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PATA ty) Mind ae iayiae NY Level 3b © cess 10 the Student's Resource Center Welcome to your new learning space with openMind. BTS eR RBC mei aed with extra language practice plus videos and word lists. The videos are also on the DVD included with this book, ee etait Before joining, you will need: Ready to get started? @ your code (see below) ; © your email address @ apassword Go to the websi Type in t Enter your email ad Important information! h Your code: | 2" edition Dita Ca eres Joanne Taylore-Knowles Steve Taylore-Knowles ie m Level 3b Contents © Gaummermion paysiv READING ing lamang teacher FUNCTION ‘oir cbs hid pigs coMmunicAnON Wig a forandageintet ‘STRATEOY: soealetna. [FUNCTION rguig opines Tova ag ‘Teling 2 cone Gone m reson Soydone | Rome wie ger "SED READING, BbaploN | img meee onan | FUNCTON clad sonra ters sy ‘COMMUNICATION ‘Wagaya ena STRATEGY: eiing be FUNCTION. hing nie Reading a megaci cride TAKING NOTES: alte FUNCTION toingchow | aus ‘ote Tals hetolenn | WANE DESERFTONE FUNCTION ccingand | aire pn rit con hon en @ FD | tego epee eter | pact toatents betnor nfo pt “COMALINICATION. Wit shat Sheela eteld FUNCTION. sng esipon ining ad sy Reni dtrens “hig sete obs FUNCTION desig nd moving qtr how cr ‘eal ‘© Emu vets cod Romecatansymboé pe © Commie wrpept ya ix GRAMMAR Ree usc [MODAIS OF DEDUCTION: MUST, | ADJECTIVE SUFFIKES -FUL LESS STUDY & LEARNING: ‘CAN'T MIGHT/MAY/COULD FUNCTION cessing geoplerefntes ‘inking ely FUNCTION eng ddr, IMPROVING YOUR BRAIN FUNCTION dissing ‘AG QuesTIONS FUNCTION dzrsingtoe oigrre aritg lying FUNCTION dol chucking ierotn LANGUAGE WRAP-UP sons: in ELATVE CAUSES EMBARRASSING EVENTS ‘air SoaeTe males FUNCTION yg lmcton chon a, | FUNCTON gl xb res kei on gone hs dig ADRCIVES FOR DESCEING STORES RUNCTON csig ‘ERs + GERUNO/INFNITIVE FUNCTON loka ethos! | ES xe FUNCTION tal eat ors fe op INFINIVE CLAUSES WTA STUDY & LEARNING: |MPERSONAL IT Aoeingpurmanary FUNCTION ghimaitefemedial | eatTH PROBLEMS AND SYMPTOMS FUNCT diasing vediers ot FUNCTION det pees syne | BORE WISH AND IF ONLY FOR REGRETS: “me si FUNCTION earesngrages = _ LANGUAGE WRAP-UP NON-DEFNING RELATE CAUSES — | AT ALIVE PRFORMANCE SELF & sociTt FUNCTION winapi paogegh | FUNCTION iin abet pebrnines wrk opr ef atoam DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES ‘ALTE OSCARS: FUNCTION fei ot AANCTON giylmirsato, | INENON inst team kee al es LANGUAGE WRAP-UP SHOULD/SHOULONT HAVE [BREAING THE RULES ‘WORK & CAREER: FUNCTION refectagon putters | FUNCTION ‘ly ot ior ofleses nlostrding oak WAS/WERE GOING TOAND Was/ | GOOD AND BAD BEHAVIOR FUNCTION tng cost (WERE SUPPOSED TO FUNCTION king chs gad rd ed br oul: FUNCTION ing bat nid ies snd nsons NGUAGE WRAP (Ss tents | 50,8164 100, nove THE WORD OF WRK WRK 8 AREER oes FUNCTION decimgedegme sel] FUNCTION wegen ein oh itiew SEPARAGLE AND NONSEPARABLE | PHRASAL VERBS FORTAIKING ABOUT WORK | FUNCTION dtr we PRASAL VERBS FUNCTION tk eas kan sis opeione UNCON iy shes olanes LANGUAGE WRAP ror whione ex ‘1 Complete the sentences with the simple past or past progressive of the verbs in parentheses. + While Becky (hype) an email, message fom Ed finally ___{gppear inher inbox. What ——__ {da when you {hoa the terible news? We: (not pay) attention so we (not see) the sign. Where was it? Jack (run for the bus when he (crop his wallet Gemma’ call prone suddenly (ng) while she (ai}ina meeting Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. Would you like having / to have some vegetables with the chicken? Ligand woul k= / ce t9 watch an action movie instezd of a comedky Would you rather 02t ou / to eat outtonight? They would prefer 90% to buy/ nat buying it onine. They'd rather work to work lee tonight and rot have to ene early tomorrow. ‘Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. Kate, you have to de your homework by yourselt/ yourselves, She burned hinnseit/ herself when she was cooking. ‘They wanted to start a business by themselves th We raised all the money by ourselves / ise. | hurt itsef/ myself when | was at the gym. 4 Complete the questions with the words from the box. Then match them to the answers a-e. ‘were you sting at the concert yesterday? you open the window, please? {you rather send me a text or call? ‘we bring anything with us to the picnic? ‘the next Euro cup be hald in