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SELF CITATION LETTER Volume 1, Issue 2 1

The Truth about Nelson Tansu

Nelson Tansu, Member, IEEE Self Citation

Abstract— Self-citation, where an author cite his own works, Eric doesn't even called himself the youngest professor.
account for a significant portion of total citations in the field. Self Here are examples of real genius.
citation or self referencing can be a result of an author’s social Charles Fefferman entered college at the age of 12 at the
and psychological needs for personal gratification. It is used as a
tactical tool to get famous, in the struggle for visibility and
University of Maryland, published his first academic paper at
scientific authority. This paper provides a self consistent citation the age of 15. He earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics from
analysis on a famous self-proclaimed youngest professor in the Princeton and became a FULL professor of mathematics at the
history from Medan. The analysis reveals the author has a high University of Chicago by 22.
self citation, able to cite himself 10 to 40 times in a publication. See:
The activity of self citation is more than 50% of the number of Terence Tao born in 1975 earned his Ph.D. from Princeton
citations he received. This is consistent self citation.
at the age of 21 and became an Assistant professor at UCLA at
the age of 21. UCLA promoted him to a FULL professor of
Index Terms— Optoelectronics; Semiconductor Properties; mathematics at the age of 24.
Semiconductor Diode Lasers; Metalorganic chemical Vapor Noam Elkies become a FULL professor in Mathematics at
Deposition; Quantum Wells; III/V compound semiconductor the age of 26 at Harvard:
materials. (
Dr. Tathagat Avtar Tulsi, from India, becomes an assistant
professor at the Indian Institute of Technology at Powai in
Bombay at the age of 22.

N elson Tansu has become very popular on the web because

of the Indonesian media. Nelson Tansu proclaimed to the
Indonesian media that he is the youngest professor in the

There are so many real genius in the world, read here, and
history. Nelson Tansu has been telling lies and making false Tansu is not one of them
claims to the Indonesian news, making people think he is a There is a website listing the Young Exceptionally Gifted
genius. Hundreds of websites from Indonesia claimed that Students, Read here Tansu is not one of them
Nelson Tansu is the genius from Indonesia.
This paper will look at all of Nelson Tansu’s claim and
showed that he’s been telling lies Here is a list if child prodigies, the real genius, Tansu is not
one of them
Nelson Tansu proclaimed that he is the youngest professor
in the history. The fact is Tansu just got an ASSISTANT Meanwhile Nelson Tansu only became an ASSISTANT
professor at the age of 26 years old. He is NOT even a FULL professor at the age of 26 years. Assistant professor is a
professor yet. You can learn about different US professors position generally after receiving PhD.And now he is only just
here: an ASSOCIATE professor at the age of 33 years old.
The world's youngest professor is Alia Sabur becomes a He is NOT even a FULL professor.
professor at the age of 19 years recognized by Guinness World In the US, there are so many young professors, after getting
record. ( a PhD one can become an assistant professor.
There are many young ASSISTANT Professor in the US
who are even younger than 26 years old.
For example: III. THE 300 CANDIDATES
Eric Demaine is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science
at the world famous MIT at the age of 22 years old Tansu also boasted that he managed to get the assistant
professor after eliminating 300 candidates.
Manuscript received April 9, 2011. This work was supported in part by the Can you belive there are 300 candidates for a specialized
World Department of Self Citation under Grant BS Tansu. job in Electrical and Computer Engineering? How many days
N. Tansu is with the National Institute of Self Citation.
SELF CITATION LETTER Volume 1, Issue 2 2

it will take to interview 300 candidates? More than 3 months!! Tansu claims he has more than 1000 citations.
Unless all of the candidates are idiots?? Most of the citations are self citations. Many research has
shown Tansu manipulate citation.

Tansu claims that Lehigh University of the world top

This is a false claim, Not True. Lehigh is only ranked 500 in
the world Tansu in an Interview for Lehigh University said that only 10% of Indonesian graduated High School and 1% graduated
university-rankings/2010 in University.
Meanwhile other Universities from Asia are ranked in the This is an understatement by a professor who don't know
top 50: about Indonesia saying that the 230 million Indonesian people
University of Hong Kong is ranked 23 are stupid. The real estimate is; the number of university
Tokyo University is ranked 24 students in Indonesia is around 23% of the population. The
Kyoto University is ranked 25 current number of university students are around 4.8 million
National University of Singapore is ranked 31 (already 2% of the population). Nelson Tansu who called
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is himself genius, but cannot get a simple number right.
ranked 40
Peking University is ranked 47
Osaka University is ranked 49 IX. THE PASSION
Seoul National University is ranked 50
Tansu also claimed in the same interview that his passion is
How can you call Lehigh A Top University when it is teaching and will do it even without getting paid.
ranked 500 below many Asian universities? If this is true, why Tansu don't teach in Indonesia for free?
Do a bit of service to your country.


