1st Term Revision Sheet Primary 6

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Royal International Ecoles Royale

Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

1st Term Revision Sheet

1- Give one word.
1- Not getting annoyed easily:………………………..
2- Hopeful about the future:…………………………
3- Always telling the truth:……………………..
4- Easily worried or offended:……………………..
5- Caring only about myself:………………………
6- To choose not to do something:……………………………..
7- To get help from something in order to improve:………………
8- To like somebody or something:………………………..
9- To get closer to somebody or something:………………………
10- The underneath part of the foot:………………………….
11- The inside part of the hand:…………………………..
12- A movement with a part of our body:
13- Uncomfortable with other people:……………………..
14- Feeling that I want to rest:………………………..
15- Not confident:…………………………….
16- Having lost interest in something:
17- Annoyed because you have to wait too long:
18- Having the feeling of something happening unexpectedly:
19- Tense and easily upset:……………………………..
20- To embrace somebody:………………………….
21- Face becomes redder than usual from embarrassment:

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
22- To open my mouth and breathe in more air than usual,
when I am tired or bored:…………………………….
23- to take something into your possession………………….
24- to decide or agree on sth after considering or discussing
a situation………………………….
25- a test done so as to learn sth or to discover if sth works
or is true………………………….
26- to raise……………………………….
27- the act of allowing sb to do sth……………….
28- recently washed clothes…………………………..
29- See…………………………….
30- rise in the air………………………..
31- Strength…………………………
32- means of transport for air / water……………………….
33- Understand………………………..
34- Below……………………………
35- come together…………………………….
36- Later……………………………….
37- Include……………………………………..
38- man or woman……………………………………….
39- people travelling in a vehicle but not driving………….
40- give or hand over sth to sb…………………………..
41- alive and unharmed after being in danger…………
42- positive achievement……………………..
43- get to…………………….
44- way of doing things that has existed for a long time………
45- an important discovery or event that helps to improve a
situation or provide an answer to a problem…………………..
46- carrying out scientific tests on………………………..
47- careless , untidy……………………………
48- substance that forms over time on food or damp
49- More detailed examination ………………….
50- Stop being ill and get better …………………..
Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
51- Illness from virus / bug …………………….
52- energy source………………………………..
53- Edible parts of nuts ………………………..
54- Take a piece out of something using scissors
55- Suddenly broke open ………………………..
56- being interested and inquisitive about sth………………..
57- to turn sth from a solid state into a soft or liquid
58- to cause to burst with great force…………………………
59- to improve………………………..
60- having a bad effect on sth……………………..
61- a small quantity of sth that shows you what it is
2- Write the synonyms .

1- making better……………………..
2- Picture…………………………
3- Invented………………………
4- gradual development……………….
5- director……………………….
6- Location………………
7- Angry …………………..
8- Opportunity……………
9- Reliable………………..
10- Flexible………………….
11- Embarrassed …………….
12- Stubborn………………
13- Offended …………………
14- Sociable…………………

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
15- Pleased ……………………
16- Worried ………………….
17- Annoying ………………..
18- Affectionate…………..
19- Aggressive……………..
20- Harmless ……………..
21- Insulting ………………
22- React ………………….
23- Slightly ………………
24- Sweat ……………….
25- Annoyed………………..
3-Write the antonyms:
1- Impatient ≠ ………………………….
2- Tired ≠ ………………………………
3- Shy ≠ ………………………………
4- Angry ≠ ……………………………
5- bored ≠ ……………………..
6- worried ≠ ………………………
7- confident ≠ …………………………
8- courage ≠ ……………………….
9- selfish ≠ ………………………..
10- acceptable ≠ …………………………..

