Texture Using: Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell.

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6, JUNE 1995

[5] C. Bouman and B.Liu, “Multiple resolution segmentation of textured A Markov Random Field Model-Based Approach
images,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. to Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
99-113, Feb. 1991.
[6] B. S. Manjunath and R. Chellapa, “A unified approach to boundary Using Local and Global Spatial Statistics
perception: Edges, textures, and illusory contours,” IEEE Trans. Neural
Networks, vol. 4 no. 1, pp. 96-108, Jan. 1993. Charles Kervrann and Fabrice Heitz
[7] T. Pavlidis and Y.-T. Liow, “Integrated region growing and Edge
detection,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 12, no. 3,
pp. 225-233, Mar. 1990. Absfract-Many studies have proven that statistical model-based tex-
[8] K.-B. Eom and R. L. Kashyap, ‘Texture and intensity edge detection ture segmentation algorithms yield good results provided that the model
with random field models,” in Proc. IEEE Comp. Soc. Workshop Comp. parameters and the number of regions be known a priori. In this
vision, Miami Beach, FL, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1987, pp. 29-34. correspondence,we present an Unsupervised texture segmentationmethod
[9] Y. Xiaohan et al., “A new algorithm for texture segmentation based on that does not require knowledge about the Merent texture regions, their
edge detection,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 1105-1112, parameters, or the number of available texture classes. The proposed
Nov. 1991. algorithm relies on the analysis of local and global second and higher
[lo] D. He and L. Wang, “Detecting texture edges from images,’’ Pattern order spatial statistics of the original images. The segmentation map is
Recognition, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 595-600, June 1992. modeled using an augmented-state Markov random field, including an
[ 111 T. W. Ryan, P. J. Yuen, and B. R.Hunt, “Extraction of shoreline features outlier class that enables dynamic creation of new regions during the
by neural nets and image processing,” Photogram. Eng. & Remote optimization process. A Bayesian estimate of this map is computed using a
Sensing, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 947-955, July 1991. deterministic relaxation algorithm. Results on real-world textured images
[12] S. R. Yhann, “A multi-resolution approach to texture analysis and seg- are presented.
mentation using neural network,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Miami, E, 1992.
[13] S. R. Yhann and T. Y. Young, “A multi-resolution approach to texture I. INTRODUCTION
segmentation using neural networks,” in Proc. 10th Int. Con$ Pattern
Recog., Atlantic City, NJ, June 1990, pp. 513-517. unsupervised image segmentation remains a fundamental issue in
[14] G. S. Robinson, “Detection and coding of edges using directional low-level image analysis and computer vision since most high-level
masks,” in Proc. SPIE Con$ Advances Image Transmission Techniques, processing schemes must rely on reliable and robust segmentations. In
San Diego, CA, Aug. 1976. this correspondence,we address the problem of nonsupervised texture
[15] R. Nevatia, “Locating object boundaries in textured environments,”
IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-25, no. 11, pp. 1170-1175, Nov. 1976.
segmentation. Although this problem has received considerable atten-
[16] C. R. Giardina and E. R. Dougherty, Morphological Methods in Image tion in the last decade 141,181, [lo], [ll], [13], completely data-driven
and Signal Processing. Englewoods Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988. segmentation methods, able to handle real-world textured images,
[17] P. Brodatz, Textures-A Photographic Album for Artists and Designers. remain beyond the present state-of-the-art. The algorithm presented
New York: Dover, 1966. in this correspondence is unsupervised in the following sense:
[I81 D. Hanvood, M. Subbarao, and L. S. Davis, “Texture classification by
local rank correlation,” Comp. vision, Graph., Image Processing, vol. it does not require a priori knowledge on the textures of the
32, pp. 4-11, 1985. image (in particular no learning step is necessary);
[19] M. Unser, “Local linear transforms for texture measurements,” Signal the number of regions or texture classes needs not to be known
Processing, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 61-74, 1986. either.
[20] C. C. Gotlieb and H. E. Kreyszig, ‘Texture descriptors based on co-
occurrence matrices,” Comp. vision, Graph., Image Proc., vol. 51, pp. Early attempts at nonsupervised texture segmentation have made
70-86, 1990. use of texture measures associated with edge detection techniques
[21] H. Greenspan, R. Goodman, and R. Chellappa, “Texture analysis via [8]. A more powerful approach consists in modeling the different
unsupervised and supervised learning,” in Proc. Int. Joint Con$ Neural textures with stationary statistical models, for instance Gauss-Markov
Networks, Seattle, WA, July 1991, pp. 639-644.
[22] B. P. Kjell and C. R. Dyer, “Segmentation of textured images,” in Proc. random fields (GMRF) [lo]-[12]. The image is usually divided into
IEEE Con$ Comput. vision Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, FL, June disjoint local windows [lo]-[12]. Each region is assumed to contain
1986, pp. 47W81. mainly one texture. This assumption enables one to identify locally
[23] R. Wang et al., ‘Texture analysis based on local standard deviation the parameters of stationary texture models [ll], [12]. Windows
of intensity,” in Proc. IEEE Con$ Comp. vision Pattern Recognition, with nearby parameters are then merged using clustering techniques
Miami Beach, FL, June 1986, pp. 482-488.
[IO], [12]. One problem with these methods is the difficulty of
the computation, from local windows, of reliable parameters for
the underlying model. Several authors [4], [7] have $us proposed
describing texture using statistical features [6] that are computed in
local windows. The use of local texture features, instead of global
texture models, reduces significantly the number of parameters to be
determined. These local texture features are often associated with a
global representation of the image partition using nonlinear Markov
random field (MRF) models 131, [4], [Ill.

