the
The Idol Chamber Objective Room generator. The Warriors will have to scavenge for the lethal substance as
As the Warriors enter the Idol Chamber they can see the they make their way towards Quirrik's Laboratory.
Marchesa's brother bound to a massive stone daemon. Standing next to
the statue is a dishevelled man, holding an ornate dagger and chanting
loudly (place the Necromancer
model on the board). The Warriors recognize him as an inept Necromancer Special Rules
who has been an irritation to the Imperial authorities over the last few Each time the Warriors successfully complete an Event in a Dungeon
years. In his other hand the Necromancer holds a fist size ruby, which pulsates room, they may take one of the Warpstone counters. You must decide
with a deep inner light. This is Alberto Laranscheld, son of the malevolent amongst yourselves which Warrior is carrying the potentially lethal rock.
Gunther Laranscheld (see the Alberto Laranscheld Special Card).

If a warrior carrying Warpstone is reduced to zero wounds he may suffer

more long term effects. Roll 1D6 when he is healed to one or more Wounds,
The Warriors have 2D6 turns to kill Alberto Laranscheld. If they fail to do on a roll of a 1 he loses -1 Toughness or Strength to his profile. If the
this, he finishes his ritual and plunges the knife into the Marchesa's brother. Warriors pick up all six Warpstone counters they can find no more, no
When the Monsters are all dead (either before or after the sacrifice is made) matter how many Dungeon rooms they search - the Warriors must make
the Warriors can escape through a narrow fissure in the rock face behind the their way to Quirrik's Laboratory as quickly as they can.
Idol. The Warrior who kills Alberto Larenscheld may take the Soulstone
Treasure Card.
Generate the Monsters in Quirrik's Laboratory by rolling on the Skaven
Objective Room Monster Table. The Warriors must fight off these
If the Warriors succeed in rescuing the Marchesa's brother, she rewards each creatures and attempt to overload the Warpfire Generator. A Warrior must
of them with 1D6x50 gold and an item of Dungeon Room Treasure. If they be standing next to the Warpfire Generator in order to throw in a piece of
fail, but manage to escape, she covers their expenses (10 gold for the Warpstone. The Warrior cannot attack in the same turn in which they do
party) and coldly bids them farewell. this, but may defend himself as normal. For every piece of Warpstone
loaded into the Warpfire Generator, roll an extra set of 3D6 when it fires.
If any of the 3D6 rolls comes up with a double or triple 1, the Generator has
misfired! See the Misfire Chart in White Dwarf Magazine #195.

Alternatively, if all the Skaven are killed before the Warpfire Generator
explodes, the Warriors can load the Warpstone at their leisure. Roll 1D6
and add the number of Warpstone counters the Warriors picked up
(including any already used). The Warriors can choose to put in less
Warpstone if they wish... Look up the result on the Overload Chart found in
White Dwarf Magazine #195.

If the Warriors cause the Generator to meltdown, they each gain
1D6x100 gold. If the Warriors can make the Generator explode (or if it
happens to explode anyway...) they are each rewarded with 1D6x100 gold
and an item of Dungeon Room Treasure.

If they fail to do either of these, the Generator is turned on the Elector

Count's attacking army and incinerates a swathe of them before beating
the Imperial soldiers back. You are wanted in Middenheim, with a
considerable price on your heads! Best if you leave without making a fuss...



D uring an Orc raid the favourite hunting hound of Duke

Harald of Talabheim was killed when his hunting party
was ambushed. Now Harald has become consumed with the idea of
T he Warriors encounter Stephano Whitewolf, the leader of a
newly organised mercenary company in Couronne known
as the Golden Pillars, which consists of a motley group of adventurers.
revenge and has offered the Warriors a rich reward to enter the lair of the The Golden Pillars are virtuous and upright, trying to subtly direct immoral
Orc Warboss responsible and kill his favourite Squig Hound - it's only fair, lords and foil the plans of the wicked. To gain admission into the company
after all. and prove their worth, it has been decided that the Warriors must
eradicate the growing presence of a Cult of Slaanesh. The faction has
Normally, the Warriors would refuse such a foolhardy and pointless quest, recently taken up residence in the sea caves north of Couronne and Stephano
but Harald is an extremely wealthy and powerful duke, and they were wants to remove them before they become a nuisance. The Warriors are
supposed to be in charge of the hound when it was killed... given a ‘Golden Pillar’ (a banner emblazoned with the group’s gold
emblem) and are told to place it inside the cult’s temple in order to
complete their membership. Each Warrior should roll 1D6, the one with
the highest score being selected to carry the banner. Monsters are at -1 To
Special Rules Hit the Warrior who carries the banner due to its fearsome markings
Gorgut's Lair Objective Room and bold colors. If a Warrior carrying the banner dies, the other Warriors
When the Warriors reach Gorgut's Lair use the Orcs & Goblins Objective may roll off again to see who gets to pick it up.
Monster Table to roll for Monsters but also add Growler the Squig
Hound and place him on the platform level.

When all the Monsters are reduced to 0 Wounds the Warriors can remove a
The whole initiation is merely a formality. Stephano expects the Warriors
tooth from the Squig Hound as proof that they killed it and return to
to simply enter the caverns, run off a few cult members, plant the flag,
Talabheim through a secret passage.
and return to a hero’s welcome. As Stephano figures it, the more members
that exist, the more influence his mercenary company will possess, so he
Roll on the table below: always assigns a fairly simple task to newcomers.

1 The Warriors lose the tooth on the way back and get no Unbeknownst to the Warriors and Stephano, the caves have already been
reward as the duke doesn't believe their story. Instead, he cleansed of these cult members; by the Hag Queen Melusina and her Dark
kicks them off his lands, never to return. They have just Elf clan! Her Black Ark raids have been instrumental in maintaining a
made themselves a powerful enemy! supply of fresh blood for her magical cauldron, which in turn bestows upon
They return with the tooth but the fickle duke has her eternal beauty. Presently, the Black Ark has returned to Naggaroth with
2-3 forgotten about the arrangement. He gives them each 1D6 slaves and sacrifices but Melusina and a Dark Elf raiding party remain to
x 20 gold to go away. terrorise the coast.
The duke seems happy with the result and pays them
4-5 each 1D6 x 50 gold as a reward.
The duke declares that he can now sleep happy in the SETTING UP
6 knowledge that he has had his revenge. He thanks the For this Adventure, shuffle the Circle of Power card into the top half of
Warriors and gratefully pays each of them 1D6x100 gold. the Dungeon Deck.

Special Rules
Counters and Board Sections
This Adventure uses the special Hall of the Hag Queen counters. There
are books are books of interest located in the Bottomless Pit, the Water
Cave, and the Circle of Power.

Each book tells a bit of history, legend, and lore about the Dark Elves,
Black Arks, the Cauldron of Blood, and the Hag Queens. The more
books that the Warriors can collect, the greater knowledge and
understanding they will have of their foes. For each Book that turned out to
be important, you may add +1 to the dice roll when rolling on the
Objective Room Monster Table.

If there are no Monsters on the aforementioned Board Sections and the

party leader is standing on a square that contains a Book, he may pick it
up to see if it contains anything important. Take the corresponding Book
counter and the three Skull Counters and put all four of them into a cup.
Mix them up and have the party leader pick one from the cup without
looking. If it is the Book counter, he can put it on his Adventure Record
Sheet – they have found an ancient text of importance! Repeat this process
when the Warriors encounter the other Board Sections, placing the
corresponding Book


counter and the three Skull Counters into a cup and picking one at
random, putting aside the Book counter if it gets drawn.
If the Warriors draw a Skull Counter instead of a Book counter, it means that MONSTER THEME: HAUNTED
the book they find is not only unimportant, but is also a trap. The Warriors

must immediately draw an Event Card.
he people of Frugelhofen on the border of Bretonnia and
the Empire have a long memory of the wicked horrors that
have plagued their town in the past. Even the mere whisper of ghosts or
Finishing the Adventure wights is enough to send shivers up the spines of the townsfolk there.
Once the Objective Room is clear of Monsters a secret passage opens on the When rumours began of a haunting in an abandoned keep near the town,
wall opposite the entrance. The Warriors plant the ‘Golden Pillar’ and can the Duke of Parravon immediately launched an investigation into the
leave the room by way of this exit which leads up the surface. matter. The haunting, he feels, is a mere symptom of the bigger problem,
which is that the keep is vacant. As the Duke knows all too well, an
empty keep is the perfect breeding ground for spirits and monsters.
The Warriors can then return to Stephano Whitewolf who welcomes them
into the organisation with an honorary gift from the company vaults
(one item of Dungeon Room Treasure, to be distributed to a Warrior as
normal.) Bretonnia is glad to have the Dark Elf presence removed and the To solve the matter, the Duke has hired the Warriors to cleanse the keep and
King rewards the Warriors with 1D6x100 gold each. declares that if they can rid the place of the evil spirits, the Warriors can have
the keep as their own!

In this Adventure, there is no Objective Room. The Dungeon Deck should
be comprised of 6 Dungeon Rooms and 7 corridors.
Special Rules
The Warriors must find all six Dungeon Rooms and complete the Events
they encounter in them in order to successfully cleanse the keep of evil
T he recent discovery of a Skaven Assassin has led Boris
Todbringer, the Elector Count of Middenland, to organize a
hunt through the tunnels beneath Middenheim. As part of this vast military

operation, your Warriors have been hired to venture into the Under-Empire to Finishing the Adventure
find out what they can of the Skaven. Once the Warriors complete the events in the six Dungeon Rooms, the
keep has been cleansed. There is no longer a need to roll for Unexpected
Events. They Warriors can claim the keep as their own. See Littlemonk’s
Strongholds rules for the benefits and maintenance costs of a keep.
Special Rules
This Adventure uses the Warpstone counters to represent how much
information the Warriors can gather. They can exit the dungeon at any
time by retracing their steps and moving off the section they started on.
However, the more intelligence the Warriors can gather, the greater their
rewards when they return.
The Warriors can take a Warpstone counter for each of the MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS
following encounters:
 If the Warriors meet Skreek Deathstrike If the
 Warriors meet the Rat Golem
 If the Warriors meet Quirrik
T he great Wizards of the Empire have scried out a powerful,
brooding power that is growing below the ancient Dwarf
hold of Karak Azgal. As yet, they believe the presence to be relatively
weak and therefore probably bound to some material artefact such as a statue
 If the Warriors enter Quirrik's Laboratory and see his
while it gathers strength.
monstrous Warpfire Generator
 If the Warriors meet a Rat Ogre Although they do not know its purpose, they suspect that it may be a
 If the Warriors explore three or rooms. more Dungeon lesser daemon of the Chaos Powers, trapped in the rocks below the earth in
ages past, and freed by the incessant digging of the Goblins and Orcs as
they search for the lost treasure of the Dwarfs who once inhabited the city.
If the Warriors fight their way through to the Laboratory and then defeat The truth is that the daemon has escaped the prison of rock that held it for
all their adversaries, they find the secret passage so long, and is now resident in a statue of a great fire dragon in an
behind the Warpfire Generator and can make their escape ancient temple (the Firechasm). Soon it will fully awaken, and walk the
without backtracking. world once more. The Wizards have employed the Warriors to destroy the
daemon and ensure that this never happens.
When they reach the surface, the Warriors relay all that they have
discovered to the authorities, who can use their information to devise a Special Rules
plan of attack. For every Warpstone counter the Warriors possess, the party
Each Warrior has been given a magic sword, which can only be used once.
gains 1D6x100 gold to be split evenly between them.
Each Warrior should take a corresponding Daemon Sword Equipment Card.
These blades are the only weapons that can damage the daemon.
Against other Monsters the


magic swords will hit automatically, and kill whatever their wielder At the start of the Warriors’ Phase, the player controlling the Wizard may
attacks. roll between 1 and 6 dice. If one or more of the dice comes up as a 6 and
none of the dice comes up as a 1, the gate is sealed and the Warriors have
The Firechasm Objective Room succeeded in their quest. If any of the dice come up as a 1 the gate remains
open this turn, no matter how many 6’s are rolled. The Wizard may try and
To determine the Monsters that are guarding the Firechasm, roll once on the seal the gate once per turn. At the start of each Monsters’ Phase that the gate
Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table. is open, and while there are no Monsters on the board, draw an Event Card.
Monsters will continue to appear until the gate is closed.
The magic swords that the Warriors have been given are the only things
that will kill the daemon. To destroy the daemon, the Warriors must
simply stand next to the stone dragon at the far end of the firechasm and
strike it. Reward
If the Warriors seal the gate and escape alive they are each rewarded with
For each blow made by one of the swords on the dragon, roll 1D6. On a one piece of Dungeon Room Treasure.
score of 5 or 6, the dragon and the daemon are destroyed. After one
blow, each sword is destroyed. If the Warriors kill the daemon, the
Adventure is over. The Warriors are rewarded with 1D6 x 100 gold each
for their part in the Adventure.


If the daemon is not killed, it becomes enraged by the Warriors’ puny OBJECTIVE ROOM: IDOL CHAMBER
attacks and animates the statue. Each Warrior suffers 4D6 Wounds, MONSTER THEME: CHAOS SLAANESH
modified for Toughness and armour, as the dragon breathes fiery,

superheated liquid over them.
dark stormy night, the Warriors sit around the tavern
fire, telling tales of their recent exploits. They know a
Fortunately, the gouts of flame scorch an ancient tapestry hanging on quest will turn up soon. A quest always turns up when they go to tell tales in
one of the walls, revealing a passageway leading out to daylight. the tavern on a dark and stormy night. And they're not to be
disappointed. A mysterious, hooded man approaches them, offering a great
reward if they will help him. It seems his daughter has been kidnapped by a
The Warriors may have failed in their quest, but at least any survivors can cult dedicated to the Chaos god of pleasure, Slaanesh. She is to be sacrifice
make good their escape without further harm. unless the Warriors can rescue her. A frontal attack on the Slaanesh
palace would be fruitless - it is just too heavily guarded. Instead, the
If the Warriors decide to stay and fight the dragon they will be killed, as only Warriors will have to find an entrance into the foul tunnels beneath the
the magic swords had any effect on it, and it is simply a matter of time palace, battle their way through these sewers, and emerge right in the
before they are burnt to a crisp. However, the daemon’s efforts to animate middle of the domain of the Slaanesh cultists. Once there, they can slay the
the dragon have sapped its strength, so the Empire’s leaders might just Sorcerer who leads the cult, and with its members in disarray at the death of
have enough time to mount a second expedition before it rouses to full their leader, they can rescue the hooded man's sister. The only problem is
power... that the caves leading to the sewers, as well as the sewers themselves, are
inhabited by all manner of foul and evil creatures, who will be all too intent
on devouring the Warriors (or worse!).


OBJECTIVE ROOM: FIGHTING PIT The first stage in preparing for this scenario is to assemble the Dungeon
MONSTER THEME: ANY Deck. This is done as normal, using the Sewer Board Section as the
Objective Room. Once the Warriors reach the Sewer, they must exit it to

reach their final objective, the Idol Chamber. This is where the hooded
n the dungeons below Karak Azgal, a gate has been opened man's daughter is to be sacrificed.
by evil sorcery. The gate leads to the plains of the Dark
Lands, and monsters are continually spewing out of its black depths into
the bowels of Karak Azgal. The more Monsters that gather in the depths
of the ruined Dwarf city the greater the threat to the Old World, so a party Special Rules
of brave Warriors must venture into the city and seal the gate. The Idol Chamber Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Idol Chamber, roll on the Chaos Slaanesh
Objective Room Monster Table, but in addition you should also include
The Fighting Pit Objective Room Marius the Sufferable, the leader of the Slaanesh cult (see Marius the
The gate is located in the Fighting Pit. When the Warriors enter the Objective Sufferable Special Card).
Room, consult the Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster-theme
being used to determine what Monsters are in it. The Monsters are placed The Well of Doom
at the far end of the pit, next to the gate, but will swarm out to engulf If the Warriors come across the Well of Doom before reaching the Sewer,
the Warriors during the first Monsters’ Phase. The Monsters may climb out then they are able to peer down the Well and see what is happening in the
of the pit with no Movement penalty. Of course, there may be so many Sewer. Forewarned of any danger, the Warriors need not draw an Event
Monsters coming through the gate that they spill out of the pit anyway! Card when they enter the Sewer Board Section.

The Torture Chamber

Sealing the Gate
If the Warriors find the Torture Chamber before they reach the Sewer, then
Once the Warriors kill the Monsters, they must try to seal the gate
they may rescue the ragged prisoner who has been captured and
permanently. This can only be done with a complex invocation that only the
tormented by Marius the Sufferable. After completing any events in the
Wizard can perform.
room, the Warriors may cut the


prisoner free from his shackles. Grateful to his rescuers, he will help show the Special Rules
Warriors the way into Marius' palace. To represent all this extra
information, you may look at the top card in the Dungeon Deck and Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
discard it if you wish – unless it’s the Sewer Board Section! When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room draw an
Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’ Events back into
the deck. Likewise, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in
the Orc Residence it will always be Monsters that appear. Follow the same
The Guard Room
rules for drawing an Event Card as listed above. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will
The Guard Room is particularly heavily manned at this time, due to only occur on the forest Board Sections.
Marius' concerns about a possible rescue attempt on his sacrificial victim.
Draw two Event Cards, instead of the usual one, when the Warriors enter
the Guard Room. Doorways
Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
Event Cards the following table to see how many doorways it contains:
You can shuffle in the new Event Card, Fascination of Slaanesh, to your
Event deck if you want to get a bit more of an appropriate feel for the
Adventure. Use the Chaos Slaanesh Monster Cards to see what Monsters the
Warriors encounter. 1-3 The Forest Path is normal.
4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
Reward 6 Path has two additional doorways.
Once the Warriors have killed Marius, all the other Monsters will become
disheartened and flee. The Warriors may then grab the girl and leave by a
secret entrance in the back of the chamber. Returning back to the
hooded man, each surviving Warrior is rewarded with a piece of Dungeon Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
Room Treasure for rescuing his daughter. dividing the deck if appropriate.

Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path Board
Section and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction
Board Section.


OBJECTIVE ROOM: MUNK’S RESIDENCE Whenever the Warriors would receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for
MONSTER THEME: SAVAGE ORCS any reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 they receive a Dungeon Room
Treasure as normal. If the score is a 5 or 6, draw one of the new Treasure

S ome areas of the gloomy Drakwald forest are so densely

wooded that light barely penetrates through the trees
creating a state of perpetual darkness. Even the local militia refuses to set
Cards that accompany this Adventure instead.

foot in those parts, believing them to be haunted or cursed. A few of the Axmudd the Savage Orc Boss
locals from the town of Grossfurre swear that they have seen spooky, If the Warriors encounter and defeat Axmudd as an Event, his special tattoos
flickering lights in the nearby woods and many inhabitants are convinced kept him alive and he was merely rendered unconscious. He will appear
that an ancient evil is loose. again in the Objective Room, attacking the first Warrior who enters the final
Board Section.

The officials of Grossfurre have sent for the fearless Warriors for help, for Munk the Savage Orc Shaman
they need a group who are brave enough to probe the mysterious forest of
If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by his
flickering lights.
minions. See the Munk’s Minions & Rules Special Card to see who they
are. Munk will cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Munk’s
The lights are actually coming from a band of Savage Orcs who have recently Savage Orc Magic Special Card to see which spell he casts.
moved into the secluded forest. The Savage Orc leader, a Shaman named
Munk, uses the eerie woods as a base to practice his dark magic which
serves to aid in his attacks upon the surrounding villages.
Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room
When the Warriors enter Munk’s Dwelling, put the Savage Orc Shaman on
the throne, even if the Warriors had encountered and defeated him in an
SETTING UP Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled him
This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board Sections. to survive even the most grievous wounds.
These exquisite boards were created by Sebastian
Stuart ( and have been modified
especially for this scenario. Roll on the Savage Orcs Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.
especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic
and Minions.
Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now. If the Warriors rid the woods of the Savage Orc presence, they can return to
Grossfurre where they are rewarded with 2D6x50 gold each.



It is claimed that an ancient sword holds the secret of the kingship of The King of Bretonnia has recently fallen ill and the Royal Healer is
one of the small realms of the Border Princes. When immersed in water missing one ingredient for his healing salve: the purple petals of the
of unparalleled purity, it is said that it reveals the name of the true king of the Mousillon Rose.
realm. Unfortunately, no water save that of the legendary Fountain of Light
is pure enough to cause the sword to reveal the name. The Warriors must Normally, no one in their right mind would dare go near Mousillon for any
therefore take the sword and journey to the Middle Mountains to find the reason. Although the dukedom of Mousillon was once a beautiful and
fountain. Once there, they can determine which of the three princes who thriving land, ever since the death of the previous Duke it has fallen into a
claim the kingship – Bardin, Rudin and Gredin – is the rightful heir. poor, dilapidated and cursed state. Marshes, bogs and swamps now fill the
region and those that still live there are horribly mutated and diseased. It
is common knowledge that the cursed dukedom is haunted by Undead who do
not revert to normal corpses when they become uncontrolled, continuing
Special Rules instead to obey their last order until destroyed in combat.
Before the Warriors embark on the Adventure, each player must secretly
choose the prince whom they believe to be the true king and write his name
down on their Adventure Record sheet.
The Warriors are among many brave heroes that have volunteered to
obtain the petals of the Mousillon Rose which lies on the other side of the
Nominate one Warrior to carry the sword. This Warrior takes the Sword dangerous swamps of Mousillon. An above ground trek through the
of True Kingship Equipment Card. If the Warrior decides to wield it in swamps has proven by others to be impossible. The Warriors are privy to a
combat rather than his own weapon, it causes 1 extra Wound when it hits. little known underground tunnel complex beneath the dukedom. Although
it is likely filled with many foul creatures, it gives the Warriors a fighting
chance to reach the hills where the rose grows.
The Fountain of Light Objective Room
Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster- theme being
used to determine what Monsters the fountain room contains. SETTING UP
Shuffle the Circle of Power in with eleven other Dungeon Cards to make the
Dungeon Deck. Prepare the rest of the deck as normal; shuffling the
Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may put the sword in the Fighting Pit Objective Room in with the bottom six cards.
fountain, at which point the name of the true king is magically engraved in its
blade. Roll 1D6:

Special Rules
1-2 Bardin The Circle of Power
3-4 Rudin
If the Warriors find the Circle of Power before they reach the Objective
5-6 Gredin Room, they will find a book on the floor. After completing any events in the
room the Warriors can read the book which is actually a journal from a
very recent, doomed expedition. It describes in detail the many creatures
guarding the Objective Room. To represent this, the Warriors may add
+1 to their dice roll when rolling on the Objective Room Monster Table –
but remember that a 1 is always a 1!
As the sword is plunged into the waters, revealing the name, there is an
earth-shattering roar and the ceiling of the chamber begins to collapse inwards.

The Fighting Pit Objective Room

Each player must roll 1D6 and add his Warrior’s Initiative to the score. When the Monsters enter the Fighting Pit, they must roll on the Objective
If the total is 7 or more, the Warrior manages to avoid the falling rubble. Room Monster Table for the Monster-theme being used. Once they are
If the total is less than 7, the Warrior takes 3D6 Wounds, modified by defeated, the Warriors can leave the Dungeon through the large wooden door
Toughness and armour. As the dust clears, light pours into the chamber at the far end of the Fighting Pit.
revealing a route to the outside world. The Warriors may now return to
crown the new king!

Warriors that chose the correct prince get 500 gold for supporting the new
monarch and helping him to his rightful throne. Warriors that chose to
support the wrong prince get 1D6 x 30 gold for their part in the Adventure.


Finishing the Adventure The Dungeon Cell

Once they pass through the Fighting Pit door, the Warriors will emerge onto If the Warriors find the Dungeon Cell before reaching the Objective Room,
the hills where the flowers grow. Each Warrior must collect enough purple they will find a devoted fan of the Rolling Bones. After the Warriors
petals for the healing salve. This is a dangerous process which must be resolve all Events in the room, the Warriors convince him to show them the
done carefully for the stem of each Mousillon Rose is quite poisonous. way toward the Objective Room. The Warriors may look at the next 1D3
Each Warrior must roll 3D6. If any of the dice come up a ‘1’ it means that Dungeon Cards of the Dungeon Deck. If the Dungeon Deck has been split,
the Warrior has brushed against a poisonous stem while collecting the the Warriors may look at 1D3 Dungeon Cards from each deck, rolling a
petals. For every ‘1’ that was rolled he must subtract -1 from his Starting separate dice for each one to see how many cards are revealed.
Wounds score permanently. If all three dice come up a 1, the Warrior is
instantly killed and removed from the game. The other players (carefully)
take his collection of petals and continue on with the Adventure.
The Altar of Khorne Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Objective Room, roll on the Chaos Khorne
Objective Room Monster Table to determine what Monsters the room
Once collected, the Warriors must trek back through the Dungeon the way contains.
they came, rolling for Unexpected Events along the way until they reach
the entrance. Once out of the underground tunnels, the Warriors return to The Rolling Bones are placed first and will be standing at the top of the
Bretonnia where they are each rewarded with 2D6x100 gold and a piece steps on the upper platform (the stage) where they are belting out a rousing
of Objective Room Treasure. chorus of “Bloody Tuesday.” This gives every other Monster on the
Board +1 Attacks for the first round of Combat. After the first round, the
three Chaos Champions will dive off of the stage and attack the Warriors
(determine at random). Place them adjacent to their targets, moving other
models if necessary. See the Mick Jagged, Sheath Rychurds and Kill
Wyman Special Cards for their special rules.
MONSTER THEME: CHAOS KHORNE Finishing the Adventure
If the Warriors defeat the Monsters in the Objective Room, they may
A wave of extremely talented minstrels and bards from have cleared the Dungeon of Monsters. They may return to the Emperor
Bretonnia has moved into to the Empire, drawing huge crowds and followers. with the minstrel’s instruments and weapons; clear proof of their devotion
Their long hair and outlandish clothing are identified with a youthful and to Khorne, the Lord of Murder. They are rewarded with 1D6x100 gold each.
rebellious counter-culture. Rioting, looting, violence and illegal drugs (such
as the Fendrix Mushroom and Jifterspirit) accompany every musical
performance and advisors to the Emperor suggest that Chaos might be at

Rather than upset the masses with a ban on the extremely popular ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
musicians (a phenomena which has been dubbed the “Brettish Invasion”), OBJECTIVE ROOM: SORCERER’S FORGE
the Emperor has appointed the Warriors to investigate the visitors. MONSTER THEME: CHAOS DWARFS

The Warriors quickly discover that the four most popular groups each have
links to a Cult of Chaos. The Needles, whose hits include “Twist and
A wandering mystic has gone before the King of Bretonnia
and declared that she knows the location of the fabled
Book of Knowledge. Legend states that the magical tome will reveal the
Change” are a sect of Tzeentch. The Gimme Fendrix Experience, whose answers to any question one could ask.
popular ballads include “Purple Daze” are a sect of Slaanesh. Stink Floyd,
whose songs include “I Can Smell That For Miles” are a sect of Nurgle. And
The clairvoyant speaks of a hidden entrance to an elaborate tunnel system
lastly, The Rolling Bones, a sect of Khorne have been singing the ditty
in World’s Edge Mountains just south of Peak Pass. The Book of
“Empathy For the Devil” in over a dozen towns and cities across the
Empire. Knowledge, she claims, is inside a secret chamber just passed the “Room
of Liquid Fire.” With closed eyes and a shaky hand, the mystic draws a
picture on a piece parchment: the hidesous face of a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer.
“Beware the wicked one who dwells within!”
The Emperor selects The Rolling Bones as his first target and the Warriors
are ordered to infiltrate the group’s base of operations and slay their leaders.
The King is only half convinced that the woman’s words are true. If she is
simply mad, it would be a public embarrassment to the throne, so rather
The Rolling Bones are made up of three minstrels: Mick Jagged, Sheath than launch a proper expedition, the King quietly sends the Warriors to
Rychurds, and Kill Wyman. The group plays in underground caverns to fetch him the fabled book instead.
exclusive audiences. The lyrics contain subliminal, violent messages that
affect the weaker-willed individuals, eventually luring them into the Cult of
SETTING UP Remove the Circle of Power Dungeon Card for this Adventure. In all other
respects, prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal.
Include the Dungeon Cell and the Guard Room when setting up the
Dungeon Deck. Then shuffle the Hall of Death from the Catacombs of
Terror Adventure Pack into the top six cards of the Dungeon Deck.


Special Rules
The Sorcerer’s Forge Objective Room
When the Warriors enter the Sorcerer’s Forge, they must roll once on the
Chaos Dwarfs Objective Room Monster Table. If they have not OBJECTIVE ROOM: IDOL CHAMBER
encountered and defeated Zzuktarr Sundor or Dafahl the Cruel as Event MONSTER THEME: ANY
Cards, then they are here as well.
One of the long-lost swords of the Elector Counts of the Empire, missing for
Once there are no Monsters on the Board, the Warriors may search the centuries, has been found by a band of warriors in the Worlds Edge
Sorcerer’s Forge for the secret chamber where the Book of Knowledge lies. Mountains, near the Dwarf Hold of Mount Grimfang.
In order of Initiative, each Warrior may spend one turn searching by rolling
2D6. If either of the dice comes up a 5 or 6, then they have discovered a
secret door in one of the walls. Place a Doorway on any unused wall Unfortunately, before they could return the blade to safety, all but one of the
and attach the Circle of Power Board Section. warriors was killed. The one warrior who survived, although tortured and
badly mutilated, managed to escape and get back to the Emperor to tell his
When the Warriors enter the Secret Chamber (Circle of Power), they will see
a golden chest resting inside the center circle of the room. Draw an Event The Warriors have been requested to seek out this extremely important
Card as usual and once the Warriors resolve it, the chest lid opens magically, sword and return it.
offering the heroes its contents: the Book of Knowledge. The manual is
magically sealed and can only be opened with the proper incantation.
The Idol Chamber Objective Room
The sword is being kept in the Idol Chamber, clasped in the hand of the
stone idol.
If any of the dice comes up a 1, it indicates that, despite an extensive
search of every inch of the room, the Warriors find nothing. Their search
is over (even if other Warriors had not yet rolled). The mystic is simply Roll on the chosen Objective Room Monster Table for the Monster-
crazy and the Warriors must return to the King empty-handed. theme being used to determine what Monsters the Idol Chamber contains.

Once the Monsters have been defeated, the Warriors may try and retrieve
Finishing the Adventure the sword. Each Warrior may make one attempt to get the sword each turn.
If the Warriors do not find the secret chamber (and therefore the Book of To do so, a Warrior must stand in one of the squares adjacent to the idol.
Knowledge), then the party must retrace their steps out of the Dungeon, Roll 1D6 and add the Warrior’s Strength. If the total is 7 or more, he has
rolling for Unexpected Events as normal. succeeded and wrenches the sword free. If the total is less than 7, the idol
suddenly animates and strikes the Warrior. The attack automatically hits
and does 3D6 Wounds, modified for Toughness and armour. The idol then
If the Warriors find the secret chamber and the book, then a panel opens becomes immobile once more. The same Warrior cannot try again until all
in the wall at the back of the room and the Warriors make their way out of the Warriors have attempted the task.
the tunnels and back up to the surface.

If the Warriors retrieve the sword, they are rewarded with 1D6x50 gold
Reward each.
If the Warriors did not find the book, the King is furious and has the
mystic hanged. The Warriors are spared his wrath, are given 1D6x25 gold in
traveling compensation and are sumarrily dismissed.

If they found the Book the Warriors return hastily to the King of Bretonnia ORIGIN: TUNNELS OF PESTILENCE #6
to deliver the item and receive their reward. The King eagerly calls upon his OBJECTIVE ROOM: VARIOUS MONSTER
mages to unseal the book so he can read from its pages. Surprisingly, the book
has no pages at all! Inside is simply a mirror. Roll 1D6 on the table below to
see the King’s reaction:
A messenger on horseback desperately gallops through the Bretonnian
Capital of Couronne. He storms through the streets nearly knocking over
pedestrians in his hurry. Into the great castle of the King he goes as the
1 The King does not understand the introspective citizens fill in the space behind him wondering what urgent matter is
meaning. He is furious and refuses to reward the being brought before their sire. It isn’t long before the Warriors are
Warriors – they obviously found the wrong book! summoned before the King himself where they are assigned an important
They each receive twenty lashes of the whip for their but dangerous task.
incompetence. Each Warrior must deduct -1 from their
Starting Wounds score permanently.
The King laughs and nods his head. He understands the Reports have surfaced that an extremely large band of Skaven, led by
contemplative message and gives the Warriors the three diabolical ratmen are preparing a powerful strike against the city.
2-6 highest reward they could possibly ever receive – the The most powerful and influential is Skamp the Sickly, an evil Warlock
chance to read from the Book! He then compensates Engineer who is currently constructing his most terrible device; the
them 1D6x100 gold each for their heroic journey and Deathhammer. If completed, the Deathhammer will enable the Skaven to
sends them on their way. break through the defences in the southern city of Carcassonne leaving it
vulnerable to a more powerful secondary attack.


Festid Filthblade, a powerful Stormvermin Champion with unmatched Reward

fighting prowess will command the Skaven forces in this first assault. If the Warriors manage to defeat any of the Skaven Leaders, they may
Rance Throatcutter, the deadly Skaven Assassin, will carry out secret return to Couronne and receive their reward, although the city officials will
strikes and assassinations against commanders and leaders with his vicious be none too pleased to hear that the threat of the device has not been removed.
band of assassins.

The King designates the Warriors as an independent strike force against If the Warriors They each receive…
the new Skaven clan. The task is a tall order: penetrate the Skaven defeated…
stronghold, locate the whereabouts of the three leaders, and assassinate 1 Skaven Leader 1D6x50 gold.
them. If possible, the Warriors are also to find and destroy the Deathhammer
Device before it reaches completion. The King hopes that the Warriors’ 2 Skaven Leaders 1D6X50 gold & one piece of
attack will give Bretonnia enough time to mount a defence against the rest Dungeon Room Treasure.
of the Skaven hoardes. If their leaders are vanquished and if the 3 Skaven Leaders 1D6X50 gold & one piece of Dungeon
Deathhammer project can be disrupted, the Bretonnian forces can sweep in Room Treasure and one piece of
and destroy the remaining ratmen with very few losses. Objective Room Treasure.

A scouting report has discovered that the Skaven leaders are plotting their
If the Warriors defeat all three leaders, they find and destroy the
attack in a labyrinth of tunnels in the mountains just north of the Blighted
Deathhammer Device in a secret room located in the final Objective Room.
Marshes. With little time to waste, the Warriors leave Couronne post-haste.
In the back of the last Objective Room is a secret tunnel that leads up and
to the surface.

SETTING UP If the Warriors should leave the Dungeon without defeating any of the
Do not include the Skamp the Sickly, Festid Filthblade or Rance Skaven Leaders, they must leave the area immediately in embarrassment!
Throatcutter Event Cards in this Adventure. From now on when they reach a Settlement, roll 1D6. On a 1, news has
quickly spread of their cowardice and they are not allowed entry. They must
proceed immediately into the next Dungeon! Make a note on your Adventure
Special Rules Record Sheet.
The Objective Rooms
First, put the Fountain of Light, the Fighting Pit, and Quirrik’s Laboratory
Objective Rooms and all 3 T-Junctions off to one side (6 total cards).

Next, pick seven random Dungeon Cards and shuffle them in with the ORIGIN: CATACOMBS OF TERROR #6
Objective Rooms and T-Junctions (13 total cards). Finally, put 2 more
random dungeon cards on top of the deck, making one large stack of 15
cards (this is a large labyrinth of tunnels indeed!) MONSTER THEME: UNDEAD

After an exhausting journey through the mountains, the Warriors are told
If the Warriors reach the Fighting Pit, they will enter from large wooden door by the wizards of the Empire that they must return to Twisted Spire and the
on the bottom level. When the first two Objective Rooms are reached, there Catacombs of Terror to deal the death blow to the Dread King before his
will most likely be more cards beyond it so place a doorway on the opposite power overwhelms the world. Despite all attempts to destroy him, the
side of the room where the Warriors can continue their mission. Dread King's spirit has returned once more to his ancient haunts. Rumours
abound that he seeks to awaken Nagash himself once he is restored to
power, and this must be prevented at all costs. After much research, it has
When the Warriors enter an Objective Room, consult the chart below to see been discovered that the means to achieve this are kept deep in the Twisted
which Skaven Leader occupies that room. If the Monsters are defeated, the Spire itself – the Dread King cunningly possesses the only weapons
Warriors receive a piece of Dungeon Room Treasure. In addition, the powerful enough to destroy him. The Warriors must find these weapons
Warriors find a potion upon the Skaven Leader that was slain. It counts as a before facing the Dread King.
Treasure Item and is distributed as normal. Roll 1D6 to see which potion
it is.
Special Rules
Before playing this Adventure, remove the Dread King Event Card from
Objective Room Skaven Leader the Event deck, and place the special Catacombs Counters in a cup or
Fountain of Light Rance Throatcutter mug. Whenever the Warriors finish a combat, then as well as any
Fighting Pit Skaven Festid Filthblade treasure and gold they gain, the leader takes a counter from the cup for
every Event Card of Monsters that was involved in the combat. If he finds
Laboratory Skamp the Sickly the Skull Counter, then the Warriors have found one of the legendary
Death Dealer swords of Malach the Cruel. These are the only weapons
D6 Potion Found on Leader capable of harming the Dread King.
1 Heals 1 Warrior to full Wounds
2-4 Heals 1D6 Wounds (4 doses) Heals
The leader then places all the counters back in the cup, ready for the next
5-6 2D6 Wounds (4 doses) combat, when the Warriors can try to find another sword. There will only
ever be four swords, and without one a Warrior will be able to inflict no
In addition to the Skaven Leader, roll once on the damage on the Dread King whatsoever. With a Death Dealer sword, a
Monster Table to see which minions are also in the Warrior may fight the Dread King as usual, inflicting damage as normal.
room. See the skaven leader’s Special Card for their rules.


Reward This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board Sections. These
If the Warriors manage to defeat the Dread King, at the end of the Adventure exquisite boards were created by Sebastian Stuart (www.eastern-
they are richly rewarded - each Warrior gains two item of Dungeon Room and have been modified especially for this scenario.
Treasure. Not only that, but they have the choice of plundering the Dread
King's ancient tomb if they wish. Any Warrior who wishes to plunder the
gold from the tomb may roll as many dice as he likes, adding up the Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed
totals rolled and multiplying the result by 100, to see how much gold especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic
he has found. If any dice he rolls come up as a 1, then as the Warrior and Minions.
packs the gold into his bag, he fails to notice the huge stone blocks
sliding into place behind him. He has triggered the ancient defences, and Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now.
will be sealed into the Twisted Spire forever, a rich, yet very dead Warrior.
Otherwise, he may escape with the gold intact. Warriors are not allowed to
use Luck or any other abilities to re-roll this result.
Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room draw an
Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’ Events back into
the deck. Likewise, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in
the Orc Residence it will always be Monsters that appear. Follow the same
rules for drawing an Event Card as listed above. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will
only occur on the forest Board Sections.

Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
the following table to see how many doorways it contains:

1-3 The Forest Path is normal.

4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK (REALM OF SAVAGES) 6 Path has two additional doorways.
Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
T he Emperor’s favorite animal has escaped from the
Imperial Menagerie and the Warriors are selected to bring
it back alive. It has fled deep into the forest. For Adventure this
dividing the deck if appropriate.

the animal is (the party leader rolls 1D6): Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path Board
Section and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction
Board Section.
A Bird. Each Warrior will receive 1D6x50 to for
returning this feathered pet. Treasure
A Cat Each Warrior will receive 1D3 Items of Whenever the Warriors would receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for
Dungeon Room Treasure if they can reunite this feline any reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 they receive a Dungeon Room
with the Emperor. Treasure as normal. If the score is a 5 or 6, draw one of the new Treasure
Cards that accompany this Adventure instead.
A Dog. Each Warrior will receive 1D6x100 gold if they
can find this pure-bred canine and bring it to the
Emperor. Munk the Savage Orc Shaman
A Horse. Each Warrior will receive 2D6x100 gold If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by his
upon this beautiful stallion’s return. minions. See the Munk’s Minions & Rules Special Card to see who they
are. Munk will cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Munk’s
A Huge Snake. Each Warrior will receive an item of Savage Orc Magic Special Card to see which spell he casts.
Objective Room Treasure and 1D6x100 gold if they
can bring this exotic serpent back safely.
A Tiger. Each Warrior will receive an item of Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room
Objective Room Treasure and 2D6x100 gold upon the When the Warriors enter Munk’s Dwelling, put the Savage Orc Shaman on
safe return of this majestic animal. the throne, even if the Warriors had encountered and defeated him in an
Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled him
This roll cannot be affected by Luck, to survive even the most grievous wounds.
Faith or other abilities.

Roll on the Savage Orcs Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
The Warriors track the animal to a hidden Savage Orc
Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
encampment deep in the forest. Unfortunately, the animal has been captured
the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.
by the Savage Orcs and been presented to Munk, the Savage Orc
Shaman who leads the tribe. The
Warriors will have to comb through the dangerous
encampment to find and free the animal.


Finishing the Adventure

When the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters they find the
animal in a cage in the back. The animal’s condition is as follows (the party ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK

Eaten! It seems that the poor animal was the Savage Orc
Shaman’s last meal as there are only bones left. The
Warriors receive nothing from the Emperor although he
A fter the Warriors receive an urgent letter about a friend in
dire need, they travel post-haste to Stirland where they
meet with the local Witch Hunter’s Guild. Their friend, Witch Hunter
agrees to spare their lives. The Warriors decide to leave Brunson von Armbruster, an austere but upright fellow, once came to the
before he changes his mind… Warriors’ aid when a paranoid mob wanted to burn them at the stake. With
a commanding voice and piercing eyes, the Witch Hunter subdued the
Mutilated. The animal has been abused and disfigured angry townsfolk. The grateful Warriors promised him that they would kindly
by the cruel Savage Orcs and even the best healers in return the favour should the Witch Hunter ever need them.
the Empire cannot cure it. The Emperor is stricken with
grief and then anger. He vows to remove every Savage
Orc encampment in the Empire. The Warriors do not
escape his wrath either, receiving only half (round Brunson von Armbruster was last reported chasing a Strigoi Vampire into
down) of what was promised. the Zombie Marshes in Sylvannia. Unfortunately, Brunson was torn limb
from limb by the creature and the Witch Hunter’s head is now a
Sick. The animal has been severely neglected and is in commemorative decoration in the Vampire’s Lair. In the brief battle,
poor health. There is no possible way that the creature Brunson inflicted a significant wound upon the creature. The Vampire
will be able to endure the journey back. If the Warriors retreated to its coffin where it entered a dormant state to recuperate. It is in
have a Healing Potion, they may use it to nurse the this state that the creature presently exists and the Witch Hunter’s Guild
animal back to health and can return to the Emperor (see feels that this is the most opportune time to slay it. The Warriors are
result #5 below). If they do not have a Healing Potion, commissioned by the Guild to enter the Zombie Marshes and destroy the
then see result #2 above. Vampire once and for all. To aid them in their mission, one of the Warriors
Traumatized. The animal has suffered an enormous (determined randomly) has been given a Blessed Hammer & Stake (see the
amount of shock and distress since being captured by the Blessed Hammer & Stake Treasure Card).
Savage Orcs. It will take a few months for the animal to
return to its normal demeanor. The impatient Emperor is
none too pleased. He docks the Warriors one-third of The Warriors quickly journey to a swampland graveyard in the Zombie
what was promised to them (rounded down). If the Marshes where they stand before the opening of an underground crypt.
Warriors were to receive both treasure and gold, the
Emperor withholds the treasure and gives them only the
gold instead, although it is the maximum amount
Well. The animal is in good health and the Warriors
have no trouble bringing it back to the Emperor. He
rewards the Warriors as promised and bestows upon
each of them the title of Imperial Menagerie Defender.
From now on, if the rules ever state that the Warrior is
thrown out of a Settlement, the Warrior may announce
their title by rolling 1D6 (the player must actually say, “I
am [Warrior’s name], Imperial Menagerie Defender!”).
If the result is a 6, then the authorities reconsider and
allow them to stay instead.
Thriving! The animal is in perfect condition! In fact, the
whole ordeal seems to have done the creature some good
as the animal is healthy, more vibrant and has a better
temperament than when the Emperor saw it last! His
majesty is so elated that he gives each Warrior an extra
item of Objective Room Treasure!

Mix the Vampire Counters in a cup and put them off to the side for now.
Put the Enchanted Garlic Treasure Card off to the side for now. Whenever
the Warriors are instructed to receive a Dungeon Room Treasure, roll 1D6.
This roll cannot be affected by Luck, Faith or other abilities. If the result is a 5 or 6, the treasure they receive is the Enchanted Garlic.

The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room

When the Warriors find the Vampire’s Lair, make one roll on the Vampire
Objective Room Monster Table to see who guards the Library. The Strigoi
is inside the Hidden Resting Chamber healing from his battle with Brunson
von Ambruster. Place the model on its side on top of the coffin.


The Vampire Counters

When the Warriors enter the Vampire’s Lair, and after Monsters have
been placed, draw a Vampire Counter at random. The number on the ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
counter represents how many turns (not including this one) that the Warriors OBJECTIVE ROOM: VAMPIRE’S LAIR
have to slay the sleeping Strigoi before he wakes.

There are tales of creatures that roam the land as half-man and half-wolf,
Slaying the Strigoi Vampire
cursed by witches or gypsies as retribution for misdeeds against them.
If there are no Monsters on the Board, and if the Vampire is sleeping, the Lupines, or Werewolves, lie somewhere between living and dead with an
Warrior carrying the Blessed Hammer & Stake may attempt to pound it insatiable hunger for fleash for blood.
into the Strigoi’s heart. He does this by standing in a space adjacent to the
coffin and doing nothing else that turn. The Warrior must roll 1D6 as stated on
the card, but is successful on a score of 2 or more.
In a previous adventure, the Warriors unwittingly freed such a creature that
was bound by an Elven spell. The Werewolf, now free to roam, has gone on a
bloody killing spree and the Warriors know that it is their fault. They feel
If the Strigoi awakens from its deep slumber, it attacks the nearest obligated to stop the creature before it kills again. The task will not be
Warrior (see the Wounded Strigoi Vampire Special Card). The Warrior easy since the Werewolf has fled high into the Grey Mountains to the
carrying the Blessed Hammer & Stake can use it as listed on the card fortress-monastery known as the Blood Keep. It knows that it is being
during the Combat. But if the Warriors knock the Vampire to 0 Wounds, pursued and it flees instinctively to the dark energy of the ruins.
lay the model on its side to indicate that it is unconscious. Put all the
Vampire Counters back and redraw another at random. Once again this is the
number of turns the Vampire will stay unconscious. The Warrior carrying the
Blessed Hammer & Stake can attempt to slay the Vampire as listed above
Hundreds of years ago the Blood Keep was home to the most noble of the
during this time.
Knightly Orders of the Empire. How unfathomable it was when a vampiric
curse infected the keep and turned the knights against those who they
vowed to protect. The Vampires were eventually destroyed after an epic
If the Warrior rolls a 1 when trying to kill the Strigoi while he is sleeping or battle but the crypts below the Keep are rumoured to still be the resting
unconscious, or if the Vampire wakes a second time, then the Strigoi place for many fallen warriors from both sides. It is said that some of the
escapes in a puff of black smoke. The Warriors have failed in their mission Vampire knights may have even survived the conflict and still make the
to kill the Vampire… Blood Keep their home.

When they avenged the death of their old ally, Brunson Armbruster by SETTING UP
slaying the Wounded Strigoi Vampire, the Warriors return to the Witch Shuffle the Large Wolf Event Card into the Event Deck.
Hunter’s Guild where they are rewarded with 1D6x100 gold each.
Mix the Vampire Counters in a cup and put them off to the side for now.
If they return unsuccessful, the Warriors receive nothing, and must return
the Blessed Hammer (discard it).
Special Rules
Large Wolf
Fortunately for the Warriors, when they encounter the Werewolf, it will be
in wolf form, which will give them a chance to defeat the terrible creature.
If the Warriors encounter the Large Wolf as an Event, draw another Event
Card until it reveals Monsters. They attack together with the Werewolf.

The Stalking Vampire

Residing inside the Blood Keep crypts is a Blood Dragon Vampire. As the
Warriors track the Werewolf through the crypts, the Vampire follows them,
watching in amusement. The Vampire will not reveal himself to the
Warriors as he feels that they are not worthyfoes of such an encounter
although there are times where he cannot resist drinking their blood.

Whenver the Warriors enter a Dungeon Room for the first time or roll a ‘1’
in the Power Phase, they draw an Event Card as normal. In addition,
starting with the party leader and following in order of Initiative, each
Warrior must draw a Vampire Counter.

If the Vampire Counter the Warrior picks is the same number as the Power
Phase roll, it means that the Blood Dragon Vampire lunges out of the shadows
and bites the Warrior before quickly disappearing. The Warrior is
immediately drained of 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything. If the
Damage reduces him to 0 Wounds, the Warrior must deduct 1 point from
his Strength permanently. If his Strength should ever reach 0, the Warrior
is dead and cannot be resurrected by any means. He is removed from the


When the Warriors encounter the Large Wolf, whether as an Event or in Special Rules
the Objective Room, the Warriors must pick a Counter EVERY turn until
the Large Wolf is dead, after which the Vampire issues a stern warning: The Den of Desires Objective Room
leave immediately or perish! In addition to rolling on the Chaos Slaanesh Objective Room Monster
Table to see who guards the room, Elixa Abasheena will be present and
attack one of the Warriors (determined randomly).
The Warriors must retrace their steps out of the Dungeon, rolling for
Unexpected Events as usual although the Vampire will no longer attack
them if they draw an Event Card. Finishing the Adventure
If the Warriors defeat all of the Monsters in the Objective Room, they
The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room may take Elixa’s Sceptre. Without the life force of the Chaos Champion to
If the Warriors have not found the Large Wolf by the time they reach the connect with, the power of the sceptre is no more, although its beauty and
Objective Room, the beast is there. Roll on the Vampire Objective Room value remain.
Monster Table to determine what other Monsters accompany it.
The Warriors discover a staircase behind a secret door that leads up to
the city of Altdorf. The Warriors return to their old friend from Magritta
Lycanthropy where he rewards each of them with 1D6x100 gold.
If the Large Wolf caused damage to a Warrior during combat, that Warrior
must roll 1D6 at the end of the Adventure. If the score is a 1, the Warrior
has been infected with lycanthropy and irreversibly transforms into a
Werewolf. They attack any townsfolk in the vicinity and then dart off
into the nearest forest with Witch Hunters in pursuit. The Warrior is
removed from the game.
There is really no reward for this Adventure seeing as it was the Warriors
who let the Werewolf escape in the first place. However, if the Warriors
found the Hidden Resting Chamber, then the Witch Hunter’s Guild and the
Cult of Sigmar are both very interested and concerned to learn of a Vampire
T he king of Bretonnia claims that his knights have finally rid the Grey
Mountains of Orcs and Goblins once and for all.
His people may now pass safely through the mountains
presence at the Blood Keep. They pay each Warrior 1D6x25 gold for the without fear. A banquet is held to celebrate this great day, marred only
information. by the arrival of a deputation from the surrounding villages saying that
there seem to be more Orcs than ever!

The king of course has the villagers whipped soundly and sent away, but just
in case there is some truth in the preposterous story he sends the Warriors
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK off to scout around and find out what's going on.
In fact, the truth is that a new Warboss called Gorgut had decided to
move his tribe, the Black Fangs, from their home near Mount Gunbad.

I n Altdorf, one of the Warriors (determined

reunites with an old friend from Magritta who has become a

rich merchant. The successful trader travelled to Altdorf to purchase a

One night he took all his followers and some friendly Night Goblins and
went in search of a new lair. After many months of travelling, always by
night, they found their new home. Unfortunately Skabnoze, the Shaman
very beautiful and expensive sceptre. A week into his journey back to who guided them, had a very poor sense of direction. Instead of finding
Magritta, the sceptre mysteriously vanished from inside a secure strongbox. a nice quiet cave complex to the south, say near the Broken Teeth, he
With the locked box having never left his sight and with no signs of headed west, then north and ended up in the Grey Mountains!
tampering, the merchant is completely perplexed as to how the item was
taken. He has returned to Altodorf but the seller of the sceptre has also
vanished without a trace. The merchant has asked the Warriors to recover
the item for him. The Warriors are walking into very dangerous territory, but they have to
follow the orders of the king!

The Warriors immediately suspect that dark magics are at play. Their
extensive inquiry into the theft leads them to a wealthy estate and reveals
that the owner, Elixa Abasheena, is not only responsible for the theft but is To set the Dungeon Deck for this Adventure, follow the procedure on page
also the leader of a cult of Slaanesh. Vain and self-admiring, Elixa was 5 of the Lair of the Orc Lord rulebook. The Warriors will not know where
gifted the sceptre by the Lord of Pleasure. With this weapon she is beautiful the Shaman's Den or Gorgut's Lair are.
and alluring. Without it she soon becomes old and haggard. Elixa’s
Sceptre can never be lost and materilises into her hand at will.
When the Warriors leave the first Board Section the portcullis drops in the
doorway. The Warriors cannot get out of the Orcs' lair without the key! The
key can be found in the Shaman's Den. If the Warriors find Gorgut's
Elixa uses the power of the sceptre as a means of revenue. She sends a Lair before they find the Shaman's Den, place a door at the back of the
servant to sell the item to a wealthy, travelling merchant outside of Altdorf. Lair. The Warriors must continue with the remaining Board Sections once
When the merchant returns to his town or city, he discovers that the sceptre is they have finished in Gorgut's Lair.
gone. Suspecting thieves, the merchant has no recourse to retrieve the
item Unknown to all, the sceptre has reappeared in Elixa’s hand. (See the
Elixa Abasheena Special Card for her special rules).


Special Rules Special Rules

The Shaman's Den The Warriors’ main objective is to enter the dungeon and kill Grachnach’s
Draw an Event Card for the Shaman's Den as normal. Once all the Monsters Minotaurs, who are kept chained up in the fighting pit. Of course, if they
are dead the key for the portcullis will be found under one of the stools. find treasure totaling over 2.000 gold per Battle-level between them en
route, they may leave immediately and pay the ransom instead.

Gorgut’s Lair Objective Room

To complicate matters, while the Warriors are in the Dungeon there is a
Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table. By the time chance that Grachnach will catch them. Every time an Unexpected Event
the Warriors reach Gorgut's Lair they will have realised that there are both that reveals Monsters occurs, roll 1D6. If you score a 1 or 2, Grachnach has
Goblins and Orcs here. returned!

After killing all the Monsters in the lair they will have plenty of proof to Grachnach has been scouring the mountains for Monsters to join his
take back to the king for their reward, but they cannot leave the lair warband, and has returned with his new followers. He will not fight the
unless they have found the key to the portcullis! Warriors himself, preferring to send his servants to crush them while he
waits a safe distance away. Roll on the Chaos Khorne Objective Room
Monster Table to determine what Grachnach has recruited. Place them on
To claim their reward they journey to Couronne to see the king once more. the Board along with the Monsters generated by the Unexpected Event.
Upon presenting their evidence, the king makes his judgement. Roll a dice and This event only happens once, as Grachnach can only return once!
consult the table below.

1 The proof is ignored and the Warriors are ridiculed as Of course, even if the Warriors beat off this attack they must still complete
mendacious simpletons. They are paid nothing, and sent the Adventure, unless they have 2.000 gold to pay Vestigkalass.
2-3 The king and his court refuse to believe that there could be
any more Orcs and Goblins this far west. However, the The Fighting Pit Objective Room
Warriors told a jolly tale, and are paid 1D6 x 30 gold each When the Warriors reach the Objective Room, do not roll to see what lies
just to go away. within, as the following rules apply.
The king's advisors see the truth in the Warriors' words
4-5 and evidence. The Warriors are paid 1D6+6x50 gold each When the Warriors enter the Objective Room, place the two Minotaurs in
as a reward for their heroic quest, and knights are once any squares in the pit. The Minotaurs will not climb out of the pit unless
more dispatched to wipe the Orcs from the Grey attacked by a Warrior with missile weapons or magic. The Minotaurs will
Mountains. attack in the Monsters’ Phase as normal.
The king deems the Warriors conquering heroes for
finding the Monsters and defeating them. They are made
honorary knights of the realm, with the right to wear the Once the Minotaurs are defeated, the Warriors may escape through the
king's colours. They are also each given an item of treasure trapdoor at the bottom of the fighting pit. On their return Vestigkalass gives
from the king's treasure chamber. Each Warrior gets an them their memories back, as promised. The only problem is, he isn’t sure
item of Dungeon Room Treasure. whose memories are whose. Each player should take a Warrior Counter to
see which l0-year chunk of memories his Warrior regains. Eventually
Vestigkalass sorts it all out, but any Warrior who did not draw their own
counter is -1 Willpower for the next Adventure!



T he Warriors must repay a debt that they incurred in an

earlier adventure. The Wizard Vestigkalass rescued them
from certain death in the dungeons below Crookback Mountain some months A s the Warriors travel through the province of Hochland,
they discover that a Goblin King has been extorting the
ago, in exchange for 10 years of their memories, which he has stored in a village of Koerin at the base of the Middle Mountains. When the payment
cursed mirror. is missed, the Goblins steal food, destroy homes and kidnap inhabitants in
retaliation. The payment demanded each month has been increasing and the
villagers are finding it more and more difficult to comply. The Elector Count
The only way the Warriors can regain those memories is to pay him 2,000 tried on various occasions to send military aid, but the cunning Goblins
gold per Battle-level, or kill the pets of his arch rival, the evil Sorcerer retreated into the mountain tunnels until the soldiers departed.
Grachnach. The only problems for the Warriors are that they don’t have
the gold with which to pay the ransom, and that Grachnach’s ‘pets’ are two
blood-crazed Minotaurs...
The Goblin King’s payment is due again but the village has nothing left
to pay with. The angry Warriors have volunteered to end the extortion from
the Goblin King once and for all.
Grachnach lives in a carefully concealed labyrinth close to Mad Dog Pass,
and is away on some evil errand at the moment. Now is the time for the
The Warriors arrive at the entrance to a mountain cave under the guise of
Warriors to strike!
delivering the payment and slay the surprised guards before venturing


Special Rules Special Rules

Finishing the Adventure Skamp the Sickly, Festid Filthblade and Rance Throatcutter
Once the Warriors defeat all of the Monsters in the Objective Room, the If the Warriors encounter any of the Skaven villains as an Event (see
Warriors find a hoard of gold that the Goblin King had been collecting their Event Cards), they are merely unconscious and scurry away after the
from the village of Koerin. The village pays the Warriors 4D6x50 gold battle to lick their wounds and eat warpstone to regain their health. They
which they share evenly amongst themselves. may appear again in the Objective Room (see rules below).

Quirrik’s Laboratory Objective Room

If the Warriors reach Quirrik’s Laboratory Objective Room they roll on the
ORIGIN: TUNNELS OF PESTILENCE #3 Skaven Objective Room Monster Table. If they have not been encountered
as an Event, Skamp, Festid and Rance will all be present. If the Warriors
met them as an Event and “killed” them, then roll1D6 for each such Skaven
MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN villain. If the score is a 4 or less, the Skaven villain did not die in
their previous meeting and has returned to battle the Warriors once again!
The King of Bretonnia has been unable to sleep through the night for the Do not roll for Skamp – he will always be present in the Objective Room.
past two weeks. He has had recurring dreams in which ratmen plan to swarm
the capital from an underground headquarters somewhere near the city. The
King’s dream shows vivid images of this Skaven base; a complex maze of
tunnels where, deep inside, a Skaven Engineer toys with a strange Reward
machine as well as an ancient Elven necklace of great power. The dream has If the Warriors defeat Skamp (see Skamp the Sickly Special Card for his
concluded with the Skaven tunnels being heroically overrun by a small band rules) and bring back the necklace the King rewards them each with
of Warriors just before the leader completes his wild experiment. 2D6x100 gold pieces and a small portion of land in Couronne. Each of
them is bestowed an
honorary title (posthumously rolling if appropriate) by separately
The King awakens each night in a cold sweat. The longer the dreams on the tables below:
continue the more fearful and unnerved he becomes. The King is convinced
that the dreams are a prophecy of things to come and that he will not be able D6 First roll Second roll
to get a night’s rest until the vision is realised.
1 Subordinate of… …the People.
2 Consultant of… …Dreams.
He decrees that whoever finds this Skaven base and retrieves the necklace 3 Supporter of… …Couronne.
will be awarded with gold and land as well as an honorary title.
4 Emissary of… …the Realm.
5 Protector of… …the Royal Family.
The Warriors have come to Bretonnia, as have others, with hopes of 6 Champion of… …the King.
fulfilling the prophecy as they are certain that it is they who are in the
King’s dream. While other groups of adventurers have made their way to
the nearby mountains, the Warriors believe the Skaven tunnels in the dream
are actually the ruins of the ancient Elven palace that sit directly below the
King’s castle! With his permission, they will venture below the great fortress
to satisfy their destiny!
The dream is indeed a prophecy of things to come and the Warriors are OBJECTIVE ROOM: GORGUT’S LAIR
correct: a Skaven Engineer, Skamp the Sickly, and his clan have accidentally MONSTER THEME: ORCS & GOBLINS
tunneled into the ancient Elven palace below the King’s castle. Although
currently oblivious to this fact, it is only a matter of time before the vermin
figure it out and wreck havoc throughout the King’s castle and all of
A s the Warriors are returning from a dungeon adventure
near Mount Gunbad they are forced to take shelter in a
cave during a terrible storm. The cave walls are etched with strange,
vaguely familiar symbols and there are signs that a fire has been lit here
before. The next morning the storm subsides and the Warriors prepare to
To make matters worse Skamp has found, by sheer luck, a magical continue their journey. A noise of metal on stone alerts them that they have
necklace inside the sarcophagus of a great Elven hero. Skamp wears the company, but nothing has prepared them for look of anger on the faces of
necklace because it makes him feel important and because the Skaven the Dwarfs now surrounding them.
under his command are impressed by it. Little does he know that it has
a powerful magical aura.
Apparently the cave is a sacred site and the Warriors have defiled it.
Skamp has completed his Warpfire Generator although it doesn’t always The Dwarfs are very angry indeed, but there is a possible way for the
seem to work correctly. When he wears the necklace and stands far away Warriors to atone for this terrible sacrilege. The Dwarfs know that an Orc
from the Warpfire Generator it works properly. If Skamp and the necklace lair near Mount Gunbad is the resting place not only of a sacred amulet said
move too close, the Generator seems to build up a dangerous overload. to have belonged to Azhag the Slaughterer, but also the actual skull of
Skamp is becoming frustrated trying to figure out why his Generator the Warlord himself. To atone for defiling the Dwarfs' territory, the
does not always function properly. Warriors must enter the lair and bring back both the amulet and Azhag's

SETTING UP Special Rules

Make sure to include the Sewer and the Collapsed Passage
To play this Adventure, you will need to prepare the Dungeon Deck slightly
Board Sections when preparing the Dungeon Deck.
differently from normal. You will need 10 Dungeon Cards, plus the
Collapsed Passage, Shaman's Den and Gorgut's Lair cards from the Lair of
the Orc Lord.


