Research Design1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Tabuk City
Tabuk City National High School


Module in Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 – Week 7


This module is a project of the Tabuk City National High School particularly the Learning
Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of Education, Schools Division of
Tabuk City which is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.
This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education-
CID, Schools Division of Tabuk City. It aims to improve students’ performance, specifically in

Date : July 2020

Resource Location : Tabuk City National High School, Tabuk City
Learning Area : Practical Research 2
Grade Level : Grade 12
Learning Resource Type : Module
Language : English
Quarter/Week : Quarter 1/Week 6
Learning Competency/Code : The learner chooses appropriate quantitative research

Lesson: Choosing Appropriate Quantitative Research Design

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of quantitative research
Performance Standard: The learner is able to describe adequately quantitative research
Learning Chooses appropriate quantitative research design. CS_RS12-IIa-c-
Competencies: 1

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

a. differentiate descriptive and experimental research;
b. choose an appropriate quantitative research design of a study;
c. formulate research design of the study.

Types of Quantitative Research Design
Research problems vary. Although every research problem is unique there are certain
similarities relating to situational variables like personal characteristics, areas of significance,
among others.
Basic quantitative research designs can be used to address or match given problems and
The two (2) traditional categories of research designs are experimental and descriptive.

Experimental Research Design

It allows the researcher to control the situation. In so doing, it allows the researcher to
answer the question, “What causes something to occur?” This kind of research also allows the
researcher to identify cause and effects.
• True Experimental design employs both treated and control groups to deal with time-
related rival explanations. Subjects are randomly assigned.
• Quasi-experimental design aims to establish a cause-andeffect relationship between
an independent and dependent variable. However, unlike a true experiment, a
quasiexperiment does not rely on random assignment. Instead, subjects are
assigned to groups based on non-random criteria.
• Pre-experimental design is called such because they often happen before a true
experiment is conducted.

Descriptive Research design

It is used to gather information on current situation and conditions. It helps provide answers
to the question of who, what, when, where and how of a particular research study.
According to Polit and Hungles (1999), some of the following research design are classified
as descriptive design:
• Survey is usually used in securing opinions and trends through the use of
questionnaire and interviews. It is also used in gathering data form institutions,
government and business to help in decision-making regarding change strategies,
improving practices, analyzing views on choice products or market research.
• Correlation Research is used for research studies aimed to determine the existence
of a relationship between two or more variables and to determine the degree of the
relationship. Example of correlational research are: Mental ability and grade in math:
Gender and Math Performance; Advertising costs and Sales; and Income and
• Comparative design involves comparing and contrasting two or more samples of
study subjects on one or more variables, often at a single point of time. Specifically,
the design is used to compare two distinct groups on the basis of selected attributes
such as knowledge level, perception, and attitudes, physical or psychological

Activity 1: On the spaces provided, indicate the kinds of quantitative research you will use, given
the following problem inquiries, you, as a researcher, intend to investigate. Explain your answer.
__________________ A. Admission test results under ALS (Alternative Learning System) and the
regular Dep-Ed system schooling.

__________________ B. Results of a prescribed daily diet on the sugar count of diabetic patients.

Difference between descriptive and experimental research.
Descriptive Experimental
Describes a phenomenon or else group Manipulates the variable to come to a
1 under study. conclusion or finding.

Easy to do in social sciences due to Difficult to do in social sciences due to
2 manipulating variables. manipulating variables.
Useful in gathering data on a certain Useful in finding out the cause and effect of a
3 population, situations and events. causal relationship and correlation.

Researcher researches the things mainly in

closed environment or laboratory and results
Researcher observes things, situations or
4 the best output of it.
events and describes the best in it.

Cannot determine the causality of events Accurately determines causality and therefore
5 and as such cannot make future predictions. can make future predictions.

Tries to answer the question “What is”. Tries to answer the question “What if”.

Typically includes sociological and Typically includes biological, forensic studies,

7 psychological, political sciences studies. other laboratories.

Both quantitative and qualitative Primarily uses quantitative methodologies.

8 methodologies.
Descriptive research is more towards
collecting data and try to find out some
insight out of the data using statistical Experimental research is also do this same
9 analysis. sort of analysis but also it always analyzes
where the data of an experiment comes from.

Activity 2: Write at least three (3) strengths of descriptive and experimental research design.

Descriptive Experimental
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Let’s try this!

