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“ Maybe.. we were fated to meet each other..

Evening was approaching at a crawl, the once blue sky was beginning to show
tints of orange red, silently hinting to the onlookers below that night would
soon befall them. The bustling in the streets were quieting down, as
shopkeepers and business men made their way home to hot supers shared
with the family.

But there was one boy who stood still, with no thoughts of home playing on
his mind. The young boy, dressed in loose khakis and blue T was gazing at the
tall building before him, his head inclined to read bold letterings which
adorned its façade.

SM Entertainment.
A slight grin pulled at the corner of his mouth recalling the nervous wreck he
had been just two weeks before at his audition. His heart had thumped so
loud then, that he had hardly heard his own voice. Even now the thumping in
his chest seemed to boom in his ears as a mixture of emotion churned within
him. He wasn’t even sure whether to break out in tears or hysterical
laughter. The young boy closed his eyes, lowering his head so that his chin
almost touched his chest. He took a deep breath struggling to tame his
heart and clearing his mind.

Ya Kim Jaejoong.. You sure you’re not dreaming?

The young teenager picked up his scarce belongings, and with his head held
high walked in strides through the double doors before him.

Today would be the day he began living his dream


SM entertainment put new meaning the phrase all work no play. Strict rules
were enforced on trainees to encourage discipline, perseverance and physical
stamina. They were the best at what they do, and no boy or girl within its
walls could ever deny it.

The hallways were almost always hectic, as mobs of trainees made their way
for one studio to the next. The place was impossibly large, housing countless
dance studios as well as recording facilities. Jae had found himself
accomplishedly lost many times, only to receive a sharp scolding when he did
finally find his way to the right session. There was no such thing as
orientation. One had to orientate themselves to survive here.

That afternoon Jae once again found himself wandering the hallways unsure
whether he should just give up on finding the studio or to risk being late
almost half an hour after session had started. He clicked his tongue. Up
ahead he could see commotion beginning to form. The packed hallway had
miraculously parted itself, as if giving way to something, or most likely
Straining his neck, Jae could hardly see over the crowd before him. Using
his lithe form, the young boy pushed his way to the front, slipping and
squeezing through till he was at the very edge of the parting human mob.
Then he saw him. Clad in a blue baggy suite, with dangerously spiked black
hair was a boy roughly his age making his way through, head down fumbling
with a cap in his hands. The crowd continued to make way for him, leaving
hushed whispers it his wake.

If Jae had learned anything in his few days, it was that respect like that,
could only be earned through having had a taste of stardom. Jae was
convinced, the boy walking past him had finally debued.

And a spark of admiration grew in his chest.


Jung Yunho sat to the corner of the studio, absorbed with the song playing
from his disk man as he commenced stretching his long legs one after the
other. The young boy was used to coming early to sessions. He liked getting a
feel for the room before having to give his best for the next demanding 4

The other trainees were slowly filling into the room, most of which he
recognized, even if he didn’t know them by name. That was just how it was.
Nobody had much time to know anybody around here. As the trainer for the
session entered, Yunho rose, loosening his limbs for the new dance routine.

He made his way to the very back of the pack, startled to find another boy
in his usual spot. Yunho was sure he had never seen this one before. The
other boy was slightly smaller than him, pale, with ebony hair which seemed
to almost cover his eyes. Yunho took his place beside him, but for some
unexplained reason he couldn’t help but to steal glances to the strikingly
feminine boy.

Rehearsal commenced and Yunho began to focus all his attention and energy
towards perfecting his moves. But the boy beside him proved immensely
distracting, with his constant fumbling and shuffling of feet, and every time
the trainer would criticize him, his face would flush in embarrassment.
There was also something about the way the new boy moved.

Gracefully clumsy.
Yunho concluded. It seemed the fit the spectacle before him to a T.

When the 10 minute break was announced, the silent boy trudged to the
corner finally plopping down next to his knapsack his face in a slight pout.
Yunho watched him amusedly. The lack of stamina almost confirmed he was a
newbie. Grabbing his own sack, the young boy jogged his way over, taking a
seat right next the dejected teen.


Startled by his new found companion the boy could only stare, before
nodding slowly his round eyes imploring the figure before him. The other boy
extended his hand.


The dark haired boy contemplated the outstretched hand before him
uncertain of how to react. Despite himself he returned the greeting,
clasping the other palm with his own.


The boy shook his hand vigorously as a huge grin began to spread across his
face revealing a set or pearly yet crooked teeth. Disarmed Jae had no choice
but to offer his own lob sided smile. Then shyly in a bare whisper he added,

“I wish I could dance like you”

“ Before the world knew our names…we knew
one promise”

Jae laid sprawled on the studio floor. There wasn’t a sound but his own
ragged breath as his chest heaved from over exertion. His limbs were on
fire and he had no strength left whatsoever to lift his person off the floor.
He would have prayed for sleep to take him then, but the ache he felt down
to his bones denied that bliss.

The dark haired boy wanted to laugh at his predicament. But contrarily his
eyes began to sting with unwelcomed moisture. He shut them quickly,
damming himself if the hot tears would escape.