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
4- Use in a sentence.
1- Embarrassed…………………………………………..
2- Furious…………………………………………….
3- Optimistic…………………………………………..
4- Avoid………………………………………………
5- Invent………………………………………………
6- Curious…………………………………………
7- Permission……………………………………….
8- Success………………………………………………….
9- Harmful……………………………………………….
10- Stroll………………………………………………..
5- Complete using words from the list
A- ( broke – offended – nodded – biting – yawning )
1- He……………..his head to show he agreed.
2- Will you stop……………..your nails please?
3- Mona`s jokes……………….the ice at the party.
4- He is very…………………..by her rude comments.
5- She was so sleepy she couldn`t stop……………
B- ( reliable – patient – selfish – sensitive – shy )
1- Heba is……………….. . She doesn`t feel comfortable.
2- Maha is often hurt by things people say. She is
very……………. .
3- He is very………….. . He only cares about himself.
4- Miss Marwa is very……………….with her pupils. She
always takes the time to explain things they do not

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
5- You can count on Ahmed to get the job done. He`s
very………………. .
C-( illustration – sample – permission – waiter – sound )
1- In 1903 , the Wright brothers returned safe
and……………..from the first airplane flight in history.
2- Students who wanted to attend the science fair last week had
to get ………………..from their parents.
3- The…………………….apologised to the customer for bringing
him the wrong order.
4- The scientist put the………………….under the microscope to
examine it more closely.
5- On the American one dollar banknote there is a(n)…………. Of
George Washington , the first president of the United States.
D-( sense of humour – offended – close friends – shook
hands – unsure )
1- It`s very common for……………..to kiss on the cheek when
they greet each other.
2- Mona is fun. She`s got a great…………….. .
3- Adults are usually……………..if children call them by their
first names.
4- We……………….after we agreed on the price of the house.
5- She was………………what to do.Both options seemed good
to her.
E- ( sloppy – mould – experimenting – melt – curious )
1- If you leave food outside the fridge for a long time ,
…………………can grow on it.
2- Amr is very…………….he never tidies his room.
3- Alexander Fleming was…………………….with bacteria
in 1928.
4- When he stood in front of a magnetron he noticed a
chocolate bar in his pocket had started
to………………….. .

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
5- Joseph was…………….about what was happening to
cause his shirt to float upwards.
6- Choose
1- Following several tests , the inventor finally came to
the ( cashier – curious – conclusion ) that his
machine was worthless.
2- Professor Kan is planning to ( present – recover –
capture ) his most recent findings to the scientific
3- The doctor gave Hala antibiotics to help her ( recover
– present – capture ) from the flu.
4- The ( curious – careless – sad ) children gathered
around the strange invention to take a closer look.
5- The tourists visited the Temple of Karnak , as it is a
famous historical ( sound – site – film ).
6- Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to ( sleep –
walk – sail ) around the world.
7- Mozart was only 5 years old when he ( ate – composed
– invented ) his first piece of music.
8- The teacher asked the students to exchange papers
and ( treat infections – correct mistakes – destroy
9- Ali asked his dad for ( price – permission – bacteria )
to go to the party.
10- This book has a beautiful ( illustration – evolution –
ill ) on the cover.
11- We use a thermometer to ( write short messages –
measure temperature – see better ).
12- The passengers on the first flight consisted ( of – with
– at) a sheep , a duck and a chicken.
13- Leonardo da Vinci ( painted – bought – caught ) the
Mona Lisa.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
14- You should always respect the ( social etiquette –
marital status – sense of humour ) of the country you
are visiting.
15- It is not ( rude – acceptable – unacceptable ) to ask
about someone`s religion when you first meet.
16- He is not scared of anything. He is ( selfish –
courageous – shy ).
17- She loves being with other people. She is ( sociable –
shy – selfish ).
18- Please drop me ( a line – a ball – a flower ) when
you can. I`d love to hear from you.
19- You shouldn`t be jealous ( at – on – of ) others.
20- You should be aware ( at – of – on ) the rules.

Primary 6 grammar revision

Fill in with the correct question word:
1- ………………are you from?
2- ………………old is she?
3- ………………does he look like?
4- ………………eyes colour have you got?
5- ………………tall is he?

