Adventure Edition Super Powers: Header00

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This document serves as an “update” to the Super Powers

CONTENTS Companion, based on the changes introduced in Savage

Worlds Adventure Edition.

HEADER01 .......................................................................1
HEADER02................................................................ 1 CAMPAIGN POWER LEVELS
STAT BLOCK ............................................................ 1 There is a new Power Level available, and some of the
existing Power Levels should be re-framed to be�er fit
their capabilities. Use the adjusted Campaign Power
Table below.
Heavy Hi�ers can handle most Four Color threats
solo, taking on huge organizations or teams of “Four
Color” villains—some might consider them city
guardians, but occasionally they will be called to tackle
more global threats.
World-Class heroes are the first line of defense against
invading aliens, megalomaniacal world-conquerors,
natural disasters, and legions from Hell. Many may even
be able to travel through deep space!
Cosmic champions may be a match for World-Class
heroes, but a single world may be small potatoes to them.
Planetary threats are routine—campaigns usually
feature threats to a system, a reality, or life itself.

campaign power levels

level power points
Pulp Heroes 15
Street Fighters 30
Four Color 45
Heavy Hi�er 60
World-Class 75
Cosmic 90

To see how these are changed for Rising Star games,

see Se�ing Rules on page @@.

Characters in a supers game may benefit from up to to 6
points of Hindrances, instead of the usual 4. However,
Super Karma cannot be used to gain bonus Power Points.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission.
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Some supers end up on teams with allies far stronger
Most Hindrances introduced in the Super Powers than themselves. Luckily, what these heroes lack in raw
Companion are still available, but a couple have been power they make up for with skill and experience.
altered (and two new Hindrances have been introduced). A character with this Hindrance is created at one
Power Level lower than the Campaign Power Level, but
ALIEN FORM (MAJOR) they have 8 Advances to compensate. Pulp Heroes are
As wri�en, except this inflicts a –2 to Persuasion rolls not built with any Power Points.
instead of –4 Charisma. As a Major Hindrance, the hero is two Power Levels
below the Campaign Power Level and has 16 Advances.
Street Fighters are not built with any Power Points. Pulp
HIDDEN POWER (MINOR) Heroes cannot take the Major version of this Hindrance.
In a world of mutants, supersoldiers, and titans, this hero
is just starting to gain his footing. Perhaps his full power
has just yet to manifest, or maybe his powers are THE NEW OUT OF MY LEAGUE
comparably weak but he continues to discover creative Out of My League (Minor) is worth effectively 16
ways to use them. Power Points of Super A�ributes, Edges, or Skills,
This character is built using the Rising Star rules, which cannot be negated through the negation
starting off with significantly fewer Power Points than power or nullifier technology; the Major version is
usual. The reason this Hindrance is so harsh is because it effectively worth 32 Power Points.
goes away over time: he effectively gains the Power This is a Hindrance because, in addition to
Points Edge once per Rank for free (including at Novice lowering the character’s Power Limit, these points
Rank). cannot be spent on incredible speed, strength, heat
This Hindrance cannot be taken in a Rising Stars rays, flight, regeneration, and other supernatural
campaign. If the character’s Power Level is Pulp Hero or abilities.
Street Fighter, they automatically gain The Best There Is In my experience, the core Super Powers Companion
(increasing the character’s Power Limit to 10 or 15, Hindrance of the same name was rarely chosen due
respectively). to the character’s concept— only after totaling up
the character’s Power Points and realizing that the
hero qualifies.
LIFE SUPPORT (MAJOR) This version, instead, provides a trade-off and an
For whatever reason, the hero’s life is on the line, but
identity to the Hindrance that evokes the idea of
some item or device they have keeps that at bay. If it is
particular heroes: Batman, the Punisher, and
removed, the character only has a short time before they
Captain America come to mind. Hopefully, when
perish, decompose, or wink out of existence.
reading this Hindrance, you had some ideas for a
Whatever the item is, it tends to be relatively small,
character you might want to try out, in a way that
comfortable, or otherwise unobtrusive (it may even be
the core Hindrance doesn’t draw out.
part of a device that was purchased as a power). If the
item is ever removed or disabled, the character must
make a Vigor roll every minute it’s gone—failure
imposes a level of Fatigue, which can lead to death.


This inflicts a –1 penalty to Persuasion rolls.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+
Supers games are fully of incredibly capable individuals This character was fortunate enough (or brilliant
with broad skill sets. The following skills are not enough!) to receive an education from one of the top
available: universities in his country, or perhaps even in the world.
She gains an extra four skill points to spend on Smarts-
• Boating: More often than not, modern boats are related skills. At least one of these skills must be
mostly motorized and not too different from driving a Academics, Science, or a similar “knowledge”-type skill
car. When necessary, use the Driving skill instead. at a d6 or be�er (as her major). She may also have
• Gambling: When necessary, use Common Knowledge informal ties to other graduates of the same school.
• Research: Unless digging around libraries or COMBAT EDGES
databases is central to your game, the Research skill is
Take the Hit has been replaced by Iron Jaw.
unavailable. Use Common Knowledge instead (and
the Related Skills rule still applies as usual).
Investigator adds a bonus to appropriate Common
Combat Sense and Improved Combat Sense are not
Knowledge rolls and the Scholar Research
available. To negate all Gang-Up bonuses, take
requirement is changed to Smarts d8+.
Improved Block and the 5 PP variant of awareness.
• Riding: When necessary, use Athletics instead.
NEW EDGES Requirements: Seasoned
If the super makes a successful Test with Athletics,
Fighting, Shooting, or an arcane skill, the victim is
The Edge restrictions have changed in Savage Worlds
Shaken in addition to the usual effects. If he scores a
Adventure edition.
raise, the victim is Distracted, Vulnerable, and Shaken.
Restricted Edges: No Power Edges are available from
Savage Worlds except the Mentalist Edge.
Requirements: Seasoned, Strength d12+2+, Fighting d6+
BACKGROUND EDGES The hero’s strength alone is enough to hurt the
toughest of foes. His melee a�acks (even with weapons)
If playing with Rising Stars, The Best There Is (normally
are Heavy Weapons and add +4 AP. At the GM’s
unavailable) can be taken to increase one power’s Power
discretion, weapons may break against Heavy Armor.
Limit to 10 for Pulp Heroes, or 15 for Street Fighters.

EIDETIC MEMORY Requirements: Veteran, Athletics d10+ or Shooting d10+,
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d10+, Common
Notice d8+
Knowledge d6+
Some characters are able to use the environment and
This character has near-perfect memory recall and
ricochet their shots to hit a target around obstacles, or
adds +2 to Common Knowledge rolls. He may also spend
even bounce an a�ack between two different opponents!
a Benny to “recall” any information or facts the GM
This Edge may only be used with RoF 1 weapons.
thinks the character may have been exposed to.
First, the Range of the a�ack is determined by the
a�ack’s “trajectory”—the path from the a�acker, to the
ricochet surface, to the final target. Firing a pistol (Range
12/24/48) at a pipe 8” away and ricocheting to a target 8”

farther is a 16” path (Medium Range). You also add +2 to rolls made to interrupt others’
Make an attack roll at –2 with two attack dice and actions (including resisting being interrupted).
assign them (in whatever order you like) to targets in the
chain, but you must hit the first target in order to
continue to the next.
Requirements: Veteran, Marksman, Shooting d10+
Roll damage for all characters hit, adding bonus
Supers with this Edge are skilled enough with a rifle to
damage for a raise as usual (this is assumed not to
put a round in a target several miles away! Snipers
damage the environment—beyond dents and
benefit from the Marksman Edge even when Aiming,
scratches—unless the a�acker chooses otherwise).
and get a free reroll when firing at Extreme Range.
Exactly which weapons and surfaces can be used to
ricochet an a�ack is up to the GM, but typically weapons
like knives and bullets cannot ricochet after dealing TRICKY FIGHTER
damage. Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8+, Athletics d8+
Rebound: A weapon thrown at Short or Medium Some skillful heroes have to resort to complex tactics
Range may return to the a�acker, even if his a�acks to hold their own against super-powered foes. When the
missed, as long as there is a fairly direct path back—this hero’s Action Card is a Jack or higher, she may make an
does not increase the Range of the a�ack. Rolling a 1 on Athletics Test as a free action (but only once per round)
Athletics (regardless of the Wild Die) means the weapon and ignores the advice on Repetition (see Tests in Savage
is stuck, jammed, or otherwise unable to rebound. Worlds).


Requirements: Heroic, Ricochet
Objects thrown by this hero have a tenuous TEAM LEADER
relationship with the laws of physics. If a character with this Edge is present, Support rolls for
He ignores the –2 penalty to ricochet his a�acks, and any non-combat actions (e.g. Fighting, Shooting,
may roll a third a�ack die when ricocheting his a�acks, throwing, psionics, etc.) add +1 for every success and
allowing him to hit an additional surface or target! raise, to a maximum of +4. The maximum bonus for all
Support rolls is also increased to +6.
Example: The Bowler flings his trusty bowling ball at
three targets: one 4" away, one behind a banister 3" past the
first, and one shooting down from the top of the stairs, about PROFESSIONAL EDGES
4" from the previous guy at the bo�om. With his incredible
strength, the Bowler has a throwing Range of 6/12/24, so DEMOLITIONIST
the a�ack is made at Medium Range (4+4+3 = 11). Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d6+, Repair
The Bowler rolls 3 Athletics dice and one Wild Die, d6+
scoring a 4, 5, and 9. At –2, only the first target is hit before The hero is an expert in the handling, deployment, and
the ball bounces around the environment and returns to the disposal of explosive ordnance. Demolitionists ignore up
Bowler. to 2 points of penalties when se�ing and defusing
explosives. In addition, even when handling extremely
volatile explosives, Demolitionists only detonate them
QUICK DRAW on a Critical Failure.
Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+
Demolitionists also gain the following benefits:
You draw two cards when spending a Benny for an
additional Action Card at the beginning of the round. • Se�ing Explosives: When se�ing a charge or booby
You may choose your final Action Card from any of your trap, a raise adds an extra die of the explosive’s
available choices, including additional draws from Level damage die type once detonated (in addition to the
Headed, Quick, etc. usual +1d6).