Activity 3: Determine the research problem if descriptive or experimental.

Justify your answer.
_____Descriptive______1. A description of how parents feel about the K to 12 program
implementations. This study mainly focuses only on the feelings of parents about the K-12 program
implementations. It does not require a laboratory test.
____________________1. The effect of different amounts of fertilizer on the growth of plants.
____________________2. The relationship between a student’s math aptitude test and
grade in General Mathematics.
____________________3. The effect of part-time employment on the achievement of
working students.

Activity 4: Formulate the research design of the given research title and research problem below.
Research Impact of Social Media to the Academic Performance of Senior High School
Title: Students of Tabuk City National High School.

Research 1. What is the level of impact of social media to the academic performance of
Problem: students?
2. Is there a significant difference on the level of impact of social media to the
academic performance of students when grouped according to moderator


Activity 5. Go over with your research study and formulate the research design. (Hint: The design
of your study is determined by the statement of the problem.)


Activity 6:
Determine the research problem if descriptive or experimental write your answer on the blank
before each number. On the blank, after each research problem, write its kind.
____________________1. A comparative study on parents’ perception regarding the ADM
module. _________________________________________
____________________2. The relationship between the math test and English test of grade 12
students. _________________________ ____________________3. The efficacy of oregano
extract in reducing fever. _________________________
____________________4. The extent of effect of online games to the academic performance of
grade 12 students.
____________________5. The effect of different amounts of fertilizer on growth of plants.

Quarter 1 – Week 7


To the facilitators: This module will help you guide your child in understand the population
and sample to be involved in the study. This module will also help you guide your child on how to
write the Population and Locale of the Study part of their research paper. This module contains a
mini lesson and series of activities for the learner to accomplish with your guidance.

To the learners: How are you going so far? I hope you are able to cope up with your
activities at the same time writing your research paper. For this module, we are going to have a
brief of Mathematics and also, writing a part of your research paper. This module will understand
the population and sample to be involve in you study and will also guide you write the population
and locale of your study. Enjoy conceptualizing, writing and a bit of solving!

Series of discussions and activities will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic.
Through this module, the objectives below are desired.

• Differentiate population from sample

• Enumerate the different sampling techniques.
• Solve the sample size using the Slovin’s Formula.
• Write the Population and Locale of the Study.

Review/ recall the characteristics of quantitative research discussed in the Module 1 of Practical
Research 2. What are again the defining characteristics of Quantitative Research?

Characteristics of Quantitative Research:

1. Methods or procedures of data gathering include items like age, gender, educational
status, among others, that call for measurable characteristics of the population.
2. Standardized instruments are used in data collection to ensure accuracy and reliability
of data.
3. Figures, tables or charts or graph showcase summarized data collected in order to show
trends, relationships or differences among variables.
4. A large population yields more reliable data.
5. Quantitative methods can be repeated to verify findings in another setting.

6. Puts emphasis on proofs not discovery.

Take note of the highlighted characteristic for this module will deal with what is population, sample,
sampling technique and solving the sample size.

DIRECTIONS: Read the following situation below and then complete the graphic organizer below.

1. If your study’s concern involves 5,000 people, should you consider them all as respondents
in your study? Justify your answer.

2. Briefly explain the diagram below.



Population: It is the whole or total number of possible respondents to be involved in the study.

Sample: It is a selection of respondents for the research study to represent the total population.

Study the image below to understand better the difference between population and sample.

Sample size: It is the determined size of the sample that will included in the study.

Sampling Techniques:





Non-Probability Sampling: This is a sampling technique where the odds of any member being
selected for a sample cannot be calculated. This was also referred as the biased sampling
• Quota Sampling: It is a sampling technique where in the researcher will decide how
many respondents will be involved in the study based from the total population.
• Availability/ Convenience Sampling: It is a sampling technique where the number of
respondents will depend who will be available or who is present on the time of the conduct
of the study.
• Purposive Sampling: It is a sampling technique where the number of respondents will
depend on how many qualifies on the set criteria.
The criteria set by the researcher is based on the study.

• Snowball Sampling: It is a sampling technique where respondents are determined
through referral. This technique is usually used when the study involves a confidential
problem or will involve respondents who have “rare cases”.
Probability Sampling: It is a sampling technique where every member of a population has a
known and equal chance of being selected.

• Simple random sampling: It is the most frequently used sampling technique and chance
of selection is the same for every member of the population.

