Computing Devices: Otto Von Gürcke

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BSCE-2B 11/13/2021

Module 1
Activity #2
Computing Devices

1. In a matrix form, what are the different computing devices that were developed?

Year Device Name Developer/Inventor Purpose

500 B.C Abacus Babylonians Perform basic
calculations and
square and cube

1652 Pascal Calculator Blaise Pascal The machine can

add and subtract
directly, and
multiply and divided
by repetition.

1660 Electric Machine Otto von Gürcke it is a device

capable of
electricity for

1674 Stepped Reckoner Gottfried Wilhelm a machine similar

von Leibniz to Pascal's, with the
added features of
multiplication and

1820 Arithmometer Charles Xavier It does

Thomas de Colmar multiplication using
the same general
approach as
Leibniz's calculator;
with assistance
from the user it can
also do division. It
OCAMPO, EARL JAY N. BSCE-2B 11/13/2021

is also the most

reliable calculator
1832 Analytical Engine Charles Babbage Could be
considered a
calculator, very
close to the basic
idea of a computer.
The machine could
do an addition in 3
seconds and a
multiplication or
division in 2-4
1868 Typewriter Christopher Latham A device used to
Sholes assist in printing
page numbers in
books, and serial
numbers on tickets
and other items.

1890 Punch Card Herman Hollerith Used effectively in

the US census of
the year 1890.

1941 Computer that can J.V. Atanasoff and The first computer
store memory Clifford Berry that can store
information on a
main memory.

1953 COBOL Grace Hopper The very first

computer language
OCAMPO, EARL JAY N. BSCE-2B 11/13/2021

1958 Computer Chip Jack Kilby and First computer

Robert Noyce  chips were
developed so that
engineers could
design a computer
that could do

1975 Altair MITS is the first personal

computers to be
sold. It is intended
for gathering,
sending, and
sharing information

2. In the Philippine setting, what are the different counting/estimations used by the
ethnolinguistic groups (preferably in your ethnicity)?

Living near the banana plantations as a child, a counting technique that I have
observed used by the farmers, including my mother is the use of the five fingers of the
hand in counting the bananas. It is like the opposite of skip counting in a way where
what they are counting is how many times that hand (five fingers) have matched with the
bananas, multiplying it by five to count how many pieces they have gathered.

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