Put the Gorgut's Lair Objective Room card and the Shaman's Den grimly realise that their best chance at locating the royal nephew and
Dungeon Room card to one side, and shuffle the remaining 11 cards. actually surviving this entire ordeal would be to initiate a slave revolt.
Deal out six cards face-down, then shuffle in the Gorgut's Lair card. Shuffle
the Shaman's Den in with the remaining cards, and put these six cards on
top of the other seven cards. This completes the Dungeon Deck for this
Adventure (phew!). SETTING UP
Prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal with one exception: shuffle the
Fighting Pit Objective Room into the top seven cards and the Temple of
The Warriors must get the amulet from the Shaman's Den and the skull from Khaine Objective Room into the bottom four cards to form a total of 13
Gorgut's Lair. cards for the Dungeon Deck.

The Shaman’s Den

Take an Event Card for this room as normal, but also include Skabnoze in
Demona Ryme, Beastmaster
the room. Once Skabnoze has been sent packing and the other Monsters Put the Demona Ryme Beastmaster Event Card aside for now.
have been killed, the Warriors may pick up Azhag's amulet which is on
the keg on the platform in the Den. Special Rules
Beginning the Adventure
Gorgut's Lair Objective Room The first Board Section is the Warriors’ dungeon cell where the invisibility
Roll on the Orcs & Goblins Objective Room Monster Table to see what spell wears off. Draw an Event Card until it revelas Monsters, reshuffling
Monsters the Warriors encounter in Gorgut's Lair. any ‘E’ Event Cards back into the deck. The Warriors receive the
equivalent of an Ambush Attack on their astonished captors (i.e. take an
Once all the Monsters in the Lair are dead the Warriors may attempt to extra Warriors’ Phase in the first round of Combat). If the Warriors defeat
retrieve the skull, which is set in a niche in the wall. This niche is concealed their captors they receive an item of Dungeon Room Treasure as normal.
in the corner of the room, above a pile of bones and skulls. There is only one exit in this room.

The Fighting Pit Objective Room

The skull of Azhag has been magically protected by Skabnoze. Any turn that
there are no Monsters in the Lair draw a Warrior counter to see who tries to When the Warriors enter the Fighting Pit Objective Room they will be
take the skull. This Warrior must roll 1D6 + his Initiative and score 7 + attacked by Beastmaster Ryme, Julong the Wardog, 1 Ogre (slave), 1D6+3
(remember that a 1 always fails). If the Warrior fails, a sheet of flame Hobgoblins (slaves), and 1D6 Dark Elves w/Crossbows (Strength 4). If
shoots out from the eyes of the skull causing 2D6 Wounds on the Warrior. Demona Ryme is killed before the Ogre, then the Ogre receives the Break
Each turn continues as normal until a Warrior successfully picks up the skull. Ability.

If the Warriors manage to clear the Fighting Pit of Monsters, the Warriors
can attempt to break down the huge wooden door (Toughness 3,
Once the Warriors get the skull the warding spell is broken and in the niche Wounds 7) and free the captives inside who rush out in droves. The royal
they will also find a lever for opening a secret passage to the surface. nephew is not among them and has been taken to the Temple of Khaine
The Warriors can then take the skull back to Karaz-a-Karak where the where he will be sacrificed.
Dwarfs will judge that they have atoned for their wrong doing and reward
them with a an item of Dungeon Room Treasure each.
The Temple of Khaine Objective Room
When the Warriors discover the Temple of Khaine Objective Room in
the Exploration Phase, roll 2D6. This is how many turns they have to kill
the Hag Queen before she finishes her ritual by plunging a wicked-looking
dagger into the royal nephew.
Once the Warriors clear the Objective Room, they find a passage out of the
Black Ark that leads to the outside world. They leap into the ocean where
The Bretonnian King’s nephew was among the latest victims taken away they are soon rescued by a passing ship. If they have saved the royal
in a Black Ark raid on the coast of Brionne. The King has demanded that nephew they can return to the King of Bretonnia and roll 1D6 on the
the Warriors rescue his nephew! Although there is no conceivable way to following table:
penetrate the magical barrier that surrounds the Black Ark as it sails back
to Naggaroth, the King has a heroic plan. Unfortunately, the details of the
rescue reveal a quite absurd and ill-conceived scheme concocted by the
King’s desperate advisors: After the royal Enchantress renders the Warriors’ 1-4 The King is shocked that the Warriors actually completed
weapons invisible by way of magic spell, the Warriors will allow the mission since it was he that had arranged for the
themselves to be captured by a Dark Elf raiding party. Once inside and the nephew’s disappearance in the first place! He concocted
invisibility spell wears off, they will be able to locate the royal nephew and the impossible scheme to avert any suspicion upon himself.
lead him safely back to Bretonnia. The only real choice the Warriors have He grudgingly rewards the Warriors with 1D6x100 gold
is whether to die at the hands of a misguided King or murderous Dark each for their incredible rescue.
Elves! After careful thought the Warriors opt for the more heroic option...
The King is elated and knew that his rescue plan would
5-6 succeed! He rewards each Warrior with 1D6x100 gold
and an item of Objective Room Treasure!

The reluctant Warriors are escorted to a volatile coastal area where they
make camp. As expected they are captured by a Dark Elf raiding party,
taken deep into the heart of a Black Ark’s caverns and finally into a
holding cell. The Warriors


If they were unsuccessful in saving the royal nephew, the Warriors decide a
long sabbatical is in order, away from vicious monsters, dangerous dungeons
and irrational rulers with guillotines…


As the Warriors walk the streets of Bastonne, they are intrigued by a

minstrel’s song that highlights the remarkable history of the Dukedom.
Standing before a life-size statue of a Grail Knight in the center of town,
the minstrel sings of the many deeds of the hero Jaquet Dampierre. The
ballad ends with Dampierre’s mysterious disappearance, and presumed
death, forty years ago in the Black Chasm south of Bastonne.

Just as soon as the minstrel’s song ends, the statue of the Grail Knight
begins to suddenly change. To the amazement and horror of the crowd, the
statue of Jaquet Dampierre suddenly comes to life! The hero almost
immediately collapses feebly to the floor and the Warriors rush over to
offer assistance. The Warriors carry him into the local infirmary where he
retells the tale of Volga, a monstrous Gorgon who turned him to stone
decades ago.

In an act of cruelty and disdain, the Gorgon sent Dampierre (in stone form)
back to his hometown. The inhabitants were unaware that it was actually
Dampierre and placed the staute in the town square in remembrance of the
great hero.

Spending forty years as a statue has left the Grail Knight permanently
weak. As he will never be able to swing a sword again, he asks the Warriors
to seek out the Gorgon and restore his honour by killing her.

Special Rules
Dampierre’s return to flesh form indicates that the Gorgon has begun to The Spiral Staircase
weaken. The power of her gaze is beginning to wear off, thus giving the The Black Chasm is rife with creatures of the Blood God as well as
Warriors a real chance at defeating her. In addition, the town Wizard gives Skaven. In this Adventure, Skaven occupy the upper level of the Black
the Warriors a magic scroll to aid them in their dangerous expedition. Chasm. When instructed to draw an Event Card the Warriors should draw
from the Skaven Event Deck. When the Warriors find the Spiral Staircase,
they may descend into the lower level of Black Chasm. In this case, when
SETTING UP they are instructred to draw an Event Card, the Warriors should draw
from the Chaos Khorne Event Deck instead.
The Warriors begin the game with the Flesh Scroll Treasure Card. Decide
which Warrior is going to carry the scroll and they should make a note on
their Adventure Record Sheet.
The Crystal Cave
(Note: if the Warrior carrying the scroll dies, then the scroll is lost forever.)
The first time the Warriors enter the Crystal Cave Board Section, in addition
to the normal rules for that Board Section, all of the Wizard’s Power
Shuffle the Chasm of Despair, the Water Cave, the Crystal Cave and Tokens that have been used in the Adventure so far are restored to their
the Bottomless Pit with 8 other Dungeon Cards to create the Dungeon original quota.
The Gorgon’s Grotto Objective Room
Shuffle the Spiral Staircase Dungeon Card into the top half of the Dungeon Volga will be present when the Warriors enter the Gorgon’s Grotto
Deck. Shuffle the Gorgon’s Grotto Objective Room card into the bottom half Objective Room (see Volga the Gorgon Special Card). She is placed liked
of the Dungeon Deck. a missile troop, in the far upper right squares. The Warriors must then roll
on the Chaos Khorne Objective Room Monster Table to see what
creatures are guarding her.

Finishing the Adventure

When the Warriors defeat Volga the Gorgon and clear the Board of
Monsters, they discover a secret passage that leads out of the Dungeon.
They can return to Bastonne and Grail Knight Jaquet Dampierre who
rewards each of them with items from his previous exploits: a Dungeon
Room Treasure and an Objective Room Treasure!



T he Warriors are travelling back from an adventure in Spine

Mountain Keep. One night, as they sleep fitfully in the
mountains, they are set upon by a large Undead horde. Outnumbered and
B attle lesions from a previous adventure reopen upon each
of the Warriors’ bodies and no healer can seem to
understand why it is happening. If they can’t find someone to mend the
surprised, the Warriors have no chance, and are knocked unconscious. They bizarre wounds, the Warriors will surely die.
awake to find themselves in a dank cell, chained up beside another
prisoner. The prisoner tells them he has a way to escape, but they will have An old, wise healer in the Settlement knows of only one person who has ever
to leave through the throne room of the Dread King himself. The next day cured such a condition: the Warlock of Mousillon.
he is taken from the cell and led to the sacrificial altar of the Dread King.
The Warriors make haste to the cursed dukedom and the Warlock’s tower.
Regrettably they find that in order to meet with him they must traverse
It seems that the blood of mortals is being used to free the Dread King through the rooms in his tower which are full of traps, guardians and
from the realm of death, and even now he is close to overcoming the magic surprises – for only the most courageous, crafty and brave heroes can meet
which holds him prisoner in his dark halls far away in the Lands of the with him face to face…
Dead. The Necromancer Gunther Laranscheld and many of his minions are
scouring the area for more victims.
The Warriors manage to break free of their bonds and regain their This Adventure uses the Pits & Traps Expansion Pack and the Vampire’s
equipment from the Zombie guards. They must hurry to reach the throne Lair as the Warlock’s Study Objective Room. All the normal rules for these
room before the Dread King appears. If they dawdle, however... Board Sections apply. Randomly include 4 of the 6 Dungeon Rooms when
preparing the Dungeon Deck. As usual, the Objective Room should be
shuffled in with the bottom 6 cards.
Special Rules
Generate the Dungeon as usual, the Warriors start just outside their cell. This
The Dungeon Deck
Adventure uses the special Catacombs Counters. Take all six counters and put
them in a mug or other opaque container, just like the Warrior Counters. This Adventure requires a variety of Monster types. You can combine
your Dungeon Decks (although if you’ve been using all of the new Event
Decks from Littlemonk, that might be quite a large deck of cards to
Every time an Unexpected Event occurs, as well as drawing the next shuffle!). Alternatively, you can use multiple Monster-themed decks. Each
Event Card, take one of the Catacombs Counters and place it, without time you are required to draw an Event Card, roll D66 on the table below to
looking, to one side. Place the Catacombs Counters red face down next to decide which deck to draw from:
the board.

The Dread King’s Throne Room Objective Room

When the Warriors enter the Dread King's Throne take all the Catacombs MONSTER GENERATION TABLE
Counters that have been selected and turn them over. If any of them is the
Skull Counter the Warriors are too late - Van Damneg has awoken! D66 Event Deck
11 Chaos Carnival
If the Skull Counter has not been picked take the next two Event Cards 12 Haunted
to see what is in the Dread King's Throne Room. If the Skull has been picked 13-16 Chaos Dwarfs
then roll on the Undead Objective Room Monsters Table as normal.
21-22 Chaos Khorne
23-24 Chaos Nurgle
Finishing the Adventure 25 Chaos Slaanesh
If the Warriors manage to kill all the Monsters in the Dread King's 26 Chaos Tzeentch
Throne Room they each snatch something valuable before making their 31-36 Dark Elves
escape. Every Warrior gets a single piece of Dungeon Room Treasure. 41 Goblins
42-45 Orcs & Goblins
Even though the Warriors have struck a blow to his gathering physical form, 46 Savage Orcs
they know that they do not have the weapons to banish the Dread King 51-56 Skaven
forever! They must return to the Empire and gather magical weapons
powerful enough to banish the Dread King once and for all. 61-64 Undead
65-66 Vampire


The healer has given each Warrior 1D6+3 Bandages to help their
condition. (There is no need to fret about them spoiling at the end of the
Adventure, because your Warrior won’t be around to use them anyway if
they fail in this quest!) Each player should make note of them on their
Adventure Record Sheet.

Special Rules
The Warlock of Mousillon
If the Wizard rolls a ‘1’ in the Power Phase, after drawing an Event Card
and after Monsters have been placed on the Board, or after ‘E’ Events have
been resolved, the reclusive Warlock will appear. With red glowing eyes
he points at the Warriors whilst shouting out a peculiar word. Roll D66 to
see what word he calls out and what happens as a result. Play then proceeds
as normal.

D66 Word/Result
11-12 THENCE! The Warrior realizes he is not in the same place as he was a moment ago…
One random Warrior (other than the party leader) is teleported to a random square adjacent to the Warrior with the lantern, moving any other
models as necessary.
13-14 THICK! The Warrior’s body suddenly feels more resilient…
One random Warrior gains +1 Toughness for the next 1D6 turns. THIEF! The
15-16 Warrior’s pack feels lighter…
One random Warrior loses one item at random (which they recover at the end of the Adventure – should they survive!).
THIN! The Warrior suddenly feels feeble.
One random Warrior is -1 Strength for the next 1D6 turns.
THINK! A deep sense of knowledge and understanding overcomes the Warrior…
One random Warrior gains the ability to cast one random spell from the Spell Deck. It may be cast at any time although the ability is
gone once the Warriors leave this Dungeon.
25-26 THIRD! The Warrior feels as if he is being watched…
During the next combat, the Warrior who is third in the Iniative order will be attacked by the most powerful Monster. THIRL! The faint glow of
31-32 a doorway can momentarily be seen…
One random Warrior finds a secret door. Place a Doorway on any unused wall on this Board Section and split the Dungeon Deck as normal.
THIRST! The Warrior is overcome with the sensation of thirst…
33-34 One random Warrior is -1 Toughness for the next 1D6 turns.
THORN! Thorny plants grow out of the walls, ceiling and floors, wrapping themselves around the Warriors before they disappear
35-36 suddenly…
Each Warrior takes 1D6+Dungeon-level Wounds.
THRALL! The Warrior finds himself unable to move from the space he is in…
41-42 One random Warrior is encased in a magical barrier for the next 1D6 turns during which he may do nothing but heal himself. The encased
Warrior cannot be attacked by any means.
THRAVE! The enemy’s ranks continue to fill up the room.
43-44 If the Warriors have just placed Monsters, place enough to reach the maximum number in the Monsters entry. THRASH! The Warrior’s
muscles bulge…
One random Warrior gains +1 Strength for the next 1D6 turns.
THRIVE! A sense of vigour overcomes the Warrior…
One random Warrior heals 1D6 Wounds.
THROB! All the Warriors feel a pounding pain in their heads…
Every Warrior is -1 To Hit for the next 1D6 turns. THRUST! A sense
55-56 of aggression overtakes the Warrior…
One random Warrior gains +1 Attack for the next 1D6 turns.
61-62 THUNDER! The entire Dungeon shakes violently like an earthquake and debris comes crashing down…
Each Warrior suffers 2D6 Wounds.
63-64 THUMBS! The Warrior fumbles around with his weapon, unable to secure a fine grip…
For the next 1D6 turns, one random Warrior only hits an opponent if he scores a natural To Hit roll of ‘6’. THJMP! An unseen
65-66 force pounds down upon the Warrior’s head sending him to the ground…
One random Warrior is knocked unconscious for the next 1D3 turns.

The Dungeon Rooms


When the Warriors discover a Dungeon Room in this Adventure, they must
enter as soon as they are able to. If they linger outside, then they automatically 1 Pawn 4 Bishop
fail the Warlock’s test. 2 King 5 Rook
3 Knight 6 Queen
Instead of drawing an Event Card when the Warriors enter a Dungeon
Room, follow the rules for each room below:

The Wizard must still roll a Power Phase each turn as normal, but any
In the Circle of Power is a Puzzle… Monsters that appear are not placed in the Guard Room. Monsters will
Exactly four Warriors must be in this room at the same time and they must not enter the Guard Room although they will still attack the Warrior inside
decide where they are going to stand. if possible (via an adjacent square in the doorway or with missile weapons).

Each turn, after the Power Phase roll, and if there are no Monsters on
the Board, the party leader may roll 1D6 to see what happens: In the Monster’s Lair is a Guardian…
After the Warriors enter this room, a door slams shut behind them and they
catch something moving in the dark shadows.

1 One of the Warriors (determined randomly) suffers Roll on the following table to see what Monster is summoned. It is placed
1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything. on the Board Section immediately and follows all the normal rules for
If all four Warriors are on the outer circle squares, placing Monsters:
2 the puzzle has been solved!
If three of the Warriors are on an outer circle square,
3 the puzzle has been solved! 1 A Screamer of Tzeentch A
If two of the Warriors are on an outer circle square, 2 Fiend of Slaanesh
4 the puzzle has been solved!
3 A Bull Centaur
If one of the Warriors is on an outer circle square,
5 the puzzle has been solved! 4 A Rat Ogre
Each Warrior heals 1D6 Wounds. 5 A Minotaur
6 6 An Ogre

In the Dungeon Cell is a Trap… If the Warriors defeat the Monster, they receive 1D6 items of Dungeon
When the Warriors enter this room, they are immediately Room Treasure which may be distributed as normal. A Doorway appears
plunged into a void of darkness. Their bodies become light, opposite from where they entered and they may continue on in their quest
their limbs feel sinewy and their minds are dizzy. As the Warriors fumble to see the Warlock.
around in the void, a voice mocks them, “Can you find the way out?”
In the Torture Chamber is a Trap…
To escape the void, each Warrior must declare a number from 1 through 6 When the Warriors enter the Torture Chamber they are overcome by
and then roll a dice. If the number is the same as the one they declared, feelings of pain and suffering from every part of their bodies.
then they are transported out of the room (put the model aside for now).
If they do not roll the same number as the one they declared, then they
immediately suffer 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything. Each Warrior must each roll 9D6. For every ‘1’ that is rolled, the Warrior
suffers 1D6 Wounds with normal modifiers (add all of the Damage together
and then subtract for Toughness, Armour, etc.). This is Fatal Damage
Once the last Warrior has escaped the void (or died), they reappear (see the Roleplay Book page 81).
anywhere on the Dungeon Cell Board Section. The opening they came
through is no longer there, but a new one has appeared on any unused wall
space on the Board Section. The Warriors receive one Dungeon Room Any Warrior that survives receives an item of Dungeon Room Treasure and
Treasure to be distributed as normal. The Warriors may continue their may continue on their quest to see the Warlock.
quest but can no longer retrace their steps to the exit the Warlock’s Tower.
In the Well of Doom is a Guardian…
When the Warriors enter the Board Section a River Troll is magically
summoned. Place it on the Board Section according to the normal rules for
In the Guard Room is a Puzzle… placing Monsters. See the River Troll Special Card for rules. If they defeat
Place four statues (represented by any Monster with a normal base) on any the River Troll, the Warriors receive an item of Dungeon Room Treasure
squares inside the room, making sure they are not adjacent to one another to be distributed as normal.

Only one Warrior may enter the Guard Room to solve this puzzle, The Temple of Khaine Objective Room
beginning outside the room at the Doorway (entrance). The Warrior will act When the Warriors find the Warlock’s Study, roll on the Objective Room
as a life-sized chess piece and has 6 turns to capture the four statues. The Monster Table as normal. Once the Board is clear of Monsters the Warriors
second Doorway (exit) will appear after all four statues have been captured. may try to solve the final puzzle: finding the secret lever that opens the
bookcase (see the Vampire’s Lair rules). Once the bookcase is open, the
Warrior may descend into the secret chamber where the Warlock awaits.
The other players take turns rolling 1D6 to determine what chess piece The Warriors may ask for his help by prostrating before him. To do this,
the Warrior will move like this turn: there must be no Monsters on the Board and every Warrior must be standing
in a space in the lower level. If these conditions are met, the Warrior may
roll 1D6 on the table below:


Finishing the Adventure

1 The Warlock refuses to listen to the Warriors’ pleas. Once the Monsters are dead, the Warrior carrying the container may
Over the next few months they all die a slow and horrible attempt to take the waters. To do so he must stand in a square adjacent to
death… the fountain. Roll 1D6. If the result is a 1, the Warrior attempting to
2-3 take the water isn’t deemed pure enough of spirit and is killed. On any other
The Warlock reluctantly helps the Warriors. He heals
result the water is safely transferred to the special container. If the attempt
them of their grievous wounds but there are lasting effects
fails, another Warrior may try.
from the injuries. Each Warrior must subtract -1D3
Wounds from their Starting Wounds score permanently.
The Warlock gives each of them 1D6x25 gold in pity and
sends them on their way. As the first Warrior tries to take the waters he leans on one of the stone
gargoyles’ heads surrounding the fountain. As he does so, it makes a soft
The Warlock is delighted and eager to help the Warriors, click and an ominous creaking is heard from the far wall. With a groan of
4-5 finding much entertainment in their trek through his stone on stone, an ancient door slides open, leading to the outside world.
devious lair. He has high expectations for their future The surviving Warriors may now take the water back to Praag. The Warrior
escapades and bestows each one with +1D3 to their bearing the water gets a 500 gold reward, while all the other Warriors get
Starting Wounds scores permanently! He funds each 100 gold each.
Warrior 1D6x100 gold for future endeavours that they
might partake in.
The Warlock is so impressed with the Warriors’ abilities
6 to survive his tower of cunning traps and formidable
guardians that he enthusiastically agrees to heal the
Warriors of their strange wounds. In addition, he rewards
each of them with 1D6x100 gold and grants them +1 to a ORIGIN: (AB) IDOL CHAMBER #5
Characteristic of their choice: Weapon Skill, Ballistic OBJECTIVE ROOM: IDOL CHAMBER
Skill, Strength, Toughness, Initiative or +1D3 to their MONSTER THEME: ANY
Starting Wounds score permanently.

A s a final test of their courage and bravery before being

accepted into the official Warriors’ Guild of Bretonnia, the
Warriors must fulfill a challenging task. They must descend into the
labyrinthine tunnels of the Cursed Pit, which lies below Cripple Peak near the
Dark Lands, and place a staff in the hand of an idol hidden deep
Whatever the result, the Warlock quickly grows tired of the Warriors and underground. The staff has magical properties, and if left anywhere other
teleports them out of his tower and onto an open road. The nearest Village is than in the hand of the idol, it will eventually return to the throne room of
only 1 week’s journey, a Town only 2 weeks and a City just 3 weeks. Bretonnia.

The Idol Chamber Objective Room

Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table of the Monster- theme that
is being used to determine what Monsters the Idol Chamber contains. In
addition, take the next Monster Event Card from the Event Deck and add
ORIGIN: (AB) FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT #5 those Monsters to those rolled. This is a particularly hazardous chamber!
MONSTER THEME: ANY Finishing the Adventure
Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may place the staff in the

T he city of Praag, which lies close to the border of the

Chaos Wastes, has been struck with the dreaded Nurgle’s
Rot, a disease spread by the foul Power of pestilence and decay. The
hand of the idol, completing their Adventure. As they have killed all the
Monsters in the vicinity already, they may now escape from the dungeon
without danger. Upon their return to Bretonnia, the king rewards them with
death toll is mounting but the physicians in the city are powerless unless they one item of Dungeon Room Treasure each.
can find a cure. There appears to be only one hope.

In the ancient myths and songs of Kislev, a fountain is described that has
waters so pure and so cold that any creature harbouring any evil nature is
frozen to death as soon as it touches the waters. The doctors of Praag believe ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK
that this may provide a cure for the disease.
The fountain is said to lie in the mountains north of the High Pass. The
Warriors must seek it out and return with some of the precious liquid. They
are given a special container in which to carry the water. T he Settlement that the Warriors are in exiles a leper who
attempts to enter through the gates. Before he departs
the leper declares a curse upon the town and it is only a matter of
hours before some residents begin to exhibit signs of a terrible illness. The
entire Settlement (including the Warriors) and the surrounding area are
SETTING UP immediately quarantined pending an investigation. Since the Emperor feels
Randomly determine which Warrior is carrying the special that anyone going near the Settlement will contract the blight, the Warriors
container. offer to find the leper and end the curse.

The Fountain of Light Objective Room

Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table of the Monster-them being The Leper is actually Anton the Hideous, a Sorcerer of Nurgle who has
taken up residence in an abandoned cave a few miles from the Settlement (see
used to determine what Monsters the Fountain Room contains.
the Anton the Hideous Special Card). The magical plague he has afflicted
the Settlement with is merely a test of his growing power as his
ultimate goal to


unleash it upon the entire Empire. The only way to end the plague is to The sheriff of the town is wary of interrogating the influential Baroness and
kill the Sorcerer. has therefore hired the Warriors to investigate the mysterious
disappearances instead. He insists the Warriors keep the matter completely
confidential so as not to frighten the locals.
Shuffle the Toxic Pits in with the five other cards to create the top half of the
Dungeon Deck. Meeting with Esmelda Fraust is impossible – the Baroness has hidden herself
in a labyrinth of secret tunnels that lie beneath the manor. The Warriors,
Special Rules having found themselves in the midst of a vampire hunt, have armed
themselves with stakes and hammers. They must find and kill the
At the beginning the Adventure, each Warrior must roll 1D6. On a score of Baroness before her vampiric powers manifest and before she can flee to
1 the Warrior has been affected by the curse and must lose either one point Sylvannia.
of Strength or Toughness. If ever the Warrior’s Strength or Toughness is
reduced to 0, they die horribly with no chance for resurrection.
Special Rules
The Vampire Counters
The Pit of Revulsion Objective Room Each time the Warriors enter a Dungeon Room, draw one Vampire Counter
When the Warriors enter the Pit of Revulsion Objective Room, they will and put it on the Party Leader’s Adventure Record Sheet. This represents
encounter Anton the Hideous. Make a roll on the Chaos Nurgle the Warriors getting closer to finding the Baroness.
Objective Room Monster Table to see who is guarding him.

The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room

Finishing the Adventure When the Warriors enter the Objective Room, they must roll on the Vampire
If the Warriors find and defeat Anton the Hideous, the curse is lifted. All Objective Room Monster Table to see what lies within. Once the Board is
symptoms of the curse disappear and any reductions which the Warriors clear of Monsters, the Warriors can search for the Secret Chamber and then
suffered to their Characteristics are undone. look inside the coffin to see if the Baroness Esmelda Fraust is in it by rolling
1D6. If the result is the same number as any of the Vampire Counters that
they have drawn, then the Baroness is asleep in the coffin. The Warriors
RPG: If the Warriors do not find Anton the Hideous drive a stake through her heart and put her to rest for eternity. They find
a secret door in the wall which leads them back up to the surface.
If the Warriors finish the Adventure without finding Anton the Hideous (e.g.
if they flee or leave the Dungeon without killing him), then they may
continue to try and locate the Sorcerer in the next Adventure. From now on,
shuffle the special Anton the Hideous Event Card into the Event Deck. If If the number rolled is not one of the Vampire Counters they’ve drawn, then
the Warriors draw the Event Card, it means that they have crossed paths they notice a secret door in the wall that leads back up to the surface. The
with the sinister sorcerer again. If he is defeated, the curse is lifted as Baroness has made good her escape.
mentioned above.

Between Adventures the Warriors may only return to the previous Reward
Settlement (since the entire area has been quarantined). However, each The Warriors return to the sheriff to relay the development of their
time they revisit, they must deduct -1from all stock rolls. The effect is investigation. If the Warriors found the Vampire’s Lair but the Baroness
cumulative, meaning that on their second revisit to the Settlement they are -2 escaped, the sheriff pays the Warriors 1D6x50 gold for their efforts and the
to all their stock rolls. Old World now has a new vampire to contend with. If the Warriors were
able to slay the
Baroness, the sheriff rewards each of them with 2D6x100
Until they locate the Sorcerer the Warriors may only roll on the Immediate
Adventure Table, since they are trapped to the quarantined region.

Any Wariror still affected by the curse at the end of this Adventure must roll
1D6 at the beginning of each subsequent Adventure with the results as listed
in the Special Rules above.


E ver since the death of her husband a month ago,

Baroness Esmelda Fraust has drastically changed. The
noblewoman is sickly pale, has stopped eating and rarely goes outside the
manor except at night. It is Rumoured that Esmelda Fraust has been bitten
by a vampire and is now becoming one herself, although the commoners in
the area are notorious for their superstitious and exaggerated gossip.
But now some of the manor staff mysteriously vanished and one young
maid swears she saw no reflection when the Baroness passed by a mirror.


The Chest
Once the Objective Room is cleared of Monsters, roll 1D6 for each
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK Warrior. The Warrior with the highest score may open the chest and keep
OBJECTIVE ROOM: SPIDER’S NEST any treasure they find inside for themselves. Roll 1D6 below to see what the
chest contains:

A Halfling Chef who helped the Warriors in the past (an

escapade much too embarrassing and unbelievable to
detail here) now wants the debt repaid. He requests that the Warriors gather
Empty. 1D6x50

ingredients for his new pie. Most of the items on the list are found in a 4 One item of Dungeon Room Treasure.
matter of hours, except for one final ingredient: Golden Mushrooms. The 5 1D3 items of Dungeon Room Treasure. One
caverns where the fungus grows are a half day’s journey from the 6 item of Objective Room Treasure.
Settlement and the Warriors make haste.

Finishing the Adventure

The caverns, however, are filled with Dark Elves as well as carnivorous
plants. To make matters even worse, the Golden Mushroom is located in the The Warriors must retrace their steps back to the entrance, rolling for
nest of a Giant Spider! Unexpected Events as usual. Once outside they can return to the Halfling
Chef who rewards them with 1D6x25 gold each and a hot slice of Wild
Mushroom Custard Pie!
Special Rules
Each time the Warriors roll a ‘1’ in the Power Phase, it means that the
bizarre vegetation around the Warriors lashes out at them. Before drawing
an Event Card, each Warrior must immediately roll 1D6 below:


1 The Warrior is bitten by a carnivorous plant and suffers
1D6 Wounds with no modifiers. In addition, he must roll MONSTER THEME: CHAOS NURGLE
on the table below:
1 The Warrior is injected with a fast-
working poison. He must drink a healing
D espite the Empire’s best efforts, diseases of Nurgle are
spreading and soon the entire southern Empire will be in
grave danger unless something is done quickly. The healers and herbalists
potion or be healed by a magic spell by the
are not able to find a cure, but luckily a learned priest of Sigmar has found
end of the turn or he is dead and out of the
an answer from one of his arcane tomes: according to legend, during
bygone ages Sigmar himself blessed a brazier deep in a dungeon located
2 The plant is poisonous! If the Damage just in the Black Mountains. The flame now burns eternally and its warmth
inflicted takes the Warrior to 0 Wounds, he will cure any disease of Nurgle. Johann Mannstein promises a sizeable
must lose 1 point of Strength. If his reward if the Warriors bring back the flame so that it can be used to combat
Strength is ever reduced to 0 in this the plagues. The Warriors probably also have a personal reason to seek
manner, he is removed from the game. the cure. The chances are that one or more of them may have already
The Warrior is paralysed and can do been infected with some of the dreaded diseases and plagues themselves!
3-4 nothing until the next Warriors’ Phase.
While paralysed, Monsters hit the Warrior
Nothing else happens.
2 The Warrior is bitten by a carnivorous plant and suffers Shuffle the Affliction of Nurgle Event Card into the Event Deck. This
2D6 Wounds. reflects the risk the Warriors have of being exposed to Festasmus' vile
3 A nearby plant entangles the Warriors legs and begins to plagues, and the chance of one (or more) of them contracting some foul
pull him toward its gaping maw. The Warrior must roll 1D6 illness of his creation. In between quests the Warriors may travel to
and add his Strength. If the total is 7 or more, he disetangles Settlements as normal (provided that they have not contracted the
himself and may move and fight as normal. If he is Mouldering Pox affliction).
unsuccessful, then at the end of the turn he will take 1D3
Wounds with no modifiers for anything as the plant slowly
chews on the Warriors’ legs. Monsters attacking the Warrior Special Rules
are +2 To Hit.
At the beginning of the next turn he may try to break free
The Idol Chamber Objective Room
again. The Warriors must get to the sacred flame, located at the brazier in
The Warrior manages to avoid the lethal foliage around front of the daemon statue, and recover it. However, the only way that the
4-6 Warriors can carry it is to use it to light their lantern.

Roll on the Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table when the
Monsters that live in the caverns are used to the plants and have learned to Warriors find the Idol Chamber to determine its guardians. Once all the
avoid them. Monsters are dead, the Warrior carrying the lantern may take the sacred
flame by spending a turn standing next the brazier. The Warriors must then
The Spider’s Nest Objective Room escape the Dungeon the same way they came in. However, if the Warrior
carrying the lantern is reduced to zero Wounds, the flame will flicker and
When the Warriors find the Objective Room they must roll on the Dark
go out. The Warriors must then return to the Idol Chamber to re-light the
Elves Objective Room Monster Table to see who occupies the room. In
lantern with the sacred flame.
addition, a Gigantic Spider will also be present. Once the Objective Room
has been cleared of Monsters, the Warriors may collect a Golden


Finishing the Adventure Reward

If the Warriors complete the quest and return to the surface successfully, If the Warriors survive the dungeon and return with the goblet, the
then they will each be rewarded with 1D6x100 gold. In addition, any Merchants’ Guild has the item identified and appraised. Draw a Vampire
afflictions already caught by Warriors will be cured in time for the next Counter to see exactly what goblet the Vampire was using. Match up the
Adventure. number on the Vampire Counter to the number on the table below:

However, until then the results still apply, so any Warriors suffering
from the Mouldering Pox affliction will not be
admitted to any settlements until the end of the next Vampire
Adventure. Counter The goblet is…
1 …a simple, metal cup worth 1 gold.
2 …the Goblet of Vitality worth 200 gold.
3 …the Chalice of Fate worth 200 gold.
4 …the Chalice of Vigour worth 300 gold.
5 …the Chalice of Sorcery worth 700 gold.
6 …the Chalice of Battle worth 1000 gold.

F or the past few months the Warriors have

targets of several failed assassination
Apparently, selling unwanted treasures in the marketplace
been the
attempts. The Merchant’s Guild holds up their end of the agreement. All is forgiven
and they pay 5x the amount of the goblet’s gold value, which the
without a permit in Bögenhafen is quite illegal and carries a stiff penalty. Warriors split evenly. Of course the Warriors may now have a new and
The Merchants’ Guild is seeking compensation for the felonious act and has worse problem on their hands: an angry Vampire who is missing his favorite
agreed to settle the matter if the Warriors agree to a task. They demand that cup!
the Warriors “acquire” a goblet from a particular noble. They will pay the
Warriors 5x the appraised gold value of the goblet. Because the last RPG: If the Warriors Fail to Return the Goblet
attempt on their lives was a bit too close for comfort, and because the
If the Warriors do not return with the goblet by the end of the Adventure, the
Warriors can never turn down the chance to earn a big chunk of gold, they
Merchants’ Guild will consider the matter still open. Each time the
Warriors enter a Settlement the group must roll 1D6. If the score is a 1,
then one of the Warriors (determined randomly) is the victim of an
The goblet resides in the mansion of a noble who holds a terrible assassination and is removed from the game. If the score is a 6, then it means
secret: he is a vampire. To make matters worse, he uses the goblet as his that chasing after the Warriors has proven to be a much too expensive
blood drinking cup! investment. The Merchants’ Guild decides to cut its losses and has dropped
the matter (if the Warriors visit Bögenhafen in the future, however, they
The only chance the Warriors have of retrieving the goblet is to take it while would be wise to watch their backs!).
the Vampire sleeps during the day…

Prepare the Dungeon Deck as normal, making sure that the
Spider’s Nest is shuffled in as one of the top six cards.

The Spider’s Nest

When the Warriors enter the Spider’s Nest, they must draw two Event
Cards instead of one. If they clear the room of Monsters, then they
receive four items of Dungeon Room Treasures instead of two.

The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room

When the Warriors reach the Vampire’s Lair Objective Room they must
one roll on the Vampire Objective Room Monster Table to see what
creatures are protecting the slumbering Vampire. The Warriors must
overcome the defenders and then find the Hidden Resting Chamber before
they can take the goblet, which sits on a table across from his coffin.

Once there are no Monsters on the Board, a Warrior standing in a square

adjacent to the goblet may take it on their turn by rolling 1D6 below:

1 As the Warrior reaches out to grasp the goblet, the sun

disappears below the horizon! The lid to the coffin bursts
open and the Vampire lashes out and grabs the Warrior by
his throat before ripping him limb from limb. The other
Warriors have no choice but to roll on the Escape Table or
they will suffer the same fate!
2-6 The Warrior takes the goblet in his hand and the
Warriors make haste out of the Dungeon.




T he Warriors are the victims of mistaken identity (unless of

course the Outlaw Warrior is with them, in which case
they are guilty of complicity). They are to be hung by their necks until
I t had been days since the Warriors had slept and the weary
party spent the night in a grove just a few miles from
Bordeleaux. They awoke in chains, being whipped and beaten, and forced to
dead! march through a dank underground tunnel by their Dark Elf captors. An
encounter with trolls allowed them to break their bonds and escape. They
The Warriors’ lives are spared by a generous official who believes in have now made tracks back to Bordeleaux where they plan bloody retribution!
leniency. They are sent to the mines for 10 years of hard labour instead.

Upon arrival at the mines, the officials find the operation has been overrun Take the Dungeon Cell Dungeon Room card and shuffle it in with five
by Chaos Dwarfs. The Warriors offer to rid the mines of the Chaos Dwarfs other cards to make the top half of the Dungeon Deck. Shuffle the Water
in exchange for their freedom. With the local militia preoccupied with a Cave Dungeon Room and the Temple of Khaine Objective Room in with
marauding Orc Tribe the authorities are pressed to agree to the deal. The five other cards to make the bottom half of the Dungeon Deck.
Warriors have their Starting Equipment returned to them although any items
of treasure remain confiscated as collateral until they complete the mission.
Special Rules
Beginning the Adventure
SETTING UP The Warriors begin the Adventure stripped of all of their Weapons, Armour,
Add the Dwarf Mine Event Cards into the Chaos Dwarfs Event Deck for this gold and other items although they have each managed to locate one
Adventure. hand-to-hand weapon of their choice. They may choose a sword, axe, spear,
mace, warhammer, flail or halberd to begin this Adventure (see the
Weaponsmith Equipment Table on page 30 of the Roleplay Book).
Special Rules
The Sorcerer’s Forge Objective Room
When the Warriors reach the Sorcerer’s Forge, they must roll once on the
Chaos Dwarfs Objective Room Monster Table to see who is guarding The Warriors’ Weapons, Armour and Gold
the room. Regardless of the result, a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer will be If the Warriors defeat the first Monsters they encounter, they find their lost
present and is placed in a square between the Anvil and the upper fire pit. Weapons. If the Warriors find the Dungeon Cell and clear the Board of
As long as he lives and is not engaged in hand-to-hand combat, the Chaos Monsters, they find their lost Armour. If the Warriors find the Water Cave
Dwarf Sorcerer will cast 1 spell per turn. and clear the Board of Monsters, they find their lost Gold. If the
Warriors find the Temple of Khaine Objective Room and defeat all the
Monsters inside, they will find the rest of their missing items.
As promised, any surviving Warrior regains their freedom (and their
reputation) and has all of their Treasure returned to them. In addition, If the Warriors happen to discover the Temple of Khaine Objective Room
whichever Warrior landed the fatal blow against the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer before they find the Water Cave, then place the second doorway on the
receives an item of Objective Room Treasure from the generous official. Temple of Khaine so that the Warriors can continue their search for their
Every other Warrior receives a reward of 100 gold pieces. gold.

Warrior Wrath
Place the three Skull Counters and one of the Book Counters into a cup.
The Warrior’s quest for revenge is strong, which means that each Warrior
receives +1 Attacks per turn. But each time they reveal a new Board
Section (in the Exploration Phase), each Warrior, starting with the party
leader, must draw a counter from the cup. The counter must be returned to
the cup before the next Warrior draws. If a Warrior draws a Skull
Counter, it means that her wrath is still at its peak and she continues to get
+1 Attacks per turn. If a Warrior draws a Book counter instead, then her
wrath has waned and she no longer receives the bonus.

Finishing the Adventure

The last Board Section in the Dungeon Deck leads out of the Dungeon and
up to the surface. The Warriors have completed their quest and can bask in
the glorious satisfaction of revenge.



S ome of the inhabitants in the town of Grimminhagen are

having all-too-real nightmares, awakening with terrible
scratches and bloody wounds. The nightmares coincide with the erection
of an unusual shrine in a dilapidated area of the town and the authorities
suspect that the dark forces of Chaos are present.

The shrine’s subsequent removal does nothing to quell the nightmares

although the demolition of the structure reveals a vast labyrinth of
passageways underneath it.

The Warriors are commissioned to eradicate the source of the evil presence
that’s causing the violent nightmares.

The Altar of Khorne Objective Room

When the Warriors enter the Altar of Khorne roll on the Chaos Khorne
Objective Room Monster Table to see who occupies the room. Once the
Board is clear of Monsters the Warriors must desecrate the underground
sanctum in order to weaken the dark powers’ hold over Grimminhagen.
MONSTER THEME: ANY A Warrior can spend a turn attempting to topple a skull column if they are
standing next to it by rolling 1D6 and adding their Strength. If the total is 8

or more, the column topples. If two Warriors attempt to topple the same
mighty Sorcerer, resident in Marienburg, wishes to find
column at the same time, they can add their dice rolls together.
the Burning Fountain, a mythical place rumoured to exist
somewhere in the caves below the Dragonback Mountains. Scrying its
exact location has proven to be of no use, but he has managed to obtain a
picture of the fountain itself in his sorcerous mirror, confirming that it does Reward
indeed lie somewhere under the mountains, and is guarded by ferocious Once the Warriors topple all four columns, they can return to the
monsters. Settlement where they are each rewarded with 1D6x50 gold and one piece
of Dungeon Room Treasure.
No matter how much gold he offers, no one can be found to venture that
far afield, so he has cunningly entrapped the four Warriors under a curse,
capturing their souls in glowing gems. Using powerful magic, he has
reached through his mirror and dropped these gems into the fountain.


The Warriors have no choice but to find the fountain and retrieve their lost
souls. The gems must be returned to the Sorcerer before he can reunite
the Warriors’ ethereal bodies with their physical bodies. He is apologetic MONSTER THEME: SKAVEN
about this underhand trick, but does promise rich rewards if the Warriors

succeed in capturing some of the waters prepared

container while they are there.
in a specially O ver the past few days, the Warriors have increasingly noticed the
unmistakable stench of raw sewage
throughout the Settlement. The entire town has begun to reek of waste and
the locals are none too happy. The local Lord, Durand du Bourg,
The Fountain of Light Objective Room immediately sent a group of engineers down
below to see what was wrong with the sewers but only one member of the
This Adventure uses the Fountain of Light as the Objective team returned alive, reporting that a Skaven Clan ambushed them.
Room. Once the Warriors enter, roll on the Objective Room Monster
Table of the Monster-theme being used to determine
what Monsters the fountain room contains.
Lord Durand du Bourg has hired the Warriors to enter the sewers and
Once the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors may attempt to take the gems rid the town of the foul Skaven so that the city engineers can determine
from the fountain. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior and add his Toughness. If what is wrong with the sewers and fix it. They have been promised a
the result is 6 or over, the Warrior survives the burning waters and retrieves handsome reward – anything to return the city to its normal odor!
his soul. If the number is 5 or less, the Warrior is consumed by the power of
the water and dies in agony. While getting his gem, a Warrior may collect
some of the water for the Sorcerer. The Warriors suspect that the Skaven have somehow clogged the pipes to
the city’s sewage system in a twisted, but brilliant, plot to cause havoc and
infest the town with its own waste.
If the Warriors return to the Sorcerer with some of the water he reunites
their souls and bodies and gives each of them 2D6x50 gold.


SETTING UP In addition, if they have repaired the pipes, the smell begins to dissipate
Put the Sewer Board Section aside for now but do not include the card in the almost immediately and the Settlement begins to return to normalcy. If one
Dungeon Deck. It will be required later. of the Warriors solved the pipe problem (which saves the Lord from
having to send down his engineers), a feast is held in the Warrior’s
honor and he is regarded as a hero! A statue of the Warrior is commissioned
Special Rules to be erected in the town center but more importantly, Durand du Bourg
In this Adventure, each time the Warriors roll a 1 in the Power Phase, in rewards the Warrior with a piece of Objective Room Treasure!
addition to drawing an Event Card, a wall of sewage water comes rushing at
the Warriors and each Warrior must roll an additional 1D6. On a roll of 1,
the Warrior is overcome by the stench and is -1 To Hit for that turn. On
the following turn, the Warrior returns to normal (unless the Power Phase is
a 1 and he rolls a 1 again!).


Skamp, Festid and Rance
If the Warriors encounter any of the Skaven villains as an Event (see
their Event Cards), they are merely unconscious and scurry away after the MONSTER THEME: DARK ELVES
battle to lick their wounds and eat warpstone to regain their health. They
may appear again in the Objective Room (see rules below).
S trolling about the streets of Hargendorf in-between
adventures, the Warriors inadvertently insult an old wretch
begging in the streets. She gives them an evil stare and curses them in a
The Fighting Pit / Sewer Objective Room foreign tongue before shuffling off. Not soon afterward bad luck follows the
Warriors like an animal stalking its prey.
Set up both the Sewer and the Fighting Pit as one Board
Section in this Adventure (see picture below).

When the Warriors find the Objective Room, they enter through the large The Warriors have no choice but to seek out the old woman, whom they
wooden door inside the Fighting Pit, which is also filled with foul smelling find in a craggy cave overlooking the sea. As if expecting them, she
sewer water. While inside the bottom of the Fighting Pit, the Warriors welcomes them into her hovel, declaring that she will remove the hex if the
should use the Sewer Table special rules each time they move into a new Warriors bring her the blood of a Dark Elf Hag Queen. Following a pointing
square. The Warriors must roll on the Skaven Objective Room Monster finger out toward the ocean, the Warriors can see the vague outline of a dark
Table to see what Monsters are inside. If they have not been encountered fortress floating on the water. The Hag Queen awaits deep within the
as an Event, Skamp, Festid and Rance are all present. If the Warriors cavernous holds of the foreboding vessel…
met them as an Event and “killed” them, then roll1D6 for each such
Skaven villain. If the score is a 3 or more, the Skaven villain did not die
in their previous meeting and has returned to battle the Warriors once
again! Special Rules
Do not roll for Skamp – he will always be present in the Hex Roll
Objective Room. Until the hex is removed any Warrior who rerolls any dice that successfully
alters consequences in their favor must make a Hex Roll immediately
The Sewer and the Fighting Pit are afterward by rolling 1D6. This includes Luck Points, Faith Points, the
considered one large multi- level Wizard’s Staff, re-rolling dice due to Magic Items, Magic Weapons, Skills,
room and are placed side by side as etc.). If the result of the Hex Roll is a 1 or 2, the old woman’s curse has
shown below. Notice that one raised its ugly head once again and negated the roll as if it never happened.
Doorway connecting the Sewer and This Hex Roll cannot be re-rolled by any means. This could indeed
Fighting Pit is on the bottom level prove to be a dangerous quest for the Warriors!
while the other Doorway is on the
upper level. The Warriors do not have
The Temple of Khaine Objective Room
to explore through the When they enter the Objective Room, the Hag Queen will be there
adjoining Doorways since they
screaming at the Warriors, “So the Cursed Ones have come! It is not MY
are merely archways of one large
blood that will be spilled. It will be yours!!”
Objective Room.

If the Warriors defeat all the Monsters in the Objective Room, they may To the Warriors’ surprise (and horror), the Hag Queen Melusina and the old
attempt to figure out how the Skaven sabotaged the pipes by standing adjacent wretch that hexed them in Hargendorf are one and the same! Melusina did
to the pipes inside the Sewer (rolling on the Sewer Table as normal). Starting indeed have one of her Sorcerers place a magic spell on the Warriors as part
with the party leader, and then continuing in order of Initiative, each of an elaborate scheme to lure the Warriors into her clutches.
Warrior may make one attempt to solve the pipe problem by rolling 1D6.
If they score a 6, they have figured out the problem and how to repair it (a
Dwarf may add +1 to his dice roll). Any other roll leaves the Warrior Melusina needs to constantly fill her cauldron with blood so that she may
dumbfounded as to the method of sabotage. rejuvenate her beauty. Without it, she becomes a wrinkled, ugly old crone.
Whilst she is in her haggard state, Melusina poses as an old beggar,
making strangers believe that they have accidentally insulted her in order
to seek her out. She usually has them killed upon entering the cave, but
The Warriors may remove the grate and leave through the sewer exit the Warriors’ confidence and weaponry caused her to delay that until
where they return to the surface emerging in the city’s bath house. They they were aboard the Black Ark and surrounded by her minions. Only killing
must wash themselves repeatedly before they can report to Lord Durand du her will end the hex.
Bourg whereupon they each receive 1D6x150 gold for ridding the sewers of
Because she was expecting the Warriors, subtract -1 when the Warriors roll on
the Dark Elves Objective Room Monster Table.


Finishing the Adventure without causing another Minotaur to appear. When the first Minotaur is
killed, it and all the other Minotaurs who magically appeared immediately
If the Warriors manage to clear the Objective Room, a secret recess opens
vanish and the combat is over.
on the cavern wall opposite the entrance. The small chamber contains
captured treasure from various Dark Elf raids as well as a passage to the
surface. As the Warriors pass through the doorway, they may each take Reward
one random item of Objective Room Treasure before making their way back Once the Warriors defeat the Minotaurs, they each find one item of
to shore. Dungeon Room Treasure in the bottom of the pit. Clutching their new-
found wealth, the Warriors may now escape the Dungeon through the
trapdoor at the bottom of the Fighting Pit.



C aptured by the Goblin Warlord Ugrul Headsticka while

exploring the ruins of Karak Azgal, the Warriors have been
given a chance to escape and, in the process, provide entertainment
for the Goblins.

The Warriors must fight their way to freedom without weapons or

armour! And as if that were not enough, their only way out is through the
Minotaurs’ lair.

Special Rules ORIGIN: (AB) FIRECHASM #4

The Warriors start this Dungeon stripped of any Armour and weapons they MONSTER THEME: ANY
may have, and must fight with their bare hands.

While they are without armour the Warriors may only deduct their
Toughness from any blows that hit them.
T he Warriors are being pursued through the Worlds Edge
Mountains, via tunnels deep below ground, by the
inhabitants of the dark under-realms. With them, the Warriors have the long-
lost crown of the ancient Dwarf Kings of Mount Silverspear (now known as
The Warriors start with no weapons at all (even missile weapons), and Mount Grimfang), which has been retrieved from the evil creatures that
must therefore fight in hand-to-hand combat using their fists. While stole it. The Warriors have a final obstacle to overcome before they
fighting unarmed, each Warrior does 1D6 Wounds when he hits, with no reach safety. The dangerous route that they follow leads to the firechasm,
modifiers for Strength. across which lies a slender bridge. If they can cross the bridge and destroy it
before their pursuers arrive in great numbers, they will gain precious time
and will probably escape from the mountains alive. If not, they will surely
Events perish as the evil hordes overwhelm them.
When the first Monster Event Card is triggered, the Warriors notice that
their assailants are carrying (but not using) their
weapons! If the Warriors kill all these Monsters, they may
retrieve their weapons. The Firechasm Objective Room
When the Warriors reach the firechasm, they must fight whatever Monsters
When the second Event Card that reveals Monsters is are there before crossing the bridge. To determine what is in the room, roll
triggered, the Warriors see that their assailants are guarding their Armour. once on the Objective Room Monster Table of the Monster-theme being
If the Warriors kill all these Monsters, they may retrieve their Armour. used.

Once the Warriors have crossed the bridge, they must break it to prevent
The Fighting Pit Objective Room pursuit. Any Warrior who is in the square at the end of the bridge, directly
When the Warriors reach the Objective Room do not roll on the Goblins between the ropes that hold it up, may attempt to destroy the bridge during
Objective Room Monster Table, as the following special rules apply. the Warriors’ Phase instead of Attacking. Roll 1D6 and add the Warrior’s
Strength to the score. If the total is 8 or over, the bridge is destroyed. At
the start of each turn in which the bridge is not destroyed, take an Event
The only way for the Warriors to escape the Dungeon is through the Card (in addition to any Unexpected Events that occur). Any Monsters that
trapdoor at the bottom of the Fighting Pit. However, the Fighting Pit has are generated by these Event Cards must be placed on the side of the chasm
had a powerful curse laid upon it, and for every Warrior, up to a total of next to the door, as they represent the Monsters who are pursuing the
three, who jumps into the pit a Minotaur appears next to him and will fight Warriors through the dungeon. If a Minotaur appears, it may leap the
him to the death. As soon as a Warrior moves into one of the Fighting Pit chasm without using the bridge, taking two squares of its Movement to
squares for the first time, place a Minotaur model in any adjacent square in do so. Once the bridge is destroyed, the Warriors may escape through a
the pit. The Minotaurs will attack in the Monsters’ Phase as normal. See small tunnel to the rear of the cave, behind the dragon statue.
the Minotaur Event Card for rules and statistics, including the gold for
defeating it.

If all four of the Warriors jump into the pit use the rule of One- on-One to
determine which Warriors the three Minotaurs attack. Any Warriors that At the end of the Adventure, each surviving Warrior is rewarded
stay out of the Fighting Pit may help defeat the Minotaurs if they can – with 1D6x50 gold.
by firing bows, etc. –


Tavern brawls are not uncommon in this part of the city so the Watch tend
not to bother getting involved. The patrons are likewise accustomed to
ORIGIN: LITTLEMONK such disturbances and take cover wherever possible until the fracas dies
Danzig’s Last Trick

T he Warriors are relaxing in Altdorf between adventures

when they hear the news that a wizard at the Celestial
College has just been assassinated. Originally thought to have been
The first time one of the Warriors reduces Danzig Moon to 0 Wounds, he
surprises the Warriors with one final, dirty trick. Roll 1D6 on the table
below to see what he does:
vanquished in his tower fortress, The Chaos Sorcerer Danzig Moon has
surfaced in Altdorf and has extracted revenge on his previous mentor.
You can’t kill me! Danzig quaffs a potion that heals him
up to half of his Starting Wounds.
Danzig has retreated into the old sewers of Altdorf which is connected to
a series of unfinished aqueducts and passageways. The underground area I’ll kill you all! Before the Warrior can land the fatal
has become the base of operations for Danzig and his Tzeentch followers. blow, Danzig goes out in a blaze of glory (literally). A
gigantic fireball erupts from the Chaos Sorcerer’s body,
burning him to a crisp and each Warrior on the Board
The Warriors quickly enter the sewers in pursuit of the Chaos Sorcerer. Section suffers 3D6 Wounds.
Get them! The Warrior slays Danzig but with the
Sorcerer’s last breath, he calls forth a bodyguard to
SETTING UP attack! Draw an Event Card until it reveals Monsters,
Include the following Dungeon Cards when you create the although only 1 will appear. It attacks the Warrior who
Dungeon Deck: killed Danzig and receives an immediate Ambush Attack
 The Sewer when it is placed on the Board and then attacks again as
normal in the Monsters’ Phase.
 The Shaman’s Den The
 Flames of Khazla The Take that! The Warrior slays Danzig but the Sorcerer
 Landing releases a hidden trap upon the Warriors! Each
Warrior takes 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for
Now shuffle the Stairs Board Section into the bottom six cards of the anything.
Dungeon Deck for a total of 13 cards.
You’ll never take me alive! Before the Warrior can
deliver the final blow, Danzig swallows poison and
Special Rules drops dead on the spot. The Warrior receives no gold for
The Shaman’s Den his death.
In this Adventure, the Shaman’s Den represents the abode of a mystical hermit
Don’t move or I’ll kill her! Danzig takes a hostage, using
who dwells below the streets of Altdorf. When the Warriors enter the Board
them as a shield! The Warrior who brought the Sorcerer
Section they must draw an Event Card as normal. A strange energy is
to 0 Wounds gets a chance to hit him. As it is quite
present in the Hermit’s
Cave and the amount of power available to the Wizard opposite of is difficult with the hostage in the way, the attack is -1 To
what the Power Phase dice indicates: Hit. If the Warrior hits, then Danzig is killed
permanently. Once the Board is cleared of Monsters, the
hostage rewards the Warrior with 1D6x100 gold for
Power Phase 6 Wizard’s Power this turn 1 rescuing them.
5 2 If the Warrior misses, Danzig throws the victim at the
4 3 Warriors and uses the distraction to escape and the
3 4 Warriors receive no gold for defeating him. If the
2 5 Warrior rolls a ‘1’ To Hit, it means that he has
accidentally killed the hostage instead! Danzig uses the
1 6 opportunity to escape and at the end of the Adventure,
the Warrior must compensate the victim’s family with
2D6x100 gold, selling off items of treasure if necessary.
Once there are no Monsters on the Board, each Warrior finds a potion which
they may take with them. When a Warrior drinks one of the potions they
may add 1D6 to their Strength for 1 turn. Each potion has enough liquid
for one drink and each is worth 300gp if unused.

The Stairs
When the Warriors reach the Stairs Board Section, they begin at the bottom. Finishing the Adventure
Beyond the Doorway at the top of stairs is the Conniving Chameleon
When the Warriors clear the Tavern of Monsters, they return to the
Tavern. This is Danzig’s true base of operations whilst the tunnels Celestial College who reward each Warrior with 2D6x100 gold and a
beneath allow him to come and go freely whilst avoiding the authorities.
piece of Objective Room Treasure for driving the Sorcerer away.

The Tavern Objective Room Because of the powerful magic and the incredible abilities used by both sides
When the Warriors enter the Tavern, they have caught up to Danzig Moon of the battle, minstrels and bards will sing heroic songs of the legendary
and his minions. Place the Chaos Sorcerer at the far end of the balcony (see Conniving Chameleon Tavern in Altdorf.
the Danzig Moon Special Card for his rules). Make one roll on the
Chaos Tzeentch Objective Room Monster Table to see who accompanies


This section is currently unavailable. QUEST ·
For now, if a Warrior rolls a 6 on the Adventure Category Table, he may choose the category of the Adventure. Roll
D66 on the Adventure Category to see what Adventure the Warriors partake in.


This section contains special Adventure ·
rules compiled from various sources that that were either not originally
addressed or not easily found. They have been listed here for convenience.


S ometimes the Warriors might find themselves in a situation that can only mean certain death for them all. In these cases, it is best that the party abandons its
adventure and heads for the safety of the surface as quickly as possible.

At any time during the Adventure, any player may decide that his Warrior has had enough, and can try to escape from the dungeon. If the Warrior carrying the lantern
decides to leave the dungeon prematurely he either has to give the lantern to the other Warriors, or they must all leave the Dungeon at once. If your Warrior takes
flight and tries to escape from the dungeon, roll 2D6 on the following table:

Within ten yards your Warrior is engulfed by blackness and falls down a bottomless pit to his death.

Your Warrior trips in the first doorway and falls flat on his face. Place the Warrior face down in one of the squares adjacent to the entrance
doorway on the same Board Section as he started. The Warrior wastes an entire turn getting back up and may then stay or try to flee again.
Whilst prone, he may be hit automatically.

Your Warrior vanishes into the depths after what seems like an eternity of wandering through twisty caves and tunnels, he sees a light in the
distance and rushes headlong towards its welcoming glow. He has lost half of his gold, and has suffered 2D6 wounds, modified for
Toughness and armour at the hands of the Dungeon’s denizens. If he does not have that many Wounds left, he is dead!
If he survives and the rest of the Warriors are still alive, wait far three turns then place your Warrior anywhere on the same Board Section as
the leader. Your Warrior has been round in a great circle, and the light he saw came from the lantern the others are carrying.
If he survives and the rest of the Warriors are dead, or if all the surviving Warriors are fleeing with your Warrior he emerges at a dimly-lit
junction. Roll again on this table to see exactly where your Warrior ends up, adding +1 to the dice roll every rime you have to re-roll.

The way to freedom is a bitter struggle against what seems like hundreds of foul creatures. Your Warrior loses 2D6 Wounds, modified for
Toughness and armour. If he does not have that many Wounds left he is dead! If he survives, he manages to fight his way out, bleeding
from a dozen injuries. He has escaped!

Lost for hours. your Warrior eventually finds his way out to the surface and freedom Unfortunately the exit is through a very small
tunnel, and he must leave one item of treasure and half his gold behind.

After a few nasty encounters, your Warrior manages to escape. However he is attacked on the way, and suffers 1D6 Wounds, with no
deductions for Toughness or armour. If he does not have that many Wounds left, he is dead!

With unerring accuracy your warrior retraces his steps and finds the entrance with no problem, circumnavigating any problems he
encounters on the way.

The Barbarian takes on the Dread King in Mike McVey’s incredible Warhammer Quest Diorama!