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
6- ………………do you live?
1) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present
Dear Anne,
I (1)………………..(write) to you from Italy. I (2)…………(be)
on holiday with some friends. We (3)………………………(stay)
at a beautiful hotel in Venice.
The sun usually (4)……………………(shine) brightly all day at
this time of year, but it(5)………………………..(rain) at the
My friends and I (6)…………………(be) never bored. There are
so many things to do here and we(7)………………(try) hard not
to miss anything. We (8)…………………..(have) a snack right
now, and we (9)………………..(wait) for the rain to stop.
Everyone (10) …………………….(have) a great time.
See you next week.
Best wishes,

2) Tick the correct sentence:

1a) Anna is painting pictures in her free time.
b) Anna paints pictures in her free time.
2a) I am driving my son to school every day.
b) I drive my son to school every day
3a) Steve is playing tennis at the moment.
b) Steve plays tennis at the moment.
4a) Jill is watching TV every week end.
b) Jill watches TV every weekend.
5a) Mum is cooking dinner at the moment.
b) Mum cooks dinner at the moment.
6a) He phones his friends right now.
b) He is phoning his friend right now.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
3) Put the words into the correct order:
1- fishing/ at/ weekends/ often/ Greg/ goes
2- cooks/ dinner/ rarely / Dad
3- on /Carla/ up/ Sundays /never/ gets/ early
4- always/ her does/ Jessica / homework
5- the/ car/ mornings/ he /on/ sometimes/ Saturday/ washes
6- jeans/ t-shirt/ usually/ and/ Jason / a/ wears
7- gym/ I / to/ rarely/ go/ the

4) Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets, then match the
items to make full sentences:
1- Jim usually………...(play) football on Saturdays, but (….)
2- I often………………(drive) to work, but (….)
3- They ………………….…(visit) friends now, but (….)
4- Mum ………….….(cook) dinner at the moment, but (…..)
5- Ann always……………(study) her lessons, but (…..)
a- yesterday, I (take)……………. the bus.
b- now, she (read)……………….a book.
c- last weekend she (order)……………. pizza.
d- last Saturday, he (go)……….. to the beach.
e- usually, they (stay)……………at home.
5) Correct the mistakes:
1- He catch the bus to school every morning.
2- She go to the beach last weekend.
3- They use to live near the city centre in the past.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
4- I am do the washing-up at the moment.
5- Pam didn’t used to have short hair.
6- They don’t usually playing basketball.
7- My father cooking dinner last night.
8- David don’t like watching TV.

6) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past
1- They ……………………(watch) a film when the pizza
2- “I don’t know where she is,” he ………………..(reply).
3- Dr Lewis …………….(sit)down and took her shoes off.
4- Samuel …………………(lie) in bed when ……………(hear) a
5- Betty……………………(sing) while her sister Cecilia
…………………..(play) the piano.
6- I ………………….(burn) my hand while I …………………
(cook) the evening meal.
7- She ………………….(read) the letter when she ………………
(hear) a noise behind her.
8- The fireman………………..(climb) the tree to rescue the cat
when it ……………..(jump) down on its own.
9- At twelve o’clock yesterday, mrs stone …………………. (wait)
for her daughter to come home.
10- Mr smith ……………………(paint) the hall when his wife
………………..(walk) through the front door.
11- The waiter ………………..(carry) a plate and two glasses
when he ……………….(fall).

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
12- She ……………….(go) to Ankara two years ago.
13- As I ………………….(get) on the bus yesterday, I
………………..(fall) and hurt my foot.
14- Mary …………………(decide) to buy her mother the
necklace for her birthday.

7) Use the prompts to make sentences with the past simple and/ or the
past continuous:
1- Pam / scream/ when / she/ see / the stranger in her house.
2- The thieves / steal / the painting/ while / guards / not look.
3- The man in the photo / wear / an old suit / and / hold / a blue
4- It / snow / heavily / as / the climbers / reach / the camp.
5- He/ walk/ in the park / when/ he /find/ a set of keys.
6- The loudspeaker / break/ while the band / play/ their first song.

8) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous:

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
A: How (1) ………………(be) your trip to Leeds castle last
Saturday? (2) ……………………..(you/ enjoy) it?
B: Oh, yes! We (3) ……………………(have) a great time.
It’s a fantastic place, although the staff (4)……………….
(close) part of it just before we (5)…………………(arrive).
A: Oh, what a pity.
B: Well, yes, but do you know why? A television channel (6)
……………………….(make) a film about the life of king Henry
viii, and Jeff Springer(7)………………(play) the part of the king!
A: How exciting!
B: Yes, it (8) ……………(be). The sun (9) …………….. (shine)
too, so you can imagine how fantastic the costumes (10)
…………………… (look). But something really amazing (11)
……………..(happen) on the way home.
A: Oh? What was that?
B: Well, we (12) ………………………….(drive) down the
motorway towards London, when suddenly the car (13)
…………………………….(break down). Guess who (14)
……………………(see) us and (15)……………. (give) us a lift
to the service station!
A: Who?
B: Jeff Springer himself!

9) Underline the correct time expression:

1- The man in front of me was talking (while / yesterday) I was
watching the film.
2- She started a diet (all day yesterday/ yesterday).
3- Gill was writing a letter (during/ while) Steve was doing the washing
4- He had a car accident (two weeks ago/ now)

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
5- (This time last Saturday/ last Saturday), I was lying on a beach
eating ice cream.
6- He was riding his bike (while/when) he saw the dog.
7- The man was climbing through the window (as/while) the policeman
walked into the room.
8- They were cooking (all day/ during) yesterday.
9- The tired child slept (last night/ all night yesterday)
10- She phoned him (now/yesterday)

10) Complete using at , on or in:

1- Our train leaves……………. Half past seven.
2- He’ll be back………….. Friday afternoon.
3- Nellie and Jarvis are getting married ……….. September.
4- I always send her a card …………..Christmas.
5- A lot of trees lose their leaves ………..winter.
6- I was born………… 13th august ………….1990.
7- I’ll be in Madrid ………… Christmas Eve.
8- They came back ………. Four o’clock ……….the morning.
9- I often have to work ……… night.
10- Life will be very different …….the 25th century.
11- I met him ………. My birthday.
12- I’m sorry but Mr. Newton is very busy ………the moment.
13- ………..midday, the sun will be directly over our heads.
14- The First World War broke out ……….August, 1914.

11) Circle the correct answer:

1- He hid the flowers (beside – behind) his back.
2- Olivia has been (in – at) hospital for two weeks now.
3- We hung the painting (on- over) the fire place.
4- I wasn’t (in- at) home last night.
5- The boy standing (between- among) Grace and Maria is my cousin.
6- His office is (in – at) 25, cherry street.
7- Our flat is (on- in) the 5th floor.
8- Ms Sims sat (on- in ) an armchair by the fire.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
9- You’ll see the bus stop (in – on) your left.
10- The bank is (in – on) wellington street.
11- There is one black sheep (between- among) all the white sheep.
12- Look at the list of words (on- in) page 316.

12) Complete the sentences with words from the box:

myself – yourself – himself – herself –itself –

ourselves yourselves –themselves

1-Good work, children! You should be proud of…………

2-Nada is looking at………..in the mirror.
3-The bird can’t fly. It has hurt………….
4-`Where am I? ` I asked ………….
5-The elephants wash…………in this pool every evening.
6-We really enjoyed…………at the sports club.
7-Help……….to some pizza, Tom!
8-When Susie failed the test she was very angry with …….
13) Choose the correct form of the verb:
1. You must (hurry – hurried - hurrying) if you want to catch the bus.

2. He is (studying – studied - studing) English now.

3. She (married – marry - marrying) her husbasnd 10 years age.

4. The baby (crying – cried - cring) all night yesterday.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
5. We (trying – tried – tried) to convince our parents to go on that trip
but they refused.

6. Are you still (copied – copying – coping) the lesson?

7. Mum used to (carrying – carry - carried) me when I cry.

8. I like (frying – fring – fry) potatoes.

9. My brother (tidyied – tidying – tidied) his room last week.

10. Salma sent you a letter, you must (replied- reply – replying) her soon.

11. They are (dryied – drying – dried) some dates for Ramadan.

12. The USA (supply – is supplying – supplied ) Israel with weapons

until now.

14) Put the verbs in the correct form:

1- The day ………….. (be) usually short in winter.