Manuscript received July 28, 1993; revised July 2, 1994. This work was
supported by the GDR TdSI 134 and by MRE and CNRS in the context of
the PRC Program “Man Machine Interface.” The associate editor coordinating
the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Prof. Roland T.
The authors are with IRISA/INRIA, Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu,
35042 Rennes Cedex, France.
IEEE Log Number 9411143.

1057-7149/95$04.00 0 1995 IEEE


energy minimization techniques). The segmentation algorithm is

described in Section III. Results on mosaics of natural textures, as
well as on real-world textured images are discussed in Section N.

The general mathematical framework under concern in this cor-
respondence is based on global Bayesian estimation along with
MRF models. The goal of this theory is to extract a 2-D field
of discrete labels describing the information of interest in a given
image processing task from a given set of observed variables (in
texture segmentation, for instance, the labels to be estimated are
region labels). Let 0 = (Os, s E S) designate an observation field
global candidate region R(e,) defined on a rectangular lattice S. k t E = (Es, s E S) denote
Fig. 1. Sets of texture features supporting the local and global the unobserved (hidden) label field, defined on the same lattice S.
distributions. Realizations of fields 0 (resp. E) will be denoted o = {os, s E S }
(resp. e = {e,, s E S}).Let A be the (discrete) state space of random
variable e, and Cl the (finite) set of all possible label configurations
e = {e,, s E S}. If (E, 0) is assumed to be an MRF with respect
to a chosen neighborhood system D = {Gs,s E S}, it can be shown
[5] that the best estimate i of e given o (according to the maximum
a posteriori (MAP) criterion) is obtained by minimizing a global
energy function U ( o , e):
d = arg min U ( o , e). (1)

Due to the Markovian property of the field, the energy decomposes

as follows [5]:

before relabeling : R = 4 after relabeling : R = 6 ~ ( 0e ), = C v,(o, e) (2)