• Systematic random sampling: It is a sampling technique that follows specific steps and
procedures in doing the random selection of the samples It requires a list of the elements
and every nth element in the list is drawn for inclusion in the sample.

• Stratified sampling: It is a sampling technique where the population is divided into

several strata and samples are drawn from each stratum.

• Cluster sampling: It is a sampling technique where the population is grouped into

clusters and the researcher will choose randomly which clusters will be included in the
study. It is most applicable when the target respondents in a research study is spread
across a geographical location.

Difference of Stratified and Cluster Sampling

Solving the Sample Size using Slovin’s Formula

➢ The Slovin’s formula is used to solve for the sample size based on the total population.
Usually used when using probability sampling technique.
➢ Where: 𝒏=𝟏 +𝑵𝑵𝒆𝟐
n = sample size N =
population size e =
margin of error
➢ Margin of error is the allowable error margin in research. A confidence interval of 95% gives
a margin of error of 5%; a 98% gives a margin of error of 2%.

1. A researcher wants to conduct a survey. If the population of a big university is 35, 000,
find the sample size if the margin of error is 5%.
Given and unknown:
N=35,000 e=5% n=?

𝒏=𝟏 +𝑵𝑵𝒆𝟐

𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎

𝒏 = 𝟏 + 𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎(. 𝟎𝟓)𝟐

𝒏= 𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎

𝟏 + 𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎(. 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟓)

𝒏= 𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒏 ≃ 𝟑𝟗𝟓

𝟏 + 𝟖𝟕. 𝟓
𝟑𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
𝟖𝟖 𝟓 We are solving for the sample size (pertaining
𝒏 = 𝟑𝟗𝟓. 𝟒𝟖 to people), thus, there is no 0.48 people. Suppose the breakdown of
the population is as follows, compute the breakdown of the sample size:
College/ Department Population Sample
CBEA 8, 352 94
CTED 15, 679 177
CHIM 5, 097 57
CAHS 1, 576 18
CHK 2, 008 23
CAS 2, 288 25
TOTAL 35, 000

NOTE: The total sample size may have a difference or excess of one because of rounding
numbers during the computation. In these cases, be proportional where to remove or add 1
based on the shown population size. Solution:
CBEA 395 (0.2386) = 94.24
≃ 94

CTED 395 (0.4480) = 176.96
≃ 177
𝑥 100 =44.80

CHIM 395 (0.1446) = 57.12

≃ 57
𝑥 100 =14.46

CAHS 395 (0.0450) = 17.77

≃ 18
𝑥 100

CHK 395 (0.0574) = 22.67

≃ 23
𝑥 100

CAS 395 (0.0637) = 25.16

≃ 25
𝑥 100
= 6.37 %

Practice to solve the number 2 example:

2. Suppose you plan to conduct a study among 1,500 Grade 11 students. The population
breakdown is shown on the table below. How many respondents are needed if the
margin of error is 2%?
ABM 184
GAS 302
STEM 208
EIM 114
ICT 109
HE 89
TOTAL 1500

Writing the Population and Locale of the Study

➢ Population and Locale of the Study: A part of Chapter II where the total population, sample
size, breakdown on the number of respondents and where the study will be conducted is
Example 1:
Population and Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted at Tabuk City National High School. Simple random sampling
will used in the study. There is a total population of seven hundred eighty-one (781) but only two-
hundred ninety (290) will be the respondents of the study as determined by the Slovin’s formula.
The breakdown of respondents is as follow:

Section Population Sample

EIM-1 29 11
EIM-2 24 9
EIM-3 21 8
ICT-1 25 9
ICT-2 29 11
H.E-1 2 8
H.E-2 21 8
H.E-3 20 8
HUMMS-1 48 18
HUMMS-2 39 14
HUMMS-3 45 17
HUMMS-4 42 15
HUMMS-5 42 15
HUMMS-6 43 16
HUMMS-7 39 14
HUMMS-8 37 14
ABM-1 39 14
ABM-2 34 12
ABM-3 32 12
STEM-1 38 14
STEM-2 33 12
STEM-3 36 14
STEM-4 45 17
TOTAL 781 290

Example 2:

Population and Locale of the Study

The respondents were 31 students from Grade 12 Information and Communication Technology
Block 1 and 11 students from Grade 12 Information and Communication Technology Block 2 of
Tabuk City National High School, School Year 2019-2020. Purposive sampling was used in the
study since only the students who are enrolled in the said strand and passed the Computer
System Servicing National Certificate II passers were considered the respondents of the study.