France? Yes, plesse, maybe some bread and cheese. Yes, | think so, ‘What's best for you? Contain Near the stage, There is one mistake in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences correctly. The broadband at my office is more fester than at home. ‘The New Year's celebration is mast important event in the Chinese calendar Mexico is as popular Coste Rica for American tourist ‘That was the baddest movi 've ever see! Boston isn’t as beautiful than New York. ‘You have to listen mast carefully next ime, Rewrite these sentences using the passive. People download millions of songs every day. Millions of song he Americans c ay on July a, Independence Someone dint take the first X-ray until 1895. The first X-Roy People speak German, Htalan, and French in Switzerland. German, Italian, and French Jane Austen wrote Emma and Sense and Sensibility. Emma and Sense and Sensibility Complete the sentences with one word. Has Olvia been to incia? How have you knovn your husband? Lthink they've lived there 2010. Rita and Nick have visited their fiend in Brazil. Nick doesn't like lying. Where have you 111 was looking for you. ‘Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. You have / shoul! ty to learn five new English words a day. Customers don't heve to / have to pay for all items before they leave the store. Passengers have to / have wear a seatbelt during take-off You con’t/ don’t have to pay to enter. We axk fora voluntary contribution. Mom ev to see a doctor about her sore throet. © Complete the sentences with too, enough, or not enough and the adjective in parentheses. Hey! Cen you turn the music down? its in here. (love) Is there chill in this? | can't taste i Its pic, | don't think I can eat all those fries. They're (groasy) This house is for the three of us. We don’t need to move. (big) We shouid go to the beach tomorrow instead. The weather is teday. (warm Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. That’ enough, thanks. | don’t want too Vl puta litie/ few more sat in the soup next time. The yard would look better with fewer/ (ess trees. Thore isn’t/ aren't enough space on my com There'll be too many / much people at t Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. The exam starts/ is starting at 10 a.m. on M: 2 My horoscope says ! 3: Would you lke to go to the movies to ill moe? aca & Yes, 'l/ Fm gaing to meet you there 4 We're waveling, 10 Brozilthis e What time olze ave fist 412. Check (V) the correct sentences. Rewrite th 1D] Would yeu change jobs if you 2 CN Dad had more time, he When you go to 4 OThey 5 11 Ml goto Japan next menth fI find a cheap flight, 13. Complete the sentences with gerunds formed from the verbs in the box. “do eat mate shop speak + [don't like cooking, | much pref ut in resteurants 2 Janice is really ocd at Spanish 3° What are you thinking of tonight—should we go to the movies ‘ clothes is one of my fevorite things to do on weekends 5) He's wortied about the wrong dec’sion, 14 Ghoose the correct option to complete the sentences. | might/ will go to see the show—t'm not sure yet She probably mig V'be able to come because she has too mu Don't worry—the letter will! won't probably arrive tomorow. Jacktold me that he might will defiritaly help. might go for a walk—it depends on the weather. IN THIS UNIT YOU © tem leogae speculate and A Ei Work in pairs. Take the quiz. sake decucions % ead an anicle about geniuses 192 short lecture about chile rokgies Ee © re stout whether we agree or isegree with on arice Read the questions and check Yes or No. D> atch a video about extaorsinary ‘Add up the numberof green boxes and red boxes achievements Look at your score to Find out what kind of thinker you ste! Yes No & twwear 8 watch J] tke eraw. Ved rather crew @ map than give eomeono vectors, [El (1 when get something now | usualy ead the instructions. {play or would fief pley a musical I've considered becoming # peitiian, an ast or an architact. [BI inate fotlowing a schedule I make “to-do” Fits {generally do well n math and science. ve corsidered bezoming ¢ lawyer, a doctor. of journalict, Your score More red boxes: You are more ofa lef-beain thinker More green boxes: You are rare of right-brain thinker. = Wiwork in groups. Discuss the results of the quiz. Are there more Sghe brain or left-brain thinkers in your group? What do the quiz questions ‘Sccgest are some characteristics of left- and right-brain thinkers? you lefbesin ora nght-brain thinker? efcbrein, according to the qui how wary ate lefcbrain, and how many are eight-brain? Learn how to think more logically = 4 BSS STUDY LEARNING Dee eae) 19 opinion. Ir ace ga ‘and negative adjectives, to iden think they have in common? 