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21stCentury Literature from

the Philippines and the World

Quarter 2 Week 1 and 2

Writing a Close Analysis and
Critical Interpretation of Literary
Texts applying a Reading Approach
a. write a close analysis and critical
interpretation of literary texts using a
reading approach and identify
representative text from Africa and Asia

b. create/produce a creative
representation of a literary text by
applying multi-media skills

c. show appreciation of different

representative literary texts
Writing a Close Analysis and
Critical Interpretation of
Literary Texts applying a
Reading Approach
❑reading is a fluent process of readers combining
information from a text and their own background
knowledge to build meaning (Nunan,2003)

❑complex conscious and unconscious mental process in

which the reader uses a variety of strategies to
reconstruct the meaning that the author is assumed to
have intended, based on data from the text and from
the reader’s prior knowledge (Mikulecky, 2015)
Reading is a gateway to
learning anything about
everything. It helps you
discover new things and
educate yourself in any
area of life you are
interested in. You can find
a book on just about any
subject you can imagine,
dive in and start learning.
When we watch television or a
movie, all the information is given
to us on the screen – there’s
nothing we need to imagine. A
book in its pure form is just words
on a page, and our minds have to
do the work, imagining the words
coming to life. This does wonders
to develop our creativity and
Having access to a world of
words is one of the best ways to
improve their vocabulary and
enhance their spelling skills. New
knowledge that’s gained through
enjoyment has a tendency to
stick and doesn’t even feel like
work! Both their written and
spoken communication abilities
can be improved through regular
Not only does reading focus
your attention entirely on the
task at hand, it also immerses
you in the information,
improving concentration and
memory of what you read.
Getting completely involved
in a book can help us relax
and feel calm.
Teachers use reading approach as one of the methods in teaching
English. This approach is one way of solving student’s reading
problems. Students are demanded to read more to improve their
knowledge and get new ideas. Inferencing, guessing and predicting are
important skills developed in reading. By reading, students will know about
the different of culture by reading across cultural understanding, and they
will learn how to pronounce the words correctly. In reading approach,
students are expected to improve their English skills.
- the main idea of a text is quickly
- the goal is to read shorter texts to
extract accurate detailed
- is done at speed three to four times
faster than regular reading
- people often skim when they have
lots of material to read in a limited
amount of time
- some students will read the first
and last paragraphs using headings,
summarizes and other organizers as
they move down the page or screen
- some might also read the title,
subtitles, subheadings, and
- other people consider reading the
first sentence of each paragraph
- works well to find dates, names,
and places.
- might be used to review graphs,
tables, and charts.
- this technique is useful when you
are seeking specific information
rather than reading for
- quickly reading a text to get the
summary of it
- a technique wherein students
search for keywords or ideas.
- involves moving eyes quickly
down the page seeking specific
words and phrases
- also used for the reader to find
answers to questions.
- an approach to language learning,
including foreign language learning, by
means of a large amount of reading
- the readers view and review of
unfamiliar words in a specific context
will allow the reader to infer the word’s
meaning, to learn unknown words.
- is the free reading of books and other
written material that is not too difficult
for readers.
- extensive Reading is sometimes called
Free Voluntary Reading.
- an approach to language learning,
including foreign language learning, by
means of a large amount of reading
- the readers view and review of
unfamiliar words in a specific context
will allow the reader to infer the word’s
meaning, to learn unknown words.
- is the free reading of books and other
written material that is not too difficult
for readers.
- extensive Reading is sometimes called
Free Voluntary Reading.
- to read with full concentration and
complete focus
It’s not about reading book after book or 10
articles a day. Even if you’re reading a single-
line quote, you should try to understand what
the words are trying to convey.
- is one of the most critical skills you can
develop to get a better understanding of
When you have to read a report for work, for
instance, you can’t just skim it and call it a day.
You have to get a deeper understanding of
what’s written, assess the purpose and evaluate
the results to make sense of it.
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
Writing a Close Analysis and Critical Interpretation of
Literary Texts Applying a Reading Approach
YpQ8U/Maestrang Techy

Pictures are taken from

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