Social Media Journalism Syllabus - Winter 2022

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J463/563: Social Media Journalism

School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon

Spring 2021

Instructor:          Damian Radcliffe, Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism, Professor of Practice

Office: 201 Allen Hall
Office hours: Via Zoom - 11am-12pm Tuesday, 4pm-5pm Thursday. Other times by
Telephone: 541-346-7643 (voicemail). SMS/Text 541-972-5531 from 9am-9pm.
You can also email or DM me on Twitter @damianradcliffe
Class Hours: 2.00pm – 3.50pm Monday and Wednesday, 306 Allen Hall.
Credits: 4
Materials: Please bring lots of enthusiasm, headphones and your mobile phone to class.
You will need to multiple apps for this class, some of which are mobile only.
Please see me privately if you have ay questions or concerns about this.

Course Description


Social Media has changed the way that both journalists - and audiences - find and share the news.
How are these changes affecting journalistic practice? And what are the social media skills that
journalists need today?

This class will explore the social media strategies of major news media outlets and journalists,
exploring different social platforms and how you can use them effectively as journalists.

It will also teach you how to use social media to verify and manage content from different sources,
as well as explore best practice in develop relationships with communities through online channels.

Strong social media skills are highly sought after by employers. But usage of these platforms in
your personal life don’t necessarily translate into effective use in a professional, journalistic
setting. This course will redress that by improving your knowledge of how major social networks
are being used by audiences, journalists and news publishers. Questions we will explore include:

 What is the role of social media in the way that audiences find, consume, and share news?
 What are the implications of this for news organizations?
 How are they responding to these challenges?
 What are the characteristics of different social platforms?
o What does this mean for journalism and storytelling?
 How are different platforms used by news organizations to tell stories?
 What impact does social media have on the role of journalists in 2018?
 How is that role changing?

At the end of this course, you will have a firm grasp of these key issues, as well as the ability to tell
your own stories through social media.

To do this, the course will blend classroom lectures and discussion, guest speakers, practical
exercises and fieldwork with your own reading and research.

You will be expected to critically consume social news (news stories told on social media
platforms), as well as the latest industry developments, throughout the course. In doing this, you
will consistently share – and discuss – your findings and analysis with the class.

Given how fast the social media landscape changes - and the sheer breadth of this space – _each
student will play a key role in helping their peers to develop their own knowledge of this rapidly
evolving environment.

What you can expect to learn:

By the end of this course you will be able to:

1. Understand and describe some of the major trends in social media usage.

2. Describe characteristics of major social platforms; including best practice for them.

3. Create compelling journalistic social media content on different social networks.

4. Know where to look for relevant industry information/data/analysis about social media.

5. Use industry standard tools, such as Hootsuite, Google Drive and Medium, for collaborative and
individual work.

6. Possess knowledge of major – and emerging - social networks / types of channels, such as:

 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Snapchat
 TikTok
 Pinterest
 LinkedIn
 Live Video services such as YouTube Live, Periscope and Facebook Live
 Messaging based apps like WeChat, WhatsApp and Line
 Platforms growing in influence and impact such as Reddit, Discord and Twitch.

7. Critique your own ideas/output – and those of your peers – on social media topics.

8. Understand the implications of your digital – and social – footprint.

9. Display a killer LinkedIn profile to the outside world.

10. Demonstrate experience of getting hands-on with a variety of new tools and digital apps.

Learning Methods
These will include:

Discussing key market data and trends, developing your understanding of their implications.

* Class lectures, discussions and conversations with guest speakers

Researching and analyzing emerging issues and players.

* Reading – _and critically evaluating – _a wide range of content

* In-‐class assignments and tasks (writing, reading, listening, pitching etc.)

Presenting your own research and social media output to your class peers and instructor.

* Writing + Producing high quality journalistic work, both in-class and in your own time.
* Reflecting on key lessons and learning from our classes.
* Publishing your work on a public facing class website/blog/other online spaces.

Working independently and collaboratively

* Out of class assignments (story development and creation, interviewing, writing etc.)
* Online learning modules from industry leaders.

8 Key Learning Outcomes

According to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), all
accredited journalism schools in the USA should assess student mastery of 12 core values and
competencies. The full list of these values and competencies can be found later in this syllabus.

In this class, you can expect to be able to demonstrate the following:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions

in shaping communications;

2. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information;

3. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit

of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity; (All of your assignments will require this.)

4. Think critically, creatively and independently; (All of your assignments will require this.)

5. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the

communications professions in which they work;

6. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications
professions, audiences and purposes they serve; (All of your assignments will require this.)

7. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness,
clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness; (All of your assignments will
require this, especially your JSMA and Group presentation/project assignments.)
8. Apply tools and technologies (All of your assignments will require this, especially
your Rewrite assignment.)

How this class works

Technical Requirements
Canvas will be the primary portal for all communication this term. Log into using
your DuckID to access all details relating to our class.

Here you will find announcements, discussion boards, rubrics and deadlines for assignments and modules
reminding you of the work which needs to be done each week.

If you have questions about accessing and using Canvas, visit the Canvas support page. Canvas and
Technology Support also is available by phone or live chat: Monday–Sunday | 6 a.m.–12 a.m. 541-346-
4357 |

If you face Internet access challenges, computer labs are open for students at the Eugene campus.
To learn more about options visit Information Services’ web page on going remote.

Aside from Canvas for this class you will also need:

1. A smartphone – you’ll be creating and consuming mobile-first social media content throughout
the term. Please notify me privately if this is an issue and I’ll work with you.

2. Zoom - this will be the primary method for Office Hours, as I am trying to limit my time on campus
for family reasons (I have three small children aged 6, 3 and a 3 month old). If you are unable to
make class, accommodations via Zoom will be made so that you can join remotely.

In-Class Engagement
Classes will include a mixture of informal online lectures (often showcasing case studies and market data,
which we will discuss), creative assignments, discussions with industry professionals, sharing lessons and
learning from your own reading and content creation, collective feedback on assignments, reflections on
previous talks etc.

We are a small – but full – class of 18 students, which is a perfect size for meaningful, valuable, discussion
with your peers. Our classroom is an active learning space. It is an arena for the exchange of ideas and

You should treat it like a newsroom and a production office. This means that you need to be comfortable
pitching ideas, receiving – and giving – feedback, and treating everyone in the room with due respect. It’s
our job to work together to enable everyone to deliver the best possible outputs from the course.

It also means doing your prep. For example, researching guest speakers in advance of us talking to them.
These people are giving up their valuable time to talk to us, we want to make it worth their while.