Fig. 2. Relabeling of the outlier class p. Label p is maintained on small
connected components (of size less than 1% of the image size). New regions where C denotes the set of cliques associated to neighborhood system
are created for all other connected components. 0. Cliques c are subsets of sites that are mutual neighbors. The
potential function V, is locally defined on clique c and expresses
the local interactions between the different variables of the clique
An intricate issue for these different approaches is the determina- (see [3] and [5] for an extensive presentation of MRF models).
tion of the number of textures present in the image. Model fitting Defining global energy functions is a powerful tool for specifying
criteria have been proposed recently to address this problem [13]. nonlinear interactions between different image features (luminance,
In this correspondence, we propose an alternate approach relying edges, region labels, etc.). They help to combine and organize spatial
on an augmented state-MRF model that enables one to handle and temporal information by introducing strong generic knowledge
an a priori unknown number of regions'. Our model is inspired about the features to be estimated. Energy minimization techniques
by the model described by Geman et al., in [4], with several have been used in a wide range of applications including image
significant differences. In [4], various texture features are used, along restoration, edge detection, luminance and texture segmentation, sur-
with an MRF model of the segmentation map. The algorithm is face reconstruction, visual motion analysis, and scene interpretation
partially unsupervised but the number of regions is assumed to be [3]. The choice of particular energy functions is either heuristic or
known approximately and thresholds for discriminating the different may be guided by a statistical modeling of the interaction between
textures have to be fine-tuned. In the approach proposed here, the the variables, as will be seen in the following.
segmentation is obtained using a deterministic relaxation procedure
that simultaneously determines the current number of regions. This
is achieved by introducing an additional state (corresponding to an
outlier class) in the MRF model representing the image partition.
This additional label enables the dynamic creation of new regions A. Statistical Texture Features
during the relaxation process (a similar idea has been suggested for The observations, on which the segmentation process is based,
motion-based segmentation by Bouthemy and FranGois [2]). Mixed correspond to vectors of texture features describing various spatial
windows may thus be split in several sub-regions, leading to reliable statistics. These features are computed on local windows and are
and robust parameter estimation. Besides, the method only q u i r e s assigned to the pixel located at the center of the window. To each
the tuning of one parameter, which is a probability that determines site is thus assigned a feature vector os = [ ~ ' ( s ) , . . . , om(s)] where
all the thresholds on the texture features. oa(s), i = 1, . . . , m designates the ith texture feature computed at
The remainder of this correspondence is organized as follows. In site s and m is the number of texture features. The features that have
Section II, we briefly describe the general framework of the statistical been used here include seven features proposed by Haralick (mean,
approach used here (global Bayesian estimation, MRF models, and variance, energy, correlation, entropy, contrast, and homogeneity),
derived from the joint occurrency matrices [6] and three other features
This correspondence is a short version of the technical report [7] in which proposed by Geman et aL, [4] (the gray level, the local contrast, and
additional details about the method as well as other experimental results can an "isotropic residual"). Several other parameters (all the parameters
be found. defined in [6] and features based on the Fourier transform) have

Fig. 3. (a) Three-region textured image. (b) Ground truth (the boundaries of the different regions are superimposed on the original image (c) Result of the
unsupervised segmentation procedure ( p = 0.75). (d) Difference between the ground truth and the unsupervised segmentation.

been tested, but have not been included in the final version of the choice of potential functions of the form
segmentation algorithm. The set of texture measures retained here
has led to satisfactory results on all the processed images'.

B. The Global Energy Function

where p is a positive parameter and 6(z) = 1 for 2 = 0, 6(z) = 0
As in Section II, e,, s E S will designate the hidden variable otherwise. In this energy function, only two-element cliques are
assigned to site s, which describes the label of the region to which considered [7].
site s belongs. o = {os, s E S} represents the observation field Term U1 describes the interaction between observations and labels.
corresponding to vectors of statistical texture features. The issue is to It is inspired by the model described by Geman et al., [4], with several
estimate field e = {es, s E S} and to determine R (the number of significant differences. In [4], the model is based on a Kolmogorov-
regions in the image) from the observations o. A MAP estimator is Smirnov (KS) distance expressing the similarity of the distribution
used to this end. The MAP estimate of e is obtained by minimizing of texture features in blocks centered at two neighboring sites s and
the following global energy function: t. We introduce here a different potential function that measures the
d = arg min o, R)+ Uz(e).
Ul(e, (3)
distance, at a given site s, between the distribution of texture features
eEQ in a block B, centered at s (local distribution) and the distribution of
texture features in the whole candidate region to which we want to
This energy function is defined as the sum of two contributions. The
assign site s (global distribution) (Fig. 1). This technique enables us,
term U2 describes the prior on the region label map e. This tenn
in particular, to create new regions by detecting outliers during the
is related to a Markov model associated to an eight-neighborhood
relaxation process, as will be explained in Section HI-C. Accordingly,
system. The model favors spatially homogeneous regions, by the
energy function U1 is decomposed as
'Techniques for selecting "optimal" texture features for a particular class
of images, within a supervised framework, have been proposed recently in e, R) =
u~(o, V ~ { O ( Bo[~(e~)I)
~), (5)
[9]. This issue, however, has not been addressed here. SES