5 Read this article and check your ideas. THE ORDINARY Everyone ogrees thatthe scientists Albert Einstein and ‘Marie Curie were geniuses, and so was Leonardo da Vine ‘who was a scientist, an inventor a writen and an artist “Mozart was clearya genius and ishat about the incredibly talented scientist Stephen Hawking? Or Helen Keller, the ‘amazing woman who became e writer, even thousth she was deaf and bind? Are they geniuses? What makes a genius? ‘According to one definition, a genius has « high 1Q. Stuclis show that normal [Qs range frm 85 to 113, and a ‘genins bas an IQ over LK. However, this seems to me to be poor definition, “Genins” isa complicated concepts involving many different factors, and intelligence tests usually measure only logical thinking betler definition ‘of "genins’ would include other things like creativity ‘The ‘artist Picasso produced thousands of Beautifil works of at Was hea genius? helped you decide. 1 the incredibly talented sciontst 5 Stephen Hawléng ‘ 2 Helen Keller, the amazing no 3 Studles show that normal IOs r 85 t0 115 a defisiion 4 this seems to me to be admire the most? Why? distinguishing fact and opinion ‘Writers often use specific phrases to let the reader know whether ae o aa or, cass cne acta aaemed brcugh 5 bod, great, etc. Look for specific phrases, os well as positive i epinions in a fox a better definition of “genius” would (One very useful definition of ganius 7 he feels that there is an importent factor averloak According to res By studying examples ranging from Mozart to Bill Gates, Gladwell shows ks tse of A. Look at these people. Do you recognize any of them? What do you Albert Einst (One very useful definition of “genius” state the ‘originality isthe defining factor, A genius puts tit together in neve ways—ways that ordinary people have never thought of and creates something new. It might be anew idea, anew work of art, ora new way of working, Geniuses change the world they are born into, That raises another question: Are geniuses born that ay? The writer Malcolm Gladvrell has written about ‘geniuses in bis Book Ouiiors: The Story of Suicets, and he {cals that there isan important fctor we offen overloole hard work, “The people atthe very top dow just work suck harder than everyone elsey he says, "They work rich, enich harder” You have to be born with talent, but then you have 1o develop that tslent. According to researc, the minimum for thisis LOMO hours, about three hours day for ten yours, By studying examples ranging from Morar to Bil Gates, Gladwell shovis that they all id an enormous amount of work before ‘becoming successful, So, while talent and IQ are crucial, it soems that geniuses wor’s very hard to achieve their © Read these sentences and phrases from the article in Exercise B. For each one, decide if it expresses a fact or an opinion. Underline the word(s) or phrase(s) in the article that 159 other things vc wore ‘ch, the minimum for tris is 10,000 hours > [work in pairs. Think of other geniuses you know of. Which one do you Tl ‘a [GJS6 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversation ‘below. Do Ben and Carson get the right answer? Hi, Ben. What are you doing? ‘Oh, hi, Carson. I'm just doing some logic puzzles in this magazine. m9 no doing very well, though! Lat me see. Which symbol is missing? Hmm ... OK. Wall, the missing square must be rec. ‘You, thats what | think, So the answer can’t be B. te could be A though. No, itean't be A. Look where the dot is, Ir must bo ton the right at the bottom. The answer must be C, yes. You're right. Hey, you're good at these things! Let's try the next question. Oh, this one is different | think irmight be B, but it eould be & 5 ANALYZE Read the conversation in Exercise A again. Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A. Funetion o The missing square (1) he ool atthe moc verbs im ‘bald. What form of te vert> always olloveea modal? be red. be on the right atthe bottom, Reatard The answer) se form “The answer Noy itis) few think cunction Read the rules below and write the number of each function in the correct place in the table. ‘Ye use this to sey that its imposs = We use this to say that something is possibly true. modal to complete the second sentence. You're expacting Nicole to call, 4 The phone rings. That bbe Nicolo. = You ere certain the answer isnt D. The answer beD. Its possible your eell phone is at home. My call phone be athome. © EA Now you Do IT Work in pairs. For each puzzle, decide what comes next. red, orange, yellow, green, ? 14,9, 16,7 M.TW.T.? Janwary, March, May July, ? le that something is tue, We use this to say that we are sure that something is true. bec. bes. bea. boa bo. WATCH OUT! ‘7 Semight be the last one. ¢ lecoud be the last one, Xitcan be the est cre © PRACTICE Read the first sentence in each pair. Write an appropriate ‘You don't think its possible that John is sick John be sick, You are sure this s Emma's house. Emma [vs the middle of summer. You don't believe it when ‘someone says its snowing. tt be snowing! HowTosayir = What does "V" stand for? Jihnk ie stands Yor Whet do they al have in commce? They're al ‘The answer might Be. No, itean'the .. becouse i. Hhink it must 62 A Complete each sentence with the correct adjective formed from the noun in parentheses. 1 wes never very good at math because | was (cere) 2 Some kids gat into trouble because they are ‘and they take 106 many risks. (fear 2 Intelligence ie Cn its own - you need to understand people, t20. (u 4 Very intelligent people are often lonely and this ean be for ther. (pain) 5 Einstein had a very brain. (power) 6 feel about the future, | think good things will happen! thope! 7 Nadine is very ‘and always considers her friends feelings. (though) 8 Most people believe that nithout government, we would have a very society. (en) Choose Agree or Disagree for each statement. Logic isuseless for understanding other people and their emotions Highly intelligent peoole are often thoughtless. We shouldn't be fearful ofthe future, Life shouldn't be painless. We learn from dificult experiences. A © [work in pairs. Compare your answers with your partner's. Explain your choices. 4 Rey ‘A You are going to listen to a lecture. Before you listen, look at the picture and try to guess what the lecture is going to be about. Characterietics of child prodigies Have Show Aa Age (3 Age 7( Aelita Anare Listen again and complete the notes, Age @ months. 8 [B37 Now listen to the lecture and check your ideas. EG work in pairs. Discuss these questions Do you think young people today are under @ lot of pressure to be successful? Do you know someone who had an exceptional talontasa child? J ovficuties for cla prodigies Whet happened to himvher? Have What do you think a child prodigy’ Ife must be lke? 2) cee Cy & [38 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversation below. What job does Justin want to do? vi Justin, | justreed an interesting article about brain hemispheres. You're leftharded, eren't you? Yeah, why? Wel, apparently lofchandod people aro usually good at ath and music, Do you think that’s tue? Hmm, interesting... ess lam good at meth, And I ove music| But that a7"? be true for everyone, can k? | mean, you play in a band, don't you? So you must ke good at music: But You eren't lefthanded, are you? You're right. don't tink ita hard and fast rule. The article just says there are some links between handeciess and certain abilities. But people dort aways develop them. infact, you dlich't start playing the guar until recently, cid you? Yeah, although I've always wanted to, Are! I've been pleying the keyboard since | wse realy litle | woule really ies to have a career in music, but my ded doesn ke that doa, | snovld ust tell him that I ies born to be a rock star, should I? Peony: Dofiritly! 5 ANALYZE Read the conversation in Exercise A. NOTICE Eunction Choose the completions for the rule that are true. _Undeline the question phrases: apenas atthe ends of ssnencas ne g) confirm information that we are almost certain about cg es eave check information vette not sure about ack for furthor information Form Complete the table with tag questions from Exercise A. Affiemative mein verb, negative tag question Negative main verb, affirmative tag quection mainverb be You're lett handed, 2 You aren't loft handes, 2) * imple tenses You play ina band, 2 You didn’ start playing the guitar until recently, 2 modale | should just tell him tat | was bom ta be a That ean’t be true for everyone, rock oar 2 2 2° tag questions in other verb tenses, see the Grammer reference on p. 152 © PRACTICE Complete the tag questions. 