Your active participation is vital. And this is reflected in the grade structure for the term.
Estimated student workload
The course features two classes a week + assignments. In addition to class attendance, you will also
be set a combination of individual and group assignments.

Tasks will include: reading, identification of case studies, preparation of presentation materials and
papers, fieldwork (interviewing, creation of content) and portfolio development.

Some assignments, and work for this class, will run concurrently. You will need to manage your time
accordingly, to balance competing workloads from this class and others. Time management – which
includes juggling competing priorities – is an ability you will always need.

Undergraduate Courses
Under the UO quarter system, each undergraduate credit reflects c.30 hours of student engagement.
Therefore, this 4-credit course is akin to approximately 120 hours total of student time.

With 40 hours of class time (10 weeks at 4 hours per week), readings and assignments will account for
another c. 80 hours of your time this term.

Graduate Courses
Graduate students are expected to perform work of higher quality and quantity, typically with forty hours
of student engagement for each student credit hour. Therefore, a 4-credit graduate course would
typically engage students c. 160 hours.

For graduate students, with 40 hours of class time (10 weeks at 2 hours per week), readings and
assignments account for another c.120 hours of your time this term.

Communicating with me: How and Why

- What you can expect from me

Our class will communicate through our Canvas site. Announcements and emails are archived there and
automatically forwarded to your UO email, and can even reach you by text. Check and adjust your settings
under Account > Notifications.

Every Monday I will post an Announcement that previews the week ahead (check the “Page” option in
Canvas). I’ll also post Modules with deadlines for work that week.

If I need to get in touch with individual students, I do so through email. However, if you’ve contacted me
via other means e.g. text or Twitter DM, I’ll reply via that route.

When giving feedback on assignments, I do so in Canvas, and look to do this in 7-10 days.

- Communicating with me

If your question is a practical, yes/no one about an assignment, listening homework,

reading, or other component of our class, please post your question on the relevant Discussion

If your question is about a technical challenge with Canvas, Zoom, or another technology, please
contact the UO Service Portal.
If your question, concern, or excitement is about course content or activities, about something
personal, is time sensitive, or is something else that doesn’t feel like it fits above, please do reach
out to me by email or by attending Office Hours. 

If you contact me with a question, I will try to respond within one business day. Feel free to
chase me if you’ve not heard back in that timescale. If it is urgent, text (541-972-5531) is best.

- Office Hours

These will be on Zoom, 11am-12pm Tuesday, 4pm-5pm Thursday. I have three young children,
two of whom are unvaccinated, so am limiting my time on campus and my in person

Please check Canvas for the links, they’ll be posted in the discussion forum and on the page each

These student drop in hours are a chance to chat about specific assignments, how you’re doing
in the course, questions you have about your career and post-graduation plans, or anything else
you want to discuss with me.

Outside of these hours, feel free to email, text or DM, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

- Professionalism

Please notify me, in writing and with as much prior notice as possible, if you must miss a class or
if work will be delivered late. If you miss a class and you haven’t notified me beforehand, then I
expect you to get in contact with me as soon as possible, to explain your absence and to agree
the best way to catch-up on what you missed.

Part of my job is to get you ready for the world of work and life after graduation. You should
treat this class like you would a job. If you’re going to miss class. Let me know ahead of time. If
you’re having problems with an assignment, talk to me.

Assignments will require original research, analysis, reporting and writing. This may involve
additional reading, conversations/interviews, and information-gathering that takes place off
campus and a different days and times.

Like all media professionals, you’ll find some tasks easier – and more enjoyable – than others.
This will ebb and flow throughout the term. That’s normal! Sometimes, ideas and concepts might
take some getting used to. Other times, they won’t. Plan your time, energies and resources

- COVID-19 and its impact on class

I say more about this later in the syllabus, and we’ll also discuss this in class in Week One.

This class is designed to be taken in-person. Please make every effort to attend class, unless for COVID-
related reasons you are unable to do so.

There will be an opportunity to join remotely via Zoom, and sessions will be recorded. Obviously this is
not the same as being in the room, or a fully online class, but I will make every effort to support – and
engage you – if you need to join us via this route.

The most important thing is not to potentially compromise your health or that of your classmates.
Everything else is secondary IMHO.

Remember that the challenges you may face producing work remotely, and in the middle of a pandemic,
are being encountered by industry professionals around the world. The skills you will demonstrate in this
class – resilience, creating high quality journalism often while on lockdown and (definitely while) social
distancing – will stand you in good stead for when you graduate.

Your assignments, academic + journalistic integrity

See the Course Policies at the back of this syllabus for more information. Below is an explanation
for what these mean for your creative and journalistic work. Thanks to Lori Shontz for this
wording, she’s said it better than I could, so I’ve reproduced this from her Reporting II syllabus.
This is obviously a different class, but the principles still apply.


The University Student Conduct Code ( defines academic

misconduct. Students are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act that
constitutes academic misconduct.

That means the following:

• Do not plagiarize: Do not copy someone else’s work and pass it off as your own. That
includes the work of professional reporters as well as the work of your classmates,
friends, family, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, teammates, roommates, fellow club
officers, etc. You get the picture.

• Attribute your work properly: Use first and last names for everyone you quote or
paraphrase in a story. Quotations are direct quotes—don’t tweak what someone said to
make the sentence sound better. If you use information from another news source,
attribute it to that source.

• Don’t copy directly from websites or other background sources: This is plagiarism, too.
Don’t think you can fool me—or your readers—by changing a word or two around. That
doesn’t fly. Again: Attribute your work properly.

• Do not make things up: Don’t invent sources, facts, people, scenarios, scores, quotes,
etc. I truly hope this is self-evident.

• Do not interview family, friends and/or acquaintances: Credibility is everything. If you
use people you know well as sources, your readers have cause to doubt whether you
are being fully truthful or withholding information that would be damaging to those
close to you.


If you plagiarize or violate these principles of academic integrity, you will flunk this class.


The best journalism reflects the community it covers. That’s why I am passionate about
increasing and maintaining diversity in newsrooms. If everyone is the same gender, race, ethnic
group, sexual orientation, religion, etc., you’re going to produce a homogenous publication that
is at best boring, at worst riddled with errors of fact and/or omission.

In this class, I will encourage open inquiry, freedom of expression and respect for difference.

I expect you to respect the differences among you and your classmates and between the class
and me. I will respect yours. We can certainly disagree—in fact, I expect that we will at times.
But we can all respect each other, and we can all learn from each other. If anything in this class
makes you uncomfortable, let me know ASAP. Let’s talk about it.

How Grades Will Be Determined – story checklist

Your work will be reviewed in the same way as any Editor would review the content submitted to
them. I will be looking for good writing, strong images, interesting stories, clarity of message, breadth
of sources used, fairness and balance, accuracy, good grammar, spelling and style. That translates into:
(h/t Lance Robertson for the excellent list below).