2- …………….you …………. (walk) to work every day?

3- I …………….. (not/brush) my teeth every morning.

4- A postman…………….. (carry) letters.

5- How well …………….Kamal …………… (speak) English?

6- Mary never ………….. (go) to Aswan in summer.

7- He ……………. (tell) me about it yesterday.

8- I …………… (see) a terrible accident last week.

9- …………… you …………. (watch) the film last night?

10- What time ………you ………….. (have) your lunch yesterday?

11- Two years ago, Mona…………….. (be) very fat but now she …………
(be) slim.

12- Helen………………... (study) German when she was in high school.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
13- She ……………… (not/leave) early last night.

14- Naguib Mahfouz ………… (win) the Nobel prize for literature.

15- Look! It ………………….. (begin) to rain.

16- ………the servant ……………. (wash) the car at the moment?

17- The gardener …………… (dig) in the garden now.

18- The tourists ……………… (not /travel) to Luxor today.

19- We ………….……. (look) for our teacher when we met.

20- He ………. (enter) the house while I ……………..(eat)dinner.

21- He ………….. (watch) while she ………….(mix) the paint.

22- While he ……………… (write) a letter, the telephone ……………


23- The light…………… (go) out while I ……………. (have) tea.

24- What ……………….. (you/read) when I ……………(call)?

15) Complete with used to or the past simple :

1- I ………………..(go) to work by bus but I bought a car last month.

2- I ……………….(not/go) to work on Friday because I was ill.

3- She………………..(study) hard when she was a student.

4- What time ………………….(you/leave) the office yesterday?

5- I ……………….(play) the piano when I was your age.

6- We…………….(not /enjoy) the party last Saturday.

7- I …………………….(not/like) spinach but now I love it!

8- He ………………….(be) very tired, so he went to bed early.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
9- When you were a child, ……………….(you/ go) to parties very

10- Hannah …………….(go) to four parties last month.

11- Marvin ………………….(collect) toy soldiers but when he grew

up, he lost interest in them.

12- The students ………………….(not/enjoy) the trip to the seaside

because of the bad weather.

13- Why ………………(she/ be) angry with them yesterday?

14- There …………..(be) a lot of houses here but they pulled them
down a few years ago.

16) Complete with would or used to:

1- When I was little, my mother ……………….read to me every night.

2- That building ………………..be a school.

3- On my birthday, I ……………….have a party and invite all my


4- When I was younger, I ……………….go fishing every Saturday.

5- Years ago, she ………………have long hair.

6- We ………………….have a house in Manchester years ago.

7- Grandma ………………………get up early and watch the sun rise

every morning.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
8- I ………………..like rock music but now I don’t.

9- David ……………….live in that house.

10- When we were little, dad …………………always take us to the

park on Sundays.

11- He ……………….be an excellent swimmer when he was


12- My aunt ………………..visit us every Sunday when she was still

in London.

17) Make questions asking about the underlined words:

1- Evan started the company.


2- The company makes computer parts.


3- Karen sits next to me in the office.


4- Ian had lunch with Anna.


5- Something strange happened at work today.


6- Daniel’s painting won the painting competition.


7- The teacher chose Jane’s story.


8- Jake invited me to the party.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

18) Choose the correct Prepositions:

1- Sasha is very popular (with/ at) her class mates.

2- Tim is jealous (with /of) other people’s success.

3- Ryan is very fond (of/ with) Jane.

4- May is good (with /at) math.

5- Mrs. Brown is patient (with/by) her students.

6- Come (by/ up) any time for dinner.

7- Can you come (up with/out) with an answer to the question?

8- His new story is coming (down/out) next week.

9- Josh is curious (with/about) what happened to Gosh.

10- What happened (to/ about) last week was surprising.

11- He is thinking (for/of) sending a gift to her.

12- He started experimenting (on/from) frogs.

13- The first aeroplane was made (from/with) feathers.

14- The guests consisted (with/ of) different kinds of people.

15- Please turn (out/off) the TV because I have a head ache.

16- Salem turns (up/on) late for the lecture.