BLOCKED ROUTES (Roleplay Book) if not completing the Adventure would result in the death of one of the

Y ou will have noticed that sometimes the Warriors take the wrong
turn in a Dungeon, and end up being blocked in by a portcullis or a
cave-in. In the Basic Game, this
does not matter much, as you can always start a fresh
Adventure with new Warriors, leaving the others to a grisly fate in the (White Dwarf #193)
darkness! Excerpt about Level 1 Warriors and Fear using Minotaurs as esample:

When you are playing with the Roleplay rules, however, you will be
devoting a great deal of time and effort to the development of your
Warriors. They gain their own unique collection of skills, weapons and
I simply used the profile from the Roleplay Book, noting that
they roll two dice for damage and ignoring the rules for Fear,
since Battle-level 1 Warriors are so full of fiery youthfulness they aren't
equipment as a result of many hours of gameplay. You cannot simply let scared of anything (it's only as you gain experience that you truly learn what
them be doomed to die just for taking a wrong turn. After all, they are terror is!).
mighty heroes and should be able to cope with such minor set-backs.

From now on, if you find a T-junction and end up down a blind alley, with a LEAVING THE DUNGEON
cave-in and perhaps a portcullis behind you, never fear! You will have to (Roleplay Book)

carry on down the route you chose, until you reach the end of the ‘sub-deck’. he Dungeon Entrance leads into the Dungeon – it also
The last card always leads out of the Dungeon. You may now play the leads out! If the adventurers wish to retrace their steps
whole Adventure again from scratch, or go back down the Dungeon and leave via the Dungeon Entrance they can do so, provided of course
that is already laid out. The Warriors move through the passageways and that their way is not blocked by a cave-in or a portcullis. Note that usually
rooms as usual, looking out for Unexpected Events. When you get to the the Warriors’ objective will provide an alternative (and often easier) way
fateful T-junction you will know better than to take your original route, and out, so it’s rarely necessary for them to retrace their steps.
go down the other path instead. This should ensure that your Warriors don’t
end their glorious career trapped behind a pile of fallen rocks.

Littlemonk note: For simplicity, I recommended that the Adventure is over

once the Warriors leave the Dungeon due to a blocked route. The Warriors (Main Rulebook, Adventure Book)
have failed and can now travel to a Settlement as usual, where they can
generate a new Adventure. Repeating a Dungeon in the way suggested
above should only be reserved for the most essential cases (such as
T here are several Adventure that require the Warriors to
exit the Dungeon via the Dungeon Entrance. The Warriors
should continue to roll for Unexpected Events as usual, however, no
Events are triggered upon re-entering a Dungeon Room that had previously
been explored.

The Ultimate Adventure Book



This section highlights Adventure ideas that were · presented in various Warhammer Quest publications. They
offer creative and exciting alternatives to additions to the main rules.


(White Dwarf #189) (White Dwarf #189)

T he Warriors have managed to get their hands on a

treasure map. Whether it’s real or a forgery they don’t
know, but it has led them to a series of caves which they intend to
T o triumph against overwhelming odds is the most
satisfying victory you can achieve. If you are feeling
particularly suicidal (or just fancy your chances) you could have a Dungeon
explore. One of the Warriors has the Treasure Map Equipment Card (if you that includes every Dungeon Card and Event Card you have. This means
can’t decide who, draw a Warrior Counter!). Generate and play an Adventure there’ll be five or more Objective Rooms (each filled with an appropriate
as normal. However, in any Exploration phase the Warrior with the number of Monsters and an extra Doorway to leave through) and miles of
Treasure Map can declare he is going to become the leader. Roll on the rooms and corridors to explore. If you survive, you’ll probably end up rich
table on the Treasure Map and apply the results immediately. Whatever enough to buy a large part of the Empire and retire!
happens, the Warrior with the Treasure Map will become the Leader from
the start of the next Warriors’ Phase and for the rest of the Adventure. This
does not mean that the Warrior with the Treasure Map gets the Lantern, Littlemonk note: Alternatively, instead of just wandering through the
but overrides the normal rules as he bullies his way into showing the Dungeon with no aim other than to just explore, you could even generate
Warriors where to go! The map can only be used again if a roll of 2 to 5 an Adventure as normal, complete with a dastardly villain, but then
was made. shuffle the ‘true’ Objective Room into the bottom six cards of an
enormous Dungeon Deck. This would truly be an Ultimate Adventure!

When the table on the Treasure Map indicates Treasure Ahead! It will be
found in the next Dungeon Room. When the warriors next explore a
Dungeon room, place one of the treasure chest counters from the
Warhammer Quest box in the room. Any Warrior may spend a whole turn HIDDEN PASSAGES
next to the chest to open it. Inside there are 1D6 items of Dungeon Room (White Dwarf #185)

Treasure! This ometimes the Dungeon may contain a secret door or
must be split between the Warriors just like any other
concealed corridor. If the Warriors finish their Adventure
(either by completing it or by being cut off in a dead end) or you have
decided to play a special type of Adventure, they may look for a Hidden
Passage. The Warriors cannot search for a Hidden Passage if the Adventure
DARK SECRETS description says they have to escape immediately.

(White Dwarf #190)

D ark Secret cards give

motives for adventuring! These
some of the Warriors ulterior
cards provide extra
background for the Warriors, explaining a little more about
Searching for Hidden Passages is simple. Searching is the Warrior’s action
for that turn and he may do nothing else. Each Warrior may only search a
particular Board Section once per Adventure, and only the Board Section he
why they descend into the cavernous depths of the underworld, is standing on at the time. At the end of the Warriors’ Phase, roll 1D6
facing death and adversity at every turn. for each Warrior who is searching and consult the table below:

Once you are ready to start an Adventure, follow the steps below to see
how many Warriors have a Dark Secret:


DARK SECRETS 1 Collapse! The Warrior’s searching causes a
Setting Up part of the Dungeon ceiling to fall down. The
Dungeon isn’t blocked, but each Warrior on
the same Board Section suffers 1D6
1. Shuffle and deal out two Dark Secret Cards, face down,
Wounds (with no deductions) from the
on the table. Next, shuffle those two in with the six
falling rocks.
“blank” Dark Secret Cards.
Solid Rock! The Warrior cannot find any
2. Beginning with the Party Leader and following in order of 2-4 secret doors on this Board Section.
Initiative, deal one Dark Secret Card to each Warrior.
Found it! Attach a Doorway to the Board
The Warriors are under no obligation to tell the others Section and place the remaning Dungeon Deck
what they have drawn, especially those who actually drew 5-6 behind it to be explored as normal. Each
a Dark Secret. After all, it wouldn’t be a “secret” if Dungeon will only ever have one Hidden
everyone knows what it is! Passage so there is no point searching again
Some of the Dark Secret Cards involve rolling 1D6. So once one has been found.
as to not give away who has a Dark Secret, EVERY
3 Warrior should roll 1D6 after they draw their card,
whether their card indicates to or not.



(White Dwarf #189) THE LABYRINTH TABLE

A really fun, and sometimes very difficult game, is

attempting two different Adventures at the same time! At
the start of the game generate two Adventures as normal. These should
The room is normal.
The room has an extra door to the left. The room
feature two different Objective Rooms as the destination. When you are 5 has an extra door to the right.
sorting out the Dungeon Deck, shuffle both Objective Rooms into the bottom 6 The room has extra doors both to the left and right.
part of the pile. The Warriors must complete both the Adventures to be
successful. They will get no reward at all if they fail in either of the
Adventures. If they do manage to complete the Adventure though, each
Warrior is entitled to a hefty pat on the back and a bonus piece of Dungeon
Room Treasure!
(White Dwarf #194)
You can even try three Adventures at once, or try attempting two
Adventures in the same Objective Room. One or two of the Adventures
may be incompatible with each other, in which case just re-roll the
inappropriate result.
T he problem here is that these Warriors have no rope, or
Levitation spell. so if someone falls in a pit trap, there is no
way of getting him out. This is actually an obstacle common with all
groups which have neither a Dwarf nor a Wizard, but it only applies during
the first Adventure they embark upon. Once the Warriors finish their first
quest, they can head back into town and spend as much of their ill-gotten
THE LABYRINTH gains on rope as they like! You can either take the risk that someone is going
to fall down a pit in the first adventure or you could just take the Dwarfs
(White Dwarf #189) rope along whatever.

T he Dungeon is a massive maze of doorways and tunnels,

which lead off in all directions. The Dungeon only contains
one Objective Room shuffled into the bottom six cards as normal, but all of On the other hand, you could allow the Warriors 1D6x10 gold each and
your other Dungeon Cards should be included. Every time the Warriors pay a visit to town before the first Adventure they ever play! Actually, if
explore a Dungeon Room, roll on the table to the right: one of` the Warriors does fall into a pit you can always create an
Adventure where the Warriors have to go back and rescue him. You can
bet that you will never ever venture into a Dungeon without a rope again!

SPECIAL QUESTS (Intro from White Dwarf #185, rules expanded by Littlemonk)
S ometimes a straightforward Adventure gets a bit more complex than it first seemed. Warriors may get lost or be ambushed and
captured before they reach the Dungeon. The Warriors may even decide to go on a quest which they know will be more perilous
than normal. The rewards for such bravery are great, and because of this some Warriors make a special effort to seek out impossible odds to face (these parties often
include a large number of Dwarf Troll Slayers!).

Special Quests can be used to introduce an unexpected twist to your games or new areas to explore.

Once you are ready to start an Adventure, roll 1D6 on the table to the right to see if you’ve generated a Special Quest. Alternatively, you can choose to set out on a
Special Quest, eager for the greater rewards to be gained. If you decide to do this, simply pick one of the Special Quests and consult the following pages to find out
what the Warriors have found themselves embroiled in.


If you have generated a Special Quest, roll 1D6 on the table below to see which
GENERATION TABLE Special Quest you should add to your Adventure:
1-5 No Special Quest. A 1 The Flames of Khazla 4 Sinjin’s Statue
6 Special Quest! 2 The Gaol 5 The Crypt of Majeem
3 The Anvil Chamber 6 Pits & Traps

Note: The original rules for generating a Special Quest have been modified from the original. – Littlemonk

Now look up the appropriate Special Quest on the following pages to see exactly what scenario the Warriors will face.

If you are performing a Special Quest you must also find out which Adventure you were on when circumstances changed. This is done as normal by generating an
Adventure as explained in this book. For example, you may be playing adventure type 5 A Terrible Trial number 31-32: Golden Mushrooms, when you become
mixed up in Gaol Special Quest 5-6: The Slavers.

Completing a Special Quest

Unless otherwise noted in the Special Quest description, the Warriors play out their Adventure exactly as written in the Ultimate Adventure Book. The main
difference is the bonus rewards that you get for completing the Special Quest. This may be extra gold or additional treasure – the details are noted in each Special
Quest description.



(White Dwarf #186)
The catacombs beneath the Old World are full of monstrous creatures and fabulous treasures. Other mysteries also abound: strange temples to
forgotten gods and magical shrines that can help or hinder the Warriors in their quest for riches and fame.

The Warrior thrusts his hands into the flames. If he succeeds in passing the
Just ahead of the Warriors the corridor test he can bring forth an item of great worth from the flames. If he fails
turns sharply, and nestled in the corner is the flames will burn him. To see if your Warrior passes or fails roll 1D6
a small shrine. An ornate brazier burns and add his Toughness. On a score of 6 or less he is deemed unworthy and
suffers 2D6 Wounds with no deductions for Armour. If he scores a 7 or
continuously with multi-coloured flames
more he passes the test and removes his hands unburnt by the flames and
that occasionally leap up to the ceiling. clutching an item of treasure. Your Warrior gains an item of Dungeon
Room Treasure. This card does not count towards your total for the
Dungeon so keep it to one side. This means you may still be given a
Treasure card normally even if you have more treasure than the other
SETTING UP Warriors. Each Warrior can only attempt the test once, whether they pass

or fail.
any rumours abound concerning the fabled Flames of
Khazla. The origins of these small shrines are lost in the
mists of ancient history. However, many bold adventurers claim that they do
indeed exist and your Warriors have heard a rumour that one of these
mythical sanctuaries is within the dungeon they are heading for. Shuffle
the Flames of Khazla Dungeon Card in with the rest of the Dungeon Deck.
Roll 1D6 to see which of the Flames of Khazla Special Quests is rumoured
to be found within the Dungeon.
T he Warriors are approached by an old hermit while on the
way to the Dungeon. He gives one of them some holy
incense which he says will bring great health and strength if the Warriors
can burn it in the Flames of Khazla as an offering to the gods. Before the
Warriors can ask him any more about the incense, the Hermit disappears into
the gloomy woods.

T he Task of Khazla is a magical trial by combat, created to

allow only the most worthy to venture further into the
Dungeon. If the Warriors wish to proceed past the Flames of Khazla they
Special Rules
Decide which Warrior has the incense. That Warrior can throw the incense
must each complete the Task. onto the Flames of Khazla if he is standing next to the brazier at the start of
the Warriors' Phase. Roll 1D6 to see what happens. On a roll of 1 the
Warriors have been tricked and a huge gout of flames rushes over them.
Special Rules Each Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no deductions at all. On a roll of 2 or
Only one Warrior can stand on the Flames of Khazla Board Section at a more the air is filled with a pungent, sweet smoke and the Warriors feel
time. As soon as the first Warrior enters the Board Section a shimmering wall uplifted and whole. Each Warrior immediately heals 2D6 Wounds.
of magic prevents any other model from entering. In the next Monsters'
Phase turn over the next Event Card. If this has an 'E' in the top corners
shuffle the card back into the deck and keep drawing Event Cards until you
get Monsters. The Warrior must fight one of the indicated Monsters. The
other Warriors cannot help in any way at all. If the Warrior kills the
Monster he gains double the normal amount of gold. Shuffle the Event
Card back into the deck once the Monster is defeated.

This happens every time a new Warrior first enters the Board Section, and
so each must fight a Monster before they can continue. Unexpected
Events cannot affect a Warrior while he is undergoing the Task of Khazla,
so they will always affect one of the other Warriors instead.

Remember the rules for being Lost in the Dark!

T he Gifts of Khazla are a test of a Warrior's strength and

courage. If he is found to have true bravery he will be
rewarded. If he is found wanting he will be hideously burnt and may even die!

Special Rules
Bogoff the Snotling scurries away with the
One Warrior may attempt to earn a Gift of Khazla each turn. The Warrior
Lantern with the Elf in hot pursuit in Mike
must be standing next to the Flames and may do nothing else that turn. A
Warrior may not attempt to gain a Gift of Khazla if there are Monsters
McVey’s Warhammer Quest Diorama!
anywhere in play.


It is said that the Flames of Khazla can grant visions of the future to
those who dare to stare into their depths. If the Warriors risk this ordeal
they may gain vital information about the Dungeon ahead.

Special Rules
One Warrior may stare into the Flames of Khazla each turn. The Warrior
must be standing next to the Flames and may do nothing else that turn. A
Warrior may not do this if there are Monsters anywhere in play. Roll on the
The Flames of Khazla have the magical property of transforming the following table.
Warriors' treasure into something else. However, if the Warrior is unlucky
he may well end up with a pile of useless, molten metal!
Special Rules 1 Your Warrior is temporarily blinded! For the
One Warrior may place a piece of treasure in the Flames of Khazla each next 1D6 turns he may do nothing except defend
turn. The Warrior must be standing next to the Flames and may do himself against Monsters' attacks, and counts as
nothing else that turn. A Warrior may not do this if there are Monsters having a Weapon Skill of 1.
anywhere in play. 2-4 Your Warrior gains a vision of the future. Any time
in this Adventure your Warrior may ignore the
You must give up an item of Treasure, discard it immediately. Roll a dice effects of any one successful attack, as he is
and look up the result below to see what your forewarned and takes no damage at all.
Warrior gains in return. Each Warrior can only make offering of one Your Warrior is shown startling images from the
treasure to the Flames of Khazla. 5-6 future. He gains the ability for the result above.
In addition for the duration of one whole turn in
this Adventure, your Warrior may add +1 to all of
RENEWAL OF KHAZLA TABLE his dice rolls. A roll of one still counts as a one
despite this bonus.
1 The Warrior is deemed a coward and a rogue and
all he gets is the molten remnants of his treasure,
which is worth nothing at all.
Your Warrior gains a single item in return. Draw the
2-4 next Treasure Card. If you are playing the Roleplay
rules, a Warrior gains an item of equal value to the
one he gave up. For example, if you offered a
Dungeon Room Treasure you gain a Dungeon
Room Treasure.
Your Warrior gains two pieces of Treasure in return;
take the next 2 Treasure Cards. If you are playing the
Roleplay rules, a Warrior gains items of equal value to
the one he gave up. For example, if you offered an
Objective Room Treasure you gain two Objective
Room Treasures.

The Flames of Khazla are guarded by a powerful beast which must be

overcome if the Warriors wish to pass. Even so, the rewards for such valour
are great as the Flames of Khazla hold many treasures and secrets.

Special Rules
In the Monsters' Phase after the Flames of Khazla are discovered the
Warriors will be attacked by a Minotaur. This horrific beast is placed on
the board as usual, however, it is much more powerful than a normal
Minotaur since the Flames of Khazla protect it. Any Warrior who tries to hit
this Guardian with a non-magical weapon is at -1 to their To Hit roll. Warriors
using magical weapons and spells affect Guardian Minotaur as normal. The
Guardian is worth 440 gold and if the Warriors defeat it they gain one
item of Dungeon Room Treasure. In addition, each of the Warriors gain a
piece of Dungeon Room Treasure from the Flames of Khazla themselves.



(White Dwarf #185)
Occasionally, among their perilous adventures and heroic deeds, a party of Warriors will be caught up in a really unusual series
of events. They may get lost or imprisoned – anything could happen.

The Gaol is a very small and dark

dungeon cell. A noxious smell rises from
the open drain and the straw is infested
with all kinds of unpleasant life. It is
used by the Monsters for imprisoning
people they want to forget about...

A t some point during each of the Gaol Special Quests, the

Warriors will probably want to get into or out of the Gaol.
Unfortunately, the thick iron gates of the Gaol are locked and cannot be
passed until they have been opened. Hand-to-hand attacks may not be made
through the gates but missile attacks will pass through the bars without

Opening the Gaol

The Warriors may either try to smash the gates with brute force and
ignorance, or attempt to pick the lock with stealth and cunning. Whichever
method they choose, a Warrior must be standing adjacent to the gates to
try to open them. Only one Warrior may attempt to open the gates each
turn, and he may not move or attack while he does so. To see if the Warrior is
successful, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1 the unfortunate Warrior has set off a
hidden trap which springs a poisoned spike into his arm or causes a
guillotine blade to drop from the ceiling. As a result of this wound, the The second way that the Warriors can meet the Minotaur is if they discover
Warrior will remain at -1 Strength for the rest of the Adventure. Otherwise the Gaol before the Event Card is turned over. In this case you should place
add either the Warrior's Strength (for brute force) or Initiative (for picking the the Minotaur inside the Gaol. The Warriors will be able to attack it with
lock) to your dice roll. On a total of 7 or more the Warrior has overcome the spells and missile fire (Or hand-to-hand attacks if they're foolhardy enough
locks and the gates have swung open. Any other result means that the gates to try and open the gates to let it out!). If the Minotaur is on the board
stay firmly shut. and in the Gaol when the Minotaur Event Card is turned over, then the beast
lets out a tremendous bellow and smashes the gates aside! From that point
on, the Minotaur will move towards and attack the Warriors just like any
other Monster. Also, like other Monsters, the Minotaur is removed from play
Roll 1D6 to see which of the Gaol Special Quests the Warrors find
if it is cut off from the Warriors by a Cave-in, Portcullis or similar
themselves involved in.

Wherever it is encountered, the Minotaur is so crazed that it can ignore

wounds which would normally kill other creatures. To represent this, roll
he Goblins in this dungeon have trapped a mad Minotaur.
1D6 each time the Minotaur is hit. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 resolve the Damage
The Chaos Gods have tainted the beast's mind and it is
as normal, but on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the Minotaur simply shrugs off the blow
now totally insane. When the Warriors first enter the dungeon the Minotaur
and takes no Damage at all! If the Warriors manage to kill the crazed
is safely under lock and key inside the Gaol, but the Minotaur is trying very
Minotaur it is worth 750 gold instead of the normal 440.
hard to escape...

Special Rules
Create the dungeon as normal, but as well as the Objective Room shuffle
the Gaol Dungeon Card into the bottom portion of the Dungeon Deck. The
mad beast itself is represented by a single Minotaur Event Card that you
should shuffle into whichever Monster-theme Event Deck you are using.
Ignore instructions on the card to draw another Event Card, the insane
Minotaur is always alone when the Warriors meet it.

There are two different circumstances in which the Warriors will encounter
the Minotaur. If the Minotaur card is turned over before the Gaol has been
discovered the mad beast has already escaped. The Warriors hear a
fearsome roar and the crash of twisted metal echoes down the corridors.
Suddenly a massive shape hurtles out of the darkness! The Minotaur is
placed on the board as normal and fights like any other Monster.


T he Warriors were caught in a trap last night, and have

found themselves the prisoners of the Night Goblins! The
Warriors have been locked in the Gaol until the Night Goblin Warlord
returns from his raid. Standing guard outside the Gaol are six cruel Night
Goblin Archers.



Special Rules
To start the Adventure, set up the Board Sections as shown above. The
Warriors start the Adventure in the Gaol and you should place six Night
T he Monsters in this Dungeon are raiding the local area for
slaves, who they hope to take back to their powerful
masters. An unlucky Warrior may find himself dragged off into the darkness
Goblin Archers as shown on the diagram. The Night Goblin Archers will and imprisoned.
start shooting in the first Monsters' phase after one of the Warriors tries
to open the gates, cast a spell or make any type of attack! However, until
the Warriors have opened the gates of the Gaol, a roll of 1 in the Power Phase Special Rules
does not trigger an Unexpected Event. Shuffle the Gaol Dungeon Card into the top half of the Dungeon Deck
(remember to make sure that the Objective Room stays within the bottom
seven cards).
Instead of gaining a single item of Dungeon Room Treasure for killing all the
Night Goblin Archers, the Warriors find the guards' stash of loot and each Any Warrior who is reduced to zero Wounds while there are Monsters on
one of them gets an item of Dungeon Room Treasure. the Board must immediately roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the Warrior is
dragged off by the Monsters (if he was carrying the Lantern, he drops it as
he disappears into the darkness!). All of the Monsters on the Board are
removed from play, together with the unconscious Warrior. The players
do not get any gold for Monsters that slink off in this fashion. Any captured
Warriors should be placed inside the Gaol when it is found, and will have
D6 Wounds left. Each captured Warrior will also have had one randomly
determined item of Treasure stolen from him if he was carrying any. In this
Adventure, the Warriors must find the key to open the Gaol, they cannot try to
pick the lock or force open the gates. The key is held by one of the Monsters
in the Dungeon, but the Warriors do not know which one. To find the
key, roll 1D6 every time the Warriors finish an Event involving Monsters.
On a roll of 6, one of the Monsters was carrying the key. Give the
Dungeon Gaol Key Equipment Card to one of the Warriors. The party
can start searching for the key even if a Warrior hasn't been enslaved yet.

The Warriors must return to the Gaol if they want to free any prisoners. It
takes a Warrior one turn to open the lock, during which time he may do
nothing else while he sorts out the keys. Although he cannot attack, the
Warrior can still defend himself as normal.

If the Warriors have not found the Gaol before they reach the Objective
Room, place a Doorway on any unused wall section in the Objective Room.
Once the Board is cleared of Monsters, the Warriors may explore the new
Doorway, beyond which is the Gaol.

Luckily for the Warriors, the Monsters' slaving parties have been very
successful and their hoard of stolen treasure is growing rapidly. Every
time the Warriors receive an item of Dungeon Room Treasure from an
Event, roll 1D6. On a roll of a 4, 5 or 6 the Warriors get two pieces of
Treasures instead.



(Board Section from White Dwarf #200, rules by Littlemonk)
Dwarf Runesmiths possess the secrets of how to forge magic runes and how to make weapons, armour and other items of
incredible power. They fashion these items on special anvils that can imbue even more might and ability into their creation.
Like their kin, the Chaos Dwarfs also retained this knowledge and, using ancient anvils of evil, can create unholy objects of
death and destruction. Many old Dwarf settlements lie in ruins, scattered throughout the Old World’s mountains and now
occupied by Monsters. Likewise, many Chaos Dwarfs outposts have been eradicated and the Chaos Dwarfs forced back to the
east. Some of the ancient anvils still lie buried in outposts, mines and fortresses, waiting to be discovered once again…

Hot lava flows into a pit in the

The Runesmith’s Hammer
middle of the room. At the far Some of the Anvil Chamber Adventures require the Warriors to find the
Runesmith’s Hammer. To see which room in the Dungeon the hammer is
end of the chamber sits an located in, roll on the Runesmith’s Hammer Location Table below:
ancient anvil of Dwarven

1 The Objective Room The
2 Well of Doom The
3 Torture Chamber The

4 Guard Room
he Dungeon the Warriors are about to enter might contain
one such extraordinary Dwarf anvil. Shuffle the Anvil 5 The Monster’s Lair
Chamber Dungeon Card into the Dungeon Deck. 6 The Dungeon Cell

Special Rules
Make sure that the five basic Board Sections listed in the table are actually
The Warriors always enter the Anvil Chamber Board Section from the
in the Dungeon Deck or else there might be a chance that the Warriors
Doorway opposite the anvil and always exit the Board Section from the
will not be able to find the Runesmith’s Hammer.
Doorway to the left of the Anvil (see diagram below).

The lava is so hot in this room that the Warrior may not step on any area Once the Warriors locate the room and resolve
that contains the scorching liquid, which includes the bottom left corner any Events within it, they should take the
square (see diagram below). This means that the Warirors must trek Runesmith’s Hammer Equipment Card. They can
around the entire Board Section single-file in order to get from one then return to the Anvil Chamber to finish their
Doorway to the other. Warriors can still use flying potions, magical spells Special Quest. See the description in the
and skills that allow them to cross over such squares. Adventure for full details.

The anvil the Warriors have come across can be used to inscribe a magical
rune upon any Weapon, Armour, Shield, or Helmet. The rune will confer
+1 Strength to the Warrior who wields or wears the item. In addition, the
item will be considered magical.

The writing on the pillar indicates that the magic of the anvil can be
activated by placing the Runesmith’s Hammer on one side of the anvil and
the item to be inscribed on the other side of the anvil.

The Warriors can attempt to invoke the magic of the anvil by placing the
Runesmith’s Hammer upon it (once they have the hammer). Each Warrior
may make one attempt to invoke the power of the anvil by placing the item
If the Warriors locate and enter the Anvil Chamber, they can examine the they wish inscribed on the other side of the anvil and then rolling 1D6. On
writing on the pillars. One of the Warriors must be standing in a space in front a score of 1, the rune does not inscribe and the item disappears! Discard it
of a pillar after which they can roll 1D6 to reveal the magical nature of the immediately. On a score of 2 or more, the attempt is successful and the item
anvil they have come across. now bears the ancient Dwarven rune! The rune is permanent.


The anvil the Warriors have discovered is used to inscribe powerful protection The anvil the Warriors have discovered is used to fuse weapons and
runes. These runes may be inscribed upon a Weapon, a Shield, a Helmet, or Armour together to make them more powerful.
a piece of Armour. The rune will confer +1 Toughness to the Warrior who
wields or wears the item. In addition, the item will be considered magical. The writing on the pillars indcates the magical Runesmith’s Hammer is
needed to merge two weapons or two pieces of armour together. If the
Warriors locate the hammer, they can return to the Anvil Chamber and each
The writing on the pillars indicates that the magic of anvil can be activated of them may make one attempt to use the magical anvil. To merge a weapon
by striking the anvil with the Runesmith’s Hammer. or Armour, a Warrior must stack both items on the anvil, placing the type
of item he wishes to merge them into on top. For example, if the
Warrior is merging a helmet and sword, and wishes to merge them into a
If the Warriors locate the hammer, they can return to the Anvil Chamber new sword, he should place the sword on top of the helmet. If he wishes
where each Warrior may make one attempt to invoke the magic of the anvil. to create a new helmet instead, then he should place the helmet on top.
To do so, a Warrior must suspend the item they want inscribed on the
metal bar above the lava pit. They must then strike the Runesmith’s Hammer
upon the anvil. Attaching the item to the bar above the lava pit is extremely
Once he decides which weapon is on top, the Warrior then strikes the
dangerous and if a Warrior attempt to do so, he must roll on the table
pile with the hammer by rolling 1D6. If the score is a 1, the items explode
into a fiery ball and the Warrior takes 2D6 Wounds. If the score is a 2, the
items merge. If the score is 3, the items merge, but the final result is the item
on bottom. If the score is 4, 5 or 6, then the items merge and the final result
1 The Warrior loses their footing and plummets into is the item on top. The new item retains the ability of both of the merged
the lava pit. The Warior is dead and removed items.
from the game.
2 As the Warrior attempts to hang the item, flames
shoot up from the lava pit, burning and searing him.
He suffers 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for
anything and can make the attempt again next turn.
The Warrior successfully hangs the item on the metal As the Warrior reads the writing on the pillars, they realise that entering the
3-6 bar and can strike the Runesmith’s Hammer on the Anvil Chamber has unleased a terrible curse! Almost immediately the
anvil on the next turn. Warriors can tell that all of the weapons and armour they are carrying and
wearing are becoming brittle and worn.

Until the curse is lifted, each time a Warrior rolls a natural ‘1’ To Hit
Once a Warrior strikes the Runesmith’s Hammer upon the
during combat, the Warrior must roll an additional 1D6. If the score is also a
anvil, the rune automatically appears on the item. Removing
the item is far easier than hanging it up and so there is no need for the 1, then the Warrior’s weapon has broken and is useless. Discard it
Warrior to roll to get it down. The rune is permanent. immediately. Likewise, if a Monster hits a Warrior wearing Armour with a
natural ‘6’ To Hit, then roll another 1D6. If this score is also a 6, then
a piece of Armour the Warrior is wearing is destroyed and must be
discarded immediately. The Warrior may decide which piece of Armour is

The anvil the Warriors have discovered is the key to opening a secret If the Warriors can find and return the Runesmith’s Hammer, they can
passage behind it. The writing on the pillars indicates that if the Warriors atone for encroaching upon the Anvil Chamber. Additionly, once they return
place particular items on the anvil, a secret door will open behind it with the Hammer, each of the Warriors can place one of their weapons upon the
great treasure waiting beyond. Roll 1D6 to see what item the Warriors anvil whereupon it will become magical.
must place on the anvil:

1-2 The Warriors must place a total of three Dungeon

Room Treasure items on the anvil.
3-4 The Warriors must place a total of two Dungeon Examing the writing on the pillars reveals that the anvil in front of the
Room Treasure items on the anvil. Warriors is of immense evil and it must be destroyed.
5-6 The Warriors must place one Dungeon Room
Treasure item on the anvil. In order to destroy it, the Warriors will have to throw it into the pool of lava.
Once per turn, if there are no Monsters on the Board Section and if two
Warriors are standing adjacent to the anvil, they may attempt to lift it. The
Once the Warriors place the necessary amount of Dungeon Room two Warriors must each roll 1D6 and and add their Strength. If the combined
Treasure items on the anvil, a small tremor shakes the chamber and the total is 15 or more, then they are successful in lifting the anvil. In the next
wall behind the anvil slides open revealing a passageway beyond. Place a Warrors’ Phase, they may throw the anvil into the lava. If Monsters
Doorway behind the anvil and shuffle 2D3 unused Dungeon Cards, appear before they can throw the anvil into the lava, the Warriors must drop
putting an unused Objective Room at the bottom. Stack them face down in the anvil immediately. Once there are no Monsters on the Board Section, the
front of the new Doorway. This deck represents a new, unexplored area of Warriors can attempt to lift the anvil again.
the Dungeon. When the Warriors reach the new Objective Room, they
should draw two Event Cards from the Chaos Dwarfs Event Deck and
resolve them immediately. If the Warriors successfully clear the room of
Monsters, they each receive an item of Objective Room Treasure. Once the anvil is thrown into the lava pool, it is destroyed forever.
Each Warrior receives 1 Luck Point Counter which they may use once per



(Board Section by unknown author, modified and redesigned by Littlemonk. Rules and cards by Littlemonk) Sinjin Akahm was an
amazing sculptor and sorcerer from Araby who specialised in large, earthen statues. Sinjin used strange magic to animate his
creations, designating them to special tasks and duties. After Sinjin
Akahm’s death, these magnificent figures were deactivated or destroyed by distrusting rulers.

In the corner of the room, is a

massive statute. This
imposing clay figure with its
life-like features is
T his massive Statue is blocking the Doorway behind it. The Warriors
must destroy the Statue if they wish to continue
in this direction.
undoubtedly the work of a
master craftsman.
After each Warriors’ Phase in which a Warrior attacks Sinjin’s Statue, the
Statue animates and responds in kind during the Monsters’ Phase. Unlike
other Monsters, Sinjin’s Statue receives one attack against any Warrior who
attacked it in the same turn. See the Sinjin’s Statue Special Card.


I t is well known that some of these impressive statues were

smuggled into the Old World by evil nececromancers,
powerful warlords or rich nobles. Most of the Golems that were
The Statue takes up roughly a 2x2 square on the Board Section. It will not
move from the space (so there is no need to use a model to represent it) and
no models may move onto those squares until the Statue is destroyed. Once
brought into the Old World were sought out and destroyed, although the Statue is brought to 0 Wounds, the way is clear for the Warriors to
legends abound that some of these statues were hidden away far from the explore and move through the Doorway as normal.
public eye.

One of the Warriors (determined randomly) has heard a rumour that one of Once all of the Warriors have left the Sinjin’s Statue Board Section, the
Sinjin’s Golems may very well be located in the Dungeon that the Warriors Sentinel will magically reform. Should the Warriors wish to pass back
through this Board Section, they will have to defeat the Sentinel once again.
are about to explore. Shuffle the Sinjin’s Statue Dungeon Card in with the
rest of the Dungeon Deck. Roll 1D6 to see which of the Sinjin’s Statue
Special Quests the Warrior may encounter.

T his Statue was used to store items. In order to activiate

the statue, the Warriors must find the Artisan’s Gem and

T his Statue was once used to store battle knowledge. In insert it into one of the Statue’s eye socket. The gem is being held by one
order to activiate the statue, the Warriors must find the of the Monsters in the Dungeon (the Monsters have not yet figured out
Artisan’s Gem. The gem is being held by one of the Monsters in the what the gem is for). Anytime the Warriors defeat a group of Monsters
Dungeon (the Monsters have not yet figured out what the gem is for). The in this Adventure, roll 1D6. If the score is a 4, 5 or 6, then the Artisan’s
next Dungeon Room the Warriors enter contains the Artisan’s Gem. Gem is on one of the Monsters. Give the Artisan’s Gem Equipment Card to
However, upon entering the Dungeon Room the Warriors must draw two the Warrior who had heard the rumour of Sinjin’s Statue being in the
Event Cards instead of the normal one. After resolving the Events, the Dungeon.
Warrior who had heard the rumour of Sinjin’s Statue being in the Dungeon
takes the Artisan’s Gem Equipment Card.
The Warrior who has the Artisan’s Gem may activate the Statue by standing
next to it and inserting the gem into a cavity in its chest. Once
activated, the Statue produces something it has been storing inside its body.
If there are no Monsters on the Board, the Warrior who has the Artisan’s Roll 1D6 on the table below:
Gem may activate the Statue by standing next to it and inserting the gem
into a cavity in the Statue’s chest. Once activated, each Warrior may ask a
question about the art of battle by rolling 1D6. If the score is a 1, the Statue
has no special knowledge of that area of combat. If the score is 2 or more,
then, placing the Warrior into a semi-hypnotic state, the Statue transfers
knowledge to the Warrior. The transfer confers one of the following (the
Warrior may choose): +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Ballistic Skill, -1 to Escape 1-2 Gold! The Statue is storing 4D6x100 gold pieces
Pinning or the Warrior may cause an extra Wound when determining which the Warriors distributue evenly amongst
Damage. This bonus lasts for the rest of the Adventure. themselves.
3-4 Map! The parchment reveals the layout of the
Dungeon. The Warriors may turn over the next 1D6
Dungeon Cards and lay out the corresponding Board
RPG: The battle knowledge is fleeting and the Warriors all strain to Sections. They are unexplored as usual.
retain the hypnotic connection to the Statue. Roll 1D6 at the beginning of
A healing salve! The salve has four applications
each Adventure. If the score is a 1 or 2, then the Warrior does not retain 5 and each application will restore a single
the information and any bonuses granted by the statue are lost.
Warrior to full Wounds.
A rare treasure! The Statue has been guarding 1D3
items of Objective Room Treasure which the Warriors
may distribute as normal.



(Board Section by Talion, rules and cards by Littlemonk)
Many famous heroes found their riches exploring the dangerous dungeons of the Old World, but very few lived long enough to
enjoy them. Legends abound of warriors who were buried in the very dungeons they explored, often with their most coveted

Directly ahead is a stone coffin.

Its lid shattered upon the floor.
Something has either broken in, or
broken out. Another stone coffin
here sits seemingly untouched.
T he Warriors discover that Monsters have recently broken
into and desecrated Majeem’s crypt. The Warriors hear the
angry roar of the ancient Warrior ringing through the Dungeon.

From now on, each time the Warriors encounter Monsters, roll 1D6. If the
score is a 6, then it is the group responsible for the desecration. If the
Warriors defeat the Monsters, they will have performed retribution for the
SETTING UP vandalism. If the Warriors return to Majeem’s tomb after defeating the
responsible group of Monsters, they discover a secret alcove has
Every fortune-hunter knows the tale of Prince Majeem, the son of a peasant
mysteriously appeared in the crypt. In it, each Warrior finds an item of
who became an adventurer extraordinaire. Throughout his long years of
Dungeon Room Treasure.
dungeon exploration, Majeem had amassed a huge fortune. Despite the
ability to safely live out his life in the lap of luxury, the Prince continued
his love for adventuring even into his old age. After his death, it was
rumoured that Majeem’s body was buried in a secret underground crypt, Until the Warriors find and defeat the responsible group of Monsters, an
where the Prince could continue his passion into the afterlife. Many Unexpected Event will occur on a Power Phase roll of both 1 and 6.
adventurers have since dreamt of finding the hero’s lost tomb, sure that it
contains fantastic treasures and heaps of gold.

It is possible that the Dungeon the Warriors are about to explore contains the
he Warriors enter the Crypt and discover the stone coffins
legendary Crypt of Majeem. Shuffle the Crypt of Majeem Dungeon Card
empty. Majeem’s body has mysteriously vanished.
in with the rest of the Dungeon Deck. If the Warriors discover and enter the
Crypt of Majeem Board Section, then roll 1D6 to see which Special Quest
they have found. In some of the Special Quests, you will need a model to From now on, at the end of each Combat in which all Monsters have been
represent Prince Majeem. defeated (but before they receive any gold or Treasure for killing the
Monsters), the Warriors must roll 1D6. If the result is a 1, then the
Warriors are attacked by the skeletal remains of Majeem. See the Prince
Majeem Special Card. If the Warriors defeat him, they can return his
bones to the coffin in the Crypt so that he can rest in peace.

As long as there are no Monsters on the Board, the Warrior carrying the
bones need only end his Movement adjacent to the open coffin. He may
do nothing else except return Majeem’s remains whereupon each Warrior
receives an item of Dungeon Room Treasure.

If the Warriors do not encounter Majeem before they find the Objective
Room, then he automatically appears after they defeat all of the Monsters

W hen the Warriors enter the Crypt of Majeem, they

discover two stone coffins. The closed one contains
Majeem’s skeletal remains while the other is empty; it’s lid overturned
(but before they receive any gold or Treasure for killing the Monsters).

and in pieces upon the ground.

One of the Warriors (determined randomly) immediately senses that the

empty coffin is not quite what it seems. Examining the bottom the
Warrior’s hand disappears into a magical hole. He swears that he felt
something in there although he also feels slightly fatigued.

If a Warrior reaches into one of the stone caskets, roll 1D6. If the result is a
1 or 2, the Warrior’s hand reaches into a void of darkness but grasps nothing.
If the score is a 3 or 4, he extracts an item of Dungeon Room Treasure. If the
score is a 5 or 6, then he pulls out an item of Objective Room Treasure.
Regardless of the dice roll, each time the Warrior reaches into a casket, a
cackling laugh echoes through the Dungeon and the Warrior loses 1
Wound permanently. A Warrior may reach into the casket as many times as
he wishes.


M ajeem’s crypt has been placed in the only dungeon

where he was forced to flee. His spirit now guards the
area (if he couldn’t be successful in this dungeon, then Majeem wants to make
sure that nobody can!).

The Warriors discover that the door opposite to the one they entered
through is magically warded shut, which may mean that they will not be
able to complete their objective. However, their examination of the room
reveals a secret door.

Place a new doorway on any usued wall section in the Crypt of Majeem.
Shuffle 1D6 unused Dungeon Cards and place them at this new Doorway.
Once the Warriors enter the last Board Section in this new deck, they will
encounter the skeletal figure of Majeem. See the Prince Majeem Special
Card. In addition to Majeem, roll on the Haunted Objective Room Monster
Table to see who accompanies Majeem. Once they are defeated, each
Warrior receives 1D3 items of Dungeon Treasure. In addition, the
magically warded door will be open and the Warriors can continue their

W hen the Warriors step inside Majeem’s tomb, they

discover a map of the Dungeon which reveals all of the
places that Majeem hid his treasure.

The Halfling Thief maneuvers behind the Chaos From now on, each time the Warriors enter a new Board Section roll 1D6. If
Sorcerer for a surprise attack in Mike McVey’s the score is a 4, 5 or 6, then the Warriors recognise the area from the
Warhammer Quest Diorama! map and know that there is a secret niche of stashed treasure. In each
such instance the
Warriors find an item of Dungeon Room Treasure to be
distributed as normal.

A s they step into the Crypt of Majeem, one of the Warriors

(determined randomly) is confronted by a battle-clad
skeleton. Place Majeem in a space adjacent to the chosen Warrior. It is
Prince Majeem and he challenges the Warrior to a duel.

Note: Prince Majeem always moves next to the chosen Warrior if his
movement allows, moving other models out of the way if necessary.)

Even if the other Warriors attempt to assist in the battle, they find it
impossible to damage Majeem. Additionally, the dead adventurer is
unaffected by magic, blessings, magical items, etc. used or cast by other
Warriors. Only the confronted Warrior can seem to wound Majeem. The
Warrior in combat with Majeem, however, can be healed and can benefit
from any magic cast upon him by other Warriors as usual.

If the Warrior loses the combat, each Warrior on the Board feels a
searing pain throughout their body. They each must deduct -1D3 Wounds
permanently from their Starting Wounds score as Majeem does not consider
them worthy of exploring the area of his final resting place.

If the Warrior defeats Majeem, the ancient hero’s body crumples to the
ground and turns to dust. An echoing voice congratulates and thanks the
victorious Warrior. Majeem is now able to rest peacefully knowing that
able-bodied adventurers have taken his place. An item of Objective Room
Treasure appears in the open stone coffin that only the Warrior who defeated
Majeem can pick up (he must end his turn in an adjacent square next to the
coffin to retrieve the treasure).
With enemies closing in, the Trollslayer is about to
become the victim of a fiendish trap in Mike McVey’s
Warhammer Quest Diorama!



(GW Mail Order, cards by Littlemonk)
Pits & Traps is a Warhammer Quest supplement that allows any party of adventurers that is bold enough to add two new areas
to any Dungeon they explore. While the new areas are dangerous, they offer rich rewards to those brave enough, or foolhardy
enough, to venture into them.

W hen you use the Pits & Traps Board Sections it is

assumed that the builder of the Dungeon has decided to
protect his lair (i.e. the Objective Room) with an additional ante-
Finding the Crossroads Of Doom
As noted earlier, the Crossroads of Doom are part of a secret passageway
that leads to the Objective Room. There is a secret door leading to the
chamber protected by some of his fiercest warriors. He has also built in a
passageway hidden in a dungeon room. If the Warriors wish they can
short-cut to the Objective Room, concealed by secret doors, which leads to
search in Dungeon Rooms during the Exploration Phase to see if they can
another part of the Dungeon closer to the exit. Obviously only a great,
find the secret entrance. Obviously they can only do this before they discover
powerful and, above all, rich individual could afford such safe-guards, so
the Objective Room in the normal way! To search a room for secret doors
the rewards you expect to find at the end of the Dungeon are somewhat
the leader must be touching the wall of a Dungeon Room that does not
greater than they would normally be.
contain a normal door. He may only search if there are no Monsters on the
same Board Section, just as if he were exploring normally. The leader then
rolls 1D6; on a roll of 1-5 he finds nothing and has wasted his time, but on
USING THE PITS & TRAPS BOARD SECTIONS a roll of 6 he finds the secret entrance to the Objective Room. Place a
Warhammer Quest Pits & Traps includes two new areas for you to Doorway next to the square occupied
explore: The Crossroads of Doom, and the Bridge of Despair. The rules
for each are different and are described later on. First of all, however, the by the leader, leading to the Crossroads of Doom. Objective The
Warriors will need to know how to discover the new areas.
Room is beyond the crossroads.

Finding the Bridge Of Despair

When playing this version of the game, when you discover the Objective
Room you must first battle your way across the Bridge of Despair. Place
the Bridge of Despair Board Section so that the entrance connects to the
doorway you have just opened, as shown below. The Objective Room is
through the doorway (shown here in red) on the far side of the room. Refer to
the Bridge of Despair rules section later on for details of how to place
Monsters and cross the bridge.


There are a number of other ways you can incorporate the new Board
Sections into your games of Warhammer Quest other than that described

The Death-Trap Dungeon Option

There is no secret passageway leading to the Objective Room if you decide
to use this option. Instead when you find the Objective Room you must
first traverse the Crossroads of Doom. Once you get to the door at the end of
the Crossroads of Doom, however, instead of finding the Objective Room
you are greeted by the Bridge of Despair! The Objective Room is on the far
side of the bridge as described above.

The Dungeon Card Option

To play this option you will need to use the Crossroads of Doom and
the Bridge of Despair Dungeon Cards. Just shuffle the cards into the
Blessed are the curious, for Dungeon Deck and use them as normal. If you come across the card then
lay out the appropriate Board Sections as described above. However, instead
they shall have Adventures! of the Objective Room being on the other side of them, draw a Dungeon
Card as you would normally when you pass through a Doorway.


The Roleplay Option

All of the previous options assume you are playing the standard version of
the game, as opposed to the full role-play version. However GM's of a
Roleplay game should find it very easy (and extremely entertaining) to
add the new areas to their games too.


Set up the new Bridge of Despair Board Sections as shown in the diagram
below. Then the leader must roll once on the Objective Room Monster
Table of the Monster-them that is being used. These Monsters are placed
in the squares to the left and right of the bridge, as shown in the diagram.
All the Warriors need to do in order to get past this room is cross the bridge
and go through the door on the far side - the problem with this is that the
bridge is fixed to a turning mechanism, and every now and then it
rotates round! How exactly this works, and what the Warriors can do
about it, is described in the special rules below.

Jumping Over the Pit

Adventurers can, if they wish jump over a pit square, generally in order to
get from the bridge to a ledge or vice-versa. The Monsters are far too
sensible to try this kind of thing, which is why all of the bodies at the bottom
of the pit belong to adventurers!

To make a jump the Warrior must have at least two squares of movement
remaining and be adjacent to a pit square. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 2-6 the
Warrior may make the jump; place him on any empty bridge or ledge
square next to the pit square that he jumped over. The jump 'costs' two
squares of movement, and the Warrior can keep on moving if he has any
movement remaining and would otherwise be allowed to do so. On a roll of
1, however, something has gone wrong... roll again on the table below:

Turning the Bridge

Take turns as you would normally. However, at the start of each 1 Oh dear... The Warrior mistimes his jump and falls
Exploration Phase, before doing anything else, the leader must roll 1D6: on a into the pit, landing with a sickening thump at the
roll of 1-2 the bridge will rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise, on a roll of 3-4 it bottom. He is killed dead as a door-nail.
will stay where it is, and on a roll of 5-6 it will rotate 90 degrees The Warrior lands badly and twists his ankle. He
clockwise. Obviously any models that are on the bridge will rotate with it 2-3 makes the jump, but his move ends and he may not
when it turns, while those on the ledges to either side will stay where they do anything else this turn. In addition he loses 1
are. Wound.
The Warrior lands in a heap. He makes the jump,
4-5 but his moves ends and he may not do anything else
this turn.
The Warrior realises that he won't make the jump and
6 skids to a halt. His move ends in the square he is in,
but he can fight or perform other actions this turn.

Moving the Monsters

The Monsters will move as described in the Warhammer Quest Main
Rulebook. If it is impossible for them to move so they can reach the Warriors,
then they will move to get as close to them as they can. They will not try and
jump over pit squares to get at the Warriors. Note that Monsters on the
ledges can shoot missile weapons at Warriors on the bridge, in which case
they stay as far away from the Warriors as possible.


Exploring While On the Bridge

If the leader is next to the door on the far side of the bridge in the exploration
phase, then he can open it as long as there are no Monsters on the bridge
Board Section. This replaces the normal rule that the leader cannot
explore unless the entire Board Section is clear of Monsters.

Assuming the leader opens the door and reveals the next section then the
Warriors can start moving through the door in subsequent turns. As soon as
there are no Warriors left on the Bridge of Doom room section, all of the
Monsters still in play are removed, and the bridge is returned to its starting
position. If the Warriors ever return to the Bridge of Doom board, then a new
set of Monsters must be generated in the Monster Phase, just as if the
Warriors had entered a new room.


Set up the new Crossroads of Doom Board Sections as shown earlier. Then
the leader must roll once on the Objective Room Monster Table of the
Monster-them that is being used. These Monsters are placed in the squares
in the two short corridor sections to the left and right of the dead end
Board Section that has the levers on it.

When (or if!) all of the Monsters are slain, then the leader can pull the
The leader should place the Monsters, one per square in these areas, splitting levers again, just as described above (i.e. roll 1D6 to see if the platform
them as evenly as possible between the two corridors. Any Monsters that rotates clock-wise or anti-clockwise). If the leader is lucky then the
will not fit are not used (the leader can choose which to ignore). Note that platform will turn round to face the opposite way to that the Warriors
the normal rules for placing Monsters next to the Warriors are not used. came in, but if they are unlucky they will end up facing the corridor
The Monsters will not get to move or fight until they are confronted by the where they started. The leader can keep on pulling the levers like this as
Warriors as described below. often as he likes, but no more than once per Exploration Phase, until he
finally gets it to face the right way. He can even keep on pulling the levers
after the dead-end is facing the right way if he desires!

Because of the random way that the platform moves there is a fairly good
chance that at some point it will turn to face the corridor section that is
occupied by the remaining Monsters. Should this happen then the Warriors
must fight them as described above. However, in this case, once all the
Monsters have been slain, they will be replaced after the leader next
pulls the levers in the dead-end. This happens in the exploration phase after
the leader pulls the levers and the platform rotates. Roll again on the
Objective Room Monster Table and place the Monsters as described above.

If the Warriors complete an Adventure that includes either the Bridge or
Despair or the Crossroads of Doom then they will each receive an extra
piece of Treasure in addition to the normal reward they would receive
completing the Adventure. If they manage to get past both the Bridge of
Despair and the Crossroads Of Doom then they will each receive two
extra items of Treasure in addition to the normal reward they would receive
for completing the Adventure.

In order to get to the far door the Warriors must move onto the platform
Board Section that has the levers on it. If the leader is on this Board
Section in The exploration phase then he can pull the levers, causing the
platform to start turning round.

When the leader pulls the levers, roll 1D6; on a roll of 1-3 the dead-end
rotates 90 degrees clockwise, and on 4-6 it goes 90 degrees anti-clockwise.
This means that the first time the levers are used the dead-end will turn 90
degrees to face the Monsters either to the right or left, depending on what
was rolled on the dice. Whichever group of Monsters are revealed are
'activated', and will start moving and fighting just as if they had been
discovered normally in that exploration phase.


Some Board Sections inRULES
Warhammer Quest ·
have special rules and they have been reprinted here for quick reference.
Some of them have also been expanded for use with the new material from Littlemonk and the Ultimate Adventure
Book. The section has been divided up into Special Rules, Objective Rooms and Corridors & Dungeon Rooms.
When new Board Sections are introduced, their rules will be presented here as well.


(Main Rulebook)

I t is possible for the first Board Section of the Dungeon to be a Dungeon Room as depicted in the various examples in the Main Rulebook.

Each Warrior model can start in any square in the entrance Board Section.

(Lair of the Orc Lord Rulebook)
1. Models may only move from one level to another via the stairs.
2. If a Warrior or Monster attacks a target on a higher level, they get a -1 modifier on their roll To Hit. If a Warrior or Monster attacks a target
on a lower level, they get a +1 modifier To Hit. Being on the stairs counts as being up on the next level.
Models on higher levels cannot be pinned by models on lower levels, and vice-versa. This means, for example, that archers on the platform
3. level can shoot at Warriors on the floor level even if they seem to be standing right next to them.

Littlemonk note: Some Board Sections or Adventures may have specific rules regarding how Warriors can move from level to level within a room. The Fighting
Pit, for example does not contain nor require the Warriors to use any stairs. It is assumed that the Warriors are jumping into the pit


I n most Adventures, the Warriors’ goal is to find the Objective Room and complete the special event that occurs there.
Do not take an Evfent card as you would normally. Instead refer to the description of the Adventure you are playing.
The Objective Room will always be defended by a large number of Monsters.

Unless the rules say otherwise, you must always roll 1D6 on the Objective Room Monster Table appropriate to the Monster-theme as
instructed in the Adventure to see which Monsters defend the Objective Room. This is done in the Monsters’ Phase as the Warriors enter the
room and replaces taking an Event Card.


(Original designer unknown, modified and redesigned by Littlemonk)
A blood-soaked altar looms at the end of this chamber. Blood… blood is everywhere.

The following rules apply to all the adventures that use the Altar of Khorne Objective Room, unless the rules specify otherwise.
The Altar of Khorne Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Monster Placement in the Altar Room

In the Monster’s Phase after the Warriors enter the Altar of Khrone Objective Room, they will encounter the Chaos Sorcerer and
Champion of Khorne. Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table to see what other Monsters accompany them, and then place the
Monsters according to the following rules:
1 The Chaos Sorcerer is placed on the platform level, behind which ever pillar puts him out of the “Line
of Sight” of the majority of the Warriors. Unless the rules state otherwise, the Chaos Sorcerer will
prefer to stay behind the pillars and cast spells. During the Monsters’ Phase he will move behind the
other pillar if he is not pinned and if it puts him out of the “Line of Sight” of the majority Warriors.
Any Monsters with missile weapons are placed on the platform level, wherever possible. They
2 will guard the Chaos Sorcerer if one is present and will never move off the platform or stairs unless the
Sorcerer is defeated.
The Champion of Khorne attacks the first Warrior to enter the room. As soon as a Warrior moves
3 between the first set of pillars into the room their movement ends. Place the Champion of Khorne in
front of that Warrior. If no Warrior move between the first set of pillars, the Champion of Khorne will
randomly attack any Warrior in the middle entrance spaces.

THE ARENA (Littlemonk)

Rules to be announced…



This exquisite hall is lavishly furnished and sweet, arousing fragrances fill the air. Soft, soothing music
reaches the Warriors’ ears and they momentarily forget that they are in imminent danger.

What the Warriors are seeing is an illusion. The true state of this room is dilapidated, grimy and filled
with misery. The air is stuffy and reeks of sweat and the furniture is splintered and broken. But as long
as Monsters occupy the room, the imagcial illusion will remain. The following rules apply to all the
Adventures which use the Den of Desires, unless the rules specify otherwise. The Den of Desires
Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Monster Placement in the Den

In the Monster’s Phase after the Warriors enter the Den of Desires, they will come face-to-face with the Sorcerer of Slaanesh and the Champion of Slaanesh. Roll on
the Chaos Slaanesh Objective Room Monster Table to see what other Monsters accompany them, and then place the Monsters according to the following rules:

1 The Sorcerer of Slaanesh is placed on one of the two sofa spaces on Level 3, from where they casts spells against the Warriors, preferring to stay
out of hand-to-hand combat if possible.
2 Any Monsters with missile weapons are placed on Level 2, evenly distributed on each side, and as far away from the Warriors as possible.
The Champion of Slaanesh is placed on one of the spaces next to a burning brazier on Level 3. He attacks the first Warrior to climb one of the
3 stair spaces which lead to to Level 2. As soon as a Warrior moves onto a stair space, place the Champion at the top of the stairs in front of him.

Special Rules
Temptation of Slaanesh
If a ‘1’ is rolled in the Power Phase, in addition to drawing an Event Card, the great, seductive power of Slaanesh fills the room. Visions of their most appealing desires
appear in front of the Warriors.

Each Warrior must make a Temptation Roll. The amount of dice a Warrior must roll is dependent upon where they are in the Den. A Warrior on the Bottom or
Middle Level must roll 1D6 and a Warrior on the Upper Level must roll 2D6. If any of the dice come up a 1, the Warrior succumbs to the overwhelming temptation of
Slaanesh. They are led away by a small group of Slaanesh cultists to fulfill their deepest desires. Place the surrendered Warrior in one of the chairs in the corner of
the Den. They may no longer participate in the combat, nor can they flee the Dungeon.

At the beginning of each turn, a Warrior who has succumbed to the temptation of Slaanesh may attempt to break free of the Slaanesh enticement by rolling 1D6. If the
result is a 6, the Warrior overcomes the allure and may move and act normally. If the Warriors are successful in clearing the Objective Room, any Warrior who
had surrendered reverts back to normal. If the Warriors flee the Dungeon or if they are defeated, any Warrior who had surrendered to the Slaanesh temptations
must be left behind and are permanently removed from the game.

DREAD KING’S THRONE ROOM (Catacombs of Terror)

This vaulted chamber is a most fearful and terrifying place. The silence of the dead fills the air with a tangible aura of
menace, and the all-pervading stench of age and death chokes the Warriors’ faltering breath.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Dread King’s Throne Room, unless the rules specify
otherwise. The Dread King’s Throne Room Objective Room follows all the rules for multi- level rooms.

The Warriors will enter this chamber up the ramp, between the two raised platforms on either side. Where possible,
Monsters with missile weapons will occupy these spaces, from where they can fire down at the Warriors, and the
Warriors will be unable to attack them back except with their own missile weapons. The only way to attack Monsters on
these areas is to get up the ramp and around the side, advancing square by square along the ramparts.

At the top of the ramp, two squares split into three, making a block of five squares in total. Any model can move
between these five squares as usual, and any model in one of these squares can attack (and be pinned by!) any model in a
square which is even partly adjacent to their square. Where possible, any Monsters who are guarding the throne and who do not
have missile weapons will form a line in these three squares first, blocking the Warriors off from getting to the Dread King

The Dread King sits atop the dais at the end of the hall, in the far square. The Grimoire Necris stands in the square in front of him. Models may move up and
down the steps just as if they were normal squares – the steps are not very steep, and provide no obstacle to a determined Warrior.


THE FIGHTING PIT (Adventure Book)

The dim light of a single lamp suspended from the ceiling barely penetrates the shadows of this dark and forbidding room.

The following rules apply to all the adventures that use the Fighting Pit, unless the rules specify otherwise:
1 The Fighting Pit follows all the normal rules for multi-level rooms.
2 The Warriors always enter the Fighting Pit Objective Room from the upper level
side of the Board Section.
3 Missile troops are placed on the highest level possible.
4 Models may move to and from the pit using normal movement.

Optional Special Rules

Moving Into and Out Of the Pit
Anytime the Warriors enter the pit, it is assumed that they are using the rope as pictured in the Board Section. Just as with the
Rope Equipment Card, each time a Warrior uses the rope in the Fighting Pit to climb up or down they must roll 1D6 to see if the rope

If they have no rope, or if they wish to, a Warrior may jump into the pit by rolling 1D6. If the score is a 1, the Warrior has landed
harshly and takes 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything. If the rope in the Fighting
Pit has broken and the Warriors do not have a rope or the Levitation spell, any Warrior at the bottom of the pit is trapped unless the Adventure indicates that there is
an exit there.

THE FIRECHASM (Adventure Book)

A deep red light seeps out from this room, suffusing the area with a burning glow. The air is almost too warm to breathe and the
walls are hot to the touch.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Firechasm, unless the rules specify otherwise.

Special Rules
Crossing the Chasm
The rope bridge is on the only way across the chasm, and is equivalent to 2 squares of Movement. For each Warrior that attempts to
cross the bridge roll 1D6 on the following table:

1-2 The Warrior slips on the ancient bridge. Roll 1D6 on the Firechasm Hazard Table.
3-6 The Warrior makes it safely across.


1 The Warrior falls into the chasm and is killed.
2-3 The Warrior slips, dangling into the flames. He is badly burnt, taking 1D6 Wounds with no
deductions for Toughness or armour, but manages to haul himself across to the opposite side of the
4 The Warrior slips, losing his grip on any one item of treasure or equipment. Determine which
item is lost in the abyss randomly.
5-6 The Warrior grips on to the bridge as it starts to swing violently. No other Warriors may attempt to
cross the bridge this turn. At the end of the turn, roll 1D6 for the Warrior on the bridge to see which
side of the chasm he ends up on:
1-3 The far side.
4-6 The near side.

Monsters have no such problems in cross the bridge, as they do it all the time.



Rules to be announced…


The light of the lantern reveals columns and statues. The sound of dripping water echoes through this room.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Gorgon’s Grotto, unless the rules specify otherwise. The Gorgon’s Grotto Objective Room follows all
the rules for multi-level rooms. The Warriors always enter from the Doorway as shown on the diagram below.

Monster Placement in the Grotto

In the Monster’s Phase after the Warriors enter the Gorgon’s Grotto, you will find out what evil Monsters they meet. Roll on the Chaos Khorne Objective Room
Monster Table to see what creatures are there, and then place them according to the following rules:

1 Some squares cannot be occupied by models as shown on the diagram. The pillars and statues in those
squares are considered to be blocking the Line of Sight in the room and no models may see past
them. In addition, a model may not move diagonally into a square adjacent to a pillar or statue as it
is considered a “Blocked Diagonal” space.
Place the Gorgon in the corner as shown on the diagram. The Gorgon will remain on the Upper
2 Level, moving among the three spaces there to get a Line of Sight against any Warrior she is
Missile troops are placed on the Middle Level as far from the Warriors as possible.