Section Population No. of Respondents

ICT-1 31 31
ICT-2 42 11
Total 73 42
Source: Pellicer, E., et. al. (2019). Level of Effectiveness of Virtual
Machine Ware Training and Actual Training to the Grade 12 Computer System Servicing National
Certificate II Passers

1. Specific and complete. The content must be brief but has included all the necessary data
2. The more, the better. During the actual gathering data, you may exceed the expected
number of respondents as computed by the Slovin’s formula but must not have
respondents lower than the expected number of respondents.
*NOTE: The Population and Locale of the Study that you will be writing now will be in present/
future tense but after conducting the study, do not forget to turn the verbs in past tense.


Directions: Analyze each item below and identify which kind of sampling technique should be
used. Write your answers on the blank provided. ____________________________ 1. Susan is a
Grade 11 researcher who is curious on how farmers were affected by the CoViD-19 pandemic.
____________________________ 2. Ferdie was investigating on the perspective of cancer
patients regarding the hospital services offered to them. For the study to be successful, he needs
to find cancer patients and ask them to refer him to other cancer patients.
____________________________ 3. Ivana wanted to know if there is a relationship between the
students’ performance and their wearing of uniform. She has a prospect of 2, 080 respondents.
She prepared a drawlots to determine who will be her respondents.
____________________________ 4. Eman wanted to know the acceptability of his dishwashing
liquid to the housewives of Dagupan Centro. To gather data for his study, he conducted a house to
house survey to the available housewives of identified barangay.
____________________________ 5. Sam was conducting a survey in a classroom where he gets
the students with a seat number that is a multiple of 2.
____________________________ 6. Andres wanted to know the effects of climate change to the
families included below the poverty line in his region. According to the data he is holding, the
region has 967 poor families divided as follows: Barabac Municipality has 108 poor families, Daton
Municipality has 74 poor families, Hado Municipality has 589 poor families and Dira Municipality
has 196 poor families. Instead of going around the region to conduct the study, he only went to
Hado Municipality to gather data to be generalized for the whole region.
____________________________ 7. Simeon was tasked to evaluate their on-going program
regarding gender sensitivity. Because there are too many participants, he only chose participants
every after three counts and met his desired number of respondents.
____________________________ 8. Adon was a conducting a survey on the Junior High School
department if their school. He decided to divide the population in 4 levels according to their grade
level, but he also divided his sample size in all the levels he considered.
____________________________ 9. Ivon was tasked to observe the dress codes of LGBT
members and make a report for their advertisement campaign.
____________________________ 10. Dab is working in a big company and he was enumerated
to be the data gatherer of their research team. Instead of conducting the survey on all the 1,768
employees, he only set his respondents to be 350 from the different departments of the company.


DIRECTIONS: Using the Slovin’s Formula, compute the sample size in each item. Show your
complete solution.
1. A researcher wants to conduct a survey. If the population of a community is 20, 000, find
the sample size if the margin of error is 5%.
2. Suppose you plan to survey among 6,000 high school students. The students in each level
are divided as follows: Grade 7: 1, 953, Grade 8: 1, 523, Grade 9: 1, 089, Grade 10: 1, 435.
How many respondents are needed using a margin of error of 2%? Show your solution and
breakdown of sample.

Directions: Study the diagram below and briefly explain what is being presented in the diagram.

DIRECTIONS: Based from the mini-lesson and activities given, write the Population and Locale of
your study. The criteria below will be used in giving scores of your output.

Content: 15 points
Organization: 15 points
Grammar: 10 points
Total: 40 points



To the facilitators: This module will help you guide your child in understanding and writing
the data gathering procedure of his/her study. This module contains a mini lesson and series of
activities for the learner to accomplish with your guidance.

To the learners: How’s the experience writing a quantitative research? Before you go on
the actual gathering of data needed in your study, you must have read protocols and standard
procedure in conducting such studies and then you must have a plan. This module will guide you
write the data gathering procedure of your study. Enjoy conceptualizing and writing!

Series of discussions and activities will encourage you to explore and learn about the topic.
Through this module, the objectives below are desired.

• write data gathering procedure of the study.
• recognize the importance of planning the data gathering procedure of the study.