17- Wally turns (on/out) to be very funny.

18- Can you please turn (out/on) the radio?

19- She turned (down/off )his proposal for marriage.

19) Put the words at the end of each sentence in the correct form:

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
1- These papers might be …………….in the case .(use)

2- The ……………touch of the hairdresser made her look gorgeous.


3- We were ………………..that the operation would succeed. (optimism)

4- He was behaving in a …………….way. (child)

5- She is a ……………..child. ( help)

6- They are a …………………couple.( friend)

7- Dalia was …………….when she heard the news.( fury)

8- This is the most ………………..chair in the room. (Comfort)

9- John is a ………………..person you can count on him.( rely)

10- We were ……………….because we didn’t have anything to do.


11- The film was very…………….we didn’t finish it.(bore)

12- She is a ……………..woman.( sense)

13- The baby is very……………….( act)

14- Tom is very ……………painter.( talent)

15- Sue is always smiling she is……………..( cheer)

16- Soha is ……………..for her brother and sister. (responsibility)

17- Fire fighter are……………………( courage)

18- Jack is an…………………person. He knows about a lot of

things. ( interest)

19- Bob is …………….he wants to be successful. (ambition)

20- My brother is……………… he never tells me where he goes.


Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
20) Form people nouns from these verbs and nouns:

1- Paint:…………………..

2- Physics:…………………….

3- Sail;……………………..

4- Invent:……………………

5- Science:……………………

6- Astronomy:……………………..

7- Biology:………………………

8- Chemistry:……………………….

The Man in the Iron Mask
1-There was a deep gap between the life of the king and
his people. Discuss.
1- Write short notes about these characters:
a- D’Artagnan:
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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬
de Langue
b-Louis XIV:

c- Fouquet:
e- Porthos:
f- Athos:

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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

2- The view of the people of Paris about the Musketeers

has changed. Discuss.
3- Why was Monsieur Fouquet upset?
4- How was the king’s reaction when he knew about his
brother? What did he think of him? What was his

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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

5- How could D’Artagnan prove he was loyal to his

king? What was the choice he had to make?

6- Why couldn’t D’Artagnan share his secret with

Colbert or the queen?

7- Why were the Musketeers finding it difficult to control

the crowds?
8- How did D’Artagnan help his friends in their plan?

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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
9- Who did D’Artagnan meet at the tailor’s? What good
and bad news did he know from him?
1- “The future of France is in your hands.”
2- “You will not get away with this! I will hunt you down
and kill every last one of you”.
3-The time had come for me to make my mind.

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1- “Have no fear, gentlemen! I came as a friend.”
Comment saying the reason why did D’Artagnan
decide to join the three Musketeers.
2- “I trust no one.”

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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

Language functions

Finish the following dialogues:

Sami: We're going to Alexandria at 9 o'clock by train.
Mona: What…………………………………are you arriving
in Alexandria?
Sami: At twelve, if the train isn't late.
Mona: Is Uncle Hussein………………….......you at
Sami: No,he isn't. Aunt Amira is………………..to meet us.
Mona: ………………………………………are you eating
Sami: Oh! I've forgotten the name of the place.
Amira: Hello, Samya.
Samya: He is a computer programmer.
Amira:Would you like to be a computer programmer ,too?

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Amira:Isn't it a hard job?
Samya: Yes, it
Amira: I wish you good luck.

Heba: Hi, Hala. Would you like to go out with me?
Hala: Oh! Sorry Heba,
Hala: I'm busy studying and preparing myself for the
Hala: Next week, then we can go anywhere you like.

Hala: Ok, I'll be pleased to hear your voice.

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Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

Translate into Arabic:
1- You should learn a little about gestures, because
what you say with your head and hands at home can
mean something completely different in another
2- You want people hear your opinion so you have to
be sure that you practise what you preach.
Translate into English:
‫ال تتجنب وجودك حول الناس لمجرد انك تشعر بعدم االرتياح‬.