• Defusing Explosives: When defusing a charge, a
success allows the explosive and components to be SETTING RULES
recovered and reused. With a raise, the work is done
The Se�ing Rules introduced in the Super Powers
in half the time.
Companion are fantastic for any kind of supers games.
• Trapping Explosives: The demolistionist gains a +2
Most supers campaigns should use the Born a Hero,
bonus on Stealth rolls to conceal booby traps, and a +2
Conviction, Dumb Luck, Fanatics, Fast Healer, Heroes
on Notice rolls to detect them.
Never Die, More Skill Points, and Wound Cap Se�ing
Rules from Savage Worlds. I also highly recommend using
GUARDIAN the Wealth rules rather than hard cash; the Expanded
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+ Wealth supplement adds a bit more crunch and more
Guardians are supers that really make saving civilians solid mechanics for playing multi-millionaires and
their goal, first and foremost. billionaires—very important for a supers game!
If this hero wishes to interrupt an action using Not On Here are a few more iconic rules to add to most supers
My Watch! (see Se�ing Rules) to save someone from games, as well as some elaboration on existing rules.
harm, they may do so without spending a Benny. This
requires an opposed Athletics roll as usual and cannot DEATH AND DEFEAT
cause damage or a negative status effect on any other Characters who fail or Critically Fail their Incapacitation
character; if the Guardian wishes to do so, he must spend roll draw on the Defeat Table instead, and ignore the
a Benny as usual. rules for Bleeding Out.
A few results on the Defeat Table have been altered:
TECH HEAD • Exhausted (6–10): Each level of Fatigue takes 1d4 days
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Electronics d6+, to recover, regardless of other powers or abilities.
Hacking d6+
The modern world is dominated by technology, and • Fatigued (Jack–Queen): This Fatigue takes 1d4 days to
this hero understands that be�er than most. She gets a recover, regardless of other powers or abilities.
free reroll on Electronics and Hacking rolls. • Down But Not Out (King): The hero recovers with
Bumps and Bruises.

SOCIAL AND LEGENDARY EDGES • Not Today (Ace): The hero is Shaken.

Dynamic Duo and Team Player both work as wri�en.

Sidekicks function as in Savage Worlds, but are built with MASS BATTLES
two-thirds the starting Power Points for your Power Having a super-powered being on your side in a Mass
Level. Ba�le is an invaluable asset. Pulp Hero or Street Fighter
supers add +1 to their Support Rolls in a Mass Ba�le;
Four Color and Heavy Hi�er characters add +2, and
World-Class or Cosmic characters add +4.
GMs should feel free to adjust the number of Wounds
characters take with a failure or Critical Failure based on
their Toughness and the strength of the enemy forces.

In most comic-book se�ings, bilingualism and In super-powered games, breaking things around you is
multilingualism are common, but not excessively so. just as much a part of the genre as smashing villains!
This rule makes it much easier to learn tongues without Here’s a few more Hardness values for some common
granting everyone free languages. comic book objects.
Characters begin fluent in their native language and
can spend Skill points to learn more. For one point,
object hardness table
characters know a language (equivalent to a d6);
becoming fluent costs one point with a Smarts d8+, two hardness object
with a lower Smarts. 14 (6) Brick Wall
►Language Barriers: Skills that require knowledge of
20 (8)* Bank Safe
a foreign language, such as verbal Intimidation,
Persuasion, and Taunt, are considered Unskilled when 25 (10)* Reinforced Stone/Concrete Wall
a�empted in languages that a character doesn’t 40 (15)* Super-Alloys
understand. If a character does understand, those Skills
are limited to rolling no higher than a d6; fluent *Heavy Armor
characters are not limited at all.
If a�empting to operate relatively complex equipment
(such as an aircraft or vehicles) with instruments in a
Some se�ings work best with super-powered characters
language that the character doesn’t know, he suffers a –2
that only have one or two real powers (on par with that
penalty to any relevant rolls. If he is at least competent
of more powerful heroes) and are otherwise normal
with the language, he suffers only a –1 penalty.
►Linguist: Characters with the Linguist Edge begin as
If playing at the Pulp Hero Power Level, The Best
competent in a number of languages equal to half their
There Is increases a power’s Power Limit to 10 PP.


Due to the introduction of the Tests mechanic, some
Fighting supervillains is all well and good, but much of
Power Trick effects are slightly less impressive. To
a hero’s job is defending those without the strength to
counteract that, here are some adjustments and new
defend themselves.
effects for Power Tricks—don’t forget that these are
Once per round, a hero can spend a Benny at any time
applied in addition to the power’s normal effect:
to a�empt to Interrupt an opponent, even if she isn’t on
Hold, with an opposed Athletics roll. With a success, she • Delay: As wri�en.
acts simultaneously with her opponent (as the gun is
• Distract: The target is Distracted until the end of his
being fired, as the building begins collapsing, etc.) and is
next turn.
able to move and take a single action, allowing her to
interpose between an a�ack, move a civilian, catch a • Lower Defenses: This is ignored in favor of Setup.
falling car, etc. With a raise, she may act before her • Lower Trait: This is ignored in favor of Distract.
opponent, possibly preventing the danger to begin with!
• Setup: The target is Vulnerable until the end of his
next turn.
• Slow: The target’s Pace is halved on his next turn.

The number of points gained through the Power Points Throwing objects with super strength functions as
Edge varies depending on the game’s Power Level, as wri�en in the Super Powers Companion, under the Super
shown below. Strength rule. Note that with the Brute Edge, thrown
objects have a Range of 4/8/16, or 8/16/32 if it weighs less
than half the Encumbered value.
rising star power levels However, if a character is a�empting to throw
initial power power points something for distance, rather than at a specific target
level points from edge
(such as throwing a bomb into a nearby lake), compare
Pulp Heroes 5 2 the item’s weight to the Load Limits listed on the Super
Street Fighters 10 4 Strength Table and find the Strength value where the
item weighs less than half the Encumbered value. If the
Four Color 20 5
hero’s Strength is the same die type, he can throw the
Heavy Hi�er 30 6
item up to 24” away (or 32” with Brute!); for every
World-Class 40 7 additional step, the distance is doubled.
Cosmic 50 8 Example: The Rock has a Strength of d12+7 and wants to
throw a 2-ton car into a nearby river. Since he has an
SUPER STRENGTH Encumbered value of 5 tons, he can only throw it 24” away.
Change the first few entries on the Super Strength Table If Heracles then tried to throw the car with his d12+9
to the following values. Strength, he could throw it 96” away!
►Vehicles: Some super strong characters may try to
flip or push a vehicle (or hold it in place), but aren’t
strong enough to pick it up outright. If the GM rules it USING POWER STUNTS
possible (generally if the vehicle is no more than 3 times Power Stunts still work as wri�en in the Super Powers
the character’s Max Weight), this is an opposed Strength Companion; this “rule” simply elaborates on their
–2 roll vs the pilot’s maneuvering skill. For vehicles mechanics.
larger than Size 0, the pilot may add the vehicle’s Size to Power Stunts are effectively one-time uses of the
his roll (so a Driving d6 Extra in a mid-size car would roll Switchable modifier, as a character trades one power (or
d6+4 vs the super’s Strength –2). part of the power) for another.
The powers gained through a Power Stunt can stack

super strength table update with existing powers if the GM thinks it makes sense, but
the total Power Point cost for any power gained through
strength encumbered max weight a Power Stunt can never exceed the character’s Power
Limit with the power he’s boosting or the power being
d4 20+ lbs 80 lbs
boosted from.
d6 40+ lbs 160 lbs Make sure not to “double dip” with identical
d8 60+ lbs 240 lbs modifiers; using a Power Stunt to stack additional points
d10 80+ lbs 320 lbs into an existing power treats the original and the Stunt as
a single power for the purposes of modifiers like Device
d12 100+ lbs 400 lbs
and Contingent.
d12+1 125+ lbs 500 lbs
d12+2 250+ lbs 1,000 lbs

This functions similarly to the Knockback Se�ing rule in
the Super Powers Companion—a super-powered a�ack A few tweaks are presented here to keep the available
over a certain damage threshold sends the target flying gear competitive with modern gear in Savage Worlds.
away—but the distance is based on the power of the
a�ack itself, instead of a guaranteed 2d6”.
If the damage is enough to cause Knockback, consult
the Knockback Table to see how far the victim is flung. • Binoculars cost $250.
Note that the Enhanced Damage mod for ranged
• The Laser Sight should use the price and effect listed
a�acks increases the Knockback by one die type. Add
in Savage Worlds.
+1d4” if the target is smaller than Normal Scale;
conversely, roll one less d4 if the target is Large, two less • Rocket Packs have a Top Speed of 60 MPH. This acts
if Huge, and three less if Gargantuan. as Pace 14”, Running 2d6 on the tabletop. $2,500.
Knockback can never exceed 6d4”, and the damage • Scopes use the stats listed in Savage Worlds. The low-
caused cannot exceed 10d6. light and night vision effects, however, multiply the
Unlike most Se�ing Rules here, Variable Knockback is price by 5× rather than 3×.
optional. This supplement does not require this rule to
play well. ARMOR
knockback table All modern armor is available as usual.
• Body Armor adds +2 Armor, reduces damage from
super strength melee/ranged attack level* knockback
bullets by 4, and covers the torso, arms, and legs. 4 lb,
d12+2 Level 1 1d4” Min Str. d4, $400.
d12+4 Level 2 2d4”
• Combat Armor is simply a kevlar vest with ceramic
d12+6 Level 3 3d4” inserts and a kevlar helmet from Savage Worlds.
d12+8 Level 4 4d4”
• Advanced Armor: This powerful armor, often alien or
d12+10 Level 5 5d4” supernatural in origin, includes gloves and boots. This
d12+12 — 6d4” grants +6 Armor, reduces damage from bullets by 4,
and covers the torso, arms, legs, and head. For 2× the
*Increase knockback by one die type with the Enhanced cost, the armor is sealed. 20 lb, Min Str. d6, $1,000.
Damage modifier.
• Riot Shields should use the price and effect listed in
Savage Worlds.