I' c

Fig. 4. (a) Three-region textured image. (b) Ground truth (the boundaries of the different regions are superimposed on the original image (c) Result of the
unsupervised segmentation procedure ( p = 0.65). (d) Difference between the ground truth and the unsupervised segmentation.

where o(B,) = {or, r E B,} is the set of feature vectors on block threshold c(;) may be selected by adjusting the probability p to a
B, centered at s and o[R(e,)] = {or, r E R(e,)} is the set of desired level. In practice, large values for p (p > 0.7) enable one
feature vectors belonging to the region labeled e, (Fig. 1). to discriminate textures with close spatial statistics whereas small
The potential function VI is defined by values for p (p < 0.3) only discriminate textures with very different
m statistics. The minimization of the global energy function (3), as well
) , ( B , ) )>c(")I-11
V ~ { O ( B ,o) [, ~ ( e , ) l ) ={~~ [ d ( o ( ' ) ( ~ ( e , )o(*), as the determination of the number of regions R, is performed using
2=1 a deterministic relaxation algorithm described in the next section.
where d{o("[R(e,)], O ( ~ ) ( Bstands~ ) } for the KS distance between C. The Relaxation Algorithm
the distribution of feature o(') on the whole region labeled e,, and
To minimize the global energy function, stochastic relaxation [5]
the distribution of the same feature on block B, (see [4, Section II-
has not been considered since it is too expensive from a compu-
D] for the definition of the KS distance). Function r is defined by
tational point of view. We have adopted a modified version of the
r(.)= 1ifd{o(z)[~(e,)],o ( ' ) ( ~ , ) } > da),r(.)= o otherwise. c(') standard deterministic ICM algorithm [l], which alternately updates
is a threshold that can be explicitly determined using statistical tables
the segmentation map e and the current number of regions.
associated to the KS limit distribution [4]. Indeed, this is related to
Let us denote by R the current number of regions. The candjdate
the probability p that the KS distance exceeds &')whereas the two
region labels for a given site s are thus labels r = 1, . . . , R. In
distributions are the same:
the standard ICM algorithm [l], the label that produces the largest
decrease of the energy function is selected to update site s. This
amounts to the minimization of a local energy function that is derived
Potential VI favors the labeling of site s with the region number from the global energy U by computing the energy variation induced
e, = r if the local distribution at this site is consistent with the by updating the site s [l], [5]. To cope with the unknown number
global distribution of the texture features in region r . A reasonable of regions, an additional label p corresponding to an "outlier class"

II .- 4

II d
Fig. 5. (a) Three-region textured image. (b) Ground truth (the boundaries of the different regions are superimposed on the original image (c) Result of the
unsupervised segmentation procedure ( p = 0.55). (d) Difference between the ground truth and the unsupervised segmentation.

Fig. 6. (a) Aerial image (Calvi area, by courtesy of DRET-Matra mission 1987); (b) result of the unsupervised segmentation procedure (the boundaries
of the different regions are superimposed on the original image) (p = 0.2).

is introduced in the MRF modeling. The outlier label p is assigned all existing regions is too large. More precisely, between the labels of
to site s if the KS distance between the local distribution of texture sites neighboring s and label p . the algorithm selects the label T = i.
features on block B, (centered at s) and the global distributions on that minimizes the following local energy (derived from the global

Fig. 7. (a) Aerial image (Roumard area, by courtesy of DRET-INRA mission 1976); (b) result of the unsupervised segmentation prwedL (the boundaries
of the different regions are superimposed on the original image) (JI = 0.65).