GORGUT’S LAIR (Lair of the Orc Lord)

This huge room has an air of menace. Facing the Warriors is a deep, spiked pit. Beyond the pit the Warriors can see a
dimly-lit platform upon which stands an imposing throne.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use Gorgut’s Lair, unless the rules specify otherwise. The
Gorgut’s Lair Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Monster Placement in the Lair

In the Monster’s Phase after the Warriors enter Gorgut’s Lair, you will find out what evil Monsters they meet. Roll on the
Objective Room Monster Table to see what Monsters are there, and then place the Monsters according to the following rules:

1 Monsters are never placed on the entrance level. If there are too many
Monster to place them all on the floor or platform levels the extra
Monsters are not placed at all. Monsters can of course move onto the
entrance level once they have appeared on the Board.
Gorgut is placed on the platform, from where he bellows commands
2 to his minions. However, he attacks the first Warrior to climb the stairs
from the entrance level to the floor level by leaping off the platform
into the fray. As soon as a Warrior moves up the stairs, place Gorgut next
to him, ready for battle.
Goblins, Orcs, Big’Uns, Gubbinz and Growler are placed on the floor
3 Missile troops are placed are placed on the platform level, wherever
Skabnoze is placed on the Orc symbol in the centre of the platform.

Special Rules
Spiked Pit
Fighting near the pit at the entrance to the Lair is particularly dangerous. If any Warrior standing in a square adjacent to the
pit gets a natural 1 when rolling To Hit he loses his balance and falls into the pit. Roll on the table below:

1 The Warrior falls straight into the pit. All nearby Monsters scream with
delight as the Warrior plunges to his death in the fires below. Now would
be a good time to use that Luck counter!
The Warrior desperately makes a grab for the edge of the pit, cutting
2-3 himself on the spikes. The Warrior takes 1D6 Wounds, with no modifiers.
During the next Warrior’s Phase he may wing over to an empty entrance
level square if there is one. If not, he is left hanging in the pit. Swinging to
an empty square takes a whole turn, but in the next Warriors’ Phase the
Warrior may move and fight as normal.
The Warrior turns his fall into a leap and lands safely in an empty entrance
level square, if there is one. In the next Warriors’ Phase he may move
4-6 normally. However, if there isn’t an entrance level square empty the
Warrior falls into the pit just as in result 2-3 above.

No Monster will attack a Warrior while he is hanging in the pit.


THE PIT OF REVULSION (Design by Littlemonk, artwork by Seb Stuart)

It takes all of your willpower not to vomit due to the repulsive stench which permeates this room. At the bottom of filthy stairs
you can see a large, bubbling cauldron filled with a strange liquid.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Pit of Revulsion, unless the rules specify otherwise. The Pit of
Revulsion Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Special Rules
The Acid Pit
Just inside the entrance, a pit bubbles and boils, splashing out an acid substance into the surrounding area. Any Warrior who begins
their turn in a square adjacent to the Acid Pit must subtract their Toughness from the Power Phase roll. That is the number of
Wounds they take with no modifiers for anything. If the Damage reduces the Warrior to 0 Wounds, they must deduct -1 from
their Toughness permanently. If the Warrior’s Toughness is ever reduced to 0, they are killed and removed from the game.

Monster Placement in the Pit

In the Monsters’ Phase after the Warriors enter the Pit of Revulsion, roll on the Chaos Nurgle Objective Room Monster Table
to discover what creatures attack them. Place the Monsters with the following rules:

1 Place the Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle on one of the spaces behind the cauldron.
2 Place any Guards on any unoccupied around the Sorcerer. They will Guard the Sorcerer and will never move
away from him unless the Sorcerer is defeated.
3 Missile troops are placed on the highest level squares possible and as far from the Warriors as possible.


Due to the intricate and extensive rules, see White Dwarf Magazine Issue #195 (Domain of the Horned Rat article) for how to
use Quirrik’s Laboratory.



The powerful magic of Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, courses through this room causing many
transformations and alterations. The floor here expands and contracts and the Winds of Magic flow

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Shifting Sanctum, unless the rules specify
otherwise. The Shifting Sanctum Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms. When the
Warriors find the Shifting Sanctum Objective Room, you will randomly determine how to attach the
Board Section, by rolling 1D6 and consulting the table below:

D6 Roll Doorway
1-3 A (choose one of two options) B
4-6 (choose one of two options)

Each turn, one group of tiles in the Shifting Sanctum will randomly rise up or sink
down. This means that there are many possible board layouts that can occur (see diagrams). When
the Warriors first enter the Shifting Sanctum, the floor starts in the elevated position. Therefore, the
yellow and blue tiles should be placed as shown in the diagram to the right.

Special Rules
The Power Phase Roll
The Power Phase Roll each turn determines two things. As usual, it determines the amount of power available to the Wizard. However, the magic available is the
opposite of what the dice indicates. Secondly, the Power Phase Roll determines the sections of the room that change according to the table below.

Power Wizard’s Power Tile Section

Phase this turn that moves
6 1 Middle Square L
5 2 Squares
4 3 I Squares I
3 4 Squares L
2 5 Squares
1 6 Middle Square

If the tile was in the up position, it lowers (remove the tile piece from the Board). If it was in the down position, it raises (add the tile to the Board).

Level 1 is symbolized by the red squares, Level 2 by the yellow squares and Level 3 by the blue square. If
a model was standing on a square that raises or lowers, the model still occupies the square but he is now a
level higher or lower than he was previosly. His attacks and defence bonus or penalty should be adjusted
accordingly this turn. For example, a Chaos Sorcerer is standing on the blue platform and is, therefore, +1
To Hit against Warriors standing on the stairs. If he is standing on the blue platform and is using a
ranged weapon, then he is +2 To Hit against Warriors in a red square.

No Warrior may ever move onto the Eye of Tzeentch for they would be killed instantly by the corrupting
power of Chaos.

Monster Placement in the Sanctum

In the Monsters’ Phase after the Warriors enter the Shifting Sanctum of Tzeentch, roll on the Chaos
Tzeentch Objective Room Monster Table to discover what creatures attack them. Place the Monsters
with the following rules:

1 Place the Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch on the blue Level 3 platform.

Other Monsters are never placed there as only a Sorcerer of Tzeentch
can occupy the center platform.
2 Place any Guards are placed on the stairs first. They will Guard the
Sorcerer and will never move off the stairs unless the Sorcerer is defeated.
Missile troops are placed on the yellow Level 2 platforms in the corners
3 of the room, following all rules for lines of sight.



This huge room has an air of menace. Facing the Warriors is a deep, spiked pit. Beyond the pit the Warriors can see a
dimly-lit platform upon which stands an imposing throne.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Sorcerer’s Forge, unless the rules specify otherwise. The
Sorcerer’s Forge Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Monster Placement in the Forge

In the Monster’s Phase after the Warriors enter the Sorcerer’s Forge, you will find out what twisted Monsters they meet.
Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table to see what Monsters are there, and then place the Monsters according to the
following rules:

1 Monsters are never placed on the entrance level. If there are too many Monster to place them all on the floor
or platform levels the extra Monsters are not placed at all.
Monsters can move onto the entrance level once they have appeared on the Board.
2 Place the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer in the square between the Anvil and the upper fire pit.
3 Place any Guards on the Level 4. They will Guard the Sorcerer and will never moe off the Upper Level unless
the Sorcerer is defeated
4 Any missle troops are placed on the Level 3.
5 If a Chaos Dwarf Champion is present he is placed on the stairs leading from Level 2 to Level 3. He will
not move unless he is attacked with a ranged weapon or spell, whereupon he attacks the nearest Warrior.

Special Rules
The Grates
The Chaos Dwarfs have taken steps to protect their leader by placing metal grates over certain areas of the room. These areas are where lava erupts up out of the
grate, searing anyone who passes over them. Any Warrior who steps on a Fire Grate below:

1 A jet of lava erupts through the grate and the Warrior is engulfed in flames! He suffers 2D6 Wounds. A stream of lava shoots
2-3 upward and the Warrior suffers 1D3 Wounds with deductions for anything.
4-5 A burst of lava splashes up upward and scalds the Warrior for 1 Wound with no modifiers for anything.
6 No lava erupts out of the grate this turn.

Monsters never have to roll when stepping on the grates and they are well aware of when the lava will erupt.


(Designed by Littlemonk, artwork by Seb Stuart)
A golden fluorescence radiates dimly from beyond a thick veil of cobwebs.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Spider’s Nest, unless the rules specify otherwise.

Special Rules
Anytime a Warrior steps into this Board Section, he must stop his Movement and roll 1D6 on the Web Table:

1-2 The Warrior is webbed (put a Web Counter next to him). At the start of each
turn, a webbed Warrior rolls 1D6 and adds his Strength. If the total is 7 or
more, he frees himself and may act normally.
The Warrior becomes partially entangled in the web this turn. The rest of his
3-4 Movement is halved (round down) and his attacks are
-1 To Hit. At the start of each turn, a webbed Warrior rolls 1D6 and adds his
Strength. If the total is 7 or more, he frees himself may act normally. If not, he
is still partially entangled.
The Warrior manages to fight through the veil of cobwebs without getting stuck
5-6 and may continue his Movement.


THE TAVERN (Original Board from White Dwarf #223, modified

and redesigned by Littlemonk)
Low lights in this room illuminates tables and chairs. The smell of food, ale and sweat
hangs in the air.

The Tavern Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms. The Tavern
Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms. The tables, bar and stairs
are considered Level 2 squares. The balcony is considered Level 3 squares.

The Warriors enter from a Doorway on the top, left side of the Board Section by the
landing. The Tavern exit Doorway is placed on the bottom side of the Board Section (see

Monster Placement in the Tavern

In the Monsters’ Phase after the Warriors enter the Tavern, roll on the Objective
Room Monster Table of the Monster-them being used to discover what Mosnters
assault them. Place the Monsters with the following rules:

1 The Chaos Sorcerer is placed at the end of the balcony, as far away
from the stairs as possible.
2 Missile troops are placed on the highest level possible.
3 The table is considered one large square and only one model may
stand on a table at one time.
4 The Chaos Champion guards the Tavern front entrance Doorway.

A Warrior may exit the Dungeon by moving through the Tavern Exit (although they must break from pinning if applicable). If any Warrior exits in this
manner, they receive no reward for the Adventure. If all of the Warriors exit in this manner, then another more capable band of heroes storm the Tavern and bring
down all of the Monsters. The Warriors receive no reward for their efforts.

THE TEMPLE OF KHAINE (Hall of the Hag Queen)

The statue of Khaine greets you as you enter this shrine. At the top of the stairs is a glowing
cauldron dripping with blood.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Temple of Khaine, unless the rules
specify otherwise. The Temple of Khaine Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

Choose one option for placing a Doorway (see diagram to the right). Sometimes an Adventure will
instruct you to place the second doorway as well.

Monster Placement in the Hall

In the Monsters’ Phase after the Warriors enter the Temple of Khaine, roll on the Dark Elves
Objective Room Monster Table to discover what merciless Dark Elves assault them. Place the
Monsters with the following rules:

1 Regular Monsters are never placed on the Upper platform where the
Cauldron is located (they aren’t allowed near it). Only the Hag Queen
and her Guardians Griselda and Brunhilda are placed there.
The Hag Queen is placed on the space directly behind the Cauldron.
Griselda and Brunhilda are placed on the steps of the Upper platform.

3 Missile troops are placed on the Middle platform, as far away from
the Warriors as possible.
4 Raith Darkfoot, if present, is placed behind the Warrior he targets.



Candles burning inside this room reveal a cozy chamber, although you can feel that an evil presence is close by.

The following rules apply to all the Adventures which use the Vampire’s Lair, unless the rules specify otherwise.
The Vampire’s Lair Objective Room follows all the rules for multi-level rooms.

One Lair, Two Areas

You will notice that, in addition to the main Board Section, there is also a Bookcase piece.

When you set up the Vampire’s Lair Objective Room Board Section, begin with the Bookcase piece laid across the
fifth row of the Main Board (see bottom diagram). This signifies that the entire bottom floor area is inaccessible at
this time, blocked off by the bookcase.

This bookcase divides the Vampire’s Lair into two areas: the Library and the Hidden Resting Chamber. In order
for the Warriors to find the Hidden Resting Chamber, the Warriors will need to clear the Library of any Monsters.

Models can occupy any space in this room, however note that there are only four squares available at the

Monster Placement in the Vampire’s Lair

In the Monsters’ Phase after the Warriors enter the Vampire’s Lair, roll on the Vampire Objective Room
Monster Table to discover what foul creatures assault them. Place the Monsters with the following rules:

1 Until the Warriors discover the Hidden Resting Chamber, no models may
be placed in that part of the Board.
2 Place any Spellcaster as far away from the Warriors as possible.
Missile troops are placed on the highest level possible. No models
may occupy the three Vampire Coffin squares.

Special Rules
Finding the Secret Lever
At the end of each turn that there are no Monsters on the Board Section, the Warriors may search the room for a
hidden passage or secret door by rolling 1D6 on the table below (make one roll for the group):

1 Trap! A fireball engulfs the room and every Warrior on the

Board Section suffers 3D6 Damage!
2-4 Trap! One of the Warriors (determined randomly) is struck by a
bolt of magical energy. They suffer 1D6 Wounds with no
modifiers for anything.
5-6 Found it! The Warriors discover a secret lever! The bookcase
separates in the middle and both ends retract into the walls, revealing
stairs leading down into a secret chamber below!

When the secret lever is found, remove the Bookcase piece from the Board.

The Warriors should continue rolling for Unexpected Events each turn as usual until they have completed their
Dungeon objective.

If an Unexpected Event occurs after the Wariors discover the Hidden Resting Chamber, Monsters may now be
placed in the Hidden Resting Chamber area.



(White Dwarf #200) (Pits & Traps)
Hot lava flows into a pit in the See the Special Quest section of this Rulebook (page 85) for details of
middle of the room. At the far end the Bridge of Despair.
of the chamber sits an
ancient anvil of Dwarven

See the Special Quest section of this

Rulebook (page 80) for details of the
Anvil Chamber.


(Hall of the Hag Queen)
When this Board Section is first
discovered, it is placed so that the CHASM OF DESPAIR
Warriors enter from the side of the
bridge that contains only two squares. (Catacombs of Terror)
The slender bridge that spans the Chasm of
Despair is very narrow and any Warrior or
Monster who is clumsy may end up toppling
There are three “squares” on the down into the darkness.
bridge consisting of two planks in
each square. The
middle “square” is quite Any Monster or Warrior that rolls a natural 1
precariously held together and to hit with a hand-to-hand attack while standing
any Warrior who steps must on it on the bridge will lose their balance and fall
immediately roll deducting 1D6, down into the depths of the catacombs and is quite,
-1 for every other quite dead. The Warriors do not get gold for
model that is also on the bridge at the same time. If the Monsters who die in this way. The Warriors
result is a 1 it means that the entire bridge has given way. All may save themselves with the
models on the bridge plummet into the darkness below (the bottom of Dwarf's Rope Equipment Card, which stops them falling in. but
which has never been reached) and are removed from the game. may break as written on the card. Otherwise, events only happen
Warriors get no gold for Monsters killed in this way. In addition, if in the Chasm of Despair if a 1 is rolled in the Power Phase.
a Warrior begins their turn on the middle “square” they must roll
1D6 to see if it gives way (this is not a good place to be stopping!).

To repair a collapsed bridge, a Warrior must spend a turn shooting an

arrow (or bolt) with a Rope attached to it across the chasm by
rolling on his Ballistic Skill as if shooting an enemy. If that is THE CROSSROADS OF DOOM
successful, the Warriors can repair the bridge which takes another
1D3 turns. If they don’t have a rope or arrow/bolt, the Warriors must (Pits & Traps)
turn back. See the Special Quest section of this Rulebook (page 85) for details of
the Crossroads of Doom.

Monsters are agile and cross the bridge regularly so they never need
to make a roll when stepping on the middle square. Note that flying
Monsters, in addition to attacking the Warriors from the various
squares, can also attack the Warriors from the empty spaces
(bottomless pit) on either side of the bridge. Flying Monsters never
plummet if the bridge gives way.

The Bottomless Pit is a Corridor and will be empty unless an

Unexpected Event is rolled in the Power Phase.



(Board by Talion, Rules by (Catacombs of Terror)
Littlemonk) Where the corridor turns a corner, the Warriors
Directly ahead is a stone coffin. Its lid come across a small shrine of multi-coloured
shattered upon the floor. Something has flames.
either broken in, or broken out. Another
stone coffin here sits seemingly untouched. The first time a Warrior enters this Board
Section, he regains 2D6 Wounds,
up to his Starting Wounds score. Each Warrior may only be healed
See the Special Quest section of this Rulebook (page 83) for details of once in this way, The Flames of Khazla is a corridor, not a
the Crypt of Majeem. Dungeon Room, so entering it will not trigger an Event Card. Note
that Warriors may not move through the square that contains the

Because the room is so small, only three squares effectively, the

Warriors will have to be careful when they pass through it. If the
THE CRYSTAL CAVE leader moves onto the new Board Section the turn after exploring, the
(Hall of the Hag Queen) fourth party member, stuck on the previous Board Section, will
The first time a Warrior enters the immediately become lost in the dark! It is a good idea for the leader to
Crystal Cave Board Section she rolls stay in the Flames of Khazla Board Section until any players who are
1D6 and adds that number to the on the previous Board Section have moved into the Flames of
Power Phase roll. The total is the Khazla, or out onto the new Board Section.
number of Wounds she heals, up to
her Starting Wounds score.

The Crystal Cave is a Corridor and will be empty unless an

Unexpected Event is rolled in the Power Phase.


(White Dwarf #186)
THE DEAD END Just ahead of the Warriors the corridor turns
sharply, and nestled in the corner is a small
(White Dwarf #192) shrine. An ornate brazier burns continuously
The Warriors have come to a complete Dead with multi-coloured flames that occasionally leap
End and must either retrace their steps or dig up to the ceiling.
their way through the rubble. You cannot dig
through while there are Monsters on the same See the Special Quest section of this
Board Section. Rulebook (page 76) for details of the Flames of Khazla.

Up to two Warriors may dig through at any one time, and both
must standing at the collapsed end of the passage. For each turn
a Warrior spends digging, roll 1D6 and add their Strength. Keep
track of the score (or scores if more than one Warrior is digging).
When the total reaches 30 or more the Warriors break through THE GAOL
and may continue exploring as normal. However, if two Warriors
(White Dwarf #185)
are digging at the same time and both dice rolls come up the
same (i.e. a double) then the roof collapses again and any work The Gaol is a very small and dark dungeon cell. A noxious smell
they have done is ruined – reduce their digging total by the score rises from the open drain and the straw is infested with all kinds of
rather than adding it! unpleasant life. It is used by the Monsters for imprisoning people
they want to forget about...

Cunning Monsters See the Special Quest section of this Rulebook (page 78) for details of
The Monsters that lurk within this dungeon know that bold the Gaol.
Warriors frequently spend a lot of time near the Dead End. For
this reason they regularly patrol the area and set traps to catch the
unwary. The Dead End is a corridor, so only Unexpected Events
will occur here. However, while a Warrior is standing on the Dead
End Board Section a Power roll of 1 or 6 will trigger an
Unexpected Event.


THE HALL OF DEATH (Catacombs of Terror)

The bone-filled Hall of Death is a source of dark magic and draws evil power from the surrounding area. This power
acts like a beacon to the fell creatures of Undeath.

The Hall of Death is rather like a T-junction in some ways, in that it has many possible exits. Have a look at the Dungeon
Card and you will see that there are four doorways to be clipped on when this room comes into play. This includes the
door the Warriors enter the Hall of Death by, but this still leaves three other exits. The remaining Dungeon Cards are split
between the possible exits, just like a normal T-junction.

The Hall of Death does not trigger events when the Warriors enter the hall, the foul magic in the loom instead tries to
prevent them leaving its grim walls. As soon as the Warriors enter the Hall of Death, take the top three Event Cards in the
Event deck without looking at them. Place one by each door out of the hall face down.

When the Warriors explore through a doorway leading from the Hall of Death, turn over the card in the Dungeon Deck as normal and place the relevant Board
Section down. Next, turn over the Event Card for that door. If it is an 'E' card resolve it immediately. If it is Monsters place them on the board straight away. The
Monsters will get to fight in the next Monsters' Phase as normal.

Otherwise, events only happen in the Hall of Death if a 1 is rolled in the Power Phase.

THE SEWER (White Dwarf #204)

The rancid stench of noxious vapours assails the Warriors’ nostrils as they reach this intersection with an effluent

On entering the Sewer you should draw an Event Card, just as if it were a Dungeon Room.

The Warriors emerge in the sewer itself, on the left hand side of the Board Section as pictured. They must climb out and
work their way round to the exit. To move around in the water filled sewer section of the board, you'll have to
imagine that it is divided into six “squares”. It's actually fairly obvious where the lines should be, but if you're having any
trouble, remember the room is six squares long by three wide. Every time a Warrior enters a new square in the water, you
should roll 1D6. On a roll of 2-6 the Warrior may continue moving as normal. However, on a roll of a I the Warrior
has encountered something unexpected (and probably horrible and slimy) beneath the sludge. Roll a dice on the following
table to find out what happens to him:

1-2 The Warrior feels something brush up against his ankle. Something is definitely moving through the water.
Before he has time to react, a tentacle wraps itself around his leg, grabbing hold and pulling the victim down
beneath the surface of the sludge. The Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for Toughness or
Armour, before managing to fight the creature off.
Suddenly the floor gives way beneath your Warrior, as he steps into a sink hole. By the time he regains his footing,
3-4 he realises that he has dropped something down the hole. Discard one random item of Dungeon Room Treasure.
Beneath the surface of the sludge, years of slime have built up, making the floor extremely slippery. The Warrior is unable to keep
his footing, and slips beneath the surface, taking in mouthfuls of extremely unpleasant effluent. He may do nothing further until the
5-6 end of the next Warriors phase, as he is too busy retching.

To climb out (or indeed in), a Warrior must spend an entire Warriors phase climbing. Move the Warrior from the square he is standing on in the sewer, to
any adjacent square on the path (or vice versa, if the Warriors want to climb back down).

However, if the Warriors try climbing the wall from which the two pipes can be seen emerging, then there is a chance they will be knocked back down
by a sudden gush of effluent rushing out of the pipes. Roll 1D6 for any Warrior trying to climb past the pipes. On a roll of 1-3 they manage the climb
before the pipes wash them back down. However, on a roll of 4-6 they are caught by a sudden and unexpected gush of effluent, which throws them back
down into the sewer. Roll immediately on the table above to see what happens as they land in the sewer.


THE SHAMAN’S DEN (Lair of the Orc Lord)

The Warriors can feel the magical power in the room, but the poor light of the lantern is not enough to show what might lurk within.
Crumbling sandstone steps lead up into the darkness.

Al the magical energy in the room has a strange effect on the Wizard. Roll 1D6 when he enters the room:

1 While he is in the Shaman’s Den, the Wizard may cast no spells at all!
2-4 The Wizard finds that one of his spells does not work in the Shamans’ Den. Randomly
determine which spell does not work.
5-6 The Wizard is suffused with power and adds +2 to his Power Phase roll each turn he is in the
Shaman’s Den. This does not affect the chance of Unexpected Events – you always get an
Unexpected Event if the actual dice roll was a 1.

The Warriors may find extra treasure in the Shaman’s Den.

When the Warriors enter the Shamans’ Den, there will be an Event as usual. This may reveal Monsters, or it may be some cunning trap or other event.
Once this Event is over, as well as following any other instructions on the card, the Warriors may quickly search the Den. Roll 1D6 and consult the
table below to see what they find:

1 The Warriors find no extra Treasure, but they make a heck of a noise searching. Take another Event Card now. In addition to what the
card says, place Skabnoze the Shaman in the Den too. He has returned to see what the noise is all about. See the Skabnoze Special Card
and Lair of the Orc Lord for rules (page 8).
2-4 The Warriors find an iron flask chained to the ground, which contains a potent healing potion. Each Warrior may take one drink which
cures 2D6 Wounds. Orc potions have a very limited shelf-life, so they must use the potion immediately before it goes off.
Each Warrior finds a glittering Talisman, obviously magical, and possibly of Elven design. Once per Adventure a Warrior may stop a
5-6 single attack against him by use of his magic Talisman. A Talisman is worth 250 gold.


(Original designer unknown, modified and (Design by Littlemonk,
redesigned by Littlemonk) artwork by Seb Stuart)
In the corner of the room, is a massive statute. This imposing A golden fluorescence radiates
clay figure with its life-like features is undoubtedly the work of dimly from beyond a thick veil
a master craftsman. of cobwebs.

See the Special Quest section of this Rulebook (page 82) for details of The first time a Warrior finishes
the Sinjin’s Statue. their Movement on this Board
Section, he must roll 1D6 and
add his Strength to the score. If
the result is less than 7, then the
Warrior is webbed (put a Web
Counter next to him).
Monsters attacking a
webbed Warrior hit

At the start of each turn, a webbed Warrior rolls 1D6 and adds his
Strength. If the total is 7 or more, he frees himself and may act



A set of ancient stairs descends into the depths of the Dungeon.

Into the Dark

Imagine this Board section is roughly divided into four squares around the stairwell itself (like the Gaol and Flames of Khazla Board
Sections). The Warriors may ignore the steps and skirt around the top, or they can descend downwards into the very bowels of the

No Monsters will move onto the stairs, and whilst the Warriors are on this Board Section no Unexpected Events will occur. However, the area is
saturated with dark sorcery and no Warrior may use any magic whilst at least one of their numbers remains on this Board Section.

The procedure for the Spiral Staircase is simple to use, but is a bit difficult to put into words because it involves shuffling the cards around. Here goes. Once all
the Warriors are on the stairs, roll 1D6. Take that number of Dungeon Cards from those not in play, not including Objective Rooms. Now take the remaining
Dungeon Deck (those that represent the rooms ahead which haven’t been explored yet) from the direction the Warriors were heading. Shuffle these and the
spare cards into one pile and replace the unexplored Dungeon Cards with the same number of cards from this new deck. The remaining cards in your hand are
placed next to the stairwell and represent the rooms down the spiralling stairs.

Example: The Warriors come across the spiral stair towards the end of their Adventure. Behind them is a single T-Junction with four cards still unexplored.
Two Dungeon Cards remain ahead of them. Rolling 1D6, the Warriors score a 5, and take five spare Dungeon Cards. These are shuffled with the two ahead
of them, giving a pile of seven in total. Two of these are dealt out to replace the cards they were heading for, while the remaining five represent the Dungeon
at the bottom of the stairwell. The cards by the T-Junction are not affected.

Further Movement
If the Warriors decide to move on as normal, they must explore and move off the spiral stair just as with any other Board Section. If they descend into the
depths, turn over the top card of the stairs’ Dungeon Deck and place the Warriors at the near end, as if they had started a new dungeon. Warriors can go back
up the stairs by moving off the end of the Board Section. At the start of the next Warriors’ phase place the Warrior model on the spiral staircase section.

The Perils of the Dark

The Dungeon below the stairs is dangerous indeed, the very heart of the Monsters’ domain. Whenever an Unexpected Event occurs while below the stairs,
the Warriors should take 1D3 Event Cards instead of just one. Alternatively, if you are using the Monster tables from the Roleplay Book, roll on the table
one Battle-level higher than normal. Any ‘E’ type Events should be resolved before Monsters are placed on the Board.

This Board Section forces the Warriors to make a hard choice. Firstly, they must consider where the Objective Room is, and secondly, how strong they
feel. It may turn out that they will have to head into the darkness to reach the Objective Room regardless of their wishes, but nobody ever said life was



(Design by Littlemonk, artwork by Seb Stuart)
Four shallow pits radiate a green glow. Engraved upon the stone floor is the symbol of Nurgle.

The Pits The Mark of Nurgle

If a Warrior rolls a natural ‘1’ during combat must roll 1D6 Each time a Warrior steps on the centre square of
on the following table: this Dungeon Room, they must roll 1D6. If the
score is a 3, 4, 5 or 6, nothing happens. But if
1 The Warrior suddenly loses his footing the score is a 1 or 2, the power of Nurgle
and falls into the pit! The toxic green manifests and
sludge makes his skin feel like it is on fie the Warrior must roll on the
Manifestation of Nurgle Table below:
and he suffers 2D6 Wounds with no
modifiers for Toughness or Armour.
The Warrior can only exit the pit via a rope,
Levitation Spell, or similar. In addition, one
item the Warrior is carrying is destroyed by
the toxic sludge (determined at random). MANIFESTATION OF NURGLE TABLE
For every turn the Warrior spends in the pit
he suffers an additional 1D6 Wounds with 1 Infection. The Warrior suddenly feels deathly ill. He suffers 1D6
no modifiers for anything and he loses one Wounds with no modifiers for anything and is -1 Toughness for the rest
more random item that they are carrying. of the Adventure. If the Warrior’s Toughness is ever reduced to zero he
The Warrior loses his footing on the is dead and removed from the game.
slippery floor and falls toward the dark, Retching. The Warrior’s stomach churns and stirs violently causing her to
green, bubbling liquid. She manages to 2 double over and cough up brownish-green fluid. She suffers 1D6 Wounds
catch onto the ledge, hanging by her with no modifiers for Toughness or Armour and the Warrior is -1
fingertips. Any adjacent Warrior who has Strength for the rest of the Adventure. If the Warrior’s Strength is ever
not yet moved may spend their turn pulling reduced to zero she is dead and removed from the game.
the Warrior up from the ledge.
Lethargy. The Warrior feels sluggish and has trouble moving his legs. He
A Warrior who is dangling from the ledge suffers 1D3 Wounds with no modifiers for Toughness or Armour and for
cannot attack nor will she be attacked by 3
the rest of the Adventure the Warrior is either -1 to Movement or -1
Monsters. A dangling Warrior can spend the Initiative (your choice). If the Warrior’s Movement or Initiative is ever
entire next Warriors’ Phase pulling herself reduced to zero he is dead and removed from the game.
up to an adjacent empty space.
Dizzy. The Warrior feels faint and the room begins to spin. For next
Green, burning liquid splashes out of the 1D6 turns he suffers -1 To Hit.
nearest pit covering the Warrior with the
thick goo. The Warrior suffers 1D3 4 Fever. The Warrior begins to sweat profusely and her knees buckle
Wounds with no modifiers for anything. momentarily. She suffers 1 Wound with no modifiers for anything.
3 5
The Warrior begins to slip on the wet Nausea. The Warrior begins to feel slightly nauseous but the sensation
floor, but manages to regain his balance. soon passes.



(Hall of the Hag Queen)
Dark, murky water gently flows past large, jutting rocks.

This Water Cave follows all the rules for multi-level rooms. The five large rocks that sit above the water
are considered to be on the Upper level and a model on any other square is considered to be waist deep in water on
the Lower level.

The Water Cave is dark, wet and slippery. Warriors in the Water Cave move at half their normal Movement
(rounded down), are -1 to their Initiative and are -1 to Escape Pinning. Monsters are used to moving in the dark
caverns and so are not affected.



For those ·
who prefer not to use the new Monster-themed Event Cards, the following pages contain Monster-
themed Tables appropriate for Warriors who are starting their first Adventure.
Any new Special Rules for Monsters or Villains are listed under the corresponding Monster Table. Some of the Villains are guarded by Minions
and some villains cast spells. Since the Minions Tables and Magic Spells are not included here, you will want to print the various Minions Special Cards and various
Magic Special Cards to use as refernce sheets.

11-12 1D3 Minotaurs
13-14 1 Fiend of Slaanesh
15-16 2D6 Ghouls
21-22 1D6 Beastmen
23-24 2D3 Chaos Hounds
25-26 2D3 Nurglings
31-33 2D6 Giant Rats
34-36 1D6+3 Chaos Thugs with Bows
41-43 2D6 Giant Spiders
44-46 2D6 Giant Bats
51-52 1D6 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch
53-54 2D3 Warhounds
55-56 1D3 Centaurs
61-62 1D6 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
63-64 1D3 Ogres
65-66 1 Daemonette of Slaanesh
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch 4 3 - 3 3 4 1 100 - 1 Daemonic; Magic Resistance 6+.
Centaurs 8 3 3+ 3 4 12 2 300 - 2 Armed with Bows (Strength 4).
Chaos Hounds 6 4 - 4 4 8 2 160 2 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up.
Chaos Thugs 4 4 4+ 3 3 6 1 70 - 1 Armed with Bows (Strength 3).
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 4 6 - 4 3 15 3 300 - 1 Ambush 5+; Daemonic; Magic
Resistance 6+.
Fiends of Slaanesh 6 3 - 3 3 8 3 250 - 1 Aura of Slaanesh; Daemonic.
Ghouls 4 2 - 3 4 4 2 80 - 1 Break.
Giant Bats 8 2 - 2 2 1 1 15 - 1 Ambush.
Giant Rats 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 20 - S Deathleap.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Minotaurs 6 4 - 4 4 15 2 440 - 2 -
Nurglings 4 3 - 3 3 2 2 50 - 1 Ambush; Gang Up; Plague.
Ogres 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Plagubearers of Nurgle 4 5 - 4 3 9 2 200 - 1 Daemonic; Plague.
Warhounds 5 4 - 3 3 6 1 130 - 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up; Break.


11-12 Zzhuktarr Sundor Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer
13-14 1 Bull Centaur
15-16 1D6+1 Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits 21-22 2
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses 23-24 2D6
Hobgolin Archers
25-26 2D3 Black Orcs
31-32 1D6 Sneaky Gits
33-34 1D6 Hogbolin Axemen & 1D6 Hobgoblin Archers
35-36 1D3 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
41-43 2D6 Giant Scorpions
43-46 1D3 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses
51-52 2D6 Giant Spiders
53-54 1D6 Black Orcs
55-56 2 Chaos Dwarf Warriors 61-62 2D6
Hobgoblin Axemen 63-64 1D3 Ogre
65-66 Dafahl the Cruel Chaos Dwarf Champion & Minions
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Black Orcs 4 4 - 4 4 7 1 90 1 1 -
Bull Centaurs 8 4 - 4 4 12 2 410 2 2(5+) Magic Resistance 6+.
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 1 140 1 2(6+) Armed with Blunderbuss; Magic
Restistance 6+
Chaos Dwarf Warriors 3 4 - 3 4 8 1 140 1 2(6+) Magic Restistance 6+
Dafahl the Cruel Chaos Dwarf 3 4 - 4 4 12 2 450 1 2 Armed with Scimitar of Cruelty; Helm of
Champion Scorn; Magic Resistance 6+.

Giant Scorpions 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 25 1 1 Sting 1D3.

Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Hobogblin Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Bows
(Strength 3); Break.
Hobgoblin Axemen 4 3 - 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Break.
Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits 4 3 - 3 3 4 1 75 - 1 Ambush; Break, Curved Daggers.
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Zzuktarr Sundor 3 4 - 3 4 8 1 500 1 2(6+) Armed with Black Hammer of
Death; Magic Restistance 6+;
Sceptre of Aarton.

Special Rules
Scimitar of Cruelty. Dafahl wields the Scimitar of Curelty. After calculating the Damage from this scimitar, the target suffers 1 extra point of Damage with no modifiers for
Helm of Scorn. Dafahl wears the Helm of Scorn. Roll 1D6 for any strike that hits the wearer of this helmet. On a score of 6, the helmet absorbs the full ipact of the blow and the
wearer suffers no Damage.

Black Hammer of Death. Zzuktarr wields the Black Hammer of Death. If the To Hit roll against a Warrior is a 6 and the Damage roll is doubles, in addition to normal damage,
the Warrior must also deduct -1 from his Starting Wounds score permanently.
Sceptre of Aarton. Zzuktarr carries the Sceptre of Aarton. While Zzuktarr has the Sceptre, each time a Warrior rolls a 1 To Hit against him, the Warrior must subtract -1 from his
Movement. If the Warrior’s Movement ever reaches 0, he has turned to stone and Is removed from the game. If Zzuktarr is killed, the Warrior’s movement returns to normal.


11-12 1D3 Minotaurs
13-14 1D3+1 Chaos Warriors of Khorne
15-16 Vorl the Chaos Sorcerer
21-23 1D6 Beastmen
24-26 2D6 Giant Scorpions
31-33 2D6 Ungors
34-36 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Khorne
41-43 2D3 Chaos Hounds
44-46 1D6+2 Hobgoblin Archers
51-52 1D6+1 Chaos Thugs of Khorne
53-54 2D6 Giant Spiders
55-56 1D6+6 Ungors
61-62 2D3 Warhounds
63-64 Malmsteem Blackfog the Chaos Champion of Khorne
65-66 1D3 Centaurs
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Centaurs 8 3 3+ 3 4 12 2 300 - 2 Armed with Bows (Strength 4).
Malmsteem Blackfog the 4 5 - 4 4 15 2 600 1 1 Armed with Sword of Murder;
Champion of Khorne Breastplate of Tortured Souls.
Chaos Hounds 6 4 - 4 4 8 2 160 2 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up.
Chaos Thugs of Khorne 4 4 4+ 3 3 4 1 70 - 1 -
Chaos Warriors of Khorne 4 4 - 4 4 8 2 150 1 1 -
Giant Scorpions 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 25 1 1 Sting 1D3.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Hobogblin Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Bows
(Strength 3); Break.
Minotaurs 6 4 - 4 4 15 2 440 - 2 -
Ungors 4 3 - 3 3 2 1 35 - 1 Ambush; Break; Armed with Spears
(Fight in Ranks).
Vorl the Chaos Sorcerer 4 5 - 4 3 9 1 500 2 1 Magic Resistance 6+; Minions.
Warhounds 5 4 - 3 3 6 1 130 - 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up; Break.

Special Rules
Sword of Murder
Malmsteem carries the Sword of Murder which ignores all non-Magical Armour and causes 1 extra Wound.

Breastplate of Tortured Souls

Malmsteem also wears the Breastplate of Tortured Souls which increases his Toughness by 1. In addition, any time Malmsteem is hit, there is a chance that the
Chaos Gods will grasp deep into the attacker’s soul. Roll 1D6 each time a Warrior hits Malmsteem successfully. On a roll of 1 the Warrior must take a Skull
Counter. If a Warrior collects a total of three Skull Counter, he is corrupted by the power of Chaos and is removed from the game. If Malmsteem is killed the Warrior
may discard any Skull Counters collected.


11-12 1D3 Ogre Mercenaries
13-14 Spewz the Chaos Champion of Nurgle
15-16 Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle
21-23 2D6 Giant Spiders
24-26 1D6 Beastmen
31-32 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Nurgle with Bows 33-34
1D6 Skaven Plague Censer Bearers 35-36
1D6+2 Hobgoblin Archers
41-42 1D3 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle
43-44 2D6 Giant Rats
45-46 1D6+2 Plaguebearers 51-
52 2D6 Skaven Clanrats 53-
54 2D3 Nurglings
54-56 1D6+1 Skaven Plague Monks
61-62 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Nurgle
63-64 1D3+1 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle
65-66 1 Minotaur
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Chaos Thugs of Nurgle 4 4 4+ 3 3 6 1 70 - 1 Armed with Swords or Bows (Strength
Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle 4 4 - 4 4 12 1 630 1 1 Magic Resist 6+; Minions, Nurgle’s Foul
Chaos Warriors of Nurgle 4 4 - 4 4 8 2 150 1 1 -
Giant Rats 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 20 - S Deathleap.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Hobogblin Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Bows
(Strength 3); Break.
Minotaurs 6 4 - 4 4 15 2 440 - 2 -
Nurglings 4 3 - 3 3 2 2 50 - 1 Ambush; Gang Up; Plague.
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Plagubearers of Nurgle 4 5 - 4 3 9 2 200 - 1 Daemonic; Plague.
Skaven Clanrats 5 3 - 3 3 3 1 40 - 1 -
Skaven Plague Censer Bearers 5 4 - 4 4 4 1 150 - 1 Armed with Plague Censers.

Skaven Plague Monks 5 3 - 3 3 5 2 60 - 1 Frenzy 4+.

Spewz the Chaos Champion of 5 4 - 4 4 16 2 550 - 1 Facets -1; Fly.

Special Rules
Nurgle’s Foul Odour Facets
The horrible stench that surrounds the Chaos Sorcerer means that anyone Each of Spewz’s eyes contains 4,000 facets, or lens-like visual units, which
attacking him suffers a -1 penalty To Hit for all of their hand-to-hand attacks. allow him to sense movement in all directions. This makes him
extremely hard to hit therefore any Warrior attacking Spewz is -1 To Hit.


11-12 1 Fiend of Slaanesh
13-14 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Slaanesh
15-16 Mara Xall the Chaos Sorceress of Slaanesh
21-23 1D6+2 Hobgoblin Archers
24-26 1D6 Beastmen
31-33 1D3 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh
34-36 2D3 Warhounds
41-43 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Slaanesh with Bows
44-46 1D3 Harpies
51-53 2D6 Giant Spiders
54-56 2D6 Giant Scorpions
61-62 Kolos the Masochist the Chaos Champion of Slaanesh
63-64 1D3 Ogre Mercenaries
65-66 1 Daemonette of Slaanesh
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Chaos Thugs of Slaanesh 4 4 4+ 3 3 6 1 70 - 1 Armed with Swords or Bows (Strength
Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh 150
4 4 - 4 4 8 2 1 1 -

Daemonettes of Slaanesh 4 6 - 4 3 15 3 300 - 1 Ambush 5+; Daemonic; Magic

Resistance 6+.
Fiends of Slaanesh 6 3 - 3 3 8 3 250 - 1 Aura of Slaanesh; Daemonic.
Giant Scorpions 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 25 1 1 Sting 1D3.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Harpies 5 4 - 4 4 8 2 200 - 1 Ambush.
Hobogblin Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Bows
(Strength 3); Break.
Kolos the Masochist Chaos 4 4 - 5 3 13 2 575 - 2 Armed with Flail of Anguish; Ignore Pain
Champion of Slaanesh 2; Minions.

Mara Xall the Chaos Sorceress 4 4 - 4 4 8 1 600 - 1 Allure of Slaanesh; Magic Resist 5+;
of Slaanesh Minions; Slaanesh Magic 1.
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Warhounds 5 4 - 3 3 6 1 130 - 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up; Break.

Special Rules
Allure of Slaanesh
Mara Xall’s presence is so captivating and alluring that any Warrior who attacks her in combat is -1 To Hit.


Flail of Anguish
Kolos wields the Flail of Anguish. If his To Hit roll is a natural 6, Kolos causes 3D6 Wounds instead of 2D6 modified for Toughness and Armour as usual.


11-12 1 Screamer of Tzeentch
13-14 1D3 Ogre Mercenaries
15-16 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Tzeentch
21-22 1D3 Centaurs
23-24 2D3 Chaos Hounds
25-26 1D3 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch
31-33 1D6 Chaos Thugs of Tzeentch with Bows
34-36 2D6 Giant Spiders
41-43 1D6+2 Hobgoblin Archers 43-46
1D6 Blue Horrors of Tzeentch 51-
52 1 Minotaur
53-54 Zenndo Galt the Chaos Champion of Tzeentch
55-56 1D3 Harpies
61-62 1D3+1 Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch
63-64 1D6 Beastmen
65-66 Valk Noosen Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch 4 3 - 3 3 4 1 100 - 1 Daemonic; Magic Resistance 6+.
Centaurs 8 3 3+ 3 4 12 2 300 - 2 Armed with Bows (Strength 4).
Chaos Hounds 6 4 - 4 4 8 2 160 2 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up.
Chaos Thugs of Tzeentch 4 4 4+ 3 3 6 1 70 - 1 Armed with Swords or Bows (Strength
Chaos Warriors of Tzeentch 4 4 - 4 4 8 2 150 1 1 -

Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.

Harpies 5 4 - 4 4 8 2 200 - 1 Ambush.
Hobogblin Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Bows
(Strength 3); Break.
Minotaurs 6 4 - 4 4 15 2 440 - 2 -
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Screamer of Tzeentch 6 3 - 4 4 13 1 370 - 2 Daemonic; Fly.
Valk Noosen Chaos Sorcerer 4 5 - 4 3 9 1 650 2 1 Magic Resist 5+; Minions; Tzeentch
of Tzeentch Magic 1.
Zendo Galt Chaos Champion 4 5 - 4 4 15 2 700 1 2 Magic Resist 5+.
of Tzeentch


11-12 Raith Darkfoot Dark Elf Assassin
13-14 1D3 Ogre Mercenaries
15-16 1D3+1 Witch Elves
21-22 1D6+2 Dark Elf Crossbowmen
23-24 2D3 Warhounds
25-26 2D6 Hobgoblin Axemen
31-33 1D6+2 Shades
34-36 1D6+2 Black Ark Corsairs
41-42 1D6 Witch Elves
43-44 1D6 Beastmen
45-46 1D6 Naggaroth Black Guards
51-52 1D6 Dark Elf Warriors
53-54 1D6+2 Dark Elf Crossbowmen
55-56 1D3 Harpies
61-62 1 Ogre Mercenary
63-64 1D6 Dark Elf Warriors & 1D6 Dark Elf Crossbowmen
65-66 Demona Ryme the Beastmaster
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Beastmen 4 4 - 3 4 6 1 100 - 1 Throw Spears.
Black Ark Corsairs 5 4 - 3 3 6 1 120 1 1 Dodge; Dragon Cloak; Hate Elves.
Dark Elf Crossbowmen 5 4 3+ 3 3 6 1 100 1 1 Armed with Crossbow (Strength 4);
Dodge; Hate Elves.
Dark Elf Warriors 5 4 3+ 3 3 6 1 100 1 1 Dodge; Hate Elves.
Demona Ryme the 300 Armed with Whip of Obedience; Beast
5 4 - 3 3 6 1 1 1
Beastmasater Handler; Hate Elves.
Harpies 5 4 - 4 4 8 2 200 - 1 Ambush.
Hobgoblins 4 3 - 3 3 4 1 50 1 1 Ambush, Magic A; Break.
Naggaroth Black Guards 5 5 - 4 3 6 1 150 2 1 Armed with Halberd (Fight in Ranks);
Hate Elves.
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 - 4 5 13 2 400 - 2(5+) -
Raith Darkfoot Dark Elf 5 6 - 3 3 7 1+1 370 - 1 Ambush, Magic 6+; Assassinate 6+;
Assassin Disappear 6+; Dodge 5+; Hate Elves;
Never Pinned.
Shades 5 3 - 3 3 4 1 75 - 1 Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Repeater
Crossbow (Strenght 3); Break; Dodge 6+.

Warhounds 5 4 - 3 3 6 1 130 - 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up; Break.

Witch Elves 5 4 - 3 3 11 1 140 - 1 Frenzy 4+; Hate Elves.

Special Rules
Whip of Obedience. Demona wields the Whip of Obedience and is placed as a missile troop. She may make as many Attacks as listed in her profile, can attack up to
3 squares away (passed models or obstacles and around corners) and causes 1D6+5 Wounds.
Beast Handler. Demona is always accompanied by the Guardian Wardog. (See Julong the Guardian Wardog Special Card for more details).

Disappear. Roll 1D6 at the end of each turn. If the result is a 6, then temporarily remove Raith off the Board. He will reappear at the beginning of the next Monsters’
Phase, where he attacks as normal.


11-12 1D6 Wild Cave Squigs
13-14 1D3+1 Goblin Wolf Riders
15-16 4 Goblin Netters & 4 Goblin Clubbers
21-23 1D6 Goblin Archers & Sloop the Goblin Fanatic Boss
24-26 Jutter the Goblin Shaman & Minions
31-33 6 Goblin Spearmen
34-36 1D6+6 Snotlings
41-43 1D6 Goblin Swordsmen & 2D6 Snotlings
44-46 6 Goblin Archers
51-53 1D3 Squig Hunters with Cave Squig
54-56 6 Goblin Swordsmen
61-62 1D6 Goblin Spearmen &1D6 Goblin Archers
63-64 3 Goblin Fanatics
65-66 Klonk the Goblin Boss & Minions
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Goblin Fanatics 4 2 - 3 3 2 S 300 - 1 Goblin Fanatic Attack.
Goblin Squig Hunters & Cave 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 25 - 1 Herd Squigs; Never Pinned. Never
Squigs S 4 - 5 3 3 2 200 - 1 Pinned.
Goblin Archers 4 2 5+ 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Bows (Strength 1).
Goblin Netters & Goblin 1 25 S Armed with Nets. Armed
4 2 - 3 3 2 -
Clubbers 1 20 1 with Clubs.
Goblin Spearmen 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Spears (Fight In Ranks).

Goblin Swordsmen 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 -
Goblin Wolf Riders & Giant 4 4 - 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Spears; Rider.
Wolves 9 2 - 3 3 4 1 70 - 1 -
Jutter the Goblin Shaman 4 2 - 3 4 3 1 280 - 1 Goblin Magic 1.
& Minions
Klonk the Goblin Boss & 4 3 - 4 3 6 2 150 2 1 Magic Weapon.
Sloop the Goblin Fanatic Boss 4 2 - 3 3 2 S 300 - 1 Goblin Fanatic Attack.

Snotlings 4 1 - 1 1 1 1 10 - 1 Ambush; Gang Up.

Wild Cave Squigs S 4 - 5 3 3 2 200 - 1 Never Pinned; Wild Squig Attack.

2 WAAAGH!: Roll 1D6 for each Warrior and 1D6 for Shaman. If Warrior’s roll is equal to or less than Shaman, Warrior is knocked to the ground for 1 turn, during
which time he may do nothing. Monsters are +2 To Hit Warrior.
3 ‘ERE WE GO: 1 Monster gets +1 Attacks this turn, another Monster gets +1 Toughness next turn. 4 FIST OF GORK: 1D3
hits at Shaman’s Strength +2
5 DA KRUNCH: Warrior suffers 1D6+5 Wounds 6


11-12 Molvar the Wraith Lord
13-14 Vyktrina the Wailing Banshee
15-16 1 Carrion
21-23 1D6 Skeletons Archers
24-26 2D6 Giant Bats
31-33 2D6 Ghouls
34-36 1D6 Skeleton Spearmen
41-43 1D6 Dire Wolves
44-46 2D6 Spirit Hosts
51-53 1D6 Skeleton Swordsmen
54-56 1D6 Fell Bats
61-63 1D6+3 Zombies
64-66 2D6 Giant Spiders
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Carrion 8 3 - 3 3 10 3+ 450 - 1 Carrion Attack; Fly.
Dire Wolves 6 3 - 3 3 7 1 120 - 1 Ambush; Gang Up.
Fell Bats 4 2 - 3 3 3 1 50 - 1 Blood Suck; Fly.
Ghouls 4 2 - 3 4 4 2 80 - 1 Break.
Giant Bats 8 2 - 2 2 1 1 15 - 1 Ambush; Fly.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Molvar the Wraith Lord 4 4 - 3 4 16 2 475 - S Ambush; Ethereal 1.
Skeleton Archers 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Bow (Strength 3);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Spearmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Spear (Fight in Ranks);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Swordsmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Regenerate 1.
Spirit Hosts 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 30 - 1 Ethereal 1.
Vyktrina the Wailing Banshee 4 3 - 3 4 9 1 400 - 1 Deathly Howl; Ethereal 1.

Zombies 4 2 - 3 3 5 1 40 - 1 -

Special Rules
Blood Suck. If a Fell Bat’s attack is successful, it casues an extra Wound with no modifiers for anything. If this causes a Warrior to drop to zero Wounds, then he
is dead and removed from the game.


Special Attack. If both of Molvar’s regular attacks hit in a single turn, combine the Damage into a single Attack. Movlar ignores an opponent’s Armour when
determining Damage.
Note: If the Warriors encounter Molvar as an Event and “kill” him, he will reappear in the Ojbective Room.


Deathly Howl. At the start of the Monsters’ Phase, before she makes her regular attacks, roll 1D6 for Vyktrin’as Deathly Howl. Each Warrior must subtract their
Toughness from the score, with the difference being the amount of Wonds the Warrior takes with no modifiers for anything. A Warrior who suffers any
Wounds must roll another 1D6. If the result is a 1, he must subtract -1 from his Starting Wounds score permanently.



11-13 1D6 Wild Cave Squigs
14-16 1D6 Orcs & 1D6 Night Goblin Archers 21-23
Skabnoze the Shaman with Minions 24-26
1D6 Black Orcs
31-33 3 Gorgut’s Big’Uns
34-36 4 Goblin Netters & 4 Goblin Clubbers 41-46
1D6 Goblin Archers & 1 Goblin Fanatic 51-53
1D3+1 Goblin Wolf Riders
54-56 2 Squig Hunters with Cave Squig
61-63 Gogut & Minions
64-66 3 Goblin Fanatics

Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Black Orcs 4 4 - 4 4 7 1 90 1 1 -
Goblin Fanatics 4 2 - 3 3 2 S 300 - 1 Goblin Fanatic Attack.
Goblin Wolf Riders & Giant 4 4 - 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Spears; Rider.
Wolves 9 2 - 3 3 4 1 70 - 1 -
Gorgut & Minions 4 4 - 4 4 12 2 400 1 1 Minions; Ring of Magical Protection.

Gorgut’s Big’Uns 4 4 - 4 4 5 1(1) 100 1 1 Extra Attack; ‘Eadbutt.

Night Goblin Archer 4 2 5+ 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Bows (Strength 1).
Night Goblin Netters & Night 1 25 S Armed with Nets. Armed
Goblin Clubbers 4 2 - 3 3 2 -
1 20 1 with Clubs.
Orcs 4 3 - 3 4 3 1 55 - 1 -
Squig Hunters & Trained 4 2 - 3 3 2 1 25 - 1 Herd Squigs; Never Pinned. Never
Cave Squigs S 4 - 5 3 3 2 200 - 1 Pinned.
Skabnoze the Shaman & 4 3 - 3 5 7 1 300 - 1 Minions; Ring of Invisibility.
Wild Cave Squig S 4 - 5 3 3 2 200 - 1 Never Pinned; Wild Squig Attack.

Special Rules
Gorguts always travels around with 3 Big”uns (see Big’Uns rules below and a bodyguard of minions – see Orcs & Goblins Minions Special Card. gorgut wears
armous that give him +1 Toughness and a magical ring.
Ring of Magical Protection. During any Power Phase that Gorgu is around and alive, the Wizard rolls for Power as normal then one of the other players rolls 1D6
and subtracts the score from the Power roll. This is now the amount of Power the Wizard can use. An Unexpected Event, still only occurs if a 1 was rolled in the
Power Phase.


Ring of Invisibility. Once he gets to 0 wounds, Skabnoze will put on the ring and vanish – his minions will fight on. Remove Skagnoze from the Board and roll 1D6.
On a score of 1, shuffle this card back into the Event deck; he may turn up again! Otherwise, he may turn up in the Objective Room. 300 gold for knocking Skabnoze to
zero Wounds.

These Big’Uns have been specially trained to protect Gorgut. They wear iron armour, giving them +1 Toughness. If Gorgut is on the same Board Section as the
Big’Uns they each get an extra Attack.
‘Eadbutt. If a Big’Un rolls a natural 6 when rolling To Hit with its sword, it gives the Warrior an ‘Eadbutt as well for a further 1D6 Damage!


11-12 Axmudd – Savage Orc Boss
13-14 Gigantic Spider
15-16 1D6 Savage Orc Archers
21-23 2D6 Giant Spiders
24-26 1D6 Forest Goblins & 1D6 Savage Orc Archers
31-33 2 Savage Orc Boar Boyz
34-36 1D6 Savage Orcs
41-43 1D3+1 Goblin Wolf Riders
44-46 4 Goblin Netters & Clubbers
51-53 1D3 Savage Orcs & 1D3 Savage Orc Archers
54-56 2D6 Snotlings
61-62 1D6 Savage Orcs & 1D6 Forest Goblin Archers
63-64 2D3 Savage Orc Archers
65-66 Munk – Savage Orc Shaman
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Axemudd the Savage Orc Boss 4 4 4 4 4 15 2 475 - 2 Tattoos 5+.

Forest Goblins 4 2 5+ 3 3 2 1 20 - 1 Armed with Axe or Sword.

Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - S Web (1D3).
Gigantic Spiders 5 3 - S 4 20 2 450 - S Web (1D6).
Goblin Netters & Goblin 25 Armed with Nets. Armed
4 2 5+ 3 3 2 1 - 1
Clubbers 20 with Clubs.
Goblin Wolf Riders & Giant 4 2 5+ 3 3 2 20 - 1 Armed with Clubs; Riders.
Wolves 9 4 - 3 3 4 70 - 1 -
Munk the Savage Orc Shaman 4 3 4+ 3 5 12 550 - 1 Magic Restistance 6+; Minions; Munk
w/Minions Magic 1; Tattoos 5+.
Savage Orc Archers 4 3 4+ 3 3 5 1 65 - 1 Armed with Bows (Strength 4).
Savage Orc Boar Boyz 4 3 4+ 3 3 5 1 65 - 1 Armed with Swords; Riders.
& War Boar 7 4 - 3 3 10 1 20 -
Savage Orcs 4 3 4+ 3 3 5 1 65 - 1 Armed with Clubs.
Snotlings 4 1 - 1 1 1 1 10 - S Ambush; Gang Up.


11-12 1 Rat Ogre
13-14 1 Skaven Warlock & Minions
15-16 1D6 Plague Monks
21-23 1D6+2 Gutter Runners
24-26 2D6 Clanrats
31-33 1D3+1 Poison Wind Globadiers 34-
36 1D6 Clanrats & 1D6 Giant Rats 41-
43 1D6 Plague Censer Bearers 44-46
1D6+3 Stormvermin
51-53 1D6 Gutter Runners
54-56 2D6 Giant Rats
61-63 1D6+2 Plague Monks
64-66 1 Assassin
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Assassins 6 5 - 4 3 7 2 275 - 1 Ambush; Asassinate 6+.
Clanrats 5 3 - 3 3 3 1 40 - 1 -
Giant Rats 6 2 - 2 3 1 1 20 - S Deathleap.
Gutter Runners 6 4 - 4 3 5 1 120 - 1 Ambush 4+.
Plague Censer Bearers 5 4 - 4 4 4 1 150 - 1 Armed with Plague Censers.
Plague Monks 5 3 - 3 3 5 2 60 - 1 Frenzy 4+.
Poison Wind Globadiers 5 3 - 3 3 4 1 200 - 1 Armed with Poison Wind Globes.
Rat Ogre 6 4 - 5 5 20 2 500 - 2 -
Stormvermin 5 4 - 4 3 5 1 95 1 1 Armed with Halbers (Fight in
Warlock 5 3 - 3 4 15 1 450 - 2 Minions (Guards); Skaven Magic 1.

Special Rules
An Assassin ignores Armour when calculating Damage and ignores Toughness if the To Hit roll is a 6.


11-13 Van Damneg the Dread King
14-16 1D6+3 Skeleton Archers
21-23 1D3 Tomb Guardians
24-26 1D6 Skeleton Spearmen & 1D6 Skeleton Archers
31-33 Gunther Laranscheld Evil Necromancer
34-36 1D6+3 Zombies
41-43 1 Tomb Guardian
44-46 1D6 Skeleton Spearmen
51-53 2D6 Ghouls
54-56 1D6+3 Skeletons
61-63 Luthor, Laranscheld’s Hunchback Servant
64-66 1 Carrion
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Carrion 8 3 - 3 3 10 3+ 450 - 1 Carrion Attack; Fly.
Ghouls 4 2 - 3 4 4 2 80 - 1 Break.
Gunther Laranscheld Evil 4 4 - 4 3 15 2 550 - 1 Grimoire Necris; Minions; Necromantic
Necromancer Magic 1.
Luthor, Laranscheld’s 4 3 - 5 5 3 1 300 - 1 Ignore Blow 6+;
Hunchback Servant
Skeleton Archers 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Bow (Strength 3);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Spearmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Spear (Fight in Ranks);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Swordsmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Regenerate 1.
Tomb Guardians 4 3 - 3 3 15 1 110 1 1 Regenerate 1.
Van Damneg the Dread King - 5 - 4 4 18 1 700 - 2 Minions; Necromantic Magic 1.

Zombies 4 2 - 3 3 5 1 40 - 1 -

Special Rules
Special Attack
Whenever you draw the Luthor Event Card, determine who Luthor attacks as normal. Luthor makes his attacks immediately, as soon as he is placed on the board.
After resolving Luthor's attacks roll a dice. On a roll of 1 Luthor stays and fights as normal. On a roll of 2 or more Luthor vanishes into the darkness and is removed.
If Luthor disappears put his Event Card to one side for the moment. From now on, any time an Unexpected Event occurs, Luthor will attack as well, using the rules
above. If Luthor's card is in play when you come across Gunther Laranscheld, the hunchback has fetched his master.

Place Luthor on the board next to Laranscheld. He will stay and fight automatically there is no chance he will run off into the darkness.

Tomb Guardians do not leave the Board Section they are placed on.


If you roll Van Damneg as an Unexpected Event, re-roll this result. If the Warriors have just entered a room, place the Dread King in a corner as far away from the
Warriors as possible, then place his minions.


11-13 1D6 Dire Wolves
14-16 1D6 Skeletons Archers
21-23 2D6 Giant Bats
24-26 2D6 Ghouls
31-33 1D6 Skeleton Spearmen 34-
36 Anastazia the Banshee 41-43
1 Carrion
44-46 1D6 Skeleton Swordsmen
51-53 1D6 Fell Bats
54-56 1D6+3 Zombies
61-63 2D6 Giant Spiders
64-66 Ricardo Mendiola the Singing Maestro
Monster Type M WS BS S T W A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Anastazia the Banshee 4 3 - 3 4 9 1 400 - 1 Deathly Howl; Ethereal 1.
Armand Vespin the Wight Lord 4 3 - 3 4 12 1 500 1 1 Armed with Axe of Dominion.

Carrion 8 3 - 3 3 10 3+ 450 - 1 Carrion Attack; Fly.

Dire Wolves 6 3 - 3 3 7 1 120 - 1 Ambush; Gang Up.
Fell Bats 4 2 - 3 3 3 1 50 - 1 Blood Suck; Fly.
Ghouls 4 2 - 3 4 4 2 80 - 1 Break.
Giant Bats 8 2 - 2 2 1 1 15 - 1 Ambush; Fly.
Giant Spiders 6 2 - S 2 1 1 15 - 1D3 Web.
Ricardo Mendiola the Singing 4 4 - 5 4 16 2 750 - 1 Ambush; Maestro Magic 1; Magic
Maestro Resistance 6+; Minions; Fly.
Skeleton Archers 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Bow (Strength 3);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Spearmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Armed with Spear (Fight in Ranks);
Regenerate 1.
Skeleton Swordsmen 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 1 80 - 1 Regenerate 1.
Zombies 4 2 - 3 3 5 1 40 - 1 -

Special Rules
Axe of Dominion.
Armand carries his family’s powerful axe. Inscribed upon the blade is a rune of power. Each time Armand is hit in Combat, roll 1D6. On a 5+ the Axe of Dominion
causes double Damage.