• Pulse Weapons: “Focusing the charge” on a pulse
weapon adds +2d6 damage instead of doubling the
damage dice.

• Foam Thrower: This fills a Blast Template and may be
Evaded. The only way to escape is by destroying the
solvent (see Breaking Things in Savage Worlds), which
has a Hardness of 12.
• Net Gun: If the target is hit, he is Entangled, or Bound
if hit with a raise. The net is Hardness 8 and
vulnerable only to cu�ing a�acks.
• Stun Gun: These stun guns use a burst of energy that
travels further than a typical taser (see Savage Worlds
for those), though they tend to be a li�le weaker.
Victims must make a Vigor roll (at –2 if hi�ing with a
raise) or be Stunned.

The heart and soul of a Supers game; some adjustments allows the heroine to decide which targets within the
and tweaks are necessary to keep them “super” in Savage area are affected.
Worlds Adventure Edition.


ACTIVATING POWERS There are a lot of powers and many heroes are able to use
A number of powers require Trait rolls, such as Fighting, them in various ways to increase their effectiveness with
Shooting, Athletics, Smarts, Spirit, and so forth. certain skills. For +2 Power Points, this grants a +2 bonus
However, SWADE introduces a number of skills that when using any one skill. Game Masters should be very
cover a wider range of abilities, including a number of careful about allowing this to apply to combat skills
default arcane skills such as Focus, Psionics, and (such as Fighting, Shooting, or Spellcasting).
Spellcasting. Rather than using A�ributes to activate For +1 Power Point, this bonus only applies to a very
powers such as energy control, healing, mind reading, limited application of the skill. For example, a +2 bonus
negation, and teleport, the player and GM should work to Athletics when climbing or a +2 to Thievery only when
together to determine which skills make the most sense picking locks.
to activate each power. Multiple Skill Bonus modifiers do not stack, but they
For example, a tech genius using energy control may use may be purchased for as many different skills as the GM
Electronics instead of Smarts or Spirit, while a psychic allows. Note that these bonuses do not stack with any
might use Psionics to read minds rather than Smarts. A bonuses from existing powers, such as the interface or
super sorcerer may use Spellcasting to cast all of his heightened senses powers or the Grapple modifier.
powers, and a mystical martial artist may use Focus to
activate his healing abilities rather than Spirit. Some
mutant characters may consider using Focus to activate
some of their powers as well.
Concentration: Some powers require intense
concentration to maintain. When active, these inflict a –2
penalty to any actions other than simply keeping the
power active. If the super is Shaken or Wounded when
using a Concentration power, he must make a Spirit roll
or the effect immediately ends. Heroes cannot use more
than one Concentration power at a time.
GENERIC MODIFIERS The intent for this modifier is to provide bonuses
due to augmented capabilities, such as using
There are new generic modifiers available. extremely sharp claws, targeting computers, or
biological enhancements. This should not be used to
represent “super training,” which should generally
CONCENTRATION (–2) be represented by Edges, the Out of My League
The hero must concentrate intently to use a power,
Hindrance, and the super skill power.
inflicting the Concentration penalty as above. If the
A +2 bonus to Fighting tends to be fairly
power is normally always active, he should take
reasonable, as this does not affect the user’s Parry—
Requires Activation as well.
only his likelihood of landing a hit. Be cautious
when granting the bonus to other combat skills; if it
SELECTIVE (+2) is allowed, consider a limitation of some sort (e.g.
Selective can only be taken with Powers operating in an only gaining the bonus when Shooting “calibrated”
area effect (such as the Cone or Blast Templates), and weapons, or a bonus to Spellcasting at night only).

Trappings: Super speed, robotic arm, super-analytical
This section rebalances the cost and mechanics of several mind, temporal control, extradimensional manifestation.
powers and Modifiers, and introduces a number of Note: This replaces extra actions and extra limbs.
brand new Modifiers as well. For every Level in this power, the hero may ignore 2
points of Multi-Action penalties every turn, to a
ABSORPTION (4) maximum of two Levels.
Absorption functions as wri�en, but the Transference Modifiers:
Modifier is no longer available. • Bonus Actions (+2): Rather than simply negating
In addition, successfully eliminating at least one penalties, every Level of this power grants the hero an
Wound grants 2 Power Points, which can be used to additional Action at no penalty! This has no effect on
purchase additional Levels or Modifiers for any power movement (see the speed power for that), and the
the hero possesses (at the GM’s discretion) for 5 rounds. Game Master has the final say on how the action can
If they are not used immediately, the Power Points are be used. For example, devices may not be able to work
simply lost. as fast as the hero (most weapons that use ammo
This cannot be used to remove a power’s negative cannot use more than 15 times their usual ammo
modifiers or increase a power’s cost beyond the hero’s expenditure in a single turn); melee weapons and
Power Limit. most powers can be used every Action. This Modifier
Modifiers: also removes the maximum limit on this power.
• Duration (+2): Absorbed Power Points can bolster the • Fast Action: As wri�en under Extra Actions.
hero for 5 minutes rather than 5 rounds, and they can
• Grapple (+1): The character’s extra limbs are very
be reassigned between powers until they expire.
flexible and easily able to entangle foes, granting a +2
• Limited Selection (–4): Absorbed Power Points can to Grapple a�acks.
only augment two powers the hero possesses.
• Limbs (–1): The hero’s actions are tied to a prehensile
• No Transference (–2): The hero no longer gains Power limb of some sort (tails, tentacles, etc.) and each Level
Points by eliminating Wounds. The Duration, Limited in the power grants an additional limb. These can only
Selection, Power, and Storage Modifiers can no longer be used for physical actions—mental or social
be taken. activities impose the same Multi-Action penalties as
• Power (+2): The hero gains an additional 2 Power usual. On the upside, limbs do not suffer any off-hand
Points for every additional Wound absorbed, to a penalty and can be used to take “sustained” actions,
maximum of 4. Every time this modifier is taken, this such as grappling someone or holding up an object.
maximum increases by another 2 Power Points. • Reach (+1): For 1 PP, add +1 to the character’s Reach.
• Storage (+1/+5): For 1 PP, absorbed Power Points do not For every +1 PP after, double the character’s Reach, to
need to be used immediately. Instead, the hero can a max of 32” (from all sources).
store his Power Points for up to 10 minutes and spend
them as a free action whenever he wishes. For 5 PP,
they can be stored indefinitely. In either case, the hero
can only store as many Power Points as he can absorb
from a single hit. • Very Old (+2): The +2 bonus applies to Common
Knowledge and Academics rolls for geography,
culture, and historical knowledge.

Modifiers: Modifiers:
• Reach (+1): For 1 PP, add +1 to the character’s Reach. • Area Effect (+2/+4): These may be Evaded.
For every +1 PP after, double the character’s Reach, to
• Armor Piercing (+1): Every point put in this modifier
a max of 32” (from all sources).
grants the a�ack +3 AP.
• Cone (+0/+1): Rather than an opposed Shooting vs
AQUATIC (2) Agility a�ack, this functions as a normal Area Effect
The character is native to and can breathe in water. He a�ack in Savage Worlds and can be Evaded.
doesn’t have to make Athletics rolls to avoid drowning
• Enhanced Damage (+1/+2): For +1 PP, increase the
when in water, and can move at his full Pace while
a�ack’s damage dice to d10s, but the power’s base cost
also increases to 3/Level. The modifier costs +2 if the
power is Level 4 (5dX) or Level 5 (6dX).
ARMOR • Focus (–2/–3): This a�ack deals one less die of damage
See the durability power.
and its AP is halved (round up) unless the hero takes
no other actions this round (including movement. For
ATTACK, MELEE (2/LEVEL) –3, the a�ack deals two fewer damage dice.
The melee damage may be added to every Fighting
• Recoil (–1): Requires RoF 2+. Using this power inflicts
action in a round, including off-hand a�acks unless the
the Recoil penalty unless the character chooses to fire
power is a handheld Device. The Multiple A�acks and
at RoF 1.
One Arm modifiers have been removed.
Modifiers: • Snapfire (–1): This power acts as if it has the Snapfire
penalty, imposing –2 to a�ack rolls in the same turn
• Armor Piercing (+1): Every point put in this modifier
the character moves.
grants the a�ack +3 AP.
• Unavoidable (+2): This can only be taken with the
• Focus (–2/–3): This a�ack deals one less die of damage
Area Effect or Cone modifiers, and makes it so that
and its AP is halved (round up) unless the hero takes
those a�acks cannot be Evaded (without Blinding
no other actions this round (including movement. For
–3, the a�ack deals two fewer damage dice.
• Reach (+1): For 1 PP, add +1 to the character’s Reach.
For every +1 PP after, double the character’s Reach, to AWARENESS (3/5)
a max of 32” (from all sources). This power mostly functions as wri�en. For 5 points, the
character can sense all around him. This reduces the
• Slow A�ack (–2): The power may only be used with a
Gang-Up bonus, as well as the maximum Gang-Up
single Fighting roll per round.
bonus, by 2 points, and ignores 2 points of a�ack
• Stackable (+0): This functions as wri�en. The power’s penalties from Called Shots, Cover, and Scale.
base cost increases to 3/Level. Modifiers:
• Two Weapons (+1): The character has two “weapons,” • Sense Type (+1/Type): This character is able to sense
adding +1 to many Fighting rolls (see Two Weapons the presence of a Ma�er or Energy Power Type of her
in Savage Worlds). Most of the time, this is a device choosing passively within 12”, and can pinpoint their
(and can then be used in the off-hand), but large location with a Notice roll. The GM may allow
natural blades or claws may qualify as well. detection of a broader Trapping (such as “arcane
energy” or “mutant genes”) for an extra +2 Power