Fig. 8. (a) Satellite image of the Alps (France); (b) result of the unsupervised segmentation procedure (the boundaries of the different regions are
superimposed on the original image) (p = 0.25)

energy function U ) : the connected components of the outlier class (i.e., the pixels labeled
p ) are relabeled with new region numbers (Fig. 2). However, label
Forr # p : AU,(r) = ~ [ 1 ~- ( - ert ) ] p is maintained for all small connected components (of size less
tneighborof s than 1% of the image size). These points will not be considered for
the computation of global region characteristics, but may be visited
+ ( 2 r [ d ( o ( ' ) ( R ( e= > c(*)]- l} (8)
, r ) ) .o('))(B,)) and relabeled in the next relaxation step. This procedure allows a
small region to grow until it reaches a size sufficient for providing
F o r r = p : Al',(p) = 11 + 4.
[1- 2S(p - e t ) ] (9) significant statistics. The global statistical distributions associated
CEC with each significant region are updated after the relabeling process.
This relaxation-relabeling process is pursued until stability is obtained
is the parameter of the outlier class (4 > 0 and a high value for
on the label field. The number of iterations required to reach stability
disfavors the creation of new regions). A value of 4 = 2.5 was
depends on the complexity of the scene. However, in practice, the
adopted in all experiments. This local update is applied in turn to the
process has been stopped after three complete relaxation-relabeling
different sites in the image.
procedures with satisfactory results.
For the initialization of the process, an initial value of R = 1 is
used, which corresponds to one single region in the image. This initial
single region is updated using a maximum likelihood estimator of the IV. EXPERIMENTAL
label field, which is nothing but the minimization of the global energy The segmentation technique described in the previous section
without the prior term U2 [7].The current number of regions R is has been applied to different mosaics composed of natural textures
updated once the relaxation on the label field e has converged. At extracted from the Brodatz album, as well as on real-world textured
the end of each relaxation stage (i.e., when the label field is stable), images. Experimental results on images used in other references are