• NEWS JUDGMENT: The story identifies and focuses on the most compelling news values
(timeliness, proximity, importance, etc.) of the event, meeting or issue.

• THOROUGHNESS: The story demonstrates an intellectual command of the broader topic or

issue, and adequately addresses the story’s central question.

• CONTEXT: The story places the events and issues into a context that helps the reader see
how the specifics fit into a larger picture.

• RESEARCH: The story draws on reporting from an appropriate range of sources.

• INTERVIEWING: The story provides an appropriate range of voices that express

meaningful thoughts, observations and responses to important questions.

• DETAIL: The story uses detail to illustrate the central point or theme.


• THE STORY’S OPENING: The story has a strong, engaging opening (lead), and promptly
frames its central question and context to create meaning for readers. The choice of lead
format (summary, descriptive, narrative, etc.) is reflective of the event or meeting you are
covering, and the time frame you have to cover it.

• CLARITY: The story uses clear language, favors the active voice, and avoids jargon and
unneeded complexity.

• STRUCTURE AND FLOW: The story has a logical, seamless organization, including
transitional elements that moves the reader from beginning to end.

• VOICES: The story demonstrates an excellent selection of voices and quotes that convey
meaningful ideas, opinion and emotion.

• DETAIL: The story effectively uses detail about people, places or situations that illustrate the
central theme or focus of the story.

• TECHNICAL: The story has trouble-free grammar, punctuation and usage.

Although this list is most applicable to the Social Media Storytelling feature, it’s applicable

Pay particular attention to spelling platforms/brands and journalist’s names correctly, both for
the more substantial assignments and your bi-weekly Twitter threads.

Notes on graded assignments

You’ll be given a detailed brief, on Canvas and in class, for each assignment. This will include clear
directions of what’s expected and by when. I will also post a discussion board for each assignment on
Canvas. So, if anything is unclear, please ask there, so that everyone can see my response(s).

- Writing (30%)

Social Media Storytelling feature (20%)

Working on your own, you will produce a social media driven story, on the topic – and format - of
your choice. 
This could be: live blogging from an event, a human interest story, a breaking news feature or a
myriad of other (hard and soft news) possibilities.

Your story is likely to include a combination of text, video, still photography, audio and curated
links/material produced elsewhere.

You will be expected to pitch two ideas to the class – outlining your idea and the platform(s) you
propose to use. The class will then commission you to produce this story. Once the assignment is
completed, you will share with the class the lessons you learned from this task.

The assignment will be submitted via Medium, as this is the easiest platform to embed tweets,
YouTube videos, Instagram posts etc. Aim for 800-1,000 words.

For help with this assignment, I encourage you take advantage of the coaching opportunities provided
by Writing Central:

Interview a Journalist / “This is how I use social media” (10%)

How do journalists use social media? We’ll find this out in two ways: through conversations with
guest speakers (of which more below) and through finding – and interviewing a journalist about their

In doing this, you will need to find – and reach out to – a journalist from an outlet of your choosing.
Use this opportunity to find out more about your dream news organization, or role, identify your own
personal skill/knowledge gaps, and to expand your personal/professional network.

Together, we will shape the format of this write-up, inspired by the Lifehacker series “How I Work.” - we will aim publish a number of the best stories.

- Reflection and Critical Thinking (10%)

Weekly reflection (10%)

Taking the time to pause and reflect about what you have learned helps with retention of knowledge.
As a result, at the end of every other week, I’ll ask you to produce a short reflection as a Twitter
thread. For alternative weeks, you’ll produce a 2-minute YouTube style influencer video. IN later
weeks you will apply these principles to explore other apps like Headliner and Audiogram.

If you don’t know how to do create a Twitter thread, have a look at:
twitter/create-a-thread and

You must include a minimum of 5 tweets in your thread to get the points.

Your thread should include:

 Takeaways from class discussions, assignments and conversations with guests.

 Thoughts on your industry reading. Don’t just share a link, add value by saying why the
development you are posting is noteworthy. (More on this below.)

 Your YouTube-style video should be 2-mins and feature your Top 3 takeaways from the week.

Twitter Tips
 Post the link for your first tweet each week to Canvas.

 In the first tweet of the thread, use the class #tag - #SM4J

 @me - @damianradcliffe - so I can RT you submission.

 @ others – people, orgs etc. that you mention – to drive engagement from/with them

 Do search for the #tag on Twitter to see what others in the group have shared, RT, comment
and engage with them – this is how communities on social media work, so it’s good practice!

I will also useful this feedback and insights to shape the class as we go throughout the term.

YouTube influencer Tips

 You can shoot this on your phone.

 Make bullet points of what you want to say, but don’t read a script.

 Be natural. Don’t sweat it!

Work will be graded as Complete/Incomplete.

Note that you will need to sign a FERPA form if you are going to post material for class online.

You can create separate accounts for this class, or use your real accounts for either – or both – of
these weekly reflection exercises. I’ll also allow a “paper” copy for the Twitter assignment.

The key is to get you used to using social media in this professional manner.

- Research and Analysis (15%)

Emerging Platforms – presentation and write-up (In Groups, 15%)

Working in groups (2 x 4, + 2 x 5) you will be allocated a social network that you will become the class
experts in. Together you and your group will produce a “User Guide” for this social channel.

To help develop your expertise in this space, you will use a mixture of desk analysis and field research
to determine best practice for this platform. Field research will include getting hands on with this tool,
as well as identifying how other major news organizations use this application.

Combining your own first-hand experience of using this platform, with the expertise of others, will
enable you to produce a handy “how to” guide for use by the rest of the class and other journalists.

The guide should include hyperlinks, screenshots, embedded tweets/images/videos etc. to help
others to understand the best way to use this platform. You will present your initial findings (via a
presentation) to the class.

We will then give you and your group feedback on this, so you can revise your submission based on
any additional points from our class discussions that you wish to incorporate.

- Your Digital Footprint + Professional Certification (20%)

Professional portfolio + Midterm (20%)

Having a strong online presence is vital for prospective employers; and represents a great opportunity
for you to showcase your personal brand – and work – online.

To encourage you to establish this presence online, this task will ensure that you have the following in
place by the end of term:

1. A LinkedIn profile
2. HootSuite Platform Certification
3. Hootsuite Analytics Certification
4. Facebook for Journalists certification

LinkedIn Profile (5%)

Your LinkedIn profile will be graded A-F. This will present “brand you” to prospective employers.

At the end of this assignment, you will have a strong, solid, online presence on one of the biggest
social networks for professionals: LinkedIn.