BURROWING (1) Modifiers:
Burrowing characters can tunnel through earth at half • Technique (+0/+2): Rather than copying a target’s
Pace (and may “run” as well). powers, this super can mimic the natural capabilities
A burrowing character may tunnel on her action and of his target. He can raise one skill up to the
erupt from the ground at any point within her burrowing opponent’s die type, but he cannot increase his skill
Pace the same round if desired. If the burrower is near beyond its maximum (d12 by default) and the number
enough to a�ack, it takes a Notice roll at –6 to detect, and of steps increased cannot exceed his level in copycat.
earth typically acts as Heavy Armor +10. He may also copy an Edge, but each Edge copied
Burrowers can a�empt to surprise opponents who counts as two steps of a skill. The character must still
didn’t see her coming by making an opposed Stealth meet all requirements for the Edge except Rank. Note
versus Notice roll. If the burrower wins, she gains +2 to that without Versatility, the hero can still copy both an
a�ack and damage that round, or +4 with a raise (she has Edge and its Improved version if he can pay for both.
The Drop). Targets on Hold may a�empt to interrupt the This cannot copy Background Edges, or Edges that
a�ack before it occurs. aren’t tied directly to the target’s capabilities (such as
Burrowers usually can’t gain surprise once their Connections or Beast Bond).
presence is known, but can still burrow for protection and For +2 PP, the hero can copy skills and powers, but
mobility. remember that the total cost of skills, powers, and
Modifiers: Edges cannot exceed his level in copycat. He is also
• Melding (+0): Normally, this power allows others of able to copy any Edge the target has.
the same Size or smaller to follow the burrower into
the earth—allies or enemies. With this modifier, the
hero simply melds into the ground and cannot be
The character detects and senses danger. When he’s
followed by anyone.
about to be the victim of a trap, ambush, or surprise
• Pace (+2): As wri�en. a�ack, he may always make a Notice roll. With a success,
he begins the encounter on Hold. On a raise he may make
a single action and free action, such as moving to cover,
CHAMELEON (3) activating a power, or readying weapons.
This functions as wri�en. Note that chameleon cannot be (This is a superior version of the Danger Sense Edge
taken with Requires Activation and expires if the and doesn’t stack with it.)
character is unconscious or Incapacitated.
• Permanent (+1): The character will not lose his new Victims suffer two Wounds with a Critical Failure on
form even if he is rendered unconscious or their Vigor roll.
Incapacitated. Modifiers:
• Caustic Splash (–1/+2): With this modifier, decay can’t
CONSTRUCT (8) be used normally, but whenever the hero takes a
This functions as wri�en, but each Repair a�empt takes Wound all adjacent characters are sprayed and suffer
one hour per current Wound level (instead of 1d6 hours). the effects of decay. For +2, the character can still use
In addition, Constructs do not need to eat or drink. his decay with a simple touch.
• Rapid Decay (+1): As wri�en.
COPYCAT (1/LEVEL) • Strong (+2/+5): Vigor rolls are made at –2, or –4 for 5
This functions as wri�en. PP.

Trappings: Swirling winds, unbreakable shield, mystic DESIGN NOTE: DURABILITY
protection, gravitic manipulation. One of the issues with high-powered Savage Worlds
Note that fast reactions and, often, a “sixth sense” is characters with very high Toughness disrupt the
should be represented by uncanny reflexes rather than balance between the “no effect,” “Shaken,” and
deflection. “Wounded” outcomes of damage. In short, even
By default, deflection does not apply if the hero is powerful a�acks are more likely to either deal a
unconscious, unaware, or Incapacitated. Wound or more, or have no effect at all, and a simple
Modifiers: Shaken result is less and less likely.
• Passive (+1): The power applies at all times, even In super hero fiction, though, that dynamic tends
when unconscious or Incapacitated. to be reversed: tougher characters are much harder
to land damage that truly Wounds them, but
powerful blows can still easily leave them staggered
DUPLICATION (3/LEVEL) or winded.
Modifiers: The Impervious Modifier helps to solve this
problem by making a character harder to Wound—
• Persistent Memory (+3): If a duplicate is dispelled or
roughly equivalent to about +4 Toughness—without
killed, they retain their memories once summoned
making it any harder to leave them Shaken (and can
back. This can be very useful for scouting a dangerous
still be Wounded by Shaking the character twice). A
hero that is both Hardy and Impervious will be able
• Resilient (+2/+4): Duplicates are nearly as tough as the to withstand a true barrage of powerful blows.
original. For 2 PP they have the Resilient Monstrous
ability; for 4 PP they have Very Resilient.
• Impervious (+3): The hero is durable enough to shrug
off blows that could devastate the toughest supers.
Damage rolls against this character do not inflict a
Wound on the first raise (two raises deal one Wound,
Trappings: Armored body, hardened skin, reinforced
three raises deal two Wounds, etc.). It also doubles the
bones, powered suits.
power’s maximum level.
Note: This replaces armor and toughness.
Each level of durability grants the character either +2 • Partial Protection (–1/–2): Gaps in protection allow
Armor or +1 Toughness (note that Armor is reduced by any Armor from this power to be bypassed. For –1
an a�ack’s AP), to a maximum of 5 levels. Worn armor point it requires a Called Shot at –6; for –2 points the
stacks with the Armor granted by this power. armor only covers the torso and Called Shots bypass
Modifiers: it at –2. Note that this Modifier cannot be taken with
Collision-Proof or Thick Skin.
• Collision-Proof (+1): The power has some kind of
property that makes it disperse damage suffered in • Suit (+3): This requires the Device modifier. The
collisions. The character only suffers half damage source of this character’s armor is a power suit, mech,
from falling or collisions. or some other kind of shell that protects them. When
Wounded, the suit suffers the damage rather than the
• Hardy (+2): As wri�en.
wearer, and when Incapacitated, the suit is disabled
• Heavy Armor (+4): This is considered Heavy Armor (and generally, the character loses access to any
and can only be damaged by Heavy Weapons. Note powers associated with it), but the wearer may exit
that Heavy Armor does not stack with worn armor; unharmed. A Critical Failure when Soaking applies
the character takes the highest value instead. This also the Wounds to the wearer as well as the suit.
doubles the power’s maximum level.

Wounds dealt to the suit do not heal naturally; they FLIGHT (VARIABLE)
must be repaired as though it were a Construct (see The character can fly at a certain Pace and can “run,” as
construct, above). shown in the table below. The number under Speed is the
• Thick Skin (–1): This hero’s skin can’t be pierced by character’s actual speed for the purposes of narrative and
medical equipment. Anyone without specialized tools Chases.
suffers a –4 to any Healing rolls to heal him (or Unlike the speed power, it is very difficult to turn on a
Support rolls for Natural Healing). This modifier dime and using flight requires a lot more room to
cannot be taken if durability is not permanent. maneuver. When in cramped indoor spaces (houses,
hallways, forests, and so on, the super has a Pace/Run
one level slower on the Flight Table (to a minimum of her
ENERGY CONTROL (5) Pace). Of course, if the hero is strong enough to smash
Using the Control, Damage, or Nullify effects requires an through obstacles, her speed may not be impacted—this
active skill roll. falls under the GM’s call.
Control: A success leaves victims in the template either The A�ack Penalty is the Speed Penalty foes suffer
Distracted or Vulnerable. A raise leaves them Shaken as when trying to a�ack the flyer at full speed (typically
well. travel, or during Chases or dogfights—GM’s call).
Surprise a�acks against the character when he’s at rest
ENSNARE (3) suffers no such penalties.
This power allows the super to restrain his target with During “tactical” (tabletop) combat, even in open
some sort of binding material, such as energy, ropes, spaces, the flyer is not assumed to constantly be in
vines, or webbing. motion and the A�ack Penalties to not apply unless the
Ensnaring a victim is a Fighting roll against an adjacent character Runs. When Running, enemies suffer a penalty
foe. If the a�ack is successful, the target is Entangled. as though the flyer were one level slower on the Flight
With a raise, he’s Bound. Table.
Athletics and Strength rolls made to escape (see Savage Note that the flyer doesn’t suffer any Speed Penalties
Worlds) suffer a –2, and the material is Hardness 6. when a�acking slower characters.
• Immaterial (+2): The restraints are immaterial or
flight table
incorporeal. They cannot be a�acked at all. pp speed pace/run attack penalty
• Very Strong (+2): The binding material is very tough, 4 16 MPH Pace 6/d6 —
with a Hardness of 10. Those caught in it subtract –4 6 30 MPH+ Pace 10/d10 —
from their rolls to escape, rather than –2.
8 60 MPH+ Pace 14/2d6 –1
10 120 MPH+ Pace 24/4d6 –2
EXPLODE (2/LEVEL) 12 240 MPH+ Pace 36/3d6 –4
15 Mach 1+ Pace 60* –6
• Fast Blast (+0): This can be activated as an action, 18 Mach 2+ Pace 120* –8
without taking a round to “prime” first. The power’s
cost increases to 3/Level. 22 Pace 600* –10

*In tactical combat, the hero can move an extra ¾ of her

Pace while Running.