2 You did't do wall on the exarn, WATCH OUT! Tomés is really smart, Xeetansatning sate? We aren't late fr the exam, i sors at nine, doesn't &? Nathan could road when he was thee, They don t study chemistry, So they? wan't see you tomorrow, K They dort study cherisry, don't hey? The bus leaves at 5:30 p.m. Claudia got a new car, \shouldn’ doit ice this, © E4now you po IT Work in pairs. Use tag questions to check your knowledge about these areas of your partner's life. Ask other questions to find out more. ‘amily + interests + ambitions experiences Think agoint tag questions ‘® [BJ39 Listen to these sentences. In which sentences does the speaker sound certain? In which sentences does the speaker sound less certain? Certain Less certein 1 I'mnotlate, am 1? o 2 Fmnotlate, am 1? Oo 3 Today's the 27th, isnt it? Oo 4 Today’ the 27th, isn't it? oO a 8 BRJ40 Listen to these sentences and answer the questions. 1+ Inwhich twe santences does the epeaker sound certain? Does the voice down onthe tag questions? 2 Inwhich two sentences dos the speaker sound less certain? Does the voice go up cor down on the tag questions? + We did this wrong, didn’t we? v 2 You're Brazilian, aren't you? a 3 Youdidn't work on thet project, did you? 4S 4 Youstudled art, didn't you? v © BH work in pairs, Practice saying the tag questions in Exercises A and B. and have to guess or make a f deduction and fag questions. ! $01... Iryou ask me, it could be a ..., ‘we ore uncertain, A 947 Listen to the conversation. Underline the phrases that the speakers use to speculate about the picture. es Look at this picture. What do you think itis? ary) Well, f you ask me, it could be a dey river bad! don’t think it ean be a river bed. It's the wrong shape, tt ooks like a tree trunk to me. charles Let me see, Irs part of an animal, isn't i? gy: Hmm .. Ie could be, I guess. Maybe it's a lizard Chats: No, | don’t think so, What about e rhinoceros? Bi: Gf course! It must be a rhino. It's obvious now! B [work in pairs. Look at these pictures of everyday things. Speculate about what each picture might be. . Spoculating © Bilcompare your ideas with another pait. Iteould be @ couldn't it? ‘Who has the best ideas? Maybe. iooks 9 me ies it might be» fe con's be a. can it? What about .? @ improving your brain ‘A. Match the verbs 1-6 with the B_Complete these sentences with the correct form nouns @-fto make collocations. of the phrases in Exercise A. eplor a solution You need to practice regulary to ina new ski find [all the posstaliies 2 |tyto to do something new end diferent every dey develop a problem You should aways ‘anc consider all the options before solve myself making 2 decision. challenge your abilities When Ihave to | ty to look att from different angles. lean ew skis 5 think’ important to to keep your brain active. 6 When |have @ problem, my fiends usually help me © [J work in pairs. Say which statements in Exercise B you agree with and explain why. 4 for-and-against text A. Read the text, What are the main arguments in favor of varying your study environment? What are the main arguments against it? Which side do you agree with more? ‘Should you vacy your shady vironments? ware Hoan one thing at tne tx gst beri Saw sionises wd noacleice say hae nina, Fly, alvnyssbueing i the came de improve yan dhinking thls a dhanad place ic baring, aad if yo are bored, your vary where and baw yon wrk or cud. For level of concentration is Lanier, cianiple, den nina work of yur deck. (te eter hand, many exucetrs “Dratoad cit in your fvarte chain or eo the recnemend alvays studing ae the some sof, wih yn fy talking ered Ya sr tine in the come place fr several reas ‘vet ithe Boe TV al Tose ore several remove Fleet, ehisereaes renting, ana if yaa have Jor thir teary. 