Recall the research definition: Research is a systematic and objective creation of knowledge
(Creswell, 2013)
Where making research can be simplified by the following steps:

Present answers to
the problem.
Gather answers to
the problem.
Pose the problem.

DIRECTIONS: Read the following situation below and then complete the graphic organizer below.
Certificate on Competency 4: Maintain and Repair Computer System and Networks is one of the
four competencies that should be acquired to pass the National Certificate II assessment. The
purpose of this study was to determine if using module is effective to the Grade 11 Information
Communication Technology – Block 2. This study used an experimental research design to see if
there is a significant difference between the test scores of the respondents before and after using
the module. Purposive sampling was used in selecting the thirty-four (34) respondents who are
enrolled as Grade 11 ICT, as our study is parallel to their strand. Simple mean was used to
compute the mean test score of the respondents, and t-test was used to see if there is a
significant difference on the test scores of the respondents. Findings showed that the mean test
scores of the respondents on the pre-test is 6.91 and on the post-test is 13.15. Also, it was found
out that there is a significant difference on the test score of the respondents before and after
using the module on Certificate of Competency 4: Maintain and Repair Computer System and
Networks. The study of Wilkerson (1999), confirmed that the goal of the module is to provide
resources to instructors that will allow them to transform their classrooms into active, student-
centered learning environments. It is then recommended that students should use the module as
one of their learner’s materials especially, for the ICT students who are taking their NCII
assessment. This will serve as a reviewer for them to gain additional knowledge.

Complete the graphic organizer based from the Abstract above.

What was
answer /s to the
How did they
gather answers
to the problem? What is the


This part of your research paper is where you will elaborate the step by step procedure on
how you will acquire the data needed to answer the problems/ questions you have included in your
Statement of the Problem.

Writing the Data Gathering Procedure of the Study

If social research (survey):

• Describe whose permission will be sought and what arrangements need to be made to
administer instruments.
• After all permissions have been granted, discuss how the samples will be contacted and
explain the process of administering the questionnaires.
• State how the questionnaires will be retrieved.
The researcher shall seek the permission of the authors of the instruments that will be adapted
in this study. The researchers will secure permission of the university to obtain a list of SHS
students from which the samples will be selected. Also, a permission to conduct data collection will
be sought from the concerned officials of the school. The questionnaires shall be distributed to the
selected samples during one of their classes with a permission from the facilitating professor and
the note of approval of the university. Questionnaires shall be retrieved the same day as they were
given to ensure a higher return percentage of questionnaires.
The study will use a survey questionnaire for data gathering. The researchers will ask permission
from the teacher in-charge for them to conduct the study and then will also ask permission from
the respondents. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents upon approval of
the permission. The respondents will be given 10-15 minutes to answer the survey questionnaire.
The researchers will collect the questionnaire from the respondents after the allotted time to

(Bangan, R., etc. (2020). Effectiveness of Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) Partner as
perceived by the Grade 12 Home Economics Students of Tabuk City National High School)

If conducting an experimental study:

• Describe whose permission will be sought and what arrangements need to be made to
administer necessary tests.
• Treatment Application and Data Gathering Procedure must be written in narrative form.

EXAMPLE 1: Biological Science Study

In most biological experimental studies, Treatment Application is a part written before Data
Gathering Procedure. Treatments Application is step by step procedure how you are going to
apply the different treatments to the specimen involved in your study.
Treatment Application
Evaluating the antibacterial activity of Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves against
Staphyloccocus aureus.
All of the materials and equipment that will be used will be highly enclosed in a well-
ventilated laboratory and were sterilized before usage.
First, a sterile cotton swab will be dipped into a screw-capped tube containing S. aureus.
After dipping the cotton swab, it will be inoculated into a nutrient agar plate. The process will be
repeated until there were four nutrient agar plate good for each treatment. Each cultured nutrient
agar will be marked according to its respective treatment. (Ex. One cultured nutrient agar will be
marked T1 (for treatment 1) so on and so forth)
Next, paper disks will be poured into the 4 treatments with different concentrations. Using
the forceps, the researchers will be clip 3 paper disks into each treatment and will be placed on the
nutrient agar plate provided for each treatment. After that, the researchers will evaluated the
antibacterial effect of the Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves against S. aureus.
Data Gathering Procedure
Data gathering on the Zone of Inhibition.
To measure the zone of inhibition of Staphyloccocus aureus, subtract the diameter of the
paper disk from the total diameter of the petri dish. Keeping the lid of the plate in place, use a ruler
to measure the diameter of the disk plus the surrounding clear area in millimeters (mm).
Data gathering on the number of plates washed.