presented to make the comparison with other approaches easier. Other data-driven segmentation algorithm. The proposed approach does not
results are reported in 171. require training on the textures to be partitioned. The number of
The features related to the joint occurrency matrices were computed regions in the image need not to be known either. The method makes
on 16 gray-level images in 5 x 5 local windows, along four directions use of local and global spatial statistics within a global statistical
with a distance d = 3 (d = 2 yielded similar results). The other estimation framework relying on Markov random field models. The
parameters (gray levels, contrast, and directional residuals) were method only requires the tuning of one parameter that determines the
computed on a 15 x 15 window. Parameter p was set to 1.5, which thresholds on the different texture features. Several examples have
corresponds to a good balance between the a priori energy U2 and shown the capability of the model to yield usable segmentations on
the data term U1 . The only parameter that needed to be tuned hand-assembled images consisting of natural textures as well as on
was parameter p [defined by (7)], which determines the different complex real-world textured images.
thresholds on the texture features. The results turned out to be
largely insensitive to the adjustment of parameter p (the “optimal”
value could be modified by 10% without noticeable changes in the
segmentation: results obtained for different values of parameter p are
presented in [7]). The CPU time, on a S u n 4 station, reached about J. Besag, “On the statistical analysis of dirty pictures,” J. Royal Statist.
25 mn, for 128 x 128 images. Soc., vol. 48, sene B, no. 3, pp. 259-302, 1986.
We first describe the results obtained on various texture mo- P. Bouthemy and E. Frangois, “Motion segmentation and qualitative
saics, including different textures and object geometry. Fig. 3(a) dynamic scene analysis from an image sequence,”Int. J. Comput. Vision,
vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 157-182, 1993.
presents the first mosaic, which is composed of three different R. Chellappa and A. K. Jain, Eds., Markov Random Fields: Theory and
textures. Fig. 3(b) shows the boundary of the underlying mosaic, Applications. New York: Academic, 1993.
which corresponds to the ground truth. The boundaries of the final D. Geman, S. Geman, C. Graffigne, and D. Pong, “Boundary detection
segmentation are superimposed on the original image in Fig. 3(c). by constrainedoptimization,”IEEE Trans. Pattem Anal. Machine Intell.,
The error between the ground truth and the segmentation obtained vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 609-628, July 1990.
S. Geman and D. Geman, “Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributionsand
by the unsupervised method is depicted Fig. 3(d). Three regions are the Bayesian restoration of images,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine
obtained in this case for a value p = 0.75. The boundaries of the Intell., vol. PAMI-6, no. 6, pp. 721-741, Nov. 1984.
different regions are delineated quite accurately, even if the MRF R. M. Haralick, “Statistical and structural approaches to texture,” Proc.
prior tends to “smooth” the region boundary in high curvature areas. IEEE, vol. PROC-67, no. 5, pp. 786-804, May 1979.
C. Kervrann and F. Heitz, “A Markov random field model-based
Similar qualitative results have been obtained on several other hand- approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using local and global
assembled images corresponding to different mosaic patterns. Fig. 4 spatial statistics,” Technical Report 2062, INRIA, Oct. 1993.
reproduces a mosaic pattem close to the one used in the reference A. Khotanzad and J. Y.Chen, “Unsupervised segmentation of textured
[4] (by Geman et al). A second typical mosaic, borrowed from [lo] images by edge detection in multidimensional features,” IEEE Trans.
(in which a MRF model is used for representing textures), is shown Pattem Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 414421, 1989.
J. Levy-Vehel, P. Mignot, and J.-P. Berroir, “Multifractals, texture and
in Fig. 5. As can be seen, our result are qualitatively close to the one image analysis,” in Proc. CVPR’92, Champaign, IL, June 1992, pp.
reported in [4] and [lo]. 661-664.
The processing of red-world (textured) images is generally more B. S. Manjunath and R. Chellappa, “Unsupervised texture segmentation
involved, mainly because the textures appearing in natural images are using Markov random fields,” IEEE Trans. Pattem Anal. Machine Intell.,
vol. 13, pp. 478482, 1991.
usually nonstationary. We present results of segmentation on three H. H. Nguyen and P. Cohen, “Gibbs random fields, fuzzy clustering, and
real-world images that have been selected for their representativity the unsupervised segmentation of textured images,” CVGIP: Graphical
and their difficulty. The images show several textured regions with Models Image Processing, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 1-19, Jan. 1993.
various (possibly nonstationary) spatial statistics (Figs. 6-8). Artifacts J. F. Silverman and D. B. Cooper, “Bayesian clustering for unsupervised
or nonstationary areas in textures are difficult to handle and lead estimation of surface and texture models,” IEEE Trans. Pattem Anal.
Machine Intell., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 482495, July 1988.
generally to over-segmented images if they are not taken into account C. S. Won and H. Derin, “Unsupervised segmentation of noisy and
in the model. The approach proposed here, although using stationary textured images using Markov random fields,” CVGIP: Graphical
texture models, seems quite robust to these phenomena, as will be Models Image Processing, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 308-328, July 1992.
seen. Fig. 6 corresponds to an aerial image showing two cultivated
fields: the boundary between the two regions is delineated quite
accurately, although the upper region is not homogeneous. Fig. 7
presents another aerial image. This kind of image is typical of real-
world applications, in which the textures are nonhomogeneous and
where the number of regions is difficult to determine, even visually.
In this case four significant regions are obtained: in particular, the
forest area has been segmented in two regions, with different spatial
patterns. The two other regions are cultivated fields. Fig. 8 shows
a satellite image of the south-eastem part of France, with similar
difficulties. The area includes a part of the Alps and a part of
the Mediterranean Sea. Even on this hard example (which shows
highly nonstationary textures), a relevant segmentation (Fig. 8(b)) is
obtained. The algorithm enables one to separate quite accurately the
different significant areas: mountain, land, and sea.

In this correspondence, we have described a texture segmentation
method that can be considered as a first step toward a completely

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