1 vautne, ib ic encier te develop the habit of Fiat, ri wires tei har sing fi crn an of ie os ity, A variety f inal cauces the brn Aa Second, Yon have ail your bucks cece by abe mare ser, moe rang takes lace, 04 Ogmnicad in oe aes, Fay, yon can © ‘Anobiar reas Se that if you ave ceudying ny from distractions like TV a ether people, @ ‘ond titening to mease atte rome rite you ad Men educatrs believe His is messcary vice miale-tasking, Asking youe brain to xe fOr good concentration, € 8 Look at this list of arguments for and against the argument “Are video [1] Antisial activity ~ little interaction with fender games good for brain training?” Put Fan Refasenaxces thonrgumente or Denar prblenesohing sls ~ Slayers have to think of : Cente may We he thr eels using video games and an Xnextt© Fy iiss hadaye orien — nual gos, es the arguments against it. peace eer ney Nek enaigh pce activity = las to castly and © “Are video games good for brain Cae ca eee training?” Use these notes to write CO Pestle aasiction - not enonh sleeps poor schoo! wore your for-and-against text: bcroves memory ~ in many gaies, nayers have to There is disagreement about whether or not remember wards or images (jeg video games isa good woy to ten] Unsceed oile detopent «gsr en" ara win RG ther they sth as sports or habe arguments for (ot least three) Co Recucs stress - qames are fan eying eeasar arguments against (t least thee) Aes es neces Think again! COSTE THINKING LOGICALLY * Question your assumptions. Approach the problem diferentl. + Think of new iceas and test them. A Do this puzzle. Connect these dots by drawing four straight lines, without lifting your pencil off the paper, and without going back over a Tine. You have two minutes. B Ifyou solved the puzzle, great job! If you didn't, it might help you to question your assumptions. To do this, decide whether these sentences, about the puzale are T (true) or F (false). 4 The instructions say each line hes to start and end on a dot 2 Your lines cen go further than the rows of dots. THE 3 Each line has to go through three dots. TIE © Now try the puzzle in Exercise A again. If you still can’t figure out the answer, find someone who has the answer and ask them to show you how to do it. D_Do this puzzle. Look at this fish made out of matchsticks. Move three matchsticks only so that the fish is swimming in the opposite direction. You have one minute, a Say 4 Sy E Ifyou solved the puzzle in Exercise D, read this text Rs _— and decide if it describes how you think. If you didn’t solve the puzzle, | read the text and think about how you should approach the puzzle in Exercise D differently. ‘There avo times in all Gur lives when we need fe 1 heve to move just to think more logically. It might be in aveal-lifs to matchsticks to get the coin outside situation, such as making a business decision. Or the glass. Yau cannot mave the coin! kt it might be when we are taking a test ordomg & seems impossible... and tis impossible, Purzle of some kind. The problem some of us havo as long as you aseume that the slass has to ‘when it comes to thinicing logically is that we Gunk certain limits exist, when in faot they don't It's all shout our assumptions, stay the same vey up. However, the puzzle becomes very eng ifyou think about making an “upside-down” glass. To do We all have a lot of assumptions things we think are this, ll you have to do is move matchstick even if theres no reason to. To ilustat 3 to the right a litle anc rove matchstick 1 m9 puzae using matchsticks town The coin looks as fits inside a “glass” formed by The key to solving this problem 10 question your assumptions. And questioning your assumptions #2 big part of logical thinking. Logical thinking is not just about the artificial world of puzzles. This same ki of thinking can be very useful in ral life, ton. if we aren't careful, we can assume things about curselves, other people, and the world around Us that limit our thinking. By analyzing and questioning our assumptions, we can think more logically and systematically about a problem, and ppethaps lind solutions that we simply couldn't see before See g F Now try the puzzle in Exercise D again. Use what Discussing logical thinking you leamed in the article to help you. ‘One problem that could be solved using foglat thinking @ EQ Work in pairs. Brainstorm a list of real-life Do you think logical thinking would help problems and how logical thinking might help solve? them. Then explain your ideas to the rest of the class. Mow would lagical shinking help rn shat sivaton? im: How to get a huge new sof into yourh 1. Jogi! thinking could help you w logical thinking might help: !t can help yo of ways, ©. through the winde REFLECT ... Hox conthe sil f logical thinking