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Aquino’s speech in the US Congress

MASS ended with a statement that indicates
that ____
1. According to the National Historical
= it is a shining testament to the
Commission’s report on July 15,
two nations’ commitment to
2020, the site of the first Mass was in
10. Corazon Aquino believed that,
= False
“Force may be necessary before
2. The two primary sources that
mercy” (according to Lincoln) and
historians refer to in identifying the
will only take one path that leads to
first mass are A) Francisco Albo’s
the freedom of her country
log, and B) the account by Antonio
= False
11. What was not known to many
= Both choices are true
Filipinos during Aquino’s presidency
3. During the time of her presidency,
was that ______
the national debt reached $26 million
= she had the choice of waiving the
= False
debt incurred by Marcos
4. Cory Aquino’s 1986 speech wanted
12. The whole point of knowing where
to restore a constitutional
the first catholic mass was conducted
government to that supports
is to ____
dictatorship in the elections
= do a historiographical exercise in
= False
the use of evidence and
5. Cory Aquino’s 1986 speech included
interpretation in reading historical
a mention of her predecessor setting
aside democracy to save it from
communist insurgency
= True MT_AS1 Cory and the First Mass
6. The parallelism of Aquino’s
1. Former president Aquino’s speech
government with that of Marcos was
in the US congress ended with a
that _______
statement of
= both continued an alliance
= The Philippines’ and America’s
between Filipinos and America
testament and commitment to
7. Cory Aquino believed that the path
to recovery should be a path of
2. In what respect were Aquino’s
peace. This is true when she
government and that of Marcos
addressed the situation on the
= They both continued their
= True
alliance with the American
8. Aquino stated that the debt that the
former government incurred____
= All of these
3. What was the whole rationale of 11. Cory Aquino believed that the path
knowing where the first Catholic to recovery is to build, build, build
mass was conducted? Choose the form the ruins of Marco’s regime
best answer = False
= to do a historiographical exercise
in the use of evidence and
interpretation in reading historical MT_QZ2 Cavite Mutiny
4. Corazon Aquino believed that she 1. The meaning of “polo y servicios”
needed to force the nation into is
submission to the rule of decency = Forced labor
and productivity that leads to the 2. According to the Filipino scholar’s
freedom of her country account
= False =
5. A democratic government was 3. The biased report of Izquierdo
constitutional government that included statements that
eliminates dictatorship = All of these
= True 4. One of the reasons of the Mutiny
6. Aquino stated that the foreign debt was the abolition o privileges
that the Marcos regime incurred enjoyed by workers of the Cavite
would be arsenal
= honored by her administration = True
7. During the time of her presidency, 5. The report oy Izquierdo included:
the US Government pardoned all A) liquidation high-ranking Spanish
the national debt that reached $26 officials, and B) killing the friars
billion = Both A and B are true
= False 6. Which two events happened in 1872
8. Which primary source/s historians Philippines
refer to in identifying the first = Cavite mutiny and
mass? A) Gregorio Zaide’s log; B) GOMBORZA
the account by Antonio Pigafetta 7. Other than the trial and execution of
= Only choice B is true GOMBORZA, lawyers like Tavera,
9. Democracy and the issue on Regidor and Basa were
communist insurgency were the = Arrested and sentenced to life
focal point in Cory Aquino’s 1986 imprisonment
speech in the US Congress 8. Which of these are the primary
= True sources of the Cavite mutiny?
10. National Historical Commission’s = all of these
report on July 15, 2020, the site of 9. Who wrote the alternative Filipino
the first Mass was in Limasawa version of Cavite mutiny?
= True = Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo
Pardo de Tavera
MT_AS2 CAVITE Mutiny 5. The meaning of "polos y servicios"
is _____.
1. According to the Filipino scholar's
= forced labor
6. Which is true of the the "Balaguer
= All of the above
Testimony" in stating the
2. Jose Rizal's writing were aimed at
ending colonialism and liberating
A) Rizal woke up and received
Filipino minds.
= True
B) He had some midnight snack
C) He attended mass
= Only A and C
1. Which of these are the primary 7. Jose Rizal's writing were aimed at
sources of the Cavite Mutiny? ending colonialism and liberating
=a. Gregoria Zaide's "Documentary Filipino minds.
Sources of Philippine History = True
b. Jose Montero's account
c. Kartilya of the Katipunan 8. Which is said of the purported
d. Official Report of Governor document on Rizal’s retraction?
Izquierdo = That it was translated by Fr.