TikTok Resume (5%)

In July 2021 TikTok launched "TikTok Resumes" as a pilot program “designed to continue expanding and
enhancing TikTok as a new channel for recruitment and job discovery.” Here’s your chance to make one.

Professional Hootsuite Certification (10%)

Hootsuite's Student Program provides educators and their classrooms free semester access to
professional social media tools and resources. This gives you a valuable opportunity to get hands on –
and accredited – with one of the most popular social media platforms used by media professionals.

This includes:
• Hootsuite Free Dashboard
Educators and students get hands-on learning with free access to Hootsuite's basic features.

• Free Online Courses

Access to Hootsuite Academy’s on-demand video courseware training for Hootsuite Platform
and Social Marketing.

• Free Certification
Showcase real-world social media credentials with the opportunity to earn the Hootsuite
Platform and Social Marketing certifications for free (they normally cost $$$).

You will complete both certifications for this class.

Facebook for Journalists Certification (2.5%)

A short course explaining how to use the world’s biggest social network for journalistic work.

The two Hootsuite and Facebook certificates are Complete/Incomplete.

- Other (25%)

Engagement (25%)
As I’ve mentioned at several points in this syllabus; our classroom is a newsroom. This means that you
need to be comfortable pitching ideas, receiving – and giving – feedback, and treating everyone in the
room with due respect.

You'll ask questions of guest speakers, share - and produce - work in class throughout the term. This
work feeds into this grade.

This includes, for each guest speaker, two students who will be assigned (you will be selected at
random, with names taken out of a hat) to take the lead in asking questions of our guest.

Examples of work captured by this participation grade:

 In-class writing/production exercises

 Engagement with guest speakers
 Contribution to in-class discussions
 Pitching ideas
 Giving helpful, respectful feedback to your peers, on their work

Industry Reading
Because the social media landscape changes rapidly, there are currently no set readings for this class
(although that may change). You are, however, expected to keep up to date with the latest
developments in this space.

Your weekly reflection is one place to share this. We may also discuss major developments in class –
so come prepared.

From Weeks 2 onwards, I’ll be asking two of you to share a development from the past week or so
that caught your eye and why. We’ll then discuss this. You’ll be able to sign-up for the weeks where
you lead this conversation.

There are a number of websites, and newsletters, which students will find it helpful to subscribe to.
These sources regularly feature “how to guides,” discussions about new social storytelling techniques
and data/analysis of new research related to social news.

Recommended resources include: Nieman Lab, CJR (Columbia Journalism Review), IJNET, Reliable
Sources (CNN), recode, Pew Research Center (Journalism and Media project), Poynter,

I’ve produced the following lists + links to help you:

 Six must-read newsletters to stay on top of your social media game (2021 edition) (also features
four bonus newsletters, so there’s actually ten!)

 41 Must Read websites and newsletters for journalists interested in social media

 50 Must Read websites and newsletters for journalists and students interested in the media,
tech and communications

Tasks/Weighting (subject to revision/changes)

Activity Tasks % of Grade Points
Writing 1. Social Media Storytelling 20% 200
2. Interview a Journalist / How I Work 10% 100
30% 300
Reflection 3. Weekly reflection x 10 (Twitter/YouTube etc.) 10% 100
10% 100
Research + 4. Emerging Platforms (group preso + paper) 12.5% 125
Analysis 12.5% 125
Digital 5. Professional LinkedIn site 5% 50
Footprint + 6. TikTok Resume 5% 50
Portfolio 10% 100

Digital 7. HootSuite Platform Certification 5% 50

Certification 8. HootSuite Analytics Certification 5% 50
+ Mid-Term 9. Facebook for Journalists certification 2.5% 25
12.5% 125

Other 10. Engagement (Canvas + in-class work) 25% 250

25% 250
TOTAL 100% 1,000

Grade/Percentage/Point ratios
▪ A 93-100 percent ▪ C+ 77-79 percent
▪ A- 90-92 percent ▪ C 73-76 percent
▪ B+ 87-89 percent ▪ C- 70-72 percent
▪ B 83-86 percent ▪ D 60-69 percent
▪ B- 80-82 percent ▪ F 0-59 percent

Expectations and Standards:

▪ An A story is one that could be published with very minor editing. Or no editing at all.
▪ A B story is publishable, but it would need some fixes first.
▪ A C story would need major revisions to be published.
▪ A D story would not be published; it has significant flaws.
▪ An F story has one or more major fact errors, is plagiarized or is exceptionally late. Or
all three. Or it may simply have more significant flaws than a D story.


Journalists have to delivery work on time. You’re a journalist, so that principle applies to this
class. If you submit work late, you will be docked one full grade for every 24 hours past deadline.
If there’s a legitimate reason for this, we will – together – agree a revised date, provided you
discuss it with me first, and at the earliest possible point.

I’ll treat you the same way any Editor would. However, they will expect early communication in
the event of any problems. Treat me like you would your Editor/Commissioner.

How Grades Will Be Determined – the mechanics

Grading Grid:

Category A B C D F

Strong lead: Vivid, telling Provides Essential Not a direct Factual

Informative detail. essential information lead and/or error(s).
hard information. but lacking important
(summary) clarity, information
news lead or conciseness missing.
compelling and/or detail.

Essential Who, what, 5 Ws covered Essential Essential Does not tell a

information where, when and but story not information information story.
covered. why organized provided but missing and/or
answered. clearly with disorganized. disorganized.
Story / most
Analysis important
logically information
organized. at the top.

Appropriate Strong use of Appropriate Quotes and Quotes or Quotes and

use of quotes quotes, with best use of quotes attribution attribution attribution
and quote high in and provided. missing missing
attribution. story. Attribution attribution.
provided when

Clear and Clear and concise Basically clear Thorough Writing style is Unintelligible.
concise writing. and concise. editing inappropriate
writing. Appropriate needed to for a news
news-‐writing style meet story.
Appropriate (i.e., short standards.
news-‐writing paragraphs,
or analytical descriptive detail,
style. active verbs, no

Factually Mechanically 1-‐2 minor 1 major error 2 major errors Fatal flaws:
accurate. sound, no errors. errors. Style such as a and multiple Factual errors,
Correct inconsistent. fragment, minor issues. misspelling of
grammar, run-‐on, proper names,
spelling and comma splice, multiple
punctuation. or more than grammar,
two minor spelling errors.

Other things which come into the mix:

• Layout, formatting, for digital submissions, this matters.
• Are you telling a story I’ve not heard before.
• Does your story have the X-‐Factor (it can be solid, but does it zing?)