• FTL Travel (+4): On the cosmic scale, even traveling at DESIGN NOTE: GROWTH
the speed of light will take years to traverse the stars. Growth is a strange power in that it grants two other
This hero is fast enough to travel between star systems powers (super strength and toughness) as a
in a ma�er of hours! The hero must have Near Light package, and stacks with those powers, in exchange
Speed to take this Modifier, and the exact travel time for a heap of notable drawbacks—he’s easier to spot,
is up to the GM. bonuses to be hit/maluses to a�ack foes, must be
• Maneuverable (Variable): This hero has great control activated as an action, etc.). With this change the GM
during flight and can bring her speed to bear in tight should emphasize these drawbacks, such as
spaces. She may move at full speed when flying enforcing that some spaces are too small to allow
indoors. As long as she is flying, enemies suffer a growing to full size, or including rooms where
Speed Penalty as though she were one step slower on adding too much mass might collapse the floor.
the Flight Table, or the full penalty if she Runs. This
costs 1 Power Point plus one-half the A�ack Penalty Modifiers:
for flight (round up).
• Fast Growth (+1): As wri�en.
• Super Speed (+1): The hero may take any Modifiers
• Long Stride: This modifier is removed.
available to the speed power and make full use of them
during flight. • Monster (–1/–2): The user can’t turn this power off; he
is always this Size. This makes him much easier to spot
• Wings (–2): The super has wings or otherwise requires
or track and can make it difficult to find gear the
full-body movement in order to fly properly. She may
proper size. If Size 2 or greater, he suffers the usual
require maneuvering rolls when flying in tight spaces
penalties as described above. If greater than Size 3,
and cannot fly at all if Entangled or Bound.
this costs –2 instead.


Trappings: Well-read, robotic, hyper-intelligent
Trappings: Burst of wind, magnetic fields, gravity
The character gets a free reroll on all Smarts rolls, and
manipulation, a poltergeist.
any Academics, Ba�le, Occult, Science, or other
Note: This replaces whirlwind.
“knowledge”-type rolls.
The character can blow enemies backwards to sca�er
and disrupt his foes.
GROWTH (VARIABLE) As an action, place a Cone Template in front of the
Growth functions as wri�en, but the cost has been hero. Anyone touched by the gust is Distracted and then
modified. This now costs 2/Level, up to Level 11 (22 PP). must make a Strength roll or be knocked Prone. Flying or
The cost increases to 3/Level beyond that point (i.e. Level airborne targets suffer a further –2 penalty to Strength as
12 costs 25 PP). they have no ground to brace themselves on.
If the character grows to at least Size 2, he subtracts 2 Modifiers:
from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t
• Gale Force (+2/+5): The gust can threaten even super-
specifically designed for his Size; armor and clothing
powered foes. Strength rolls to resist are made at –2,
generally do not fit either unless specially designed.
and failure means the victim is sucked up and thrown
Use the Size Table to ballpark the height and weight of
2d4” away. With the Twister modifier they are thrown
characters using this power. Note that for each level of
in a random direction (roll a d12). If they strike a solid
Scale (Large, Huge, Gargantuan) characters gain +1
object, such as a wall, they suffer 2d4 damage
Reach and +4 Pace.
(nonlethal unless it’s a spiked surface or other

dangerous hazard). Thrown victims are automatically • Super Smell: +2 to Notice when smelling or tasting,
Shaken regardless of damage. and grants a +2 to Common Knowledge rolls made to
For +5, Strength rolls are at a further –2 and victims determine the origin of a target. This also allows
are thrown 2d6” back. If they strike a solid object, they detecting certain diseases or tumors.
suffer damage as per the Knockback rules.
• Super Touch: +2 to sense temperature, textures,
• Twister (+0/+2): Rather than creating a quick gust of vibrations, and so on. Can read print with fingertips.
wind, the hero can create a small movable cyclone in
a Medium Burst Template. This takes one full round
(two if indoors) with no other actions possible. The ILLUSION (2/LEVEL)
whirlwind must remain within 24” of the super Modifiers:
controlling it or instantly disappear, and may be • Smokescreen (–4): This can only be taken with the
moved up to the controller’s Spirit each round as an Obscurement modifier. The character is unable to
action. Anyone touched by the twister suffers the create illusions; rather, this power only creates an area
usual effects of gust. For +2, the hero can use both of obscurement, such as smoke, fog, darkness, etc.
Twisters and regular gusts.

HEALING (5) Victims suffer a Debilitating disease and may be treated
As wri�en, but this does not suffer the target’s Wounds as (see Diseases in Savage Worlds).
penalties when healing them. Modifiers:
• Lethal (+1/+3/+6): The victim suffers a Lethal disease.
• Refresh (+3/+5): With a raise, this also removes the For 1 PP, Vigor must be rolled every day. This
Stunned condition. increases to every hour for 3 PP, or every round for 8
• Restoration (+2): As wri�en, but this does not inflict PP. With a raise on any Vigor roll, the disease ceases,
the target’s Wounds as penalties. but its effects are not reversed.
• Strong (+2/+5): Vigor rolls are made at –2, or –4 for 5
The Perception ability has been removed.
• Analysis: The hero adds +2 to Notice rolls to find clues INTANGIBILITY (5)
or notice details. With a Notice roll at –4, he can Modifiers:
perform an analysis on an object to reveal information • Soul Walk (+2/+5): This super’s body can’t pass
such as a substance’s biochemical makeup, an through walls, but his spirit is able to leave his
embedded bullet’s trajectory, and so on. physical body to pass through objects instead. When
• Microscopic Vision: The character can make out tiny becoming intangible, the character’s body becomes
details that most would need a magnifying glass to completely helpless as his spirit ejects adjacent. To end
make out, even at a distance. Focusing allows this effect, the spirit must re-enter the body and make
discerning even microscopic detail, but this requires their Spirit roll; if the body cannot be found for some
total concentration; the hero may only take free reason, then the character cannot regain physical
actions while doing so. shape.
The spirit does not inherit the Wounds or Fatigue
• Super Hearing: +2 to sound-based Notice rolls. The
that the physical body has: the spirit has its own
super can also detect infrasound and ultrasound.
Wounds and Fatigue and does not need to eat, sleep,
• Super Sight: +2 to visual Notice rolls. or breathe, and is immune to poisons and diseases.

The spirit also does not inherit any functional devices, Repair d10 to take.
including gear bought with Power Points, unless they
are somehow bound to his soul.
The body retains all of its mortal requirements,
JINX (2)
however, including Wounds, Fatigue, and the need to
eat, drink, and breathe. When the spirit returns to the • Fate Weaver (+2/+4): The hero may spend a Benny at
body, the character gains a level of Fatigue for every any time to impose a –2 on a single target’s next roll.
two Wounds the soul has suffered; with a raise on the For +4, any time a Benny is used in her presence, she
Spirit roll to become tangible, the body gains no can spend one of her own Bennies to negate its effect.
If the body perishes, then the spirit does as well;
similarly, if the spirit dies, the character passes away. LEAPING (1)
For 5 PP, the character can Soul Walk even if he is Your hero doubles his normal jump distance. His total
Incapacitated or unconscious, though if he Soul Walks movement for the turn cannot exceed either his Pace
while sleeping, every hour his body sleeps only counts (including running) or his leaping distance—whichever is
as half an hour for the purposes of sleep Fatigue. higher. If the hero leaps farther than his total Pace that
turn, he cannot move any further.
INTERFACE (3) Note that if the leaper jumps vertically, he doesn’t
The hero can interface with machines to gain a +2 to suffer fall damage for the height he jumped (though
Hacking and Electronics rolls, as well as to Common falling further may inflict damage as usual). If he’s
Knowledge when using electronic devices, computers, or caught in a fall, he may make an Agility roll to ignore fall
digital databases. damage up to his vertical jump height (double his Free
If this is taken without the Device modifier, it also Action Distance below).
allows heroes to operate machines mentally—no need
for monitors, keyboards, or control panels. leaping table
In order to interface, the character must spend an action
to “plug in” using an access port of some kind. If such a leaping free action distance* maximum distance

port isn’t available, he can still interface by ge�ing to the — 1” 4”

internal wiring, but this usually requires breaking into Leaping 2” 8”
the machinery.
Great Leap 1 4” 16”
Great Leap 2 8” 32”
• Code Breaker (+1): The super can add +2 to Thievery
Great Leap 3 16” 64”
rolls to crack electronic locks or security. Breaking
through with a raise halves the time required to do so. Great Leap 4 32” 128”
Great Leap 5 64” 256”
• Diagnostic Package (+1): When digging into the
hardware of electronic equipment, this provides Great Leap 6 128” 512”
schematic diagrams and current operational readouts. Great Leap 7 256” 1024”

• Wireless (+1/+3/+5): Through technopathy or wireless * Table-top inches (double these numbers for yards). This
signals, interfacing can be achieved with a simple is horizontal distance; halve this value for vertical.
touch, no wiring required! For +3, devices can be Modifiers:
accessed up to 12” away; for +5, 24” away.
• Bounce (+2): The character can bounce between
vertical surfaces to scale any height as long as he has
INVENT (2/LEVEL) an opposing wall he can jump to as a free action to
This power requires Smarts d10, Electronics d10, and bounce off of.