If the Warriors do not encounter and defeat Armand Vespin as an Event, then he will appear in the Objective Room.


Deathly Howl.
At the start of the Monsters’ Phase, before she makes her regular attacks, roll 1D6 for Vyktrin’as Deathly Howl. Each Warrior must subtract their Toughness from
the score, with the difference being the amount of Wonds the Warrior takes with no modifiers for anything. A Warrior who suffers any Wounds must roll another
1D6. If the result is a 1, he must subtract -1 from his Starting Wounds score permanently.

If the Warriors do not encounter and defeat Anastazia as an Event, then she will appear in the Objective Room.

Seven years after its conception, the Ultimate
Adventure Book has finally come to fruition!

The Ultimate Adventure Book brings

together Adventures from
Warhammer Quest and its expansion packs
as well as the pages of White Dwarf
magazine and presents them in an easy to
use format. There are also more than 45
new Adventures, new Special Quests, a
collection of Special Rules and foe-
Monster Tables with which to
enhance your games of Warhammer Quest.

With the accompanying PDF files, the

Ultimate Adventure Book is loaded with
new event cards to add unique atmosphere
to your dungeons, new equipment and
treasure cards with which to outfit and
reward your Warriors, as well as new
villains and monsters for them to encounter.

Several new, highly detailed board sections

were commissioned for this project to add
new elements to your dungeon finales!

Although written for Warriors

starting out on their very first quest,
the framework of the Ultimate
Adventure Book was designed to be easily
customised to accommodate any level of

Go forth, heroes - adventure awaits!

.J ::i:::::>--"

you to use in your games of Warhammer Quest! These newu
This supplement provides many new Settlement Events for
results have been combined with the original ones and all
have been appropriately separated into tables which are
based upon the size of the Settlement the Warriors are
Placing Monsters Once they have been placed, their turn is over and they Roll 1D6 and score equal or over the model’s Ballistic Skill
The first time monsters appear the leader places them; then cannot move or fight until the Monsters’ phase of the next (BS) value, or the value on the monster’s Event card.
SETUP the player to his right, and so on. turn.
If the shot is a hit, work out Wounds the same way as for
Monsters placed in the Power phase of the current turn
Each player chooses the Warrior he is going to play and takes A group of monsters must always be shared equally as hand- to-hand combat, but use the Strength of the weapon.
can move and fight, however.
the appropriate Warrior card, an Adventure Record sheet, the possible among the warriors. Position each model facing the When more than one monster shoots, work out how many
Warrior model, and the warrior’s starting equipment: the warrior it is attacking. Different types of monsters must be Moving and Fighting
hits there are before dividing them equally amongst eligible
Lantern for the Barbarian, the Rope for the Dwarf, the shared evenly as well. If there are monsters that cannot be Monsters always attack the warriors. targets, drawing warrior counters for any odd hits.
Healing Potion for the Elf and the Hand of Death Scroll for divided equally, draw Warrior counters randomly to allocate
– if pinned, a monster stays where it is and fights. Death and Unconsciousness
the Wizard. them. If there are no spaces left next to warriors, place
remaining ones as close as possible on empty spaces on the – if it has a missile weapon and can see a target, it shoots. When a monster is killed, place it on the Adventure Record
Each player rolls their Starting Wounds (their maximum for the same or an adjacent board section. sheet of the warrior who slew it. Record Wounds on
game) and writes the number on their Record. A 1 may be – if it has a missile weapon but cannot see a target, it moves monsters still alive by using a small die next to the model.
rolled again, but the second result must be kept. If the warriors have split up onto different board sections, to see one and then shoots.
draw a Warrior counter to determine where the monsters When a warrior’s Wounds are reduced to 0 he is
The Wizard shuffles the Spell cards into their 3 decks appear and place them on that board section. – if it does not have a missile weapon or has one but unconscious; place the model on its side. If he is not
(Attack, Defense and Healing) and chooses 1 card randomly cannot move to see a target, it moves toward a warrior, healed by the end of that turn, he dies and the player is out
from each deck. Then roll D6 and take that many Power Monsters armed with missile weapons are placed as far and attacks him if it can. of the game.
Tokens. A 1 may be rolled again, but the second result must away as possible from the warriors on the same or adjoining
section, but still able to see their target. Models with missile Monsters move and attack by dividing up among the warriors Deathblow
be kept.
weapons can only shoot at targets to which they have line of as equally as possible, the same as for initial placement. If a warrior kills a monster with a single blow and there is
Sort the board sections into 3 piles: dungeon rooms, sight (LOS). Determine LOS by drawing a line between the They move in the same way as warriors and are pinned in another monster standing adjacent to it and still in attack range,
objectives and corridors. Take the 3 card decks (Dungeon, centres of the firer’s and target’s squares – if this passes the same way, but cannot escape from pinning. roll to hit and wound the second monster as normal. If it is
Event and Treasure), remove the 5 objective room cards from through a wall, the LOS is blocked. Monsters and warriors do killed the blow can carry on to another monster, and so on.
The First Attack Rule
the Dungeon deck, shuffle each deck and place them face 2. WARRIORS' PHASE
down on the table. Monsters placed to attack a warrior will always try to fight SPELLCASTING
Beginning with the Warrior and followed by the Elf, Wizard that warrior when they make their first attack. If the warrior
Pick 1 objective room card at random; the rest are not used. The Wizard may cast any of his spells any time in a turn
and Dwarf (leader followed by descending Initiative order), has moved away, the monster will follow and attack if it
Roll D6 to select an adventure from among those featuring by expending Power equal to the spell’s Casting
each player takes a turn. possibly can. Once this first turn is over, the normal rules
that room in the Adventure Book. are used for determining who a monster attacks.
If the players are missing the Barbarian, one of the other 4. EXPLORATION PHASE Attack spells can only be cast during the Warriors’ phase
Draw 6 Dungeon cards and shuffle in the objective room card, warriors must carry the lantern and be the party leader. If the (but even during another player’s turn). You may never
then deal 6 more Dungeon cards on top of these. The Barbarian is killed another warrior takes it and becomes the Only the leader can explore, and only if there are no monsters interrupt a hit however.
remaining Dungeon cards are not used. leader. on the board section the leader is on, and the leader is next to
a doorway leading to an unknown part of the dungeon. A Wizard’s Power Tokens can be used for extra Power, but
Turn the top card from this 13 card Dungeon deck and place The lantern illuminates the section the leader is on and all once used they are gone for the rest of the game.
the corresponding board section in the middle of the table adjacent sections. Any warrior moving beyond this is lost The leader player declares he is exploring and takes the top
with the doorways attached as indicated. Place the leader card of the Dungeon deck. Take the appropriate board
and removed from the game.
model section and clip it to the doorway. Warriors are not Once the combat is over, players can trade in the monsters
on any square and the rest on the board, on any square, in Moving and Fighting obligated to enter the new section. they killed for their value in Gold (as indicated on the Event
Initiative order from highest to lowest. A warrior may move a number of squares in any direction up
Dividing Ways card).
to his Move (M), and then attack a monster in an adjacent
SEQUENCE OF PLAY square. He may not move through another model or obstacle, If you find a T-junction, place it as normal, then divide the Once all outstanding Events are completed, the warriors
and may not move diagonally between squares if one of the Dungeon deck, dealing out one card at a time to each receive a Treasure card for each event, unless otherwise
1. Power Phase adjacent squares between them is a wall. corridor from the bottom of the deck until you have 2 indicated on the card. Treasures must be shared out equally.
The Wizard rolls for his Power level that turn. separate decks. If the warriors run out of cards or reach the Any left at the end of the adventure can be traded in for their
Unexpected Events may occur. Warriors must halt when they move next to a doorway that end of one route without finding the Objective room, they value in gold.
leads to another section. When a warrior moves onto a new must retrace their steps or abandon their quest.
2. Warriors’ Phase section for the first time and completes his movement, his turn When a warrior is killed all his gold and treasure cards ar
Warriors can move, fight monsters, and explore.
ends. The warriors may leave the dungeon via the entrance if
they wish.
Combat may last several turns; work through the Power, The items of starting equipment that each warrior carries
3. Monsters’ Phase A warrior may not fight a monster in an adjacent square and may be used at any time. To use an item on another warrior,
Warriors’ and Monsters’ phases as normal until the monsters
Monsters on the board may move and fight. shoot at it in the same turn. the models do not have to be next to each other or even on
are killed.
Pinning the same section.
4. Exploration Phase Hand-to-Hand Combat
A warrior is pinned and may not move if there is a monster in Warriors can also find and use Treasure cards during the
Warriors may try to see what is beyond an unexplored A model may fight any opponent in an adjacent square; turn
an adjacent square at the start of the Warriors’ phase. A game. Armour, a shield or weapons can be used immediately.
doorway. the models to face each other.
warrior may not use a missile weapon while pinned. He may Armour or weapons cannot be lent to other warriors, but
1. POWER PHASE however turn to face any direction. If a model has multiple Attacks (A) he may strike several they can
Wizard’s Power times in a turn. A warrior may split the atacks between 2 or be given to other warriors at the end of a turn if there are
To escape from pinning and move normally a warrior must roll
The Wizard player rolls 1D6 to determine his Power level for more enemies. A monster must use all of them against one no monsters on the board.
a die and score at least his pinning value (only one roll is
the turn, indicating it with a small red die in the Current warrior.
3. MONSTERS' PHASE A warrior can carry as many items as desired, but only one set
Power box on his card. At the end of a turn any used Power is Roll 1D6 and score equal or over the number shown of armour, shield, and weapon can be used during any one
lost. When a new dungeon room (objective rooms have special on the model’s combat table versus the enemy’s WS.
rules) is entered for the first time, draw a card from the WINNING
Unexpected Events Event deck. If the strike is a hit, roll 1D6, add the attacker’s Strength,
The Objective room is the final goal of the warriors; do not
If the Wizard player rolls a 1, turn over the top card of the and subtract the opponent’s Toughness.
Events (E) are resolved immediately. If monsters (M) are take an Event card, but follow the instructions in the Adventure
Event deck and follow the instructions. If the Wizard is dead,
revealed, take the indicated number of monsters and put Some weapons and monsters cause extra damage, and Book.
another player rolls this die to see if there is an Event.
them in the room (even if the warriors are split up). armour may add to an opponent’s Toughness.
Once the adventure is complete, players cash in any Treasure
Events (E) are resolved immediately.
If there is not enough space, leftover monsters may be Shooting cards they have left for gold, and count their treasure. All the
Monsters (M) mean the warriors have been attacked: take placed in adjoining board sections. Share monsters equally A model with a missile weapon may only shoot if he is not warriors win by completing the adventure, but the amount of
the indicated number of monsters and put them on the among warriors as usual. adjacent to (and therefore not pinned by) an enemy. He gold won by each warrior is the measure of individual
Movement If it is a space adjacent to the cannon, the You must eliminate the unit inside the tower
target is automatically destroyed. If it is further to take possession of it; only one unit may
Units may move 1 space into any adjacent afield, shuffle the 10 Cannon tiles and turn occupy the tower.
space, but may not cross an obstacle. them over one at a time, placing them faceup in
Cannon tiles affect units inside the tower as
the next adjacent space of your choice (as long
Only 1 unit may occupy a space at a time, normal. However, any Explosion hit on a unit
Setup as each tile keeps heading in the direction of
and units may not move through other units. in the tower damages the tower as well.
the target).
Wold Riders Double Move Card The Wolf Each time it is hit by a Explosion, it receives
One player is the Imperial Army player and the
Riders Flying Cannon Ball: No effect, continue 1 Rubble token. When it is hit for a third
other is the Forces of Chaos player. The
may move 2 spaces before attacking. placing tiles. time, it is removed from the game. The
Imperial player takes the 10 Mighty Cannon
tower is not damaged by a Bouncing Ball
cards. The Chaos player takes the 6 Ogre Bouncing Cannon Ball: Any unit in the space
Whole Army Move Card You may move and tile.
Champion cards. is dealt 1 skull token. Continue placing tiles.
attack with all your units (except the Imperial The Battle Scenarios
Lay out the Battle mat. One player sets up as player’s Cannon and the Chaos player’s Ogre). Explosion: Any unit in the space is destroyed.
many or as few of the terrain features as he Combat No more tiles can be placed. There is no effect The scenarios are played using the normal
wishes (one item per space), and the other in an empty space. rules, and may be played in any order.
player chooses on which side of the mat he will Attacking
If the Imperial player successfully lays a path Play the scenarios in sequence for a
deploy his army. Players deploy their troops on Only units shown on the Battle card may
of tiles to the target, the Target tile is flipped campaign. After playing each scenario, the
opposite sides of the mat. attack, but only once per turn.
to reveal an Explosion: the target unit is winner is awarded a number of campaign
Beginning with the Chaos player, players take All units except Archers and Crossbowmen removed points. At the end of the campaign, the
turns placing units on the map along the 2 rows may only attack opponents in an adjacent from the battlefield. If an Explosion tile is player with the most points is the overall
of spaces along their side of the map and any space. placed before reaching the target, the attempt winner.
partial spaces on the very edge of the mat. has failed.
The number of Combat dice the attacker rolls When fighting a campaign, any unit that
Units may be placed onto any space, except
is shown on its base (its Combat value). After resolving the attack, remove all the survives a battle becomes an elite unit and is
those that already contain a unit, or a terrain
Cannon tiles from the battlefield. awarded
space that cannot be moved into. Each unit has 3 lives. For each skull that the
attacker rolls, the opponent’s unit receives 1 an elite unit token (place the token in the slot
Shuffle the Battle cards facedown. Exploding Cannon in the unit’s base). An elite unit which survives
skull token; once it has 3, it is removed from If the first Cannon tile turned over is an
Terrain Features the battlefield. a second battle does not get a second token.
Explosion, eliminate any unit in the space,
then shuffle the remaining tiles, draw one, Elite units roll 1 extra Combat die
River: No unit may enter a river space. Defending
and place it into the space with the Cannon. If Adding Reinforcements
Ford: You may only cross the river at a ford. All units can defend themselves against an
it is a Bouncing Ball, the cannon receives 1
The ford tile may be placed in any river space. attack by rolling a number of Combat dice Before deploying forces, both players agree on
skull token. If it is a Flying Ball, nothing
equal to their Combat value. Each separate the maximum number of points they will use to
Hedges: These may be placed on any side of a happens. If it is an Explosion, the cannon is
attack can be defended against. make up each army. Player assemble their
hexagonal space, except where they would destroyed and removed from the battlefield.
Each shield that the defender rolls cancels armies using the point values given.
block a road. The Ogre Champion
out one of the skulls rolled by the attacker. The two armies don’t have to have exactly
Marsh: No unit may enter a space that When an Ogre Battle card is turned over, draw
Any unit (including the one standing on the the same total points value, but they should
contains a marsh. The marsh tile may be Ogre Champion cards one at a time. When a
ditch) that attacks another across a ditch rolls be as close as possible.
placed in any space, except one that contains Move card is drawn, he may move 1 space;
a road. 1 Combat die less, and the defending unit rolls
when an Attack card is drawn, he may attack
1 Combat die more. This does not apply to Imperial Army Point Values
Ditch: No unit may move across a ditch. Units an opponent in an adjacent space. He attacks
attacks by Archers and Crossbowmen.
can move into a ditch tile as long as they and defends as normal. Men-At-Arms 4
approach from an unbroken side. The ditch Archers and Crossbowmen When the last Ogre Champion card has been Crossbowmen 5
tile may be placed in any space, except one Archers and Crossbowmen may only move or drawn, the next Battle card can be drawn Archers 6
that contains a road or a river. attack, not both. from the deck. Imperial Knights 8
The Tower: The tower may be placed in any They may attack any unit within their For every skull token the Ogre gets, he draws 1 Lord Knights 9
space, except one that contains a road or a range: 2 spaces for Archers and 3 spaces less Ogre Champion card. Once he has 6 Mighty Cannon 10
Playing the Game for Crossbowmen. tokens, he is removed from the battlefield.
Roll Combat dice as normal; units may
On a player’s turn, he turns over the top card Imperial Lord 8
defend themselves as normal. The Tower
of the Battle deck.
Units shown on the card may move and then Charge Cards A unit that moves into the Tower space is Chaos Army Point Values
attack. Units do not have to move, but must When one of these cards is drawn, the unit(s) placed on top of the tower. Only standard
move before they attack. Archers and shown move as normal, but they may roll 1 infantry units (5 miniatures) may occupy the Goblins 4
Crossbowmen may only move or attack. extra Combat dice for any attack they make tower. Beastmen 4
If the card shows different units, they may be The Mighty Cannon The first player to reach the tower may take Chaos 4
moved in any order. Each resolves its possession of it. The Imperial player may only Bowmen Orcs 5
When a Mighty Cannon Battle card is turned
movement and attack before the next. If one take the tower with Men-At-Arms, Chaos Warriors 5
over, the Imperial Army player may either
of the units shown has been eliminated, the Crossbowmen, and Archers. The Chaos player Wold Riders 5
move the cannon 1 space or fire it.
surviving unit(s) may continue to do battle. may only take the tower with Chaos Warriors,
Ogre 8
The Cannon defends against attack as Chaos Bowmen, Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen.
When all the cards have been turned over, Champion 9
normal, rolling 2 Combat dice in defence.
reshuffle the Battle deck. If a card is drawn Units inside the tower may roll 1 extra Champions of Chaos
and the unit shown is no longer in play, discard To fire, choose a target and mark the target Combat die when attacking or defending. All
the card completely. by placing the Target tile on it. units that attack units inside the tower roll 1 Reinforcements 8
less Combat die than normal.
Setup Turn Sequence Once the direction of the wind is found the ship is
considered to be at that angle to the wind for the
Buy your Fleet, a Wizard and Man O’War cards, A 1. INITIATIVE Phase whole of its turn.
normal game is 1,000 points per side. Fleet
Roll a d6 to determine who goes first. On a All ships under sail which turn to face the wind
purchasing requirements vary for each race. Ships are
double the wind changes one position; clockwise must finish moving immediately after the turn.
either Man O Wars (MOW), Independents (IND) or
squadrons of 3 Ships of the Line (SOL). for evens, counter-clockwise for odds. Re-roll to A ship under sail that starts its movement against the
win initiative. wind may only make a single turn to face out of the
Draw the appropriate number of Magic cards per
House Rule: On double 5’s or 6’s the wind changes wind.
Wizard. The college colour of a Wizard is chosen
2 positions. Movement with oars
2. MAGIC Phase Ships using oars are not affected by the wind.
Man O’ War cards cost 25 points and are dealt
Starting player casts a spell and opponent may They may turn 90º on the spot by expending half
randomly and allocated to Man O’ War ships. No Man
attempt to dispel it, then vice-versa. their move and 180º by expending all; and may
O’ War may have more than one card with the same
symbol on it. row backwards up to 2” instead of a normal
3. BATTLE Phase
You do not get points back for cards you cannot use. move.
Starting with the player with the Initiative, players
Place an Admiral counter on each player’s command You may only move at Ramming speed if you make
take turns moving and fighting with a single MOW,
ship (must be a MOW). That ship is also dealt one no turns.
IND or squadron of SOL ships.
free Man O’ War card.
4. END Phase Ships with oars and rams may ram. The ship must
Place Crew counters equal to a ship’s Crew Strength move at least 3” in a straight line to the target.
on each ship template. Record keeping, replenish magic cards, check for
fires spreading and move stragglers. Damage is inflicted immediately according to the
Divide the player area into 2' square sections and roll ramming chart for that vessel, and then the ship
Roll Number of Terrain
Features The rule of one may fire its cannons and initiate a boarding action.
3-4 None
1 1 on a d6 roll always means failure despite
modifiers. 6 on a d6 roll always means success Obstructions
5 2
when rolling for saves despite modifiers. Any ship moving over a sandbank, rocks, terrain etc
6 3 ends movement, runs aground and must make a
Beginning with a random player each player takes a Magic below the waterline saving throw. If failed the ship
piece of terrain and places it in the section of his takes 1-3 points of below the waterline damage.
Roll the Casting number or higher to successfully
choice until all terrain features are placed. If starting the Battle Phase aground, roll 4+ to
cast or dispel a spell.
Decide which table edge is North and roll a dice: on 2, move away or be stuck until the next turn’s
The spell colour a spell can dispel is shown on attempt.
4 or 6 the wind is blowing North; otherwise South.
the bottom of the card. If a spell allows you to Collisions
Place the Wind Compass to indicate wind direction.
move an enemy ship you may not move it off the If a ship touches another, movement ends. A ram
The highest rolling player chooses to set up on the table. or boarding action may take place. If starting a
East or West sides, and begins by placing a single turn in contact a ship may push clear at a cost of
Unless stated on the card, spells last for a single
MOW, IND or SOL squadron. Players alternate taking half movement, moving along the side of the
turn. Spells are discarded once attempted or used.
turns placing a single MOW, IND or SOL squadron other ship.
within 9" of their table edge and 9" from the North and A Wizard Lord adds +1 to his roll when casting or
South edges. dispelling a spell. Once per turn, if he fails to cast Any ship that sails off the table edge has left the
or dispel a spell of his own college colour he may battle and may not return.
re-roll the dice. Combat & Damage
One ship from each squadron is nominated as the House Rule: no spell may be cast on the first game Choose your target and measure the range using
flagship; place a flagship counter on its template. If
Movement the Range Template, with the centre mark
a flagship is sunk or cannot move another ship may
touching the centre of the front or side of the
take over as flagship. Ship templates give the ship’s maximum speed in firing ship.
All actions for each ship are performed individually. inches. Speed can be affected by damage and the
wind as noted. Use the Turning Template when Cannons are the standard weapons and have a range
Each ship moves, shoots and then performs any
turning; each turn must use 2 inches of movement. of 9” and each can fire once per Battle Phase.
boarding action before moving on to the next ship in
the squadron (or passing play to your opponent if you Movement under sail A ship can be in close range, medium range or
moved a MOW or IND). Once a player touches a ship he long range. A shot hits the first obstacle that is
Check the wind direction by placing the Turning
is committed to finishing its move. under the range template.
Template against the ship. If a straight line from the
You cannot pass on a turn but may select a wind to the ship’s bow passes through the template Declare if you are aiming high or low if required (you
squadron and perform no actions with it. you are not sailing into the wind. cannot split cannons firing in the same direction) and
roll a d6. The number rolled indicates the hit location
If a SOL ever ends a turn more then 6” from its Some ships move faster with the wind astern. Place
on the target’s template.
flagship it becomes a straggler and subject to the the template so it is facing the stern and use the
rules for stragglers until it rejoins its squadron. same procedure. The target can make a saving throw for each hit
location, modified by the shooting weapon’s range (if
Other weaponry may have different specifics and Captured ships Victory
requirements, but the general rule is that to check An winning player may transfer crew counters (up
the range, roll the dice to determine location, to the original ship limit) and take the ship as a If all of one side’s ships are sunk or captured the
conduct saves and then mark damage if necessary. prize, or scuttle the ship. game ends; the other player is the winner.

A prize ship (place a Captured marker on the ship’s Optionally, play to a time limit and count up Battle
template and a Captured counter by the ship) Honours: each player totals the number of Below the
If a location fails its save place a damage marker Waterline hits for all enemy ships they sunk or
and note the side effects if there are any. cannot move or fire and if repelling boarders the
crew cannot use the ship’s cannons. captured.
If an area containing cannons that can fire broadside
House Rule: if a ship has been captured for at least Any enemy ships scuttled or abandoned at the end
is destroyed, the ship can no longer fire on both sides
1 full turn it is worth double Battle Honours. of the game count as ships sunk.
with those guns.
Ships are scuttled during the End Phase. An Admiral captured or killed is worth 5 Battle
Critical hits Honours. Wizards are worth 1 for a Wizard Champion,
If a destroyed area is hit again and fails its save a A recaptured ship may be recrewed but acts as a 2 for a Master Wizard and 3 for a Wizard Lord.
Critical Hit occurs (unless otherwise indicated). Roll straggler this turn.
on the Critical Hit Table to determine the effects.
If a ship’s crew strength is reduced to zero the ship is End Phase
abandoned. If a Below the Waterline hit is indicated
Pick up survivors
the ship does not get a saving throw for that hit. If a
Fire Any ships in contact with Wreckage or Debris
is indicated replace the damage counter with a may rescue Admirals or Wizards clinging to it.
Blaze counter; it may spread in the End Phase. Wreckage and debris
Effects of ramming
Remove Debris markers; any characters clinging to
The opposing player must make a saving throw against
the debris are lost. Change Wreckage markers into
a Below the Waterline hit. If it fails the ship takes
damage (see the attacking ship’s details).
Roll for each area on fire on the ship:
Once a ship’s Below the Waterline area is destroyed it 1 Blaze goes out
sinks. Place a Sunk counter on the template and 2-3 Blaze does not
replace the ship with a Wreckage marker. Wreckage 4 spreadspreads prow-ward
markers obstruct movement and line of sight like a 5 Blaze spreads
ship. upward
6 Blaze spreads stern-
During the End Phase replace it with a Debris ward
marker; this does not obstruct movement or line of If a fire goes out replace it with a damage marker. If
sight. At the end of the next turn this is removed. the fire spreads place another fire marker left or right
as appropriate. There is no saving throw. If there is a
Any Admiral or Wizard who was on the ship may cling choice of areas roll a die. If there is no space nothing
to wreckage or debris while it is there. happens. If the area is already damaged it is simply set
Boarding Actions on fire; there is no critical hit.
Only one boarding action can be initiated per turn if Blazing locations are treated as destroyed locations.
in contact with two or more ships. If there is a fire in a location that can take two hits
and only one is ablaze, any result that says a fire
Both sides roll a dice and add the number of crew
spreads means the second part of the area is now
counters on their ship. The defender adds the
ablaze too.
number of remaining cannons he has pointing in the Stragglers
direction of the attacker. A ship with an Admiral
Stragglers cannot move or fire in the Battle Phase
gets +1 to the boarding action roll. The player with
though they may defend as normal if boarded. In
the lowest total loses a crew counter.
the End Phase they may move but cannot fire or
A winning attacker may press on or break off the board.
attack. A winning defender may cut grapples and the
boarding action ends. If he continues he is the Scuttle ships
attacker and can no longer add cannons to his roll, If the original boarding ship is no longer in contact the
but then his opponent may if he has them. boarding crew are out of the game. Replace the
scuttled ship with a Wreckage Marker.
If totals are the same, both sides lose a crew and
the defender decides whether to cut grapples. Remove counters
If all the crew are killed, any Admiral or Wizard on Remove any no movement or no firing counters
board is killed. placed as a result of critical hits or magic spells.

A ship with no crew counters left has lost; place Pick up Magic cards
an Abandoned marker on the ship’s template and If your Wizard is still alive and not clinging to
an Abandoned counter by the ship. Any boarding wreckage, discard any Magic Cards not wanted and
action against the ship will succeed automatically. then replenish your hand to full strength. Then, any
spells played this turn with a duration of one turn are
SEA MONSTERS If you roll a double when rolling for movement, roll on
the Sea Monster Reaction table below. If it returns to
In a boarding action, roll a dice for the monster’s
attack, adding its current wounds. The opponent rolls
SEA MONSTERS may be used by any race. You may its lair, remove the model, and your opponent places one dice, adding the number of crew counters, and
never have more sea monsters in your fleet than the template anywhere at least 2" from any ship. For any modifiers for magic, MOW cards, cannons etc.
you have squadrons of Ships of the Line. each turn the monster remains in its lair remove one
If the monster wins one crew counter is devoured
wound counter from its template.
They are deployed one at a time, starting with the and you may press on or retreat. If the ship wins,
player who won the roll to set up first, after terrain 1 Monster returns to lair, remove from the
but before fleet deployment. Place the template play monster loses one wound and the ship may press on
anywhere on the table face-down with the arrow 2 Monster becomes frenzied, moves at full or drive it off. If a draw, the ship loses a crew, the
pointing towards you. speed towards nearest friendly vessel and, if monster a wound, and the ship chooses whether to
Summoning it reaches it, attacks it. drive the monster off.
During his Battle Phase, instead of moving a ship or If the monster retreats or is driven off, move 1"
squadron, a player may summon one of his monsters 3-5 Monster under
control directly away from the ship and your turn ends.
by rolling 4+ (spellcaster adds his spell casting 6 Monster under control; may either move
bonus). While in contact with a monster, a ship may not
twice or attack twice this turn.
move, fire at anything else, or engage in other
The monster is placed anywhere in the template boarding actions. Other ships may fire at the monster
area and the template moved off-board. It now At the start of a move a monster may dive (place a (roll a dice: on a 1-3 you target the ship instead) but
moves and attacks like an independent ship submerged counter), where it is immune from all may not board or ram it. Spells affect both ship and
(starting with this turn). attacks. It must move towards a target and try to attacking monster.
If the summoning roll fails, turn is over and play touch it, but cannot attack in the same turn as diving
and must surface at the start of its next move and A monster may use as many dice as it has wounds
passes to opponent.
may then move and attack normally. Wounds
Once all the spaces on a monster’s Wound track are
Monsters have a movement rate in dice inches on Attacks
filled it is dead. They never take critical hits or are
their template and have the option to move on the
Each turn a monster may make a special attack and set on fire. If wounded by a flyer they will dive for a
surface (and attack) or dive (no attack).
a boarding action against a model it is in contact turn. If rammed, and if they fail their save, they take
They may change facing and turn as often as desired. with. Special attacks are detailed on its template. a number of wounds equal to the number of BTW
AIRPOWER Boarding Actions Wounds
After its special attack a flyer may engage in a Flyers do not take critical hits; they take another
FLYERS may be bought out of the standard allowance boarding action. wound if the same location is hit twice.
or a 200 point extra allowance for each side.
Roll a die and add the number of wounds the flyer If a Rider or Pilot is killed, the flyer is removed
They are deployed, and move and fire, in squadrons has; the opponent rolls a die and adds his number of from play, even if it has wounds remaining.
or as independents. crew counters (no bonus for cannons). The highest
score wins, and the loser takes one wound or loses Magic
Movement Spells may be cast against flyers as if they were ships.
one crew counter.
Flyers may change facing and turn as often as Any spells that cause damage, set locations ablaze or
desired, fly over any obstacles and are generally If the target ship wins or draws, it may attack the
kill crew will cause one wound for each point of
unaffected by the wind. flyer or drive it off. If it is driven off, move the flyer
damage done.
1” directly away from the ship.
Attacks The boarding action continues until the flyer or Anti-flyer weapons
As soon as an attacking flyer comes in base-to-base the ship’s crew is dead or the flyer is driven off. Anti-flyer weapons may be bought for 25 points each
contact, its target may make a single defensive out of the standard allowance or a 100 point extra
attack outside the normal turn sequence. Roll dice Flyers vs flyers allowance for each side. They can only be used by Men
equal to the target’s number of crew counters; the O’ War and you can only have one per ship.
Move the flyer in base-to-base contact with its
flyer makes a saving throw for each dice that hits,
target; if the target has defensive armament it may Anti-Flyer weaponry is the only way a flyer can be
taking a wound for each failed save.
get defensive fire. targeted directly besides a Magic Spell or in
House Rule: Since flyers are usually obliterated retaliation to the Flyer’s special attack with
Make a special attack, then make a close combat
by defensive fire, have the flyer attack first with defensive fire.
attack. A close combat attack is conducted like a
the defensive fire in retaliation to it.
boarding action but you may not board the enemy After firing cannons a ship may fire its anti-flyer
Dark Elf monsters get 1 dice defensive fire. A sea flyer. weapon at a single flyer in range.
monster may use as many dice as it has wounds.
Both players roll a die adding their current wounds.
Special attacks are missile and bombing attacks, and The loser takes a wound; if a draw, both take a
are made after movement against a base-to-base target. wound. If the defender wins he may go on the
offensive or drive the attacker off 1”.
Shooting Grenades Hand-to-Hand Combat
A model carrying grenades has enough to last the entire
One at a time, models not in H-to-H combat may shoot once battle. Throwing a grenade is like using a blast weapon, but Models in base-to-base contact are in hand-to-hand combat;
with a weapon at a target within a 90º arc to their front. The the maximum range is based on the thrower’s S. all models fight regardless of whose turn it is. They cannot
model must be able to see some part of the target’s body. shoot in the shooting phase or move away in their movement
You must shoot at the closest target unless a more distant S1 4" phase.
Setup & Turn Sequence target is easier to hit. S2 6" 1 Throw Attack Dice
S3 8"
Players choose and prepare gangs, choose a scenario and Check range: if the target is out of range the shot is Both players roll D6s equal to their A.
wasted; still roll to hit to see if the weapon requires an S4 10"
set up appropriate tabletop scenery.
Ammo roll. S 5 or 12" 2 Work Out Combat
Each side takes a full turn in succession. Each phase more Score
Hitting and Wounding The number on the Artillery dice is halved if the throw Each picks their highest scoring dice and adds
is completed before beginning the next: scatters his model’s WS and any combat modifiers to it.
Subtract BS from 7 to find the number needed to hit and
MOVEMENT apply hit, range and cover modifiers. A roll of 1 is always a (the maximum scatter limit does not apply).
Roll a D6 on the Misfire table if the Scatter and Artillery
SHOOTING 3 Determine Winner
miss. dice turn up Hit and Misfire.
HAND-TO-HAND The highest Combat Score wins.
See if the shot wounds the target by comparing the S of the Grenades thrown at a point on the ground are at -1 to hit
RECOVERY weapon with the target’s T on the Wound chart and rolling a If a tie the model with the highest Initiative wins.
(small target).
Games last until one side bottles out, withdraws, is D6. 4 Number of Hits
destroyed, or a specific objective is achieved. Flamers
Roll armour saves, taking into account weapon save Both flamers and hand flamers use the large teardrop- The difference between Combat Scores is the
modifiers. shaped template. Models wholly under it are hit
Movement number of times the winner has hit (still once if it
Pinning automatically. Any model partially within the template is hit was a tie).
Move models one at a time in the following order: A model hit is knocked over, placed faceup, and is on a 4+ on a D6. 5 Throw to
pinned. He can do nothing, but if pinned at the start of Wound
1. Chargers Hit modifiers for range, cover etc do not apply. Roll a d6 on the Wound chart for each hit
2. Compulsory Moves his turn will automatically recover at the end of his turn. using the S value of the weapon (unless
Hand flamers get only 1 shot per game.
3. The Rest Models cannot be pinned by H-to-H hits. A model engaged noted).
Sustained Shooting 6 Saving Throw
Moving, Running and Charging in H-to-H combat will automatically escape pinning.
If a weapon is capable of sustained fire declare a single or Armour saving throws if appropriate,
Models move up to their M in inches (even on ladders). A If a model has at least one of his gang within 2" that is not a sustained shot.
juve, down or broken he can try to escape pinning at the modified by weapon save modifiers.
model may run at double rate but cannot shoot in the
same turn, and must stop if within 8" of an enemy he can start of his turn by rolling equal to or less than his I. For sustained fire, roll D3s equal to the weapon’s
7 Resolve Injuries
see. 1 Flesh Wound sustained fire value to determine the number of shots.
In the same way as for shooting.
Models wishing to engage in hand-to-hand (H-to-H) -1 from WS and BS for the rest of the Each shot is treated separately and can be made at the
combat must declare a charge and move at double rate game. If both reach 0 the model is out of same target or another model within 4" of the original target. Weapons
into base-to- base contact (or separated by a low wall or action. At least 1 shot must be allocated to the original target. Only H-to-H weapons and pistols may be used. All fighters
obstacle) with the enemy. If the model does not reach the 2-5 Down
Ammo Rolls carry a knife. Weapons cannot be swapped during combat.
enemy it is moved as close as possible and can do nothing Model is placed facedown and may only crawl 2". One extra dice is rolled if the model carries a H-to-H
A score of 6 on a hit roll indicates a D6 Ammo roll is
for the rest of the turn. Roll again to what happens to the model at the weapon in each hand (hits are inflicted alternately).
required, in addition to normal effects. If you roll less than
Hiding end of his Recovery Phase. the weapon’s Ammo roll number it is useless for the rest of Parrying
A model can hide by ending its move in a concealed position. the game. Fighters with swords may parry by forcing an opponent to
6 Out of Action
Declare the model is hidden and place a hidden counter Some weapons must make an Ammo roll every time they re-roll his highest Attack dice before working out his
next to it—it cannot be seen or shot at. The model is removed from play. are fired. Grenades automatically fail any Ammo roll they Combat Score. Two combatants with swords cancel the
A model that runs or charges may not hide that turn. A model make, indicating you have thrown your last Grenade of that ability out.
If a model goes down or out of action each friend
that shoots, moves so that it can be seen, or can be clearly within 2” must make a Ld test. type. Criticals and Fumbles
seen by an enemy, is no longer hidden. A model Exploding Weapons Any Attack dice rolls of a 1 indicate a fumble. For each
automatically spots all hidden enemies within its I score in If a weapon inflicts multiple wounds make another Injury roll
for each extra wound inflicted after the final wound. A model If an Ammo roll is a 1 the weapon is not only useless, fumble the opponent may add +1 to his Combat Score.
can suffer multiple flesh wounds. but there is a chance it may explode. At least two Attack dice rolls of a 6 indicate a critical hit.
Terrain The first 6 is your highest score and each extra 6 counts
High impact weapons (Strength of 7+) cause an out of If a further D6 roll is less than the weapon’s Ammo roll rating,
Difficult terrain: half rate. Very difficult terrain: quarter rate. inflict an automatic hit on the user with a S value of -1. as a +1 to your Combat Score.
Barriers less than 1" high and 1" wide can be leapt over at result on a roll of 5 -6. Blasts are confined to the user. Multiple Combats
no cost, but those 1"- 2" high and no more than 1" wide In an order chosen by the outnumbering player, the out-
cost half of a model’s total move to climb over. Barriers Other Shooting Rules Weapons with a rating of auto automatically fail their
If shooting into a H-to-H combat distribute hits randomly numbered model must fight each opponent in succession.
higher than 2" are impassable. Ammo roll but will may still explode on a further roll of 1.
between all participants. Each subsequent enemy after the first gains an extra
Falling and Jumping Overwatch Attack dice and a +1 to their Combat Score (cumulative).
Falling: A model pinned, down or losing a H-to-H combat Some heavy weapons preclude movement in the same A model may go on overwatch at the start of its turn if it is not
turn as shooting. Follow Up
within 1" of an edge will fall off on a D6 roll greater than his I. down, pinned or broken.
If all a model’s H-to-H opponents go out of action he may
If he loses a H-to-H combat he also falls on a roll of 6. Blast Weapons It may not move, shoot or go into hiding (but may make a follow-up move of 2" out of the normal turn
Damage is a hit with a S equal to the fall in inches. A fall of Nominate the target and roll to hit; if the shot hits, center the remain hidden) during its turn, but may shoot at any sequence.
up to 3" inflicts 1 wound, and more than 3" inflicts D6 blast template over the target. Models wholly under it are target as it presents itself at any time during the A model may also cross an obstacle without penalty
wounds. A fall of more than 12" takes the model out of hit. Any model partially within the template is hit on a 4+ on enemy’s turn. or engage another enemy for the next turn’s combat
action automatically. Armour saves apply with save D6. (no charge bonus) with a follow-up move.
Once the model has fired, is hit, forced to move, or at the
modifiers. In any case, the model is automatically pinned. If the shot misses make a Scatter roll. Roll the Artillery end of the enemy’s turn, it is no longer on overwatch. Fighters Down
A model in the way of a falling model is hit on a 4+, damaged and Scatter dice—a number shows how far you have A fighter that goes down is automatically out of action.
missed the target in inches, and direction is indicated by Declare the overwatch shot and determine the position of
and pinned as per the faller. Position surviving models 1" the enemy model at the moment of fire. In multiple combats some fighters can go down and
apart. Use this rule when a model ‘charges’ a model on a the arrow. crawl away 2" during their Move phase, as long as at
lower level. No shot may scatter more than half the range between There are modifiers to hit an emerging or disappearing least one continues to fight.
the shooter and the target. target, or being charged by the target, whilst on overwatch.
Jumping: If the vertical distance is 3" or less, take an I Breaking From Combat
test: failure means a fall, success means the model has A Misfire indicates no effect. A Hit and a Misfire indicates Stray Shots A model broken while fighting H-to-H breaks off and takes
Leadership & Recovery Stupidity Outlaws & Outlanders As gangers earn experience points they are entitled to a 2D6
Test at the start of the model’s turn. If failed: roll on the Advance Roll table when they go up a level, taken
Take a Leadership test by rolling 2D6. If the score is Outlawed Gangs Redemptionists Ratskin Renegades immediately after the game when the advance is gained.
more than the model’s Ld the test is failed. Roll a d6 before each H-to-H Scavvies Spyre Hunters Juves become gangers after they have earned 21 Experience
If a model goes down or out of action each friend phase: Reporting a Gang points.
within 2" must make a Leadership test. 1-3 roll no Attack dice this turn; WS still counts
After a game, either player may report the incident to the New skills types are picked according to the Skill Types
4-6 fight normally Guilders’ Watchmen (unless the reporting gang is an Outlaw Available table. Choose a type and roll a D6 to
If the test is failed the model is broken. If he can stay and
hide he will do so. Otherwise the model will immediately or Outlander gang). determine the skill.
Roll a d6 to determine
run 2D6" away from his enemy and towards the nearest movement: The accused player rolls 2D6 on the Outlaw Table Characteristic increases may not go beyond maximum limits:
cover. 1-3 roll a Scatter dice and move the model a full move in (p8, Outlanders Book).
Maximum Value M
4 WS
6 BS
6 S4 T4 W
3 I
6 A
3 Ld
that direction. If it comes into contact with an enemy it
If he can reach a position of cover he stops, if not he Outlaw Gangs
becomes engaged in H-to-H combat as above. Territory (p50-53, Sourcebook)
runs the full distance rolled. In subsequent movement Territory New outlaw gangs lose all but one of their
phases he moves another 2D6" until he reaches such a 4-6 model does not move Every gang begins with 5 territories from the Territory table.
territories. If this last territory is lost after a game, roll on the
position. He may not otherwise move or shoot. At the end of a battle a gang can collect income from its
The model can do nothing else that turn except run if he is Outlaw Territory Table (p10, Outlanders Book) for a new
territories. Each ganger that does not go out of action can
If a broken fighter is forced into H-to-H combat his WS broken. He does not have to take any fear or terror tests. one.
collect income from one territory, up to a maximum of 10
is counted as 0. If he survives the round, he Hatred Only one territory can be held at a time; an extra territory can gangers. Leaders, heavies and juves never collect income.
automatically breaks and runs for cover. be occupied and the old one abandoned, or it can be looted
If a model hates his adversaries all Leadership tests are Cross reference the gang’s income with the number of
Remember, a model breaking from combat takes taken with a Ld of 10. A model fighting H-to-H with a hated for its basic income value (or double the maximum if
models in the gang to find the profit remaining after
one immediate automatic hit from his enemy. foe may re-roll any Attack dice in the first turn of combat, variable).
deducting maintenance costs. This is added to the gang’s
and must use his 2" follow-up move to engage a hated Collecting Income A gang’s non-Outlaw territory still stash. A gang beating a gang with a higher rating receives a
Recovering Your Nerve
enemy if possible, or at least move toward one. supplies income if worked by a ganger, but income is Giant Killer income bonus.
A broken fighter in cover that cannot be seen by an
enemy may attempt to recover by making a Leadership Frenzy halved.
The Trading Post (p54-57, Sourcebook)
test during the Recovery Phase. If an individual is frenzied: Foraging Any ganger who survives a game and is not Cash can be spent on new recruits armed with weapons from
A model may not be broken and recover in the same turn. The model must always charge the closest enemy performing any other tasks may go foraging, collecting the Gang Recruitment list, mercenary fighters (Hired Guns),
within charge range if able to do so. D6 credits worth of supplies each. or new weapons and equipment from your House Weapons
Leaders list. New recruits must fight at least one battle before being
The model doubles his Attacks, and cannot parry. Food & Supplies Each member of the gang must receive
A fighter within 6" of the gang leader may use the leader’s given other equipment. Weapons must be of an appropriate
The model must use his 2" follow-up move to engage in 3 credits worth of supplies to function.
Ld when testing, unless the leader is down or broken type for the fighter.
himself. H-to-H combat if possible. Otherwise they must move Any model missing out on receiving these supplies
closer to the enemy. suffers a cumulative -1 to Strength and Toughness per The number of rare items available is determined by a D3 at
The Bottle Test the start of the trading session. Roll a D66 for each item on
The model is unaffected by frenzy, terror, stupidity or game until they do. A Strength or Toughness of 0
This Leadership test is made at the start of the turn if a indicates starvation. Weapons and equipment may be the Rare Trade chart. For each ganger used to search out
quarter or more of a player’s gang is down or out of hatred. If the frenzied model is broken, these rules no rare items you may add a another randomly generated rare
kept by other gangers.
action. If failed the gang loses the fight and the game item, but these gangers cannot collect income.
longer apply.
ends. Spending Cash Outlaws use the Outlaw Trading Post tables
A player may wish to regain control over a frenzied model (p14, Outlanders Book). Hired guns, new recruits and Before rolling for items on the Rare Trade list, you may
Use the leader’s Ld unless he is down or out of action, by making a Ld test at the start of his turn. If successful instead choose to use one or more of those offers to
rare items (Outlaw Trade table: p13, Outlanders Book)
in which case use the remaining fighter with the highest purchase weapons not on your house weapons list. Each
are available normally.
Gangs non-house weapon purchased reduces your rare trade offers
Attacking Structures Scenarios Outlaws roll on the Outlaw Scenario table by one.
House Goliath House Van House Delaque (p16, Outlanders Book), but may both Outlaw and
Structures have a T value and can sustain a certain number House Saar House House Escher normal gangs use either table if they get to choose. Common equipment is accessible to all and does not
of wounds. Most are large targets are therefore +1 to hit. Cawdor Orlock cause a reduction in rare trade items. Gangs with
Gangs are set up with 1,000 Guilder credits. Anything Bounty specialized starting weapons lists treat their list as a House
Instead of shooting, Krak grenades or Melta bombs can be remaining is the gang’s stash. Any non-Outlaw gang which captures or kills Outlaws may Weapons list.
placed on a structure within 1" of the fighter—the target is hit collect a reward from the Watchmen equal to the each
automatically. A gang can be of any size from 3 models upwards, and Equipment can be automatically sold for half their price. Rare
must consist of 1 Leader, any number of Gangers and up Outlaw’s total cost. If an Outlaw is captured he may be
items with a variable price fetch half the fixed price
Structures in base contact with a model can be hit in H-to-H to 2 Heavies. No more than half the gang can be Juves. exchanged as normal or sold for the bounty plus a bonus
if the fighter did not shoot or fight in H-to-H combat that turn. of D6x5 credits.
Each Attack equals 1 automatic hit. All models are equipped with a knife for free. Other weapons The value of fighters includes equipment. Variable
are bought from the gang’s Weapons List. Some are restricted Regaining Non-Outlaw Status
cost equipment is worth the fixed price component
to the leader when the gang is created, but later any ganger An outlawed gang may buy off its Outlaw status for 10% of
Psychology Campaign Game Sequence
may purchase them. Only 1 heavy weapon can be carried by their gang rating, as set when they become outlawed.
a model. Juves can only use H-to-H weapons, pistols and Generate 5 new pieces of norrmal territory. The Outlaw Pre-Battle Sequence
Make a 2D6 Leadership test in the following circumstances:
knives. territory may be discarded or kept as one of the 5. 1. Player with the lower gang rating rolls on the Scenario
Fear Gang Rating table. The player who picks the scenario is the attacker.
If a model is charged by a model that causes fear and fails Determine each fighter’s initial experience: Juves 0, Gangers
20+1D6, Heavies and Leaders 60+1D6. 2. Roll for fighters with Old Battle Wounds or Head
the test, the model is broken. If a model wishes to charge a GANG RATING = Wounds.
model that causes fear and fails, the model can do nothing Hired Guns VALUE OF FIGHTERS + EXPERIENCE
for the rest of the turn. Make the tests when the charges are 3. Set up terrain and gangs according to the scenario.
Underhive Scum Bounty Hunters Ratskin Scouts
declared. Serious Injuries (p41, Sourcebook)
Wyrds Pit Slaves Special Post Battle Sequence
A model that causes fear does not have to test for fear, Characters Models which go out of action must roll D66 on the Serious 1. Determine the extent of injuries for each fighter out of
and if confronted by terror tests for fear instead. Hired guns can be recruited when a gang is created, or Injuries Chart at the end of the game. Fighters who are
after any game, by paying the hire fee per battle. action. Roll for injuries on the Serious Injuries chart.
down at the end of the game recover fully on a D6 roll of 1-3
Terror 2. Allocate Experience points and make Advance rolls.
They do not count as part of a gang for collecting income and go out of action on a 4-6.
Circumstances are as for fear above. Also if the model is
or living expenses, cannot modify or sell their weapons Experience (p42-49, Sourcebook) 3. Re-allocate territory if appropriate.
within 8" of the thing causing terror at the start of your
and equipment, and they do not earn experience.
turn. Determine each ganger’s initial experience. Experience is 4. Collect income from territory.
If the test is failed the model is broken and must run to For the purposes of calculating the Gang Rating, they gained after a fight as dictated by the scenario. A gang
are equal to their hire fee x 5. fighting a gang with a higher gang rating earns extra 5. Recruit new fighters and buy new equipment.
cover as the model’s move for that turn.
experience points. 6. Update total gang rating.

Shooter’s BS SHOOTING Sequence HAND-T0-HAND

D6 (1 always misses) Shooter’s BS SHOOTING Sequence HAND-T0-HAND
D6 (1 always misses)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Roll D6 for each Attack on the fighter’s profile 1. Roll D6 for each Attack on the fighter’s profile
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 -1
8 -1
9 -3
10 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 -1
8 -1
9 -3
2. Combat Score for each fighter 2. Combat Score for each fighter
roll a 6, then: 4 (1 5always
6 misses)
Miss Highest dice roll + WS + hit modifiers first roll a 6, then: 4 (1 5always
6 misses)
Miss Highest dice roll + WS + hit modifiers
Hit D6 Hit Modifiers D6
3. Highest Combat Score wins 3. Highest Combat Score wins
On a draw highest I wins and scores 1 hit; On a draw highest I wins and scores 1 hit;
-1 target in partial cover (at least half the figure) -1 target in partial cover (at least half the figure)
if Initiatives are equal the result is a standoff if Initiatives are equal the result is a standoff
-2 target in cover (less than half the figure) -2 target in cover (less than half the figure)
4. Hits 4. Hits
-1 appearing / disappearing / charging target -1 appearing / disappearing / charging target
Winner inflicts 1 hit for each point of difference Winner inflicts 1 hit for each point of difference
-1 rapidly moving target (10 ”+) -1 rapidly moving target (10 ”+)
in Combat Scores in Combat Scores
-1 small target -1 small target
5. Roll on Wound Chart 5. Roll on Wound Chart
+1 large target +1 large target
for each hit using Weapon’s S for each hit using Weapon’s S
+/- weapon range modifiers +/- weapon range modifiers
6. Armour Saves 6. Armour Saves
A model hit is knocked down faceup and pinned. A model hit is knocked down faceup and pinned.
A model with another gang member within 2” that is 7. Roll for Injuries A model with another gang member within 2” that is 7. Roll for Injuries
not a juve, down or broken may escape pinning at the as for shooting if fighter loses all Wounds not a juve, down or broken may escape pinning at the as for shooting if fighter loses all
Wounds start of his turn by rolling equal to or less than his I. start of his turn by rolling equal to or
less than his I.
Wound D6 Fighters that go down in H-to-H combat are Wound D6 Fighters that go down in H-to-H combat are
A roll of 6 on a hit roll requires a d6 Ammo Roll. A roll of 6 on a hit roll requires a d6 Ammo Roll.
automatically out of action unless opponent is in automatically out of action unless opponent is
in H-to-H combat with another model. H-to-H combat with another model.
Hit Modifiers Hit Modifiers
Wpn Target’s Toughness Fighters escape pinning if engaged in H-to-H combat. Wpn Target’s Toughness Fighters escape pinning if engaged in H-to-H combat.
Str 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Str 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4 5 6 6 1 4 5 6 6
2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Fumble Each 1 rolled by opponent 2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Fumble Each 1 rolled by opponent
2 3 4 5 6 6 3 2 3 4 5 6 6
3 +1 Critical Hit Each additional roll of a 6 +1 Critical Hit Each additional roll of a 6
4 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 4 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
5 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Charging If fighter charged that turn 5 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Charging If fighter charged that turn
6 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
7 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Higher Up Fighting from higher position 7 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 +1 Higher Up Fighting from higher position
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6
8 -1 Encumbered Carrying heavy weapon/ equipment -1 Encumbered Carrying heavy weapon/ equipment
Injuries 2 2 2 2 2D6 2when
2 last 4 5
3 wound 9
Injuries 2 2 2 2 2D6 2when
2 last 4 5
3 wound
lost 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 -1 Obstacle 10
lost 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 -1 Obstacle
Enemy behind obstacle during turn you charged Enemy behind obstacle during turn you charged

1 Flesh Wound -1 WS and BS RECOVERY 1 Flesh Wound -1 WS and BS RECOVERY

2-5 Down Turn model facedown; can do nothing Down fighters roll on the Injury Chart. 2-5 Down Turn model facedown; can do nothing Down fighters roll on the Injury
Chart. but crawl 2”. Re-roll in your Recovery Phase. but crawl 2”. Re-roll in your
Recovery Phase.
Broken fighters may take a 2D6 Ld test to recover if Broken fighters may take a 2D6 Ld test to recover if
6 Out of Action Remove model they are in cover and cannot be seen by the enemy. 6 Out of Action Remove model they are in cover and cannot be seen by the enemy.

If a model goes down or out of action each friend within 2" must make a 2D6 Ld test or they are If a model goes down or out of action each friend within 2" must make a 2D6 Ld test or they are
UNIT TYPES Close Combat
Infantry All personnel not mounted inside a vehicle, After a player’s assault moves, any detachment with units
represented by up to 5 infantry models mounted on a in base contact with an enemy must resolve a close
single base. Includes field artillery. combat.