COVID PROTOCOLS + RESOURCES (h/t Courtney Munther)

My commitment to your well-being:

At times this term, your life may feel unstable and overwhelming. I will be mindful that your life (and that
of your family and friends) may be impacted by the pandemic, climate-related crises, health issues, and
other personal issues. If you are unable to attend class or complete an assignment, please communicate
with me as soon as possible so we can work out an alternative plan. I am here to help you succeed.

Class safety:
It is vitally important to me that every member of our class feels comfortable when we are learning face to
face. For this reason, we will spend time the first week of class discussing ways each of us can contribute
to a safe and comfortable learning environment; we will then develop an informal code of conduct for our
class. If at any point you are uncomfortable with something happening in class, please text, email or set
up a time to video chat. You can trust that I will keep your concerns confidential.

Method of instruction/contingency planning:

As we transition back to in-person learning, the everchanging nature of the pandemic may present
challenges to meeting face-to-face. For this reason, I reserve the right to move this course online if
circumstances require it.

Perfect world: We will have class in person just as we did pre-pandemic. You will show up prepared,
having read all the class materials and be ready to engage with the course content. I will be amazed by
your writing, your wisdom and the perspectives you share, and you will see beautiful progress in your
ability to communicate through media relations!

Reality: I may need to make weekly or (in a pinch) day-of changes to the way this class is taught. I will be
as transparent and communicative about changes to instruction as I possibly can.

Here are the three scenarios for instruction this term:

Plan A: In-person classroom.

Plan B (for students with COVID exposures/symptoms and positive COVID tests): In-person for
healthy students + virtual classroom for students with COVID-related situations.

Plan C (for COVID outbreak or my own COVID exposure or illness): Totally virtual classroom.

Please see “Communication” section above for more about how I will communicate changes to the course
structure with you.

Mask Policy:
Masks are a simple and respectful way to protect yourself and others from contracting COVID – and they
will be key to keeping everyone in class healthy this term. Per UO, state policy and CDC guidance, face
coverings are required at all times in classrooms.

As a class, we will abide by this policy and wear masks properly (over the nose, cinched tight to the face;
see for UO’s guidelines on proper mask wearing).

What if I need a mask break? You are welcome to briefly excuse yourself from class and go
outside if you need to take a mask break or remove your mask for any reason.

Are face shields or gaiters acceptable? Nope! And neither are face shields or masks with
exhalation valves; studies show these types of face coverings do not adequately protect people
around you. UO will provide you with a free mask if needed.

What happens if someone in class isn’t wearing their mask properly? Per UO policy, I will remind
the student of proper mask-wearing protocol and ask them to adjust their mask. If the student
refuses to wear their mask properly, I will ask them to leave. If they do not leave, I will cancel class
and report the student using the UO COVID-19 Behavioral Concern Reporting Form.

What if I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask? Students unable to
wear face coverings can work with the Accessible Education Center to find a reasonable

Physical distancing:
Much of your work this term will be done individually. However, this is also a highly collaborative class in
which you will often learn through group work. Even though physical distancing isn’t required anymore for
fully vaccinated people, it’s best to be safe.

We will therefore keep as much physical distance between you and other students as possible, even
during group activities. If you ever feel uncomfortable with a situation involving physical proximity in class,
please remove yourself from the situation and let me know.


 Please do not come to class. Stay home. I will make accommodations to help you stay on track with this
course. You will NOT be penalized in any way for not being physically present in class.

1) Get a COVID test:

-If you are asymptomatic but may have been exposed: Free testing on campus
-If you have symptoms: Contact University Health Services at 541-346-2770 or your health care
provider to set up a test

2) Complete the Case + Contact Reporting Form to help reduce transmission in the UO

COMMON SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19: Please note that per the CDC, symptoms may appear 2-14 days
after exposure to the virus.

Fever or chills Fatigue

Congestion or runny nose New loss of smell/taste
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Sore throat
Muscle/body aches Nausea or vomiting
Headache Diarrhea

Do not come to class if:

-You have tested positive for COVID or have COVID symptoms
-You do not have symptoms but have been in close contact with someone with COVID
-You have symptoms of COVID
-You aren’t feeling well for whatever reason (physically or mentally)

If you have any questions at all about whether you should come to class, please reach out to me. I will
treat any health information you disclose as confidential.
1) I am feeling totally healthy: Fantastic! Best-case scenario. Come to class. I’ll be delighted to see
you in person. Everyone should conduct a daily self-assessment for illness; here’s a tool that
might be useful for you:

2) I have been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID but do not have
symptoms myself: Stay home and quarantine. Do not come to campus. See - self-check-procedures for more information.

3) My roommate’s partner has COVID: If you have been in close physical contact with that person,
stay home, quarantine (see scenario 2) and (if you feel well) come to class virtually. If your
roommate has been in close physical contact with their partner AND you have been in close
physical contact with your roommate, probably best to stay home and come to class virtually.
(Repeat as necessary for other friends/acquaintances.)

4) I suspect I may have COVID? Please do not come to class. Go get tested. To schedule a free test,

5) I test positive for COVID? Isolate per the CDC. For more:

6) I have a COVID symptom (or symptoms) but have not yet tested positive? Stay home and let me
know as soon as possible so I can make accommodations for you.

7) I have a non-COVID symptom of illness: Please stay home if you are feeling sick and let me know
as soon as possible so I can make accommodations for you.
For other COVID scenarios, see UO’s COVID resource page.

Other University COVID-related policies

- Academic Disruption

In the event of a campus emergency that disrupts academic activities, course requirements,
deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to change. Information about changes in this
course will be communicated as soon as possible by email, and on Canvas.

If we are not able to meet face-to-face, students should immediately log onto Canvas and read
any announcements and/or access alternative assignments. Students are also expected to
continue coursework as outlined in this syllabus or other instructions on Canvas.

In the event that the instructor of this course has to quarantine, this course may be taught online
during that time.

COVID Containment Plan for Classes

As the University of Oregon returns to in-person instruction, the key to keeping our community
healthy and safe involves prevention, containment, and support. Here is information critical to
how the UO is responding to COVID-19.

- Prevention
To prevent or reduce the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms and on campus, all students and
employees must:

 Comply with vaccination policy

 Wear face coverings in all indoor spaces on UO campus
 Complete weekly testing if not fully vaccinated or exempted
 Wash hands frequently and practice social distancing when possible
 Complete daily self-checks
 Stay home/do not come to campus if feeling symptomatic
 Complete the UO COVID-19 case and contact reporting form if you test positive or have
been in close contact with a confirmed or presumptive case.

