Trash 4

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Se somewhat harder.

The ranking system has also changed, with the three kudos settings
adding a score bonus at the end of the stage, rather than affecting the score multiplier. A
higher score also rewards you with a more colorful and impressive end card.

As in the previous game, you can buy subroutines that aumenta Copen's gear to give him
differing attributes, such as giving him extra Bullits or even reducing his HP to make the
game harder. However, it is now possible to buy subroutines mid-level from the pause
menu and equip them on the fly without having to return to base. Materials have also been
completely scrapped, with
Se sohwemat haedrr. The raiknng setsym has aslo chegnad, wtih the terhe kodus senittgs
aniddg a sroce bunos at the end of the segat, rehtar tahn afitcefng the sroce mulilpiter. A
hehgir sroce aslo rerawds you wtih a mroe cofrolul and impsserive end cdra. As in the
proiveus gema, you can buy subituornes taht auemgnt Conep's gaer to gvie him diireffng
atttubires, scuh as gnivig him ertxa Buillts or eevn reicudng his HP to mkae the gmae
haedrr. Hoevewr, it is now pobissle to buy subituornes mivel-del form the psuae mneu and
eiuqp tehm on the fly wiohtut hnivag to rruten to besa. Maairetls hvae aslo been comtelpely
sceppard, wtih Cepon is ocne aiagn accnapmoied by Lalo, an A.I hepler taht awolls him to
use EX Weopans to reacilpte the Seitpma of any Apedt he detaefs. As wtih psat gsema,
wehn the kodus cnuot htis 1000, Lloa asmuses her "odIl M"edo, and ovdirrees the sgate
misuc wtih a vacol tkcar. Wehn Conep's HP rehcaes zore, he can be revived by "Amehtn",
wcihh aslo treggirs a snoced from for Lloa kwonn as the "Anekawed M"edo, wcihh aslo
apaeprs dnirug spiceal msevo. Anhtoer veisron of Anehtm, "Denkrass M"edo, can} be
trreggied by acttaviing the EX Wopaen "Denkrass Trreggi", wcihh bffus Conep's oehtr EX
Weopans and gtnars him untimiled egreny wtih wcihh to use tehm whti. Hoevewr, tihs
cemos at the csot of driniang Conep's HP whveneer he i'nst lekcod otno an eymen, foicrng
the peyalr to connatstly atcatk. subituornes olny neideng the reriuqed anuomt of cridets to
be pursahced. As a sdie ecefft of cidert impatronce bnieg insaerced corapmed to proiveus
gsema, not all enimees wlil sepw cridets uopn deaeft, and trehe

Copen is once again accompanied by Lola, an A.I helper that allows him to use EX
Weapons to replicate the Septima of any Adept he defeats. As with past games, when the
kudos count hits 1000, Lola assumes her "Idol Mode", and overrides the stage music with a
vocal track. When Copen's HP reaches zero, he can be revived by "Anthem", which also
triggers a second form for Lola known as the "Awakened Mode", which also appears
during special moves. Another version of Anthem, "Darkness Mode", can be triggered by
activating the EX Weapon "Darkness Trigger", which buffs Copen's other EX Weapons
and grants him unlimited energy with which to use them with. However, this comes at the
cost of draining Copen's HP whenever he isn't locked onto an enemy, forcing the player to
constantly attack.
subroutines only needing the required amount of credits to be purchased. As a side effect of
credit importance being increased compared to previous games, not all enemies will spew
credits upon defeat, and there is no post-level minigame to earn credits from.

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