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‫احيانا تحدث فى حياتنا اشياء بالصدفة و لكن سرعان ما تتحول الى اكتشاف او اختراع‬
Translate the following into English:
0‫يحب الخصوصيه‬, ‫االنجليز شعب متحفظ‬
0‫استمع بانتباه للشخص االخر و تقبل انه قد يري المشكله بطريقه اخري‬
‫ المحاسب و مبرمج الكمبيوتر كلها وظائف مهمه‬,‫& الطبيب البيطري‬ ,‫الفنان‬,‫الكاتب‬

‫ماهي وظيفتك؟ وكم مرتبك؟‬


Translate the following into Arabic:

3- Avoid asking people about their age, religion, marital status,
weight or how much they earn.
4- Before you start discussing a problem , cool off. Then, say what's
really bothering you.
5- Be flexible and open- minded, willing to apologise, forgive and
move on.
6- His discovery has helped millions of people around the world
recover from infections.

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Now every night I say a prayer to God.

"Thank you for the life I live and you've given me."
"But most of all protect the dogs in the pound and on the street.
And send them a special person, to lift them off their feet."

Answer the following questions:

1- Paraphrase this stanza.


2- Write the figures of speech in this stanza.


God gave me all these things not to misuse,

But glorify Him by optimum use.

1- Paraphrase this stanza.

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

Reading comprehension:

What can you do in a second? Well, according to

statistics, you can make a section of the rainforest the
size of a football field disappear. It is exactly how fast
we are destroying the world’s rainforests. It is clear that
there is cause for alarm.
Rainforests are the very warm, dense, wet forests that
exist along the equator throughout South and Central
America, Africa, South East Asia and Australia.
Although they cover about 7% of the Earth’s surface,
they are home to 50% of the Earth’s plants and trees.
This rich vegetation plays a major role in cleaning our
air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen
which we need to survive. At least 3,000 different types
of fruit also grow in the rainforests. Of these, only 200
are now consumed in the Western world. In addition,
rainforest plants are rich in alkaloids which are crucial
for curing numerous illnesses and diseases. Many of
these plants can’t be found anywhere else in the world.
These dense forests are also home to an incredible
number of insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds and
Unfortunately, people are cutting down trees for timber
or to make grazing land for cattle. Experts estimate that

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we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species each
day because of deforestation.
If we don’t take action soon, nearly half of the world’s
species of plants and animals will disappear over the
next quarter of a century. Fewer rainforests means less
oxygen for us to breathe and more carbon dioxide
which will only increase global warming.
Answer the following questions:
1-What are the rainforests?
2-How do the rainforests play a role in cleaning our air?
3-What is the importance of the rainforest plants?
4-The rainforests cover about………….of the Earth's
(50% - 7% - 70% - )

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Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue
5-There are…………different types of fruit that grow in the
(200 – 3,000 – 137)

Networks are groups of computers, software, and
hardware that are all connected to help the users work
together. They are specially made for use in
businesses, schools and colleges, Internet cafés and
libraries. A network connects computers by
using cabling systems, special software and devices
that handle the flow of data. A network allows users to
share files and resources, such as printers, as well as
send emails to each other. So, as with any other shared
resource, it is important to be responsible and think
about other users. There are a number of things to keep
in mind when using a computer network, such as:
• Do not share computer passwords.
• Lo not overuse resources such as online connection
time or printers.
• Do not use it for anything illegal, unethical or
dishonest e.g. bullying other students or damaging
• Do not copy other people’s work — either other
students’ or online information. This is called plagiarism
and has serious consequences especially concerning
copyrighted material. Remember information on the
Internet may not always be copyrighted but it is there to
give you facts and ideas for your own writing.

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• Do not install any software without permission.
• Be aware of computer viruses and try to protect the
network from them by following security procedures.

Answer the following questions:

1-What are networks?
2-How does a network connect computers?
3-Where can a network be used?
4-How can we protect the network from viruses?
5-What does a network allow user's to do?

Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue

Writing composition:
Write a short story that entitled 'It was a wonderful
day'. Divide your story into three paragraphs. Use
time connectors.


Royal International Ecoles Royale
Language internationales
Schools ‫مدارس رويال الدولية للغات‬ de Langue



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