be seh to you in ‘Self ond Society ord Work and Career? Think againt Choose the correct words. (15 points) One of the most m poner! poneriess ard (@ useful / useless techniques for training your brain is visualization. Whether you're trying to @) develop / lear abilities you already have, oF trying to 1a develop / learn a new ski, visualization can holp you. ft can alsohelp you 18 fic / solve a solution to stopping unhealthy habits, auch as smoking, wwhen you think you've ( explored / cholenged all the possiblities and you're feeling hopeful / hopeles. In fet, visualization can work in any situation where you aro ‘tying to i challenge / solve yourself to improve, orf you are tryna to ©) find / solve @ dificult problem. The technique involves ferming o picture in your mind, lke a picture fon a mavie screen. You have to be (10) careful careless to create a realy vivid picture cof what you want to achieve. Imagine yourself feeling (1) fearful/ fearless and strong, Then add sound and make it come to life. Then, make a small black and white picture of yourself feeling «1 fearful /Jearfess and failing. Quickly replace that 112} painful painiess image with your bright, happy image. Do that five or six times. Now, every time you feel (1 power / poworiess ard think you are going to fall, the positive image will come to rind, Dificu situations become much less (0) pein‘! painless and you are more likely to succeed Why not give ita ty? SAAS and ie lotions connected to gals at the vosabulay sections on pages 72 snd 73, ‘A Complete the conversation with must, can't, or might/may/could. (7 points) fniyeI'can' finish this crossword puzzle, | have one more word lett. Do you know a country with 2 fiveletter name? ety: There i be hundreds! Ina) bbe “China.” ‘andy: No, it) be "China" because it begins with the lererl. xis Why did't you say that? Well, it bee “Iran.” That only has four letters be "taly." Anis No. It 'be Italy bocause it ends with the letter a, Kate Obl Ito be "India" then, Andy: Awesome! Thanks B Complete the tag questions. (8 points) They can't solve the puzzle, 2 She doesn't have an exam today, She's very good at puzzles, 2 We shoulde’t buy that car, You'll help me, Nou don't have a motoreycle, We didn't pass the test 2 Paula dozen'tlike dogs, (BE OSES AESURBN Tolebres dearecs cfcorainty. Ian use 99 information jain et the rammarZactions on poges 71 and 73. Sag 4 IN THIS UNIT YOU A. Look at these three stills from online videos. ‘What do you think each person might be talking about? Patch a video shout mjahe and gends }2 Now listen to each person talking. Were any of your predictions correct? ‘My prediction about the guy with t right, but the other two were & I thought the gil was going LIFE Learn how to use past experiences SKILLS to make better decisions for ~~ =] & SOCIETY ciate itiat yy CC oe Ces LS ‘A. Write the correct phrase under each picture. Usted eee eS Syiaueg ins wien oto ee are B Complete these sentences with the correct form of phrases in Exercise A. 1. John's maating was a disaster. Halfway through, he the client's ‘and had to ask him, 2 Iwished Lorena "Happy Birthday," but | Iwas last month! 2 Sofs for the interview because she overslept and missed the tain, 4 Thad to goto a business dinner, and | con my boss! Her skirt was soaked. 5 | missed Pete's birthday party. | ‘and coukin't find his house! el to Vicky. | asked her how her boyfriend was, but they had just broken up. 7 [sent an email complaining about my boss. The problem was that! ‘and accidentally sont the email to him, too! 5 | wanted to send a message to my girliriend saying "! lave you," but | it It wer to my cowarker instead! ¢ [work in pairs. Which situation in Exercise A do you think is the most/least embarrassing? Why? NOTICE! 