The researchers will count each dish to determine the number of plates that Guava
(Psidium guajava) leaves can wash. These will be done in three replications and then, they will
calculate the data for the total number of plates washed and then divide it by the number of
replications done to obtain the mean or precise number of plates washed. They then ranked them
from 1 to 4 based on the calculated mean.
Data gathering on the responses conducted through survey.
The researchers will use the 4-point Likert scale to obtain information about a population
from the sample set of observed values by getting the sum of all data values divided by the
number of data values.
Arbitrary Descriptive Equivalent Symbol Statistical
Value Limits
4 Very acceptable VA 3.26−4.00
3 Acceptable A 2.51−3.25
2 Moderately acceptable MoA 1.76−2.50

1 Not acceptable N/A 1−1.75

(Cammagay, H., etc. (2019). THE EXTRACTION METHODS OF GUAVA
LIQUID AGAINST Staphylococcus aureus)

EXAMPLE 2: Physical Science Study

In the tabulation of data, from every treatment there are 3 replications for more accurate results.

Test for Water Absorption

Water absorption test will be carried out in all four treatments of concrete blocks with three
replications each treatment. The blocks will be sun dried for 24 hours and the researchers will
measure the dry weights of the blocks (W1). Then the blocks will be submerged in water for 24
hours and the wet weights of the blocks (W 2) will be measured. Percentages of water absorption
of individual blocks will be determined using the following formula. Percentage of water
absorption = W2 −𝑊1
𝑋 100
W1– dry weight of the sample
W2 – wet weight of the sample

Test for Flexural Strength

The flexural strength will be examined using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Three
replications will be tested for each treatment and will be tested at the age of 7 days. The average
flexural strength will be determined by averaging the corresponding flexural strength values
determined by the UTM. The standard flexural strength for beam with a size of 6” by 21” is 3.08
mPa (mega Pascal). The flexural strength will be determined using the following formula.
Ơ= 2


Ơ = Flexural strength
F = Load force at the fracture point L =
Length of the support span b = width of the
d = thickness or depth of the beam

Cost Estimate
The designed house will be created with the use of Sketch Up application. With an area of
77.07𝑚2 and specification of the concrete blocks. The concrete blocks will be used on the walls of
the designed bungalow house.

3. Story telling. Make sure that there is a flow of the content or the body (idea) of your
procedure is organized.
4. Specific and complete. The procedure/s that you will write should be very specific and you
should not skip a step for it might have an impact if others researchers will redo or
benchmark your procedure.
5. Take pictures. On the actual conduct of your Data Gathering Procedure, do not forget to
take picture/s on each step of your procedure for you are to attach pictures on your final

*NOTE: The Data Gathering Procedure that you will be writing now will be in present/ future tense
but after conducting the study, do not forget to turn the verbs in past tense.


Directions: Unscramble the letters within the boxes to unlock the hidden word. Trace the path of
the letters and write the unlocked hidden word on the blank provided below the box. Use red inked
or blue inked ballpen in tracing the letters.
Example: R C H
E S _Research___

1. R O L 2. T U D 3. L Y 4. A R I

__________ ___________ __________ __________

5. 6. T T A T E T I 7. N E R E

____________ _______________ _________________

8. P B T E 9.
10. Y E

_______________ ________________ _________

Activity 2: USE THE WORDS!

DIRECTIONS: Complete the paragraph below by filling in the blanks using the words you have
discovered from the first activity.

(1) Research follows a (2) _________________ way of answering problems. Data gathering
procedure must be (3) _________________ written in a (4) _________________ manner to
gather (5)
_________________ based from the (6) _________________ of the problem of the study.
Whether the study being conducted is an (7) _________________ or a (8) _________________
type of research study, the (9) _________________ involved in the study must be considered in
coming up with the Data Gathering Procedure. In whatever type of study, (10)
_________________ of the permission must be sought first and during the conduct of the actual
gathering of data, (11) _________________ of the researchers must be taken note.

DIRECTIONS: Using the 5-box flowchart below, make a summary or simplified version of your
Data Gathering Procedure.