Tansu also claims that many universities in Japan aksed
Nelson Tansu to return home to teach. Here are another Self Consistent Citation Analysis on
A big Lie. As shown above 3 of Japan's universities are Nelson Tansu recent papers published in 2011. This is another
ranked top 50 in the world. Why do they want to hire someone consistent proof of Self citations:
with ranked 500 below japan?
Zhang, J., Zhao, H., Tansu, N. 2011. Gain characteristics of
deep UV AlGaN quantum wells lasers. Proceedings of SPIE -
VI. THE SALARY The International Society for Optical Engineering 7953, art.
Tansu said his Salary is over $10,000 per month. Not True. no. 79530H
The average Assistant Professor Salary is $58,000 per year This paper has 27 References to Tansu
All salary of US professor is published Tansu, N., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., Liu, G., Li, X.-H., Ee, Y.-K.,
es#Salary Song, R., (...), Huang, G.S. 2011. Novel approaches for high- efficiency InGaN quantum wells light-emitting diodes: Device
49E3-9C07-51D5E5EE887E/0/Table4.pdf physics and epitaxy engineering Proceedings of SPIE - The
International Society for Optical Engineering 7954, art. no.
VII. PUBLICATIONS & CITATIONS This paper has 40 References to Tansu

Tansu claims he has published more than 200 articles Li, X.-H., Ee, Y.-K., Song, R., Tansu, N. 2011.
Most articles are duplicate from conference proceedings and Enhancement of light extraction efficiency of InGaN quantum
later published as a journal paper doubling the number. Tansu wells light-emitting diodes using TiO2 microsphere arrays.
never write any paper anymore. Now he is only listed as last Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical
authors in all papers. Engineering 7954, art. no. 79540U
This paper has 27 References to Tansu
SELF CITATION LETTER Volume 1, Issue 2 3

Zhang, J., Tong, H., Liu, G., Herbsommer, J.A., Huang, The authors would like to acknowledge helpful technical
G.S., Tansu, N. 2011. Characterizations of Seebeck discussions with Prof. Tansu regarding the calculation and
coefficients and thermoelectric figures of merit for AlInN analysis of self citation. The author declares no conflict of
alloys with various In-contents. Journal of Applied Physics interest with the subject of this paper.
109 (5), art. no. 053706
This paper has 17 References to Tansu
Wow.. Tansu loves himself so much that he cite himself 20 [1] Tansu N. 2011. Self Consistent Citation Analysis of Self Citation
to 40 times in a paper! He is the world's youngest self citation Letters 1(1):1-3.
professor in the history. [2] Tansu N. 2011. Self Consistent Citation of Tansu Group. Self Citation
Letters 1(3):1-3.
[3] Tansu, N., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., et al 2011. Proceedings of SPIE - The
The following papers show Tansu activities in self International Society for Optical Engineering 7954, art. no. 795418.
consistent citation [4] Li, X.-H., Tong, H., Zhao, H., Tansu, N. 2010 . Proceedings of SPIE -
The International Society for Optical Engineering 7597, art. no.75970H.
Ee Y.-K., Kumnorkaew P., Arif R.A., Tong H., Zhao H.,
Gilchrist J.F., Tansu N. Optimization of light extraction
efficiency of III-nitride LEDs with self-assembled colloidal- Nelson Tansu (born in Medan, Sumatera Utara,
20th of October 1977; age 33 years old) is the world
based microlenses. 2009, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in self-proclaimed youngest professor in history. Nelson
Quantum Electronics, Tansu. He is a self-proclaimed expert and genius in
This paper has 18 self referencing to Tansu nanotechnology and optoelectronic from Indonesia
who has become a tenure-tracked Assistant Professor
And this paper is cited by Tansu 16 times in the University of Lehigh when he was 25 years
old. Tansu has eliminated more than 300 doctors to
Zhao H., Arif R.A., Ee Y.-K., Tansu N. get the position since July 2003. He was the self-
proclaimed youngest professors appointed in a high profile university in
Optical gain analysis of strain-compensated InGaN-AlGaN America. Since his surname “Tansu” sounds Japanese, Tansu claims that
quantum well active regions for lasers emitting at 420-500 nm many Japanese Consulates has tried to persuade him to return to Japan to
2008, Optical and Quantum Electronics, (5-6) 301-306 contribute to Japan’s economy. BUT, Prof. Tansu declared that he actually
This paper has 18 self referencing to Tansu holds a Green Passport with the image of Garuda Pancasila. Tansu’s
Doctorate dissertation received the award as “The 2003 Harold A. Peterson
And this paper is cited by Tansu 15 times. Best ECE Research Paper Award” winning over 300 other Doctorate
dissertations. In total, he has received 11 scientific international awards and
XI. EVIDENCE OF HIGH SELF CITATION has published over 200 articles in international journals and more than 1200
self citations. Currently he is a visiting professor in 18 higher education and
• Tansu, N., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., et al 2011. Proceedings of research institutions. He is also active and often invited as a speaker in many
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering international events in USA, Canada, Europe and Asia.
7954, art. no. 795418. This publication has 40 self
• Li, X.-H., Tong, H., Zhao, H., Tansu, N. 2010 . .
Proceedings of SPIE -The International Society for Optical
Engineering 7597, art. no.75970H. This publication has 23
self referencing.
• Tong, H., Zhang, J., Zhao, H., Liu, G., Handara, V.A.,
Herbsommer, J.A., Tansu, N. 2010 Proceedings of
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
7602, art. no. 76020U. This publication has 19 self
• Zhao, H., Liu, G., Tansu, N. Applied Physics Letters 97
(13), art. no. 131114. This publication has 16 self referencing.
The examples show that Tansu in total has 10-40 self
referencing in a publication. Each publication reference
himself up to 40 times. This is an excessive self referencing.

Nelson Tansu is not the youngest professor in the history.
He just make up all this lies to the Indonesian people.

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