2 oC} Undetin the word that often intiecice questions 2.9, hen. A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the comments about Ave they used t2 invoduce people's most embarrassing moments. In your opinion, eee which one was the most embarrassing? ANAS COU i SUE wos be tne when | piled o drink all over someare tha eal hike NY just stored « nave jab, and | hod raeponsbiliy for resort tht was gcing to be diccuseed in a big meeting, During the meeting, | found out thar the date, hich | had worked! really hard on, was completely wana! Sve Once, | thought tho parson who answored the phone wos my giltiend, you know, | storied saying romantic ings. The person whe | was talking to was my gielriend « mother! IRSA: W happaned at the place where | uted 12 war. | mada a joke that inveved my boss, ‘ond fe was standing right bahind mal 5 ANALYZE Read the comments in Exercise A again. Form Complete the table with examplos from Exercise A. Reletive pronoun Examples tho {shought the person (1 vas ny githiens. whan twas the time all over someone, here Ithappened atthe place 3) vhich“thae found our shat the data was completely wrong, (had responsibilty fora reports) ina big meeting. Function Choose the correct option to complete the rule. We use relative clauses to. WATCH OUT! 2} ask an indirect question about a person, thing, time, or place, X The rendetthat those the ®) give more information about a person, thing, time, or place. information is on your desk © PRACTICE Rewrite the sentences to include relative Se clauses about the underlined words. Si nara ek Itwas my worst moment. forgot my new bossé namel ofimoney is ilawire- Myworst moment was: J The man who donated a jot ot Iran into that man on my biycle a couple of days ego! mmaney ba billonaire That's the man {hac an accident on ths stot This the streat Celia started that rumor. Coli isthe poison That nows sory caused the politician so resign That wos the nana atan’ > [J Now You Do IF Work in pairs. Think about how you would complete the phrases below. Explain your choices to your partner, we person who | admire the most is. time when | was the happiest was 4 place whore | would love to lve is One thing that makes me really happy is Ee Rs A ® (4s Listen to this anecdote. What two embarrassing things happened in the story? 8 [work in pairs. Think about a funny or embarrassing thing that happened to you or to someone you know. Then ask and answer these questions to help you prepare to tell your anecdote. What are you going to talk about? When did it hepnen? Who else was there? What peened frst? HOW TO SAY IT What happened after thot? The finnies/inost embarassing thing was the What happened inthe end? a Whee happened wae. © EG Work with a different partner. Tell each i; hapcened ata tesaurant/aerty/place were... other your anecdotes. Ask questions to find —_She/sie was tho person who/that. out more information. i | a WAN Ha story makes you feel uncomfortable, i's affects you emotionally, t's 2 hese lot of new, creative ideas, its is fun to read or we 5 Is only for children (in 2 nagative way), i's seems irclevant and uninteresting, ts makes you think, its = isn't realistic, it's i exciting, its 0 mokes you want to find out how itends, i h, its Match the definitions 1-10 with the adjectives a-j. entertaining shilling disturbing pointless. unbelievable. imaginative touching. thought-provoking childish © Work in groups. For each adjective in Exercise A, think of a story you know that the adjective describes. It could be a book, a fairy tale, a movie, or another kind of story. Say why you would characterize the story that way. Gripping, ‘The movie World War ZI | could’: wait to get to the end to see if the zombies took aver the world! A Look at the pictures. What do you think this African legend is about? Long ago, there lived a woman named ‘Manzandaba and her fnusband Zenzele. They hhad many children, and during the day, they were happy. They spent their days making baskets and hunting, But in the evenings, they ‘were unhappy. “Mama” the children cried, “Please, tell us some storiest” But she and Zenucle didr’t know any stories, There were no stories, no dreams, no rnugical tales back then One day, Zenzele asked Mangandaba to go out and find stories, and she agreed Manvandaba decided to ask every animal she passed if they new any-stores, The first animal Manzandaba nie! was the hare, but he did't have any stories. “The next animal was the baboon. “Baboon!” shecalled, “Do you have any stories that 1 ‘could take back to my people?” The baboon laughed, “Ihave no time for siories!” Next. she came upon the elephant. “Oh, kind elephant” she asked. “Do you know where I might find somnc stories?” “I don't know any stories ke said, “but why dost you ask the eagle?” ‘Sp Manzandaba searched fr the great fish eagle, and found hin near the river. “Pagle, my people are hungry for stories, Where can I find

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