DIRECTIONS: Using you accomplished flowchart from the previous activity, write now your
detailed Data Gathering Procedure. Be guided by the following criteria:

Content: 15 points
Organization: 15 points
Grammar: 10 points
Total: 40 points

POST-TEST DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
provided before each number.
______1. A researcher wishes to determine if Oregano extract is as effective paracetamol in
reducing temperature of the selected patients in KPH. He randomly gathered 10 patients to whom
he applied the oregano extract and another 10 patients to whom he applied the paracetamol. What
is the design to be used by the researcher in his study?
a. True-Experimental c. Quasi-Experimental
b. Pre-Experimental d. None of the above
______2. A researcher wants to determine if aratilis (Muntingia calabura) is effective in reducing
blood sugar. He chooses a group of patients with diabetes on one hospital floor for the
experimental group and a group of patients with diabetes on another floor for the comparison
group. What is the appropriate design to be used by the researcher?
a. True-Experimental c. Quasi-Experimental
b. Pre-Experimental d. None of the above
______3. What is the best design of the study if a researcher wishes to determine if students who
are good in mathematics are also good in English?
a. Survey design c. Comparative design
b. Correlational design d. True-Experimental design
______4. The researcher uses a descriptive comparative research design in his study. Which of
the following should not be his statement of the problem?
a. Is there a significant difference on the perception of respondents when grouped according to
b. What is the level of perception of parents regarding the ADM module?
c. What is the profile of the respondents when they are grouped according to strand?
d. Is there a significant relationship between the scores of the respondents before and after the
______5. If you wish to determine the level of prevention practices of City of Tabuk on the spread
of COVID 19 pandemic. What should be your research design?
a. True-Experimental design c. Survey Design
b. Pre-Experimental design d. Correlational design
______6. When should sampling techniques NOT be used in research studies?
A. When a study requires specific criteria of respondents.
B. When the population is too broad/ many.
C. When the researcher will consider the availability of the respondents.
D. Sampling techniques should always be used in all studies. ______7. Dina was tasked to
evaluate their three-day seminar. Because there are too many participants, he only
chose participants every after five counts and met his desired number of respondents.
Which sampling techniques should be used in the scenario?
A. Availability sampling C. Systematic Random sampling
B. Cluster sampling D. Stratified Random sampling ______8. What sampling technique is
applied when the researcher used the lottery system in selecting the respondents?
A. Simple random sampling C. Stratified random sampling
B. Systematic random sampling D. Purposive sampling ______9. What sampling technique is
used when the number of respondents is based on the number of referrals the researcher
will have?
A. Availability sampling C. Purposive sampling
B. Cluster sampling D. Snowball sampling
______10. What is the advantage of probability sampling over nonprobability sampling?
A. Probability sampling gives equal chance to all.
B. Probability sampling considers certain criteria to choose respondents.
C. Probability sampling limits the participants to only those who are available.
D. Probability sampling limits the number of respondents to the number of referrals
______11. Which of the following will best describe the data gathering procedure of a study?
A. Data gathering procedure should be crafted too specific to prolong the text.
B. Data gathering procedure should be verbose to come up with a vague result.
C. Data gathering procedure should be ambiguous to come up with all the possible result
of the study.
D. Data gathering procedure should be detailed to properly guide the researcher and future
______12. Assess the following statements:
In gathering data for a research study, it is right to acknowledge the author of the
procedure/ tool to be used in the current study.
Data gathering procedure is prepared to burden the researchers. A. Only the first
statement is true.
B. Only the second statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
______13. For studies requiring Likert Scale, what is the reason that you are advised that the
highest arbitrary value should be an even number? A. It is just a rule in research that should be
B. It is should be even for the division of choices to be equal.
C. It should be even for respondents the has higher tendency of answering the middle
number. D. No definite reason.
______14. Which of the following should be taken into consideration when on the actual process
of gathering data?
A. If scheduled for an appointment, be on time.
B. Brag your academic achievements to your respondents.
C. Be aggressive in asking permission of the concerned people.
D. Instruct your respondents not to ask any clarifications regarding your data gathering
______15. After gathering the necessary data from the respondents, which should be avoided by
the researcher?
A. The researcher/s should treat gathered data confidentially.
B. The researcher/s should talk to others about the data gathered.
C. The researcher/s should leave the data gathered and just come up with data.
D. The researcher/s should just choose which data will be included for the treatment of


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