• Death From Above (+1): When leaping as part of a
Wild A�ack, add +2 to damage. MANIPULATION EXAMPLES
• Great Leap (+2/Level): For every level in this modifier, Manipulation is a very broad power and can have a
double the character’s normal jumping distance again. lot of different uses and configurations. Here are a
If a character leaps more than 50”, he is flinging few example abilities:
himself through the air at 240 MPH, but his trajectory Force Control: The hero projects pure force or
leaves him Vulnerable. You cannot leap any faster than tangible illusions. This almost always takes the
this, meaning that jumps over 100” leave the hero in Force or Solid Light Power Type. Sometimes it has
the air for the entire round (plus an additional round the Imprecise (–1) Modifier. More powerful variants
for every 100” thereafter). may take the Area Effect and Protection Modifiers.
If the hero has Death From Above, he may also add Ma�er Control: The hero can create an
an additional +1 damage per point in this modifier. manipulate some kind of ma�er! Oftentimes this
power is imprecise but can bend and shape existing
ma�er into various shapes and barriers. This has the
MANIPULATION (2/LEVEL) Imprecise (–2) and Shape Modifiers. Powerful
Trappings: Pure energy, tangible illusions, mental force, variants usually take the Master Modifier. Weirder
magical animation, concentration, mutant powers, variants can take the Constructs Modifier. If the
altered form of ma�er. hero cannot create ma�er, he should take the
Note: This power replaces force control, ma�er control, Requires Material Modifier.
and telekinesis. Telekinesis: Pure telekinesis allows a user to
This power allows a character to create and control a affect targets at a distance without solid ma�er. This
particular type of Ma�er chosen from the Power Types generally has the Fine Control and Immaterial (–2)
section. Ma�er that is not maintained consciously or exits Modifiers.
the super’s range begins to dissolve immediately.
The range of the power is 12”, and its Strength is d10
plus a die type for each level beyond the first. This is the Modifiers:
Strength used for pushing, binding, lifting, and basic • Area Effect (+2): The power affects everything in a
a�acks. Medium Burst Template. If used to a�ack or grapple,
Created ma�er can be moved 2d6” per round in a make one roll versus everyone within rather than as
controlled fashion (thrown objects travel the usual separate actions. Each of the targets resist that total
distance). When Grappling, Pushing, or throwing, separately.
replace Athletics with the character’s active skill. If
• Constructs (+3): As wri�en under Ma�er Control. This
hi�ing a target, use the lower of the character’s active
cannot be taken with the Immaterial Modifier.
skill and their Fighting.
This power cannot achieve fine manipulation or create • Fine Control (+2): The character can use manipulation
complex objects such as machinery. Actively creating, to work and create delicate mechanics, such as picking
shaping, picking up, or using manipulated objects counts a lock, creating a gearbox, or firing a gun.
as an action—while a villain might use the power to lift
• Heavy Weapon (+1): Damage caused by manipulation
three cars, striking with each of them is still three actions.
counts as a Heavy Weapon.
Barrier: If this is used to create a cage or barrier, the
structure has a Hardness of 10 plus an additional point • Immaterial (–1/–2): Rather than creating ma�er, the
per level in manipulation. It doesn’t ma�er if the Barrier is super uses an ethereal force to manipulate his
made out of glass or feathers or stone—its Hardness is a surroundings. Pick an Energy Power Type rather than
reflection of the controller’s power with it rather than Ma�er. For –1 PP, this cannot be used to make
material strength. Maintaining a Barrier requires Fighting a�acks without an object to hit the target
Concentration. with, and cannot form Barriers. For –2 PP, this cannot

inflict damage by Crushing a grappled victim. • Motivate (+1): Victims feel compelled to follow orders
and, with a raise on the control roll, can leave the
• Imprecise (–1/–2): This super is especially imprecise
radius of control with an overwhelming desire to
and cannot use objects as weapons (though they may
follow their last order. Once fulfilled, they regain their
still be lifted or pushed as usual). For –2 points, the
free will.
power is also unable to grapple targets.
• Master (+5): As wri�en under Ma�er Control.
• Protection (+3): The controller creates a sheath or
bubble of airtight protective energy or material. As
long as they are within her range, she may protect a • Discovery (–1): The mind reader can only learn one
number of individuals up to her level, providing each particular fact about any of his targets: their deepest
with +1 Toughness per level in manipulation. fear, their greatest desire, their biggest regret,
This requires intense concentration, so after the first, proudest achievement, and so forth. A success on the
maintaining this protection requires Concentration. mind reading roll reveals the chosen fact, while a raise
provides context or additional information. However,
• Range (+2): The controller’s range is extended to 24”.
the power can no longer be used to detect surface
• Requires Material (–2): As wri�en under Ma�er thoughts.
Control. This cannot be taken with the Immaterial
• Empath (–2): Rather than accessing thoughts or
memories, the hero can perfectly sense a target’s
• Shape (+2): The character can directly move and emotional state. This cannot be taken with Memory
manipulate existing ma�er of the appropriate Ma�er Mastery.
Type, which retains its new form as appropriate.
• Subtle (+2): Targets are completely unaware that their
Component or nonsolid shapes, such as a sculpture of
minds are being read unless the mind reader rolls a
metal parts or a bridge of sand, may be maintained
Critical Failure.
with Concentration, as though the super were
maintaining a barrier.
Trappings: Psychic prowess, soulfire.
MIND CONTROL (5) This terrible ability can rend apart the very essence of
If the hero scores a raise, the power lasts until the
a victim without damaging his physical form at all! This
connection is broken as usual. With a success, his victim
is a skill roll opposed by Smarts with a range of 12”.
may make an opposed roll at the beginning of each of his
On a success, the victim takes a level of Fatigue, while
turns: success means the character resists for the round
a raise inflicts two levels of Fatigue. If the a�acker rolls a
and performs no action, while a raise breaks him free of
Critical Failure, he suffers a level of Fatigue. This Fatigue
the controller’s grip entirely. Either way, the victim may
can Incapacitate but not lead to death.
make another roll to resist commands anathema to his
If this a�acks the victim’s soul rather than their mind,
personality, as wri�en.
it is resisted by Spirit instead.
Maintaining mind control requires Concentration.
• Mind Wipe (+3): This hero can surgically suppress a
• Effortless (+1/+3): The super can exert his control
target’s memories with an opposed roll (resisted by
without even trying. Mind control isn’t disrupted by
Smarts or Spirit); if failed, the caster is Fatigued. With
sleeping (though Incapacitation from other sources,
a success, the victim forgets a simple memory (up to
such as damage or anesthesia, breaks control). For +3,
about 5 minutes), while a raise removes a complex
mind control no longer requires Concentration.
memory of up to an hour.

TYPICAL MINION See the stun power.
Minions should use the Allied Soldier stats found in
Savage Worlds, but adjusted to fit their particular
hero or Trappings. The Soldier Edge can be removed
Trappings: Claws, mystic protection, defensive
in favor of one other Edge, or racial abilities such as
weapons, mind reading.
This can only be taken to a maximum of +6. Note that
Minions can also be constructed; begin with a d4
fast reactions and, often, a “sixth sense” should be
in all A�ributes, a base Pace of 6, and no skills. You
represented by uncanny reflexes rather than parry.
then have 26 points to create your minions:
By default, parry does not apply if the hero is
increasing an A�ribute costs 2 points, skills may be
unconscious, unaware, or Incapacitated.
increased for 1 point, Edges cost 2 points as long as
you meet all the requirements, and you may use the
Race Creation Table or Super Powers Companion. • Passive (+1): The power applies at all times, even
In either case, the GM must ultimately approve when unconscious or Incapacitated.
your minions before play begins.
Gear: Minions can be equipped as appropriate.
Summoned minions arrive as they were last POISON (2)
equipped, though generally restricted to personal Poison causes instant Fatigue, paralysis, or even death.
items. (For non-poisonous paralysis, see the stun power.)
Poisoning someone requires a successful Touch A�ack.
If successful, the victim must roll Vigor. With a raise, the
Strong evidence that challenges the “logic” of the
hero is immune to this a�acker’s poison for the rest of the
missing memory allows the victim a Smarts roll to
encounter. If failed, the character is poisoned, Distracted,
remember the fragments determined by the GM.
and suffers Fatigue, or Exhaustion with a Critical Failure.
• Lethal (+5): This power is so intense that the victim This cannot cause Incapacitation.
dies if Incapacitated by its effects. Hardened or sealed armor protects from poison touch
a�acks, but regular fabric and the like do not. Poison may
• Long Term (+2/+5): The victim’s Fatigue takes a full
be treated as usual; see Poison in Savage Worlds.
day to recover. For +5 PP, the Fatigue takes five full
days to recover.
• Knockout (+4): Rather than suffering Fatigue, the
character is Incapacitated and unconscious for 2d6
MINIONS (2/LEVEL) hours, or twice that with a Critical Failure.
• Lethal (+6): Rather than suffering Fatigue, the victim
• Recruit (+4): Rather than a unique band of minions, is Stunned, suffers a Wound (or two with a Critical
this hero can “recruit” Extras within 12” under his Failure), and perishes in 2d6 rounds.
control with an opposed roll (skill vs Smarts or Spirit
as appropriate) as an action. He can’t control more • Paralysis (+2): Rather than suffering Fatigue, the
than his Level in the power, and the recruited minions character is Incapacitated for 2d6 minutes, or twice
should use the stats for Citizens, thugs, cops, or the that with a Critical Failure.
Allied Soldier from Savage Worlds. This cannot affect • Strong (+2/+5): Vigor rolls are made at –2, or –4 for 5
Wild Cards: use mind control! PP.
• Super Powers (Variable): As wri�en, but each point
in this modifier grants 2 Power Points rather than 1.