Vehicles All small war machines, and infantry on bikes and MOVEMENT SHOOTING Where 2 or more detachments are in contact with one
mounts. Vehicles are represented by a single model; or more enemies, resolve the fight as a single large
mounted units by 3 models mounted on a single base. The winner of the initiative chooses who moves all of Players alternate shooting with their detachments at combat.
his eligible units first. enemy detachments, starting with the player with the
Flyers All high speed flying vehicles, not including slow- initiative. You may choose to pass on a shooting 1. Total Assault values
moving skimmers. Usually represented by a single Units may move up to their Speed value in centimetres
opportunity to fire later. Total the Assault values of units in base contact with the
model. and may turn freely as they move. enemy. A maximum of 2 units may ‘gang up’ on each
1. Add up Firepower
Special Moves enemy unit. Any other units from the detachment (even
War Engines All very large war machines that can Add up the Firepower values of attacking units that are
Detachments may make a special move instead of a with 0 Firepower) within 15cm of the enemy each add +1.
absorb several hits and have several batteries of in range and have a line of fire (LOF) to at least one
weapons. normal move (mark with the appropriate symbol on an 2. Determine close combat bonuses
order dice). Add bonuses based on how Assault totals compare,
SETUP 2. Place Blast Markers
Overwatch BMs and psykers.
Choose forces and fill out data sheets, set up terrain, The number of BMs a target detachment takes depends
place objective markers and deploy forces based on the Movement Phase: move up to 5cm. on the total Firepower directed at it before modification. 3. Roll dice and add bonuses
scenario. Shooting Phase: re-roll any missed hit Each player rolls D6 and adds their combat bonuses; the
3. Determine how many hit dice to roll highest total wins. On a draw, place 1 BM on every
dice. Assault Phase: no move.
Deal Fate cards if necessary. Cross index the total Firepower with the type of target. involved detachment and roll again.
Units set up on dangerous terrain must roll a D6; on a 1 Assault If the target has some units in cover and some in the 4. Determine difference, place BMs
the unit may not deploy there; roll again; on another 1 the Movement Phase: normal move. open, the attacker can choose to fire only at the targets Each detachment on the losing side receives a number
unit takes a hit. Shooting Phase: Firepower halved. in the open. Always use the Marching column if the target of BMs equal to the difference between the scores (up
SEQUENCE OF PLAY Assault Phase: move only towards enemy. is marching, even if some units are in cover. to a maximum equal to the number of units it had
March 4. Determine lowest target Armour value fighting in base contact).
All detachments must specify their most senior unit as
an HQ unit. If the HQ is eliminated, the next most senior Movement Phase: triple move. Remember Armour bonuses for being in cover. 5. Roll for hits
unit in the detachment’s chain of command takes over. Shooting Phase: no shooting. 5. Roll hit dice and discard misses Look up the difference in scores on the Close Combat
Assault Phase: no move; Assault and Firepower halved Remove any dice that scored lower than the table, and roll equal or greater on a D6 than the number
Only units within 30cm of their HQ at the start of a
if engaged in close combat or a firefight. target detachment’s lowest Armour value. shown to hit each unit. You can only put a second hit on a
phase are in command and can move and/or shoot in
Terrain unit once all of the enemy units have been allocated a hit.
that phase. Units can always snap-fire, fight or lend 6. Allocate hits
support in an assault, or shoot in a firefight however. Terrain either has no effect, is impassable, or is 7. Broken detachments and retreats
Allocate dice individually to the closest target each can
dangerous. All losing side detachments are broken and must retreat.
The game consists of turns divided into 4 phases. effect first, skipping targets the dice can’t effect. Once
Both players carry out actions in each phase. If a unit enters (or starts to move in) dangerous terrain, all units have taken a hit start with the closest again
roll D6. On 1 the unit must halt; roll again and if the until all hits have been allocated.
Place 5 initiative counters in a cup; 3 for the player with second roll is also a 1 take a unit. A hit cannot cause Firefights take place if there is an enemy detachment
the highest strategy rating and 2 for the other player (if Targets in cover cannot be hit unless the Cover row was
critical damage on war engines. within 15cm after a player has resolved his close combats.
they are the same, roll D6 at the start of the battle to used on the Firepower table. Targets must be in range and
determine who is considered to have the highest rating). Roads LOF of at least one unit from the attacking detachment. Where one or more detachments are within 15cm of 2
To determine the initiative, draw a counter. Counters Add 5cm to a unit’s basic Speed (before modification) if it or more enemies, resolve the fight as a single
7. Remove destroyed units
drawn are placed to one side until the end of the turn. spends an entire movement or assault phase on a road. firefight.
Splitting Fire A unit may split its Firepower between
Cover 1. Total Firepower
1. Movement Infantry units in cover increase their Armour value by
several target detachments; work out each shot separately.
Total the Firepower of all units within 15cm of the enemy.
1. Declare flyer missions the appropriate bonus (up to a maximum of 6). Line of Fire LOF is blocked by terrain (unless at a lower
elevation) but not by other units. Buildings and woods do 2. Work out firefight bonuses
2. Determine initiative Transport not block the LOF to or from units in the terrain itself. Units Add bonuses based on how Firepower totals compare,
3. First player movement It costs a Transport unit and the unit being carried can shoot in any direction. BMs and psykers.
4. Second player movement 5cm of their move to pick up or set down a unit. A unit
may be picked up and dropped off in the same turn, BM Penalties Each BM on a detachment reduces its 3. Roll dice and add bonuses
2. Shooting but may perform no actions whilst being transported. Firepower by -1. Detachments with BMs on them must Each player rolls D6 and adds their combat bonuses; the
pass a Leadership test in order to move in the movement highest total wins. On a draw, place 1 BM on every
1. Determine initiative
If a transport carrying units is destroyed, roll D6 for phase, set overwatch, or move in the assault phase. Roll involved detachment and roll again.
2. Shoot with vehicles and infantry each unit on board. On a 1-3 it is destroyed, on a 4-6 it
3. Determine initiative again over the number of BMs on a D6 to succeed; detachments 4. Allocate hits & Blast markers
is deployed in contact with the destroyed transport.
4. Shoot with war engines ASSAULT Each detachment on the losing side takes 1 hit on
Orks may hitch a lift on a battle wagon (can carry 1 unit) or
Detachments on Assault orders may move and attack. Broken Detachments
3. Assault battle fortress (can carry up to 4 units) once per phase.
The player with the initiative decides whether he assaults Mark broken detachments with order dice. A
They cannot move on their own in the same phase (though
1. Determine initiative first or second. Then the player going first makes all his detachment is broken if it loses a combat or a
they may assault), but the vehicle’s move is unaffected.
2. First player’s assault moves, close combats, firefights assault firefight. It must make a retreat move of up to 20cm
3. Second player’s assault moves, close combats, firefights Snap Fire moves and resolves any resulting close combats or in any direction, but if the retreat ends within 15cm of
A unit moving within 10cm of an enemy unit during the firefights. any enemy, it is destroyed.
4. Rally movement phase can be attacked by snap-fire. If it starts Any or all assaulting units may charge into close combat. It may make a retreat move only in a subsequent
within 10cm it can only be snap-fire attacked if it moves This is the only time units may move into contact with
1. Roll to remove Blast markers movement phase if desired. It cannot move or shoot
closer. The attacker gets to stop the unit at the point the enemy units. Infantry may move at double Speed when
2. Roll to rally broken detachments otherwise, and has Assault and Firepower halved.
attack was made and rolls a D6: if this equals or beats the charging if it will bring them into contact with the enemy.
3. Repair war engine damage and shields unit’s Armour it takes a hit. A unit may snap-fire any Units out of command are not affected if their parent
4. Check scenario victory conditions Assaulting units must move at least 5cm towards any
number of times in the movement phase, but only once at detachment is broken; if broken itself it is destroyed with
enemy, but may not move past any unengaged enemies.
a single target. No LOF or even FIrepower value is no effect on the parent detachment.
Place a Barrage template over the target unit(s) and
1. Remove Blast markers roll a D6 for each covered unit. If the roll equals or Movement Flyers are kept off table and fly one mission per turn in the
Remove D6-1 BMs from each detachment (roll beats the War engines may not be included in detachments with other player’s movement phase. The player with the lowest
separately for each). target’s Armour it takes 1 point of damage. Cover bonuses types of units. They are not given special movement orders, Strategy Rating declares first which mission each of his
are ignored, and each attack places 1 additional BM. but may automatically move and assault in the Assault detachments will fly at the start of the turn. After each
2. Rally broken detachments
phase. mission the detachment must miss its next turn refueling
Make a Leadership test for each broken detachment. If Pulsar and rearming.
the D6 roll is greater than the number of BMs on it, Generates the equivalent of D6 Anti-Tank shots. They move straight ahead but may turn up to 45˚ for
remove the Broken marker. A detachment cannot rally if free; any additional turns cost 5cm per 45˚ or fraction Ground attack Mission
the number of BMs on it is equal to or greater than its Ripper Tentacles thereof. 1. Flyer enters any board edge in the movement phase.
number of units. When in close combat with another war engine, these
prevent one of the enemy’s close combat weapons from When taking Dangerous Terrain tests, there is no chance 2. Unlimited move, but only straight ahead. Enemy units
3. Repair war engine damage and Void shields being used. of critical damage being inflicted. can snap-fire, but flyers are not halted as a result.
Repaired on a 4+ on a D6. 3. Flyer may halt at any point to make a ground attack
Super Lifta Droppa Shooting
4. Check victory conditions After initiative is determined, players alternate firing war in range and in the forward 90˚ fire arc. Ignore LOF.
Vehicles and war engines can be lifted by beating the
Depending on the scenario. target’s damage capacity (1 for vehicles and 3+ for war engine detachments. Fire may be split between targets, 4. After the attack the flyers are removed from the table.
SUPER HEAVY WEAPONS engines) on a D6. The target can then be moved (up to but the Firepower of individual weapon batteries may not.
Flyer detachments must be together, facing one direction,
Super heavy weapons can pick out individual targets within 1cm per point the roll beat the damage capacity) and Heavy weapon batteries may combine Firepower if in formation, delivering their attacks at the same time.
a detachment. Those used by units making an Assault must dropped. When dropped it is destroyed (roll for shooting at the same detachment; super heavy weapons
catastrophic damage on war engines). Anything dropped Transport Mission
roll 4+ to lock on and be able to fire in the Shooting phase. are fired individually.
on takes 1 damage point on a 4+ D6 roll. 1. Placement and movement as above. Firepower is
Units in Overwatch may re-roll super heavy weapon When shooting at immobilised war engines in the open, halved and super heavy weapons need a 4+ to lock on
misses as usual. In firefights a super heavy weapon Vortex Missile the attacker rolls 1 hit dice for every point of Firepower. and be able to fire. Other flyers in the same
without a basic Firepower value counts as having a Any unit under a Barrage template suffers the equivalent detachment not transporting troops fire at full effect.
Firepower of 1. Roll D6 for each hit scored on a war engine. On a roll of 6 2. After shooting, flyers disgorge cargo at that point. Units
Super heavy weapons place BMs on the target detachment Assault +1 to Assault. Weapon range reduced to 15cm. roll 2D6 on its Critical Damage Table. When an engine’s being dropped off lose 5cm from their move; Assaults
(check the Blast Markers table). If the attacker is firing Cavalry Cavalry are treated as vehicles. Speed doubled damage capacity is reduced to 0 it is destroyed; roll a D6 can be made on the turn of landing, but the units may
with both Firepower and super heavy weapons it places (tripled if charging). +1 to Armour, up to a maximum of on the engine’s Catastrophic Damage Table. not go into Overwatch or March.
BMs for both attacks. 6. Shields absorb damage; no critical damage rolls are made 3. Transporters may carry troops from other
Anti-Tank for hits absorbed by shields. Void shields can be repaired detachments, which are kept off-board until
Heavy Weapons +1 to Firepower value. Weapon
Anti-tank shots always roll 1 D6 to hit regardless of cover. and raised again in the Rally Phase. deployed. Units are destroyed if a transport carrying
range increased to 45cm. Assault value halved
The target’s Armour always counts as 4 (ie. 1 dice, 4+ to them is destroyed.
(round up). Close Combat
hit). Anti-tank weapons can fire at any target. War engines can always move and/or charge in the Assault 4. Units that cannot fit can be brought into play in a
Jump Packs Speed doubled (tripled if charging). May
Barrage Phase. They can be attacked by a number of in-contact future turn, though they will be out of command unless
SPECIAL ABILITIES units equal to half its starting Damage Capacity. landed within 30cm of their HQ.
Place the Barrage template over the target detachment.
The barrage’s Firepower equals the number of units from Close Support Count their Firepower in support during 5. After disgorging cargo, flyers are removed from the table.
Instead of rolling a single dice for damage from an engine,
the target detachment that fit under the barrage template close combat, instead of only adding +1.
roll dice equal to half current Damage Capacity. Hits rolled Intercepting Mission
(to count, the template must cover any part of a vehicle or Hero Heroes have a save and their Assault value is doubled. in close combat ignore shields and damage the engine 1. Flyers have a dogfight value: the first number is the flyer’s
war engine and at least 3 models from an infantry unit). directly.
Infiltrators Count as being in command within 60cm of Intercept value, the second is its Gunnery value.
Add the Firepower of the barrage to the attacking
detachment’s Firepower; the barrage does not count as a HQ. They may deploy up to 30cm outside the normal Support 2. When an opposing flyer detachment is placed on the
super heavy weapon for placing BMs. deployment zone, or add +30cm to their first move if not War engines not in close combat can support detachments table, you may declare you wish to Intercept it with one
deployed at the start of the battle. If more than 30cm from within 15cm. The bonus is equal to half the engine’s current of your flyer detachments if it is on an Intercept mission.
Close Combat Weapons HQ they are still destroyed if broken in close combat or a Damage Capacity. BMs the engine is carrying are not Place your interceptors by the enemy detachment.
War engines armed with close combat weapons double firefight. counted in the combat, and engines do not take any BMs if
their Assault value if fighting an enemy war engine in 3. Starting with the flyer with the highest Intercept value
they are on the losing side. Each engine can only support
close Psyker The side with the most psykers in a fight gains a (on a tie flyers on an Intercept mission attack first, or if
one close combat in each player’s assault phase.
combat. Catastrophic damage is automatically inflicted if +1 modifier. Fate cards can be used to make a special both are, on initiative), each flyer can attack one enemy
the war engine with the close combat weapon wins; roll on Psychic Blast attack, or nullify such an attack. War engines can participate in firefights. Super flyer.
the war engine’s Catastrophic Damage table. Rampage Rolls 2 dice to score hits in close combat. They heavy weapons count as having a Firepower of 1. 4. Each flyer rolls a number of hit dice equal to its Gunnery
Death Ray may not retreat, so are destroyed if they lose a close BMs, Breaking and Retreating value. Each dice equal or greater than the target’s
Death Rays always roll 1 D6 to hit. The target’s Armour combat. War Engines are always stubborn – they may re-roll the armour hits. Apply damage immediately.
value always counts as 2 (ie. 1 dice, 2+ to hit). They Rapid Fire Double Firepower when in Overwatch. dice when taking a Leadership test in order to move, 5. Once all flyers have attacked, remove the
always cause critical damage against war engines; roll on Heavy weapon troops may not rapid fire. though they can always shoot. Add +1 to the roll if their interceptors. Survivors carry on with their missions.
the war engine’s Critical Damage table.
Save After a hit, if the unit rolls 4+ on a D6 the hit has ARTILLERY 6. Detachments on Intercept missions do not have to miss
Disrupt no effect. BMs are still placed. a turn refueling and rearming until they have attacked.
Artillery units only need to be in range of their target, they
Roll a D6 for each Disrupt weapon: on a 4+ place an
Skimmer May ignore terrain when moving, but test if do not need a LOF. Flak Detachments with flak units can be placed on alert
additional BM on the target detachment. Disrupt
starting or ending a move in Dangerous Terrain. May pop up when flyer missions are declared; place a special orders
weapons inflict no other casualties. Artillery units can fire in the movement phase instead of
over intervening terrain to fire in the shooting phase (and dice. They may not move or fire, but fire at flyers in the
moving; place a special orders marker dice at the start of
Distortion Cannon may be shot at); returning to ground level at the end of the movement phase. Other units in the same detachment are
the movement phase before initiative.
Roll D6x5. If this equals or beats the target’s basic Speed, it phase. on overwatch. If part of the flyer’s flight path is in range,
is hit (1 is always a miss, 6 is always a hit). War engines Work out the attack at the start or the end of the roll D6 per point of the flak unit’s Firepower (can be split
take a critical hit, ignoring shields. Other targets (those Stubborn May re-roll any failed Leadership tests. opposing player’s movement. The units cannot move. Any amongst several flyers); each dice equal or greater than the
with a damage capacity of 1) are destroyed. Supreme Commander A detachment within 30cm of a other units from the same detachment may move up to target’s Armour hits.
Supreme Commander becomes stubborn. If the 5cm.
Heavy Barrage Hits and BMs on Flyers Roll a D6 each time a flyer takes a
The barrage’s Firepower equals the number of units from Commander (not just his bodyguard) fights in a close After the bombardment the detachment may be placed on hit; if the roll is equal to or greater than the flyer’s Armour
the target detachment that fit under the barrage template combat or adds his Firepower to a firefight, you may re-roll overwatch, but the artillery may not fire again that turn the flyer is destroyed. Otherwise the flyer is damaged and
the dice. (note the units get no overwatch re-roll for their firing that
x2. aborts its mission immediately. It must spend the following
Setup Knocked Down
Turn the model face up. It may crawl 2” during the
The player with the lowest warband rating rolls on the movement phase but may not fight, shoot or cast
Scenario table to determine the scenario, and may spells.
choose whether to be attacker or defender. Set up
terrain and warbands according to the scenario. If engaged in H-to-H, the model may only crawl away
if the enemy is engaged with another opponent; he
Roll for warriors with old battle wounds to see if they 3. reMAInInG MoveS The model may still fire a missile weapon if not may not strike back.
take part in the battle. running, and may jump as part of a charge or running
Models may move up to their move rate in any direction. move. On his next turn the warrior may stand up and
Characteristic Tests move at half rate, shoot and cast spells, but not
To pass, roll a d6 and obtain a result equal to or less Running Falling charge or run. If engaged in H-to-H he may not
than the characteristic. A roll of 6 automatically fails. Models may run at double rate if there are no enemies A model that falls takes D3 hits at a Strength equal to move away and automatically strikes last. After this
Leadership tests are taken with 2d6. within 8" at the start of the turn (fleeing, stunned, the distance fallen, no armour save, no critical hits. A turn the model functions normally but is still at 0
knocked down and hidden models do not count). A model that falls cannot move any further or hide during wounds.
running model may not hide or shoot that turn, but
turn Sequence may cast spells as normal.
that turn, even if not hurt.
One player takes a full turn consisting of the Warriors Knocked Down or Stunned Turn the model face down; next recovery phase the
Hiding If knocked down or stunned within 1" of an edge, a
following four phases, then the next player, and so model is turned face up and treated as knocked
A model that ends his move behind a low wall, column model will fall if it fails an Initiative test.
on. or similar place of concealment may be declared
1. recovery 3. SHootInG
hidden. 4. HAnd-to-HAnd coMbAt
Roll 2d6 to rally models that have lost their nerve. If Place a hidden counter beside the model. He cannot be Each warrior, one at a time in any order, may shoot
seen, charged or shot at, and may stay hidden over once with one weapon at a target he can see in any All models in base contact, whether in the front,
less than or equal to the model’s Leadership the model
several turns as long as he is not seen by an enemy and direction. sides or rear, are engaged in hand-to-hand (H-to-H)
stops fleeing and can be turned to face any direction. It
does not shoot or cast spells. combat
cannot move or shoot (but can cast spells) for the rest of He may not fire if engaged in H-to-H combat, has run
the turn. and fight in this phase. They do not shoot in the
Enemy models will always detect hidden foes within or failed a charge, has rallied this turn or is stunned shooting phase. Close range attacks (eg pistols) are
A model cannot rally if the closest model to him is an their Initiative value in inches. A model that runs, flees, or knocked down. treated as
enemy model (fleeing, stunned, knocked down and is stunned or charges cannot hide that turn. H-to-H attacks.
Possible Targets
hidden models do not count). Terrain A model must fire at the closest target unless a more Models touching more than one enemy can choose
Stunned models become knocked down. Knocked down Open Ground: Tabletop, building floors, ladders, distant target is easier to hit, a model is a large target, who to fight and may divide multiple attacks if
models may stand up. ropes, through doors and hatches. Move at normal or closer models are stunned or knocked down. desired.
2. MoveMent rate.
You cannot shoot at models engaged in H-to-H combat.
Who Strikes First
Difficult Ground: Steep slopes, bushes, roofs. Move
Models may move in any direction, up and down Cover Charging models strike first, otherwise in order in
at half rate.
ladders and stairs and over low obstacles less than 1" If any part of a target model is in cover the shooter descending Initiative. A model who stood up that
high. Very Difficult Ground: Narrow crawholes, suffers a -1 to hit penalty. turn always strikes last.
Models are moved in the following order: dangerous terrain. Move at quarter rate.
If a shot versus a model in cover misses by 1, the If several models can ‘strike first’ for some reason,
1. cHArGe Climbing shot strikes the cover instead. then they determine the order among themselves
Charging is the only way models can move into H-to- A model can climb a fence or wall he is touching at the first, by Initiative.
H combat with one or more models. A charging Shooting From an Elevated Position
start of the movement phase. He may not run, and if
model strikes first in the ensuing combat. If more than 2" above the table surface, a model If Initiatives are equal roll a die to see who strikes first.
the height is more than the model’s normal move, he
may freely pick any target, unless there are enemies
Without measuring distance, declare the model is cannot climb the wall. Close Combat Procedure
in the same building in line of sight.
charging any opposing model in an unobstructed line of Roll a d6 for each attack. The score needed to hit
Take an Initiative test. If failed while climbing up, he
sight. Shooting Procedure is based on the Weapon Skills of the fighters.
cannot climb that turn. If failed while climbing down,
Measure Range: Targets beyond a weapon’s
Models charging a foe within 4" that cannot be seen but he falls from where he started his descent. A model armed with two one-handed weapons
maximum range cannot be hit.
is not declared as hidden must pass an Initiative test to receives an extra Attack. If armed with two different
Jumping Down
do so. If he fails he may not charge, but may move, Roll to Hit: Roll a d6. The score needed to hit is based weapons, he may make a single attack with one
A model may jump down up to 6" at any time
shoot ad cast spells as normal. on the model’s BS. See reference sheet for modifiers. weapon of his choosing, and all other attacks with
during movement.
the remaining weapon, all rolled separately.
Charging models make a direct double move towards Roll to Wound: Compare the Strength of the weapon
Take an Initiative test for every full 2" jumped; if he
their enemy and end engaged in H-to-H combat, bases with the target’s Toughness. Roll to Wound: Compare the Strength of the fighter
fails any test the model falls from the beginning of the
touching (or close together over a low wall or obstacle). with the target’s Toughness. Some weapons confer
jump, takes damage and may not move anymore that Roll Critical Hits: If a 6 is rolled to wound, roll another
Strength bonuses.
One unengaged enemy within 2" of the charge route phase. d6 and consult the Critical Hit chart. If the attacker
may choose to intercept the charger. If he would needed a 6 to wound the target he cannot cause a Follow the same procedure for wounding, critical
If successful the model may continue to move—
normally have to pass a Fear test to engage the charger Critical Hit. hits and armour saves as shooting. Each model
jumping down does not use up any movement.
he must pass one to move. If he causes fear then move may only cause one critical hit in each hand-to-hand
If the critical hit causes more than one wound and the
the models into contact and make a Fear test for the Diving Charge phase.
weapon normally causes several, use the one that
original charger as If an enemy is within 2" of the place where a model
causes the most damage. Parry
if he was being charged. The original charger strikes lands he may make a diving charge against it.
Bucklers and swords may parry one blow per H-to-H
first regardless. Make Armour Saves: Roll a d6, reducing the save
If the jump down is successful (see above), the model phase. Roll a d6; if higher than the number the
according to the Strength modifiers for the weapon
If a model miscalulates the charge distance, the charge gains a +1 Strength bonus and a +1 to hit bonus opponent rolled to hit, the hit is ignored.
is failed; make a normal move towards the enemy. The during the following hand-to-hand combat phase only.
If the opponent scored several hits, the model must try
2. coMpuLSory MoveS Jumping Over Gaps
and parry the highest score; if fighting several
When a model’s Wounds are reduced to zero, roll d6
Take all compulsory moves, eg, fighters whose nerves Models may jump over gaps up to 3" wide. Without opponents, he may only parry the first hit.
on the Injury Chart for that Wound, and every
have broken. measuring beforehand, deduct the distance from the
Wound after that. If armed with a buckler and a sword you may re-roll
model’s movement. If he doesn’t have enough
Attacking Warriors Knocked Down and Stunned All Alone Casting Spells Henchmen are bought in groups of 1-5 models and gain
All attacks against a knocked down warrior hit A model fighting alone against 2 or more opponents Spells are cast once per turn in the shooting phase experience and advances collectively. Other henchmen
automatically. If any attacks wound the model and and with no friendly models within 6" (may not use missile weapons) and can be cast even if such as Warhounds and Zombies do not gain
the armour save is failed (he may not parry), the (fleeing/stunned/ the model is engaged in H-to-H combat or running. experience. In any case, henchmen may never use
model knocked down do not count), must make a test at the special equipment.
Roll equal to or greater than the spell’s Difficulty on
is automatically out of action. A stunned model is end of his combat phase.
2D6. If he fails, he may not cast a spell that turn. If Each warrior may be armed with up to 2 close combat
automatically out of action if attacked in H-to-H.
If the 2d6 score is greater than his Leadership the passed, consult the spell description for effects. weapons (not including his free dagger), up to 2
A model with multiple attacks may not stun/knock model runs 2d6” directly away from his enemies— different missile weapons, and armour chosen from the
With the exception of Sisters of Sigmar and Warrior-
down and then automatically take a model out of each opponent gets an automatic hit against him. appropriate list. Additional equipment may be bought
Priests, wizards may not use magic if wearing armour
action in the same H-to-H phase. This can only be between battles, but only if listed in the warband’s
At the start of each of his turns, the model must test or has a shield or buckler.
achieved with multiple models attacking. entry. Every model in a henchmen group must be
again—if he passes, he stops but can do nothing
Spells do not cause critical hits and always receive armed and armoured the same way.
If the model is engaged with enemies still standing, he else but cast spells for the rest of the turn. If he fails
armour saves unless noted otherwise. Each warband has a warband rating—the number
cannot attack any other stunned/knocked down or is charged, he runs 2d6" towards the nearest
models. table edge of warriors x 5, plus accumulated experience.
(and is removed if he reaches it), avoiding enemy Mounted WArrIorS Large creatures are worth 20 points plus their
Moving From Combat
Models may not move away from combat and must
models. A warrior and his horse are treated as a single model. cAMpAIGnS
fight until out of action, they win, or a model breaks If charged while fleeing, the charger is moved into Should the rider be taken out of action, then the
Post Battle Sequence
and runs. contact as normal but the fleeing model runs a further entire model is removed from the battle.
After each battle the players work out the experience
2d6” before any blows are struck. Mounted warriors use the rider’s Leadership value for points warriors have earned and the amount of
Breaking From Combat
A model who panics in H-to-H combat and runs is Fear all Leadership-based tests. When attacked, use the wyrdstone the warband has collected.
hit once, automatically, by each of his opponents. Creatures that cause fear ignore these tests. rider’s Toughness and Wounds.
You may disband a warband at the end of any game
Otherwise take a fear test in the following Any shooter may always pick a mounted warrior as and start a new one, or dismiss any warrior. When a
Escaping from Combat (Optional)
circumstances: a target, even if there are enemies closer. warrior is killed all his weapons and equipment are lost.
Models engaged in H-to-H combat at the start of their
own turn may try to escape from combat. If charged by a feared enemy. Test when the charge is If a leader is killed, the hero with the next highest
In H-to-H combat, a warhorse can make 1 attack.
declared and the model is determined to be within Leadership takes command.
Declare which will try to escape from combat at the A normal horse does not attack in close combat.
range. If the test is failed the model must roll 6’s to 1. Injuries: A henchman out of action at the end of
start of your movement phase, at the same time as you Mounted warriors automatically have an armour
score hits in the first turn of combat. the game is removed permanently on a D6 roll of
declare charges. Turn the models around to show this. save of 6+, even if the rider has no armour. If the
If wishing to charge a feared enemy. If failed the model 1-2. Roll on the Serious Injuries chart for each
Take a Leadership test for each warrior trying to rider has armour his save will be +1 better than if
must remain stationary for the turn (treat as a failed hero out of action at the end of the game.
escape from combat. on foot.
charge). 2. Allocate Experience. Heroes and henchmen gain
If he passes, he can move up to double his normal Armour (barding) for a warhorse adds a further +1
Frenzy experience for surviving battles; extra points if
Movement rate away from combat and the enemy he bonus to the its armour save, but subtracts one from
Frenzied models must always charge enemies within they are fighting a warband with a higher
was fighting, in any direction. its Movement. A normal horse may not wear barding.
their charge range and fight with double their Attack warband rating. As they accumulate more points
If he fails, his opponent may make 1 automatic hit characteristic in H-to-H combat. If carrying a weapon in heroes and henchmen can make Advance rolls.
barded warhorse is only killed on a serious injury roll of
against him, and the fleeing model (if he survives) will each hand he receives an extra attack as normal, but ‘1’ if the model goes out of action. 3. Roll on the Exploration
run 2D6" directly away from combat. He will have to take this extra attack is not doubled.
If a mounted warrior is taken out of action, roll a D6 4. chart. Sell Wyrdstone.
a Leadership test at the beginning of his next turn.
Once within charge range, frenzied models are after the battle. On a 1-2, the mount is killed and 5. Check Available Veterans. Roll to see how
If successful he will stop, but may not do anything unaffected by other psychology. If knocked out or removed from the warband roster. A horse increases a much experience worth of veterans is available
else during that turn. If the test is failed, he will stunned he is no longer frenzied for the rest of the warband’s rating by +3 points, and a warhorse by +5 to hire.
continue to run 2D6" towards the closest table edge battle. 7.
and must test again the following turn if he is still on Make Rarity rolls and buy Rare
Hatred 7.
the table. Mounted Models and Movement
Warriors who hate their H-toH opponents may re-roll Items. Look for Dramatis Personae.
Mounted models may not move into buildings. A horse 8.
LeAderSHIp & pSycHoLoGy any misses on the first turn of combat. or warhorse may jump over an obstacle up to 2” in Hire new recruits and buy common items. New
height with no movement penalty. recruits come with a free dagger and may be
The Rout Test Stupidity
bought common items. They cannot buy rare
A player must take a Rout test at the start of his turn Stupid models must make a Leadership test at the start A mounted warrior may dismount during his movement items, but can be equipped with ones from the
if 25% or more of his warband (even a warband of their turn; if the test is failed: phase. He loses half his movement and may not charge 9.
warband’s stash.
normally immune to pyschology) is out of action. If in combat half the model will not strike any blows or run during that turn. Once dismounted he is followed
by his steed and may mount it again whenever he Reallocate Equipment. Swap equipment between
Roll 2d6; if equal to or less than the leader’s Leadership, or cast spells this turn. If not in combat roll a d6: 10. Update Warband
the test is passed. If the leader is out of action/stunned, MAGIc wishes, provided he is not inside a building or place Rating.
use the highest Leadership of any remaining fighters WArbAndS Pre Battle
Allocated Spells Sequence
1. The player with the lowest warband rating rolls on
not out of action/stunned. Starting warbands are recruited and equipped from the
Wizard Type of the Scenario table to determine which scenario is
If the test is failed the warband automatically loses, Chaos lists with 500 gold crowns. Any unspent crowns are played. In scenarios where there is an attacker and
Magic Chaos
the surviving warriors retreat, and the game ends. kept in the warband’s treasury. a defender, the same player may choose which he
Magisters Rituals
A player may choose to voluntarily Rout at the start of Beginning warbands must have at least 3 warriors is.
Warlocks Lesser Magic 2.
his own turn if he is required to take a test, or if 25% or including a leader. Weapons, armour and mutations Roll for warriors with old battle wounds to
more of his warband is out of action. Sisters of Sigmar/Warrior-Priests Prayers of Sigmar must be represented on the models, with the exception see whether they can take part or not.
Necromancers Necromancy of knives and daggers. 3.
Leaders Set up the terrain and warbands according to
A model within 6” of his leader may use his Each wizard starts with one randomly determined spell. Warriors are classified as heroes and henchmen. the rules for the scenario you are playing. The
leader’s Leadership when taking tests, unless the Roll d6 on the appropriate chart. Either reroll Apart from its leader, the warband may include up to more buildings the better.
leader is knocked down, stunned or fleeing. duplicates or lower the spell’s difficulty by 1. 5 other heroes (see lists for other restrictions). For more detail on Campaign games, see the
cLoSe coMbAt WeAponS Crossbow MISceLLAneouS equIpMent Lucky cHArM
MxRange: 30" STR: 4
Fist The first time a model with a lucky charm is hit in a
STR: user -1 +1 armour save
May not move and fire on the same turn other than bLeSSed WAter battle he rolls a D6: on a 4+ the hit is discarded and no
to pivot or stand up. A vial contains enough liquid for just one use, and has damage is suffered. Owning two or more charms does
6+ armour save if none normally. Fist only applies to
Sling a thrown range of twice the thrower’s Strength in not confer any extra benefits.
models without weapons, and they can only ever make
MxRange: 18" STR: 3 inches. Roll to hit using the model’s BS. No modifiers
one attack.
May fire twice at a maximum range of 9" if no move in
for range or moving apply. Blessed water automatically MordHeIM MAp
STR: user
Dagger +1 armour save causes 1 wound on Undead, Daemon or Possessed
the movement phase. Each shot -1 to hit if firing twice. When you buy a map, roll a
6+ armour save if none models (no armour save). Undead or Possessed D6:
normally. Throwing Star/Knife models may not use blessed water. 1 Fake. The map is a fake, and is completely
Range: 6" STR: user worthless. Your opponent may automatically choose
Hammer, Staff, Mace or Club
STR: No penalties for range; cannot be used in close buGMAn’S ALe the next scenario you play.
A roll user
of 2-4 is treated as stunned when rolling for injuries.
combat. A warband that drinks a barrel of Bugman’s before a 2-3 Vague. Though crude, the map is generally
Axe battle is immune to fear for the whole of the battle. accurate.
STR: user Extra save modifier of Repeater Crossbow
MxRange: 24" STR: 3
Elves may not drink Bugman’s ale. There is only enough You may re-roll any one dice during the next
-1 May fire twice per turn at -1 to hit per
Sword ale to supply the warband for one battle. exploration phase if you wish but you must
STR: user May parry. accept the result of the second roll.
MxRange: Pistol
Crossbow 10" STR: 4 cAtHAyAn SILk cLoAk 4 Catacomb map. The map shows a way through
Flail the catacombs into the city. You may
STR: user +2 May shoot in the first round of H-to-H combat. The shot Any Mercenary warband whose leader is wearing silk
automatically choose the scenario next time you
is always resolved first and has a -2 to hit (use BS). clothes may re-roll the first failed Rout test. After each
+2 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of each fight a battle.
battle in which the leader is taken out of action, roll a 5
H-to-H combat. Cannot use a shield, buckler or Pistol
D6: on 1-3 the clothes are ruined and must be discarded. Accurate. The map is recently made and very
additional weapon in H-to-H combat (still gets a +1 MxRange: STR: 4 -2 armour
detailed. You may re-roll up to 3 dice during the
armour save from shooting if he has a shield). 6"
Can only fire every other turn unless model savehas 2 eLven cLoAk next exploration phase if you wish, but must accept
Morning Star pistols. Can be used in H-to-H once per combat. If the result of the second roll.
A warrior aiming a missile weapon at a warrior wearing 6
STR: user +1 firing with 2 pistols fire with 2 Attacks in the first
an Elven cloak suffers -1 on his to hit roll. Master map. From now on you may always re-roll
+1 Strength bonus applies only in the first turn of round.
one dice when rolling on the Exploration chart as
each H-to-H combat. Cannot use a buckler or MxRange: 10"
Duelling Pistol STR: 4 -2 armour GArLIc long as the hero who possesses this map was not
additional weapon but may carry a shield. save model
+1 to hit. Can only fire every other turn unless A Vampire must pass a Leadership test or it will be taken out of action in the battle.
Halberd has two pistols. Can be used in H-to-H once per unable to charge a model carrying a clove of garlic. net
STR: user +1 combat. If firing with 2 pistols fire with 2 Attacks in the Garlic lasts for the duration of one battle only, used or Once per game, the net may be thrown in the
Cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in first round. not. shooting phase instead of the model shooting a
H-to-H combat (still gets a +1 armour save from Blunderbuss
MxRange: Special STR: 3 HALfLInG cookbook missile weapon. Treat the net as a missile weapon in
shooting if he has a shield). The maximum number of warriors allowed in your all respects with a range of 8”. Use the model’s BS to
Can only fire once per battle. Draw a straight line 16"
Spear long and 1" wide. Any models in the path are warband is increased by +1 (neither an Undead nor a determine whether the net hits or not—there are no
STR: user automatically hit. Carnival of Chaos warband can use this item). movement or range penalties.
Strikes first even if charged (first round of H-to-H If it hits, the target rolls a D6: if the result is equal to
combat only). Mounted warriors receive a +1 Strength
Handgun 24" STR: 4 -2 armour HeALInG HerbS
Can only fire every other turn. May not move and fire or lower than his Strength, he rips the net apart. If
bonus for the turn they charge. A model with healing herbs can use them at the the
on the same turn other than to pivot or stand up. beginning of any of his recovery phases as long as he is
Lance result is higher, he may not move, shoot or cast spells
Hochland Long Rifle not engaged in H-to-H combat. They restore all wounds in his next turn, although he is not otherwise affected.
STR: user +2
MxRange: 48" STR: 4 -2 armour he has previously lost during the game. In either case the net is lost.
Can only be used from horseback; +2 Strength bonus
Can only fire every other turn. May not movesave
and fire rope & Hook
for the turn the mounted warrior charges. HoLy (unHoLy) reLIc
on the same turn other than to pivot or stand up. Can A model equipped with a rope & hook may re-roll
Double-Handed Sword, Hammer, Axe etc target any enemy in sight, not just the closest. A model with a holy/unholy relic automatically passes the
STR: user +2 failed Initiative tests when climbing up and down.
first Leadership test he is required to make in the game.
Cannot use a shield, buckler or additional weapon in H- ArMour If worn by the leader, it will allow him to automatically toMe of MAGIc
to-H combat (still gets a +1 armour save from shooting pass the first Rout test if he has not taken any
if he has a shield). Always strikes last, even if charging. Light Armour Basic D6 save of 6+ Leadership tests before. You can only ignore the first If a warband includes a wizard, he will permanently
Leadership test in any single game—two or more holy gain an extra spell from the tome. He may randomly
Gromril Weapon Extra save modifier of Heavy Armour Basic D6 save of 5+ generate this new spell from his own list or the Lesser
relics will not allow you to ignore second and subsequent
-1. If also carrying a shield, suffers a -1 Movement Magic list. The benefits from each Tome apply to only
Ithilmar Weapon tests.
+1 Initiative in H-to-H combat. penalty. HoLy toMe one model.
Shield Basic D6 save of 6+
rAnGed WeAponS A Warrior Priest or Sister of Sigmar with a holy tome can
SuperIor bLAckpoWder
Buckler May parry. add +1 to the score when determining whether he/she Adds +1 Strength to all blackpowder weapons that
Short Bow
Helmet can recite a spell successfully or not. the model has. There is enough to last for one game.
MxRange: 16" STR: 3
Special 4+ save (unmodified by Strength) against
being stunned; if successful treat the result as knocked HuntInG ArroWS teArS of SHALLAyA
MxRange: 24" STR: 3
down. A model using a short bow, bow, long bow or Elf bow A model who drinks a vial of the Tears of Shallaya at
Long Bow Gromril Armour Basic D6 save of 4+ the beginning of a battle will be completely immune to
may use these arrows. They add +1 to all Injury rolls.
MxRange: 30" STR: 3 Does not slow the model down if also armed with a all poisons for the duration of combat.
shield. LAntern
Elf Bow Ithilmar Armour Basic D6 save of 5+ Undead and Possessed warriors may not use the Tears
MxRange: 36" STR: 3 Basic d6 save of 5+, and does not slow the model down A model with a lantern may add +4" to the distance of Shallaya. There is enough liquid in a vial to last for
Extra save modifier of if also armed with a shield. from which he is able to spot hidden enemies. the duration of one battle.
poISonS And druGS SpeLLS d6 The dead Hero retains his characteristics, weapons and including into base contact with an enemy, in which
armour but may not use any other equipment or skills. case he counts as charging. If he engages a fleeing
Poison may not be used with blackpowder weapons. A
vial gives you only enough to last the duration of one
prAyerS of He may no longer run, counts as a henchman group on enemy in the close combat phase he will score 1
SIGMAr his own, and may not gain additional experience. This automatic hit and then his opponent will flee again (if
battle, and only a single weapon can be poisoned with Difficulty 7
spell always succeeds. The new Zombie follows all the he survives).
one vial. The wielder gains +2 Strength in H-to-H combat and all 3 Dread of Aramar Difficulty 7
normal Zombie rules (immune to poison, causes fear)
hits he inflicts cause double damage. The Priest must A single model within 12" of the wizard must pass a
Black Lotus except for retaining his profile, weapons and armour.
test each shooting phase he wants to use the Hammer. Leadership test or flee 2D6" directly away from him.
A weapon coated with Black Lotus wounds its target If he flees, he must test at the start of each of his
automatically if you roll a 6 to hit. You can still roll a dice 2 Hearts of Steel Difficulty 8 cHAoS rItuALS own movement phases and will continue to flee until
for every wound inflicted in this way. If you roll a 6, Any allied warriors within 8" become immune to fear and 1 Vision of Torment Difficulty 10 he
inflict a critical hit with that roll. If you do not roll a 6, all alone tests. In addition, the whole warband gains +1 This spell has a range of 6" and must be cast on the passes a test. This spell does not affect Undead or
cause a normal wound (armour saves as normal). to any Rout tests they have to make. The spell lasts until closest enemy model. If the Chaos Mage is in H-to-H any model immune to fear.
the caster is knocked down, stunned or put out of action. combat, he must choose his target from those in 4 Silver Arrows of rha Difficulty
Dark Venom If cast again the effects are not cumulative. This spell cannot be cast whilst in H-to-H 7combat. The
base contact with him. The affected model is
Any hit caused by a weapon coated with Dark Venom spell summons D6+2 arrows which the wizard can use
3 Soulfire Difficulty 9 immediately stunned. If the model cannot be
counts as having +1 Strength. Armour saves are to shoot against one enemy model (range 24"). Use
All enemy models within 4" suffer a Strength 3 hit stunned it is knocked down instead.
modified to take into account the increased Strength of the wizard’s own Ballistic Skill to determine whether he
the attack. (no armour save). Undead and Possessed models in 2 Eye of God Difficulty 7 hits or not, but ignore movement, range and cover
range suffer a Strength 5 hit instead. This spell may be used successfully only once per
Mad Cap Mushrooms penalties. The arrows cause one S3 hit each.
4 Shield of Faith Difficulty 6 battle. Choose any model within 6", friend or foe and
Any warrior who takes Mad Cap Mushrooms before a 5 Luck of Shemtek Difficulty 6
The Priest is immune to all spells. Roll at the beginning roll a D6:
battle will be subject to frenzy. They have no effect on D6 Result The wizard may re-roll all his failed dice rolls, though
Undead such as Vampires and Zombies, or the of each turn in the recovery phase. On a roll of 1 or 2 1 The model is taken out of action immediately the second results stand. The effect lasts until the
Possessed. the shield disappears. (but does not have to roll on the Serious Injury beginning of his own next turn.
5 Healing Hand Difficulty 5 chart after the battle).
After the battle, roll a D6: on a roll of a 1 the 6 Sword of Rezhebel Difficulty 8
model becomes permanently stupid. Any one model within 2" (including himself) may be 2-5 The model gains +1 to any one of his This flaming sword gives the wizard +1 Attack, +2
healed—restored to his full quota of Wounds. In characteristics during this battle (chosen by the
Crimson Shade Strength and +2 Weapon Skill. Take a Leadership test
addition, if any friendly models within 2” are stunned or caster).
A model using Crimson Shade has his Initiative at the beginning of each of the wizard’s own turns. If
knocked down, they immediately stand up and continue
increased by +D3 points, and Movement and Strength 6 The model gains +1 to all of its characteristics the test fails, the sword disappears.
by +1 (this effect lasts for one game). It has no effect 6 Armour of Righteousness Difficulty 9 for the duration of the battle.
The Priest has an armour save of 2+, replacing his 3 Dark Blood Difficulty 8 MAGIc of tHe Horned
on Undead such as Vampires and Zombies, or the
normal armour save. He also causes fear in his This attack has a range of 8" and causes D3 S5 hits. It
hits the first model in its path. After using this spell the
rAt Difficulty 8
enemies and is immune to fear himself. The spell lasts
After the battle, roll 2D6. On a roll of 2-3, the model is Chaos Mage must roll on the Injury table for himself, The spell has a range of 8", hitting the first model in
until the beginning of the Priest’s next Shooting phase.
addicted and you must buy him a new batch of Crimson though treat the out of action result as stunned its path. The spell causes D3 Strength 4 hits on its
Shade before every battle from now on; if you fail, he instead. target, and one Strength 3 hit on each model within 2”
necroMAncy 4 Lure of Chaos Difficulty 9 of the target.
will leave your warband. On a roll of 12 the model’s
1 Lifestealer Difficulty 10 The spell has a range of 12" and must be cast on the
Initiative is increased permanently by +1. 2 Children of the Horned Rat Difficulty Auto
Choose a single model within 6" to suffer a wound (no closest enemy model. Roll a D6 and add the Chaos
Mandrake Root Mage’s Leadership to the score, then roll a D6 and add This spell may only be used once, before the game.
save allowed); the Necromancer gains an extra wound
A model taking Mandrake Root has his Toughness the target’s Leadership to the score. If the Chaos Mage When cast, the spell summons D3 Giant Rats, which
for the duration of the battle. This may take his
increased by +1 for the duration of a battle, and he beats his opponent’s score he gains control of the are placed within 6" of the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer may
Wounds above his original maximum value. This spell
treats all stunned results as knocked down instead. It has model until the model passes a Leadership test in his cast this spell successfully only once per battle, and
will not affect the Possessed or any Undead models.
own recovery phase. The model may not commit the rats disappear afterwards. They do not count
AnIMALS 2 Re-Animation Difficulty 5 suicide, towards the maximum size of the Skaven warband.
One Zombie that went out of action during the last H-to- but can attack models on his own side, and will not
HorSeS & WArHorSeS 3 Gnawdoom Difficulty 7
H combat or Shooting phase immediately returns to the fight warriors from the Chaos Mage’s warband. If he The Gnawdoom causes 2D6 Strength 1 hits on a
You may mount one of your Heroes on a horse or battle within 6" of the Necromancer. It cannot be placed was single model within 8" of the caster.
warhorse in the coming battles. Horses and warhorses straight into H-to-H combat with an enemy model. engaged in H-to-H combat with any warriors of the
can only 5 Wings of Darkness Difficulty 7 4 Black Fury Difficulty 8
3 Death vision Difficulty 6 The Chaos Mage may immediately move anywhere
be used if you are using the optional rules for The Sorcerer may immediately charge any enemy
The Necromancer causes fear in his enemies for within 12", including into base contact with an enemy,
mounted models. Only Humans can buy or use model within 12" (ignoring any terrain and interposing
M WS BS S T W I A Ld the duration of the battle. in which case he counts as charging. If he engages a models) and gains 2 extra Attacks and +1 Strength
Horse 8 0 0 3 3 1 3 0 5 4 Spell of Doom Difficulty 9 fleeing enemy, in the close combat phase he will score during this turn’s H-to-H combat phase only.
Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 One enemy model within 12" must immediately roll one automatic hit and then his opponent will flee again
(if he survives). 5 Eye of the Warp Difficulty 8
equal to or less than his Strength on a D6; if he fails,
All standing models in base contact with the
WArdoGS you may roll on the Injury table to see what happens 6 Word of Pain Difficulty 7 Sorcerer must take an immediate Leadership test. If
If you purchase a wardog, it will fight exactly like a to the model. All models within 3" of the Chaos Mage, friend or they fail, they each suffer a Strength 3 hit and must
member of your warband, though it is treated as part 5 Call of Vanhel Difficulty 6 foe, suffer one S3 hit (no armour saves). run 2D6" directly away from the Sorcerer, exactly as
of the equipment of the Hero who bought it. You will A single Zombie or Dire Wolf within 6" of if they had lost their nerve when fighting against
need a model to represent it on a battlefield. Wardogs the
Necromancer may immediately move again up to its LeSSer MAGIc more than one opponent.
never gain experience, and if they are put out of maximum Movement distance. If this moves it into 1 Fires of U’Zhul Difficulty 7
action they 6 Sorcerer’s Curse Difficulty 6
base contact with an enemy model, it counts as The fireball has a range of 18" and causes one Strength
have exactly the same chance of recovering as The spell has a range of 12" and affects a single
charging. 4 hit. It strikes the first model in its path. Armour saves
Henchmen (ie, 1-2: Dead; 3-6: Alive). Wardogs count 6 Spell of Awakening Difficulty: Auto model within range. The target must re-roll any
If an enemy hero is killed (ie, your opponent rolls are taken as normal (ie, with -1 modifier).
towards the maximum number of warriors allowed in successful armour saves and to hit rolls during the
your warband. 11-16 on the Serious Injury chart after the 2 Flight of Zimmeran Difficulty 7 Skaven H-to-H phase and his own next shooting and
Wardog 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5 battle), The wizard may immediately move anywhere within H-to-H combat phases.
the Necromancer may raise him to fight as a 12",
1. recovery Roll to Wound: D6 score required to bASIc crItIcAL HItS unArMed coMbAt
Wpn Target’s Toughness
Roll 2d6 to rally models. If </= Ld model stops A wound roll of 6 causes a critical hit. 1-2 Body Blow. Your opponent staggers, allowing you
fleeing. Str 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 to seize the initiative and make an additional
A model may only cause one critical hit in each H-to- attack. Immediately roll to hit and to wound. Any
It cannot move or shoot (may cast spells) for the rest 1 4 5 6 6 H combat phase. Roll D6: saves are taken as normal.
of the turn. Cannot rally if the closest model is an 2 3 4 5 6 6
enemy (fleeing, stunned, knocked down and hidden 1-2 Hits vital part. 1 wound = 2 wounds. 3-4 Crushing Blow. The blow lands with tremendous
3 2 3 4 5 6 6 Roll armour saves first. force. You gain +1 to the Injury roll if your
models do not count).
4 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 opponent fails his save.
Stunned models become knocked 3-4 Hits exposed spot. 1 wound = 2 wounds.
5 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 No armour saves. 5-6 Mighty Blow. With a mighty punch or flying kick,
down. Knocked down models may
6 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 you send your opponent sprawling to the ground.
2.MoveMent 5-6 Master Strike! 1 wound = 2
7 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 The attack ignores armour saves and you gain +2
Open Ground: Normal rate. wounds. No armour saves; +2 to
8 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 to any Injury rolls.
Difficult Ground: Half rate. Injury roll(s).
9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5
Very Difficult Ground: Quarter rate. AdvAnced crItIcAL HItS tHruStInG WeAponS
10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4
1. cHArGe MISSILe WeAponS 1-2 Stab. With a quick strike, you penetrate your
ArMour opponent’s defences. You gain +1 to any Injury
Declare charge and target (no measuring). 1-2 Hits a Weak Spot. The missile penetrates its rolls. Armour saves are taken as normal.
Charge move is Mx2 and ends with models engaged SAveS
Wpn Save Modifier Wpn Save Modifier target’s armour. Ignore all armour saves.
3-4 Thrust. The thrust lands with great force and the
in H-to-H combat, bases touching. Str Str 3-4 Ricochet. If there are any other models within 6",
1-3 None 7 -4 target is knocked down. Take armour saves as
Must pass an I test to charge an unseen (not hidden) 4 -1 8 -5 the closest enemy model is also hit. Roll to wound normal and see whether the model suffers a
foe within 4". One unengaged enemy within 2" of the and take any saves as normal for both targets. wound.
5 -2 9+ -6
charge route may intercept the charger.
6 -3 5-6 Master Shot. The missile hits an eye, the throat, 5-6 Kebab! The thrust knocks the target back with
If the model cannot reach the foe, charge is failed; or some other vulnerable part. The target suffers titanic force, ripping apart armour and puncturing
make a normal move to enemy; no shooting (may cast Armour Minimum D6 score to 2 wounds instead of 1. There is no armour save. flesh. The attack ignores armour saves and you gain
spells). save +2 to any Injury rolls. The victim is knocked
Light armour 6
2. coMpuLSory MoveS Heavy armour 5 bLudGeonInG WeAponS backwards D6" and the attacker follows, staying in
base contact.
Gromril armour 4 1-2 Hammered. The target is knocked off balance.
3. reMAInInG MoveS Your opponent may not fight this turn if he hasn’t Any other models involved in the combat are
Shield Adds +1 to armour
Running: Mx2 if no enemies within 8" at start of turn already fought. separated and only the model which struck the
(fleeing, stunned, knocked down and hidden models blow and his target are still considered to be in
do not count). No hiding or shooting (may cast 4. HAnd-to-HAnd coMbAt 3-4 Clubbed. The hit ignores armour saves and saves
combat. If the target collides with another model,
from helmets.
spells). The model that charged strikes first. Otherwise, bLAckpoWder WeApon MISfIreS
models fight in order of descending I. Roll D6 for each 5 Wild Sweep. Your opponent’s weapon is knocked
Hiding: Cannot be seen, charged or shot at, stays Each time you roll a 1 when rolling to hit with a black-
attack. from his hand. If he is carrying two weapons, roll to
hidden while not seen by enemy and does not shoot or powder weapon (handgun, pistol,
Attacker’s Opponent’s WS see which one he loses. He must fight with
cast spells. blunderbuss,warplock pistol, etc), roll a D6:
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 whatever back-up weapon he has in his equipment
Enemies detect hidden foes within their I in inches. Model for the rest of this combat (or fight unarmed if he
1 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 BOOM! The weapon explodes with a deafening
that runs, flees, is stunned or charges cannot hide that has no other weapons). Roll to wound and take
2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 roar! The shooter suffers an S4 hit (this does not
turn. armour saves as normal. cause critical hits) and the weapon is destroyed.
Climbing: Height equal to M in a single movement 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
6 Bludgeoned. The victim automatically goes out
phase. I test: If failed while climbing up, he cannot 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 of action if he fails his armour save. Even if he 2 Jammed. The weapon is jammed and useless for
climb. If failed while climbing down, fall. 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 has several wounds remaining, he will be taken the remainder of the battle. You may use it as
6 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 out of action by this attack. normal in the next battle.
Jumping Down: Up to 6"; I test for every 2" jumped:
any fail and model falls from the beginning of the jump. 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 Phut. The weapon fails to fire and you must
Diving Charge: If enemy within 2" of the landing spot 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 bLAded WeAponS remove the shot. This means that the shooter
and jump down is successful, +1 Str bonus and +1 to 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1-2 Flesh Wound. This attack hits an unprotected area, must wait one extra turn before he can fire this
hit bonus during the following H-to-H phase only. so there is no armour save. weapon again.
10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4-5 Click. The weapon fails to fire, but there is
Jumping Over Gaps: Up to 3" wide (no measuring). If 3-4 Bladestorm. The warrior unleashes a virtual hail of no additional effect.
not enough movement model falls; otherwise pass I test Roll to Wound: Compare target’s T against weapon’s blows. The attack causes 2 wounds instead of 1.
or fall. May still fire if not running, and may jump as part Str to find the D6 score required to wound. Take armour saves separately for each wound. 6 KA-BOOM! The weapon roars and spits a cloud of
of a charge or run. Armour Save Modifiers: reduction in enemy’s Remember that, as with other critical hits, if an black smoke and flame! The shot hits the
Falling: D3 hits at a Str equal to height, no armour armour saving throw compared to the attacker’s Str. attack causes multiple wounds for other reasons as intended target and counts as having +1
well, you choose the highest number of wounds. Strength.
save, no critical hits. Cannot move any further or hide Strength 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
3. SHootInG Save Modifier - -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
5-6 Sliced! The strike ignores armour saves, causes 2 InjurIeS
wounds, and your warrior gains +2 to any Injury As soon as a model loses its last wound roll a D6:
Roll to Hit (D6): rolls.
Shooter’s BS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Warriors Knocked Down: An enemy model fighting a
1-2 Knocked down. The force of the blow knocks
warrior who is knocked down may attack him to put
Score 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 the warrior down. Place the model face up.
him out of action.
Hit Modifiers: 3-4 Stunned. The target falls to the ground,
Roll to wound as normal. If any attacks wound, take
-1 Target is in cover -1 Long range barely conscious. Turn the model face down.
armour save modified by Str of the attacker as
-1 Moving & shooting +1 Large target normal. If save is failed, warrior is automatically out 5-6 Out of action. Remove the model from the
of action. game.
Setup Combat
One player is the evil wizard player Morcar and To attack, you must be in one of the 4 squares to
controls the monsters. The other players control the front, rear or sides of the target.
the 4 player characters: the Elf, Dwarf, Wizard
Roll a number of combat dice as shown on the
and Barbarian. Each player rolls a die and the
character board or monster card next to Attack. For
each skull you roll, your opponent loses 1 Body
roller chooses his role first (the lowest roller must
point unless he can successfully defend himself.
be Morcar if no one has chosen him so far).
To defend against a successful attack, roll a
If there are fewer than 5 players, take more than
number of combat dice as shown on the character
one character each or play with fewer characters.
You may open a door by moving onto the square in board or monster card next to Defend. The player
Each player character takes his plastic figure front of it. Opening a door does not count as a characters must roll white shields, while the
and character board a character sheet from the move, and you can keep moving after opening one monster must roll black ones. Each shield rolled of
pad if you have spaces left to move. the correct type cancels 1 skull rolled by the
The evil wizard player takes the screen, the quest When a door is opened, the evil wizard player
book, the cards, and all the monster models, tiles places the pieces shown for that room or When using a missile weapon, your target must be
and furniture pieces. passageway in the Quest book (not traps and visible. There is no maximum range, but you
secret doors). cannot use a missile weapon if you are next to
The player characters fill the information on
your target.
their character boards in the appropriate places Once opened, a door stays open for the rest of
on their character sheets. Magic
the game. Replace the closed door piece with an
If your Body or Mind score reaches 0, your open door.
On their turn, the Wizard and the Elf may cast a
character is dead. Healing magic can never take Searching spell
your scores above their starting level.
instead of attacking; before or after moving.
Characters may always search a whole room or all
Sort the 12 spell cards into their 4 sets: Earth,
the visible squares of a passage instead of making Each spell may be cast once during a Quest; the
Water, Air and Fire magic. The Wizard chooses 3
an attack or casting a spell; before or after moving. spell is discarded once used.
sets of spells and the Elf chooses one set. The
Wizard chooses first, then the Elf, then the Wizard Characters may not search if they are next to a Spells can be cast at models that are visible to the
chooses his remaining sets. monster or if there is a monster in the same room spellcaster. Models in the same room are always
or visible in a passage. Monsters never search. visible. Those in passageways or different rooms
The evil wizard player sits behind the screen and
are only visible if you can trace an unobstructed
sorts the cards into their categories (treasure, Players must tell the evil wizard player whether
straight line from the caster to the target, without
monsters, equipment, spells and Quest treasures). they are searching for secret doors and traps, or
it passing through another model, through a wall,
Shuffle the treasure cards and place them facedown for treasure. If there is anything to be found, he
or through a closed door.
within reach of the players. Keep the monster cards must
faceup behind the screen. reveal it. Searching for treasure will not reveal traps A spell caster at a model which is not visible is
or secret doors and vice versa. wasted. A caster may always cast a spell on
Choose the Quest you are going to play and set up
Order of Play Secret doors may be found be searching either The Quest Book
side of a wall in which they are placed. Once
The maps in the Quest book show the evil wizard
Each player moves in turn, starting with the found they remain open for the rest of the game.
player where to place monsters and furniture, and
player to the left of the evil wizard player and
Spear traps are always disarmed when found. Pit the location of secret doors and traps.
continuing clockwise.
traps and falling block traps are placed onto the
On your turn, you may both move and fight (move board when found, and may later be disarmed and If you are the first player to enter a new room or
first then fight; or fight first, then move). removed by the Dwarf or a character with the Tool passageway, give the evil wizard player enough
Kit card. time to consult the Quest book and set up any
On his turn, the evil wizard player may move some visible monsters and furniture.
or all of his monsters on the board, each in turn. Treasure may be detailed in the Quest book; if
Monsters may first move then attack; or attack then there is no treasure listed for the room or passage Traps are triggered when a character moves onto
move. being searched, the character must take the top the square or opens a trapped chest without
card from the treasure card deck. If it is gold or searching. The character must stop immediately
Movement and can do nothing until his next turn.
jewels, record the treasure discovered on your
The character boards show how many dice to roll character sheet. If it is a potion, either use it If the players achieve the objectives described in the
to determine the maximum number of squares immediately or keep it for later use at any time. Quest, they complete it successfully. Players may
can be moved. Traps or wandering monster escape the dungeon by landing on the stair tile. If
cards should be read out and the instructions they fail to do so, or are killed, the evil wizard player
You may not move diagonally, move through the
followed immediately. Once a treasure card is used, wins.
same square twice, or move onto an occupied or
return it to the bottom of the deck.
blocked square. However you may pass through an If your character survives, you may keep any
occupied square if the player whose miniature is on Wandering Monsters Quest treasure cards (you may not keep ordinary
the square allows you to pass. If there is no vacant space adjacent to the character treasure cards), and spend any treasure recorded
who drew the card, the evil wizard player may place on your sheet to purchase better equipment.
Opening Doors
the monster in any vacant square in the same room Money can be accumulated from Quest to Quest.
Models can only enter and leave rooms through
or passage (he may not attack another character).
open doors. Monsters cannot open doors. Once you have completed 3 Quests, you are deemed
If all the monsters of a specified type are on the a
Setup Movement He may then decide whether or not to use a Hit
Setup the board. Movement in Rooms Finally he checks the base of the monster to find its
One player is the Korak the Cobran and the others When a hero reaches a closed door, he must open it Hit Strength.
are the Heroes (playing 1-4 heroes each, depending (this does not count as an action). After Korak has
placed monsters in the room, the hero may continue If the dice roll (and cards used) are the same or
on the number of Hero players).
if he has movement remaining. greater than the Hit Strength, the monster is dead.
Each Hero player takes a Hero, a basic weapon,
Open doors (not secret doors) remain open for the The hero takes the monster, its magic item (or leave
a Base Camp, and 3 Hit/Miss cards dealt from
rest of the game. it on the dead monster’s square if you don’t need it),
the shuffled Hit/Miss deck (placed the deck
a gold coin (draw randomly without looking at the
facedown near the board). A hero may walk through squares containing other value) and a new Hit/Miss card, and places them all
Hero figures start on the Castle Entrance space in heroes, but may not stop on the same square. A in his base camp.
any order. Set their bases to 8 Hit Points (HP). hero may never walk through a monster’s square.
If the dice roll (and cards used) are less than the
The Korak figure is placed on the Castle throne. A monster may walk through squares containing Hit Strength, the monster is unaffected.
other monsters, but may not stop on the same Korak’s Attack
Korak hides one Golden Weapon in each chest and square. A monster may never walk through a hero’s Korak rolls 2 dice for the monster.
places the chests in 4 different rooms (not in front square.
or behind a door or secret door). The hero records hits on his base. If he has 0 or
Placing Monsters less HP left he is knocked unconscious and goes
The monsters and magic items are placed behind back to the Castle Entrance.
the Castle. When a room door is opened by a hero, Korak
must immediately decide which monsters to put
The Gold Coins (numbers facedown) are placed in in the room. There is a maximum limit of monster Hit/Miss Cards
the Castle Pit behind the Fortress. HP for each of the rooms: When a hero takes a hit from the Warlord’s dice
roll, he may reduce the damage by 1 for every
The Haunter is placed near the board, near the Rooms 1-2: up to 3 HP per Miss card played; to a maximum of 2 per bout.
Castle rooms. room. Rooms 3-5: up to 4 HP
Miss cards are only used to reduce the
per room. Rooms 6-8: up to 5
Playing the Game monster’s blows.
HP per room.
After rolling dice and before looking at the
The heroes go first. At least 1 monster, but no more than 2, must be in monster’s base, a player may use Hit cards to
The Mace of Chaos is shaken by Korak at the start of each room. Every monster placed must have a increase the damage and kill it; to a maximum of 3
each round: the order of the colored balls, from magic item on their base. per bout.
bottom to top, is the hero turn order. Monsters may not be placed on the square in front Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck.
Combat The Haunter
Hero Turn
A hero’s turn consists of 3 actions. Opponents must be on adjacent (non-diagonal) squares. Korak rolls the 10 sided die: the number rolled
An action is a move of 1 square to an adjacent A hero or monster may attack more than one indicates the row that the Haunter flies across,
square (diagonals are not allowed), or 1 bout of opponent in a turn (one at a time) if he has actions killing or knocking unconscious all in its path.
combat (in any order). to do so. If a 0 is rolled, the Haunter does not appear.
A bout of combat is an attempted blow by the Any monster hit is removed from play and placed
Korak’s Turn attacker, followed by a return blow from his opponent if
After all the heroes have had a turn, Korak may take back in the Castle Pit.
it survives.
3 actions (any combination of moves and combat) The magic item it was guarding is left on the
with each of his visible monsters (one that has been At the end of the bout, the hero may continue square where it died.
placed in a room after the door has been opened by with another bout, or move away if he has
actions left. Once the first hero reaches the Doomstep, the
a hero).
Haunter can no longer be activated.
He may also summon the Haunter once, if he wishes. Hero’s Attack
Castle Entrance & Knocked Unconscious Treasure and Magic Items The Castle Arena
The Haunter may not harm anyone in the Monsters and heroes may never stand on Korak never leaves his throne. The remaining
Castle Entrance. No monster may enter the treasure chest squares. monsters (up to a maximum of 6) are brought into
Entrance. play in the first Korak turn after the first hero arrives
Once all monsters in a room are dead, a hero may
on the Doomstep. They are placed on squares at the
When a hero is knocked unconscious, on his next open a chest by standing in the square directly in
lower level in front of Korak, or under the Castle (one
turn he is restored to 1 HP and may now take a front of it. He may take the Golden Weapon and
monster per door). Each, other than Korak, gets a
normal turn. replace it with his basic weapon.
magic item in its base.
If he has a Magic Potion he may use it and then step Magic Items In combat, the next stair, up or down, is an
onto, and stop, on the Teleport Platform. Or he may A hero may have up to 2 magic items at a time. adjacent square.
go to the Healing Fountain. His turn now ends.
Using a magic item does not count as an action. All Any hero knocked unconscious by any monsters
Using the Healing Fountain costs 1 turn and magic items are used once, anytime in a hero’s turn (other than Korak) goes back to the Doomstep and
restores all of a hero’s HP. More than one hero may (never the Korak’s turn), and then discarded into must
use the Fountain at the same time. the Castle Pit. lose from his base camp one of the following: a
Stepping onto the Teleport Platform costs 1 turn Any magic item left in a square may be picked up magic item, a Hit/Miss card, a gold coin, or a slain
and does not count as an action. by any hero moving onto that square, if the square monster figure. If you have none of these you lose
is unoccupied. nothing.
The hero may immediately teleport to any square
up to the front of the last open door, following the Healing Potion: Restores a hero’s HP to full Next round you recover 1 HP and continue play.
order of the rooms and not skipping any which strength. It may not be used if a hero is already at Korak always rolls 3 dice when he fights a hero.
have been bypassed due to the use of secret 8 HP.
doors. Korak is fought from the area in front of his
Speed Boots: The hero takes one extra turn of 3 throne, which can accommodate all the heroes at
You cannot teleport to an occupied square; land on actions (added to any part of the current turn he the same time. Monsters may not enter this area.
Secret Doors might still have left).
Korak has 7 HP. If he is killed, the game ends; his
To use a secret door, a hero must stop on the Fireball Grenade: The grenade can be thrown at a figure is taken by the victorious hero and that hero
secret door square and roll the 10 sided die. monster 2 squares away in a straight line. It does 3 is placed on Korak’s throne.
HP damage to the target square, and 2 HP damage
To find the door, you must roll one of the Any hero knocked unconscious by Korak is out of
to each adjacent square (not through walls). Hit
numbers printed on the secret door square: Winning
cards can be used to increase the effect.
In room 1: you must roll a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
It cannot be thrown at a hero, but heroes suffer If all 4 heroes are eliminated by Korak, the
In room 4: you must roll a 1, 2 or 3. 2 damage if adjacent to the hit monster. Korak player wins.
If you fail, any more normal movement you had Any monster slain leaves its magic item on the If Korak is killed, the game ends immediately
that turn is lost and you must move one adjacent square where it died. and heroes count up their points as follows:
square away. The Arch and Doomstep – each monster in your base camp is worth
If the door is found, revolve it and move the hero its number of HP.
into the new room. Rolling the dice and moving into Once a hero passes through the Arch and into the
Battle Arena, there is no going back. – each gold coin is worth its value.
the room does not count as an action.
– each unused Hit/Miss card is worth 1 point.
When a secret door is turned, and a monster, hero, Monsters from the castle rooms may not pass – standing on the throne is worth 5 points.
or magic item is on the square on the other side, through the Arch, not may arena monsters enter
rooms. Arena monsters may not step on the The winner is the hero with the most points
the door opener and the monster, hero, or magic
Doomstep (the space beyond the Arch), not fight (not necessarily the hero who killed Korak).
item swap places.
any hero standing on it. For a more challenging game:
Monsters cannot activate secret doors, nor stand
on the numbered secret door squares. A hero may not fight a monster while standing on 1. Heroes may never keep more than 6 Hit/Miss
the Doomstep. cards at a time.
The first hero to reach the Doomstep takes 4 2. To kill a monster in combat, heroes must get
Hit/Miss cards; the second hero takes 3 cards, and at least 1 HP more than the monster’s
the third and fourth each take 2 cards. strength.
Setup Event card: Draw an Event card, show it to the other The treasure space cannot be entered by a
players and follow its instructions immediately (see p13 monster or hero.
Setup the board. One player is the Warlord and of the rules), then return it to the bottom of the deck.
If a building is clear of heroes, the Warlord may
the others are the Heroes (playing 1-4 heroes
Warlord card: If you draw an Event card that allows take his monsters back, or leave them on the
each, depending on the number of Hero players).
you to look at a Warlord card, draw the card(s) from board. If he takes them back or moves them all out
Each Hero player takes a Hero, a basic that deck. The Hero now knows this is not the of a building, the building is placed back on the
weapon, a Base Camp, and a Hit/Miss card Warlord’s weakness; he keeps this information secret. board, and new monsters may be placed in it if it is
dealt from the Return the card(s) to the bottom of the deck. re-entered by a hero.
shuffled Hit/Miss deck (placed the deck facedown
Warlord Turn The Windmill: One extra guard may be placed in the
behind the Fortress). Hero figures start on the
Village Entrance space in any order. Set their bases normal building area (so the building may have 3
After all the heroes have had a turn, the Warlord may
monsters, with no points limit). The hero who slays
to 8 Hit Points (HP). take 3 actions (any combination of moves and
the last monster takes the Miller figure and places
The Warlord figure starts on top of the Fortress. combat) with each of his visible monsters (one that him in his base camp.
The wheel behind him is set to 5 HP. has been placed in a building after the door has been
opened The Great Hall: One extra guard may be placed on
The Warlord player puts one Key on the Lurker base, by a hero). the first floor (so the building may have 3
one on the marked space on the first floor of the monsters, with no points limit). If the ground floor
Great Hall, one on the marked space in the Wererat’s He may also move the Wolf and the Lurker
is cleared of monsters, the hero may move up to
Lair, and one Golden Weapon or one Key on the around the village, and he must attempt to fly
the first floor (it takes 1 action to move to and from
treasure space in each of the 5 buildings. He then Karrion to a building.
this floor). The
places the Lurker on the Fortress step space; the Movement hero who slays this last monster takes the Mayor
Wolf behind the Monument of Chaos on the Village figure and places him in his base camp; if you do not
When a hero reaches the numbered square by a
Green; Karrion on his perch on the Fortress Arch; have a Key already, take the Key.
and the Wererats door, the building is lifted off the board and its
contents revealed. After the Warlord has placed Combat
in their Lair.
monsters in the building, the hero may continue if he
The Halfling Miller is placed in the top floor of the Opponents must be on adjacent (non-
has movement remaining.
Windmill, and the Halfling Mayor in the top floor of diagonal) squares.
A hero may walk through squares containing other
the Great Hall. A Magic Potion is placed in the base of A hero or monster may attack more than one
heroes, but may not stop on the same square. A
each of these halfling hostages. opponent in a turn (one at a time) if he has actions
hero may never walk through a monster’s square.
to do so.
The Warlord player places one monster of his choice
A monster may walk through squares containing
in the second floor of the Great Hall, and puts the A bout of combat is an attempted blow by the
other monsters, but may not stop on the same
rest of his monsters and magic items behind the attacker, followed by a return blow from his opponent
square. A monster may never walk through a hero’s
Fortress. if it survives.
The Gold Coins (numbers facedown) are placed near At the end of the bout, the hero may continue
Monsters may not enter buildings still on the board.
the board. The Event, Sewer and Warlord card with another bout, or move away if he has
Heroes and monsters may move across the end of
decks are shuffled separately; then place the Event actions left.
the Drawbridge to the square on the other side.
cards facedown in the space next to the Fortress,
and the Sewer cards facedown off the board near the The Wolf and the Lurker may move up to 3 Hero’s Attack
Wererat’s Lair. squares but may not enter buildings. The Wolf A hero rolls 2 dice (3 dice if he has a Golden
enters the village from either of the 2 squares on Weapon). A die result may be 0, 1, or 2 HP damage.
The Warlord player draws one Warlord card and
either side of his track across the Village Green. He may then decide whether or not to use a Hit
Playing the Game
The Lurker enters the village from either square at
the corners of the Drawbridge. card. Finally he checks the base of the monster to
The heroes go first. The Monument of Chaos is
shaken by the Warlord at the start of each round: find its
Placing Monsters
the order Hit Strength.
When a building is lifted off the board, the Warlord
of the colored balls, from bottom to top, is the If the dice roll (and cards used) are the same or
must immediately decide to put 0, 1 or 2 monsters
hero turn order. greater than the Hit Strength, the monster is dead.
in the building. He is limited to a maximum of 5
Hero Turn HP The hero takes the monster, its magic item (or leave
worth of monsters in each building, and may split
A hero’s turn consists of taking either an Event card it on the dead monster’s square if you don’t need it),
this among several monsters. Every monster placed a gold coin (draw randomly without looking at the
or a Warlord card, followed by 3 actions. An action
must have a magic item on their base. value) and a new Hit/Miss card, and places them all
is a move of 1 square to an adjacent square
(diagonals are not allowed), or 1 bout of combat (in Monsters may not be placed on the square in front in his base camp.
Warlord’s Attack Once all monsters in a building are dead, a hero may The hero stays on the board in full view, but the
The Warlord rolls 2 dice for the monster. take the treasure by standing adjacent to the square. Plotter is kept hidden from the hero player. The
A Golden Weapon replaces a hero’s normal weapon. hero moves first to any adjacent point along the
The hero records hits on his base. If he has 0 or grid lines, in any direction but without leaving the
less HP left he is knocked unconscious and goes In the Great Hall, only the ground floor needs to
back to the Village Entrance. be cleared to take the ground floor treasure.
Then the Lurker moves in the same way, but
Hit/Miss Cards No hero may have more than 1 Key, 1 Golden
secretly using the Plotter. He may not move onto
Weapon, and 2 magic items. However each Halfing
When a hero takes a hit from the Warlord’s dice the same space as the hero.
roll, he may reduce the damage by 1 for every hostage the hero player has enables him to carry 1
extra magic item. If the hero moves onto the Lurker’s position, he is
Miss card played; to a maximum of 2 per bout.
knocked unconscious; the Warlord reveals the
Miss cards are only used to reduce the monster’s Magic Items Plotter.
blows. All magic items are used once, anytime in a hero’s
turn (never the warlord’s turn), and then If the hero reaches any one of the 3 back points on
After rolling dice and before looking at the
discarded. the Drawbridge, he may take the Key guarded by
monster’s base, a player may use Hit cards to
the Lurker, and places the Lurker in his base camp.
increase the damage and kill the monster; to a Any magic item left in a square may be picked up He moves to the top of the Fortress and ends his
maximum of 3 per bout. by any hero moving onto that square, if the square turn.
Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. is unoccupied.
Combat with the Wolf, Lurker and Wererats The Fortress
Healing Potion: Restores a hero’s HP to full
Instead of normal combat, the Warlord player rolls 2
strength. It may not be used if a hero is already at The Warlord never leaves the top of the Fortress.
dice and the hero player rolls 2 dice (3 dice if he
8 HP. Once there, a hero may not turn back.
has a Golden Weapon).
Speed Boots: The hero takes one extra turn of 3 The first 2 heroes to enter the Fortress each take 3
If the hero rolls more swords, the monster is
actions (added to any part of the current turn he Hit/Miss cards; the next two take 2 cards each. The
defeated. The Wolf goes back to the Village Green,
might still have left). hero places his Key in the top of the Fortress and
the Lurker goes back to the Drawbridge, and a
Wererat is eliminated (temporarily). The combat may look at the Warlord’s card.
Creature Control Whip: Orders either the Wolf
ends. to any unoccupied square in the Village (not Warlord Cards
inside a building), or Karrion to return to his There are 6 Warlord cards, and the Warlord keeps
If the monster rolls more swords, the hero
perch on the one secretly as his weakness:
loses the difference from his HP. The combat Keys
continues until the monster is defeated or the One key is needed by each hero to enter the 4 Golden Weapon cards: If a hero fights the
hero knocked unconscious. Draws are re-rolled. Fortress. It does not count as a magic item. warlord with the same weapon as the one on his
Hit/Miss cards cannot be used when fighting secret card, the hero rolls 4 dice.
these monsters. Sewers
1 Karrion card: The Warlord rolls 3 dice for
Karrion, Giant Bird of Prey Karrion and the hero loses this number of HP.
As soon as a hero steps onto a Sewer Entrance
he must draw a Sewer card. Combat then continues against the Warlord.
To seal a building with Karrion, the Warlord rolls the
8 sided die: the number rolled indicates the building The Wererats do not carry a magic item, and they 1 No Weakness card: Play is not affected.
affected (attach Karrion to the building’s roof). offer no gold coin reward when killed. They do not The Warlord always rolls 3 dice when he fights a
If the building is currently open, Karrion has no leave the game when killed, but are used again and hero.
effect and returns to the Fortress. again.
The Warlord is fought from the area in front of him,
If 6-8 is rolled, Karrion stays on the Fortress or Lost: The hero must remain where he is. which can accommodate all the heroes at the same
returns to it. Safe Passage: The hero may move to any other time. If he is killed, the game ends; his figure is
Sewer Entrance; his turn is then over. taken by the victorious hero and that hero is placed
A locked building cannot be entered that turn.
on the Warlord’s spot.
Wererat Ambush: The hero must fight the number
The Village Entrance & Knocked Unconscious of Wererats indicated. If successful, he may move to Any hero knocked unconscious by the Warlord is
any other Sewer Entrance; his turn is then over. out of the game.
No monster may harm a hero in the Village Winning
Entrance, nor enter the Entrance itself. Wererat’s Lair: The hero must immediately move to
the Wererat’s Lair and fight both Wererats. If If all 4 heroes are eliminated by the Warlord,
When a hero is knocked unconscious, the Warlord’s
successful, he may take their Key and then move to the Warlord wins.
HP wheel is turned one segment. He has a
any other Sewer Entrance; his turn is then over.
minimum of 5 HP and a maximum of 9 HP. If the Warlord is killed, the game ends
The Drawbridge immediately and heroes count up their points as
On his next turn, the hero is restored to 1 HP and
A hero who reaches one of the 3 spaces at the follows:
may now take a normal turn.
Village end of the Drawbridge must play the Trial of – the Warlord is worth 7 points.
He may go to the Healing Fountain and end his turn Stealth, and cannot stop move onto it unless he
(using it costs 3 actions), which restores all his HP. – each monster in your base camp is worth
does so. its number of HP.
More than one hero may use the Fountain at the
same time. This is separate from normal turns and is – each gold coin is worth its value.
completed before the next hero has his turn. – each unused Hit/Miss card is worth 1 point.
Treasure and magic items As soon as the hero moves onto the Drawbridge, – standing in the Warlord’s spot is worth 5 points.
the Lurker returns to the space in front of the – each hostage rescued is worth 5 points.
Monsters and heroes may never stand on
treasure squares. The winner is the hero with the most points
The Warlord player takes the Drawbridge Plotter (not necessarily the hero who killed the
is locked: move it to one of the 2 purple spaces. close to the
You cannot use locked dice, but they return to the centre of the
blue spaces at the end of your turn. chamber as
possible. He may choose which
The last player to take their turn in the round does
miniature to use if there are
not lock destiny dice, and may spend as many as
armed with different weapons for an adversary,
3. ADVERSARY PHASE but cannot use a duplicate miniature unless that
The runemarked player controls any adversaries on the is the only option.
Choose a player to take the Rune of Tzeentch token board. Turn to their page at the back of the rulebook, 3. Place the Exploration card faceup next to the
and be the first player. Starting with this roll a dice (or 2 dice, for some adversaries) and check chamber, and put the rest of the Exploration
runemarked player and going clockwise, each player the result on the adversary’s Behaviour table.
chooses a hero and takes their hero card and
Move (1+)
miniature. A player that If there are no adversaries on the board, there is a When you make this action your hero may move up
takes the Excelsior Warpriest also takes the Gryph- respite. Each player places their hero anywhere in the to as many spaces as their Move value. Each space
hound card and miniature. A player that takes the current chamber. Then the heroes may rest if they they move into must be adjacent to their current
Fyreslayer Doomseeker also takes the Fyreslayer rune wish: each player rolls a dice. If at least one player space. Any spaces that touch (including diagonally) are
token. rolls under the number of skill cards he has, there is an adjacent.
ambush; otherwise each player can either heal D3
Each player chooses one of the coloured renown Heroes may move through heroes and adversaries may
wounds, or search the room by rolling a dice and
markers and puts it on the circular Renown track on move through adversaries, but they cannot move
taking a treasure card on a roll of 4+.
the Fate board, on the space marked with a circle. through each other. Your hero can never end their
There cannot be a respite 2 rounds in a row: instead move in the same space as another hero or adversary.
Each player takes the 4 hero dice that match the an unexpected event occurs: roll 2 dice, one after the
colour of their renown marker. Place the 5 purple Heroes that are adjacent to an adversary and wish to
other, treating the first as tens and the second as
destiny dice next to the Fate board. move (with a Move action or as part of another action)
units, then read that passage in the Adventure book.
must take a pinning test. Roll a dice: if the result is
Shuffle the Treasure and Skill decks and put them If there is an ambush during a respite, roll on lower than the hero’s Agility value, the hero cannot
on their spaces on the Fate board. If you discard Encounter table D. If the result shows any adversaries, move and the hero dice is spent (you can still resolve
one of these cards during the game, put it on the place them at the unexplored exit nearest to the other parts of the action).
bottom of its deck. runemarked player’s hero. If there are no unexplored Recuperate (1+*)
Place the ingress chamber tile in the centre of the exits, place them at If your hero has been wounded, you can make this
table. The runemarked player puts his hero on a space the nearest portal instead. The adversary phase action to heal a wound. It has a score of 1+ the first
next to the tile’s exit, then the other players, in then proceeds, with these new arrivals attacking time you use it in a turn, 2+ the second time, then 3+,
clockwise order, put their heroes on spaces anywhere before the heroes can react. and so on.
in the chamber. 4. END PHASE Weapon Actions
One player takes the Adventure book and reads The runemarked player passes the Rune of Tzeentch After making a weapon action from your hero card,
Starting a Trial on the first page out loud. to the player on his left, who becomes the pick a target and make an attack roll. Each weapon
runemarked player for the next round. action has a range that limits the target you can pick:
Combat range may target any adjacent enemy.
Missile range may target any visible enemy miniature,
The runemarked player rolls the 5 destiny dice, Make actions by spending the hero dice from your but the weapon can’t be used while adjacent to an
then puts any dice that show a unique number on action roll. To make an action, you must spend a dice enemy miniature. If you can trace a straight line
the blue spaces on the Fate board. which matches or exceeds the action’s score (in between the centres of 2 spaces, miniatures in those
brackets). spaces can see each other as long as the line does
Any other dice (doubles, triples etc) are discarded. If not go through a chamber wall or touch an
the heroes are still in the ingress chamber, nothing You can make the same action multiple times, but
happens. Otherwise, check the Consequences of Destiny must end an action before starting a new one.
table. Area range targets each enemy miniature in the
There are 3 basic actions that any hero can make:
2. HERO PHASE same chamber as the attacker; make an attack roll
Explore (1+), Move (1+), and Recuperate (1+*). Each
for each in an order of your choice.
hero also has a number of unique actions on their
Starting with the runemarked hero and going
clockwise, each player takes a complete turn with hero card. Then roll the hero dice you spent to make the weapon
their hero. action. If the result is lower than the weapon action’s
Explore (1+) Hit value, the attack misses. Otherwise, the adversary
On your turn, first make an action roll: roll your 4 You can make this action whenever your hero is suffers as many wounds as the weapon’s Damage
hero dice and put them on the spaces on your hero standing at an unexplored exit (an exit not connected value.
card. to another chamber). Put wound markers next to the adversary to track
In the first round, the first action the runemarked Reveal the top card of the exploration deck and: wounds it has suffered. If the markers reach its Vigour
player will need to make is Explore (1+). value, it is removed from the board (excess wounds are
1. Set up the chamber shown on the card so that one
The destiny dice on the Fate board are hero dice ignored).
of its exits completely lines up with the one in your
that may be shared among the players. You can hero’s chamber. Place any portals in the chamber, Each time you slay an adversary you gain a point of
make actions on your turn by spending the as shown on the card. renown. Each hero can also gain renown as described on
destiny dice their hero card. Whenever you gain renown, move your
on the blue spaces. 2. Read the card text and follow any instructions.
Any adversaries are set up by the runemarked
ADVERSARIES TREASURES If a chamber has 3 exits, the
path divides and you must
If you cannot place as many adversaries as instructed, You can pass Treasure cards to another player split the Exploration deck.
the excess are not placed and an unexpected event before making your action roll if your heroes are
Dealing from the bottom, deal 1 card at a time to
occurs. adjacent, or pass them to any player during a
each of the exits until they have all been distributed.
Adversaries of the same type on the board are The heroes now have 2 different paths to follow.
called adversary groups. These groups are Heroes can only carry 4 Treasure cards. If you have
After exploring a chamber, if there are no more
activated one at a time, in an order chosen by the more at the end of a phase, you must discard down to
Exploration cards to place at an exit, it is a dead end
runemarked player. THE AMULET
and cannot be explored further. If an explored
Adversaries can move as many spaces as their Move If you have any fragments of the amulet, you can chamber does not have any other exits, discard the
value. Each space they move into must be adjacent use the power of each once during each trial to do rest of the Exploration deck.
to their current space. one of the following: Chambers can vanish from play at the end of each
If an adversary is adjacent to a hero at the start Heal D3 of your hero’s wounds at the start of your round. The current chamber is safe, as is any chamber
of its move, it must take a pinning test. The turn, before making your action roll. If your hero is connected to it and any chamber that is connected to
runemarked player rolls a dice: if the result is lower greviously wounded, place them in the current that one. Any other chambers are cleared away and
than the adversary’s Agility value, it is pinned and chamber before healing the wounds. their Exploration cards moved to a discard pile next to
cannot move that phase. It can still attack or carry the fate board. If a hero is cleared away, he is
out any other instructions. Re-roll any of the dice in your action roll before
greviously wounded. If any unexplored exits are
making your first action.
cleared away, bring their Exploration decks forward to
Attacking and Damaging Heroes
Re-roll any of the destiny dice, before discarding the nearest remaining unexplored exit. If this leaves
The runemarked player picks a target, limited by the multiple decks at a single exit, combine them together
any, if you are the runemarked player.
weapon’s range and the Behaviour table instructions, into 1 deck by dealing cards from the bottom of each,
and rolls the number of dice shown by the weapon’s FAMILIARS one at a time.
Dice value. Each dice that scores lower than the
weapon’s Hit value is discarded; any others hit the Familiars are not adversaries and do not move or If a chamber cannot be placed after exploring an exit
target hero. attack. Adversaries can move through familiars. because other chambers are in the way, the
obstructing chambers immediately vanish as described
Roll a dice each time your hero is hit. If the score is Heroes can move into the same space as a familiar, but above, along with any that are no longer connected as
less than your Save value, you suffer as many wounds this ends their move and they must attempt to catch it.
as the weapon’s Damage value. Otherwise, the hit is You and the player to your left each roll a dice.
ignored. If you score lower, the familiar curses you and At the end of a trial, each player rolls a dice for each
then Treasure card they have: on a roll of 1, 2, or 3, return
Each time your hero suffers a wound, place a
flees. Remove it from the board then resolve its it to the Treasure deck. Otherwise the hero keeps it.
wound marker covering one of the dice spaces on
bane. Otherwise, you catch it: move it to your hero
your hero card. When you make an action roll, Any fragments of the amulet are kept by the player
card. You may discard it to use its boon.
each marker reduces the number of dice you roll that took them. If the group has no fragments, each
by 1. You may only have one familiar on your hero card at a player must discard all of their Skill cards.
time. There can only be one of each on the board (not
If all 4 spaces are covered you will need to rely on If the players have 1 fragment between them, each
including any caught). If a familiar is manifested and is
destiny dice. If you suffer a wound when all your hero can keep 1 skill. If they have 2 or 3, each hero
already on the board, its second miniature is not set up;
spaces are covered, your hero is greviously can keep 2 skills. If they have 4 to 7 fragments, they
if both miniatures are on hero cards, the runemarked
player chooses one and sets it up on the board as can keep 3, and if they have all 8 fragments they can
instructed. keep 4. They must discard the rest.
When an adversary is stunned, place a stun marker
If there is a respite, any familiars that have not Any skills, treasures and fragments you keep will be
next to it; the adversary does not act in the adversary
COMPANIONS with you when you attempt the next trial (keep them
phase. Remove any stun markers on adversaries at the
with your hero card or make a note)
end of the adversary phase.
If an unused hero joins the party, the runemarked
When a hero is stunned, place a stun marker on its player takes the hero card and places it next to his FAILED QUESTS
hero card instead of a wound marker. If there is no own.
space for one, the marker is discarded with no effect If all of the heroes are greviously wounded at the same
After each of the other heroes has taken a turn, the time, or if you reveal the last exploration card without
(stun attacks cannot greviously wound heroes). Stun runemarked player takes a turn with the companion.
markers affect your action roll like wound markers. finding the grand chamber, the trail is failed. The
After making their action roll, he must turn all but
Remove any stun markers on your hero at the end of heroes are ‘revived’ to attempt the trial again or try
one of the companion’s hero dice to show a score
your turn. another.
of 1.
Each time a stunned miniature suffers a wound, flip Companions cannot use destiny dice, gain renown or
one of their stun markers to its wound marker side. skills, or pick up treasure. At the end of the round, Progress throughout the tower is a quest consisting
SKILLS the companion is passed to the new runemarked of 8 trials (games), measured by the amulet
player. fragments collected after each trial.
If your renown marker reaches the starting space
THE MAP You do not need to use the same hero
(marked with a circle), your hero gains a new skill.
throughout, but keep track of which skills and
When your hero gains a skill, draw the top 2 The current chamber is the chamber where the majority treasures each of the heroes has picked up. Your
cards from the Skill deck and choose one to of the heroes are. If they are spread out evenly, the hero is tied to their quest; if you start a new
discard. current chamber is the one that was most recently quest, you cannot bring their skills and treasures
Put the other next to your hero card. explored. along with you.
Then the heroes may rest if they wish: each player rolls Move (1+)
a dice. If at least one player rolls under the number of Move up to as many spaces
skill cards he has, there is an ambush. Otherwise each as your Move. If you are adjacent
player can either heal D3 wounds, or search the room to an adversary, make a D6 pinning test.
by rolling a dice and taking a treasure card on a roll of
If the result is lower than your Agility, you
cannot move; the hero dice is spent.
The runemarked player rolls 5 destiny dice: put any There cannot be a respite 2 rounds in a row: instead
with a unique number on the Fate board. an unexpected event occurs: roll D66 and read that Recuperate (1+*)
passage in the Adventure book. Heal a wound. The score is 1+ the first time you use it
Discard other dice: unless the heroes are in the 4. END PHASE in a turn, 2+ the second time, 3+ the third time etc.
ingress chamber, check the Consequences of Destiny
table. The runemarked player passes the Rune of Tzeentch
to the player on his left.
Weapon Actions
2. HERO PHASE Pick a target and make an attack roll.
Starting with the runemarked hero and going Combat range targets any adjacent
clockwise, each hero takes a complete turn. On
your turn, roll your 4 hero dice and put them on your Make actions by spending a hero dice that matches enemy.
hero card. or exceeds the action’s score. Missile range targets any visible enemy miniature,
Each time you spend a destiny dice, the highest- You can make the same action multiple times. There but the weapon can’t be used while adjacent to an
scoring dice still on a blue space is locked: move it to are 3 basic actions: enemy.
one of the 2 purple spaces. Locked dice cannot be used Area range targets each enemy miniature in the
and return to the blue spaces at the end of your turn. Explore (1+)
same chamber as the attacker; make an attack roll
The last player does not lock destiny dice. If you are standing at an unexplored exit, reveal the for each.
3. ADVERSARY PHASE top card of the exploration deck:
Roll the hero dice you spent to make the weapon
1. Set up the chamber shown with one of its exits
The runemarked player controls adversaries. action. If you roll lower than the weapon action’s Hit,
lining up with the one in your chamber. Place any
Roll dice on the adversary’s Behaviour table. the attack misses. Otherwise, the adversary suffers
wounds equal to the weapon’s Damage.
If there are no adversaries on the board,
2. Follow any card instructions.
there is a respite. Everyone places If wound markers reach its Vigour value, it is slain
their hero 3. Place the card faceup next to the chamber, and and removed from the board (ignore excess wounds).
anywhere in the current chamber. the rest of the deck next to the new chamber’s