All of the above Manuel Garcia.
That it was made on December 29,
2. According to the source of Michael 1896
Charleston Chua, “Retraction ni That it mentioned that Rizal was
Jose Rizal: Mga Bagong born as a Catholic.
Dokumento at Pananaw”, the priests All are applicable.
who saw Rizal before his death
were: 9. The biased report of Izquierdo
=Fr. Vilaclara and Fr. March included statements that_____.
= Filipinos wanted to overthrow the
3. Which of these magazines Spanish government
published the “Retraction”? Filipinos wanted to install "hari"
A) La Voz Espanola Filipinos wanted to place Frs.
B) Diario de Manila Burgos and Zamora as their leaders
C) La Juventud All of these.
= All of these.
10. Which is included in the Report of
4. True or False? One of the reasons of Izquierdo?
the Mutiny was the abolition of A) liquidating high-ranking Spanish
privileges enjoyed by workers of officials.
the Cavite arsenal. B) killing the friars.
= True = Both A and B are true.
11. Jose Rizal's essays were meant to = False
vilify ____. 19. Which two events happened in 1872
= the Spanish friars Philippines?
12. Who wrote the alternative Filipino = Cavite Mutiny and
version of the Cavite Mutiny? GOMBURZA
= Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo 20. Rizal's connection to the Katipunan
de Tavera is through the La Liga Filipina.
13. Any piece of writing from Rizal that = True
recants everything he wrote against
the friars and the Catholic Church
could ____. MT_AS3 Article on the Retraction
= Deal heavy damage to his image of Rizal
as a prominent revolutionary
leader 1. Rafael Palma's actions and words
14. Other than the trial and execution of attest that he logically believes in
GOMBURZA, lawyers like Tavera, the retraction of Rizal.
Regidor, and Basa were____.
"Of the version circulated by
= arrested and sentenced to life
ecclesiastical authorities of that time,
the part which refers to Rizal's
15. Whose statement is considered only
abjuration of masonry and to his
a secondary source in the
conversion to Catholicism at the last
hour was not considered satisfactory
= Fr. Balaguer
and truthful by Filipino public
16. According to the Filipino scholar's
= there were no intention of = False
secession from Spain.
it was merely a mutiny by Filipino 2. In the "sterilizing his influence in
soldiers and laborers of the Cavite the future",
arsenal. The Jesuits' two attempts to make
Izquierdo prohibited the founding of Rizal retract had different motives.
the school of arts and trades for Which were they? The second was
Filipinos undertaken with the main "
All of the above.
17. Consider the two statements from the = the purpose of sterilizing Rizal's
“Retraction”: influence on the future
A) I abominate masonry. for the benefit of the Jesuits' own
B) I am a son of the Catholic Church good
= Both A and B are true
statements. 3. Who are the most likely to
18. Rizal agreed to the revolution when perpetrate a fraud of retraction?
they sent Pio Valenzuela to inform = Spanish ecclesiastical
him about it. authorities
4. What were the "holes" in the and a loyal Spaniard." Where is
Jesuits' version of the story? If this declaration?
this were true, then _____ = In the hands of the
(Check all that apply.) archbishop
 = the claim of marrying 7. The only priest who laid the basis
Rizal and Josephine was for the story that Rizal retracted
totally belied by the facts his words and deeds was Fr.
 he would certainly have _________ (Complete name,
said so in his 6a.m. ALL CAPS)
communication to his Answer: VICENTE
mother on the fateful day of BALAGUER
his execution 8. Which of the following believed
 Balaguer claim of having that Rizal retracted?
performed the canonical = Leon Maria Guerrero
marriage of Rizal and 9. Balaguer's retraction claim was
Josephine, Balaguer said he corroborated by the two Jesuits
performed it in front of one who were present at Rizal's
of Rizal's sisters between 6 execution.
and 6:25 a.m. on December = false
30. But none of Rizal's
sisters went to the fort that
5. Austin Coates' statement: "A
man of whom there is no record
that he ever told a lie can
scarcely be considered as having
chosen a solemn moment to tell
his first one..." this means
Coates believes that ______.
= Rizal did not retract
6. In a letter to Ferdinand
Blumentritt shortly after the
execution, Fredrich Stahl, a
Manila pharmacist, wrote:
"On the day of the execution, the
Spaniards published an article in
all the local papers, according to
which, Rizal, in a written
declaration made by him on the
day of his death, retracted all his
writings and deeds and proclaims
himself to be a repentant sinner

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