Possessing a target is an opposed skill vs Spirit roll: a As wri�en, but for 5 points, the character may also ignore
success grants control of the victim for the super’s next 2 points of penalties on appropriate resistance rolls.
turn, while a raise establishes control until he is forced
out (see below). The victim must be within sight and 24”
to be possessed, but once control is established they may
This mostly functions as wri�en. The hero is able to
go anywhere they please. The controller’s body is
transform into any creature a number of Size levels larger
helpless during possession, so it’s best to hide it or leave it
or smaller than herself equal to his level in shape change.
For example, at level 2, she can transform into a
The possessor retains her own Smarts, Spirit, and
creature of Size 2 or Size –2. At level 6, she can transform
linked skills, but uses the Agility, Strength, Vigor, and
into a creature of Size 6 or Size –6, and so on.
physical properties (senses, Hindrances, Size, etc.) of the
victim. She also uses the higher of her or her victim’s
Agility-linked skills, but if using the victim’s skills she SHRINK (4)
suffers a –1 penalty for every two steps of difference The hero can become smaller while retaining his normal
between the two. strength. This shrinks the character to slightly under half
The victim may make a Spirit roll (opposed by the his usual size (between 20” and three feet), making him
possessor’s skill) to break free any time the possessor is Size –2 and Small.
Shaken or Wounded. If the possessor’s body is While small, the shrinker is easier to hurt, suffering a
Wounded, her spirit snaps back and the target is freed. penalty to his Toughness equal to his new Size. He is
The victim is fully aware of what her body is doing while generally more difficult to detect as well, and Notice rolls
possessed. to spot him suffer a penalty equal to half the hero’s Size
Modifiers: (round up).
A character cannot use shrink and growth at the same
• Inhabit (+3): During possession, this super’s physical time.
form disappears or is absorbed into the victim’s body. Modifiers:
• Suppression (+2): The victim will not remember • Density (+2): As wri�en.
anything that happens while she is possessed.
• Permanent (–2): The character can’t change his size–
he’s always this small! In addition to the Toughness
REGENERATION (2/6/12) reduction (without the Density modifier), this can also
This allows a natural healing roll once every hour. For 6 make it difficult to use gear not made specifically for
points, they may roll once per minute. For 12 points, they his size, or impose penalties in social interactions and
may roll once per round. other situations at the GM’s discretion.
• Quick Change (+2): As wri�en. This cannot be taken
REGENERATION AND SETTING RULES with the Permanent Modifier.

Regeneration is priced assuming that the Fast • Tiny (+4/+8/+10): For +4 points, the character can
Healing Se�ing Rule is in effect. shrink down to Size –3 (between half a foot and a foot
If Fast Healing is not in effect, the power should and a half), making him Very Small. For +8, he can
be changed to cost 2/4/8/14, and Regeneration reach Size –4 (between 2–6 inches tall), making him
simply allows the character to follow the Fast Tiny. For +10, he can shrink down to Size –6, at an inch
Healing Se�ing Rule. For 4 PP, he heals every hour; or less in size—he is still Tiny, but is harder to spot and
for 8, every minute; for 14, every round. can squeeze into and out of much smaller spaces.

The hero has a Wild Card sidekick. Build the character SIDEKICK POWER OR SIDEKICK EDGE?
normally for your Campaign Power Level, but with two- The main difference between the power and the
thirds the starting Power Points, and otherwise functions Edge is that the power may be used with Modifiers
as the Sidekick Edge (see Savage Worlds). However, even such as Device, Limitation, and so on—this sidekick
if the sidekick “dies,” they can be replaced, recovered, or is truly part of the her’s powerset, while the Edge
rebuilt within 2d6 days. creates a character wholly separate from the hero.
• Static (–2): The sidekick doesn’t Advance. Modifiers:
• Blinding Reflexes (+3): The hero adds +2 to Agility
SPEED (VARIABLE) rolls when Evading area effect a�acks. Further, she
Speed allows characters to move incredibly fast! Increase can Evade area effect a�acks that normally do not
the character’s Pace as listed (or multiply it at higher allow it with a further –2 penalty as long as the closest
levels). When running, either increase the running die edge of the explosion is within her normal movement
type or use multiple dice. (unless caught unaware).
The numbers listed under A�ack Penalty are the • Effortless (+2): The super is able to move at incredible
modifiers foes suffer when trying to a�ack the speedster speeds with almost no effort at all, and may even see
as long as he’s in motion; the second number is the the world in slow motion. He may ignore the Running
penalty if the hero is Running. penalty.
Surprise a�acks against the character when he’s at rest
suffer no such penalties. In combat, assume the speedster • Vibrate (+2): As wri�en.
is in motion unless he’s Entangled, Bound, or the player • Whirlwind (+2): As wri�en, but all characters within
specifically says he’s stopped moving. the whirlwind are Distracted (this happens before their
Strength roll); this supersedes the –2 penalty
speed table mentioned later, rather than stacking. This consumes
the speedster’s entire turn.
pp speed pace/run attack penalty
Pace +4/+2 die
3 30 MPH+ —
types STORM (5)
5 60 MPH+ Pace +8/2dX –0/–1 Modifiers:
8 120 MPH+ Pace ×4/4dX –1/–2 • Downpour (+2): As wri�en.
10 240 MPH+ Pace ×6/6dX –2/–4
• Gale Force: Removed. See the gust power.
13 Mach 1+ Pace × 10* –4/–6
• Hurricane (+2/+5): The storm can reach up to 300 miles
16 Mach 2+ Pace × 20* –6/–8
in diameter. For +5, the storm can be larger than any
Near-Light natural hurricane, up to 1,500 miles in diameter.
20 Pace × 100* –8/–10
• Lightning Strike: Removed. See a�ack, ranged. (For 10
*In tactical combat, the hero can move an extra ¾ of her Power Points: Range 50/100/200, 4d6, AP 6, Lethal,
Pace while Running. Heavy Weapon. Major Limitation: must be in a storm;
cannot be used indoors.)

STUN (3) The portal remains open until closed as a free action.
This functions as wri�en, but rolls to resist are made at • Traverse (+3/+6): For 6 PP, the character may perform
–2 if the a�acker scores a raise, and victims who fail their other actions while preparing to traverse, but this
rolls are Stunned. Victims use the same A�ribute to requires Concentration. He may also choose to
recover from Stunned as they used to resist (not shorten the wait while traversing, suffering a –1 to the
necessarily Vigor). teleportation roll for every round he chooses to bypass
Modifiers: (a –2 to teleport 1,000 miles, for example) in addition
• Paralyze (+2/+4): Rather than the victim simply being to the penalty for not seeing his destination.
stunned, they are paralyzed and Incapacitated for 2d6 Teleporting to other planets or dimensions suffers a –6
minutes, or or 2d6 hours for +4. With a Critical Failure, penalty when done as an action rather than
they are paralyzed twice as long. concentrating for a full minute.

• Strong (+2/+5): Rolls to resist or recover are made at

–2, or –4 for 5 PP. TOUGHNESS
See the durability power.


With the GM’s permission, this can be used to acquire
This functions as wri�en. In addition, the hero may add
non-Combat Edges as long as their non-Rank
+2 to his rolls to Evade. This does not stack with the
requirements are met. Remember that these can be
Speed penalty; use the highest.
negated by certain powers and effects, so Fame, Rich, or
similar “status” Edges are often inappropriate uses of
this power. • Blinding Reflexes (+2): The hero reacts so quickly, she
can Evade any area effect a�acks until caught unaware
SWINGING (2) (and as long as the closest edge of the explosion is
Characters with any kind of cord, rope, webbing, or within her normal movement), but the roll suffers a
other grappling lines can move through certain types of further –2 penalty if the a�ack cannot normally be
environments—such as the tall buildings of large cities Evaded.
or jungle trees—with ease. The hero can travel through
• Catch and Throw (+2): Your hero can catch ranged
such environments at 30 MPH. This otherwise functions
weapons that miss him and hurl them back instantly.
as wri�en.
Catching a thrown projectile such as a rock or spear
doesn’t require a roll. Arrows and other muscle-
TELEPORT (3) powered projectiles require an Agility roll. Throwing
Modifiers: the missile back is a normal Athletics roll with a Range
• Personal (–1): The hero cannot bring along others of 3/6/12, and deals their normal damage.
when teleporting.
• Portals (+2): Rather than simply disappearing and UNDEAD (10)
reappearing, the character creates a portal that can be Undead heroes gain the following abilities: Add +2 to
looked into and traveled through by any number of Toughness and Spirit rolls to recover from being Shaken,
individuals (allies or enemies). The teleporter suffers ignore additional damage from Called Shots, ignore 1
no penalties for failing his teleportation roll (either the point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and are
portal is created or it isn’t) but portals must be immune to disease and poison, and can only be healed
physically moved through—so a�ackers are able to with magical healing or Natural Healing rolls. They often
a�ack foes withdrawing from melee through portals. have the Ugly Hindrance, due to clammy skin, dark aura,

or even decaying flesh.
Undead use the Death & Defeat rules normally (see the
Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion).


The hero can walk (or even Run) at her normal Pace on
vertical surfaces, or half that on inverted surfaces. As
long as the surface supports it, she can also carry her
usual Load Limit with her as she walk.
• Super-Grip (+1): If forced to make an Athletics or
Strength roll to climb or hang onto a surface or object,
the hero adds +4 to the total.

See the gust power.

power summaries
Powers and Modifiers that are added or changed in this document are marked with an asterisk (*). Otherwise,
they function as wri�en in the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion.