Then the heroes may rest if they wish: each player rolls Move (1+)
a dice. If at least one player rolls under the number of Move up to as many spaces
skill cards he has, there is an ambush. Otherwise each as your Move. If you are adjacent
player can either heal D3 wounds, or search the room to an adversary, make a D6 pinning test.
by rolling a dice and taking a treasure card on a roll of
If the result is lower than your Agility, you
cannot move; the hero dice is spent.
The runemarked player rolls 5 destiny dice: put any There cannot be a respite 2 rounds in a row: instead
with a unique number on the Fate board. an unexpected event occurs: roll D66 and read that Recuperate (1+*)
passage in the Adventure book. Heal a wound. The score is 1+ the first time you use it
Discard other dice: unless the heroes are in the 4. END PHASE in a turn, 2+ the second time, 3+ the third time etc.
ingress chamber, check the Consequences of Destiny
table. The runemarked player passes the Rune of Tzeentch
to the player on his left.
Weapon Actions
2. HERO PHASE Pick a target and make an attack roll.
Starting with the runemarked hero and going Combat range targets any adjacent
clockwise, each hero takes a complete turn. On
your turn, roll your 4 hero dice and put them on your Make actions by spending a hero dice that matches enemy.
hero card. or exceeds the action’s score. Missile range targets any visible enemy miniature,
Each time you spend a destiny dice, the highest- You can make the same action multiple times. There but the weapon can’t be used while adjacent to an
scoring dice still on a blue space is locked: move it to are 3 basic actions: enemy.
one of the 2 purple spaces. Locked dice cannot be used Area range targets each enemy miniature in the
and return to the blue spaces at the end of your turn. Explore (1+)
same chamber as the attacker; make an attack roll
The last player does not lock destiny dice. If you are standing at an unexplored exit, reveal the for each.
3. ADVERSARY PHASE top card of the exploration deck:
Roll the hero dice you spent to make the weapon
1. Set up the chamber shown with one of its exits
The runemarked player controls adversaries. action. If you roll lower than the weapon action’s Hit,
lining up with the one in your chamber. Place any
Roll dice on the adversary’s Behaviour table. the attack misses. Otherwise, the adversary suffers
wounds equal to the weapon’s Damage.
If there are no adversaries on the board,
2. Follow any card instructions.
there is a respite. Everyone places If wound markers reach its Vigour value, it is slain
their hero 3. Place the card faceup next to the chamber, and and removed from the board (ignore excess wounds).
anywhere in the current chamber. the rest of the deck next to the new chamber’s
If you cannot place as many adversaries as instructed, When an adversary is stunned, place a stun marker Familiars are not adversaries and do not
the excess are not placed and an unexpected event next to it; it does not act in the adversary phase. move or attack. Adversaries can move
occurs. Remove stun markers on adversaries at the end of the through
adversary phase. familiars. Heroes can move into the same space as a
Adversaries can move up to their Move.
familiar, but this ends their move and they must
When a hero is stunned, place a stun marker on its
An adversary adjacent to a hero at the start of its attempt to catch it. You and the player to your left
hero card instead of a wound marker. Remove stun
move must make a D6 pinning test. If the result is roll a dice. If you score lower, remove the familiar from
markers on your hero at the end of your turn.
lower than its Agility, it cannot move. the board then resolve its bane. Otherwise, you catch
Attacking and Damaging Heroes Each time a stunned miniature suffers a wound, flip it: move it to your hero card. You may only have one
The runemarked player picks a target (note range and one of their stun markers to its wound marker side. on your hero card at a time. You may discard it to use
Behaviour table instructions), and rolls dice equal to SKILLS & TREASURES its boon.
the weapon’s Dice. There can only be one of each familiar on the board at
If your renown marker reaches the starting space your
hero gains a new skill. Draw the top 2 Skill cards, once (not including any caught). If there is a respite,
Each dice lower than the weapon’s Hit is discarded;
any others hit the target hero. choose one to discard, and put the other next to your COMPANIONS
hero card. If an unused hero joins the party, the runemarked
Roll a D6 each time your hero is hit. If the score is
less than your Save, suffer as many wounds as the You can pass Treasure cards to another player before player takes the hero card and places it next to his
weapon’s Damage. Otherwise, the hit is ignored. making your action roll if your heroes are adjacent, or own.
pass them to any player during a respite. Heroes can After each of the other heroes has taken a turn, the
When you suffer a wound, cover one of your dice only carry 4 Treasure cards.
spaces with a wound marker. Each reduces the number The Amulet runemarked player takes a turn with the companion.
After making their action roll, he must turn all but
of action You can use the power of each amulet fragment
dice you roll by 1. one of the companion’s hero dice to 1.
once during each trial to do one of the following:
Companions cannot use destiny dice, gain renown or
If you suffer a wound when all your spaces are Head D3 of your hero’s wounds.
skills, or pick up treasure. At the end of the round,
covered, you are greviously wounded and
Re-roll any of the dice in your action pass the companion to the new runemarked player.
from the board. The next respite, place your roll. Re-roll any of the destiny dice. If an unexpected event occurs, or there is a
hero with the others in the current chamber, respite, the companion is removed from


If you cannot place as many adversaries as instructed, When an adversary is stunned, place a stun marker Familiars are not adversaries and do not
the excess are not placed and an unexpected event next to it; it does not act in the adversary phase. move or attack. Adversaries can move
occurs. Remove stun markers on adversaries at the end of the through
adversary phase. familiars. Heroes can move into the same space as a
Adversaries can move up to their Move.
familiar, but this ends their move and they must
When a hero is stunned, place a stun marker on its
An adversary adjacent to a hero at the start of its attempt to catch it. You and the player to your left
hero card instead of a wound marker. Remove stun
move must make a D6 pinning test. If the result is roll a dice. If you score lower, remove the familiar from
markers on your hero at the end of your turn.
lower than its Agility, it cannot move. the board then resolve its bane. Otherwise, you catch
Attacking and Damaging Heroes Each time a stunned miniature suffers a wound, flip it: move it to your hero card. You may only have one
The runemarked player picks a target (note range and one of their stun markers to its wound marker side. on your hero card at a time. You may discard it to use
Behaviour table instructions), and rolls dice equal to SKILLS & TREASURES its boon.
the weapon’s Dice. There can only be one of each familiar on the board at
If your renown marker reaches the starting space your
hero gains a new skill. Draw the top 2 Skill cards, once (not including any caught). If there is a respite,
Each dice lower than the weapon’s Hit is discarded;
any others hit the target hero. choose one to discard, and put the other next to your COMPANIONS
hero card. If an unused hero joins the party, the runemarked
Roll a D6 each time your hero is hit. If the score is
less than your Save, suffer as many wounds as the You can pass Treasure cards to another player before player takes the hero card and places it next to his
weapon’s Damage. Otherwise, the hit is ignored. making your action roll if your heroes are adjacent, or own.
pass them to any player during a respite. Heroes can After each of the other heroes has taken a turn, the
When you suffer a wound, cover one of your dice only carry 4 Treasure cards.
spaces with a wound marker. Each reduces the number runemarked player takes a turn with the companion.
After making their action roll, he must turn all but
of action The Amulet
dice you roll by 1. one of the companion’s hero dice to 1.
You can use the power of each amulet fragment
once during each trial to do one of the following: Companions cannot use destiny dice, gain renown or
If you suffer a wound when all your spaces are
skills, or pick up treasure. At the end of the round,
covered, you are greviously wounded and Heal D3 of your hero’s wounds. pass the companion to the new runemarked player.
Re-roll any of the dice in your action
from the board. The next respite, place your If an unexpected event occurs, or there is a
hero with the others in the current chamber, roll. Re-roll any of the destiny dice. respite, the companion is removed from
The Warriors cannot remember a time filled with more misfortune than this one. Waylaid by
highwaymen, the Warriors have found themselves penniless, robbed of all their hard-earned gold
and belongings. They surely have much to learn before they can begin to call themselves heroes!
Vowing revenge, the Warriors track the culprits to their hideout where they impart justice upon their
attackers. Their weapons and armour have been recovered, but their coin nowhere to be found…

In Hezak’s Revenge the Warriors begin the game with no gold. Scratch all of it off their
Record Sheet! They do, however, retain all of their other belongings from their previous
adventures. (It may be best to withhold this information from the rest of your group until
the start of the adventure so that the Warriors don’t participate in a spending spree in the
previous Settlement!) But not to worry – the Warriors are headed for a rich mine with
plenty of gold and later to a cavern with untold fortune! The adventures are filled with much
necessary mayhem, terrible grudges, and tons of Dwarf Brew! These scenarios can be
especially exciting, and somewhat appropriate, if there is a Dwarf Brewmaster in the party –
although it is not a requirement!


These adventures are once again written to be played completely separate if you wish. But always
better is to play them as a mini-campaign, where each adventure represents a chapter of the story
and builds upon itself in an intriguing and exciting storyline!
The Warriors will travel through a deadly dwarf mine to recover one of the most important items
that a Dwarf could possess! They will venture into unholy caverns filled with vile abominations in
a Quest to find a wicked antagonist! And if they are fortunate enough to survive the dangers of
Red Eye Mountain, they will meet Hezak the Twisted, a most sinister and formidable opponent!


You will find this as much an Expansion Set as it is a mini-campaign! There are some miniatures
not listed in the Roleplay Book that you will need in order to play these adventures and their
statistics are included on the following pages. You will want to pick up 3 River Trolls, something
to represent a Black Sludge Monster and a Chaos Cyclops (any deranged Chaos creature will do!).
A Hobgoblin Boss and a couple of old Marauder Chaos Dwarfs aren’t a bad idea either for
representing some of the villains that the Warriors will meet along the way as they save the land
from those evil scoundrels!
There are some new or modified Board Sections on the following pages that should keep the
game new and exciting! All you need to do is print them out and attach them to some thick
cardboard like the ones found in the White Dwarf magazines. Also included are entire sets of new
Event Cards and special rules for these adventures that I’m sure you’ll enjoy!
When the Warriors roll a ‘1’ in the Power Phase during Combat in these adventures, they do
not draw an Event Card as usual. Instead, refer to the new Unexpected Combat Events Table
on pages 25-26 to see what happens!

“Well off you go now, lads. Hezak awaits!”

1 IT’S ALL MINE! (for Battle-Levels 2 & 3)

As the sun sets, the Warriors wearily enter the Town of Hildebrandt. Their
stomachs ache for food and drink but their purses are empty. They make their
way to the Blind Scorpion Inn where they are greeted by a grumpy Dwarf. With
no money for a room or a hot meal, the grouchy Dwarf directs the Warriors to
Genzi, Hildebrandt’s mayor, who is looking for a stalwart band to employ.
Genzi seems relieved upon meeting the Warriors and, over a hot meal and some
cheap ale, explains that the new shipment of Bugman’s Golden Brew is long overdue and citizens
becoming more upset with each passing day. If something isn’t done soon Genzi fears that
eventually the townsfolk will be rioting in the streets! He offers the Warriors 1D6x25 gold per Battle-
Level each to find the cart and even more gold if they can finish the delivery of the shipment intact!
A preliminary investigation at Bugman’s Brewery South of the Empire reveals that the Beer Wagon
with the shipment did leave but disappeared somewhere on the road. Back-tracking the route of the
Bugman’s Beer Wagon, the Warriors eventually find someone who remembers seeing it near the old
abandoned Dwarf mines of Karak Norn. The Warriors hurry to the ancient ruins and find the
entrance to the mines well-traveled with Wagon tracks leading into darkness…


Prepare the dungeon deck as If the Warriors find the Torture Chamber, they will see
normal, making sure to include Bugman’s Wagon! They do not draw an Event Card but
the Torture Chamber as one of instead make one roll on the Monsters Table to see who
the twelve dungeon cards. is in the room. The maximum number will appear!
Shuffle the Fountain of Light If the Warriors clear the Board of Monsters, they may
Objective Room into the bottom take Bugman’s Wagon. If the Warriors find the Objective
Room before they find the Torture Chamber, attach a
six cards to complete the
doorway to the Fountain of Light and the Warriors may
Dungeon Deck. continue their search for Bugman’s Wagon through this
You will find a whole set of ‘E’ Event Cards that new doorway.
have been created especially for this Adventure in
the Karak Norn mines. Randomly select 7 of these
cards and add them to 12 ‘M’ Event Cards from MONSTERS IN THE MINES
the Original Game to make your 19 card Event The Warriors will find the mines infested with
Deck. When you draw an ‘M’ Event Card, roll on Chaos Dwarfs, Hobgoblins, and other mercenaries.
the Mines of Karak Norn Monster Table to see Their purpose is unclear. Surely someone
which Monsters the Warriors actually encounter. wouldn’t go through all this trouble simply for a
few kegs of Bugman’s Golden Brew (although the
FINDING THE STOLEN BREW Brewmaster Warrior may not agree)!

The Warriors must find three things in Kark Norn:

the Beer Barrels, the Beer that goes in them and
the Beer Wagon so that they can transport the
beloved drink back to Hildebrandt!
1D6 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 8 Chaos Dwarf
11-13 Blunderbuss

FINDING THE BEER BARRELS 1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer & 1D3 Bull Centaurs &
14-16 1D6+6 Hobgoblins
Each time the Warriors enter a new Board Section, the
one with the lantern should roll 1D6 to see if it contains 1 Hobgoblin Champion & 12 Hobgoblin
any beer barrels. If it does, the Warriors should take one 21-23 Warriors
Beer Barrel Counter. The entire shipment consists of 5
Barrel Counters. There are never any more than 5 1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer & 1 Ogre Mercenary &
24-26 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
barrels in the dungeon.
31-33 1D6+3 Hobgoblin Sneaky Git Champions
34-36 1D3 Ogre Mercenaries & 1D6 Centaurs
1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6+2 Chaos
41-43 Dwarf Blunderbuss
1-5 This Board Section contains no barrels…
44-46 1D6+3 Hobgoblin Champions
6 There is a Beer Barrel on this Board Section!
51-53 3 Bull Centaurs & 2D6 Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits
1 Ogre Mercenary & 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf

1D6 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf

61-63 Blunderbuss
64-66 3 Ogre Mercenaries & 6 Centaurs

THE FOUNTAIN OF LIGHT too!) and head for the exit. If they have not already
found 5 Beer Barrels or the Wagon, they may
OBJECTIVE ROOM continue through the dungeon as normal.
When the Warriors enter the Objective Room, roll Once the Warriors leave the Fountain of Light
1D6. On a 1-2 the Warriors must roll three times Objective Room they must continue to roll for
on the Objective Room Monster Table. On a 3-5 Unexpected Events as usual until they exit the
they must roll only twice on the Table. On a 6, Dungeon. But since the population of Karak Norn
they roll only once. In each instance, Snevel the mines has been depleted, if the Warriors roll a ‘1’
Hobgoblin Boss and Enkni the Bull Centaur are indicating an Unexpected Event, roll another 1D6.
both present (see below). Only if the score is a ‘1’ or a ‘2’ does an
Inside the Fountain, the Warriors can smell the Unexpected Event occur and the Warriors should
unmistakable waft of Bugman’s Brew! Once the draw an Event Card accordingly. If the second roll
Board is cleared of Monsters, the Warriors may is not a ‘1’ or ‘2’ then an Unexpected Event does
load up as many Beer Barrels as they’ve found and not occur.
put them in Bugman’s Wagon (if they’ve found that

SNEVEL, Hobgoblin Boss ENKNI, Bull Centaur

Wounds 16 Wounds 18
Move 4 Move 8
Weapon Skill 4 Weapon Skill 4
Ballistic Skill 3+ Ballistic Skill 4+
Strength 4 Strength 4
Toughness 4 (6) Toughness 4 (6)
Attacks 2 (+S) Attacks 2 (3)
Damage 2D6 Damage 2D6
Gold 500 Gold 700

Special Rules: Special Rules:

Snevel carries a pouch of In addition to his normal
Knaves Powder in his belt. Attacks, Enkni will attempt to
Once per turn at the most trample his opponent with a
appropriate time (which is special Stomp attack, rolling To
at the start of the Monsters’ Hit as normal. An opponent
Phase) he attempts to throw hit by Enkni’s Stomp attack
the powder into his must roll 1D6. On a score of 4-
opponent’s eyes. He rolls 6 the Warrior suffers 2D6
on his Ballistic Skill and if Damage. On a 1-3 the Warrior
successful, Snevel’s target suffers 2D6 Damage and one
suffers 1 Wound with no piece of Armour that he is
modifiers for Toughness or wearing is destroyed (the
Armour and is blinded until Warrior must discard one piece
the next Monsters’ Phase. A of Armour that he is wearing,
blind Warrior is -2 To Hit determined randomly). If he is
his opponents. not wearing Armour, the
Warrior suffers 3D6 points of Damage instead of 2D6.

COMPLETING THE ADVENTURE shipment of Bugman’s Golden Brew. But the

On the body of Snevel, the Warriors find a map shipment is so heavy that unless the Warriors
and a note written in Chaos Dwarf runes. The have a mule or horse, they must add 1 week to
map shows the entrance to a cavern somewhere their journey to Hildebrandt (a town, therefore 5
near Black Water in the World’s Edge Mountains. weeks). If the Warriors reach Hildebrandt and
On the map is the name ‘Ungwie’. The Wizard (or return with all 5 Beer Barrels, the town mayor
similar if there is no Wizard in the party) rewards each of them with 300 x (Battle-Level) gold
translates the note and it appears that Snevel was for their part in the recovery. If the shipment was
in collusion with the one named ‘Ungwie’. Another not intact, each Warrior only receives 50 x (Battle-
name is scrawled on the back of the note which Level) gold for each barrel that is brought back.
reads ‘Hezak the Twisted’ but no other information If they do not reach Hildebrandt, the Warriors
is given. Beneath it are the words ‘Bugman’s have a hard time finding a purchaser in whatever
Brewery’! Settlement they end up in. They can only sell
Once they exit the Dwarf mines, the Warriors Bugman’s Golden Brew for a measly 1D6x10 gold
may attempt a return to Hildebrandt to deliver the for the lot!

One of the Warriors (determined
randomly) carelessly clangs his
weapon against the Mine walls
releasing a pocket of trapped gas.

A tremendous explosion ensues

and each Warrior on the Board
Section suffers 2D6 Wounds!

In add tion,each Warrior must roll

1D6 and their Toughness. If the
is 6 or less the blast blinds the
Warrior for 1D3 turns.
Blind Warriors cannot move or
explore, are -2 To Hit any
opponents and Monsters
attacking them are +1 To Hit.

Draw another Event

Card Immed ately.


In a dark corner lies a disheveled

and terrified Dwarf. He trembles,
shakes, and begs for his life as the
Warriors draw near. After a few
moments of reassurance from the
Warriors,he gathers himself and
explains that he
is a Bugman's Brew Wagon master
who was ambushed by Hobgoblins
near the Brewery and brought to the
mines. He retells how he was being
tortured but has managed to
The Warriors point him to the
surface and safety, but before he
departs, he tells the Warriors where
to find the barrels to hold the brew.

From now on the Warrior& may

roll two d ce when searching for
Beer Barrels,discarding
thelowest roll.
Draw another Evant Cardimmediately.


A terrifying rumbl ng reverberates
m One of the Warriors (determined
A giant cage-like contraption
m Out of the darkness. the Warriors see
through the dark mines and massive randomly) plummets down an from
falls the ceiling crash ng down the glowing outline of a Dwarf Miner
chunks of wood and rock come crashing open mine shaft. Roll 2D6 to see upon one of the Warriors floating toward them. With a
down upon this and every adjoining what happens: random).
at the steel grate agonizing expression he beckons to
Board Section! counter under the Warrior the Warriors. Roll 106 for each
2·3 After what seems like an eternity, the toindicate that heis trapped under Warrior, the highest roll being the one
Each Warrior on the Board Sections Warrior finally crashes to the bottom the cage. who approaches h m.
must roll 106, the number indicating splatteringinto a massive glob of As the Dwarf apparition points to the
how many 03 Wounds the Warrior unrecognizable, misshapen mass. He A caged Warrior is unable to make
dungeon wall, the outline of a door
suffers from the rubble. (For is dead and removed from the game! hand-to- hand attacks but may use
becomes visible. Place a doorway on
example,If a Warrior rolls a '1',then a ranged weapon .He is not cons
4.5 The Warrior lands in a heap any open side of the Board Section.
she suffers 103 Wounds, on a '2'she dered 'pinned'if standing adjacent
suffering 306 Wounds. Only a Shuffle 1D6 unused Dungeon Cards
suffers 203 Wounds, on a •3• she levitation spell or to a Monster.Likewise, Monsters
and then piece the Fighting Pit
suffers 303 Wounds and so forth.) 2 ropes tied together can save him will on y attack him with a ranged
Objective Room on the bottom to
now! (Note:you must roll for both weapon.
represent what lays beyond the new
Fortunately, the rubble does not 6 7 The Warrior plumments down the chute
and can only be saved with a rope, a A trapped Warrior can only be freed doorway.
squares or doorways. levitation spell, or the Ogre Warrior. by Lock Tools, keys, spells or If the Warriors reach the 'Excavation
Monsters manage to avoid the falling similar. Once the Warrioris free, Pit', they must roll twice on the
8+ The Warrior manages to catch a Monster Table to see who awaits
debris and suffer no damage. ledge just a few feet down the
shaft. He spends the entire
Warriors' Phase climbing out of the Once the room is clear of Monsters,
shaft. the Warriors may plunder the pit; each
receive two Dungeon Room Treasures!
On a 1-3 draw

·· y.


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THE ABANDONED MINES OF KARAK NORN Bestiary Reference Table (for Battle-Levels 2 & 3)
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Chaos Dwarfs
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 1 1 Armed with Blunderbuss; Magic Resistance 6+.
Chaos Dwarf Magic 1; Magic Dispel 4+; Magic Resistance 4+;
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 3 4 4+ 3 5+1 8 3 1 590 2 1/2(6+)
Protection Ring (+1 T).
Chaos Dwarf Warriors 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 2 1 Magic Resistance 6+; (Guards Sorcerer if present).
Ambush, Magic A; Armed with [1-3] Bows (Str 3) or [4-6] Axes; Break;
Hobgoblin Champions 4 4 4+ 3 3 10 2 2 150 2 1/2(6+)
Guards (Sorcerer if present).
Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Curved Daggers; Break; Guards
Hobgoblin Sneaky Git Champions 4 4 3+ 4 3 10 3 2 180 - 1/2(6+)
(Sorcerer if present).
Ambush; Magic A; Armed with Curved Daggers; Break; Guards
Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 2 1 65 - 1
(Sorcerer if present).
Ambush; Magic A; Armed with [1-3] Bows (Str 3) or [4-6] Axes; Break;
Hobgoblin Warriors 4 3 4+ 3 3 4 2 1 50 1 1
Guards (Sorcerer if present).
Snevel – Hobgoblin Boss 4 4 3+ 4 4 16 3 2 500 2 2 Ambush, Magic A; Magic Weapon; Knave’s Powder.
Bull Centaurs 8 4 4+ 4 4 12 3 2 410 2 1/2(5+) Fear 5; Magic Resistance 6+.
Centaurs 8 3 3+ 4 3 12 3 2 300 - 2 Armed with Bows (Strength 4).
Enkni – Bull Centaur 8 4 4+ 4 4 18 3 2 700 2 2 Fear 5; Magic Resistance 5+; Stomp.
Ogre Mercenaries 6 3 5+ 4 5 13 3 2 400 - 1/2(5+) Fear 5.
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules


Curved Daggers:
Hobgoblin Sneaky Gits & Sneaky Git Champions are armed with two long curved daggers (one in each hand). Sneaky Gits make a
single attack using both daggers at the same time and thus are +1 To Hit. Sneaky Git Champions get two such Attacks each
round. Curved Daggers are poisonous and follow all rules for Poison.

2 TROUBLE BREWING (for Battle-Level 3)

Bugman’s Brewery is in utter chaos! Many of their carts and wagons have
recently been ambushed and hijacked by bands of Hobgoblins and the
Brewery has had to hire mercenaries to protect outgoing shipments. A band
of heroes have recently brought evidence that Chaos Dwarfs may be behind
the raids. But now a new calamity has struck the Brewery. It seems that
Bugman’s finest brews have been tainted by a powerful spell! What was
once a frothy, pleasurable perfection, has now transformed into a repulsive,
revolting refuse worthy only of putting into a basin to wash one’s feet! The
Dwarfs are baffled and cannot figure out why or how this abomination is
occurring. A great sage in the Empire has put some clues together and is
convinced that the caverns in Black Water near Zhufbar hold the answer to
the curse of Bugman’s Brewery: Ungwie, a Chaos Sorcerer of growing power.
Bugman’s Brewery is calling out all heroes to seek out and destroy this Sorcerer who has cast this
evil upon them and they have promised a great reward to the ones who succeed in bringing down the
sorcerer! The Warriors have responded by traveling to the brewery for more details. Impressed by
their character and confidence, the Brewery has given each Dwarf Warrior a special, silver Tankard
(cheap, tin imitations for the non-Dwarf heroes in the party) filled with a specially aged brew to aid
them in their quest.


Shuffle the Chasm of Despair (from the The Warriors will soon notice that the Diseased
Catacombs of Terror expansion set), the Well of Caverns do not only contain Ungwie and his many
Doom and the new Water Cave Dungeon Cards Chaos hordes and other foul creatures that
with 9 other Dungeon Cards to make a regular naturally inhabit such inhospitable places. Chaos
12 card Dungeon Deck. Use the Idol Chamber as Dwarfs are present and the Warriors deduce that
the Warriors’ Objective Room for this adventure. they are joining forces to further some unknown
Randomly shuffle in 7 of the 11 new ‘E’ Event
Cards with 10 ‘M’ Event Cards from the original
set to make your Event deck. Whenever you
draw an ‘M’ Event Card, roll on the Diseased
Cavern Monster Table to see which Monsters
Bugman’s Tankards are specially crafted by
Dwarfs and have been filled with a specialty brew
that can either heal the Warriors or wreck
vengeance upon their Chaos enemies.
Each Warrior may drink from their Tankard
one time and it will restore 1D6+1 Wounds. The
11-12 3 River Trolls
Dwarf and Trollslayer are especially receptive to
the effects of the brew and they restore 1D6+2 13-14 8 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6 Chaos Warriors
Wounds instead. And since the Dwarf 2D6 Skaven Plague Monks &
Brewmaster’s body is practically created to 15-16 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss
consume such a beverage he restores 2D6 Wounds 21-23 2D6 Chaos Warriors
if he drinks the brew!
24-26 1 Troll & 1 River Troll
Instead of drinking its contents, a Warrior may
31-33 2D6 Nurglings
choose to throw their Tankard at an enemy
instead. It has a Range of 3 and on a successful 34-36 1D6+4 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
hit it causes 1D6 Wounds to any Chaos creature 41-43 1D6 Chaos Hounds & 1D6 Chaos Warriors
with no modifiers for anything. The Warrior must
roll on their Ballistic Skill (Dwarf Warriors may 44-46 1D3 River Trolls
add +1 to their Ballistic roll since their Tankard is 51-54 1D3 Gigantic Spiders
specially balanced and weighted for just that
2D6 Skaven Plague Monks &
purpose). 55-56 1D6 Skaven Plague Censer Bearers
61-62 1D6 Nurglings & 1D6 Plaguebearers of Nurgle

1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss &

63-64 1D6 Chaos Warriors
65-66 1D3 Trolls

The constant sound of dripping When the Warriors enter the Idol
water from the cavern ceiling Chamber, they will be unknowingly
echoes through the room. A interrupting a very important
horrible stench wafts upward meeting between Ungwie and the
from a filthy grate on the floor. Chaos Dwarves. The Warriors
must roll once on the Objective
Room Monster Table (below) to see
Special Rules exactly who is in the room.
As the Warriors step onto this Board Section, roll Always present will be Ungwie
1D6 instead of drawing an Event Card. and his personal bodyguard, Chulu (a fine Chaos
Warrior) and Chaos Dwarfs.
Ungwie will be located against the back wall as
WELL OF DOOM TABLE (Roll 1D6) far away from the Warriors as possible and
guarded by Chaos Blunderbusses.
1 The Filthy Grate
Chulu will protect his Master to the death and
2 The Rotting Skeleton will therefore attack the first Warrior who enters
the room. Place him adjacent to that Warrior
3 The Rusty Sword immediately after the Warrior has finished moving.
4 The Dirty Water Chulu’s Special Rules are listed on the next page.

5 The Slimy Ground

6 The Cave Entrance DISEASED CAVERN
Roll on the corresponding WELL OF DOOM -
(Roll 1D6)
What the Warriors Find table on pages 11 and
1 Ungwie, Chulu, 3 River Trolls, 1D6
If the Warriors defeat any Monsters in the Well of Plaguebearers, 1D6 Chaos Warriors, 1D6
Doom, in addition to the Monster’s Gold value, Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf
they also receive a Treasure Card as normal. Blunderbuss (guard Ungwie)

2 Ungwie, Chulu, 1 River Troll, 1D6

Plaguebearers, 1D3 Chaos Warriors, 1D3
THE WATER CAVE Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf
The water in this cave is Blunderbuss (guard Ungwie)
murky and one wonders
what foul creatures might 3 Ungwie, Chulu, 1D6+2 Plaguebearers,
lay beneath its surface. 1D6+2 Chaos Warriors, 1D6 Chaos Dwarf
Warriors & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss
(guard Ungwie)
Special Rules
4 Ungwie, Chulu, 1D6+2 Chaos Warriors,
When the Warriors enter this Board Section they 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 1D6+2
will find themselves in water and therefore slightly Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss (guard Ungwie)
restricted in movement. Any Warrior on this
5 Ungwie, Chulu, 12 Nurglings, 8 Chaos
Board Section is: Dwarf Warriors & 8 Chaos Dwarf
-1 Movement Blunderbuss (guard Ungwie)
-1 Initiative 6 Ungwie, Chulu, 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf
-1 to Escape Pinning Warriors & 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf
Blunderbuss (guard Ungwie)
(Monsters move as normal in the Water Cave.)

Do not draw an Event Card in this Dungeon Room. If the Warriors manage to clear the Board of
Entering the Water Cave will always trigger an ‘M’ Monsters, they will each find a treasure chest in
Event and the Warriors should automatically roll the Idol Chamber that contains one Objective
on the Monster Table as if they drew an ‘M’ Event Room Treasure. Random chance will determine if
Card. No ‘Unexpected Events’ occur in this room. the item the Warrior finds is useful as explained
Multi-level Room In turn, starting with the party leader, each
Warrior should draw a Warrior counter. If they
The Water Cave Dungeon Room is treated as draw their own counter, they may choose to
multi-level. A model on a corner square or the discard their Objective Room Treasure if they were
center square is considered to be no more than not able to use it. They may then draw a new
knee deep and on the upper level. A model that is Objective Room Treasure, but they must keep this
on any other square is considered to be at least treasure even if it is also unusable or even if it is of
waist deep and on the lower level. less value than the previous. The Warrior should
then return their counter to the pool.

Always scheming in the dripping caverns of
Blackwater, Ungwie commands a small horde of 2-4 Failure. Ungwie’s magic fails him this turn.
Nurgle followers and daemons. His caverns are
5 Grime of the Ghoul. Rubbing his palms
filled with vile odors, slippery passageways, and together, Ungwie stares intently at one of the
disease infested chambers that few dare to enter. Warriors (chosen at random). That Warrior
As the Warriors have suspected, Ungwie has immediately begins to itch and scratch as
scabs and boils begin to cover her hands, feet
teamed up with the Chaos Dwarfs and has laid a
and face. Until the start of the next Warriors’
curse on Bugman’s Brewery. Why the two factions Phase, the Warrior is -1 To Hit her foes.
have targeted the Brewery is anyone’s guess.
6 Ruthless Wither. A sickly blue mist seeps
from Ungwie’s eyes and one of the Warriors
SPECIAL RULES: (determined randomly) turns old and wrinkled
Ungwie Nurgle Magic 1; Magic Resistance 5+; for one turn during which they are -1 Attacks.
Magic Armour; Magic Weapon; Parry 5+. 7-8 Stench of the Dying. A terrible smell of
Each turn, Ungwie attempts to cast 1 Nurgle Spell sickness permeates through the room and
(see Nurgle Magic Table on right). each Warrior must roll 1D6 and add their
Toughness. If the total is 7 or more, they are
See Roleplay Book for others Special Rules listed unaffected. If the total is 6 or less, the Warrior
above. suffers 1D3 Wounds with no modifiers for
Toughness or Armour.
9-10 Black Rot. A stream of brown slime shoots
from Ungwie’s mouth and splashes onto one
random Warrior. The Warrior’s skin quickly
begins to blacken and he takes 1D6 Wounds
with no modifiers for Toughness or Armour.
The Warrior must then roll 1D6 and add his
Strength and if the total is 6 or less the
Warrior must make a Strength test next turn
or suffer another 1D6 Wounds. If the total is
ever 7 or more then the Black Rot subsides
and the Warrior suffers no more effects.
11-12 Cloud of Decay. A noxious cloud of green gas
envelops all the Warriors on the Board Section
Each suffers 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers
for anything. If no Warriors are on the Board
Section, reroll this result.

CHULU, Chaos
Champion of Nurgle

Wounds 18
Move 4
Weapon Skill 6
Ballistic Skill 1+
UNGWIE, Chaos Strength 5
Sorcerer of Nurgle Toughness 4 (6)

Wounds 12 Attacks 2 (3)*

Move 4 Damage 1

Weapon Skill 5 Gold 850

Ballistic Skill 1+
Strength 4 Magic Weapon; Biting Tongue*.
Toughness 4 (5) *From out of Chulu’s mouth and helm spews forth
Attacks 2 a serpent-like tongue. Roll To Hit as normal. If the
hit is successful the bite causes 1D6 Wounds with
Damage 1
no modifiers for anything.
Gold 700
If the Objective Room is cleared of Monsters, the
If Ungwie is killed, the powerful spell against Warriors find the treasure chests as explained
Bugman’s Brewery is broken and the Warriors above, as well as a secret exit in the back of the
have succeeded in their quest! All that is left for chamber which leads to the surface. Once out of
them is to leave the Objective Room alive! the dungeon they return to a hero’s welcome at
Bugman’s Brewery and may claim a handsome
reward in the form of 2D6x100 gold each!

WELL OF DOOM – What the Warriors Find (Roll 1D6)


In the center of the room sits a filthy grate. Water seeps One of the Warriors (determined randomly) decides to pull on
the chain. Roll 1D6 to see what happens:
1 TENTACLED BEAST! The Warrior has enraged a strange beast and the group finds themselves
attacked by vicious tentacles which wrap around their neck, legs, arms, and torso! Each Warrior takes
1D6 x (Dungeon Level) Wounds with no deductions for Armour as they fight off the creature which
disappears back down into its lair. Perhaps it would be best if the Warriors leave the chain alone…
2 BLACK SLUDGE! From the depths of the hole oozes a horrible black sludge which attacks the Warriors!


Fear 6
Wounds 12 Disintegrate
Move 3 In addition to taking
Weapon Skill 4 normal Damage, if a
Warrior is touched (hit)
Ballistic Skill -
by the Black Sludge they must roll 1D6. A ‘1’
Strength 3 indicated that one of the Warriors Weapons or
Armour that he is using has been destroyed
Toughness 4
(determined randomly) and must be discarded
Attacks 1 immediately.
Damage 2D6 Insubstantial
It is difficult to solidly strike Black Sludge as it is a
Gold 600 writhing mass of half liquid, half solid and
therefore any attack against it is -2 To Hit is using
a non-magical weapon and -1 To Hit if using a
magical weapon.
In addition to the gold value, the Warriors receive one Dungeon Room Treasure if they defeat the Sludge.
3 PRISON! The Warrior pulls the chain and a loud, mechanical clanking begins. The chain is actually a
lever and a section of the wall opens releasing a Minotaur Champion from its imprisonment! The
Minotaur arms himself with a large stick on the ground and charges toward the Warriors. Although his
profile is the same as in the Roleplay Book, he is starved and weak and therefore only has 25 Wounds
and does only 2D6 Damage. He carries no Magic Weapon, wears no Armour and is only worth 750 gold.
4 PASSAGE! When the chain is pulled, the grate opens revealing a passageway below. Use a passageway
off to the side to start another part of the dungeon. Place the well marker somewhere on the new
passageway to represent the hole the Warriors traveled through. Divide the remaining dungeon cards as
normal, but then add 1D3 unused Dungeon Cards to the top of each new deck (rolling separately for
each deck).
5 CHEST! The Warrior pulls the chain and finds something extremely heavy attached to the other end.
Hauling it upward, the Warriors see a large chest through the grate! Each Warrior may make a Strength
check to see if they can open the grate. If successful, the grate is opened and the chest is hauled out. It
contains 3D6x100 gold to be divided up evenly among the Warriors!
6 TREASURE! Attached to the chain is a locked strongbox. The Warrior may pick the lock if he has a set
of Lock Picks. If he has none, another Warrior may Pick the Lock if they are able (for a price no doubt!)
or the Warrior may keep the strongbox and pay 1D6x100 at the next Settlement to have the lock picked
for him. Inside is one Objective Room Treasure!


The rotting, crumpled skeleton on the floor begins to animate and stand. Who controls this foul creature the Warriors
may never know. But with sword in hand, the diseased creature attacks them with unbridled hatred!

Wounds 25
Move 4 Fear 6
Regenerate 2
Weapon Skill 5
Magic Weapon
Ballistic Skill -
Strength 5
Toughness 3 (5)
Attacks 2
Damage 1/2 (6+)
Gold 750

In addition to the gold value, the Warriors receive one Dungeon Room Treasure if they defeat the Skeleton Captain.