You knew it wouldn’t be easy.. Don’t be such a baby.

For the moment the heaviness in his chest subsided as did the stinging of his
eyes. Slowly the young boy inhaled, willing control of his emotions,
unconsciously balling both his palms into white knuckled fists. Unknown to
him a figure by the door was watching closely, a worried furrow creasing the

The laying boy turned his attention from the white ceiling to the plaster wall
letting his gaze wander lazily till he caught sight of the digital clock. It read
3.58 PM. His eyes became wide and as if upon reflex he shot up immediately
to his feet. His body however, still exhausted retaliated. Instantly he felt
the aftermath, his legs giving way beneath him as he felt the room spin and
grow dim. He didn’t even have strength to prepare for impact to the hard

Only there was no impact. For a moment the dark haired boy had a sensation
of floating. As the spinning began to subside he felt distinct support to his
torso and back. When his vision finally cleared he saw slender arms giving
way to slender fingers holding him up from behind. He must have toppled
backwards to be in such position he thought. But the young boy remained
propped up for what seemed like the longest time dumbfounded and unable
to discern his savior.

He felt himself be lifted slightly and he willed his weak legs to support him.
“You ok..?”

The timber of the voice reverberated through his being seeing as he was
still leaning heavily on his rescuers chest. Feeling even more embarrassed he
detached himself immediately, spinning around to apologize but something
else came out entirely.

“Yunho..?” the taller boy grinned, one hand scratching the back of his head.
He didn’t want to have to explain his presence. It would undoubtedly lead to
him confessing to have been watching the other boy without his consent.

Though he hadn’t intended it to be that way. Yunho had spotted the older
boy in the studio alone rehearsing a dance routine that he already
memorized by heart. It was clear however that the other boy had
difficulties remembering the steps. At first the younger boy was triggered
by curiosity as he stopped to watch. But slowly he became mesmerized by
the languid movements of the effeminate boy however off step they might
have been and then admiration at the determination he saw in the soft
features of the boy before him. When the lithe body had lost his balance
yunho had sprung into action without as much as a thought. Though at the
moment countless excuses were playing in his mind as the dark haired boy
looked to him slightly puzzled.

But his worry was unwarranted as the older boy gave him an embarrassed

“thanks.. I though I was going to pass out for a second there..”

“I think you did for a bit..” There was no masking the worry that flowed
from the taller boy. Jae only laughed.

“serves me right then..” The lithe boy attempted to retrieve his pack from
the corner of the room but then let out moan.

“it’s ok, I’ll get it.” Yunho jogged and grabbed the bag, returning to the other
boy, taking one arm over his shoulder and slipping his arm to his waist.
“I can walk..” the older boy protested.

“Uhuh” but he didn’t put up a fight as the taller boy made no move to release

Jae could only thank the gods that the next class required only the use of
his voice and no other physical feats. It was a class he shared with Yunho
among others. It was also the few subjects that Jae felt he thrived in.
Dance class however, he felt like like fish out of water.

“You know you shouldn’t do that” the younger boy started. “ To your body..
you can really do something irreversible.” Jae remained silent. He knew it
was true, yet the incessant complaints from his tutor grated on his pride. He
needed desperately to improve.

The tutor for voice lessons hardly gave the two boys a second glance as they
entered. He was however secretly relieved to find his favorite student had
found his way to class despite the obvious pain he seemed to display.

The 2 hour session continued with students singing solo pieces accompanied
by only the piano. Though all trainees within SM walls had voices, many
lacked the knowledge to manipulate them. Yunho felt especially uneasy. He
was of a different genre all together, entering the academy for his stage
performances than for his voice.

“Kim jaejoong”

The boy beside him stood, limping his way to the front. Though many
students felt meek and nervous beside such a grand instrument, Jaejoong
looked perfectly at home, resting one of his arms on the dark mahogany. The
piece began slowly, the pianist swaying slightly to the melody. And then his
voice came. Soft at first. almost tender. As the song built, the older boy’s
voice became almost heartbreaking, narrating a story of lost love. The class
was still, each and every person absorbed into the music and voice that
suited one another perfectly. His voice was so clear, and the pain seemed
almost real radiating from the beautiful boy that Yunho felt it struck his
soul. The song finished just as softly as it had started, and there was just
“Good kim jaejoong” applause followed the tutors remark. The young boy
bowed hiding his shy smile as he made his way to his spot beside his wide
eyed companion.

“Where did that come from?” The younger boy asked, his eyes still fixated.

“My heart” replied the other boy grinning at him.

“You have to teach me…” He whispered. The other boy chuckled.

“I can’t teach you to use your heart pabo.”

“No I meant.. my voice.”

Jae looked questioningly at his friend. His tone was nervous. The older boy
knew it was something not many people often heard. Yunho’s light brown eyes
were almost pleading. And he was sure he was the only one who had ever seen

I grin formed on the smaller boys lips.

“Only if you teach me how to dance” Yunho joined in his grinning.

“Deal. I take care of you and you take care of me. Promise Kim Jaejoong?”
He leaned over extending his pinky. The older boy received it with laughter.

“ I promise Jung Yunho”

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