- Containment

If a student in class tests positive for COVID-19, all relevant classes will be notified via an email by
the Corona Corps Care Team with instructions for students and staff based on their vaccination


o Vaccinated and Asymptomatic students: Quarantine not required, but daily self-

monitoring before coming on campus is advised; sign up for testing through MAP 3-5
days after exposure if advised you are a contact.”
o Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated students:  14-day quarantine advised – do not
come to class – and sign up for testing 3-5 days after notification through MAP, if
asymptomatic, or through University Health Services (541-346-2770) or your primary care
provider, if symptomatic.
o Symptomatic students: stay home (do not come to class/campus), complete the
online case and contact form, and contact University Health Services (541-346-2770) or
your primary care provide to arrange for immediate COVID-19 testing.

Students identified as a close contacts of a positive case will be contacted by the Corona Corps
Care Team (541-346-2292).

- Support

The following resources are available to you as a student.

 University Health Services or call (541) 346-2770

 University Counseling Center or call (541) 346-3277 or (541) 346-3227 (after hrs.)
 MAP Covid-19 Testing
 Corona Corps or call (541) 346-2292
 Academic Advising or call (541) 346-3211
 Dean of Students or call (541)-346-3216

Good Classroom Citizenship

 Wear your mask and make sure it fits you well
 Stay home if you’re sick
 Get to know your neighbors in class, and let them know if you test positive
 Get tested regularly
 Watch for signs and symptoms with the daily symptom self-check
 Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer

Complete the UO COVID-19 case and contact reporting form if you test positive or are a close
contact of someone who tests positive.

Other relevant University and Class policies

- Accessible Education (see  for more information)

The University of Oregon is working to create inclusive learning environments. Please notify me if there
are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in disability-related barriers to your
participation. You are also encouraged to contact the Accessible Education Center in 360 Oregon Hall at
541-346-1155 or

Please let me know within the first two weeks of the term if you need assistance to fully participate in the
course. Participation includes access to lectures, web-based information, in-class activities, and exams.
The Accessible Education Center ( works with students to provide an instructor
notification letter that outlines accommodations and adjustments to class design that will enable better
access. Contact the Accessible Education Center for assistance with access or disability-related questions
or concerns.

- Academic Misconduct

You can find faculty resources on academic misconduct here:

The University Student Conduct Code (available at defines academic misconduct.
Students are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act that constitutes academic
misconduct. By way of example, students should not give or receive (or attempt to give or receive)
unauthorized help on assignments or examinations without express permission from the instructor.

Students should properly acknowledge and document all sources of information (e.g. quotations,
paraphrases, ideas) and use only the sources and resources authorized by the instructor. If there is any
question about whether an act constitutes academic misconduct, it is the students’ obligation to clarify
the question with the instructor before committing or attempting to commit the act.

Additional information about a common form of academic misconduct, plagiarism, is available


The U of O policy on academic dishonesty will be observed throughout this course. Plagiarizing
and/or cheating will result in an automatic failure of the course.

We will also talk about the importance of proper attribution of your sources and providing credit
where it is due. In the digital arena, this is more important than ever, as the lifting of quotes or
the creation of false content, nevermind plagiarism can all be easily identified. Careers can – and
have been – destroyed as a result of breaking these rules. Don’t be foolish and make the same

Keep these key parts of the Student Code of Conduct in mind, from the section on Academic

1. Assisting in the commission of academic misconduct: Helping another engage in

academic misconduct.

2. Cheating: Unauthorized collaboration, accessing, or using of unauthorized materials,

information, tools, or study aids.

3. Fabrication: Providing false information in fulfilment of an academic assignment,

exercise, or other requirement, including making up data, sources, efforts, events, or
results and recording, reporting, or using them as authentic.

4. Multiple submissions of work: Using or submitting the same or substantially the same
academic work for credit more than once, unless specifically authorized by the instructor
of record for the course in which it’s being submitted for credit. If authorized, appropriate
disclosure and citation is required.

5. Plagiarism: Presenting another’s material as one’s own, including using another’s words,
results, processes or ideas, in whole or in part, without giving appropriate credit. 

6. Unauthorized recording and/or use: Recording and/or dissemination of instructional

content, or other intellectual property, without the express written permission of the
instructor(s), intellectual property owner or the Accessible Education Center.

- Inclement Weather

It is generally expected that class will meet unless the University is officially closed for inclement weather.
If it becomes necessary to cancel class while the University remains open, this will be announced on
Canvas and by email.

Updates on inclement weather and closure are also communicated in other ways described

- Reporting Obligations

I am a designated reporter. For information about my reporting obligations as an employee, please

see Employee Reporting Obligations on the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (OICRC)

Students experiencing any form of prohibited discrimination or harassment, including sex or gender-
based violence, may seek information and resources at,,
or or contact the non-confidential Title IX office/Office of Civil Rights
Compliance (541-346-3123), or Dean of Students offices (541-346-3216), or call the 24-7 hotline 541-346-
SAFE for help.

I am also a mandatory reporter of child abuse. Please find more information at Mandatory Reporting of
Child Abuse and Neglect.

- Mental Health and Wellness 

Life at college can be very complicated. Students often feel overwhelmed or stressed, experience anxiety
or depression, struggle with relationships, or just need help navigating challenges in their life. If you're
facing such challenges, you don't need to handle them on your own--there's help and support on

As your instructor if I believe you may need additional support, I will express my concerns, the reasons for
them, and refer you to resources that might be helpful. It is not my intention to know the details of what
might be bothering you, but simply to let you know I care and that help is available. Getting help is a
courageous thing to do—for yourself and those you care about.

University Health Services help students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. If you need
general resources on coping with stress or want to talk with another student who has been in the same
place as you, visit the Duck Nest (located in the EMU on the ground floor) and get help from one of the
specially trained Peer Wellness Advocates. Find out more at 

University Counseling Services (UCS) has a team of dedicated staff members to support you with your
concerns, many of whom can provide identity-based support. All clinical services are free and
confidential. Find out more at or by calling 541-346-3227 (anytime UCS is closed,
the After-Hours Support and Crisis Line is available by calling this same number).

- Basic Needs

Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who
lacks a safe and stable place to live and believes this may affect their performance in the course is urged
to contact the Dean of Students Office (346-3216, 164 Oregon Hall) for support.

This UO webpage includes resources for food, housing, healthcare, childcare, transportation, technology,
finances, and legal support:

- Accommodation for Religious Observances

The university makes reasonable accommodations, upon request, for students who are unable to attend a
class for religious obligations or observance reasons, in accordance with the university discrimination
policy which says “Any student who, because of religious beliefs, is unable to attend classes on a
particular day shall be excused from attendance requirements and from any examination or other
assignment on that day. The student shall make up the examination or other assignment missed because
of the absence.” 