WELL OF DOOM – What the Warriors Find (continued)


A rusty-looking sword lies on the ground here, half-covered in moss and water. Roll 1D6 for each Warrior. The Warrior
with the lowest roll examines the rusty sword on the ground. Roll 1D6:
1 The sword, as if alive, shoots forward and strikes the Warrior who examined it for 1D6 x Battle Level
Wounds. Each turn hereafter, the sword will choose a Warrior at random and cause 2D6 Wounds +
(Battle-Level of the Warrior it is attacking). The Sword has 10 Wounds and a Toughness of 2. If the
Warriors defeat the Sword they receive one piece of Dungeon Room Treasure for this Event.
2 The sword glows red hot and burns the Warrior, causing 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything.
Draw an Event Card immediately.
3 As the Warrior touches the sword, the ominous “click” of a panel can be heard. From the shadows a
horde of dungeon denizens surround the Warriors. Roll on the Monster Table and the maximum
number of Monsters appear.
4 Examining the sword, the Warrior reads an ancient inscription on the handle. As the Warrior utters the
words “Obiletto Obliztko” a wizard appears next to the Warrior. He wears a glowing blue cape, a floppy
hat, and dark blue suit. His pointy nose is crooked and the stringy white hair on his head dissolves
into his matching beard. He snatches the sword from the Warrior’s hands and exclaims, “THIS is where
I left it!!!” In a puff of smoke, he disappears leaving the Warriors quite alone, empty-handed, and
somewhat dumbfounded. Draw an Event Card immediately.
5 As the Warrior waves the sword around, he remarks as to the quality of the edge, weighting and overall
fine craftsmanship. If a Warrior uses the Sword in combat, he causes an extra Wound based upon his
Battle-Level. See the table below:
Battle-Level Extra Wounds Battle-Level Extra Wounds
1 0 7-9 +3
2-3 +1 10 +4
4-6 +2
This Sword of Kings is worth 500 gold pieces. Now roll once on the Monster Table immediately to see
who shows up to reclaim the weapon!
6 As the Warrior waves the rusty sword about she realizes that is isn’t corroding but is actually secreting
poisonous venom, almost like that of a snake. If used in Combat, this magic sword causes extra points
of poison Damage on an enemy with no modifiers for Toughness. However, each time the sword is
swung, each friendly model adjacent to the wielder takes 1 Wound with no modifiers for anything.
Battle-Level Slime Damage
1-4 +1D3
5-8 +1D6
9-10 +2D6
This Steel of the Serpent is worth 500 gold pieces (BEWD). Now make one roll on the Monster Table!


The water on the ground is extremely toxic here and any Warrior standing in a square with the noxious filth
(squares with green water) must immediately lose 1 Wound with no modifiers for anything. Repeat this procedure
ach time a Warrior moves into a toxic square in this room.


One of the Warriors notices that the ground is here appears to be moving! Before they can react, a puddle of green
goo quickly attaches itself to the Warriors legs. For the rest of the dungeon, each Warrior is -1 to movement as the
goo prevents them from moving freely. Once in the sunlight, the goo dies and the Warrior returns to normal.


Place an extra doorway on any unused side of this Board Section. Use the Hall of Death Board Section from
the Catacombs of Terror to represent the cave area beyond the new doorway. The new cave has no other
doors except the one that the Warriors enter through. If the Warriors enter this cave, they find it guarded
by Monsters (make one roll on the Monster Table). If the Monsters are defeated, the Warriors do not
receive a Treasure Card. They instead make one roll on the following table to see what type of room they
have found and what it contains.

1 Storage Room. The Warriors find only broken swords and damaged armour.
2 Armory! The Warriors find 1D6 Swords, 1D6 Axes, 1D6 Open Helmets, and 1D6 Shields!
3 Sorcerer’s Laboratory! Each Warrior finds 1 healing potion that heals 1D6 Wounds!
4 Depository! Each Warrior finds 1D6 x 100 gold!
5 Sorcerer’s Study! One of the Warriors (determined randomly) finds one Dungeon Room Treasure!
6 Coffers! One Warrior (determined randomly) finds one Objective Room Treasure while the others find
one Dungeon Room Treasure!

A soft whirring sound can be heard in Aga inst one of the walls here, a gigantic Place the green slime pit marker under one of After many hours of trudging through
mineral column protrudes out of the cavern the Warriors (determined randomly). Any
the distance. As it quickly draws the murky caverns, the Warriors are
floor, obstructing a small opening which Warrior who is standing on or adjacent to the
nearer it turns into a deafening roar! leads into darkness . The Warr iors may pit must roll 106 (if adjacent, add +1): overcome with confusion as to the
The Warriors can only huddle against destroy the giant stalagmite by attacking it direction they are traveling. They
the cavern walls as thousands of with their weapons, rolling To Hit as 1 The Warrior plummets into the hole, the depth cannot seem to get their bearings
normal. It has a Toughness of 6 and 30 of w hich is never known. They are removed
bats scream viciously past them, from the game.•. and suddenly find themselves back
Wounds .
biting and ripping at them with their If the Warriors destroy it, place a new in a familiar area already explored!
2 The Wa rrior loaes his fooling and f alls into the
piercing teeth. doorway on any open side of the Board hole. He catches a ledge a few feet in but the
Section. Shuffle 103 Dungeon Cards to weight of his equipment is pulling him dow n. Once there are no Monsters on the
represent the new passageway and then He must discard all of his gold and one
Each Warrior suffers 1D6 + place the Tomb Chamber on the bottom. If Treasure Item {chosen at random). He spends Board, put the Warriors back 1D6
(Dungeon Level 2x) Wounds. In the rest of the turn climbing out of the pit. Board Sections from where they are
the Warriors reach the Tomb Chamber they
addition, any cloak that a Warrior was encounter 106+6 Skeletons , 3 Tomb 3-4 The Warrior slips near the hole. He now as they have unknowingly
wearing is shredded to pieces. Guardians and 1 Mummy. narrowly avoids falling into the pit, but the circled back the way they came! (If
slip causes himlo drop a piece of treasure
The Monsters will not leave the Tomb (determined randomly). It is discarded there is more than one explored path
Any such cloak can now only be used immediately. back, randomly determine which way
Chamber, but if all of the Warriors leave the
to make 1D3 bandages. Discard the Board Section and return, they find that the 5-6 The Warrior manages o Bvoid the pit the Warriors traveled.)
creatures have regenerated all of the the ir without incidenL
cloak immediately and add the The Bottomless Pit is permanent. Anytime a
Wounds (even the mummy )!
bandages to your Record Sheet. Warrior stands on or adjacent to the pit,they Shuffle this Event Card back into
If the Warriors defeat the Monsters , each must rol on the table above. Monsters are the deck since there is a chance
Warr ior may plunder the Tomb by rollling aware of the pit and never need to roll.
that the Warriors may become
Draw another Event Card 106. On a 1-4 the Warrior f inds two
Dungeon Room Treasures. On a 5-6 the disoriented in the cavern over and
Immediately. Roll 106. On a 1-3 draw
Warr ior f 'inds one Objective Room another over again!
Treasure! Event Card immediately .



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The Warriors notice small red & Against the wall hereis anunit torch. One
This part of the dungeon contains a
Roll 1D6 for each Warrior. The
white mushrooms sprouting up from of the War riors may try to take the torch f tastless, odourless, and highly one with thelowest scoreis struck
the damp cavern floor. Any Warrior they choose. If more than Warrior wishes poisonous gas. For every turn on which by a large stalactite that falls from
to takeit, each must roll 106 and add their thev are on this Board Section, a
mav consume a handful of the dark cavern ceiling.
initiative. The highest score gets the Warrior must roll 106 and add her
mushroomsif they wish by rolling honor of roll ng on the table below:
1D6 one time on the following Toughness. If the totalIs 6+, sheIs
If the Warrioris weari ng a helmet, he
The torch doesn'tbudge but an alarm unaffected by the gas. If the total Is
rngsin the distance. Roll on the Monster less than 61the Warrior s -1 suffers 1D6 + (Dungeon Level)
1 The mushroomis poisonous! The
Table with the maximum number of Wounds and the helmet s
Warrior must subtract 1 to Toughness Monsters arriving! Toughness
for the red of the adventure. destroyed.
The Warr ormanages to move the torch or Strength (their choice) temporarllv.
Roll another 106. Ifit is a '1', thelossis toward them a few inches andan ominous If If the Warrior struck is not wearing a
permanent! 'click' echoes into thecaverns. The torch helmet, he suffers 2D6 +
2-4 The mushroom s rotten and drains 103 exp odes intoa ball of fire and eachWarr or a Warrior's Strength or Toughness ever
on ltta Board Section auffers 2D6 + reaches 0 because of the gas, they are (Dungeon Level) Wounds.
Wounds. Roll another 106. fitis a '1' (Dungeon evel Wounds).
the must also deduct 1from her Starting dead and removed from the game. Shuffle this Event Card backinto
Wounds permanently! 3-4 The rolling torch crumb es in the the Event deck. If it is drawn a
Warrior's hand.
Once off the Board Section, any second time,follow
5 6 Eating the mushroom gives the
The torch begins to burn and the Warrior Warrior affected by the gas will theinstructions above, but then d
Warrior a feeling of fortitude and
endurance! He is
may useit in tha same way as the lantern. slowly return to normal. For each turn scardit so thatis cannot be
Roll2D6 each turn. If the roll s doub
+1 to Toughness for the rest of the es,tha mag c torch goes out (remember
they are off the Board Section, they drawn a third time.
Adventure. Roll another 106 Ifit is a '6' the rules for " ostin the dark' ) ma)1 add +1to one affected
theincreaseis permanent! Characteristic, but obviouslv not Roll 1D6. On a 1-3 draw
The Warr ortakes the torch and a section of
wallopens up reveaing a cache of treasure! above their starting score. another Event
Draw another
Each Warrior findsone pieceof Dungeon CardImmediately.
Event CardImmediately. RoomTreasure!
Draw another Event
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THE DISEASED CAVERNS OF UNGWIE Bestiary Reference Table (for Battle-Level 3)
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Nurglings 4 3 4+ 3 3 2 4 2 50 - S Ambush 5+; Daemonic -1; Fear 6; Magic Resistance 6+.
Plaguebearers 4 5 2+ 4 3 9 6 2 200 - 1 Daemonic -1; Fear 5; Plague.
Skaven Plague Censer Bearers 5 4 - 4 4 4 4 1 150 - S Armed with Plague Censers.
Skaven Plague Monks 5 3 4+ 3 4 5 4 1 60 - 1 Frenzy 5+; Weeping Blade.
Black Sludge 3 4 - 3 6 12 2 1 500 - 2 Fear 6; Disintegrate; Insubstantial.
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 1 1 Armed with Blunderbuss; Magic Resistance 6+; Guards (Ungwie).
Chaos Dwarf Warriors 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 2 1 Magic Resistance 6+.
Chaos Hounds 6 4 - 4 4 8 4 2 160 2 1 Ambush 5+; Gang Up.
Chaos Warriors 4 6 1+ 4 4 12 6 2 240 2 1 -
River Trolls 6 3 6+ 5 4 25 1 3 650 - 2 Fear 6; Regenerate 2; Slimy Skin.
Trolls 6 3 6+ 5 4 30 1 3 650 - 2 Fear 6; Regenerate 2; Vomit.
Chaos Villains
Chulu – Champion of Nurgle 4 6 1+ 5 4 18 7 2+S 850 2 1 Magic Weapon; Biting Tongue.
Nurgle Magic 1; Magic Resistance 5+; Magic Armour; Magic Weapon;
Ungwie – Sorcerer of Nurgle 4 6 1+ 4 5 15 6 2 850 1 1
Parry 5+.
Skeleton Captain 4 5 5 - 3 25 4 2 500 2 2 Fear 6; Regenerate 2; Magic Weapon.
Skeletons with Bows 4 2 5+ 3 3 5 2 1 80 - 1 Armed with Bows (Strength 4); Fear 5; Regenerate 1.
Tomb Guardians 4 3 6+ 3 3 15 2 1 110 1 2 Fear 5. Regenerate 1.
Mummy 3 3 - 4 5 40 3 2 450 - 2 Fear 7; Tomb Rot (1D3).
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules

Slimy Skin
River Trolls have scaly and slippery skin that exudes an oily and malodorous slime. This noxious ooze has the dual effect of choking
anyone near a River Troll as well as making it difficult to hit. A Warrior attacking a River Troll in hand-to-hand Combat must subtract -1
from their To Hit rolls.
See Roleplay Book.

3 GETTING HAMMERED (for Battle-Levels 3 & 4)

There has been much confusion and disorder in the past few months at Bugman’s
Brewery. With their attention focused on the recent turmoil, the most terrible
abomination has occurred. The tomb of the late Bugman Ranger Champion, Yuri
Sloshbrim, has been plundered! It is with great shame that the Rangers have
reported that Sloshbrim’s magical hammer has been seized and removed! This
special hammer discharges jolts of electricity and in the wrong hands can be
devastatingly effective. Upon his dying breath, the Dwarf tomb guard reports that
Chaos Dwarfs were the culprits.

With evidence from a recent scheme involving Bugman’s Beer, the Rangers suspect
that Hezak the Twisted is to blame. Thought to have been killed by Yuri Sloshbrim
decades ago at the Battle of Cragmere, his body was never found. Apparently still
alive, it would seem that Hezak is exacting his revenge on Sloshbrim, Bugman’s
Rangers, and the Brewery. And how he plans to use the hammer is a mystery!

The Rangers have tracked the Chaos Dwarfs back to their lair in Red Eye Mountain, an old Dwarf stronghold
abandoned long ago. A frontal assault would leave many Rangers dead as the Chaos Dwarfs are surely ready
to mount a formidable defense from that area. The Warriors have been selected as the privileged ones to
penetrate the den through a secret entrance that the Chaos Dwarfs are probably not aware of. Once the
Warriors defeat Hezak, Bugman’s Rangers will storm the lair.

Before the Warriors set off, the Brewmaster holds a banquet in the Warriors’ honor. All ply themselves with way
too much food and drink and it isn’t long before the Warriors are joining in a chorus of ‘Glowing Embers’. The
pre-invasion celebration goes down in the Brewery’s history as one of largest mammoth drinking sessions ever
held and the Warriors are hailed for their ability to hold their drink. In the morning, with heavy hearts, full
bellies and enormous headaches, the Warriors are bid a warm farewell by the full entourage of the Brewery.

SETTING UP Warriors instead. If no Dwarf is in the party

Make sure to shuffle the Monster’s Lair dungeon (shame on you!), the Warriors are not given
cards and the Spiral Staircase (White Dwarf Bruinn’s Tankard at all and the head brewmaster
#192) and 10 other dungeon cards to form the simply waves the tankard around as he bids the
Dungeon Deck. Shuffle the new Anvil Chamber Warriors good luck, finishing simply with, “Well off
Objective Room (modified Firechasm) in the you go, lads. Hezak awaits!”
bottom 6 dungeon cards as usual. Keep the new
Ancient Temple Board Section off to the side for
For the Event Deck, separate the Ancient MONSTER TABLE (2D6)
Runes, Ancient Throne, Furnace, Statue of
Hashut, Trap – Cage from the It’s All Mine 11-12 1D3 Chaos Trolls
adventure. Add them together with the seven
13-14 3 Bull Centaurs
new Event cards from this adventure.
Randomly choose 7 of them along with 12 ‘M’ 15-16 2D6 Hobgoblin Sneaky Git Champions
SPECIAL RULES 1D3 Bull Centaurs, 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf
21-23 Warriors & 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss
During the banquet, the Warriors are summoned
into Bugman’s Brewery by the Head Brewmaster. 24-26 1D6+6 Black Orc Champions
It is there that he gives the Dwarf Brewmaster in
1D6 Sneaky Git Champions, 8 Chaos Dwarf
the party Bruinn’s Tankard, which he says will 31-33 Warriors & 8 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss
counter the effects of Sloshbrim’s Hammer. Take
[1-2] 3 Gigantic Spiders
the Bruinn’s Tankard Equipment Card which has
34-36 [3-4] 3 Gigantic Scorpions
been provided for you on page 20.
[5-6] 1D3 of each above

1 Dragon Ogre Mercenary & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf

The late and great Bruinn Thunderheart was a famous 41-43 Blunderbuss
brewmaster and adventurer extraordinaire. His magical
Tankard is the stuff of legends and it was Bruinn who 1 Hobgoblin Big Boss & 2D6 Hobgoblin
trademarked the raising of the tankard with the phrase, 44-46 Champions
“Fill ‘er to the rim, lad!” just before he slew a Blue Dragon. 51-53 1 Black Orc Boss & 1D6 Black Orcs
It was said that the electricity absorbed by the enchanted
Dwarf Tankard during that encounter kept the mug lit like 54-56 1D3 Stone Trolls
a lantern for 16 solid days!
61-62 1D6+4 Black Orc Champions
63-64 2D6 Sneaky Git Champions

1 Dragon Ogre Mercenary & 1D6+2 Chaos

65-66 Dwarf Warriors
If there is no Brewmaster in the party, Bruinn’s
Tankard is hesitantly given to one of the Dwarf

As the Warriors enter this cave, a A set of ancient stairs descends into the
cold, damp chill ripples through depths of the dungeon.
their bones. In the gloom, a
menacing figure rises upward If the Warriors find the spiral staircase, roll 1D6
and bellows out a blood-curdling and take that number of Dungeon Cards that are
roar! not being used to represent the bottom of the
staircase. Start the next board section off to the
side like the beginning of a new dungeon.
If the Warriors find the Monster’s Lair Board This new deep of the dungeon is especially
Section they do not draw an Event Card when dangerous and Unexpected Events happen down
they enter the room, but instead roll 1D6. On a 1, there on a roll of 1 or 2.
2, 3 or 4 the Warriors should draw an Event Card. Once the Warriors reach the end of new
On a 5 or 6 the Cave is occupied by Gourd (a dungeon, they may roll 1D6. On a 1-3 the last
powerful Chaos Cyclops) and his minions (1D6 Board Section is a dead end. On a 4-6, the
Chaos Dwarfs & 1D6 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss). Warriors find a secret door which, once explored,
reveals the Ancient Temple Board Section.
Once an area highly populated by the Cyclops THE ANCIENT TEMPLE
race, Gourd is the last of the one-eyed terrors to Two skeleton corpses lay sprawled at the entrance.
reside in Red Eye Mountain. He is a servant of Whatever their final destination, they did not
Hezak (if only because the Cyclop fears him) and appear to have made it.
guards the cave system from intruders.
If the Warriors do not encounter Gourd in his
cave, then he will appear in the Objective Room.

GOURD, Chaos Cyclops

Wounds 25
Move 6
Upon entering this chamber for the first time, a
Warrior must immediately roll 2D6 on the Ancient
Weapon Skill 4 Temple table below.
Ballistic Skill 5+
Toughness 5
The Warrior is hit by a wave of enormous power and
Attacks 2 +(S) 2-3 immediately suffers 1D6 x (Dungeon-Level) Wounds!

Damage 2/3 (5+) One of the Warrior’s weapons mysteriously vanishes

4-6 (determined randomly)! Discard it immediately.
Gold 850
The Warrior enters the Ancient Chamber without
7-8 incident.

SPECIAL RULES: The Warrior feels a tingling exhilaration throughout

9-10 his body. He regains half his Wounds (rounded up)!
Red Eye of Murder
The Warrior feels a rush of power and she finds
11-12 herself healed of all Wounds, afflictions & ailments!
At the end of the Monsters’
Phase, Gourd will attempt to
conjure up the power of Chaos The Warriors enter this Board Section from the
and unleash it through his side where the skeleton corpses lay. The Warriors
eye. Roll 1D6 and if the result will be attacked by 1D6 Carrion, 1D3+1 Mummies
is a 4, 5 or 6, Gourd’s eye & 1 Wight Lord.
emits a powerful, red burst of If the Board is
energy that automatically hits cleared of Monsters
one of the Warriors that he each Warrior receives
can see on the Board (determined randomly). The one Objective Room
Warrior immediately suffers 1D6 Wounds from the Treasure. The Warriors
blast with no modifiers for Toughness or Armour. may also roll for ‘Gold’
The Red Eye of Murder is magical in its nature as listed in the Roleplay
and may be countered with Magic Resistance, Book except that they
although note that Magic Dispel will not negate it. may ignore the first ‘1’
The Red Eye of Murder is Fatal Damage. that they roll. Do not
reroll it, simply discard
Fear 7
See Roleplay Book. Remember that
Unexpected Events still
If the Cyclops and his minions are defeated, in occur on a roll of 1 or 2
addition to the Monsters’ Gold Values, each until they reach the
Warrior also gains a Dungeon Room Treasure! Spiral Staircase!

When the Warriors reach the Anvil Chamber, they will find Hezak the Twisted
on the anvil side of the room. (Place him in one of the two squares in front of
the Chaos Anvil. See ‘H’ on the Board Section displayed on the right.)
Dracos Doomskull will guard the bridge, protecting his master from any
player who attempts to cross. Once a Warrior enters the room, place Dracos
on the anvil side next to the bridge (see ‘D’ on the Board Section to the right).
Dracos will not cross the bridge unless he is being attacked by a Range
After entering the Anvil Chamber, the Warriors must roll 1D6 and consult the Red Eye Mountain Objective
Room Monster Table below:


1 Hezak, Dracos, 1 Dragon Ogre Mercenary, 3 Chaos Trolls & 8 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss

2 Hezak, Dracos, 3 Stone Trolls, 3 Bull Centaurs & 8 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss

3 Hezak, Dracos, 1D3 Chaos Trolls, 1 Bull Centaur, 1 Hobgoblin Big Boss & 2D6 Hobgoblin Champions

4 Hezak, Dracos, 1D3 Bull Centaurs, 1D6+6 Sneaky Git Champions & 1D6+6 Hobgoblin Champions

5 Hezak, Dracos, 1 Bull Centaur, 8 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 8 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss

6 Hezak, Dracos, 1D6+2 Chaos Dwarf Warriors & 2D6 Black Orc Champions


Although he does take time to cast one spell against the Warriors each turn, Hezak is deep in dark meditation.
Sloshbrim’s Hammer is on the Chaos Dwarf anvil and Hezak appears to be in the middle of a mysterious
and terrible ritual. Each turn the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer stands in meditation, the fire in the great chasm
flares wildly and sparks shoot upward, nearly engulfing the bridge and everyone on it.


As the Warrior stands upon the bridge, fire suddenly billows upward, engulfing the area! The heat is so intense that the
Warrior can even feel it through his armour!
While Hezak is alive, any Warrior who is on a bridge square at the end of the Warriors’ Phase must roll 3D6. The total rolled
indicates how many Wounds the Warrior suffers with normal deductions for Toughness and Armour. Monsters always
seem to narrowly avoid getting burned by the fire. Once Hezak is dead, the fire in the Chasm no longer rages…

Hezak is attempting to merge Sloshbrim’s Hammer with another ancient Chaos Dwarf artefact in order to
create a super-powered Chaos Dwarf weapon. Counting the turn that the Warriors enter the Anvil Chamber,
they have 2D6 turns in which to engage Hezak in hand-to-hand combat before he completes his project. The
Warriors need not to land a blow – merely attacking Hezak in hand-to-hand combat will avert enough of his
attention that he will not be able to carry out his plan.
After the 2D6 turns have ended, if the Warriors have not yet interrupted Hezak by engaging in hand-to-
hand combat, he manages to merge Sloshbrim’s Hammer with another Chaos Dwarf weapon.

Sloshbrim’s Hammer causes 1 Wound with no modifiers for anything. In addition roll another 1D6. On a 4, 5 or 6, the
hammer causes an electric shock that stuns the target. A stunned Warrior may do nothing for the next turn. Only the
bearer of Bruinn’s Tankard can counter its effects and suffers no Damage and is immune to its stunning effect.


If Hezak manages to merge the weapons, roll on the Chaos Dwarf Magic Weapon Table
to see which weapon Hezak has merged with Sloshbrim’s Hammer. This new, super-
powered weapon now has the properties of both weapons!


If the Warriors manage to clear the Objective Room, they find a secret tunnel toward the back of the chamber
which leads up to the surface. The Warriors return to Bugman’s Brewery where they deliver Sloshbrim’s
Hammer and Bruinn’s Tankard. They are each bestowed the title of ‘Bugman’s Saviour’, are rewarded with
(1D6 per Battle-Level) x 100 gold and given a lifetime’s supply of Bugman’s Golden Brew!

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Chaos Dwarf Champion

Wounds 8 Wounds 16
Move 3 Move 3
Weapon Skill 4 Weapon Skill 5
Ballistic Skill 4+ Ballistic Skill 3+
Strength 3 Strength 4
Toughness 5+1* (8) Toughness 4 (6)
Attacks 1 Attacks 2
Damage 1/2 (6+) (+1D6**) Damage 2/3 (5+)
Gold 590 Gold 480

Hezak Magic 1; Magic
Dispel 4+; Magic
Resistance 4+; Girdle
of the Great Bull
(+1T*); Magic
Roll on Hezak’s Magic
Table below to see
which spell he casts.

**Hezak carries
Sloshbrim’s Hammer. Magic Restistance 6+; Magic Armour; Magic Item;
See the rules above to Magic Weapon.
determine if Hezak See Chaos Dwarf Magic Armour, Items & Weapons below
wields an additional to determine which ones Dracos carries.
magic weapon.


2-3 Failure. Hezak fails to cast a spell this turn.
4 Doomroar. Hezak takes on the shape of the mighty Bull God Hashut and, with a shake of his horned head, gives
a terrifying roar that goads his minions into action. This turn all Monsters get +1 Attacks!
5 Eruption. The ground beneath one of the Warrior’s feet erupts in a plume of magma. Draw a Warrior counter to
determine which Warrior is affected. He suffers 3D6 Wounds.
6 Ash Cloud. The dungeon is suddenly filled with clouds of smoke and ash. All of the Warriors are at -1 on their To
Hit rolls for the next Warriors’ Phase.
7 Magama Pool. A column of black smoke surrounds Hezak obscuring him from view. Suddenly, the Warriors hear
the cold laughter of the sorcerer from elsewhere in the room. If Hezak is in hand-to-hand combat, this spell
immediately transports him as far from the Warriors as possible even to an adjoining Board Section. He also
regains 1D6 Wounds, but not above his starting score. If Hezak is not in hand-to-hand combat, reroll this result.
8 Lava Storm. With a majestic sweep of his arm Hezak creates a stream of balls of molten lava. There are 1D6
balls and they are distributed amongst the Warriors evenly. Each causes 2D6 Wounds with no modifiers for
9 Flames of Azgorh. Hezak breathes out whirling tendrils of flame. Draw a Warrior counter to determine who is
attacked. The target and every model adjacent to him, whether friend of foe, takes 2D6 Wounds, with no
modifiers for Toughness or Armour. Only Hezak is immune to the effects of the spell.
10 Shadows of Hashut. The air around the Hezak grows cold and a shadowy form begins to coalesce next to him. It
forms into the mighty God of the Chaos Dwarfs. With a deafening roar the shadow bull charges forward smashing
everything out of its way. Draw a Warrior counter to determine who the bull charges to. Draw an imaginary line
from Hezak to the Warrior. Any Warriors within that line suffer 1D6 Wounds with no modifiers for anything.
11 Fist of Fire. Hezak’s hands are enwrapped with glowing bands of magical power. Hezak may attack any single
adjacent Warrior. If there is more than one eligible target draw a Warrior counter to determine who Hezak
attacks. Hezak must roll To Hit as normal. If successful the Warrior suffers 1D6 + (Dungeon Level) Wounds with
no modifiers for Toughness. If Hezak is not in hand-to-hand combat, reroll this result.
12 Hezak’s Curse. Crackling hideously Hezak utters a terrible curse on one of the Warriors. Draw a Warrior
counter to determine who is affected. Unless he is given a healing potion or a healing spell is cast on him
immediately the cursed Warrior is turned to stone and is out of the game. If he is given treatment, roll 1D6. On
a score of 1, 2, 3 or 4 the Warrior is -1 Movement., -1 Initiative and -1 To Hit until the Sorcerer is dead, when he
returns to normal. On a score of 5 or 6 the spell has no effect at all.



The terrifying image of the Great Taurus has been intricately carved onto the breastplate of this Full
This black and red Armour gives the wearer +2 Toughness and +2 Strength in Combat.


A fire emblem with a horn adorns this jet black helmet. As the Chaos Dwarf puts it on, their eyes turn
a flaming red!
This dark, mighty Helmet gives the wearer +1 Toughness and +1 Attacks.


This shield crackles with dark magic and a black vortex seems to absorb the light around it.
Any Warrior attacking the Chaos Dwarf who holds this daemonic Shield is -1 Attacks. In addition,
the Chaos Dwarf who bears it improves their Magic Resistance by +1.


This obsidian rock is warm to the touch and exudes a black shimmering outline around the possessor.
This black polished rock imbues the holder with the ability to absorb blows. Each time a blow
strikes the bearer of this stone, roll 1D6. On a 4, 5 or 6 the incoming blow does no damage at all.


It is said that this black horn is from a Great Taurus, infused with magic from the combined power of
two Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers and blessed by the Hashut, the Father of Darkness himself.
The holder will blow this horn once per turn at the beginning of the Monsters’ Phase. Each Warrior
must roll 1D6 and add their Willpower. On a score of 7 or less the Warrior is beset upon by
horrible daemons and black shadows which penetrate his soul. Each Warrior who scored 7 or less
suffers 1D6 + (Dungeon Level) Wounds with no modifiers for Armour.


These sinister steel gloves vibrate with incredible power. The wearer himself seems terribly
menacing, extremely threatening, and ominously confident.
The Gauntlets imbue the wearer with + (Dungeon Level) Strength. For example; if the Dungeon
Level is 4, the wearer gains +4 Strength.


This mighty Hammer has the image of Hashut, Father of Darkness, magically engraved onto the
head. All who see this dreadful weapon immediately cower in fear.
This hammer gives the wielder Fear (Dungeon Level +3). In addition, the Hammer of Hashut allows
the wielder to double his Attacks.


This nasty-looking Battle Axe sucks the life force from its victims and when it is swung, a deathly
howl fills the air.
Each time the wielder rolls a ‘6’ To Hit with this Axe, the Warrior struck must deduct one from his
Toughness or his Strength. If either of the Warrior’s statistics is reduced to 0 by the Axe of
Darkness, they are dead beyond recovery and removed from the game…


Blazing flames carve a trail in front of the wielder of this sword and a sweltering heat radiates so
intently that the wielder must hail from the very pits of hell.
Each time this fiery sword hits its target successfully, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6, the target bursts into
flames taking an extra 1D6 Wounds of fire damage. In addition, anyone attacking a Chaos Dwarf
wielding the Sword of Inferno is -1 To Hit as they try to avoid its scorching path and intense heat.

This room is comp etely covered
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in bat droppings. Bes des the -g s·g
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makes for diff cult footing.
.a. •
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If a Warrior rolls a natural'1'To Hit • :: 3n-"' :r '°
whie on this Board Section, she
•r c
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3 < CD .._

slips in the bat guano and falls

0, n 0 )( N I» CR c-c· ::;·
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3 ;: )( )
( CD 3.a.S: c ... ..,
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face first onto the floor. The :f !, S·

0 c
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Warriorloses the rest of her -
,ii 0=co
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Attacks this turn as it takes her the
io·'<0i' &.
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stand. Monsters attacking her are at S' 0
- ( , c; c

+2 To Hit until she regains her feet.

Draw another Evant

Card Immediate


The Warriors finda barrel of beer.It's
contentslook mighty suspect and it's hard
for the War-riors to guess howlong the
drink has been sitting around. Since the
crazed dr nkingepisode beforeleaving
Bugman's Brewer-y,the Warrion have
for a taste of the brew and findit hard
to pass up the opportunity for a free
Each Warrior must roll 1D6 and add
their Willpower (a Dwarf s 2 whi e the
Dwarf Brewmasteris -3!).If the scoreis
a 7+ the
Warrior manages to control himself.If
they fail, they drink heartily and must roll
1-2 Tl'le Warrior panes out in a drunken
Tl'ley are unconsc ous for tl'le next 103
turns.Monste.-a will not attack him,un
ess he is the on y targetleft on the
3-4 Tl'le Warrior gels drunk and the room spins
w idly. For the next 106 turns heis -2 To
5--6 Tl'le Warrior s lghtheaded and feela
little strange. For the next 106
-1 Weapon Skill.
Draw another Event Cardimmediately.


CHAOS DWARF Bestiary Reference Table (for level 3-4)
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules
Black Orcs & Hobgoblins
Black Orc Boss 4 5 3+ 5 4 20 3 2 420 2 2 Magic Weapon.
Black Orc Champions 4 4 4+ 4 4 10 2 2 140 2 1/2(5+) Armed with [1-3] Bows or [4-6] Swords.
Hobgoblin Big Boss 4 5 2+ 4 4 20 4 3 700 3 2 Ambush, Magic A; Magic Armour; Magic Weapon
Ambush, Magic A; Armed with [1-3] Bows (Str 3) or [4-6] Axes; Break;
Hobgoblin Champions 4 4 4+ 3 3 10 2 2 150 2 1/2(6+)
Guards (Sorcerer if present).
Ambush, Magic A; Armed with Curved Daggers; Break; Guards
Hobgoblin Sneaky Git Champions 4 4 3+ 4 3 10 3 2 180 - 1/2(6+)
(Sorcerer if present).
Chaos Dwarfs
Armed with Blunderbuss; Magic Resistance 6+; Guards (Sorcerer if
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 1 1
Chaos Dwarf Warriors 3 4 4+ 3 4 8 2 1 140 2 1 Magic Resistance 6+; Guards (Sorcerer if present).
Dracos Doomskull –
3 5 3+ 4 4 16 3 2 480 2 2/3(5+) Magic Resistance 5+; Magic Armour; Magic Item; Magic Weapon.
Chaos Dwarf Champion
Hezak the Twisted – Hezak Magic 1; Magic Dispel 4+; Magic Resistance 4+; Girdle of the
3 4 4+ 3 5+1 12 3 1 750 2 1/2(6+)
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Great Bull (+1 T).

Bull Centaurs 8 4 4+ 4 4 12 3 2 410 2 1/2(5+) Fear 5; Magic Resistance 6+.
Dragon Ogre Mercenary 6 4 5+ 5 5 40 2 3 870 2 2 Fear 8.
Gigantic Scorpions 5 3 - 5 6 20 1 2 450 - 2 Sting 2D6.
Gigantic Spiders 5 3 - S 4 20 1 2 450 - 2 Web (1D6).
Gourd – Chaos Cyclops (Huge) 6 4 5+ 5 5 25 1 2 850 - 2/3 (5+) Fear 7; Red Eye of Murder.
Stone Trolls 6 3 6+ 5 4 25 1 3 650 - 2 Fear 6; Magic Drain 6; Regenerate 2.
Carrion 8 3 - 3 3 10 4 3+ 450 - 1 Carrion Attack (Ambush Magic, A); Fear 6; Fly.
Mummies 3 3 - 4 5 40 3 2 450 - 2 Fear 7; Tomb Rot (1D3).
Wight Lord 4 4 - 4 4 35 4 2 650 2 2 Fear 8; Magic Armour; Magic Weapon.
Monster Type M WS BS S T W I A Gold Arm. Dam. Special Rules


Curved Daggers:
Hobgoblin Sneaky Git Champions are armed with two long curved daggers (one in each hand). Sneaky Gits make a single attack using both daggers at the
same time and thus are +1 To Hit. Sneaky Git Champions get two such Attacks each round and their Curved Daggers are poisonous and follow all rules
for Poison.

If the Warriors are engaged in Combat and a ‘1’ is rolled in the Power Phase signifying an
Unexpected Event, instead of drawing an Event Card roll 2D6 on the Table below:


A blood and sweat drip across her hand, the
Warrior’s weapon slips from grip and clanks into
the shadows and out of sight. But before the
dropped weapon even hits the floor, the Warrior has
already brandished a secondary one and continues
the fight!
One of the Warriors (determined randomly) must drop
her primary weapon. She may use any other weapon on
her person if applicable or must fight unarmed. Her
dropped weapon may be retrieved when there are no
Monsters on the Board Section where she lost it. If the
Warriors are already unarmed, then reroll this result…

The Winds of Magic prove unpredictable once again, for the Warrior no longer feels
any measurable power emanating from his items!
One Warrior receives no benefits from any magic item that he is carrying, nor may he
cast any spells, blessings, or equivalent! At the beginning of the next turn, the item
returns to normal. If none of the Warriors have a Magic Item, then reroll this result…

Just as the Warriors finish contemplating their next move, a horde of Monsters
barge into the room to add more confusion and peril!
Roll once on the Monster Table to see who arrives!

With composure and confidence the Warriors
attempt to muster the courage to confront their
Each Warrior may reroll all failed Fear and Terror
tests from this Combat. If the Dungeon is Level 1,
then reroll this result…

The combatants are locked in a close-quarter
struggle where one false move will allow their
enemy to penetrate their defenses!
No models in hand-to-hand Combat may break from Pinning nor change their targets this
turn. They must attack the same Monster or same Warrior as they did in the previous
turn. If their target(s) was eliminated in the last round, they may ignore this rule and
choose any new target. If no model is in hand-to-hand Combat, then reroll this result…
Just as the Warriors begin their counter-strike, a company of Monsters pour into
the room to join in the attack against them!
Roll once on the Monster Table to see who arrives!

With the menacing evil closing in around her, the
Warrior holds her sword tightly, digs her heels into
the dungeon floor and braces for an onslaught…
One of the Warriors (determined randomly) may subtract -1
from all Damage rolls against her this turn.

Unable to face the determined Warriors, one of the
Monsters breaks from battle and vanishes out of sight!
The Monster with the lowest Gold Value on the Board Section is removed from play. If
there is more than one Monster with the lowest Gold Value, then determine randomly.
The Warriors receive no gold for a Monster who breaks. If there is only one Monster on
the Board Section, then reroll this result…

Just as the Warriors are about to initiate a new strategy, a band of Monsters tear
into the room to foil their plans!
Roll once on the Monster Table to see who arrives!

As one of the Warriors brutally assaults a Monster, it serves only to infuriate the
creature! The beast roars a death cry that rattles the entire dungeon and the
Warriors find it an even more formidable foe, capable of staggering destruction!
This turn, one Monster on the Board Section (determined randomly) causes one extra
Wound per Dungeon Level each time it hits its target. If
there are no Monsters on the Board Section, then
randomly choose any Monster on the Board instead...

The Warriors’ skills are indeed fearsome and the
glower on their faces is equally frightening! With
gnashed teeth and bulging eyes the Warriors could
intimidate even the most gruesome creature!
One random group of Monsters (i.e. Orcs, Black Orcs,
Orc Shaman, Skaven Clanrats, Skaven Wind
Globadiers, etc.) is shaken and alarmed by the harsh
and violent demeanor of the Warriors and are -1 on
their To Hit rolls against the Warriors this turn!

Bew are.
. .
of brutes with
myst ical
powers 10.
dark f orests.
Contents: rulebook, cards, counters, board
sections Revision E
This version corrects the gold on the “2 Orc Boy Boyz” Event Card from Revision C. It has been added here on
this page for those who only need to re-print that card.

This version also adds the other two Realm of Savages Adventures that have been released and
featured in The Ultimate Adventure Book.

The Warriors stumble upon an Elven settlement hidden away in a dense
forest which has been the recent site of a bloody battle. Dead bodies of
Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
Elves are strewn about and the entire hamlet is now occupied by Savage the following table to see how many doorways it contains:
Orcs which are being led by Munk, a vicious Shaman. As long as the Savage
Orcs live, they are a threat to the entire area.
1-3 The Forest Path is normal.
4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
SETTING UP 6 Path has two additional doorways.
This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
Sections. These exquisite boards were created by Sebastian Stuart dividing the deck if appropriate.
( and have been modified
especially for this scenario.
Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path board section
and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction board
Alternatively (although requiring a huge leap of faith), you could simply use section.
the basic board sections in Warhammer Quest to represent the Elven
Settlement. Each Corridor is a forest path and each Dungeon Room is a
dwelling (which is now a Savage Orc’s residence). Treasure
When the Warriors are to receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for any
reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 draw a Treasure Card as normal. If
Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed the score is a 5 or 6, then draw one of the new Treasure Cards that
especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic accompany this adventure instead.
and Minions.
Munk the Savage Orc Shaman
Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now. If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by
his minions. See the Minions Special Card to he who they are. Munk will
cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Savage Orc Magic
Special Card to see which spell he casts.

Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room

When the Warriors enter Munk’s Residence, put the Savage Orc Shaman
on the throne, even if the Warriors had been encountered and defeated in
an Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled
him to survive even the most grievous wounds.

Roll on the Savage Orc Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.

Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room they do not
Finishing the Adventure
draw an Event Card as usual. There will always be Monsters in the Room.
Additionally, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in When the Warriors defeat Munk and his minions, any remaining Savage
the Orc Residence, do not draw an Event Card – it will always be more Orcs in the village flee in terror. The Warriors liberate the pile of treasure
Monsters that appear. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will only occur on the that the Savage Orcs had stolen from various opponents which means that
forest board sections. each Warrior finds 1D3 items of Dungeon Room Treasure and 1D6x50 gold.


ome areas of the gloomy Drakwald forest are so densely
wooded that light barely penetrates through the trees
receive a Dungeon Room Treasure as normal. If the score is a 5 or 6, draw
one of the new Treasure Cards that accompany this Adventure instead.
creating a state of perpetual darkness. Even the local militia refuses to set
foot in those parts, believing them to be haunted or cursed. A few of the
locals from the town of Grossfurre swear that they have seen spooky,
Axmudd the Savage Orc Boss
flickering lights in the nearby woods and many inhabitants are convinced
that an ancient evil is loose. If the Warriors encounter and defeat Axmudd as an Event, his special tattoos
kept him alive and he was merely rendered unconscious. He will appear
again in the Objective Room, attacking the first Warrior who enters the final
Board Section.
The officials of Grossfurre have sent for the fearless Warriors for help, for
they need a group who are brave enough to probe the mysterious forest of
flickering lights. Munk the Savage Orc Shaman
If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by his
The lights are actually coming from a band of Savage Orcs who have recently minions. See the Munk’s Minions & Rules Special Card to see who they
moved into the secluded forest. The Savage Orc leader, a Shaman named are. Munk will cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Munk’s
Munk, uses the eerie woods as a base to practice his dark magic which Savage Orc Magic Special Card to see which spell he casts.
serves to aid in his attacks upon the surrounding villages.

Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room

SETTING UP When the Warriors enter Munk’s Dwelling, put the Savage Orc Shaman on
This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board the throne, even if the Warriors had encountered and defeated him in an
Sections. These exquisite boards were created by Sebastian Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled him
Stuart ( and have been modified to survive even the most grievous wounds.
especially for this scenario.

Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed Roll on the Savage Orcs Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
and Minions. the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.

Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now.
If the Warriors rid the woods of the Savage Orc presence, they can return to
Grossfurre where they are rewarded with 2D6x50 gold each.
Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room draw an
Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’ Events back into
the deck. Likewise, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in
the Orc Residence it will always be Monsters that appear. Follow the same
rules for drawing an Event Card as listed above. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will
only occur on the forest Board Sections.

Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
the following table to see how many doorways it contains:

1-3 The Forest Path is normal.

4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
6 Path has two additional doorways.

Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
dividing the deck if appropriate.

Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path Board
Section and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction
Board Section.

Whenever the Warriors would receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for
any reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 they


Special Rules
Dungeon Rooms & Unexpected Events
When the Warriors enter an Orc Residence Dungeon Room draw an
Event Card until it reveals Monsters, reshuffling any ‘E’ Events back into
the deck. Likewise, if an Unexpected Event occurs while the Warriors are in
the Orc Residence it will always be Monsters that appear. Follow the same
rules for drawing an Event Card as listed above. Therefore, ‘E’ Events will
only occur on the forest Board Sections.

Each time a new Forest Path Board Section has been revealed roll 1D6 on
the following table to see how many doorways it contains:

1-3 The Forest Path is normal.

4-5 The Forest Path has one additional doorway. The Forest
6 Path has two additional doorways.

T he Emperor’s favorite animal has escaped from the

Imperial Menagerie and the Warriors are selected to bring
it back alive. It has fled deep into the forest. For Adventure this
the animal is (the party leader rolls 1D6): Place the new doorway(s) on any unused side(s) of the Board Section,
dividing the deck if appropriate.

A Bird. Each Warrior will receive 1D6x50 to for Note: The extra doorways may only occur on a Forest Path Board
returning this feathered pet. Section and not on the Glade, the Forest Bend or a Forest Junction
Board Section.
A Cat Each Warrior will receive 1D3 Items of
Dungeon Room Treasure if they can reunite this feline
with the Emperor. Treasure
Whenever the Warriors would receive a Dungeon Room Treasure for
A Dog. Each Warrior will receive 1D6x100 gold if they
any reason, roll 1D6. On a score of 1-4 they receive a Dungeon Room
can find this pure-bred canine and bring it to the
Treasure as normal. If the score is a 5 or 6, draw one of the new Treasure
Cards that accompany this Adventure instead.
A Horse. Each Warrior will receive 2D6x100 gold
upon this beautiful stallion’s return.
Munk the Savage Orc Shaman
A Huge Snake. Each Warrior will receive an item of
Objective Room Treasure and 1D6x100 gold if they If the Warriors encounter Munk as an Event, he will be accompanied by his
can bring this exotic serpent back safely. minions. See the Munk’s Minions & Rules Special Card to see who they
are. Munk will cast one spell at the beginning of each turn. See the Munk’s
A Tiger. Each Warrior will receive an item of Savage Orc Magic Special Card to see which spell he casts.
Objective Room Treasure and 2D6x100 gold upon the
safe return of this majestic animal.
Munk’s Dwelling Objective Room
This roll cannot be affected by Luck, When the Warriors enter Munk’s Dwelling, put the Savage Orc Shaman on
Faith or other abilities. the throne, even if the Warriors had encountered and defeated him in an
Event. Munk had concocted and drunk a magical potion which enabled him
The Warriors track the animal to a hidden Savage Orc to survive even the most grievous wounds.
encampment deep in the forest. Unfortunately, the animal has been captured
by the Savage Orcs and been presented to
Munk, the Savage Orc Shaman who leads the Warriors tribe. The Roll on the Savage Orcs Objective Room Monster Table (see Special
will have to comb through the dangerous Card) to see which minions are in the room with him. If Munk is defeated in
encampment to find and free the animal. the Objective Room, he is killed permanently.

This Adventure uses the special Realm of Savages Board Sections. These
exquisite boards were created by Sebastian Stuart (www.eastern- and have been modified especially for this scenario.
Additionally, an entire set of Savage Orc Events have been designed
especially for this Adventure as well as Special Cards for Savage Orc Magic
and Minions.
Put the new Dungeon Room Treasure Cards off to the side for now.


Finishing the Adventure

When the Warriors clear the Objective Room of Monsters they find the
animal in a cage in the back. The animal’s condition is as follows (the party
leader rolls 1D6):

Eaten! It seems that the poor animal was the Savage Orc
Shaman’s last meal as there are only bones left. The
Warriors receive nothing from the Emperor although he
agrees to spare their lives. The Warriors decide to leave
before he changes his mind…
Mutilated. The animal has been abused and disfigured
by the cruel Savage Orcs and even the best healers in
the Empire cannot cure it. The Emperor is stricken with
grief and then anger. He vows to remove every Savage
Orc encampment in the Empire. The Warriors do not
escape his wrath either, receiving only half (round
down) of what was promised.
Sick. The animal has been severely neglected and is in
poor health. There is no possible way that the creature
will be able to endure the journey back. If the Warriors
have a Healing Potion, they may use it to nurse the
animal back to health and can return to the Emperor (see
result #5 below). If they do not have a Healing Potion,
then see result #2 above.
Traumatized. The animal has suffered an enormous
amount of shock and distress since being captured by the
Savage Orcs. It will take a few months for the animal to
return to its normal demeanor. The impatient Emperor is
none too pleased. He docks the Warriors one-third of
what was promised to them (rounded down). If the
Warriors were to receive both treasure and gold, the
Emperor withholds the treasure and gives them only the
gold instead, although it is the maximum amount
Well. The animal is in good health and the Warriors
have no trouble bringing it back to the Emperor. He
rewards the Warriors as promised and bestows upon
each of them the title of Imperial Menagerie Defender.
From now on, if the rules ever state that the Warrior is
thrown out of a Settlement, the Warrior may announce
their title by rolling 1D6 (the player must actually say, “I
am [Warrior’s name], Imperial Menagerie Defender!”).
If the result is a 6, then the authorities reconsider and
allow them to stay instead.
Thriving! The animal is in perfect condition! In fact, the
whole ordeal seems to have done the creature some good
as the animal is healthy, more vibrant and has a better SAVAGES!
temperament than when the Emperor saw it last! His Warhammer Quest Adventures by
majesty is so elated that he gives each Warrior an extra
item of Objective Room Treasure! Littlemonk © 2017-2019 Edited by
Frag Up

The full expansion of Realm of

Savages Adventure Pack will be available
This roll cannot be affected by Luck, Faith or other abilities. in a future release!

,------------------------------- , /,-------------------------------- ,, /,---------------------------------, , ,,---------------------------------,
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Wounds: 12 Wounds: 15
Munk the Savage Ore Shaman Munk is always surrounded by
Move: 4 Move: 4
§ has the ability to cast Magic. He
casts his spells at the start of the
his minions. If the Warriors
encounter Munk as an
Weapon Skill:
Weapon Skill:
Monsters' Event,then roll 1D6 below to see Toughness: S* Toughness: 4*
Phase, who is with him:
Attacks: 1 Attacks: 2


he does Opponent's WS Opponent's WS
else 1-2TABLE
3 Savage Ores &
Oe, move 3 Savage Ore Archers
and attack).
3 3 Savage Ores
hits a Warrlor,roll
To see which
spell is cast, roll 106 and refer to 4 3 Forest Goblins & 2 dice to see how
many Wounds he
""' the list of spells on this card. Forest Goblin
Magic Resistance.
Roll 106 for each spell
causes, adding
his Strength of
5 cast against Munk. On 4 to the total.
6 3 Forest Goblin
Archers J a score of 6 the spell
has no effect.
'Tattoos . Each
time Axmudd is

Failure. Munk raises his arms high hit. roll 106. If
*Tattoos. Each time
above his head. The look of evil in When the Warriors reach Munk is hit. roll 106. If the

his eyes suddenly changes to utter Munk's Dwelling,roll 106 on the the score is a score is a 5 the
then or 6,
confusion.The Shaman's spell 5 or 6, then blow has
back of this card to see who no effect.
fails this tum. the blow has
the Warriors encounter.
rJ r
no effect.

_ _ _ _ Realm
_ _of Savages
_ _ _Special
_ Card.
_ _ _ _ )_2017_ _ _ _ ,
_ _ _ _ Realm
_ _of Savages
_ _ _Special
_ Card.
_ _ _ _ )_2017_ _ _ _ ',_ _ _ _ _Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk)
2017_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ',_ _ _ _ _Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk)
2017_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

;/ ;/ ;/ ;/
(Llttlemonk (Llttlemonk

________ _____ ________ _____ ______________ ______________ IO

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Berries of various sizes and colours A giant, carnivorous plant lashes One of the Warriors (determined As they pass by a group of trees, one
grow on bushes here. A Warrior out and bites one of the Warriors. randomly) falls into a pit that was of the Warriors suddenly becomes
may eat a handful of them by rolling Each Warrior must roll 1D6. The carefully concealed with leaves and entangled in the branches. Roll 1D6
on the table below Can Elf may add Warrior with the lowest score is the debris. Roll 1D6 and add the for each Warrior. The Warrior with the
+ 1 to the roll): one bitten. In the case that more Warrior's Initiative, then look up lowest score realises that he is being
than one Warrior has the same the result on the table below: attacked by a Dryad, a defender and
The berries are poisonous and
lowest score, each of them are 1-3 The Warrior falls to bottom with resident of this forest.
the Warrior must subtract -1
bitten, A bitten Warrior suffers 3D6 a giant thud. He suffers 406
from his Starting Wounds score The attacked Warrior suffers 3D6
permanently. The Warrior is also Wounds with normal modifiers for Wounds and may only escape if Wounds with normal modifiers for
-1 Movement and -1 To Hit for Toughness and Armour. he has a rope or Levitation spell. Toughness and Armour.

Deck. After the second time it The Warriors quickly convince

2-5 The berries are medicinal and the pit and takes 206 Wounds.
is encountered, discard it. the Dryad that they are allies of
the Warrior heals 106+2 He may spend the next turn
which time Monsters will not remove the Savage Ore presence,
6 The berries have been blessed attack him. but before the Dryad causes
by Ariel, the Queen of Athel injuries
severe to its target
Loren. They heal the Warrior 7+ The Warrior grabs a hanging .
back up to full Wounds. In vine which stops his descent.
addition, the Warrior adds + 1 He may spend the rest of the
to his Starting Wounds score turn climbing out of the pit
during which time Monsters
will not attack him.

Roll 106. On a 1, 2 or 3 draw Roll 1D6. On a 1, 2 or 3 draw Roll 1D6. On a 1, 2 or 3 draw another
another Event Card Draw another Event Card another Event Card Event Card immediately.
immediately. immediately. immediately.

, Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 , Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 , Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 , Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017
'-------------------------------- / '-------------------------------- / '-------------------------------- / '-------------------------------- /
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,--------------------------------- '
\ I/
--, , I I I
, I

,,---------------------------------- ,,---------------------------------- /,---------------------------------, , ,,----------------------------------

I \
, ,
The Warriors spy a stone covered This part of the forest path is filled Once all of the Warriors have entered Gnarled and twisted roots cover
in moss, beneath which appear to with thorny plants and branches. this Board Section, they hear a the entire ground here making it
be Elven runes. Roll 1D6 for each Each time a Warrior completes their splintering sound and then a precarious to move and fight .
§ Warrior. On a 5 or 6, the Warrior
can decipher the runes to reveal
moves on this Board Section, roll 1D6
on the table below:
deafening crash as a gigantic tree
falls down behind them, blocking he
Each time a Warrior rolls a 1 To
the location of a secret entrance to Hit, it means that they have tripped
t way. They must find another out
1-2 The Warrior gets entangled in on
an undeground dungeon. <An Elf thorny vines and suffers 1D6+2
way of the dungeon as it is now
does not have to roll as he can Wounds, modified for Toughness
impossible to retrace their steps.
automatically decipher the runes.) The Warrior must roll 1D6 and

and Armour as usual. Place the Fallen Tree counter acr
oss add his Initiative. If the score is a
If they decipher the runes, place a 3-4 The Warrior gets scratched the doorway the Warriors by
doorway on any unused portion of 7 or
and poked by the protruding entered to show that it is now and may continue as normal. If the
this Board Section. Choose an thorns blocked. score is less than 7, then the
Objective Room at random and modified for Toughness and Warrior falls flat on his face and is
prepare a separate Dungeon deck Armour as usual. prone for the rest of the turn.
Warriors are currently using. 5-6 The Warrior manages to nagivate Monsters are +2 To Hit a prone
through the thorns without Warrior.
Once the Warriors find and clear the
""' Objective Room in this new

dungeon, they each find a piece of

Objective Room Treasure.

Roll 1D6. On a 1, 2 or 3 draw
another Event Card Draw another Event Card tely. Draw another Event Card immediately.
immediately. immedia

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Re_alm_ o_f S_av_ag_es_Ev_en_t

,, , Realm of Savages Event Card. (Littlemonk) 2017 , Realm of Savages Event Card. (littlemonk) 2017 , Realm of Savages Event Card. (Littlemonk) 2017
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, ____________ ______________ ---, ______________ -------, _ _----------------------------------,



I \ I \ I

Goblin S. Ore 20
Savage Ores: These Event cards can Wounds: 1 Wounds:
be added into your games of
Wounds: 2 s Move: 6 Move: s
Move: 4 4
Warhammer Quest, simply shuffling Weapon Skill: 2 Weapon Skill: 3
Weapon Skill: 2 3
them into the Event Cards from the
Warhammer Quest game . Each Strength: 3 3
Strength: Special Strength: s
Monster is worth a certain amount of Toughness: 3 4*
Toughness: 2 Toughness: 4
gold at the end of the combat. Attacks: Attacks: 1 Attacks: 2
Savage Ores adventures: If you Opponent's WS 1 2 3 9 10
want a 'Savage Ores' feel to your game,
this supplement includes a selection of Goblin 3 4 6 6
new Event cards specially designed for Savage Ore 2 3 5 5
playing Savage Ores adventures. You
should find there are enough cards for
one adventure. Also included are
Special Rules

Is lllrUdy wabbad, the Spider automlltlcally
Bows. When shooting with their bows, bites him lnfllctlng 106 Wounds with no
Special cards with specific rules for Savage Ores need to roll 4 or more modifiers for Toughness or Armour.
Savage Ore creatures who cast magic to hit.A Savage Ore's bow has
ff the Warrior wasn't already webbed , make
Strength 4 and causes 1D6+4 Wounds. If the Warrior wasn't a roll To Hit. If the Spiders hits, the Warrior is
*Tattoos. Savage Ores are painted with already webbed , make a now webbed and may do nothing until he gets
protective Tattoos that act like armour. roll To Hit. If the Spiders free. Put a Webbed counter next to him.
Each time they are hit roll 106. If the hits, the Warrior is now At the start of each turn roll 106 for each
score is a 6, then the blow has no effect. webbed and webbed Warrior and add his Strength. If
may do nothing until he gets the total is 7 or more, he
free. Put a Webbed counter next to him. frees himself
and may
At the start of each turn roll 1D6 act as
for each webbed Warrior and normal.
add his Strength. If the total is 7 H
or more, he frees himself and
may act normally.
Realm of Savages Event Card. (l.ittlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Event Card. (l.ittlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Event Card. (l.ittlemonk) 2017

''--------------------------------- ''--------------------------------- / ''-------------------------------- /

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'$: I , \ I \ I \ I \

\Nolf Goblin S. Ore W. Boar
Wounds: s
Wounds: s 10
§ Move:
Weapon Skill:
Weapon Skill:
Skill: Strength:
Strength: 3
3 3 3 3
Strength: 3 3 Toughness: 4* 4
Toughness: 4*
Toughness: 1 1 Attacks: 1 1 Attacks: 1

Opponent's ws 1 2 3 9 10 Opponent's WS Opponent's ws
Savage Ore 2 3 5 6 To Hit Foe
War Boar 2 3 5 5
Special Rules
Special Rules
When a War Boar hits a Warrior, roll 2 dice
ores are Netters and clubbers are placed in
pairs. The Netters attack first, roll To
wolf Is dead.When the wolf Is kllled, to see how many Wounds it causes, adding Hit as normal. If the net hits,the
painted Warrior is caught and can do nothing
its Strength of 4 to the total.
""' remove
the Wotf Rider model and put a Goblin
A Warrior can't attack a rider until his war
like armour.
Each time they
until a "netted" counter by the Warrior.
The Clubbers then attack. They get + 2
boar is dead. When the boar is killed, remove
Death-blow as usual. are hit roll 1D6. To Hit a netted Warrior.
the rider model and put a Savage Ore in its
Q However, the Death- place. If a Warrior kills a boar with one blow, If the score is a A netted Warrior may try to get free at
6, then the blow the start of the Warriors' Phase. Roll

blow cuts into the he gets a Death-blow as usual. However, the
first. If rider
the blow \..,_ Death- blow cuts into the rider first. If the has no effect. 1D6 + his Strength. On a score of 7 or
the rider too, i t moves
kills blow more he breaks free. If he fails, he may
ORtQ, kills the rider too, it moves onto the next target try again at the start of the next
the next target and so ori; and so on. Warriors ' Phase. If there
- 'Tattoos. Each time a
2 Savage Ore is hit roll 1D6. 20G' · Netter will attack with
H g e then the 1
his club instead.

',_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Re_alm_ o_f S_av_ag_es_Ev_en_t ,/ _ _ _ _Realm

',,_ _ of_Savages
_ _Event
_ Card.
_ _Clittlemonk)
_ _ 2017_ _ _ _ _ _ ',,_ _ _ _ _Realm
_ of_Savages
_ _Event
_ Card.
_ _Clittlemonk)
_ _ 2017_ _ _ _ _ _ ',,_ _ _ _ _Realm_of Savages
_ _ Event
_ _Card._Clittlemonk)
_ _ 2017 _ _ _ _ _ 0,...

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, I
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, I
,/ \

Wounds: s Wounds: s S. Ore Goblin

Wounds: 1
Move: 4 Move: 4
Wounds: s 2 Move: 4
Move: 4 4
Weapon Skill: 3 Weapon Skill: 3 Weapon Skill: 1
Strength: 3 Strength: 3 Strength: Strength: 1 (Special)
3 3
Toughness: 4* Toughness: 4* Toughness: 4* 3
Toughness: 1
Attacks: 1 Attacks: 1 Attacks: Attacks: 1
Opponent's WS Opponent's WS Opponent's WS 1 2 3 4
Savage Ore 2 3 4 4 6
Goblin 3 4 4 4

Special Rules
• soon M tiwy are placed an the Board
*Tattoos. Savage Ores are painted with
protective Tattoos that act like armour. and
Each time they are hit roll 106. If the then attack again In the Monsters'
score is a 6, then the blow has no
effect. Gang Up.Draw a Warrior counter
and place as many Snotlings
Wounds. Bows. When shooting with their bows, around that Warrior as
Forest Goblins need to roll 5 or possible. Repeat until all
*Tattoos. Each time have
in been with
contact placed.
a Warrior, add
more to hit.A Goblin's bow has
a Savage Ore is hit
Strength 1 and causes 106+ 1 + 1 to their To Hit roll and
roll 1D6. If the score increase their Strength by +
Wounds. 1
is a
e.g. 4
6, then the
blow has make a single
no effect. Strength 4
attack with a
Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Event Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017

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§ ,,. , ·eapon
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I , Realm of Savages Treasure Card. Clittlemonk)

,) i, Realm of Savages Treasure Card. Clittlemonk)
/) i, Realm of Savages Treasure Card. Clittlemonk)
/) i, Realm of Savages Treasure Card. Clittlemonk)


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.,. ...... _ _ _ _ _ ...... _ _ _ _ _ _R_ea_lm_of_Sa_va_ge_sD_un_ge_on_Ca_rd_. ...... _ _ _ _ _ _R_ea_lm_of_Sa_va_ge_sD_un_ge_on_Ca_rd_. :J
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, Realmof SavagesD..ingeonCard . (l.ittlemonk)2017 )\ Realmof SavagesD..ingeonCard . (l.ittlemonk)2017 ) Realmof SavagesDungeonCard . (l.ittlemonk)2017

R ea lm of Sa va ge s D un ge on C ard . i,
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R ea lm of Sa va ge s D un ge on C ard .
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Realm of Savages Dungeon Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Dungeon Card. (Uttlemonk) 2017 Realm of Savages Dungeon Card. (littlemonk) 2017
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Realm of Savages Dungeon Card. (Uttlemonk)
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...... _ _ _ _ _ _R_ea_lm_of_Sa_va_ge_s D_un_ge_on_C_ard_. _(U_ttle_m_on_k) _20_17_ _ _ _ _ _ )
..... .,. .,. ...... _ _ _ _ _ _R_ea_lm_of_Sa_va_ge_s

















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