generic power modifiers

Concentration (–2)*: Maintaining the effects of a power takes intense concentration.
Contingent (–1/–2): The power only works when another is activated (–1), or successful (–2).
Device (–1/–2): The power is an item. –1 if it’s worn, –2 if it’s hand-held.
Limitation (–1/–2): The ability is limited in some way. –1 for Minor Limitation, –2 for Major.
Projectile (+1): A Touch A�ack power is triggered by a successful, specific ranged a�ack.
Range (+2): A Touch A�ack may be used at a range of 12” with a successful a�ack roll.
Requires Activation (–1): The power isn’t the user’s natural state and must be activated as a free action.
Selective (+2)*: An Area Effect may exclude any targets the user decides.
Skill Bonus (+1/+2)*: Grants a +2 bonus to the use of some particular skill.
Slow to Activate (–1): The power requires a full turn to engage.
Switchable (+2): Switches between different powers or power sets.
Absorption (4)*: Soak damage via Power Type. Duration (+2)*, Energy/Ma�er Master (+5), Limited Selection (–4)*, No
Transference (–2)*, Power (+2)*, Reflection (+4), Storage (+1/+5)*
Additional Action (3/Level)*: Ignore Multi-Action penalties. Bonus Actions (+2)*, Fast Action (+2), Grapple (+1)*, Limbs (–1)*,
Reach (+1)*
Ageless (1): The character doesn’t age. Very Old (+2)*
Altered Form (3): The character’s body can change into a difference substance. Grapple (+1), Reach (+1/Level)*, Replenish (+3),
Viscous (+1)
Animal Control (2/Level): Controls animals. Animal Companion (Special), Summonable (+4), Super Powers (Variable),
Telepathic Link (+1)
Aquatic (2)*: As Aquatic Monstrous Ability from Savage Worlds.
A�ack, Melee (2/Level)*: Close combay a�ack. Armor Piercing (+1)*, Focus (–2/–3)*, Heavy Weapon (+1), Lethal (–1), Reach
(+1)*, Slow A�ack (–2)*, Stackable (Special), Two Weapons (+1)*
A�ack, Ranged (2/Level): Distance a�ack. Area Effect (+2/+4)*, Armor Piercing (+1)*, Cone (0/+1)*, Enhanced Damage
(Special)*, Focus (–2/–3)*, Heavy Weapon (+1), Lethal (–1), Range (+2/+4), Rate of Fire (+3/Shot), Recoil (–1)*, Requires Material
(–1/–2), Snapfire (–1)*, Unavoidable (+2)*
Awareness (3/5)*: Ignore obscurement/Gang Up modifiers. Sense Type (+1/Type)*
Broadcast (2): Tap into and manipulate media. Manipulation (+2/+4), One Channel (–1), Range (+1)
Burrowing (1)*: Tunnel at half Pace. Melding (+0)*, Pace (+2)*
Chameleon (3): Imitate another being. Inanimate Object (+3), Permanent (+1)*, Voice (+2)
Construct (8)*: +2 to recover from being Shaken; doesn’t breathe; doesn’t eat or drink; immune to disease and poison; ignores
one level of wound penalties. Wounds recovered with Repair, and no Golden Hour.
Copycat (1/Level): Mimic other Traits and powers. Range (+2), Devices (+2), Duration (+3), Magician (+2), Nemesis (+1), Overly
Accurate (–2), Technique (+0/+2)*, Uncontrolled (–2), Versatility (+1/+2)
Damage Field (3/Level): A damaging aura, by Power Type. Armor Piercing (+=1), Heavy Weapon (+1), Medium Template (+3)
Danger Sense (2)*: Notice roll to detect hidden dangers, start ambushes on Hold.

powers, continued
Decay (3)*: Destroy material or cause wounds. Caustic Splash (–1/+2)*, Midas Touch (–2), Rapid Decay (+1)*, Strong (+2/+5)*
Deflection (1/Level)*: –1 to be hit by ranged a�acks per level. Passive (+1)*, Protector (+1/+2)
Doesn’t Breathe (2): The hero has no need to breathe.
Doesn’t Eat (1): The hero does not need to eat.
Doesn’t Sleep (1/2): The hero does not need to sleep.
Duplication (3/Level): The character can copy herself. No Tell (+1), Persistent Memory (+3)*, Promotion (+2), Resilient (+2/+4)*
Durability (1/Level)*: +2 Armor or +1 Toughness. Collision-Proof (+1)*, Hardy (+2)*, Heavy Armor (+4), Impervious (+3)*,
Partial Protection (–1/–2), Suit (+3)*, Thick Skin (–1)*
Earthquake (2): Creates an earthquake. Depth (+3), Earthshake (+3), Trigger (+1)
Energy Control (5)*: Manipulates energy, by Power Type. Area Effect (+2), Master (+5), Range (+2)
Ensnare (3)*: Entangle or entrap foes. Area Effect (+2/+4), Immaterial (+2)*, Very Strong (+2)*
Explode (2/Level): Detonates around the hero. Fast Blast (Special), Fatigue (–2), Heavy Weapon (+1), Large Template (+1)
Fear (3): Cause Fear tests. Scary (–2), Terror (+2)
Fearless (2): Immune to Fear tests.
Flight (2–20)*: The hero can fly and is harder to hit at higher levels. FTL Travel (+4)*, Maneuverable (Special)*, Super Speed (+1)*,
Wings (–2)*
Gifted (3)*: Free reroll for Smarts or any knowledge-type skill rolls.
Growth (Variable)*: Increases Size, Strength, and Toughness by 1 per level. Big Fists (+1/+2), Fast Growth (+1)*, Monster (–1/–2)*
Gust (2)*: Creates a gust of wind to disrupt foes. Gale Force (+2/+5), Twister (+0/+2)
Healing (5)*: Heals wounds. Cure (+3), Refresh (+3/+5)*, Restoration (+2)*, Resurrection (+8)
Heightened Senses (1/Level)*: Improved sense or perception. Spatial Sense (+2)
Illusion (2/Level): Creates visual and auditory images. Film Quality (+1), Obscurement (+2/+4), Smokescreen (–4)*, System
Shock (+2), Targeted (–1)
Immune to Poison/Disease (1 Each): The character cannot be poisoned or infected.
Infection (2)*: Strikes target with fast-acting disease. Carrier (–1), Contagious (+2), Lethal (+1/+3/+6)*, Strong (+2/+5)*.
Intangibility (5): The character can turn ethereal. Phase (+5), Permanent (–2), Reflexive Control (+2), Soul Walk (+2/+5)*, Tag
Along (+2).
Interface (3)*: The hero can tap into electronic devices. Code Breaker (+1)*, Diagnostic Package (+1)*, Wireless (+1/+3/+5)*
Invent (2/Level)*: Mimic other powers by invention. On the Fly (+3).
Invisibility (4/Level): The hero is invisible. Permanent (–2), Personal (–2), Projection (+4/+6)
Jinx (2): Opponents suffer misfortune. Fate Weaver (+2/+4), Improved Jinx (+2)
Leaping (1)*: The hero can jump great distances or heights. Bounce (+1)*, Death From Above (+1)*, Great Leap (+2/Level)
Malfunction (3): Causes devices to stop working. Area Effect (+2)
Manipulation (2/Level)*: Create and manipulate ma�er or raw force, by Power Type. Area Effect (+2)*, Constructs (+3)*, Fine
Control (+2)*, Heavy Weapon (+1)*, Immaterial (–1/–2)*, Imprecise (–1/–2)*, Master (+5), Protection (+3)*, Range (+2)*, Requires
Material (–2)*, Shape (+2)*
Mind Control (5)*: Manipulate others. Effortless (+1/+3)*, Memory Alteration (+2/+4), Motivate (+1)*, Multiple Minds (+2)

powers, continued
Mind Reading (3): Read others’ thoughts. Discovery (–1)*, Empath (–2)*, Memory Mastery (+3), Subtle (+2)*
Mind Rend (5)*: Cause Fatigue through immaterial a�acks. Mind Wipe (+3)*, Lethal (+5)*, Long Term (+2/+5)*
Minions (2/Level)*: The character has allies under his control. Recruit (+4)*, Summonable (+4), Super Powers (Varies)*
Negation (4): Nullify super powers. Full Spectrum (+5), Leach (+5)
Parry (1/Level)*: Increases Parry. Deflect (+4), Passive (+1)*, Protector (+1/+2)
Poison (2)*: Poison foes with a touch. Knockout (+4)*, Lethal (+6)*, Paralysis (+2)*, Strong (+2/+5)*
Possession (8)*: Take over a target’s body. Inhabit (+3)*, Memories (+2), Suppression (+2)*
Regeneration (2/6/12)*: Regenerate Wounds. Recovery (+1), Regrowth (+2)
Resistance (1/5/10)*: Increasing damage resistance versus particular Power Type.
Shape Change (Variable)*: Take on the form of an animal or creature. Speech (+2), Swarms (+2/+4)
Shrink (4)*: Reduce Size. Density (+2)*, Microscopic (+4), Permanent (–2)*, Quick Change (+2)*, Tiny (+4/+8/+10)*
Sidekick (7)*: The hero has a loyal and super powered companion. Static (–2)*
Speak Language (1): The hero can speak any language. Wri�en Word (+1)
Speed (Variable)*: The character can move at super speed. Blinding Reflexes (+3)*, Catch and Throw (+2), Effortless (+2)*,
Pummel (+1), Surface Tension (+1), Vibrate (+2)*, Whirlwind (+2)*
Storm (5)*: Summons a storm. Downpour (+2)*, Hurricane (+2/+5)*
Stun (3)*: Leaves foes Stunned with a touch. Area Effect (+2/+4), Paralyze (+2/+4)*, Strong (+2/+5)*
Super A�ribute (2/Step): Increase an a�ribute a die type (+1 after d12). Not Today (+2).
Super Edge (2/Level)*: Grants a Combat Edge.
Super Skill (1/Step): Increase a skill a die type (+1 after d12).
Super Sorcery (2/Level): Grants any other power via spellcraft.
Swinging (2)*: Allows movement via swinging. Strong Line (+1)
Telepathy (2): Contact others via thought. Broadcast (+1/+3), Mind Rider (+3), Switchboard (+2)
Teleport (3): Disappear and reappear elsewhere. Personal (–1)*, Portals (+2)*, Range (+2/+4), Rapid Teleport (+3), Teleport Other
(+5), Traverse (+3/+6)*
Uncanny Reflexes (4/8): –2 or –4 to hit the character. Blinding Reflexes (+2)*, Catch and Throw (+2)*
Undead (10): +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from Shaken; doesn’t breathe; doesn’t eat or drink; immune to disease & poison; no
additional damage from called shots; ignore 1 level of wound penalties. Cannot be healed with the Healing skill.
Wall Walker (1)*: The hero can walk on horizontal or inverted surfaces. Super-Grip (+1)*

With the new skills and tools available in Savage Worlds
Adventure Edition, some enemies and NPCs have had
their stats changed a li�le bit.

Citizens tend to have one skill representing their
profession. A mechanic may have Repair d6, while a
nurse might have Healing d6, and so on.

These aren’t necessarily the police force, but are
generally forces of national or private authority,
including security details or the military.

Atlanteans are built as Aquarians (see Savage Worlds)
with the addition of the Telepathy ability and
Environmental Weakness (heat).


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