To request accommodations for this course for religious observance, visit the Office of the Registrar's
website ( and complete and submit to the

instructor the “Student Religious Accommodation Request” form prior to the end of the second week of
the term.

- Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is supported and valued at the University of Oregon. We respect the dignity and essential worth
of all individuals; reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, and intimidation; practice personal and
academic integrity and expect it of others; and promote a diversity of ideas, opinions, and backgrounds.

Open inquiry, freedom of expression, and respect for differences are fundamental to a
comprehensive and dynamic education. SOJC is committed to upholding these ideals by
encouraging the exploration, engagement, and expression of divergent perspectives and diverse

All classes at the University of Oregon welcome and respect diverse experiences, perspectives,

and approaches. What is not welcome are behaviors or contributions that undermine, demean,
or marginalize others based on race, ethnicity, gender, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion,
ability, or socioeconomic status. We will value differences and communicate disagreements
with respect

Discrimination of any kind, disrespect for others, and inequity in educational opportunity are not
acceptable. Students, faculty, and staff are expected at all times to maintain the School of
Journalism and Communication’s high standards of ethical and compassionate conduct. Please
see me if you need help or have any questions.

- Technology

You will be using your phone for many of the creative assignments in this class. This will require
you to download apps to create and consume content, as well as to capture material which you
will share to Canvas. You may wish to create fresh/burner accounts for this class.

Mobile phones should be turned off / put away in class, unless we’re using them for a task.

If I find you’re using your phone for something else, I will pick you up on it.
I encourage you to take notes by hand, as retention – multiple studies have shown - is better this

- Writing Central

I encourage you take advantage of of the opportunities provided by Writing Central:

Writing coaches can help you to think through your blog entries/reflections, as well as your end
of term reflection, if you decide to submit this in written form.

Starting Week 2, Writing Central will be open to offer all SOJC students feedback on writing
projects. Feedback is available two different ways: through live Zoom appointments or our
convenient Drop-n-Go service.

Coaches are trained undergraduates who can help with everything from fleshing out story ideas
to crafting stronger sentences and improving your grammar/AP style. They also often help with
resumes and cover letters, personal statements and scholarship applications.

To make an appointment or use our Drop-n-Go feature, visit

- Feedback / Student Experience Surveys

The midway and end-of-term Student Experience Surveys will be conducted in class. These are
important opportunities to provide feedback about your learning experiences—I deeply value
this anonymous feedback and am continually improving the course with students’ responses in

The key parts of the survey are the open-ended questions where you share concrete,
actionable feedback and about the teaching practices that stand out to you. I will be transparent
with you about this feedback and share the mid-term survey results with you, so you can see
how this will shape the second part of term.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful reflections throughout the term.

If you want to know more about anything mentioned here, or anything which you think is missing, then
please do not hesitate to email me! (or text/DM).

Instructor bio

Damian Radcliffe is the Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism, a Professor of Practice, an

affiliate faculty member of the Department for Middle East and North Africa Studies (MENA) and
the Agora Journalism Center, and a Research Associate of the Center for Science Communication
Research (SCR), at the University of Oregon.

Alongside holding the Chambers Chair at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and
Communication (SOJC), he is also a three-time Fellow of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at
Columbia University, an Honorary Research Fellow at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism,
Media and Culture Studies (JOMEC), and a life fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of
Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

He is a globally recognized expert on digital trends, social media, technology, the business of
media, the evolution of present-day journalistic practice and the role played by media and
technology in the Middle East.

Damian’s journalistic, research and teaching interests build on his previous and on-going
professional practice; which include editorial, policy and strategic roles across all media sectors:
Industry (commercial, public, non-profit/civil society), Government, Regulatory and Academic – and
all media platforms (digital / online, TV, radio and print).
His experience includes four years working in UK commercial radio, eight years working for – and with –
the BBC, four years at the UK Communications Regulator, Ofcom; and three years at Qatar’s Ministry of
Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR).

He joined the University of Oregon in September 2015, where he teaches advanced reporting, audio
storytelling and podcasting, the business of journalism and using social media as a journalist.

He has presented at leading international forums including events hosted by WAN-IFRA (World
Association of News Publishers), International Journalism Festival (Perugia, Italy,) newsrewired
(London, UK), TEDX Reset (Istanbul, Turkey), IBC (Amsterdam, Netherlands,) IBC Content
Everywhere MENA (Dubai, UAE), United Nations’ 2019 and 2020 International Media Seminar on
Peace in the Middle East (Ankara, Turkey), Association of Information and Communication Media
(Barcelona, Spain), German-American Institutes (various cities in Germany) and 2015’s ENEX
General Assembly (Paris, France).

Having lived in the UK, Qatar and USA, he has spoken at events in all three countries. Hosts include
the Broadcasting Board of Governors, BBC World Service, LION Publishers, various State Press
Associations, American Press Institute and the National Governors Association.

He has also written, spoken to, or provided consulting services, for a wide range of additional industry and
academic organizations, such as:

Abramis Academic Publishing, ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller, Association of Information and

Communication Media (AMIC, Spain), BBC Media Action, BBC Monitoring, BBC World Service,
Carnegie UK Trust, Cass Business School, Centre for Research on Communities and Culture
(Canterbury University), City University London, Cognizant,  European Journalism Observatory
(EJO), Eyewitness Media Hub, Facebook, FJUM (forum journalism and media, Vienna), German-
American Institutes, The Guardian, IBC Content Everywhere, Media Development Investment
Fund, Middle East Broadcast Network (MBN), NESTA, Northwestern University in Qatar,  Online
Journalism Blog, Qatar Today, Street Fight, TEDx Reset (Turkey), Thomson Reuters Foundation,
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, the United Nations and
Your Middle East.

He has been interviewed by outlets such as AFP, BBC, CJR, Editor & Publisher, ESPN, Forbes, Index
on Censorship, Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), NPR, The New York Times and the
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and quoted by outlets such as American Press
Institute, Arab News, The Idea (Atlantic Media), MediaPost, The National (UAE), Nieman Lab,
Poynter, Times of Oman, the World Bank and many others.

Damian remains an active journalist, writing for leading trade and other well-known media
companies. He has been a regular contributor to ZDNet (CBS + Red Ventures) since 2013 (88
bylines) and What’s New In Publishing since early 2018 (90 bylines).

To date, he has also presented 25 Demystifying Media podcasts, interviewing leading media
scholars and practitioners that he has hosted for multi-day site visits at the University of Oregon.

He writes about digital trends, social media, technology, the business of media, and the evolution of

These themes are also at the heart of the Demystifying Media speaker series, which Damian curates. He
launched the series in January 2016, with the goal of bringing leading academics and industry
professionals to the SOJC. To date, more than 40 experts have participated in the program.

Outside of this series, Damian has chaired sessions, provided training, and spoken at events, around the
world including: USA (New York, Portland, Philadelphia, Colorado Springs, Albany; New York, Chicago and
Washington D.C.), UK (London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cardiff, Belfast, Bristol), Europe (Paris, Strasbourg,
Vienna, Barcelona, Istanbul, Amsterdam, various cities in Germany) and the Middle East (Doha and Dubai)
and virtual efforts hosted in Asia (Chennai and Singapore).

Other bylines include: BBC College of Journalism (35 bylines), The Conversation (10 bylines), Digital
Content Next (6 bylines), HuffPo (12 bylines), International Journalists’ Network (22 bylines), (26 bylines), and - prior to their closure - PBS MediaShift (14 bylines)
TheMediaBriefing (35 bylines) and Your Middle East (13 bylines). His work can also be read in
Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), Harvard's Nieman Lab, Poynter and other outlets.

Find out more about me via my website.

In case you forget, or don’t know, what I look like…

Additional Course Information: Accreditation Guidelines and Goals
The national accrediting agency for journalism education has required that all accredited journalism schools
assess student mastery of 12 core values and competencies that every graduate of a journalism and mass
communication program should possess.

According to the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), all
graduates, irrespective of their particular specialization, should be able to:

1. Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press, for the country
in which the institution that invites ACEJMC is located, as well as receive instruction in and
understand the range of systems of freedom of expression around the world, including the
right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and to assemble and petition for redress of

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions

in shaping communications;

3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as

appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the

significance and impact of mass communications in a global society;

5. Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information;

6. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit

of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity;

7. Think critically, creatively and independently;

8. Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the

communications professions in which they work;

9. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications
professions, audiences and purposes they serve;
10. Critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness,
clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness;

11. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts;

12. Apply tools and technologies

Course Schedule and Assignments
This schedule is a draft and is subject to amendment. Items in red are not yet confirmed.

Week Date Activities

1 Introductions. Expectations. Why this matters.

3 Jan
• Course outline
• How are we feeling about this term? (Meme exercise)
• Introductions (peer social footprint research)
• Your Social Media Habits

Weds • Social Media Scavenger Hunt

5 Jan
Task: Weekly Twitter thread reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

Mon  Content Review – Scavenger Hunt

2 10 Jan  Digital in 2021 (preso + discussion)
 Guest speaker 1: TBD / Generalist/Video

 Discussion of Week One reading

Weds  History of Social Media (preso + discussion)
12 Jan  Define format for “How I Work” assignment
 If time – Story of the Week

Homework includes:
Task: Interview a Journalist / How I Work. Due end Week 4.
Task: YouTube reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

3 Mon  Martin Luther King, Jr holiday. No class.

 Lightening round – what’s trending
 Social Media Trends, Part One: Instagram Stories (preso/group work)
Weds  JSMA Instagram Stories assignment (pairs)
19 Jan
Task: Weekly Twitter thread reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

4 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending

4 24 Jan  Review JSMA Stories.
 If required: Mini Workshop shooting video for social
 How has social media changed journalism? (preso + discussion)

 Social media led story pitches.

Weds  Instagram Stories redo
26 Jan Task 3: Social Media Storytelling. Due end of Week 5.

Homework includes:
 Mid-term feedback assignment
 Instagram Stories Content Review + Discussion

Task: Headliner reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

Task: Interview a Journalist / How I Work. Due due Sunday 23:59.
5 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending
31 Jan  Takeaways from your Interview a Journalist / How I Work assignment.
 Guest speaker 2: TBD – local news
 Social Media Skills Mapping
 Slaying LinkedIn

Weds  Twitter Deep Dive: Thread, Moments, Lists, Search, Spaces + more!
2 Feb  Incl. Live Tweeting practice

Task: Audiogram reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

6 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending

7 Feb  Discussion of conclusions from mid-term feedback
 TikTok resume
 Story of the week on social (org analysis)
9 Feb Mid-terms (1) > No class. Work on your own to complete:

o HootSuite Platform Certification (2.5 hours)

o Hootsuite Analytics Certification (2.5 hours)
o Facebook for Journalists certification (30 mins)

Task: Final submission of LinkedIn on Sunday at 23:59

Facebook for Journalists certificates/reflection due Sun 23:59 Reflection due
Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas

7 Mon Mid-terms (2) > No class. Work on your own to complete certifications:
14 Feb
Task: HootSuite Platform + Analytics Certification, due day Tuesday 23:59.
TikTok resume (draft) due Tuesday 23:59

Weds  Lightening round – what’s trending

16 Feb  Discussion on Mid Term work
 Guest speaker 3: TBD focus on analytics
 TikTok resume reviews + feedback

Reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

8 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending

21 Feb  Outline: Emerging Platforms assignment.
o Work on group presentations (in class)
Weds .
23 Feb  Guest speaker 4: TBD
 Discussion on verification + misinformation

Task: YouTube reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

9 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending

28 Feb  Group presentations x 4 on Emerging Platforms
o Group paper due 23:59 Sunday 30th May

Weds  Guest Speaker 5: TBD – mental health and security
2 Mar
 Group discussion about Cancel Culture
 Doxing exercise

Task: Weekly Twitter thread due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

10 Mon  Lightening round – what’s trending

7 Mar
 Let’s not forget Facebook… deep dive

Weds Look ahead + look back

9 Mar  Where does social media go from here? (Preso)
 Wash-‐up: lessons learned.
 End of term evaluation.
 Next Steps.

Task: Weekly reflection due Sunday 23:59– post link to Canvas.

To add: critique platform original content e.g. Facebook Watch, Snapchat Discover, Emerald/Flux

ASSIGNMENT RECAP - Tasks/Weighting (subject to revision/changes)

Activity Tasks % of Grade Points

Writing 1. Social Media Storytelling 20% 200
2. Interview a Journalist / How I Work 10% 100
30% 300
Reflection 3. Weekly reflection x 10 (Twitter/YouTube etc.) 10% 100
10% 100
Research + 4. Emerging Platforms (group preso + paper) 12.5% 125
Analysis 12.5% 125
Digital 5. Professional LinkedIn site 5% 50
Footprint + 6. TikTok Resume 5% 50
Portfolio 10% 100

Digital 7. HootSuite Platform Certification 5% 50

Certification 8. HootSuite Analytics Certification 5% 50
+ Mid-Term 9. Facebook for Journalists certification 2.5% 25
12.5% 125

Other 10. Engagement (Canvas + in-class work) 25% 250

25% 250
TOTAL 100% 1,000


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